Article by: Mike Brown, Publisher of A Dog`s Best Friend


Article by: Mike Brown, Publisher of A Dog`s Best Friend
Jump uppy
ing U
Dogs Best
July 2016
vs Pet
Who Would
You Choose?
And Pet Stores
truth p. 11
Who’s Pippin?
What’s His Tail?
o n hic
L e in Pet C
he Ul
Network Your Way To A Successful Pet Sitting Business p. 5 |
Interview on p. 26
A Dogs
Best Really
Friend Magazine
July 2016p. 23 |
Like For |Dogs?
Network Your Way To A
Successful Petsitting
Who’s Pippin? What’s
His Tail?
Why You Should Never
Buy A Chihuahua From
A Pet Store
Dogatella London
Partner v Pet
Stop Your Puppy
Jumping Up
Summer Fun With Fido
Poes Print - Art And
Love For Pets
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016 3
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How To Network Your Way To A
Successful Petsitting Business
Article by: Josh Cary of PetSittingOlogy
Pet sitting businesses have become more
visible in recent years, but in some ways,
the field is still in its infancy. While many pet
owners know what pet sitting is, many have
not heard about local pet sitters or their
services. How does a sitter who’s just starting out, educate their neighbors about their
need for a professional pet sitter?
I’ve been in this business for many years,
and I’ve learned that the best way to get
your name out there is to network. While this
may sound like standard business advice, it
is especially important for pet sitters, whose
customers are primarily local.
‘A great way to
network is to make
contact with
veterinary offices’
My first networking suggestion for new pet
sitters is to join a professional organization
like Pet Sitters International (PSI) or National
Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS). These industry powerhouses offer insights into the field, resources, and networking opportunities. They are member-driven
and are essential tools for a well-qualified
pet sitter.
I then advise pet sitters to have a website
that is configured so that they are found in
local web searches. This is the way most new
clients will find them, so it’s the best marketing tool any business can have. It’s also a
great way for your clients to refer you to their
friends, so it is important to your networking
efforts also. There are many sources for sites
these days, but I must offer those provided
by my company, PetSittingOlogy. We service
the pet care industry specifically and provide
very popular sites.
Pet sitters should maintain an active social
media presence on Facebook, Twitter and /
or Instagram. These pages serve as the public face of your business.
‘Petsitters should
maintain an active
social media
They allow you to educate, enlighten,
and entertain your clients (and potential
clients!). Good topics for posts include photos of your furry clients, information on pet
care, and businesses in your area that provide good service to pet parents.
Another great way to network is to make
contact with veterinary offices. The staff at
these offices are often asked for recommendations for pet care helpers, and by connecting with them, pet sitters are more likely to
be the first ones mentioned. Veterinarians,
who usually own the facilities, are important to speak with, but their front-desk staff
should become primary contacts because
they are the ones who answer the phones
and deal with clients, so they are your key to
being recommended first.
Another great way to make your presence
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016 5
known through direct contact is to work with local programs, like
perhaps a “yappy hour.” These sessions are times when dogs are
allowed and encouraged on a business’s premises. Locations usually
offer outdoor seating and play areas and their dogs socialize while
their owners have a drink or a meal. These are a great places for pet
care professionals to show off their skills and friendly personality, all
of which
The best way for pet sitters to make their presence known in their
local areas is by networking. By making contact both online and in
person, pet sitters let their neighbors know who they are and what
services they provide. Networking is essential, and finding the right
outlets is key.
BIO: Josh Cary is the founder of PetSittingOlogy, a full service digital
marketing agency for pet professionals. His mission is to equip pet care
professionals with effective websites, and the business tools needed
to succeed. Josh writes extensively
about industry best practices and is a
sought after speaker.
National Association of
Professional Pet Sitters
Pet Sitters International
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016
Who’s Pippin? What’s His Tail?
Article by: Mike Brown, Publisher of A Dog’s Best Friend
A Dog’s Best Friend magazine wouldn’t be
where it is today without the great support
of our partners.
One such partner is the super informative blog. The Dog Website every
human needs.
The blog was named after Pippin, - the American Eskimo and Shiba mix.
We thought we’d sit down with the founder
of Pippin Tails and Pippin and find out what
really makes Pippin tick…and…what insight
or advice the two could share for other dog
lovers out there.
Q) Hey Kiersten – lets get to it. Tell us a
little bit about Pippin and his personality?
Well, Pippin is a unique dog, hence why he
has his own blog! People have use the words
neurotic and eccentric to describe Pippin
and they are probably right! He’s a talkative,
snuggly pup that enjoys playing with his
sister dog Lu Dog and toys and bones galore!
He’s very high maintenance and pretty much
runs the house on his terms but he is obedient and loves to learn new tricks!
Q) He looks to be very much fully grown
now, but can you share your experiences
of what Pippin was like as a pup? More on
Pippin – The Early Years?
You’re correct! Pippin just turned 1 years
old in Febuary 2016. Pippin as a pup was
probably the hardest pup I’ve ever had. He
was petrified of crates, woke up every hour
or two with business and ended up with a
UTI for 12 weeks with multiple medications.
Not to mention he got in a lot of trouble! He
only weighed a little over 1lb so he could get
into a lot of mischief and you wouldn’t even
see if you were watching! We learned a lot
with him and kept tough non-splinter bones
on hand, peanut butter to stuff those bones
and kept toys in full stock. Anything to save
our shoes, sunglasses and more from destruction. It wasn’t easy raising a puppy that
couldn’t be crated but we came up with a lot
of strategies and learned to keep a spotless
puppy proof home very quickly!
Q) Has Pippin been crate trained and what
advice would you give?
Pippin is now crate trained, though it took
the whole year! When he was a puppy he
would just scream in the crate all day and
caused himself more anxiety. Once we controlled his anxiety (that took a better part of
a year) we reintroduced the crate. Even small
cars were a problem and he hated to have
any door in the house shut!
My advice is working through the triggers
so we worked on doors being shut, riding in
cars and being in smaller spaces. Then we
slowly reintroduced the crate and did so by
leaving it up and usin treats. We had him enter with the door open, slowly adding shutting door and then quick trips so he learned
it wasn’t a death trap.
Now he can be crated, but it’s still a 5-10 minute process enters but he lays down calmly
inside and waits for us to get home nicely.
Some days are harder than others but living
with a dog with anxiety has its good and
hard days.
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016 9
Q) Raising a pup is never easy – have you had any scares and pet
visits that have raised your (and Pippin’s) blood pressure?
As a more cold weather adapted breed we have a lot more winter
excursions than summer but provide a lot of water fun!
Oh gosh! The stories! The day Pippin was rescued, he had blue
gums. We got him to a vet immediately. At 1.7lbs (now 38lbs) he was
very malnourished. It didn’t end there. He wasn’t supposed to be
able to chew through puppy chews, but he did. We spent multiple
days going back to the vet to check for compaction and intestinal
issues. He also has to be treated for consistent vommiting as well.
The worst was the UTI. We had him for a few weeks and he apparently was developing a UTI since the day we got him. He was urinating
blood and the emergency vet said he’d need seen a puppy with the
ability of getting kidney stones but he has so many crystals in his
urine it was possible. A few tests, tears and puppy pads later we got
the right medication and he got treated without surgery!
Q) How about training and socialization? What training methods
has Pippin responded to?
Q) How is Pippin coping with his Intagram and blog fame? Has be
been recognised whilst he’s out and about ?
Pippin thinks he’s pretty stellar! I think he loves the limelight! Many
people know Pippin and that’s why we started it all so he may have
already been a little famous before his Instagram!
Q) I’m sure Pippin is lucky is enough to get plenty of sponsored
treats being a blogging star, but what’s the one treat that will
stop him in his tracks?
Well, instantly upon getting him he was out and about with us and
Lu Dog. He went to restaurants, bars, parks, dog adoption events,
stores and friends houses and cookouts. He met all dogs and we
always made sure he was properly socialized.
Training was harder for him. Both breeds in him are spitz and they
are VERY independent! We had to really work with him and do positive training and corrective training methods to show him the path
to follow. Sometimes we say sit and he leaves the room still but training never stops and he’s still quite young. The real key is patience
and finding what motivates your pet. Food isn’t his motivator, praise
is and we use that a lot more!
Q) What about inside the house. Has he been known to wreak
havoc at home or is he the model dog?
Oh he’s the worst sometimes! We joke he’s Marley & Me all over
again. When he was a pup he’d find anything not puppy proofed
and it was his. As he’s aged he’s pretty good. As long as we occupy
his mind and give him the tools he needs to succeed he can be the
model dog. Pet parenting is the key here!
Oh gosh that’s hard! He loves the pumpkin flavored treats a whole
lot but his favorite is the meatier the better!! The one ingredient or
limited ingredient meat treats will get his attention better than any
Q) From the awesome pics on the blog it looks like Pippin is far
from being camera shy and looks to enjoy being a celebrity dog.
Are there any plans to launch some Pippin Tail products and increase his profile even more?
Q) We’re in the holiday season now. What outside activities does
Pippin love?
Not sure what the future holds for him just yet but I will say that he
inspires us everyday and we would love to expand on Pippin Tails
in the future. We’ve talked about a few different directions we may
take Pippin Tails and everyone will have to stay tuned to find out!!
Pippin just learned to play in his pool! That’s probably his favorite
summer activity! He also like to try and eat the hose while we fill it!
About Kiersten Relyea
Kiersten is the owner and
writer for Pippin Tails. Pippin Tails is a blog made to
target everything that dog
lovers like! This includes
product reviews, book and
movie plug ins, fun articles
and posts about Pippin and
his life. To read more from
Kiersten Relyea stay tuned
here at A Dog’s Best Friend
as well as check out Pippin
Pippin Tails
Everything Dog
Meet Our Mutts
Pippin & LU Dog
The Dog Website Every Human Needs.
Find us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016
Why You Should Never Buy A
Chihuahua From A Pet Store
Article by: Nadia Alterio of
Puppies sold at pet stores come from puppy mills.
That’s right, we all know about the horrific
conditions of puppy mills and how they are
the homes of unregulated dog breeding
owned by shady breeders, but many people
who actually support banishing puppy mills
and people who simply want to purchase a
Chihuahua don’t even know that most pet
store puppies come from puppy mills!
If you are reading this and you bought your
Chihuahua from a pet store, don’t fret. Feel
good that you saved a life and consider yourself an amazing person, but please keep the
following points in mind if you are going to
buy another.
Health problems
Now that you know pet store puppies can
come from puppy mills, it’s no surprise that
these Chihuahuas are going to have health
issues. Pet store Chihuahuas are poorly
cared for and their parents are not screened
for genetic diseases that can be passed onto
their offspring. Common health related
issues that can occur include eye problems,
teeth problems, genetic deformities, neuro-
logical problems and blood disorders.
Behavioral problems
Due to a lack of care and thoughtless breeding practices, behavioral problems are inevitable. Puppy mill breeders don’t take the
time to ensure potential behavioral issues
are weeded out and the staff at pet stores is
not trained to deal with behavioral issues.
Housebreaking havoc
Chihuahua puppies that are always kept
in cages never learn to go to the bathroom
away from their food or bed. This can make
housebreaking them very challenging and
burdensome. Good Chihuahua breeders
make a point of keeping their pups in a
space that’s hygienic and is also providing of
a separate area for fecal waste elimination.
Poor socialization
Puppies that are not handled by people at
around three weeks of age do not socialize
well. Puppy mill breeders usually sell their
pups to pet stores when they are far too
young, often at only four or five weeks old.
Reputable Chihuahua breeders wait until
their puppies are at least 10 weeks old giving
them plenty of time to socialize with other
siblings in their litter.
Breaking the standard
What you see isn’t necessarily what you get.
Pet stores ignore AKC Chihuahua breed standards, the guidelines that describe the ideal
characteristics, temperament and color and
markings of the Chihuahua breed.
You might think you’re paying for a genuine
purebred Chihuahua puppy with AKC papers, but even if the papers are legitimate,
the puppy could still be a flawed representative of its breed. As the puppy grows,
you might be surprised to discover your
Chihuahua has a little bit of Terrier, Poodle
or Jack Russell in it.
“If you
see a cute
puppy in a pet
store window,
don’t buy it!”
Shortage of information
A good Chihuahua breeder is full of information and can tell you all
about your pup’s family ancestry and specifics like: if your pup is
an apple head or deerhead Chihuahua, a blue Chihuahua or even a
merle Chihuahua. Pet stores give you very little information regarding family ancestry, potential behavioral issues or health problems.
Little value for what you pay
Pet store Chihuahuas can range anywhere from $200 to $3,000
without after purchase support. There are no laws to protect your
purchase from a pet store, but a reputable Chihuahua breeder will
guarantee you after care support. This is very helpful for many new
Chihuahua owners.
If you bring back a pet store Chihuahua, they are likely to be euthanized. Reputable Chihuahua breeders care about each of their pup’s
futures and will be concerned about their welfare, so if a problem
occurs where the puppy must be returned, rest assured; it will go
back to a loving and caring environment.
So if you see an adorable Chihuahua puppy in the window of a pet
store, remember that you are probably supporting the horrible practice of puppy mills if you buy it and it’s likely health or behavioral
issues will result.
Instead, lead by example and support the anti-puppy mill movement. Find a reputable Chihuahua breeder or consider saving a life
and adopting your Chihuahua from a local shelter, Chihuahua-specific rescue association or from a credible puppy mill rescue organization such as The National Mill Dog Rescue.
Photos courtesy of Harley, A Little Dog with a Big Dream
Nadia Alterio - Biography
Nadia is the Founder and Editor of, a site dedicated
to the Chihuahua breed that features Chihuahuas from around the globe,
offers affordable Chihuahua Clothing and Accessories as well as a wealth of
Chihuahua information and facts. She is also a former Professional Athlete, a Graduate of Psychology and has accomplished great success with her
online endeavors. Nadia lives in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, where
she is the loving mother of a beautiful boy.
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016
Dogatella London – Impeccable British Craftmanship Combined With
Effortless Style
Because your pooch deserves the very best.
Article by: Mike Brown, Publisher of A Dog’s Best Friend
A Dog’s Best Friend likes to think we recognise quality when we
see it. And quality is certainly at the heart of an exciting new brand
straight out of London, England.
Dogatella London has burst onto the scene offering undeniable
workmanship, providing collars and leads of the highest quality.
We thought we’d catch up with the brains behind the eye catching
designs, Bahar, the founder of Dogatella London and learn all about
her chic collection of pet accessories.
to detail in our London-based manufactory. Quality, durability and
pet safety are core elements of our creations and due to our artisans’
long-standing expertise in leather craftsmanship each individual
Dogatella piece is the expression of uncompromised quality made in
Q) Hi Bahar. Thank you for taking time out to speak to A Dog’s
Best Friend Magazine today. Let’s start with the basics - What do
you offer pet owners and their pooches at Dogatella London?
Our brand philosophy is to be the premier destination for on-trend
leather goods for dogs and dog lovers who value design and quality. With devotion and love for what we do, Dogatella celebrates the
impeccable interplay of dog collars, leads and matching bracelets,
combining traditional leather craftsmanship, style and functionality.
Dogatella London offers leather dog collars, leads and matching
bracelets for the style conscious pet owner, celebrating the special
bond between dogs and their owners. Our selected range of unique
designs and colours are handmade from the finest materials for the
perfect blend of effortless style and British craftsmanship. Today our
pets truly are an extension of our own personal style and Dogatella
products reflect this as a luxurious addition to everyday essentials.
Q Where are your collars and products made?
Q) Tell me a little about your companies philosophy?
Q) Do your collars cater for all sizes of dogs from the Jack Russell
to the German Shepherd?
Yes, our dog collars and leads are adjustable and available in all sizes
for all dog breeds to ensure a secure and comfortable fit.
All our products are handmade with careful precision and attention
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016 15
Q) What is your best seller(s) and why?
Currently we offer 3 different collections
through our online shop including our Glow Collection, Metallic Collection and Classic Collection. Each collection
is unique and the feedback so far has been
overwhelmingly positive. It’s so rewarding to
see that people love our products, especially
the Glow Collection is in high demand and
has become this season’s canine must-have, featuring vibrant neon colours and high
shine gold-plated details.
Q) Tell me a little about the background to
the formation of Dogatella London? How
did it all start?
own dog collar, lead and matching bracelet.
My friend loved each piece we made and the
unique concept behind it. More and more
people started to ask her where she got it
from and that’s how Dogatella London was
Q) What does the future hold for Dogatella
We are constantly looking for new inspirations and bring our ideas to life with a great
team of creative minds and artisans. We are
currently working on the launch of our next
collection, which we are very excited about!
It all started last year when my close friend
got her adorable French Bulldog puppy Lola.
I wanted to give her and Lola a special gift
but could not find anything to my taste that
combined quality and style. I felt that there
was a gap to fill and so I designed my first
Check out the fantastic range of luxury pet
accessories for your pooch – just click the
logo below
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016
Partner V Pet. Who Would You
Article by: Mike Brown, Publisher, A Dog’s Best Friend
Article based on research conducted for Poo- Tina Vidal, President and Head of the Pack at
ch Perks, a pet subscription service.
Pooch Perks, offered some insight ‘Our dogs
are more than just pets. They are companiPoll : 91% of Americans say they would
ons who provide emotional support and joy
end a new relationship if their new partin our lives – much in the way a spouse is
ner could not get along with their dog.
meant to.’ In a news release Tina goes onto
comment,’So the fact that so many AmeThat’s just one of the revealing statistics
ricans would choose their dog over their
from a recent survey of 1000 dog owners.
partner may not come as a surprise to those
of us who would do anything for our pup.’
We always knew that our pets held a special
place in our heart, but research now shows
The survey also discovered that 47% of pet
that if a new significant other could not get
owners equally trust their partner and their
along with your dog, it would be your partdog...
ner that would be shown the door – NOT
your dog.
and...94% of dog owners also think it’s
important that their dog gets on with their
Proving that if we we forced to make a
choice nothing comes between us and our
favourite pet.
Like Tina mentions, for the pet lovers
amongst us the conclusions reached by the
A survey conducted for Pooch Perks also re- study should come as no real surprise.
veals that 38% of dog owners love their pet
more than their partner.
None the less the article and the conclusions
made for an interest debate here in our offiThe emotional fallout and impact of a thought we’d catch up with the
sing dog is also more significant that a brea- person who created such a hot topic – Tina
kup. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being utterly Vidal of Pooch Perks.
dstraught, a lost dog averages 9.1 against 8.8
for a breakup.
Q) Hi Tina. Thank you for taking time out
and getting together today with A Dog’s
Best Friend. Let’s get this show on the
road. Tell the readers a little bit about
Pooch Perks and how it all works?
Pooch Perks is the fastest growing monthly
dog box on the market, providing pet parents with a monthly themed box of carefully
curated good for the pampered pooch. The
process is easy! Visit, select
“Get a Box” (for renewable options) or “Give
a Box” (for non-renewable options), select
the size of your pooch, the package you want
(we offer 4) and you’re all set!
Q) And do you cater for all dog sizes from
the Chihuahaha to the Great Dane?
We offer two different size packages, dogs
under 35 lbs and dogs over 35 lbs. We are
adding a toy size category in the near future
as well. We own 6 dogs from a miniature
pinscher to a great dane so as we test our
products we make sure they work for dogs of
various sizes.
Q) What if I want to send a Gift Box to a
friend? How do I go about that?
That is one of our favorite features! When you visit,
select the “Give a Box” link in the toolbar. That feature will allow you
to send a 1, 3, 6, or 12 month gift that won’t auto renew so you don’t
have to worry about canceling!
There sure is. Most of our boxes have a retail value $5 to $10 above
the price you pay, plus the majority of our boxes include free shipping which is another $8-$10 savings on top of that. You can save
upwards of $20 on some of our boxes!
Q) There are a few Gift Box brands on the market right now. What
do you think Pooch Perks do differently, or better, than the other
brands out there?
Q) Have you got any testimonials from happy pet parents whose
pups enjoyed a Pooch Perks box?
There are a lot of pop up boxes that have entered the market over
the past 18 months. But, at Pooch Perks we do things very differently. First and most importantly, we only source completely all natural
treats that are 100% Made in the USA, guaranteed. So you can ensure what you are putting in your dogs mouth is safe and meets USA
standards. Second, all of our treats and toys are tested by 6 dogs of
different breeds and sizes and by our Pooch Perks product experts.
Also, we offer a 100% guarantee- if you’re not happy, we’ll make it
Q) If I’m feeling peckish, could I even try one of the treats myself?
You can! We do. They are all natural, made with human grade ingredients.
Q) If customers were big supporters of buying 100% made in the
USA products, is Pooch Perks the brand for them?
We definitely are! We offer a Patriotic Pooch package for $45 that
includes Made in the USA treats and toys.
Q) Is there a typical saving to made when ordering a Pooch Perks
box compared to buying all the products separately?
Tons. All you have to do is checkout our homepage for customer
testimonials and reviews. Eva Longoria has even tried our boxes and
her dogs love them!
Q) You have a lot of great toys for pooches to enjoy. But are the
toys safe and tested like child toys are?
We hold our toys to rigorous standards and ensure they come from
safe factories that are held to the same standards as children’s toys.
That means extra testing to ensure no needles have broken off in the
stitching process and the components included in the toys are 100%
Q) Pooch Perks looks be a growing and thriving company in a
competitive market place? What are the future plans at Pooch
Perks to ensure customers come back for more? Are there any
interesting developments in the pipeline that our readers may
want to know about?
We have a ton of things in the works for the rest of 2016. We are launching new 1-time product boxes that we think our customers are
going to love and we are adding a lot of new customization options
making it even easier to pamper your pooch.
So it’s clear that Pooch Perks are doing some amazing things for dog
owners and their pooches. Just imagine how convenient it would
be to have a bunch of awesome pet treats delivered straight to your
door-step every month. No fuss and no bother – just instant fun for
you and your pooch - straight out of the box.
Click the Pooch Perks Pic below to be taken straight to the Pooch
Perks site and
treat your fur baby today.
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016
Stop Your Puppy Jumping Up
Article by: Doggy Dan The Online Dog Trainer
Learning how to stop a puppy from jumping up is something you
need to get onto straight away.
Puppies jumping up are a very natural thing that they do when
they are little to get attention and in the wild to get fed by licking
the Mother’s face to encourage food to be regurgitated.
Showing your puppy that it does not get attention when it jumps
is something that you should encourage from a very early age.
Often it can seem like fun when a puppy is very small but when
your dog grows to 35kg and can jump 5 foot high it is not so
funny. If you do not stop the jumping when your puppy is little
then when your puppy turns into a larger dog it soon turns into a
more dominant display of demanding your attention!
If your puppy is jumping up, simply turn and walk away. Ignore
your puppy, no eye contact, no speaking and no touching.
Continue to ignore and then after your puppy has calmed down,
wait for 5 minutes and then call your puppy to you. If your puppy
does not stop then isolate your puppy by either
leaving the room or by putting the puppy in another room.
Puppy jumping up on visitors:
Put the leash down and wait for 10 minutes or until your puppy is
calm, then try again. This is important and although you are keen
to go for a walk you should not rush it!
Important concepts:
It is really important not to speak, to stay calm and not say a word
when your puppy jumps up.
Remember your puppy is an attention-seeking machine!
Your puppy’s jumping up and space invading is not its way of
saying I love you!! Space is very important to a dog and if she can
invade yours whenever she wants then she will lose respect for you.
How would you feel if a human constantly invaded your space! It
is more similar than you think!!
Start as you mean to go on. When your puppy is calm then you
can call her and pick her up for a cuddle
When you are ignoring your puppy keep your arms folded and
walk past the puppy confidently and assertively.
The two most common mistakes:
Inconsistency - sometimes puppy jumping up is given attention!
People make eye contact...This invites your puppy over, so do
not make eye contact, focus on something else.
Another trick that will help is to train your puppy to sit for
everything! If you can get your puppy to practise lots of “sits” then
her default behaviour will simply be to sit when you call her, and
not jump!
For more information on puppy training then check The Online
Dog Trainer it is a great source of fascinating information that
covers off everything you need to know about raising a happy
puppy using videos.
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016
Fun In The Sun With Fido
What Is Summer Really Like For Dogs?
Article by: Kiersten Relyea of Pippin Tails
It’s official, all over the US we are breaking records for heat waves. So for many
of us that means hitting the beaches, getting sun by the pool and cookouts. Well, it
doesn’t mean that for our pups.
For dogs high heats can mean adventures
with their human counterparts but often
they don’t enjoy summer like we do. Summer means scorching pavement on delicate
paw pads, inadequate water supplies in and
around the home as well as on adventures,
poolside and ocean dangers and antifreeze
is bountiful. Oh yeah and how many more
stories will we hear of animals left in cars
and outside?! Too many, and they don’t end
So, let’s go through some serious summer
concerns but we will finish off with some fun
in the sun you can have with Fido too!
Let’s start with the everyday struggles of dog
life, which normally isn’t very hard. Let’s be
honest, they lounge and eat pretty much
most of their lives. BUT when Fido does go
out for their walks, it can be downright painful on their little paws. So there are a few tips
we have for you!
So let’s talk water. They say we need 8
glasses of water a day as humans. I’ve even
heard we should take our weight, divide by 2
and then how ever many pounds that equals
is how many ounces of water we need to
drink. Well for your pup you can use a similar
equation. For every 10lbs of dog your pup
should drink between 8-10oz of water. That’s
not including hot weather or activity level.
Just a base line. Now, I won’t harp on you if
you see hiking and think Fido can drink from
the stream. But, if you’ve ever watched even
one episode of those survivor shows you’ve
probably seen that the water flowing in that
river, is probably not so drinkable. If your
packing water in for you, pack it in for Fido
Poolside, lakeside and ocean dangers seem
to be pretty obvious but well, not always.
You can’t count on Fido to always be the
perfect trained little angel that they normally are. So, what does that mean? Life vests.
Short and simple. If you’re planning on being
near any body of water you’d worry about a
2-3 year old child near (so probably not my
kiddie pool) then strap on a vest. Why? Well
anything can happen! Dogs don’t always
know how to get out of a pool they got in.
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016 25
They also won’t always stay on the pier or in a boat while on the
lake. Don’t you know the ducks in the lake must be scared off? And
the ocean is a wide and vast place. You can read the story about the
pup rescued in the ocean due to his life vest! Just be safe and not
sorry. Also, there’s cute vests out there too now. So go ahead and
order a fun vest with your fun doggy booties this summer!
Let’s talk about antifreeze. It keeps us cool. We love it. But, dogs
don’t. Well, actually they do. But what they don’t know, is it can kill
them. You probably know this BUT let’s talk about why antifreeze is
so bad. It contains ethelyne glycole which dogs can drink quite a bit
of before becoming repulsed. This can come from radiators, AC units
and if you do your own work on these devices – your garage. (It’s
also found in brake fluid and coolant.) Antifreeze poisoning manifests itself in what I refer to as “the antifreeze drunk”. The pet will become wobbly with excessive urination, diarrhea, vomiting, and rapid
heart rate. It can then escalate to seizures, fainting and coma. If you
think your pet has come in contact with antifreeze get them to the
vet immediately. Without treatment kidney failure will set in. Do not
induce vomiting until confirmed by your vet, due to the fact other
poisons can be more harmful coming up, if it is not in fact antifreeze
poisoning but
another chemical.
with them while we are out. Just something fun! (We don’t leave
them with stuffed kongs or plastics as we monitor that usage. A little
over protective but ya know.)
5. Get a plastic kiddie pool. So we did this. It’s going well, not as we
expected. It’s turned into the big water dish. But we are working on
it. We have our fish from our Pooch Perks box that Pippin loves and
we throw that in for him! We also are trying to show him it’s not bath
time! It’s fun time! So time will tell but we feel good about it! (Again,
Lu dog will never go in!)
The summer is a great time to enjoy some fun in the sun. Just remember: fun in the sun is different for Fido. We love our pups and
whether at home or on a summer trip make sure to think of them
while everything is going on. Also, if you’re having a BBQ like we are
today, make your pup a tiny burger (no spices/cheese or bread for
health) just for them. They are a part of the party too!
Have a great summer and we can’t wait to share our summer at Pippin Tails with everyone!
Yikes! Sometimes these posts make us nervous about the world
around our pups. Taking proper precautions and using forethought
will protect our fur babies in the summer! That also means this
should go without saying but: DO NOT leave your dog in the car
without full AC running and doors locked. That means keypad entry
or a spare key. Make sure window lock is on.
When I do need to take my dogs with me I have a quick go to: I keep
my college grad tassel on my rear mirrors so people can see the AC
blowing. I am considering a sign, but we normally don’t leave them
in the car. Though some days, you leave in the AM for a nice park jog
and by the time you get done the pavement is too hot to walk Fido in
and out of errands. Some people also have dogs that have such bad
anxiety they can’t be left at home. I won’t judge you for leaving your
dog in the car as long as the AC is full blast and you’re on a quick
errand nearby.
DO NOT leave Fido outside while you’re at work, on the patio for any
given amount of time that you are not home or anywhere other than
in doors while you are not home. If you’re home, you can monitor
your dog while they are outside. If you’re not home Fido should be
inside or with you.
Okay, let’s add some fun.
1. Get a sprinkler, put it in the yard and see if Pippin loses his mind.
Lu dog we know won’t go near it but he loves to “eat” moving water
so this should be fun and a good cool down!
2. Make doggie ice cream! Plain and simple. And then we will eat ice
cream too!
3. Make doggie ice cubes and Popsicles. So there’s so many cool
recipes. Pippin is a little over peanut butter right now so we might
try some yogurt recipes. Maybe make it super appetizing and add
bacon. Because bacon and yogurt sounds good right?
4. Frozen everything! That’s the trend right now! We’ve found some
bones that are similar to esphogas bones and heard you can freeze
and stuff them! I love this idea because we can leave them home
About the Author
Kiersten is the owner and writer for
Pippin Tails. Pippin Tails is a blog
made to target everything
that dog lovers like! This includes
product reviews, book and movie
plug ins, fun articles and posts
about Pippin and his life. To read
more from Kiersten Relyea stay
tuned here at A Dog’s Best
Friend as well as check out Pippin
Tails at
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016
Poes Print - The Perfect Fusion Of
Art And A Genuine Love
For Pets
Article by: Mike Brown, Publisher, A Dog’s Best Friend
We’re all familiar with Instagram and the huge array of pet pictures
and images to be found there.
However, whilst browsing the news feed one day, a brand that really
stood out from the rest… and …offered something a little different
was Poes Print.
Specialising in capturing and recreating owners pets in a unique and
distinctively charming manner, Poes Print is something we had to
find out more about…
…and had to make sure that you found about them as well. To give
you every opportunity to get a unique custom made portrait of your
pooch delivered straight to your door step.
We sat down one morning with Eva, over a welcome cup of coffee
and found out a little more about what she can bring pet lovers just
like you…
Q) Hi Eva, lets get this rolling. Can you tell the readers a little
about Poes Print and what you offer pet lovers?
Poes print is a company who offers luxury portraits of your own pet.
It’s printed on the highest quality paper that last a lifetime without
loss of color. It’s also very thick paper what make it feel very nice.
Q) What’s the normal turn around time for
a custom made portrait?
It depends. In busy times it can take me
about four weeks to finish your print because there is a waiting list. Then to the printer
to get it printed takes a few days and then
the shipping. Shipping depends on what
shipping methods you choose and where
you live. I have customers all over the world
so let’s say to Europe the time for shipping is
one to four weeks and for America it’s a few
days to three weeks.
Q) What was the inspiration for Poes? How
did it all start?
I went to school for graphic design, that’s
where I learned to work with the programs I
use. I really liked doing it and I love animals
so I thought to combine the two! I started
making portraits about a
year ago and got a lot of very positive reactions. That’s when I decided to really make
something of it. So I did and it is going great!
I love doing my work and I love seeing everyone’s pet.
Q) Can we hear any testimonials or feedback from other pet parents, who’ve been
really pleased with your custom made
Yes sure! There are a lot Instagram dogs who
have a portrait and are really happy with
it like @kelly_bove her dogs, @juniperfox,
@aquacorg and the list goes on haha! So
pretty big names. On my website are a few
reviews about what some people have to
say about the portrait I made for them. Most
people are just really happy and say that I
really captured their pets personality.
Here are just a few examples of what other
happy Poes Print customers had to say:
for sale in west Hollywood! Also on my website. I’m planning on even more products to
make but it’s not done yet so stay tuned to
printer based in Los Angeles and then it will
go to your home!
Q) It’s really important that we all give
back somehow. Are Poes involved with
any charity work?
Just imagine having a timeless piece of unique artwork of your fur baby on your living
wall. Perfectly capturing the personality and
individual character of your pet. Or maybe
to give as a present to a family member or
friend - how happy would you make them?
Yes we do. 15% off all profits goes to non
profit animal charity or local shelters. I really
love giving some money, or sometimes I buy
stuff that the shelter needs, because they
are always so happy with it! And it’s not that
hard to give a little help. I try to do it every
month, but sometimes I don’t have time to
go somewhere and then it’s just a little bit
more money for the next month. But in the
end it’s always the 15% of everything.
So people, what are you waiting for?
You would be GUARANTEED to be giving a
gift that can’t be bought anywhere else on
the internet - lovingly crafted art combined
with a genuine passion for pets.
Q) So if I want a custom made portrait of
my pooch, how do I go about this?
You can just send me an email! Then we will
have a chat about what you want like size,
color, white border or not and some more
options. You have to send me some pictures
of your lovely pet, I’ll send an invoice and as
soon as that’s paid I can get started! When
I’m done you will get a picture of the portrait as approval. You can tell me if anything
has to be changed and I will change it! Then
when you’re happy with it I’ll send it to the
‘I ordered a digital drawing, and I lovethe drawing Eva made for me! It really represent my
puppy Lucien. It’s very original and her drawing
was a big succes on my account! I will order an
other one with pleasure. She also send me the
portrait very quick, that was nice.’ @lucien.
france on Instagram
‘Eva did an amazing and proffesional job of
Rufio. I just love the image she created!’
@livingthatgoldenlife on Instagram
Q) Do you offer any other products or services that dog lovers may be interested in?
Yes! Recently I started a series of greeting
cards. I picked a few models (dogs) to be on
the cards, and put a small sentence above it.
That also went really great, because they are
A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016
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A Dogs Best Friend Magazine | July 2016