Community Bankers for Compliance Program


Community Bankers for Compliance Program
Privacy, Regulation V and the
Fair Credit Reporting Act
June 23, 2015
The Broadway (A Doubletree by Hilton), 1111 East Broadway, Columbia, MO 65201
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Privacy, Regulation V and the Fair Credit Reporting Act
The next Community Bankers for Compliance Program
(CBC) will focus on the issues created by two different regulations.
The first regulation is the Privacy regulation. This regulation was recently changed to permit more creative and, in
some cases, simpler ways to deliver the annual privacy notice. This change will save everyone some money, but may
not be the panacea that everyone was requesting. We will
discuss the entire Privacy regulation, with particular emphasis upon this new change.
The second regulation will be Regulation V, which is the implementing regulation for FCRA. There
are portions of FCRA that are not directly covered under Regulation V, so we will split this portion of
the manual into Regulation V and other miscellaneous FCRA issues.
We will spend time looking at the requirements for each of the regulations. The manual will be split
into separate sections, one devoted to each subject, which will allow easier dissemination of the material to your staff.
The subjects for the regulatory update will be determined by circumstances and releases from the various agencies. At the time of this writing, we know that we will be briefly discussing the new BSA Exam Manual, the timing of releases from the CFPB, as well as other topics.
Who Should Attend
Compliance Officers should attend the next CBC seminar. In addition, all personnel with responsibilities for Privacy and FCRA, including senior management, should also consider joining us for
this session.
Date - Location - Hotel Information
The second quarter 2015 CBC Seminar will take place on:
June 23, 2015
The Broadway (A Doubletree by Hilton)
1111 East Broadway - Columbia, Missouri 65201
Phone #: 573.875.7000 / FAX #: 573.875.7007
Group rate: $139 per night.
Room block name: MO Independent Bankers Association Quarterly Meeting.
Continental breakfast: 8:00 AM
Registration: 8:30 AM
Seminar: 9:00 AM - approx.4:00 PM
Future Presentations
We fully expect that at some point we will address the new version of Regulation CC. The CFPB has
indicated that it will deliver this new version during 2015.
Other subjects for future seminars will be shaped by regulatory events as they unfold. The CBC quarterly compliance program remains committed to providing as much up to the minute information as
possible. The program will closely monitor releases from the CFPB and other agencies to assure that
you have the most up to date and accurate information possible.
Regulatory Update
Subjects as released by the agencies
Main Topics
All aspects of the following two subjects:
Financial Institution Requirements
Other requirements, including the
changes to the annual notice delivery
Regulation V and FCRA
Financial Institution Requirements
All aspects of the rules, including, but
not limited to:
Opt outs
Risk Based Pricing
Medical issue limitations
The Community Bankers for Compliance is
presented by Young & Associates, Inc., a nationally recognized compliance consulting firm
specializing in community banks. In total, the
consultants at Young & Associates have published more than 30 books and several hundred
articles on banking. They provide training to
more than 3,000 bankers each year and are
speakers at several state and national conferences.
Seminar Presenter
Bill Elliott, CRCM, Sr. Consultant and
Manager of Compliance
With over 35 years of
banking experience, Bill
Elliott leads the compliance department at Young
& Associates, Inc. where
he conducts compliance
reviews, leads compliance
seminars, conducts inhouse training, and writes compliance
articles and training materials. During his
career as a banker, Bill spent 15 years as a
compliance officer in a large community
bank. He has also been a lender for consumer, commercial, and mortgage loans,
and has managed a variety of bank departments including loan review, consumer/
commercial loan processing, mortgage
loan processing, loan and credit administration, collections, and commercial loan
MIBA CBC Program Members:
 There is no charge for those bank employees who
are paid CBC program members. Confirm your
attendance by email to or call
800.280.6422, Jennifer Pederson.
The CBC Program membership includes 4 live
quarterly seminars, compliance hotline, monthly
Compliance Update newsletter, and CBC Members
Only webpage.
MIBA CBC 2nd Quarter Seminar
 $335 for the first person for MIBA members.
Designated Banker:
Name ________________________________________________
Bank ________________________________________________
City ___________________________ State _____ ZIP ________
Telephone ______________________ Fax____________________
E‐mail ________________________________________________
E‐mail address is required for registra on.
Additional Delegates:
 $180 for each additional person for MIBA
 $670 for the first person for prospective MIBA
 $360 for each additional person for prospective
MIBA members.
NOTE: Additional CBC Program benefits do
not apply to individual seminar registrations.
__ I have special needs, please contact me before the seminar.
Please select your payment method:
__Check Enclosed
__Check in Mail
__Credit Card*
* If paying by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and American Express accepted),
please fill out the following informa on:
Name as it reads on card:
Second Quarter 2015 Seminar:
June 23, 2015
The Broadway (A Doubletree by Hilton)
1111 East Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Phone #: 573.875.7000
FAX #: 573.875.7007
Group rate: $139.00 per night
Room block name:
MO Independent Bankers
Association Quarterly Meeting
Continental breakfast: 8:00 AM
Seminar: 9:00 AM - approx. 4:00 PM
Certificate of 6.0 CPE available on request
Company name on card:
Billing address of card:
Card # _________________________________________________
Exp. date _____________ 3‐digit security code _________
Total Amount Enclosed: $ __________
Check here to receive the Compliance Update newsle er via e‐mail.
(CBC Program members only)
For additional information or to join the CBC Program,
please contact:
Jennifer Pederson,
Missouri Independent Bankers Association
5 Victory Lane, Suite 201, Liberty, MO 64068
Phone: 816.781.8088
Fax: 816.781.8052