April 5, 2015 - Sacramento State Newman Center


April 5, 2015 - Sacramento State Newman Center
April 5, 2015
The Newman Catholic Community provides a welcoming, supportive environment where students and
The Newman Catholic
a welcoming,
the community
at large provides
come together
to grow in their
students and the community at large come together to grow in their Catholic faith.
A Message from Father Roland
Newman Center News
Dear Newman Community:
It’s hard to imagine that Easter, in terms of importance, is actually greater than Christmas. In fact, it is
the mother of all liturgical feasts and celebrations. The resurrection of Christ has given us hope of
eternal life and a testament of God’s power over sin and death, the last thing according to scriptures
to be defeated. Imagine if Christ had never risen, what is there to live for or to look forward to? What
is there to hope? Our lives would not have any meaning at all which the prophet Isaiah compares to a
parched earth and weary desert. Recall the Samaritan woman who kept coming to draw water from
Jacob’s well and how our Lord himself had told her, “Everyone who drinks this water here will be
thirsty again but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never thirst.” Had she not met Jesus, she
would have only drawn water to satisfy her physical thirst. She would not have known that there’s
actually a spring of water that wells up for eternal life. Without Easter, we would not have known what
goes beyond our physical life because everything would have ended in death. And so we have reason
to rejoice, because Christ conquered his last enemy which is death. It makes perfect sense therefore
why Easter is the most important thing there is in life. And why it is greater than Christ’ birth because
even that itself would have no meaning if Christ never resurrected.
We all are a people that love a good ending be it a movie, a game, a trip, a television series etc. because whether it leaves us that great and wonderful feeling. It’s something that makes for a good closure without that sort of angst and unsatisfactory experience. Even a movie ending on a tragic note
when done in a justified manner can still leave us a feeling of acceptance and peace. Easter Sunday
certainly more than makes up for Good Friday. All of a sudden that terrible image of Jesus before
Pilate and the Roman soldiers is now replaced with him grilling fish on the seashore for his disciples
and all these wonderful resurrection stories. What a joy and consolation to know that we too in the
end will be writing the same great story and will have the same beautiful ending. And that is all because Christ rose from the dead.
My dear friends, we are all called each day to live the joy of the gospel and to proclaim the marvels
the Lord has done because our story does not end on Good Friday but on Easter Sunday. As they
say, there are 3 grand essentials to happiness in this life and those are, something to do, something
to love and something to hope for. No doubt, Easter is about all those.
Have a wonderful Easter Season!
Father Roland
Sunday Mass: 9:00 am, 10:30 am (interpreted for the deaf) and 7:30 pm student mass when CSUS
is in session.
R.C.I.A: Process for becoming Catholic for adults. For information call Candy Pulliam: 813-5475
College Student Meetings: 6:30 pm on Wednesday evenings: mass/prayer, dinner, and activity
when CSUS is in session. Young adults welcomed.
Sunday Student Socials: After the 7:30 pm Mass when CSUS is in session.
Sacraments of Penance: By appointment.
Baptism: For more information call Deacon Joe and Patti Symkowick at 481-7857.
Serving at Loaves & Fishes: 3rd Saturday of the month. Sign up in the lobby on the Sunday prior.
Ministerial Team - (916) 454-4188
Fr. Roland Ramirez: Director
Mary Ann Williams: Business Manager
Maggie Kawasaki-Murray: Teens/College Prog.
Candy Pulliam: RCIA/Family Programs
Deacon Joe Symkowick: Infant Baptism
Kathy Anuszczyk: Liturgy/Music Ministry
Michael Lopez-Garcia: Sacristan/Liturgy
John Watling: Facility Operations Manager
ext. 11
ext. 10
(623) 640-5834
ext. 19
Brittany Chamalbide: Office Assistant
Student Minister Team:
Laura Contreras
Darius Decker
Steven Gudino
Michael Sousa Johnson
Jarrod Monninger
Marie Weider
College & Young Adult Mass: Sunday evening - 7:30pm
College Night: Wednesday night Mass & dinner - 6:30pm
Young Women’s Ministry: 2nd and 4th Mondays of the
month at 7:00pm.
Moms, Tots and Talks: Mondays at 9:30am
Teen Group Meeting: Sunday, April 26th at 5:00pm. Please
note: There will not be a teen meeting on April 12th.
College Spring Retreat: April 12th
Sac State 5k Fun Run: April 30th at 6pm
For those who haven’t attended a Wednesday College Night yet, dinner is on us! We
begin with a casual style Mass at 6:30pm in
our living room, followed by a delicious dinner
prepared by Code 3 Catering and lots of fun activities.
College students are also welcome to study in our library
and have free access to WiFi, computers and printer
throughout the school year.
Sunday Evening Mass begins at
7:30pm followed by an ice cream social.
All college age students are invited to
attend, whether from Sacramento State
or surrounding community colleges.
Young Women’s Ministry
The Young Women’s Ministry (WYM) Bible
Study will meet throughout the school year
on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month
at 7:00pm. Women ages 18-35 are invited
to nurture their faith together through worship, study, service, and fellowship. Please contact Stacy
Saelee at cecedan8@gmail.com.
Young Adult Ministry
The Young Adult Ministry will meet on the first and
third Thursdays of the month at 7 PM at the Newman
Center. All are welcome. Pizza will be provided.
Sac State 5K Fun Run
Save the date for the Sac State 5K Fun
Run on April 30th at 6pm. Registration is
open now—price will increase closer to the
run. Please make sure to join the Newman
Catholic Community team when you register.
Register at:thewell.csus.edu/5k/register
The Lilies that Adorn our Altar this
Easter Season are in Memory and Honor of
Friends, Families and Loved Ones
of the Newman Catholic Community
Jesse "Chuy"Ortiz Ocelotl, Vikki Holmes, Margaret Hilts,
Archie Morse, Al Helmar, Cirilo & Josaphine Garcia,
Daniel & Lily Lopez, Denise C. Morris , Felipe Lago,
Concha Lago, Hans Friedrich, Josephine &
John Friedrich, James R. Shelden, Edgar & Lyllis Sheldon, Bernardin & Ivan Stephens, Daryl Stephens, The
Anderson Family & Friends, Margaret Pendola, Kathy
King, Tony Saldavor, Alice & Frank Beck, Kathryan & Art
Roy, Mary Ellen Cline, Jason McKenna, Jim Schekall,
Jim McKenna, Michael Soliz, Ann Biegler, Hugh McDonald, Rosemarie & Michael Bilello, Chris Ely, Anthony
Marinello, Helen Ricky, Tom Burke, Denis F. Donovan,
John Greenwood, Tara Michelle Bohine, Aloyse Aubery,
James Shelden, Diance Finnecy, Len Terra, Ray Rodriguez, Roger Tomasino, The Copland Family, Patty Higgins, Ellen Maita, Malvetti Family, Bill & Marilyn Hanson,
Jopseph & Cathy Wesp, Mike & Ashly Wesp, Robert
Dolin, Robert Oldham, Carmel Ferreira, John Robert
Keane, Alez Mauro, Fred Schroeder, Nancy & Ceasar
Abate, Victor Almaraz, Jessie & Vic Jr. Almaraz, Magdaleno & Juana Soto, Walter & Louise Hanagan, Matt & Pat
Mezger, Pat Jonas, Nykyfor Nimchuk, Carmel
De Michael Nimchuk, Joe & Barbara Pedrezo,
Walter Dawidizik, Peter Curatolo, Julia Curatolo, Jessie
Castle, Eileen Shanley, Nellie Trimboli,
William Castle, Mary Staley, Agnes Ocenosak
Adult Bible Study Group
We focus on the Sunday Readings with
emphasis on the Gospel. Join us to
gain a better understanding of each
week’s Gospel and study how to use it
in your everyday life. Draw closer to
Christ in a safe comfortable group; we
will focus on participation and personal journaling as well.
If you’re looking to get more involved, meet a few new
Newman friends and have fun, then this group is for you!
We meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at 5:30pm in the
Annex. The next meeting is on April 12th.
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Presentation by Kathy Kelly
Sunday, April 26th at 5:30PM - All are invited!
Kathy Kelly is a well-known Catholic Peace Activist who
among other things has been nominated for the Nobel
Peace Prize. She will speak about her trips to Afghanistan
where she has spoken with many ordinary people affected
by war. In addition she will examine the U.S. drone program
and its detrimental effect on civilian society in Afghanistan
and elsewhere. As Kathy recently served 3 months in prison
for protesting drones, she will also recount her experience
living among women prisoners abandoned and warehoused
by U.S. society.
Annual Auction
Saturday, May 2nd, 2015
The Newman prayer group meets every Tuesday
evening at 8:15 in the chapel for a brief gathering
with prayers of intentions and meditation. All are
welcome to join us! For more information contact
Maya at mekey@sheldonkey.us.
Dinner Menu: Baby Back Ribs, Barbecued Chicken, Coleslaw, Macaroni Salad, BBQ beans, Corn on the Cob,
Cheesecake. YUM!
Save the date for the fantastic Newman Center Silent and
Live Auction which will be on Saturday, May 2 nd, 2015. Our
theme is “River City Casino Cruise” and we want to have a
grand party to remember forever! Proceeds from the auction support our student programs; therefore, we need everyone’s generous donations and participation. We are requesting that you solicit donations from businesses you
support and to donate at least one NEW item with a value
of $50 or more. Event tickets are $40.00 and include appetizers and dinner along with some fun bidding and raffles.
Student Spring Retreat is Sunday, April 12th.
We are headed to Sonoma Ropes Course in the Redwood
Forest. Cost is $30 a person and that includes your meals
for the day. Signup sheets are in the Lobby. Any questions
please contact Maggie Kawasaki-Murray,
Newman Center Parking Reminder
The Knights of Columbus have been kind
enough to let our community members
park in their back parking lot during our
Sunday masses. They have requested that
we please not use their front lot. Their facility and front parking lot are rented out to
another group on Sunday mornings. Your
cooperation is very much appreciated.
We also accept cash donations and auction sponsorships.
So, get a group together and plan to vacation with us on
the “River City Casino Cruise!”
Planning meetings are on Tuesdays at 6:30 in the main
April 7th, 21st and 28th
Our Community Auction Sponsorship campaign has begun
rollin' down the river! Please join our River Cruisers by contributing at one of the following levels:
 Premiere Deck- $2,500
 Gala Deck - $1,000
 Lido Deck - $500
 Riviera Deck - $250
 Sports Deck - $100
River City Casino Cruisers
will be recognized the night of the auction and in the Sunday bulletin.
Thanks in advance for your generosity and support.
Paula and Dennis Curran, Laura Orr & Debbie Vanderford
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Thank you.
Our Moms, Tots and Talk Group
wishes to thank all the moms and
soon-to-be moms who have joined us
and to all those who might be thinking
about joining us, please do! We welcome new moms all the time. We
have had some great conversation
about the things we all struggle with. We have fun sharing
ideas and discussing parenthood/children and faith. We meet
on Mondays at Newman from 9:30am to 11:00am. If you have
questions please contact Jill at (916) 204-0992.
Please remember to use your SaveMart card and/or
your Raley’s/Bel Air ID number when buying your
groceries—It’s Free Money for Newman Center
every time you shop.
Sunday Readings
04/05/15: Easter Sunday
of the Resurrection of the
First Reading- Acts 10:34a,
We ate and drank with him
after he rose from the dead.
Second Reading- 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8
Clear out the old yeast, so that you may become a
fresh batch of dough.
Gospel- John 20:1-9
He had to rise from the dead.
04/12/15: Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of
the Divine Mercy)
First Reading- Acts 4:32-35
They were of one heart and mind.
Second Reading- 1 John 5:1-6
Whoever is begotten by God conquers the world.
Gospel- John 20:19-31
Eight days later Jesus came and stood in their midst.
CRS Fair Trade Coffee
Do you like to start your day with a cup of
coffee? Our Catholic Relief Service representatives make it easy to make a conscience decision when purchasing your coffee. They sell organic, fair trade coffee, after each Mass.
In addition to helping the people of the countries the coffee is grown, a portion of the proceeds also support CRS
and the Newman Catholic Community!
Music Ministry
Newman's music ministry would like to extend an invitation to all singers and musicians, teens and adults, to join us. We take
great joy in making music that leads our
community's prayer. Did you know singing is
a great stress reliever? We meet
two Thursday evenings each month. Contact Kathy for
more information at: 747-4398 or email:
Lazarus Ministry at Newman Center
The Newman Lazarus Ministry is here to
help assist with Christ centered caring for
members of the Newman Catholic Community during times of illness, hospitalization
and grief. If you need assistance or know of
someone in our community who does,
please don’t hesitate to call. Linda McKenna: 451-9767,
Rose Vasquez: 482-0179, or Gerry Keane: 686-6896.
04/19/15: Third Sunday of Easter
First Reading- Acts 3:13-15, 17-19
The author of life you put to death, but God raised
him from the dead.
Second Reading- 1 John 2:1-5a
Jesus Christ is expiation not for our sins only but for
those of the whole world.
Gospel- Luke 24:35-48
Thus it was written that the Christ would suffer and
rise from the dead on the third day.
Registration now open for Camp Pendola
Catholic Identity through small group Christian living is a part of the
mission of Camp Pendola. Each cabin group has the opportunity to
learn to live and play together with a college age counselor leading
the way in a fun environment that experiences the wonders of God’s
gift of creation. For more information check out our web site
www.pendola.org or call 916-733-0123.
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