Curriculum Vitae (Updated Aug. 2015) GAETAN BRULOTTE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PERSONAL ....................................................................................................... 4 2. EDUCATION .................................................................................................... 4 3. EMPLOYMENT ............................................................................................... 4 4. OTHER INSTITUTIONS ................................................................................ 4 5. AREAS OF SPECIALISATION ..................................................................... 5 6. PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................................. 5 A. PUBLICATIONS: BOOKS.................................................................................................................... 5 B. PUBLICATIONS: BOOK CHAPTERS, ANTHOLOGIES ............................................................... 6 Book chapters/segments of books ............................................................................................................. 6 Contributions to anthologies and textbooks ............................................................................................ 10 C. PUBLICATIONS: PREFACES, FOREWORDS............................................................................... 12 D. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: ARTICLES ......................................................................... 13 E. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: LITERARY CHRONICLES IN LIBERTÉ ..................... 17 F. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: BOOK REVIEWS .............................................................. 19 G. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: BOOK REVIEWS IN LE NOUVELLISTE ..................... 20 H. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: POETRY ............................................................................. 26 I. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: SHORT STORIES............................................................... 27 7. STAGE ADAPTATIONS AND ACTIVITIES ............................................ 29 8. AUDIO-VISUAL WORKS ............................................................................ 31 A. CINEMA AND TELEVISION WORKS ............................................................................................ 31 Brulotte/2 B. RADIO WORKS ................................................................................................................................... 31 9. INTERVIEWS: TELEVISION, RADIO, PERIODICALS, BOOKS ....... 32 10. PRESENTATIONS: INVITED PAPERS & LECTURES ....................... 44 11. PUBLIC READINGS, EXHIBITIONS, PERFORMANCES .................. 58 12. MY WORKS TRANSLATED INTO FOREIGN LANGUAGES ........... 61 A. Books translated .................................................................................................................................. 61 B. Short stories translated ....................................................................................................................... 61 C. Articles translated ............................................................................................................................... 63 13. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES .................................................................... 63 A. EDITORIAL BOARDS, JURIES, READING COMMITTEES, CONSULTATIONS ................ 63 B. DIRECTION OF LITERARY PERIODICALS AND SPECIAL ISSUES .................................... 68 C. CONFERENCES DIRECTED & SESSIONS CHAIRED .............................................................. 68 D. QUESTIONNAIRES, RESPONSES, REPORTS, TRIBUTES ...................................................... 70 14. UNIVERSITY AND PUBLIC SERVICES ................................................ 71 A. UNIVERSITY SERVICES ................................................................................................................. 71 B. THESES DIRECTIONS, DIRECTED STUDIES & RESEARCH ................................................. 76 1) Theses & Dissertations Directions .................................................................................................... 76 2) Theses and dissertations reading committees .................................................................................... 77 3) Theses and dissertations consultations .............................................................................................. 79 4) Directed studies and research ........................................................................................................... 79 C. PUBLIC SERVICES ........................................................................................................................... 81 15. COURSES TAUGHT ................................................................................... 84 16. AWARDS, HONORS, BIOGRAPHIES, CITATIONS ............................ 86 17. GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS, CONTRACTS ........................................... 90 Brulotte/3 18. CRITICAL STUDIES AS A SUBJECT AUTHOR .................................. 96 A. Critical books, Monographs .............................................................................................................. 96 B. Articles in volumes, chapters of books ............................................................................................. 96 C. Articles and reviews in periodicals and the Medias ........................................................................ 97 D. Papers at conferences....................................................................................................................... 108 E. Theses and dissertations .................................................................................................................. 109 F. Courses .............................................................................................................................................. 110 G. Web critical studies .......................................................................................................................... 111 Brulotte/4 1. PERSONAL Gaëtan Brulotte Distinguished University Professor of French & Francophone Studies Department of World Languages, CPR 107, University of South Florida 4202 E. Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL 33620-5550, USA Work phone : 1(813) 974-2782; Fax : 1(813) 905-9937 E-Mail work : ; personal : Website: (bilingual French/English) Facebook: Twitter: #brulotte LinkedIn: 2. EDUCATION 1978: Ph. D. (Doctorat), French Literature, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales & U. Denis-Diderot (Paris VII), Fr. Diss. title: Aspects du texte érotique. Committee: Roland Barthes (Director), Julia Kristeva (chair), Jean Bellemin-Noël (external reader). 1972: M.A., French Studies, Laval U., QC, Can. Thesis title: L’univers imaginaire de Ghelderode d’après Sortilèges. Committee: Monique Benoît (Director), Denis Saint-Jacques (chair), Clément Lockwell. 1971: Diplôme de l‟Ecole Normale Supérieure (Highest Degree in Teaching training, College of Education), Laval U., QC. 1969: B.A. French Language & Literature, Laval U., QC. 1966: B.A. in Education, Laval U., QC. 1966: Teaching Certificate (Brevet A d‟enseignement), Ecole Normale Laval, Quebec City, Can. 3. EMPLOYMENT 2005-pres.: Distinguished University Professor, French & Francophone Literature, U.of South Florida (Tampa) 1987-2005: Professor of French & Francophone Literature, U. of South Florida (Tampa) 1984-1987: Visiting professor of French & Francophone Literature, U. of South Florida (Tampa). (Mission of cooperation in education with the Gov. of Quebec, International Relations) 4. OTHER INSTITUTIONS 1994 Fall: Visiting Professor (exchange), Anthropology of literature & Semiology, Sorbonne-Paris V (U. René-Descartes), Fr. 1993-1994 Summer: Visiting Professor, Literary criticism & Quebec literature, U. of New Mexico French Summer Institute, Albuquerque & Montezuma, NM. 1993.Fall: Visiting Professor (exchange), Comparative literature & Quebec literature, U. Stendhal (Grenoble III), Fr. 1989-1990 Fall: Professorship, Literary theory, Advanced grammar and 20th C. French literature, U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Can. 1988 Oct: Distinguished Visiting Professor, French Studies, New Mexico State U., Las Cruces, NM, USA. Brulotte/5 1983-1984 Visiting Professor of French, Brevard Community College, Cocoa, FL. Experimental mission of cooperation in education with the Gov. of Quebec. 1981-1984 Summer: Visiting Professor, Quebec literature and culture, U. of New Mexico French Summer Institute, Albuquerque & Taos, NM. 1970-83: Professor of French literature, Trois-Rivières College (CEGEP), Can. 1982 Summer: Visiting Professor, Quebec literature and culture, Graduate Institute of French, U. of California at Santa Barbara, CA. 1980-1981 Spring: Lecturer, French literature, U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Can. 1973 Fall : Lecturer, French literature, U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Can. 1969 Summer: Instructor of French, Laval U., Québec City, Can. 5. AREAS OF SPECIALISATION 18th-20th & 21st Century French Studies, Francophone studies, especially Quebec Studies; Literary criticism and theory; Comparative literature; Sexuality and literature; Creative writing (author of fiction works novel, short story, drama); French language (all levels): native speaker. 6. PUBLICATIONS 1 A. PUBLICATIONS: BOOKS 1. La Contagion du réel. Short stories. Montreal: Lévesque éditeur, series "Réverbération," 2014, 152p. Prix de Littérature Gérald-Godin 2015, Grands Prix Culturels de Trois-Rivières, QC, May 2015. 2. La Nouvelle québécoise. Essay. Montreal: HMH, series "Les Cahiers du Québec," 2010, 340p. Shortlisted (last 3 finalists) for Prix de Littérature Gérald-Godin, QC, 2011. 3. Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. Co-Ed. with John Phillips. New York & London: Routledge, 2006, 2 vols, 1758p. 4. La Chambre des lucidités. Essay. Trois-Pistoles, QC: Editions Trois-Pistoles, series "Ecrire", 2003, 182p. Illus. 5. La Vie de biais. Short Stories. Montreal : Trait d'Union, series "Script", 2002, 177p. 2nd revised ed., mass paperback series "BQ" (Bibliothèque québécoise), 2008. 199p. 6. Le Client. Play. Carnières (Belg.): Editions Lansman, 2001, 48p. Premiered at the Avignon Festival, France, July 6-28, 2001; Théâtre de La Mure (Fr.): May 10-12, 2001, Moirans (Fr.): May 18-19, 2001. Stage adaptation from a Radio-Play, Montreal: CBC, 1983. Broadcast in Canada, France, Belgium, Switzerland. First Prize at the XIth Dramatic Radio-Drama Contest of Radio-Canada, 1983. Nomination to the Paul-Gilson Prize, Europe, 1983. Stage Adaptation by the author, 1996. Selection for "Journées de Lyon des Auteurs de Théâtre," Théâtre des Célestins, Lyon, Fr., 1996. Selection by Entr‟actes, Paris, 1997. Staging grant from Ministry of Culture (Fr.), 1998-2001. 1 See also Audio-visual works; Stage adaptations & activities; Interviews to medias (some are written ones published in periodicals or in books); Works translated into Foreign Languages. Brulotte/6 7. Epreuves. Short stories. Montreal : Leméac, series "Bonheurs-du-jour," 1999, 104p. 8. Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. A critical essay. Quebec City, Can.: Presses de l‟Université Laval; Paris: L'Harmattan, 1998, 522p. Short-listed (last 5 finalists) for Victor-Barbeau Prize for Essays, QC, 1999. 9. Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Lectures fin de siècle. Critical essays on Contemporary French Literature. Montreal: XYZ Editeur, mass paperback series "Documents", 1998, 351p. 10. L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. A critical essay. Foreword by Anne Hébert. Montreal: Fides, 1996, 282p. Illus. 2nd rev. ed.: Quebec City: Presses de l‟Université Laval, 2015, 224p. 11. Ce qui nous tient. Short stories. Montreal: Leméac, 1988, 148p. The 1989 Trois-Rivières Literary Prize, (Can.); 2nd finalist to the 1989 Bourse Goncourt de la nouvelle (Goncourt prize for short stories), Fr. 12. Le Surveillant. Short stories. 1st ed. Montreal: Quinze, 1982, 128p. Cassette recording, Montreal: Magnétothèque des Aveugles, 1982. 2nd rev. ed. Montreal: Lemeac, mass paperback "Poche-Québec," 1986, 192p. 3rd rev. ed. with foreword by J.-P. Boucher, and bibliog. Montreal: mass paperback series "BQ" (Bibliothèque québécoise), 1995, 153p. 4th ed. Montreal: mass paperback series “BQ”, 2013, 132p. 1981 Adrienne-Choquette Award; 1983 France-Quebec Award; Short listed (last 4 finalists) for the 1982 General Governor of Canada Literary Award; Selected Book of the Month, Nos livres (Quebec), 1983. 13. Ecrivains de la Mauricie. Co-ed. A French Canadian Writers Dictionary. Trois-Rivières: Editions du Bien Public, 1981, 278p. Illus. 14. L’Emprise. Novel. 1st ed. Montreal: Editions de l‟Homme, 1979, 208p. 2nd ed. (book-club hardcover) Québec Loisirs & France Loisirs, 1980, 208p. 3rd rev. ed. Montreal: Lemeac, mass paperback series "Poche-Québec", 1988, 158p. 4th rev. ed., with a bio-bibliographical presentation. Montreal, mass paperback series "BQ" (Bibliothèque québécoise), 2007, 155p. The 1979 Robert-Cliche literary Prize (Can.). Nomination for France-Canada & France-Quebec Award, 1980 (Fr.). TV adaptation by CBC, 1980. Film script by Michel Poulette and author, Productions Nuit Blanche, Montreal, 1981. New film script by Pierre Vallée, 1990. B. PUBLICATIONS: BOOK CHAPTERS, ANTHOLOGIES Book chapters/segments of books R= Refereed or Peer-reviewed 1. Guest Ed. Séductions. Spec. Issue of XYZ 117 [Montreal] Nov. 2015, in progress. 2. Claude-Emmanuelle Yance, Alchimie de la douleur. Editor sollicited entry in Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec T IX. Montreal: Fides, completed Aug. 2015, forthcoming. 3. “Francine D‟Amour, Ecrire comme un chat." Editor sollicited entry in Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec T IX. Montreal: Fides, completed Aug-Sept. 2012, forthcoming. 4. "Massicotte, Sylvie, L’oeil de verre." Editor sollicited entry in Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec T. IX. Montreal: Fides, completed Aug-Sept. 2012, forthcoming. 5. "Massicotte, Sylvie, Voyages et autres déplacements." Editor sollicited entry in Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec T. IX. Montreal: Fides, completed Aug-Sept. 2012, forthcoming. Brulotte/7 6. R "La sympathie et la littérature érotique dans la France du XVIIIe siècle." Le discours de la sympathie. Enquête sur une notion de l'âge classique à la modernité. Vol. I. Eds. Thierry Belleguic, Éric Van der Schueren, Sabrina Vervacke. Rev. repr. Paris : Hermann, “République des Lettres”, 2014: 199-218. First pub : Quebec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2007. 199-218. 7. Guest Ed. Autorités. Spec. issue of XYZ 117 [Montreal] Feb. 2014. 8. R "La crise de l'éternel féminin: la littérature érotique féminine dans la francophonie contemporaine." Lead chapter in Mythes et érotismes dans les littératures et les cultures francophones de l’extrême contemporain. Ed. Oktapoda, Efstratia. Amsterdam & NY: Rodopi, Series "Faux Titre," 2013. 47-76. 9. R "Le haptisme en atelier d‟écriture." And "Atelier d‟écriture haptiste." Article, discussion, and application. Ateliers d’écriture littéraire. Eds. Claudette Oriol-Boyer & Daniel Bilous. Paris : Hermann, "Colloque de Cerisy," 2013. 317-328; 519-522. 10. “Femmes de poussière.” Article and letters in Andrée Chedid, je t’aime. Hommages, mémoires et lettres. Eds. Evelyne Accad, Anne Craver & Christiane Makward. Paris : AlfAbarre, 2013. 151-158. 11. "Le Déchet." Article selected and reprinted in Le Colloque de Tanger. Ed. G.-G. Lemaire. Marseille, Fr. : CIP (Centre international de poésie), 2013: 15-28. First pub. in Le Colloque de Tanger. Eds. G.-G. Lemaire & al. Paris: Christian Bourgois, 1976. 29-44. On American writer William Burroughs. Contr. incl. Philippe Sollers, Jean-Joseph Goux, Françoise Collin, Ariel Denis, Brion Gysin. 12. Guest Ed. Les Fenêtres. Spec. issue of XYZ 105 (2011). 13. "Soudain, la conscience, et les questions commencent." Invited text around Chauvet prehistoric cave paintings. Grotte Chauvet-Pont d'Arc 33,000 ans-33,000 mots. Spec. issue of Revue des Deux Mondes [Paris, Fr.] Hors série, 2011: 100-103. Illus. Official launching ceremony in Paris, Dec 6, 2011. 14. "Pierre Chatillon. La Vie en fleurs." Invited entry. Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec 19861990 T. VIII. Montreal: Fides, 2011. 945-946. 15. "Jean Pierre Girard. Silences." Invited entry. Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec 1986-1990. T. VIII. Montreal: Fides, 2011. 801-802. 16. R "Le Monde arabe dans l'œuvre de Le Clézio." Les Écrivains français devant le monde arabe. Ed. Ralph Heyndels. Droz, Genève: ADIREL (Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche littéraire), Travaux de littérature XXIII (Sept 2010). 357-379. 17. "Pour une étude de la représentation corporelle chez Marguerite Duras. Notes exploratoires." Invited chapter in Mythes et symboles dans les littératures francophones. Eds. Constantin Grigorut, & ElenaBrandusa Steiciuc. Dunedin, NZ: Otago French Notes, 2010. 33-70. 18. R "En quelques raisons, pourquoi encore écrire?" L’Auteur en première ligne. Histoire et paroles des EAT. Ed. Gilles Costaz. Paris: L‟Avant-Scène Théâtre, series "Quatre-Vents," 2010. 129-131. 19. R "Pour un imaginaire du goût." Le Goût dans tous ses états. Ed. Michel Erman. Bern, Switz.: Peter Lang, series "Littératures de langue française", 2009. 21-32. Brulotte/8 20. "Désirs de femmes: l‟expression érotique féminine dans la littérature française contemporaine." Autofiction(s). Ed. Michel Erman. Toulouse, Fr.: Éditions Universitaires du Sud, series "Champs du Signe", 2009. 73-95. 21. Guest Ed. Sorties. Spec. issue of XYZ 94 (2008). 22. R "La Nouvelle québécoise: Son histoire particulière et ses spécificités contemporaines." Frontières de la Nouvelle de langue française : Europe et Amérique du Nord (1945-2005). Eds. Catherine Douzou & Lise Gauvin. Dijon: Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 2006. 89-101. 23. "Ecrire des nouvelles." Discussion's transcripts with short story writers Annie Saumont and G.-O. Châteaureynaud (among others). Frontières de la Nouvelle de langue française: Europe et Amérique du Nord (1945-2005). Eds. Catherine Douzou & Lise Gauvin. Dijon: Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 2006. 229-245. 24. "Laughing at Power." Invited lead chapter. Laugher and Power. Eds. John Parkin & John Phillips. Bern, Switz.: Peter Lang, series "European Connections 19", 2006. 11-18. 25. Guest Ed. Listes. Spec. issue of XYZ 85 (2006). 26. R "Promesse de conclusion." EcriREcrire. Hommage à C. Oriol-Boyer. Ed. Daniel Bilous. Recherches & Travaux 63 [Grenoble, Fr.] (2003). 225-243. Featured as concluding chapter. 27. "Pierre Chatillon. La Fille arc-en-ciel." Invited entry. Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires du Québec T. VII. Montreal: Fides, 2003. 379-380. 28. R "Espace et sexuation dans la nouvelle québécoise contemporaine." Sexuation, espace, ecriture. La littérature québécoise en transformation. Eds. Louise Dupré, Jaap Lintvelt and Janet Paterson. Quebec: Nota Bene, series "Littérature(s)," 2002. 117-137. 29. R "La représentation du corps chez Anne Hébert." The Art and Genius of Anne Hébert. Essays on her Works. Night and the Day Are One. Ed. Janis Pallister. Madison: Fairleigh Dickinson U.P; London: Associated University Presses, 2001. 232-250. 30. "Le performatif et la nouvelle." La Nouvelle de langue française aux frontières des autres genres, du Moyen Age à nos jours. Ed. Vincent Engel. Brussels (Belg.): Bruylant-Academia, 2001. 536-543. 31. "De l‟écriture de la nouvelle." La Nouvelle hier et aujourd’hui. Eds. Johnny Gratton and Jean-Philippe Imbert. Paris: L‟Harmattan, 1998. 199-225. Repr. XYZ, 47(1996): 65-93. 32. "La représentation du corps chez Anne Hébert" (abridged version). Anne Hébert, parcours d’une oeuvre. Actes du colloque de la Sorbonne. Eds. M. Ducrocq-Poirier & al. Montreal: L‟Hexagone, 1997. 148161. 33. "Le Gestuaire de Nathalie Sarraute." Continental, Latin-American and Francophone Women Writers. Vol. III. Eds. Ginette Adamson and Eunice Myers. Lanham, New York, Oxford: University Press of America, 1997. 199-219. Brulotte/9 34. R "La Solitude de l‟écrivain." Solitudes, écriture et représentation. Ed. André Siganos. Grenoble, Fr.: ELLUG, 1995. 147-159. 35. R. "La Réception des auteurs canadiens de langue française dans la France des années 1980." Regards sur la France des années 1980. Eds. Joseph Brami, Madeleine Cottenet-Hague & Pierre Verdaguer. Stanford, CA: Anma Libri, “Stanford French & Italian Studies,” 1995. 232-243. 36. "Pour une rhétorique du récit érotique." L’Erotisme en littérature. Eds. Armand Morel and Denise Nevo. Halifax, Can.: Université Mount Saint Vincent, 1995. 40-60. 37. "Situation de la nouvelle québécoise." Le Genre de la nouvelle dans le monde francophone au tournant du XXIe siècle. Ed. Vincent Engel. Dole, Fr.: Canevas-Editeur; Québec, Can.: L‟Instant même; Echtermach, Lux.: Les Editions Phi, 1995. 35-47. 38. "Madeleine Monette: „Le Double suspect‟" and "André Couture: „L‟Enfer et l‟endroit‟." Invited entries. Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires du Québec T. VI. Montreal: Fides, 1994. 237-39, 287. 39. "En commençant par la fin." La Nouvelle: écriture(s) et lecture(s). Eds. Agnès Whitfield and Jacques Cotnam. Toronto: Gref (Groupe de recherche en études francophones); Montreal: XYZ, 1993. 93-102. 40. "Le Haptisme. Manifeste." Gaëtan Brulotte: Une Nouvelle Ecriture. Ed. Claudine Fisher. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992. 189-211. 41. R. "Formes de la nouvelle québécoise contemporaine." L’Age de la prose. Romans et récits québécois des années 1980. Eds. Franca Marcato-Falzoni and Lise Gauvin. Montreal: VLB. Rome: Bulzoni, 1992. 67-84. Repr. Francographies [Fordham U., NY] (1993): 247-260. 42. "Le Métier du risque." Les Risques du métier. Eds. André Ricard and Jean-Guy Pilon. Montreal: l‟Hexagone, 1991. 75-80. 43. "La Vision de l‟écrivain." L’Ecrivain: Liberté et Pouvoir. Ed. J.-E. Blais and Pen Club. Québec: Editions du Septentrion, 1989. 20-22. 44. "La Représentation du corps dans l‟œuvre de Ringuet." Ringuet en mémoire. Cinquante ans après ‘Trente arpents’. Eds. Jean-Paul Lamy and Guildo Rousseau. Québec: Editions du Septentrion, 1989. 131-153. 45. "Au cœur de la science actuelle." Les Adieux du Québec à Fernand Seguin. Ed. Simone Bussières. Québec: les Presses laurentiennes/Guérin Littérature, 1989. 19-25. 46. "L‟Oeuvre au rouge." Marguerite Yourcenar: Les Adieux du Québec. Ed. Simone Bussières. Québec: les Presses laurentiennes, 1988. 33-37. Excerpts in Nuit Blanche 32 (1988): 45. 47. "Brèves réflexions sur la critique journalistique." Les Œuvres de création et le français au Québec. Actes du Congrès Langue et Société au Québec. T. III. Eds. Irène Belleau and Gilles Dorion. Québec: Editeur officiel, 1984. 62-64. 48. "La Pensée zigzagante." De la philosophie comme passion de la liberté. Hommage à Alexis Klimov. Ed. Jacques Parent. Quebec: Editions du Beffroi, 1984. 63-70. Brulotte/10 Contributions to anthologies and textbooks (selection) 1. "Le sculpteur du temps." Short story selected for anthology Au Pays des arbres, regarder, lire, écrire, créer. Ed. Béatrice Libert. Charleroi, Belg., Editions Couleur Livres, series "L‟horizon délivré," forthcoming. 2. “Compagnons de manège.” Invited short story. Cadavres exquis: Cervantes & Shakespeare 23 avril 1616. Ed. J.-C. Grosse. Le Revest, Fr : Les Cahiers de l‟égaré, 2015 : 64-67. 3. “Le bus bogué.” Short story selected for anthology Contes, Légendes et récits de l’Île de Montréal, Tome 1 : Montréal, une ville à inventer. Ed. Aurélien Boivin. Trois-Pistoles, QC : Editions TroisPistoles, 2013. 424-434. 4. "Le balayeur." Short story selected for iPad version of anthology Forum. Ed. Ginette Létourneau. Montreal : Editions de la Chenelière Education, 2013. 5000 copies. 5. "Cortazar, a Writing Inspiration." Article selected for a textbook anthology on Short Story Criticism, Vol 156. Ed. Jelena Krstovic. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press/Gale Cencage Learning, 2011. 73-79. Repr. of article published in Explicación de Textos Literarios XXXII. 1 & 2 (2003-2004): 22-35. 6. "Le Balayeur." Short story selected for anthology and textbook Forum. Français 2e cycle du secondaire, 2e année. Ed. Ginette Létourneau. Montreal, Editions de la Chenelière, series "Graphicor", 2009. 121-127. Anthology incl. Poe, Tchekhov, Maupassant, Tennessee Williams, Kate Chopin, Roald Dahl, Calvino, Buzzati. 1st print: 22,500 copies. 7. "La Voix secrète." Short story selected for anthology Nouvelles à chutes. Ed. Philippe Mottet. Montréal: Editions du Renouveau pédagogique, 2008. 56-61. 8. "El Complejo de Putifar." Short story selected in Antologia de cuentos quebequenses en el fin de siglo (1987-2000). Ed. Gaëtan Lévesque. Spanish transl. by Julieta Fombona & Amelia Hernandez of “Le Complexe de Putiphar.” Caracas (Venez.): Monte Avila Editores Latinoamericana, 2006. 39-51. 3. "Le Lendemain du point." Invited fiction in Mille Mots d'amour. Ed. Lorraine Pallardy. Montreal: Les Impatients, 2006, n. pag. An anthology of love letters including also Marie-Claire Blais, Michel Tremblay, Gilles Marcotte, Jacques Godbout. 4. "El Complejo de Putifar." Short story selected in Dias de Quebec. Antologia de cuentos del Quebec contemporaneo. Ed. Gaëtan Lévesque. Spanish transl. by Félix Cortés Schöler of “Le Complexe de Putiphar.” Mexico: Conaculta-Fonca & Fundacion para las letras mexicanas, 2003. 59-71. 5. "Atelier 96 sur les généralités." Short story selected in Anthologie de la nouvelle québécoise actuelle. Ed. Gilles Pellerin. Quebec: L'Instant Même, 2003. 131-150. 6. "Taller 96 sobre las generalidades." Short story selected in Un continente a la deriva? Antologia de narradores de Quebec. Ed. Gilles Pellerin. Spanish transl. by Laura Lopez Morales & Margarita Montero of "Atelier 96 sur les généralités." Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2003. 137-154. Brulotte/11 7. "La Tempête de neige." Invited short story in anthology Le Nouvel Homme. Ed. Stephan Hardy. SaintBoniface, Manitoba (Can.): Editions des Plaines, 2003. 27-45. 8. "Mémoire du trou. Confession." Invited short story in anthology Aquin: la mise en quarantaine. Ed. Blackburn, Eric. A tribute anthology of 10 fictions to Quebec writer Hubert Aquin (1929-1977). Montreal: Le Temps volé Editeur, 2002. 18-32. 9. "Condoloir." Invited poem in anthology Le 11 septembre des poètes du Québec. Ed. Louis Royer. Montreal: Trait d'Union, 2002. 34-35 10. "Légendes d‟un album de photos." Short story selected for a web site created by Laval U. (Can.) featuring an anthology of Canadian short stories writers. Active in 2000. 11. "Ci-Gît." Invited text in anthology Premiers mots de l'an 2000. Eds. Réjean Bonenfant and Eric Laprade. Shawinigan, QC: Editions des Glanures, 2000. 36. 12. "Ce qui nous tient." Excerpt in Visages de l’écriture. Ed. & photo. Ludovic Fremaux. Montreal: HMH, 1998. 32-33. 13. "The Secret Voice." Short story selected in The Quebec Anthology 1830-1990. Eds and translators: Matt Cohen and Wayne Grady. Ottawa, Can: University of Ottawa Press, 1996. 340-345. 14. "Les Triangles de Chloé." Short story selected in Diversité: la nouvelle francophone à travers le monde. Eds. James Gaasch and Valérie Budig-Martin. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1995. 208-216. Rev. 2nd edition, 2000: 182-189. 15. "The Sweeper." Short story selected in Writing from Canada. Eds and translators: Mike Hayhoe and Jim Rice. Illus. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, series “Figures in a Landscape,” 1994. 87-91. Anthology of 16 representative writers. 16. "La Fulgurante Ascension de Bou." Short story selected in L’Année nouvelle. Le Recueil. Ed. Vincent Engel. Dole, Fr.: Canevas-Editeur; Bruxelles, Belg.: Les Eperonniers; Québec, Can.: L‟Instant même; Echtermach, Lux.: Les Editions Phi, 1993. 65-68. 17. "Devenir Montréalais." Invited short story in anthology Des Nouvelles de Montréal. Ed. Jean Royer. Montreal: L‟Hexagone, 1992. 43-53. 18. "Le Surveillant." Short story selected in Anthologie critique de la littérature canadienne-française et québécoise. Ed. Michel Erman. Paris: Bordas; Montreal: Beauchemin, 1992. 386-389. 19. "Pommes de terre Leacock." Short story selected in Dictionnaire des écrivains de la Mauricie. Eds. Réjean Bonenfant and Gérald Gaudet. Trois-Rivières, Can.: Ecrits des Forges, 1991. 296. 20. "Les Triangles de Chloé." Invited short story in anthology Outre ciels. Ed. Gaëtan Lévesque. Anthology of 5 authors. Montreal: XYZ Editeur, 1990. 23-33. 21. "Cage ouverte." Short story selected and studied in textbook Vingt grands auteurs pour découvrir la nouvelle. Eds. Vital Gadbois & al. Beloeil, Can.: La Lignée, 1990. 263-276. Anthology of 20 authors incl. Atwood, Chandler, Hemingway, Heredote, Lessing, Mansfield, Maupassant, Mérimée, Poe, and Verne. Brulotte/12 22. "Le Sculpteur du temps." Invited short story in anthology Coïncidences. Eds. G. Lévesque and al. Anthology of 10 authors. Montreal: XYZ; Quétigny (Fr): Aleï, 1990. 7-14. 23. "Cage ouverte." Short story selected and studied in textbook of French. En Cours de route. Ed. Ruth M. Mésavage. New York: Harper & Row, 1987. Subject of Lesson 4: 81-111. 2nd rev. ed., Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 1992. Next to Aymé, Beckett, Gide, Marmontel, Maupassant, Perrault, Voltaire. 24. "Le Rêve de tomates." Invited short story in anthology L’Aventure, la Mésaventure. Ed. André Carpentier. Anthology of 10 authors. Montreal: Quinze, 1987. 47-60. 25. "Candy Store." Invited short story in anthology Depuis 25 ans. Ed. Suzanne Paradis. Anthology of 14 authors. Quebec: Presses Laurentiennes, 1987. 25-31. 26. "Plagiaire." Invited short story in anthology Plages. Ed. Madeleine Monette. Anthology of 4 authors. Montreal: Québec/Amérique, 1986. 9-50. 27. "La Contravention." Invited short story in anthology Des Nouvelles du Québec. Eds. Maurice Poteet and André Vanasse. Anthology of 10 authors. Montreal: Valmont Editeur, 1986. 48-57. 2nd ed., Montreal: XYZ, 1990. 48-56. 28. "The Elevator Messengers." Short story selected in anthology Intimate Strangers. New Stories from Quebec. Eds and translators: Matt Cohen and Wayne Grady. Anthology of 12 authors. Toronto, Can.; London, Engl.; New York, NY; Victoria, Austral.; Auckland, NZ: Penguin Books, 1986. 37-51. 29. "Offener Käfig." Short story selected in anthology Erkundungen. 26 Kanadische Erzähler. Eds. Karla ElHassan and Helga Militz. German transl. by Adelheid Witt of "La Cage ouverte". Incl. Margaret Atwood, Gabrielle Roy, Yves Thériault, Gérard Bessette, William Kinsella. Berlin: Verlag Volk und Welt, l986. 261269. 30. "Les Messagers de l‟ascenseur." Invited short story in anthology Dix contes et nouvelles fantastiques. Ed. André Carpentier. Anthology of 10 authors. Montreal: Quinze, 1983. 117-130. 31. "Auto-présentation." Ecrivains de la Mauricie. Dictionnaire bio-bibliographique, critique et anthologique. Trois-Rivières: Editions du Bien Public, 1981. 35. C. PUBLICATIONS: PREFACES, FOREWORDS 1. Séductions. Preface to XYZ [Montreal], 124(2015): forthcoming. 2. Autorités. Preface to XYZ [Montreal], 117(2014): 5. 3. Fenêtres. Preface to XYZ 105(2011): 7. 4. Sorties. Preface to XYZ 94 (2008): 7. 5. Listes. Preface to XYZ 85 (2006): 7. 6. "L‟invitée de Gaétan Brulotte: Christiane Baroche." A Presentation. XYZ 52(1997): 87-101. 7. "L‟invitée de Gaétan Brulotte: Noëlle Châtelet." A Presentation. XYZ 49(1996): 61-67. Brulotte/13 8. "Le Regard." Preface to Regards, XYZ 45(1996): 5-6. 9. "Le Débraillé mélancolique." Foreword to Martine Jacquot. Sables mouvants. Short stories. Wolville, NS (Can.): Ed. du Grand Pré, 1994. Repr. XYZ [Montreal] 40(1994): 83-86. 10. "Lectures actuelles de Robert Pinget." Introduction and co-Ed. with Robert Henkels. Robert Pinget. Spec. issue of Etudes littéraires 19.3 (1986-87): 9-13. Interview of Pinget, documents, illustrations, and articles by Alain Robbe-Grillet & al. 11. "Lachapelle en quelques touches." Foreword to Répertoire numérique détaillé du fonds EdouardLachapelle. Eds. Anne-Marie Cadieux, Arlette Lefrançois and Diane Boudreau. Montreal: Service des Archives, Université du Québec à Montreal, 1984. 13-28. 12. Preface to Ecrivains de la Mauricie. Dictionnaire bio-bibliographique, critique et anthologique. TroisRivières: Editions du Bien Public, 1981. 13. Pré-textes. Foreword to first issue. Trois-Rivières, Can.: Cegep de Trois-Rivières, April 1981. 14. "L‟injure." Foreword to François Charron. Pirouette par hasard poésie. Montreal: Ed. de l‟Aurore, 1975. 717. D. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: ARTICLES R=Refereed/Peer-reviewed 1. “La grande dame de la nouvelle au Canada.” Invited article on the Nobel Laureate in literature, Alice Munroe and her short stories. XYZ [Montreal, QC] 123 (2015), forthcoming. 2. "La Déréliction de Cioran." Invited article in Otago French Notes [Dunedin, NZ] 5 (2015), forthcoming. 3. R "Au moins ne sous-estimons pas le rire." Article in Atelier du Roman, 77 [Paris] March 2014: 139149. 4. R "Lettre à mes jeunes lecteurs." Invited response in Sylvie Gendron “Pratiques de classe : pour l‟amour de l‟essai.” Les Cahiers de l’AQPF [Assoc. québécoise des Professeurs de français, QC]. 5.2 (Oct. 2014): 16-17. On the pedagogical use with 100 college students of required reading of my essay La chambre des lucidités. 5. R "Considérations sur l‟art de la nouvelle." Invited text in Lingua Romana [Brigham Young University] 11.2 (Fall 2013): 130-144. Web. 6. R "Cortázar, une source infinie d'inventions." Article in XYZ 114 (Summer 2013): 59-75. Acceptance rate: 5%. ISSN 0828-5608 7. R "Le super-bio." Bien Manger. Spec. issue of Médium [Paris] 28 (2011): 66-77. Contributors incl. Michel Onfray, Françoise Gaillard, Jean-Marcel Bouguereau (Nouvel Observateur), Bruno Lemaire (French Minister of Agriculture), and Regis Debray, ed. 8. R "Exil, langue, littérature." Lead article. Écritures francophones contemporaines. Spec. issue of Dialogues francophones [U. of Vest Timisoara, Romania] 17 (2011): 11-19. Brulotte/14 9. "Une lecture de la nouvelle québécoise: parcours temporel." Lead article. Québec français 160 (Winter 2011): 19-24. Illus. 10. R "Cent ans de révolte dans la nouvelle québécoise." XYZ 99(2009): 63-83. Web posted:; 11. "Mes bibliothèques." Territoire et imaginaire. Spec. issue of Le Billet des Auteurs de Théâtre 24(Dec. 2009), n. pag. Web, Fr. 12. R "Corps érotique et littérature." Médiane [Montréal] 2.1 (Automne 2007) : 11-16. 13. R "L'apport de Jacques Ferron à l'art de la nouvelle." L'Atelier du roman [Paris] 47(2006): 51-62. 14. R "La fin de l'éducation aux États-Unis." Médiane 1.1 (Automne 2006): 17-23. Illus. 15. "La critique: complice ou ennemie de la littérature?" LittéRéalité [Toronto] XVII.1 (Printemps-Eté 2005): 53-68. 16. R "Cortázar, a Writing Inspiration." Explicación de Textos Literarios XXXII. 1 & 2 (2003-2004) [Published 2006] 22-35. Repr. in Short Story Criticism, Vol 156, Greenhaven Press, 2011. (See Anthologies). 17. R "Blessures et Littérature." Nuit Blanche [Quebec] 94 (2004), n. pag. Web 30 Apr. 2004. Rev. version in Dispersion, multiplicité, totalité. Spec. issue of Echo. A Polyglot and cross cultural journal 2 (Dec. 2004), n. pag. Web Dec 20, 2004. 18. R "De l'interdit au trompe-l'oeil." Nuit Blanche 93 (Winter 2003-2004): 16-17. Print. Web illus. July 2006: 19. "The Enduring Value of Literature." Forum of Phi Sigma Iota 25.1 (Spring 2003): 18 & 24. 20. R "Ars longa, vita brevis. Petite méditation sur l'à-quoi-bon de la littérature." Les Ecrits [Montreal] 106 (Dec. 2002): 113-123. 21. R "L'ars erotica de l'Occident." Eroticisms/Erotismes. Ed. Gerald Prince. Spec. issue of Sites. The Journal of 20th Century/Contemporary Studies 6.1 (2002): 133-153. 22. "Cartographie de la nouvelle québécoise contemporaine." LittéRéalité [Toronto] XIII.2 (Fall/Winter 2001): 59-85. 23. R "Bilan de la nouvelle québécoise des dix dernières années du XXe siècle." University of Toronto Quarterly 70.3 (2001): 769-800. 24. R "Sade and Erotic Discourse." Sade and his Legacy. Ed. John Phillips. Spec. issue of Paragraph. A Journal of Modern Critical Theory [Edimburgh U.Press, Gt. Brit.] 23.1 (March 2000): 51-62. 25. R "Ce que je ne peux plus lire." Les Repoussoirs littéraires. Spec. issue of Moebius [Montreal] 85 (Spring 2000): 73-78 Brulotte/15 26. R "Le texte et sa séduction." Les Ecrits [Montreal] 98 (April 2000): 33-46. 27. "L‟écriture francophone au seuil du XXIe siècle." Lead article. Etudes francophones XIV.2 (Fall 1999): 7-16. 28. R "Le genre dominant du XXIe siècle." University of Toronto Quarterly 68.4 (Fall 1999): 838-840. 29. R "L‟oeuvre élégante de Labauvie." Revue d’esthétique [Paris] 36(1999): 196-200. Illus. 30. "L‟esthétique de la cruauté chez Ghelderode." LittéRéalité [Toronto] X.2(1998): 13-23. 31. R "Etienne, sculpteur de l'aimance." Revue d'esthétique [Paris] 33 (1998): 229-232. Illus. 32. "Le Repos dans la littérature érotique." Les Cahiers du Ru [Italy] 29(1997): 24-42. 33. "L‟Ecrivain-savant." LittéRéalité [Toronto] IX.2(1997): 47-64. 34. R "Le Loisir dans l‟oeuvre picturale de Jean Paul Lemieux." Loisir et Société/Society and Leisure [Quebec] 20.1(1997): 255-270. 35. R "De l‟écriture de la nouvelle." XYZ [Montreal] 47(1996): 65-93. 36. "Le Complexe de Philerme." Création et Réalité d’Expression française. Actes I. Ed. J. Macary. Spec issue of Francographies [New York] (1995): 325-348. 37. R "La Ville chez Jean Paul Lemieux." Les Saisons littéraires [Montreal] 1(1995): 141-157. 38. "La nudité et le vêtement dans la littérature érotique." Les Cahiers du Ru [Aosta, It.] 23(1994): 17-42. 39. R "Description d‟un genre à son apogée." XYZ [Montreal] 39(Fall 1994) : 71-76. 40. "Formes de la nouvelle québécoise contemporaine." Francographies [New York] (1993): 247-260. 41. "La Marginalité chez Jean Paul Lemieux." En Vrac [Trois-Rivières, QC] (Fall 1993): 16-18. 42. "Larissa Luhovy: une sensibilité migrante." Guide Parcours [Montreal] 6(1992): 52. 43. R "Une Décennie de nouvelles québécoises: 1980-1990." The French Review 65.6 (May 1992): 963-977. 44. "L‟Ethnocritique et la littérature québécoise." LittéRéalité [Toronto] III.1(1991): 23-32. Rev. version in Littérature de langue française en Amérique du Nord. Ed. André Maindron. La Licorne [Publications de l‟Université de Poitiers, Fr.] 27(1993): 329-336. 45. R "La Fin promise ou la fin dans les narrations brèves." Brièveté/Ecriture. Spec. issue of La Licorne [U. de Poitiers] 21(1991): 281-288. 46. "L‟aventure critique de Roland Barthes." En Vrac [Trois-Rivières] 45-46(1991): 20-28. 47. R "Petite Narratologie du récit dit érotique." Poétique [Ed. du Seuil, Paris] 85(1991): 3-15. Brulotte/16 48. R "Le Gestuaire de Nathalie Sarraute." Nathalie Sarraute. Eds. Alan Clayton and al. Spec. issue of Revue des Sciences Humaines [Lille, Fr.] 217(1990-1): 75-95. 49. "L‟ailleurs de Jean Paul Lemieux." En Vrac [Trois-Rivières, QC] 44(1990): 120-126. 50. R "Le métier du risque." Le Beffroi [Quebec] XIII(1990): 61-68. 51. R "Narratologie du récit dit érotique." Les Provocations d’Eros. Ed. Brigitte Puckhardt. Spec. issue of La Petite Revue de Philosophie [Longueuil, Can.] 11.2(1990): 35-51. 52. R "Sosno: l‟insoutenable lourdeur de l‟être." Espace [Montreal] 6.2(1990): 26-28. 53. "Défaite et littérature." En Vrac [Trois-Rivières, QC] 42(1990): 18-20. Serbo-Croatian transl. by Hana Dalipi [Belgrade, Yug.] Knjizevne vine 785, Nov. 1 1989; excerpts in Vecernje vosti [Belgrade] Oct. 20 1989. 54. "Le monde de la règle dans la littérature érotique." Les Cahiers du Ru [Aosta, It.] 14(1989-90): 18-27. 55. "L‟Infratexte: considérations sur le métissage culturel en littérature." Humanitas littéraire [Montreal] 1.24(1989): 27-31. 56. "Enfer: le livre dans la littérature érotique." Moebius [Montreal] 36(1988): 61-65. 57. "Livre de voûte." Le Sabord [Trois-Rivières, QC] 17(1988): 28-29. 58. R "L‟Impair du deux: le trois dans la littérature érotique." Trois [Laval, QC] 3.3(1988): 11-16. 59. "Le Thème du dépaysement dans la littérature érotique d‟expression française." Revue Francophone de Louisiane [Lafayette, LA] 1.2(1986): 20-32. 60. "L‟Evolution récente de l‟image québécoise en France d‟après les derniers romans québécois publiés à Paris." Bulletin des professeurs français et francophones d’Amérique [New York] (1986-87): 333-341. 61. "La Violence dans la littérature érotique française." Bulletin des professeurs français et francophones d’Amérique [New York] (1986-87): 3-16. 62. R "Une machine à fantasmer." Ecrits du Canada français [Montreal] 58(1986): 73-84. 63. R "Des romans du dépaysement." Nuit Blanche [Quebec] 19(1985): 49-51. About Yachar Kemal. 64. R "The Literature of Quebec: The French Perception." The Comparatist [Columbia, SC] X(1986): 108-113. 65. "Un bottin téléphonique de Floride." Liberté [Montreal] 162(1985): 87-93. 66. R "Tropismes et sous-conversations." Nathalie Sarraute. Spec. issue of L’Arc [Paris] 95(1984): 39-54. 67. "L‟Intraitable." Possibles [Montreal] 8.3(1984): 124-125. About the notion of "modernité." 68. "Erotisme et littérature." Bulletin du Cercle Gabriel-Marcel [Trois-Rivières, QC] 3.1(1981): 1-19. 69. "Vécu et écriture, vie pratique et production." Hobo /Québec [Montreal] 44(1981): 45-46. Illus. 70. "Réel et Fantastique en littérature." Bulletin du Cercle Gabriel-Marcel [Trois-Rivières, QC] 1.6(1979): 1-7. Brulotte/17 71. "Parole et silence dans la littérature érotique." Du Silence. Spec. issue of Atelier de Production littéraire de la Mauricie [Trois-Rivières, QC] 8(1979): 24-32. 72. "En chair et en os." Vie des arts [Montreal] XXV.101(1980): 73-75. Illus. About the Canadian painter Edouard Lachapelle. 73. "La Boîte à surprises." La Dépêche [Trois-Rivières, QC] 5.9 (Oct. 23, 1978): 9-10. About audio-visual support to teaching. 74. "La Contre-culture au Québec." Itinéraires [Paris] (June 1976): 47-57. 75. "Savoir pour s‟avoir: une éthique du détachement." La Feuille [Montreal] 1.3 (Fall-Winter 1974-75): 9-10. 76. "L‟Ecriture priapique." Champs d’application [Trois-Rivières, QC] 4(1974): 4-17. About Nicole Brossard. 77. "Dérive: l‟esthétique anarchiste." La Feuille [Montreal] 1.2 (June 1974): 2-4. About the avant-garde. 78. "Oui." Champs d’application [Trois-Rivières, QC] 2(1974): 20-52. About erotic discourse & Story of O.. 79. R "Le Sceptre et le Spectre." Etudes littéraires [Quebec] 7.1(1974): 97-107. About the Fantastic in Literature. 80. "OUT: l‟hystérie de l‟outre." Champs d’application [Trois-Rivières, QC] 1(1973): 6-22. About Georges Bataille. E. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: LITERARY CHRONICLES IN LIBERTÉ From 1985 to 1995, I was assigned a regular literary chronicle in the Canadian journal Liberté. In each issue I focused on the new literary trends in France by presenting the work of different contemporary French writers for a total of 42 chronicles. 1. "Marguerite Yourcenar à la lettre." Liberté [Montreal] 222(1995): 120-134. 2. "La Déréliction de Cioran." Liberté [Montreal] 221(1995): 153-168. 3. "La Volonté de pureté d‟après Bernard-Henri Lévy et Pascal Bruckner." Liberté [Montreal] 220(1995): 142-157. 4. "Les Mondes opposés de Pascal Quignard." Liberté [Montreal] 219(1995): 143-150. 5. "Dominique Desanti du côté des passeurs de langues." Liberté [Montreal] 218(1995): 127-138. 6. "Sollers et son goût de la guerre." Liberté [Montreal] 217(1995): 106-114. 7. "Survie d‟Albert Camus." Liberté [Montreal] 216(1994): 140-148. 8. "Les Bulles de Christian Bobin et le nouveau courant éthique." Liberté [Montreal] 215(1994): 118-128. 9. "Emmanuèle Berheim ou le roman miniature." Liberté [Montreal] 214(1994): 169-179. 10. "Le roman de la pensée: autour de Kundera." Liberté [Montreal] 213(1994): 212-219. 11. "La jouissance du détail en peinture." Liberté [Montreal] 211(1994): 200-208. Brulotte/18 12. "Georges Perec: pour être, besoin d‟étai." Liberté [Montreal] 210(1993): 170-181. 13. "Poétique de la relation chez Richard Rognet." Liberté [Montreal] 208-209(1993): 270-277. 14. "Michon: la conquête du sens par le minuscule." Liberté [Montreal] 207(1993): 129-136. 15. "Les Provocations littéraires d‟Alain Roger." Liberté [Montreal] 206(1993): 112-117. 16. "Ecrits sous contraintes: Régine Detambel." Liberté [Montreal] 204(1992): 141-148. 17. "Portraits de femmes fin de siècle." Liberté [Montreal] 205(1992): 217-223. 18. "Musset, dans la rage du plaisir et de la douleur." Liberté [Montreal] 203(1992): 145-148. 19. "Littérature et peinture: Esteban et Hopper." Liberté [Montreal] 202(1992): 133-142. 20. "Les Glissements d‟Yves Simon." Liberté [Montreal] 200(1992): 99-106 21. "La Détresse de Robert Pinget." Liberté [Montreal] 201(1992): 97-101. 22. "Le Recensement de Beck." Liberté [Montreal] 199(1992): 166-170. 23. "Garréta et Sarde." Liberté [Montreal] 198(1991): 100-105. 24. "Sollers: vers une esthétique existentielle." Liberté [Montreal] 196-197(1991): 245-252. 25. "Aspects du roman au XXe siècle." Liberté [Montreal] 195(1991): 118-124. 26. "Entrée de l‟insoutenable en littérature." Liberté [Montreal] 194(1991): 125-130. About Sade & B. Noël. 27. "L‟Esprit d‟examen de Pascal Bruckner." Liberté [Montreal] 193(1991): 153-158. 28. "Une écriture courante, une littérature d‟urgence : Duras." Liberté [Montreal] 192(1990): 106-111. 29. "Emmanuel Roblès se souvient." Liberté [Montreal] 191(1990): 157-162. 30. "Un écrivain territorial: Julien Gracq." Liberté [Montreal] 190 (1990): 120-126. 31. "Pour en finir avec Beckett." Liberté [Montreal] 189(1990): 82-85. 32. "Du côté de ceux qui ne s‟aiment pas." Liberté [Montreal] 188(1990): 110-113. About Sarraute. 33. "L‟Homme indifférent de Jean-Philippe Toussaint." Liberté [Montreal] 187(1990): 126-130. 34. "Djian, paria rangé." Liberté [Montreal] 186(1989): 110-114. 35. "Andrée Chedid, nouvelliste." Liberté [Montreal] 185(1989): 134-136. 36. "André Breton, aujourd‟hui." Liberté [Montreal] 184(1989): 129-135. 37. "La Puissance de l‟instant." Liberté 182(1989): 133-137. About Georges Bataille 38. "Petite révolte d‟un académicien." Liberté 181(1989): 92-95. About Jacques Laurent Brulotte/19 39. "Alain Robbe-Grillet, autobiographe." Liberté [Montreal] 180(1988): 106-111. 40. "L‟Envers du mythe Roland Barthes." Liberté [Montreal] 175(1988): 96-102. About Incidents 41. "La Vengeance des raviolis: un premier roman." ou "Comment les Parisiens fabriquent un jeune romancier." Liberté [Montreal] 161(1985): 161-164. About Les Chevaux pendus aux arbres by Armand Lerco 42. "Entretiens littéraires et philosophiques sur le monde." Liberté [Montreal] 158(1985): 133-139. About Entretiens avec le Monde: 1. Philosophies 2. Littératures. F. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: BOOK REVIEWS 1. "Confidences d‟une éminente personnalité judiciaire : Philippe Bilger et la passion infinie de l‟humain." Rev. of Ordre et désordres. Service Littéraire, Paris, Sept 2015. Completed July 2015, due. 2. Rev. of Olivier Kemeid & al., eds. Anthologie Liberté 1959-2009. L'écrivain dans la cité. 50 ans d'essais. Forthcoming in University of Toronto Quarterly. Completed Nov. 2014: due 3. Rev. of Entre plaisir et pouvoir. Lectures contemporaines de l'érotisme, by Lori Saint-Martin & al. Forthcoming in University of Toronto Quarterly. Completed Summer 2014: due 4. Rev. of Oser Eros, by Elise Salaün. University of Toronto Quarterly 82.3(Summer 2013): 18-22. 5. Rev. of Le roman québécois contemporain. Les voix sous les mots, by André Lamontagne. University of Toronto Quarterly 81.3(Summer 2012): 433-436. 6. Rev. of Georges Bataille interdisciplinaire. Autour de la Somme athéologique, by Martin Cloutier & François Nault, eds. University of Toronto Quarterly 80.2(Spring 2011): 603-606. 7. Rev. of Figures, lectures. Logiques de l'imaginaire Tome I, and La Ligne brisée Logiques de l'imaginaire. Tome II, by Bertrand Gervais. University of Toronto Quarterly 79.1(Winter 2010): 92-95. 8. Rev. of Le Château de sable. Une vie d'écrivain and Île était une fois. Carnet d'un écrivain by Pierre Chatillon. University of Toronto Quarterly 78.1(Winter 2009): 600-602. 9. Rev. of Approches de la biographie au Québec, by Dominique Lafon & al., and L'imagination biographique et critique. Variations inventives et herméneutiques de la biographie d'écrivain, by Caroline Dupont. University of Toronto Quarterly 77.1(Winter 2008): 543-547. 10. Rev. of Figures de l'autre dans le roman québécois, by Janet Paterson. University of Toronto Quarterly 75.1(Winter 2006): 533-537. 11. "Regards sur la spiritualité." Rev. of Les tensions de l'errance, by André Désilets. Canadian Literature [U. British Columbia] 191(2006): 190-191. 12. Rev. of Matériaux mixtes, by Paul Chanel Malenfant, and Origines, by Christian Mistral. University of Toronto Quarterly 74.1(Winter 2004-05): 140-142. 13. Rev. of Frontières de la fiction, by Alexandre Grefen and René Audet, eds. University of Toronto Quaterly 73.1(Winter 2003-04): 489-492. Brulotte/20 14. Rev. of Le romancier fictif. Essai sur la représentation de l'écrivain dans le roman québécois, by André Belleau. University of Toronto Quarterly 72.1(Winter 2002-03): 69-72. 15. Rev. of Le Choc des écritures, by Hélène Guy and André Marquis, eds. University of Toronto Quarterly 70.1(winter 2001): 113-117. 16. Rev. of Le Golem de l’écriture. De l’autofiction au Cybersoi, by Régine Robin. University of Toronto Quarterly 69.1(Winter 2000): 447-450. 17. "Le Désordre à l‟oeuvre." Rev. of L’Ennemi by Robert Pinget. Bulletin des professeurs français et francophones d’Amérique [New York] (1988): 306-308. 18. "La Charrue de Monsieur Songe." Rev. of Monsieur Songe, Charrue, Le Harnais, by Robert Pinget. Etudes littéraires 19.3(1986-87): 203-206. 19. "Un lecteur heureux: Jean-Pierre Richard." Rev. of Pages Paysages, by J.-P Richard. Le Devoir [Montreal] Sept. 29, 1984: 27. 20. "Diderot et Vauvenargues." Rev. of Oeuvres romanesques, by Denis Diderot, and Introduction à la connaissance de l'esprit humain, by Vauvenargues. Le Bulletin du Cercle Gabriel-Marcel 6.4 (Aug. 1984): 22-24. 21. "Présence des lettres japonaises: le haïku et Mishima." Rev. of Fourmis sans ombres. Le Livre du haïku. Anthologie-promenade, by Maurice Coyaud, ed. & transl., and Une Soif d'amour, by Yukio Mishima. Le Bulletin du Cercle Gabriel-Marcel 6.2 (March 1984): 20-21. 22. "Trois vies illustres de caméléons: Nabokov, Malaparte, Gilles de Rais." Rev. of. Vladimir Nabokov: toute une vie ou presque. Biographie, by Andrew Field; Malaparte. Biographie, by Bruno Guerri, and Le Moyen âge: Gilles de Rais, Maréchal, monstre et martyr, by Philippe Reliquet. Le Bulletin du Cercle GabrielMarcel 5.1-2 Febr.1983: 24-26. 23. "Un saut dans le corps." Rev. of Arbre-Radar, by Gatien Lapointe. En Vrac [Trois-Rivières] 13-14 (1982): 34. 24. "Le Corps écrivant." Rev. of Le Job, interviews of William Burroughs by Daniel Odier; Ah Pook est là et autres contes, by William Burroughs; and A la recherche d'un corps, by Serge Grunberg. Spirale [Montreal] 2 Oct. 1979: 9. G. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: BOOK REVIEWS IN LE NOUVELLISTE From 1980 to 1982, I was the Editor-in-chief of the Book Reviews Section of the Trois-Rivières daily newspaper le Nouvelliste in Quebec (Can.) with an estimated circulation of 150,000. For that periodical I published a weekly book review on world literature for a total of 93. 1. "Une tradition rétablie." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] July 27, 1980: 14 2. "Le Sel de la science: un livre qui étonne." Rev. of Le Sel de la science, by Fernand Seguin. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Aug. 2, 1980: 17. Brulotte/21 3. "Georges Savaria raconte son séjour en prison nazie." Rev. of Hors de portée, by Georges Savaria. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Aug. 16, 1980: 16. 4. "Le Phénomène photo." Rev. of La Chambre claire, by Roland Barthes. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Sept. 13, 1980: 13. 5. "GARP: un livre qui se veut global." Rev. of Le Monde selon Garp, by John Irving. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Sept. 27, 1980: 17. 6. "Les Dessins de Victor Hugo." Rev. of Victor Hugo. Dessins, by J.-Louis Bory. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Oct. 11, 1980: 23. 7. "Le Cancer et la société." Rev. of Mars, by Fritz Zorn. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Oct. 25, 1980: 30. QC 8. "Toffler choisit l‟espoir." Rev. of La Troisième Vague, by Alvin Toffler. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Nov. 8, 1980 : 19. 9. "Le Dernier Marie Cardinal." Rev. of Au pays de mes racines, by Marie Cardinal. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Nov. 15, 1980: 19. 10. "Romain Gary ou la séduisante folie." Rev. of Les Cerfs-volants, by Romain Gary. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Nov. 22, 1980: 21. 11. "Place à l‟humour." Rev. of Cabinet portrait, by Jean-Luc Benoziglio, Prix Médicis 1980. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Nov. 29, 1980: 22. 12. "Navarre, Prix Goncourt 80." Rev. of Le Jardin d’Acclimatation, by Yves Navarre. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Dec. 6, 1980: 19. 13. "Une mosaïque de curiosités." Rev. of Le Livre Guiness des Records 1981. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Dec. 13, 1980: 14. 14. "Que recherche l‟homme ordinaire au cinéma?" Rev. of L’Homme ordinaire au cinéma, by J.-L. Schefer. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Dec. 20, 1980: 19. 15. "Yourcenar, un des plus grands écrivains de ce siècle." Rev. of Les Yeux ouverts, interview of M. Yourcenar by Matthieu Galey. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Dec. 27, 1980: 19. 16. "Le Prix Femina 80." Rev. of Joue-nous España, by Jocelyne François. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Jan. 3, 1981: 14. 17. "On a beaucoup parlé du désert." Rev. of Traverses: le Désert; Fort Saganne, by Gardel, and Désert, by Le Clézio. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Jan. 10, 1981: 19. 18. "Un petit chef-d‟oeuvre de Garcia Marquez." Rev. of Pas de lettre pour le colonel, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Jan. 17, 1981: 9. 19. "La Musique et la transe." Rev. of Esquisse d’une théorie générale de la musique et de la possession, by Gilbert Rouget. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Jan. 24, 1981: 13. Brulotte/22 20. "Objets fous et amusants." Rev. of Le Catalogue des objets introuvables, by Carelman. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Jan. 31, 1981: 17. 21. "Un livre se dresse contre la fin du monde." Rev. of Le Livre de la Paix, by Bernard Benson. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Feb. 7, 1981: 19. 22. "Deux grandes oeuvres de Malamud." Rev. of L’Homme dans le tiroir and La Vie multiple de William D, by Bernard Malamud. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Febr. 14, 1981: 19. 23. "Une biographie du poète Hölderlin." Rev. of Hölderlin, by Peter Härtling. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Febr. 21, 1981: 19. 24. "Les Ecrivains traqués." Rev. of Les Ecrivains sur la sellette, by Jean-Louis Ezine. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Febr. 28, 1981: 26. 25. "Le Sommeil et le rêve demeurent des énigmes pour la science." Rev. of Dormir, rêver, by William C. Dement. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] March 7, 1981: 14. 26. "La Force créatrice de Jean d‟Ormesson." Rev. of Dieu, sa vie, son œuvre, by Jean d‟Ormesson. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] March 14, 1981: 19. 27. "Le Président Ronald Reagan: un professionnel du spectacle." Rev. of Reagan et nous, by H. Smith & al. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] March 21, 1981: 19. 28. "Une rencontre avec Günter Grass." Rev. of Une rencontre en Westphalie, by Günter Grass. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] March 28, 1981: 19. 29. "Un immense tableau des Indes." Rev. of Pavillons lointains, by M. M. Kaye. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Apr. 4, 1981: 19. 30. "Les Vertiges de la lecture." Rev. of Si par une nuit d’hiver un voyageur, by Italo Calvino, and La Manducation, by François Forestier. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Apr. 11, 1981: 25. 31. "Les Prouesses narratives de Robbe-Grillet et la sobriété de Marguerite Duras." Rev. of Djinn, by Alain Robbe-Grillet, and Agatha, by M. Duras. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Apr. 18, 1981: 21. 32. "Le Flou et le net: Modiano et Roblès." Rev. of Une jeunesse, by Patrick Modiano, and Venise en hiver, by Emmanuel Roblès. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Apr. 25, 1981: 19. 33. "Le Roman pathétique de William Styron." Rev. of Le Choix de Sophie, by William Styron. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] May 2, 1981: 5A. 34. "Un nouvel ouvrage de Roland Barthes." Rev. of Le Grain de la voix, by R. Barthes. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] May 9, 1981: 19. 35. "Au bout des possibles: Beckett." Rev. of Mal vu mal dit, by Samuel Beckett. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] May 16, 1981: 19. 36. "Deux témoignages sur la drogue." Rev. of La Dérobade, by Jeanne Cordelier, and Moi, Christiane F., 13 ans, droguée, prostituée... Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] May 23, 1981: 18. Brulotte/23 37. "Des vies hors de l‟ordinaire." Rev. of Marie Duplessis, la Dame aux camélias, by B. Poirot-Delpech, and La Duchesse de Windsor, by Lady Mosley. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] May 30, 1981: 22. 38. "Agatha Christie et Marie Curie: deux femmes honorables." Rev. of Agatha Christie, Duchesse de la Mort, by François Rivière, and Marie Curie: une femme honorable, by Françoise Giroud. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] June 6, 1981: 18. 39. "Un roman du désert." Rev. of Les Marches de sable, by Andrée Chedid. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] June 13, 1981: 19. 40. "Nostalgie et tendresse." Rev. of L’Arbre aux souvenirs, by James McConkey. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] June 20, 1981: 26. 41. "Houston, Texas: un crime, un film, un livre." Rev. of Houston, Texas, by François Reichenbach. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] June 27, 1981: 21. 42. "Un livre profond de Christian Barnard." Rev. of Choisir sa vie, choisir sa mort, by Christian Barnard. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] July 4, 1981: 17. 43. "Barnum: roi du bluff et génie du cirque." Rev. of Barnum, roi du bluff, by Alain Sergent. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] July 11, 1981: 16. 44. "L‟Esprit des mots ou l‟antidictionnaire." Rev. of L’Esprit des mots, by Georges Elgozy. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC], July 18, 1981: 18. 45. "Visions catastrophiques: deux livres allemands." Rev. of L’Origine, by Thomas Bernhard, and Le Naufragé du Titanic, by Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] July 25, 1981: 20. 46. "Le Québec dans l‟Ouest américain." Rev. of Culture populaire et littérature au Québec, by René Bouchard. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Aug. 8, 1981: 15. 47. "Les Fabulations de Pierre Schaeffer." Rev. of Excusez-moi je meurs, by Pierre Schaeffer. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Aug. 15, 1981: 12. 48. "Un roman éprouvant." Rev. of Lunes de fiel, by Pascal Bruckner. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Aug. 22, 1981: 12. 49. "Les Senteurs du XVIIIe siècle à nu." Rev. of La Taille douce, by Claire Sorel, and Louis XVI ou la fin d’un monde, by Bernard Fay. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Aug. 29, 1981: 18. 50. "Nouveau recensement du vocabulaire." Rev. of Dictionnaire Hachette de la langue française 1981. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Sept. 5, 1981: 10. 51. "Une histoire vaudevillesque." Rev. of Mon oncle Oswald, by Roald Dahl. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Sept. 12, 1981: 20. 52. "Apparition d‟un auteur grec." Rev. of La Disparition d’Athanase Télékidis, by Aristote Nikolaïdis. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Sept. 19, 1981: 27. 53. "Le Maroc de Tahar Ben Jelloun." Rev. of La Prière de l’absent, by Tahar Ben Jelloun. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Sept. 26, 1981: 19. Brulotte/24 54. "La Dualité de Graham Greene: entretiens avec Marie-Françoise Allain." Rev. of L’Autre et son double, by M.-F. Allain. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Oct. 3, 1981: 18. 55. "Naipaul: une valeur sûre." Rev. of Guérilleros, by V. S. Naipaul. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Oct. 10, 1981: 19. 56. "Une fête de l‟imagination." Rev. of Un déjeuner de soleil, by Michel Déon. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Oct. 17, 1981: 19. 57. "Les Destins tordus et tordants de Woody Allen." Rev. of Destins tordus, by W. Allen. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Oct. 24, 1981: 24. 58. "L‟Univers domestique de John Updike." Rev. of La Concubine de saint Augustin, by John Updike. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Oct. 31, 1981: 25. 59. "Contre, tout contre les intellectuels." Rev. of Les Intellocrates, by H. Hamon et F. Rotman. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Nov. 7, 1981: 18. 60. "De la Rive gauche au Rhin." Rev. of La Rive gauche, by H.R. Lotman; and Un Allemand à Paris, by G. Heller, and Canaris, by H. Höhne. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Nov. 14, 1981: 18. 61. "Quand Navarre commente Navarre." Rev. of Biographie, by Yves Navarre. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Nov. 21, 1981: 19. 62. "Anthony Burgess ou le mal à l‟oeuvre." Rev. of Les Puissances des Ténèbres, by Anthony Burgess. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Nov. 28, 1981: 24. 63. "Ces êtres qui peuplent notre imaginaire collectif." Rev. of Dictionnaire des figures et des personnages, by C. Aziza & al. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Dec. 5, 1981: 19. 64. "Eventail de merveilles et de singularités." Rev. of Le Moyen Age fantastique, by Jurgis Baltrusaïtis. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Dec. 12, 1981: 13. 65. "Chef-d‟oeuvre de l‟illusionniste Philip Roth." Rev. of L’Ecrivain des ombres, by Philip Roth. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Dec. 19, 1981: 20. 66. "Au pays merveilleux des beaux livres." Rev. of Le Premier Empereur, by A. Cotterell; Le Livre des Records 82; Marilyn, by Norman Mailer; Le Journal champêtre, by Edith Holden; and Le Guide bleu Hachette Canada. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Dec. 24, 1981: 19. 67. "Histoire d‟une passion incestueuse." Rev. of Anna Soror..., by Marguerite Yourcenar. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Dec. 31, 1981: 15. 68. "Sur les dernières années de Sartre." Rev. of La Cérémonie des adieux, by Simone de Beauvoir. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Jan. 9, 1982: 21. 69. "Un effort pour rajeunir le plaisir de lire." Rev. of Manuel de savoir vivre à l’usage des rustres et des malpolis, by Pierre Desproges; Petit fictionnaire illustré, by Alain Finkielkraut; Quand j’avais cinq ans, je m’ai tué, by Howard Buten; and Lettres de Calamity Jane à sa fille. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Jan. 16, 1982: 20. Brulotte/25 70. "L‟Avant-garde littéraire et le vide." Rev. of Pantin, Canal de l’Ourq, by Mathieu Bénézet, and Partage et lisières, by J.-C. Montel.Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Jan. 23, 1982: 15. 71. "La France littéraire à travers deux mémoires." Rev. of Mémoires de l’oubli, by Philippe Soupault, and Porte ouverte sur la rue, by Marcel Béalu. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Jan. 30, 1982: 19. 72. "Servitudes et grandeurs de l‟art." Rev. of L’Empire des nuages, by François Nourissier. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Febr. 6, 1982: 17. 73. "Pour nous mettre en appétit de lecture." Rev. of Le Vol du vampire, by Michel Tournier.Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Febr. 13, 1982: 21. 74. "Un filet de soie tendu sur le quotidien." Rev. of Journal intégral, by Virginia Woolf. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Febr. 20, 1982: 13. 75. "Une surprenante histoire des dents." Rev. of L’Ogre et la dent, by Françoise Loux. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Febr. 27, 1982: 19. 76. "Le Roman de la vengeance et de la fatalité." Rev. of Chronique d’une mort annoncée, by G. Garcia Marquez. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] March 6, 1982: 18. 77. "Une somme sur 50 ans de chansons." Rev. of Charles Trenet: la route enchantée. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] March 13, 1982: 17. 78. "Trois cents personnages du roman français." Rev. of 300 héros et personnages du roman français d’Atala à Zazie, by Pierre Ajame and al. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] March 20, 1982: 24. 79. "Trois nouvellistes dans la fleur de l‟art." Rev. of Alleluia pour une femme-jardin, by René Depestre; Le Règne végétal, by Pierre Gascar; and Silvio et la roseraie, by Julio Ramon Ribeyro. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] March 27, 1982: 21. 80. "Excursion dans l‟imaginaire oriental." Rev. of Les plus belles Légendes chinoises, by Tao Tao Lin Sanders, and Sept victimes pour un oiseau et autres histoires policières chinoises, by André Lévy. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Apr. 3, 1982: 15. 81. "Deux grands maîtres de l‟humour." Rev. of Opus 9-10-11-12, film scripts of Annie Hall, Intérieurs, Manhattan, Stardust Memories, by Woody Allen, and Le Supplice des week-ends, by Robert Benchley. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Apr. 17, 1982: 19. 82. "La Vie amoureuse de Chateaubriand." Rev. of Mon dernier rêve sera pour vous, by Jean d‟Ormesson. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Apr. 24, 1982: 16. 83. "Traiter le passé comme le présent." Interview of Jean d‟Ormesson. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Apr. 27, 1982: 11. 84. "Dans le ventre de la bête: l‟univers de la prison." Rev. of Dans le ventre de la bête, by Jack Henry Abbott. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] May 22, 1982: 8. 85. "Pour mieux comprendre la musique classique." Rev. of Pour mieux aimer la musique, by Vincent Radisson, and La Musique en France à l’époque baroque, by James Anthony. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] May 29, 1982: 15. Brulotte/26 86. "Chrystine Brouillet, prix Robert-Cliche." Interview of the author of Chère voisine. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] May 27, 1982: 13. 87. "Le Savoir apprivoise la sexualité humaine." Rev. of L’Imaginaire érotique et ses secrets, by Claude Crépault; Eve, Eros, Elohim: la femme, l’érotisme et le sacré, by P. Houque; and Controntation 6: La Sexualité masculine. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] June 5, 1982: 16. QC 88. "Des œuvres à la disposition de tous." Rev. of Journal, by F. Kafka; Le Vicomte Pourfendu, by I. Calvino; Café Panique, by Roland Topor, and Le Tunnel, by Ernesto Sabato. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] May 12, 1982: 17. 89. "De l‟influence des médias en littérature." Rev. of L’Hôtel New Hampshire, by John Irving. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] June 19, 1982: 18. 90. "Trois passions élémentaires." Rev. of Passions élémentaires, by Luce Irigaray; L’Homme Atlantique, by Marguerite Duras; and Memory lane, by Patrick Modiano. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] June 26, 1982: 17 91. "Mensonges et vérités de l‟art ou l‟éblouissante virtuosité d‟un romancier." Rev. of L’Hôtel blanc, by D.M. Thomas. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] July 3, 1982: 15. 92. "Pour les amateurs de biographies: Napoléon, Paul Barras et John Law." Rev. of Qui a tué Napoléon? By Weider & Hapwood; Barras, by Le Nabour; and Les Fortunes de la gloire: le roman de John Law, by C. de Porthal. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] July 10, 1982: 13. 93. "La nouvelle au service de l‟ambiguïté." Rev. of Musique pour caméléons, by Truman Capote, and Duplicités, by Diane de Margerie. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] July 17, 1982: 15. 94. "L‟Ecriture bio-cybernétique." Rev. of poems by Pierre Milot. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] May 2, 1973: 13. H. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: POETRY 1. "Vide contre vide." A poem against war. Selected in Canada for the Georges Lahoun Poetry Award among the 50 best of 900 submissions and published online. Web 30 Aug. 1999. 2. "De Babel à jingle." Le Sabord 51(1999): 36-37. 3. "Friable." Poem. Hedi Bouraoui: Hommages au poète. Ed. SergioVillani. Woodbridge, Can.: Albion Press, 1998, 18. 4. "La Poigne du jour." Poetic prose. En Vrac [Trois-Rivières, QC] (Sept. 1985) : 11. 5. "Hoquet." Poem. Décalques. Spec. Issue of APLM [Trois-Rivières, QC] 16(1982): 16. 6. "Le Monde d‟hier. " Grimoire [Sherbrooke, QC] 5.2(1982): 19. 7. "Au midi de la terre." "Au conseil des vents." Grimoire [Sherbrooke, QC] 5.1(1982): 17. 8. "Les Nouveaux mots de la langue française." Krach [Montreal, QC] 7 Spring 1981: 4. Brulotte/27 9. "Séances." Poetic prose. Krach [Montreal, QC] 6(1981): 3. 10. "Mine." "Bord." "Retrait." "Hors limite." Ecrivains de la Mauricie. Trois-Rivières, Can.: Editions du Bien public, 1981, 46-47. 11. Touches. Five poems ("Creux. " "Signe de tête." "Sporades." "Charnure." "Le Mot d‟adieu."). Pulsations. Spec. Issue of APLM [Trois-Rivières, QC] 13(1980): 61-64. I. PUBLICATIONS IN PERIODICALS: SHORT STORIES R=Refereed/Peer-reviewed 1. Invited short story. Spec. issue Plages, XYZ [Montreal] (Sept 2015). Ed. J.-P. Beaumier. 2. R "Tirage sepia." Spec. issue Le Tarot, XYZ 122 (May 2015): 66-68. ISSN 0828-5608. Acceptance rate: 5%. 3. R "La géniale invention du docteur Austherr." XYZ 117 (2014): 53-63. 4. R "Leçon de mots." XYZ 116 (2013): 16. 5. R "Le lit des autres." Featured short story illus. by Sophie Robert. University Affairs/Affaires universitaires, June 2012: 26-29. 6. R "L‟auberge désirable." XYZ 106 (2011): 53-64. 7. R "La barbarie moderne. " XYZ 103 (2010): 32-37. 8. R "Cent jours avec Caroline. Centenier." XYZ 100 (2009): 13-23. 9. "Alvina ou la vie langoureuse." Invited short story. Harfang (Angers, Fr.), 28(May 2006): 15-23. 10. R "Les listes." XYZ 85(2006): 60-62. 11. R "Le parapluie." XYZ 82(2005): 19-22. 12. "Hétéroportrait." Invited story. Lettres québécoises 116(Winter/Hiver 2004): 7-8. 13. R "La cimenterie." XYZ 80(2004): 18-23. 14. R "La crémaillère." XYZ 76(Winter 2003): 10-17. 15. R "Une dernière fois." XYZ 74(Summer 2003): 9-12. 16. R "Le lendemain du point." Le Sabord [Trois-Rivières, QC], 65(2003): 6-11. 10. R "Clair de chair." Le Sabord [Trois-Rivières, QC] 64(2003): 16-22. Brulotte/28 11. R "Le sac à main." XYZ 69(2002): 16-20. 12. R "A voix basse." Le Sabord (Trois-Rivières, QC), 59(2001): 58-60. 2002 Odyssée Award for best fiction in periodicals in 2001, Quebec. See Awards #30. 13. R "Beach Hotel." XYZ 63(2000): 21-28. 14. R "Le fauteuil roulant." XYZ 61(2000): 18. 15. R "Le bus bogué." XYZ 60 (1999): 11-20. 16. R "Les toilettes de Monsieur Toujours." XYZ 59(1999): 35-36 17. R "Routines." XYZ 58 (1999): 30-35. 18. R "Promesse de conclusion." (in 3 parts). XYZ 49(1997): 89-97; 50(1997): 97-104; 51(1997): 87-93. 19. R "Les absents gênants." XYZ 47(1996): 40-54. 20. R "Légendes d‟un album de photos." XYZ 45(1996): 59-68. Repr. Nouvelle Donne [Fr.] 12 (Jan. 1997): 3438. 21. R "Le complexe de Putiphar." XYZ 41(1995): 17-29. 22. R "Le camion à ridelles." La Revue générale [Brussels, Belg.] 2(1995): 85-88. 23. R "L‟audition." XYZ 32(1992): 36-43. 24. R "Pommes de terre Leacock." XYZ 28(1991): 15. 25. "Les triangles de Chloé." Les Cahiers du Ru [Aosta Valley, It.] 15(1990): 4-12. 26. R "The Exalted One." Puerto del Sol [New Mexico] 24.2(1989): 176-179. 27. "Le silencieux." En Vrac [Trois-Rivières, QC] 40(1989): 58-60. 28. "Les messagers de l‟ascenseur." NYX [Paris] 10(1989): 77-87. 29. R "Le sculpteur du temps." Short version. Espace [Montreal] 5.2(1989): 30-31. 30. "Prélude d‟Archibald." Excerpts of Ce qui nous tient. Le Devoir [Montreal] Apr. 16, 1988: D-1 & D-12. 31. R "Ce mardi, de A à D." Le Sabord [Trois-Rivières, QC] 18(1988): 18-19. 32. "Mes rues." With a portrait by Provinzano. En Vrac [Trois-Rivières, QC] 35-36(1988): 41-46.. 33. "La poésie des chiffres." En Vrac [Trois-Rivières, QC] 37(1988): 22-25. 34. "Le bail." Nuit blanche [Quebec City] 24(1986): 58-59. 35. "Ventriloqueries." Le Beffroi [Quebec City] III(1987): 35-42. 36. "Arriva." Invited story. Spécial Québec. Spec. Issue of Brèves (Fr.) 24-25(1987): 95-99. Brulotte/29 37. "Amby et Chessa." Invited story. Quel amour? Spec. Issue of Jungles (Fr.) 10(1987): 8-9. 38. "Le poète des rues." Invited story. Le plus mauvais poème au monde. Spec. Issue of Estuaire [Quebec] 45(1987): 19-21. 39. R "L‟ovation." XYZ [Montreal] 11(1987): 23. 40. R "The Elevator Messengers." Transl. from the French into English by Matt Cohen, Cleo [Australia], Nov. 1987. 41. "La fulgurante ascension de Bou." Moebius [Montreal] 34(1987): 17-22. 42. "L‟exclusion de Hoper." Moebius [Montreal] 29(1986): 57-62. 43. R "L‟infirmière auxiliaire." Possibles [Montreal] 10.1(1985): 67-78. 44. "Atelier de création." En Vrac [Trois-Rivières] Sept. 1985: 13-29. 45. R "La contravention." Le Sabord [Trois-Rivières] 8(1985): 20-22. 46. "L‟auto de Lazarre." Passages [Sherbrooke, QC] 4(1984): 33-34. 47. "Le Père Nadeau." & "Autoportrait." Featured in center folder w. picture & bio-bibliography. Québec français 54(May 1984): 49. 48. R "La fin des travaux." Illus. by Luc Normandin. Au Masculin [Montreal] 1.1(1983): 28-30. 49. R "Les cadenas." Illus. by Bernard Leduc. Châtelaine [Montreal]. Nov. 1982: 184-192. Nomination for the best fiction published in a large Canadian magazine, see Awards #50. 50. "En bord de mer." Image de la Mauricie [Trois-Rivières, QC] 5.4(Dec. 1980): 66-67. 51. "Une boule de viande." Graphignes. Spec. Issue of APLM [Trois-Rivières, QC] 10(1980): 77-79. 52. "Histoire d‟Albert." Literary award (see #62) and featured in Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] May 31, 1980: 14. 53. "Le balayeur." Literary award (see #63) and featured in La Dépêche [Trois-Rivières, QC] 6.3 March 31, 1980: 6-7. 7. STAGE ADAPTATIONS AND ACTIVITIES 1. De mains en mains. Fête de la malle. A play inspired by my script La Ridance, and produced by Compagnie La Cité des héros, Grenoble, Fr. Staged excerpts, Jan. 25, 2013 & May 22, 2013. Stage Directors: Dimitri Tatarenko & Sandra Boch. Performance. 2. Michelle Laurence, De Gustave A. à Marcel Z. Paris: EAT, 2012, 70p. Includes a description of my play Le Client for French actors‟ studios. Launched at Avignon‟s Festival, Fr. July 11, 2012. Print. 3. "Le lendemain du point." Love letters reading. Festival des Mots d‟amour, Baume-des-Dames, Fr. Feb., 2010. Performance. Brulotte/30 4. La Liquidation. Selection 2008-2009 in France by Influenscènes' Reading Committee (Comité de lecture de Fontenay-sous-Bois), out of 44 submitted scripts. This jury of specialists in contemporary drama selects new plays for yearly public stage reading. May 22, 2009. 5. La Liquidation. Excerpts stage-worked by students of Drama class. Stage dir. M. Bernanoce. U. Stendhal, Grenoble III, Fr. Apr. 27, 2007. Video-taped. Performance. 6. Staged reading of "Le sac à main" by two French actors (Isabelle & Jean Marc). Villa Mont-Noir, Fr. May 18, 2005. Event archived by French photograph Louis Monier. A book-signing session followed. Performance. 7. Excerpts of "Le rêve de tomates." Perf. Alexandra Destais. Désirs de femmes. Production Compagnie Les Deux Rives, Caen, Fr. July 1st, 2005. Performance. 8. "Le lit des autres." Stage reading by Guy Marchamps & Hélène Fournier. Ici. Maintenant, TroisRivières, QC. Apr. 23, 2005. Performance. 9. "Le lendemain du point." Stage reading by Art Le Sabord. Le Maquisart, Trois-Rivières, QC. Oct. 8, 2003. Performance. 10. Le Client. Stage production in France by Compagnie La Patience. Dir. Charles Tordjman. Théâtre La Luna, Avignon Drama Festival, July 9-31, 2003 (odd days). Perf. Charles Tordjman as Mac; Christophe Dussauge as le Client; Sophie Weiss as Mélanie. Performance. 11. La Liquidation. Play. Finalist out of 534 plays from 74 countries at the International Onassis Prizes for drama. Athens, Greece, 2001. 12. Le Client. Play selected for stage reading. Dir. Marie-Ginette Guay. Perf. M.-G. Guay as Mélanie; Jean Guy as Mac and Pierres-Yves Charbonneau as le client. Périscope, Theatre Niveau Parking, Quebec City. Oct. 18, 2002. Performance. 13. Le Client. Stage production by La Patience, Fr. Dir. Charles Tordjman. Perf. Charles Tordjman as Mac; Emmanuel Galliot as le Client; Sophie Weiss as Mélanie. Théâtre de La Mure, Fr. May 10-12, 2001; Théâtre Louis-Barran, Moirans, Fr. May 18-19, 2001; Avignon Drama Festival, Fr. Théâtre de l'Oulle: July 6-28, 2001. 30 representations. Performance. 14. Le Client. Selection and Presentation. Paris: Entr‟actes, 1997. Print. 15. Le Client. Stage adaptation by author from original radio-drama and stage reading. Dir. Claire Terral. Perf. Jean-Christophe Saïs, as le client; Laurent Verceletto, as Mac; Claire Terral, as Mélanie. Théâtre des Célestins, Lyon, Fr. Dec. 9, 1996. Performance. 16. Entretien à une voix. Stage adaptation of "Le Silencieux" by Gaëtan Brulotte. Dir. A-M. de Moret. Perf. Gaëtan Brulotte and Joëlle Nisolle. Alliance française de Tampa, March 22, 1991. Repeated, same cast, International Council for Francophone Studies, Tucson AZ, Apr. 18, 1991. Repeated, perf. Gaëtan Brulotte and Guy Segalen, U. d‟été, U. Stendhal-Grenoble III, Château de Passières, Chichiliane, Fr., Sept. 4, 1992. Repeated, perf. G. Brulotte and J. Nisolle, U. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, June 26, 1993. Repeated, perf. G. Brulotte and Pietro Pizzuti, International PEN Club, Centre francophone de Brulotte/31 Belgique, Brussels, Belg., Nov. 22, 1993. Repeated, perf. G. Brulotte and Marie Bernanoce, Avignon Drama Festival, Maison du Off, Fr. July 23, 2003. Videotaped. Performance. 17. Chacun de vous a un client. Comment satisfaire la clientèle des services financiers. Comment satisfaire la clientèle des services de crédit. Actor, as a French Canadian banker in 3 one-hour educative video series. Dir. Donna Wheeler. Perf. G. Brulotte, Gaston Forest, Marie-Anne Johnston, Marie Sardano, France Julien. Kaset Inc., Tampa, and Bank of Montreal, June 1989. Performance. 18. Le Silencieux. Stage adaptation. Dir. Ginette Delmas. Perf. Denise Lampron-Joyal. Salle Thompson, Trois-Rivières, QC. May 16, 1989. Performance. 19. The Sentry, followed by The Secret Voice. Stage adaptation in English of "Le Surveillant" and "La Voix secrète". Dir. Anne-Marie de Moret. Transl. Judith Cowan. Perf. Jim Wicker and Anna Brennen. Première: The Loft Theatre, Tampa, FL. March 14, 1989. Followed by a discussion with author, and a reception by Alliance française de Tampa. Performance. 20. Hortense couche-toi, by Courteline. Dirs. Dominique Rieuf and André Malécot. Perf. Gaëtan Brulotte as Monsieur Saumâtre (main role). Girvetz Hall, U. of California, Santa Barbara. July 17, 1982. Performance. 21. Le Surveillant. Stage adaptation. Dir. Ginette Delmas-Ribes. Perf. Pierre-Yves Lemieux, and Michel Charrois. Première by Troupe du Zip, Trois-Rivières, QC. Apr. 22, 1981. Performance. 8. AUDIO-VISUAL WORKS A. CINEMA AND TELEVISION WORKS 1. L’Infirmière auxiliaire. TV reading from Ce qui nous tient. Perf. Danielle Panneton. Lectures de fin de soirée. Télé-Québec. Dec. 11, 1997. Rep.: Jan. 24, March 20, May 22, 1998. Television. 2. La Fulgurante Ascension de Bou. TV script in coop. w. C. Fouillade, 30 min., 1994. Available. 3. Mort d’un chauffeur de taxi. Script for TV Ontario, 30 min., 1991. Available. 4. L’Emprise. Movie script in coop. w. Michel Poulette. Productions Nuit Blanche, Montreal, 1981. New film script by Pierre Vallée, Montreal, 1990. 5. L’Emprise. TV script in coop. w. Jean Sarrazin. Dir. Roger Fournier. Perf. Aubert Pallascio as Block; Gilles Renaud as Barnes; Yvon Leroux as Barnabé; Robert Maltais as psychiatrist, Danielle Schneider as a woman, and Gaëtan Brulotte as the author. Les Beaux Dimanches, Series Les Chemins de l’imaginaire. CBC, Montreal, 1980. TV premiere: Dec. 11, 1983. This adaptation represented Canada at the XXXVIIth meeting of the CTF (Communauté des télévisions francophones), Biarritz, Fr., June 7-11, 1982. Rev: "Que deviennent vos émissions?," Société Radio-Canada, July-Aug. 1982. 6. Comment l’écrivain est perçu par le public? TV script in coop. w. François de Vernal, 30 min., 1980. B. RADIO WORKS 1. "La Fulgurante Ascension de Bou." Broadcast on Radio-Canada FM, Montreal. May 23, 1994. Brulotte/32 2. "Le Bail" and "L‟Exclusion de Hoper." Perf. Jean Brousseau. En toutes lettres. Radio-Canada FM. Premiere: March 3, 1987. 3. "La Contravention" and "Monsieur Desfossés." Perf. Normand Carrière. Inédits. Radio-Canada FM. Premiere: Jan. 29, 1986. 4. "Le Client." Radio-drama. First Prize, category 60 min. XIth Concours d‟oeuvres dramatiques radiophoniques de Radio-Canada, 1983. Dir. Ollivier Mercier-Gouin. Perf. Jacques Galipeau as Max, Jean Faubert as le Client, Mireille Lachance as Mélanie. Premières, Radio-Canada FM, Montreal. Premiere: Oct. 28, 1983. Rebroadcast in Belgium, France, Switzerland (Radio-Télévision suisse romande, Feb. 12, 1984). 5. "Les Cadenas." Perf. Hubert Loiselle. Alternances. Radio-Canada FM. Premiere: Aug. 1, 1981. 6. "En voiture!" Perf. Hubert Loiselle. Alternances. Radio-Canada FM. Premiere: Aug. 1, 1981. 7. "Histoire d‟Albert." Perf. Monique Lepage. Alternances. Radio-Canada FM. Premiere: Nov. 8, 1980. 8. "L‟Indication." Perf. Julien Bessette. Alternances. Radio-Canada FM. Premiere: Oct. 25, 1980. 9. Les Ecrivains. Series creator, director & producer of 31 half-hour radio programs on the craft of writing. CFCQ FM, Trois-Rivières, QC, 1980-81. Premieres weekly: Sept. 23, 1980-May 5, 1981. Multiple rebroadcasts afterwards. 10. "Le Surveillant." Perf. Julien Bessette. Atelier des inédits. Radio-Canada FM, Montreal. Premiere: Oct. 24, 1979. 11. "Le Balayeur." Perf. Julien Bessette. Atelier des inédits. Radio-Canada FM, Montreal. Premiere: Oct. 24, 1979. 12. Seuils (Thresholds). Series creator, director & producer of 15 half-hour radio programs. CFCQ FM, TroisRivières, Can., 1979. Hosted in coop. w. Suzanne Benoît and Gérald Gaudet. Premieres weekly: Sept. 15Dec. 22, 1979. Multiple rebroadcasts afterwards. 9. INTERVIEWS: TELEVISION, RADIO, PERIODICALS, BOOKS Interviews marked by * were performed in writing for periodicals or books 1. Interview by Anne-Marie Lemay, for « Chez nous, le matin,» Ici Radio-Canada. May 27, 2015. On Prix de Littérature Gérald-Godin 2015 for La Contagion du réel. Radio. 2. “Rencontre avec Gaëtan Brulotte.” Featured interview by Michèle Prince. Les Cahiers de l’AQPF [Assoc. québécoise des Professeurs de français] 5.2 (Oct. 2014): 18-20. ISSN 1925-9158. On my works. Print and web. 3. Featured TV interview by Jean Barbe. Tout le monde tout lu. MATV, Montreal, Sept. 23, 2014. On the short story genre and my latest collection La Contagion du réel. One hour. Television. 4. Featured radio interview by France Boisvert. Le pays des livres. On short story and my scholarly book La nouvelle québécoise. Radio VM (Montreal). Sept. 19, 2014. 30 min. Multiple broadcasts. Radio.; and Brulotte/33 5. Featured radio interview by France Boisvert. Le pays des livres On my collection of short stories La Contagion du réel. Radio VM (Montreal). Sept. 12, 2014. 30 minutes. Multiple broadcasts. Radio.; and 6. "Gaëtan Brulotte et La Contagion du réel." Featured video interview by Laurence Grenier, Paris Television Centre, Fr. Dir.: Guy Beaubien. July 29, 2014. 8 min. Web. On Youtube:; and Vimeo: 7. Interview by Silvia Dumitrache. Observator cultural [Bucharest, Romania], No 736, Aug. 22, 2014. Web. On today‟s feminism. Transl. into Romanian:*articleID_30661articles_details.html 8. "Portrait de proustiens: Gaëtan Brulotte." Video interview by Laurence Grenier. Sceaux, Fr.: Excerpts posted July 18, 2014. Web. 9. *"Profil sur la route : le parcours impressionnant de Gaëtan Brulotte/ Sur la route de Gaëtan Brulotte à Tampa, en Floride." Featured interview by Jean-Sébastien Sirois. CyberContact [U. Laval. Quebec]. June 6, 2014. Pictures. Web (100,000 subscribers). 10. *"Gaëtan Brulotte: L‟esprit d‟examen contre l‟esprit de système." Interview by Antonio Rinaldis. Dialogues francophones [U. of Vest Timisoara, Romania] 19(2013-14): 109-124. ISSN 1224-7073 Print. Downloadable from: 11. *Featured interview by Yvon Lebras. Lingua Romana (Brigham Young University). 11.2 (Fall 2013): 124-129. ISSN 1551-4730. Web. 12. *Interview by L-P Cantin. Histoire de la Société des Ecrivains de la Mauricie. With selected documents provided to interviewer. SEM, QC: March 9, 2014. Print. 13. “‟State of Beauty: Today‟ Conference Explores Idea of Beauty with International Speakers.” Interview by Ali Leist, The Oracle 51.87 (Feb. 27, 2014): 5. Full page, ill. Print and web. 14. Interview by Laurence Grenier for literary blog. Sceaux, Fr.: Jan. 2014. Web 15. *Interview by Louise Lacourcière. On Quebec poet and short story writer Clément Marchand. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Sept. 12, 2012. Print and web. 16. *Interview by Paola Grimaldi. Focus Extra: La forza dell'Eros. Spec. issue of Focus Magazine [Milan, It.] 50 (June 2011): 98. Italian transl. by Paola Grimaldi. Print and web. 17. Interview by Anne-Marie Duquette. L'Action [Joliette, QC] Nov. 5, 2011. As guest writer on public writing event. Print. 18. Interview by Gilles Archambault. Pourquoi pas dimanche? Host. Joël Le Bigot. Radio-Canada Première chaîne, Montréal, Nov 21, 2010. 15 min. About my book La Nouvelle québécoise. Radio. Brulotte/34 19. Interview by Sarrah Osama. Rencontre du 3e titre. CIBL-FM, Montreal, Sept 28, 2010. 15 min. On my book La Nouvelle québécoise. Radio and web posted Sept 28, 2010 20. Featured TV interview by Louise Lacourcière. Par-delà l’image. Vox TV (Videotron), Trois-Rivières, QC. June 21, 2010. 30 min. Multiple broadcasts in the fall 2010 (18 times on Videotron TV channel and 4 times on Cogeco cable TV). Television. DVD. 21. *Featured interview by Steven Urquhart. "Entretien : Gaëtan Brulotte devant son œuvre." Quebec Studies 47 (Spring/Summer 2009): 57-72. Print ISSN 0737-3759, Online ISSN 2052-1731. 22. Interview by Laurent Gauriat. Radio France Bleue, Aubenas (Fr.), Oct. 15 2009. On event “Territoire et imaginaire”, Laurac (Ardèche, Fr.). 10 min. Radio. 23. Interview by Montel Williams. Montel Accross America. Air America Media, Apr. 24, 2009. 10 min. On romance. Radio. 24. Featured interview by Chip Rowe (senior ed.). Playboy Magazine online. 30 min. On Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. July 10, 2008. Web. 25. Featured interview by Sara Fredaigue. Le Petit Journal, Rome, It. June 3, 2008. On Italian transl. of my novel L’Emprise. Print. 26. Interview by Tiffany Granath. Afternoon Advice. Playboy Radio (Sirius Satellite Channel), Los Angeles. March 20, 2008. Live, 20 min. (5 millions listeners daily). On Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. Radio. 27. *Interview by Keith Morelli. "Birds, Bees Do It; Love Doctor Explains It." The Tampa Tribune, Feb 14, 2008, Metro: 2. Print. 28. Featured interview by Thomas King. "Celebrated Author Reflects on Writing." The Oracle [Tampa] 45.91 (Feb 4, 2008): 3. Print. 29. Interview by Maria Elena Barnabi and Mila Erther Babcok. "Variazioni Poetiche." Gentleman Quarterly - Italy. Feb. 2007: 267. On Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. Print. 30. Interview by Ginny Lamontagne. Des notes et des mots. CFUT-FM 91.1, Shawinigan, QC. May 16, 2006. One hour, live. Radio. 31. Interview by Romanian Writers' Association, Cluj, for its radio program. June 23, 2006. On erotic literature. Radio. 32. *Interview by Anick Perrault-Labelle. “L'exode des cerveaux.” Découvrir (ACFAS, Can.), March 24, 2005. Print. 33. Interview by Gilbert Reed. Ideas: Pleasures of the Flesh. A 2-hour documentary. CBC, Toronto. Recorded at WUSF studio, Tampa. Feb 8, 2005. One hour & 15 min. Broadcast Dec 1 & 8 2005. Radio. Brulotte/35 34. Interview by Ryan Warner. Gulf Coast Live. Natl. Public Radio. WGCU, Fort Myers (FL), along with Christian Bouchard (French Consul, Miami) and local director of Alliance française. Dec. 6, 2004, 1 hour, live. On France-USA relationships. Radio. 35. Interview by Francine Bordeleau. “Gaëtan Brulotte: l‟art du hors-la-loi.” Lettres québécoises 116(Winter/Hiver 2004): 9-11. Cover Story. Print. 36. Interview by Hugo Joncas. Cyberpresse, Montreal, QC. On assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. Photo with Prime Minister. Web March 12, 2003. 37. *Interview by Sanja Domazet. "Gaëtan Brulotte, Writer. Literature Is A Space Reserved For Lucidity." ("Literatura je proctor rezervisan za lucidnost.") Serbian transl. by S. Domazet. Danas, Belgrade (Serb.), Oct. 24, 2002. Print. 38. Interview by Slavka Sunajko, in English. Radio-Belgrade (Serb.), Oct. 22, 2002. 15 min. Radio. 39. *Interview by Ratka Lotina. "Gaëtan Brulotte, University Professor and Writer. A Profound Poetic View of Daily Life." Serbian transl. by R. Lotina. Dvernik, Novi Sad (Serb.). Oct. 20, 2002: 11. Print. 40. Interview by Snezana Martinov. Apolo TV, Novi Sad (Serb.), Oct. 18, 2002. Live, 12 min. Simultaneous Serbian transl. by Ljiljiana Matic. Television. 41. Interview by Susan Conolly. Radio-Réveil. Radio-Canada, Winnipeg (Can.). Apr. 11, 2002. Live, 7 min. On the Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. Radio. 42. Interview by Danièle Grenier. La Grande Traversée. Radio-Canada, Ottawa (Can.). Oct. 7, 2001. 15 min. On Le Client and Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. Radio. 43. Interview by Danita Arbuckle Feinberg. "Professor takes French Drama World by Storm." Forum [Tampa, FL] Oct. 22-Nov 4, 2001: 1,3. Print. 44. Interview by Anne-Marie Dussault. Beau Temps, mauvais temps. Radio-Canada Première chaîne, Montreal (Can.). Aug. 8, 2001. 20 min. On my play Le Client. Radio. 45. Interview by Laurent Lejard. Magazine Faire face and web site Avignon, Fr. July 26, 2001. 15 min. On my play Le Client. Print and web. 46. Interview by Manuel Houssais. France-Bleu Isère, Avignon, Fr. July 23, 2001. 10 min. On my play Le Client. Radio. 47. Interview by Stéphane Gilbart, Luxemburger Wort. Lux. and Avignon, Fr. July 20, 2001. On my play Le Client. Print. 48. Interview by Louis-Bernard Robitaille. La Presse, Montreal, and Avignon, Fr. July 19, 2001. On my play Le Client. 49. Interview by Christian Jade. RTBF-TV, Belg. and Maison du Off, Avignon, Fr. July 9, 2001. 10 min. On my play Le Client. Television. Brulotte/36 50. Interview by Anne-Marie Dussault. Beau Temps, mauvais temps. Radio-Canada, live from Avignon, Fr. July 17, 2001. 12 min. On my play Le Client. Radio. 51. Featured interview by Negovan Rajic. Littérature et Politique. CFOU, Trois-Rivières, QC. June 18, 2001. 30 min. On my play Le Client. Radio. 52. Interview by Habiv Salha. Radio Tunis International, Sousse (Tunisia). June 1st, 2000. 30 min. Radio. 53. Interview by Naouelle Said. CKRL FM, Quebec City, May 11, 2000. 20 min. On Epreuves. Radio. 54. *Interview by Mel Yoken. "Explorer le monde à contre-courant." LittéRéalité [Toronto] XI.2(Fall 1999): 49-62. On Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Lectures fin de siècle and Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. Print. 55. Interview by Jacques Normand-Sauvé. MultiMédi-Art. Radio-Canada FM. Oct. 7, 1999. Broadcast on Jan. 20, 2000. On Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. 15 min. Radio. 56. *Interview by Mel Yoken. Entretiens québécois III. Montreal: Tisseyre, 1999: 99-135. 57. Interview by Christian Devaux. RCF Isère, Grenoble, Fr. June 17, 1999. 30 min. Radio. 58. *Interview by Nicole Bajulaz-Fessler. "Il faut repassionner le rapport à la littérature." Encres vagabondes [Paris, Fr.] 17 (Summer 1999): 9-11. Print. 59. Interview by Marie-Hélène Poirier. Tournée d'Amérique. Radio-Canada, Paris studio, Dec. 10, 1998. 30 min. About Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Lectures fin de siècle and Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. Radio. 60. Interview by Hélène Letendre. TV5 International, Montreal, Nov. 24, 1998. 15 min. Television. 61. Interview by Shelly Pomerance, in English. All in a Week-End. CBC, Montreal. Nov. 20, 1998. 20 min. Radio. 62. Interview by Pierre Thibault. Zone libre. CIBL, Montreal. Nov. 19, 1998. 30 min. Radio. 63. *Interview by Achmy Halley. "Donnez-nous de vos nouvelles! Pourquoi écrivez-vous des nouvelles? Cinq écrivains nous répondent." La Presse, Montreal, Jan. 18, 1998: B 1-2. Print. 64. Interview by Mark Munroe Dion. "Words and Pictures." The Herald News [Fall River, MA] Jan. 4, 1998: F1 & fl. Picture. Author‟s Profile. Print. 65. Interview by Carlos Cunha. The Standard Times [New Bedford, MA] Dec. 9, 1997. Print. 66. Interview by Francine Bordeleau. "Sur le front de la nouvelle." Lettres québécoises 87(1997): 14-17. On short story. Print. 67. Interview by Denise Bombardier. Comme un grand livre ouvert. Radio-Canada, Montreal, Round table. Nov. 18, 1996. On L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Radio. Brulotte/37 68. Interview by Alain Crevier.CBV Matin. Radio-Canada (Québec City). Oct. 14, 1996. On L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Radio. 69. Interview by Jean Fugère. Café littéraire, Salon du livre de Québec (Quebec City Book Fair). Oct. 13, 1996. On L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Live audience. 70. Interview by Catherine Lachaussée. "Café littéraire," Salon du livre de Québec (Quebec City Book Fair), Oct. 12, 1996. On L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Live audience. 71. *Interview by Mel Yoken. Gaétan Brulotte: Une Nouvelle Ecriture. Ed. Claudine Fisher. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992: 181-195. 72. Interview by Sylvie Lécuyer. CBC, Vancouver (Can.). Oct. 25, 1991. 10 min. Radio. 73. Interview by Hélène Degas. CBC, Vancouver (Can.). Oct. 24, 1991. 10 min. Radio. 74. Interview by Abdelwahab Hechiche. "The Place of Quebec in Canada." WUSF TV, Tampa, FL. Apr. 24, 1991. 30 min. Television. 75. *Interview by Gérald Gaudet. "J‟oeuvre à décalquer les impressions pour te les diffracter en passion." XYZ [Montreal] 24 (1990): 74-83. Print. 76. Interview by Claudette Lambert. Radio-Canada FM, Montreal. Apr. 29, 1990. Broadcast: June 1990. Radio. 77. Interview by Risto Vitanov. TV Beograd, Belgrade (Yugoslavia). Oct. 19, 1989. Broadcast on Oct. 26, 1989. 20 min. Television. 78. Interview by Guy Ferland. "Gaétan Brulotte à l‟honneur." Le Devoir, Montreal (Can.). Nov. 26, 1988: D-2. Print. 79. Interview by Mike Casavantes. KRWG-FM, Las Cruces, NM. Oct. 21, 1988. About Quebec. Radio. 80. Interview by Angie Wood. KRWG-TV, Las Cruces, NM. Oct. 21, 1988. About Quebec/USA cultural differences. Television. 81. Interview by Diane Dontigny. "L‟Ecrivain de l‟entêtement." Contact [Quebec] 2.3 (1988): 42. Picture. About Ce qui nous tient. Print. 82. Interview by Janet Wiljof. Inside USF, Tampa, FL. Oct.19/Nov. 1, 1988: 5. About a tour of lectures in New Mexico and Morocco. Print. 83. Interview by Luc Chartrand. L’Actualité [Montreal] Oct. 1988: 64. About the French Canadian presence in the USA. Print. 84. Interview by André Gaudreault. "Brulotte honoré." Le Nouvelliste, Trois-Rivières (QC), Oct. 17, 1988: 15. Print. 85. *Interview by Alain Lessard. Nuit Blanche [Quebec] 33 (1988): 4. About Ce qui nous tient. Print. 86. Interview by Christine Champagne. Ecriture d’ici. Videotron Television, Montreal (Can.). June 22, 1988. Broadcast on Aug. 15, 1988. 16 min. About Ce qui nous tient, with reading by actor of an excerpt from "Candy Store." Television. Brulotte/38 87. Interview by Serge Drouin. "Pas toujours facile d‟être premier prix." Le Journal de Québec, Quebec City (Can.), Apr. 23, 1988: 2-A. Picture. About Ce qui nous tient. Print. 88. Interview by Daniel Tremblay. CHAA, Longueuil (Can.). Apr. 22, 1988. About Ce qui nous tient. Radio. 89. Interview by André Gaudreault. "Gaétan Brulotte: écrivain „ambassadeur‟." Le Nouvelliste, Trois-Rivières (Can.), Apr. 23, 1988: 12-A. Picture. About Ce qui nous tient. Print. 90. Featured interview by Anne-Marie Voisard. "Gaétan Brulotte, écrivain: les surprises du métier." Le Soleil, Quebec City (Can.), Apr. 23, 1988: E-1 & E-3. Front page. Picture. About Ce qui nous tient. Print. 91. Interview by Marie-Claire Girard. En toutes lettres. Radio-Canada FM, Montreal. Apr. 19, 1988. About Ce qui nous tient. Radio. 92. Interview by Julie Stanton. "Les prix littéraires: des promesses et des pièges." Le Devoir, Montreal, Apr.16, 1988: D-10. Print. 93. Interview by Suzanne Giguère. Les Belles Heures. Radio-Canada, Montreal. Apr. 15, 1988. 10 min. About Ce qui nous tient. Radio. 94. Interview by Jean-Yves Bouchard. CKRL FM, Quebec. May 3, 1987. With Reading of my short story "L‟Exalté." Radio. 95. Interview by René Ferron. En toutes lettres. Radio Canada FM, Montreal. Apr. 30, 1987. Radio. 96. Interview by Joëlle Nisolle. L’Heure française. WLVU FM, Clearwater, FL. Jan. 24, 1987. About Quebec Literature. Radio. 97. Interview by Marie-Paule Delos. "Prof.‟s Fame International." The Oracle [Tampa, FL] 2.162 Nov. 25, 1986: 7. Picture. Print. 98. Interview by André Gaudreault. "Nouvelles des nôtres." Le Nouvelliste, Trois-Rivières (Can.), Sept. 5, 1986. Print. 99. Interview by Danièle Mondoux. Contact. Radio-Television du Québec. May 22, 1986. Rebroadcast on May 26, 1986. About creative writing. Television. 100. Interview by Liliane Rocray. "Le Prix Robert-Cliche: un cadeau empoisonné?" "Gaétan Brulotte ne se fait pas de problèmes existentiels." Le Soleil [Québec] Nov. 30, 1985: B3. Picture. Print. 101. Interview by Radio-Canada FM, Mont-Rolland, QC. Oct. 5, 1985. Broadcast on Oct. 14, 1985. About the relationships Québec/USA. Radio. 102. Interview by André Gaudreault. "Gaétan Brulotte, écrivain actif." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, Can] May 28, 1985: 25. Picture. Print. 103. Featured interview by Raymonde Leclerc. "Gaétan Brulotte, ambassadeur culturel en terre américaine." L’Hebdo de Trois-Rivières 18.10, March 5, 1985: front page (& 3). Pictures. Print. 104. Interview by Francine Marchand. Le Caroussel du samedi. Radio-Canada AM. Jan. 26, 1985. About the French Canadian presence in Florida. Radio. Brulotte/39 105. Interview by Anne-Marie Voisard. "Que deviennent les Robert-Cliche?" Le Soleil [Québec City] April 28, 1984: D2. Picture. About my literary activities. Printé. 106. Featured interview by Daniel Dupré. "Portrait de Gaétan Brulotte." Prétexte [Montreal] 5.1 ("Portraits") (1984): 13-41. Print. 107. Interview by André Gaudreault. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, Can.] Dec. 31, 1983: 13A. Picture. Survey of a year of literary activities. Print. 108. Interview by Suzanne Vertey. Clin d’oeil. Radio-Québec TV. Dec. 16 & 20, 1983. 20 min. Biographical documentary. Television. 109. Interview by Brigitte Rémy. Le Québec vous dit bonjour. Broadcast from Paris on 86 Free radios of Europe, Dec. 9, 1983. 10 min. About Le Surveillant, Prix France-Québec 1983. Radio. 110. Interview by Linda Garnick-Grieve. "Brulotte at BCC on exchange program." The Reporter [Cocoa, FL] 3.36 Dec. 8, 1983: 8. Picture. Print. 111. Interview by John Benciet, in English. WEZY AM & FM, Cocoa, FL. Dec. 4, 1983. 30 min. About Canada, Québec, and the experimental teaching mission at Brevard College. Radio. 112. Interview by Doris Hamel. "Gaétan Brulotte: l‟acte d‟écrire." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, Can.] Nov. 19, 1983. Picture. Print. 113. Interview by M. Rancourt. CIGB FM, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Nov. 14, 1983. 4 min. About Dix contes et nouvelles fantastiques. Radio. 114. Interview by Percy Turcotte. "Bonjour," CKTM TV, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Nov. 14, 1983. 5 min. About Dix contes et nouvelles fantastiques. Television. 115. Interview by Guy Harvey. CJTR, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Nov. 14, 1983. 6 min. About Dix contes et nouvelles fantastiques. Radio. 116. Interview by Serge Fournier. Audiovidéothèque of the Shawinigan College (Can.). Nov. 11, 1983. 60 min. Video document. 117. Interview by Chantal Joli. Station-Soleil. Radio-Québec TV, Montreal (Can.). July 29, 1983. 6 min. About Le Surveillant. Television. 118. Interview by Sylvie Deschênes. Radio-Québec TV, Trois-Rivières (Can.). July 27, 1983. In prep. of 30-min. TV program on the interviewed. Television. 119. Interview by André Gaudreault. "Une autre distinction pour l‟écrivain Gaétan Brulotte." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, Can.] June 9, 1983: 28. About Le Client, First Prize to the 1983 Radio-Drama contest of CBC. Print. 120. Featured interview by André Gaudreault. "Le Prix France-Québec au romancier Gaétan Brulotte." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, Can.] June 1, 1983: front page. Picture. Print. 121. Interview by Danielle Mondoux. CKTM TV, Trois-Rivières (Can.). June 1, 1983. About the Prix FranceQuébec. Television. Brulotte/40 122. Interview by CJTR, Trois-Rivières, Télémédias National network (Can.). May 31, 1983. About the Prix France-Québec to Le Surveillant. Radio. 123. Interview by Pierre Bérubé. CHLN, Trois-Rivières (Can.). May 31, 1983. About the Prix France-Québec to Le Surveillant. Radio. 124. Interview by Régis Tremblay. "Gaétan Brulotte et les crimes contre la loi." Le Soleil [Québec City] Jan. 29, 1983: D3. Pictures. About Le Surveillant. Print. 125. Interview by Michelle Roy. Les Passeurs de l’anonyme. CKRL FM, Université Laval, Sainte-Foy (Can.). Jan. 26, 1983. 30 min. About Le Surveillant. Radio. 126. Interview by Jean Brousseau. Les Matineux. CIGB FM, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Jan. 24, 1983. 40 min. About Le Surveillant. Radio. 127. Interview by Serge Drouin. Journal de Québec, Jan. 12, 1983. About Le Surveillant. Print. 128. Interview by Michel Gagnon. CJRP (Quebec City). Jan. 12, 1983. 6 min. About Le Surveillant. Radio. 129. *Interview by Normand DesJardins. Nos livres 14 (1983): 5-7. About creative writing and Le Surveillant selected as "Le Livre du mois" (Book of the Month) by this journal. Cover picture. Print. 130. Interview by Lison Hovington. CJFM TV, Chicoutimi (Can.). Dec. 22, 1982. 15 min. About Le Surveillant. Television. 131. Interview by Christiane Laforge. "L‟Ecrivain doit être constamment aux aguêts." Le Quotidien, [Chicoutimi, Can.] Dec. 24, 1982: 13. Picture. About Le Surveillant. Print. 132. Interview by Pierrette Roy. "Gaétan Brulotte: jamais un romancier facile." La Tribune [Sherbrooke, Can.] Jan. 15, 1983: B3. About Le Surveillant. Print. 133. Interview by Jean Malo. Tout sur tout. CHLT TV, Sherbrooke (Can.). Jan. 13, 1983. 8 min. About Le Surveillant. Television. 134. Interview by Pierre Lebel. Québec Dimanche [Québec City] Jan. 12, 1983. About Le Surveillant. Print. 135. Interview by Rémy Charland. Quoi de neuf. CKSH TV, Sherbrooke (Can.). Jan. 11, 1983. 6 min. About Le Surveillant. Television. 136. Interview by Jean Denoncourt. CHLT, Sherbrooke (Can.). Jan. 11, 1983. About Le Surveillant. Radio. 137. Featured interview by Louis-Marie Lapointe. "Des marginaux qui ressemblent à tout le monde." ProgrèsDimanche [Chicoutimi, Can.] Dec. 26, 1982 (full page). Picture. About Le Surveillant. Print. 138. Interview by Michel Julien. CFCQ FM, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Dec. 20, 1982. 30 min. About Le Surveillant. Radio. 139. Interview by François Grenier. CKRS, Jonquières (Can.). Dec. 21, 1982. 6 min. About Le Surveillant. Radio. 140. Interview by Pierre Laurence. Gens du midi. CKRS TV, Jonquières (Can.). Dec. 21, 1982. 8 min. About Le Surveillant. Television. Brulotte/41 141. Interview by Michelle Roy-Guérin. "Le Surveillant sort des presses." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, Can.] Dec. 11, 1982: 18A. Print. 142. Interview by Winston Mcquade. Télex-Arts. CBC TV (Montreal). Dec. 9, 1982. About Le Surveillant. Television. 143. Interview by Percy Turcotte. Bonjour. CKTM TV, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Dec. 20, 1982. 6 min. About Le Surveillant. Television. 144. Interview by Jacques Thériault and Gilles Larocque. Livres d’ici. Broadcast on 14 radio stations in Quebec. Dec. 1982. 15 min. About Le Surveillant. Radio. 145. Interview by Chantal Trottier. Prends la vie du bon côté. CHEM TV, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Jan. 21, 1983. 10 min. About Le Surveillant. Television. 146. Featured interview by Gérald Gaudet. Présence de l’écrivain. CFCQ FM, Trois-Rivières. Jan. 18, 1983. One hour. About creative writing. Radio. 147. Interview by Gilles Archambault. Littérature au pluriel. Radio-Canada FM. Jan. 11, 1983. 10 min. About Le Surveillant. Radio. 148. Interview by Claude Witgens. "Un écrivain de chez nous: Gaétan Brulotte." Image de la Mauricie 7.6 (1983): 29. Picture. About Le Surveillant. Print. 149. Interview with Jean d‟Ormesson. Cinq à sept. CFCQ FM, Trois-Rivières (Can.). May 4, 1982. 30 min. About Châteaubriand. Excerpts in Le Nouvelliste, Apr. 27, 1982: 11. Radio and print. 150. Featured interview by Yvon Leblanc. Cinq à sept." CFCQ FM, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Apr. 28, 1982. Two hours. About the author‟s literary evolution. Radio. 151. Interview by Hélène Biron. International Book Fair of Quebec City (Can.). Apr. 24, 1982. 20 min. About L’Emprise and Le Surveillant. Live audience. 152. Interview with Chrystine Brouillet. Cinq à sept. CFCQ-FM, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Apr. 20, 1982. Broadcast: June 2, 1982. 25 min. About her detective novel. Excerpts in Le Nouvelliste, May 27, 1982: 13. Radio and print. 153. Interview by Michel Julien. CFCQ FM, Trois-Rivières (Can.). March 20, 1982. About the International Pen Club and a tour of lectures in the American Midwest. Radio. 154. Featured interview by Grace Barbakhanian in English. WILL-FM, Urbana-Champaign, IL.March 1982. 30 min. How can one be a "Québécois" writer? Radio. 155. Interview by Yves Beauchesne. "Ecrire: c‟est créer un espace de plaisir." L’Ecrilu [Montreal] 1.3 (1981): 1,5. Picture. Print. 156. Interview by Gérald Gaudet. Lettres québécoises (Winter 1981): 92-93. Rev. by André Gaudreault. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, Can.] Nov. 28, 1981: 19. About the cultural life of Quebec. Print. 157. Interview by Marie-Andrée Hamel. Le Livre d’ici [Montreal] 6.51 Sept. 23 1981 : 1. Picture. Repr. L’Hebdo de Trois-Rivières, 14.41, Oct. 14, 1981: 5. About Le Surveillant. Print. Brulotte/42 158. Interview by Marie-Andrée Hamel. Image de la Mauricie, Aug. 24, 1981. Repr. En Vrac [Trois-Rivières] 12 (1982): 5-10. About reading. Print. 159. Interview by Gérald Gaudet. "Une présence sentie et désirée." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, Can.] June 20, 1981: 26. About Dictionnaire des écrivains de la Mauricie. Print. 160. Interview by CHEM TV, Trois-Rivières (Can.). June 12, 1981. About Dictionnaire des écrivains de la Mauricie. Television. 161. Interview by André Bouchard. CJTR, Trois-Rivières (Can.). June 11, 1981. About Dictionnaire des écrivains de la Mauricie. Radio. 162. Interview by CHLN, Trois-Rivières (Can.). June 11, 1981. About Dictionnaire des écrivains de la Mauricie. Radio. 163. Interview by Léonard Badeau. Le Vieil Escollier [Quebec City June 1981: 12. Picture. About the AdrienneChoquette Award to Le Surveillant. Print. 164. Interview by CHEM TV, Trois-Rivières (Can.). May 19, 1981. About the Adrienne-Choquette Award to Le Surveillant. Television. 165. Interview by Adrien Thério. Lettres québécoises [Montreal] 23 (1981): 10,16. Pictures. About Le Surveillant. Print. 166. Interview by André Caudreault. "Nouvel honneur pour Gaétan Brulotte." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, Can.] May 1, 1981: 11. Picture. About the Adrienne-Choquette Award to Le Surveillant. Print. 167. Interview by Régis Tremblay. "Prix de poésie et de nouvelles." Le Soleil [Québec City] May 1, 1981: C5. About Le Surveillant. Print. 168. Interview by Denise Martel. "Gaétan Brulotte, lauréat du Prix Choquette." Journal de Québec, May 1, 1981: 13. Picture. About Le Surveillant. Print. 169. Interview by Madeleine Gaudreault-Labrecque. CKRL FM, Sainte-Foy (Can.). May 6, 1981. 20 min. About Le Surveillant. Radio. 170. Interview by Yves Gauthier. Cablovision TV, Quebec City. May 1, 1981. 10 min. About creative writing. Television. 171. Interview by Yves Gauthier. Intervision TV, Quebec City. May 1, 1981. 10 min. About Le Surveillant. Television. 172. Interview by Jean Pagé. Québec magazine. CBC Television, Quebec City. Apr. 30, 1981. 6 min. About Le Surveillant. Television. 173. Interview by CKTM TV, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Apr. 30, 1981. About the Adrienne-Choquette Award to Le Surveillant. Television. 174. Interview with the Swiss painter Adrien Sin. L’Envers de la page. CFCQ FM, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Feb. 9, 1981. 30 min. About the creative activity. Radio. Brulotte/43 175. Interview by host of Neuf et demi. Radio-Québec TV. Nov. 3, 1980. About the literary activity of TroisRivières area (QC). Television. 176. Interview by host of Midi-Soleil. CKTM-TV [Trois-Rivières, Can.]. July 24, 1980. 10 min. About the Société des écrivains de la Mauricie. Television. 177. Interview at 9th International Book Fair of Quebec. Apr. 26, 1980. About the follow-up on the Prix RobertCliche. Live audience. 178. Interview by E. Lachapelle. "Gaétan Brulotte Prix Robert-Cliche 1979 parle à Edouard Lachapelle." Regards sur Israël, Nov.-Dec. 1979: 2-3. Picture. About L’Emprise. Print. 179. Interview by Bernard Pozier & Louise Blouin. "La Matérialité de l‟écriture: Gaétan Brulotte." L’Envers de la page. CFCQ-FM, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Sept. 29, 1979. 30 min. Radio. 180. Interview by Gaston L‟Heureux. "L‟écrivain et la ville." La Puce à l’oreille. Radio-Québec TV. Sept. 2, 1979: 10 min. About the writer in the city. Television. 181. Interview by Mario Verdon. Cablomatin. Cablovision TV, Montreal. May 31, 1979. About L’Emprise. Television. 182. Interview by Michel Jasmin. Bon Dimanche. Télé-Métropole, Montreal. May 27, 1979. 6 min. About L’Emprise. Television. 183. Interview by Georges-Hébert Germain. Au fil des Arts. Radio-Canada, Montreal. May 26, 1979. 10 min. Radio. 184. Interview for Au jour le jour. CKTM-TV, Trois-Rivières (Can.). May 14, 1979. 10 min. About L’Emprise. Television. 185. Featured interview by Gilles Bourassa. "Gaétan Brulotte Prix Robert-Cliche." La Dépêche [Trois-Rivières, Can] 5.30 May 7, 1979: 1-2. Picture. About the author‟s evolution. Print. 186. Interview by Gérard Valbert. Radio suisse-romande (Switz.). May 7, 1979. 12 min. About L’Emprise. Radio. 187. Interview by Raoul Mille. Radio FR3, A1pes-Maritimes (Fr.). May 7, 1979. 10 min. About L’Emprise. Radio. 188. Series of interviews, May 4-12, 1979, Book Fair of Nice (Fr.): on television for the Nice Museum of Fine Arts; and by Philippe St-Germain, Radio Monte Carlo, Monaco, 10 min. About L’Emprise. Television and radio. 189. Interview by Jean Martin. Le trait d’union. CFCQ-FM, Trois-Rivières (Can.). May 1, 1979. 15 min. About L’Emprise. Radio. 190. Series of interviews in Quebec, Apr. 27, 1979. Radio: by Edward Rémy & M. Morin. CJMS, Montreal. 15 min. Television: by Winston Macquade. L’heure de pointe. Télévision de Radio-Canada, Montreal, 5 min.; by Gilles Goujeon. Studio 1. Télévision de Radio-Québec, Montreal. 14 min. About L’Emprise. Radio and television. Brulotte/44 191. Series of interviews in Quebec, Apr. 26, 1979. Radio: by M. Fitzby. CHLN, Trois-Rivières. Television: by Marie Mornau. CHEM-TV. Trois-Rivières. Periodicals: by René Lord, Le Nouvelliste; by Gilles Bourassa, La Dépêche. About L’Emprise. Radio, television and print. 192. Series of interviews in Quebec, Apr. 25, 1979. Radio: by Roland Giguère, CHOI-FM. 10 min; by Robert Ménard, CKCV. 30 min.; by François Vasseur, CKRL. 45 min. Television: by Robert Gilet, Régionale 03, Radio-Canada; by Yves Gauthier, Télévision de Radio-Québec. 30 min. Periodicals: by Louis-Guy Lemieux, Le Soleil; by Jean Prasteau, Le Figaro [Paris]. About L’Emprise. Radio, television and print. 193. Series of interviews in Quebec, Apr. 24, 1979. Radio: CKCV (Québec), CJLS (Lévis), CKRL (Laval University, 20 min.). Periodical: Le Soleil. Television: CKTM-TV. About L’Emprise and the Prix RobertCliche. Radio, television and print. 194. Interview by Raymond Hivon. La Dépêche [Trois-Rivières, Can.] 5.4 Sept. 11, 1978: 3. About Ph. D. thesis in Paris. Picture. Print. 195. Interview by Richard Salesses. Le Carnet des arts. Radio-Canada [Paris studio]. March 3, 1977. About Le Colloque de Tanger and W. Burroughs. Radio. 196. Interview by Richard Salesses. Des livres et des hommes. Radio-Canada [Paris studio]. Jan. 26, 1977. About William Burroughs. Radio. 197. Interview by René Lord. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, Can.] Aug. 12, 1976: 17. About a novel project. Picture. Print. 198. Interview by Jacques Baudoin. RTB (Belgian Radio & Television) in Geneva, Switz. Sept. 25, 1975. About William Burroughs. Radio. 10. PRESENTATIONS: INVITED PAPERS & LECTURES 1. "Le séminaire." Opening address at international conference "Autour des Fragments d'un discours amoureux de Roland Barthes". Centre National du Livre, Paris, June 30, 2015. 2. "Ma pratique de la nouvelle." Invited presentation and discussion, Midi littéraire, Maison de la Culture de Trois-Rivières (Can.), June 1, 2015. 3. “The World of French Canadian Painter Jean Paul Lemieux.” Invited presengtation, U. of Louisiana at Lafayette, Apr. 27, 2015. 4. "The Poetics of the Short Story in Quebec: the first 150 years;" and "Naissance du poème en prose du 18e au 20e siècle en France." Series of two lectures as guest speaker, Poetics Plus Program & Department of Romances Languages and Literatures. SUNY-Buffalo, Sept 30-Oct. 1st , 2014. and 5. "Le corps féminin dans la littérature érotique française contemporaine." Keynote speaker and guest of honor. International conference "Female Bodies, Image and Time. An Interdisciplinary History of Looking." Granada (Spain), June 26-28. 6. "L‟obsession dans les nouvelles de l‟écrivain québécois Normand de Bellefeuille." Paper at SCFLLF, Tampa, FL, March 21, 2014. Brulotte/45 7. "Considérations sur l‟art de la nouvelle" and "Le structuralisme." French and Italian Department Symposia Series. Brigham Young U., Provo (UT), March 13-15, 2013. 8. “Clément Marchand (1912-2013).” Invited posthumous tribute to Quebec poet and short story writer, Chapelle du Séminaire St-Joseph, Trois-Rivières, Can. May 18, 2013. Video-rec. 9. "La Nouvelle québécoise." Featured presentation at the Eighteenth Biennial Conference of the ACQS (American Council for Quebec Studies), Sarasota (FL), Nov. 10, 2012. 10. "Rire et pouvoir." Invited paper at CIEF (Conseil International d'Etudes Francophones), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 11, 2012. 11. "La nouvelle littéraire québécoise." Featured lecture, Institut d'Arts, Lettres et Histoire, U. Catholique de l'Ouest, Angers (Fr.), Dec 14, 2011. 12. "Brief Survey of the Quebec Short Story." Featured lecture, U. of Lethbridge, Alberta (Can.). Followed by book signing session at La Verendry Francophone School Public Library, Nov 24-28, 2011. 13. "The Québec Short Story." Featured lecture, "Book Event Series" & "Research One Event." Humanities Institute, USF, Tampa (FL), Oct. 12, 2011. Followed by book signing session. 14. "L‟écriture haptiste en atelier." Invited lecture, plenary session, international conference Ateliers d'écriture littéraire, Castle of Cerisy-la-Salle, Fr. Presentation and discussion rec. and web posted. Followed by book signing session, and "Atelier d'écriture haptiste", animation of a 2-hour creative writing workshop. July 18, 2011. 15. "La riche histoire de la nouvelle littéraire au Québec." Featured address, Association des Diplômés universitaires aînés, U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Can.), May 25, 2011. Followed by book signing session. 16. "A Cultural History of Quebec As Seen Through Its Paintings." Keynote address, Southern Conference on Foreign Languages, Literatures and films, USF, Tampa, Feb. 26, 2010. Rev. by Brittany Cerny The Oracle, Feb. 28, 2010: "Language lectures draw global scholars". 17. "La Nouvelle dans tous ses états." Featured author at round table & public reading, Olivieri bookstore, Montreal, Nov, 12, 2009. With Gilles Archambault, Louis-Philippe Hébert, & Monique Proulx. Org. by XYZ La revue de la nouvelle. Rec. by Radio-Spirale and web-posted: 18. "Le Monde selon Jean Paul Lemieux." Featured lecture, Musée des Beaux-Arts du Mont St-Hilaire (Can.), March 17, 2009. 19. "La littérature érotique et la question du genre : la place des femmes dans l'érographie française." Keynote address, international conference Sexuality, Eroticism, and Gender. Louisiana State U., Baton Rouge, Jan. 30, 2009. 20. "La tradition et le genre de la nouvelle au Québec: 150 ans de révolte des écrivains." Invited paper, CIEF (International Council on Francophone Studies), Limoges (Fr.), July 2, 2008. Brulotte/46 21. "The Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature et l'érographie française contemporaine du point de vue des femmes." Featured address, U. Populaire de Caen (Fr.), June 13, 2008. 22. "Les mots de la censure." Invited presentation at Festival du Mot, La Charité-sur-Loire (Fr.), June 8, 2008. 23. Invited presentation of Doppia esposizione and commentary of excerpts read by translator Rahel Francesca Genre, at launching of the Italian translation of my novel L'Emprise. Cultural Assoc. Il Baffo d'Oro, Rome (It.), June 4, 2008. Simultaneous Italian translation. Rec. on video. 24. "The Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature." Featured lecture, "A Main Event Series," Humanities Institute, USF, Tampa (FL), Feb 14, 2008. Rec. webcast. 25. "Qu'est-ce que l'érographie?" Featured presentation, Café Mancel, Caen (Fr.), Dec. 15, 2006 26. "La littérature québécoise contemporaine." Featured presentation, U. of Caen (Fr.), Dec. 15, 2006. 27. "French Beckett." Invited talk at Beckett Centenary, USF, Tampa (FL), Nov. 16, 2006. 28. "Les différences culturelles entre la France, le Québec et les Etats-Unis". Featured lecture, Emory & Henry College, Emory (VA), Nov. 13, 2006. 29. "Souffrance et Littérature." Invited paper at CIEF (Conseil International d'Etudes francophones), Sinaïa, Romania, June 28, 2006. 30. "The First Encyclopedic Work on Erotic literature." Featured address at the U. of Cluj and Romanian Writers' Assoc., Cluj (Romania), June 22, 2006. 31. "La couleur des mots: les inventions québécoises." Invited presentation, Festival du Mot, La Charitésur-Loire (Fr.), June 18, 2006. 32. "Jean Paul Lemieux et les espaces de la solitude." Featured lecture, Les Impatients Lecture Series Avec ou sans sucre, Montreal (Can.), May 14, 2006. 33. "La Nouvelle québécoise contemporaine." Featured lecture, U. of Louisiana at Lafayette, May 2, 2006. 34. "La Nouvelle québécoise." Featured lecture, U. of Toronto (Can.), March 14, 2006. 35. "The World of French Canadian Painter Jean Paul Lemieux." Acceptance presentation, Distinguished University Professors and University Lecture series, USF, Tampa (FL), Feb. 2, 2006. 36. "Désirs de femmes: l‟expression érotique féminine dans la littérature et les arts, de Pauline Réage à aujourd‟hui." Keynote presentation at the U. of Caen (Fr.), May 26, 2005. A debate followed with Catherine Robbe-Grillet, Julien Cendres and Alina Reyes. Rec. on video. 37. Featured speech at the General Assembly of the EAT: Ecrivains Associés du Théâtre, Paris (Fr.), June 1st, 2005. As newly elected member. Brulotte/47 38. "Les grands traits de la nouvelle québécoise du dernier quart de siècle." Invited paper, international conference Frontières De La Nouvelle De Langue Française De 1945 À 2005(Europe/Amérique du Nord), U. Charles-De-Gaulle-Lille3 (Fr.), May 19, 2005. 39. "Ecrire des nouvelles." Participation in round table w. French writers Annie Saumont, Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud, Annie Mignard, Marie-Pascale Huglo. Villa Mont-Noir, Fr., May 18, 2005. Rec. on video. 40. "Une forme d'hybridité textuelle: le haptisme." Paper read at the 20th and 21st Century International French and Francophone Studies Colloquium, Verbal, Visual, Virtual: New Canons for the Twenty-first Century, U. of Florida, Gainsville, Apr. 1st, 2005. 41. "Le Monde de Jean Paul Lemieux." Featured presentation, Quebec Museum of Fine Arts, March 16, 2005. Intro. by Dominique Potvin. 42. "Le Monde de Jean Paul Lemieux Featured presentation, Grand auditorium, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Nov. 21, 2004. Simultanuous transl. in English. 43. "Cortazar, a Writing Inspiration." Invited presentation, colloquium Julio Cortazar Twenty years After/Veinte anos después, USF Library, Tampa (FL), Oct. 29, 2004. 44. "Surrealist Love." Featured lecture, Avant-Garde series, Dali Museum, Oct. 11, 2004. Spons. by the National Endowments for the Humanities, the Florida Council for the Arts, the Dali Museum and USF at St-Petersburg. 45. "L'ars erotica de l'Occident et la pédagogie du corps en littérature française." Invited paper, International Council on Francophone Studies, Liège (Belg.), June 26, 2004. 46. "La critique littéraire: complice ou ennemie de la littérature?" Invited paper, International Council on Francophone Studies, Liège (Belg.), June 22, 2004. 47. "Blessures et littérature." Invited paper, international conference of Francophone Writers (32e Rencontre Internationale des Ecrivains), L’écrivain et la blessure, Sainte-Adèle & Montreal, Can., Apr. 23-26, 2004. 48. "Lire les autres: le contact et le langage du corps. Pour une poétique du "totexte" sarrautien." Invited paper at international conference Nathalie Sarraute: la traversée du siècle. Columbia U. (Barnard College) & New York U., Apr. 2-3, 2004. 49. "A la découverte d'un auteur: rencontre autour de la pièce Le Client." Invited presentation, Maison du Off, Avignon Drama Festival (Fr.), July 23, 2003. Rec. on video by Festival Off. 50. "Notes on Literature." Invited presentation, Globalization Symposium, USF, Tampa (FL), Feb. 25, 2003. 51. "La nouvelle contemporaine au Québec." Invited paper, international conference Canada in the European Mind, Debrecen, Hung., Oct. 26, 2002. Brulotte/48 52. Serbian tour of 8 featured presentations in French and English at U. of Novi Sad and Belgrade, Serbia. October 14-22, 2002. Spons. by the Academic Division of the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Gov. of Canada, Ottawa. a. -"Survol de la littérature québécoise." Lecture, French Department, U. of Novi Sad, Oct. 14 b. -"The Western ars erotica." Lecture, Scientific Tribune, U. of Novi Sad, Oct. 15 c. -"Quebec Culture through painting." Lecture, Fine Arts Academy, U. of Novi Sad, Oct. 16. Simultaneous Serbian translation. d. -"Great French Love stories." Lecture, English Department, U. of Novi Sad, Oct. 17 e. -"My conception of literature." Speech at launching ceremony of the Serbian translation of my book L'Emprise, Matica historical house, Novi Sad, Oct. 17. Simultaneous Serbian translation. f. -"Le genre de la nouvelle au Québec." Lecture, French Department, U. of Novi Sad, Oct. 18 g. -"La nouvelle québécoise et les tendances contemporaines de la littérature." Lecture, French Department, U. of Belgrade, Oct. 21. Reception at the Canadian Ambassador‟s residence. h. -"La fonction de la littérature aujourd'hui." Speech at launching ceremony of the Serbian transl. of L'Emprise, Belgrade Book Fair, Oct. 22. In presence of Donald McLennan, Canadian Ambassador in Serbia. Simultaneous Serbian translation. 53. "La nouvelle québécoise dans tous ses états." Invited paper, 20-21st century French and Francophone Studies Colloquium, Hartford (CT), Apr. 7, 2002. 54. "Le théâtre musical." Round table, Maison du Off, Avignon Drama Festival (Fr.), July 22, 2001. 55. "De l'importance pour les auteurs dramatiques de se rencontrer." Round table with Belgian playwrights, Manufacture de Peinture, Avignon Drama Festival (Fr.), July 18, 2001. 56. "Un Prix Nobel… et après?" Round table organized by Lansman publisher around Nobel Prize Gao Xingjian, Espace Saint-Louis, Avignon Drama Festival (Fr.), July 16, 2001. 57. "L'adaptation d'œuvres littéraires." Round table, Maison du Off, Avignon Drama Festival (Fr.), July 11, 2001. 58. "Rencontre entre des auteurs québécois et francophones." Round table organized by the Off Festival, Maison du Off, Avignon Drama Festival (Fr.), July 9, 2001. 59. "Théâtre et littérature érotique." Round table, Maison du Off, Avignon Drama Festival (Fr.), July 6, 2001. 60. "Espace et sexuation dans la nouvelle québécoise contemporaine." Invited paper, International conference Espace et sexuation dans la littérature québécoise, Groningen (Neth.), May 14-16, 2001. 61. "Bilan de la nouvelle québécoise des dix dernières années." Opening address, International conference La Nouvelle francophone d'Amérique du Nord. Lyon, Fr., Dec. 15, 2000. 62. "Nouvelle, récit ou conte: la difficulté d'un genre" and "Edition et diffusion de la nouvelle." Two Round tables, International conference La Nouvelle francophone d'Amérique du Nord, Lyon (Fr.), Dec. 16, 2000. 63. "Ars longa, vita brevis: réflexions sur le comment et le pourquoi de mon écriture." Invited paper, International Council on Francophone Studies, Sousse (Tunisia), May 30, 2000. 64. "Parcours." Talk as guest writer, Société des écrivains canadiens, Musée de la Civilisation, Quebec City (Can.), May 11, 2000. Intro. by Huguette Orly. Questions by André Ricard. Brulotte/49 65. "La Sympathie dans la littérature érotique du XVIIIe siècle." Invited paper, International conference La sympathie sous l’Ancien régime, U. Laval, Québec (Can.), Oct. 8, 1999. 66. "La littérature québécoise et mon travail d'écrivain." Talk as guest writer, Grenoble international, org. by the Alpes-Quebec Assoc. and the bookstore Arthaud-Grenette, Grenoble (Fr.), June 17, 1999. 67. "L‟écriture francophone au XXIe siècle." Invited address, plenary session, International Council on Francophone Studies, Lafayette (LA), May 25, 1999. 68. "Le texte et sa séduction." Invited paper, International Council on Francophone Studies, Lafayette (LA), May 24, 1999. 69. "Le roman actuel au Québec." Invited lecture, Assoc. of Librarians, Paris (Fr.), March 5, 1999. 70. "Vues sur la littérature québécoise actuelle." Featured lecture, York U, Toronto (Can.), May 15, 1998. 71. "A Work of my Own: Backing Wild Horses." Acceptance speech. Artist/Scholar of the Year. Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, USF chapter. March 29, 1998. 72. "The World According to French Canadian Painter Jean Paul Lemieux." Featured lecture, Boivin‟s Center, The U. of Massachussetts Dartmouth, Dec. 8, 1997. Rec. on video. 73. "Profile." Talk as guest writer, Boivin‟s Center, The U. of Massachussetts Dartmouth, Dec. 8, 1997. Rec. on video. 74. "Sade et le discours érotique." Keynote address, international conference Sade’s Legacy, U. of North London (Eng.), Nov. 28, 1997. Rec. on video. 75. "Réflexions sur la littérature québécoise actuelle." Series of 2 featured lectures, U. de Poitiers (Fr.), May 7, 1997. 76. "Le performatif et la nouvelle." Invited paper at opening session, International conference on short story, U. Catholique de Louvain (Belg., May 6, 1997. 77. "L‟écrivain-enseignant-chercheur: quelles interactions en écriture?" Closing presentation, international conference Ecrire à l’université, Ceditel, U. Stendhal-Grenoble III (Fr.), Dec. 14, 1996. 78. "La représentation du corps chez Anne Hébert." Invited paper, international conference Anne Hébert, at U. of Paris IV-Sorbonne (Fr.), May 30, 1996. 79. "Promesses de conclusion: réflexions performatives." Closing address, international conference on Francophone Short story in North America, ACFAS, McGill U., Montreal (Can.), May 17, 1996. 80. "De l‟écriture de la nouvelle." Invited paper, international conference La nouvelle francophone hier et aujourd’hui, U. College Dublin (Ire.), Sept. 15, 1995. 81. "L‟Ecrivain québécois et le français: témoignage." Featured lecture, Series Francographies, Center for Excellence in French, Princeton U. (NJ), Feb. 2, 1995. 82. "La littérature québécoise actuelle." Featured lecture, AGIR (Agence interprofessionnelle régionale pour le livre et les médias), Blois (Fr.), Nov. 28, 1994. Brulotte/50 83. "Le Québec moderne." Featured lecture at the "Atelier pédagogique" org. by the French Consulate at San Francisco, the U. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, July 1, 1994. 84. "Erotisme et écriture." Invited paper, international conference L’Erotisme en littérature, Mount Saint Vincent U., Halifax (Can.), May 20, 1994. Read in absentia. 85. "La Nouvelle actuelle au Québec." Invited paper, opening plenary session, international conference L’Année Nouvelle, U. Catholique de Louvain (Belg.), Apr. 26, 1994. 86. "L‟esthétique de la cruauté chez Ghelderode." Invited paper, International Council on Francophone Studies, Quebec City, Apr. 15, 1994. 87. "Philerme et son complexe." Invited paper, SPFFA (Société des Professeurs français et francophones d'Amérique), Fordham U., New York, March 26, 1994. 88. "Ecriture et territoire de l‟érotique." Featured lecture, Birkbeck College, London U. (Gt. Brit.), Jan. 11, 1994. Intro. by Madeleine Renouart. 89. "La Société québécoise à travers sa peinture." Featured lecture, LSU Southampton (Gt. Brit.), Jan. 10, 1994. 90. "Une curiosité narrative: le haptisme." Invited paper, Centre de recherche en didactique du texte et du livre, U. Stendhal-Grenoble III (Fr.). Followed by round-table with French novelist Claude Hollier & critic Jean Michel Adam. Intro. by C. Oriol-Boyer. Jan. 7, 1994. 91. "Atelier de création." Talk as guest writer, Centre universitaire d‟éducation et de formation des adultes, U. de Grenoble (Fr.), Dec. 23, 1993. Intro. by Nicole Fessler. 92. "La Nouvelle contemporaine au Québec." Featured lecture, Centre universitaire d‟éducation et de formation des adultes, U. de Grenoble (Fr.), Dec. 22, 1993. Intro. by Nicole Fessler. 93. "La solitude de l‟écrivain." Invited paper, closing plenary session, 25th meeting of the French Society of Comparative Literature on La solitude, U. Stendhal-Grenoble III (Fr.), Dec. 10, 1993. Intro. by Pierre Brunel. 94. "Histoire de la société québécoise à travers la peinture." Featured lecture at U. Jean Moulin Lyon III (Fr.), Nov. 26, 1993. Intro. by Guy Lavorel. 95. "Présence du Québec." Talk as guest writer with Huguette de Broqueville, Théâtre-Poème of Brussels, Belg., Nov. 23, 1993. Intro. by Monique Dorsel. 96. "Histoire de la société québécoise à travers la peinture." Featured lecture at French Summer School, U. of New Mexico, Albuquerque, June 29, 1993. 97. "Sex, Gender and Cultural Differences." Talk as guest writer, Humboldt U., Arcata (CA), Apr. 15, 1993. 98. "The Evolution of Quebec‟s Society as seen through its Painting." Featured presentation, Humboldt U., Arcata (CA), Apr. 15, 1993. 99. "The Evolution of Quebec‟s Society as seen through its Painting." Featured presentation, Portland State U. (OR), Apr. 13, 1993. Followed by a talk on creative writing with students, Apr. 14, 1993. 100. "The Reception of Quebec Literature in France." Featured lecture, Villanova U. (PA), March 26, 1993. Brulotte/51 101. "La littérature québécoise après la Révolution Tranquille." And "The History of Quebec as Seen through its Paintings." Series of two featured lectures (in French and English), U. of Mississippi, Oxford, March 22, 1993. 102. "L‟Espace autobiographique et l‟écriture." Invited paper, International Colloquium on 20th Century French Studies, Boulder (CO), March 11, 1993. 103. "Formes de la nouvelle actuelle au Québec." Invited paper, international conference La Nouvelle: Lecture(s) /Ecriture(s), York U., Toronto (Can.), Nov. 14, 1992. 104. "La réception des auteurs canadiens-français dans la France des années 1980." Invited paper, international conference Regards sur la France des années 1980, U. of Maryland (College Park). Followed by participation in a Writers‟ Round Table w. Jacques Borel, Maryse Condé, Eugène Nicole, Marie Redonnet. French Embassy, Washington DC, Oct. 24, 1992. 105. "Le Travail du brouillon." Invited series of 2 lectures and 2 seminars, Université d‟été, U. Stendhal-Grenoble III (Chichilianne, Fr.). Aug. 30-Sept. 5, 1992. 106. "Le Corps pictural chez Jean Paul Lemieux." Invited paper, Conseil international d‟Etudes francophones, Strasbourg (Fr.), June 25, 1992. 107. "Le Corps chez Duras." Invited paper, Wichita Conference on Foreign Literatures, Wichita State U. (KS), Apr. 10, 1992. 108. "L‟Histoire de la culture québécoise à travers la peinture." Featured lecture, Georgetown U. (Wash., DC), Apr. 6, 1992. Intro. by Michèle Sarde. 109. "Petite Rhétorique de la littérature érotique." Invited paper, SCFLL (Southern Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures), Winter Park (FL), Feb. 28, 1992. 110. "Les textes québécois en France." Invited paper, MLA Convention, San Francisco, Dec. 27, 1991. 111. "The Evolution of Quebec through its Paintings." Featured lecture, U. North Carolina, Greensboro, Dec. 5, 1991. 112. "Postmodern postures." Invited commentary of Bernd Magnus: "Postmodern Postures: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida, and Rorty." Philosophy Colloquium, USF, Tampa (FL), Nov. 15, 1991. 113. "Ecrire au Québec aujourd‟hui." Round table, Princeton U., Nov. 9, 1991. 114. "Le Développement récent de la nouvelle au Québec." Featured lecture, First Annual Micheline Herz Memorial Lecture Series, Rutgers U., Nov. 8, 1991. Intro. by Rick Lockwood. 115. "The Social History of Quebec as seen through its Works of Art." Featured lecture as guest speaker of the year, The William Falls Memorial Lecture Series, U. of Maryland, College Park, Apr. 26, 1991. Intro. by Beatrice Fink. 116. "Le pseudonyme dans la littérature dite érotique en France." Invited paper, Conseil international d‟Etudes francophones, Tucson (AZ), Apr. 15, 1991. 117. "L‟onomastique de la littérature dite érotique en France." Invited paper, Northeast Modern Language Assoc., Hartford (CT), Apr. 6, 1991. Brulotte/52 118. "L‟aventure critique de Roland Barthes." Featured lecture, Cercle de Philosophie de Trois-Rivières (Can.), Nov. 26, 1990. Intro. by Alexis Klimov. 119. "D‟auteur à écrivain: exemple d‟un cheminement." Talk as guest writer, Salons Littéraires, U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Can., Nov. 25, 1990. 120. "L‟essor actuel de la nouvelle au Quebec." Featured address, Quebec Forum, SAMLA (South Atlantic Modern Language Assoc.), Tampa (FL), Nov. 16, 1990. Intro. by Gérard Montbertrand. 121. "Quebec Today and its Literature." Featured lecture, Loyola College, Baltimore (MD), Oct. 25, 1990. Intro. by André-Pierre Colombat. 122. "Une décennie de nouvelles québécoises." Invited paper, Annual conference of the RMMLA (Rocky Mountain Modern Language Assoc.), Salt Lake City (UT), Oct. 12, 1990. 123. “Quebec‟s History and Culture." Tour of 4 lectures as guest speaker in California: UCLA, Occidental College and Pomona College, Oct. 8-11, 1990. 124. "Le métier du risque." Invited paper, International Writers Meeting (18e Rencontre Internationale des Ecrivains), Mont-Rolland (QC), Apr. 29, 1990. Intro. by Madeleine O-Michalska. 125. "Le Bain dans la littérature érotique." Invited paper, International Council on Francophones Studies, Fort-deFrance, La Martinique, Apr. 24, 1990. Read in absentia by Claude Fouillade. 126. "L‟Inscription textuelle du genre." Round table, annual international Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures of Wichita State U., Wichita (KS), Apr. 7, 1990. Intro. by: Ginette Adamson. 127. "Le Gestuaire de Nathalie Sarraute." Invited paper, annual international Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures of Wichita State U., Wichita (KS), Apr. 6, 1990. 128. "Défaite et littérature." Invited lecture, International October Writers‟ Meeting, Belgrade (Yug.), Oct. 20, 1989. Simultaneous translation in Russian, English, Serbo-Croatian and German. 129. "Perception du Québec aux Etats-Unis." Invited lecture, Centre d‟études québécoises, U. du Quebec à TroisRivières (Can.), Sept. 14, 1989. 130. "The Culture of Quebec through its Painting." Invited lecture, Faculty Development Seminar for American Scholars, Department of International Affairs, Gov. of Quebec (Can.), May 19, 1989. 131. "L‟Ecrivain dans la cité." Acceptance speech, award reception of the Prix littéraire de Trois-Rivières (Can.), May 16, 1989. Intro. by Alain Lallier. 132. "La Diffusion et l‟enseignement de la littérature québécoise aux USA." Round table, International Council on Francophone Studies, New Orleans (LA), Apr. 15, 1989. 133. "Le Monde de la règle dans la littérature érotique." Invited paper, International Council on Francophone Studies, New Orleans (LA), Apr. 14, 1989. 134. "Rencontres d‟écrivains francophones." Round table, International Council on Francophone Studies, New Orleans (LA), Apr. 13, 1989. Intro. by: Bernadette Cailler. Brulotte/53 135. “Writing in Quebec.” Series of 6 featured lectures, U. de Dijon and Poitiers; French-Canada associations of Châtellerault and Nantes (Fr.), March 15-27, 1989. 136. “Quebec literature and culture.” Series of 11 featured lectures at 6 universities of Morocco (Fès, Kenitra, Mohammedia, Casablanca I & II, Marrakech), Dec. 5-24, 1988. In coop. with the Department of External Affairs of Canada and the Canadian Embassy in Rabat. 137. "Autour du Surveillant." Talk as guest writer, Brigham Young U., Provo (UT), Oct. 28, 1988. Intro. by Thomas Brown. 138. Series of 5 lectures on Quebec culture, creative writing and literary criticism, as Distinguished Visiting Professor, New Mexico State U., Las Cruces (NM), Oct. 21-27, 1988. 139. "Le Poids du corps dans l‟oeuvre de Ringuet." Invited paper, annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Assoc., Las Cruces (NM), Oct. 21, 1988. 140. "La Représentation du corps dans l‟oeuvre de Ringuet d‟après Le Poids du jour." Invited paper, Conference on French Canadian author Ringuet, U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Can., Oct. 7, 1988. Intro. by Francis Parmentier. 141. "La Nouvelle contemporaine au Quebec." Round table, annual meeting of AATF (American Association of Teachers of French), Boston (MA.), July 18, 1988. 142. "The History and Culture of French Canada through its painting." Invited lecture, Annual Faculty Development Seminar for American Scholars, Department of International Affairs, Gov of Quebec, May 20, 1988. 143. "L‟ethnocritique et la littérature québécoise." Invited paper, International colloquium Literatures of French Expression: Creation, Research, and Critical Theories, York U., Toronto (Can.), May 11, 1988. Intro. by Alain Badou. 144. "L‟Essor de la nouvelle au Quebec." Round table with Gilles Pellerin and Bertrand Bergeron, International Book Fair of Quebec (Can.), Apr. 22, 1988. 145. "De Marguerite Yourcenar." Round table with Hélène Biron and Louis Dussault, International Book Fair of Quebec (Can.), Apr. 19, 1988. 146. "Narratologie du récit dit érotique." Invited paper, International Council on Francophone Studies, Montreal (Can.), Apr. 16, 1988. 147. "L‟infratexte: considérations sur le travail narratif." Invited paper, International Council on Francophone Studies, Montreal (Can.), Apr. 15, 1988. 148. "Autobiographie et littérature." Invited paper, annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Spokane (WA), Oct. 16, 1987. Intro. by Claude Senninger. 149. "History and Culture through Quebec Painting." Invited lecture, Faculty Development Seminar and Department of International Affairs, Gov of Quebec, May 22, 1987. Intro. by Lisette Ferera. 150. "La Francophonie et nous." Round table, International Book Fair of Quebec (Can.), May 3, 1987. Moderator: Louise Milot. Brulotte/54 151. "Sur l‟art de la nouvelle." Round table, International Book Fair of Quebec (Canada), May 2, 1987. Moderator: Paul-André Bourque. 152. "La violence dans la littérature érotique française." Invited paper, Conference Arts et violence, Société des professeurs français et francophones d‟Amérique, Upper Montclair (NJ), Apr. 11, 1987. Intro. by Micheline Herz. 153. "L‟évolution récente de l‟image québécoise en France d‟après les derniers romans québécois publiés à Paris." Invited paper, annual meeting of the Northeast Modern Language Association, Boston (MA), Apr. 2, 1987. Intro. by Gérard Montbertrand. 154. “French Culture of Quebec.” Series of 6 featured lectures on French Canadian literature, art, culture, history, and on creative writing process. Broward C. College, Fort Lauderdale (FL). March 9-11, 1987. 155. "La représentation de la beauté dans la littérature érotique." Invited paper, plenary session, annual meeting of the Canadian Society for Aesthetics, Sainte-Foy, Can., Nov. 7, l986. 156. "Les derniers romans québécois publiés en France." Invited paper, annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Denver (CO), Oct. 18, 1986. 157. "Quebec Culture through Painting." Invited lecture, Faculty Development Seminar, U. Laval (Can.), May 16, 1986. Intro. by Lisette Ferera. 158. "Le thème du dépaysement dans la littérature érotique d‟expression française." Invited paper, Southern Council on Francophone Studies, Lafayette (LA), March 21, 1986. 159. "An Overview of Contemporary Writing in Quebec." Featured lecture, Modern Canadian Literature: A Seminar for Scholars and Librarians, Duke U., Durham (NC), Nov. 9, 1985. Intro. By William Gosling. 160. "Littérature et culture dans le Quebec contemporain." Featured address at the annual banquet of Tennessee Foreign Language Teaching Association & American Association of Teachers of French-Tennessee Chapter, Nashville (TN), Nov. 1, 1985. Intro. by Martin Deschênes. 161. "The Perception of the Literature of Quebec in France." Invited paper, annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association, Provo (UT), Oct. 18, 1985. 162. "Démarche d‟auteur et problèmes d‟écrivain." Invited talk at feminist Assoc. "Les Femmes et l‟art." Cultural Center of Trois-Rivieres, Can., Oct. 7, 1985. Intro. by Nicole Bourque. 163. "La machine à fantasmer." Invited lecture, conference Quebec/USA org. by the French Canadian Academy, Mont-Gabriel (Can.), Oct. 5, 1985. Intro. by Jacques Floch-Ribas. Broadcast by Radio-Canada FM, Oct. 14, 1985. Rev. Le Devoir and La Presse, Montreal, Oct. 12, 1985. 164. "Littérature et pouvoir." Invited paper, annual Southern Council on Francophone Studies, U. of New Mexico, Albuquerque (NM), March 22 1985. 165. "L‟Adaptation télévisée de romans québécois." Talk as guest writer, Alliance française of Albuquerque (NM), March 21, 1985. Intro. by Claude-Marie Senninger. 166. "The Literature of Quebec in France." Keynote address at the opening banquet of the Southern Comparative Literature Association, U. of West Florida, Pensacola (FL), Feb. 15, 1985. Intro. by Pierre Kaufke. Brulotte/55 167. "Cheminement d‟un écrivain." Talk as guest writer, City Library of Lauzon, Quebec (Can.), Feb. 5 1985. Intro. by Michelle Lamoureux. Rec. and televised daily by Vidéotron Quebec, week of Feb. 11, 1985. 168. "Quebec Identity and Cultural Differences." Invited lecture, Mid-Florida Council For International Visitors, Orlando (FL), Jan. 30, 1985. Intro. by Dennis Wood. 169. "Utilisation pédagogique de l‟adaptation télévisée d‟un roman." Featured address, Association québécoise des professeurs de français, U. du Quebec à Trois-Rivières (Can.), Nov. 2, 1984. Rev. in En Vrac 22, Jan. 1985. 170. "La Littérature et la télévision." Talk as guest writer, Graduate Language Institute of French, U. of North Carolina at Greensboro, July 4, 1984. Intro. by Roch Smith. Rev. in Quebec Update [Atlanta, GA] XII.19 June 4, 1984. 171. "Le français littéraire au Québec." Featured lecture at the Graduate Language Institute of French, U. of North Carolina at Greensboro, July 3, 1984. Lecture series featuring also Laurence Wylie from Harvard U. and Wallace Fowlie from Duke U. Intro. by Bill Goode. 172. "La littérature québécoise moderne: ses appropriations symboliques et ses conquêtes réelles." Series of 8 featured presentations at the U. of Georgia (Athens), The U. of Tennessee at Knoxville, Auburn U., Vanderbilt U., The U. of North Carolina at Greensboro, The U. of Texas at Austin, the U. of Southwestern Lousiana at Lafayette, Apr. 2-9, 1984. 173. "Les tendances actuelles de la littérature québécoise." Featured lecture, The U. of Texas at Austin (TX), March 30, 1984. Intro by C. Demharter. A TV adaptation of my novel L’Emprise was also showed at event. 174. "Writing as a career"; "The Writer: Trials of Glory"; "Contemporary Arts in Quebec." Series of 3 featured lectures, Fine Arts Week, Brevard Community College, Melbourne (FL), March 19-22, 1984. Intro. by Kathleen Thomas. Rev. in USA Today, March 18, 1984, p. 1F. 175. "La littérature québécoise après 1960." Invited paper, annual Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures, Rollins College, Winter Park (FL), March 2, 1984. 176. "La culture et la littérature québécoise d‟aujourd‟hui." Series of 6 lectures as guest speaker at the U. of Miami, U. of South Florida at Tampa, Daytona Beach C. College, Florida State U. at Tallahassee, Feb. 2024, 1984. 177. "Aspects of Modern Quebec Literature and Culture." Invited lecture, The Canadian Studies Center Visiting Lecturers‟ Series, U. of Central Florida, Orlando, Feb. 7, 1984. Intro. by Henry Kennedy. 178. "The Educational System of Quebec." Invited presentation, Brevard Community College, Cocoa (FL), Feb. 1, 1984. Intro. by Muriel K. Heimer. 179. "Ce que j‟ai voulu faire dans Le Surveillant." Invited lecture, Canadian Writers‟ Society, MacDonald-Stewart Foundation, Montreal (Can.), Nov. 15, 1983. Intro. by Gaston Laurion. 180. "Genèse du Surveillant." Presentation as guest writer, Shawinigan College, Quebec (Can.), Nov. 11, 1983. Intro. by Serge Fournier. Rev. in Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Nov. 10, 1983. 181. "La langue des oeuvres littéraires au Quebec." Featured address, French Language Forum, SAMLA (South Atlantic Modern Language Association), Atlanta (GA), Oct. 29, 1983. Intro. by Daniel Rivas. Brulotte/56 182. "La place du Québec moderne dans le monde francophone." Featured speaker, Breakfast of the American Association of Teachers of French, SAMLA, Atlanta (GA), Oct. 29, 1983. Intro. by Daniel Rivas. 183. "La diaspora française dans le monde." Featured address, Graduate Institute of French, U. of California, Santa Barbara, July 10, 1983. Intro. by André Malécot. 184. "Mon rapport à la langue française en tant qu‟écrivain." Talk as guest writer, Ecole internationale de français, U. du Quebec à Trois-Rivières (Can.), June 7, 1983. 185. "La critique journalistique." Round table with Jacques Folch-Ribas, Réginald Martel and Luc Perrault from La Presse, Nathalie Pétrowski and Jean Royer from Le Devoir, Paul-André Bourque from Radio-Canada, at the annual conference of the AQPF (Assoc. québécoise des professeurs de français), Langue et société, Quebec City, Nov. 12, 1982. 186. "The Writer and His Language"; "L‟écrivain et sa langue dans un contexte multilinguistique et multiethnique." Invited presentations (in English and French) as guest writer, Symposium Quebec/New Mexico, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 1982, Albuquerque (NM), and the following week at U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Can.), Oct. 4-8, 1982. With French Canadian authors, Alexis Klimov and Alphonse Piché, and American authors, Rudolpho Anaya, Tony Hillerman and Frank Waters. 187. "Les tendances actuelles de la littérature québécoise." Series of 6 featured lectures and public readings at U. of Southwestern Louisiana (Lafayette), Rice U. (Houston), U. of Texas at Austin, Trinity U. (San Antonio), U. of Texas at El Paso, U. of New Mexico at Albuquerque. Sept. 19-Oct. 3, 1982. 188. "La Variété des accents en français." Featured closing address, Graduate Summer Institute of French, U. of California at Santa Barbara, Aug. 15, 1982. Intro. by André Malécot. 189. "La Révolution tranquille au Québec et ses suites." Featured address, U. of California at Santa Barbara, July 26, 1982. Intro. By André Malécot. 190. "La Présence francophone aux Etats-Unis." Invited opening address, Summer Graduate Institute of French, The U. of California at Santa Barbara, July 3, 1982. Intro. by André Malécot. 191. "Comment naît une revue de création?" Presentation, National Book Festival, Trois-Rivieres College (Can.), Apr. 28, 1982. 192. "Ecrire pour être publié et lu." Round table with authors François Hébert and Yvon Rivard, National Book Festival, Trois-Rivieres College (Can.), Apr. 27, 1982. Rec. for radio and television, and broadcast on Télé Communautaire, Trois-Rivières, May 4 and May 11, 1982. 193. "Les Contraintes journalistiques." Round table, National Book Festival, Trois-Rivieres College (Can.), Apr. 26, 1982. Intro. by André Soulard. 194. "Hommage à Jean d‟Ormesson." A presentation of the French Academician, International Book Fair of Quebec, for the Canadian Writers‟ Society, Quebec City, Apr. 22, 1982. Intro. by Simone Bussières. 195. "Comment devient-on écrivain?" Featured lecture, Polyvalente Jean-Jacques Bertrand (Ecole secondaire), Farnham, Can., Apr. 22, 1982. 196. "Mon expérience américaine." Round table, Café-théâtre Quartier latin, Montreal, Apr. 6, 1982. With Nicole Brossard, Jean Yves Collette, Louis-Philippe Hébert, Pierre Nepveu. Rev. in Le Devoir, Montreal, March 4, 1982: 18. Brulotte/57 197. "La littérature québécoise de 1960 à 1980." Series of 4 featured lectures and public readings at U. of Iowa, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Indiana U., March 1-14, 1982. Rev. in The Herald Telephone, Bloomington (IN), March 6, 1982; Realtimes, Bloomington, March 5, 1982; WILL FM, Urbana-Champaign (IL), March 4, 1982; Littérature du Québec [Montreal] 2, 1982. 198. "Pour vivre de sa plume: autour de parutions récentes en français et en anglais sur le métier d‟écrivain." Presentation as guest speaker, Société des écrivains de la Mauricie, Trois-Rivières, Can., Feb. 26, 1982. Rev. in Bulletin du Cercle Gabriel-Marcel 4.2 (1982); En Vrac, 13-14 (1982). 199. "Le Quotidien comme source de création." Lecture as guest writer, Séminaire Sainte-Marie of Shawinigan, Can., Feb. 19, 1982. Rev. in Hebdo de Shawinigan [Can.] Feb.17, 1982. 200. "Roland Barthes: le plaisir de penser et d‟écrire." Invited lecture. University Club of Quebec City (Can.), Nov. 27, 1981. Intro. by Alexis Klimov, who also read excerpts of my book L’Emprise. 201. "Le métier d‟écrivain." Featured address and guest writer, annual conference of AQPF (Association québécoise des professeurs de français), U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Can., Nov. 6, 1981. 202. "Comment se fabrique un dictionnaire d‟auteurs?" Presentation, Trois-Rivieres College (Can.), June 11, 1981. Rev. in Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières] June 13, 1981; and by G. Gaudet: "Une présence sentie et désirée," Le Nouvelliste, June 20, 1981: 26. 203. "Quelques clés pour les personnages du Surveillant." Presentation at award reception of the Prix AdrienneChoquette 1981, Trois-Rivieres College (Can.), May 19, 1981. Intro. by Gérald Gaudet: "Gaétan Brulotte et nous." Broadcast on CKTM TV, Trois-Rivières. Rev. in Le Nouvelliste, May 25, 1981: 13. 204. "Roland Barthes: la notion de plaisir et la révision du discours scientifique." Paper read at ACFAS (Association canadienne française pour l‟avancement des sciences), U. of Sherbrooke, Can., May 15, 1981. 205. "Comment l‟écrivain se perçoit?" Round table, Trois-Rivieres College (Can.), Apr. 23, 1981. Rec. by CFCQ FM. Rev. by G. Gaudet: "L‟écrivain à la recherche de son image." Le Nouvelliste, May 9, 1981, 19; En Vrac 8, Apr. 1981. 206. "D‟où vient l‟inspiration?" Round table, Canadian Writers‟ Society, Quebec City, Apr. 30, 1981. 207. "Ce que j‟ai voulu faire dans Le Surveillant." Featured speaker, Canadian Writers‟ Society, International Book Fair of Quebec (Can.), Apr. 30, 1981. Intro. by Simone Bussières. Broadcast on CKTM TV May 1, 1981. 208. "Le Fantastique en art." Invited presentation, with 140 slides, Laflèche College of Trois-Rivières (Can.), Apr. 10, 1981. Intro. by Donat Gagnon. Rev. in En Vrac 8 (Apr. 1981). 209. "Erotisme et littérature." Invited lecture, Cercle Gabriel Marcel, Cultural Center of Trois-Rivieres (Can.), Jan. 26, 1981. Intro. by Donat Gagnon. Rev. in Le Nouvelliste, Feb. 17, 1981: 15; La Dépêche [TroisRivières], Feb. 16, 1981: 7; "Une conférence remarquée de Gaétan Brulotte," En Vrac 7 March 1981; Grimoire [Sherbrooke] 4.6 June/July 1981: 2-5; commentary by Yvon Paillé followed by Alphonse Piché, "Un coup dur," Bulletin du Cercle Gabriel-Marcel 3.3/4 (1981): 18-47. 210. "Le Rapport à la langue." Talk as guest writer, Trois-Rivieres College (Can.), Oct. 6, 1980. Intro. by Suzanne Benoît. Brulotte/58 211. "La Poésie d‟André Barette." Presentation of Transhumances by André Barette, Radio-Quebec TV, U. du Quebec à Trois-Rivières (Can.), Sept. 23, 1980. Rev. Le Nouvelliste, Sept. 27, 1980: 17. En Vrac 3(Sept. 1980). 212. "La Représentation de la nature chez Sarah Larkin." Talk for the visit of the novelist Sarah Larkin, TroisRivières, Auberge des Gouverneurs (Can.), Aug. 19, 1980. Rev. Image de la Mauricie, Sept. 1980 : 34; Le Nouvelliste, Aug. 22, 1980 & Aug. 26, 1980; En Vrac 2 (Aug. 1980). 213. "S.M. Leo." Invited presentation of film scholar Léo Cloutier, Trois-Rivieres College (Can.), May 1, 1980. 214. "Les Rites de l‟écriture." Talk as guest writer, Trois-Rivieres College (Can.), March 31, 1980. Intro. By Daniel Dargis. 215. "Approche du discours érotique." Invited lecture, Société des écrivains de la Mauricie, Castel des Prés, TroisRivières (Can.). Intro. by Jean Panneton. Rev. in Bulletin du Cercle Gabriel-Marcel, Aug. 1980: 28. 216. "Le Rapport aux instruments d‟écriture et au travail de la rature." Invited lecture, Pavillon Saint-Arnaud of Trois-Rivières (Can.), Sept. 25, 1979. Rev. & interview by André Bouchard for CJTR radio. Rev. Le Nouvelliste, Sept. 25, 1979. 217. "Le Réel et le Fantastique." Invited lecture, Cercle de philosophie Gabriel-Marcel, Cultural Center of TroisRivieres (Can.), Sept. 24, 1979. Intro. by Alexis Klimov. 218. "Genèse de L’Emprise." Talk as guest writer, Trois-Rivieres College (Can.), Sept. 20, 1979. Introd. by Gérald Gaudet. Rec. 219. "Ce que je dois à l‟enseignement." Talk as guest of honor for the award Prix Robert-Cliche. Intro. by Gérald Gaudet: "Hommage à Gaétan Brulotte." Trois-Rivieres College (Can.), May 24, 1979. Rev. in Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières], May 30, 1979: 19. 220. "Le Feuilleté de la lecture." Invited lecture, Bibliothèque centrale de prêt de la Mauricie, Nicolet (Can.), May 24, 1979. 221. "Le déchet." Invited paper, International Conference on American writer William Burroughs, Geneva (Switz.), Sept. 25, 1975. Rev. in Libération [Paris] July 3, 1975: 11; Le Monde [Paris] Oct. 3, 1975: 19; InfoArtitudes [Paris] 2 (1975): 23; Art-Press [Paris] Nov./Dec. 1975: 26; Les Nouvelles littéraires [Paris] 2964 (Dec. 23-30, 1976): 6; Le Magazine littéraire [Paris] 123(1977): 63-64. 11. PUBLIC READINGS, EXHIBITIONS, PERFORMANCES (Selection) 1. Invited public reading, “Plenary: Quebec Authors Session.” Biennial conference of ACSUS (The Association for Canadian Studies in the US). Tampa (FL). Nov 19-23, 2013. 2. "The Secret Voice." Around The World in Sixty Minutes. Invited reading of fiction. USF, Tampa (FL). Sept 25, 2013. 3. "Soirée en l‟honneur d‟Andrée Chedid. Hommages, mémoires, lettres, lectures, témoignages." Invited tribute and public reading. Paris, Café de Flore, June 19, 2013. Brulotte/59 4. Public reading of creative works as guest writer at Brigham Young U., Provo (UT), March 14, 2013. 5. Public reading of "Le poète des rues", and "Les toilettes de Monsieur Toujours." Biennial International Conference of the American Council for Quebec Studies (ACQS), Sarasota (FL), Nov. 10, 2012. 6. Guest writer at public writing event Foyers d'écriture publique by Les Donneurs, Joliette (QC), Nov. 46, 2011. Public reading of selected excerpts on the theme of Tenderness of Kawabata's Sleeping Beauties in French translation, Nov 4. Followed by a day of writing for, and with, the public, Nov 5, 2011. Rev. in L'Unique [Montreal] 13.4 (Dec 2011): 11. 7. "Femmes de poussière" and Marches de sable (excerpts). Invited presentation and public reading in tribute to Francophone writer Andrée Chedid. Espace l'Harmattan, Paris, June 15, 2011. Documented with pictures on web site: 8. Public reading of "Les toilettes de Monsieur Toujours." La Nouvelle dans tous ses états. Olivieri bookstore, Montreal, Nov, 12, 2009. Org. by XYZ La revue de la nouvelle. Rec. and webcast by RadioSpirale. 9. "De Babel à jingle." Invited reading, Slam-poetry session, Urban Festival of Trois-Rivières, QC, Aug. 24 2008. 10. Public reading of "De Babel à Jingle." Les Intellectuels et artistes pour le plurilinguisme et la diversité culturelle. Org. by the Observatoire européen du Plurilinguisme, UNESCO, Paris, June 23rd, 2008. Video Rec. 11. Public reading of "Le poète des rues," and book signing session. Librairie du Québec, Paris, May 20, 2005. 12. "Rencontre d‟écrivains." Public reading of works, plenary session, International Council on Francophone Studies, Liège (Belg.), June 25, 2004. Rec. on video. 13. Public reading of "Les Toilettes de Monsieur Toujours." Assoc. Les Arts culturels et le Théâtre de Floride, Lutz (FL), March 9, 2003. 14. "Ci-gît." A manuscript poem written on craft paper for a commissioned exhibition in Trois-Rivières, QC. Sponsored by Société des Ecrivains de la Mauricie and Union des Ecrivains du Québec, Dec. 1999. 15. "Visages de l‟écriture." Participation in photos exhibition of 40 French Canadian writers photographed by French artist Ludovic Fremaux, with biography and excerpts of work. Maison des écrivains, Montreal, Sept. 1997; and Salon du Livre de Montreal, Nov. 1997. 16. Public reading of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux (excerpts), Trois-Rivières Public Library, Nov. 18, 1996. 17. Public reading of "Cage ouverte" and "Le Silencieux." Glendon College, York U., Toronto, Nov. 13, 1992. 18. Public reading of "Cage ouverte." Wichita State U. (KS), Apr. 11, 1992. 19. Public reading of fictions. The Vancouver Writers Festival, Oct. 25, 1991. Brulotte/60 20. Exhibition of an oil painted portrait of Gaëtan Brulotte by Daniel Gagnon, National Library of Québec, April-19-May 6, 1990. 21. Public reading of "L‟Indication." Wichita State U. and Alliance française de Wichita (KS), Apr. 7, 1990. 22. Public reading of "The Directions." Lake Forest Writers-in-Residence, Lutz (FL), Apr. 1, 1990. 23. Public reading as guest writer of "L‟Exalté." Assoc. Canada-Yugoslavia, Canadian Embassy, Belgrade (Yug.), Oct. 20, 1989. Intro. in Serbo-Croatian by Borjanca Jolic-Ludwig. 24. Exhibition of works and manuscripts at the City Library of Trois-Rivières (Can.) May 1989-May 1991. 25. Public reading of "L‟Indication." La Nuit de la francophonie, International Council on Francophone Studies, New Orleans (LA), Apr. 15, 1989. 26. Public reading of "L‟Indication." International Authors Reading/Les Ecrivains lisent leurs oeuvres, conference Créativité/Critique, York U., Toronto (Can.), May 11, 1988. 27. Public reading of fiction as guest author. Galerie Skol, Montreal (Can.), Dec. 20, 1987. 28. Exhibition of drafts and manuscripts. Musée de l‟écriture, Ile de Germaine Guèvremont, Ste-Anne de Sorel (Can.), Aug. 1987. 29. Public reading of "L‟Exalté." CKRL FM (Can.), May 3, 1987. Radio. 30. Public reading performed by actor Jean Laprise of "Ventriloqueries." PEN Club, Trois-Rivières (Can.), Apr. 26, 1987. For the defense of writers in prison. 31. Public reading of "L‟Exalté." Heure française, WLVU FM, Clearwater (FL). Jan. 24, 1987. Intro. by Joëlle Nisolle. 32. Public reading of "L‟Indication" and excerpts of works in progress. Alliance française de Tampa (FL), Feb. 11, 1986. Introd. by Hélène Tannous and Edgar Moreau. 33. Organizer of a costumed happening on French writer Marcel Proust, Italian Club of Tampa (FL), Dec. 14, 1985. With costumes, menu, decoration, musical pieces and scenes inspired by the work of Proust. In coop. with the French Club of the U. of South Florida. 34. Public reading of "Emotions californiennes," poetic suite. Café le Bistrot, Trois-Rivières (Can.), June 10, 1985. Intro. by Marc Gariépy. 35. Public reading of "L‟Exalté." Television of CEGEP of Shawinigan, Can. Nov. 11, 1983. 36. Exhibition of works with press clips and pictures, Délégation du Québec in Paris, around the France-Québec award to the Surveillant, Dec. 1983. 37. Public reading of excerpts of Le Surveillant and L’Emprise, on a tour of lectures in the central South USA (Louisiane, Texas), Sept.1982. 38. Public reading of "L‟Exalté." Polyvalente J.-J. Bertrand of Farnham (Can.), Apr. 22, 1982. 39. "Hoquet." Handwritten poem for an exhibition at the Musée de Gaspé (Can.). Org. by D. Saint-Yves, Nov. 1981. Brulotte/61 40. Public reading of poem "Plage." Neuf et demi. Radio-Québec Television (Can.). Video rec. Sept. 23, 1980. 41. Public reading of "L‟Exalté." Soirée de poésie of Bistrot de Trois-Rivières (Can.), Dec. 14, 1980. Rec. by CFCQ-FM. Excerpt on La Grande tournée, CKTM-TV, Dec. 16, 1980. Live audience, radio and television. 42. Public reading of poems. Atelier du Vieux Trois-Rivières and Manoir de Tonnancour with classical music and jazz, June 1980. Rec. by CFCQ-FM (Can.). Broadcast on September 23 and November 8, 1980. Live audience and radio. 43. Exhibition of manuscripts "Le Surveillant," and "Le Balayeur." XXIXth Festival international artistique et culturel de Riom (Puy-de-Dôme), Fr., June 9-July 6, 1979. 12. MY WORKS TRANSLATED INTO FOREIGN LANGUAGES A. Books translated 1. Life Sideways. English transl. by Steven Urquhart of La Vie de biais, short stories. Victoria, BC: Ekstasies Editions, forthcoming in 2015. 2. Doppia Esposizione. Italian transl. by Rahel Francesca Genre of L'Emprise, a novel. Rome: Editrice Il Sirente, "Collana: Fuori", 2008, 135p.; 3. Dvojnik. Serbian transl. by Ljiljana Matic of L'Emprise, a novel. Belgrade: Clio, 2002, 132p. 4. The Secret Voice. English transl. by Matt Cohen of Le Surveillant, short stories. Toronto: Porcupine‟s Quill, 1990, 91p. Revised by the author. John-Glassco Prize for Literary Translation 1990, Can. 5. Double Exposure. English transl. by David Lobdell of L’Emprise, a novel. Ottawa: Oberon Press, l988, 140p. Revised by the author. 6. The Violins. English transl. by Claude Fouillade of Le Client, a play. 1996-1997. One Shop Stopping, New English transl. by Richard Lebeau, 2009. Revised by the author.Available. 7. Le Client. Serbian transl. by Ljiljana Matic, 2003. Available. 8. El Cliente. Spanish transl. by José Rojas Morales (Chili) of Le Client, a play. 2006. Available. 9. La posesion. Spanish transl. by Jose Rojas Morales (Chili) of L’Emprise, a novel. 2005. Available. In-progress: 1. Serbian transl. by Ljiljana Matic of Epreuves (stories) and Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique (essay). Novi Sad, Serbia: Prometej. B. Short stories translated 1. “Directions for Use.” English translation by Jeremy Townley (US) of “Mode d‟emploi” from my collection of stories Epreuves, in The Threepenny Review [Berkeley, CA] 135 (Fall 2013): 8. ISSN: 0275-1410. ( Brulotte/62 2. Indian (Tamil) transl. of my short story "Atelier 96 sur les généralités" (from le Surveillant). Ed. Gilles Pellerin. Quebec sirukadhaigal. Chennai (Pondichery), India: Samhita Publications, 2008. 3. "El Complejo de Putifar." Spanish transl. by Julieta Fombona & Amelia Hernandez of “Le Complexe de Putiphar”. Ed. Gaëtan Lévesque. Antologia de cuentos quebequenses en el fin de siglo (1987-2000). Caracas (Venez.): Monte Avila Editores Latinoamericana, 2006: 39-51. 4. "The Psychotherapist is always Late." English transl. by David Tucker of "Les triangles de Chloé." Published on the Web: Apr. 3, 2006. 5. "El Complejo de Putifar." Spanish transl. by Félix Cortés Schöler of “Le Complexe de Putiphar.” Ed. Gaëtan Lévesque. Dias de Quebec. Antologia de cuentos del Quebec contemporaneo. Mexico, ConacultaFonca & Fundacion para las letras mexicanas, 2003: 59-71. 6. "Taller 96 sobre las generalidades" Spanish transl. by Laura Lopez Morales & Margarita Montero of "Atelier 96 sur les généralités." Ed. Gilles Pellerin. Un continente a la deriva? Antologia de narradores de Quebec. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2003: 137-154. 7. A montrealitisz. Hungarian transl. by Lackfi Janos of "La Montrealite." Illus. with a presentation of the author. Magyar Naplozi [Budapest] XI.6 (June 1999): 30-33. 8. "The Dream of Tomatoes." English transl. by Judith Cowan (Can.) of "Le Rêve de tomates." Canadian Fiction Magazine 77 (1992): 80-91. Revised by the author. 9. "Visul de Tomate." Romanian transl. by Michaela Flore of "Le Rêve de tomates." Steaua [Romania] 11-12 (1990): 67-85. 10. "The Exalted One." English transl. by Judith Cowan (Can.) of "L‟Exalté." Puerto del Sol [New Mexico] 24.2 (1989): 176-179. Revised by the author. 11. "Offene Käfig." German transl. by Adelheid Witt of "La Cage ouverte." Eds. Karla El-Hassan, and Helga Militz. Erkundungen. 26 Kanadische Erzähler. Berlin: Verlag Volk und Welt, 1986. 261-169. 12. "The Elevator Messengers." English transl. by Matt Cohen. Eds. Matt Cohen, and Wayne Grady. Intimate Strangers. New Stories from Quebec. Toronto, Can.; London, Engl.; New York, NY; Victoria, Austral.; Auckland, NZ: Penguin Books, l986. 37-51. 13. "The Sentinel." English transl. by Judith Cowan (Can.) of "Le Surveillant." The Canadian Literary Review, Fall/Winter 1982: 31-40. Revised by the author. Unpublished translations of individual short stories: 1."Le Surveillant." Spanish transl. by Isacc Bonilla Cid, within a Ph.D. diss., Mexico, Feb 2003. 2."A Promise to conclude." English transl. by Jonathan Kaplansky (Can.) of "Promesse de conclusion." Revised by the author, Jan. 1999. 3.What Holds Us. English transl. by Suzanne Pelletier (USA) of short stories from Ce qui nous tient. "The Water Endymions," "The practical Nurse," "Creation Workshop," "Under Construction," "The Parking Ticket," Brulotte/63 "Candy Store." English transl. of "Les Endymions d'eau," "L'Infirmière auxiliaire," "Atelier de création", "La Fin des travaux," "La Contravention," "Candy Store." Revised by the author. 1992-1997. 4."Imagine." English transl. by Valéry Budig-Martin (USA), for an American World literature anthology. Spring 1993. 5."The Plagiary." English transl. by Johanne Hillam of "Plagiaire." M.A. thesis in Comparative Literature. Brigham Young U., Provo (UT). Revised by the author. Aug. 1992. 6."L‟Exalté." Serbo-Croatian transl. by Borjanca Jolic-Ludwig (Yugoslavia). Oct. 1989. 7."Candy Store." English transl. by Fernando Ojeda (USA). Revised by the author, 1989 8."The Lease." English transl. by Farah Khorsandian (USA) of "Le Bail." Revised by the author, 1987. 9."Opened Cage." English transl. by Judith Cowan (Can.) of "La Cage ouverte." Revised by the author, 1982. C. Articles translated 1. "Cortázar, une source infinie d'inventions." French transl. from English by Odile Van de Moortel of my article "Cortázar, A Writing Inspiration." For its revised French publication in XYZ (Can.), Feb., 2012. Originally published in Explicación de Textos Literarios XXXII. 1 & 2 (2003-2004): 22-35. 2. "Laughing at Power." English transl. from French by John Phillips of introductory chapter to Laugher and Power. Eds. John Parkin & John Phillips. Bern, Switz.: Peter Lang, "European Connections 19," 2006: 11-18. 3. "Sade and Erotic Discourse." English transl. from the French by John Phillips of paper "Sade et le discours érotique." Paragraph. A Journal of Modern Critical Theory [Edimburgh UP, Gt Brit.] 23.1 (March 2000): 51-62. 4. "Défaite et littérature." Paper transl. from the French into Serbo-Croatian by Hana Dalipi. Belgrade (Yugoslavia). Knjizevne Novine 785, Nov. 1, 1989; excerpts in the daily newspaper Vercernje Novosti, Oct. 20, 1989. 5. "E. Lachapelle, obra grafica." Spanish transl. from the French of essay "Lachapelle en chair et en os." Maracaïbo, Venez.: Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo, 1982. 6. "The Erotic Text: an Attempt at Narratological Analysis." English transl. from the French by John Phillips of article "Petite narratologie du récit dit érotique" published in Poétique [Ed. Du Seuil. Paris] 1991. Revised by the author. 1993. Available. 13. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES A. EDITORIAL BOARDS, JURIES, READING COMMITTEES, CONSULTATIONS (Selection) 1. Reading Committee, Ph.D. dissertation of Bernard Nankeu, L'érographie dans la weltliteratur romanesque contemporaine. Université de Dschang, Cameroun in coop with U. of Bourgogne, Dijon, Fr. 2014-2015. Brulotte/64 2. Elected correspondent for the US. ADIREL (Association pour la Diffusion de la Recherche littéraire) and journal Travaux de littérature, Fr. 2013-pres.. 3. Reading committee and “pré-rapporteur.” Ph.D. diss. Lubna Hussein Salman. L’implicite dans À la recherche du temps perdu. Etude sur un aspect du discours proustien. U. de Bourgogne, Dijon, Fr. Spring 2013 (March-June). Def. June 17, 2013. 4. Editorial board. Revue de recherches linguistiques et littéraires de la Faculté de philosophie de Novi Sad, Serbia. 2011-pres. 5. Honorary Board. Otago French Notes, New Zealand. 2007-pres. 6. Scientific committee. Nouvelles Etudes Francophones [Univ. of Notre-Dame, IN]. Jan. 2005-pres. 7. Advisory board (Conseil scientifique international). Etudes francophones [Lafayette, LA]. 1990-pres. 8. Editorial board. XYZ [Montreal, Can.]. 1986-pres. 9. Elected member, Committee for the revision of admissibility criteria for Société des Écrivains de la Mauricie, QC (Can). 2014-2015. 10. Sollicitation by producer Hans Ruprecht to host a radio review of Francophone books, CKCU Literary news, Carleton U. March 2014. 11. Sollicitation by organization Les donneurs to select 50 citations from my work (and others) for public display in the streets of city of Joliette, QC (Can.) in fall 2014. Completed in June 2014. 12. Invitation to host a weekly TV show on French Canadian culture in France for Telé-Québec. Exploration stage, Feb. 2014 13. External reviewer for U of Missouri at Kansas City for tenure & promotion case, July 2013. 14. Reviewer for Yale U. Press of French Conversation textbook Tu sais quoi. New Haven & London: YUP, 2012, 458p. Acknowledgement: xiii. 15. Judge (one of 3). The General Governor Award of Canada, category Essay. Spring and summer 2012. Selection meeting, Ottawa, Can. Sept 6, 2012. Elected as jury‟s spoke person for the Medias. 16. Reviewer for Yale U. Press of textbook proposal Textures: pour approfondir la communication orale et écrite (Textures: Developing Oral and Written Communication). Sept. 2012. 17. Reviewer for the U. of Toronto Press of William J. Berg. Literature and Painting in Quebec. Invited endorsement on back cover. Toronto: U. of Toronto Press, 2012. Acknowledgement: xi. 18. Letters of reference for Dr. John Phillips (to diverse British institutions). Hired in 2012 at Oxford U. (Wadham College). 19. Evaluation of novel manuscript, Nous sommes de la terre by Gilles Léveillée (QC). Oct. 2012. Brulotte/65 20. Reviewer of book manuscript on Quebec Studies for Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Awards to Scholarly Publications Program). Oct. 2010. 21. Consultant for Patchen Barss for The Erotic Engine, a book on the relationships between pornography and technology. Apr.-May 2009. Toronto: Doubleday, 2010; Norwell, MA: Anchor Press; Brisbane, Austral.: U. of Queensland Press. 22. Grant reviewer for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Jan. 2008; Jan 2009. 23. Editorial board ("Rédacteur adjoint"). LittéRéalité [Toronto, Can.]. Dec. 1997-2009. 24. Reviewer for the U of Toronto of Dr. Michel Lord‟s research dossier for promotion to Full Professor. Jan. 2009. Granted. 25. Contribution to the municipal library's authors' list of the City of Levis (QC). May 2009. 26. Reviewer for The American Philosophical Society of book manuscript, Staging France: Repertory Theater in Interwar Paris. Sept 2008. 27. Pre-selection committee (2006-07) and Judge (2000-2007). Prix littéraire France-Québec Jean-Hamelin (French Literary annual award), Paris, Fr. 28. Reviewer for Palgrave-Macmilan (Engl.) of book manuscript, Transgender on Screen, 2006. 29. Invited Board member for a new French journal devoted to short story studies: Revue d'Etudes sur la Nouvelle d'Expression Française (NEF). Co-PI grant proposal, w. Philippe Mottet, Canadian Council for the Humanities. Feb 2006. 30. Referee for Oxford U. (Engl) for a tutorial fellowship. Fall 2003. 31. Reviewer for Oxford U.P. (Engl.) of book manuscript, Sade: an Introduction. Aug. 2002. 32. Judge for Biennial Yourcenar Literary Prize, Cambridge (MA). 1992-2001. 33. Respondent at session "Is Quebec Post-Colonial?" International Colloquium of 20th century French Studies, Hartford (CT). Apr. 5, 2002. 34. Reviewer for Palgrave Macmillan (Engl.) of book manuscript Walking on the Wild Side: Images of Transgender in Modern Culture. Apr. 2002. 35. Reviewer for U. Press of St-Boniface (Manitoba, Can.) of book manuscript on Nancy Huston. Aug. 2001. 36. English transl. from the French of a documentary film by Paris Papabeis on French painter J.-P. Ledoux. For George Papabeis, International Academy of Design, Tampa (FL). Nov. 24, 2001. 37. Reviewer for Pluto Press (Engl.) of a book proposal on Sade: The Libertine Novels. Jan. 2001. Brulotte/66 38. "Six Sigma/Qu'est-ce que six sigma?" French transl. from English of brochure for Cott Beverages and Martin Litho, USA. Dec. 2000. 39. Evaluation for Villanova U. (PA) of Jan Rigaud‟s dossier for tenure promotion. Fall 2000. 40. Referee for Canadian writer and publisher Pierre Turgeon to the W.O. Mitchell Literary Prize, Toronto, Can. Feb. 2000. 41. Grant reviewer for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Ottawa. Jan. 2000. 42. English transl. from the French of Belgium government documents for Jack Fistick, a photojournalist at the Tampa Tribune. Sept. 1999. 43. Evaluation committee. US Chateaubriand Fellowships program, PhD project by candidate from Columbia U., NY. 1998. 44. Revision of Diversité, a textbook by James Gaasch and Valery Budig-Martin, eds. Boston: Houghtin Mifflin. 1998. 45. Deciphering and English transl. of a handwritten letter by Eugène Napoléon to the French Emperor Napoléon for Tampa collector John Drew. Sept. 1998. 46. Consultant for Elise Michaud, U. of Quebec at Montreal. Research on Erotic Literature. June 1998. 47. Evaluation for Rutgers U. of Dr. Christophe Lamiot‟s dossier for tenure. June 1998. 48. Consultant for Muriel Walker, U. of Toronto. Research on Erotic Literature. March 1998 49. Transl. of research documents for project in French Africa, for Lee Ann Rottman, Tampa. Feb. 3, 1998. 50. Consultant for Fabienne Ardus, U. of Southwestern Louisiana. Research on Erotic Literature. Feb. 1998 51. Grant reviewer for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Jan. 1996. 52. Participation in the development of the literary Web site "Littérature québécoise." Centre St-Michel, Sherbrooke, Can. Since 1996. 53. "Je-Luce Irigaray." Transcription and English transl. of interview in French of feminist Luce Irigaray. For Gary Olson & Elizabeth Hirsh, eds. Women Writing Culture. Albany: SUNY Press, 1995: 139-166. 54. Co-dir. of series "Littérature québécoise." L‟Harmattan, Paris (Fr.). 1989-1994. 55. Respondent at session "Le Haptisme" on my work. AATF (American Association of Teachers of French), Strasbourg, Fr. July 21, 1992. 56. Letter of support for creation of Ph.D. program in Francophone studies at the U. of Southwestern Lousiana. Fall 1991. Brulotte/67 57. French transl. from English (for French Canadian users) of Self-Directed Search, a Psychological & Professional Assessment Program for Choosing a Career. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources Inc. May 1991. 58. Reviewer for Houghton Mifflin (Boston) of Classiques pour débutants, a reader for first-year French. Dec. 1991. 59. Reviewer for Houghton Mifflin (Boston) of textbook Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Expression écrite. 3rd ed. Fall 1991. 60. Judge for Public Reading Program of the Arts Council of Canada, Ottawa. 1990-1992. 61. Advisory board. Revue d’histoire littéraire et culturelle du Québec, Can. 1990. 62. Letters of recommendation for US colleagues for the Canadian Studies Faculty Enrichment Program, including for Profs. Elaine Cancalon (FSU), Karl Heinrich Barsch (U. of Central Florida), and Thomas Brown (Brigham Young U.). 1986-1990. 63. Evaluation committee for the 13th Annual Conference on Literature and Film (Intertextuality), Florida State U., Tallahassee (FL), Nov. 1989. 64. Judge for the Robert-Cliche Literary Award 1989. International Book Fair of Quebec, Can. Apr. 1989. 65. Reviewer for XYZ Editeur of 2 book proposals by Matt Cohen and Judith Cowan for French transl. from English. Montreal, 1989. 66. Judge for the Florida Endowment for the Humanities. The Maids by Jean Genêt produced by Stageworks at the Loft Theatre, Tampa (FL). Jan. 1989. 67. Reviewer for the RMMLA Review, USA. 1988. 68. Judge for the Canadian Council for the Arts, Ottawa. 1985. Evaluation of 284 texts. 69. Judge for the literary award Prix Jean-Béraud-Molson. Montreal. Fall 1982. Evaluation of 7 novels. 70. Judge for Union des écrivains québécois, International tours for writers. Montreal. 1982. Evaluation of 20 submissions. 71. Judge for the Société d‟études et de conférences, Quebec City. 1981. Evaluation of 10 manuscripts. 72. Judge for the Prix des Travailleurs de la culture, Trois-Rivières, QC. 1981. Evaluation of 5 candidates. 73. Judge for the "Concours littéraire" of the Société des écrivains de la Mauricie, Trois-Rivières, QC. 1980. Evaluation of 32 texts. 74. Reading committee for publisher Les Ecrits des Forges (Can.). 1979-82. Evaluation of approx. 30 manuscripts of poetry. Brulotte/68 B. DIRECTION OF LITERARY PERIODICALS AND SPECIAL ISSUES 1. Guest Ed. of Séductions. Spec. issue of XYZ 124 [Montreal] (2015). 2. Guest Ed. of Autorités. Spec. issue of XYZ 117 [Montreal] (2014). 3. Guest Ed. of Fenêtres. Spec. issue of XYZ 105 (2010-11). 4. Guest Ed. of Sorties. Spec. issue of XYZ 94 (2008). 5. Guest Ed. of Listes. Spec. issue of XYZ 85 (2006). 6. Guest Co-Ed. with Sylvaine Tremblay of Bals. Spec. issue of XYZ 58(1998-99). 7. Guest Ed. of Regards. Spec. issue of XYZ 45(1996). 8. Guest Ed. of Mesures du temps. Spec. issue of XYZ 27(1991). 9. Co-Ed. with Robert Henkels and presentation. Robert Pinget. Spec. issue of Etudes littéraires [U. Laval, QC] 19.3 (Hiver 1986-1987). 10. Ed.-in-Chief of the Book Review Section of the daily newspaper Le Nouvelliste, Trois-Rivières (Can.), 1980-82. Direction of a 7-reviewer team. 11. Founder and Ed.-in-chief of En Vrac, the literary bulletin of the Société des Écrivains de la Mauricie, Trois-Rivières (QC). 1980-82. Four 50p-issues per year. 12. Founder and Ed.-in-chief of Prétextes, a creative writing journal for students, Trois-Rivières (Can.), 1980-82. Two 100p-issues per year. C. CONFERENCES DIRECTED & SESSIONS CHAIRED 1. Co-org. International conference, The State of Beauty Today. USF, Tampa (FL), Feb. 28-Mar.1, 2014. 2. USF-Tampa coordinator. Biennial International Conference of ACSUS (Association for Canadian Studies in the USA). Marriott Waterside and Marina, Tampa (FL). Nov 19-23, 2013. Chair and discussant of session "Obsessions, fantasmes, représentations de la sexualité au Québec." Nov. 21, 2013 3. Main org. International conference, The State of Taste. USF, Tampa. March 28-29, 2008. 20 guest speakers from France, Belgium, China, Russia, Italy, Canada and the US. 4. Moderator of session. International conference, Frontières de la nouvelle de langue française de 1945 à 2005 (Europe/Amérique du Nord. U. Charles-De-Gaulle-Lille3 (Fr.). May 19, 2005. 5. Moderator. 19th annual DeBartolo conference, The Nature of Knowledge: 18th Century Engagements with the Natural World. Panel X: Traffic in Nature. USF/Embassy Suites. Feb 19, 2005. 6. Chair of session "Littérature érotique." International Council of Francophones Studies. Abidjan (Ivory Coast). May 31, 2002. Brulotte/69 7. Chair of session "La représentation du corps II." International Council of International Studies. Sousse, Tunisia. May 31, 2000. 8. Chair of 2 sessions. International conference, Sade’s Legacy. U. of North London, Engl. Nov. 28-29, 1997. 9. Chair of 2 sessions. International conference, La nouvelle d’expression française du Moyen Age à nos jours. U. of Louvain, Belg. May 6, 1997. 10. Chair of session on French Literature. International Council for Francophone Studies. Quebec City. Apr. 15, 1994. 11. Chair of session on Francophone literature. NEMLA. Philadelphia (PA). March 27, 1993. 12. Chair of 2 sessions: "Littérature érotique d‟expression française I" and "Le Corps et ses représentations II." International Council on Francophone Studies. Strasbourg (Fr.). June 25-26, 1992. 13. Elected Secretary of session org. by Société des Professeurs français et Francophones d‟Amérique, NEMLA. Buffalo, NY. Apr. 3-5-1992. 14. Chair of session on French Canadian Literature. Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures. Winter Park (FL). Feb. 28, 1992 15. Chair of session "Littérature érotique d‟expression française." International Council on Francophone Studies. Tucson (AZ). Apr. 15, 1991. 16. Chair of panel. Colloquium Ecrire au Québec aujourd'hui. Princeton U. (NJ). Nov. 9, 1991. 17. Chair of session "Littérature érotique d‟expression française." International Council on Francophone Studies. La Martinique. Apr. 1990. 18. Chair of session on French Canadian Literature. Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures. Winter Park (FL). Feb. 23, 1990. 19. Secretary of session on French Canadian Literature. Rocky Mountain Modern Language Assoc. Las Vegas. Oct. 1989. 20. Chair of 2 sessions, "Erotisme et sémiologie" and "Littérature érotique d‟expression française." International Council on Francophone Studies. Montreal, QC. Apr. 1988. 21. Chair of session on French Canadian Literature. Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures. Winter Park (FL). Feb. 1989. 22. Chair of session on Comparative French and Québécois Literature. Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association. Las Cruces (NM). Oct. 1988. 23. Chair of session on French Canadian Literature. Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures. Rollins College, Winter Park (FL). Feb. 24, 1989. Brulotte/70 24. Chair of session on French Canadian Literature. Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures. Rollins College, Winter Park (FL). Feb. 27, 1987. 25. Chair of session on French Canadian Literature. Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures. Rollins College, Winter Park (FL). Feb. 28, 1986. 26. Chair of session on French Canadian Literature. Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures. Rollins College, Winter Park (FL). March 1st, 1985. 27. Chair of session on 20th Century French Literature. Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages and Literatures. Rollins College, Winter Park (FL). Feb. 1984. 28. Co-organizer of the Quebec/New Mexico Literary Symposium Writing in a multi-lingual & multi-ethnic context. With Canadian and American writers. U. of New Mexico, Albuquerque & U. of Quebec, TroisRivières. Sept.-Oct. 1982. 29. Chair of local chapter of the National Book Festival, Trois-Rivières, Can., Apr. 1982. 30. Chair of session “Roland Barthes.” ACFAS (Assoc. canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences). Sherbrooke, Can. May 1981. 31. Organizer of "Festival du Fantastique." Trois-Rivières, Can. Apr. 1978. D. QUESTIONNAIRES, RESPONSES, REPORTS, TRIBUTES (Selection) 1. "Pierre Lexert, un adieu à la francophonie. Hommage en quelques mots." Nouvelles Études francophones 29.2 (Fall 2014) : 1-2. Followed by "La feue francophonie valdôtaine" by Pierre Lexert : 3-9. 2. "Où étiez-vous le 11 septembre 2001?" Response to questionnaire. Le Devoir [Montreal], Sep 10, 2011 (Published Sep. 12, 2011). 3. “Sur Borges.” Invited tribute. Nuit Blanche 120 (Oct-Dec. 2010): 51. 4. Invited presentation of English Canadian author Judith Cowan for the publication of her short stories, Gambler's Fallacy. Read in absentia by Réjean Bonenfant, Trois-Rivières (Can.). Oct. 18, 2001. 5. "Instantanés d'un compagnon de route." Tribute to poet Alphonse Piché. Trois-Rivières (Can.): Ecrits des Forges, 1999. 1-4. 6. "Dédicace." Book Presentation program of French Radio Station France-Inter, Paris. On Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Lectures fin de siècle and Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. May 1999. 7. "The reception of American Literature in Quebec." Questionnaire. U. du Québec à Rimouski. Fall 1992. 8. "Qu‟est-ce que l‟écrivain aujourd‟hui?" Questionnaire. Laval U., Fall 1992. Brulotte/71 9. "Sur l‟art de la nouvelle." Questionnaire. Québec français 66 (1987): 60 & 69. 10. Report on bilinguism. Bilingual Commission and the Arts Council of Canada. Ottawa. 1985. 11. "Voies d‟avenir." En Vrac, Bull. de la Soc. des écrivains de la Mauricie (Trois-Rivières, Can.), 13/14(1982): 5. 12. "Saint Eros, magicien et martyr." Polemical text. Bulletin du Cercle Gabriel-Marcel [Trois-Rivières, Can.], Nov. 1981, 1-4. 13. "Jeanne L‟Archevesque-Duguay." Transcript of an interview from the radio series Les Ecrivains, directed in 1980-81 at CFCQ FM (Trois-Rivieres, Can.). Published in Rodolphe Duguay. Spec. issue of Les Cahiers nicolétains [Société d‟histoire régionale de Nicolet] 3.4(1981): 179-186. 14. "A propos du Dictionnaire des écrivains de la Mauricie." Public letter. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, Can.], June 20, 1981: 15. 15. Les Abénakis. Historical and ethnological introduction to Abénakis Indians for a slides show. Museum of Odanak, QC. 1981, 5p. 16. "Les Ecrivains et la terrasse Turcotte." Public letter on a project of urbanism in the city of Trois-Rivières (Can.). Le Nouvelliste, Nov. 8, 1980: 2. 14. UNIVERSITY AND PUBLIC SERVICES A. UNIVERSITY SERVICES (Selection) 1. Annual Distinguished University Professors meeting with Provost, since 2005. 2. Coordinating committee, Department of World Languages, 2012-2015. 3. STP (Salary, Tenure & Promotion) Committee, Department of World Languages, USF. Since 2001. Chair, 2005-2014. 4. Fulbright scholarship recommendation for Jean Cocco, Student Body President and University Trustee, Aug 2014. 5. GenEd redesigned Capstone/exit requirement course proposal Great French Love Stories in English Translation as part of the Foundations of Knowledge and Learning Core Curriculum, USF. Recertification Oct. 2014. 6. Co-organizer of an international conference on the State of Beauty Today/La Beauté aujourd‟hui, USF, Tampa (FL), Feb 28-Mar.1, 2014. This event had 20 sponsors, including USF Research and Innovation, USF ResearchOne, USF World, and involved interdisciplinary research, interdepartmental and intercollegiate cooperation, the fine arts and the business community, the diplomatic world through the French Embassy and Consulate, and global participation via the support of foreign institutions and the French publisher who is expected to turn the conference proceeds into a book. 7. Participation in scholarly exchanges with the U. of Bourgogne, Dijon, Fr. 2006-pres. Brulotte/72 8. Creation of an exchange program between USF and the Sorbonne (U. of Paris V-René-Descartes), 1994. Prof. Dominique Desjeux gave multiple presentations at USF (including in 2014). Exchange agreement renewed, Feb 2014. 9. SHUM T&P committee, fall 2013. Elected alternate chair for half of the meetings. 10. Presenter of films at WLE International Movie Series, on the themes of Love and Beauty: adaptation of French novel Dangerous Liaisons (Mar. 27, 2013); The Artist (Apr. 17, 2014), Amélie Poulin (Apr. 2015). 11. Co-organizer (as USF/Tampa local liaison for ACSUS) of 22nd Biennial International Conference of ACSUS (The Association for Canadian Studies in the Unites States). Nov. 19-23, 2013, Tampa. Grants secured from USF World & ResearchOne for conference support. 350 participants from different countries attended the conference. USF Provost Wilcox gave the Opening Remarks. 12. Meeting and business lunch with new Consul General of France, Mr. Philippe and Ms. Valérie Létrilliart at Ceremony of Legion of Honor Medal to America‟s Veterans. Safety Harbour, FL, Nov 23, 2013. 13. Co-organization and animation with Madeline Camara of session “Pocket Theory/Théorie de poche/Teoria para el bosillo.” Round table discussion on the application of literary criticism. WLE Research Colloquium, Apr. 19, 2013. 14. Participation in the Length of Service Awards Ceremony, USF, Feb. 22, 2013. 15. Search Committee for Chinese Assistant Professor, WLE, fall 2012-spring 2013. 16. Memorial talk on Dr. Ava Chitwood. USF memorial ceremony, Nov 9, 2012. Response to a questionnaire for The Oracle about her contributions to USF, Nov. 7, 2012. 17. Contribution to USF World Engagement with France, a fact sheet on Faculty scholarly activities in, and with, France. Fall 2012. 18. Participation in reception organized at USF by the French Embassy and the French Consulate in Miami to honor veterans along with the French honorary Consul in Tampa. Jan 23, 2012. 19. Meeting on USF campus of new French Cultural attaché, Valérie Drake, and Kimberley Gaultier from Educational Services, French consulate in Miami. Meeting with USF World; and business dinner organized by the Consulate and French Honorary Consul for Tampa Bay, to discuss cooperation in French initiatives at USF. Nov 14, 2012. 20. Meetings in Tampa and Miami with General Consul of France (Gaël de Maisonneuve) to extend USF ties with French consulate. Oct. & Dec. 2011. 21. Networking lunch meeting at USF, with representatives of the Canadian Consulate in Miami, USF World (Karen Holbrook and Maria Crummett), Robert Brindley (Ass. Vice-President Global Academic Programs), General Steele (Office of Research, Innovation and Global Affairs), and Captain G. Peskett Brulotte/73 (Commander of Task Force at McDill), after the latter's lecture on US-Canada relationships. Feb 29, 2012. 22. Participation in "Conducting Successful Research in France." A French-American Research Workshop, co-spons. by the Florida-France Linkage Institute, the Humanities Institute, the Office of Research, Innovation, and Global Affairs, and USF World. USF, Tampa. Feb.16, 2011. 23. Letter of support for Dr. Wei Zhu's Fulbright application in Bulgaria. Awarded in 2011. 24. Outcomes of USF conference "The State of Taste" organized in 2008 include: publication of a book partly based on selected papers: Le Goût dans tous ses états. Ed. Michel Erman. Bern, Switz.: Peter Lang, 2009. Rev. by Michel Melot in Communication et langages [Paris] 164 (June 2010): 130. 25. Follow up on the exchange program between USF and the U. Stendhal-Grenoble III, Fr. (Comparative Literature Department, French Literature Department, CEDITEL, GRAF research groups). Exchange created in 1993. Multiple invited lectures and workshops by French counterparts at USF, including a session organized at the 2010 SCFLLF conference on USF main campus with French guest colleagues and chaired by Prof. Bernanoce (Chair of Theatre Department of U. of Grenoble). Feb. 26-27, 2010. 26. Co-Organizer of "Contemporary Individualism and Beauty". A lecture by guest speaker Yves Michaud from the U. of Paris I. Introduction of the speaker. USF, Teco room. Feb 6, 2009. In coop. with the French Consulate of Miami, Alliances françaises of Tampa & Pinellas, General Delegation of French Alliances in the USA, and the Humanities Institute. 27. Co-organizer of visiting lecture, and introduction, of Dr. Astrid Guillaume, U. of Paris IV-Sorbonne. "Mysticism in Medieval Literature: When Omnipresence becomes Implicit." Sacred Leaves Graduate Symposium, Session Mysticism and Medieval Literature. USF. Feb. 19-20, 2009 28. Distinguished University Professors Recommending Committee. USF. 2006-2008. 29. Honorary doctorate proposals (Umberto Eco & JMG. Le Clézio) to Chair of USF Faculty Senate, at Provost‟s request. Dec 2008. 30. Organizer of a visiting lecture by Prof. Michel Erman from the U. of Bourgogne, Dijon (Fr.). WLE colloquium. March 31, 2006. 31. Explorations for potential exchange program with the U. of Caen, Fr. Meetings in Caen w. Huguette Legros and International relation services representative, Jaël Mokienko. Dec. 15, 2006. 32. Participation in the proposal for an MA and a PhD in Comparative Literature and Film Studies at USF. Nov. 2006. 33. Graduate course proposals for permanent inclusion in the French curriculum: African and Caribbean Literatures; French Literature of Quebec, Literary Criticism. WLE, USF. Accepted Dec. 2004. 34. Revision of Graduate program in French, the Comps lists and the French MA handbook. WLE, USF. Fall 2004, and 2011-12. 35. Member of interim Coordinating Committee of WLE, USF. 1999-2000. Brulotte/74 36. Interdepartmental cooperation w. graduate seminar on Comparative Literature (Erotic Literature) at invitation of the English Department, USF. Fall 2000 and 2001. 37. Creation of two new exit requirement courses: Great French Love Stories and Francophone World (the latter being also endorsed by the Anthropology Department). Meeting with the USF Undergraduate Committee & Council. Oct. 6, Nov. 3 and Dec 13, 1999. Both accepted as exit courses. 38. "L'Importance croissante d'un événement culturel français aux Etats-Unis: le Prix Yourcenar." Talk at French National Week, USF. Nov. 10, 1999. 39. "Eroticism and Contemporary French Literature." Lecture, Colloquium of Literatures and Linguistics, Division of Languages and Linguistics, USF. Apr. 15, 1999. 40. Evaluation of candidates for TA positions, Division of Languages and Linguistics, USF. Spring 1999. 41. Representation of USF at Paris Book Fair; Colloquium Quebec: Ecritures plurielles; and the "Journée Internationale de la Francophonie," org. by Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Paris. March 1999. 42. Participation in reception of Prof. Susan Suleiman from Harvard U., USF. Jan. 22, 1999. 43. Salary, Tenure & Promotion committee. Division of Languages, USF. Spring 1997. 44. "Introduction to Quebec painter Jean Paul Lemieux." Lecture in English with slides. Phi Sigma Iota and the Literary colloquium, USF, Grace Allen Room. Feb. 13, 1997. 45. Chair, Professorial Excellence Program (PEP) committee. Division of Languages, USF. 1996. 46. Coaching of students from U. d‟Artois (Fr.) within USF exchange program with Arras. Monitoring of Audrey Guilbaux‟s works for the CAPES exam; grading of literary translations from the English into French, 1997-98. 47. Salary, Tenure & Promotion committee. Division of Languages, USF. 1992-1995. 48. "Survey of Quebec culture as seen through its paintings." Lecture with slides at Phi Sigma Iota Honors Society, USF. Apr. 11, 1995. 49. External evaluator for the symposium "The Hispanic United States." USF. March 3-5, 1994. 50. Organizer of visiting lecture by French philosopher Philippe Roger. USF. Spring 1994. 51. Host of Prof. Armel Henol from Ecole Supérieure de Commerce, Le Havre (Fr.). Apr. 1993. For exchanges with USF College of Business. Tampa and Le Havre became sister cities in 1992. 52. Host of Prof. Alain Duverdier, Dir. of Ecole des cadres, Paris. July 1993. For exchange program established with USF College of Business. Brulotte/75 53. Search committee for Assistant Professor of French, USF. 1992-1993. Interview sessions at the MLA convention in NYC. Dec. 27-31 1992. 54. Organizer of a visiting lecture at USF by Prof. Jean Bellemin-Noël, a proeminent French literary critic. Oct. 1992. In coop. with University Lecture Series and Alliance française de Tampa. 55. Host of Prof. Daniel Soulié from U. of Paris-Dauphine. Nov. 21-25, 1992. For USF exchange program with USF College of Business. 56. Host group at USF for French Consul Mr. Thiollier. Jan. 1992; and for Mr. Lafage from U. of Nice. Oct. 1992. 57. Organizer of a visiting lecture by Moroccan writer and scholar Abdelhak Serhane. In coop. with the International Affairs Center. USF.Apr. 24-25 1991. 58. Organizer at USF of a visiting lecture by Haitian culture scholar, Prof. Léon-François Hoffmann, from Princeton U. In coop. with University Lecture Series and the Alliance française de Tampa. March 28-30, 1991. 59. Organizer of a French immersion exchange program for students and faculty between USF and the U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Can.). 1990-1992. 60. Consultant for the exchange program USF/U. de Paris IX-Dauphine, for Business students, organized by Joelle Nisolle & Dominique Roux (Paris) and Steve Baumgarten & the Associate Dean Anderson of the College of Business, USF. 1989-1991. 61. Organizer of visiting lecture by French Medievalist & Canadianist Claude Fouillade. USF. Feb. 23-27, 1990. 62. Donation of French Canadian books worth $2000. to USF. 1990. 63. Participation to the IIE (Institute of International Education) & USIA (United States Information Agency)/Fulbright Enrichment Seminar on international exchange in education, Miami (FL). Feb. 1-2, 1990. 64. Organizer of a series of 3 visiting lectures by French novelist & philosopher Pascal Bruckner. In coop. with University Lecture Series and Alliance française de Tampa. USF. Oct. 25-28, 1990. 65. Transl. from the French into English of an evaluation letter for the tenure promotion of USF colleague, assistant Professor of Sociology, Marco Orrù. Aug. 1990. Text by Philippe Besnard, Institut d‟Etudes Politiques, Paris. 66. Organizer of a visit of French writer Michel Butor to USF in coop. with University Lecture Series, the Division of Language, The International Affairs Center, the Alliance française de Tampa, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., Susquehannah U. (PA), and other universities of Florida. Sept. 1989. 67. Organization of series of 5 lectures by the French Medievalist Claude Fouillade. In coop. with University Lecture Series and Alliance française de Tampa. USF Feb. 23-28, 1989. 68. Committee for selection of USF student-lecturer for exchange with U. of Paris VII, Fr. Spring 1988. Brulotte/76 69. Director of Graduate Studies for French, Division of Languages, USF. 1985-1989. 70. Consultant for the Library in French Canadian Literature, Florida State U., Tallahassee. 1984. 71. Supervision of students‟ exchange programs, Florida education systems/Québec. 1983-1984. B. THESES DIRECTIONS, DIRECTED STUDIES & RESEARCH 1) Theses & Dissertations Direction 1. Dir. M.A. thesis. Eimma Chebinou. “Identité féminine et amour interculturel dans Shérazade : 17 ans, brune, frisée, les yeux verts de Leila Sebbar, Mon examen de blanc de Jacqueline Manicom et Le Baobab Fou de Ken Bugul.” USF. 2014-15. Completed. 2. Dir. Honors‟ thesis. Madison Wahler. “Les thèmes existentialistes dans Les jeux sont faits de Sartre.” USF. 2013-2014. Completed. 3. Dir. M.A. thesis. Lesley Kynes. A Comparative Study of Two Works by 20th Century French Author Marguerite Duras: Agatha and Hiroshima, mon amour. USF, 2009-2011. Project abandonned by student who changed her career plans. 4. Dir. M.A. thesis. Brigitte Philippe. Transl. into French of Neil Simon's play The Dinner Party. USF. 2009-2010. Completed. 5. Dir. M.A. thesis. Ryan Orgera. "Elisa Brune's Le Goût piquant de l'univers: a Translation and Introduction." English translation of 3 chapters of a novel published in French by Belgian author Elisa Brune. USF. 2006-07. Completed. 6. Co-Dir. Ph. D. diss. Latifa Bounou. Pour une analyse du désir mimétique dans L'Enfant chargé de songes d'Anne Hébert. U. of Louisiana at Lafayette. Defense: May 2, 2006. Completed. 7. Dir. M.A. thesis. Marinda Rule. Comparative study Roblès, Camus and Vercors. USF, 2006. Project abandoned by candidate who changed her career plans. 8. Dir. M.A thesis. Olivier Girard. Anne-Marie de Moret: mises en scènes d'auteurs vivants. USF 1995-96. Follow up by J. Thompson, while I was on sabbatical in France. Completed. 9. Dir. M.A. thesis. Christian Archambault. A Comparative study between Proust and Anne Hébert. USF, fall 1996. Project abandoned by candidate who changed his career plans. 10. Dir. M.A. thesis. Michelle Tracy-Town. L'oeuvre de Julia Verlanger. USF. 1994-95. Completed. 11. Dir. M.A. thesis. Françoise Jean. La Femme chez Sarraute. USF, 1992-1994. Completed. 12. Dir. M.A. thesis. Gaia Seagram. Correspondance des arts et de la littérature à l'époque contemporaine: 1980-1990. USF, 1992-1994. Completed. 13. Dir. M.A. thesis. Amina Alio. Tradition et modernité dans Les Soleils des indépendances de Ahmadou Kourouma. USF, 1994. Completed. Brulotte/77 14. Dir. M.A. thesis. Karine Strebel-Helpern. L'Image de la femme dans les romans d'Alice Rivaz. USF, 1992-93. Completed. 15. Dir. M.A. thesis. Ingrid Hurtubise. Influence de la philosophie allemande sur la littérature québécoise. USF, 1992. Project abandonned by student who changed her career plans. 16. Dir. M.A. thesis. Charmant Théodore. Edition critique de 'La Famille des Pitite-Caille' by Justin Lhérisson (Haïti: 1905). USF, 1988-1991. Completed. 17. Dir. M.A. thesis. Marie Leticee. La Femme chez Maryse Condé. USF, 1988-1991. Completed. 18. Dir. M.A. thesis. Zahira Haram. Edition critique et traduction française de poèmes choisis de Nizar Qabbani (Syria, 1924-). A French transl. from the Arabic of a selection of poems, with an introduction and critical commentaries. USF, 1990-1991. Completed. 19. Dir. M.A. thesis. Lucien Goffard. L'Importance psychologique du non-personnage dans la Jalousie d'Alain Robbe-Grillet., USF, 1988-89. Completed. 2) Theses and dissertations reading committees 1. Reading committee, Ph.D. diss. Bernard Nankeu. L'érographie dans la weltliteratur romanesque contemporaine. Université de Dschang, Cameroun/U. of Bourgogne, Dijon, Fr. 2014-15, in progress. 2. Reading committee and “pré-rapporteur.” Ph.D diss. Lubna Hussein Salman. L’implicite dans A la recherche du temps perdu. Etude sur un aspect du discours proustien. U. de Bourgogne, Dijon, Fr. Spring 2013. Def. June 17, 2013. Completed. 3. Chair of Ph.D. defense jury, "Pré-rapporteur," and reading committee. Ph.D. diss. David Blaise Ossene. Le style romanesque de Sony Labou Tansi: le cri et l'écrit, poétique et stylistique. U. of Bourgogne, Dijon (Fr.). Spring 2011. Def. June 7 2011. Completed. 4. External evaluator. M.A. thesis. Karina Larsen. L'avènement de la nouvelle littéraire au féminin au Québec (1878-1913). U of Quebec at Montreal, Apr. 2011. Completed. 5. External reader. MA thesis. François Vallières. Autopsie d’une œuvre exquise: Palimpsestes et réécriture chez Claude Mathieu (on intertextuality in a Quebec short story writer). U. of Montreal, March 2011. Completed. 6. Co-Advisor. Honors Thesis. Joe Lupia. Language and Identity in Quebec. USF, Tampa. Def: Apr. 22, 2008. Completed. 7. Committee. Ph. D. diss. Rachel Naor. "Suzan-Lori Parks's The America Play and Its Deconstructive Ontology." English Department, USF, Tampa. Def. Dec 11, 2007. Completed. 8. Committee. Ph. D. diss. Mike Shuman. The Shadow Explorer: Otto Rank and the Modernist Soul. English Department, USF. Def. March 23, 2007. Completed. Brulotte/78 9. Reading committee and "Pré-rapporteur." Ph. D. diss. Alexandra Destais. L'émergence de la littérature érographique féminine en France: 1954-1975. U. of Caen, Fr. Def. Dec. 14, 2006. Completed. 10. Reading committee. Ph. D. diss. Erin Curren. A Novel Reading of Gesture: Nathalie Sarraute’s Unspoken Understanding. Columbia U. (NYC). Def.: Apr. 20, 2005. Completed. 11. Reading committee. M.A. thesis. Julie Saint-Mleuxé Fonction du récit cadre dans Le Médianoche amoureux de Michel Tournier. McGill U. (Montreal, Can.), Dec. 2001. Completed. 12. Reading committee. M.A. thesis. Sandrine Savona. Un regard profond sur Spirite de Théophile Gautier. USF, Summer-Fall 2000. Completed. 13. Reading committee. Honors‟ thesis. Leslie Holland. The Language of Quebec. USF, Spring 2000. Completed. 14. Reading committee. Ph.D. diss. Anne-Marie Benoist-Bruneau mile Nelligan et la postérité. U. of Paris IV-Sorbonne (Fr.). Def. March 10, 1999. Completed. 15. Reading committee. M.A. thesis. Michelle Browett. "L’image du corps dans Une vie de Guy de Maupassant: de la jeunesse à la vieillesse." USF, Spring 1998. Completed. 16. Reading committee. Ph.D. diss. Mansour Dramé. L'interculturalité au regard du roman sénégalais et québécois. U. of Paris IV-Sorbonne (Fr.). Def. March 24, 1997. 17. Reading committees, Ph.D. level (DEA), UFR Sciences sociales, U. of Paris V-Sorbonne, Fall 1994: A. Marc Rigoulot. Micro et macro-sociologie. B. Laurence Varga. Anthropologie de l'entreprise et sociologie des organisations, lectures et préparation à un terrain en Chine and -Enquête exploratoire sur les représentations liées à la Chine et aux Chinois parmi un groupe de cadres expatriés. C. Marine Ducoudray. L'expatriation: une enquête auprès des cadres d'ELF expatriés en Norvège and La Norvège: un lieu idéal d'expatriation? D. Cybèle Flegas. Vers une analyse des espaces de travail d'un centre de formation parisien and Ruptures et continuités de la pratique rituelle en Grèce contemporaine. E. Anne Valendru. La formation continue au Chili: une formation segmentée. F. Jean Claude Thierry. Peuples des labos: ethnographie des laborigènes de l'INRA and Apprentissages et réseaux sociaux: réflexions méthodologiques. G. Pierre Godard. Négociation et communication non verbale: Paramètres à analyser and Les jointventures France-Chine: stratégie d'implantation. 18. Reading committees, M.A level. UFR Sciences sociales, Paris V-Sorbonne, Fall 1994: A. Anne Rossignol. Réseaux et stratégies au sein d'une association. B. Anne-Marie Le Vaillanté Entre la France et l'Inde: les Franco-pondichériens. Observation d'une situation de minorité. C. Elodie Bergeat. Promenades au Pauc Montsouris: étude anthropologique des pratiques, de la sociabilité et de l'imaginaire dans un jardin public. D. Virginia Mangematin. L'intégration sociale des migrants en France. Une représentation sociale de formateurs professionels. Intégration et alphabétisation. Brulotte/79 19. Reading committee. M.A. thesis. Lucrèce Ferrari. L'imaginaire italo-américain de John Fante. U. Stendhal (Grenoble III), Fr., Fall 1993. 20. Reading committee. M.A. thesis. Emmanuelle Dhelens. Marcel ou la chute imaginaire. Le mythe de la fondation dans la Chronique du Plateau Mont-Royal de Michel Tremblay. U. Stendhal (Grenoble III), Fr., Fall 1993. 21. Reading committee. Ph.D. diss. Georges Desmeules. La littérature fantastique et le spectre de l’humour. French Department and Graduate School, Laval U., QC. Def. May 21, 1993. 22. Reading committee. M.A. thesis. Deborah Hamilton. Readings in French Culture. USF, Spring 198889. 3) Theses and dissertations consultations 1. Consultant for Ivy Dyckman. Ph.D. diss. on French author Sade. FSU, May 3, 2004. 2. Consultant for Aurélien Demars. Ph. D. diss. on French philosopher Cioran. France, Aug.-Sept., 2002. 3. Consultant for David Dorais. Ph. D. diss. on 16th century erotic literature. McGill U., Dec. 2001. 4. Consultant for Ann Craver. Ph.D diss. on 20th century Francophone Poet Andrée Chedid. Washington U., St-Louis, MO, May 2000. 5. Consultant for Louise Ayotte. M.A. thesis. La vulgarisation via l'intertextualité et la superposition dans le discours romanesque du Monde de Sophie de Jostein Gaarder. U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Can.), 1999. 6. Consultant for Ben Houfrid. Ph. D. diss.. L'esthétique théâtrale de Michel de Ghelderode. U. of Rabat, Morocco. 1990. 7. Consultant for Martine Wolfe. M.A. thesis. Sémiologie de Walt Disney World. U. de Paris VII, 1984-85. 4) Directed studies and research 1. Directed Research for graduate student Eimma Chebinou, French Love Stories. WLE, USF. Spring 2014. 2. Directed research for graduate student Virginie Bat, Francophone Literature, USF. Fall 2005. 3. Directed research for Graduate student Isabelle Simon, Carribean cultures, USF. Spring-Fall 2000. 4. Directed research for Graduate students Ahlem Benjaoui, Eighteen Century French Literature; Louise Rocco, 20th Century French Novel; Pascale Fryer, Comparative French-American contemporary cultures. USF. Spring 2000. Brulotte/80 5. Directed studies & research for Graduate student Sandrine Savona, Quebec literature. Undergraduate students Jean-Max Jeanpierre, 20th Century Francophone Literature; Laury Walker: French composition. USF. Spring 1999. 6. Directed studies for David Walberg and Isabelle Tassi, French composition, USF. Fall 1998. 7. Directed research for Joan McArdle, Quebec culture, USF. Fall 1997. 8. Directed Studies for Domenica Santomagio-Diraviam; Christine Ngo; Dionne Cason, Advanced French composition, USF. Fall 1997. 9. Directed studies for Genie Sisti, 19th cent. French novel; René Jacques, Advanced written Expression in French. USF. Spring 1995. 10. Directed studies for Shereen Hebert, 20th cent. French novel; Karine Strebel Halpern, French Feminist bibliography, USF. Summer 1994. 11. Directed studies for Josie Williams and Jason Dibassie, French Readings, USF. Fall 1993. 12. Directed research for Gaia Seagram, Contemporary issues, USF. Summer 1993. 13. Directed studies for 15 students, Survey of French novel, USF. Summer 1993. 14. Directed studies for Melissa Hoffman, 20th Century French drama; Karine Strebel Halpern, Swiss Literature; David Flecha, Quebec Literature, USF. Fall 1992. 15. Directed research for Juliana Cohen, Comparative 20th Cent. French and Maghrebian novel, USF. Fall 1992. 16. Directed research for Françoise Jean, French School of New Novel; Gaya Seagram, Quebec Automatist movement, USF. Fall 1992. 17. Directed research for Danielle Odden, Surrealism, USF. Spring 1992. 18. Directed studies for Shelley Cavaness, 20th Century French Essay; Max Anderson, Scott Jackson, and Dana Murray, 20th Century French novel; Gina Mulinaro, 20th Century French Drama, USF. Spring 1992. 19. Directed research for Maria Rice, 20th Century French Poetry; Lisa Gordon, 20th Century French novel, USF. Spring 1991. 20. Directed research for Maria Rice, 20th Century French Drama, USF. Fall 1990. 21. Directed Studies for Susan Brown, L'Existentialisme de Beckett comparé avec celui de Malraux, Camus et Sartre, USF. Spring 1989. 22. Directed Research for Roy Sites, Le Cinéma surréaliste français, USF. 1988-89. 23. Directed Studies for Marie Leticee, Lectures du 18e s., USF. Fall 1988. Brulotte/81 24. Directed research for Lisa Miceli, 20th Century drama, USF. Fall 1987. 25. Directed Research for Zahira Haram, La Stylistique: théorie et pratique, USF. Spring 1987. 26. Directed Studies for Judy Lyon, Albert Camus aux Etats-Unis, USF. Spring 1985. C. PUBLIC SERVICES (Selection)2 1. Regular maintenance of a personal bilingual (French/English) website (hosted in France): This includes a free newsletter which is sent via email to subscribers. This website offers a permanent showcase of my areas of work and research. Disseminates research, professional and creative activities as well as publications to the public. French courses I teach are also announced on this site. Since 2006. 2. Professional pages maintained on social Medias: 1) LinkedIn (( about 500 connections; 2) Twitter (#brulotte: over 300 followers); 3) Facebook (; about 900 “Friends”). All for professional networking purposes with the community of readers, writers, reviewers, scholars, publishers, research promotional entities. 3. Presence on cultural groups such as (an Internet-based community about books‟ reviewing and sharing); The Tampa French Language Meetup Group (to share expertise and raise awareness in the local community on French and Francophone issues), and scholars‟ group (joined in 2013 to make some research results more easily accessible for free to a wider audience). Participation in forum discussions on books, writing and teaching. 4. My contributions to the media, including some of my interviews I have performed on TV, radio, web, Youtube, and in periodicals, served as well as forms of community education. See complete listing under Interviews. 5. Annual gift of books. Prix des Cent livres, EAT (Ecrivains Associés du Théâtre, Paris); and participation in the award ceremony at SACD (Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Dramaturges). Paris. This yearly award is to publicly support French theatres and institutions that put on stage works by living playwrights, thus contributing to keep the production of dramatic texts in French alive. Last attendance: June 2014. 6. Gift of books to diverse US, Canadian & French librairies & institutions, including the Library of Congress in Washington. 1979-pres. 7. Guest writer at public writing event Foyers d'écriture publique Les Donneurs. Joliette (QC), Nov. 46, 2011. A yearly invitation for select writers to engage the public in unusual places such as cafés, foodmarkets, restaurants, bars, post offices, pharmacies, etc… about writing issues and reading, by distributing quotes from world literature, and writing texts on demand for free. 2 See also Exhibitions, Performances and Public Readings. Brulotte/82 8. Sporadic book signing sessions in an outreach effort to link research and creative activities to a larger public. Recent ones include in Nov. 2014, Montreal International Book Fair; in Apr. 2014, the Quebec City International Book Fair (around my book La Contagion du réel); in 2010-12 around La Nouvelle québécoise in Tampa, Canada (Alberta & Montreal Book Fair), and France, including a launching event at La Belle Hortense book store and café in Paris. June 27, 2011. 9. Co-organizer of public talk by Tampa Bay French Honorary Consul Jean-Charles Faust, "Différences culturelles France/USA dans le monde des affaires." USF, Nov. 3, 2009. In coop. with the AATF National French Week, WLE, Phi Sigma Iota and Florida-France Linkage Institute. 10. Invited presentation of play Le Client & animation of a writing workshop for teenagers at middleschools, Bourg Saint-Andéol (Rhône Valley, Fr.), within the project "Territoire et Imaginaire." Oct. 16, 2009. 11. Member of Nielsen NetRatings research panel, Tampa. 1999-2008. 12. Organization of visit and lecture of prof. M. Erman from U of Bourgogne (Fr.). “Les mots de la campagne électorale en France.” Alliance Française de Tampa. Apr. 20, 2007. 13. Invited participation in the project "De la coupe au livre." Creation of sentence on books and wine engraved on wine glasses from Morin Bookstore's café, Trois-Rivières, Can. Launched on Nov. 29, 2006. 14. Participation in Passe-livre and Nuit Blanche of Montreal, a project encouraging literature reading. My book La Chambre des lucidités was set on free circulation in a Montreal theatre. Feb 2, 2006. 15. "Surrealist Love." Invited lecture. Alliance française de Tampa. Feb 18, 2005. 16. Invited talk as fiction writer to French IV class taught by Robert Summers. USF, Tampa. Nov. 29, 2004. 17. "Literature and Society." Invited talk. Assoc. Le Club du Mercredi, Largo, FL. Feb. 11, 2004. 18. Book signing sessions and discussions with public on Le Client and La Chambre des lucidités. Avignon Drama Festival, Fr. (July 2003) and Montreal Book Fair, Can. (Nov. 2003). 19. "La Vie de biais et la nouvelle contemporaine." Invited lecture. Assoc. Les Arts culturels et le Théâtre de Floride, Lutz, FL. March 9, 2003. 20. "Rencontre." Talk as guest writer. Eckerd College, St-Petersburg, FL. Feb. 28, 2003. 21. Book signing sessions on La Vie de biais. Montreal Book Fair. Nov. 15-16, 2002. 22. Book signing sessions and discussions with public on Djovnik, the Serbian translation of my novel L’Emprise. Novi Sad and Belgrade Book fair, Serbia. Oct. 17 & 22, 2002. 23. "The Unique Experience of the Avignon Drama Festival in France as a playwright." Invited lecture. Assoc. Le Club du Mercredi, Clearwater, FL. Feb.18, 2002. Brulotte/83 24. "Le Client: une aventure au Festival d'Avignon 2001." Invited lecture. Alliance française de Tampa. Feb. 15, 2002. 25. Daily book signing sessions and discussions with public around my play Le Client. Avignon Drama Festival, Fr. July 6-28, 2001. 26. "The Dialogue between the scholar and the fiction writer." Invited lecture. Assoc. Le Club du Mercredi, Clearwater, FL. Apr. 5, 2000. 27. Book-signing sessions and discussions with public around Oeuvres de chair and Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Grenoble International, Grenoble, Fr. June 17, 1999. Montreal Book Fair. Nov. 19-22, 1998. 28. "On Erotic Literature." Invited lecture. Assoc. Le Club du Mercredi, Clearwater, FL. Apr. 14, 1999. 29. French language consultations by Sarah Lee from the St-Petersburg Tmes, Apr. 5, 1999; and Pat Walters, USF Alumni, Jan. 22, 1999. 30. "Works in Progress." Invited talk. Social organization Les Arts culturels, Lutz, FL. Apr. 26, 1998 31. "L‟Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux." Invited lecture in English. Assoc. Le Club du Mercredi, Clearwater, FL. Feb. 18, 1997. 32. "Histoire de l‟image du corps en littérature." Invited lecture. Alliance française de Pinellas, Schiller International U., Dunedin, FL. Jan. 19, 1997. 33. "Presentation of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux." Invited talk. Social organization Les Arts culturels & Tampa-Le Havre Sister Cities Committee. Nov. 24, 1996. 34. "L‟Ecrivain québécois et la langue française." Invited lecture. Club du Mercredi, Clearwater, FL. Feb. 14, 1995. 35. "Le haptisme." Invited lecture. Club du Mercredi, Clearwater, FL. Apr. 21, 1993. 36. Co-founder of Francophone Assoc. "L‟avenir de la langue française." Co-signed the Manifest for the survival of French language in France. 1993 37. Host of Prof. Michel Leduc, President of the U. of Le Havre (Fr.), Nov. 14-21, 1992. For Sister Cities Committee Tampa-Le Havre. 38. "L'écrivain, son oeuvre et l'écriture." Invited talk. Club du Mercredi, Clearwater, FL. March 11, 1991. 39. "L'Oeuvre de Jean Paul Lemieux." Invited lecture. Club du Mercredi, Clearwater, FL. Dec. 11, 1991. 40. Director of the Alliance française of Tampa. May 1990-May 1991. 41. Book signing sessions and discussions with public, Montreal Book Fair. Nov. 1990; Nov. 1989 42. Organizer of lecture by Serbian writer Negovan Rajic. Alliance française de Tampa. Feb. 23, 1990. Brulotte/84 43. "L‟Histoire et la culture du Québec à travers sa peinture." Invited lecture. Pinellas County French Teachers & School Board, St. Petersburg, FL. Apr. 7, 1989. 44. "La Société québécoise du XXe siècle à travers sa peinture." Invited lecture. Alliance française de Tampa. March 31, 1989. 45. "La peinture québécoise des origines jusqu'au début du XXe s." Invited lecture. Alliance française de Tampa. Jan. 6, 1988. Intro. by Hélène Tannous. 46. "La Littérature et la télévision au Québec." Invited talk around the TV adaptation of L’Emprise. Alliance française de Tampa. Jan. 6, 1987. Intro by Hélène Tannous. 47. "Du Québec traditionnel au Québec actuel." Invited talk. Alliance française de Tampa. Oct. 25, 1985. Intro by Edgar Moreau. 48. "Work in Progress." Invited talk. Alliance française of Tampa. Feb. 11, 1986. Intro by Hélène Tannous. 49. "Le Français littéraire au Québec." Invited lecture. Alliance française of Pinellas County, Clearwater, FL. Jan. 19, 1986. Intro. by Huguette Pittmann. 50. Donation of personal correspondance with the painter Edouard Lachapelle to the public archives of the U. du Québec à Montreal. 1983. 51. Donation of press dossiers and signed books to Fonds Biron, Library of U. du Québec à TroisRivières. 1983. 52. Donation to the National Archives of Québec of manuscripts and proofs of dictionary Ecrivains de la Mauricie. 1982. 53. Board of direction of two Writers‟ Societies in Canada : Société des écrivains canadiens, 1981-83; President of SEM (Société des écrivains de la Mauricie), 1980-81. 15. COURSES TAUGHT U. of South Florida, Tampa (1984-pres.) Graduate -French Literary criticism. -Eighteenth Century French Literature. -20th and 21st Century French Drama & Poetry. -20th & 21st Century French Novel. -French literature from Quebec -Francophone Literatures: North African, Sub-Saharan, and Caribbean. -French Erotic literature from 18th C. to modern times. -The Body Image through the Literature of France, Quebec and the USA, a Comparative Approach. -Erotic Literature. A comparative view: French, American, British, Japanese literature. -Advanced Written Expression in French. - French Surrealism. -Marcel Proust. Close Reading of A la recherche du temps perdu. Brulotte/85 Undergraduate -Great French Love Stories in Translation. -French Conversation II (Advanced oral French in cultural context). -France Today & the Francophone World. -French Composition I. -French Composition II. -Survey of French Novel. U. of South Florida, Lakeland (2001) -Great French Love Stories in Translation. U. René Descartes, Paris V-Sorbonne (Fall 1994). Undergraduate and graduate -Anthropologie de la littérature: la représentation du corps en littérature française, québécoise et américaine. -Sémiologie. U. of New Mexico, Albuquerque (Summer 1981-1984; 1993-94). Graduate -Roland Barthes. -La critique littéraire. Literary theory and criticism. -La poésie québécoise. Survey of French Canadian poetry -Légendes, contes et nouvelles au Québec. Survey of French Canadian short story. -Le roman québécois. Survey of French Canadian novel. -Le théâtre québécois. Survey of French Canadian drama. -Les idéologies au Québec des origines à nos jours. Survey of the major ideological trends in Quebec History. -Art, littérature et société au Québec. A survey of the social & cultural evolution of Quebec through its fine arts -Introduction au Québec. Introduction to Quebec culture. U. Stendhal (Grenoble III), France (Fall 1993) Graduate -La littérature québécoise. Undergraduate -Le livre érotique. U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Can. (1980-81; 1989-1990) Graduate -Poésie française du XXe siècle. A study of French poetry in prose. -Critique littéraire contemporaine. Contemporary Literary Criticism -Le théâtre français contemporain. Contemporary French Theatre. -Le roman français au XXe siècle: Proust. Study of the work of Proust Undergraduate -Théorie générale de la littérature. Survey of the major theories of literature. -Difficultés grammaticales. Advanced grammar. Brulotte/86 Brevard C. College, Cocoa, FL (1983-84) Undergraduate -French as a second language. French I to IV: beginning, intermediate, and advance levels. U. of California at Santa Barbara (Summer 1982) Graduate -La question québécoise. Survey of Quebec culture: geographical, historical, political, sociological, cultural, religious, economical, and artistic viewpoints. Trois-Rivières College, QC (1970-1983) Undergraduate -L'univers du fantastique. Comparative approach of the Fantastic in literature and the arts: fiction, legends, painting, music, sculpture, architecture via 30 authors & hundred of artists from 20 countries. -Introduction à la Poésie: la chanson. Study of French & French Canadian Poetry through songs. -Introduction à la poésie française contemporaine. Study of contemporary French poetry through Guillevic, Saint-John Perse, Bonnefoy. -Introduction au roman français. Survey of French novel. -Introduction au théâtre. Survey of French drama. -Introduction à l'essai et aux genres dits mineurs. Study of essays and minor genres, including diary, autobiography, memoirs, biography, letters, journalism (chronicle, editorial, report), manifesto, pamphlet, essay. Study of samples selected from 50 authors mainly Francophone. -Introduction à la linguistique. Basics of linguistics. -Littérature québécoise. A survey of Quebec Literature in all genres (novel, theatre, poetry, essay). U. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Can. (1973) Undergraduate -La prose au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle en France. Survey of 17th & 18th C. French Prose. U. Laval. Quebec City, Can. (Summer 1969) Undergraduate -Phonétique corrective. 16. AWARDS, HONORS, BIOGRAPHIES, CITATIONS3 (Selection: an * indicates literary distinctions) 1. *Professional memberships include : International PEN Club (Canada & France); SACD (Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Dramaturges, Paris); UNEQ (Union des Ecrivains/Écrivaines Québécois), Montreal :; CEAD (Centre d'essai des auteurs dramatiques, Montreal : ); SEM (Société des Ecrivains de la Mauricie, Trois-Rivières, QC); EAT (Ecrivains Associés du Théâtre, Paris: ). Selective conditions for admission in these writers associations include being published by recognized publishers. Regularly updated bio-biblio info for their websites, when applicable. 3 See also Critical studies and reviews about my works. Brulotte/87 2. *My book La Contagion du réel was awarded the Prix de Littérature Gérald-Godin 2015, TroisRivières, QC (Canada), May 27, 2015. 3. Selection of my book La chambre des lucidités for the center piece featured in Les Cahiers de l’AQPF [Assoc. québécoise des professeurs de français, Quebec]. 5.2 (Oct. 2014): 7-20. 4. *Selection of my book La Contagion du réel by editorial board of magazine Les Libraires (April 2014); and Coup de Coeur by Librairie du Québec in Paris (Aug. 2014). 5. Chevalier dans l‟Ordre des Palmes académiques, French Government. One of the highest civilian honors in France. Oct. 2013. Investiture Ceremony, USF, Tampa (FL). March 26, 2014. 6. Elected US correspondent of ADIREL (France), Sept. 2013. 7. *The French book series Notabilia directed by Brigitte Bouchard and published by Buchet-Chastel in Paris, borrowed its name from by book Les Cahiers de Limentinus. 8. 2012-13: Nomination for award "Grands diplômés de l'Université Laval" (for professional achievement). 9. 2012: My book La Vie de biais served as reward for short story contest at the U. Catholique de l'Ouest, Angers, Fr. Jan 31. 10. 2012: Endorsement figuring on back cover. Berg, William J. Literature and Painting in Quebec: From Imagery to Identity. Toronto: U. of Toronto Press, 2012, 416p. Includes quotations of my book L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. 11. *2011: Short-listed (3 finalists). Prix de littérature Gérald-Godin, QC. Spring. 12. Citations in Jarosz, Krzysztof & Joanna Warmuzińska-Rogóż, eds. and translators in Polish of an anthology of Quebec short stories Antologia Współczesnej Noweli Quebeckiej. Krakow: Oficyna Wydawnicza Wacław Walasek, 2011, 289p. Intro. partly based on La Nouvelle québécoise: 7-53. 13. 2010: My collection of stories Le Surveillant inspired the creation of an award-winning musical band from Manitoba (Can.) Les Surveillantes: 14. 2010: Sabbatical semester awarded, U. of South Florida, Tampa. Fall. 15. 2010 : Citations in Salaün, Elise. Oser Eros. L’ rotisme dans la littérature québécoise. Quebec: Nota Bene, 2010, 398p. Based on Œuvres de chair. 16. 2009: Nomination for Carnegie US Professor of the Year National Award, CAS. Confirmed CAS selection by USF Faculty Senate Honors and Awards Council. March-April. 17. 2009: Nomination by USF Provost Office for the new position of "National Awards Advisor." National Awards Office, Honors College. May. Brulotte/88 18. *2009: Featured author (among 33) at the international historical project in France "Territoire & imaginaire" celebrating the 15th anniversary of discovery of 33,000+ years old Chauvet cave paintings, near Laurac (Ardèche). Oct. 15-18. 19. *2009: La Liquidation, a play. Selected on Top 10 list (of 44 submissions) in France by Influenscènes' Reading Committee (Comité de lecture de Fontenay-sous-Bois), an 11 specialist-jury, which yearly selects new plays for public stage reading. May 22. 20. 2008: Invitation to De Carle Distinguished Lectureship, U. of Otago, New Zealand. 21. 2008 : Citations in Dorais, David. Le Corps érotique dans la poésie française du XVIe siècle. Montreal: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, "Espace littéraire", 2008, 361p. Partly based on Œuvres de chair. 22. *2006: Short story "La contravention" selected to be part of a state exam. Alberta's Department of Education, Edmonton, Can. (including Northwest Territories). Fall. Printing: 2700 copies. 23. 2006: Great quotes of the world/Citations du monde Web site: Reported March 3, 2006. 24. 2006: Endorsement figuring on back cover. Phillips, John. Transgender on Screen. London: PalgraveMacmilan, 2006. 25. 2005: Distinguished University Professor (highest rank), U. of South Florida , Tampa. Aug. 26. 2005: Elected Member at EAT (Ecrivains Associés du Théâtre), Paris. June. 27. 2004: Outstanding Research Achievement Award, U. of South Florida, Tampa. Sept. 28. 2004: Featured author and cover of literary magazine Lettres Québécoises. Fall issue. 29. 2003: Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence, U. of South Florida, Tampa. Jan. 30. 2003: Nomination and CAS Selection for Distinguished University Professor, U. of South Florida. Jan. 31. 2003: Nomination by Montreal & Toronto-based publisher Trait d'Union to the Athanase-David Literary Award, Quebec (the highest literary award for that Canadian Province), Apr. 32. 2002: Sabbatical semester awarded, U. of South Florida. Fall. 33. *2002: Odyssée Award for best fiction in periodicals in 2001, Quebec. Apr. For "A voix basse" in Le Sabord. 34. 2001: Dedicated British book and endorsement on back cover. Phillips, John. Sade. The Libertine Novels. London & Sterling (VA): Pluto Press, 2001. 35. *2001: Nomination for the General Governor of Canada Award (Ottawa) for a play, Le Client. Fall. 36. 1999: "Theodore & Venette Askounes-Ashford Distinguished Scholar Award." U. of South Florida, Honors and Awards Council, Tampa. Dec. Brulotte/89 37. *1999 : Finalist to the Victor-Barbeau Literary prize for Non-fiction. Académie des Lettres du Québec, Montreal. Sept. 38. *1999: "Vide contre vide." A poem selected among the 50 best of 900 international submissions, and Web published by the Georges Lahoun Poetry Award, Montreal, Can. Aug. 39. *1999 : Nomination for General Governor of Canada Award, for the essay Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. March. 40. 1998 : Grant for the staging of my play Le Client. Ministry of Culture, Paris, Fr. Aug. 41. 1998 : Nomination for The Robert Ludwig National Leadership Award, New York. Apr. 42. 1998 : A book plated "In honor of Dr. Gaëtan Brulotte and his literary work." Library of the U. of Massachussetts Dartmouth. A donation of Prof. Mel Yoken. 43. 1998: "Artist/Scholar of the year." Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, USF chapter, Tampa. March. 44. *1997: Selection of the play Le Client by Entr‟actes, Paris. 45. *1996: Selection among 85 international submissions of the play Le Client for "Journées d‟auteurs de Lyon," Théâtre des Célestins, Lyon, Fr. Dec. 46. *1989: Trois-Rivières Literary Prize, QC. For Ce qui nous tient. May. 47. *1989: Short-listed at The Goncourt Prize for short stories ("Bourse Goncourt de la nouvelle"), Fr. For Ce qui nous tient. Apr. 48. 1989: Selection for inclusion in Agenda littéraire du Québec 1989. Montreal: Guérin Editeur. Oct. 49. 1989: Selection for inclusion in Agenda des écrivains du Québec 1989. Levis, Can. 50. 1988: Distinguished Visiting Professorship, New Mexico State U., Las Cruces, USA, Oct. 51. 1988: short story "Le Bail" chosen for the final exam, high school level, Commission régionale Les Vieilles Forges, Trois-Rivières, QC. June. 52. 1987: Distinguished Leadership Award for Outstanding Service to the Literary Community, American Biographical Institute. 53. 1986: Certificate of Merit for Distinguished Achievement. Men of Achievement. Cambridge, Engl.: International Biographical Center. 54. *1983: France-Quebec Award, Paris. For the collection of short stories, Le Surveillant. 55. *1983: Selection of Le Surveillant as Book of the Month by Nos livres, Quebec. 56. *1983: The CBC Radio-drama Grand Prize. For Le Client. This play was broadcast in the Francophone world and represented Canada in Europe at the Paul-Gilson Award competing with France, Switzerland and Belgium. Brulotte/90 57. *1983: Short-listed (4 finalists) for the General Governor of Canada Award. For Le Surveillant. 58. *1983: Nomination of short story "Les Cadenas" for the best fiction published in a Canadian magazine in 1982. Annual competition of the National Foundation of Large Canadian Magazines. See Publications: Short Stories #49. 59. 1982: Election to the International PEN Club. 60. *1981: The Adrienne-Choquette Award of Short Stories, Canadian Writers‟ Society. For Le Surveillant. 61. 1980: Quebec Institute of Cinema script grant. For a movie script, an adaptation of my novel L’Emprise. 62. 1980: TV adaptation of my novel L’Emprise by CBC, Can. 63. 1980: Selection by the Book-of-the-Month Club Quebec/Loisirs & France/Loisirs of my novel L’Emprise. 64. *1980: 2nd finalist Prix France-Québec, Paris. For L’Emprise, a novel. 65. **1980: Second and Third Prize. Concours du Printemps des arts (Contest category: General Public). Shawinigan (QC). For short stories 66. **1979: First and Second Prize. Grand Prix littéraire du Dixième Anniversaire du Cegep de Trois-Rivières (Contest Category: Faculty). For short stories. 67. *1979: Award (Diplôme d‟honneur). International literary ANLAM (Assoc. nationale Lettres Arts Musique), Fr. For a short story. 68. *1979: 2nd finalist Prix France-Canada, Paris. For L’Emprise, a novel. 69. *1979: The Robert-Cliche Award, Quebec City Book Fair, Can. For L’Emprise, a novel. 70. 1978: Ph.D. French Lit. with honors (Très bien: highest mention). U. de Paris VII, Fr. 71. 1972: M.A in French studies with honors (Excellence: highest mention). Laval U., QC. 72. 1971: Diplôme de l‟Ecole Normale Supérieure with honors (Distinction). Laval U., QC. 73. 1969: B.A. in Modern French Literature with Magna cum laudae. Laval U., QC. 74. *1967: First Prize from Fédération des Normaliens (QC). For Les Cloisons (250p.), a co-authored novel. 75. 1966: B.A. in Education with Honors (Distinction). École Normale Laval & Laval U., QC. 17. GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS, CONTRACTS (Selection in Chronogical order) 1962-66 1966-69 1969 Queen Elizabeth II of England, Teachers Training Scholarship. Ecole Normale Laval, Quebec City: $500.CDN Ministry of Education, QC. BA, Laval U., Quebec City. Scholarship: $3600.CDN Ministry of Education, QC. MA, Laval U., Quebec City. Scholarship: $2000.CDN Brulotte/91 1974-77 1976 1977 1978 1978 1980 1981 1981 1981-84 1982-83 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983-84 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984-86 1984-88 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 Ph.D. in France. Canadian Arts Council, scholarship: $16,500.CDN; Ministry of Education (QC), scholarship: $12,000.CDN; Cegep de Trois-Rivières, QC, fellowship: $7,500.CDN; French Government (Education Ministry and Foreign Affairs Ministry/Ministère des Affaires Etrangères & Education nationale), scholarship: 13,500FF. Arts Council of Canada. Travel grant. Research trip to Denmark: $800. CDN Ministry of Cultural Affairs, QC. Creative Writing grant: $3000. CDN Arts Council of Canada. Ph. D. dissertation technical support grant: $500. CDN Cegep de Trois-Rivières, QC. Festival du Fantastique. Grant: $600. CDN Institut québécois du Cinéma in coop. w. Productions Nuit Blanche. Film Adaptation & Script, Grant: $17,000. CDN Trois-Rivières College, QC. Conference ACFAS, Sherbrooke, Can. Travel grant: $400. CDN Ministry of Cultural Affairs, QC. Grant for publication of Writers‟ dictionary, Société des Ecrivains de la Mauricie: $4650. CDN Ministry of International Affairs, QC. 4 teaching missions. U. of New Mexico, French Summer school: $2800. CDN Ministry of International Affairs, QC. 2 teaching missions. U. of California Santa Barbara, Graduate Summer Institute of French: $1000. CDN Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ottawa, Can. Education mission, Midwest USA: $2800. CDN Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ottawa, Can. Education mission, Central South USA: $2440. CDN Ministry of International Affairs, QC. Symposium Quebec/New-Mexico. Grant: $600.CDN National Book Festival, Can. Grant: $1000. CDN Arts Council of Canada. Creative Writing Grant: $14,000. CDN Ministry of Education, QC; and Ministry of International Affairs, QC. Experimental mission of coop. in Education, Brevard C. College, Cocoa, FL: $10,000.US Ministry of International Affairs, QC. Education Mission, South-East USA. Travel grant: $600. CDN Ministry of International Affairs, QC. Atlanta (SAMLA). Lectures: $400. CDN Ministry of International Affairs, QC. Universities of Florida. Lectures: $850. CDN Ministry of International Affairs, QC. Melbourne (FL). Lectures: $300. CDN Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ottawa, Can. Universities of the South East USA. Lectures: $2950. CDN Arts Council of Canada. Texas & Louisiana. Public Readings: $300. CDN U. of Central Florida, Orlando. Canadian Lecture Series: $150.US Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ottawa, Can. SCFLL, Winter Park, FL. Lecture: $200. CDN U. of North Carolina at Greensboro. Lectures: $700.US Ministry of International Affairs, QC; U. of South Florida, Tampa. Education Mission: $2400.00 CDN Ministry of Education, QC; and U. of South Florida, Tampa. Mission of coop. in Education & Culture: $119,000.US Ministry of International Affairs, QC. Mid-Florida Council for International Visitors, Orlando: Lecture: $200. CDN Ministry of International Affairs, QC. American Comparative Literature, Pensacola, FL. Lecture: $300. CDN Ministry of International Affairs, QC. Creation of French Canadian session, SCFLL, Winter Park, FL. Travel grant: $480. CDN Académie canadienne-française, QC. Lecture: $400. CDN AATF (Tennessee). Lecture: $450.US Duke U., Center for Canadian Studies. Lecture: $750.US Arts Council of Canada. Creative Writing Grant: $14,000. CDN Brulotte/92 1986-89 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1979-89 1985-89 1989 1989 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 Ministry of International Affairs, QC. Florida Collegiate Consortium Development Seminar. Lectures: $800. CDN Broward C. College & Florida Collegiate Consortium. Lectures: $850.US York U., Toronto, Can. Lecture: $700.00 CDN Research Council for the Humanities, Ottawa, Can. Conference on Ringuet, QC: $470.CDN New Mexico State U., Las Cruces. Distinguished Visiting Professorship: $2100.US Brigham Young U., Provo, UT. Lecture: $450.US Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ottawa, Can. Lecture tour at 6 Universities in Morocco: $3170. CDN Ministry of Cultural Affairs, QC. Lecture tour, central France (Poitiers & Dijon): $2200. CDN USF, University Lecture Series, Tampa. For the visit to USF of French Medievalist Claude Fouillade: $300.US USF, University Lecture Series, Tampa. For the visit to USF of French novelist Michel Butor: $1000.US Arts Council of Canada and UNEQ (Writers Union). 27 Public Readings ($150.each): $4050. CDN Alliances françaises, Tampa and Pinellas. 6 Lectures: $600.US UQTR, Can. World Congress of PEN Club, Montréal: $533. CDN Government of Yugoslavia and USF Division of Sponsored Research. Belgrade International October Writers' Meeting: $2000.US Division of Language, USF, Tampa. Fulbright Exchange Program, USIA, Miami: $200.US Arts Council of Canada; Wichita State U. Lectures: $700. CDN USF International Affairs Center, and Division of Language. Rencontre québécoise internationale des écrivains, Mont-Rolland (QC): $700.US Loyola College, Baltimore, MD. Lecture: $700.US Délégation du Québec, Los Angeles, UCLA, Pomona College, Occidental College, U. of Utah (RMMLA). Lectures: $1300. CDN + $500.US. Ministry of International Affairs, QC. SAMLA, Tampa. Lecture: $300. CDN Arts Council of Canada & Vancouver Writers' Festival, BC: $570. CDN USF University Lecture Series and French Consulate of New York. For visit to USF of French writer Pascal Bruckner: $900.US Arts Council of Canada. Jury. Feb: $1027.CDN Arts Council of Canada. International Council on Francophone Studies, Tucson, AZ. Guest speaker and public reading. Apr: $600. CDN USF University Lecture Series. For visit to USF of Princeton Professor of French François Hoffman. March: $500.US U. of Maryland, College Park. Apr. Guest speaker: $500.US USF International Affairs Center. For visit to USF of Moroccan writer Serhane. Apr.: $100.US Arts Council of Canada. June and Oct. Jury: $1000. CDN U. of Massassuchetts-Dartmouth. Nov. Guest speaker: $200. US Quebec House, Boston. Nov. Guest speaker: $150.US Quebec House, New York. Nov. Guest speaker. $500.US Rutgers U. Nov. Guest speaker: $300.US Princeton U. Nov. Guest speaker: $200. US Union des écrivains québécois meeting. Nov. Travel grant: $270. CDN U. of North Carolina. Guest speaker. Dec: $750.US Canadian Consulate, San Francisco. MLA Convention. Dec.: $200.US Arts Council of Canada & Wichita State U. Lecture. Apr.: $600.US Georgetown U., Washington DC. Lecture. Apr.: $300.US Arts Council of Canada. Jury: $1000. CDN Brulotte/93 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 Ministry of Cultural Affairs (QC) and Foreign Affairs (Can.). Prix International d'Etudes Francophones, Strasbourg. June. Travel grant: $3900. CDN CNRS and U. of Grenoble (Ceditel), Fr. Aug. Lectures: 5000FF U. of Maryland & USF Div. Languages & Linguistics. International conference Regards sur la France des années 1980: $500.US York U., Toronto. International conference La Nouvelle: $500. CDN French Consulate, Boston. Jury, Prix Yourcenar, Cambridge: $150. US. MLA Job interviews for Div. Modern Languages & Linguistics. Travel support: $800.US USF Depart. of Modern Languages. International Colloquium on 20th Century French Studies, Boulder, CO.Travel grant: $650.US The U. of Mississippi, Oxford. Guest speaker: $1000.US NEMLA & Villanova U., PA. Guest speaker: $200.US Humbold U., CA. Guest speaker: $1000.US Portland State U. (Dept. of Foreign Languages; Educational Activities Speakers Board; International Studies program) & Quebec House at Los Angeles. Guest Speaker: $1500.US U. of New Mexico & Quebec House at Los Angeles. Summer Seminars: $3000.US Laval U., QC. Ph. D. reading committee. Travel grant: $600. CDN U. Stendhal (Grenoble III), Fr. Guest speaker: 1200FF U. Jean Moulin Lyon III, Fr. Guest speaker: 1500FF. Théâtre-Poème, Brussels & Belgian PEN Club. Guest speaker: 1000FF. CUEFA, Grenoble, Fr.. Guest speaker: 800FF. USF Division of Sponsored Research. International conference on Solitude, Grenoble (Fr.). Travel grant: $1000.US Ministry of International Affairs (QC) and U. of New Mexico. Summer seminars: $3000.US U. of London (Birkbeck College), LSU Southampton and Quebec House at London (Great Britain). Guest speaker: $200.US Ministry of External Affairs (Ottawa) and Catholic U. of Louvain, Belg. Guest speaker: $900. CDN Agir, France. Guest speaker: 1000FF. USF Div. of Sponsored Research. Sorbonne series of lectures in Paris (Fr.). Travel Grant. $1000.US Journal of advanced composition & USF English Department. Travel support to Paris for translation work: $800.US Princeton U. & Quebec House at New York. Featured speaker: $500.US USF Div. of Sponsored Research. Dublin conference on Short Story. International Travel Grant: $800.US. Depart. of Languages travel support: $700.US USF Publication council. Illustrations in book on painter Jean Paul Lemieux. $5572.US USF Sabbatical leave half salary. AY 1995-96. USF Div. of Sponsored Programs. ACFAS conference on short story, Montreal; and Sorbonne conference on Anne Hébert, Paris. May. Internatiomal travel grant: $1100.US; Div. of Lang.: $300.US USF Div of Sponsored Programs. Lyon (Théâtre des Célestins) and conference “Ecrire à l‟université,” Grenoble, Fr. Dec. International Travel Grant. $800.US. Depart. of Languages: $300.US USF Depart. of Languages. Ph.D. defense jury, U. of Paris- IV Sorbonne. Fr. March: $300. US USF Div. of Sponsored Programs. International conference, Louvain (Belg.), and lectures, U. of Poitiers, Fr. May. International Travel Grant: $600.US. Depart. of Languages: $300.US USF Div. of Sponsored Programs. International conference Sade’s Legacy, London (Engl.). Nov. International Travel Grant: $300.US. Depart. of Languages: $700.US. French Embassy in Washington & French Consulate in Boston.Yourcenar Prize jury meeting, Cambridge. Nov.: $600.US Brulotte/94 1997 1998 1999 U. of Massachussetts-Dartmouth. Dec. Guest speaker: $1000.US Arts Council of Canada and York U. (Toronto). May. Guest speaker: $600. CDN Canadian Council for the Arts, and International Council for Francophone Studies, Lafayette, LA. May. Guest speaker: $1000. CDN + $400US. 1999 USF Depart. of Languages. Ph.D. defense jury, U of Paris-IV Sorbonne. March: $700.US 1999 Paris Librarians' Assoc., Fr. Guest speaker. March: 200FF 1999 Arthaud Bookstore, Grenoble, Fr. Guest author and speaker. June: 720FF 1999 USF Depart. of Languages . International conference La sympathie sous l'Ancien Régime, Quebec City. Sept.: $500.US 1999 French Embassy, Washington, & French Consulate in Boston. Yourcenar Prize meeting in Cambridge. Oct.: $800.US 2000 USF Sponsored Programs. International Council on Francophone Studies, Sousse (Tunisia). June: International Travel Grant: $1100.US. Depart. of Languages: $700.US 2000 U. de Lyon 3 and Centre Jacques Cartier (Fr.). Conference La Nouvelle francophone d'Amérique, Dec.: 2,500FF (plus lodging and meals). 1998-2001 French Ministry of Culture, Paris (Fr.). Production of Le Client, a play. Grant: 80.000FF 2001 Grants received for the staging of Le Client in France by producer La Patience: -ADAMI (Paris, Administration des Droits des Artistes Musiciens Interprètes). 30.000FF -Ateliers de Lutherie Schmitt (Lyon, Fr.) et Rosenstiel (Grenoble, Fr.). 5 violins. -Centre Culturel Canadien à Paris. $1000. CDN -Conseil des Arts du Canada, Ottawa. $1000. CDN -Conseil Général de l'Isère (Fr.). 130.000FF -Délégation du Québec à Paris (Fr.). 4000FF -La Rampe d'Echirolles (Isère, Fr.). 5000FF -Théâtre de La Mure (Isère, Fr.). 100 000FF -Ville de Moirans (Isère, Fr.). 12.000FF 2001 USF Sponsored Research Programs. International conference Espace et sexuation dans la littérature québécoise, Groningen (Neth.). May. International Travel Grant: $1500.US. Depart. of World Languages: $300.US 2001 U. of Connecticut and Canadian Consulate in New York. Conference The 20th & 21st century French Studies Colloquium, Hartford, CT. Apr.: $600.US 2002 USF Sponsored Research Programs. International Council on Francophone Studies, Abidjan, Ivory Coast. May. International Travel Grant: $1500. US. Granted but declined for health concerns. 2002 USF, WLE. Research trip to France. Summer travel support: $450.US 2002 Direction of International Academic Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affaires (Ottawa, Can.). Oct. Lecture tour in Serbia and Hungary: $2,500. CDN 2002 Competitive sabbatical semester, USF. 2003 Arts Council of Canada. Premiere of play Le Client, Avignon Drama Festival, Fr. July. Travel grant: $1500.CDN. Staging supports to Compagnie La Patience: Conseil Général de l‟Isère (Fr.), Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles Rhone-Alpes (Fr.), Ateliers de Lutherie Démarais (Grenoble, Fr.), Théâtre de La Mure (Fr.). 2004 Sponsored Research Programs. International Council for Francophone Studies, Liège, Belg. June. International Travel Grant: $1200.US. WLE travel support: $300.US 2004 Columbia U, and NYU. International conference on Sarraute. Apr.: $475.US + lodging and meals. 2004 Rencontre Internationale des Ecrivains, Montreal & Mont-Gabriel (Can.). Apr. Guest speaker: $385.CDN. + lodging and meals. 2004 National Endowment for the Humanities & Dali Museum. Oct. Guest speaker: $270.US + meal. 2004 National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa. Nov. Guest speaker: $1300.CDN. + lodging and meals. Brulotte/95 WLE travel support. 20th -21st Century French and Francophone International Colloquium, Verbal, Visual, Virtual New Canons for the Twenty-first Century, Gainsville, FL: $250.US 2005: Routledge publisher. Editorial travel to NYC for publication project. May: $1150.US 2005 Sponsored Research Programs. Conference and lectures, U of Lille and Caen (Fr.). May. International Travel Grant $1000.US. WLE travel support: $150.US. U. of Lille & U. of Caen: lodging. 2005 Humanities Institute Summer Grant, USF: $5000.US Research project Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. May-Aug. Completed & published in 2006 by Routledge, NY/London. 2005 Quebec National Museum of Fine Arts. Guest speaker: $720.CDN 2006 Humanities Institute Summer Grant, USF: $5000.US May-Aug. Book project on Quebec short story. 2006 Division of Sponsored Programs. International conference & featured address, in Sinaïa & Cluj, Romania. June. International Travel Grant: $1000.US WLE travel support: $500.US CAS matching grant: $500.US 2006 U. of Toronto, Can. March. Guest speaker: $1000.CDN. 2006 U. of Louisiana at Lafayette. May. Guest speaker: $500.US 2006 Emory & Henry College, Emory (VA). Nov. Guest speaker: $800.US 2006 U. of Caen (Fr.). Dec. Guest speaker: 800 Euros. 2007-2008 Conference support for The State of Taste, March: 5000 Euros, the General Consulate of France in Miami; +-$19,000.US from Tampa Bay groups and institutions, including grant via the Alliance Française de Tampa by Washington's Headquarters of AF: $2500.US; The USF International Affairs Center ($1000.); USF ELI ($1800.); the Humanities Institute ($1000.); the VP Office of USF at Lakeland ($2000.); Central Economic Development ($1000.); Lakeland Economic Development ($1000.); FRAMCO ($1000.); Pelagia Trattoria, Renaissance Hotel, International Plaza, Tampa ($2000); Mise En Place Restaurant, Tampa ($2000); Graphicstudio ($450). U. of Bourgogne, GRÉLISC (Groupe de Recherche en Linguistique et Sciences de la Culture), Dijon (Fr.): 2,500 Euros; WLE: parking permits, program design & printing ($650). 2008: Arts Council of Canada. Travel grant to Rome lauching of Italian translation of one of my books. June: $1500.US 2008: USF, World Languages. Series of presentations including at international conference in Limoges, Festival du Mot at La Charité-sur-Loire, featured address at U. populaire of Caen, and reading at the UNESCO in Paris. Summer: $1000.US 2009: Louisiana State U., Baton Rouge. Keynote address. Jan: $1100.US+ stay expenses. 2009: Musée des Beaux-Arts du Mont St-Hilaire (QC). Featured speaker: $300.CDN + travel expenses. 2009: "Territoire et Imaginaire" event in Ardèche, Fr. Oct. Guest author: 600Euros + stay expenses. 2009: XYZ Revue de la nouvelle, Montreal, Can. Nov. Guest speaker at panel : $500.CDN 2010: Sabbatical semester full pay. Fall. 2011: WLE travel support. International conferences, Aix and Cerisy-la-Salle (Fr.), and featured address in Trois-Rivières (QC). Summer. $800US. CAS Matching International Travel Grant: $1000.US 2011: Les Donneurs, Joliette (QC). Nov. Guest writer: $450. CDN + lodging & meals. 2011: U. of Lethbridge, Alberta (Can.). Nov. Guest speaker: $1800.US 2011: U. of Angers (Fr.). Dec. Guest speaker: 150 Euros + lodging & meals. 2012: WLE travel support. International conference, Thessaloniki, Greece. June: $2000.US 2012: WLE travel support. ACQS Conference, Sarasota. Nov. Guest speaker: $500. ACQS organization: $200. (registration waiver) + banquet as guest speaker. 2012: University Affairs/Affaires universitaires (journal). June. Guest writer: $1600.CDN 2012: General Governor of Canada Literary Award/Arts Council of Canada. Judge: $4200.CDN 2013: Brigham Young U. March. Guest speaker: $700. + travel, meals and stay expenses. 2005 Brulotte/96 2013: USF Office of research, ResearchOne and USF World grants. Conference support for ACSUS, Tampa. Feb & May. $2000.US 2013-14: Conference on Beauty (Feb 28-Mar 1st 2014) support grant from USF Research & Innovation: $2925. (Nov. 2013); USF ResearchOne: $1000. (Dec. 2013); USF World: $1000. (Jan. 2014); USF Graphic Studio and Contemporary Art Museum: $500. (Dec. 2013); USF French Club: $500. (Dec. 2013); The French Embassy in the US and Consulate General of France in Miami: $2000. (Dec. 2013). U. of Otago, Dunedin, NZ: $5000. School of Fashion (U of Quebec at Montreal): $2000.; U. of Grenoble-Alpes (Traverses-CEDILIT), France (logistic support); U. of Bourgogne, Dijon (France): 1000euros. U of Paris V-Sorbonne & Daize & Co, France (logistic support); Florida-France Linkage Institute + Dr. Probes via WLE Foundation: $500.; FRAMCO (Tampa Bay business association): logistic support w/ USF CAM; USF Department of Anthropology: $250.; USF Humanities Institute: logistic support; USF College of Business: $300. (Total support: $22,625.) 2014: Arts Council of Canada, book-signing Quebec City International Book Fair, Apr.: $250. 2014: U. of Granada. Keynote speaker, meals and stay expenses. WLE: $1000. Travel aupport. June. 2014: MATV-Videotron (Montreal), TV interview: $250. Sept. 2014: SUNY-U of Buffalo. Guest speaker. $500 + travel, meals and stay expenses. Sept. 2014: Arts Council of Canada, book-signing Montreal International Book Fair, Nov.: $250. 2015: Culture Mauricie et Société des Écrivains de la Mauricie, guest writer, Midi Littéraire, TroisRivières, Can. $125. 2015: Core Fulbright US Scholar Program submission for teaching in Israel at the invitation of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 18. CRITICAL STUDIES AS A SUBJECT AUTHOR The following list includes only critical studies and reviews about my works that have been reported to me (papers read at conferences or dissertations and theses for instance) or that can be substantiated by hard copies (for articles or reviews) or CDs-DVDs-tapes (for audio-visual materials). For excerpts of reviews and critics, see my website under Bibliography (in English) or Bibliographie (in French). A. Critical books, Monographs 1. Gyurscik, Margareta. Gaëtan Brulotte ou la lucidité en partage. A monograph on my work by a Romanian scholar, 200p. Completed 2014. Available. 2. Morin, Lise. La Nouvelle fantastique québécoise de 1960 à 1985. Entre le hasard et la fatalité. Québec : Nuit Blanche Editeur, 1996. 301p. Passim. 3. Fisher, Claudine, ed. Gaétan Brulotte: Une Nouvelle Ecriture. A monograph by 17 contributors. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992, 240p. Prix International d‟Etudes Francophones, Strasbourg, 1992. B. Articles in volumes, chapters of books 1. Urquhart, Steven. "La théâtralité dans La vie de biais (2002) de Gaëtan Brulotte." Eds. René Audet and Philippe Mottet. Portrait d’une pratique vive. La nouvelle au Québec (1995-2010). Montréal : Éditions Nota bene, Series "Contemporanéités", 2013. 169-192. 2. Dahouda, Kanaté. "Ce qui nous tient, recueil de nouvelles de Gaëtan Brulotte." Ed. Aurélien Boivin. Dictionnaire des œuvres littéraires du Québec 1986-1990. T. VIII. Montreal : Fides, 2011. 123-126. Brulotte/97 3. Matìc, Ljiljana. "Gaetan Brulotte, l'un des auteurs favoris des médias." Book chapter in Le Lys dans la neige. Essais de littérature québécoise. Novi Sad, Serbia: Filozofski facultet, 2010. 96-109. 4. Lord, Michel. "Gaëtan Brulotte. L'écriture de la folie et de la transgression des genres." Book chapter in Brèves implosions narratives. La Nouvelle québécoise 1940-2000. Québec : Editions Nota Bene, 2009: 159-175. 5. Steiciuc, Elena B. "Gaetan Brulotte." Dictionary entry. Ed. Corina Dimitriu-Panaitescu. Canada francofona. Dictionar de autori A-B. Iasi, Romania: Casa Editoriala Demiurg, 2007: 152-156. 6. Sasu, Voichita-Maria. "Gaëtan Brulotte et l'absurde." Lectures québécoises. Cluj (Romania): Editura Limes, 2005, 62-67. 7. Carpentier, André. Le Surveillant. Ed. Aurlien Boivin. Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires du Québec. T. VII. Montreal : Fides, 2003. 864-866. 8. Hamel, Réginald, ed. Panorama de la littérature québécoise contemporaine. Montreal: Guérin, 1997, passim. 9. Martineau, Jacques. Les 100 romans québécois qu'il faut lire. Québec: Nuit Blanche Editeur, 1995. My novel L'Emprise is in this selection list of 100 best Quebec novels 10.Boucher, Jean-Pierre. "Objet de surveillance." A critical presentation of Le Surveillant with chronology and bibliography. 3rd revised edition. Montreal: Bibliothèque québécoise, 1995. 11.Bajulaz-Fessler, Nicole. "Le personnage de l‟écrivain dans L’Emprise: une entreprise de subordination." Ed. Gérard Lavergne. Le Personnage romanesque. Speci issue of Nice, Fr.: Publications de la Faculté des lettres, U. of Nice, Cahiers de Narratologie 6, 1995. 65-77. 12.Milot, Louise. "L’Emprise, roman de Gaétan Brulotte." Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires du Québec T. VI. Montreal: Fides, 1994. 274-275. 13.Phillips, John. "Sur les seuils d‟une nouvelle écriture: le haptisme de Gaétan Brulotte." Ed. Jacques Leclaire. Défi/Challenge dans le roman canadien de langue française et de langue anglaise. Rouen, Fr : Publications de l‟Université de Rouen 194, 1994. 173-182. 14.Maindron, André. "La Relation à la poubelle dans L’Emprise de Gaëtan Brulotte." Ed. Jean-Philippe Coulon. Rencontres Canada-Europe: Environnement et déchets. Paris: Association française d‟Etudes canadiennes, Collection de l‟AFEC, 1993. 365-372. 15.Fouillade, Claude. "Gaétan Brulotte ou l‟exploration de la nouvelle." Eds. Irène Oore & Betty Bednarski. Le Récit québécois depuis 1980. Spec issue of Dalhousie French Studies 23(1992): 35-41 16."Gaétan Brulotte." Dictionary entry. Bibliography, biography, excerpts from the critic, selected sentences from works, and poems. Ecrivains de la Mauricie. Dictionnaire bio-bibliographique, critique et anthologique. Trois-Rivières, QC: Editions du Bien Public, 1981. 35-47. Picture. C. Articles and reviews in periodicals and the Medias (In Chronogical Order) Brulotte/98 1. Bourque, Paul-André. Rev. of L’Emprise. L’Heure de pointe. CBC television, Apr. 24, 1979; and Book Club, Radio-Canada FM, May 28, 1979. 2. Lord, René. "Gaétan Brulotte fait une brillante entrée dans le monde littéraire." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC], Apr. 28, 1979: 17. Picture. 3. Martel, Réginald. "Attention! Romancier méchant." La Presse [Montreal], May 5, 1979: 30. Picture. 4. Prasteau, Jean. "Le Livre français dans l‟univers anglo-saxon." Le Figaro [Paris] May 7, 1979: 30. 5. Sarrazin, Jean. Rev. of L’Emprise. Montreal-Express. Radio-Canada AM; and Première Page. CBC television, Can. May & Aug. 1979. 6. Lemieux, Louis-Guy. "Le Bourhis et Brulotte: deux bons romans." Le Soleil [Quebec] May 12, 1979: F 7. 7. Gaudet, Gérald. "Hommage à Gaétan Brulotte." Trois-Rivières College, QC, May 24, 1979. Transcript available. 8. Germain, Georges-Hébert. Rev. of L’Emprise. Au fil des arts. Radio-Canada AM, May 26, 1979. 9. Rev. of L’Emprise. "Un bon livre. " Télé-Radio-Monde, June 1979. 10. Roy, Claire. "Livre canadien." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] July 16, 1979: 4. 11. Lymburner, Luce. "A propos de L’Emprise." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC] Nov. 9, 1979: 11. 12. Ouellette-Michalska, Madeleine. "Du policier, du neuf et du rétro." Châtelaine, Sept. 1979. 13. Berthiaume, Pierre. Rev. of L’Emprise. Lettres québécoises [Montreal] Aug.-Sept. 1979. Reply by Roland Prudhomme, ibid. Winter 1979-80. 14. Bouffard, Odoric. "A propos de L’Emprise." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC], Oct. 24, 1979: 54. 15. Julien, Michel & Gérald Gaudet. Rev. of L’Emprise with reading of excerpts, Entre la mer et l’eau douce. CFCQ FM [Trois-Rivières, QC]. 60 min. Nov. 24, 1979. 16. Condensed version of L’Emprise, with analytical and grammatical exercises for high school students. Spec. issue of Reflets [Montreal] 1.1(1979). An instructor‟s manual accompanies this issue 17. Nadeau, Marcel. "L’Emprise ou l‟envers d‟une psychiâtrie." Bulletin du Cercle Gabriel-Marcel 1.5(1979): 28. 18. L‟Hérault, Pierre. Rev. of L’Emprise. Livres et auteurs québécois [Québec: Presses de l‟Université Laval] 1979: 35-36. 19. Gaudet, Gérald. "Gaétan Brulotte." L’Echange XII.33, May 4, 1981: 1-2. 20. "Profils: Gaétan Brulotte. " Ecriture française [Sherbrooke, QC] 1.2(1979): 43. 21. "Glanures: Gaétan Brulotte." Grimoire [Sherbrooke, QC] 4.1 (Jan. 1981): 16-17. Picture. 22. Gariépy, Marc. "Commentaire d‟un schizophrène averti du roman L’Emprise." Krach [Montreal] 7(1981): 7. Brulotte/99 23. Benoît, Suzanne. "La Corrida de l‟espionnage." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC], Oct. 24, 1981: 24. 24. Martel, Denise. "Gaétan Brulotte, lauréat du Prix Adrienne-Choquette." Le Journal de Québec [Quebec] May 1, 1981: 13. Picture. 25. Tremblay, Régis. "Prix de poésie et de nouvelles." Le Soleil [Quebec, QC], May 1, 1981: C-5. 26. Gaudreault, André. "Prix Adrienne-Choquette. Nouvel honneur pour Gaétan Brulotte." Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC], May 1, 1981: 11. Picture. 27. Bourassa, Gilles. "Nouvel honneur pour Gaétan Brulotte." La Dépêche [Trois-Rivières] 7.33 May 11, 1981: 6. Repr. L’Engrenage [Trois-Rivières] 2.1 May 1981. Pictures. 28. Badeau, Léonard. "Le Prix Adrienne-Choquette décerné à Gaétan Brulotte." Le Vieil Escollier [Québec] June 1981: 12; May 1983: 10. Picture. 29. Audet, Noël. "Brulotte: l‟intelligence de l‟écriture." Le Devoir [Montreal] Dec. 18, 1982: 23. 30. Laforge, Christine. "L‟Ecrivain doit être constamment aux aguets." Le Quotidien [Chicoutimi, QC] Dec. 24, 1982: 13. Picture. 31. Lapointe, Louis-Marie. "Une feuille de route impressionnante. Des marginaux qui ressemblent à tout le monde." Progrès Dimanche [Chicoutimi, QC] Dec. 26, 1982. Picture. 32. Pellerin, Gilles. Rev. of Le Surveillant. Book Club. Radio-Canada FM, Jan. 24, 1983. Transcript available. 33. Roy, Pierrette. "Gaétan Brulotte: jamais un romancier facile." La Tribune [Sherbrooke, QC] Jan. 15, 1983: B-3. Picture. 34. Roy, Michelle. Rev. of Surveillant. CKRL FM [Quebec] Jan. 26, 1983. Transcript available. 35. Roy-Guérin, Michelle. "Recueil de dix nouvelles de Gaétan Brulotte. Le Surveillant sort des presses." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC], Dec. 11, 1982: 18-A. Picture. 36. Gaudreault, André. "Un livre drôle et grave à la fois." Rev of Le Surveillant. Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC], Feb. 5, 1983: 14A. 37. Martel, Réginald. "Des nouvelles de Gaétan Brulotte. La force tranquille de l‟absurde." Rev of Le Surveillant. La Presse [Montreal], Feb. 12, 1983: D-3. Picture. 38. Boivin, Aurélien. Review of Le Surveillant. Québec français, March 1983: 3. 39. Wintgens, Claude. "Un écrivain de chez nous: Gaétan Brulotte." Image de la Mauricie [Trois-Rivières] 7.6 March 1983: 29. Picture. 40. DesJardins, Normand. Rev. of Le Surveillant. Nos livres [Montreal] 14.5149, March 1983. Cover Picture. 41. Labine, Marcel. "Les Figures de la loi." Rev. of Le Surveillant. Spirale 32, March 1983: 3. Picture. 42. Tremblay, Régis. "Gaétan Brulotte et les crimes contre la loi." Le Soleil [Quebec], Jan. 29, 1983: D-3. Pictures. 43. Cossette, Gilles. "Fascismes." Rev. of Le Surveillant. Lettres québécoises [Montreal], 29(1983): 30-31. Brulotte/100 44. Martin, Raymond. Rev. of Le Surveillant in Moebius [Montreal] 17(1983): 92. 45. Marcotte, Gilles. Rev. of Le Surveillant in L’Actualité [Montreal] Apr. 1983: 118. 46. Ouellette-Michalska, Madeleine. "L‟Art achevé de Gaétan Brulotte." Rev. of Le Surveillant, 4p. Unpublished. 47. Mélançon, Robert. "Gaétan Brulotte." Rev. of Le Surveillant. Liberté [Montreal] 147(1983): 207-208. 48. Berthiaume, André. Rev. of Le Surveillant. Livres et auteurs québécois [Québec: Presses de l‟Université Laval] 1982: 36-37. 49. Bourque, Paul-André. "De quelques prix littéraires." Rev. of Le Surveillant. Au Masculin [Montreal] 2(Aug. 1983): 31. 50. Hamel, Doris. "Recueil de dix nouvelles." Rev. of Dix contes et nouvelles fantastiques. Le Nouvelliste [TroisRivières, QC] Nov. 5, 1983: 24-A. 51. Hébert, François. "Trente voyages dans l‟espace-temps." Rev. of Dix contes et nouvelles fantastiques. Le Devoir [Montreal] Nov. 19, 1983. 52. Lord, Michel. "Un imaginaire en pleine effervescence." Rev. of Dix contes et nouvelles fantastiques. Lettres québécoises [Montreal], 33(1984): 48. 53. Demharter, Cheryl. Rev. of Surveillant. The French Review [USA] 57.5(1984): 731-32. 54. Elder, Jo-Anne. Rev. of Le Surveillant. Canadian Literature [Toronto] 102(1984): 61-63. 55. "Gaétan Brulotte." Central folder. Québec français, May 1984: 48-49. Interview w. a bio-bibliography, a list of audio-visual documents available, a selfportrait and picture. 56. Marchand, Clément. "Gaétan Brulotte: le bel itinérant." Ecrits du Canada français 54(1985): 173-176. 57. Hébert, François. "Le Prix Robert-Cliche: l‟événement rapetissé." Le Devoir [Montreal] 4-27-85, 21. 58. Pellerin, Gilles. "La Rue Fabre revisitée." Lettres québécoises [Montreal] 39(1985): 28. 59. Leclerc, Raymonde. "Gaétan Brulotte, un ambassadeur pour le Canada en terre américaine." Hebdo de TroisRivières 18.10 (March 5, 1985): cover story. Pictures. 60. "Gaétan Brulotte: manuscrit et témoignage." En Vrac [Trois-Rivières] 25(1985): 13-28. 61. Mésavage, Ruth M. "Conceptual Rhetoric and Poetic Language in Le Surveillant by Gaétan Brulotte." Quebec Studies [Hanover, New Hampshire] 3(1985): 184-202. 62. Brown, Thomas. Rev. of Surveillant. Quebec Studies 3(1985): 220-223. 63. Cloutier, Guy. "Les Nouvelles de Brulotte et Weil se distinguent. Quatre auteurs écrivent l‟eau et la plage." Rev. of Plages. Le Soleil [Quebec], Jan. 17, 1987: F-10. 64. Lafrance, Micheline. "Plages." La Vie en rose [Montreal] March 1987. 65. Hogue, Jacqueline. "Plages." Nos livres [Montreal] 18.6959(1987): 26-27. Brulotte/101 66. Gamache, Chantal. "Des regards qui s‟attardent." Rev. of Plages. Le Devoir [Montreal] Apr. 4, 1987: D-3. 67. Lévesque, Gaétan. "La Contravention." XYZ [Montreal] 9(1987): 67-68. 68. Côté, Claire. "Plages." Nuit Blanche [Quebec] May-June 1987: 8. 69. Beaudoin, Réjean. "L‟Etrangeté du quotidien." Rev. of Le Surveillant. Liberté [Montreal] 171(1987): 104105. 70. Gamache, Chantal. "Une chaleur rafraîchissante." Rev. of Plages. XYZ [Montreal] 10(1987): 70-71. 71. Coleman, Patrick. "L‟Evolution de la nouvelle au Québec." XYZ [Montreal] 10(1987): 61-69. 72. Gamache, Chantal. "Brèves." Rev. of "Arriva." XYZ [Montreal] 12(1987): 75-76. 73. Carrier, Denis. Rev. of "Plages." Québec français 67(1987): 88. 74. Morin, Lise. "Brèves." Rev. of "Arriva." Québec français 68(1987): 91. 75. Voisard, Anne-Marie. "Gaétan Brulotte, écrivain: les surprises du métier." Le Soleil [Quebec], Apr. 23, 1988: E1-E3. 76. Lessard, Alain. "Des nouvelles qui se tiennent." Rev. of Ce qui nous tient. Nuit Blanche [Québec] 33(1988): 4. 77. Thériault, Marie José. "Ce qui nous tient de Gaétan Brulotte." Lettres québécoises [Montreal] 51(1988): 27. 78. Drouin, Serge. "Pas toujours facile d‟être premier prix." Journal de Québec, Apr. 23, 1988: 2A. 79. Dontigny, Diane. "L‟Ecrivain de l‟entêtement." Contact [Québec] Spring-Summer 1988: 42. 80. Ethier-Blais, Jean. "Fausse sonate en trois mouvements"obstinés." Rev. of Ce qui nous tient. Le Devoir [Montreal] May 28, 1988: D-8. 81. Beaudoin, Réjean. "Ce qui nous tient de Gaétan Brulotte." Liberté [Montreal] Dec. 1988: 67-68. 82. Smith, Stephen. "Ce qui nous tient." Bulletin de la Société des Professeurs français et francophones d’Amérique [New York] (1988): 296-297. 83. Grégoire, Claude. "L‟Ecriture de l‟absurdité." XYZ [Montreal] 17(1989): 78-79. 84. University of Toronto Quarterly, Rev. of Double Exposure, 1989 (bibliogr. details missing). 85. Fisher, Claudine. "Ce qui nous tient de Gaétan Brulotte." The French Review 62.6(1989): 1089-90. 86. Gaudreault, André. "Jocelyne Felx et Gaétan Brulotte méritent ex-aequo le Prix littéraire de Trois-Rivières." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC], Apr. 22, 1989: 4-A. Picture. 87. Héroux, Roland. "Remise du Prix littéraire de Trois-Rivières: Brulotte plaidait en 1981 pour la création d‟un tel prix." Le Nouvelliste [Trois-Rivières, QC], May 5, 1989: 9-A. 88. Yoken, Mel. "Gaétan Brulotte." Le Journal de Lowell (Massachussetts), Jan. 1990: 7. 89. Montbertrand, Gérard. Rev. of L’Emprise. The French Review [USA] 63.6(1990): 1098-99. Brulotte/102 90. Montbertrand, Gérard. "Ce qui nous tient." Revue francophone de Louisiane [Lafayette] IV.2(1990): 100101. 91. Addison, Catherine. Rev. of Double Exposure. Canadian Literature [Toronto] 127(1990): 116-118. 92. Ricci, Nino. "Metamorphosis." Rev. of The Secret Voice. Books in Canada [Toronto] Aug. 1990: 32-33. 93. Waxman, Martin. "The Darker Elements of Life." Rev. of The Secret Voice. The Globe and Mail [Toronto], Sept. 15 1990. 94. Conrad, Ronald. Rev. of The Secret Voice. The Canadian Book Review Annual [Toronto] Dec. 1991. 95. Rev. of Ce qui nous tient. Canadian Literature [Toronto] Spring 1992. 96. Fisher, Claudine. "Sensibilités françaises et québécoises dans Plages." La Revue francophone de Louisiane V.1(1990): 64-70. 97. Rev. of Les Risques du métier. Lettres québécoises [Montreal] 64(Dec. 1991): 45. 98. Rev. of Les Risques du métier. Québec français 84(Winter 1992): 8. 99. Morin, Lise. "Quelques rouages de la machine fantastique dans "Les messagers de l‟ascenseur." Voix et Images [Montreal] X.55(1993): 132-150. 100. Brown, Thomas. "Struggle against Repression in Gaetan Brulotte's Le Surveillant," MIFLC Review [Radford, VA] 3(Oct. 1993): 20-27. 101. Fink, Béatrice. "Pommes d‟amour: l‟écriture tomatique de Gaétan Brulotte." The French Review [USA] 67.6(1994): 966-973. 102. Voisard, Anne-Marie. "A la recherche du récit perdu. Huit ans au coeur du monde imaginaire du peintre Jean Paul Lemieux." Rev. of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieu. Le Soleil [Quebec City], Sept. 1, 1996.. 103. Saletti, Robert. "La nordicité de l‟être québécois." Rev. of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Le Devoir [Montreal], Sept. 7, 1996: D-8. 104. Cellier, François G. "L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux par Gaétan Brulotte," Le Magazine 7 jours [Quebec], Oct. 1996: 103. 105. Bernatchez, Raymond. "Lemieux: le silence et le vide." Rev. of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. La Presse [Montreal], Oct. 20, 1996: B-6. 106. Marchand, Clément. "Lemieux et son peintre." Presentation, Book launching, Trois-Rivières City Library, Nov. 18, 1996. 107. Desjardins, Sergine. Rev. of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Le Fleuve, Sept. 14, 1996: 19. 108. Aquin, S. Rev. of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Le Journal de Montreal, Oct. 1996. 109. Gaétan Lévesque,"Gaétan Brulotte, écrivain international," Lettres québécoises [Montreal] 84 (1996): 42-43. 110. Bergeron, Patrick. Rev. of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Québec français 105 (Spring 1997): 10. Brulotte/103 111. Martin, Frédéric. "L‟Ordre de l‟art." Rev. of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Lettres québécoises [Montreal] 85 (Spring 1997): 49-50. 112. Lexert, Pierre. "Lemieux de Gaëtan Brulotte." Rev. of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Les Cahiers du Ru [Aosta Valley, Italy], 28(Winter 1996-97): 104. 113. Mésavage, Ruth. Rev. of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Quebec Studies [USA] (Summer 1997): 222-223. 114. de Broqueville, Huguette. "Chroniques et actualités." Rev. of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. La Revue générale [Bruxelles, Belg.], 5 (May 1997): 108. 115. Lahaie, Christine. "La nouvelle. Théories et pratiques de l‟écriture." Québec français 8 (1997): 62-64 116. Audet, René. "La nouvelle au pluriel." Québec français 8 (1997): 74-78. 117. Dudemaine, Céline. Rev. of L’Univers de Jean Paul Lemieux. Etudes francophones III.1, 239-242. 118. Gaulin, Michel. "Considérations sur le genre narratif." Lettres québécoises, Spring 1998: 45-47. 119. Ramsay, Raynele L. The French Autobiographcal: Sarraute, Duras, Robbe-Grillet. Gainesville: U. Press of Florida, 1996: 121. 120. Lachance, Lise. "La lecture, tel l‟amour." Rev. of Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Lectures fin de siècle. Le Soleil [Quebec] Jan. 31, 1999. 121. Cornellier, Louis. "Ouvrir des portes." Rev. of Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Lectures fin de siècle. Le Devoir [Montreal] Jan. 9-10, 1999. 122. Francoeur, Martin. "Des livres pour être dans le ton." Le Nouvelliste (Trois-Rivières, Qc) Feb. 13, 1999: 7. 123. P.T. "Hommage à la création littéraire." Rev. of Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Lectures fin de siècle. Ici, Montreal, Jan. 7, 1999. 124. P.M. "Sur les rayons" Rev. of Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Lectures fin de siècle. Voir (Montreal) Jan. 713, 1999. 125. Bajulaz-Fessler, Nicole. "Les Lectures "frivoles" et pénétrantes de Gaétan Brulotte." Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique and Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Lectures fin de siècle. Encres vagabondes [Paris] 16 (March 1999): 57. 126. Fink, Béatrice. Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. Dix-Huitième Siècle [Paris, Presses Universitaires de France] 1999. 127. Levasseur, Jean. Rev. of Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Etudes francophones [Lafayette, LA] XIV.2 (Winter 1999): 178. 128. Montreynaud, Florence. "Des livres et des femmes." Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. AFJ Livres [Paris] April 1999. Brulotte/104 129. Sauvé, Jacques-Normand. Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. Multimédi-Art. Radio-Canada, Oct. 1999. 130. Lexert, Pierre. "Gaëtan Brulotte en enfer." Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. Les Cahiers du Ru [Italy] 33 (Summer 1999): 121-122. 131. Desmeules, Georges. Rev. of Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Lectures fin de siècle. Québec français 113 (Spring 1999): 7. 132. Bordeleau, Francine. "Voluptuaire." Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. Spirale, Montreal, Nov.-Dec. 1999: 7-8. 133. "Eros et cie." Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. Contact [Québec] Fall 1999: 17. 134. Martel, Réginald. "Comment traverser ces épreuves?" Rev. of Epreuves. La Presse [Montreal] May 23, 1999: B-4. 135. Bordeleau, Francine. "La Société des plaisirs." Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. Lettres québécoises 94 (Summer 1999): 49 136. Walker, Muriel. Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. LittéRéalité [Toronto] XI.2 (Fall 1999): 91-92. 137. Karch, Pierre. Rev. of Epreuves. LittéRéalité [Toronto] XI.2 (Fall 1999): 113. 138. Gallays, François. "L'ABC de XYZ: revue d'une revue." Eds. Guy Poirier & Pierre-Louis Vaillancourt. Le Bref et l'instantané. Orléans, ONT.: David, 2000: 115-140. 139. Paterson, Janet M. Rev. of Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Lectures fin de siècle. University of Toronto Quarterly 69.1 (Winter 1999-2000) : 431-432. 140. Karch, Pierre. Rev. of L’univers de Jean-Paul Lemieux. University of Toronto Quarterly 69.1 (Winter 1999-2000): 505. 141. Caron, Marie. "L'esprit d'un genre." Lettres québécoises [Montréal] 100(Hiver 2000: 39-40. 142. Cryle, Peter. Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique.AUMLA (Journal of the Australian Universities Language and Literature Association) 93(May 2000): 125-127. 143. John Phillips. Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique.Modern Language Review [London, Engl.] 96.1(2001): 212-213. 144. Gautier, Jean-Michel. "Le Client de Gaëtan Brulotte: une pièce qui vous prend aux entrailles et ne vous lâche pas." La Marseillaise du Vaucluse [Avignon, Fr.] July 17, 2001: 5 145. Siméon, Jean-Pierre. "Côté off..." Rev. of Le Client. L'Humanité [Paris, Fr.] July 20, 2001: 19 146. Pécoult, Alain. Rev. of Le Client. Agora Pièces [France], July 2001. Brulotte/105 147. Regad, Jean. "Le Client: les violons ont une âme." Sud Théâtre [France] July 20, 2001. 148. Lods, Valérie. "Le Client de Gaëtan Brulotte." L'Olivié quotidien [Avignon, Fr.] 9, July 18, 2001: 18. 149. Calmard, Myriam. "Le Client, Gaëtan Brulotte." Témoignages des spectateurs, Passion-Théâtre sur Internet, July 17, 2001. 150. Robitaille, Louis-Bernard. "Avignon: Gaëtan Brulotte dans la jungle du 'off'." Rev. of Le Client. La Presse [Montreal], July 21, 2001: D-14. 151. Rioux, Christian. "Avignon revient aux sources. Un festival plus modeste et plus intime... de la couleur du sang." Le Devoir [Montreal], July 7, 2001: 1 + 10. 152. Rioux, Christian. "Un auteur québécois dans la jungle d'Avignon." Rev. of Le Client. Le Devoir [Montreal], July 12, 2001: B-7. 153. Delaballe, Mélanie. "Le Client: atmosphère pesante." La Provence [France] July 20, 2001: 7 154. Rioux, Christian. "Ras le bol des festivals." Le Devoir [Montreal] July 20, 2001: B-7. 155. Ventura, Michel. "Le Client, Gaëtan Brulotte." Passion-Théâtre sur Internet, July 24, 2001. 156. Chrysale. "Le Client: une pièce d'atmosphère dans laquelle la poésie naît de la banalité." Les Affiches de Grenoble et du Dauphiné [France] 4002, May 18, 2001: 108-109. 157. "La Patience n'attend plus!" Rev. of Le Client. Le Carré, Bulletin culturel intercantonal [France] 20, May 2001. 158. Carbonari, Anne Marie. "Vivre le monde à sa manière." Rev. of Le Client. Le Dauphiné Libéré, Grenoble [France], June 10, 2001. 159. Feinberg, Danita. "Professor takes French Drama World by Storm." Forum, Tampa (USA), Oct. 22Nov. 4, 2001: 1 + 3. 160. Manning, Scott. Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. French Review 75.1 (Oct. 2001): 153-54. 161. Potvin, Claudine. Rev. of Oeuvres de chair. Figures du discours érotique. University of Toronto Quaterly 70.1 (Winter 2000-01). 162. Bérard, Sylvie. "Une voix du ventre." Rev. of Le Client. Lettres québécoises 107 (fall 2002): 42. 163. Robert, Lucie. "Dramaturgie. Sur la route." Rev of Le Client. Voix et images [Montreal] 82 (2002): 174-181. 164. Martel, Réginald. "Des nouvelles un peu trop transparentes." Rev. of La Vie de biais .La Presse, Dec. 8, 2002, F-2. Brulotte/106 165. Maindron, André. "Ce Plagiaire de Gaétan Brulotte, ou l'écriture comme aphrodisiaque." Article. Dialogues francophones (U. of Vest, Timisoara, Rumania) 7 (2002): 107-124. 166. Carpentier, André. Le Surveillant. Encyclopedia entry. Ed. Aurélien Boivin. Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires du Québec. T. VII. Montreal : Fides, 2003. 864-866. 167. Dorion, Gilles. Rev. of La Vie de biais. Québec français 129 (Printemps 2003): 9. 168. Péan, Stanley. "Des petites nouvelles pour vous." Rev. of La Vie de biais. Le Libraire 18(spring 2003): 7. 169. Rioux, Hélène. "Univers insolites." Rev. of La Vie de biais. XYZ. La Revue de la nouvelle 73(2003): 77-78. 170. Chartrand, Robert. "Des travers trafiqués." Rev. of La Vie de biais. Le Devoir [Montréal] Jan. 4-5, 2003. 171. Lord, Michel. "Rien n'est simple." Rev. of La Vie de biais. Lettres québécoises 110 (2003): 17-18. 172. Martineau, Lucile. Article. "Gaëtan Brulotte et son époque." Etudes francophones 18.2 (automne 2003): 149-156. 173. Bergeron, Carlos. “La passion du savoir.” Rev. of La chambre des lucidités. Lettres québécoises, 115(automne 2004) : 44. 174. Lord, Michel. “Gaëtan Brulotte: L‟oeil critique dans le labyrinthe absurde du monde.” Lettres québécoises 116(Winter/Hiver 2004), cover story: 12-13. 175. Lord, Michel. "Epreuves de Gaëtan Brulotte: la nouvelle comme genre phagocytaire." Article. Littératures [Toulouse, Fr.] 52 (2005): 133-144. 176. Gyurcsik, Margareta. Rev. of La Chambre des lucidités. Dialogues francophones [Timisoara, Romania: Editura Universitatii de Vest] 10-11(2005): 163-165. 177. Irwin, Robert. "Slipping off the sari." Rev. of Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature. Times Literary Supplement [London] Feb. 8, 2008. Follow-up G. Brulotte and J. Phillips. “Fun out of sex.” TLS, Feb 22, 2008. (Also under a different title TLS online: "An Admirably serious but decidedly untrashy encyclopedia of erotic literature makes sex seem less fun than one might suppose.") 178. “En bref- Gaëtan Brulotte de biais.” Rev. of La Vie de biais. Le Devoir [Montreal] May 24, 2008. 179. Monea, Barbara. "Libro Canadese: Doppia Esposizione." Al Nord del Mondo, June 22, 2008. Web. 180. Gyurcsik, Margareta, "Kafka de Montréal." Article. XYZ [Montreal) 96 (Winter 2008): 65-79. 181. “En bref- Gaëtan Brulotte de biais.” Le Devoir [Montreal] May 24, 2008. Print & web. 182. Bonenfant, Réjean. "La petite histoire littéraire de Trois-Rivières." La Galère, Journal de rue trifluvien 6.8 (Jan 2009): 14-16. Brulotte/107 183. Gyurcsik, Margareta, "Les jeux/enjeux interculturels de Gaëtan Brulotte." Article. (En) Jeux identitaires. Spec. Issue of Dialogues francophones [U. of Vest, Timisoara, Romania] 15 (2009): 7386. 184. Melot, Michel. Rev. of Le Goût dans tous ses états. Communication et langages [France] 164 (June 2010): 130. 185. Cornellier, Louis. "Essais québécois - Éloge de la nouvelle québécoise." Rev. of La Nouvelle québécoise. Le Devoir [Montreal] Sept. 18, 2010: F-8. 186. Hudon, Jean-Guy. "La Nouvelle québécoise." Rev. of La Nouvelle québécoise. Nuit Blanche [Quebec] 123 (été 2011): 40-42. 187. Pépin, Véronique. "A Livre ouvert." Rev. of La Nouvelle québécoise. Le Sabord 90 (Oct. 2011): 57. 188. Dorais, David. "Un riche panorama de la nouvelle au Québec." Rev. of La Nouvelle québécoise. XYZ La revue de la nouvelle 108 (Hiver 2011): 75-83. 189. Warmuzińska-Rogóż, Joanna. "Gaëtan Brulotte (2010) La Nouvelle québécoise." Rev. of La Nouvelle québécoise. Transcanadiana. Polish Journal of Canadian Studies 4.2011: 292-296. 190. Potvin, Claudine. Rev. of La Nouvelle québécoise. Lettres québécoises 146 (Eté 2012): 52. 191. Fisher, Claudine. Rev. of La Nouvelle québécoise. The French review 85.5 (April 2012): 942. 192. Nicolas Tremblay. "Coup de cœur." Rev. of La Nouvelle québécoise. Au Pays des livres. Radio VilleMarie, Montreal, March 9, 2012. Also available on CD. 193. Poirier, Guy. Rev. of La Nouvelle québécoise. The University of Toronto Quarterly 81.3 (Summer 2012): 436-437. 194. Saint-Yves, Myriam. Rev of La Nouvelle québécoise. Recherches sociographiques 53.2 (mai-août 2012): 489-490. 195. Parris, David. Rev of La Nouvelle québécoise. In British Journal of Canadian Studies (Liverpool UP) 26.1 (2013): 159. 196. Dupuis, Gilles. Rev. of La nouvelle québécoise. Globe, Revue internationale d’études québécoises. 35.1-2 (2012): 355–358. 197. Rinaldis, Antonio. "La cage invisible." Article in Philosopher 27 (2013): 63-76. 198. Godenne, René. Rev. of La Nouvelle québécoise. Les Lettres romanes (Belg.) 67.3-4 (2013): 573-576. 199. Le Choix de la Rédaction (Section Recueil de nouvelles) Les Libraires 82 (avril-mai 2014) : 14. Brulotte/108 200. Rolland, Daniel. "Trois recueils de nouvelles où la lucidité domine." Rev of La Contagion du réel in Culture Hebdo (, March 2014. Web. 201. Boisvert, France. Rev. of La Contagion du réel. Le pays des livres, Radio VM, June 6, 2014. Radio. 202. Desmeules, Christian. "Nouvelles contagieuses. La nouvelle comme genre parfait de l‟invention et de la réinvention de soi." Rev. of La Contagion du réel. Le Devoir, June 21, 2014 : E-8. Print. 203. Laurin, Danielle. "Au gré du vent." Rev. of La Contagion du réel. Le Devoir, June 28, 2014 : E-6. Print. 204. “Absolument le réel.” Rev. of La Contagion du réel. Nuit blanche 135 (Été 2014). Print. 205. Bernatchez, Ginette. Rev. of La Contagion du réel. Québec français 173(2014) : 88. Print. 206. Corbo, Linda. Rev. of La Contagion du réel. Le nouvelliste, Dec. 23, 2014: 21. Print. D. Papers at conferences on my works (In Chronological Order) 1. Fink, Béatrice. "Pommes d‟amour. Essay of "sitocritic" applied to "Le Rêve de tomates." Paper, SCFLL. Winter Park (FL). Feb. 28 1992. 2. "L‟Ecriture de Gaétan Brulotte." Subject of a session (4 papers). International Council for Francophone Studies. Strasbourg (Fr.). June 1992. 3. "Le Haptisme chez Gaétan Brulotte." Subject of a session (4 papers). American Assoc. of Teachers of French. Strasbourg (Fr.). July 1992. 4. "L‟Ecriture de Gaétan Brulotte." Subject of a session (4 papers).International Council for Francophone Studies. Casablanca (Morocco). July 1993. 5. Phillips, John. "Sur les seuils d‟une nouvelle écriture: le haptisme de Gaétan Brulotte." Paper. Conference of Institut pluridisciplinaire d‟Etudes Canadiennes. U. de Rouen (Fr.). Feb. 1993. 6. "Le Haptisme." Panel organised by USF Div. of Modern Languages and Linguistics, the French club, and University Lecture Series. Participants included Christine Probes (USF), Claudine Fisher (Portland State U., OR), & John Phillips (LSU, Southampton, Engl.). U. of South Florida, Tampa, Apr. 1st, 1993. 7. Fisher, Claudine. "La Quête initiatique chez Gaétan Brulotte." Paper. Pacific Northwest Council on Foreign Languages. Eugene, OR. May 7 1993. 8. Budig-Markin, Valéry. "Gaétan Brulotte et la voix/voie secrète." Paper. International Council on Francophone Studies. Quebec City. April 14, 1994. 9. Fessler, Nicole. "Le personnage de l‟écrivain dans L’Emprise: une entreprise de subordination." Paper. International Conference on Le Personnage romanesque. U. of Nice, Fr. May 1994. Brulotte/109 10. Martineau, Lucile. "Gaëtan Brulotte, écrivain du XXIe siècle." Paper. International Council on Francophone Studies, Moncton (Can.). May 23, 1998. 11. Martonyi, Eva. Paper. Conference Unité et diversité des Ecritures francophones. Leizig (Germ.), 1999. 12. Bernard,.Jacqueline "Le jeu de l‟amour et de la scripture dans l‟oeuvre de Gaëtan Brulotte." Paper. International Council on Francophone Studies. Sousse (Tunisia). May 30th, 2000. 13. West, Mark. "Twists and Turns in the Short Fiction of Gaetan Brulotte: Vous ne le trouvez pas un peu tordu?” Paper. American Council for Quebec Studies, Mobile, AL. Oct. 23, 2002. 14. Rojas, José. "Problèmes de traduction en espagnol de L’Emprise de Gaëtan Brulotte." Paper. International conference META. Montreal, QC. April 7-9, 2005. 15. Matic, Liljiana. "Gaetan Brulotte et les Medias." Paper. Conference. Moldavia, March 2007. 16. Gyurcsik, Margareta. "Kafka de Montréal." Paper. Journées de la Francophonie, U. of Vest Timisoara (Romania). March 20, 2007. 17. Gyurcsik, Margareta. "Le sculpteur du temps" (from Epreuves). Paper. Journées de la Francophonie, U. of Vest Timisoara (Romania). March 2011. 18. Matic, Ljiljana. "La manière de penser l‟Autre de Gaëtan Brulotte dans son roman L’Emprise. " Colloque Les Études françaises aujourd‟hui De la pensée à son expression. University of Novi Sad, Serbia, Nov. 9-10, 2012. 19. Matic, Ljiljana. "Gaëtan Brulotte, maître des mots et le pouvoir des mots dans L’Emprise." Colloque international Mots du pouvoir Ŕ pouvoir des mots. University of Pécs, Hungary, March 21-23, 2013. 20. Urquhart, Steve. "La vie de biais (2002) de Gaétan Brulotte ou la québécité d'un recueil de nouvelles à portée universelle." ACSUS (Association for Canadian Studies in the US), Tampa, Nov. 21, 2013. 21. Matic, Ljiljana. “Gaëtan Brulotte and His Skill to Treat Decently Taboo Topics.” The Seventh International Interdisciplinary Symposium Encounter of Cultures. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad. Nov. 30, 2013. 22. Urquhart, Steve. "La Contagion du réel (2014) de Gaëtan Brulotte : le dépassement maladif ou le refoulement corps/peau-réel." ACSUS (Association for Canadian Studies in the US), Las Vegas, Nov. 2015, forthcoming. E. Theses and dissertations on my works (In Chronological Order) 1. Dalley, Winnie. The Absurd in Gaétan Brulotte’s Le Surveillant. MA thesis. Department of Humanities, Classics and Comparative Literature, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. 1986. 83p. 2. Collado, Elmerenciana. L'inscription de la lecture dans Ce qui nous tient de G. Brulotte [microform]. MA thesis. Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1993. Brulotte/110 3. Deslauriers, Camille. "La Visiteuse," suivi de "Analyse du double dans L‟Emprise de Gaétan Brulotte." MA thesis. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Can., 1995. 151p. 4. Pellé, Emmanuelle. Title not reported. MA thesis. U. of Orléans, Fr. Defended, fall 1999. 5. King, Kathryn G. W. Block et débloque: l'écrivain dans la toile du texte. Une étude littéraire de L'Emprise par Gaëtan Brulotte. MA Thesis. Dept. of French Spanish and Italian. U of Manitoba, Can. 1999. Web, 6. Carignan, Richelle. Gaëtan Brulotte. MA thesis, U of Massachussetts-Darmouth, March 2000. 7. Reis, Pedro. L'aliénation de l'être humain. Term paper. U. of Massachussets-Darmouth, Dec. 2003. 8. Bérubé, Estelle. Le surveillant: ouvertures et clausules suivi de Attentes. MA thesis, McGill U., 2003. 9. Destais, Alexandra. L'émergence de la littérature érographique féminine en France: 1954-1975. Ph.D Diss. Partly based on Œuvres de chair. U. of Caen, Fr. Def. Dec. 14, 2006. Reworked in Eros au féminin. D’histoire d’O à Cinquante nuances de Grey. Paris: Klinckieck, 2013. 10. Hasche, Megan. "Le Surveillant d'absurdité; une analyse des contes de Gaëtan Brulotte." Student Symposium, Augustana College, Sioux Falls (SD). Apr. 17, 2010. 11. Thivin, Viviane. La créativité en didactique du F.L.E.: Les apports des expériences littéraires contemporaines. Ph.D. Dissertation. Partly based on Les cahiers de Limentinus, La chambre des lucidités et La vie de biais. U of Paris-IV, Sorbonne, Fr. 2013. 12. Anna, Ayoub. Etude stylistique du "Surveillant." MA thesis. Faculté des Lettres El Jadida, U. Chouaïb Doukkali, Morocco. March 2013. 13. Hassouna, Meriem. "Le thème de l‟identité dans Ce Qui Nous Tient de Gaëtan Brulotte." M.A. Thesis. Université Hassan II, Mohammedia, Morocco. 2012-14. 14. Paquet, Julie. Nerciat l’hétérodoxe ou le libertinage solaire. Ph. D. dissertation. Based on conceptual tools from my book Oeuvres de chair. U. of Ottawa, Can. 2013. 15. Ostiguy, Véronique. "Dire sans dire: censure et affirmation du désir dans Désespoir de vieille fille de Thérèse Tardif (1943) et Orage sur mon corps d‟André Béland (1944)." MA thesis partly based on my book Oeuvres de chair. UQAM, 2010, Passim. 16. Nankeu, Bernard. L'érographie dans la weltliteratur romanesque contemporaine. Based on conceptual tools from my book Oeuvres de chair. Université de Dschang, Cameroun in coop. with U. of Bourgogne, Dijon, Fr., 2014. F. Courses on my works 1. Gendron, Sylvie. “Pratiques de classe : pour l‟amour de l‟essai.” Les Cahiers de l’AQPF [Assoc. québécoise des professeurs de français, Quebec]. 5.2 (Oct. 2014): 7-17. Dossier on the pedagogical use Brulotte/111 of my essay La chambre des lucidités with 100 college students as required reading. CEGEP Saint-Jeansur-Richelieu (QC), 2012-2013. 2. My non-fiction and fiction works are taught at diverse colleges & universities, including, as reported to me: U. of Otago (NZ), U Laval (Quebec City), CEGEP Vieux-Montreal, CEGEP Lionel-Groulx (Montreal); Samford U. (Birmingham, AL); CEGEP St-Jean-sur-Richelieu (QC), USF (WLE, French Composition I and Bibliography); Brigham Young U, USA; U of Novi Sad (Serbia), College Sainte-Foy (QC), SUNY-Oneonta College, Université Chouaïb Doukkali, Morocco. G. Web critical studies on my works 1. Bilger, Philippe. “Qui est Gaëtan Brulotte?” Internet Blog. Paris, July 29, 2015. Repr. Boulevard Voltaire. Internet newspaper. Paris Aug 3, 2015. 2. Bert, Anne. Rev. of La Contagion du réel. Salon littéraire. Paris, Sept. 2014. Web. 3. Turgeon, Louise. Rev. of La Chambre des lucidités. Planète Québec. Web Feb. 19, 2004. 4. Cambier, Vincent. "Le Client: un ébéniste magnifique des tiroirs de l'âme." Rev. of Le Client. Web July 29, 2003. 5. Péan, Stanley. "Doux vertiges de la nouvelle." Rev. of La Vie de biais. Bouquinville. Radio-Canada culture. April 10, 2003. Radio and web Apr. 10, 2003. 6. Fiore, Francine. Rev. of La Vie de biais. Web Feb. 24, 2003 7. "Le plaisir de lire." Students comments on Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Le plaisir de lire. Les Lectures et les écrits du Cyberprof. Posted 1999. Web May 26, 2013. 8. Guissard, Michel. "Le genre littéraire de la nouvelle dans le monde francophone au tournant du XXIe siècle." Mots Pluriels [Australia] 9 (Feb. 1999). 9. Turgeon, Louise. Rev. of Les Cahiers de Limentinus. Chroniques sur la Une. Web, Dec. 22, 1998. 10.Nadeau, Vincent et Stanley Péan. "La nouvelle littéraire au Québec (1960-1996)" CRILIQ Web site. Web Dec. 2003. 11.Bio-bibliography on Canadian site of UNEQ: 12. Bio-bibliography on Canadian site: 13. Bio-bibliography on Canadian site: 14. Bio-bibliography on French based site (bilingual French/English) Brulotte/112 15. Bio-bibliography on French based site
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