Community Bankers for Compliance Program


Community Bankers for Compliance Program
Community Bankers for Compliance Program
Most successful and longest running compliance training program in the country.
Making sure that those responsible for regulatory compliance
have the right informa on at the right me!
Friday, January 16, 2015, 10:00 AM
March 31, 2015
June 23, 2015
September 29, 2015
December 15, 2015
The Broadway (A Doubletree by Hilton), 1111 East Broadway, Columbia, MO 65201
Presented By:
Sponsored By:
Community Bankers for Compliance Program
As all community bankers know, there are many compliance regula ons, and they are changing all the me. The
challenge for your bank is to make sure that those responsible for regulatory compliance have the right informa on at the right me, and that this informa on is pulled together and managed effec vely. The Community Bankers
for Compliance Program (CBC) will help your bank do just that.
Missouri Independent Bankers Associa on (MIBA) is pleased to sponsor the CBC Program. Presented by Young &
Associates, Inc., the CBC Program is the most successful and longest running compliance training program in
the country and provides up-to-date informa on on compliance issues and developments in bank regula ons, as
well as proven techniques for maintaining your in-bank compliance program. In addi on, it provides a forum where
those responsible for regulatory compliance can discuss issues and exchange ideas with other community bankers.
Membership to the CBC Program consists of the following:
Quarterly Live Regulatory Seminars. A compliance seminar is provided each quarter. The topic is selected based
on the most recent industry and regulatory developments which may have an impact on community banks. Each
person a ending the program will receive a detailed manual, wri en in full narra ve, that they can take back to
the bank as a reference and training tool.
Monthly Newsle er. The Compliance Update newsle er is sent electronically to program members each month.
It provides an update of compliance issues that impact community banks.
Compliance Hotline. Members of the program may call the Young & Associates’ toll-free number or visit their Web site
on the Internet for compliance officer ques ons that arise on a daily basis. Young & Associates has several qualified
professionals available to answer your ques ons. This service ensures that your bank is just a phone call away
from the informa on you need in order to answer your compliance ques ons.
CBC Members Only Web Page. This web page is reserved for banks that are registered members of the Community
Bankers for Compliance (CBC) Program. In it you will find special and mely informa on and tools provided by Young &
Associates, Inc., that can be used to enhance the regulatory compliance func on at your bank.
Program Flexibility
To assure that CBC member banks are ge ng the most out of their memberships, the program is designed with
flexibility in mind. We realize that job responsibili es change quite frequently within some banks, and for this reason,
membership is granted to banks, not individual bank employees. This enables you to send your bank’s compliance
officer, as well as an addi onal representa ve as the topics apply to the various areas of the bank. By sending these
representa ves to the sessions that ma er most to them, you are greatly enhancing the bank’s ability to implement
compliance throughout the bank.
Dates - Location - Hotel Information
***Complimentary Introductory Webinar***
A complimentary webinar introducing the CBC Program will be held on Friday, January 16, 2015 at 10:00 AM (central me).
An explana on of the CBC Program along with the many benefits will be explained. A regulatory hot topic will also be presented. The webinar will last approximately one hour.
Live Regulatory Seminars:
March 31, 2015
June 23, 2015
September 29, 2015
December 15, 2015
Each live regulatory seminar will be held at The Broadway (A Doubletree by Hilton), 1111 East Broadway, Columbia, Missouri 65201. Phone #: 573.875.7000 / FAX #: 573.875.7007. Group rate: $139.00 per night. Room
block name: MO Independent Bankers Associa on Quarterly Mee ng.
Con nental breakfast: 8:00 AM
Registra on: 8:30 AM
Seminar: 9:00 AM ‐ approximately 4:00 PM
Community Bankers for Compliance Program
Regulatory Approval
The Community Bankers for Compliance Program has passed the test of regulatory scru ny. A er the original program was developed in other states, the regulatory agencies recognized the increased understanding and ability to
deal with regulatory issues by those bankers who were members. Since then, the program has received approval
from the regulatory agencies not only for its comprehensiveness, but also for its prac cality.
Compliance Manuals
When you a end a seminar, you want to focus on the material
being presented. It is o en too difficult, though, to listen to a
speaker and write detailed notes at the same me. For this reason, the Community Bankers for Compliance Program manuals
are wri en in full narra ve. This also enables the banker to take
the materials to the bank as a reference to the regula ons and
as a training manual for other employees.
The Community Bankers for Compliance is
presented by Young & Associates, Inc., a
nationally recognized compliance consulting
firm specializing in community banks. In
total, the consultants at Young & Associates
have published more than 30 books and several
hundred articles on banking. They provide
training to more than 3,000 bankers each
year and are speakers at several state and
national conferences.
Seminar Presenters
Risk Management
The CBC is a proven method to reduce the risk of regulatory acons against your bank for reasons such as failure to establish a
valid compliance management program, failure to establish compliance policies, failure to provide adequate compliance training, and
failure to monitor internal compliance. In addi on, with each
change in regulatory compliance regula ons, there is an increased
risk of inadvertent compliance errors. The CBC reduces the possibility that these errors will occur because your employees will
have a greater understanding of the regulatory requirements.
Practical Solutions
Most community banks do not have the me or money to build
elaborate compliance systems, but there is a solu on. The CBC
Program will provide prac cal, user-friendly compliance techniques and explain how they can be related to all areas of compliance. For example, se ng up compliance files, developing
training programs, responding to the examina ons, and resolving disputes are among the areas that are reviewed.
Participant Interaction
The CBC Program is designed to assist members in ge ng mely answers to their ques ons as well as tes ng techniques before implementa on in the bank. The program provides a forum where each bank can be an ac ve par cipant by asking quesons and bringing concerns and compliance techniques for review
by the group. This peer evalua on and two-way flow of informa on increases understanding and improves the bank’s effort
toward a viable compliance program.
Bill Ellio , CRCM, Sr. Consultant and Manager of
With over 35 years of banking experience, Bill Ellio leads the compliance
department at Young & Associates,
Inc. where he conducts compliance
reviews, leads compliance seminars,
conducts in-house training, and writes
compliance ar cles and training materials. During his career as a banker, Bill spent 15 years
as a compliance officer in a large community bank. He
has also been a lender for consumer, commercial, and
mortgage loans, and has managed a variety of bank
departments including loan review, consumer/
commercial loan processing, mortgage loan processing,
loan and credit administra on, collec ons, and
commercial loan workout.
Adam Witmer, CRCM, Compliance Consultant
Adam Witmer is a compliance consultant with Young & Associates, Inc.,
serving client banks in the Midwest.
Having an extensive variety of
experience in banking, he performs
in-bank compliance consul ng,
conducts compliance training, and
writes ar cles for various compliance publica ons.
Prior to joining Young & Associates, Inc., Adam
served as an officer and the Director of Compliance
for a mul -bank holding company in the Midwest. He
has held the tles of Compliance Officer, BSA
Officer, and CRA Officer for mul ple banks, and has
experience in the areas of compliance, training, internal
audit, privacy, deposit and loan opera ons, retail
banking, secondary market lending, and other
banking areas. He holds the designa on of Cer fied
Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) by the
Ins tute of Cer fied Bankers in Washington, D.C.
Adam earned a BA in Business Administra on from
Taylor University and an MBA in Management and
Human Resources from Indiana Tech.
Community Bankers for Compliance Program
Missouri CBC Program Membership:
$1,400 for the first person for MIBA members.
 $420 for each addi onal person for MIBA
 $2,800 for the first person for prospec ve MIBA
 $1,230 for each addi onal person for
prospec ve MIBA members
Missouri CBC Individual Seminar
Session Fees:
$335 for the first person for MIBA members.
 $180 for each addi onal person for MIBA
 $670 for the first person for prospec ve MIBA
 $360 for each addi onal person for prospec ve
MIBA members.
Complimentary Introductory Webinar
A complimentary webinar introducing the CBC Program
will be held on Friday, January 16, 2015 at 10:00 AM
(central me). An explana on of the CBC Program along
with the many benefits will be explained. A regulatory hot
topic will also be presented. The webinar will last
approximately one hour.
Live Regulatory Seminars:
March 31, 2015
June 23, 2015
September 29, 2015
December 15, 2015
Designated Banker:
Name ________________________________________________
Bank ________________________________________________
City ___________________________ State _____ ZIP ________
Telephone ______________________ Fax____________________
E-mail ________________________________________________
E‐mail address is required for registra on.
Additional Delegates:
__ I have special needs, please contact me before the seminar.
Please select your payment method:
__Check Enclosed
__Check in Mail
__Credit Card*
* If paying by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and American Express accepted),
please fill out the following informa on:
Name as it reads on card:
Company name on card:
Billing address of card:
Card # _________________________________________________
Exp. date _____________ 3-digit security code _________
Each live regulatory seminar will be held at:
Total Amount Enclosed: $ __________
The Broadway (A Doubletree by Hilton)
1111 East Broadway
Columbia, Missouri 65201
Phone #: 573.875.7000
FAX #: 573.875.7007
Group rate: $139.00 per night
Room block name: MO Independent Bankers
Associa on Quarterly Mee ng
Con nental breakfast: 8:00 AM
Registra on: 8:30 AM
Seminar: 9:00 AM - approx. 4:00 PM
Check here to receive the Compliance Update newsle er via e-mail.
For addiƟonal informaƟon, please contact:
Trudy Carpenter
Director of Communica ons/Mee ng Planner
Missouri Independent Bankers Associa on
5 Victory Lane, Suite 201, Liberty, MO 64068
Ph: 816.781.8088 / Fx: 816.781.8052