PARISH NEWS - Toronto Prisikelimo Parapija


PARISH NEWS - Toronto Prisikelimo Parapija
Nr. 16 (3068) April 19, 2015
3rd Sunday of Easter - B
On the third Sunday of Easter, we continue to
hear Gospel accounts of Jesus' appearances to his
disciples following his Resurrection. Today's
reading, taken from the Gospel of Luke, follows
immediately after the report of Jesus' appearance
to his disciples on the road to Emmaus. This is the
event being recounted by the disciples in the
opening verse of today's Gospel.
Consistently in the reports of Jesus' postResurrection appearances, Jesus greets his disciples with the words, “Peace be with you.” The
disciples have witnessed the death of someone they loved, and they now fear for their own
lives as well. Peace is what they need more than anything else. Jesus often connects this
greeting of peace with another gift—forgiveness. In today's Gospel, this connection is made
in the final verses.
Even as they hear Jesus' greeting of peace, the disciples are startled and terrified.
They are uncertain about what to make of the figure before them and, quite understandably,
they mistake Jesus for a ghost. Yet the figure before them is not a ghost; Jesus invites them to
experience his resurrected body with their senses, to look and to touch. The figure before
them is flesh and bone, still bearing the marks of crucifixion. Although the disciples cannot
forget his suffering and death, peace begins to take root in their hearts, as their fears turn to
joy and amazement.
As further proof of his identity and of his resurrected body, Jesus eats with his
disciples. The disciples have known Jesus best through the meals that he has shared with
them. Descriptions of these meals are a defining element of Luke's Gospel. By eating with his
disciples after his Resurrection, Jesus recalls all these meals, and most importantly, he recalls
the Last Supper.
Luke's report of the Last Supper and the meals that Jesus shared after his Resurrection
unveil for us the significance of the Eucharist. Having shared a meal with his disciples, Jesus
now uncovers for them the significance of what was written about him in the Scriptures. So,
too, our celebration of the Mass is an encounter with Jesus, through the Word and the
Sacrament of the Eucharist. As Jesus commissions his disciples to be witnesses to what
Scriptures foretold, our celebration of the Eucharist commissions us. Like the disciples, we
are sent to announce the good news of Jesus' forgiveness of sins. (
Sunday Missal
pg. 403;
“Lift up the light of your face on us, o Lord.”
(CBW 95 p.)
Sunday’s Mass intentions are for :
8 a.m. special intention
9 a.m. †Steve Tallo
11 a.m. for living and deceased parishioners;
†Benigna Ragauskiene (1 anniv.)
(daughter Liliana and family);
†Anicetas and Irena Zalagenas
†Dr.Vytautas Zulys
†Algirdas Stuopis
special intention
†Anicetas and Elena Prialgauskas
(by bequest).
May 3
First communion
May 24
May 30
June 7
June 12 - 14
Camp Kretinga
work weekend
Camp Kretinga
English speaking
July 12 - 25
Lithuanian speaking
July 26 – August 8
Family Camp
August 9 - 14
Camp Romuva
August 16 - 22
19th - Children;
26th - Occasional
MONDAY (April 20): 7 p.m. †Albinas and
Ursule Kartavicius (Buozis family); special
intention (O.Taseckas); †Lila Carvalho
TUESDAY (April 21): 7 p.m. for living and
deceased benefactors; †Smigelskis deceased
family members (L.Murauskas); †Onute
Zdanis (G.Bacevicius); †Roze and Bronius
Slauzys (G.Bacevicius);
WEDNESDAY (April 22): 7 p.m. †Ona and
Kazys Radavicius (A.Dobis); †Laima
Senkevicius (O.Taseckas);
THURSDAY (April 23): 7 p.m. †Monika
Povilaitis (P.Melnykas); †Mamertas and Ieva
Indrisiunas (V.Indris); †Zenonas Kucinskas
FRIDAY (April 24): 7 p.m. †Brone, Jonas,
Edvardas Stankaitis (A.Ulba); †Vladas
Melnykas (Melnykas family); special intention
SATURDAY (April 25): 9 a.m. †Laima
Senkevicius (A.Levis); †Eugenijus Spudas
(S.A.Medelis); 10 a.m. special intention (Albo
family); 5 p.m. “Vilnius Manor” †Tekle
Sekonis (A.Sekonis);
SUNDAY (April 26): 8 a.m. †Ona Svarinskas
(A.Ciaucionas); 9 a.m. †Michael Brough
(1anniv.) (S.Brough); 11 a.m. for living and
deceased parishioners; †Antanas Stanevicius
(A.V.Stanevicius); †Birute Danaitis (1 anniv.)
(family); Barsciauskas deceased family
members (grandchildren); †Jonas Buksaitis
(B.Cepaitis); †Kazimieras Cepaitis
(B.Cepaitis); for Parish working priests (G.K.);
†Janina and Juozas Sarunas (R.Girdauskas);
†Anicetas ir Elena Prialgauskas (by bequest).
April 12 - $ 3,389.95
For parish repairs - $3,845
May God reward you abundantly
for your generosity.
During today's main Mass, Br.Fr. Astijus Kungys,
OFM, provincial of Lithuania's St. Casimir's Province
of the Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans),
will bless
the commemorative donors' planks, which
acknowledge all those who contributed
to the relocation effort of our parish.
With heartfelt gratitude and sincere
appreciation, we thank all those, who, through their donations,
hard work and support, helped our Parish fulfill such a courageous
and resolute ambition and ensure its preservation and renewal.
May the Lord Jesus Christ's joyous, continuous Easter
blessing and protection touch the heart of every donor and the
hearts of each and every one they hold dear...
Project authors: sculptor Kęstutis Kesminas
and text designer Akvilė Minkevičius; contributors to the project,
in relocating and verifying the donors' list:
+Fr. Eugenijus Jurgutis, OFM, Paulius Kuras,
Angelė Ambrozaitis, Gitana Jūdvytytė,
Br.Fr. Jonas Šileika, OFM, and company…..
God bless you all and God bless
Resurrection Parish - our mutual home!!!
Goodness is the intangible quality of the good
person. It is an inner trait that not everyone
possesses. - K. Buteikytė, age 11.
THANK YOU TO ALL for your support, hard work
and care during the spring sale. Your heartfelt
work and love of fellow neighbour will ensure that
many of those struggling in Lithuania,
need not go without food.
God bless you all!
Labdara - The Parish Committee for Charitable Causes
Camp “Kretinga” sincerely grateful for the donations:
Lithuanian Canadian Foundation - $10,000
“PARAMA” - $ 2,000
“Resurrection Credit Union” - $ 3,000.
Your generous support will facilitate the
camp activities. Thank you!
In memoriam
Was buried on April 15.
He is survived by his wife Ona
and brother Dr.Alexander and family.
Sincere condolences to his family.
Please remember him in your prayers.
TODAY we invite you to partake in the Toronto
Youth Choir bake sale, supporting
them in their endeavour to
participate in the 10th Song
Festival, taking place in Chicago
July 2015. Show your support and
indulge in delicious, homemade
baked goods. A heartfelt Thank
You for all your support.
St.John’s Lithuanian Cemetery
campaign to raise funds for upgrading
Donations may be sent to:
St.John’s cemetery
2185 Stavebank Rd. Mississauga,
ON L5C 1T3
The Lithuanian Canadian
Communities Toronto Chapter's annual
meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 22,
2014, at 7 p.m. in the church cafeteria. The
Board of Directors urges all council members
and representatives of organizations, as well
as the general public, to attend.
The Toronto Lithuanian Youth (Folk)
Ensemble “Gintaras” invites each and
all to its
60th anniversary concert,
“The Magic of Midsummer.”
May 1st (Friday)
7:00 p.m. – guests’ concert “From where have the
guests arrived? Participating folk dance groups:
Chicago’s “Grandis,” Cleveland’s “Svyturys,”
Lemont’s “Spindulys,” and Montreal’s “Gintaras.”
Venue: Lithuanian House, 2nd floor, 1573 Bloor
Street West, Toronto ON M6P 3G6.
Free admission – donations appreciated!
May 2nd (Saturday)
3:00 p.m. – 60th Anniversary Concert “The Magic of
Venue: Cawthra Park Secondary School, 1305
Cawthra Road, Mississauga ON L5G 4L1.
Ticket price: $30
7:00 p.m. – Anniversary banquet
Venue: Anapilis, main hall, 2185 Stavebank Road,
Mississauga ON L5C 1T3
Ticket price: $90
Discounted price for purchasing tickets to both
events (concert & banquet): $100
Tickets are available for purchase Sundays at
Lithuanian Martyrs’ and Resurrection parishes after
Mass, as well as after practices.
For tickets or further information, please call
Nijole at 905-270-2091, or email Kassandra
Pope at Mass:
Those who do not dialogue disobey God
Pope Francis on Thursday offered the Mass at
Casa Santa Marta for his predecessor, the Pope
Emeritus, on the occasion of Benedict XVI’s
88th birthday. “I want to remember that today
is the birthday of Benedict XVI,” Pope Francis
said at the liturgy. “I offered the Mass for him,
and I invite you to pray for him, that the Lord might sustain him
and grant him much joy and happiness.”
In his homily, Pope Francis said those who do not know to
dialogue do not obey God; they want to silence those who preach
the newness of God.
Obeying God means having the courage to change paths
The liturgy of the day speaks to us about obedience, the Pope said.
“Obedience often brings us along a path that is not the one I think
should be, but along another path.” To obey is “to have the
courage to change paths when the Lord asks this of us.” “The one
who obeys has life eternal,” while for “the one who does not obey,
the wrath of God remains upon him.” So, in the first reading from
the Acts of the Apostles, the priests and leaders order the disciples
of Jesus to stop preaching the Gospel to the people: they became
infuriated, they are “full of jealousy,” because miracles took place
in the presence of the disciples, the people followed them, “and
the number of believers grew.” They put the disciples in jail, but
in the night, the Angel of the Lord freed them and they returned to
proclaiming the Gospel. When he was arrested and questioned
again, Peter responded to the threats of the high priest: “We must
obey God rather than men.” The priests did not understand:
But they were teachers, they had studied the history of the people,
they had studied the prophecies, they had studied the law, they
knew all about the theology of the people of Israel, the revelation
of God, they knew everything, they were teachers, and they were
incapable of recognizing the salvation of God. But why this
hardness of hard? Because it is not a hardness of the head, it is
not simple stubbornness. Here it is hardness… And one can ask:
What is the path of this stubbornness, this total stubbornness, of
head and of heart?
The one who doesn’t know to dialogue does not obey God
“The history of this stubbornness, the journey,” the Pope
emphasized, “is that of closing in on oneself, is that of not
dialoguing, it is the lack of dialogue”:
They didn’t know to dialogue, they didn’t know to dialogue with
God, because they didn’t know to pray and to hear the voice of
God, and they didn’t know to dialogue with others. ‘But why did
they understand in this way?’ They only interpreted how the law
could be more precise, but they were closed to the signs of God in
history, they were closed to the people, to their people. They were
closed, closed. And the lack of dialogue, this closure of the heart,
brought them to the point of not obeying God. This is the drama of
these teachers of Israel, of these theologians of the people of God:
they didn’t know to listen, they didn’t know to dialogue. Dialogue
takes place with God and with the brethren.
The one who does not dialogue wants to silence those who
preach the newness of God
And the sign that reveals that a person “does not know to
dialogue,” “is not open to the voice of the Lord, to the signs that
the Lord does among the people,” the Pope said, is the “fury and
the desire to silence all those who preach in this case the newness
of God, that is that Jesus is Risen. There’s no reason, but they
reach this point. It is a sorrowful journey. These are the same
people that paid the guards at the sepulchre to say that the
disciples had stolen the body of Jesus. They did everything they
could to not open themselves to the voice of God.”
And in this Mass let us pray for the teachers, for the doctors, for
those who teach the people of God, that they would not be closed
in on themselves, that they would dialogue, and so save
themselves from the wrath of God, which, if they do not change
their attitude, will remain upon them. (Vatican radio)
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*Taikomos kai kurios sąlygos ir apribojimai. Siūlomi produktai ir jų ypatybės gali pasikeisti arba būti atšaukti, bet kuriuo metu, be įspėjimo.
Yorke Chapel
2357 Bloor Street West
Butler Chapel
4933 Dundas Street West
PLEASE NOTE: Writing Cheques payable
to Resurrection Parish in the MEMO
write the charitable purpose: Donation to
Parish, Mass, Soup kitchen, parish
Writing Cheques payable to Franciscan
Fathers in the MEMO write the charitable
purpose: Sielovada, camp “Kretinga”,
Monastery, Oncology centre Klaipeda,
Franciscan High School Kretinga...
Peel Chapel 2180
Hurontario Street
Neweduk-Erin Mills Chapel
1981 Dundas St. West
Proudlly serving the Lithuanian Community
Office hours:
Pastor: Fr.Jonas Sileika, OFM;
I - V 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Associate Pastor:
Phone.: (416) 533 0621
Fr. Aurelijus Kazimieras Kasparavicius, OFM; Fax.: (416) 533 7247
Parish economist:
Fr. Raimundas Bukauskas, OFM;
Serving Priests:
Fr. Augustinas Simanavicius, OFM;
Msgr. Edmundas Putrimas;
Rev. Kazimieras Kaknevicius;
Church of the Resurrection
Deacon: Dr. Kazimieras Ambrozaitis
1 Resurrection Rd., Toronto, ON.
Parish office: Gitana Judvytyte