THE SPIRE - First United Methodist Church, Pratt


THE SPIRE - First United Methodist Church, Pratt
First United Methodist Church
130th Year of Ministry
June 2015
Newsletter for the First United Methodist Church in Pratt, KS
Every Member in Ministry
Pastor’s Thoughts
June 2015
Blest Be the Tie That Binds
We encourage all our children to learn to wave good-bye with great passion. We get
so excited when our kids learn to wave and say bye-bye. The truth is, as we get older, we
learn it is not quite so much fun to say good-bye because good-bye means change and the
only person who likes change is a child with a dirty diaper. I am certain we can say good-
bye well. I hope you each know that I have thoroughly enjoyed being the senior pastor
here in Pratt. Thank you for the attentiveness as I have preached, for the comments and
pushing when you have disagreed, or felt personally or as a group moved by my sermon.
I love the adult study groups in this church and the active UMW. The puppet group is
amazing, and the youth group was a blast to teach. We had a great time at the 130th celebration, and I have loved being
able to invite Dan Ferguson and Kendall Utt back to the church to take part in funerals or weddings.
When we celebrated the history, I looked at our history board and at the pastors who had served the church here
so that I could get an idea of their service. I am now the seventh pastor who will have served the Pratt church for one
year and then been reappointed by the Bishop. It is nice to know I am not the first pastor to serve only one year. Pastors give their commitment to God. We are called to ministry and give our lives to that calling. I dedicate myself to the
conference and to serving where the Bishop believes my skills will be of great help to a congregation. Marvin who is
coming to be your pastor has some great gifts for ministry, and I am certain you will welcome him to be your pastor and
look forward to the chance to make deep relationships with him and his wife Sherry.
When I say good-bye I think of the relationships that have been made here. One author said it this way—“I am a
part of all that I have met.”
I think that is why I echo these words from John Fawcett, a pastor who understood good-byes. He penned a poem
that many of us can sing in the shower or automobile with no hymnal or words on a screen needed.
Blest be the tie that binds, our hearts in Christian love!
Before our Father’s throne, we pour our ardent prayers;
The fellowship of kindred minds, is like to that above.
Our fears, hopes, our aims are one, our comfort’s and our cares.
We share our mutual woes, our mutual burdens bear;
And often for each other flows the sympathizing tear.
When we asunder part, it gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart, and hope to meet again.
I look forward to the good-byes that we have time to say. I will appreciate the chance to baptize Tenley Marie on
June 21, have our final worship together, and then have cookies and punch.
Pastor Donna
Pastor Donna’s new e-mail address is
June 2015
Mission News
2015 Mission Teams
First United Methodist Church, Wichita, Kansas
For more information contact:
Bonnie Laycock – 267-6244
As Christians we are called to care for those less fortunate than ourselves, those who are in need, those who
are hungry, those who are sick, those who have suffered through disaster. If you have never been on a mission team,
you will find it to be a source of tremendous joy, learning and sharing of Christ’s love. You will be blessed beyond
anything you can imagine and you will know that you are sharing the love of Christ in ways that make a Christian
difference. St. Teresa of Avila once said, “Christ has no body on earth but yours; yours are the only hands with
which he can do his work, yours are the only feet with which he can go about the world, yours are the only eyes
through which his compassion can shine forth upon a troubled world. Christ has no body on earth now but yours.”
Join a Mission Team in 2015 and experience the joy of putting your faith into action in new settings and new cultures.
“Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith.”
James 2:18
COLORADO (adults)
Leader: Tom and Vicki Tanner
Dates: May 30 – June 6
Project: Working at UM Buckhorn Camp near
Ft. Collins – Chain saw work and sewing/crafting
banners for dining room, possible construction
Cost: $135
TENNESSEE (family)
Leader: Bonnie Laycock
Dates: July 18 – 26
Project: Varied projects at UM Camp Wesley Woods
close to Smoky Mountain National Park
Cost: Approx. $110 for adults, $85 age 10 and under
NORTH CAROLINA (adults – disaster relief)
Leader: Wendy Ramsey
Dates: July 24 – Aug. 2
Project: Re-construction work from 2 recent hurricanes
and spring tornadoes in Washington, N. Carolina,
Cost: Approx. $160
CAMP HORIZON (family – weekend)
Leader: Stuart Mack
Dates: Oct. 2-4
Project: Maintenance work at UM camp near Ark City
Cost: Approx. $35
GUATEMALA (adults)
Leader: Bonnie Laycock
Dates: Nov. 7 – 15
Project: Teach and help build stoves with Mayans,
lead women’s/children’s classes
Cost: Approx. $1200
June 2015
Wednesday Activities
Wednesday Family Nights will begin again next fall
Snack Suppers and classes will resume in the fall
on the first Wednesday after Labor Day, September 9, 2015.
Middle School
(6:00 p.m.)
Senior High Fellowship
(7:00 p.m.)
Offer Them Christ
Puppets Ministry
No practice until next fall
Led by Louis Keeling
& Awesome Sponsors!
All 3 & 4 year-olds will be having their
special club in the downstairs
K-4th grade will be rotating to centers for
Bible stories, recreation, music and crafts.
We will also memorize scripture and the
Lord’s Prayer.
Fun for the whole family!
Ages 4th grade & up! Led by
Linda Buchmueller, Deb Withers,
and Charmaine Swanepoel!
study group
Offer Them Christ PUPPETS
Hosting the MISS KANSAS Ice Cream Social
Friday June 5 in the Fellowship Hall from 4:30 -6:30 p.m. after the parade, join us for hamburgers,
hotdogs, home-made ice cream and cake!
Sign up sheets are available if you would like to donate cookies, brownies or cakes! Please sign-up
ASAP or call the church office with your name, item you are bringing, and phone number. Items need to be
in the kitchen and ready to serve by 4 p.m. Otherwise, please bring them earlier that Friday, so they will be
ready to go by 4 p.m.
If you have other questions, please contact Debbie Withers or Linda Buchmueller. Thanks so much
to all who help and donate! Also, don’t forget to come out and enjoy the parade and support us by eating
your meal and delicious homemade ice cream at the church.
Mission News
June 2015
Call for Prayer from the Kubacz Family
Dear faithful family and friends,
We are currently in the capital for an unscheduled trip. Over the last week, we noticed a change in Simeon’s health. We initially sought medical care in our home town where lab resources are very basic and
limited. In order to further assess Simeon’s health status, we quickly packed up our home and started the
11 hour drive to the capital.
The Lord smoothed the way for our journey and allowed us to obtain additional labs and see a physician.
After assessing Simeon, the doctor informed us that Simeon would need further testing and evaluation that
is not available at any pediatric facility in Chad, and, therefore, he advised us to go to Europe or the U.S.
Yesterday afternoon (Saturday) we bought tickets for Dianna, Gracie, and Simeon to fly out tonight (Sunday) and arrive in Atlanta on Monday with medical appointments starting Tuesday. For the time being,
Dean will remain in Chad continuing to prepare for our upcoming, scheduled move; once we have more
information, we will determine if/when Dean joins us.
Once again the Lord has graciously provided in many ways to swiftly orchestrate the details of
this unexpected journey. Some of you were directly involved in this process -- thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Please join us in prayer.
More Details on Sims:
Since early last week we noticed that Simeon was peeing more and more (while the rest of us are peeing
less and less since it’s very hot). One night it increased to 3 completely saturated and overflowing diapers
in the course of his 10-hour interrupted sleep. At this point we thought back and realized a slow, steady
change had been taking place over the preceding 2 weeks.
Along with the increased urination, he has (appropriately) had markedly increased thirst. We were concerned about high blood sugars (perhaps from new onset of diabetes) so we checked his blood sugar at the
hospital in our town and it was normal. In order to further evaluate the reason behind his increased urination we needed to check some other blood work but very few lab resources are available where we live,
including the specific testing we desired. So, after seeking counsel and prayer with our team, we packed
and drove to the capital on Thursday and Friday (stopped halfway to get off the road at night and try to
sleep). Upon arrival in the capital Friday we obtained labs showing that for the time being his electrolytes
were stable but a clear explanation of his symptoms (which continue) was not uncovered.
Saturday morning, Simeon was seen by a British missionary physician who practices at a missions hospital
just on the outskirts of the capital. He agreed with us that this degree of urination in the setting of Chad’s
hot season was not normal. However, his hospital is not equipped to provide further evaluation and the
monitoring needed to identify a cause. Also, it is unwise to keep him in Chad where his oral intake is not
keeping up with his urine output. Upon his recommendation, as stated above, we have decided to return to
the US.
Mission News
June 2015
God’s Grace, Our Gratitude, and Unanswered Questions
Dear faithful family and friends,
He’s out! Simeon has been discharged from the hospital. We thank God that he is doing so much better (almost
back to his normal self) and for the compassionate and professional care that he received while he was in the hospital.
Here’s a brief list of reasons why we are grateful:
- So many of you prayed for Simeon, for the doctors, and for us. We are so grateful to sense the Body of Christ
coming around us during this time and bringing our needs before our heavenly Father in prayer.
- Many of you also took the time to let us know that you are praying. While we may take for granted the many
prayers that are offered on our behalf,we are greatly encouraged when you remind us that you are praying.
- There was concern among the medical staff that a brain tumor could be causing Simeon’s various symptoms
- Praise God that an MRI of his brain was completely normal!
- Simeon is quite close to being back to his normal self. While there does remain one medical abnormality that we
pray will resolve in the next few weeks, the overwhelming majority of his medical tests are now normal.
More details on recent events and medical findings:
Simeon’s urine output had begun to decrease by the time we reached the hospital, but it was still high. By the
time we left, his urine output was normal and lab tests showed that his kidneys were able to appropriately
concentrate his urine.
The neurologist who examined Simeon before his MRI had concerns, based on his exam, that there would be
abnormal findings on his MRI. Upon re-examining Simeon a few days later, she described him as “a different child”
than the one she had seen before. Needless to say, she was excited and surprised by his dramatic improvement and
the normal MRI. And an EEG that she ordered was also normal. She does want to follow-up on one or two findings
and she’ll see him again on June 11th.
An ultrasound of Simeon’s kidneys shows hydronephrosis, a finding that most often occurs when there is a blockage of urine output. But this finding can also be present in diabetes insidpidus. While diabetes insipidus was never
proven by Simeon’s lab work and it is essentially a permanent condition, a transient form of this disorder seems to
be the leading explanation for Simeon’s now-resolved excessive urine output. He’ll have a follow-up ultrasound on
June 11th with hopes of observing a gradual resolution of the hydronephrosis.
The infectious disease doctors didn’t have a whole lot else to add, but they did propose an unusual virus or perhaps
an unknown toxin as the cause of his presenting symptoms. And they ordered a test for infectious agents in his stool.
In an ironic twist, he was found to have two diarrhea-causing organisms in his intestinal tract - but he hasn’t had diarrhea! So, we have found an explanation for a problem that he doesn’t have, but we don’t have a solid explanation
for the problems that he does (did) have!
In spite of the uncertainty concerning the underlying cause of Simeon’s illness, we praise our loving Father for
granting him healing and we thank you for petitioning our Father to that end!
Please take this opportunity to praise Him for His goodness towards us (all of us) and for His desire to commune
with us in prayer and to glorify Himself in granting our requests.
Blessings in His name,
Dean and Dianna Kubacz
June 2015
Sahel Light
Endowment Committee News
June 2015
Circles of Hope Meetings are
weekly at 5:30 p.m. at the First
United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. Weekly meals
and babysitting are provided.
If you are interested in babysitting or providing a meal or
funds for this outreach, please
Sheryl White at 672-1596
June 2015
UMW News
Huge thanks goes out to all UMW members who helped with UMW Sunday in May. We
were pleased to announce Jeanette Garretson received the Mission Recognition pin this year. At
the May general meeting, members learned much and enjoyed an excellent presentation by Tom
and Joyce Frazier as they shared highlights from 15 years of medical mission trips. A few of the
many places they volunteered were El Salvador, Guyana, Ethiopia, China, and Tibet. Thanks, Tom
and Joyce, for your generosity in service to others in the name of Jesus Christ.
UMW guilds do not meet during the summer; monthly meetings resume in September.
A few summer activities and dates to note are as follows:
August 4: 9:30 a.m.--clean church kitchen
August 8: 10:00-2:00--Happiness Mission Study
Romans 8:28: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them
who are the called according to [his] purpose.
Welcomed by Christ
Pat Schwartz
UMW President
Meet Loaf Greeters for June & July
Thanks to our 10:40 a.m. Meet Loaf Greeters for June and July.
Feel free to trade during these months to cover vacation times!
Your ministry to new people is greatly needed and appreciated!!!
Sunday, June 7— Chris & Michelle Pfannenstiel, Dean Fitzsimmons
Sunday, June 14—Marvin & Eunice Proctor, Mary Gordon
Sunday, June 21—Nancy Bailey and Adam Wyatt
Sunday, June 28—Mark & Earlene Ploger, Howard & Lois Gray, Renee Wilson
Sunday, July 5— Chris & Michelle Pfannenstiel, Dean Fitzsimmons
Sunday, July 12—Marvin & Eunice Proctor, Mary Gordon
Sunday, July 19—Nancy Bailey and Adam Wyatt
Sunday, July 26— Mark & Earlene Ploger, Howard & Lois Gray, Renee Wilson
If you are not a MEET LOAF GREETER but would enjoy greeting and meeting visitors in our church
following the morning services, please give Sheryl a call and we’ll get you on the list.
Sheryl’s Ponderings
Run the race with perseverance!
June 2015
June is one of my favorite months of the year. I always love long talks and walks with
friends as the evening fades into the night, eating ice cream in the park, and wrestling with the
dogs. This June I have 1 month old puppies as well as Mama & Papa dog. They always find a
way to make life delightful with their soft, snuggly cute ways. But, I must confess that if I were
to leave you with this lovely, rosy picture and not fill you in on the rest, I would only be telling
half of the truth. For the truth of the matter is these lovely sweet dogs poop & make messes; and
their parents sometimes come in through the dog door drenched in mud especially with all our
beautiful rains. Sometimes my little dog family requires a lot more work than I had ever imagined. These are the ups and the downs we all experience in different areas of our lives, and those of us in the church
unfortunately at times must confess that we have ups and downs in our communal life together as well. Things don’t
always go as planned.
Thinking about the difficulties of life, I am reminded of the Scripture Pastor Donna used for our 130th Anniversary Celebration, Hebrews 12:1, 2. “Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let
us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race
marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured
the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” We are challenged by the writer
of this Scripture, to throw off anything that hinders or entangles us and to run with perseverance the race that lies in
front of us. We are all running our own spiritual race; and also as a body, the body of Christ, we run a race. So, this
summer I challenge you to attend church as much as possible so that your soul may engage in the worship of our
Lord and to persevere on in your own spiritual journey and discipline. As members of this wonderful 1st UMC in
Pratt, I encourage you to get engaged in our ministries and activities through camp, Vacation Bible School, Sunday
School, and other outreach activities such as the Miss Kansas Ice Cream Social that will benefit our awesome puppet
ministry to share the gospel even further.
Our Vacation Bible School, July 27-31, is called G-Force and its purpose is to put God’s love into action. This
summer we are planning to engage all of our children into some exciting mission-driven activities such as helping the UMW send health kits to Nepal, sharing of our substance and energy to help the elderly, the sick, and those
who suffer from cancer. I really hope that you will, no matter who you are, jump in and participate with us. There is
something that everyone in our church can do to support us from donating craft and snack items to providing items
that the children will need to assemble health kits. We’re taking a unique twist, but I think a very important one for
our children to engage hands-on in sharing God’s love with those in need at home as well as those around the world.
We also still need volunteers to help us guide the children from center to center and to assist in our learning centers.
This fun interactive Bible based program is a positive outreach as well as an awesome time of spiritual training and
growth. So, come join us and thanks in advance for your support.
Also, please keep the need for a Kindergarten/First grade Sunday School teacher this fall on your prayer list.
This is such a very important position. I am so thankful for all of our dedicated Sunday School teachers. If you are
interested, please let me know. All of our children’s teachers and leaders take the Safe Gatherings training online. It
is simple and the church pays for the expense.
Finally, I want to say “thank you” to Pastor Donna Voteau for her wonderful sermons, her amazing energy, and
hands-on interaction with our children, youth, and adults. Your creative energy will be missed. Blessings on your
adventure at Trinity Heights in Newton.
In Love & Service, Sheryl
June 2015
Youth News
Summer is coming!
School is out and despite for a cool start, summer is on its way! This summer the Sr.
High will be doing some painting and changing up the youth room for next fall. We will
have some work days throughout the summer and look forward to a new look!!!
I hope the youth have a great summer vacation. I appreciate the church prayers and
support for the youth of our church!
God Bless, Louis
Scholarship Awards for the Fall Semester 2015
Attention: High School Seniors and College Students
Applications for scholarship awards for the Fall Semester 2015 are available in the church office and online
at Click on the menu bar tab “What’s Happening?” If you are a member of the Pratt
First United Methodist Church, you are eligible to apply. Please follow the application directions carefully
and return the completed application to the church office by July 6, 2015. You must include your transcript
of grades through the Spring semester along with your application. The Scholarship Committee was able to
award $750 to each qualifying Senior this past semester. Depending on the funds available, we hope to see
these scholarship amounts continue in the future.
Don Buhler, Chairman, Scholarship Committee.
Thank you
June 2015
Thank you for your kind expressions of care, concern and encouragement. More especially, thank you
for being good & faithful prayer warriors for me. I’m blessed with a strong faith in God, believing in &
claiming His promises & confident that your prayers have and will continue to lift me up to a place
of peace now and in the weeks ahead.
May God bless you, as you are a blessing to me.
Jeanne Carson
I would like to thank the church, Donna, and Sheryl for honoring me with the retirement plaque and big
brownie at the snack supper. This was certainly a big surprise for me. It has been a privilege to be Sunday
School Secretary. Thank you again.
John Fowler
Kent and I would like to thank each of you who prayed for me, sent a card, brought food, a gift, or came
to visit. I have been told that by God’s blessing I am cancer free. I will complete two scheduled Chemo
treatments and then start a maintenance plan.
You are all greatly appreciated.
Delories and Kent Moore
To my church family,
Thanks for the prayers, calls, cards, and everything while I was ill. Thank you so much.
Flo Parsons
Thank you to everyone that helped with the graduation breakfast.
The tables were nicely decorated and the food and gifts were great!
I also enjoyed the slideshow during the service.
Madi Mayberry
Living Proof Live
September 12, 2015 (Saturday)
Wichita, KS: INTRUST Bank
Register today!
Order tickets at
June 2015
Camp Horizon
The Endowment Committee has offered 20 $150 Camp Scholarships this summer.
Contact the church office for more information.
June 2015
Get Ready to put God’s Love into action through
G- Force VBS Monday-Friday – 9-11:30 a.m., July
27th-31st in the Fellowship Hall. The registration
form is enclosed in this newsletter as well. We will
have the snack list outine early in June on the Fellowship Hall west wall south end along with any craft
needs. But, we are asking you to help provide items
to go into health kits for Nepal through UMCOR.
The United Methodist Women have asked us to join
them in this project. So, if you could donate any of
the items listed, it would be greatly appreciated. Or,
if you would like to donate funds for the project, we can purchase the items. Thank you for your generous
hearts and gifts towards this project.
Health Kit Supplies taken from UMCOR website.
Please consider donating these items or money for our G-Force VBS as the children will be working with our UMW
on this project. Thank you in advance. Health kits provide basic necessities to people who have been forced to leave
their homes because of human conflict or natural disaster. Health kits are also used as learning tools in personal hygiene, literacy, nutrition, and cooking classes. Health Kit Value: $12 per kit
Health Kit Materials include:
41 hand towel
15 x 25 inches to 17 x 27 inches
Kitchen, cleaning, and microfiber towels not acceptable
4 1 washcloth
4 1 comb
Comb needs to be sturdy and longer than 6 inches long
No pocket combs or picks please
Rattail combs and combs without handles are acceptable with a minimum of 6 inches of teeth
4 1 metal nail file or nail clippers
No emery boards, please
4 1 bath-size soap
3 oz. and larger sizes only
No Ivory or Jergens soap due to moisture content
Do not remove from original packaging
4 1 toothbrush
Adult size only
Do not remove from original packaging
4 6 adhesive bandages
¾ inch to 1 inch-size
Common household Band-Aids
4 1 plastic bag
One-gallon size sealable bag only
4 $1.00 to purchase toothpaste
June 2015
Vacation Bible School
Mark your calendars! G-FORCE is coming to Pratt 1st UMC July 27-31st, Monday-Friday from 9-11:30
a.m. for children ages 3-through those entering 6th grade. In G-Force VBS kids explore ways to put their
faith into action. In this mission-focused VBS, kids experience God’s unstoppable love and discover how to
fuel up and move in and through life with God. We will come alive with movement and images of all sorts of
kid-friendly transportation, such as skateboards, running shoes, roller blades, and more! Watch the G-Force
meter climb illustrating how God is at work around the world and how God’s people are on the move. GForce is designed to lead children into a deeper relationship with God through Jesus Christ. G-Force is based
on the Bible and the gospel of the Living Christ. Calling all adults: We need your help! If you would like to
be a Pathfinder, a Squad Leader or just a wonderful volunteer, please contact Sheryl for more information.
You will need to complete the Safe Gatherings Course if you have not yet done so.
Vacation Bible School Registration Form
Child’s Name_______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name_______________________________________________
E-mail address______________________________________________________
Phone Numbers: Home ______________Cell________________ Work_______________
Age Information____________________________________________________
Date of Birth ______________________
Age ____________
Grade entering in 2015______________________
Home Church_____________________________________________________
Allergies/Medical Information
Emergency Contacts
Name ______________________Phone ___________________
Name ______________________ Phone __________________
Dismissal Information
Names of persons who may pick up this child from VBS.
March 2015
April 2015
If you have something that you would like to put in The Spire, please
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
email Jane Bolen or call her at 672-3198 by
8 9the
10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
20th of the month before the next Spire.
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
9 10 11
Palm Sunday
11:00 AM Puppets at Cold‐
water UMC
11:45 AM Lenten Lunch, FH
5:00 PM Snack Supper, FH
Maundy Thursday
1:00 PM UMW Exceutive
Committee, CR
6:00 PM Maundy Thursday
Dinner, FH
7:00 PM Worship
9:00 AM Puppets during
Sunday School, Sanctuary
26 27 28 29 30
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Good Friday
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
7:00 PM Worship
5:00 PM Snack Supper, FH
6:30 PM Rebekah Guild, Pat
8:30 AM Sarah Guild
9:30 AM Naomi Guild, Par‐
2:00 PM Marth Guild, Park‐
5:00 PM Snack Supper, FH
5:00 PM Snack Supper, FH
5:00 PM Snack Supper, FH
7:00 AM Sunrise Service,
East Parking Lot
7:30 AM Breakfast follow‐
ing service
11:00 AM Resurrection
Easter Egg Hunt, After Con‐
temporary Service
9:00 AM Puppets at Iuka
Methodist Church
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
29 30 31
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
First United Methodist Church
May 2015
Rebekah Guild visits
nursing homes
Humble Scholarship Due
Confirmation, Camp Horizon
6:00 PM Pitch Party, FH
10:00 AM Confirmation
Class, FH
Page 1/1
Regular Happenings
8:10 a.m. Informal Service
9:05 a.m. Sunday School
9:30 a.m. 50/50-Kum Double Class, Parlor
10:00 a.m. Contemporary Service
10:40 a.m. Meet Loaf, FH
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship
9:30 a.m. Quilters
10:00 a.m. Moms’ Group
1:00 p.m. Staff Meeting
Wednesday Activities start
again in the fall
7:00 a.m. Ladies Prayer
Group, CR
4:15 p.m. Puppets
5:00 p.m. Snack Supper
6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. M & M Club, Basement
6:00 p.m.-Bad Girls Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Middle School
7:00 p.m. Senior High
7:00 p.m. Contemporary
Worship Practice
10:00 a.m. Mom’s Day Out
Pastor Donna’s e-mail address has changed. is no longer active.
Her new e-mail address is
June 1
June 1
June 1
June 2
June 2
June 2
June 2
June 3
June 3
June 4
June 4
June 5
June 5
June 7
June 7
June 7
June 7
June 9
Helen Bailey
Darcie Barker
Nathan Buchmueller
Shelley Patton
Gary Barker
Charmaine Swanepoel
Suzanne Moore
Jay Bailey
Kaden Barker
Craig Wilson
Albert Kendall
Carla Smith
Dan Gimpel
Merle Rose
Wes Norman
John Mathes
Brent Hoener
Pat Gilham
June 2015
June Birthdays
June 10
June 10
June 10
June 12
June 12
June 12
June 13
June 13
June 13
June 13
June 13
June 14
June 14
June 15
June 15
June 15
June 16
June 16
Opal Hemphill
Juanita Belcher
Makala Orler
Cole Winklepleck
Elyse Birdsong
Caden Schowengerdt
Darrel Wehling
Steve Mead
Richard Rose
Cathy Millen
Emma Shrack
June Daughhetee
Marsha Shrack
Denise Dover
Natalie King
Erica Dunaway
Darrell Shumway
Chelsea Shrack
June 17
June 17
June 17
June 17
June 17
June 17
June 19
June 19
June 19
June 21
June 21
June 22
June 23
June 23
June 25
June 27
June 27
June 29
June 30
June Anniversaries
June 2 David & Peggy Ellison
June 2 Tim & Kelli Barker
June 2 Robert & Kelli Smiley
June 5 Darrel & Dena Henke
June 6 Milt & Madeline Martin
June 6 Wakon & Brenda Fowler
June 10 Kent & Suzanne Moore
June 11 Bill & Jane Biles
June 12 Gary & Genny Schmidt
June 12
June 12
June 14
June 17
June 20
June 21
June 23
June 26
June 26
June 27
Wendell Howell
Georgie Fowler
Chris Shrack
Lee Ann Brunson
Deb Goyen
Curt Wilson
Rick Barker
Lisa Austin
Katherine Shanline
Suellen Epp
Jean Tharp
Charles Kizzire
Lois Gray
Darrel Brehm
Jeff Shanline
Jackson Baker
Brantley Gish
Summer Younie
Mark Laubhan
Bill & Diana Harris
Jay & Nancy Bailey
Trent & Jenny McAtee
Tom & Rebecca Post
Bryan & Erin Kirby
Nathan & Nikki Humble
Robert & Karen Pinkall
Don & Pat Schwartz
Robert & Molly Dunaway
Kevin & Shari Gates
June 2015
Recycle at FUMC
Love Our Earth
God is the original recyler while we are learning to better reduce, reuse, and recycle physical resources in our increasingly crowded world of 7 billion people on Planet Earth. We can
trust our Designer to help do that work with our personal, internal resources. —from author
Laurie Wallen
Remember to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!
the Recycling Team from United Methodist
Women, Helen Bailey, Kim Claycamp, and
Annette Van Blaricum.
The Donut Fund is in need of funds. If you or your
family eat donuts, please contribute to this cause
so that we can continue enjoying
Daylite Donuts. Thank you!
Pastor Donna’s e-mail address has changed. is no longer active.
Her new e-mail address is
First United Methodist Church
The Spire
P. O. Box 316
Pratt, KS 67124
Phone: (620) 672-6473
FAX: (620) 672-3101
Web site:
Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
You may pick up your copy of the Spire at the
church. If you wish to have your name added to
the email list, please advise Jacqueline or
Jane Bolen
of your address. Staff
Senior Pastor..................................... Donna Voteau
Director of Lay Ministries .................Sheryl White
Youth Director................................... Louis Keeling
Facilities Coordinator........................ Louis Keeling
Business Manager..................... Jacqueline Johnson
Organist....................................................Jane Biles
Nursery............................................Georgie Fowler
Audio/Video Coordinator..................... Stan Reimer