2014.09.11 Trustees Meeting - Mission Hills Town Council
2014.09.11 Trustees Meeting - Mission Hills Town Council
MISSION HILLS TOWN COUNCIL 325 W. WASHINGTON ST, #2159 SAN DIEGO, CA 92103 www.MissionHillsTownCouncil.org Board of Trustees Mike Zdon, President Belinda Smith, Vice President Carin Canale-Theakson, Treasurer Gavin Grant, Secretary Lara Gates Jasper Benke Bob Rast Sharon Gehl Bernard King Gina Barnes Christina Woods David Espinosa Penny Giacalone Jim Scott Anthony Nykos MINUTES Mission Hills Town Council Board Meeting, held at Canale Communications, Thursday September 11, 2014 6:00PM _________________________________________________________________________________________ Present: Mike Zdon, Belinda Smith, Carin Canale-Theakson, Gavin Grant, Lara Gates, Bob Rast, Sharon Gehl, Christina Woods, Penny Giacalone,, Anthony Nykos, David Espinosa, Jasper Benke, Jim Scott Absent: Bernard King, Gina Barnes 6:00p.m. Called to order by Mike Zdon, President J.T. FROST PRESENTS DESIGN CONCEPT FOR UPTOWN REGIONAL CORRIDOR BIKE PROJECT ● ● ● Jim Frost a local architect was brought in by SANDAG to help develop a design concept for the Uptown Regional Bike Corridor Project. His design is a concept, not a final design. His design focuses on design details along University Avenue. Some of the highlights include: ○ 40-50 additional parking spaces between Normal and the 163 freeway ○ Pedestrian walkways ○ Class 1 bike lanes ○ Place making along University Avenue ○ Separating parking and through traffic ○ 1st through 6th on University changes to 1 vehicular lane with 2 bike lanes ● ● ● The Hillcrest Town Council, Uptown Parking District, Hillcrest Business District and Uptown Community Planners all approved Jim Frost’s design concept. The Mission Hills Town Council (MHTC) made the following motion: ○ “The Mission Hills Town Council approves the proposal by Jim Frost for the Uptown Regional Bike Corridors Project and would like SANDAG and the City of San Diego to review it. The Mission Hills Town Council will also like further opportunities for place making in Mission Hills along the project.” The MHTC shall send this motion to SANDAG and the City of San Diego to support Jim Frost’s design efforts. RECOMMENDATION BY RESIDENT CHARLES ANGYAL TO REQUEST THAT THE CITY DESIGN THE MISSION HILLS-HILLCREST NEW LIBRARY TO “NET ZERO” STANDARDS VERSUS CURRENT “LEED SILVER” ● ● The trustees were asked to review the potential pros and cons of requesting that the City of San Diego include a review of “net zero” energy needs for the library. The Mission Hills Town Council (MHTC) made the following motion: ○ “The Mission Hills Town Council supports Chuck Angyal's letter to the City of San Diego and Architects Mosher Drew proposing that the Mission Hills / Hillcrest Library pursue a Net Zero Energy Building Certification.” UPDATE ON COMBAT ARTS MISSION HILLS MURAL PROJECT ● ● ● Elizabeth Washburn has had two meetings with a subcommittee of the MHTC in preparation for a mural to be placed on the back wall of Harley Gray’s. Drafts of the proposal were reviewed. The murals will be completed in early to mid December. The mural will stay up for 2 or more years, then changed. DECISION ON POTENTIAL DECEMBER CHRISTMAS ACTIVITY SPONSORED BY MHTC ● ● ● ● The trustees have been considering an additional “event” to bring the community together around the holidays. Carin C. is working to provide “snow” for this event and is also working with local businesses to provide hot beverages. Carin C. is seeking assistance to get this event going. Belinda S. and Penny G. are joining Carin C. to organize a reception to unveil the mural. DRAFT SANDAG REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (RTIP) COMMENTS ● The RTIP included two Mission Hills improvements: ○ 1. Juan Street upgrade Taylor to Sunset ○ 2. Improvements to Hancock and India Street REQUEST FOR “LADDER CROSSWALK” MARKINGS AT RANDOLPH AND PIONEER PARK. ● Trustee Christina W. has suggested the Town Council work to add a “Ladder Crosswalk” near the park for increased safety. UPDATE ON MISSION HILLS TOWN COUNCIL SUPPORT FOR GRANT SCHOOL ELEMENTARY “WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL TEACHERS APPRECIATION DAY” ● Lara G. will update the MHTC on the success of the annual Welcome Back Teachers day at Grant School. RESIDENT REQUEST TO REVIEW “SIGN ISSUES” RELATED TO SIDEWALK SIGNAGE AT VARIOUS MISSION HILLS BUSINESSES ● With the resurgence of business activity along Goldfinch and Washington additional sidewalk signs are being used. STATUS OF FALCON STREET POCKET PARK LENDING LIBRARY ● Lara G. has been working with the City of San Diego to add a “Lending Library” box to the Falcon Street Pocket Park. REVIEW OF THE SUMMER CONCERT SEASON AND JULY 4TH EVENT WITH POTENTIAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ANY IMPROVEMENTS ● The trustees are requested to list items they think should be changed for next year’s concerts and July 4th event. ○ More water will be needed for the next concert. ○ Rethink membership - tabled until 2015 retreat. ○ Sponsorship package draft by Carin C. BYLAWS: ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 8.1 ELECTION VOTING ● Nominations for Trustees is to be made at the October Town Hall meeting. Trustees should discuss who are willing to continue for the next year and whether or not there will be any changes. MISSIONHILLSTOWNCOUNCIL.ORG WEBSITE AND ITS RELATION TO MISSIONHILLS.COM WEBSITE ● ● Residents have pointed out that our data, while updated on the MHTC website, is not always accurate nor updated on the MH website. Anthony N. will talk to Frans to coordinate the MHTC and BID websites. MHTC FINANCIALS ● ● ● Carin C. presented the financials. Ending Cash in August 31, 2014 was $17,620.04. Membership dues were $8,868.31 in Jan. - Aug. 2014. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH PROGRAM AND RECENT CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES ● ● ● A request has been made to intensify the neighborhood watch program based on an increase in crime within recent months in Mission Hills and Old Town. Pam Amundsen presented on behalf of the neighborhood watch. ○ There has been a trend of increased crime near Old Town and an police officer noted that the source may be the Old Town trolley station. ○ The website http://www.crimemapping.com/ was suggested to track local crimes. A representative from the San Diego Police Dept. Western Division will be present at the next MHTC Town Hall Meeting. The next MHTC Town Hall Meeting will be on Thursday, October 23rd at 6:00pm. 7:30 p.m. The meeting concluded.
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