Spreading Branches - Lansdale Presbyterian Church
Spreading Branches - Lansdale Presbyterian Church
Spreading “I am the Vine, you are the branches; Branches he who abides in Me bears much fruit...” John 15:5 April 2014 www.lansdalepres.org The Newsletter of Lansdale Presbyterian Church 215-368-1119 e-mail: info@lansdalepres.org Global Missions Conference Joy Ohanian & Megan Pennington “As the Spirit Moves” - This was the reigning theme of the Global Missions Conference hosted by MTW in November 2013. Through-out the conference, “As the Spirit Moves” permeated each group session, breakout session, and many of the interactions we had with various MTW missionaries – those from Japan to Germany to those working in Jackson, Mississippi. We were utterly blessed by the genuine desires of so many missionaries that the Spirit touches people all over the world. The conference consisted of four group sessions, each starting and ending with glory-filled music brought by the band, Indelible Grace. The speakers from the conference included Paul Kooistra, coordinator of MTW; Giotis Kantartzis, Pastor of First Greek Evangelical Church in Athens, Greece; Rod Mays, National Coordinator of RUF Ministries; and Ravi Zacharias. Each brought personal struggles and joys to the pulpit as they shared unique stories of the faithfulness of God. In his own way, each man was able to clearly communicate the truths of Scripture to the audience and to bring to life the joy that the Spirit does indeed lead every one of us. • • • • By Kooistra we’re reminded to “fight the good fight” with humility. By Kantartzis we learned that our God is the God of the agora (marketplace) as well as the God of the synagogue, and that “missions is ordinary people doing ordinary things with gospel intentionality.” From Mays we learned that we are here because God is at work and though we will be unclean, Jesus absorbs our uncleanness and pollution, transforming us from outsiders to insiders. He stressed that we must come recognizing that we are all sinners, yet acknowledging that the gospel is so great that we are incapable of polluting it. From Zacharias we were inspired to ask ourselves what a true follower looks like, and to learn from Daniel, who knew when to draw the line against dependence upon himself and to ask for wisdom from God. We wish we could share each and every thing that happened at this conference, but we will let it suffice to say that the Spirit moved in each of us. We would both be overjoyed to share with you some more specific things we learned at this conference, so please ask either of us about it! Thank you, Missions Committee, for supporting us in this endeavor, and thank you, body of LPC, for helping to raise us in the Word of God. In Him, Megan and Joy Joy Ohanian’s Mission Trip to Cyprus - this June 2014 From June 1-30, I will be serving as an MTW missionary in Nicosia, Cyprus. With Turkish Muslim and Greek Orthodox cultures, Cyprus is the meeting place of both Europe and the Middle East. My activities will include working at the Mercy Center and in the local community, directly encouraging the Cypriot believers. Should you desire to financially support me as I seek to raise $2700 due May 15, checks can made directly to Lansdale Presbyterian Church writing “Cyprus Project” on the memo line. - In His Grace, Joy Ohanian (*If you would like to see a copy of Joy’s support letter, there are copies available in the church lobby. *You may support her through your giving envelopes – just indicate on the envelope.) Men’s Breakfast Saturday, April 5 Please join us at the Henning’s Market Food Court at 7:30am for a great all you can eat breakfast buffet followed by a presentation by teaching elder Dave Brewer who will talk about caring for our parents in their senior years. As our congregation matures, more and more of us need to have help in deciding what kind of care is best for them. (And some of us are old enough to check this out for our own care!) Dave has some helpful insights to share with us. S.L.I.C. The Seniors Living In Christ were treated to a lovely luncheon following the worship service on Sunday, March 9th. Charlie Miller greeted everyone and shared an inspirational message on the Trinity and/or Triune God. Everyone is still raving about the delicious food that was served: salad, chicken pot pie, green beans, and to top it off a warm apple crisp and ice cream. The tables were beautifully decorated with flowers and candy treats for each guest. The message, meal and fellowship made for a truly delightful afternoon. All the seniors would like to thank the WIC Committee along with their husbands----the C. Millers, the Foxes, and Janet Younathan. Everyone was touched by their hospitality and thoughtfulness. May God bless you all as you continue to serve Him. On Wednesday, March 19, twenty-two seniors met in the church library for "Everybody's Birthday". Everyone contributed to the delicious lunch complete with cupcakes and ice cream, after which we held our Pound Auction. Each person brought a wrapped item weighing about a pound, and these were auctioned off by our very capable, Tom Woloski which caused some tense moments during the bidding wars - all in fun. The proceeds will be used to offset SLIC expenses. All seniors are invited to a trip to Bryn Athyn Cathedral and Cairnwood Mansion on April 23. We will have guided tours and learn the history of these beautiful buildings. Lunch will be in their garden house. Bring your own lunch; meet at the church at 10 a.m. Bottled water will be provided; cost is $10. Please see the sign-up sheet in the lobby. Questions, please call Martha (215-368-4936) or Dottie (215-855-8087). April 2014 The No Longer, INRI In Concert - Friday, April 11, 7PM Easter is a time to worship and praise the Lord for his gift of Salvation. Come support the LPC youth mission trip at The No Longer benefit concert! The No Longer will be performing their new rock opera, INRI. This album narrates the life and death of Jesus Christ. The band features our own LPC member Benj Giffone playing bass! The concert will be held on Friday, April 11, from 7-9pm. All proceeds from YOUR donations will go to the LPC youth missions fund for our trip to Belize! We hope that you can share in God’s Glory with us and come worship at The No Longer concert! If you have any questions concerning the event, please contact Abbey Greene at 215.855.0106. International Spring Festival The International Spring Festival celebrates cultural diversity in the North Penn area through food, family fun and the performing arts. This year's festival will be held on Saturday, April 26th, 11am - 5pm at the North Penn High School. Admission and parking is free. Our church has a presence at the festival, with a table and lots of materials offered to the guests to introduce & invite them to our church. We welcome you to stop by and visit! If you are interested in helping LPC at the festival, please contact Craig Schwartz. Spreading Branches 2 Ministry Update: Benj and Corrie Giffone Mission Conference 2014 The Giffones have exciting news to share with the church family. Benj has accepted a position as assistant professor of theology at LCC International University, an evangelical university in Klaipėda, Lithuania. Starting in August, Benj will be teaching classes in Old and New Testament, Hebrew, and worship. Corrie will be involved in evangelism and discipleship on campus. The Giffones' ministry at LCC will require them to raise missionary support of roughly $32,000 annually, as the school can only provide housing. Please pray for them as they transition out of ministry and jobs here in Lansdale and prepare to move to Eastern Europe. Pray also that God would provide the funds to allow them to carry out this ministry to students in a region that desperately needs the gospel of Jesus Christ. On Sunday, March 23rd, we reunited with longtime friends Jeff and Esther Talley. Our church has supported the Talleys for 34 years. For the last eight years they have labored in Slovakia in the work of evangelism and church planting. During their visit with us they enjoyed a French dinner on Friday evening with our Missions Committee and hosted by the Gray family. They also enjoyed breakfast on Saturday with one of our small groups at the home of the Wilsons. On Sunday during Sunday School we heard from Jeff and Esther about their ministry of building relationships with local people to open opportunities to speak about Jesus and invite people to Bible studies and church activities. Later Jeff preached from Mark 5 about the powerful work of God to save. Jeff reminded us that like the demon possessed man who was delivered by Jesus and who spread the news about it, we who have experienced this same saving power also have something to tell others. From the Giffones: "We are so grateful for all the love and support from our church family here at Lansdale. You have been our church home for nearly four years, and we have grown and experienced so much of God's grace through you all. We are sad to think of leaving, but we are excited to pass on that grace and love you have shown to us, as you send us forth into this mission that God has prepared for us." The Giffones will continue to minister at LPC until June 15, and will worship with us until they leave in early August. You can find out more about the Giffones' ministry here: http://thinkhardthinkwell.wordpress.com/cate gory/giffones-in-lithuania/ April 2014 On Sunday evening we enjoyed all sorts of hors d'oeuvres that allowed us to sample favorite Slovakian foods. This was followed by an always tasty covered dish dinner. The Talleys ended with a presentation on Slovakian culture. Many thanks go to Faline Gray, the Missions Committee, and the many volunteers who made the Talleys feel at home, and who made the conference an enjoyable, informative, and encouraging experience for all who attended. Jeff and Esther plan to return to Slovakia and rejoin their team at the end of this summer. Please pray for God to provide for their support needs and to bring together the many details concerning family, government regulations, and housing that need to be in place for a smooth return. Spreading Branches 3 Coming Events at LPC Birthdays & Anniversaries April 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 11 12 13 14 16 18 20 21 23 24 26 27 28 April Birthdays 6:30pm Cantabile Choir rehearsal (wkly) 6am Men’s Fraternity (wkly) 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal (wkly) 7:30pm Band Rehearsal (wkly) 9am Ladies’ Bible Study (wkly) 6:30pm Session Meeting 7pm Ladies’ Evening Bible Study (wkly) 10:30am Fri Small Group (wkly) Ladies WIC Retreat - Doylestown 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast – Hennings’ 8:45 & 11:15 am Worship (wkly) 10:00 am Christian Education 4:15 pm Youth Handbell Choir Reh. 5:30 pm Kid’s Quest Jr. & Sr. High Youth Grp (wkly) Small Groups 9:00 am MOPS 7-9:00 pm “The No Longer” Concert 8:00 am LPC Work Day 2:00 pm Meadowood Ministry 4:15 pm Youth Handbell Reh. 7:30 pm Evangelism Comm. Meeting 7:00 pm Session Planning Comm. Mtg. 9:00 am Christian Ed. Planning Mtg 7:00 pm Good Friday Service at Covenant Easter - 8:45 & 11 am Worship Services 10 am Easter Breakfast (No Sunday School) No Evening meetings or groups 7:00 pm Deacons’ Meeting 7:00 pm Ladies A Time to Pray 9:00am MOPS Steering Comm. Mtg. Bertuccis’ Missions Trip Fundraiser Session Planning Retreat 1:00 pm Food From the Heart Dinner 7:30 pm Finance Comm. Meeting May 8 – Mother-Daughter Banquet! (Save the date!) Good Friday Worship at Covenant Presbyterian in Harleysville Friday, April 18th at 7:00 pm Easter Worship Services Sunday, April 20th Breakfast at 10:00am We would like some of you to sign up to bring a breakfast casserole or a coffee cake. (no Sunday School) April 2014 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 26 27 28 29 Jonathan K Wendy F Tom G Lori D Michelle G Glenn S Jamie B Mary H Thomas P Bea K Julie Z Richard Z Kaelyn M Dottie K Matthew H Erica W Carla B Nick H Michael S Martine W (MTW) Christopher G Easter L Katelyn G Tammy S Dottie F Diane P Nell E April Anniversaries: 4 10 11 19 20 Bob & Tammy S Michael & Kay K Tom & Chris G Dean & Cindy M Bill & Barbara E Volunteer Schedules April Greeters: 4/6 4/13 4/20 4/27 8:45 am 11:15 am 8:45 am 11:15 am 8:45 am 11:15 am 8:45 am 11:15 am Bob & Michelle W Rick & Lori D Tammy S Carol P Charlie & Phyllis M Craig & Anita S Tom & Chris G Sparky & Carla B April Ushers 8:45 am Tom G, Lowell N, Dave H, Justin P 11:15 am Tom S, Sparky B, Rick D, Chuck F 8:45 & 11:15am No evening meetings or groups 1 5 6 7 10 April Counters: 4/6 4/13 4/20 4/27 Spreading Branches Mike Mike Mike Mike S, S, S, S, Cathy S, Lynda C Cathy S, Lynda C Tom & Floss W Tom & Floss W, Craig S 4