The Key to Christian Service - How to Carry on Serving


The Key to Christian Service - How to Carry on Serving
For the Week of 9th March 2014
From the desk of the Team Ministers:
The Key to Christian Service
- How to Carry on Serving
and Never Give Up
As I sat at the feet of brother Ooi Boo Chye through two morning worships
on 23rd February, I went away deep in thought about his sermon, “The
Road Less Taken”. He said that life is about choices, and that the Christian
lifestyle, like everything that is worthwhile, is not easy.
How to Carry On Serving
Whether you are attempting to live the Christian
life or already giving of your best in service, you
must be prepared for challenges, problems and
difficulties. I have been asked many times, how I
was able to stay on for so many years in the ministry.
Here are some things that enabled me to carry on
serving and some lessons I have learned, so as not
to give up.
1. Understand right from the outset, that God is in
charge; that He is the one who empowers and apart
from Him, there can be no success. Whatever the
situation, no matter how depressing or despairing,
know that God is in control, and all is well because it
is in His good hands. Do not work without praying.
Your Christian walk and work is spiritual. You cannot
do it on your own strength.
2. Realise that we are imperfect, and will make
mistakes and errors of judgement. Be quick to
apologise, ready to admit shortcomings and commit
to do better. Every failure is an opportunity to
improve. Do your best and “having done all, to
stand” (Ephesians 6:13) firmly.
3. Learn to appreciate your fellow Christians and
workers. Whatever their views or methods, they
too love the Lord and want to serve Him just as
you do. Do not hold grudges and be ready to
accommodate. Be humble. Learn from others and
you will grow in your service. Rely upon the
consensus of the group - Proverbs 11:14 “but in
the multitude of counsellors there is safety.”
Why Leaders Give Up
PP is blessed with leaders and full-time workers who
are here for the long run, serving and staying faithful
for many years, some right from the beginning.
Why have others quit and abandoned their service
altogether, unable to go the distance?
1. Disregard for spiritual worship, activities and
fellowship. When we show up for a Bible class only
when we are interested in the subject or teacher,
or are too involved in our secular agenda so that
our kingdom life is deprioritized to a once-a-weekonly Sunday morning routine, it is time for us to
take stock and honestly ask ourselves if we are
giving God the best of our service and top priority.
2. Taking it personally when dealing with members,
relationships and problems. The first rule that elders,
ministers and counsellors need to ensure is that they
deal with each case the best they can, and leave it
to the Lord. Becoming over sensitive, and taking
home issues discussed in confidence will affect your
well-being, family relationships, and impede your
objectivity in dealing with the problem.
3. Championing a cause, especially against the
direction of incumbent leadership. All my life, I have
seen one Christian leader after another embark on
this slippery slope. It does not take long before
seemingly strong Christians start losing their faith.
Work with the existing leadership. Roll up your
sleeves and affect change from within. Before
championing any cause, ensure that it will unite
the church, uplift one another and glorify God.
Our Mission: We are called out to worship God in Spirit and Truth, to testify to the nations the
Gospel of Christ and to make disciples for the glory of God Almighty.
Above: PPCOC and missions partners at last year’s Asian Missions Forum. Since the last Siem Reap AMF,
more than 2 dozen members from PP have been attending this annual event, making it the largest contingent
from any congregation. Details for this year’s AMF are on the back page.
Registration for the church camp is off on a great start.
We are aiming for 500 campers this year. If you have
enjoyed the camp, get another to go with you.
For the next 3 SPC lessons we will begin a mini-series
within the current series on the book of Proverbs
focusing on the family. The topics are:
We warmly welcome to the family at PP, brother
Franklyn Genove (an engineer working in Singapore),
sisters Ella Daniela Paguila (helper of brother Charles
Pang) and Ehpril Cataggatan Cammayo (sister of
Mildred and Maribel), from the Philippines. Get to
know these new transferred members!
1. God's wisdom for the family - the home as God
would want it to be (12 March 2014).
2. God's wisdom for parents - bringing up children in
the way of the Lord (19 March 2014).
3. God's wisdom for children - remembering God in
your youth (26 March 2014).
Our young people: David Goh, Gideon Siew, Andrew
Tan, Ruth Hiew and Gillian Chong will be away for the
annual Ankor of Faith at Siem Reap, Cambodia from
the 14th-22nd of this month. Cover them
in your prayers.
The lesson on God's wisdom for the family will focus
on how we can build a happy and harmonious family
unit, why we are different (male and female) our
different roles & responsibilities as husbands, wives
and children in the home. We encourage families to
make a special effort to attend this 3 part series.
Men to Serve today and next Sunday
Scripture Text:
Call to Worship:
S. Leader:
Shepherd’s Prayer:
Call to Worship
Scripture Text:
Opening Prayer:
S. Leader:
Closing Prayer:
Psalm 115:16-18
Psalm 116:17-19
Elder Winston Chong
Gooi Leng Fong
Johnsten Wee
Elder Simon Goh
Elder Tan Beng Chuan
Elder Adrian Teo
Tan Teck Su
HI Team
Deacon Peter Lim
Roy Tay
Tan Teck Su
Kuek Lee Hock
Elder Winston Chong
Daniel Goh
HI Team
Elder Winston Chong
Psalm 100:1-5
Tran Hong An
Keith Gant
Elder William Wong
Song & Word Team
Elder Adrian Teo
Deacon Peter Lim
Psalm 117:1-2
Zachary Lee
John Lim
Elder Adrian Teo
Jason Mok
Elder Winston Chong
PPCOC's Vision: By God's grace, our vision is to be a vibrant, growing community of Christians where every member
ministers to one another. Equipped by committed servant leaders and dedicated care teams at home, and passionate
mission interest groups and partners abroad, we steward our resources responsibly for God's Kingdom.
Sunday, 9th March 2014
7:30am Shuttle Bus Service
8:00am First Morning Assembly
Speaker: Elder Beng Chuan
9:30am Bible classes for all Ages
11am Second Morning Assembly
1:15pm Shuttle Bus Ends
6:00pm Evening Assembly
“Song & Word” Team
10th-14th March 2014 SIBI Courses
9:30am Daniel and Ezekiel
by Dean Brandi Kendall
1.00pm Contemporarily Doctrine
by Dean Brandi Kendall
Wednesday, 12th March 2014
7:30pm Focusing on the family (1/3)
from the book of Proverbs
by brother Cher Yam
- bring the entire family along
8am Worship:
11am Worship:
6pm Worship:
Morning Giving
Evening Giving
Total Contribution
Pray for:
Germaine and Felicia Ong that God’s words will touch
them – Julie Wee
God’s care and protection over me during my
overseas trip from 7-13 March. God’s guidance
and strength in my daily living that my actions
may glorify God always – Lynda Wee
God’s protection over Daryl during his one month
training in Taiwan – Dennis Laws
My family to put their faith in God for all
circumstances. May they draw closer to God each
day – Amelyn Allauigan
Lord give me strength every day in my working life
– Marilou Torino (Visitor)
The healing process of my friend, Geraldine Lockhart
– Linda Malana
My good health and God’s guidance and protection
for my family – Maricel Celeste (Visitor)
God’s help to provide a job and my relationship with
God – Marianne Park (Visitor)
Me to be active and fruitful to do God’s good work
– Maribel Cammayo
The families of Molly, Grace, Rani and my family.
Brother John Chelladurai – David Dass
All to have faith in full obedience to God
– Jenny Kwa
Thank God for:
Brother Keith’s sermon – Sandra, Linda Malana,
David Dass, Josephine, Maribel Cammayo,
Lolita Cataggatan, Clarita Simon, Irene
Thong, Arniel Orejudos, Jenny Kwa, Henry
Deacon Li Chhoan’s sermon – Patrick, Henry
His forgiveness and all His blessings. My family
– Emilita Lim
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