Ørsta Bridge Parapet
Ørsta Bridge Parapet
Ørsta Bridge Parapet www.vikorsta.no Ørsta Bridge Parapet has been full scale tested in accordance with NS-EN 1317 in containment class H2 and working width W2. The railing has a round, soft design that also provides good protection against damage. Ørsta Bridge Parapet is supplied in several versions to suit the individual project Technical data: Containment class: Working width: Post interval: Damage class: Tested in accordance with: H2 W2 2m B EN-1317 Supplied for assembly on bolt groups with:: ∙ Distance between centres 2000 mm. ∙ Distance between bolts c/c=140X140 mm. ∙ M20 Bolts. ∙ Can be adapted for various fastening methods. ∙ Can be adapted for various fastening heights. ∙ Can be supplied in various heights (e.g. H=1,4m). Vik Ørsta AS Ørsta: Vik: N-6150 Ørsta N-6893 Vik i Sogn Tel: +47 70 04 70 00 Tel: +47 57 69 86 50 Fax: +47 70 04 70 04 Fax: +47 57 69 86 60 www.vikorsta.no firmapost@vikorsta.no D C B A 1 1 Type BR4 Type BR2 Type BR1 2 2 3 3 4 Henvising: Godkjent 6 5 Revisjon 6 Denne tegning er vår eiendom og må ikke, uten vårt samtykke, brukes, kopieres eller mot våre interesser gjøres tilgjengelig for andre. Ørsta Parapet Ørsta Bridge Parapet Erstattning for Erstattet av Målestokk A3 - 1:40 Type BR3/Picket SHumberset Konstr./Tegnet 5 Type BR3/Snowplough safe C:\Midlertidige filer\tegninger\Ørsta Parapet.idw 28.04.2009 System drawing Ørsta Parapet Beregning Dato 4 D C B A