April 25, 2015 - Richmond Seventh
April 25, 2015 - Richmond Seventh
RICHMOND & NEW LIFE The Church After Service Schedule Fellowship Meal Yes, after service AY Afternoon, all welcomed @ 2:00pm SDA CHURCH Budget for April 2015 Needed: $2600.00 Received: $ Global Church Ministry CAMP HOPE CLEANUP – Sunday, April 26th - Still more to do. The driveway and access road to the West still need lots of work. Ground leveling in various areas is needed. Bring rakes, shovels, gloves and boots. Come rain or shine, come put in some time, you’ll leave feeling fine and totally sublime. Lunch is provided. Call Todd (604) 850-4742. Caribbean Cruse: August 16-23, for more information, please contact JayTee @ jaytee29@hotmail.com Mountain View Summer Camp: Is now accepting applications on-line at www.mvsc.ca. A discount of $150.00 is available for all applications received and paid in full by March 26, 2015. Application forms and discount coupons are available in your church office, or please call Shelley at 604.853.5451 ext 413/email: slewis@bcadventist.ca for a form or more information. International BC Family Retreat: You are invited to attend the 4 th annual Restoration International B.C. Family Retreat with Tom and Alane Waters and Paul, Carolyn, Hannah, and Caleb Rayne as the speakers. Life changing messages will be presented on how to make the gospel practical within your family. The Retreat will be held at Camp Hope July 1-4, 2015.For more information contact Kevin and Rachel Trenchuk at: bchosts@rifamilyretreat.org or 780-383-2135. We hope to see you there! Sunset Sabbath (May 1) 8:29pm The Richmond Church Leadership Elder 1st Richard Watson, Ph: 604-498-0474, Email: rwatson@kito.ca Church Clerk Catherine Smith, Ph: 604-274-7716, Email: catherine7716@gmail.com Treasurer Ken Takahashi, Ph: 604-275-9678, Email: Ken_takahashi@telus.net Elder—Personal Ministries Bill Wong, Ph: 778-230-9714, Email: billiris@telus.net Elder—Sabbath School Darren Gallvitz, Ph: 604-507-0148, Email: gallvitz@hotmail.com Elder—Youth/Pathfinders Daniel Anton, Ph: 778-385-1806, Email: dananton1974@yahoo.com Youth Leader Luminita Wallis, Ph: 604-219-9265, Email: luminita.wallis@telus.net Head Deaconess Victoria Johnson Ph: 604-241-0745, Email: norma_vmj@hotmail.com Communications & SS Leader Iris Wong, Ph: 604-946-9796, Email: billiris@telus.net Chinese Coordinator Annie Gao, Ph: 604-325-5188, Email: annieli125@yahoo.ca Bulletin Deadline: 7:00pm, Wednesday of every week, submit to: jrn889@hotmail.com Richmond SDA Church 8711 Cambie Road Richmond, BC Website: www.richmondsda.org WELCOME 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:19-20 KJV The Church at Study 9:30—10:45am We are happy to extend to all the warm hand of friendship this Sabbath morning. This is God’s House and it is open to all to come and worship. Enjoy your time with Him today. Superintendent Mihaela Anton Welcome & Prayer Iris Wong Opening Hymn #73 Holy, Holy, Holy Adult Lesson Victoria Johnson & Solomon Virgo Mission Story Victoria Johnson Special Music Jenny Grant Health Nugget The Church at Worship 11:00am Platform Party Procession Introit Praise & Worship Praise Team Call to Worship #814 Elder Bill Wong Installation Service Opening Remarks Pastor Wesley Torres “Introduction of Pastor” Prayer of Consecration Pastor Wesley Torres Welcome & Greetings New Life SDA Church Elder Solomon Virgo New Life SDA Youth Reuben Stanley Opal Virgo Richmond SDA Church Elder Darren Gallvitz Closing Hymn #256 Ye Servants of God Richmond SDA Youth David Anton Closing Prayer Sarah Gallvitz Worship Through Gifts Presentation of Gifts The Church Calendar Special Music Tamara Leach Offertory Elder Paul Bernard Today AY Afternoon @ 2:00pm, Contact: Luminita Wallis Today Bible Study: Mandarin & English April 29 Wed. night prayer @ 7:00pm May 9 Family/Women’s Day @ Richmond May 16 Breakfast in the Family #5 @ 9:00am Worship Through the Spoken Word Opening Hymn #286 Wonderful Words of Life Children” Story Darcy Wallis Scripture Reading “Luke 7:36-43” Spring Zhang Intercessory Prayer Elder Bill Wong Special Music Kiersten & Nicole Wong The Richmond Church Mission Statement Sermon “The Problem with the Church” Ps Aaron Sikhosana The mission of the Richmond SDA Church is to be a light to the community by unreserv- Closing Hymn #560 Let All Things Now Living edly following Christ's example and commission (Matthew 28:19-20), serving continually, studying constantly and loving all unconditionally. Benediction Elder Daniel Anton Announcements Iris Wong Pianist Howard Baily