May 3 - Oromocto Pastoral Charge


May 3 - Oromocto Pastoral Charge
Oromocto Pastoral Charge
The United Church of Canada
May 3rd, 2015
The people of the Oromocto Pastoral Charge welcome you. May
there be a blessing for you in this house today.
*Please Stand as you are able, sit as you prefer*
Greeting: May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with
you, and also with you.
Lighting of the Christ Candle
The Risen Christ lives today!
We are witnesses to these things.
We sing praise to God incarnate.
May his love burn within us!
Hey Now! Singing Hallelujah!
MV 121
Hey Now! Singing hallelujah! Hey Now! The morning has
come! Hey Now Singing hallelujah! The tomb was empty at
the rising sun.
Jesus loved people and he made them friends. Hey now,
the tomb was empty. He called to the children and the
women and men. Hey now, the tomb was empty.
Our Minister, Reverend Lori Beth Sheffield-Bowles, is in
her Office this week: Tuesday 10 A.M.-4 P.M., Wednesday
11A.M.- 4P.M. She is available outside of these hours by
chance or by appointment. Rev. Lori Beth can be reached
in the following ways:
Office Phone:
Cell Phone:
Home Phone:
If you know of someone who is ill, in hospital or who would
like a visit from the Minister, please talk to Reverend Lori
Next Week’s Scripture:
We follow the Revised Common Lectionary for our
services. Our service next week will be based on the
following scripture: Acts 10:44–48, Psalm 98,
1 John 5:1–6, John 15:9–17
We need more hymn from a hat suggestions. Please
suggest a hymn in the marked bucket in the narthex.
Welcome and Announcements
*Hymn The Church is Wherever God’s People VU 579
Call to Worship
In the wilderness, water brings life.
Seek us out, O God, and take us to the water.
In the Word of God, the good news gives light.
Seek us out, O God, and fill us with understanding.
In the bread and the wine, the body of our Savior
nourishes everyone.
Seek us out, O God, and give us yourself.
Upcoming Church Events
May 10th
June 6th
Mother’s Day Breakfast
GST Auction
June 21st
Father’s Day Breakfast
The sympathy and prayers of the congregation go out to
the family and friends of Norman Hay who passed away
last week.
-2Prayer of the Day
Wondrous Vinegrower, you make all things new
in water and Word, feeding your people with love, joy,
and peace. Lead us today and every day to the font of
new beginnings. Teach us to love what you have
commanded and to prune what does not nourish your
creation, Let us pray in the word’s Jesus Taught Us
-3Offertory Prayer (Unison)
Through our offerings, O God,
give your loving Spirit to a world in need of comfort.
Make our many gifts one offering for the world;
in the name of Jesus. Amen.
*Hymn from a Hat I’m Gonna Live So
VU 575
(Written by Kimberly Bracken Long, Feasting on the Word 2012)
Our Prayers of Thanks and Concern
Lord’s Prayer
Children’s Hymn Draw the Circle Wide MV 145 vs 1&2
*Hymn Let My Spirit Sing MV 83
Time for All Ages This Little Light of Mine
Commissioning and Blessing
Children’s Hymn Draw the Circle Wide MV 145 vs 3
*Musical Benediction
Go now in peace, Never be afraid
God will go with you each hour of every day.
Go now in faith steadfast, strong and true.
Know God will guide you in all you do.
Acts 10:44-48
Mary Louise Trynor
John 15:9–17
Rev. Lori Beth
Message: The Vine and The Branches
Go now in love and show you believe.
Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there watching from above.
Go now in peace, in faith, and in love.
Amen, amen, amen.
Offertory* Dedication Verse
MV 191
What can I do? What can I bring? What can I say? What
can I sing? I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer. I’ll bring my
love. I’ll do my share.
Announcements from the Wider Church
There will be an information session on the Comprehensive
Review on May 7th at 7 p.m. at Gibson Memorial United
Church. All are invited to attend.
Ministry of Music