JANUARY 16, 2016


JANUARY 16, 2016
Breakfast in the Family
CAMP HOPE – FIREWOOD – Following the ice storm earlier this year, we of LOTS of
firewood leftover. Help us defray some of the cleanup expenses. Come buy some
firewood, U-Cut and U-Load, $50 per pickup load. Contact Bill,
bgerber@bcadventist.ca or (604) 853-5451 Ext. 306 or Cell: (604) 309-8373
CAMP HOPE is turning 40 years old in 2016!! Do you have pictures from bygone years
that you could share with the camp? We are looking for group, family and sitespecific photos, i.e. by the pool, in front of the lodge, on the youth hill, etc.
Let’s Move Vancouver – Contact – Darcy Wallis @ dadowa@telus.net
Just Claim It Join us for the 5 NAD World Youth Prayer Conference on February 1720, 2016 in Ontario, California. Visit www.jciworldchangers.com for more information
and to register, or call 1-800-328-0525
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of
these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Canadian Adventist Youth Summit: Join us at Burman University on May 12-15, 2016
and experience Transcend with many of your fellow youth! Call Brian Wahl to register
at 604-308-5627 or visit www.adventistyouth.ca for more information
Vegexpo: Sunday, April 24 @ Canada Place.
The Richmond Church Leadership
Elder 1st
Church Clerk
Health Leader
Music Leader
Youth Leader
Head Deaconess
Aaron Sikhosana,
Daniel Anton,
Bill Wong,
Darren Gallvitz,
Luminita Wallis,
Shairah Bumagat,
Luminita Wallis,
Ken Takahashi,
Luminita Wallis,
Mihaela Anton
Iris Wong
Ph: 604-349-1929, Email: asikhosana@bcadvenstist.ca
Ph: 778-385-1806, Email: dananton1974@yahoo.com
Ph: 604-946-9796, Email: billiris@telus.net
Ph: 604-507-0148, Email: gallvitz@hotmail.com
Ph: 604-219-9265, Email: luminita.wallis@telus.net
Ph: 778-968-2008, Email: shairah_bumagat@yahoo.com
Ph: 604-219-9265, Email: luminita.wallis@telus.net
Ph: 604-275-9678, Email: Ken_takahashi@telus.net
Ph: 604-219-9265, Email: luminita.wallis@telus.net
Ph: 778-994-1806, Email: micky_anton@yahoo.com
Ph: 604-946-9796, Email: billiris@telus.net
Bulletin Deadline: 7:00pm, Tuesday of every week, submit to: info@richmondsda.org
Sunset Sabbath (Jan 16 & Jan 22): 4:43 and 4:52pm
JANUARY 16, 2016
Breakfast in the Family Outreach
Call to friendship & host:
Opening prayer/ blessing of the food:
Menu presentation:
Praise time:
Sabbath School summary:
Special music:
Health presentation:
Praise time:
Closing prayer:
Mihaela Anton
Elder Bill Wong
Joanne Ogawa
Wong & Co
Victoria Johnson
Zena Chebsa
Kiersten & Nicole
Darcy Wallis
Wong & Co
Elder Darren Gallvitz
The Richmond Church at Worship
Opening Hymn
Children Story
Offertory Reading
Praise Time
Intercessory Prayer
The Written Word
Elder Bill Wong
#318 Whiter than Snow
Elder Bill Wong
Shawna Takahashi
Dianne Gallvitz
Wong & Co. (#309 & 330)
Elder Darren Gallvitz
Monica Jemmott/Hawking Tan
“Leviticus 16:1-10”
Kiersten & Nicole Wong
Special Music
Pls join & meet in fellowship hall
Nick Ditomaso
“Management of Sin”
The Richmond Church @ Study (Sanctuary)
Adult Lesson
Closing song
The Richmond Church Calendar
Jan. 17
Jan. 19
Jan. 20
Jan. 22
Jan. 30
Bible Study: with sis Annie
Pathfinders: Tobogganing @ Mt. Seymour. Contact: Br Daniel
Tues Morning Prayer Group: @6:30AM, 778-775-3470, PIN:
Wed Night Prayer Mtg: @ 7PM, Darren/Topic: Repentance
Friday Night Prayer: @ 6:30pm
Evangelism Training Session: 2:00 – 4:00pm
Wed Prayer Night: All February prayer night cancelled
Evangelism Campaign: Pls see insert for details
Announcements: Iris/Daniel
#301 Nearer, Still Nearer
Elder Bill Wong
Kiersten Wong
The Richmond Church after Service Schedule
Fellowship Meal
Bible Studies
Budget required: Nov.
# Contributors:
All Welcome!
Fellowship Hall
Budget received: Nov.