March 22, 2015 - Sacred Heart
March 22, 2015 - Sacred Heart
March 22, 2015 Church of the Sacred Heart and Saint Mary Our Lady of Czestochowa 201 Main Street ~ New York Mills, N.Y. 13417 Phone: 736-4432 ~ Fax: 507-3844 ~ E-Mail: Web Page: Our Mission Statement Our Church is a place of worship, evangelization, reconciliation, fellowship and support in time of need. She offers parishioners and visitors the opportunity to follow our Lord, Jesus Christ by the example of his mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. As the hymn states, “ALL ARE WELCOME” Pastor: Rev. Arthur Krawczenko Pastoral Associate: Sister Lisa Cirillo, CSJ Dir. of Religious Education: Lynn Springer 527-8399 RCIA: Terry Streit 939-3485 Bereavement Ministry: Ann Krol 794-8371 Youth Minister: Rick Hensel Parish Secretary: Helen White 736-4432 Parish Office Hours: Mon.—Thurs 9:00 am -3:00 pm; Fri 9:00 am -2:00 pm Trustees: Nancy Constantine, Matthew Dziedzic Parish Council President: Sharon Jachim Finance Committee President: Jayne Synkowski Church Sacristans: Michael Hanus, Joseph Salmon & Justin Jarecki Music Ministry: Joseph Borgia 737-0532 Carleton Boone 736-6257 Cantor/Flautist—Lori Ann Sedgwick 982-7715 Maintenance: Louis Geigel Traveling: Call 1-800-MASS-TIMES Bulletin Deadline: Friday Noon (9 days before Sunday Publication) MASSES: Daily: Tuesday-Friday 12:10 PM Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 9:00AM 10:00AM (Polish) 11:00AM RECO&CILIATIO&: Saturday 3:15 PM and Thursday before the First Friday of the month after the 12:10 PM Mass. BAPTISMS: Arrangements for Baptism should be made by calling the Parish Office during office hours. SACRAME&T OF MARRIAGE: Couples should call the office to inquire 6 months prior to wedding. W ith warmth and prayers, we welcome the following new parishioners to our family of faith: Miranda Marron Tyler Butler Dear Parishioners, When Eugene Dziedzic, a lifetime member of our parish and also the father of Matthew Dziedzic, a trustee in the parish, passed away, his family decided to make a donation to our parish in his memory. This generous donation was used to purchase a statue of Praying Jesus. This beautiful statue was made by the famous polish sculptor Jan Zieder and sent to our parish last Monday. This statue will be exposed in our parish each year during Lent as a reminder to all of us that we should spend more time in prayer preparing for Easter. This weekend I will bless the statue. Thank you to the Dziedzic Family for choosing our parish for the memorial contribution. Jesus. Eternal rest grant unto Eugene, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. God bless you, Fr. Art HOLY WEEK AND EASTER SCHEDULE Holy Thursday, April 2nd Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 6:30 PM Good Friday, April 3rd The Lord’s Passion and Veneration of the Cross at 3:00 PM. Seven Last Words of Jesus at 6:30 PM Holy Saturday, April 4th Easter Vigil Mass at 8:00 PM. Blessing of Easter Food Baskets at the Church at 10:00 am and 2:00 PM Easter Sunday, April 5th Masses at 9:00 AM (High Mass) and 11:00 AM Page Two Church of the Sacred Heart and St. Mary Our Lady of Czestochowa STATIONS OF THE CROSS Every Friday during Lent at 6:30 PM LENTEN LAMENTATIONS GORZKIE ZALE 10:30 AM after the 10:00 AM Sunday Mass (Gorzkie Zale w jezyku polskim) CALE&DAR FOR THE WEEK Sunday, March 22 ROSARY FOR PEACE at the Grotto at 1:00 PM to pray for our men and women in the military and for world peace. ST. CASIMER SOCIETY MEETING at 1:30 P.M. in the Cow Palace. Thursday, March 26 BIBLE STUDY—9:30 AM in the Cow Palace HILLTOP SENIORS—1:00 PM in the Cow Palace COMI&G UP! The St. Stanislaus B&M Society will meet on Sunday, March 29th at 1:30 PM in the Cow Palace. The holy time of Lent continues to be an important part of our preparation for Easter. In a very special way, the Holy Name Society and I would like to invite everybody for a Lenten get together. We will meet on Palm Sunday, March 29 at 3:00 p.m. in church for a short prayer service and after that, everyone is invited to the Cow Palace to watch the beautiful move, “The Son of God.” If you wish, you may bring some snacks to share. Let’s join together during this sacred season of Lent. Donations to the Seminary in Poland in memory of Janina Gieniusz John & Elaine Montrose CCM Women’s Guild Art & Helene Broccoli Marsha Furgal Marcia Emmerich Bill & Helen Chomin Knights of Columbus M/M Stanley Potrzeba Camille Jasinski John & Jean Jarosz March 22, 2015 SACTUARY LAMP: +Stephen Fedor OF Mary Pendel TABERACLE CADLE: Police, Fire Departments and all of the Emergency Services who protect us 24/7 by placing themselves between us and danger. ALTAR CADLE: God’s Blessings for Good Health & Happiness for Ed & Jane OF Family P lease continue to pray for the sick, homebound, those in nursing homes and those with special requests: Richard T. Hammond, Sr., Grace McMahon, Sister Therese Marie Kodz, Ted Mowers, Ryan Mitchell, Joe Harder, Shannon Enright, Connor Rodriguez, Stella Jordan, Susan Black, John Allen, Genevieve Allen, Genevieve Bozek, Marilyn Adams, Helen Wiatr, Alice Misiak, Eric Elsenbeck, Joseph Przyborowski, Theresa Hook, Christine Milewski, Diane Veeder, Carly Shea Weaver, Danny Mantia, Matt & Barb Kiszelewski, Anna Marie & John Paul Jones, Stanley Cieslak, Daniel Robert Nashold, Stanley Fedor, Gabby Wolpert, Wanda Fedor, John Nastovich, Michael Krol, Jim & Jeanne Horth, Chris Fedor, Marian Sychtysz, D.J. & Carly Veeder & C.B., Michelle Bennett, Stanley Wroblewski, John Golowski, Merril Constantine, Joseph T. Hammond, Jennie Potrzeba, Barney Gadziala, Phyllis Kasprzyk, Marion Ball, Anita Bolmer, Joseph Borgia, Sr., Abigail Freytag, Bea Nebush, Lesley Vella, Robert Cotter, David Dubiel, Audrey Manolescu, Diane Evans, Nellie Polczynski, Nancy Bien, J.H. March 28-29 4:00 PM—Altar Servers: Maddy, McKenzie & Frank Fiore, Maria Maloney, Jim & Anthony Scarchilli Lector: Diane Nassif, Kirk Lallier Eucharistic Ministers: Mike Hanus, Joe Salmon, Terry Streit, Camille Jasinski, Jayne Synkowski, Louise Bara 9:00 AM—Altar Servers: Zachery & McKenzie Brush, Emily Hutchings, Jacob Edwards, Gianna LaBella Lector: Arlene Stanulevich, John Kurdziolek, Eucharistic Ministers: Nancy Constantine, Linda Diskin, Kristen Ford, Mike Jasinski, Pat Mundschenk, Sue Slivonik 10:00 AM—Altar Servers: Any available Lector: Sr. Therese Marie, Artur Pyrda 11:00 AM—Altar Servers: Samuel, Samantha, Dakota & Elizabeth Sill, Carla & Michael Nicotera, Alexis & Mia Gyore, Amanda Alfred, Matthew Kusmierczak Lector: Kevin Siembab, Ann Krol Eucharistic Ministers: Rick Flisnik, Jeanne Jurkowski, Roseann Furmanski, Karleen Markowicz Counters: Stan Borek, Mike Cangello Ben Fall, Joe Urban Albina Jalowiec Page Three Church of the Sacred Heart and St. Mary Our Lady of Czestochowa CHEESECAKES WILL BE SOLD AFTER ALL THE MASSES ON PALM SUNDAY! SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH RAFFLE Benefit: the ministries of the Sisters of St. Joseph Drawing: April 12, 2015 1st prize-$1,000; 2nd prize-$500 3rd prize-$250.00; 5 - 4th prizes-$50.00 $1 each or 6 for $5 or 12 for $10 Chances may be purchased from Sr. Lisa or at the Parish Office (by March 29) or...I will leave some raffle tickets in the back of Church & you can place them along with your money in the collection basket in a plain envelope labeled “Attn: Sr. Lisa“ Hint: use address labels to save time. Our Pastoral Care Area (Our Lady of Lourdes, Sacred Heart-St. Mary’s, NYM, Our Lady of the Rosary, Holy Trinity & St. Paul’s) will hold an area Penance Service on Monday, March 30 from 4-7 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes, Utica. This is a great time to go to Confession. THANK YOU TO OUR ALTAR SERVERS Let us thank our Altar Servers for the outstanding job they perform by serving the Masses in our parish! One of the ways of thanking them is participating in a fund-raiser by purchasing a beautiful handmade Easter Egg from Poland. The cost of one egg is $3.00. They are available in the front of church. We have a limited amount so first come—first serve. You can choose them yourself. STEWARDSHIP—MARCH 14/15 Regular: $6,461.95 Parking Lot: $879.00 Flowers: $153.00 Fuel: $90.00 Black &Indian Mission: $142.00 Total Deposit: 7,725.95 Next week’s 2nd collection: Catholic Relief Services Thank you for all your love and support. Because of your continuing generosity, we are able to make many improvements in our parish. Be thoughtful and reverent—for this is the house of the Lord. Before the Mass, speak to the Lord; during the Mass, let the Lord speak to you; after the Mass, speak to one-another. March 22, 2015 BLESSI'G OF EASTER FOOD AT HOME Holy Saturday—11:00 AM to 2:00 PM If you wish to have Easter food blessed by Father Art in your home, please complete this form and put it in the collection basket or give it to Fr. Art by Monday, March 30th. Name_________________________________________ Address_______________________________________ Phone_________________________________________ LENTEN NOURISHMENT We will continue our Lenten tradition started last year. Everyone is welcome to join me for the delicious fried or baked fish, (I personally prefer the baked one), at St. Anthony—St. Agnes at 4:30 PM. Then we will come back to our church for the Stations of the Cross at 6:30 PM. Something for the body and something for the soul. Fr. Arthur Bible Study on the Blessed Mother This is a continuation of the study we began in Advent, but new members are welcome. Join us here at Sacred Heart-St. Mary’s in the Cow Palace at 6:30 pm on March 24. To register, call Sr. Lisa at 736-4432 or 3516484 or e-mail THE HOLY &AME SPO&SORED FISH FRYS at St. Anthony & St. Agnes Church, 415 St. Anthony St., Utica every Friday until April 3rd. Hours: 4:00-7:00 PM. Choice of Fried or Baked Fish, Cole Slaw, French Fries, or Baked Potato, Dessert & Coffee. Eat in or take out. Call 732-1177 after 3:00 PM. Cost $9.50. &EW PARISHIO&ER REGISTRATIO& FORM Name _____________________________________ Address _____________________________________ City_________________________________________ Phone _______________________________________ Please Check: ______I am new in the Parish & wish to register. ______I wish to receive offering envelopes. ______I am unsure if registered, please check. Please drop this form in the collection basket. The Parish Office will contact you for further information. Welcome-God blesses you every day. Remember that! During the holy time of Lent we will be have daily Mass Monday through Friday at 12:10 PM. Everyone is welcome to spend some more time in prayer, especially by celebrating the essence of our faith, the Holy Eucharist. Lenten Forty Devotions at Holy Trinity Church, 1206 Lincoln Ave., Utica. Sunday, March 22 at 4 PM— Homilist: Mark Kaminski. Monday, March 23 at 7 PM—Homilist: Rev. Edmund Castronovo. Tuesday, March 24 at 7 PM—Homilist: Rev. James P. Serowik. Church open for silent adoration. 13 TUESDAYS &OVE&A TO ST. A&THO&Y OF PADUA at St. Anthony’s-St. Agnes Church will begin on Tuesday, March 17th at 7:00 p.m. with Novena Prayers, Benediction and a Blessing with Relics of St. Anthony. VOTIVE LIGHTS BY THE SACRED HEART *In Memory of the Joseph & Helen Marek Family OF Estate of Josephine M. Sowinski *+Charles Morawiec OF Wife *+Larry Jandzio, +Edward Jandzio OF Julia Jandzio *+Frank & Sophie Jedrek OF daughters, Pat & Cathy & Family *+Helen Soja (7th Anniv.) OF Family *Stephen Nacewicz OF Edward Nacewicz VOTIVE LIGHTS BY THE BLESSED MOTHER *+Stephanie, Milton, Joseph Kodz; +John, Mary, Peter, Matthew, Louis, Chester, Dorothy Trzepacz; Health & Blessings for STM, ET; Blessings and special favors for R S A A W OF S.T.M. *Grandson’s health OF Grandparents *+Mrs. Audry Groszek OF William Groszek *+Leona Pal OF Husband *+Edwin, +Edwina & +Susan Marie Kolano OF Patricia Ann *Family Health OF Vera Ficcaro *+Charles Morawiec OF Wife *God’s blessings and return to good health for son, Joe OF Mom & Dad *God’s blessings to return to good health for our son, David OF Mom & Dad *+Frank Swierat, Jr., OF Lorraine & Family *+Adeline—one year in Heaven OF Peter & Tom *+Trudy Halko OF Husband AREA &EWS Palm Sunday Workshop—sponsored by the Kopernik Cultural Center on March 29th from 11 am to 2 pm at Holy Trinity Parish Hall. Palm weaving, Pisanki demonstration and Butter Lamb carving. Bring butter and eggs to decorate. Free admission. Pierogi, Babka and refreshments for sale. Drawing for Swieconka basket. St. Joseph-St. Patrick Church, 702 Columbia St., Utica is serving up an interactive Dinner Theatre Murder Mystery on Sat., April 18 at 6:30 pm. For tickets or more information call (315) 735-4429x4. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, March 21-4:00 PM +Msgr. Kantor OF Family +Ann Flanagan OF Marie Clements +Janina Gieniusz OF Virgina, Jayne & Judy Synkowski +Christine Penet (Anniv) OF Maurice Penet +Peter Camman OF Wife & Family +Frank Talerico OF Wife & Family +Tim Coughlin OF Joe & Louise Bara Sunday, March 22—Fifth Sunday of Lent 9:00 AM +Dewey Valentine OF Holy Name Society +Tim Coughlin OF Holy Name Society +Joe Ficcaro OF Holy Name Society 10:00 AM +Franciszek & Genewefa Kropiwniccy OF Rodzina 11:00 AM +Doug Schaaf OF M/M Walter Zarnoch +Barbara Landers OF M/M Walter Zarnoch +Stanislaw Zaniewski (Anniv.) and wife, Czestawa OF Janina & Family Living & Deceased Parishioners Monday, March 23 —12:10 PM +Janina Gieniusz OF Connie LaGase & Brenda Caswell +Ruth Lekki (30 Day) OF Bernie & Debra Lekki Tuesday, March 24 -12:10 PM +Frank Banas (Birthday) OF Sophia +John Russell OF Jayne Synkowski Wednesday, March 25—12:10 PM Annunciation of the Lord +Mary Casaletta OF Glenn & Pat Mundschenk +Andrew Dudek (47th Anniv) OF Steven & Catherine +Michael LoGalbo OF Maria Malinowski Thursday, March 26—12:10 PM +Jane Farmer OF Joe & Louise Bara +Joseph Kowalski OF Family +Barbara Furmanski OF Joe & Barbara Trybalski Friday, March 27—12:10 PM +Frances Soja (Birthday) Of Daughter +M/M Stanley Szymanski OF Family Saturday, March 28—4:00 PM +Betty Ann Mazurowski OF M/M Henry Esser +Anna Morrison OF Sr. Lisa +Mary Witek & Michaline Zych OF Family +Albert Jandzio OF Julia Jandzio God’s Blessings for Nellie Polczynski OF Marcia Kerry +Michael Swerediuk OF Andy & Gladys Sunday, March 29—Palm Sunday 9:00 AM Living & Deceased Members of Sacred Heart and Rosary Society Living & Deceased Members of Turkiewicz Family OF Michael Living & Deceased Parishioners 10:00 AM +Rodzina Kropiwnickich OF Alfreda Zaczeniuk 11:00 AM +Joseph Kulpa (2nd Anniv) Of Wife & Family +Mathew Dudek (9th Anniv) OF Matt, Jeanne, Christina, Christopher & Lissie +Arthur Flisnik OF Wife & Family Celebrating the lives of the ones you love. 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