Saints Agatha and James Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company


Saints Agatha and James Parish - John Patrick Publishing Company
Saints Agatha and James Parish
Welcomes You
February 1, 2015
Parish Office
3720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
267-787-5000 / Fax: 215-386-5899
Sodalitium Christianae Vitae
Rev. Carlos Keen, Parochial Administrator, 267-787-5000 #2
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Sodalit Community House
3728 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Members of SCV in residence:
Mr. Ricardo Simmonds, Director, Penn Newman
Mr. Javier de la Flor, Director of Communications
Mr. Michael Gokie, Director, Drexel Newman
Finance Ministries
Kathleen Chovanes, Director of Development; 267-787-5000 #5
Matthew Smith, Business Manager
Operational and Office Ministries
Joseph Lamb, Director of Operations; 215-513-6327
Carole Tokarczyk, Office Manager; 267-787-5000 #1
Parish Ministries
Doug Brintnall, Director; 267-228-2559
Drexel Newman Ministry
3720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Drexel Newman Office, 3rd Floor, Rm 310
Paul Peck PSR Building
33rd & Arch Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19104
215-901-3420 / Fax: 215-386-5899
Penn Newman Ministry
3720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
267-787-5000 #3 / Fax: 215-386-5899
Weekend Mass Schedule
The following weekend Masses are celebrated in the Church Building at 38th & Chestnut Streets:
Sunday Masses: 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 5:30 PM, and 9:00PM.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: In Church thirty (30) minutes before each Sunday Mass.
Weekday Mass Schedule
The following weekday Masses are celebrated in the St. Bede Chapel in the Newman Center, 3720 Chestnut Street:
Monday - Friday: 12:05 PM; Saturday: 8:30 AM
St. Katharine Drexel Chapel, 33rd and Arch Streets, Rm 311, is open when the Paul Peck PSR Building is open.
The Church of St. Agatha – St. James
This Week at St. Agatha – St. James
From Fr. Carlos: Noteworthy February Days
Presentation of the Lord: Candlemass, Monday, Feb. 2:
This feast day has a long and interesting history in the
Church. At the end of the 4th century, a woman named Etheria
made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Her journal, discovered in
1887, gives an unprecedented glimpse of liturgical life there.
Among the celebrations she describes are the Epiphany
(January 6), the observance of Christ’s birth, and the gala
procession in honor of His Presentation in the Temple 40 days
later —then, February 15.
Saturday, January 31
8:30AM Mass Intentions of SS AJ Faith Community
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 1
9:30AM Mass In Memory of Rose and Joseph Candeloro
and Maryann DeMarco
11:30AM Mass In Memory of Vincente Senetore, Sr.
5:30PM Mass Intentions of the Dabney Family
9:00PM Mass
Monday, February 2
The Presentation of the Lord
One Daily Mass 12:05PM Newman Center Monday-Friday
6:30PM Chapel Rosary/Vespers M.T, W, Th, and F
Tuesday, February 3
12:05PM Mass Blessing of Throats during Mass
Wednesday, February 4
12:05PM Mass In Memory of Joseph Dong
Thursday, February 5
12:05PM Mass Intentions of Dong Han (Albert) Kim
Friday, February 6
12:05PM Mass Intentions of Dong Han (Albert) Kim
Saturday, February 7
8:30AM Mass Intentions of SS AJ Faith Community
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 8
9:30AM Sunday Mass Fr. Carlos
11:30AM Sunday Mass Fr. George
5:30PM Sunday Mass Fr. Carlos
9:00PM Sunday Mass Fr. Carlos
The observance spread throughout the Western Church in the
5th and 6th centuries. With Jesus’ birth celebrated on Dec. 25,
the Presentation was Feb. 2, 40 days after Christmas and
Pope Sergius I (687-701) instituted the candlelight procession.
At the end of the 8th century, the blessing and distribution of
candles became part of the celebration, hence the popular
name Candlemass, a day of hope and light on which we
honor the Lord as the Light of the World. All are welcome to
bring candles to be blessed to the Noon Mass on Feb. 2.
Blessing of Throats: In observance and honor of the Feast
of St. Blaise on February 3, we will be blessing throats at the
Noon Mass on Tuesday. Although little is actually known
about St. Blaise, he is a saint who enjoys a familiar and
widespread devotion. For many decades, US Catholics have
sought the annual St. Blaise blessing for their throats.
According to the legendary Acts of St. Blaise, written years
after his death, Blaise was a good bishop, working hard to
encourage the spiritual and physical health of his people. As
legend has it, a mother came to him with her young son who
had a fish bone lodged in his throat. At Blaise’s command, the
child was able to cough up the bone. Despite the Edict of
Toleration (311) granting freedom of worship in the Roman
Empire, persecution was widespread in Armenia. Blaise was
arrested, taken to prison where he refused to sacrifice to
pagan idols. St. Blaise was tortured and martyred in
Sebastea, Armenia in 316.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Thirty Minutes before each Sunday Mass
Food Outreach to the Hungry: Help serve food to the
homeless on Mondays and/or Wednesdays in the Church
Hall, 5:45-7:15PM. Enter at rear of Church from parking lot.
Info: Tim at 908-358-9473 or
Ash Wednesday, February 18: Although not a Holy Day of
Wednesday Evening Candlelight Adoration and Mass:
Join us Wednesdays for Adoration at 9:00PM and Mass at
9:30PM in Church. Everyone is welcome!
Obligation, many people like to begin the Lenten season by
attending Mass or a Prayer Service and receiving ashes.
7:30AM Prayer Service in Church
12:05PM Mass in Church
5:15PM Mass in Church
There also will be two evening Prayer Services, one on the
Penn campus and one on the Drexel campus. See websites.
Ashes will be distributed at all Masses and Prayer Services.
Weekday Rosary/Vespers: In the Newman Center Chapel
at 6:30PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday. Please join us!
Meditation Prayer Group: This ecumenical group meets
Wednesdays 6-7:00PM in the Newman Center. Learn to pray
in the Christian contemplative tradition. Contact Tom at or 484-995-4046.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 1
Explanation Point: Jesus taught with authority and acted
with power.
Application Point: This week, imitate Jesus: speak with
authority and confront evil.
Hear Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation The Joy of the
Gospel: Where? Come to the Cathedral Basilica of Saints
Peter and Paul, 1723 Race Street, Philadelphia. Why? To hear
excerpts from The Joy of the Gospel. Expert panels will discuss
and explain the “New Evangelization” and especially how
families can put Pope Francis’ words into action. When?
Saturdays: February 7 and 14 after the 5:15PM Saturday Mass.
To Register/for more info E-mail
giving your name and phone number. Or call Sister Sophie
Sunday, February 1
Masses in Church at 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 5:30PM, 9:00PM
Weekday Daily Mass at 12:05PM in Chapel
Saturday Daily Mass at 8:30AM in Chapel
St. Bede Chapel, Upper Level, Newman Center
186 Saints Agatha and James
The Church of St. Agatha – St. James
World Meeting of Families Philadelphia 2015 Prayer
Yondura, SSJ, at 215-424-1300 or Michael Campbell at 215407-7402 with any questions. Free will offering to be accepted.
God and Father of us all, in Jesus, Your Son
and our Savior, You have made us Your sons
and daughters in the family of the Church.
Interested in the Traditional Latin Mass? At Holy Trinity R.C.
Church, 615 Spruce Street on Sundays at 12:00 Noon. For
more info about the Traditional Latin Mass, visit or call Lucia Shen 215-222-5757.
May Your grace and love help our families in
every part of the world be united to one
another in fidelity to the Gospel.
Catholic Forum: We meet each Sunday morning after the
9:30AM Mass. Join us in the Newman Center, lower level, and
share fellowship and reflect on the readings of Sunday's Mass.
May the example of the Holy Family, with the
aid of Your Holy Spirit, guide all families,
especially those most troubled, to be homes of
communion and prayer and to always seek
Your truth and live in Your love.
Circle of St. Bede: Tuesday, Feb. 3, 8AM, Newman Center,
lower level. “Padre Pio and the World Today.” Readings from
Padre Pio: the True Story, C. Bernard Ruffin. 1982. Led by Dr.
Tom Connolly. Please join us for interesting discussions.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Pray for us!
Parish Pay: Support your Parish by using Parish Pay!
Write for Parish Pay information!
For more info about World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia
Sunday Offertory Report:
Week of January 18, 2015
Thank you for supporting Saints Agatha and James!
Total Collection
Drexel Connections: There is a new schedule of
Connections meetings for the winter term. All Drexel
students are welcome to join! For the January Connections
schedule, write to
Visit the St. Katharine Drexel Chapel, Rm. 311, 33rd & Arch
Sts., Paul Peck PSR Bldg.
No. of Electronic Donations
Spiritual Mentoring/Direction: Meet one-on-one with a
professional minister. Several mentors are available to
students. See
Pre-Cana Retreat: This Pre-Cana Retreat is designed to help
couples achieve life-long joy-filled marriages. Prior to the PreCana Retreat, you and your future spouse complete an
inventory of questions called FOCCUS to identify topics to
discuss with the help of a certified FOCCUS facilitator. These
entail 1-3 hours of facilitated meetings between you and your
future spouse to review the results of the FOCCUS inventory.
These meetings can be scheduled after the first day of the PreCana Retreat which consists of two full Saturdays about a
month apart. Spaces are limited. On the two retreat days,
married couples lead sessions on key issues for married life,
ranging from managing finances jointly to understanding
marriage as a Sacrament. The Pre-Cana Retreat should occur
about six months before your wedding. Next Retreat: Saturday,
February 28 (9:30AM - 4:30PM) and March 21, 2015 (10:00AM 6:00PM, including Mass and a special blessing for couples). It is
held at the Newman Center, 3720 Chestnut Street. Lunch is
provided; all-inclusive cost is $235 @ couple. Email Emily at to reserve a place or call 267.787.5000.
Get Connected!
Register on Flocknote for info on
Newman activities
Connections: A weekly small-group program featuring
social opportunities, discussion on how faith impacts our
lives and prayer. Email Fr. Carlos for more info.
Penn Awakening Retreat #1! All Penn undergrads are
invited to this new student-led retreat program, a great
opportunity to build community and go deeper in faith.
February 20-22, 2015. Register by Feb. 3 at
Newman Night: Recent comments by Pope Francis have led
to renewed conversation about the Church’s relationship with
people who identify as LGBT. All are welcome to join us for a
great discussion on Thurs., Feb. 5, 7:00PM, Newman Center.
Planning a Wedding? Call 267-787-5000. Interested in
Joining the Parish? 267-787-5000 or
Alternative Spring Break: The trip includes serving the
homeless in Denver followed by a pilgrimage from Taos to the
Santuario de Chimayo in New Mexico. Contact Mari-Ana
Narbon (
Catholic Relief Services Collection: Thank you for your
donations last Sunday to this Archdiocesan collection which
helps the poor at home and around the world.
Connections: A weekly small-group program featuring
Newman Thursday Dinners 6:00PM: $5 dinners are each
week on Thursday in the Newman Center, lower level.
Drexel, Penn & USci students welcome!
social opportunities, discussion on how faith impacts our
lives and prayer. Email Jeff Klein.
186 Saints Agatha and James
Telephone: (215) 222-0222
Fax: (215) 222-6666
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