April 24, 2016 - St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center
April 24, 2016 - St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center
1615 East 2nd Street, Tucson, AZ 85719; 520.327.4665; Fax 520.327.6559; Newman@UACatholic.org; www.UACatholic.org April 24, 2016 LITURGY SCHEDULE SATURDAY VIGIL MASS 5:15 PM SUNDAY MASSES 8:00, 9:30 AM, 11:15 AM, 5:00 PM & 7:00PM FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER This Newman Center is served by the Friars of the Western Dominican Province and the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose (or by appointment with a priest) Fr. Albert Felice-Pace, OP, Pastor (albert.felicepace@gmail.com) Fr. Jacek Buda, OP, Associate Pastor (jbuda@UACatholic.org) Fr. Donald Bramble, OP, Associate Pastor (djbramble@icloud.com) Sr. Angelica Velez, OP, Pastoral Associate (SrAngelica@UACatholic.org) Jane Furet, Religious Ed Coordinator (boscoeman@earthlink.net) Walter Tearne, Facility Manager (walt@uacatholic.org) Johnny Granillo, Maintenance Office Hours In Residence: Fr. Robert Burns, OP MONDAY—FRIDAY Morning Prayer: 7:30 AM Evening Prayer: 5:00 PM Daily Mass: 5:15 PM RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00-5:00 PM Sunday 4:00-4:45 PM Mon-Friday 9:30-4:00 PM MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK NEWMAN CENTER COMMUNITY Fifth Sunday of Easter 4/24 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:15 AM 5:00 PM Pro Populo 7:00 PM Monday, St. Mark the Evangelist 4/25 5:15 PM William Hanley Tuesday, Easter Weekday 4/26 5:15 PM Wednesday, Easter Weekday 4/27 5:15 PM Thursday, St. Peter Chanel/St. Louis Montifort 4/28 5:15PM Friday, St. Catherine of Siena 4/29 5:15PM Saturday, St. Pius V, Pope 4/30 5:00 PM FIRST HOLY COMMUNION A NOTE FROM FR. ALBERT I am happy to announce that the Provincial, Fr. Mark Padrez, and Bishop Kicanas have appointed Fr. John Paul Forté, O.P. as the new Pastor of the UofA Newman Center. Congratulations! Father John Paul will be visiting us towards the end of this month. Welcome Father John Paul! Here is a bit of information Father John Paul would like to share with you. “Where is God, and where is the kingdom? This question was a part of my daily thoughts, and quest as an individual and campus minister at the Newman Center at Catholic Community at UC San Diego. I was born and educated in Los Angeles for the first 21 years of my life. My parents were working professionals who reminded their 5 children, that you have to work hard, but also to give back, as well. In high school I decided that whatever my future held, it would be something that was a helping career. I continued my college education and discernment of the future in the Bay area by entering the Dominican Order. After 8 years of study, prayer, community life, and searching for truth, direction and fulfillment - I was ordained a priest for the Western Dominican Province on June 11, 1993. I have served in San Francisco, Palo Alto, Stanford University, and UC San Diego in La Jolla, CA. I love campus ministry, and I am looking forward to meeting you and sharing in your active involvement in the Newman Center. May it be a year of coming and discovering.., exploring and growing.., and sharing the truth of God's reign among us” Special prayers to the six children who received First Holy Communion on Saturday, April 23. Special thanks to Mrs. Jane Piaggi-Furet, Ms. Cecilia Read, and Ms. Emily Chmura for preparing the children this year. STUDENT DINNER Sunday, April 24 Enchiladas, rice, beans, salsa, cookies 6PM Green Hall MONDAY NIGHT ADORATION There will be no Adoration this Monday night ROOF PARTY Join us as we bless our new roof! Saturday, April 30 After the 5:15 Mass Special Event: Fr. Albert to be hoisted up by the 'Cherry Picker' to bless the new roof. Hosted by the Newman Foundation BACCALAUREATE MASS Save the date Sunday, May 8, at 5:00PM Let us pray for our students as they prepare for finals. SAVE THE DATE 40th Ordination Anniversary Father Don Bramble Saturday, June 4, 2016 5:15PM Reception Following SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE The summer Mass schedule will begin on Sunday, May 15. Masses will be 9:30AM, 11:15AM, and 5PM. The Saturday Vigil Mass remains at 5:15PM CATHOLIC APPEAL UPDATE Father John Paul Forté, O.P. As of 4/21/16, sixty-three donors contributed to the Annual Catholic Appeal. So far we have reached 80% of our goal. If you have not contributed, please do so. Let's reach our goal as a gift to our Bishop who will send the mandatory letter of resignation when he reaches 75 this summer! ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER WEEKLY READINGS Monday—1Pt 5:5b-14; Mk 16:15-20 Tuesday—Acts 14:19-28; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday—Acts 15:1-6; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday—Acts 15:7-21; Jn 15:9-11 Friday—Acts 15:22-31; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday—Acts 16:1-10; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday—Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23;Jn 14:23-29 I encourage you to use the EFT for your weekly offering. We have 40 parishioners who donate thru the EFT. Thank you. We are completing our updates on EFT’s. If you have any concerns, please call Sister Angelica. STEWARDSHIP REPORT For April 17, 2016 Offertory $2,529.17
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