Bulletin for March 8, 2015


Bulletin for March 8, 2015
We may not be able to
prepare the future for our children,
but we can at least prepare our
children for the future.
-Franklin Roosevelt
Vol. 72 No. 10
Message from Bryce
Welcome to Mesa! If you are a guest here with us
this morning we hope you feel especially welcome. We
want you to know this is a congregation of people who
love the Lord and do our best to look like him a little more
each day. We don’t always get it right but we know God’s
grace covers us. We’re so glad you joined us today.
Last week was our Mesa Bible Bowl weekend. We had
such a great time with our brothers and sisters from
across the southwest. Speaking of the Southwest, we
are less than a month away from the annual Southwest
LTC gathering in Tucson! This last month will be a busy
one around here as each of our teens are putting the finishing touches on all of their projects. Please continue to
pray for all of our coaches and young people as we enter
the home stretch for this great event!
LTC Practice Schedule:
• Wednesday, March 25th, Drama 6pm meeting every other
• Chorus will meet Today and each Sunday following up to LTC
weekend. Meet in Room 105 to run through the entire program
immediately following am services.
• Wednesday, Mar. 18th, Signing 6pm meeting every other
• Today -- Speech and Bible Reading 3-6th grade meeting after am
services and every other Sunday.
Song587 “Sing and Be Happy”
Song “Here I am to Worship”
Welcome/Prayer: Calvin Glenn
“I Am a Sheep”
“Trust and Obey
“Step by Step
“There is Power in the Blood”
“To God Be the Glory”
Scripture Reading: Chris Kingsbury
(1 Timothy 3:8-13)
Sermon: Terry Singleton
“The Purpose of Deacons”
Song **Unless otherwise indicated Connect groups meet at 5 p.m. on Sunday
evenings--Call for directions or additional details**
“Break My Heart”
Song250 “The Great Redeemer”
Closing Prayer: CJ Rogers
we have children’s programs available
during our worship service
•An Attended Nursery is available for infants (1-2 years) in
Room 101.
•A Training Room for infants and nursing mothers is also pro-
vided at the back of the auditorium.
•Toddlers Bible Hour (TBH) is offered for all children 2-3
years old, begins after communion in Room 102.
•Children’s Bible Hour (CBH) for children ages 4 - 4th grade,
begins after communion in Theater del Soul Upstairs.
March 8, 2015
The Speed of Change
Worship Leader: Jesse Flores
Communion/Cont.: Jon Bouley
If you’re not already part of one of our great Connect
Groups, I want to encourage you to try and find one this
week. We believe they’re vital to our spiritual health, both
as a congregation and as an individual! We’ll be starting
a new study soon and it’s the perfect time to join! Make it
a great week! Life just seems to go so fast. There are those special days that make us remember
and contribute to our feeling of time passing. Kids being born or leaving home.
College, marriage and the birth of grand babies all are markers that say time is
passing. Life will change after these events. It will not be the same as it has been
before. Some of these are associated with age but actually they are more about the
choices we make when we get old enough to do them.
What are the marks of change in our Christian life? Spiritual birth happens when we
are baptized into Christ and make a covenant with Christ. We are given the Holy
Spirit to guide us and produce fruit in our life. We are added to the church at that
point, as well, and our fellowship with believers begins. There are new expectations
in our life as we become like Christ and learn to love other Christians.
Another change occurs when we take on leadership in the church. We are always
responsible for ourselves as Christians, but as we develop, we realize we are able
to help others with their development. It is like having children that we can train
and help develop. Certainly having children, whether they are physical or spiritual,
changes your life.
Accepting or letting go of responsibility changes our life. Just getting older doesn’t
change us all that much. It is when we accept the challenge of helping other people
develop the skills they need to live as Christians that we change. It is Jesus giving up
his life for us that makes us better and makes him our savior. It is parents teaching
their children that helps children grow up and makes them good parents. It is men
who take the responsibility to guide others to develop in Christ through the issues
of life that makes them elders. People who take the responsibility to serve others
for their good are sometimes called deacons. When we take responsibility for other
people and their development, our life changes.
Welcome to the Mesa Family
1223 E. Dana Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85204
Phone: 480-964-1743
Fax: 480-827-1864
Email: office@mesachurch.org
Web: www.mesachurch.org
Office Hours: Mon.-Thur. (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)*
Fri. (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)*
*Terry out of office on Thursday
*Fernando and Bryce out of office on Friday
We are so glad that you are here today! We have been praying that God would allow us to meet you today
and worship together. You are an answer to our prayer! If you are visiting from the area, we would love to
have you as part of our family!
our lessons for today
am: “The Purpose of Deacons”
pm: “If I Were a Carpenter”
If you would like more information
about the church or becoming a
Christian, visit our Welcome Center in
the foyer.
¿habla español?
tenemos servicios en español
en el salón de actividades
Please consider yourself our honored guest. We are glad you have
come our way and invite you to return any time you can. We encourage
you to fill out a guest card so we have a record of your visit. There are a
number of people in our congregation who would love to study the Bible
with you if you so desire. Please come back to worship with us at any
and every opportunity you have.
Night of Prayer
Connect Groups
It is a great week to join in a Bible Study Everyone is invited to participate in an evewith one of our Connect Groups. Groups ning of prayer this coming Friday evening,
March 13th, here at the building. There are
meet across the valprayer request slips at the Welcome Cenley at 5 pm for a time
ter and in the Fellowship Hall for families to
of study and fellowcomplete for special prayers. Plan to stop
ship. The Kidwell group
by sometime between the hours of 6:30 and
meets on Thursdays at
8:30 p.m. These requests will be translated
6:30 pm.
in Spanish and English and posted on tables
so that those praying can rotate amongst
CBBC Golf Tournament
Copper Basin Bible Camp’s 2nd Annual them. This is a great time to pray for our
Charity Golf Tournament is scheduled for own Mesa families and for things that are
Thursday, May 14th, at Troon North Golf near and dear to the hearts of our families.
Club in Scottsdale. Details are posted on
A Way to Help!
the bulletin board in the foyer.
“Manos de Esperanza Gilbert” is registered
with the Amazonsmile Foundation. If you
Copper Corridor Invite
Fred & Sheila Patterson along with the Ke- go to AmazonSmiles.com when you shop
arny, Mammoth, Oracle and San Manuel you will see the same Items and sales as
Churches of Christ invite any who have Amazon.com. On AmazonSmiles you can
lived or worshiped in that area before to donate a small percent of the sale to Manos
a Church Family Reunion on Saturday, de Esperanza!
March 28th, at the San Pedro Valley Lion’s
Club. Jeff Taylor will be the guest speak- Birthday Celebration
er. More details are posted on the bulletin Please join us in celebrating a special birthday with an amazing wife, mother, grandboard.
mother and great grandmother--Karen Timbush. We will be celebrating with an open
Memorial Service
Our Christian love and sympathy go out house on March 22 at the home of Jeff & Juto Wanda Johnson, Connie Burd, Lisa lee Bankes, 4226 E San Remo Ave., Gilbert
Fenwick and Linda Rosen and all their 85234. Your “presence” is all the presents
families in the death of their husband and that we need. Hope you can stop by. We
father, Joe Johnson. A memorial service will have 3X5 cards so you can write a speis planned for this coming Saturday, March cial note to be included in a memory book
for her. From our family to yours thanks!
14th, at 10 am here at the building.
Tuesday Ladies’ Class
Ladies’ Class meets at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays in the Fellowship Hall. There will be
a potluck immediately following class this
week. Plan to bring food to share and stay
for a time of fellowship following study!
No updates today--please indicate any address,
phone or email update on your attendance card so
that we can keep your files up-to-date!
Deacon Selection
The elders would like to make everyone
aware of their desire to install new deacons
by the end of May. The time table will consist of sermons on the qualifications of deacons last week and this week followed by
the suggestion of names by the congregation beginning March 15th.
Any Soldier
Debbie Suazo would like to encourage everyone to bring items for soldier packages
asap! She is planning to ship mid March.
The items will be going to 50 Marines who
are in a special air group. All items can be
placed on the table in the foyer.
Thank You
David Doolittle, an Elder from Whittier, CA,
and their Bible Bowl Director sent a note; “I
wanted to write and express my appreciation on behalf of our elders, our kids, their
families and our entire congregation for the
efforts of the people of the Mesa church for
hosting such a great Bible Bowl experience
year after year. We look forward to receiving your group in Whittier in March!”
Apache Junction Lectureship
The annual Apache Junction Lectureship
is scheduled for March 22nd through 27th.
Different ministers from across the valley will
be speaking each evening. Our own Terry
Singleton will be speaking at the Sunday
evening, March 22nd, service at 5:30 pm.
His title is “A Master Teacher”. The Monday
through Friday services are at 7 pm.
Spring Picnic In the Park
Make your plans for Sunday, March 29th!
A Ministry for College Students and Single Adults in their 20’s and early 30’s
Today 9:30 a.m. 4Sixteen class in Room 104 with Allen Plunk
7:00 p.m. Class in the 4Sixteen room
Communion Preparation
Nina Heimke and Cindy Posey are scheduled to prepare communion for Sunday, March 15th.
Nursery Helpers
Evelyn Bonebrake and Jessica Manjarrez will serve in the nursery today.
Rita Tamez and Michelle Aguilar will serve next Sunday, March 15th.
Bible Hour Leaders
TBH LEADERS: Today: Brian & Debra Peterson assisted by Shannon Black and Ahtziri Valencia.
Next week: Maria and Evelyn Navarro assisted by Katelyn Black and Alyssa Hoffman.
CBH LEADERS: Today: Keith & Sheryl Wilson assisted by Lizabeth Lopez and Autumn Howerton.
Next week: Wayne Timbush assisted by Scott & Lori Howerton, Amaya Washington & Kyleigh Greene.
March Greeters & Welcome Center
WELCOME CENTER (Bible Class): Jerra Bonebrake and Dot Renners
WELCOME CENTER (Worship): Stephanie Hasper and Connie Burd
GREETERS (Prior to and beginning of Class): Scott and Susan VanWormer
GREETERS (Prior to and beginning of worship): Larry and Penny McKinney
Communion to Shut-In Members
Today: Dale Barger and Danny Church
Next Sunday: John Camp and Jackie Hinkle
Letter from Ken & Jean:
February was a packed month. Preached every Sunday: twice
at Watcharapon in Bangkok, Somprasong 4 in Bangkok, 8 Mile
& North Oakgalaba in Yangon. Taught the book of James to 22
students for two weeks at the Bangkok Servant Leadership Institute and taught the Old Testament History period of Judges to
34 church leaders/members from the Myanmar Delta Region 5
hours/6 days. 3 were baptized at the end of the Myanmar seminar.
We left Yangon Saturday evening after the last class,
got to Bangkok at midnight, worshipped with Somprasong 4 Sunday morning and rejoiced with their Mission Sunday service raising $31,250 for evangelism (minimum wage in Thailand is $10/day). Jean got a good report from
her Thai Lupus specialist at noon and we were in Phnom Penh that evening.
Jean is enjoying being grandma to Dan & April’s two youngest daughters while Mom and Dad, two
older siblings and Grandpa Ken provide the whole staff for English Bible classes at the Best Center in Phnom Penh,
Cambodia. March 14th we all travel to Siem Reap to visit church activities there and see Angkor Wat. Dan’s family
flies home the 19th and we stay at the Bangkok church until the 23rd and then travel back to Khonkaen. April 6-10
Ken will teach the combined adult classes at the Northeast Family Camp and April 12-15 he will preach two of the
evening lessons plus one adult class at the nationwide
Bible Camp on the beach South of Bangkok.
Lord willing, we head back to Mesa April 20th.
Mesa and all of you stay in our daily prayers for your continued trust in us as God blesses us with more opportunities than we can handle. We are being constantly urged
to come back again.
Praise and Prayers
new and critical
Annie Nichols............................Home--Pray for return of strength
health problems
Lorna Butler........................................................................ Health
Tewana Carter.................................................................... Health
Veda Chancellor (L. Bailey’s sister).................................... Health
Bob Clayton........................................................................ Health
Andrew & Trinity Emery Family......................... Children’s Health
Donna Erno....................................................Chemo Treatments
Tommy Foster (TJ’s dad).....................................Foot amputation
Ivan Goodman.................................................................... Health
Richard Gerome (D. Schrubbe’s son-in-law)...........Hospice Care
Jessica Greene.................................................Surgery Recovery
Bill & Luana Guthrie........................................................... Health
Celestia Harmon (E. Heath’s Mom)............... Blooming Meadows
Merlene Hanzuk (Steve’s mom)......................Cancer treatments
Mary Hughes...................................................................... Health
Lorraine Hughes ............ Scottsdale Health & Rehab Room 104A
Lydia (Knoch’s G’Daughter)....................... Pending heart surgery
Wayne Jacobs (brother of L. Farr & S. Jacobs)................. Health
Wanda Johnson.................................................................. Health
Theresa Juhl.......................................... Bone Marrow Transplant
Lynnita Knoch..................................................................... Health
Marty & Kathy Marstein (P. Watkins Parents)..................... Health
Ruth May............................................................................ Health
Gary Miller (N.Miller’s son)..........................................Parkinsons
James & Charlene O’Connor.............................................. Health
Jean Roberson................................................................... Health
Nelda Roberson (S. Woodrow’s mom)..............................Cancer
Marjorie Steinbock.............................................................. Health
military prayers
Beau Howell
Andrew Jones (C. Burd’s G’son)
Evelyne Serrano
Anthony Galvan(Kristin Farr’s Nephew)
Chris Heath
Kalin Fuller (W.Johnson’s G’son)
Mission prayers
Ken & Jean Fox in SE Asia
El Salvador Plans for 2015
Kevin & Catherin Carson’s son in Canada--Health
Ken & Jean
10 Ladies’ Class
12 Q-Bees
13 MYG Devo and Movie
13 Night of Prayer
16 SIBI Classes
17 Ladies’ Class
19 Q-Bees
20-22 CA Bible Bowl
21 Open Pantry
Our Meeting Times
21 Widows’ Lunch
22 Timbush 57th Anniversary
22 K. Timbush Birthday Party
23 SIBI Classes
25 Sanders’ 55th Anniversary
25 MYG Let’s Eat
26 Q-Bees
28 Spanish Family Circle
29 Spring Picnic
30 SIBI Classes
Bible Class..........................9:30am
Connect Groups.................5:00pm
Wednesday Class...............7:00pm
Attendance & Offering
Sunday Worship: 494
Wednesday: 160
Budget: $9,952
Giving: $11,975
YTD Average: $10,646