May 24, 2015 - Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart


May 24, 2015 - Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
1111 St. Joseph Parkway at San Jacinto / Fannin St.
Church Hours — M - F: 6:30 am - 6 pm; Saturday: 9 am - 8:30 pm; Sunday: 6:30 am - 9 pm
Weekend Mass
Sacrament of Penance (Confessions)
English: Saturday Vigil 5 pm
Sunday 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 5:30 pm
Vietnamese: Saturday Vigil 7 pm
Sunday 1 pm
Spanish: Sunday 7:30 pm
Monday - Friday: 30 minutes prior to Mass
First Thursday of the month: 4:30 - 5:15 pm
(Weekdays: Confessional near the Sacred Heart transept)
Weekday Mass
7 am, 12:10 pm Monday - Friday
7:30 pm, First Friday: Vietnamese Mass,
followed by Exposition and Benediction
Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Sunday: 8:15 - 8:45 am (between 7 & 9 am Masses)
10:15 - 10:45 am (between 9 & 11 am Masses)
4:30 - 5:00 pm
Vietnamese and Spanish 30 minutes prior to Mass
(Weekends: Confessional near entrance way on the right)
Parish office is located at the Cathedral Centre.
1701 San Jacinto at Jefferson St.
Houston, TX 77002-8215
(Parking behind the Centre)
Phone: 713-659-1561 Fax: 713-651-1365
Office hours: Monday - Friday 8 am to 5 pm
(Closed: 12 noon - 1 pm)
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, D.D., S.T.L.
Archbishop of Galveston-Houston
The Most Reverend George A. Sheltz, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop
The Most Reverend Joseph A. Fiorenza, D.D., Archbishop Emeritus
The Most Reverend Vincent M. Rizzotto, D.D., J.C.L., Retired Auxiliary Bishop
Co-Cathedral Clergy
The Very Reverend Lawrence W. Jozwiak, J.C.L., Pastor / Rector
The Reverend Martial F. Oya; Vacant position for Vietnamese Priest, Parochial Vicars
Deacons: Johnny Salinas, Leonard Lockett, John Carrara and Daniel Addis
Co-Cathedral Staff
Moise Arrah-Director of Religious Education; Debbie Elizondo-Director of Adult Education; Stephanie Rocha-Youth Director
Crista Miller - Director of Music / Co-Cathedral Organist; Natasha Manley - Music Associate / Wedding Music
Michael Emmerich - Co-Cathedral Associate Organist; Jeong-Suk Bae - Co-Cathedral Assistant Organist
Bree Delphin - Secretary for Weddings; Elizabeth Perez - Secretary for Sacramental Records and Bulletin
Deacon John Carrara - Business Manager; Gwenne Buck - Facilities and Project Coordinator
Sr. Louis Marie Carter, O.S.U. - Parish Accounting; Chris Felix - Building Engineer
Martha Alvarez - Secretary; Carmen Benitez - Baptismal Secretary/Receptionist; Esmeralda Cervantes - Receptionist
Ruben Valenzuela, Trong Pham - Maintenance; Guillermo Herrera, Ray Garcia - Sextons
Phone: 713-659-1561
Visit our web site for vital info:
New Parishioners:
Church Certificates:
Vocations for Priesthood and Religious Life:
Register with the parish office: ext. 101.
For all sacramental certificates: ext. 137.
—For infants & children under age 7—713-337-3570.
—For 7 years & older (Rite of Christian Initiation
adapted for Children): ext. 142.
Children’s Catechesis & Evangelization (CCE):
For pre-K through high school: ext. 142.
First Penance & First Holy Communion:
For 2nd through 12th grade: ext. 142.
—For high school youth: ext. 142.
—For adults: ext. 141.
High School Youth Ministry: ext. 142.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
For adults inquiring about becoming Catholic and
baptized Catholics who lack Confirmation and Holy
Communion: ext. 141.
Adult Education: ext. 141.
Music Ministry: ext. 152.
Young Adults:
Contact ext. 131 at least 9 months prior to wedding date.
Contact the Office of Vocations: 713-652-8239 or
Holy Communion to the Sick/Homebound: ext. 101.
Anointing of the Sick:
Any Catholic who is to have surgery due to a serious
illness; any Catholic whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age should be anointed
ASAP, preferably before going to the hospital.
Contact the parish priest to be anointed: ext. 101.
Funerals: ext. 101.
Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help:
Wednesday before 7 am & 12:10 pm Mass
Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Friday during 7 am & 12:10 pm Mass
Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction:
—First Thursday of the Month (English)
Conclusion of 12:10 pm Mass until 6 pm
—First Friday of the Month (Vietnamese)
7:30 pm Mass followed by Exposition / Benediction
Parish Outreach:
Tours of the Church: ext. 143
Pastor’s Message
p. 3
May 24, 2015
Dear Friends in Christ:
Quí Ông Bà và Anh Chị Em thân mến trong Chúa Kitô:
Estimados Amigos y Amigas en Cristo:
Corpus Christi Sunday Procession, p. 6.
Prayer: Memorial Day & Vocations, pp. 11 & 14.
Mass of Thanksgiving, p. 11.
Memorial Day is this Monday. We will have only one
Mass on Monday at 9:30 am and the parish office is closed.
Let us all begin our day with the Holy Eucharist. It is a U.S.
federal holiday in remembrance of all the men and women
who died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. It is celebrated on the final Monday of May and was known formerly
as Decoration Day. It originated after the U.S. Civil War to
commemorate both the Union and Confederate soldiers who
died in that war. By the 20th century, Memorial Day was
extended to honor all men and women who died in military
those who protect us (military, police, fire fighters, etc.).
Pray especially for our police. Though some possible mistakes made by a small number are making headline news,
that is not reflective of the majority of our police officers.
Pray for continual good judgment when our police officers
must make appropriate and many times quick decisions.
Pray also for the police and fire officers who experience
much heartache and tragedy in their line of work. Let us
pray for an end to prejudice, discrimination and hatred of all
types—unfortunate seeds for conflict. If you notice, these
intentions are in every bulletin on p. 7. Plus, most of the
time, the peace intention is included in our prayers of the
faithful of the Mass.
Memorial Day remembers those who died in service in
the military while Veterans Day on November 11 remembers all U.S. veterans who served in the military. Last Saturday was Armed Forces Day—the third Saturday of May. It
commemorates all military men and women who serve currently in all the military services. Armed Forces Day began
in 1949 to combine all branches of the military into one day
instead of having separate days to commemorate each
branch of the military.
Historically, there were annual Decoration Days in the
South for family and friends to gather to decorate the graves
with flowers. Many times these gatherings would become
family reunions, including even a dinner at the cemetery, the
origin of a potluck dinner. For Memorial Day, the graves
may be decorated with flowers and/or U.S. flags. There is a
rich history of having a profound respect for the dead, as
evidenced by these traditions. It reflects our love for the beloved deceased. As the teaching of the communion of saints
reflect, life is changed, not ended. See p. 11 for a prayer.
Let us pray also for those who have been injured by war:
physically, emotionally and/or spiritually. Unfortunately,
there are wars and insurrections occurring throughout our
world today. As always, let us continue to pray for peace,
especially in the Middle East, an end to terrorism
(specifically by ISIS and Boko Haram) and the safety of all
I have been told that a Vietnamese priest will be assigned, effective July 1. In the meantime, I have all the Vietnamese Masses covered through June. I appreciate your
prayers and concern since I am by myself through May 29
when Fr. Martial returns. Yes, I must pace myself. But I am
no different from many of you, especially parents who are
juggling work, family life, taking care of children, especially
when the other spouse is ill or unavailable. As a priest
friend told me, he appreciated his mother so much more
when he as a priest was sick with a cold and had to get up on
a Sunday to celebrate the Sunday Masses since he was by
himself in the parish. He then understood how his mother
felt when she was sick with a cold but continued on to feed
her children, get them to school, go to work, etc.
Thank you for those who donated blood last weekend.
Our goal was 26 units & 28 were donated. Though we made
our goal, I still wish for more donors. Remember our Corpus Christi Sunday 5:30 pm Mass followed by an outdoor 2
block procession with the Blessed Sacrament, then solemn
vespers & benediction on Sunday, June 7. Pray for the 670+
adult Catholics who will be confirmed in 7 locations this
weekend. 200 will be confirmed here at the Co-Cathedral at
3 pm Sunday, including 10 from our own parish.
Praised be the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Forever, amen!
Hãy chúc tụng Thánh Tâm Chúa Giêsu đến muôn đời, amen!
¡Alabado sea el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús! ¡Por siempre, amen!
Fr. Lawrence W. Jozwiak
Pastor / Rector
p. 4
WELCOME to the Co-Cathedral!
We are a community of faith where all people are welcome!
Visitors, please come back as often as possible. If you do not
have a parish home, consider joining our parish, sharing your
time and talent with us. All monetary donations will support
the ministries and services that we provide. Please be generous
in your giving. Thank you. For any questions, ask the Greeters
in the narthex.
Participate as fully as you are able to do so, using these pages.
Silence all cell phones please!
Entrance: The Spirit of the Lord has filled the whole world
and that which contains all things understands what is said,
Communion: They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and
spoke of the marvels of God, alleluia.
Gathering Hymn:
#611 Come Holy Ghost
Offertory Hymn:
Motet: Holy Spir it, Ever Dwelling—H.Howells (1892—1983)
#614 Fire of God, Undying Flame
Communion Music:
Antiphon: Factus Est Repente (chant mode VII): Suddenly
there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty wind coming,
whence they were sitting, and they were filled with the Holy
Ghost , and they began to speak the wonderful works of God.
Motet: Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me - K. L.Scott (b. 1950)
Hymn: #617 Come Down, O Love Divine
Recessional Hymn:
#608 Go to the World
Order of Mass
Gathering Hymn
Introductory Rites
Penitential Rite
Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy; Lord have mercy.
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading
Readings: Vigil: #1062; Sunday: #1063 B
Responsorial Psalm
Second Reading
Nicene Creed
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven
and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of
God, born of the Father before all ages, God from God,
Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten not
made, consubstantial with the Father; through Him all
things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came
down from Heaven,
(We all are to make a bow of the body during the next 2 lines.)
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come
again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His
kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the
Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken
through the Prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. E
I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the
world to come.
Offertory Music
Prayer of the Faithful
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Preparation of the Altar and Presentation of the Gifts
P. Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be
acceptable to God, the almighty Father.
C. May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name, for our good and the
good of all his holy Church.
Eucharistic Prayer
P: The Lord be with you.
C: And with your spirit.
P: Lift up your hearts.
C: We lift them up to the Lord.
P: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. C: It is right and just.
Sanctus / Holy, Holy, Holy
Mysterium Fidei / The Mystery of Faith (A)
The Communion Rite
Agnus Dei / The Lamb of God
P: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins
of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.
C: Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my
roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
Reception of Holy Communion:
For those who are practicing actively the Catholic Faith.
Please bow before receiving the Body and/or Blood of Christ.
Communion Music
The Concluding Rites
Recessional Hymn
p. 5
A bow signifies reverence and honor shown to the names or event being mentioned. We are to do the following:
1) A bow of the head is made when the three Divine Persons (the Trinity) are named together and at the names of Jesus, of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, and of the Saint in whose honor Mass is being celebrated.
2) A bow of the body (a profound bow) is made during the Creed with the words (and by the Holy Spirit…and became man—highlighted in
—General Instruction to the Roman Missal, #275
red words in the Creed).
p. 6
Co-Cathedral Music
Join us for Two Upcoming Liturgies of the Hours
Vespers for Corpus Christi
Compline for the Sacred Heart
Sunday, June 7
Friday, June 12
After 5:30 PM Mass
7:30 PM
“From ancient times the Church has had the custom of celebrating each day the liturgy of the hours. In this way the Church fulfills
the Lord’s precept to pray without ceasing, at once offering its praise to God the Father and interceding for the salvation of the
world.” — Office of the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship.
Have you ever experienced praying the Divine Office in the Liturgy of the Hours? These prayers are comprised of short daily services called Morning Prayer, the Office of Readings, Evening Prayer (Vespers), and
Night Prayer (Compline). As their names imply, they are said and or sung throughout the day. Praying the
Divine Office is required of the clergy, but the laity are encouraged to pray these beautiful liturgies also.
Within these services, the participants are very active in invitatory and intercessory prayers, hymns, psalms
sung in dialogue, and a specified Scriptural canticle. It can be challenging at first, but also a rich way to make
the scriptures come alive each day. Each of the Offices includes psalms that rotate on a either a daily schedule
or for various feasts, much as the Propers of the Mass do. While Morning Prayer focuses on praise, Evening
Prayer or Vespers focuses on Thanksgiving, and Night Prayer or Compline focuses on protection.
As is our custom, we will again have Vespers for Corpus Christi Sunday, which includes a special worship aid
to facilitate your knowledge and participation. At 7:30 PM on Friday, June 12, for our parish Feast Day, the
Cor Jesu Choir and Schola Cantorum will offer a public version of the Compline that we sing at the conclusion
of our weekly Wednesday rehearsal. We hope you will come pray with us, even if Friday night is outside your
usual time to come downtown! We will begin the Compline with a brief instruction of how to pray and sing
your parts, and the choir will lead since this is part of our regular prayer. It is not a long liturgy—a maximum
of 45 minutes—but it is special to the choir and we would like to share this ancient form of Catholic prayer
with you before we break for summer.
Concert Series
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 7:30 pm
Projections: Houston No Limits
A multi-media organ recital series
5:30 PM MASS
Dr. Crista Miller,
Co-Cathedral Director of Music
Dr. Crista Miller continues the PROJECTIONS series in the
coming months. These multimedia organ recitals feature Martin
Pasi's Opus 19 pipe organ. This massive Houston instrument
boasting 5499 pipes is designed to capably handle nearly 500
years of organ repertoire from diverse countries. Live video of
the artist will be supplemented by projected artwork from Houston museums, representing the countries and time periods of the
*This series is sponsored by Houston Arts Alliance
p. 7
WELCOME ALL VISITORS to the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart!
Deceased †
May 23
(Eng) 5:00 pm James Konieczny †
(Viet) 7:00 pm Daniel Cardinal DiNardo
May 24
(Eng) 7:00 am Bernadine & F.R. Pizzitola †
(Eng) 9:00 am Hansford Yellot †
(Eng) 11:00 am Ramon De La Garza †
(Viet) 1:00 pm Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Porecarello 50th Anniv.
(Eng) 5:30 pm For The People of the Parish
(Span) 7:30 pm Amelia Cavazos †
May 25: Memorial Day
(Eng) 9:30 am Merced Reyes †
NO 7 am or 12:10 pm Mass on MONDAY.
May 26
(Eng) 7:00 am Robert Elliott †
(Eng) 12:10 pm John J. Shannon Jr. †
May 27
(Eng) 7:00 am Frank Fikes †
(Eng) 12:10 pm Bernadine & F.R. Pizzitola †
May 28
(Eng) 7:00 am Ava Mendenhall 11th Birthday
(Eng) 12:10 pm Bernadine & F.R. Pizzitola †
May 29
(Eng) 7:00 am Melva Garza
(Eng) 12:10 pm Abimael “A.B.” Luciano †
May 30
(Eng) 5:00 pm Ezechial Ocloo
(Viet) 7:00 pm Rev. Monsignor Paul Procella †
May 31
(Eng) 7:00 am Adela Diaz †
(Eng) 9:00 am Liz & Elizabeth Darilek
(Eng) 11:00 am Kelley Family
(Viet) 1:00 pm Arogya Swamy †
(Eng) 5:30 pm Ellen Hayes †
(Span) 7:30 pm For The People of the Parish
Pray the Rosary daily for:
• Life and Marriage
• Religious Liberty
Weekend readings: Vigil: #1062; Sunday: #1063 B
Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 10:17-27
Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:28-31
Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13;
Mk 10:32-45
Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk 10:46-52
Sir 44:1, 9-13; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Mk 11:11-26
Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33
Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22;
Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20
For the scriptures used at Mass every day and to hear a
reflection: go to Tab in on the day of
the month on the calendar noted as Daily Readings on the
right side of the main page.
Jose Alonso seminarian, from Our Lady of Lourdes,
Ly Nguyen, a permanent diaconate candidate from Our
Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church.
Matthew Donovan, SJ from St. Vincent de Paul Church.
Keep them in your daily prayers during the coming week as
well as praying for an increase in vocations in general.
PRAY for the DEAD
For the repose of the soul of Eric Seaman †.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
—And let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. —Amen.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. —Amen.
PRAY for ...
• peace in our world, especially in the Holy Land, for an end to terrorism and civil strife, & all hostages.
• the safety of all those who protect us: military personnel, police officers, fire fighters and all others.
• a transformation of mind and heart for those who do not believe in the sanctity of human life.
• for all healthcare professionals to make wise and ethical decisions to promote health.
• the spread of the Gospel and the sanctity of all marriages and families.
• an end to all discrimination, prejudice and hatred.
• all the sick and suffering, the dying and the faithful departed †.
Pope’s Intentions:
Universal: Car e for the suffer ing That, r ejecting the cultur e of indiffer ence, we may car e for our neighbor s who suffer , especially the sick and the poor.
Evangelization: Openness to mission That Mar y’s inter cession may help Chr istians in secular ized cultur es be r eady to pr oclaim Jesus.
Children’s Catechesis & Evangelization (CCE)
Sunday Quiz
2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR .
1. What day is it today in the Church’s calendar?
2. What color is the priest wearing today?
3. From which book of the Bible is today’s first reading?
4. From which Psalm is today’s Responsorial?
5. From which book of the Bible is today’s second reading?
6. Did you say the Sequence today? (Come, Holy Spirit,
7. From which Gospel is today’s reading taken?
8. What was the first Pentecost?
9. What was the name the disciple who replaced Judas
10. What does ‘Agnus Dei’ mean?
11. Which book of the Bible starts, In my former book,
Theophilus, I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to
teach…? (Wording may vary slightly.)
12. Do you think you are called to spread the word of God
through your school, community or friends? What are two
ways you can do this?
Family Connection
The office of Evangelization and Catechesis, (CCE) is
happy to announce that registration for the 2015-2016
school year is now open. Is your child ready to celebrate
the sacraments of Penance, Eucharist, Confirmation? Is
your child not catechized and in need of on-going catechesis. Is your child moving to the next grade in CCE formation? Do you have a strong desire to raise your child
catholic and ensure that they know the catholic faith? This
is the time to get started. Enroll your child in our program
and see how much of a benefit this will make in their faith
formation. Registration forms are in the back of the
church, online at or in the
parish office. You can also register through the phone by
calling 713-659-1561 and ask to be directed to the CCE
Secretary. We look forward to a wonderful CCE year
with you and your children.
Pentecost is sometimes called the birthday of the Church.
The Gospel for Pentecost reminds us that the Church begins
with the command to forgive. Within the family, the domestic church, we learn how to forgive and how to accept forgiveness. The gift of the Holy Spirit enables us to do both.
Today is a fitting time to share a family celebration of reconciliation. As you gather together as a family, sit quietly
for a few minutes, inviting everyone to reflect upon their
need to forgive and to receive forgiveness. If there is a situation or issue within the family that needs attention, spend
some time reflecting on how your family might address it.
Read together today's Gospel, John 20:19-23. Talk together
about how Jesus gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us
in the work of forgiveness and to bring us peace. Pray together today's psalm or the Prayer to the Holy Spirit, asking
that the Holy Spirit help your family. Share with one another
the Sign of Peace.
The Co-Cathedral’s Office of Evangelization
and Catechesis (CCE) is in need of more catechists for
the 2015-2016 school year. If God is calling you to a
service of educating the children of our parish on the
ways of God, please do not hesitate to contact the DRE
at or by phone at 713659-1561. There is something for anyone to do because if you do not want to teach, you can volunteer as
a hall monitor or simply help in the office to get things
ready for Faith Formation. Any help will be greatly
Answers to Sunday Quiz
1. Today is Pentecost Sunday
2. Red vestments
3. Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11
4. Psalm 104:1,24,29-31,34
5. 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7,12-13 6. Yes 7. John 20:19-23
8. The day the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles like
tongues of fire.
9. Mathias
10 Lamb of God 11. Acts of Apostles
12. Yes. I am called to be an instrument of God’s love in the
world. There are a variety of answers. I can do this by helping the elderly in my community when they need it. I can
also do it by showing kindness to my school mates.
Children’s Catechesis & Evangelization (CCE)
p. 9
Youth Ministry News
Up Coming Events
GARAGE SALE—May 23rd & 24th. TODAY and SUNDAY. Saturday from 6:00am to Noon and
Sunday from 6:00am to 2:30pm. Please help the youth r aise money to attend AYC and Wor ld
Youth Day.
Archdiocese Youth Conference— REALLY, REALLY,
LAST DAY to RSVP MAY 24th. Registration has
opened for AYC. Please let me know if you are
interested in attending this exciting event! July 31st—
August 2nd. I have a packet of information and forms I
can email anyone interested in going.
Calling all Graduating Seniors—we would like to
recognize all graduating high school seniors. Please
contact Stephanie Rocha with the following information:
Your name, Name of High School, Plans after high
school (college, work or etc.)
Please contact Stephanie Rocha 281-794-4841 for details on any of the programs mentioned.
Adult Faith Enrichment & Educational Opportunities
Why is Jesus referred to as the “Lamb of God?”
In John 1:29 and 1:36, John the Baptist identifies Jesus as “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.”
Where did he get this terminology? How did his hearers understand it? Recall from last week’s article on the practice of
animal sacrifice in Jewish history that animals that were to be sacrificed were the “cream of the crop,” the most perfect.
Lambs occupied a special place in Jewish sacrificial offering. Before we go into the discussion of the lamb references,
it’s important to note that John the Baptist is a descendant of priests. John’s father, Zechariah was a priest of the line of
Abijah. He served in the temple twice a year for a week. Therefore, John knew exactly what he was referencing when
he called Jesus the “Lamb of God.”
To Jesus and John’s contemporaries, the term “Lamb of God” refers to the lamb that would be sacrificed at Passover. It
is confusing and scandalous to them to hear Jesus being spoken of this way. In Exodus 12, the account of Passover has
the Lord God specifying that a lamb must be sacrificed, an unblemished, one year old, male lamb. By the marking on
the two doorposts, and lintel of the door with the lamb’s blood, the Lord God would “pass over” that house, sparing the
family from the death of their first born, man or animal. It is the blood of the lamb that “saves” the household. The Lord
commands that this event be repeated every year at the same time. In Exodus 29:38, the Lord commands for a yearling
lamb to be offered twice a day, morning and evening, as a sweet oblation. On top of these references, Jesus and John’s
hearers would have also recalled the words of the prophets Jeremiah and Isaiah, in which the Servant of the Lord is compared to a “lamb led to slaughter” as an offering for sin (Jer 12:19, and Is 53:7), but they didn’t know at that time those
passages were pointing to Jesus.
Referring to Jesus then, as the Lamb of God was not intended to be a sentimental term of endearment; it is really, truly looking upon the one who would become for us the willing, sacrificial offering for our sins, by whose blood-shedding we are saved. Yes, lambs are gentle, sweet, and innocent; they didn’t put up a fight. It’s no accident that the Lord compared his Servant to a lamb, for
he gave his life over willingly, and innocently as a lamb led to the slaughter.
To learn more, visit: Word of God, on You Tube with Fr. Robert Barron.
Adult Sacrament Preparation
p. 10
Marriage Preparation:
Contact the parish at least six months prior to the desired wedding date to register for classes, and book your date. Out of
country weddings require eight months. Advance approval
required to begin classes.
Sunday, June 7: Initial Couples
Sunday, June 14: FOCCUS
Location: Cathedral Centre. Please check White Board for
room assignment each time.
R.C.I.A.: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
This process is for adults interested in baptism, or full communion with the Catholic Church, or baptized-only Catholics
seeking full initiation.
Un-baptized, and Baptized-only Christians: 11/2—2 years
preparation or more. This includes baptized-only Catholics and
other baptized Christians with little/no formal instruction.
Time: Sign-in: 12:15-12:30/Class: 12:30-2:30p.m.
Baptized & Instructed: For non-Catholic Christians with a
formal, ongoing education in the Christian faith, the R.C.I.A.
provides an adapted process more suited to their needs.
Marriage Guidelines: Visit www.sacr edhear thouston.or g,
then “Sacraments—Marriage.”
See the parish website under “Adult Ed - Becoming Catholic” to learn more about the process.
Adult Faith Enrichment & Educational Opportunities
That Man Is You!
Men! That Man Is You! For mal TMIY
meetings will return in the Fall. Join us for
informal faith gatherings at Avenue Grill, 1017 Houston Avenue, beginning April 22—September. Bring a friend! Contact
Ruble or Jeffrey for meeting information.
When: Wednesdays, 6:00-7:30a.m., Avenue Grill
Contact: Ruble Clark, r uble.clar k@gr or Jeffrey
Rice, r
St. Robert Bellarmine Library
Have you visited the library this year?
We have a whole new Scripture section,
plus new books in Theology, Liturgy, Philosophy, and Church History!
Come “check-out” our new materials, and kick-start your
summer reading with a good spiritual book, or video!
Hours: Sundays, 9:00-1:00p.m., except holidays
Christian Meditation
* Note: Please do not drop off un-solicited books/
materials. We have just completed a major reThis Wednesday, May 27th is the final Christian
organization, and are not accepting any new materials at
Meditation meeting until September 2015. A big
this time. You ar e encour aged to take your un-wanted
thank you to Margie Ortega and Rita Villanueva
books to your local charity, or used book store.
for providing this great opportunity. Thank you to all who participated; we look forward to seeing you in the Fall.
Home Study Opportunities
To learn more, visit the website for The World Community for
Christian Meditation at http://wccm.or g/home
Who: Chr istian Adults
When: Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30p.m.
Where: Cathedr al Centr e Libr ar y
The Pope’s Corner
In his general audience Pope Francis focused on the
concrete challenges families face in daily life, and
said that simply remembering to be grateful and to
apologize can go a long way in avoiding conflict.
Although the words ’May I,’ ‘thank you’ and ‘I’m sorry’ can be
hard to say or put into practice, their absence “can cause cracks
in the foundation of the family, which can lead to its collapse,”
the Pope said. However, if families make a habit of including
the phrases in their daily lives as a sign of love for one another
rather than just a formal expression of good manners, they can
strengthen a happy family life, he continued.
Catholic Home Study Service: A fr ee, home
study, sponsored by Missouri Knights of Columbus and Vincentian Fathers. For questions, or to
Word on Fire: A ser ies of catechetical r esour ces available
for online learning. Fr. Robert Barron provides blog, You
Tube, Video, and printed materials. Visit: http://
Free Catholic Online Faith Study: A variety of free courses
on Catholic teachings, using the Luke E. Hart series, and more.
Understanding the Scriptures Podcast: A fr ee ser ies of podcasts covering the entire Bible, by Carson Weber. To learn
more visit:
Catechism in a Year: This sour ce will send a daily, fr ee passage from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, with reference
for further study.
CONTACT: Debbie Elizondo, Director of Adult Education, or 713-659-1561
p. 11
STEWARDSHIP: Time, Talent and Treasure
Actual Collection:
Budgeted Collection:
Amount over (Under):
May 16/17
($ 677)
Year to Date
$ 23,355
*Includes $7,264 from Faith Direct.
Catholic Communication Collection
Quiz on Operational Expenses
at the Co-Cathedral
The maintenance agreement for the church bells in the bell
tower per year is:
a) $1,675
b) $1,925
c) $2,410
d) $2,658
**Includes $914 from Faith Direct
Part-Time Church Sexton
Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Parish
Cathedral Centre , 1701 San Jacinto Street
Houston, Texas 77002-8215
The Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart Church parish is
seeking to hire a part-time church sexton to carry out
church sacristan and routine janitorial duties on Saturdays. The normal work hours are 9 am to 5 pm. Responsibilities would entail setting up for weddings and baptisms and other miscellaneous tasks related to church
upkeep. The individual hired will be trained on those duties unique to being a Catholic church sacristan. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, clearly able to
communicate in English and able to pass a routine background check. Ability to communicate in Spanish and
English is a plus.
If interested, please send an email to: Place job title on the
subject line or send qualifications by regular mail to Deacon John Carrara, Business Manager to the address
shown above.
Pray for Deacon
Roger Morgan
Baptized at the Co-Cathedral:
March 26, 2005
Studied at St. Mary Seminary, Houston
Ordained Deacon: May 16, 2014
Will be ordained a Priest: May 29, 2015
at St. Mary Church, Greenville, SC
for the Diocese of Charleston, SC
Mass of Thanksgiving at the
Sat., June 6 at the 5 pm Vigil Mass
First Priestly Assignment: Parochial
Vicar, Our Lady, Star of the Sea
Church in North Myrtle Beach, SC
The parish office will be closed on
Monday, May 25th.
Have a wonderful and safe Memorial Day.
Answer: c) $2,410
This includes to ensure all the bolts and bells are
secure and not corroding, inspect the tower and
installation, check bell control player and
programming etc.
DSF mandatory goal: $131,000
Pledged: $118,839
Pledged under goal: $12,160
Paid so far: $85,776
Paid under goal: $45,223
MINISTRY SUPPORTED — The Catholic Chaplain Corps (Hospital Ministry) provides sacramental and
pastoral care to the patients, families and staff of hospitals
and institutions of the Texas Medical Center, Houston, and
other select hospitals in Houston. In addition to the designated staff, the Corps sponsors the pastoral assistants – specially trained lay personnel who assist the staff in bringing the
healing presence of Christ to those whom the Corps serves.
Remember, Lord, the fallen
Who died in fields of war,
In flaming clouds, in screaming crowds,
On street that are no more,
That we today might waken
And greet this day in peace
With grateful prayer for those who bear
The storms that never cease.
Remember friends and strangers,
And those forgotten now;
Whose names are known to you alone,
Before whose love we bow,
And ask that you surround them
With mercy’s endless light
That they may live, and we forgive
The foe they went to fight.
Remember, Lord, the living.
Who bear the pain of lossA death she died who stood beside
Her Son upon the cross.
Remember all your children
The dead and those who weep,
And make us one beneath the sun
Where love will never sleep.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
p. 12
Parish Outreach Ministry—Our Parish Network of Charity
An Answered Prayer—A True Story
I’m Here!
For several years, Dan and I participated in the
Spiritual Adopt A Baby Program. I would name my
baby each year to make it more personal and help me
to remember to pray for “Christopher” and his mother.
This year in December Dan had a carpet job to do (he
is a carpet layer by trade) at the KC hall in our community just a few days before Christmas. I went along to
help him because he was under a bind to get it done.
While we were working, my cousin and her daughter,
Robin, came in with their Christmas food for their family get-together the next day.
To our surprise Robin was very much pregnant and
looked like she would be due very soon. She was
about sixteen years old. Our hearts went out to their
family and Robin.
But the busy Christmas and New Year family gettogethers kept us busy and we put Robin out of our
minds. In Januarym my aunt told me that Robin had
her baby, and she named him Christopher. I was
taken aback, and told her that I had named my
Spiritual Adopt A Baby, Christopher. My aunt looked
shocked and said that Robin had contemplated abortion
and had even driven by the abortion clinic. Then her
brother talked her out of it. There was an answered
prayer right in front of us!
I would never have guessed that I was praying for a
relative of mine and that I would see the answered
prayer in front of my eyes. When Robin heard about
my prayers, she invited Dan and me to Christopher’s
Baptism. What an awesome experience.
Christopher is now nine year old. He is a beautiful
young boy and he brings much pleasure to his mother
and grandparents. I often wonder what might have
happened if I didn’t pray. Would Robin have had the
courage to bear Christopher or would she have had an
Our prayers are so important to the unborn. We may
not see them answered as I did in this instance, but we
know that they are answered. We must have faith that
God hears even our smallest prayer, for He loves the
unborn. He created them.
My life has begun!
These are my first days in my mommy’s
womb. Even though I am only one cell,
everything about me is already present:
my eye color, blood type, how tall I will be,
my hair color, everything!
My parents do not know I exist yet.
Please pray for them to safely bring me
to birth so I can fulfill the mission
God has created me for.
Thank you for Spiritually Adopting ME!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
I love you very much.
I beg you to spare the life
of an unborn baby who is in
danger of abortion.
Please give to the parents of this child
the grace and courage to bring their baby
to birth and to the life
God created them for. Amen.
Register for the Baby Grace Project
Our Parish Spiritual Adoption Program
Sign up online and Register your Baby’s Name at
(Click on the Baby Grace button on Parish Main Page or go
to our Outreach Tab at top)
This Spiritual Adoption program is Co-Sponsored
by our Parish Respect Life ,Gabriel Project & Outreach Ministries.
Parish Outreach Ministry—May Service Opportunities
p. 13
Our Parish Outreach Ministry is currently looking for individuals
interested in joining our Education & Awareness Team
Become a Community Educator
Join us as we set out to educate & bring awareness to the most
vulnerable in our community , helping them to recognize the dangers and
learn how they can protect themselves from becoming a victim.
“Let us not look the other way...this issue involves everyone”
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel)
Contact Outreach Ministry for more information
For the 2015-2016 School Year
We are seeking Project Leaders for several of our
upcoming projects for the next school year.
Time commitment can be one time or several, as your time allows. You choose
the project you are most interested in.
Our monthly Outreach Projects help provide those in need with food, clothing, shelter,
supplies, visits, etc… and we work closely with other agencies doing good works.
Project Leaders are needed to help us complete the projects.
Outreach Ministry is our Parish Network of Charity
to our Community in their time of need and crisis.
If you are interested in leading an Outreach Project during the next school year...
Please Contact Us!
Pray for Vocations
p. 14
Eli Lopez
David Angelino
Jeff Bame
Simon Kipiti
Richard McNeille
Pray for Deacons David Angelino, Jeff Bame, Eli Lopez, Simon Kipti and Richard McNeille
who are to be ordained to the Priesthood on June 6 at the Co-Cathedral at 10 am.
Lord Jesus, you came to serve, not to be served. Form within Deacons David Angelino, Jeff Bame, Eli Lopez, Simon Kipiti and
Richard McNeille, your generous spirit.
Fill them with your love, that they may love the Father as you love them.
Fill them with your compassion, that they may see our brothers and sisters as you see them.
Fill them with your courage, that they may give their lives in service to the Church as you gave your life for her.
Fill them with that Spirit which will make them preachers of your Word and faithful celebrants of the Sacraments for the
sanctification of Christ’s people, modeling their lives on the mystery of the Lord’s cross.
Transform them through your Holy Spirit so that they may transform the world into your Kingdom of justice and faith, always being
a friend to all, but especially of the poor and the voice of the forgotten.
Bless the families of these men. May their families continue to grow in holiness and serve the Church.
Open the hearts of all your sons and daughters to listen to your call in their lives.
Enrich the Church with more priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters and committed lay ministers.
May they be humble and faith inspired in their service. Amen.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us.
St. Charles Borromeo, patron of seminarians,
Pray for us.
St. Joseph, protector of the Holy Church,
Pray for us.
St. Scholastica, patroness of religious sisters,
Pray for us.
St. John Vianney, patron of priests,
Pray for us.
St. Alphonsus Liguori, patron of vocations,
Pray for us.
St. Lawrence, deacon and martyr,
patron of deacons,
Pray for us.
All you holy men and women,
Pray for us.
Domingo de Pentecostés
“Cuando venga el Consolador, que yo les enviaré a ustedes
de parte del Padre, el Espíritu de la verdad que procede del
Padre, él dará testimonio de mí.”
Antífona de Entrada: El Espíritu del Señor ha llenado el
mundo entero y la que contiene todas las cosas entiende
lo que se dice, aleluya. (Sabiduría 1:7)
El Canto de Entrada: Envía Tu Espíritu (#474)
Kyrie (Misa del Pueblo Inmigr ante, #26)
Gloria (Misa San J osé, #5)
Servicio de la Comunidad Hispano
En alegría, algunos
miembros de nuestra
comunidad cocinaron
tamales para recaudar
fondos para la Fiesta de
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Agradecemos a
todos los que participaron en este obra de servicio.
Salmo Responsorial: Envía tu Espíritu, Señor, y repuebla la
faz de la tierra.
Secuencia de Pentecostés
El Canto de Ofertorio: Envía, Señor, Tu Espíritu (#380)
Sanctus (Misa Melódica, #109)
Anunciamos Tu Muerte (Misa Melodica #110)
Amen (Misa Melódica, #111)
Agnus Dei (Misa Melódica, #112)
Antífono de Comunión: [Factus est] T odos fueron llenos del
Espíritu Santo y habló de las maravillas de Dios, aleluya.
(Hechos de los Apóstoles 2:4-11)
El Canto de Comunión: Ven, Creador (#473)
Canto de Salida: Ven, Espíritu Santo (#386)
El día de Pentecostés,
todos los discípulos
estaban reunidos. De
repente se oyó un gran
ruido que venía del
cielo. Entonces
aparecieron lenguas de
fuego, que se
distribuyeron y se
posaron sobre ellos; se
llenaron todos del
Espíritu Santo
Ministerios Espirituales
Estudio Bíblico: Conozca al Señor mejor a través de nuestro
platica de Biblia, cada lunes a las 6 pm del primer piso del Centro Catedral, conducido por el Diacono Daniel.
La Legión de María: Debajo del liderazgo de María, cultive su
relación con Cristo cada lunes a las 7:15 pm del primer piso del
Centro Catedral, para rezar el santo rosario, reflexionar sobres
las enseñanzas del Señor, y hacer planes para servir al Señor.
Palabras del Papa Francisco
La Efusión del Espíritu Santo en el Domingo de Pentecostés
Proyecto Baby Grace: La comunidad de la Co-Catedral ha
empezado con un proyecto que se llama Baby Grace. Este proyecto involucra a personas a orar por un bebé no nacido el cual se
encuentra en peligro de ser abortado para que el bebé tenga la
oportunidad para vivir una vida plena. En la entrada de la CoCatedral se encuentran tarjetas: una parte es para llenarse y otra
parte es para llevarse y orar para la protección del bebé. También
hay otras materiales. Hablen con la representante de este proyecto.
Bautismo: Si desean que su niño reciba el sacramento del bautismo, por favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial.
La Santa Biblia está en venta en la entr ada de la Co-Catedral
por $7.00.
Sacramentos para los Adultos: Aquellos adultos que desean
recibir el sacramento del Bautismo, Primera Comunión, Confirmación, o convalidación de su matrimonio civil: hablen con el
Diacono Daniel después de la Misa o dejen un mensaje para él en
la oficina parroquial.
En este día, contemplamos y revivimos en la liturgia la efusión
del Espíritu Santo que Cristo resucitado derramó sobre la
Iglesia, un acontecimiento de gracia que ha desbordado el
cenáculo de Jerusalén para difundirse por todo el mundo Los
teólogos antiguos decían: el alma es una especie de barca de
vela; el Espíritu Santo es el viento que sopla la vela para
hacerla avanzar; la fuerza y el ímpetu del viento son los dones
del Espíritu. Sin su fuerza, sin su gracia, no iríamos adelante. El
Espíritu Santo nos introduce en el misterio del Dios vivo, y nos
salvaguarda del peligro de una Iglesia gnóstica y de una Iglesia
autorreferencial, cerrada en su recinto; nos impulsa a abrir las
puertas para anunciar la bondad del Evangelio, para comunicar
el gozo de la fe, del encuentro con Cristo. El Espíritu Santo es
el alma de la misión. Lo que sucedió en Jerusalén hace casi dos
mil años no es un hecho lejano. El Espíritu Santo es el don por
excelencia de Cristo resucitado a sus Apóstoles, pero Él quiere
que llegue a todos. Es el Espíritu Paráclito, el «Consolador»,
que da el valor para recorrer los caminos del mundo llevando el
Evangelio. El Espíritu Santo nos muestra el horizonte y nos
impulsa a las periferias existenciales para anunciar la vida de
Jesucristo. Preguntémonos si tenemos la tendencia a cerrarnos
en nosotros mismos, en nuestro grupo, o si dejamos que el
Espíritu Santo nos conduzca a la misión. La liturgia de hoy es
una gran oración, que la Iglesia con Jesús eleva al Padre, para
que renueve la efusión del Espíritu Santo. Que cada uno de
nosotros, cada grupo, cada movimiento, en la armonía de la
Iglesia, se dirija al Padre para pedirle este don. También hoy,
como en su nacimiento, junto con María, la Iglesia invoca:
»Ven, Espíritu Santo, llena el corazón de tus fieles y enciende
en ellos el fuego de tu amor».