ncma newsletter – may 2015 - The Greater Baltimore Chapter of


ncma newsletter – may 2015 - The Greater Baltimore Chapter of
Volume 3, Issue 2
May 2015
Luncheon Presentation
In this edition:
Day at the Orioles……..………….…………….…p.1
GB Luncheon Presentation………...…….….p.1
Budget Proposal….…………………………………p.2
Volunteer Outing……..……………………………p.4
NG Program Team…………………………………p.4
GB Team………..………………………….…….…...p.5
Upcoming Events….……………….…..…….……p.5
Day at the Orioles
May 31, 2015
Come join the NCMA Greater Baltimore
Chapter and the NCMA DC Chapter for this
networking event at Camden Yards to
watch the Baltimore Orioles face division
rivals, Tampa Bay Rays. Networking will
take place before the game at Eutaw Street
(directly across from Camden Yards) with
the DC Chapter of NCMA, then we’ll head to
the stadium to continue networking and
watch the Orioles beat the Rays.
Location: Camden Yards, 333 W Camden St
Date: Sunday, May 31 2015, 1:35 PM
Cost: $20
Registration Closes: May 10, 2015
Networking Before Game: Eutaw St
Today’s DOD Profit Policy — An Industry Perspective
There has been a recent “sea change” in DOD profit
policy. Industry has argued that there is a “war on
profit” by the DOD. While DOD leadership argues that
this is untrue, they contend that policy is unchanged
and is merely being monitored more closely and
reasonably applied. This session focuses on an Industry
perspective and is based upon a workshop provided by
Mr. James Gill and Mr. Stan Neves at NCMA’s 2014
Government Contract Management Symposium.
Thursday, May 21, 2015 -- 11:15 am - 1 pm
Hilton, BWI Airport
(Meeting Room: Concourse D)
1739 West Nursery Road
Linthicum, MD 21090
Mr. Stanley J. Neves is the Manager of Contracts,
Pricing, and Property Management for Northrop
Grumman’s Electronic Systems, Space - Intelligence
Surveillance Reconnaissance (Space ISR) Division–West
and is responsible for all Contracts / Pricing / Property
Management functions supporting various DOD /
Classified / NASA Contracts with a cumulative current
contract value of more than $7.5B. Space ISR-West has
operations in both Azusa, CA and Boulder, CO.
Stan started his contract management career in 1980 as
a “COPPERCAP” at the Ballistic Missile Office, Norton
AFB, CA and has accumulated more than 35 years of
experience in the contract management profession
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spanning the Federal Government (10 years) and
Industry (Aerojet / NGES 25+ years). He is a thirtythree+ year member of the NCMA, has held several
NCMA chapter positions (National Director 4 years,
President 4 years, and Vice President 5 years) in both
the Inland Empire and San Gabriel Valley Chapters and
holds a Lifetime CPCM certificate (1986) and the Fellow
designation (1996).
Stan received his Bachelors of Arts Degree in Economics
in 1980 from California State University San Bernardino
and his Master's Degree in Executive Management in
1993 from the Peter F. Drucker School of Executive
Management at the Claremont Graduate University.
Stan is a father of four, enjoys all kinds of sports, and is
currently perfecting his sunset career as a golf
Obama ups
cybersecurity, IT
spending in budget
Retrieved from, Apr 29, 2015
By Greg Otto
"No system is immune to infiltration by those
seeking to steal commercial or Government
information and property or perpetrate malicious
and disruptive activity," the White House said in a
fact sheet that accompanied the budget release.
Some of that $14 billion would be funneled toward
two programs at the Department of Homeland
Security: the Continuous Diagnostics and
Mitigation Program, and the EINSTEIN intrusion
detection system. Money also would be set aside
for the first phase of construction for a civilian
cyber campus ($227 million) and for increasing
cybersecurity measures ($190 million) at the
National Nuclear Security Administration.
The funding request comes as cybersecurity has
evolved into a major issue for Obama, who
introduced a number of initiatives in the past week
aimed at protecting government and privately
owned data. The measures were in response to the
increase in cyber attacks on private companies and
government agencies in the past year.
The budget also would set aside $86.4 billion for
federal IT spending, up from last year's $84.1
billion. The budget makes a point to say that while
the government has made strides in improving its
technological footprint, the public's opinion on the
government's tech acumen is poor.
Cybersecurity would get $14 billion. IT spending would
rise to $86.4 billion. PortfolioStat also got a shoutout for
saving the government $2.7 billion over three years.
Cybersecurity and federal IT spending were given a
boost in President Barack Obama's 2016 budget
proposal, as the federal government looks to
better procure, promote and protect its
technological capabilities.
The White House is asking Congress to secure $14
billion for cybersecurity in 2016, up from $13
billion in the two previous years. The money would
go toward strengthening defenses, allowing the
government "to more rapidly protect American
citizens, systems and information from cyber
A chart detailing trends in the federal government's
IT spending habits. (White House)
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"The president is committed to creating a
government that makes a significant, tangible and
positive difference in the economy and the lives of
the American people, and to driving lasting change
in how government works," a budget passage
reads. "Yet, despite this progress, public trust in
government remains low and there is more work to
be done."
The White House commends the savings brought in
by PortfolioStat, a Web-based tool used by
agencies to measure the return on various IT
investments. According the Office of Management
and Budget, PortfolioStat is among a suite of tools
and initiatives that has saved the government more
than $2.7 billion.
As follow to our chapter election finalized on 13 April
2015, thank you for your votes! As a result of this
election, the NCMA Greater Baltimore Chapter is
pleased to announce, and extends a big
congratulations!, to its newly stated Executive Council,
Chairs, and Committees for the upcoming 01 July 2015
to 30 June 2016 program. Thank you again for your
participation in this process.
As always, we welcome your continued suggestions and
ideas to enhance our upcoming program year by
reaching out to
The budget also notes improvements in embracing
agile development, adoption of cloud computing
and the closure of 1,336 federal databases,
strengthening the federal government's IT
The IT budget also references a number of
information sharing and better implementation of
the TechFAR handbook. At the same time, it calls
on Congress to earmark $16 million for egovernment and open data projects, and set aside
$105 million for federal agencies to create their
own agency's version of U.S. Digital Services.
"The 2016 budget includes funding that will launch
the nation on a path to hire the leading digital
experts, institutionalize modern digital delivery
practices and establish more effective partnerships
both within government and with the private
sector that will ensure our citizens are provided
services at a historically unprecedented level of
quality and timeliness," a budgetary supplement
analysis read.
Executive Council:
President - Pamela Bernard
President-elect - Cheryl Gildea
Vice President - Bobbie Lohr
Vice President-elect - OPEN
Treasurer – Heather Fagan
Secretary – Kristen Miller
Committee Chair:
Awards - Steffani Oberdalhoff and Sarah Siler
Education - Aaron Besser
Meeting Planner - OPEN
Membership - OPEN
National Education Seminar - Courtney Dickant
and Tori Heath
Newsletter - Mary Cortes
Public Relations - Courtney Dickant
Service and Community - Emma Fliehman
Website - Aubrey Williams
Committee Volunteer:
Education - Courtney Prokopic
Meeting Planner - Jazmine Williams
Public Relations - Tony Undayag
Service and Community - Crystal Davis
Service and Community - Jazmine Williams
At Large - Sharon Jelani
Board of Advisors:
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Cheryl Shook
Christopher Coker
Gerry Weinberger
luncheon. The March 19th luncheon topic was
“Proposals: The Exclamation Point on a Solid
Capture” and this particular topic was beneficial to
this program team since they have a number of
proposals in work and anticipate more proposal
work this year. One of the program Financial
Analysts, Jenna Gray, commented on the event:
“One of the distinctions with the P8
program is that the FA’s are highly
involved in the business area’s
proposals. As an FA, I found Mr. Ayotte’s
presentation very useful and applicable
to the proposals I am supporting.
predominately sole source, it was
interesting to learn just how intense
competitive proposals are becoming,
especially due to cost. Mr. Ayotte clearly
echoed the importance of producing a
solid proposal not only from an internal /
compliance perspective but for the
betterment of capturing and keeping
solid business for Northrop Grumman
Volunteers of the NCMA Greater Baltimore
Chapter were thanked for their service with a tour
to the Ravens Training Facility in Owings Mills, MD.
Gracious hosts Aubrey and Cody Williams,
organized and lead the tour through the facility. It
was a wonderful opportunity to see the first-class
and state-of-the-art training camp! After the grand
tour, the volunteers enjoyed a relaxing dinner at
Below is a picture of the program team that
attended the March luncheon.
Think about
bringing your program team out for the next
Program Team attending an
NCMA event
by: Aubrey Williams
As an engagement activity for a program team at
Northrop Grumman, the Business Manager
arranged for the team to attend an NCMA
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The NCMA Greater Baltimore Chapter invites all
interested in becoming a member, by emailing us at: The benefits and opportunities NCMA
provides to its members will improve your knowledge
and network of individuals who are in the same
professional career as you. Our website can be viewed
at: to receive the latest information
and announcements. Come join us!!
PY15 Executive Council, Chairs, and Committees for the
01 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 program term are:
At Large – Jazmine Williams, 410.471.3598,
At Large – Sharon Jelani, 410.765.2715,
Board of Advisors:
• Cheryl Shook, 410.979.6074,
• Chris Coker, 202.756.3746,
• Gerry Weinberger, 410.652.3527,
• President – Pamela Bernard, 410.765.4543,
• Vice President – Bobbie Lohr, 410.765.2534,
• Secretary – Kristen Miller, 410.765.6843,
• Treasurer – Cheryl Shook, 410-562-4532,
Upcoming Events
Committee Chairs:
• Meeting Planner - OPEN
• Awards – Sarah Siler, 410.273.7722,
• Awards – Steffani Oberdalhoff, 443.861.2278,
• Education – Aaron Besser, 410.765.6932,
• Membership - Tori Heath, 410.993.7819,
• National Education Seminar - Heather Fagan,
• Newsletter - Mary Cortes, 410.772.7969 ext.
• Public Relations - Courtney Dickant,
• Service and Community – Emma Fliehman,
• Website - Aubrey Williams, 410.765.4532,
Committee Volunteers:
• Education – Courtney Prokopic, 443.306.8975,
• Public Relations – Tony Undayag, 410.674.2260
x 643,
• Service and Community – Crystal Davis,
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May 21, 2015: Today’s DOD Profit Policy – An
Industry Perspective by Stan Neves at the
Hilton, BWI Airport (Meeting Room: Concourse
D), 1739 West Nursery Road, Linthicum, MD
s=1428456141 and register as a “Guest”. When
entering, click the “Register Now” link and
select the option for “Continue as Guest”. Or
email for direct
July 24-31, 2015: World Congress Dallas Texas
December 13, 2015: Fall Chapter Leadership
Conference, Washington, D.C.