Text (SMS) - Peoples Bank
Text (SMS) - Peoples Bank
Text (SMS) Banking Access your accounts from any text-‐enabled mobile phone to view balances and transac4on history. Best of all, it’s free, secure and easy to use! Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on Frequently Asked QuesDons How much does this service cost? There is currently no charge associated with the service. However, there may be charges associated with text messaging and data usage on your phone. Check with your wireless phone carrier for more informa4on. Which wireless carriers are supported? We support all the popular US wireless phone carriers, including AT&T, Sprint, T-‐Mobile, and Verizon. If your carrier is not listed when you enroll, select 'Other' and try the Mobile Web op4on, or check back later, as new carriers will be added over 4me. Do I need a text message or data plan on my phone? Yes, a text messaging plan is typically needed for your phone, as text usage can become expensive without one. Please check with your wireless carrier for more informa4on. I’m not enrolled for online banking. Can I sDll use this? You must first enable your bank account(s) for online banking before using mobile. What is acDvaDon? Ac4va4on is a one-‐4me process that helps ensure your security. An ac4va4on code is issued to you on the online enrollment site. You will need to enter this code on your device to begin text banking. You may also need to enter this code for mobile banking if you don't use challenge ques4on(s) for online banking. If you use challenge ques4ons for online banking, you can enroll for mobile banking directly from your mobile device without an ac4va4on code. We recommend you print your ac4va4on code and installa4on instruc4ons for easy reference during installa4on. hIps://mbanking.firstdata.com/res/pbnnc/en/enrollment/faq.html?expand=true Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on First step: login to online banking and ac4vate mobile Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on Star4ng with mobile banking Start at www.TheRealPeoplesBank.com Log in with your Access ID and passcode. To enroll in mobile banking, you must first be enrolled and ac4vated in desktop online banking. If you are logging in for the first 4me since March 15, 2013, your informa4on has changed: • Your Access ID is the same as your old Login ID, entered as all lowercase le\ers (numbers and special characters such as symbols or punctua4on are unchanged.) • You’ve been assigned a temporary passcode. This passcode is your new Access ID followed by the last 4 digits of your Social Security or Tax ID number. Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on Star4ng with mobile banking A_er a first-‐4me login, you’ll be prompted to change your passcode. First enter your temporary passcode that you used to login, then create the new passcode. NEW PASSCODES: • Must be at least 8 characters long • Must contain: • 1 number • 1 lowercase le\er • 1 capital le\er • 1 special character (such as a symbol or punctua4on) • Cannot be the same as your Access ID What’s a special character? Special characters are symbols or punctuaDon like @ # $ % & * ; ‘ “ ! + . , Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on Star4ng with mobile banking youremail@peoplesbanknc.com Choose security quesDons that are easy for you to remember but hard for others to guess. Security quesDon answers are case sensiDve . Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on Star4ng with mobile banking Once you are logged in to Online Banking, go to the User Services menu and click “Mobile Enrollment” Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on Star4ng with mobile banking If prompted, click “allow pop-‐ups for this site. Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on SMS Text Two opDons: 1. Add text banking to a device you’ve already enrolled, or 2. add a new device. OpDon 2: (add mobile device) (828)555-‐1212 | Your Carrier OpDon 1: (click either link) Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on SMS Text OpDon 1: AcDvaDng an exisDng device Your Ac4va4on Code is: 123456 Make a note of the acDvaDon code or print this page! (828)555-‐1212 This is an example code, your code will be different! Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on SMS Text OpDon 2: Enrolling a new device Enter your mobile carrier and phone number. Enter your mobile service carrier and mobile number. Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on SMS Text OpDon 2: Enrolling a new device (828)555-‐1212 | Your Carrier [Edit] Select Text Banking and con4nue Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on SMS Text OpDon 2: Enrolling a new device Make a note of this acDvaDon code, or print this page. (828)555-‐1212 | Your Carrier This is an example code, your code will be different! 123456 Yep, it’s useful! Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on SMS Text 123456 Remember the ac4va4on code you got online? Reply to the ac4va4on text with that code and you’re in. (This is an example code, your code will be different.) (828)555-‐1212 | Your Carrier 123456 Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on SMS Text Send text commands to Peoples Bank short code: 96865 For convenience, save this number to your contacts. Text “C” for a list of available commands. Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on SMS Text Refer to the mobile banking FAQ page for a full list of text commands available. Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on Telephone support for online banking is available 24 hours a day. Call 877-‐802-‐1212. When calling aper hours, select opDon #1. AddiDonal informaDon and frequently asked quesDons are online. Log in to online banking on your computer, click User Services and Mobile Enrollment, or go to: hIps://mbanking.firstdata.com/res/pbnnc/en/enrollment/faq.html?expand=true Mobile Banking Enrollment and Ac4va4on
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