Connected Smart Cities
Connected Smart Cities
Connected Smart Cities The European Investment Bank Financing Smart City Development Brian Field European Investment Bank The Smart City concept is closely linked to other city visions Sustainable development Ecology and environmental protection Sustainable City Emphasis on sustainable development including resource efficiency, long term approach etc. Smart City A new paradigm or an enabler? Eco/Green city Emphasis on environmental protection Sustainable Inclusive Climate change Social Inclusion and cohesion Resilient City Emphasis on adaptation and risk management Inclusive city Emphasis on social and economic issues to promote more equitable place-making and social inclusion Resilient Green Smart City investment – cutting across the sectors Smart Metering ENERGY MOBILITY Electric Vehicles Traffic Management Street Lighting Gas Distribution Smart Grid Mass Public Transport Renewable Energy Smart City approach – integrating across sectorial themes Efficient Buildings Efficient Homes BUILDINGS AND HOMES Water Distribution Management WATER Stormwater Management Congestion Charging Education, R&D, ICT Healthcare Social Care SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE EIB’s emerging Smart City investment criteria Sustainable Energy Mobility Urban development Sustainable Communities: Sustainable Mobility: Energy efficiency and renewables: • Led by urban strategy, local development plan • Promote employment and growth • Alleviate social exclusion • Brownfield redevelopment • Public buildings • Social and affordable housing • Invest in heritage sites • Fit into a mobility plan • Public transport infra + rolling stock • Road safety and energy efficiency improvements • Intelligent transport systems • Traffic control systems • Intermodal transfer • Demand management measures (New EIB lending criteria 2013) • New buildings – near energy neutral • Existing buildings – cost-optimum approach • Efficient lighting – energy savings stream > 50% of investment cost • Support to meeting EU2020 and national RES targets • Support to mature and emerging RES technologies EIB’s emerging Smart City investment criteria Sustainable and Smart Sustainable and …. Integrated Innovative Inclusive • • • • • • Smart strategy Two or more dimensions Technology Approach • Stakeholder participation Partnership governmentbusiness-universities Smart governance and …. Dynamic in time Dynamic in space Specific • • • • What is Smart today may not be “normal” tomorrow • Small towns can be Smart too… What is Smart in a small town may not be Smart in a big city Not just a label Can be monitored EIB’s tools to finance “Smart” municipalities Instrument Investment Loans Direct loan for a specific investment project or programme, usually > EUR 100m Framework Loans Loan for a programme of investments meeting defined criteria but not finally prepared at time of signing Funds Investment in a fund Advisory support Examples of potential Smart City financing • Loan to a City to finance an urban renewal project with smart features • Loan to co-finance an Integrated Territorial Investment with structural funds • Loan to a private partner to implement a Smart City programme under contract • R&D loan to develop innovative Smart technology • Framework loan to a city or region to finance a programme of small or medium Smart investments • Framework loan to co-finance sustainable urban investments under a structural fund operational programme • Framework loan to a bank to finance smart city investments • Investment into an urban development fund, brownfield fund, fund specialised in Smart City investment •ELENA support to preparation of Energy Efficiency and Renewables programmes linked to the Covenant of Mayors •EIB Institute research grant to review application of international Smart City best practice in the Mediterranean region 7 Case study – Rouen ecoquartiers Rouen eco-quartiers Flaubert-Luceline • Remediation of port/ industrial brownfields • Preparation of sites for mixed residential, commercial, public space, culture, leisure uses. • Emphasis on sustainable mobility, near-passive energy municipal building, geothermal heating network 8