May 08, 2015 - Porterville High School
May 08, 2015 - Porterville High School
May 08, 2015 Friday: “ Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Malcolm X Friday Sport Opponent Dismiss Game 5/8/15 Tennis TBD 1:30 pm 4:00/TBD 1. Sports Physicals for next year will be held on Tuesday, May 19th at 5:15 in the office. All athletes planning to play a sport next year will need to have one. The cost is $10. 2. Attention all Football players: There will be sports physicals for Football players ONLY, on May 12th in the back office. The cost is $10. Again this is only for Football players. 3. Seniors, if you haven't received a Senior Contract pick one up with Ms. Salas in the front office. Contracts are due TODAY! 4. Applications for Euro Trip 2016 are available in room L-10. See Mrs. Drum for details. Applications are due May 15th don't miss out!!!! 5. Seniors make sure to clear all fines before you attend Senior Brunch or pick up Grad tickets. 6. SENIORS! Final payment for Grad-Nite is due TODAY! 7. The Activities Window is no longer accepting checks. Cash only for the remainder of the school year. 8. Seniors, if you are planning on going to Senior Brunch you must purchase a $5 ticket at the activities window by TODAY. No entrance with out a ticket and we will NOT be selling tickets at the door!! 9. Seniors its not too late to order custom announcements with your school crest from Jostens or a cap and gown. Late order forms may be obtained at the Activities Window. Also make sure to pick up your orders if they are paid for. 10. The PHS Drama Club presents “Night of One-Acts” tonight and tomorrow at 7pm in the Drama Room. Ticket prices are $3.00 for adults and $1 for students. Come see some of our finest actors performing in small plays, some lasting as little as 10 minutes. This will be our last performance of the school year, so we hope to see you there! 11. Teachers please excuse all Juniors and Seniors from their 4th and 5th period classes on Today. They will be attending a Senior Awards Assembly. Students must report to 4th period class for attendance and then report immediately to the Auditorium. Club Section: Faculty Section: 1. Please turn in a copy of your 2nd semester finals to Mr. Valdez’s office by Monday, May 18th. 2. Teachers if you have an all Senior or Junior class 4th or 5th period please attend the Awards Assembly on Monday, May 11th and help supervise. Thank you.
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