Bulletin March 22, 2015
Bulletin March 22, 2015
Perfect faith doesn’t move God. Perfect faith moves us to trust God when He doesn’t seem to be moving. -Andy Stanley Vol. 72 No. 12 Message from Bryce Welcome to Mesa! We have gathered together this morning to offer our hearts and voices to the God who is waiting to receive our worship. May we give him our very best. Last week we were able to welcome two new families to our congregation. We’re so thrilled to have Ken & Danell Fitzgerald, along with their children Lacee and Tim, as well as Julio & Corrina Birman join us here at Mesa. Please do your best to help them feel welcome this morning! LTC Practice: Chorus will meet today and next week. Meet in Room 105 to run through the entire program immediately following am services. Signing, Drama and Bible Reading for the younger students meet on Wednesday evenings. Please be sure to check with your leaders for accurate times as LTC weekend draws very near--April 3rd through 5th! Let’s Eat - is Wednesday night starting at 6pm. There will be all kinds of food, fun, and fellowship. Sign-up in class TODAY! LTC is almost here… we’re down to 2 weeks before our convention in Tucson. Please continue to pray for our kids as they get ready for all their live events! They’ve been working hard for a long time and I know they’re ready to showcase their talents. Song144 “O Worship the King” Welcome/Prayer: Troy Lauterbach Song869 “We’re Marching to Zion” Song123 “The Steadfast Love of the Lord” Song718 “We Shall Assemble” Song382 “Why Did My Savior...?” Song528 “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” Song290 “Shine, Jesus, Shine” Scripture Reading: Nathan Erno (Acts 1:6-11) Sermon: Terry Singleton “Opportunities” Song791 “On Bended Knee” **Unless otherwise indicated Connect groups meet at 5 p.m. on Sunday evenings--Call for directions or additional details** Song “Shout Hallelujah” Closing Prayer: Josh Warren we have children’s programs available during our worship service •An Attended Nursery is available for infants (1-2 years) in Room 101. •A Training Room for infants and nursing mothers is also pro- vided at the back of the auditorium. •Toddlers Bible Hour (TBH) is offered for all children 2-3 years old, begins after communion in Room 102. •Children’s Bible Hour (CBH) for children ages 4 - 4th grade, begins after communion in Theater del Soul Upstairs. Making Choices Worship Leader: Jack Farr Communion/Cont.: Brandon Clark Several of our kids have been in Whittier, CA, this weekend competing in Bible Bowl. From all reports they’ve done really well. Please pray for a safe trip home this afternoon! Let’s make it a great week! --Bryce March 22, 2015 God has always given us the choice even when the things we choose are not good for us. He gives us the choice to do evil. Many people would want to take away that choice and just have us only know what is right. The first choice made was in the garden, to eat the fruit that would let us know good and evil. From there, we are responsible for what we know of good and evil. Because we know, we are responsible for the choice we make about good and evil. We also have other choices from who our friends will be to where we will live. We can make those choices in several ways. We can look at what is available and take what looks the easiest. We call this, “the path of least resistance.” If our choices are shaped by not wanting to work hard, we will be pushed by situation and circumstance. We do have the choice to find something better. It may take more work, but it may be worth the work to have a better choice. We are not just stuck with the choices around us. A young adult can go to college and have a much different set of choices than someone who chose not to. Neither are bad, but the number of choices increases with how much we invest in the preparation. A person who has thought ahead and planned well will always have more choices than someone who just takes whatever comes along. The same is true with God. We can just do whatever God wants. That sounds good on the surface, but we can have more choices if we learn more. The disciples spent 3 intense years with Jesus before they were ready for the new church. Training was done on many levels with Paul and Timothy, Titus, Epaphroditus and many others. Moses was trained to be the next Pharaoh. Whatever God wants will be greatly increased if we take the time to learn how to do some things that will be useful to him. Learning is one of the most important things we do, and it begins at a very early age. We have to know that the future elders of the church are sitting in the four-year -old class this morning. --Terry Welcome to the Mesa Family 1223 E. Dana Ave. Mesa, AZ 85204 Phone: 480-964-1743 Fax: 480-827-1864 Email: office@mesachurch.org Web: www.mesachurch.org Office Hours: Mon.-Thur. (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)* Fri. (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)* *Terry out of office on Thursday *Fernando and Bryce out of office on Friday We are so glad that you are here today! We have been praying that God would allow us to meet you today and worship together. You are an answer to our prayer! If you are visiting from the area, we would love to have you as part of our family! our lessons for today am: “Opportunities” pm: “Saved by Grace” If you would like more information about the church or becoming a Christian, visit our Welcome Center in the foyer. ¿habla español? tenemos servicios en español en el salón de actividades Guests Transitions/Directory Membership: Ken & Danell Fitzgerald, Lacee and Tim, who are also members! Membership: Julio & Corrina Birman, Please consider yourself our honored guest. We are glad you have come our way and invite you to return any time you can. We encourage you to fill out a guest card so we have a record of your visit. There are a number of people in our congregation who would love to study the Bible with you if you so desire. Please come back to worship with us at any and every opportunity you have. Children’s Home New Mexico Christian Children’s Home in Former Member Celebration! Spring Picnic In the Park Sunday, March 29th, is the date for our A celebration of Trudi Duggers’ 90th birth- Portales, NM, will be coming on April 27th annual picnic in the park at Falcon Field day is being held on Saturday, March 28th, to pick up any donations for the home. They Park in Mesa. Plan to come out to the at the Mankato Church of Christ in Mankato, have specifically requested HE Liquid Launpark following the morning worship ser- MN. Any of her dear friends at Mesa who dry Detergent. Cash donations can also be vice and bring a picnic lunch for your fam- would like to send well wishes to her may do left in the office for them. For more inforily. Drinks and des- so. This event is a surprise for her so please mation about the children’s home, check out sert will be provided. send all greetings to Glen & Frank David- their webpage at www.nmcch.org. Bounce houses, etc. son, 1005 Crystal Lake Dr., Lake Crystal, Next Sunday Guest will be provided for MN 56055. Evan Todachine, a young man from the Salt the youngsters. A River Church of Christ, will be visiting with group devotional will Copper Corridor Invite begin at 3 p.m. All Connect Groups and Fred & Sheila Patterson along with the Ke- us next Sunday and teaching the adult class the evening service at the building will be arny, Mammoth, Oracle and San Manuel that meets in Room 105B. Evan is plandismissed so that all can join in this special Churches of Christ invite any who have lived ning to begin studies at Bear Valley later this time of fellowship. Maps are available at or worshiped in that area before to a Church year and will be partially supported by Mesa the Welcome Center if you are not familiar Family Reunion on Saturday, March 28th, mission funds. He and his family will also at the San Pedro Valley Lion’s Club. Jeff be joining us at the afternoon picnic so that with the location of the park. Taylor will be the guest speaker. Details are everyone has a chance to meet this young family and encourage them in their future posted on the bulletin board. Connect Groups endeavors. It is a great week to join Tuesday Ladies’ Class in a Bible Study with one Ladies’ Class meets at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays Apache Junction Lectureship of our Connect Groups. Groups meet across the valley at 5 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Women of all ages The annual Apache Junction Lectureship for a time of study and fellowship. The join together for a time of study, prayer and begins tonight and runs through the 27th. Kidwell group meets on Thursdays at 6:30 fellowship. See Linda Miller with questions. Different ministers from across the valley will be speaking each evening. Our own pm. The Mo group will be going to Apache Terry Singleton will be speaking this evening Junction this evening to hear Terry speak! Birthday Celebration There will be an Open Houses this afternoon at 5:30 pm. His title is “A Master Teacher”. celebrating Karen Timbush’s birthday at the The Monday through Friday services are at Sympathy We extend our Christian love and sympa- home of Jeff & Julee Bankes, 4226 E San 7 pm. thy to Vince McNeil and his family in the Remo Ave., Gilbert 85234. Your “presence” death of his sister, Veda Scott. Funeral is all the presents that we need. Hope you Deacon Selection services were held in Marion, NC, on Fri- can stop by. We will have 3X5 cards so you Just a reminder that nominations for deacan write a special note to be included in a cons are due by next Sunday, March 29th. day. memory book for her. Directions are avail- These can be given to any of the elders or dropped in the slot in the office door. able at the Welcome Center. CBBC Golf Tournament Copper Basin Bible Camp’s 2nd Annual 4Sixteen Charity Golf Tournament is scheduled for A Ministry for College Students and Single Adults in their 20’s and early 30’s Thursday, May 14th, at Troon North Golf Today 9:30 a.m. 4Sixteen class in Room 104 with Allen Plunk Club in Scottsdale. Details are posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. 3.25 7:00 p.m. Class in the 4Sixteen room with Wilburn Ivy Communion Preparation Lazaro & Cecilia Castañeda are scheduled to prepare communion for Sunday, March 29th. Nursery Helpers Marda Wolfe and Paula Zavala will serve in the nursery today. Lori Howerton and Celia Perez will serve next Sunday, March 29th. Bible Hour Leaders TBH LEADERS: Today: JoAnne Balsimo assisted by Alexis Wilson and Billy Glaser. Next week: Sheryl Wilson assisted by Xiomara Flores, Brittney Nuñez and Angel Rivera. CBH LEADERS: Today: Wayne Timbush assisted by Scott & Lori Howerton, Eli Lopez & Angel Ortiz. Next week: Brian Black assisted by Donna and Heather Glaser, Yoselin Manjarrez and Alyssa Hoffman. March Greeters & Welcome Center WELCOME CENTER (Bible Class): Jerra Bonebrake and Dot Renners WELCOME CENTER (Worship): Stephanie Hasper and Connie Burd GREETERS (Prior to and beginning of Class): Scott and Susan VanWormer GREETERS (Prior to and beginning of worship): Larry and Penny McKinney Communion to Shut-In Members Today: Bill Hughes and Kim Clark Next Sunday: Wilburn Ivy and Curtis Allen Happy Anniversary Today is Wayne & Karen Timbush’s 57th wedding anniversary and David & Norma Sanders celebrate 55 years on Wednesday. Congrats to both of these lovely couples! Mission Sunday Update from the Foxes Ken and Jean returned from Cambodia last Thursday and taught this group of young adults at the Somprasong 4 congregation in Bangkok on Friday evening. Cambodia was exciting as Ken and Dr. Dan Fox’s family furnished all the teachers for the English Bible classes at the Phnom Penh BEST Center for two weeks. Dan and his wife April also taught a Saturday morning seminar on Christian marriage that packed the classroom along with the luncheon that followed. They also visited Kevin and Catherine Carson on the Ship of Life, the Partners in Progress Clean Water Raft, and Hannah’s Hope Children’s Home in Siem Reap. The Foxes have one more month of teaching at two Thailand Family Camps before they return home April 20th. Calendar MARCH 20-22 CA Bible Bowl 22 Timbush 57th Anniversary 22 K. Timbush Birthday Party 23 SIBI Classes 25 Sanders’ 55th Anniversary 25 MYG Let’s Eat 26 Q-Bees 28 Spanish Family Circle 29 Spring Picnic 30 SIBI Classes Praise and Prayers new and critical Alison Singleton (Terry & Nancy’s daughter-in-law).... Pregnancy Curtis Allen..................... Treatment for nonagressive Lymphoma Tewana Carter................................................... Surgery recovery health problems Lorna Butler........................................................................ Health Veda Chancellor (L. Bailey’s sister).................................... Health Bob Clayton................................................................ Heart Tests Andrew & Trinity Emery Family......................... Children’s Health Donna Erno....................................................Chemo Treatments Tommy Foster (TJ’s dad).....................................Foot amputation Ivan Goodman.................................................................... Health Richard Gerome (D. Schrubbe’s son-in-law)...........Hospice Care Bill & Luana Guthrie........................................................... Health Celestia Harmon (E. Heath’s Mom)............... Blooming Meadows Merlene Hanzuk (Steve’s mom)......................Cancer treatments Mary Hughes...................................................................... Health Lorraine Hughes ............ Scottsdale Health & Rehab Room 104A Lydia (Knoch’s G’Daughter)....................... Pending heart surgery Wayne Jacobs (brother of L. Farr & S. Jacobs)................. Health Wanda Johnson.................................................................. Health Theresa Juhl.......................................... Bone Marrow Transplant Lynnita Knoch..................................................................... Health Marty & Kathy Marstein (P. Watkins Parents)..................... Health Ruth May............................................................................ Health Gary Miller (N.Miller’s son)..........................................Parkinsons James & Charlene O’Connor.............................................. Health Jean Roberson................................................................... Health Nelda Roberson (S. Woodrow’s mom)..............................Cancer Marjorie Steinbock.............................................................. Health military prayers Beau Howell Andrew Jones (C. Burd’s G’son) Evelyne Serrano Anthony Galvan(Kristin Farr’s Nephew) Chris Heath Kalin Fuller (W.Johnson’s G’son) Mission prayers Ken & Jean Fox in SE Asia Tim & Cheryl Carlin plans for Ship of Life Our Meeting Times APRIL 2 Q-Bees 3-5LTC Weekend 6 SIBI Classes 7 Ladies’ Class 9 Q-Bees 10 Spanish Singing 13 SIBI Classes 14 Ladies’ Class @ Linda Miller’s 16 Q-Bees 18 Widows’ Luncheon Bible Class..........................9:30am Worship............................10:30am Connect Groups.................5:00pm Worship..............................5:00pm Wednesday Class...............7:00pm Attendance & Offering Sunday Worship: 436 Wednesday: 181 Budget: $9,952 Giving: $9,780 YTD Average: $10,550