FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING: Tuesday, March 17 at 7:00 pm in


FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING: Tuesday, March 17 at 7:00 pm in
Our Lady of Fatima Parish
1452 Kings Road
Sydney, N.S., B1S 1E6
Phone: 902-562-3934 FAX: 902-567-0381
Mass Times:
Saturday 4:15 pm
Sunday 9:00 am/11:00 am/6:00 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00 am
Monday thru Friday, 9:30 am –4:30 pm
NOTE: If school is cancelled, weekday Mass is Cancelled.
Fourth Sunday of Lent
First Reading: 2 Chronicles 36.14-17a 19-23
March 15, 2015
Second Reading: Ephesians 2.4-10
Gospel: John 3.14-21
Our Lady of Fatima Financial Corner
March 7 & 8, 2015
Budgeted Weekly Income from Sunday Collection: $4200.00
Last Week’s Collection: $4971.50
Surplus: $771.50
Number of envelopes received: 188
Special Support
St. Vincent De Paul:
Fatima House
Loaves and Fishes:
Papal Charities
Thank you for your generous support!!
Bulletin Announcements should be received by Wednesday at 4:30 pm to guarantee publication in the weekend bulletin.
There will be weekday Mass at Holy Rosary Church on Thursday mornings at 9:00 am
during the Lenten Season.
Sunday, March 15, 2014 at 7:00 pm there will be Evening Prayer of the Church at Holy Rosary Parish. All
are welcome to attend.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS will be held on Friday evenings during Lent at 7:00 pm,
with music by Allan O’Donnell.
FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING: Tuesday, March 17 at 7:00 pm in the Glebe House.
THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU: Priests from the Sydney Deanery will be available to talk with you, and offer the Sacrament of
Reconciliation Tuesday March 17 (Fr. Dough Murphy), March 24 (Fr, Bill Burke), and March 31 (Fr. Paul MacGillivary) at St.
Marguerite Bourgeoys Church, on Cabot Street Sydney from 7 to 9 pm. Reconciliation will also be available from 10 am til
2 pm on March 28 with various priests from the Sydney Deanery.
The Share Lent collection for DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE is next Sunday – Solidarity Sunday! Money must serve, not rule!
The Pope loves everyone, rich and poor alike, but he is obliged in the name of Christ to remind all that the rich must help,
respect, and promote the poor. I exhort you to generous solidarity and to the return of economics and finance to an ethical approach which favours human beings. – Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel, 58 Next Sunday, March 22nd, is the
Fifth Sunday of Lent, Solidarity Sunday when the annual Share Lent collection for DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE will be held.
Your generous solidarity is vital to the mission of DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE and our ability to help, respect, and promote
the poor. Please be sure to bring your Share Lent envelope for your gift. To find out how you can make a difference, be
sure to read our Share Lent materials, which you’ll find at the back of the church. Thank you for your support!
A dramatization of The Last Supper will be presented at United Heritage Church, 500 Charlotte St., Sydney, on Palm Sunday, March 29 at 7:30 p.m. A beautiful and moving ecumenical experience for the whole family. A freewill offering will be
MARCH 8, 2014
GRAND KNIGHT: Rudy Magliaro
Phone 562-0095
Flea Markets: The The next Flea market will be heldon March
28, 2015.. We will continue to collect material. If you have any
material that you may wish to have picked up, you may call
Francis @ 562-3606 or 565-3609 or any member of the K of
Meetings: The next meeting of Council 9476 Knights Of Columbus will be held on Sunday, March 8, 2015, at 7:00 pm, at
Coady House. The executive meeting will be held on the same
day at 6:00 pm. All members are requested to attend.
Tickets: The Knights of Columbus now have their own ticket on
sale. The main prize is $25,000. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for
$5. If you would like to purchase tickets, please contact any
member of the KOC.
Baptismal Preparation
Parents who wish to have their child baptized
are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation
Session, please note the usual session is cancelled for this month only. Please call the parish office at 562-3934.or by e-mail at to make arrangements for
Baptism this month.
There is a Light of Faith Charismatic Prayer Group
meeting every Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm in the MacMahon Room. All are welcome.
Scripture Study Group meets weekly on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm until 7:45 pm in the Boardroom. All
are welcome to attend.
A Fashion Show will be held Sunday April 12, 2015 at 7p.m. in the Parish Hall. Fashions will be from Kreative
Design, Moores Men’s Wear and Carters Children's Wear. Join us for an exciting evening of fun, delectable
desserts, door prizes, cake auction, entertainment and more.
Tickets are $15.00 and are limited. Tickets are available at the parish office or call Linda @902-562-2957 or
Marg @ 902-564-5788. Tickets will be available after all Masses beginning the weekend of February 28 –
March 1.
Annual Tulip Luncheon and Card Party
Our Lady of Fatima CWL ladies are busy making plans for their Annual Tulip Luncheon and Card Party
which will take place Wednesday May 6, at 12:30 pm. It will be a wonderful day to see friends, enjoy
a lovely lunch, play cards (game of your choice) and win prizes. Anyone wishing to reserve a table
please contact Carmel MacDonald @ 902-562-4762 or Casey Parago @ 902-562-1936.
St. Marguerite Bourgeoys CWL will be hosting a Leadership Session On April 11th, 2015 from 9;00 to 12;00AM at
the Church. This will be a part of Smores, an information session regarding the League- how to hold effective meetings, the responsibilities of Standing Committee Chairs, how to generate new possibilities and more. All women are
welcome. There is no Charge for this session, but you have to register by contacting Honorine MacMullin At 902562-2967 or at
FEAST OF ESTHER: There will be a Dessert Tea held at Spanish River Community Center on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Guests include “Women of the Bible” who will tell us their stories, what life was like for them thousands of years ago. All ladies are welcome and bring a
friend!! For more information, contact Mary MacLean at 902-539-0416. There is no cost for this event.
Father Gary George, is coming back for a Lenten Mission at Holy Family Parish on March 23rd to March 27th, 2015. He is
Lebanese descent, born in South Africa and joined the Redemptorist Congregation in South Africa. Twelve years ago he accepted a position to work with the Maronite Dioceses in America. He is currently the National Youth and Vocations Director. He recently had the privilege of preaching the Saint Anne De Beaupre Novena in Canada, and did an Advent Mission at
Holy Family Parish, in Sydney Mines. Every evening will bring a different experience so please mark this week in your calendars as a lenten gift to Jesus. In return, it will be a gift for you and your family from Jesus and the parish community.
“Please keep me in prayer as I prepare for this Mission, and I look forward to being with you soon. May our mother Mary
and Saint Joseph protect you.” Father Gary George
"Ride the Chariot" -- a gospel concert will be staged at the Highland Arts Theatre on Bentinck Street in Sydney on
Saturday, March 28. It features the Cape Breton Chordsmen, Godsent, Quattro, St. Mary's Polish Choir, the
Sheldon Chant Band, along with MC and soloist Cecil Clarke. Showtime is 7 o'clock. Admission 20-dollars.
Friends and family are invited to an Open House to celebrate the 90th birthday of Florence Bates, on Saturday
March 21, 2-4pm at the Spanish River Seniors Club , Kings Rd, Howie Centre. Best Wishes Only.
This year’s St. Patrick’s Day Dance at the Polish Village Hall in Whitney Pier will benefit the rebuilding of St. Mary’s Polish
Church. It will be on Saturday, March 14, starting at 9 p.m. with DJ Robin Krszwda. There will be finger foods and desserts.
Tickets are $15 each and can be reserved by calling Tony Melski (902-537-1417) or Nicole Baker (902-371-5088).
On Saturday, March 28, at 7 p.m. the Choir of St. Mary’s Polish Church – the only Polish-language choir in Cape Breton – will be in concert with the Cape Breton Chordsmen at the Highland Arts Theatre (former St. Andrew’s United
Church in downtown Sydney).Tickets are $20 each and can be obtained from from the Highland Arts Theatre (902565-3637) or any members of the Cape Breton Chordsmen. Tickets will also be available at our parish lunch after
our 9:30 a.m. Mass this Sunday. Thank you to the Cape Breton Chordsmen for extending this wonderful invitation.
All are invited to attend St Louis Parish's re-enactment of 'The Way of the Cross' on Good Friday April 3rd
at 7:30PM, at St Louis Parish Church in Louisdale. The re-enactment will include local actors, beautiful
music & narrated reflections, and promises to be a very moving experience. Hope to see you all there!!
The Cape Breton Regional Municipality is currently working with Trace Planning and Design to develop a Recreation Master Plan for the
region. Community engagement is a vital component to this process and we are hoping you can help spread the message to CBRM residents. If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Christa Dicks at CBRM
( Courtney Donnellycontact | t.506.386.2946 | f.506.386.7938. |
ANTIGONISH MEN’S PRAYER BREAKFAST Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:00 – 10:00am St. Ninian Place (121 St. Ninian Street) The speaker will be Dr. Kent MacDonald, President St.F.X.U. and he will speak on How faith informs my life: Breaking trail on my own path towards
peace. All men in the community are most welcome, both young and old. Hey grandfathers how about inviting your grandsons to come
to the breakfast. Also, to you church going men, how about inviting some of your non-church going friends, neighbours and/or family
members to come along. This breakfast is about men coming together for some prayer and fellowship. Tickets are $20.00 and can be
purchased at St. Ninian parish office, 902-863-2338.
WAY OF THE CROSS: Friday, March 27 at 6:30 pm. In support of Development and Peace, St. Theresa’s CWL will host a special
Solidarity Way of the Cross on Friday, March 27th at 6:30 pm. Everyone is invited to attend this special service. A good will offering of non-perishable food items that can be brought and placed in the baskets provided for St. Theresa’s Food bank. NOTE: Stations of the Cross at noon Mass for March 27th will be cancelled.
Upcoming Pilgrimages
 MARIAN PILGRIMAGES Renew our spirit of Love, forgiveness and peace Catholic Shrines of Europe KNOCK & FATIMA. The
pilgrimage will be guided by Marion Carroll who had the first miracle in Knock confirmed by the Vatican. Dates: May 13-21,
2015 Cost: $2,790.00 USD. For more information contact Frank Machnik, 902-386-2825 or
 April 14-23: Pilgrimage to Medjugorje & Lourdes with Spiritual Director Fr. Maciej Pawlowski. Cost is $3340 and includes all
taxes, airfare from Moncton, Halifax or Fredericton, transfers, accommodations, daily breakfast & dinner, and the services of
professional guides. INFO: Marie Desjardins at (207) 868-5027 or
 “Historic Scotland – Journey to the Highlands Tour ”August 13 -24 2015 Highlights include the Western Isles and Western
Highlands - the Isle of Skye and Barra, Historic Iona - mainland attractions to include Historic Stirling, Edinburgh Castle, Fort
William, Inverness, the Braes of Lochaber: homeland to the Mabou Pioneers of Highland descent and Saint Mary MacKillop
Shrine in Roy Bridge, Cille Choirill Church, year 600 A.D., The Great Glen Finnan Gathering (Bonnie Prince Charlie - 1745). Air
- Coach- Accommodations - $3600.00 More info: Contact: Mary Campbell Co-ordinator 902-945-2922/902-258-7088
 Day trip to Monastery in early May for Our Lady of Grace and another in July for Feast of St. Anne Pilgrimage to St. Anne,
Cape de Madeline and St. Joseph Oratory July 2-10 For more information, call Yvonne at 862-6781.
Contact Information
Pastor: Fr. Duaine Devereaux—902-562-3934
Seminarian: Jordan McKinnon—902-562-3934
Glebe: 902-562-9810
Office: Allyson Langley—902-562-3934
Caretaker: Joe Bates—902-567-2232
Parish Hall: 902-567-2232
KOC: Rudy Magliaro—902-562-0095
CWL: Linda Howell—902-562-2957
Parish Council: Cleo Windsor– 902-577-4309
Sacrament of
Saturday—3:30 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, &
Altar linens will be done by Elisa Fasciani
for the month of March. Thank You.
MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR March 21 & 22, 2015
Readers—Saturday 4:15 pm—Rita MacIsaac, Cleo Windsor Sunday—9am—Alan Robertson, Darryl MacDonald
11am—Mary Lou McCluskey, Terry McCluskey 6pm—Andre Arseneau, Kelly McNenly
Eucharistic Ministers—Saturday 4:15 pm— Leandro D’Addario, George MacLean, Francis Sampson, Linda
Howell, Norman Thompson 9 am—Sadie MacDonald, Verola Morrison, Karen Lebrun-Smith 11am — Lucy
Nardini, Mary Proctor, Bernadette MacLellan 6pm— Judy Tetford, Mary Aucoin, Jennifer McNenly
Hospitality Ministers—Saturday 4:15pm—Brenda Sawlor, Nancy Maxwell Sunday—9am—Leonard Siller, Carol
MacDow 11am— CWL Members 6pm—Roger Embree, Pat Murray
Altar Servers—Saturday—4:15pm—Wayne Aucoin, John O’Neill Sunday—9am—Kevin Aucoin, Charlene MacDonald, Sandra Smith 11am Rudy Magliaro, Maddie Johnson 6pm—Leo Deveaux, Allan Bragg, Julius Gercio
Coffee/Tea-Saturday—4:15pm Michelle Finigan Sunday—9:00 am —Donna MacIntyre 11:00 am Kerry Lynk
6:00 pm — Anita O’Donnell
Community Corner
Caregivers Support Groups: for anyone looking after people with Alzheimer's and related dementias. Last Monday of
each month at 7pm at Harbourstone, Chapel, 2nd floor. For information call Patsy Leblanc (regional coordinator) at 8421314.
Monday Night Bingo at the Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 151 East Bay (Howie Center) at 7 pm. Doors open at 6
pm. Bingo before Bingo, 15 games of $75, two jackpots of $1100, one jackpot of $2400, four 50/50 games, one
80/20 game, two door prizes of $25 and a Toonie game of approximately $3000. For info call 902-564-0672 after 4
Grief Support and Share group sponsored by Bereaved Families of Cape Breton is held in the Sydney area on the second Tuesday of the month at Father John Capstick Centre, 188 George Street, Sydney.
Bereavement Program offered by Hospice Palliative Care needs volunteers in the Cape Breton county area - training is
provided, hours are flexible and you work from the comfort of your home for more information, call Allan MacDonald
Youth Peer Program is an after school mentoring/tutoring program for school age children at risk. We are looking for
high school/university students to tutor a few hours a week. If you are available, call 539-8228 and ask for Shannon. We are located at 290 Whitney Avenue.
49th Annual Irish Benevolent Society Variety Concert, Sunday March 15 2015 at Etoile de L’Acadie (French School) Rear
Entrance Inglis Street 7 p.m. $8 per person, MC Richard Forgarty
The monthly meeting of the Parkinson’s Support Group will be held on Sunday, March 15/15 at 2 pm at the Grand Lake
Road Fire station. This group is for those living with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers and family members. Further information may be obtained by calling Honorine MacMullin at 902-562-2967.
Saturday March 28th, Pancake and Sausage Breakfast at the Sydney Forks Rec Centre. 8:30 am til 1130 am, eat in or
take out. Admission $6.00 This breakfast includes fresh Horyl's sausages, Pancakes fresh off the Grill, homemade tea
biscuits, your choice of apple or orange juice, and a bottomless cup of tea or coffee.
Living With Cancer Support Group, a support group for those who have had a diagnosis of cancer, for their family,
caregivers will meet Wednesday, Mar. 18th, 2015, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm at Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 128 (Pier),
Victoria Road. Facilitator- Tom McNeil, CBCC Social Worker.