Bulletin for May 17, 2015


Bulletin for May 17, 2015
Parenting is about loving your
child by disciplining your child
when the rules are broken.
Copper Basin Bible Camp Summer
Message from Bryce
Welcome to Mesa! Even though God dwells in an at-
mosphere of constant worship according to Nehemiah 9:6, he
still invites sinful man to join the chorus as we offer to him the
fruit of our lips. What a privilege to be able to praise the God
who has redeemed us!
It’s Senior Sunday here at Mesa. We had a great banquet together last night with our seniors and their families. Thank you
to everyone who helped make that happen! I hope you came
ready to celebrate these teens and all of their accomplishments
this morning. This year’s seniors are: Alaina Covington, Ashley
Gass, Serina Rossman and Diego Castañeda. If you can catch
these young people before or after worship this morning be
sure to let them know how proud of them you are!
Don’t forget about the Feed My Starving Children event this
Friday night. At last check there were still a few slots left if
you’d like to volunteer. Remember, the minimum volunteer age
is 5 and you need to sign-up online at: http://volunteer.fmsc.
Have a great week!
This year’s theme is “Mission From God” and cost is $195 for 4th -12th
Grade Camp and $90 for Cub Camp! Please note that these prices
increase to $225 and $120 if you do not preregister at least two
weeks ahead so get those reservations in early!
Cub Camp Session #1
June 4th - 6th
High School Week
June 7th - 12th
4th - 6th Grade Session #1
June 14th - 19th
Jr. High Week
June 21st - 26th
4th - 6th Grade Session #2
June 28th - July 3rd
7th - 12th Grade Week
(Bryce Kidwell Directing)
July 5th - 10th
Cub Camp Session #2
July 12th - 14th
Registration can be completed online with internet explorer at
Vol. 72 No. 20
Worship Leaders: Estevan Lopez
Connor Covington
Song781 “Thank You, Lord!”
Song “Here I Am To Worship”
Welcome/Prayer: Chase Dowell
“I Will Call Upon the Lord”
Song176 “Lamb of God”
“Faithful Love”
Communion/Cont.: Evan Todachine
Song611 “Heavenly Sunlight”
Song538 “My Hope Is Built...”
Scripture Reading: Tim Farr
(Matt. 22:34-38)
Sermon: Bryce Kidwell
“First Up”
Sr. Gifts
“I Am Resolved”
Sr. Video
**Unless otherwise indicated Connect groups meet at 5 p.m. on Sunday
evenings--Call for directions or additional details**
Elder’s Blessing: Ken Fox
Song429 “Oh, To Be Like Thee”
Closing Prayer: Chris Kingsbury
we have children’s programs available
during our worship service
•An Attended Nursery is available for infants (1-2 years) in
Room 101.
•A Training Room for infants and nursing mothers is also pro-
vided at the back of the auditorium.
•Toddlers Bible Hour (TBH) is offered for all children 2-3
years old, begins after communion in Room 102.
•Children’s Bible Hour (CBH) for children ages 4 - 4th grade,
begins after communion in Theater del Soul Upstairs.
May 17, 2015
Trend Setters and Prophets
Those people who try to figure trends are often left just guessing what might be good.
There is a difference in those who predict the trend for consumers and prophecy.
Some may see them as close to the same. They both predict what will happen in
the future and are somewhat accurate. Trendsetters watch the way people behave
and can influence the way a trend will go by promotion and advertising. Prophets are
announcing a message from God that might have to do with events in the future. They
have a different source. They have a different truth. They reach different conclusions
because they are on a different track.
Sometimes religious people get caught up in the trend of the people. We look for
what is popular in America and design our church and our worship around what is
popular more than what God wants. God certainly has some ideas about the future
and where things are going, but he is not looking for the trend of the people. It is less
about what people want and more about understanding and getting them to realize
where they should be. God wants all people to be close to him.
So should we even consider what is popular and the latest trend? We do need to know
where people are so we can bring them to God. They do not come from the same
place they did years ago. They don’t think the same way, and we cannot assume the
same things. We start from where they are but then our direction is toward what God
sees for the future.
God’s direction is not a trend. He thinks of eternal and what people need rather than
what they want for a short time. Popular for the moment is a long way from being God
forever over all eternity. God is not in competition with what is popular. When we decide
what we think is most important, we should base it on God’s predictions of the future
rather than the latest trend. What we watch and listen to should be pleasing to God.
Where we go is more about God. How we dress and speak reflects God rather than
the latest trend.
Welcome to the Mesa Family
1223 E. Dana Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85204
Phone: 480-964-1743
Fax: 480-827-1864
Email: office@mesachurch.org
Web: www.mesachurch.org
Office Hours: Mon.-Thur. (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)*
Fri. (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)*
*Terry out of office on Thursday
*Fernando and Bryce out of office on Friday
We are so glad that you are here today! We have been praying that God would allow us to meet you today
and worship together. You are an answer to our prayer! If you are visiting from the area, we would love to
have you as part of our family!
our lessons for today
am: “First Up”
pm: “More Holiness Give Me”
If you would like more information
about the church or becoming a
Christian, visit our Welcome Center in
the foyer.
¿habla español?
tenemos servicios en español
en el salón de actividades
Please consider yourself our honored guest. We are glad you have
come our way and invite you to return any time you can. We encourage
you to fill out a guest card so we have a record of your visit. There are a
number of people in our congregation who would love to study the Bible
with you if you so desire. Please come back to worship with us at any
and every opportunity you have.
Feed My Starving Children
Men’s Breakfast
Men and young men (ages 10 and up) Jon Bouley has organized another packing
are encouraged to mark calendars and opportunity for Mesa families at the new famake plans to attend the quarterly Men’s cility in West Mesa at 1345 S Alma School
Breakfast on Saturday morning, May 30th. Road. The date is Friday, May 22nd, from 8
Breakfast and fellowship will be from 8:30 to 9:30 pm and is open to packers age 5 and
to 9:30 followed by a meeting from 9:30 up. Registration can be completed online
to 11:00. Vince McNeil can answer any at http://volunteer.fmsc.org/Register/Group/
JoinGroup.aspx?gid=666793, or you can
speak to Jon and he will register you. There
were only a few spots left earlier in the week.
Thank You
Sonny Tamez and his family wish to thank If you did not secure a spot and would like to
everyone for the flowers and cards sent to participate, check back frequently this week
them following the recent loss of his moth- for cancellations that might arise!
er. Praise God he and Rita are home safe
from their trip to TX last weekend.
The third Saturday of each month is our
open pantry from 9:30 am until about noon.
Directory Progress
Terri processed the pictures this week and Rice, beans, canned tuna,
got them to the office. New directories and soups, canned veggies, bars
inserts should be available next Sunday! of soap, laundry detergent,
All those who had pictures made for the spaghetti and sauce are some
first time will automatically receive a new of the staple items included in
directory. If you are not new to the direc- these bags. See Boni or Miritory and need a replacement copy printed am Flores for more details or special areas
for your notebook, please indicate this on where service may be needed.
your attendance card today!
Outreach Opportunity
If you can donate any of the items mentioned
Moving Away
below to the International Rescue CommitTerri Smith will be leaving
tee, please get them to Terri Smith by May
next Sunday to relocate to
20. These items will help refugees new to
Rockport, Maine, for a new
the U.S. start life over in the Phoenix area.
job opportunity as a digital
services department manager. She says • Clothing and accessories for adults and
kids (shoes, socks, belts, backpacks)
this is a temporary job, but she is going
Kitchen and small household items
with an open mind to other opportunities
Cups/mugs/utensils (no butter knives)
down the road. She will be greatly missed
Gently used mattresses
here but an asset to the church there!
Please keep her in your prayers as she
travels and begins this new adventure!
Special Contribution
A total of $4,809 was collected for Nepal
last week. If you would still like to contribute, checks or cash can be placed in the
collection plate and marked “Nepal Earthquake”. Contributions can also be made
online at www.partnersinprogress.org.
Membership: Drew Parks,
Membership: Chuck & Lynn Watts, .
Address: Josh & Christine Warren,
Address: Jim & Pam Arno & Chase Dowell,
Address: Gregory Morris, .
Nursery Helpers
Victoria Carbajal and Monica Lopez will serve in the nursery today.
Erica Rogers and Cindy Fernandez will serve next Sunday, May 24th.
Bible Hour Leaders
TBH LEADERS: Today: Brian & Debra Peterson assisted by Shannon Black and Ahtziri Valencia.
Next week: Maria & Evelyn Navarro assisted by Katelyn Black and Alyssa Hoffman.
CBH LEADERS: Today: Wayne Timbush assisted by Scott & Lori Howerton, Xiomara Flores and
Brandon Ortiz. Next week: Brian Black assisted by Donna and Heather Glaser, Angel Salvador and
Kenneth O’Bannon
Connect Groups News
Connect Groups are small groups which
meet in homes across the valley for study
and fellowship. All, with the exception of the
Kidwell group, meet at 5
pm on Sunday evenings.
The Kidwell group meets
at 6:30 pm on Thursdays.
4-Year-Old Teacher
Leanne Farr is looking for teachers for the
4-year-old class for Wednesday evenings
starting in June. If anyone is interested and
would like to see what they are doing, she
would welcome them to come to her class,
or she would be willing to help out for a couple of weeks in June to get someone going.
Work Weekend at CBBC
Copper Basin Bible Camp is hosting its
annual work weekend camp over Memorial Weekend (May 22nd - 25th). Come up
Friday evening and stay through Monday.
Bring a RV or stay in a cabin. Lodging and
food are provided as “thank you” for the service to camp.
Belated Happy Anniversary
Ooops! Forgot to put in last week a special
anniversary shout out to Dan and Sue Barker. They celebrated 51 years of marriage
this past Thursday. Congratulations on this
accomplishment, and we wish them many
more years of serving God together!
A Ministry for College Students and Single Adults in their 20’s and early 30’s
Today 9:30 a.m. 4Sixteen class in Room 104 with Ken Fitzgerald on “Finding God”
Communion Preparation
Ted & JoAnne Balsimo are scheduled to prepare communion for Sunday, May 24th.
7:00 p.m. Class in the 4Sixteen room with Wilburn Ivy
May Greeters & Welcome Center
WELCOME CENTER (Bible Class): Pat Meshew and Crystal Mo
WELCOME CENTER (Worship): Peggy Brown and Martha Carroll
GREETERS (Prior to and beginning of Class): Ken & Danelle Fitzgerald
GREETERS (Prior to and beginning of worship): Larry & Penny McKinney
Communion to Shut-In Members
Today: Jackie Hinkle and Bill Hughes
Next Sunday: Tom Covington and Gary Peterson
Missions Meeting Report
$53,990.51 in the Mission Sunday bank account with $52,000 committed to 9 projects.
$710 given in the memory of Joe Johnson will complete support for Ashley Stewart on her
mission trip to Ecuador (Ashley is Tracy Bouley’s daughter).
Evan Todachine is at Mesa TODAY. He will be supported $2,000/mth at Bear Valley Bible
Institute for the two year program preparing him for evangelism with valley native Americans.
Osvaldo & Noe, two native preachers in El Salvador, will be supported $200/mth for 2015
& 2016.
Ken reviewed the 6 month mission in SE Asia. The $3,440 he refunded will be held for a
2016 SE Asia mission.
Kevin & Catherine Carson plan to be at Mesa June17th to report on their work in Cambodia.
WBS has lots of new students and needs additional Spanish language teachers. The
budget was increased $1,800 to cover a new program with expanded coverage.
Mission Sunday is scheduled for November 1, 2015 with speaker, theme, and map revisions planned for our next meeting.
$1,000 will be sent to the Christian Chronicle to continue providing it to every Mesa family
and encourage our mission involvement.
The new World Christian Broadcasting station on Madagascar is ready to start shortwave
programs. $1,000 approved to support their work.
$4,000 was used to purchase tickets for Tim & Cheryl Carlin for trip to Cambodia where
they will serve on the Ship of Life from July 8th thru Oct. 31st this year.
Sr. Sunday
SIBI Classes
Feed My Starving Children
Spanish Community Evangelism
Spanish pm Service in the Park
Memorial Day--Office Closed
MYG Let’s Eat
Spanish Family Night
Praise and Prayers
new and critical
Mary Ivy (Wilburn’s mom)................................................... Health
health problems
Curtis Allen........................................................................... Tests
Sandy Barger.............................................Back surgery recovery
Lorna Butler........................................................................ Health
Tewana Carter................................................... Surgery recovery
Veda Chancellor (L. Bailey’s sister).................................... Health
Andrew & Trinity Emery Family......................... Children’s Health
Donna Erno....................................................Chemo Treatments
Tommy Foster (TJ’s dad).................................................... Health
Ivan Goodman.................................................................... Health
Richard Gerome (D. Schrubbe’s son-in-law)...........Hospice Care
Bill & Luana Guthrie........................................................... Health
Celestia Harmon (E. Heath’s Mom)............... Blooming Meadows
Merlene Hanzuk (Steve’s mom)......................Cancer treatments
Mary Hughes...................................................................... Health
Lorraine Hughes ............ Scottsdale Health & Rehab Room 104A
Lydia (Knoch’s G’Daughter)....................... Pending heart surgery
Wanda Johnson.................................................................. Health
Theresa Juhl.......................................... Bone Marrow Transplant
Lynnita Knoch..................................................................... Health
Marty & Kathy Marstein (P. Watkins Parents)..................... Health
Ruth May............................................................................ Health
Gary Miller (N.Miller’s son)..........................................Parkinsons
Annie Nichols.................................................................... Crohn’s
James & Charlene O’Connor.............................................. Health
Jean Roberson................................................................... Health
Nelda Roberson (S. Woodrow’s mom)..............................Cancer
Marjorie Steinbock.............................................................. Health
military prayers
Beau Howell
Andrew Jones (C. Burd’s G’son)
Evelyne Serrano
Anthony Galvan (Millers G’son)
Chris Heath
Jake Hinkle (Hinkle’s G’son)
Kalin Fuller (W.Johnson’s G’son)
Mission prayers
Kevin & Catherine Carson’s Son, Jesse, pacemaker complications
Tim & Cheryl Carlin plans for Ship of Life July 8th thru Oct. 31
Evan Todachine--Preparation to attend Bear Valley in August
Ashley (Bouley) Stewart--Ecuador trip end of May
Our Meeting Times
MAY (Cont.)
30 Men’s Breakfast
SIBI Classes
Ken & Jean Fox 55th Anniversary
Spanish Children’s Activity
Spanish Potluck in Home
SIBI Classes
Bible Class..........................9:30am
Connect Groups.................5:00pm
Wednesday Class...............7:00pm
Attendance & Offering
Sunday Worship: 457
Wednesday: 180
Budget: $9,952
Giving: $9,966
YTD Average: $10,647