Bulletin - Sacred Heart Church


Bulletin - Sacred Heart Church
JULY 5, 2015
When the Sabbath came he
began to teach in the synagogue,
and many who heard him were
astonished. They said, "Where
did this man get all this?
What kind of wisdom has been given him? What mighty
deeds are wrought by his hands?"
- Mk 6:2
I 0:00AM
July 4
Pastor's Intention
July 5
For Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church
Pastor's Intention
July 6
Leonard Spinelli, requested by the Mangini
Carmine Cacciatore, Birthday Memorial,
requested by his wife & family
July 8
Joseph & Domenica Mola, Anniversary
Memorial, requested by the Mola family
July 9
Pastor's Intention
July 10
Pastor's Intention
July 11
Josephine Papia, Birthday Memorial, requested
by the family
July 12
For Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church
Mary Foti, 3rd Anniversary Memorial, requested
by the family
The St. Francis Flowers for the week are an Anniversary Memo­
rial, for Joseph M. Delfino, requested by his mom, dad, sister &
GOD .-~
II1II ..
Our prayer corner gives an opportunity to place those in need of
prayer at the center of our hearts, minds and prayers. It is also an
opportunity for those in need of spiritual uplifting, healing and
comfort to seek prayers of the conunwlity. If you would like to
submit a name for the prayer corner, e-mail us at sa­
credheart311@aol.com. Before placing the name of others on the
list, please seek the approval of the person, or the family of the
person whose name you are submitting.
Please Pray For ...
Rosanne Taddeo, Terry Melanson, Charles Gray, Diane Pa~lm,
Linda Bourgeois, Pete Klich, Tommy Thompson, Tracey C., Llllda
A., George Comeau, Zita Bernard & Pauline, Marie & Rejean Al­
bert, Lynn Adams, Laurie & James Cochran, Ruth Landsma~,
Louise & Danny Leblanc, Bud L, Yanna, Ralph Thompson, Sonja
Granskou, John C. Richard McDonald, Marie Sonier, Jo1m & Mar­
garet, Marie Woodside, Joarrne Evans, Taylor C, Joepowns, Mar­
garet, Nicole MacDonald, Richard MWlJhy, Jr., VIctor Palaz~o,
Lillian Sagan, Regina Sagan, Eileen Palumbo, Jean McLane, Llll­
da Roy, Donna Casey, Jim M, Christopher Whalen, Lara Rey~­
olds, Madeline Albanese, Rose Scafidi, Roseann Trolan, DennIs
Harnedy, Gloria Van Buskirk, Cora Jean Williams, Ruth Varley,
William 1. Cleary, Lydia Melong, Charles Linehan, Fintan Stan­
ley, Karin Conti, Evelyn Guelli, Todd Lawrence, Andy O'Brie~,
Silas Huffman, Michael Weekley, Kevin McNamara, M.L. O'Bn­
en, Nicole Corrigan, Tom R., Carole Knox, Sally Mae, Jessica,
Alice B., Joseph Lee, Douglas Lee, Paul Perry, Rose Ballo, Ruth
Mulligan, Mark Elliott and all men and women deployed aroun.d
the world in military service, and all people confined to thelf
homes because of illness or age and all who are ill or undergoing
medical treatment. Please keep in you're prayers the family of
Susan Mizzoni and all the families grieving the loss of a loved
Readings for the Week of July 5, 2015
Ez 2:2-5/2 Cor 12:7-10IMk 6:1-6a
Gn 28:10-22alMt 9:18-26
Gn 32:23-33IMt 9:32-38
Gn 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24alMt 10:1-7
Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29; 45:1-5IMt 10:7-15
Gn 46:1-7, 28-301Mt 10:16-23
Gn 49:29-32; 50: 15-26a!Mt 10:24-33
Am 7:12-15/Eph 1:3-14 or 1:3-10IMk 6:7-13
Next Sunday:
Sharing Time, Talent and Treasure
The Collection last week was: $ The Second Collection this weekend is for our Catholic School Support. Mission Appeal Weekend of July 18-19 We wiII welcome, Sr. Margaret Holleran SSC , Missionary Sisters of St. Columban, to our parish on the weekend of July 18-19,2015. Sister Margaret wiII speak to our parish family on their work in the Far East where their efforts support the Gospel message of Jesus. Sister served in the Philippines and is now based in Boston. She will be inviting you to participate in the missionary work of the Church and of her order. The sec­
ond collection will be for the annual mission appeal under the 2015 Missionary Co-operative Plan for the Diocese. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you. 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH NEWS, Continued
PARISH NEWS, Continued
June 27th & 28th
Weekly Offertory
$ 5125.00
$ 454.98
On Line Giving (We Share)
Additional Parish Income
$ 625.00
$ 6204.98
Total Income
Peter's Pence
$ 831.00
Weekly Expenditures
$ nJa
STEWARDSHIP: SHARING TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE "The community ofbelievers was ofone heart and mind and no
one claimed that any ofhis possessions was his own. " - Acts 4:32
All that we are and all that we have is a gift from God! Think of your family, your friends , your talents and abilities - these are all gifts from God. We aren't really owners of anything; we are merely "stewards" of the gifts God has blessed us with. STEW ARDSHIP AND THE SUNDAY GOSPEL
St. Paul declares in hi s letter to the Corinthians, the Second Read­
ing, " For when I am weak, then I am strong." Cel1ainly anyone
who knows much about St. Paul would not view him as a weak
~an. This is a man who, through his strong faith , put his life in
Jeopardy co~stantly. ~e endured imprisonment and shipwrecks.
Y~t, h~ admit:, ~o havIng weaknesses. There is something humili­
atl~g. 10 . a~lJl1Ittm.g one's weaknesses. Humility is an important
traIt.m hvmg a hfe of stewardship. Being able to recognize and
admit our sh0l1comings is essential for us to have the strength
P~ul dem?nstrates. That is his point in today's reading, and it con­
tams an Important message for each of us.The reason st. Paul
finds strength in his limitations is because he is aware that the
Lord will provide the power needed in the midst of those deficien­
cies. Paul's life is God-centered. Living life that way is exactly
the way one can best follow stewardship as a way of life. Paul
prefaces hiS statement a?out bejng weak and strong by writing the
messal?e he ha:, been given by the Lord, who said to him: "My
grace IS sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weak­
ness." M~y we pray for the strength of God 's presence, and may
we be wIllmg to seek humility to truly find our strengths. For
more reflections on scripture and stewardship log on to:
Duringthe sUlruner months beginning July I s l through Labor Day,
the Pansh Office Hours will be Monday-Thursday fTom 9:00AM­
3 : 00~M . The Religious EducationNouth Ministry staff members
vacatIOn schedules have yet to be determined therefore it is ad­
vised to call the Faith Formation Office before 'visiting.
It' s time for our most popular trip! Join us for an exciting and fun­
fille? day at ~OXWOO?s Resort Casino - the internationally rec­
ogl1lzed gam mg. des.tmatlOn and world 's largest casino . As many
of you ~now, thiS tnp fills up quickly, so be sure to make your
reservatIOns now - y ou could be a lucky winner. Saturday, August
1st., our luxury coach departs at 8:30PM sharp from Sacred Heart
Church parking lot, arrives at 10:30PM to Foxwoods Resort &
Casino. We will leave the casino at 4:30PM and retwn to Sacred
Heart at .6:30PM. Cost of the trip is $24/per person' the Casino
package includes: Buffet coupon or $10 food voucher and $15
bonus slot play. Reservations must be received on or before July
24th Reservations will not be accepted without payment. Make
checks payable to " Sacred Heart Church." For more information
call the Re ligious Education office at 781-893-846) .
We are ple~sed to announce that Sacred Heart Church is among
the I ) 7 panshes that have already exceeded the goal for the Cath­
olic Appeal. In doing Sacred Heart will be eligible to receive
rebates as pledge totals are paid. As of this writing our PAID
pledg~s are $17,2) 4.00 with $3,226.00 in pledges that will be paid
over tllne. Ple?ges that are. completed this summer will be eligible
for rebates thiS fall. AdditIOnal rebates will be distributed next
winter, so if you've thought about donating to the Appeal, it 's not
too late. Your generous donations will further the mission of the
church in our Archdiocese while returning much needed rebate
funds to support our work right here at Sacred Heart! We thank
everyone who has pal1icipated in this year's Catholic Appeal for
their continued generosity.
This September (2015), we hope to have a different kind of fund­
raiser in Sacred Heart Parish. We plan to hold a HUGE Rummage
Sal.e! We hope to collect donations of items fTom parishioners and
re:,ldents of the greater Waltham Community and hold a sale that
will attract many fTom the city and surrounding towns to buy the
many treasw'es and gently-used merchandi se that we collect.
Look.at the benefits you will get: you dispose of items sitting un­
use? In your home, you downsize, you declutter, and your contri­
bunon .helps the parish! This could have the potential to be a big
fundr alser .that COUld. ~ake a big difference in our fund raising
efforts while streamlmmg of your home and excess belongings.
Before we can proceed we need a committee to help. Questions?
Call Susan Parrella 781-894-2772 or email:
It's that time of year again, the air conditioning is ON! It is nec­
essary to maintain a cool temperature in the church in order for
the air ~o.nditioning to operate well and consistently . Those who
are sensItive to the ~old are reminded to dress in layers for Mass,
have a sweater or Jacket on hand even if the temperatures out­
doors are high. This will insure that everyone in the assembly is
cool and comfortable during Mass time.
PARISH NEWS, Continued
Father Peter DeFazio, Sacred Heart parishioner and recently or­
dained priest will be traveling Guatemala for the next four weeks
studying Espano!. He wanted us to relay this message to the Sa­
cred Heart Community. For those interested, Fr. Peter has started a
blog and will be updating his experiences and faith reflections
from Guatemala every few days. If you are interested in following
the blog log on to http://thebiblecatholic.blogspot.com/.
He will keep you in his prayers tlu'oughout his mission.
making plans for your summer vacation ? Don ' t forget to
mclude Sacred Heart Church in your vacation plans! Sign up today
for electronic giving through WeShare to make sure you remember
your gifts to Sacred Heart Church when summer vacations, family
engag~me~ts .and special events take you away from the parish.
Donatmg IS sImple, safe, and completely secure with WeShare. If
you would like to enroll in e-giving, please visit https:!/
sacredheart311.weshareonline.orgl. If you have any questions or
would like help setting up your account, please call our parish of­
fice at 781-899-0469.
The Parking Lot Construction and Fund Raising Committee has a
target date in mind to begin construction, July I sf 2016. This
~eans we have just a year to retain permits, draw plans, and most
Importantl~, to fund raise for the project. A large scale project
SUC? as thIS wIll be costly as it must address and include proper
~aI~age systems and include a design that will provide better
hghtmg, a good n umber of parking spaces as well as fire lanes that
meet. city safety codes. It is anticipated that the costs will be ap­
proxImately $100, 000.00. Having just begun fundraising we have
collected $3,000. This means we have a long way to go! In addi­
tion to planning ?ngoing fundraisers to benefit this project, we
have prmted specIal offertory envelopes which may be found at
the e~trances of the c.hurch. You may utilize these envelopes for a
on~-tllne offer.mg or If you wish to donate on a monthly basis. By
usmg the specIal envelopes you may receive documentation for tax
purposes. Those who wish to donate online may do so by logging
on to WeShare, our Parish Electronic Giving ProgralTI. Questions
m.ay be direct.ed to the committee members; Ken Lopez, ' Richard
Cmcotta, DavId Carvelli, Nick Pulsone or by contacting the Parish
Office (781) 899-0469 or via e-mail at
Please remember that many in our local communities continue to
struggle with hun~er, not just in the winter months but all year
through . When domg your weekly grocery shopping please con­
sider adding an item or two each week to help keep our pantry
shelves stocked. Most needed items; Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jelly/
Jam, canned tuna or chicken, canned meats such as ham or spam,
tomato sauce, pasta, rice mixes, instant potatoes, Macaroni and
Cheese, Fruit Juices, non-perishable milk products. Thank you for
your consideration.
5,2015 PARISH NEWS, Continued
W.e are currently working toward our goal of $20,440 for the Cath­
olIc Appeal. Many have asked why it is so important to meet this
goal. The reasons are twofold ; by meeting our goal we demon­
strate the responsibilities of being good stewards of God's bless­
ings by sharing what we have with the needs of the greater church.
Om gifts to the Catholic Appeal provide the oPPOIiunity for many
to reap th~ bene~t~ o~ ministry training, pastoral visitation, hospi­
tal chaplamcy vIsItatIon ,. and multiple service and justice pro­
gr.ams. Secondly, by meetmg and/or exceeding our goal om parish
WIll also reap the benefit of a rebate! Finally, we must remember
that it is the responsibility of the parish to meet our goal and ulti­
matel~ any shortfall ~ot covered by donations to the Appeal must
be paid from the pansh budget. As of this week our parish total
stands at $18,934 = 98% with 112 donors having contributed thus
far. Given the number of registered households in our parish this
means that 82% of registered households have yet to make a dona­
tion to the Catholic ~ppeal. Those who have not yet pledged or
donated to the CatholIc Appeal we urge YOll to consider doing so.
The blue "Appeal envelopes" are available in the back of the
Church. Whether you pledge, or make a "one-time" gift in any
amou~t, know that you ' re contribution will help us meet the goal
and WIll be ~ratefu.lly appreciated. If you've already made a pledge
but would lIke to mcrease your donation to help bring us to goal ,
we would be most grateful.
L?oki~g fo: a way to reach out in service to the parish community
wIth lIttle Impact to your busy schedule? Consider becoming a
"Mass Buddy", transporting and accompanying a parishioner at
Mass. It has come to our attention that a couple of residents of the
Leland Ho~e, enjoy coming to Mass but have no regular means of
transportatIOn to get there ; walking and crossin o Newton Street
makes it even more challenging and dangerous. Ifyou are coming
to Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning Mass and wouldn't mind
taking one or two residents to church with YOll, they would be
most grateful. Please contact Bernadette Scalese at 781-893-8461
for additional information on volunteering for this ministry.
We are looking for volunteers who are interested in joining our
CAP Team which has in the past presented the Virtus: Protectin o
Go?'s.Children, ~ere at Sacred Heart. As of now we have only on~
panshIOner who IS celiified to present this "Safe Environment and
Child Protection" class, ideally we would like to have three or fom
~embers trained to present these "one evening" or day time train­
m~ programs for new staff members, catechists, volunteers or lay
mlTIls.ters who :"ould potentially have access to working with chil­
dren m the pansh settlOg. If you are a parishioner who would like
to get involved in parish life but have limited time to do so this
might be a great place to stmi. This program involves a "one-time,
one-day" Train the trainer course which will certify YOll to present
the safety program here ·in the parish once or twice a year. Having
a team of three or four would be most helpful, Those interested are
asked to contact Bernadette Scalese for additional information and/
or dates of upcoming training sessions.
PARISH NEWS, Continued
During the summer months Sacred Hearl Church will suspend
First Friday Eucharistic Devotion, however, we encourage devo­
lees who wish 10 spend time in Adoration to the Blessed Sacra­
ment to find their w«y to one ofthe following locations.
The Knights of Colum bus are a group of Catholic men, 18 years
of age and older, who are helping others to overcome the strug­
gles of life and the problems of the world through the love of
Christ. A Knight is a man committed to his community, his fami­
ly and his Church. We believe that when such a man lives a life
of faith and generosity and defines his actions as a follower of
God, and a leader in his community, he is more than simply a
man. He is a "Knight." The Knights of Columbus is an organiza­
tion rooted in the principles of charity, unity and fraternity. If you
would like to learn more about the Knights of Columbus and the
many benefits offered to members and their families please con­
tact us at sacredheartknights@hotmail.com.
Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:30-6:00PM in the Chapel.
Mondays and Fridays after their 7:30AM Mass, St. Patrick Parish
in Wate110wn will offer Eucharistic Adoration from 3 :OOPM to
7:00PM every Friday afternoon .
Perpetual Adoration is offered at the Archdiocese of Boston's
designated Eucharistic Sirrine, St. Clement Shrine, 1105 Boylston
St., Boston and at St. Patrick Parish, 44 Central Street, East Na­
311 Club memberships helps support our Parish RE Program
while giving members a chance at winning great cash prizes. The
cost of memberships is just $55 per year or $5 per month for a
chance to win monthly cash prizes ranging from $50 to $1,000
(Grand Prize). In addition, those who attend the monthly draw­
ings also have a chance at winning one of the monthly DOOR
prizes! The 311 drawings take place on the third Thursday of the
month at 7:30PM and free coffee and donuts are served. By giv­
ing a gift of a 311 Club membership you ' ll not only make the
recipient happy but you ' ll also be helping our Religious Educa­
tion Program at the same time! 311 Club registrations are availa­
ble in the church or by contacting the parish office at 781-899­
The Society of Saint Clare, the women's group of Sacred Heart
Parish meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM.
Drawing on the virtues of Saint Clare of Assisi the mission of the
group is to share faith and prayer among the community, offer
service and charity to those in need, and to share in the mission of
the church. The members of the Society of St. Clare are a fun
loving and sociable group of woman with a common love of
Christ and desire to serve their church. Meetings are generally
held on the first Wednesday of each month, from September
through June. The Saint Clare meetings are informal gatherings
that include friendly conversation and light refreshments while
planning upcoming events and enjoying opportunities to pray and
grow in faith. All women are welcome to attend and bring a
friend . For more info, you are welcome to contact Patrice
McGregor at 781-373-1371 or pmcgregor22@comcast.net.
The Sacred Heart Church Youth Group meets on Wednesday eve­
nings from 7-8 : 15PM. All high school aged teens are invited to attend th is lively hour of faith sharing with friends that includes games or activities, snacks and inspirational music/videos. Find Sacred Heart Youth Group on Facebook and send a friend re­
quest. Parents of teens are welcomed to join the Sacred Heart Parents Facebook page where they can fInd information on up­
coming parish events. For additional information contact Laura Peterson, Director of Youth Ministry at: sacredheartl ifeteen@,comcast.net or call 781-893-8461. RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONIFAITH FORMATION
In preparation for the religious education school year ahead (2015
-J6). We are actively seeking volunteers for all session times in a
variety of areas . We are in need of catechists, substitute cate­
chists, classroom aides, session leaders, prayer instructors, build­
ing monitors. Some of these positions will require just a minimal
amount of time that includes just being present in the building for
one hour a week or a couple of hours a month. We hope to in­
volve many parishioners in this growing ministry. Those consid­
ering teaching needn't be concerned if they have little experience,
we will provide training and resources. Parents of school aged
children who commit to teaching a class on a weekly basis will
receive a registration fee waiver (Parents who teach only pay
"retreat fees") for their own children in gratitude for this commit­
ment. The position of "Session Leaders" (One volunteer for each
of the three sessions) requires a volunteer to oversee the alTival of
catechists and being present during the hour of class time to assist
catechists when they need copies, attendance cards or are in need
of supplies. Volunteers for this ministry would receive the same
tuition waiver for their children as the catechists. If you are inter­
ested in assisting us in any of these ministries, please contact Ber­
nadette Scalese, Faith Formation Director, at 781-893-8461.
5,2015 COMMUNITY NEWS. Continued
St. Joseph Retreat Center, 339 Jerusalem Road, Cohasset invites
you to the following programs and retreat opportunities. Di­
rected 1 Private Retreats: July 29 - Aug 1, Sept 3 - 10; 11 - 13;
23 - 30, Oct 1 - 8; 9 - 16; 17 - 24; 25 - Nov 1, Nov 2 - 10. Join
us for our Mornings of Prayer; June 17: Learning to See as the
Mystics See, Sept 14: Living the Call to Discipleship AlTival and
light refreshments 9:00-9:30 A.M., reflective input 9:30 A.M.
followed by private time for prayer, closing communal experi­
ence, departure by 12: 15 P.M. For more information, visit
www.csjretreatcenter.org or contact us at 339 Jerusalem Road,
Cohasset, MA 02025, or at 781-383-6024/6029 , or email : Re­
JF&CS Memory Cafe offers a welcoming place for people living
with memory changes due to Alzheimer 'S, vascular disease, Park­
inson's, front temporal degeneration, or other related conditions.
The events feature a guest artist, musician, poet, or author who
shares his or her work and leads the group in a related activity. It
is fi·ee of charge; donations are gratefully accepted . Attendees
requiring personal care assistance must bring a care partner with
them, as staff and volunteers are not able to provide this assis­
tance. The Cafe is intergenerational, with a large number of col­
lege students and other young volunteers. Guests can park in any
of the spots surrounding our building. The Cafe will be open from
10:00 a.m. to noon at the JF&CS Headquarters, 1430 Main Street,
Waltham. For more information, please contact Beth Soltzberg at
bsoltzberg@jfcsboston.org or 781-693-5628.
Make a difference in the life of a grieving child - become a men­
tor or group facilitator! Comfort Zone Camp is a nonprofit organ­
ization that provides free therapeutic programs for children ages
-17 who have experienced the death of a parent, guardian, or sib­
ling. The programs include confidence building activities and age
-based supp0l1 groups that break the emotional isolation grief
often brings. Ultimately, ComfOli Zone Camp provides a safe and
fun place for grieving children to heal and grow. There are many
volunteer opportunities within Comfort Zone Camp. Become a
Big Buddy! Each child is paired I : 1 with an adult Big Buddy
volunteer. The Big Buddy role includes: Ability to donate a week­
end of your time, willingness to play, talk, listen, and be silly!
Participate in all aspects of the program. Additional volunteer
roles include: Nurses, Grief Therapists, General Camp Volun­
teers (support staff), and more. This year, we are excited to host
several weekend camp programs in Mas sachusetts - and WE
NEED VOLUNTEERS! The first step in becoming a volunteer is
to attend a volunteer training. CZC 's volunteer training provides
education regarding childhood bereavement, and prepares volun­
teers to take part in our camp programs. All volunteers are re­
quired to complete oUI 6-hour training before attending camp ­
The next training is in Waltham , MA. On Saturday, July II 'h from
9:00AM-3:00PM. Check out the website for more details and
registration here. Please email Jessi Schmale:
jschmale@comfortzonecamp.org with any questions.
Saint Mary High School, Class of 1965, will be holding their 50th
reunion 011 October 3, 2015. If you were a 1965 graduate or know
of someone who may not have been notified, please contact Shei­
la Robinshaw Bennett at 781-290-7751. An invitation is extended
to anyone who would have graduated with the Class of 1965
What a winter! What better way to wish the warm weather here
than to start planning your summer activities! Fontbonne Acade­
my in Milton is happy to announce its fifth year of our summer
theatre program! Students will experience the wonders of live
theatre as they act, sing, and dance, as well as take part in cos­
tume and set design. Our program offers the excitement of put­
ting on a play from start to fmish, and teaches campers the im­
portance of teamwork and dedication. For more information,
please contact Carol Fortier at 617-615-3054 or
Summer is just around the corner! For many, this brings an addi­
tional challenge of providing healthy and nutritious meals for
their children when school is not in session. The Child Nutrition
Outreach Program (CNOP) assists families through the Summer
Food Service Program (SFSP). The Summer Food Service Pro­
gram offers FREE healthy and delicious meals to children ages 18
and under. The SFSP serves meals at local sites such as pools,
parks, schools, community/youth centers, religious organizations,
and other locations. To find the location nearest you, log onto
wwvi.Meals4Kids.org or call 1-800-645-8333.
No 6PM Life Teen Mass
311 Club Drawing 7:30PM Parish Hall
Bristol Lodge Dinner
311 Club Drawing 7:30PM, Parish Hall