âSAFARI NIGHTSâ - SCI El Paso Chapter
âSAFARI NIGHTSâ - SCI El Paso Chapter
Safari Club International A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION ♦ DEDICATED TO WILDLIFE CONSERVATION, EDUCATION AND HUNTING - El Paso Chapter – 4727 Osborne Drive phone: (915) 584-9300 ext. 15 El Paso, Texas 79922 Fax: (915) 833-0253 Email: huntforever@scielpaso.org >>> SCI – El Paso Chapter <<< Proudly Presents “SAFARI NIGHTS” Our 13th Annual Banquet & Fundraiser Saturday – February 27, 2016 – Banquet & Fundraiser -------------------------------------Dear Outfitters, Professional Hunters, Professional Game Ranchers, Artists and other Merchandise Donors: SCI–El Paso is pleased to announce our 13th Annual Banquet and Fundraiser which will be held in El Paso, Texas on Saturday, February 27, 2016. If you’re attending the Safari Club International event in Las Vegas, Nevada, you’ll find El Paso, one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States, a short flight or drive away. Our “Safari Nights” event will offer you the opportunity to showcase your operations at one of SCI’s top chapters in Texas and one of the Top Ten Chapters in the World! Additionally, El Paso is ranked the safest city in the United States with a population over half a million. SCI–El Paso capitalizes on a population of well over 2 million people within a 50 mile radius of the city and garners the interest and attendance by a large cross-section of its wealthiest residents. Because the venue we had used for several years was not available in 2015 we returned to the facility in which we began our events, much to the delight of the several hundred who attended and enjoyed the convenient location and friendly confines where we designed a floor plan that affords us approximately 20,000 square feet of space. This design easily accommodates our attendees while offering booth display space for 30 Outfitters/Exhibitors. You will be able to showcase your operation in a very professional environment regardless of weather conditions. Our chapter’s Banquet and Fundraiser events are unrivaled by other SCI Chapters and “set the standard by which all other chapters should conduct their events.” We are soliciting hunting, fishing and photo safari donations, and merchandise donations for our 2016 Banquet and Fundraiser event that will be attended by hunters, sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts alike. We extend to you our very coveted invitation to join us on Saturday, February 27, 2016 at the El Maida Shrine located at 6331 Alabama Street near the El Paso International Airport for an event unexcelled by any other than the SCI Annual Hunter’s Convention. Outfitters that have donated fishing, hunting or photo safaris to us in the past have received many new and expanded bookings, and reported back to us their extreme pleasure with the results of our banquets. Our chapter typically receives more donated hunts than all other SCI Region 10 Chapters combined. Therefore, we are extremely selective of the donations we receive, select and approve in order to sustain and increase the overall quality of our hunt program. We will be limiting the number and types of Outfitters and Exhibitors for our 2016 event to 30. Please do not miss this opportunity to participate in the premier hunting, fishing and photo safari market in the El Paso, Texas area. Donations approved by our 2016 Banquet and Fundraiser Committee will be showcased in our award winning Banquet and Fundraiser program, event video presentations, distributed throughout the Southwest United States via chapter email, and posted on our chapter website at www.scielpaso.org for all Internet user’s to see. Numerous outfitters have already seized this opportunity in order to take advantage of this hungry crowd of hunters who seek to book numerous and quality hunts with outfitters such as you. For further information or to take advantage of this tremendous opportunity, please contact Tyler Daniels at (915) 584-9300 extension 19, Farley Daniels at (915) 584-9300 extension 15, or Donald Black at (586) 854-3694. We can also be contacted via email at tdaniels@dantexconstruction.com, fdaniels@dantexconstruction.com, attorneyblack@wowway.com or huntforever@scielpaso.org. Another option still can be found at the SCI–El Paso website Home Page at www.scielpaso.org. Click the link to our Banquet Page where you will find on-line donation forms for both “Hunt” and Non-Hunt”, as well as forms you can download and fax to the chapter headquarters. Our chapter respectfully requests and will gratefully appreciate your support and participation at our 2016 “Safari Nights”, 13th Annual SCI–El Paso Chapter Banquet & Fundraiser. Cordially, Tyler D. Daniels President Safari Club International – El Paso Chapter El Paso, TX (915) 584-9300 ext 19 Farley R. Daniels Past President & Committee Co-Chairman Safari Club International – El Paso Chapter El Paso, TX (915) 584-9300 ext 15 Donald E. Black Committee Co-Chairman Safari Club International – El Paso Chapter El Paso, TX (586) 854-3694