PARISH NEWS - Toronto Prisikelimo Parapija


PARISH NEWS - Toronto Prisikelimo Parapija
Nr. 15 (3067) April 12, 2015
2nd Sunday of Easter- B
Today's reading from the Gospel of
John combines two scenes: Jesus'
appearance to his disciples after his
Resurrection and Jesus' dialogue with
Thomas, the disciple who
Part of the mystery of
Jesus' Resurrection is that he
appeared to his disciples not
as a spirit, but in bodily form.
We do not know, however,
exactly what this form looked
like. Earlier in John's Gospel,
when Mary of Magdala first
encountered the risen Jesus,
she did not recognize him
until he spoke to her. In Luke's
Gospel, the disciples walking along the road
to Emmaus did not recognize Jesus until he
broke bread with them. We know from
readings such as in today's that in his
resurrected form, Jesus was not bound by
matter; he appeared to the disciples inside a
home even though the door was locked. Yet
the disciples could still touch the marks of
his Crucifixion.
In today's Gospel, Jesus greets his
disciples with the gift of peace. Jesus then
commissions his disciples to continue the
work that he has begun; as Jesus was sent by
God, so Jesus sends his disciples. He gives
his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit so
that they will be able to accomplish this
task. Jesus' words to his disciples also
Sunday Missal
pg. 397;
highlight the integral connection between
the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the
Holy Spirit. With the grace of the Holy
Spirit, we can share forgiveness and
reconciliation with others.
T h o m a s , t h e d o u b t i n g In memory of 10 yrs.
disciple in today's reading,
of the passing of
represents the reality of the
Church that comes after this
a tribute will be
first community of witnesses
beginning with
to Jesus. All but the first
Mass at 11:00 a.m.
disciples of Jesus must believe
without seeing. Like Thomas, followed by a short
we may doubt the news that musical interlude of
Jesus, who was crucified and a few of His works
buried, appeared to his
in the parish hall.
disciples. Our human nature
seeks hard evidence that the Jesus who
April 17 -18
appeared to his disciples after his death is
Rummage sale
indeed the same Jesus who was crucified.
Thomas is given the opportunity to be our
May 3
representative in obtaining this evidence. He
First communion
gives witness to us that the Jesus who was
raised is the same Jesus who died. Through
May 24
the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are among
those who are blessed, for we have not seen PENTECOST SUNDAY
and yet believe. (
May 30
"Lord Jesus Christ, through your
victory over sin and death you have
overcome all the powers of sin and
June 7
darkness. Help me to draw near to you
and to trust in your life-giving
word." (
June 12 - 14
Camp Kretinga
work weekend
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
his love is ever lasting.”
(CBW 92 p.)
Sunday’s Mass intentions are for :
8a.m. special intention
9 a.m. †Chaterine Titus
11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners
†Jonas Govedas (10 anniv.)
† Nele (1 anniv.) and Pranas (4 anniv.) Puidokas
†Henrikas Petkus
†Albinas, Jonas and Dr.Sigitas (10 anniv.) Kazlauskas
†Antanas and Kazimieras Baltrunas
†Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas
(by bequest).
Camp Kretinga
English speaking
July 12 - 25
Lithuanian speaking
July 26 – August 8
Family Camp
August 9 - 14
Camp Romuva
August 16 - 22
12th -“Volunge”;
19th - Children;
26th -Retkartinis (Occasional choir)
MONDAY (April 13): 7 a.m. †Jonas Zaleckas
( V. Z a l e c k a i t e ) ; † A g u t e , Vi n c a s , J u o z a s
(O.Taseckas); †Eugenijus and Marcele Jonusas
TUESDAY (April 14): 7 p.m. for living and
deceased benefactors; †Stasys Bekeris (32 anniv.)
( V. P u z e r i s ) ; † U r s u l e a n d K a z i m i e r a s
Gumuliauskas (O.Taseckas);
WEDNESDAY (April 15): 10 a.m. “Labdara”
†Jonas and Marijona Musteikis (S.Marijosius);
7 p.m. †Alfred Manuel Horst (A.L.Ehlers);
†Alma Rolia (A.Dobis); special intention (D.J.);
THURSDAY (April 16): 7 p.m. Blessings of the
Lord for Juozas ir Susana Danenas (J.Danenas);
†Gintautas Indrisiunas (V.Indris);
FRIDAY (April 17): 7 p.m. †Eugenija ir Napolis
Juknevicius (Z.Ceponis); for Manglicas deceased
family members (family); †Raimundas
Paskauskas and Dr.Jurgis Steponavicius
SATURDAY (April 18): 8 a.m. 9 a.m.
†Leokadija Nakrosius (B.Pilipaitis); †Terese and
Stasys Masaitis (O.Taseckas); 5 p.m. “Vilnius
Manor” †Juozas Kairys (J.Kairys);
SUNDAY (April 19): 8 a.m. special intention
(Remigija); 9 a.m. †Steve Tallo (A.Tallo); 11 a.m.
for living and deceased parishioners; †Benigna
Ragauskiene (1 anniv.) (daughter Liliana and
†Anicetas and Irena Zalagenas
(R.Pleinys); †Dr.Vytautas Zulys (Z.Stravinskas);
†Algirdas Stuopis (family); †Anicetas and Elena
Prialgauskas (by bequest).
For the Holy Land -
$ 1,000
on Ester Vigil - $ 4,007
Easter Sunday (April 5) - $ 7,265.45
Bank “Parama” donated to the Parish - $2,000
Canadian Lithuanian Youth Association donated
to the Parish - $150
May God reward you abundantly
April 17 - 18
We apologize that we cannot give each and every
one of you a personal invitation to be OUR
*Please do NOT bring items before Sunday
evening (April12) and NOT after Wednesday
evening (April 15).
*Volunteers are requested for setting up
tables on Tuesday morning (April 14).
*Please do some homebaking, - these products
raise a lot of money.
*We do not accept used televisions, computers,
encyclopedias or mattresses.
*For furniture donations please call Birute
Bireta 416-261-4312.
*From home we will pick up
*For all other concerns please call
Dalia Nausedas at 416-231-1423
and Dalia Rocca at 905-820-3088.
greetings and invites everyone to join them at their Easter
celebration April 18th, 12 p.m.
G.Kobelskis will prepare the meal. The music program will
be performed by the ensemble “Daina”.
$30.00 tickets are available from B.Tamosiunas
(416-761-9992) or I.Koncius (416-622-9785).
St.John’s Lithuanian Cemetery campaign to raise funds for upgrading equipment. Donations may be sent to: St.John’s cemetery 2185 Stavebank Rd.Mississauga ON L5C 1T3
We urge everyone to show solidarity and support for the
Toronto Chapter of the Lithuanian Canadian Community by
paying the $10 annual membership fee. Half of the fee is passed
on to the Lithuanian Canadian Community National Executive,
which in turn, transfers another half to the World Lithuanian
Community. The LCC Toronto Chapter’s annual membership fee
can be paid at either of the two Lithuanian Credit Unions - Parama
(acct. #443) or Resurrection (acct. #1132161) or altenatively, at
both Churches after Mass, as well as at the Lutheran Church of the
Redeemer after prayer services, Vilnius Manor and Lithuanian
House from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This small gesture ensures the
continued support of the Lithuanian Community at the local,
national and world levels and is greatly appreciated!
The Lithuanian Canadian Communities Toronto
Chapter's annual meeting will be held on Wednesday, April
22, 2014, at 7 p.m. in the church cafeteria. The Board of
Directors urges all council members and representatives of
organizations, as well as the general public, to attend.
Pope: Be merciful, do not close the doors of the heart
The Church "is the home of Jesus," a house of mercy that welcomes all, and
therefore not a place where Christians should close the doors to those seeking to
enter. This was the message at the heart of Pope Francis’ homily Tuesday
morning at Mass at the Santa Marta guesthouse in the Vatican.
It is a message that Pope Francis has repeated many times in the past: that of
Jesus who opens the doors to anyone who seeks Him and especially to those far
from Him. But, the Pope laments, some Christians shut out those who knock at
the door of the Church. While Christ offers complete mercy, those who profess
to believe in Him sometimes fail Him by closing the door on others.
Do not stop those seeking Christ
The Pope's reflection begins with water, the protagonist of Tuesday’s liturgical readings. Calling it "the water that
heals," Francis comments on the Prophet Ezekiel’s description of the trickle of water emerging from the doorway of
the temple, and which becomes a raging torrent rich with fish, capable of healing anyone. And, in the Gospel: the
water of the pool of Bethesda where a sad paralyzed man lies just on the edge. The Pope describes him as a little
'"lazy" - never having found a way to immerse himself in the moving waters to seek healing. Instead, Jesus heals him
and encourages him to "go on", but this triggers the criticism of the doctors of the law because the healing took place
on Saturday. It’s a tale notes the Pope, which occurs "many times" today:
"A man - a woman – who feels sick in the soul, sad, who made many mistakes in life, at a certain time feels that
the waters are moving - the Holy Spirit is moving something - or they hear a word or ... 'Ah, I want to go!' ... And
they gather up their courage and go. And how many times in Christian communities today will they find closed doors!
'But you cannot, no, you cannot [come in]. You have sinned and you cannot [come in]. If you want to come, come to
Mass on Sunday, but that’s it – that’s all you can do.’ So, what the Holy Spirit creates in the hearts of people, those
Christians with their ‘doctors of the law’ mentality, destroy ".
The Church is the house of Jesus
"This pains me," the Pope says, reiterating that the Church always keeps its doors open:
"It’s Jesus’ home and Jesus welcomes [all]. But not only does He welcome, He goes out to see people just as He went
out to find this man. And if people are hurt, what does Jesus do? Scold them because they are hurt? No, He comes
and He carries them on His shoulders. And this is called mercy. And when God rebukes his people - 'I desire mercy,
not sacrifice!' – He’s talking about this. "
Love is the law
"Who are you,” the Pope continues, “ who shut the door of your heart to a man, a woman, who wants to improve, to
return within the people of God - because the Holy Spirit has stirred his or her heart?" Lent, <like any liturgical
period>,concludes Francis, helps us to avoid making the same mistake as those who regarded with contempt Jesus’
love towards the paralytic, solely because it was contrary to the law:
"We call today on the Lord in the Mass for us, for each of us and for the whole Church, a conversion to Jesus, a
conversion to the mercy of Jesus. And so the Law will be fully accomplished, because the Law is to love God and our
neighbor as ourselves. "(Vatican Radio)
The Toronto Lithuanian Youth (Folk) Ensemble “Gintaras” invites each and all to
its 60th anniversary concert, “The Magic of Midsummer.”
May 1st (Friday)
7:00 p.m. – guests’ concert “From where have the guests arrived?
Participating folk dance groups: Chicago’s “Grandis,” Cleveland’s “Svyturys,”
Lemont’s “Spindulys,” and Montreal’s “Gintaras.”
Venue: Lithuanian House, 2nd floor, 1573 Bloor Street West, Toronto ON M6P 3G6
Free admission – donations appreciated!
May 2nd (Saturday)
3:00 p.m. – 60th Anniversary Concert “The Magic of Midsummer”
Venue: Cawthra Park Secondary School, 1305 Cawthra Road, Mississauga ON L5G 4L1
Ticket price: $30
7:00 p.m. – Anniversary banquet
Venue: Anapilis, main hall, 2185 Stavebank Road, Mississauga ON L5C 1T3
Ticket price: $90
Discounted price for purchasing tickets to both events (concert & banquet): $100
Tickets are available for purchase Sundays at Lithuanian Martyrs’ and Resurrection parishes after Mass, as well as after
For tickets or further information, please call Nijole at 905-270-2091, or email Kassandra at
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*Taikomos kai kurios sąlygos ir apribojimai. Siūlomi produktai ir jų ypatybės gali pasikeisti arba būti atšaukti, bet kuriuo metu, be įspėjimo.
Yorke Chapel
2357 Bloor Street West
Butler Chapel
4933 Dundas Street West
PLEASE NOTE: Writing Cheques payable
to Resurrection Parish in the MEMO
write the charitable purpose: Donation to
Parish, Mass, Soup kitchen, parish
Writing Cheques payable to Franciscan
Fathers in the MEMO write the charitable
purpose: Sielovada, camp “Kretinga”,
Monastery, Oncology centre Klaipeda,
Peel Chapel 2180
Hurontario Street
Neweduk-Erin Mills Chapel
1981 Dundas St. West
Proudlly serving the Lithuanian Community
Pastor: Fr.Jonas Sileika, OFM;
Office hours:
Associate Pastor:
I - V 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Fr. Aurelijus Kazimieras
Phone.: (416) 533 0621
Kasparavicius, OFM; Fax.: (416) 533 7247
Parish economist:
Fr. Raimundas Bukauskas, OFM;
Serving Priests:
Fr. Augustinas Simanavicius,
of the Resurrection
Msgr. Edmundas Putrimas;
Rev. Kazimieras Kaknevicius; 1 Resurrection Rd., Toronto, ON.