October 26, 2014


October 26, 2014
October 26, 2014
SATURDAY, October 25
1:00 Klimek + Albrecht Wedding
3:00 Reconciliation - Church
4:30 Mass [Paul Jacquin, Jr.]
6:00 Salvador + Herrera Wedding
SUNDAY, October 26
8:30 Mass [Mary Ann Hornung]
9:30 RCIA - Dayton House
9:45 PREP
11:00 Mass [The Parish Family]
1:00 Misa en Español
1:00 Secular Franciscans—Dayton House
6:30 Lourdes Pilgrimage Service— Church
MONDAY, October 27
12:00 Mass [Fred Toth]
6:00 Cemetery Board Meeting—SS Cemetery
7:00 St. Vincent de Paul– Church Office
7:00 Caring Hands Knitting Group-Fenmont
TUESDAY, October 28
8:00 Mass [Mary Wharton]
7:00 Misa en Español Santo Judas
WEDNESDAY, October 29
8:00 Communion Service
7:00 BINGO - Fenmont
7:00 Spanish Choir - Church
7:00 RCIA – Dayton House
Sts. Simon & Jude
THURSDAY, October 30
8:00 Mass [Alta Lander]
1:30 Staff Meeting - Church Office
7:00 RCIA Inquiry Meeting – Dayton House
7:00 Choir Practice - Church
7:00 “A Catholic Approach to7” Series –Fenmont
In my 41 years as a priest I’ve been in quite a few
parishes. While all parishes have a lot in common, there is a
great deal of diversity. Part of that is due to each parish’s
unique history, its location, its composition, and many other
things. I can honestly say that my experience in each parish
has enriched me spiritually. Parishioners individually and as
a group have helped me become more aware of the presence
of Jesus.
I was in two parishes with strong African American
participation: St. Anthony in Madisonville and what was
then St. Agnes in Bond Hill. Celebrating Mass, especially at
St. Agnes, opened me up to the role music can play in my
prayer. As I mentioned in a couple of Masses last week, “It
is okay to move with the music.” One of the joys of parish
ministry is having the opportunity to listen to people’s stories of faith. That may be an elderly parishioner whose is
dealing with loss of independence, a young couple sharing
dreams as they prepare for marriage, or the trials of parenting. It may be someone whose cultural heritage is German,
African, or Latin American.
November is Black Catholic History Month.
Unfortunately, most of us are unaware of the many saints of
African heritage. We have never thought much of the contributions to the Church in the U.S. by Catholics of African
heritage. During November and December the bulletin will
occasionally include a “blurb” about topics of importance
such as Father Augustus Tolton, an
whose cause for
beatification is in
Rome. Let us continue to celebrate our
FRIDAY, October 31
8:00 Mass [The Parish Family]
9:00 Holy Day Mass
3:00 Reconciliation - Church
4:30 Mass [The Parish Family]
8:30 Mass [Altar Rosary Society Members
Living & Dec.]
9:30 RCIA - Dayton House
9:45 PREP
11:00 Mass [Margaret Borzcik]
1:00 Misa en Español at Cemetery
7:00 Memorial Service
“You turned from idols to
serve the living and true God.” Destroy the false gods in
your life which prevent you from serving the one true God.
(1 Thess. 1:10)
Readings for the Week of October 26, 2014
Sunday Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40
Monday Eph 4:32–5:8; Ps 1; Lk 13:10-17
Tuesday Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles
Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19; Lk 6:12-16
Wednesday Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145; Lk 13:22-30
ThursdayEph 6:10-20; Ps 144; Lk 13:31-35
Friday Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111; Lk 14:1-6
Saturday All Saints
Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; 1 Ps 24; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a
Sunday The Commemoration of All the Faithful
Departed Wis 3:1-9; Ps 27 or Ps 103; Rom 5:5-11
or Rom 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40
TREASURE: July 2014-June 2015
Weekly Collection Review
Collection October 19, 2014
Adult Envelopes Received
Regular Collection Goal:
Regular Collection Received
Over/Under Goal:
YTD Regular Collection Goal:
YTD Regular Collection Received
YTD Over/Under Goal:
October 26, 2014
Come and visit the Bake Sale in the
Church Entrance after all masses this
weekend! Donations will be used to
purchase 25 Turkeys and supplies for
the Thanksgiving Baskets we make for families through
St. Raphael. Thanks to all those who have dropped off
baked goods for this Outreach activity!
This Sunday, Oct. 26 Confirmation Candidates and their
parents and sponsors will be helping at church. Thank
you for offering your time and talents for this special
Prayer opportunity. Thanks to Mrs. Theresa Kearney
and her committee for organizing this opportunity!
Confirmation Candidates and/or some of their parents/
Preserving our Past –
sponsors are encouraged to volunteer to serve at the
Preparing for Our Future
PARISH Irish Dinner on Saturday, Nov. 8. Please
As of
10-19-14 we have received contact Mary Pat Austing to offer your help that night.
$463,114.97 for the drive. We received 863-1040 ext. *815, mpausting@stjulie.net
several additional pledges and donations from
members who had made pledges/donations at
Clocks should be set to FALL BACK! Please remember
the beginning of our drive in June 2012.
to set your clocks and be to PREP Classes on time!
Thanks for your continued support of this drive which will
help us maintain and update or buildings so that we can TEEN or ADULT VOLUNTEERS Needed at PREP!
continue to bring Christ to others through a variety of We need volunteers to aide in the classrooms. Please
religious programs as well as recreational and social call Mary Pat Austing to offer your help. Every week or
every other week commitment is necessary for our 9:45
Donation envelopes for our Capital Campaign Drive can be am to 10:45 am classes on Sundays. We meet in the
found in the vestibule of church and are in you’re your Fenmont. This is an excellent way for any high school
regular donation packets.
student to gain experience and service hours.
St. Julie Billiart Capital Campaign Drive:
Catholic Disciplemen
is a process of engaging men to become commi ed followers of Jesus Christ. You are invited
to the first Men’s Discipleship Equip Training
November 1 at the Savannah Center in
West Chester.
-Learn the Principles and Strategies of a Comprehensive approach to Men’s Disciple.
-Discover how reaching our men, and especially our young men, can be a game-changing
moment for our Church and our society.
-Begin the simple prac'ces that will enable
you to become an effec've discipler of the
other men in your life.
For more informa'on: h p://
Looking Ahead
IN CONTROLParent Meeting for PREP students in
grades 6 – 12 on Sunday, Nov. 23 during PREP class
time. The Pregnancy Center East IN CONTROL Chastity
teachers will be presenting important information for all
the parents.
MARK THE DATE on your calendar.
Final Planning Mee+ng for our
Irish Heritage Dinner will be Monday,
October 27, in the Fenmont at 7:30 pm.
Our Prayers & Condolences
to the family and friends of
Alta Lander
May her soul and the souls of all of the
faithful departed rest in peace...
October 26, 2014
Several years ago Fr. Mike offered a series
entitled “A Catholic Approach to Scripture, Sacraments and Spirituality, and Morality”.
The sessions will be offered in the “St. Stephen
Hall” of the Fenmont from 7:00- 8:30pm on the
following days:
Scripture : Thurs., Oct. 23
Sacraments and Spirituality:
Thurs., Oct. 30
Morality: Thurs., Nov.13
Badin Open House
Sun., Nov. 2
1-4 PM!
Find out what sets Badin apart and how your son or
daughter can become their best during their high
school years. Learn more about our 1:1 iPad program, Project Lead the Way Engineering Program,
Gaming and Robotics courses, AP and honors courses, Badin Rocks Ensemble and so much more. See
you there! For more information, contact Badin Admissions at (513) 863-3993, ext. 120.
Pink Friday”
Friday, November 14th,
6:00 p.m. to 10:00 pm
Ladies, gather your girlfriends and mark your
calendar for the “ultimate ladies night out”
at the Queen of Peace GYM. (formerly Girls,
Let’s Shop) Over 60 vendors will be offering
home décor, jewelry, beauty items, accessories, kids items, & ST. JULIE COOKBOOKS!
Food and “Friday friendly” beverages will be
available. Admission to this night of shopping
will be $3.00. Queen of Peace is located at
2550 Millville Avenue, Hamilton, Ohio. (Note:
plenty of handicap parking will be available at
the gym entrance on Rosary Circle) SEE
Virtual Pilgrimage of Lourdes, France
Sunday October 26th 6:30pm
North American Lourdes Volunteers will present a
90-minute prayerful VIRTUAL PILGRIMAGE to
Lourdes, France, at St. Julie Billiart Parish on
Sunday, October 26th at
6:30 PM. Dur ing this guided Lourdes experience, you
will immerse yourself in the
Message of Lourdes as given
by Our Lady to St. Bernadette. You will have the opportunity to touch the Grotto
Rock and to experience the liquid grace of Lourdes
Water. As part of this spiritual opportunity to draw
nearer to God with Our Lady and St. Bernadette,
you will receive a Eucharistic blessing and pray the
Rosary. Come and experience the healing grace of
Our Lord Jesus Christ through His Immaculate
Mother. The next best thing to visiting Lourdes is a
Virtual Pilgrimage journey without the travel!
Mexican families have the tradition of praying the rosary
with family and friends each evening prior to the great feasts
of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 12) and Christmas. It is
done in their homes before an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The image travels each day from family to family. We want to
invite English-speaking parishioners to participate in this by being with a
family in their home any evening from November 26 through Dec.
20. You can pray along in either English or Spanish. If you would like to
pray in Spanish, we can give you a CD with the rosary prayers in Spanish
to practice.
Let Tami Urcia or Fr. Mike know of your interest and which day(s) you
would like to participate. We will call the host family and tell them to
expect you. We will give you the family’s names, address, and phone
number. We hope many families will take advantage of this great opportunity to participate in a multicultural experience of devotion
and tradition!
Canned Goods Collection
During the Month of November
PREP will be collecting supplies for the 25 Thanksgiving Baskets
for St. Raphael. Please bring corn, green beans, cranberries,
yams, gravy, instant potatoes, stuffing, Large Foil baking pans, and
packages of Cookies to class or to the boxes in church.
Project Rachel is offering a threeday retreat for post-abortive women in Cincinnati on November 7,
8, and 9. The cost is $125 but scholarships are
available and cost should not be a barrier. It’s
time for a second chance. Choose to accept
God’s love and forgive yourself.
“The women of Project Rachel supported
me lovingly, and started me on the path to
healing. God forgave me, but I still had to
forgive myself. God does not want you to be
broken-He wants you to be the Holy Person
He created you to be.” G., past retreat
For specific times and location or more information, please call the confidential hotline at
New Day Grief Support Group
Community of the Good Shepherd
8815 E. Kemper Rd. , Cincinnati, OH 45249
Program 1: 9 Mondays Nov. 3—Dec. 29 7-9pm
Program 2: 9 Thursdays Jan 8– March 5 7-9pm
For More information call
Kathy Teipen 513-489-7489 or
Shelley Jensen 513-891-9494
Kathy and Shelley are Licensed Professional Counselors
This program is a structured way for adults to
work through the “tasks of grief” when mourning the death of a loved one from any cause.
"St Peters Parish Turkey
Dinner, Saturday, Nov 15 at
5:30pm in the school cafeteria
(corner of Liberty and Ridgelawn).
Turkey dinner with sides, drink and
dessert included in price of ticket. $8 for adults, $4 for under
10 and under 2 is free. There will
be basket raffles for some great
items and other fun games of chance. Join us for a
time to come together for good food and good fun.
Get your pre-event tickets now by calling Peggy
Bange 894-2878, there won't be any tickets sold the
night of the dinner.
Hope to see you there!"
Sponsored by St Peter's Rosary Altar Society
October 26, 2014
Cincinnati Catholic Alumni
Singles Club meets for dinner on
Halloween, October 31, 5:30pm at
Marty’s Hops and Vines, 6110
Hamilton Ave, College Hill.
Call Larry 520-1323. Come and join
CHOSEN: CALLED TO BE MORE On Saturday, November 8, 2014, a high impact youth
rally and Mass for youth in 6-8th grade with a concurrent session for their parents will take place at Good
Shepherd Catholic Church in Montgomery from 5:00 9:30 p.m. Cost is $10/person. For more details or to
register with your parish contact your youth minister or
visit catholiccincinnati.org/CHOSEN.
CLIFTON - Cincinnati-area young adults won’t
want to miss on Thursday, October: 30 at 7:00 p.m. at
Martino's on Vine (2618 Vine St. in Clifton). This season, our speakers will talk about “living Catholic” in
their everyday lives, especially in the workplace. We
have something for everyone, and all are welcome! For
more info, visit our Facebook page or
young-adult/theology-on-tap/. See you there!
ARCHDIOCESAN HOLY HOUR FOR VOCATIONS On Wednesday, November 5, 2014, during
National Vocation Awareness Week,
Cincinnati parishes: St. Joseph, St. MonicaSt George, St. Mary Oxford, St. Andrew
Milford, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our
Lady of Victory, St. Antoninus, St.
Williams, St. James White Oak, and St.
Jude will be opening their doors to all
who can come for a holy hour for vocations
from 7-8PM. November 6 holy hours are at
St John Newman 6-7PM and St. Maximilian
Kolbe 7-9PM. To find other parishes, visit
www.cincinnativocations.org and click on
“Archdiocesan Holy Hour for Vocations” in the
top banner.
our Irish Culture
And our “Special Anniversary” couples
SATURDAY, November 8, 2014
Please bring your family and invite your friends to celebrate our Irish
Heritage with our “special anniversary” couples.
5:30-6:30 gathering and social, bag piper
6:00 Anniversary Couples introduction
6:30-7:45 dinner
Corned Beef, “Sunday” Roast Chicken with dressing,
Salad, Vegetables, Irish Soda Bread & Irish Desserts
7:45 Program
Erickson Academy of Irish Dancers
Irish Trivia
Irish Songs
Reservations are necessary. Please complete the attached form and return in the
collection basket or call the church office.
Transportation will be available, please call the office, 863-1040.
Of course, we need your help to prepare and serve this meal.
Volunteers are encouraged and welcomed.
We will have imported Irish beers $3 and Miller Lite $2 available
Advance tickets on or before Nov. 1: $10 adult / $8 Teens / $5 Children 6-12 / < 6 free;
Family $30
After November 1: $12 adult / $10 Teens / $5 Children 6-12/ < 6 free / Family $35
St. Julie Annual Heritage Dinner
Number Attending: ____Adults
Reservation Form
___Children under age 6
I/We will: Set-up, prepare Saturday 9-11am______ Cook 4:30-6 pm_______
Serve 6:30-7:45pm_______Clean-up ______
Name ____________________Telephone ___________e-mail_________________
LEER: Éxodo 22:20-26, Salmo 17,
1 Tesalonicenses 1:5-10, Mateo 22:34-40
La Fiesta de San Judas Tadeo
El martes, 28 de octubre habrá
una misa especial a las 7:00pm
para la fiesta de San Judas
Tadeo, uno de los 12 apóstoles
quien predicó el Evangelio en
Judea, Samaria, Siria, Mesopotamia y Libia y por fin murió
como mártir. Es conocido como
el patrón de casos perdidos o
casos imposibles.
“A veces el gran mandamiento de amar a Dios
sobre todas las cosas causa cierto temor, porque pensamos que, para cumplirlo, hay que estar constantemente realizando actos heroicos de virtud y perfección, y sabemos que rara vez somos capaces de hacer
cosas grandes y virtuosas. Pero en realidad, esta forma de pensar impide experimentar el verdadero sentido del gran mandamiento de Cristo.
“La vida con Dios es principalmente un constante
diálogo de amor. Por ejemplo, la Escritura dice que
Moisés era amigo de Dios. (Éxodo 33:11) Durante
toda su vida, Moisés llegó a tener una gran intimidad con el Señor. Nosotros también debemos acercarnos a Dios como a un amigo, con la seguridad
que nos da la fe en la muerte redentora de Cristo y
su resurrección. Dios es nuestro amigo; él nos fortalece y nos guía cada vez que lo “visitamos” en la
oración, en la meditación bíblica y en la Santa Misa.
“Padre celestial, enséñame a recibir tu amor incondicional e infinito. Ayúdame a entrar en tu presencia y dialogar contigo. Quiero que seas parte de
cada momento de mi vida.”
(Tomado de La Palabra Entre Nosotros)
Lecturas de la Semana - octubre 27-noviembre 1
Lunes: Efesios 4:32-5:8, Salmo 1, Lucas 13:10-17
Martes: Efesios 2:19-22, Salmo 18, Lucas 6:12-19
Miércoles: Efesios 6:1-9, Salmo 144, Lucas 13:22-30
Jueves: Efesios 6:10-20, Salmo 143, Lucas 13:31-35
Viernes: Filipenses 1:1-11, Salmo 110, Lucas 14:1-6
Sábado: Apocalipsis 7:2-4 y 9-14, Salmo 24, I Juan 3:1-3,
Mateo 5:1-12
October 26, 2014
Fecha: 22 de Noviembre de 8:30am-5:00pm
Dirección: Igl. Sta. Susanna, 616 Reading Rd, Mason OH
Información: P. Samuel González Tel. (513) 383-8867
email: samipadre@aol.com o Karla Eysoldt: Tel. (513)
398-3821 Ext. 3112, email: eysoldtk@stsusanna.org
Nota: Se aceptan parejas que vivan en unión libre, o que
estén casadas por lo civil o matrimonios católicos que
quieran participar
Costo: $20 por pareja para refrigerios y almuerzo. :
**Todas las parejas que piensan en casarse en los
próximos 12 meses deben asistir en este retiro. Pueden
registrarse con Tamara Urcia al 513-863-1040**
El 7 de diciembre durante
la misa de 1:00 habrá
una bendición de las
mamás embarazadas
para bendecir a la
creatura en el vientre.
Después de misa habrá
un pequeño convivio con
La Misa del Día de Muertos, el próximo domingo, 2 de noviembre se celebrará en el cementerio de San Esteban
a la 1:00pm. No habrá misa en español
en la iglesia ese día. La dirección es
1314 Greenwood Ave. Todos están bienvenidos a asistir y a traer imágenes de
sus seres queridos y flores para el altar
de muertos. Muchas gracias.