News letter 1 - `Pilgrim` BM45


News letter 1 - `Pilgrim` BM45
Spring 2015
After such a long time away from regular
sailing it was a great pleasure to have been so well
received by people during our first “full” sailing season
last summer. We made a tentative start in 2013 but lack
of advertising budget and continuing work on board to
finish the fit out hampered us. Importantly, we did start
to build a good customer base and are delighted to have
already seen a good number of returning guests. Earned
income is essential to keep Pilgrim maintained and
accessible to as many people as possible.
We of course started 2015 with
a pre-season award from Classic
Boat magazine;
over 40 foot,
2014” the award was collected at a
ceremony in London.
In May we retained
the King George V
Cup at Brixham
Regatta! Our first
cruise took us to the
Isle of Wight for
YOGAFF where we
opened Pilgrim to the public and estimates of numbers
are somewhere in the region of 1000 visitors! The crew
were overwhelmed and very proud, if somewhat
exhausted by the experience of greeting and speaking to
so many people. We then received the third accolade in
as many months, as the YOGAFF committee awarded
us a trophy! Having suffered a technical problem on
arrival, they wanted to thank us for being there and we
received the “Vigilance Cup”!
It was good to see Vigilance back in
operation eventually and a new period of
collaboration between us is now
established. When she was unable to sail in
the early part of the season we were able to
take over some of her bookings to avoid
customers’ disappointment.
We were able to reciprocate (slightly at least) later in the
season when a visitor and his grandson were unable to
sail on Pilgrim and we managed to transfer them to
Vigilance for an afternoon sail and they then spent the
night on board Pilgrim, a great treat for a nine year old
and we think granddad liked it too! We finished the
season with a joint post wedding celebration held on
both vessels.
We cruised the Isles of Scilly for
three weeks; mostly blessed with
stunning weather which made
for not only good sailing, but a
very pleasant time for all aboard.
Pilgrim hosted a birthday party for Chas Wheeler, a
Scattering of Ashes, several big birthdays and a
combined Hen and Stag celebration. Our superb galley
was put firmly to the test and
our food has received many
accolades from our guests.
Our new Bunk and Breakfast
offering was well received and is
being offered again this year
more frequently.
The 2015 schedule is a mix of cruises
from 2 to 13 days, with day sails and
Bunk and Breakfast and a much
smaller scattering of half day sails.
The schedule is very flexible and
subject to change in accordance with
customer requirements.
As we write, we have an encouraging number of full
charters booked. With places remaining on many more,
so if you
or your visitors are looking for something to do, please
direct them our way, they’ll have a special time on board.
Although we based ourselves in both Brixham and
Dartmouth last year, it is not planned to use Dartmouth
in 2015 unless by special arrangement, so, unless we’re
away somewhere, you should find us on the Pontoon in
Keep an eye on the website
“news” page and the schedule. Which is regularly
We could not manage to
operate Pilgrim without
our band of merry
volunteers. That is nearly
including directors. They
come on all shapes and
sizes and with various skills! Thanks especially to everyone
who crewed during the year.
We are keen to welcome new people, so if you know of
someone who might be interested, there are many ways to
can help, from stuffing envelopes, changing bunks,
cleaning brass, helping to crew; you name it, we have a
need for it! Any feedback or ideas welcome through the
above email address.
Now that Skipper Steve’s contract has come to an end
(funded by HLF) we must thank him for his help through
fit out to early sailing activities, Steve will still be around as
a volunteer, other commitments permitting. Thanks Steve.
Brendan Stewart has been appointed on a seasonal basis as
Skipper for 2015. He has skippered similar gaff rigged
vessels and sailed at the end of the year with us. We look
forward to working with him.
Dave Carnson Skippered Pilgrim in 2013 for a cruise to
France and again for the SI cruises in 2014 . We thank
Dave and look forward to seeing him on board again.
Pilgrim BM45 Trust Limited
(a registered Charity) has been
supporting Pilgrim since the
original Friends of Pilgrim
was set up in 2001. Meeting
the office rent is essential and
the Trust also provides funds
to pay for specific items etc by request. Thank you to
members for their help at various events in Brixham and
for supporting social events.
If you haven’t joined the trust, please do so, (donations
received by the Trust attract gift aid) and now that Pilgrim
has to support herself it’s important we generate as much
income as possible to keep her in tip top shape – hopefully
for another 120 years!