Palm Sunday Of The Passion Of The Lord March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday Of The Passion Of The Lord March 29, 2015
15353 Moneta Road, Moneta, VA 24121 Office: 297-5530 Fax: 297-6316 Hours Mon – Fri 9:00 – 4:00 Web Page: http// Twinning with: Children’s Center of the Good Shepherd Croix des Bouquets, Haiti Palm Sunday Of The Passion Of The Lord March 29, 2015 Pastor: Rev. Salvador Añonuevo Senior Pastoral Associate: Deacon Chris Barrett Business Administrator: Parish Nurse: Youth Coordinator: Joe Day Tami Akin Melissa Murtagh Youth Group Minister Lisa Lietz Music Coordinator: Al Broholm Pastoral Council Chair: Gary Buddie Finance Council Chair: Rusty MacMullan Pastoral Care Team: John Parrish Joyous Junque Pick-ups: Tony Cusumano Franklin County Resurrection Weekly Masses: Holy Name of Mary, Bedford Masses Francis of Assisi, Rocky Mount Masses: Sacrament of Reconciliation: Resurrection Holy Name of Mary 540-297-5530 x 109 540-297-5530 x 101 434-846-5902 (home) 540-297-5530 x 108 540-297-5530 x 104 540-297-5530 x 105 434-426-0042 (cell) 301-704-2309 540-721-6304 540-719-1916 540-721-7379 540-721-3829 or Don Fournier 540-297-4126 Bedford County 5:00 PM Saturday, 4:00 PM Sunday, 11:00 AM Thursday Sunday 8:00 and 10:45 AM 4:30 PM Saturday, 8:00 AM Sunday Last Thursday each month or as requested Wednesday 6:00 PM SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Baptism: Contact Senior Pastoral Associate Must attend sacramental preparation session Confirmation: Contact Youth Coordinator. Must be enrolled in Youth Faith Formation on Sunday evenings Marriage: Contact Senior Pastoral Associate before setting date to begin pre-marriage counseling and other preparation Sacrament of the Sick: Contact Pastor or Senior Pastoral Associate to arrange a time to receive the Sacrament at church, in the home or at the hospital. Rite of Christian Initiation: Contact Deacon Chris Barrett MASS SCHEDULE and INTENTIONS Holy Thursday, April 2nd, 7:00 p.m. Professor Marian Eckert, requested by Ed and Nancy Laurent Holy Saturday, April 4th, 8:00 p.m. John Roch, requested by Patricia Roch Easter Sunday, April 5th 9:00 a.m. The Suleski and Richter Families requested by Christine and George Richter Michael Hach, requested by Dick Hach 11:00 a.m. Phillip Castellon Carmelita VanHorn MEETINGS THIS WEEK St. Vincent de Paul, Tuesday, March 31st , 1:00 p.m. WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Rosary Prayer Group: Monday, 9:00 a.m. Morning Prayer: 9:00 a.m. Tue. Wed., Thur. Healing Prayer: Monday, 6:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal: Saturday, 4:00 p.m. Sunday, 2:45 p.m. Christian Initiation: Sunday, 2:30-3:30 p.m. HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Holy Thursday, April 2 nd No morning Rosary, Mass or Benediction 7:00 P.M. Mass of the Lord’s Supper, followed by a Holy Hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose in the back of our Church Good Friday, April 3rd 3:00 P.M. Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 7:00 P.M. Ecumenical Service at Bethlehem United Methodist Church Holy Saturday, April 4 th 12:00 Noon Blessing of Easter Foods, 8:00 p.m Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday, April 5th 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Masses followed by Easter Egg hunts Jesus Shares Our Journey Stations of the Cross As we journey in faith this week, we will discover how the paschal mystery for which Jesus had so carefully prepared his disciples, is intimately bound up with our own journeys in life and faith as his disciples today. While He struggled each step of the way toward His own Calvary, He is supporting us in our daily trials to persevere through the hardships we face,to endure our weaknesses, to be patient with our failures, to be understanding and loving of others we find difficult to live or work with. We realize it is in being unified with Jesus that we can face any obstacles that life places in our path, whether family tensions, loss of health, financial upheaval, or death of a loved one. As we journey with Christ through Holy Week, let us offer him our gratitude for sharing our journey. With Him our Calvary becomes the pathway to personal transformation that opens us to the fullness of the resurrection in God forever. In addition to the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at Resurrection on Good Friday, April 3rd at 3:00 p.m., and the annual Ecumenical Good Friday Service at Bethlehem United Methodist Church on Good Friday evening at 7:00 p.m., Resurrection will be open from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for individual walking and praying of the Stations of The Cross with a variety of prayer options. PotLuck News Our April potluck will be Saturday, Divine Mercy Sunday at Holy Name of Mary April 11th because of Easter. After that we will have our next one on June 27th which h will feature the Alex Ernandes Award. No potlucks in May, July or August. A Parish Social Ministry Regional Gathering for Catholics working in outreach ministries, such as Haiti ministry and Justice & Peace ministries, with excellent national speakers and workshops, will take place on Friday evening, April 17, and throughout Saturday, April 18, at Church of the Incarnation in Charlottesville. Co-sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Richmond and Catholic Charities USA. You can register at Novena for Christian Marriage and Family Life We continue our 9-month Novena on April 2nd (Holy Thursday). At the conclusion of the Mass of The Lord’s Supper there will be a holy hour of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at the Altar of Repose in the back of our church. This novena is especially appropriate and timely during this Year Two of our diocesan evangelization plan “Focusing on the Domestic Church.”. Will take place on April 12th at 1:45 p.m. It will begin with adoration, during which confessions will be heard. At 2:45 those gathered will pray the Novena to the Divine Mercy, followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction. A reception with light refreshments will follow. For more info please call Carol Morales at 540-586-5722. Easter Chocolate Sale Many thanks to all who supported the Easter Chocolate Sale sponsored by the Wednesday Women’s Group last weekend. As always, our profit will be used to help meet the needs of our church. Have a Blessed Easter! From Parish Nurse Tami Akin -- call her at 540-297-5530 for more info, or to register for events Mon., March 30th The Celiac Disease Foundation SML Support Group at 10:00 a.m. at the Kroger in Westlake. Multiple Sclerosis Support Group (Chair Yoga) at Resurrection at noon. Bring a bagged Wed., April 1st lunch Ministry Schedule Holy Saturday, April 4th 8:00 p.m Lectors: Anne Gibbons, Mike Wachter, Pat Marlar, Ken Gerber, Ken & Barbara Dice, Jim Bennett, Diane Vallimont Ems: Team Member, Team Member, Hans and Pat Weidig, Dave and Linda Wilmesher Ushers: Ed and Kathy Reynolds, Chuck and Annie Murphy Server: Colleen Ernandes Easter Sunday, April 5th, 9:00 a.m. Lectors: Bob Adams, Andie Gibson Ems: Sr. Joan, Greg & Barbara Babiak, Pat Benosky, Debbie Buccola, Dorothy Caswell, Paul Champagne, Mary Jane.Dugan Ushers: Al Lorrent, Carol MacMullan, Gary Buddie, Moyra Cawood Server: Marianne Alcorn Liturgy Coordinator: Deacon Barrett Easter Sunday, April 5th, 11:00 a.m. Lectors: Paul Marx, Lillie Head EMs: Joyce & Ron Finotti, Sandy Horan, Jack Kuhn, Chuck & Phyllis Chauvin, Don & Susan Jakob Ushers:Ronni Gilbarte, Jerry & Colleen NcNulty, Shirley Bekri Server: Tania Knipp Liturgy Coordinator: Lillie Head Those who believed 22. Shared Offertory Income Mar.22nd Offertory income FY budget Offertory income FY15 to date We are under budget by Gift Cards $ 5,887.00 $ 328,084.08 $ 318,055.68 $ -10,028.40 Profit this FY $ 6,522.36 Profit last FY $ 7,448.62 Difference from last year $ -926.26 Sellers, Sat., Apr. 11: Self Sun,, Apr. 12: Horan Note: No sales Easter weekend THANK YOU for your continued generosity Please pray for Sandy McCullough, Lou Pangburn, Carol Cornwell, Walter Sykes, Lynn Rowe, Jenny and Sam Zabinsky’s Baby, David Batchelder, John and Phyllis Blankenship, Teresa Bryant, Dominic Buscani, Janet Byington, Mary Jo Clark , Diana Cobbs, Brian Cochrane, Amanda Coleman, Thomas Croach, George and Anita Cross, Adele and Bob DellaValle-Rauth, Devin Dineen, Jan Dobson, Al Drake, Joann Droge, Bill Dunn, Paul Ellet, Margaret Estes, Anne Favo, Gerry Fiamingo, Hannah Filardi,Patricia Foley, Michael Gardiner, Christopher George, Betsi Gerber, Gregory Ghosh, TK Ghosh, Bob Haas, Stephen Hanlin, Kelly Harper, Georgia Helbish, Timothy Herlehy, Laura Hollon, John Holmes, Ann Howard, David Howard, Joe Howard, Bill Hughes, Douglas Hull, Judy J ,Bert Jones, KP, Laura Keeley, Nina Keeley, June Kingan, Charles Klinger, Betsy Kripas, Patricia Kuhl, Ted Lagoski, Betty Lallier, Joseph Lanzi, Jim Leftwich, Marge Lostoski, Stephen Lanzi, Dave Lortscher, Spencer Madden,Geri Markovich, Anne Marr, Anne Woolley Matienzo, Eileen McSweeney, Ronny McDonald, Dona Miller, Edmond Miller, Alma Morgan, Olwen Mortimer, Tracy Neilson, James Newman, John O’Brien, Don O’Dell, Joe and Jean Pasqua, Stephen Prucinski, Thomas Roark, Toni Robertson, Kendal Satterfield, Ken Sauer, Marie Sauer, Tom Schnurr, Jennifer Sliter, Valerie Sloan, Glenn Sprinkel, Connie Stephens, Karen Thompson, Tracy Trinidad, Julie Vallimont, Barbara Vitt, Heather Weston, Judy Williams Please notify the Main Office with any changes.