Milk: Nutritional, Social, and Physiological Aspects
Milk: Nutritional, Social, and Physiological Aspects
Chapter 21 Milk: Nutritional, Social, and Physiological Aspects Thou shalt have milk for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the food of thy maidens. King Solomon Milk is the nearest thing we possess to a perfect aud complete food, and no other single food can be employed as a substitute. Harielle Chick The production of milk constitutes the most economic method of con verting feeding stuffs into animal products and tlie maintenance of milk supply is the most important object of war-time husbandry. Wright Norman C. 21.1: Introduction. The milk problem has surprisingly complex inter relations: energetic efficiency (Chs. 1, 2, 3, 21, 22), endocrinologic (Cli. 7), seasonal (Ch. 8), temperature (Ch. 11), nutritional and medical (Chs. 4, 5, G, 20, 21, 22), time relations and aging (Chs. 16, 18, 19), evolutionary, organismic and homeostatic (Chs. 7 and 10), form-function (Ch. 17), soil fer tility and national stability (Ch. 25), and so on. Milk production has been said to be the backbone of American agriculture and milk consumption the keystone of American nutrition. The proverbial vigor of the pastoral peoples is undoubtedly- associated wth their high milk consiunption, and Americans match them in vigor. There is one milking cow for five persons in the U. S. A. At the current rate of milk production (5000 lbs milk per cow per year), one quart is pro duced per capita per day. Of this one quart about half is consumed in fluid foi-m; the remainder is used for producing butter (about 20 lbs of 4 per centfat milk for one pound of butter), cheese (about 10 lbs milk per lb cheese), ice cream (over two quarts of milk for one quart of ice cream), evaporated and condensed milk (2.2 lbs milk per lb evaporated milk), powdered milk (8 lbs milk per lb powdered milk), malted milk (2.6 lbs milk per lb malted milk), and so on. The by-products from the production of butter ("defatted milk" or skim milk), cheese (whey), and so on, are utilized as food for man, feed for animals and for the manufacture of various products, such as casein, lactose, confections, \-inegar, sizing, various plastics for buttons, "wool", etc. The importance of milk is indicated by the fact that about one-fifth of the average farmer's cash income is derived from the sale of milk and one-fifth of the average consumer's food dollar is expended for milk and dairy products. (The 1941 American per capita consumption was 164 quarts fluid milk, 18 lbs 792 MILK: KUTBITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 793 butter, 6 lbs cheese, 16 lbs evaporated milk, 2 gals ice cream, and considerable amounts of powdered milk). While the dairy industry is gigantic in the aggregates the average dairy fann is small, typically a single-family enter prise. Half the countiy's dairy cows are in herds of 8 cows or less, and threefourths are in herds of 15 or less (only 5 per cent of the cows are in herds of 30 to 50 cows, 2 per cent in herds of 50 to 75, and 1 per cent in herds of over 75 covs's). Daily fanning is thus one of the few remaining stable family business enterprises; indeed, it is a way of living as well as a way of making a living, with corresponding far-reaching implications for national stabihty (Chs. 10, 16, 25). It is generally agreed that national welfare (health, soil fertility, population stability) demands that eveiything should be done to maintain a prosperous dairy industry. While the production of pork, beef, egg, requires less human labor in pro portion to food yield than the production of milk- the dairy cow is far more efficient in converting cattle feed into human food than are other farm animals in converting feed into meat or egg. The energetic efficiency of milk produc tion in superior dairy cattle is 33 per cent, contrasted to about half this level, 17 per cent, for egg production in comparable superior fowls, and 5 to 15 per cent for meat production (Chs. 1, 3, 22, 23). The energetic efficiency of milk production is so much greater that in spite of the greater labor cost of milk production the current price of egg and meat is about SI. 10 per pound of dry matter, whereas the price or whole fluid milk comes to about 50 cents per lb of dry matter and of non-fat diy milk (dry skim milk), only 14 cents per lb. Moreover, methods are being developed to reduce the human labor involved for milk production by greater use of better machines and by the use of larger animals of higher dairy merit (Ch. 22). Furthemiore, cattle consume roughage which swne and poultiy cannot consume and, unlike non-ruminants, synthesize by way of rumen micro organisms complete nutrient proteins from incomplete feed protein and virtu ally all the B vitamins (Ch. 20). The milk nutrients are thus, in part, obtained in the nature of a windfall, from material which is otherwise nutri tionally useless. Dairy cuttle now consume' 91 per cent of all the silage consumed by farm animals, 53 per cent'of the hay, 38 per cent of the other dry roughages, and 38 per cent of the 1 U. S. consumers spend over billion dollars a year for milk and dairy products, .md the dairy industry employs (1938) "four times as many people as the railroad in dustry, fifteen times as many as the telephone industry, nineteen times as many as the automobile industry, and one out of every 15 U. S. families is dependent on milk for a living." Sec Table 21.7. 2 The annual labor of milking and caring for a cow producing 5000 lbs milk, and growing her feed,ig estimated to be 160 hours; for producinga 400-Ib beefsteer, 32hours; for raising a 5-pig litter to 125 lbs per pig, 75 hours. On this basis, the lood-energy return index per man-hour is 100 for the milk, 219 for the hog, and 305 for the steer; the (ood-protein return per man-hour is 100 for milk, 98 for hogs, and 112 for beef.— 0 H. Brownlee, "Putting Dairying on a War Footing," Iowa State College, 1943. 5Jennings, R. D., U. S. D. Agr. Circular 670, 1943. 794 BIOENERGJmCS AND GHOWTII pasture. These are feeds which cuimot be used by man or even by swine or poultry. Dairy cattle consume only 19 per cent of the grain and other concentratefeeds. Swine, however, consume48 per cent of all the corn or 35 per cent of all the concentrate feeds andexccptfor about 2 per cent pasture, no roughage. Poultry consume 21 per cent of all concentrate feeds and for about 1 per cent pasture, no roughage. Speaking very gen erally—the feed units are not really equivalent for dilTerent farm animals—dairy cattle consume 34 per cent of all the feed consumed by farm livestock, beef cattle 20 per cent, sheep and goats 7 per cent, horses and mules 14 per cent, swine 15 per cent, poultry 9 per cent. These figures give a rough idea of the relative magnitude of the dairy in dustry from the viewpoint of use of raw material. 21.2: Nutritional importance of milk. Unlike other foods which he had to learn to consumc, man, in common witli other mammals, is a born milk con sumer. Milk was evolved through the ages specifically for the nutrition of infant mammals, for bridging the gap l)etween the dependent intrauterine and the independent adult life (Sect. 7.2). Milk from all species contains the same nutrients, although in different proportions. Finding milk good, man domesticated convenient mammals for furnishing liim with milk through out his life. Having been developed for nourishing rapidly growmg yet delicat-e and toothless infants, milk has unique physical and nutritional properties. Milk is bland, soothing, fluid, yet highly nourishing; hence its use as food during "melancholy""* and other disturl)ances, especially digestive, such as ulcer, for which milk is often used as a virtually exclusive diet®. Milk is commonly thought of as a "drink," but this must not lead one to the mistaken idea that fluid milk has less solids than some "solid" foods. Indeed, the opposite is frequently true. Thus, whereas the solid content in fluid milk is about 13 per cent, that in turnips is only 9 per cent, in tomatoes 6 per cent, in lettuce 5 per cent. Milk is, of course, easily made "solid" by treating it with rennet or by simple souring, both of which may be followed by "baking." The writer recalls the pleasant flavoi-s and tastes of many sourmilk dishes partaken while visiting in the Balkans, especially in Belgrade, where "Bulgaricus Milk," made famous by Metchnikoff as a life prolonger, is so widely used ])y all classes of society. It is, of course, the nutrients in milk rather than the bacteria that prolong life (see, however, Rettger" below). Bulgaricus and other types of milk-souring destroy dangerous bacteria, thus making the milk sale as food. Tliis is the major (oven if unconscious) reason for the use of soured (or boiled) milk in much of Europe where hygienic con ditions are not satisfactory and bovine tuberculosis is very common. The nutritional importance of milk is indicated by the fact that a quart of cow's milk a day furnishes (Table 21.1) an average man (of 70 kg or 154 lbs) approximately all the needed fat, calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin, one-half of the needed protein, one-fourth of the needed energy, over one-third of the vitamin A, one-fifth of the thiamine and ascorbic acid, considerable amounts * "Milk is especially good for them which l)e oppressed with melancholy, a common calamity of students."—Thomas Cogan, 1584. ®Shay, H., Jour. Am. Mcd. Assoc., 120, 740 (1942). MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 795 of nicotinic acid and choline, and other factors, and, with the exception of iron, copper, manganese and magnesium, which are low in milk, all the needed minerals. (The protein in a quart of milk is roughly equivalent to that in 5 ounces of meat or fish, or 5 large eggs, or 4 ounces of American cheese, or 16 slices of bread. The energy of a quart of milk is roughly equivalent to that in f lb of meat, or 8 eggs, or 2 lbs of potatoes.) These estimates do not fully indicate the contribution of milk to the average diet because of the unique supplementary value of milk to other foods (Sect. 20.4). For example, whengrowing pigs are fed only cereal,aboutSO per cent of the cereal protein is utilized for growth; but if milk is added to the diet (liquid milk equal in weight to the cereal weight) 60 per cent of the protein is utilized for growth® because of the supplementary effect of the protein and other con stituents of milk. Dramatic results of broad social significance were reported on the supple mentary value of milk on growth of children, especially those by Dr. Corry Mann^. His boys were receiving a diet rated as adequate, but Dr. Mann wanted to see what an extra glass of milk at meals (a pint per day) would do. Records were kept of half of the group on their usual diet, and of an equal number who received the milk supplement. The result was that while the "control" boys gained 4 lbs in weight and 1.8 inches in height, the milksupplemented group gained 7 lbs and 2.6 inches. "The casual visitor would never fail to recognize the boys receiving the extra milk," said Dr. Mann; "they were obviously more fit." The spectacular growth-accelerating effect of milk on weight and especially on height (skeleton growth, see Fig. 21.1b) is perhaps due largely to the richness and availability of calcium in milk. In Mann's experiments the addition of casein equivalent to that given in milk and margarine equivalent to the butterfat in the milk did not increase the height as did whole milk. Leighton and Clark^ found that skim milk increased growth in height as much as whole milk. These observations lead to the conclusion that the calcium in milk is a major factor in increased growth of the skeleton. Ordinary diets are more often deficient in calcium than in any other nutrient, and are thus made good by milk. These observations on the remarkable influence of skim milk supplement on growth suggest the need of elucidating a current problem in the dairy industry. As previously noted, thereis enough milk produced in'theUnited States to furnish a quart per capita per day, the optimal level of milk intake. Half of this milk, however, is used for manufacturing butter (about 18 lbs per , capita per year) and cheese (about 6 lbs per capita per year). The popularity « Steenbock, H., and Hart, E. B., J. Biol. Chem., 38, 267 (1919); 42, 67 (1920); Wis. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 342, 1922. ^ See, interalia, Mann, H. C. Corry, "Diet for boys during the school age." Special Report Series 105, Medical Research Council, London, 1926; also, Mann, J. Roy. Inst. Pvolic Health arid Hyg., 2, 486 (1939), and Nulr. Absl. & Rev., 9, 686 (1939)-. See also Palmer, G. T., Am. J. Pub. Health, 12,134 (1922); Sherman, H. C., and Campbell, H. L., J. Am. Chem., 60,6 (1924). Rose, M. S., and MacLeod, G., J. Biol. Chem., 66,847 (1925). Orr, J. B., Lancet, 1, 202 (1928). Leighton, G., and Clark, M. L., Id., 1, 40 (1929). Morgan, A. F., et al., Am. J. Dis. Child., 32, 655 (1926); 33, 404 (1927); 36, 972 (1928). 796 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH 12%-DRY-MILK BREAD 4%-ORY-MILK BREAD 12%-ORY-MILK BREAD 2 600 7 6%-DRY-MILK BREAD BREAD ® 4C0 at ico BREAD 4 6 8 WEEKS 6 WEEKS Fig. 21.1a I''ig. 21.1b to c. Plotted from data by B.W.Fairbanks,CereaZCAem., 15,169 (1938). Three groups of 50-gra. rats were placed for 77 days on tiiree kinds of bread diets: 1, ordinary white bread; 2, white bread containing 6 per cent dry milk; 3, white bread containing 12 per cent dry milk. In these 77 days the rats in group 1, gained 35 gni. at a food cost of 25 gm. bread per gm. body gain; grou{) 2, gained 110 gm. at a cost of 6,6 gm. bread per gm. body gain; group 3, gained 164 gm. at a cost of 5.2 gm. bread per gm. gain. While the larger animals had a higher maintenance cost (because of their larger size), yet their gains were niore economical. MILRrNUTRlTIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOWQICAL ASPECTS 797 28 / 24 BR EAO* 2 Y / / y g 16 «9 $12 o: m 8 Fig. 21.1c. See legend on page 796. JY LU y 6?W)R1^-MILK .0 •^•12%-DRYrMILK BREAD 11 4 1 > 4 WEEK AVCRACES 6 8 to 12/ week:> of butter is, of course, due to its high nutritive value, its very tasty flavor, ease of its manufacture from cream and ease of preservation. The advent of the mechanical cream separator and the Babcock tester made it easy for the farmer to separate cream from milk to any fat percentage, and for the buttermaker to pick up the cream for butter manufacture. The skim milk was fed to the swine and poultry, for, as previously noted, milk, even skim milk, is an excellent supplement to cereals normally fed to these animals. But it is also good for man to supplement his cereal with milk, even filfim milk; and as long as there is not enough of a given food for man, it is, usually, wasteful to feed this food to livestock. For example, per unit dry matter, milk is nutritionally equivalent to meat; yet when fed to animals only about ten per cent of the milk solidsis recovered in the form of meat solids® (Ch.3). Thus it is estimated that about 50 billion pounds of skim milk^ (about 4 billion pounds non-fat dry-milk solids) perhaps 40 per cent of the total millr solids produced in the United States, said to be equivalent to the protein in 200 million beef steers^", is diverted from human use, and 90 per cent of it is wasted as far as human nutrition is concerned. (There are, of course, excep tions, as when a little skim milk may be the limiting factor in a ration for chickens in egg production.) More specifically, Krauss" reported that if United States millr production were completely utilized as human food, the non-fat part of the milk would satisfy the protein needs of 67 million persons, the riboflavin needs of 130 million persons, the calcium needs of 166million persons; but that according to the present practice of feeding the skim inilk and whey to livestock, etc., only half of these nutrients are utilized for human consumption. This huge waste of food is due to a serious misunderstanding about the nutritive value of defatted or skim milk. Let us, therefore,discuss this problem briefly. ' 8Abbott, J. S., Am. J. Public Health, 30, 237 (1940). ®"Consumers' Guide," U. S. D. Agr., July, 1939. "Rose. W. C., tein Suppl "This Institute, - - 798 BIOEXERGETICS AND GROWTH The composition of wliole milk is given in Table 21.1 in the form of a com parison between the nutritional needs of an average adult person and the nutrients furnished in a quart of average market milk (slightly modified from Krauss"). Table 21.1 showsthat a quart of average milk (2.15 lbs or 4 glasses of 8 fluid ounces each) supplies to an a^'erage moderately active man approximately thefolloAving percentages of the nutrient standard: 150per cent of the calcium, 70 per cent of the riboflavin and phosphoms, 50 per cent of the protein, 40 per cent of the vitamm 25 per cent of the ascorbic acid^^ 20 per cent of the calories and thiamine, 5 to 10 per cent of the iron, nicotinic acid, and vitamin D^-. The milk energy is seen (Table 21.1) to be equally divided between fat, 330 Calories (37 gm fat per quart) and non-fat, 330 Calories (49 gm lactose and 34 gm protein per quart). (The energy value of whey is about 270 Cal per quart or per kg.) The milk fat thus supplies half the milk energy, the vita mins A and D, and much of the flavor; the non-fat part of the milk, the skim milk, supplies tlie other half of the energy, the proteins of high biological value, calcium, riboflavm, phosphorus, iron, ascorbic acid, thiamine, nicotinic acid, and apparentlj^ some unknown growth factors (Reed). It is thus clear that in evaluating milk as a food, at least as much A'alue should be placed on the non-fat as on the fat portion. A slow transition may be taking i)lace in the dairy industry as a result of the war and its associated world-wide food shortage'^. Waj'S will, no doubt, be found to save the skim milk, buttermilk, and whey for the human dietary. '2 The vitamiii-A value of milk varies with the carotene content of the feed. Fresh pasture yields milk highest in vitamin A content, followed by well preserved silage, then by hay, especially if dried by r:i))id-drying methods.—Hilton, J. II., et al., J. Dairy Sci, 16, 355 (1935). For the influence of feeding liigh vitamin A shark-liver oil on the vitamin A in milk, see Jensen, C., ct al., J. Dairy Sci, 26, 1931 (1943). Likewise, the vitamin D of milk varies witli the vitamin D content in the feed as well as with sunshine. "There is a larye literature on the ascorbic acid content of milk. The ascorbic content in cow's milk is about one-sixth and the iron content about one-third of that in woman's milk hut the riboflavin cont(Mit of cow's milk is about five-fold that of woman's milk. Heating in copper dishes destroys ascorl)ic acid. To save ascorbic acid in sterilization, lieat the milk to the boiling j)oint ccri/ (iiiickly (to destroy as corbic acid o>;iilaso) then boil for tliree minutes. The ascorbic acid content of unpasteurized milk ranged from 17 to 37 mg, average 26 mg/litcr, for individual cows and 13 to 19 mg/liter in plant compositos before i)astcurizaf ion and 16 to 17 mp/litcr after pasteurization. [C.11. Whitnah, cl al., -I. Dninj 373 (1036); 20, 9 (1937) ]. Other reports: 20 mg ascorbic acid/liter [P. I'\ Sliarp, Science, 84, -161 (1936)1; mixed milk before pasteurization ranged monlh to month from 14-22 (average 17.3 mg/litcr) and after pasteurization 7.8-19.0 nig/liter l.\. II. Holmes,J. .'Imi. Diet, /issn., 15, 363 (1939) j. Some authors claim an ascorbic acid i)cak for summer milk, others for winter milk, yet the character of the cow's feed does not influence tlie :\scorbic acid content in milk (Holmes, J. Xut., 17, 1S7 (1939); 26, 337 (1943) ]. The ascorbic content of human milk varies ttith the diet, but it is ai)out 60 mg/qt. [King, C. (1., el al., J. Nut., 11, 599 0936)]. The reports vary similarly for the other vilamins. liorsook suggested that milk should be enriched with crystalline? tliiamine as it is now frcciuently enriched with vitamin D. I'The food sliorlage referred to ap|)lics to most of Asia and l"]urope but not to the United States, where mainutrition is <lue (o ignorance and economic factors rather than to national lack of food as such. Indeed, the 1942 agricultural production schedule supplies protein adequate to feed 183 million persons (furnishing 81 lbs protein per capita per year or 73 gm per capita per day), whereas there arc only 134 million persons in the United States. Rose, W. C., e( ai.^® MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 799 Instead of separating the milk on tlie farm and feeding the skim milk to live stock, the creameries and cheese factories maj'" take the whole milk and de velop facilities for drying the skim milk, buttermilk, and whey'®. The dry products maj' be sold in the fomi of capsules, wafei"s, or powder, perhaps variously flavored, on groceryshelves""', in jars, cartons, and air-tight, moistureproof envelopes. The packages could contain 4^ ounces (127 gm) solid whole milk, each equivalent to a ciuart of fluid whole milk, or the cn\^eloi)cs could contain a fourth of this, equivalent to a largo glass of milk, or multiples of these amounts. Wlien used for soui)s and baking, milk powder is said to 3'ield products supei'ior to fluid milk, since it is uncomplicated by the water in the milk. The recently devclopeil food-compression machinery may be used for tableting milk solids, whole or defatted, to be consumed direct, as the verj'^ hard clieese in some partis of ciistern Europe is {!onsumed. The organismic theory (Ch. 10) suggests that it would be better to consume whole milk than any of its i)arts, because it is probalile that the various milk constituents supplement one another nutritionally. A given amount of whole milk has a higher phj'siologic energy value than the sum of its constituents taken separately at different times. The fat in the milk supplcmcnis the protein and the sugar in the milk. "It seems tliat nature lias put lactose and milk fat together as an optimum com])ination for the yoimg animaU^." "Lactose has an as yet unknown effect on intestinal conditions which is coun teracted by butterfat but not by com oil." "Fortified oleomargarine did not give growth equal to butterfat when lactose was the sole carbohydrate in the diet. . . . Fortified oleomargarine gave growth e(iual to butterfat over a period of 6 weeks when ... a mixture of carbohydrate (sucrose, starch, dextrine, lactose) was incorporated." It would, then, seem best to consume the recommended or available quart of milk per capita per day in the form of whole milk, fluid or evaporated, as a bread "spread" made by evaporating milk to the consistency of butter, whole-milk cheese (inchiding the whey solids'®), or best used in bread making'® as milk bread, and in soups-®, puddings, cakes, cookies, or in the form of a beverage, even as rec^onstitut-ed milk-'. " This is no(, a novel idea. See Eekles, C. H., cl uL, "Milk find its products," p. 201. " Since the above \va.s written, Merrill O. Maughan (American Dry Milk Institute) kindly sent nie an 8^-oz packa^o of po\vdere<l whole milk, equivalent, to the solids in 2 qts fresh milk, which i.s hcins marketed "ox])erim(!n1 ally" in some localities for about 26 cents a jiackage (eciuivalent (o 13 cents a quart fluid milk). It is apparently less expensive lo dehj'drate. ])ackaf;e, and market dry milk from grocery slielves than to process and market fresh milk. ^loreover, the powdered milk keei)s for montlis. The package had tlie following inscriptions: ".S^ ozs net. wgt, jusl add water . . . makes 2 quarts of fine iluid jnilk. . . . For best residts use wit hin sixty days of purchase." The given analysis: 27% Initterfat, 26,8% protein, milk sugar, 5.88% ash, 2.25% moisture, 142 ("al per ounce (al)out 5 Cal/gm). The reconstituted milk has a slightly cookefl taslc somewhat similar to lliat of evaporated milk. "Hart, E. H., PJlvehjem, A., el al., ./. J)airii Sci., 26, 429 (1943); Science, 93, 499 (1943); ./. Nnl., 26. 601 (li)43). Velveet a cheese contains some of tlie whey solids. The composition of tlus cheese Ia.s reported iti tiie Jour. Am. Mcd. 120, 24 (1942) ]; moisture, 43.1%; Calories per ounce, 90; fai, 23.4'y(,; protein, I.S.4%; <'arbohydrales, 10,1% (S.4% lactose); ash, 5.3%,; calcium, 0.61%; i)ho8phorus, 0.82%,; salt, l-S'/i,; lactic acid, 1.2%. C'f. Milchell, H. II., el nl., linken' Weekly, 114, 27 (1942); .7. NiiL, 25, 5Sr) (1943). ^"TheM.I.T, in cooperation with Uie Ho<^kefeller I'oundation and the KelloggFounda tion developed a dehydrated milk soup containing 10% milk solids. A cup of this soup supplies (he daily needs of all the known vitamins and minerals. "Reconstituted milk," Nut. Rev., 1, 70 (1943). 800 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH While there can be no substitute for whole milk or for skim milk, claims are being advanced by the margarine industry that oleomargarine fortified with vitamins A and D to the butter level", flavored with diacetyl or related butter flavor, and colored to the butter level with carotene may be acceptable to adult consumers who cannot afford butter. The question of unsaturated fatty acids of the linoleic acid type does not, perhaps, enter the problem, since most vegetable fats are as rich in this type of fatty acid as butterj nor, perhaps, does the question of"digestibility" (in adults).=3 There are, however, short-chain fatty acids (Table 21.2) and other substances in butter not present in other fats, and butterfat stimulates gro^vth in young rats^^' and calves''®. As pre\dously noted, however, the superior growth on butterfat in milk over that on vegetable oil in skim milk may be due to the supplementai-y effect of milk sugar on butterfat^^. Milk fat seems to go best with milk sugar and vegetable fat ^vith vegetable sugar. If butterfat goes best with the other milk solids, it is safe to predict that a new butter "substitute" will be de veloped in due time by the enterprising American daiiy manufacturers, namely, whole milk evaporated to the consistency of butter, properly flavored, and advertised for use as a "spread" in butter fashion. The butter-margarine problem is now receiving much attention basically because of the growth of the vegetable-oil industry and technological advances in margarine and vitamin A production. No one argues against butter. The following statement is generally accepted. "Our nation has grown up with butter on its bread. Butter was eaten for its taste long before there was any knowledge of nutrition. We like it on our hot cakes and in countless other ways for its flavor alone. Butter will always be in demand because of its flavor and palatability. These characteristics are not duplicated by any other fat" (Reed). But the margarine industry is pushing its prod uct; and the broader national problem is how to avoid wasting the precious nutrients in skim milk and buttermilk produced in buttermaking. (0. E. Reed, Chief of the Fed eral Bureau of Dairy Industry, phrased this problem, thus: "Our dairy industry is not operating on the most efficient basis for our national nutrition—we skim the cream from a lot of milk and we use only the cream or the fat.") The outcome of this contro versy between twoindustries is uncertain, but it would seem wise for the dairyindustry to develop profitable whole-milk "spreads"" (bythe simple device ofevaporating whole "The vitamin A content of butter is between oOOO and 20000 I.U., average 15000 I.U. per pound [Dornbush, A. C., et al., Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 114, 1748 (1940)]. The vitamin D content of butter is 50 to 500 I.U. per pound [Wilkinson, H., Analyst,^, 17 (1939) j. At the rate of 17 lbs butter consumption per year, the vitamin A furmslied by butter is 600to 700 I.U./day. . r. -i " For a review of the butter versus oleomargarine problem m 1942, see Uouncil on Food and Nutrition, Jour. Avi. Mcd. Assn., 119, 1425 (1942); 118, 1469 (1942); 126, 168 (1944) " Hart, E. B., Elvehjem, C. A., et al., J. Biol. Chcm., 122, 381 (1938); J. Dainj Sci., 23, 181, 1201, 1205 (1940); 24, 1027 (1941). , ^ . 28 Deuel, H. J., Jr., Science, 98, 139 (1943), published evidence to the effect that the superior growth on milk fat is due to its superior flavor which caused the rats to con sume more of the natural milk, and that flavoring the vegetable oil abolished the dif ference in growth rate. The problem is evidently still in the controversial stage. See also Deuel, el al., J. Nut., 27, 107, 335, 339 (1944). The superior flavonng, diacetyl, re ferred to by Deuel is, however, not that of natural milk fat as consumed by infants (rats or other species), but is bacteriologically developed by buttermakers. » Gullickson, T. W., el al., J. Dairy Sci., 22,-471 (1939); 25, 117 (1942) Grateful acknowledgments are made to all the author's (Dairy Department) colleagues for stimulating discussions and for especially valuable suggestions by E. R. Garrison and W. H. E. Reid. Since the above was written, K. G. Weckel, University of Wisconsin, assigned to the Wisconsin Alumni Foundation formula for a "dairy spread" containing 56% moisture, 26% butterfat, 16% non-fat milk solids, 1% salt, MILK: NUTRITIONAL, 'SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 801 milk to the consistency of butter, perhaps adding "binder" and flavoring, and add further to tastefulness of the product by proper publicity) and whole-milk cheeses (in-, eluding whey solids). The historical aspect of the nutritional importance of butterfat is generally known. Vitamin A wasfirst discovered in milk fat^®, and the first severecases of clinicalxerophthalmia were described in children fed defatted milk®®: "The eye-sight of the children was sold,abroad with the butter"." Milk fat is characterized®' by a high content (7 per cent) of volatile fatty acids, mainly butyric and caproic, with small amounts of caprylic and capric, and related acids. This is indicated by Table 21.2®®. Vegetable fats and blood lipoids do not appear to contain fatty acids with less than 12 or 14 carbons. These short-chain fatty acids are apparently synthesized by the manunary gland, as there are none in blood. The composition of milk fat varies with season, perhaps due to seasonal differences in the feed and also to temperature®^. The summer (pasture) milk is richer in oleic acid, poorer in butyric and stearic, but the palmitic remains constant. This may, perhaps, contribute to the differences in nutritive value of summer and winter millu. The phospholipids (about 0.05per cent lecithin in average milk, 0.2 per cent in cream, 0.016 per cent in skim milk, 0.13 per cent in buttermilk, 0.07 per cent cephalin in milk) are' not definitely related to the amount of fat. Cow's milk contains twice as much phospholipid and four times as much phosphorus as human milk. The cholesterol content of cow's milk is about 0.02 per cent and of butter oil 0.3 per cent; 18 per cent of the milk cholesterol is associated with the lactalbumin rather than with the fat. The short fatty acid and other milk-fat peculiarities may or may not be of nutri tional significance. There are no experimental data on this question. It seems un reasonable, however, to suppose that the mammary glands of all mammals would evolve mechanisms for the synthesis of these short-chain fatty acids (see table below) without serving some need. As previously noted, fluid (market) milk contains about 13 per cent solids; hence milk at 13 cents a quart is equivalent to one cent per one per cent solids per quart. Assuming that a quart of milk contains 4.5.ounces (127 gm) of solids, then at 13 cents a quart, the milk solids come to 2.9 cents per ounce (28.3 gm) or 46 cents a pound (453.6 gm). The market price of butterfat is about 50 cents a pound, and it has been suggested®® that milk sugar (lactose) is worth no more than store sugar (su crose), i.e., 5 cents a pound. This gives the milk protein and minerals a monetaiy value of one dollar a pound. (Note: Meat protein is $1.00 a pound when meat is 20 cents a pound; cheese protein is 90 cents a pound when cheese is 30 cents a pound; egg protein is 75 cents a pound when egg is 30 cents a pound; bean protein is 13 cents a pound when beans are 10 cents a pound; white-flour protein is 10 cents a pound when white flour is 6 cents a pound®®.) The above type of computation seems unfair because it omits the vitamins, trace elements, and unknown factors in milk, the optimal calcium-to-phos9000 units per pound vitamin A from fish-liver oil, 3200 units per pound vitamin D from irradiated ergosterol, also cultured buttermilk flavor and lactic acid. The mak ing of the spread involves the use of a vacuum pan, pasteurizer, and homogenizer. McCollum, E. v., and Davis, M., J. Biol. Chem., 15, 167 (1913). Osborne, T. B., and Mendel, L. B., Id., p. 311. " Bloch, C. E., Am. J. Dis. Child., 27, 139 (1924). ®® Woods, Ruth, Borden's Review of Nutrition Research, Jan. 1943, p. 3. Bloor, W. R., "Biochemistry of Fatty Acids," Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1943. »» Hilditch, T. P., Analyst, 62, 260 (1937). ®® Hilditch and Longenecker, H. E., J. Biol. Chem.. 122, 497 (1938); 139, 727 (1941). Hilditch, T. P., f. Soc. Chem. Ind., 60, 305 (1941). Goodale, H. D., Hoard's Dairyman, 82, 316 (1937). Prentice, E. Parmlee, letter. 802 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH phorus ratio^®, and the unique properties of milk sugar. Unlike sucrose, lactose passes the ileo-cecal valve and fonns in the intestine an exceptionally favorable medium for the growth of Bacillus acidophilu^ and related acid producers, thereby inhibiting protein putrefaction. By thus maintaining an acid reaction in the intestine, lactose, moreover, favors maximum calcium and phosphoms utilization (at least in the rat). It is known that (in the rat) the ricket-producing properties of some diets arc repressed by supplementing with lactose^®. The greater anti-rachitic value of woman's milkas compared to cow's milk is attributed to the higher lactose content of the former. Finally, lactosc furnishes an important building stone, galactose (1 galactose + 1 glucose ^ 1 lactose), for the neivous system. As previously noted, milk also contains phospholipids®®—as lecithin, cephalin, sphingomyelin, cerebrosides'—which undoubtedly have nutritional significance. The unique vahio of milk in the national liealth prot^ram (Sect. 20.2) consists parti(jularly in its supplementary value to the prevailing refmed-cereal-potato-sweets diet, especially to those in the low-incomc group who cannot afford to buy meat, eggs, green vegetables, and fruit (Fig. 21.2). The daily consumption of a quart of milk may ren der almost adequate an otherwise inadequate diet. A century ago, the per capita consumption of pure sugar was 8 pounds a year; now it is over 100 (112 in 1941)". About 20 per cent of the total calories of the average con sumer is furnished by sugar", and 30 per cent of the calories is furnished by white flour. The milling process has been so perfected that modern white flour is almost completely devoid of its mineral and vitamin "impurities." (The milling process removes § of the iron, ^ of the calcium, f of the coppcr, J of the thiamine, f of the ribollavin, f of the vitamin B comphix and nearly all tho manganese and magnesium.) The net result is a marginal diet in which 50 per cent of the Calories are ilerived from sugar and white flour, nearly devoid of minerals and vitamins, with corresponding marginal health". Nerv ous manifestations associated with beri-beri and pellagra are said to be endemic in the United States-", as are . . among other signs and symptoms, moodiness, sluggish ness, indifference, fear, and fatigue." The Stiebeling reports" . . reveal a large pro- McCollum, E. v., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 47, 505 (1921). Sherman, H. C., and Haw- ley,E. E., id., 53,375 (1922). Sherman and Pappenheimer, A. M., J. Exp. Med., 34, 189 (1921). Rettger, L. F., et al., "A treatise on the transformation of the intestinal flora with special reference to Bacillus acidophiiiis," Yale Press, 1921. "Lactobacillvs acidophihts and its therapeutic applications," Yale Press, 1935. Bergeim, O., J. Biol. Che7)}., 70, 35 (1026). Kline, 0. h., Keenan, J. A., Elvehjem, A., and Hart, 1*]. B., Id., 98, 121 (1932). Outhouse, .1., et al., J. Nvt., 20, 467 (1940). Kurtz, F. l;]., and Holm, G. iO,, "Lipids of milk." J. Biol. Chem., 106, 717 (1934), and J. Dairy Sci., 22, 1011 (1939). Ileinneman, B., "Relation of phospholipids to fat in dairy products,"/. Dairy Sci., 22, 707 (1939). (Vane, J. C., and Horrall, B. E., "Phospholipids in dairy products," Id., 25, 651 (1942). Roberts, L. J., Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 17, 230 (1939). " Lamborn & Co., sugar brokers, gave in tlieir Oct. 22, 1943, publication ("Formula for sabotage of the sugar industry") an interesting example of "double talk" connect ing (psychologically) the rise of Hitlerism, the decline of France, etc., with the opinion that Americans are con.suming too much sugar. "The (nutritionists) weed is planted. It is of the spreading variety . . . ]vventually there arc literally millions saying parrotlike "they say that you don't need any sugar. . . ." "Vitamins and war," Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 115, 1198 (1940). Agr. Ward, , . . . "Food budgets," U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 183, 1933; Carpenter, R. C., and Stiebeling, "Diet to fit income," U. S. D. A. Farmer's Bull. 1757, 1936. Orr, J. B., "Food, health, and income." Macmillan, 1936. MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 803 portion of poor diets in peaceful America with its bursting granaries. . . . The diets were poor in vitamins A, D, and Bi and in calcium. . . . When white flour and sugar provide 50 per cent of the calories . . . selection ofa diet that can be called good ... is almost impossible except for an expert." The dietary complications which worry physicians", food economists", and nutri tionists" may be solved, as suggested by Sherman", McCollum", Rose", and others", by including in the diet a quart of whole milk a day. This milk corrects the faults of I QUARTS 550 I MILK EQUIVALENT OOO {MIRT PHODWCTS, IHCl ^LUIO UIIK) -J150 O m FLUID MILK Z3 \n CINCLUOINC POWrRf] 2 o u Q. < u <N T O- EGGS- ICECREAM CONDENSED 6 EVAPORATED MILK BUTTER^ aUID CREAM _L_ CHEESE 1230 ISOO 1730 PER CAPITA INCOME. DaiARS Fig. 21,2. Milk, meat, and egg consumption as related to income level. Modified from "The Dairy Situation", Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. 8. Dept. Agricul ture, November, 1942. the "perversely" used impoverished foods. Moreover, milk can be made a carrier of the easily manufactured vitamins''^ as Bj, in the same manner as it is now often en riched with vitamin D. "Symposium on the fortification of foods with vitamins and minerals," MUbank Memorial Fund Quarlcrlij, 17, #3, 1939. Contributors: Agnes Fay Morgan, Lydia J. Roberts, W. H. Sebrell, E. M. Nelson, Alonzo E. Taylor. Sherman, H. C., "Chemistry of food and nutrition," New York, 1938. Sherman, H. C., and Lanford, Curoline Sherman, "Essentials of nutrition," Maemillan, 1940. McCollum, E. v., Orcnt-Keiles, E., and Day, H. G., "The newer knowledge of nutrition," New York, 1939. " Rose, Mary S., "The foundation of nutrition," New York, 1938. Brody, S., "Nutrition," Ann. licv. Bioc., 4, 392 (1935). Borsook, H., "Vitamins," Viking Press, 1940- 804 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH To be sure, milk is not suitable as an exclusive diet after the normal weaning age. The amounts of iron, copper, and manganese salts are inadequate in milk when fed to adult rats as an exclusive diet. (The young are born with iron and copper reserves in the liver to meet their needs during the suckling period.) But when the milk is sup plemented by these salts, rats®" and dogs"' " may be maintained almost indefinitely (for four generations at least) on the exclusive (mineralized) milk diet. They also reproduced, although at a lower rate®"on this diet. Calves" were also grown on this mineralized milk diet for at least two years, but in addition to iron, copper, and manganese,magnesium had to be added to the milk®'. Milk is also inadequate in vita min C when fed to species dependent on dietary ascorbic acid. Fortunately, whole cereal (such as whole-wheat bread) supplements tlie milk defi ciencies in a practically perfect manner (except for ascorbic acid). This was demon strated by Sherman (Sect. 18.2.4), who maintained many generations of rats on an ex clusive whole milk-whole wheat (and salt) diet. Sherman had two diets differing in the mllk-to-wheat ratios: (1) i dry whole milk and | whole wheat; (2) § dry milk and f wheat. In comparison to a good stock diet, the rats on diet (1) performed satisfactorily in growth, health, reproduction, and longevity; on diets (2) they performed ex cellently in growth, health, and longevity. The most striking observation is that the rats on diet (2) matured earlier, lived longer and retained their vigor to a more ad vanced age. This result leads to the tentative conclusion that a whole milk-whole cereal diet (supplemented in the case of man with raw cabbage or raw or canned tomato or citrus for vitamin C) in which milk furnishes about J to J of the Calories (as when a daily quart of milkis consumed) is nutritionally complete. Taylor" suggested the com bination of milk and bread into a milk-bread, which is less expensive than milk and bread. It seems agreed that most people are alike in needing milk; unfortunately, they are not alike in their ability to get it, and the basic problem is how to bring it within their means (Fig. 21.2). 21.3: Composition of milk. This section is not concerned with the details of the chemical composition of milk on which there are extensive reviews®®, but with some of its general features. Bunge®® suggested that the chemical composition of milk in different spe cies is correlated with the clieraical composition of the new-born animal. This correlation, if any, does not appear to be striking. More strUcing is the parallelism between milk composition and maturing speed of the new-born Richardson, L. R., and Hogan, A. G., J. Nut., 19, 13 (1940). " Elvehjem, C. A., et al., J. Nul., 20, 433 (1940). 62 For extensive reviews sec Herman, H. A., Univ. Mo. Agr.Exp. Sta., Res. Bull. 245, 1936. Savage, E. S., and McCay, C. M., J. Dairy Sci., 25, 595 (1942). Krauss, W. E., Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 477, 1931. " Duncan, C. W., Huffman, C. F., and Robinson, C. S., J. Biol. Chem., 108, 35 (1935). Wise, G. H., Gullickson, T. W., and Peterson, W. E., J. Dairy Sci., 22, 573 (1939), and 23, 997 (1940). "Tavlor. Alonzo, Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 81, S92 (1923). culture, U. S. D. A., Washington, 1939. Reviews by C. A. Gary, el al., p. 649, and I. P. Earle, p. 501. Biennial Reviews of the Progress of Dairy Science in the J. Dairy Reserach, U. S. D. A.: Farmers Bull. 1359, 1923. Geiling, E. M. K., el al., J. Miol. 1929. Other references are cited in the text. Bunge, G., Z. Biol., 10, 326 (1S74). Bungc, G., "Physiological and pathological chemistry," Philadelphia, 1902. MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 665 mammal, as exemplified by Table 21.3 mostly from Abderhalden®', who called attention to this relation. (This table is modified and extended on the basis of the newer literature®®.) The relation between milk composition and maturing rate is complicated by many factors, evolutionary and physiologic. The milk of the ass, horse, and man is abundant in water (90 per cent) and sugar, but poor in protein and fat. The milk of the reindeer and marine mammals is veiy concentrated. The situation is too complex for a simple generalization, although, no doubt, speed of growth, composition and physiologic age (Ch. 19) of the young at birth are important factors in determining the evolutionary trend of milk composition. The metho'd of obtaining the milk influences the apparent com position. It is remarkable that the composition differences are no greater than they All milks contain the same constituents, although the proteins differ imi^«iologically®®. Thus persons allergic to cow's milk can take goat's milk without any ill efFects. In spite of the quantitative differences in composition of the milk of differ ent specics, man and most farm and laboratory animals thrive on cow's milk. While goats (kids) make exactly the same growth per Calorie on cow's as on goat's milk®', calves are said®° to react unfavorably to goat's milk; and while horses (foals) are said to react unfavorably to undiluted cow's milk, they thrive on undiluted goat's milk, although goat's and cow's milk have the same quantitative composition. The differences may be associated with dif ferences in permeabiUty of the digestive tract lining to some of the proteins of goat's and cow's milk, with consequent allergic reactions®^ But even in the same species there is considerable difference in the quanti tative composition of milk, indicated by the following cattle-breed-difTerence data, on small groups of animals, from Overman et al.^Breed Differences in Composition of Milk (small groups of animals). Means ot percentages of components Cattle, breed Fat Protein Lactose Ash Solids Water Ayrshire 4.1 0.68 Holstein 3.5 3.4 Jersey Guernsey-Holstein Average 6.2 4.4 3.9 3.8 3.7 5.0 4.9 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.9 0.73 Guernsey 4.0 6.2 3.6 3.6 4.0 4.7 Brown Swiss 13.1 13.4 14.9 12.5 14.7 13.8 86.9 86.6 85.1 87.5 85.3 86.2 86.3 4.4 0.74 0.68 0.70 0.72 0.71 13.7 Solidsnot-fat Specific Gravity 9.0 9.4 9.7 9.0 9.6 9.4 1.0317 1.0318 9.3 1.0326 1.0336 1.0324 1.0332 1.0330 " Abderhalden, E., Hoppe-Seylers Z. Physiol. Chem., 26, 489 (1898); 27, 356 and 408 (1899). Wells, H. Gideon and Osborne, T. B., J. Inf. Dis., 29, 200 (1921). Nelson, J. B., Univ. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. R«s. Bull. 68, 1924. Gamble, J. A., Ellis, N. R., and Besley, A. K., U. S. D. A. Tech. Bull. 671, 1939. Earle, I. P., "Food and life."" Ratner, B., Am. J. Dig. Dis. and Nut., 2, 324 (1935). Overman, O. R., Garrett, 0. F., Wright, K. E., and Sanraann, F. P., Univ. 111. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 457, 1939. 806 BIOENERGETICS AND GliOWTH There are, moreover, differences in composition mthin the breed as indi cated by the following table (Overman, et al.). Maximum and minimum percentages of milk constituents Breed Fat Protein Lactose Ash Solids Water 2.9-5.7 2.9-6.5 2.9-4.6 2.6-5.7 .58-.85 .64-.99 89.4-84.2 8S.&-82.7 Guernsey 3.7-7.7 2.7-5.5 2.4-6.1 3.7-6.7 3.6-5.8 10.6-15.8 Brown Swiss Holstein 2.6-6.0 3.3-8.4 2.7-7.5 2.6-8.4 2.4-6.5 2.9-5.8 2.7-6.3 2.4-6.5 4.0-5.7 .60-.85 .56-.86 2.7-^7 .57-.82 12.1-17.9 10.7-17.6 11.0-11.7 3.0-6.0 .58-.94 10.6-17.9 2.4-6.7 .56-.99 10.6-17.9 Ayrshire Jersey Crosses All samples 11.4^17.3 87.9-82.1 89.3-82.4 89.0-88.3 89.4-82.1 89.4-82.1 Solids* not-fat 7.2-10.4 8.0-11.4 8.2-11.1 7.8-11.9 7.7-11.1 7.9-11.7 7.2-11.9 The caloric value of milk, of course, varies with its composition, especially with its fat percentage. Gaines suggested that milks of different fat percentage be converted into milk containing 4 per cent fat, designated FCM, wiiich has a heat value of 750 Cal per kg, or 340 Cal per lb. According to Gaines", FCM = 0.4M -h 15/'' M is weight of milk and F is weight of fat, all in the same units, and FCM is milk cor rected to 4 per cent fat (see Table 22.3 for details). The Gaines formula is based on the following combustion values per gram of milk constituent: 9.253 Cal for fat, 5.853 for protein, 3.693 for lactose; one kilogram of 4 per cent milk contains 750 Cal and 37 gm protein on the basis of 50 mg protein per Cal. The ratio of jjrotein to energy is nearly constant, 43 to 49 mg protein per Cal, regard less of the fat percentage in milk. The combustion energy of 4 per cent goat's milk®' is virtually the same as of 4 per cent cow's milk: 342 Cal per lb for goat's milk, and 343 Cal for cow's milk. The ccmrrasrioB- value of 3 samples of woman's milk was reported to be" 660, 680, and 770 Cal per liter. It is often convenient to represent milk composition in terms of percentages of the total solids, or the nitrogen in terms of total nitrogen, as follows*®. Percentages in terms of the milk solids Percentages in terms of total N Fat Protein Lactose Ash Casein N Albumin N protein N Low-protein ration 28.6 24.8 40.5 5.5 77.5 18.2 4.2 High-protein ration (N.R.l:2) 28.2 26.1 41.2 5.8 71.1 20.5 8.4 (N^.l:13) Non- Species Differences in the Distribution of Nitrogen in Milk®® Ratio of Nitrogen in milk as percentage of total N .•Mbumin + Species Globulin Casein N Saanen & Toggenburg Globulin N Albumin Total Non- N Protein N protein N Casein N N to Gms. N in 100 cc Skim Milk 71 8.2 13.2 92 8.1 0.30 0.52 76 81 8.5 6.2 4.5 0.24 0.50 96 Human (one sample) 41 15.0 9.6 9.3 27 94 Jersey cows 0.19 1.0» 0.18 goats Holstein cows 5.5 84 . 16 0.64 Gaines, W. L., 111. Agr. Exp. Sla. Bull. 308, 1928. Overman, 0. R., and Gaines, W. L., J. Agr. Res., 46, 1109 (1933). ®^ Peterson, V. E., and Turner, C. W., J. Nut., 17, 293 (1939). ®® Shukers, C. F., et al., J. Nut., 6, 127 (1932). ®® Perkins, A. E., Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 515, 1932. MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS • 807 Incidentally, Perkins' table®® shows that the dietary protein level may influence the percentage distribution of protein and especially non-protein nitrogen in the milk. The table of Gamble, Ellis, and Gross^® shows that in terms of percentage of total nitrogen, goats and cows have nearly the same composition, but human milk contains about half the casein, and double the albumin, globulin, and non-protein nitrogen as cow's or goat's milk. This may be associated with the younger physiologic age of human infants than those of cows or goats, since the non-casein nitrogen of milk is more closely related to blood nitrogen than is the casein nitrogen; and judging by the composition of colostrum, tlie younger the physiologic age of the newborn, tlie richer the milk in noncasein nitrogen. The data of Gamble, Ellis, and Besley apparently show closer agreement in quanti tative composition between goat's and llolstein-cow's milk than between Holsteinand Jersey cow's milk, in spite of difTerences in mature weight, rate of physiologic matura tion and growth, and different evolutionary history. This is also shown in the follow ing summary of the species differences in tlie composition of milk. Goat Holstein cow Jersey cow Human®' Rat'® Dog8» Fat Protein Lactose Ash Water Ca P Fe Cu (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (mg %) (mg %) (mg %) (mg %) 3.5 3.1 0.053 106 117 34 98 88 101 0.072 88.2 0.072 0.088 0.2 0.7 0.057 0.058 2.8 0.79 0.70 0.73 0.2 1.5 114 3.2 3.8 4.6 4.6 4.7 7.5 88.3 3.4 5.3 3.5 15 8.3 3.7 1.2 1.3 12 7.5 85.7 88 69 77 15 270 240 349 289 0.05 0.7 The rate of growth of suckling rats and human infants was almost identical per Cal orie intake of goat's and Holstein's milk. It is interesting to note that in spite of the enormous difTerences in the percentages of calcium and phosphorus in the milk of cow, rat, and dog, the Ca:P ratio is 1.2, the same in all. In human milk, the ratio is 2.3. These unusually high Ca:P ratios, rarely found in other foods, are very favorable for calcium assimihation. Milk is thus the best nutritional source of calcium, not only because of its richness in calcium, but also be cause of the favorable Ca:P ratio. • Summarizing, tlie qualitative composition of different milks is chemically (not always immunologically) the .same, but different in the proportions between the constituents. While the composition tends to vary with the rate of maturing of the newborn animal, other factors confuse this relation. 21.4: Physico-chemical aspects of lactation. (See Sect. 7.2 for hormonal aspects.) The concentration of some substances, such as urea'", is the same in milk and blood; the concentration of most constituents in milk differs from that in blood. Thus^', in comparison to blood, cow's milk contains 40 times as much sugar^- on a molar basis, and 80 to 90 times on a gravimetric basis'®; 20 times as much fat, 14 times as much calcium, 7 times as much 67 Macy, I. G., el uL, .4/«. ./. Dis. Child., 43, 10G2 (1932). 68 Cox, W. M., Jr., and Mueller, A. J., J. Nut., 13, 249 (1937). Anderson, H. D., et al., Am. J. Physiol., 129, 631 (1940). " Peskett, G. R., Pioc. J., 28, 1667 (1934). Simnis, K. S., Proo. Internat. Dairy Congr., 1931. " Petersen, W. K., J. Dairtf Sci., 26, 71 (1942). " Comparison of the blood and milk sugars of several species. Blood sugar (%) MUk8ugart(7o) Cow Goat Sheep Rabbit Mare Sow Doa Rat Woman 0.05 4-6 0.06 4-6 0.13 4.0 0.08 3.7 0.12 3.0 0.06 4.5 0,12 2.0 0.11 7.0 O.ll 7.0 808 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH potassium and phosphate, 4 times as much magnesium, ^ as much protein, \ as much chlorides, and | as much sodium. Some t3''pical milk constituents, such as casein, lactose, and the short-chain fattj' acids, are absent in blood. 21.4.1: Osmotic pressxire and milk synthesis. In spite of the greater gravimetric concentration of most constituents in milk, the osmotic pressure is the same, about 6.G atmospheres, in milk and blood, indicating the same total osmoticallyactive molar concentration. How is tliis sameness of osmotic pressure in milk and blood maintained in the face of the differences in gravi metric composition? Perhaps by the enzjTnatic change of osmotically active, smaller-molecule transudates derived from blood into osmotically less active, larger-molecule milk constituents. Thus one molecule of milk sugar is derived from two molecules of blood sugar, or from one glucose and two lactic acid molecules, therebj' reducing the osmotic pressure in the l>lood transudate by ^ or |. Similarly, the amino acids, phosphates, calcium ions, etc., are com bined in the secretory cells into larger aggregates'—into casein, lactalbumin, and calcium caseinate—resulting in an overall lower osmotic pressure. The osmotic pressure reduction in the transudate in the secretory cells below that of the blood drives the diffusible substances from the blood into the secretory cells as part of the tendency to equalize the hj'^drostatic or diffusion pressure. Disturbance of the mammary apparatus, exemplified by mastitis, due to engorgement of the secreting alveoli vdth fluid as result of cessation of cus tomary milking, affects the selective action of the gland, with a resulting tendency to equalization of milk and blood-semm constituents; this is indi cated, for example, by increase in the pH, chloride, catalase, and globulin of milk and decrease in its casein and lactose. Indeed, milk from disturbed glands is detected by its high pH, chloride, and catalase. The rate of secretion and (to a lesser extent) the composition of milk depend on the pressure within the* secretory alveoli. The higher the intra-alveolar pressure, the less the rate of milk secretion and the greater the tendency of the composition of milk to approach that of blood serum. This statement may be illustrated by several dramatically important applications: (1) When the blood calcium (and sometimes blood sugar) declines below a critical level as result of too rapid lactation (in comparison to the animal's ability to mobilize calcium), the animal develops the typical hj'pocalcemic and/or hypoglycemic syndrome milkfever. Death follows if this is untreated. But if the udder is pumped full of air, both lactation and the drain of blood calcium into the milk are stopped; indeed, some of the calcium in the milk may be turned back to the blood, with the result that the blood calcium (and/or sugar) attains a normal level. Thus, instead of dj-ing, the cow may become normal in a few minutes^—an apparent miracle has been performed. (2) Lactation may be stopped at any time by merely ceasing to milk. The increase in intra-alveolar pressure as a result of failure to remove the milk effectively blocks the lactation process. The applications of this fact are evident: the more frequent and the more complete the milkings, the lower MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 809 the average intra-alveolar pressure and the greater the rate of milk secretion; or what is the same, the longer the interval between milkings, the less the milk production per unit time. This is illustrated by the declining curve in Fig. 21.3, prepared from data secured in 1920 or 1921^\ lb. \ \ 16 .6 I 14 a % \ .? J \ 12 ✓ V .6 / <p •> / I \ &) ( N s, I / 6 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 Houps Aftep Last Milking Pepcen^ 6 12 16 20 24 25 32 36 HouPs aftep Last Milhnp Fig. 21.3. The influence of milking frequency on the rate of milk productioQ. (3) Unsatisfactory performance, especially rapid "drying up," in some otherwise good dairy cows is explained^® by the failure of the cow to "let " Univ. Mo. Agr. E.\p. Sta. Res. Bull. 96, 1926, pp. 82. For the more rccent litera ture see Petersen.''^ "Petersen," Turner, C. W., Hoards Dairyman, 88, 685 (1943). Hammond, J.. /. Fci. Kcc., 16, 519 (1936). ' ' 810 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH down" her milk, with resulting continuous high pressure in the alveoli. The "let-down" mechanism is apparently neuro-endocrine in nature. The stimu lation (by milking) of the ner\'e endings in the teat and udder is carried to the central nei'vous system, which in turn stimulates the posterior pituitary to eject the oxytocic hormone into the blood; the oxytocic hormone stimulates the muscles around the alveoli to contract and thus eject the milk. On the other hand, when the cow is excited, adrenaline production (by the adrenal medulla) is accelerated, thus relaxing the smooth muscles, that is, preventing the muscles around the alveoli from contracting for milk ejection"' The involvement of the nervous system is demonstrated by the eventual loss of abilitj' to "let down" the milk following sNTiipathectomy'^ and by similar failure when the animal is frightened or annoyed''^. Good dairymen, of course, know that it is important to handle cows gently, quietly, and pleasantly (see Sect. 10.8 for a discussion on a broader plane). The speed of synthesis and diffusion of the various milk constituents is dependent, among other factors, on (1) concentration of milk precui-soi-s in the blood, which depends on food supply; (2) concentration of sj'nthetic enzjones in the secretory cells, dependent on the genetic constitution of the animal (altliough the immediate control of the enzyme concentration may reside in the pituitarj^ or other endocrines, which are directly or indirectly related to the genetic constitution of the animal); (3) intra-alveolar pressure and the factore controlling it. The concentrations of water, solids, and each of the solid constituents in milk depends on the relative concentrations of each of the various enzymes in the secretory cells. Thus if the concentration of the lactose-synthesizing enzymes is high, relatively more lactose will be produced. Since per unit weight lactose is osmotically more acti\'e than fat or protein, the milk will contain more water in order to maintain the osmotic pressui'c constant. This is probably the reason why the higher lactose concentration in the milk of the horse, ass, and man is associated with higher water content (more dilute^®). 21.4.2: Colostrum. Colostrum, the mammary secretion in the early stages of lac tation, is in some respects intermediate between blood serum and normal millc, es pecially in being rich in globulin and albumin, poor in potassium and high in sodium, poor in lactose and high in chlorine, as illustrated by Table 21.4, computed by us from Garrett and Overman'®. The following data on the composition of colostrum during the first four days after calving (Fig. 21.4a) may also be of interest®®. Ely, F., and Petersen, W. E., J. Dairy Sci., 24, 211 and 225 (1941). Swanson, E. W., and Turner, C. W., Id., p. 635. Turner''. " Cannon, W. B., and Bright, E. M., Am. J. Physiol., 97, 319 (1931). Bacq, Z. M., Id., 99, 444 (1932). Selye, H., Collip, J. B., and Tliompson, D. L., Endocrinology, 18, 237 (1934), and Am. J. Physiol., 107, 535 (1934). Simeone, F. A., and Ross, J. !•., Id., 122, 659 (1938). •® Blackwood, J. H., and Stirling, J. D., Bioc. J., 26, 1127 (1932). Grateful acknowl edgements are made to W. R. Graham, Jr., for valuable suggestions. Garrett, O. P., and Overman, 0. R., J. Dairy Sci., 23, 13, (1940). ®®Ragsdalc, A. C. and Brody, S., "The colostrum problem and its solution." J. Dairy Sci., 6, 137 (1923). Nelson, John B., "Antibody transmission by colostrum." Univ. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bull. 68, 1924. Brody, S., and Ragsdale, A. C., "Time changes in milk secretion," Id., Res. Bull. 96, 1926, p. 73. MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS Milking after Milk Solid calving (lbs) Globulin Casein Sugar Fat (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 1 2 24 3.3 4.4 2.1 18 1.6 0.90 3.4 3.1 3.3 5.3 4.6 4.4 3.5 4.5 3.5 3.7 3.9 4.8 4.6 4.5 1.16 0.95 0.89 0.85 0.82 0.83 0.81 0.80 3 10 g 12 4 13 5 6 7 16 13 18 17 14.5 14.4 14.4 14.2 14.2 14.2 3.1 2.6 0.50 0.38 2.6 0.33 2.6 2.8 2.3 0.30 0.22 4.7 811 Ash 180 > ,^00^ y y / Fig. 21.4a. Change in composition from / colostrum to milk. y / / \\^ ;;;; w As h \ w \ 40 20 n "Yotal \ 30M? •N \ =»i-t \ Cldhii Un 0 Milkings aftep Calving In addition to the unusually high level of protein (especially globulin), colostrum is also very rich in vitamin A, perhaps 100-fold that in normal milk,' and in other substanccs, such as immune bodies required by the young until it develops its own immunity^°, and in lysozome®'. There are also consider able post-colostral changes in the composition of milk, asindicated in Fig. 21.4. 21.4.3: Synthetic powers of the mammary gland. Since, as above ex plained, milk contains casein, lactose, and short-chain fatty acids not found in blood, and since the general level and proportions of the several constituents in milk are different from those in blood serum, it follows that the mammary gland has synthetic and selective powers. Mammary tissueslices also exhibit synthetic powei-s in vitro. This was demonstrated especially for the synthe"Lyso^omc " Arc/i. Path., 30. 1096 (1940); Meyer, Carl, Science, 99, 391 (1944); Lawrence, U. L., Id., p. 392. BJOENERGETICS AND GROWTH 812 1 1 /I ' r- / "N _ ^ 20 ^ m. % s: No 4 Ifeat ooag m pco 15 V j\ 10" F\ Mo- 3r [5 ta Days-a -tt -16 -M -t? -» -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 t? ' ...0 • 14 16 B 20 Fig. 21.4b. Changes in milk yield and in heat-coagulable protein with calving. pH m > M pfissouptdata 0 10 20^405060?Oa0 90iDO 0.1 H..AU3li added Fig. 21.4c. Comparison of buffer value, or acidity, of milk, colostrum, and MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS sis of lactose from glucose®^ in vitro. It 813 long been known®^ that there is an arterio-venous difference in the constituents going to make up milk, indi cating that the mammary gland takes up the constituents from the blood to make milk. However, the intermediate metabolism, the stages through which the blood constituents pass on their way to milk, is still a virgin field of investigation. Fig. 21.4d. Change in composi tion of fat with the advance of the period of lactation. The first nu meral on each line represents the corresponding absolute number, e. g., 4.0% fat. Mt >soL PI c au Mos. 0 Peplod of Lactation Even the technique of drawing blood for evaluating the uptake of blood constituents for milk production has not yet been worked out satisfactorily. Kaufmann and Magne® assumed that the difTerence in composition between jugular blood and mammary-vein blood represents the uptake by the mammary gland. Blackwood & Stirling®' criticized this method especially because it overlooks the difTcrences in blood composition result ing from differences in the rate of salivary secretion. Blackwood and Stirling®^ ob88 Weinbach, A. P., Am. J. Physiol., 109, 108 (1934), and J. Gen. Physiol., 19, 829 (1936). Grant, G. A,, Bioc. J., 29, 1905 (1935). Peterson, W. E., and Shaw, J. C., Science, 86, 398 (1937). Kaufmann, M., and Magne, H., C. R. Acad. Sci., 143, 779 (1906). " Blackwood, J. H., and Stirling, J. D., Bioc. J., 26, 357 and 362 (1932); 28, 1346 (1934). BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH 814 tained blood simultaneously from the radial artery and mammary vein. Lintzol®® obtained arterial blood from the heart (left ventricle), Graham from the internal iliac artery through the rcctal wall", and also by exteriorizing tlie carotid artery®^; Maynard®® obtained blood from the internal pudic artery through the vaginal wall; Petersen®" Mi: sou •: da' -js Mos. 0 4 6 6 . K) Stag® of Lactation Fig.-21.4e. Changes in the composition of milk with the advance of the period of lactation. analyzed uptake from the blood by perfusion experiments. There are objections to every one of these methods. Excitement of the animal disturbs the normal composi« Lintzel, W., Z. Zucht., 29B, 219 (1934). Graham, W. 11., Jr., Jones, T. S. G., Kay, H. D., and Mclntosh, R. A., Proc. Roy. Soc., 120B, 319, 330 (1936). Graham, Turner, C. W., and Gomez, E. T., Univ. Mo. Agr. Exp, Sta. lies. Bull. 260, 1937. *8 Maynard, L. A., el al., N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta. Mem. 211,1938. Petersen, W. E., el al., J. Dairy Sci., 24, 139 (1941). MILK: NUTRITJONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 815 tion of the blood, especially the blood-sugar level. Anesthetizing the aniraapo may overcome this difficulty but introduces others. To be useful for quantitative interpretation, measurements of arterio-venous dif ference in blood composition must be accompanied by measurements of the rate of blood flow through the mammary gland. Graham" employed the tliermostromuhr metliod®^ for this purpose. The earlier data of Graham'® et al. and also of Shaw and Petersen"* (computed on the basis of calcium intake) indicate that about 400 volumes of blood pass through the udder in producing one volume of milk. This means that 20,000 pounds of blood pass through the udder in producing 50pounds of milk. Graham's thermostromuhr method, however, gave much lower values®'. 21.4.4: Milk-sugar production. Graham reported that milk sugar is de rived not only from glucose but also from lactic acid®® and from blood pro tein . Some lactose may also be produced from glycoproteins'®. These results are important because they demonstrate that: (1) blood sugar is not the only source of milk sugar; (2) lactic acid, an important rumenfermentation product, may participate in and accelerate lactose formation— and, therefore, milk secretion—in ruminants; (3) high dietary protein may stimulate milk secretion; (4) the mammary gland resembles the heart, liver, and other organs in normally utilizing lactic acid for functional activity. It is believed that blood-sugarlevel is at least one of the major limiting factors in milk secretion; the production of lactose by the mammary gland is believed to control milk volume: 18 lbs of water goes with 1 lb of lactose. Anything which reduces blood sugar (as phlorizin) reduces mostly the milk secretion rate"'' rather than concentration of sugar in milk, although there may also be a reduction in the lactose level of the milk®®'Alimentary hyperglycemia is, however, without effect; the excess sugar is simply excreted. 21.4.5: Milk-protein production. It is known that there is less nitrogen in mammary-venous than in arterial blood^"\ It is not known, however, »»lleineke, E. P., el al., Am. J. Physiol., 132, 535 (1941). " Graham, J. Biol. Chem., 122, 1 (1937). "2 Herrick, J. F., and Balclcs, E. J., Physics, 1, 407 (1931). " Graham, et al., Proe. Hoy. Soc., 120B, 330 (1936). " Shaw, J. C., and Petersen, W. E., Am. J. Physiol., 123, 183 (1938). Computation example: if the arteriovenous difference for calcium is 0.31 mg % and the milk calcium i.s 120 mg %, the ratio of volume blood flow through the mammary gland to the amount of milk secreted is 120/0.31 = 387. For fat: if the arteriovenous difference, 11.6 mg. % is divided by milk fat content, 400 mg %, it yields a ratio of 344. For lactose: the ratio of milk sugar to blood sugar -|- lactic acid = 4860/12.4 = 391 volumes of blood to 1 of milk produced. Graham's stromuhr method yielded the ratio 140 to 223 in milking goats and 400 in an almost dry goat. »«Graham, W. II., .Jr., J. Biol. Chem., 122, 1 (1937). See also Shaw, J. C., et al., Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Mod., 38, 579 (1938). Graham, Houchin O. B., and Turner, C. W., J. Biol. Chem., 120, 29 (1937). lleineke, E. P., Williamson, M. B., and Turner, C. W., J. Biol. Chem., 138, 83 (1941). Gowan, J. W., and Tobey, E. F., .7. Gen. Physiol., 15, 45 and 67 (1931-2). Brown, W. Tl., Petersen, W. E., and Gortner, J. Dairy Sci., 19, 147, 177, 243 (193^. 100 Overman, O. R., and Wright, K. E., J. Agr. Res., 36, 637 (1929). Petersen, W. E., et al., J. Am. Vet. Med. Assn., 79, 217 (1931). >01 Gary, C. A., J. Biol. Chem., 43, 477 (1920). Blackwood, J. H., Bioc. J., 26, 772 (1932). 810 BIOENBRGETICS AND GROWTH to what extent each of the various nitrogen compounds in blood is transformed into the various nitrogen compounds in milk. The difference in amino acids in the arterial and venous bloods is not sufficiently great to account for the milk proteins'"^, especially as amino acids are also used in production of lac tose. Incidentally, the production of lactose from amino acids, of course, involves deamination and urea production, so that the mammary venous blood contains 3 per cent more urea (1 mg per cent more) than arterial blood. Indeed, the increase in urea nitrogen in the mammary vein may be equivalent to the amino-nitrogen taken up by the gland to produce milk protein^°^ These masking effects and other complications make it difficult to inteipret the significance of simple arterio-venous nitrogen differences. It is now believed®''that blood globulin, including glycoprotein, is taken up by the mammary gland. There are many data which bear on but do not clarify the problem of milk-protein synthesis, such as that there is much more globulin inlactating than innon-lactating gland tissue"^ and that mammarygland tissue contains considerable arginase"® (enzyme for splitting urea from arginine). Summing up, Graham el seem to have demonstrated that only about 40 per cent of the milk protein is derived from blood-serum amino acids, the remainder comes from blood-semm globulins and unidentified nitrogen com pounds. This result was confirmed by Shaw and Petei*scn'", and othei-s^"®. 21.4.6: Milk-fatproduction. Meigs'"^ etal.reported a jugular-mammai-y vein difference in lipid phosphorus, and so concluded that milk fat is derived from blood phospholipids. Subsequent investigators"" however, found no arteriovenous differences in phospholipids, but differences in total fatty acids, and so concluded that milk fat is derived from neutral fat, perhaps almost exclu sively from blood fat. The respiratory quotient is ordinarily a good index of the nature of the metabolites involved in a given transformation (Ch. 12). Thus an R.Q. of 1.0 indicates that carbohydrate is oxidized; and R.Q. above 1.0 indicates that fat is synthesized. R.Q. measurements of the mammary gland at Missouri^^^ yielded values considerably above 1.0 (average of 1.36), indicating synthesis of a portion of the milk fat from blood carbohydrate. The R.Q. values 1"' Graham, W. R. Jr., et al., Arn. J. Physiol., 122, 150 (1938) and J. Biol. Ckem., 122, 275 (1938). Reineko, E. P., et at., Uiiiv. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Ros. Bull. 296, 1930; J. Boil. Chem., 138, 83 (1941). Shaw, J. C., and Pctersen, W. E., Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 38, 632 (1938). Jackson, S. M., and Gortner, R,. A., J. Biol. Chem., 123, 719 (1938). Shaw, J. C., and Petersen, W. E., Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 38, 631 (1938). 1®® Graham, Peterson, V. E., Houchin, and Turner, J. Biol. Chem., 122, 275 (1938). Shaw, J. C., and Petersen, W. E., Ptoc. Am. Physiol. Soc., 59th Meet., p. 183 (1938). Reineke, E. P., et al., Univ. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bull. 296, 1939. Meigs, E. B., Blatherwick, N. R., and Gary, C. A., J. Biol. Chem., 37, 1 (1919). Blackwood, J. H., Bioc. J., 28, 1346 (1934). Lintzel", Graham®®, Maynard®® and J. Biol. Chem., 92, 263 (1931); Shaw and Petersen" and./. Dairy Sci., 23,1045 (1940). Graham, W. R., Jr., Houchin, O. B., Peterson, V. E., and Turner, C. W., Avi. J. Physiol., 122, 150 (1938). MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 817 ranged'^2 above unity in the lactating mammary gland of goats, to 0.8 in non-lactating, indicating synthesis of milk fat, especially short-chain fatty acid fats, from blood carbohydrate. It is, however, more generally believed'^' that the short-chain fatty acids in milk are derived from longchain fatty acids, perhaps from breakdown of oleic-acid fats, in blood"\ There is a considerableliterature on the qualitative influence of the dietary fat on milkfat"®. Broadly speaking, such characteristics as the iodine num ber or hardness of the butterfat tend to parallel within certain limits the corresponding characteristics in the dietary fat. One observer reported that 18 per cent of dietary oil \vas recovered imchanged in the milk"^ However, most milk fat is synthesized by the mammary gland, since the chemical composition of milk fat as a whole differs from body and food fat. One of the important contemporary problems in lactation research is the elucidation of the paths, time rates, and mechanisms of these and related transfoimations. The method of tagging dietary constituents with isotopes, such as with deuterium"®, radioactive iodine"' and sulfur, heavy carbon^^° and nitrogen .should prove helpful in tracing dietary carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, and nitrogen to milk carbon, hydrogen, sulfur and nitrogen"^. The use of isotopically labelled compounds is undoubtedly the next stage in the study of the inter mediate metabolism of milk secretion. Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for experiments with ruminants. 21.4.7: Influence of dietary fat level and of fasting on milk and butterfat production. About a century ago Lawes and Gilbert^-- demonstrated massive conversion of dietary carboh3-dratc into body fat in farm animals, and about a half century ago Jordan and Jenter'^® similarly demonstrated massive Reineke, E. P., Stonecipher, W. C., and Turner, C. W., Am. J. Physiol. 132, 535 (1941). Reineke, el al. feel that if the milk fat all comes from blood fat, there should be no decline in short-chain fatty acids during fast when less blood sugar is available for fat formation. Fasting reduces the R.Q. of the lactating mammary gland to 0.8 and also reduces short-chain fatty acids, which accords with the expectation if the shortchain fatty acids are derived from blood lactic acid or glucose. I" liloor", Petersen"', Hilditch, T. P., and Thompson, H. M., Bioc. J., 30, 677 (1936). Hilditch and Longenecker, H. E., J. Biol. Chem., 122, 497 (1038). Eckles, C. H., and Palmer, L, S., "Influence of plane of nutrition on the cow upon the composition and properties of milk and butterfat: Influence of overfeeding." Univ. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bull. 24, 1916. Influence of underfeeding. Id., Res. Bull. 26, 1916. "Influence of feeding cottonseed products on the composition and properties of butter." Id., Res. Bull. 27, 1916. Bloor^', Maynard, L. A., et al., J. Dairy Sci., 19, 49 (1936). Anderson, W. E., and Williamson, H. H., Phyaiol. Rev., 17, 335 (1937). Buschmann, cited by Bloor^'. Schoenheimer, R., and llittenbcrg, D., Physiol. Rev., 20, 218 (1940). Aylward, F. X., Blackwood, J. II., and Smith, J. A., Bioc. J., 31, 130 (1937).' Carson, S. F., et al., Science, 92, 433 (1940). See also, Schoenheimer, R., "The dynamic state of body constituents," Harvard University Press, 1942. Borsook, H., et al., Proc. Roy. Soc., 118B, 488 Q935), and Ann. Rev. Bioc., 12,183 (1943). For the conversion of amino acids to carbohydrate, see Olsen, N. S., ct al., J. Biol. Chem. 148, 611 (1943), and Gurin, S., and Wilson, D. W., Fed. Proc., 1. 114 (1942). "2 Lawes, J. B., and Gilbert, J. H., Trans. Roy. Soc., 2, 493 (1859). Jordan, W. H., and Jenter, C. G., New Yoric Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 132, 1897: Bull. 197, 1901. 818 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH conversion of dietary carbohj'^drate into milk fat in cattle. However, a certain ambunt of dietary fat is desirable for optimal production of body fat or milk fat. Thus Maynard'^^ and associates demonstrated that dairy ani mals fed a hay-silage-grain ration' containing 6 per cent fat produce above those fed a ration containing0.7 per cent fat; and cows fed a ration containing 5 per cent fat produce above those fed a ration containing 3 per cent fat : "For feeding practice, it is tentatively concluded that a level of 4 per cent fat in a grain mixture, which is fed at the rate of 1 lb for every 3 to 3^ lbs of milk along with an adequate amount of hayand corn silage, may be considered as substantially adequate." More recently Maynard'"^ and associates re ported that cows fed a ration containing 7 per cent fat producc 4.4 per cent more milk, 2.0 per cent more fat, and 4.1 per cent more FCM (milk reduced to a 4 per cent fat basis) than cows fed a ration containing 3 per cent fat. Feeding grain mixtures ranging from 2.7 to 4.9 per cent fat did not affect the milk or fat yield in milk cows'"^. Most of the literature^^® is not so clear-cut because of complicating experimental factors which are difficult to interpret. For example, the milk yield may be limited by the animal's capacity to handle bulk, and since a fat-rich ration has less bulk per calorie, the animal may be able to consume more available calories in the diet in the high-fat ration than in the more bulky fat-poor ration and, therefore, yield more milk on the high-fat ration. This is evidently not a fat effect but a bulk effect. Replacing the bulky roughage by iso-caloric quantities of fat- poor grain might have a similarly stimulating effect on milk production. The feeding of cod-liver oil lowers the milk fat'"'' (the depressing factor was traced to the triglyceride factor, not the non-saponifiable factor ) with out, however, affecting the blood lipoids."' Broadly speaking, while reducing a dietary or blood constituent below a certain level lowers the milk yield and often lowers the concentration of this constituent in the milk, the opposite effect, namely, raising the dietary or blood constituent above a certain level, is usually without effect on milk yield or milk composition. For instance, decreasing blood sugar by insulin or phlorizin decreases milk yield; but increasing blood sugar above the normal level does not influence Maynard, L. A., et al., Cornell Uiiiv. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 543, 1932; 593, 1934. "'Maynard, et al., Cornell Uiiiv. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 727, 1939. Gibson, G., and Huffman, C. F., Mich. Agr. Exj). Sta. Quarterly Bull. 24, 1939. >"Maynard, et al., Cornell Univ. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 753, 1941. Monroe, C. F., and Krauss, W. E., Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 644,1943. 1" See,for example, Allen, N. N., J. DairijSci.,17,379 (1934) (feeding fat, especially butterfat, to cows increases the fat percentage in the milk, but only for about a week. Feeding additional fat to cows on a high-fat level does not increase the fat percentage in milk). See also McCandlish, C., and Struthers, J. P., J. Dairy Res., 6, 303 (1935). Garner, F. H., and Sanders, H. G., J. Agr. Sci., 28, 35 (1938). Golding, J., cl al. [Bioc. J.,20, 1306 (1926)] discovered a 30% decline in the fat content of the milk on daily feeding over 56 gm cod-liver oil. This was confirmed by many investigators. McCay, C. M., and Maynard, L. A., J. Biol. Chein., 109,29 (1935). Williams, H. H., and Maynard, L. A., J. Dairy Sci., 17, 223 (1934). i3» Petersen, W. E., and Boyd, W. L., Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 37,537 (1937). MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 819 the lactose per cent in milk or the milk yield. Likewise, decreasing the pro tein content below about IG per cent in the ration of milking cows may depress milk yield; but increasing it above this level does not increase milk yield or change the composition. However, some diffusible constituents in milk not s>Tithesized by the mammary gland, such as vitamins A and D, may be increased enormously above the normal level by their dietary or blood increase. Related to tiie problem of dietary level is that of fasting on milk production and composition. As expected, continued fasting lowers the milk yield; but unexpectedly, it raises the concentration of most milk constituents (fat, protein, ash, total solids), though it lowers some, especially lactose. Figs. 21.10 and 21.11 indicate how the per centages of the various milk constituents change with advancing fast. The nature of the changes varies with the time of fast, stage of lactation, individuality of the animal, nutritive condition and so on. These time changcs for 6 days (144 hours) in milk yield and composition do not precisely reflect (oxce|)t possibly in the sugar) the quantitative time changes in the composition of blood, jis illustrated by the following data>" on blood. Tlie important effect of fasting on lactation may bo by way of the influence on the lactogenic hormones, which influence lias not yet l)een investigated. Thefollowing comparisons, modified from Smith"®, ona lactating Ayrshire cow indi cate a similar lack of correlation between milk and blood composition. <4 Before fast 5th day fast 10th day fast Blood Miik scrum phospha- phospha- tase tase units units {%) (%) 4.7 3.0 35 145 4.1 141 N partition in milk as % of Blood Serum C1 (mg %) 350 347 337 total N Milk C1 (mg%) Casein 100 107 128 78 75 74 / albumin + Non- globulin prolcin 15.0 17 19 6.5 7.0 7.0 Blood Serum Ca Protein (mg %) 93 10.5 93 93 9.8 10.2 Corpus cular volume (%) 32 40 41 As previously noted, the nature of the diet changes to some extent the composition of the milk fat. The advance of the period of starvation changes the nature of the nutrients available for the mammary gland, and consequently changes to some extent the nature of the milk fat. Thus the iodine values rise (from37 to 53) and the ReichertMeissl value declines (from 25 to 9) during fast'^". Summarizing this section as a whole, milk is produced in the secretory cells of the mammary gland in several steps, fii-st by filtration, then by synthesis of the major transudate constituents into larger molecules, such as lactose, from glucose and from lactic acid. Such synthesis of onelarge molecule from several smaller ones produces an osmotic-pressure gradient, forcing more blood transudate into the secretoiy cells. The rat« of milk production is dependent on several factors: (1) the i-ate of synthesis in the secretory cells, See, among others, Harrison, E. S., and Savage, K. S., Different pianos of protein intake and milk production. N. Y. (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Hull. 540, 1932, and Bull. Oio, 1933. Aylward, F. X., and Blackwood, J. H., Bioc. 30, 1819 (1936). Smith, J. A. li., Ilowat, G. R., and Ray, S. C., J. Dairy lies., 9, 310 (1938) Smith, J. A. B., and Daatur, N. N., Bioc. J., 32, 1868 (1938). 820 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH (2) the concentration of milk precursor in the blood, and (3) the rate of blood circulation through the mammary gland. ]\'Ieasurements of mammary arterio-venous differences in blood composition indicate that: (1) milk sugar is normally produced from (a) blood sugar, (b) lactic acid, (c) protein; (2) milk protein is produced from (a) blood amino acid (up to about 40 per cent), (b) blood-serum globulin and unidentified substances; (3) milk fat from (a) blood-semm fat (or equivalent), (b) blood sugar and possibly blood lactic acid and protein. Reducing blood sugar or other constituents below their normal levels de presses milk production and reduces the percentage of its constituents; but increasing blood sugar orother blood constituents above their normal le\els does not usually increase milk production, or the percentage of sugar, fat, or protein in the milk. For instance, adding fat to a cattle ration alieady con taining 4 per cent fat does not appreciably increase the fat percentage in the milk. Some difTusible substances not sjTithesized by the mammary gland, such as iodides and some of the vitamins, tend to enter the milk in some pi'oportion to their concentration in the blood. In this way cow's milk may be enriched in these substances by dietary methods, e.g., with vitamins A (from 400 units per quart on winter feed to 2200 on green summer pasture), with vitamin D (from 5units per quart inwinter light to 50 units in summer sunshine and 160 on feeding about 200 gm or lb irradiated yeast per day), or vath iodide (Ch. 6); it cannot, however, be enriched appreciably with calcium, iron, copper, or thiamine, (human milk apparently can be enriched with thiamme by dietary means^"). The operation of the law of diminishing returns (Ch. 1) relating the con centration of milk and feed constituents may be illustrated by the following values on the relation between vitamin D in milk and feed. Vitamin D units fed to cows 0 600 1400 40000 6Q00Q Vitamin D units per quart milk 3 5 10 20 30 There are large bodies of data on such relations by the Ohio and Wisconsin workers and others. 21.5: The heat increment of lactation during feeding and fasting. As might reasonably be expected, the lactation process involves an extra energy expense or heat increment above the non-lactating level. The milk piecuisoi*s are assembled and synthesized into milk; the lactating mammary gland has more physiologically active tissue; the endocrine system (especially thyroid and pituitary) is physiologically more active during lactation; two to three times more food is ingested during lactation (Fig. 14.20c). Each of these processes involves some form of "work" (Chs. 2 to 5), which, of course, takes place at an energy cost. We shall indeed demonstrate that the heat Donelson, E. G., and Macy, I. G., J. Nut., 7} 231 (1934). MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 821 production during heavy lactation is about 100 per cent above that during the non-lactation level in spite of the following conclusion to the opposite: .. lactation does not increase the heat production. This is not strange, since the arrangement of food materials in the preparation of milk depends upon the hydrolytic cleavages and syntheses which involve hardly any thermal action*®®." This conclusion*®®, generally quoted in textbooks, is based on heat production under basal conditions, that is heat production during fast, RAT 9420 GESTATION « LACTATION POST-LACTATION (4 LITTERS). LOG. SCALES «90 200 BODY WEIGHT Fig. 21.5a. The influence of lactation on heat production. The smooth lines repre sent heat production of non-lagtating animals (the lower line for mature animnlg of different species, the upper line for rats of diflferentsize assuming, the same 0.73 slope of the line). and we shall show that fasting depresses lactation and heat production. Under ordinary conditions, of course, lactating animals do not fast; indeed, they consume two or three times as much food as non-lactating ftrn'mals (Fig. 14.20c). As aforenoted, their heat production is perhaps twice as Lusk, G., "The Science of Nutrition," Philadelphia, 1928. 822 BIOEXEHGETICS ASD GROWTH great as that of non-lactating animals, the oxact vahie deiJcnding on the lactation level, and therefore food intake. ]-et us clai'ify this statement by analyses of data. 21.6.1: The heat increment of lactation during normal feeding. Figs. 21.5a to c show'®' that the heat production in laetating rats maj^ be 100 per cent above the non-lactating level. Fig. 21.G compares similar curves for dairy cattle and rats (assuming that heat production/(\veight)'''" is a comparable ratio in cattle and rats). IMI9 ' Figs. 21.7a and b show heat produc- 111BU7 • HUD 8 BOW jC " lOWtAHEO HMtO 1) ICSM lOWtAMfD Two 12 tOKH leWtAHED HUp 11 >2 KKN — liWtANED OSOM _ oWEANCD 5 iO 23 )0 40 lO GESTATION 6 To 30 40 1 10 23 30 40 LACTATON, [WS Fig. 21.5b. Time curves of metji))olism with the advance of the period of gestation, lactation, and post-lactation rest. tion as a function of milk production in rats"" (taking the litter size in rats as index of milk production) and goats. \Miichever representation method is Brody, S., lliggs, J., Kaufman, K., and Herring, V., "Energy metabolism levels during gestation, lactation, and post-laetation rest," Univ. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bull. 281, 1938. ""Washburn, L. E., Brody, S., and llagsclale, C., "Intiuence of fasting and refeeding on milk production," Id., Res, Bull. 295, 1939; MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 823 employed, the result is the same: heat production in non-fasting animals is proportional to milk production. The high heat increment of lactation is not due to higher physical activity during lactation because, as shown in Fig. 14.20c, physical activity during lactation is considerably below the non-lactating level. Fig. 14.20c also shows that food consumption during the lactation peak is approximately three times that of the prelactation level. The high lactation heat increment is thus shown to be associated Avith the high food consumption and milk pro duction rather than with physical activit3% RAT RRSTUTm 161 RAT 9«t9 SiOONI) um (I)) oitnuwtANco CAL^ A (522c MI »«t? THIIDUnER *AT 9419 ' CAi/cwr (II) ^ KXJUIHUmB tj) Sl80 CAiyiDW DAYSO 7 »4 GESTATION £ § M 21 25 LACTATION 3^ 42 O 7 14 GESTATION 7 14 21 28 3> 42 LAaATION Fig. 21.5c. The relative influence of gestation, lactation, and post-lactation rest on body weight, and heat production per day and per (weight) " on four successive litters of rat 9419. Note the influence of the number of young on the metabolism level. 21.5.2: The heat increment of lactation diuing fast. Depending on the rate of milk flow, lactation may treble the food consumption of the non- lactating state (rats"\ women"^, cattle), and it is not surprising that the heat production is also increased. Lusk's conclusion that "lactation does not increase heat production" refers, on the contrary, to a post-absorptive or fasting condition, which tends to depress, perhaps stop, the milk flow. We propose to substantiate the statement that even a relatively short fast virtually stops lactation in the sense of milk yield. "I Slonaker, J. R., Am. J. PhysioL, 71, 362 (1924-5). Wang, G. H., Id., p. 736 (1925), and Comp. Psychol. Monogr., 2, No. 6 (1923). Macy, I. G., et aL, J. NuL, 4, 399 (1931). RAT 9420 ' ' II RATS 9 12 IS 16 I IS 18 DAYS i MOS. LACTATION -COW 2i 24 27 LACTATION - RAT 36 '33 ARITHMETIC SCALES ARITHMETIC SCALCS the ratio comparable for the two species. Fig. 21.6. Heat production per weight"-as function of time during gestation and lactation in cattle and rats, assuming that MOS GESTATION-COW 01234S678il234S678 DAYS GESTATION-RAT 6 ® END OF LACTATION « FOURTH LITTER 3 RATS THIRD LITTER SECOND LITTER 13RATS —— FIRST LITTER 8 RATS RAT" 9419 • ® END OF LACTATION (S IIVINQ 3 KAD) SECOND LITTER I2RATS THIRD LITTER 8 RATS —» FOURTH LITTER II RATS (AHfR riflH DAY Of lACTATION 4 RATS —— FIRST LITTER 10 RATS o o to i 8 1 0 00 to MILK: NUTRITIONAL,. SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 825 Let us first discuss the iniuence of fasting on the Tnillc production and heat production in rats^®^ The change in body weight of the 10-day old litter during a 45-minute suckling is taken as index of the litter "food intake", or of the mother rat's milk production. Fig. 21.8, lower curve, shows that within 10 hours after the food was re moved from the cage, the litter "food intake" became zero; that is, the mother's milkproduction declined to an insignificant level. In the sametime, the mother's R.Q. declined from 1.0or over, to nearly 0.7,indicatingthat the available carbohydrate in the lactating mother rat disappeared within 10 r-'V •\y ^> / • > - '/ ✓ y\ * / ✓ ' 0 0 y ' 6 to BAR IN IIIHR AT li MIS r 80 120 160 SCO 240 200 )20 O UniR WIGHT AT rtO«K.6MS. to &Q 9o lOo no iaq CAW IN WKHf OF UTTER, G1 XI-"tT" 14) / "S 125 \ r 7J > C"'- y \ N y * • y lU '> y . 25 N ol 0 1t 'I I1 \ i\ •r ( } i0 I1 12 0 <\ RAT$ m I\ wD tI UTTtR Fig. 21.7a. Heat production as function of litter size and litter-weight gain which, of course, tends to be proportional to milk production of mother rat and related data. The space between the broken lines represents § of the data points. hours after the food was removed; and the mother's metabolism declined from about 60 to 35 Calories. The baby rats died of starvation within 4 days of the mother rat's fast. Incidentally, this chart shows that milk is not produced at the expense of the mother's stable tissues because the mother fasted 7 days, and recovered on refeeding, while her young died in less than 4 days. If lactation occurred at the expense of the mother's stable tissues, lactation would continue to the end and mother and young would die at ap proximately the same time. It can thus be concluded that it is true that the BIOENERGETICS AND -GROWTH 826 basal metabolism of "lactating" rats is no greater than that of non-lactating, because under conditions of basal metabolism there is practically no lacta tion, and consequently no heat incrementof lactation. Fig. 21.9 shows that the parallelism holds not only for fasting but also for refeeding. Noi-mal milk production almost perfectly parallels feed consump tion, heat production, and R.Q. • * • A GOATi5, GOAT 90, GOAT 65, 60AT90, 3-2-38 3-2-38 5-2-38 5-2-38 O-300 OMITTED FROM CORRELATION 2 6MSO 100 200 300 400 500 600 MILK PRODUCTION IN 12 MRS., X Fig. 21.7b. Heat production per 12-hour period above the basal level plotted against milk production during fast and refeeding of goats. The data points representing suc cessive 12-hour periods are numbered serially. Sy.x, the standard error of Y about the equation line (Ym a function of x), has a value of 61,whichmeansthat the heat produc tion above basal can be estimated from the equation with the odds 68 out of 100 that the error will not exceed 61 Calories. -143 Similar results were obtained on goats"' (Fig. 21.10) and cattle"'' (Fig. 21.11). Although we have no data on the influence offasting and refeeding onmilk secretionand heat production in women, data on rats, goats, and cattle demon strate that milk production, heat production, and respiratory quotient fall i« Washburn, Brody, and Ragsdale"®. The curves for the goats were plotted from original data; the curves for the cattle were plotted from data by Overman, O. R., and Wright, K. E., J. Agr. Res., 35, 637 (1927). MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 827 and lise in percentage parallel with, fasting and refeeding. Hence the con clusion that there is a large heat increment and energy cost of lactation. Lactation is said to begin in the later half of gestation; lactation is an out growth of gestation (Sect. 7.2). The problem of prenatal growth and metab olism during gestation was previously discussed (Sect. 14.7, see Figs. 14.17 to 14.23). 21.6: Energetic efficiency of milk production. The overall economy of milk production is composed ofmanyelements, the two outstanding of which are (1) energetic efficiency of the lactation process discussed in this section; MOTtCR RATWDCV ^ Of mtR ptAD I RAT CtED V UTTER KAD MX MOTHER "rooo wvti v_ RAT KX IOJ2 T.XCUIS • FAST etom AT fa II Mdl-U-in FAST-HOURS Fig. 21.8. The course of: heat production (Cal/day and Cal/kg/day), R.Q. (respira tory quotient) and litter "food intake", Avith time after feeding of the mother. Note the parallelism between the R.Q. of the mother and the "food intake" of the litter. Note that the gain in weight of the litter during 45-minute sucklingdeclined from three gm. to zero within eight hours after the food was removed. (2) size of animal, "dairy merit", and plane of nutrition discussed in the following chapter. As defined elsewhere (Chs. 1 and 22), gross energetic efficiency of Tnillf pro duction is the ratio of milk calories produced to feed calories consumed, including maintenance cost; net energetic efficiency is the ratio of milk calories to feed calories above the maintenance cost. BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH 828 Gross efficiency of milk production mjllk calories produced (21.1) feed iTDN) calories consumed including maintenance cost Net efficiency of milk production milk calories produced feed iTDN) calories consumed (21.2) above the maintenance cost RAT 1)09 RAT 2)9 MOTHER 6-4-, , •»-5UCKllNG ' AfTW KUNQ AFTER 4 HOUR FAST 4 HOUR fAST R.a-IITTW -RAT l)09RAT 2)9-7 YOUNG 1 YOUNG-FAST FAST BEGUN AT . .. DKjUN AT AQE 9 to pAY5tl-l4-)«) 60 72 CM5(l-l4-)8) 72 84 O 84 HOURS 16 24 FAST }2 40 Fig.21.9. Theinfluence offasting and refeeding ofmother rat on hermilkproduction (measured by litter-weight gain during suckling), metabolism, body weight, and R.Q. Note the prompt decline in "litter food intake" and metabolism on fasting and rise on refeeding. If body weight is unchanged during lactation, the gross efficiency is com puted by replacing the numerator in equation (21.1) by the milk energy, ac cording to the method of Gaines^^^ (convert milk to FCM from Table 22.2 and multiply FCM pounds by 340, the caloric equivalent per pound FCM); and by replacing the denominator by the TDN energy consumed (multiply pounds TDN by 1814, the assumed caloric equivalent per pound TDN). Equation (21.1) then becomes: Gaines, see Table 22.3. MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS Gross efficiency of milk production 340 X FCM (lbs) 1814 X TDN Obs) 829 (21.3) In addition to the overall gross and net efficiency categories as defined above, one may measure the efficiencies of the various component processes as, for example, the energetic efficiency of the mammary gland alone in as sembling the milk precursors in the blood andsynthesizing them intomilk. Graham^"^ and associates at the Misspuri Station indeed computed the mammary-gland energetic efficiency from the arterio-venous differences in 0)—-« PER CENT FAT ©•--•TOTAl CASEIN ( J ) ^ TOTAL PROTEIN (4)^-TOTAL NITROGEN (a«—• ALBUMIN t$ eiOBULIN (6).—. nON-P(OTEIN NITI06EN (7)-— AV.Il.a/l2HllS, ABCVE Q7 W—.CAL/«2HRS,ABCVE 'BASAL GMS.Cf MIK <50\T65 3-2-38 3-2-38 & HAY— QCATW 3-2-38 QCAT6S GOAT90 V2-38 3-2-38 •GOAT65 '60 Bo 100 120 KtOO 20 40 60 80 100 l20 VtOO to 40 60 80XX>0 40 60 80 100 HCXIRS FAST Fig. 21.10. Thelower half represents comparison ofthetime curves ofmilk production (curve 9), heat production above base (curve 8), and R.Q. above 0.7 (curve 9), all in terms of percentage of normal initial values. Note the striking parallelism of these curves for goats and compare to the parallelism of the curves in Fig. 8 for rats. The upper curve represents the time changes in composition of the milk with advancing fast and refeeding. oxygen and carbon dioxide content. They reported that the gross efficiency of the mammary gland, including its maintenance cost, is approximately 90 per cent; that is, 10 per cent of the milk-precursor energy entering the mam mary gland was expended for the sjnithesis of milk from its precursors, and for the maintenance of the gland"®. Thus, for example, if an 1100-lb cow The efficiency was computed from the ratio: Milk energy perccmilk jnillt yield— ^ (CO* vol.% —Oivol.%) -1-5.01 (0»vol.%) milk energy/cc milk roduced ranged from I2 decrement, 5.34 Cal per 100 cc. BIOENERQETICS AND GROWTH 830 produces 40 lbs FCM or 13600 Cal of milk, 10 per cent of this value, that is 1360 Cal of energy is wasted, i.e., given off as a heat increment of mammarygland activity. Incidentally, since the "basal metabolism" of a 1100-lb cow isabout7000 Cal, the 1360 Calheat increment ofmammary-gland activitycon stitutes nearly 20 per cent of the basal metabolism. It was noted in the previous section that, the heat increment of heavily lactating animals is about 100 per cent above that of the non-lactating level. cow II • 7TH. MONTH LACTATION ' I COM J42 1ST MONTH LACTATION lOTa MONTH LACTATION (2)..-^totai solids (s*—•pROTUN COW 742 'ASH COW II (VIo.—.«IACT0S{ (61*. iMiU 40 iO 80 HOURS FAST NO OS O . Fig 21.11. Fasting dairy cows for 3 days (said to be the time required to attain the post-absorptive level for "basal metabolism" in cattle) reduces imlk yield to 6-20 per cent of the original level (depending on the stage of lactation and individuauty of the cow). This resultsubstantiates the conclusion based on the rat and goat data that it is not possible to measure the basal metabolism of animals yielding normal amounts of milk because the fast required for basal metabolismprofoundlydepresses milk produotion. The uppercurves represent changes in percentage composition of milk} the lower curves, changes in absolute yield; both upper andlower curves are represented in terras of percentages of the initial values. From the upper curves, note that fasting, which reduces milk yield increasesfat percentage (1) but reduceslactose percentage (6), 21.6.1; Gross efficiency of milk production in dairy cattle. Using equation (21.3) above, we"® computed, first, thegross efficiency of milk production of 368 dairy cows (datain Table 21.7) with the results summarized in Table 21.6. These tables show that the given cows—weighing from 1000 to 1300 pounds, producing 28 to 50 lbs FCM and consuming 17 to 28 lbs TDN per day—proBrody, S., and Procter, R. C., "Energetic efficiency of milk production and the influence of body weight thereon," Univ. Mo, Agr. Exp, Sta, Res, Bull. 222, 1935. Brody, S., and Cunningham, R., la,, Res. Bull.238,1936. MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 831 duced milk at a gross energetic efficiency of 28 to 34 per cent; that is, 28 to 34 Cal milk were produced per 100 Cal TDN consumed. In other words, about ^ of TDN energ}?^ consumed by the superior cows was recovered in the milk; or the TDN energy consumed was about 3 times the FCM energj-^ produced. Additional significant features of this table: (1) the daily FCM production was 10,000 to 17,000 Cal per day and TDN consumption 32,000 to 50,000 Cal per day; (2) the milk calories produced were from IJ to 2 times the estimated basal metabolism of the cows; (3) depending on the milk yield and efficiency, from J to i of the total TDN consumed was used for maintenance, leaving from Ho § for milk production; (4) the cows consumed 2 to 3 times as much TDN during lactation as during non-lactating maintenance, a result in good agreement with the one previously cited for lactating rats and also for high-milking women. The highest energetic efficiency of milk production that we encountered (estimated from the nomograph. Fig. 22.2) was 47.6 per cent for the Jersey champion cow Stone- hurst Patrician's Lily, a 700-pound cow which produced 25,946 lbs FCM for the year Much higher absolute production records were made, but at lower energetic efficiencies. Thus the U. S. Holstein champion cow Carnation Ormsby Butter King "Daisy" pro" duced"^ 36,476 lbs FCM per year, which is 40.5 per cent (= ((1700-700 \ \ 25^9^ ^ 25^946 J above that of the Jersey champion production; but since the Holstein cow weighed X100 j above that of the Jersey weight, 12 09 6 33 \ = — ^ ^ X 100 I 6.33 f more TDN for maintenance than the Jersey, the gross energetic efficiency of milk pro duction of the Holstein was computed (from Fig. 22.2) to be only 43.6 per cent in con trast to gross efficiency of the Jersey of 47.5 per cent. This 47.5 per cent gross efficiency value with regard to TDN is probably near the limit of biological possibility. The detailed production records of "Daisy" are given in the following table. Production Records of Carnation's "Daisy" Lactation month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FCM (4% milk), Ibs./aay FCM, Calories/day Estimated gross energetic 33109 35907 35074 37573 36611 34969 35000 33031 32745 31243 30603 31001 43.8 44.6 44.4 45.3 44.9 44.3 44.3 43.7 43.6 42.9 42.7 42.9 97.38 105.61 103.16 110.51 107.68 102.86 102.94 97.15 96.31 91.89 90.01 91.18 efficiency It is significant that the gross energetic efficiency of milk production of "good" dairy cows is of the same order as the gross efficiency of early postnatal growth on "good" diets, namely about 30 per cent (Ch. 3). Thus chicks and cattle grow at, roughly, the same gross energetic efficiency in early postnatal life, just as large arid small cows tend to produce milk with equal gross energetic efficiency. See Holstein-Friesian World, Feb. 22, 1936. -A 832 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH It will bepresently shown that the net energetic efficiency of milk production with respect to TDN consumption in dairy cattle is of the order of 60 per cent. Since nei efficiency does not include maintenance cost, therefore gross efficiency, which does in clude maintenance cost, can never reach the net-efficiency of 60 per cent level; 60% is probably as high a gross efficiency level with respect to TDN consumption as it is possible to achieve. 21.6.2: Gross efficiency of milk production in dairy goats. Theefficiencies of seven goats were investigated"'. Their weights averaged 42.5 kg (93.5 lbs); daUy milk production 2114 Cal, or 6.2 lbs FCM; gross efficiency of n^ production with respect to TDN ranged from 32 to 40 per cent, averaging 34.9 per cent. The conclusion follows that the gross energetic efficiency of milTf production in dairy goats is of thesame order as that of dairy cattle. It is significant that women, in the same weight class with goats, produce Tnillf at the same level and at the same gross efficiency as goats. Thus wet nurses were reported to produce 4.5 liters (about 10 lbs) per day , and 3.1 Uters (near 7 lb or 2100 Cal) milk per day^®°. These women"® converted 30 to 50 per cent of the food calories to milk calories, confirming Hoobler"\ who observed women converting from 41 to 47per cent oftheir dietarycalories into milk, that is, producing milk at a gross energetic efficiency of 41 to 47 per cent. 21.6.3: Gross efficiency of milk production in rats. There is some difficulty in obtaining the milk-energy production in rats. However, we"^ are confident of the fol lowing results because they represent concordant values obtained by two methods as follows: (A) The milk produced in the rat was estimated from the weight gains of the litter during timed suckling intervals, corrected for weight losses due to urination, defeca tion, and insensible perspiration: Gain in litter weight (gm) during Calories suckling plus loss in litter weight X per gm Gross efficiency of milk produc- = insensible perspiration rat milk Calories TDN consumed by mother tion in the rat The caloric value of rat milk was estimated from its composition. We assumed, on ^the basis of data by Mayer"®, and by Cox»", that rat milk contains 16 per cent fat, 12 per cent protein, 3 per cent carbohydrate; therefore, a gram ofrat milk has a combus tion value of 2.3 Cal (9.5 X 0.16 -H 5.6 X 0.12 -1- 0.03 X 4 = 2.3). (B) The milk produced in the rats was also estimated from the energy stored in the litter, plus maintenance of the litter. "8 Brody, S., Sandburg, Mrs. Carl, and Asdell, S. A., "Growth, milk production, energy metabolism and energetic efficiency of milk production in goats." Univ. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bull. 291, 1938. , « r rv- on ttoo Ylinen, L., Acta. Paediat., 21, 473 (1937). Macy, I. G., J. Dts. Child., 39, 1186 (1930). Shukers, C. F., ef ai.,/. iNTuf., 6, 127 (1932). Hoobler, B. R., Am. J. Dis. Child. 14, 105 (1917); Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 69, 421 Brody, S., Nisbet, R. N., "A comparison of the amounts and energetic efficiencies of milk production in rat and dairy cow." Univ. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bull. 285, 1938. »» Mayer, D. T., /. Nut., 10, 343 (1935). Cox, W. M. Jr., and Mueller, A. J., J^. Nut., 13, 249 (1937). MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 833 h uuuEsa DATA-A -lOOO LACTATION Fig. 21.12a. Milk production and energetic efficiency of milk production in rats in relation to stage of lactation, litter size, litter weight, food intake of mother rat, and litter metabolism. The energetic efficiency of milk production was obtained by two methods, method A (Fig. 21.12a), method B (Fig. 21.12b), and by both methods, A and B (Fig. 21.12c). Note that the rats produced 15 to 115 Cal. (av. 60 Cal.) milk per day, and 700-1400 Calories during the 21-day lactation period; that the mother rats consumed 70-220 Cal. TDN per day, depending on litter size (milk production). The numbers in parenthesis represent number of rats in litter. Fig. 21.12c compares the results obtained by methods A and B directly. Note that method A yields lower values than method B on animals A in the early stages of lactation, and higher values in the late stages. This discrepancy is due to: 1) increasing fuel value of the weight gains of the litter with in creasing age, while in computing results it was assumed that the fuel value per gram gain is constant; 2) decreasing fuel value per gram milk with increasing milk production, while in computing results it was assumed that the fuel value per gram milk is constant. 834 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH 19 DMA-B r LATIAriON Fig. 21.12b. See legend for Fig. 21.12a. MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS Gross efficiency of milk secretion in the rat 835 Energy stored in the litter + (B) maintenance cost of litter Calories TDN consumed by mother The maintenance cost was estimated from the respiratory exchange (heat produc tion) ; the stored energy, by multiplying the weight gains in grams by 1.5, assuming that 1 gm. body weight gain is equivalent to 1.5 Calories. Fig. 21.12a to c present the results on milk production, and energetic efficiency of l,he rat as obtained by methods (A) and (B) above. L7 19 A r-'l i'ii L7 u I 9 r' n h V h it 7( / ^ / V 1 S 1 — /' / i 7/ I5L DAYS5 lACTATION Fig. 21.12c. See legend for Fig. 21.12a. The gross efficiency of milk production in the rat, in the flush of lac tation, between the 10th and 18th, is seen from Fig. 21.12 to be between 44 and 48 per cent, which is of the same order as in the champion cows. The milk-production efficiency of the rat is higher than that of the avevage-supei'ior experiment station cows, perhaps because the rats were on a relatively better (high-milk cereal) diet than the cattle (grain-hay); or perhaps because rats—raising large litters in a few days—are lactationally superior to cattle—raising 1 calf during a relatively long period. The important fact is that the gross energetic efficiency of milk produc tion in the rat during the flush of lactation is of the same order as in cows or goats. 21.6.4: Influence of body size on gross efficiency of milk production. It is said that large animals are better milk producers than small ones because, BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH 836 as a rule, they produce more milk"®. It is also said that small animals are better millr producers than large because (other conditions being equal) small n.nimfl.lfi produce more rnillf per unit body weight than large. Thus, as ex plained above, the average milk Calories produced per kg body weight are about 175 for rats and 25 for dairy cows. However, the comparison of milk production in the preceding section shows that the energetic efficiency of milk production (the ratio of milk energy proLB^H. •5000 STYTSCR ERRTQ5J : IIOOC YR C.OS FO -fiW •266^^ .IS5 600 700 eoo 900 1200 BODY WEIGHT Fig. 21.13. Milk (FCM) production as function of body weight of 2-year old, 3-year old . . . Jersey cattle. Data compiled and averaged from the Jersey Register of Merit yearbooks 1918, 1920, and classified by ages as follows: 849 records, age 23-25 months (2yrs.); 338records, age 35-7mos. (3yrs.); 304records, age 47-47mos. (4yrs.); 246records ages 59-^1 mos. (5 yrs.); 681 records 6-8 yrs.; 449 records 6-8 yrs., re-entries; 191 records 8-10 yrs., re-entries. duced to food energy consumed, or "dairy merit") is virtually the same in rats, goats, humans, and cattle. We thus conclude that differences of opinion con cerning the influence of body size on milk production are due to differences Cf. McDowell, J. C., U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 114, 1930. According to dairy-cattle herd-improvement association data, there is an increase in yearly yield of approxi mately 10lb butterfat or 250lbs FCM per 100lbs increase in live weight. Under officialtest conditions, there is an increase of about 20 lbs butterfat or 500 lbs FCM for each 100-lb increase in body weight. MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 837 in the reference bases employed (Ch. 13). The fact is that when other con ditions are equal, a large animal produces more milk per animal than a small animal; a small animal produces more milk per unit weight than a large animal; large and small animals produce the same amounts of milk energy per unit food energy. This problem of influence of body size on milk production, with special reference to practical (monetary) implications, is discussed in the following chapter (Sects. 22.2, 22.3, and Table 22.1). BODY WEIGHT r— - A * A - ^ e 0 (A A . A« . 0 <\ e 0 A U A A A O z o ^ A| K 4 • ® 1 A O A E o ' A A o • 33 •ft - o • « D A • i Irner 1 1 1 h 1' GuerNSEY 20 O 40 V—' I- o o O 0 5X5 Z r A u A • "o * o8o 7 O : A » A. * O ^ o« -*•6 A 10 mtco 6cx> lOOO BODY 1400 WEIGHT Figs. 21.14a. Milk (FCM) production on lower curves and gross efficiency, of milk production on upper curves. Fig. 14a represents the 243 experiment station cows listed in the table at the end of this chapter; the other curves are also plotted from the same t^le, as indicated. While FCM production usually rises with increasing body weight, efficiency usually declines. Further details are given in Univ. Missouri Res. Bulls., 222, 238, 239. Small dairy cows are frequently more efficient energetically than large ones (Fig. 21.13 and 14). This is not due to body size as such but because the basis for selection has been the production percow. To stay in the herd the small cow has had to pro duce nearly as much as the big one; but if the small cow produces as much as the big cow, she is more efficient because she has a smaller body and maintenance and there fore expends less of her feed for maintenance. Figs. 21.13 and 21.14 also show how milk production tends to rise with body weight in cattle. This problem is discussed in Chapters 13 and 22. It thus appears from the above analysis of lactation data of cattle, goats, rats, and humans that body size as such does not influence the energetic effi- BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH 838 body weight T , [0 :% 40 - • • " Eff."* y 0 0 0 0 0 0 s — 0 0 0 cn 30 0 0 0 0 Vi — 0 %AS /I 70 : 0 ILL. T. P. DAT/ I • PA. DATA :< p 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E-iS r ® i 25 3 0 »o° 0 0 <5- I-Hdi,st.ein^ 0°^ ) ° 10"'^ 0— — 0 » KXX) floo body weight Fig. 21.14h. Soc loKond for Fig. 21.14a. KG VO BODY WEIGHT 500 400 600 Q = A Shorthorn HOISTEIN —* Brown Swiss 1000 1200 BODY WEIGHT Fig. 21.14c. See legend for Fig. 21.14a. MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 839 ciency of milk production; other conditions being equal, small and large animals conveVt the same percentage of food energy into milk energy. The gross efficiency of milk production of good dairy cattle with respect to TDNenergy consumed^®® is of the order of 30 percent. However, it appears from indirect evidence that at the biologic limit, that is, in the highest-pro ducing champions, the gross efficiency may rise to 50 per cent. Following the psychologist's I.Q. (intelligence quotient) concept we may say that if the gross efficiency of milk production of the "average good" cow is 30 percent, and if a given champion cow's gross efficiency is 50 per cent, the L.Q. (lacta tion quotient) of the champion cow is 48/30 = 160. A cow having a L.Q. of 166 is a "lactational genius", just as a man having an I.Q. of 166 is an "intellectual genius". 21.6.5: Net eflSciency of milk production. Having found that the average gross efficiency (including maintenance cost) of milk production of good dairy cattle is of the order of 30 per cent and of champion cows, at the biologic limit near 50 per cent, we next proceed to investigate the net energetic efficiency (excluding maintenance cost) of milk production. It is true that from the economic viewpoint the overall or gross efficiency is the more important; but we shall see that the net efficiency is also of considerable interest. It was previously noted that the net efficiency of milk production with re spect to TDN consumption is of the order of 60 per cent. The following dis cussion indicates how this value was obtained. To evaluate the net efficiency, it is necessary to determine how much of the con sumed TDN is used for (1) producingmilk, (2) maintaining the animal, (3) gaining (or losing) body weight. The partition of the feed for its various uses is evidently a problem of great diffi culty. This cannot be done by a direct experimental approach. Accordingly, we devised an indirect statistical approach as follows"®. Assume that the TDN is used for only the three purposes: producing milk, main taining the cow, and gaining weight; and write this statement in the form of an equa tion: TDN = B{FCM) + C(W''<'") + Da{W) (21.4) in which 2'DN = total digestible nutrients consumed; FCM = 4 per cent milk produced; —jjve weight raised to the 0.73 power; AW = gain or loss in body weight. When other variables are held constant, B and D represent, respectively, units of TDN re quired to produce unit of 4 per cent milk, FCM, and to gain unit live weight, AW. The TDN cost of maintenance is C times body weight raised to the 0.73 power. Then fit the equation to the data by the method of least squares, that is, by mini mizing the squares of the residuals with respect to the three constants, B, C, D. This we did to the yearly lactation records of the 243 experiment station (Table 21.5) Holstein and Jersey (and a fewGuernsey) cows 5 years of age or over (to eliminate age comThe gross efficiency would be less if related to the gross instead of digestible energy consumed. Thus E. B. Forbes and A. Le Roy Voris, [/. Nut., 6, 395 (1932) ] ob served a gross efficiency of milk production of 18-23% when related to the gross energy of the ration. 840 BIOENEltGETICS AND GliOWTH plications). The energies expended fo/converting milk precursors into milk and for the process of secretion are lumped with the FCM term. Solving in terms of pounds per day we obtain TDN = 0.305FC3/ + 0.053 IF® " + 2.1 ATT (21.4a) The meaning of the constants is as follows: if maintenance and weight-gain costs are held constant, 0.305 lb TDN is used per pound FCM produced; if milk yield and mainte nance costs are held constant, 2.1 lbs TDN are used for 1 lb gain in live weight; if milk yield and weight gain costs are held constant, the TDN cost of maintenance is 0.053 time weight raised to the 0.73 power. Note that equation (21.4) is based on the following unproved assumptions: TDN for FCM varies linearly with FCM production^"; TDN for weight gain varies linearly with weight gain; TDN for maintenance is a power function, the power being 0.73, of body weight (so assumed because basal metabolism of mature animals of different species varies with the 0.73 power of body weight as explained in Ch. 13); TDN con sumed is the algebraic sum of the above three terms—and no others. The last assumption, that TDN consumption was not affected by factors other than FCM, W, and AW, may be tested by adding another constant, A, to take up the other unknown influencing factors, as indicated by the equation TDN = A + B{FCM) + + Z)A(iy) (21.5) Solving, we obtained TDN = 0.478 + 0.303 (FCM) + 0.051 TF"'" + 2.18Al'F (21.5a) Inspection of eq. (21.5a) shows that the value of A, that is, 0.478 lb TDN, is small in comparison to the total TDN consumed by a lactating cow (av. for the 243 cows, 17.6 lbs TDN)-, moreover, the values of B, C, and D are inappreciably affected by omitting A (from0.305 to 0.303 for from0.053 to 0.051 for C; from 2.1 to 2.18 for D). Further more, the values of the statistical constants are very satisfactory for eq. (21.4). From equation (21.4a) it is clear that if the overhead maintenance cost is not in cluded, 0.305 lb TDN, or 553 Cal (0.305 X 1814 = 553), are on the average used to pro duce 1 lb, or 340 Cal, FCM. The ratio of 340, the Cal in 1 lb FCM, to 553, the Cal in the TDN required Lo produce 1 lb FCM, that is, 0.61 or 61 per cent, is the net efficiency of milk production; it is the efficiency of converting TDN into milk, apart from the maintenance cost. Gainesi", employing a different approach, found that B = 0.305, exactly the same value as found by us. For maintenance, however, he found the second term of our equation (21.4a) to be not 0.05 IV-''', as we found, but 0.129 W-®® "which two equations give the same results . . . when W = 937, and do not differ by more than 8 per cent at other values of W from 600 to 1800 lbs." "Furthermore, there is little choice between n = 0.60 and n = 0.73; while n = 0.73 is distinctly indicated in preference to n = 1.00. The lumped data, therefore, support the validity of Brody and Procter's working ex ponent 0.73 in preference to Ilaecker's exponent 1.00, or Morrison's exponent 0.87. In the original report (Univ. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bull. 238, pp. 47-9) an at tempt was made to evaluate the exponent n in llie equation TDN" = BiFCM)'' in which TDN" is total TDN consumed, less TDN used for maintenance (C^F-") and for weight gain (DAlF). The numerical value of n ranged from 1.5 for low-producing groups of cows to 0.34 for high-producing groups of cows. The interested reader is referred to this bulletin, and more especially to Gaines, W. L,, J. Dairy Sci., 20, 583 (1937). 1" Gaines, W. L., J. Dairy Sci., 20, 583 (1937), and 21, 645 (1938). MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 841 When we examine the similar data for various subgroups, great confusion develops.'' This confusion led Gaines to an examination of the maintenance feeding standards shown ill Fig. 15.3, to suggest that "perhaps some factor not closely associated with live weight plays a prominent part" and to decide that for the present both, FCM production and maintenance TDN consumption, should be related to simple body weight, W, rather than to a fractional power, n, of body weight. He suggested using the Haecker milk-production feeding standard modified to TDN = O.ZFCM + 0.008 W, in which FCM is 4 per cent milk and W live weight, all in pounds, as contrasted to the present author's feeding standard TDN = O.SOSP'Cilf + 0.053 PT ". There is obviously no appreciable difference between the two for average-sized cows (about 1000 lbs). The differences concern only extremely small and extremely large cows and only as they relate to maintenance, not to milk production. The values in equation (21.4a) may be used for computing the net efficiency of milk production. The net efficiency term may be isolated from the gross-efficiency equation, 340 X FCM Gross-efficeney = ,3,, ^ (lbs) (2Ua), by remembering that the denominator includes: (1) TDN expense of maintenance, represented in eq. (21.4a) by 0.053 and (2) weight gain, represented in eq. (21.4a) by 2.1ATr. On substituting (1) and (2) from eq. (21.4a), we obtain: Gross GmClGnCV = ZmFCM — 1814 (0.305FCJIf 4- 0.053W^»" + 2.1A1F) 340FCiIf 553^0^'-}- 96.W" + 3700AF Dividing the numerator and denominator by 553 (the TDN caloriesrequired to pro duce 1 lb FCM) presents net efficiency, 0.61, as a separate term in the gross efficiency equation Gross efficiency - 0.61 ^ ^^ which is similar to Gaines' "coefficient of efficiency","' FCM C. E. = 52.6 FCM -t- SAIW The net-efficiency equation Net efficiency of milk production milk calories produced TDN calories consumed less maintenance may also be written by substituting the values of eq. (21.4a) into it, as follows: Net efficiency ZiQFCM 1814 [TDN - (0.053PF0-" -|- 2.1AW)] The 61 per cent net-efficiency level is, of course, only a statistical average, for the given conditions, computed by the given method, and not applicable to an individual cow. The detailed method of solving the partition equation (21.4)is shown in the appendix to this chapter. The numerical data for the individual cows are also listed in the ap pendix (Table 21.7). Gaines, W. L., Science, 67, 353 (1928). 842 lilOENEHGETICS AND GHOWTH Sumnmriziiig, this section presents a sliilistical method for parlitioniiiti the TDN consumed between msiintciiance, milk prochiclioii and l)ody weight gain, and computing therefrom net efficiency of milk production with respect to consumption. It must be emphasized that the numerical value of the net efficiency would be much loss if it were computed with respcct to the gross energy of the feed; and much higher if it were computed with respect to metabolizable energy, and still higher—perhaps 9() or 95 per cent as found by Graham (previously discussed)—if it were computed with respect to net energy or to the milk-precursor energy entering the mammary gland. It is evident that the (jross energetic efficiency of milk secretion, which cariies the burden of the maintenance cost of the cow, can never be as great as the net efficiene.y, which is not thus bui-dened with maintenance taxes. As production increases, the maintenance tax per unit milk produced becomes less and less; therefore, the gross efficiency approaches nearer and nearer to the net efficiency level, but at decreasing iiicrements, in accordance with the law of diminishing returns. The relation between gross efficiency and milk production (FCM) level is shown in Fig. 1.2 (Ch. 1). Since the net effi ciency of milk production is of the order of 60 per cent, the gross efficiency can never reach 60 per cent, but it may approach 50 per cent. This checks with the estimated gross efficiency for the 700-11) Jersey champion cow Stonehurst Patrician's Lily, previously cited. 21.7: Summary. This chapter discusses the following problems. (1) The daily industry and its place in the national, especially agricultural, economy. Dairy husbandry is the largest branch of agriculture from the viewpoint of return to the farmer and numl)er of persons employed. (2) The unique compo.sition of milk, most conspicuously its lactose, casein, short-chain fatty acids, minei-als, especially (calcium and vitamins. The composition of milk is loosely related to the ppr(!entage growth rate or matura tion rate of the body. (3) The unique composition of milk is associated witli itii unique nutritional properties. Milk was evolved especially for the nutrition of young mammals and has a matchless combination of protein of high biologic value, of ealchun, phosphorus and vitamins. It is poor, however, in iron, copper, manganese, and apparently magnesium. Milk happens to supplement almost perfectly whole-cereal diets for adult humans. Almost -J- of the dietary energy con sumed in this country in "adequate" and "liberal" diets comes from milk. The skimmilk-butter-margarine problem is discu.ssed in some detail. (4) From the viewpoint of i-elative energetic economy of meat, egg, and milk production, the gross efficiency of early growth and of average milk pro duction is of the same order. As, however, the animal increases in size, its efficiency for meat production decreases rapidly because of the mounting maintenance cost in comparison to the growHh increments. Moreover, much of the animal body is inedible, whereas all of milk is edible. Furthermore, with the exception of some visceral organs, as liver and kidney, milk has unique supplementary properties not found in meat. Finally, the possibility of in- MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOWGICAL ASPECTS 843 creasing the energetic efficiency of milk production (by improved breeding methods) is greater than for meat prcduction. In general, the gross mergetic efficiency of milk production tends to be about twice that of egg production and about five-fold that of meat production (Ch. 3). (5) Physico-chemical considerations of milk production indicate complex interdependence between osmotic and enzymatic factors and between.the protem, fat, lactose, and water constituents. Milk sugar, is produced not only fiom blood sugar, butalso from blood lactic acid and from amino acids.' Milk fat is derived mostly from blood fat, and milk protein from blood pro tein and amino acids. (6) It is shown that there is a considerable heat increment of lactation. It is not possible to measure the hasal metabolism of lactation because the post-absorptive condition requisite for basal metabolism depresses the milk flow so that lactation is no longer normal. (7) It is shown that good experiment-station dairy cattle (for example, 1100-lb cows producing about 35 lbs FCM per day and consuming 21 lb TDN per day) produce milk at a gross energetic efficiency near 33 per cent with respect to TDN consumed, thatis, about one-third of the TDN fed a good cow is recovered in the milk. By proper breeding, the gross efficiency may be increased to a maximum near 50 per cent. The net efficiency of milk pro duction (hot counting the mamtenance cost) with respect to TDN consump tion is shown to be of the order of 60 per cent. (8) The gross energetic efficiency of milk production is apparently inde pendent of live weight as such. It is true that the ratio of milk-energy yield to body weight is greater in small animals, such as 120-lb goats, than in large animals such as 1200-lb cows; but the ratio maintenance-energy cost to body weight is likewise greater for the 120-lb goat than for the 1200-lb cow, with the net result that the extra maintenance cost counterbalances the extra milk yield and the gross efficiency is unaffected by body size. (9) The appendix indicates the method for fitting the "partition equation,'" partitioning the food consumption between maintenance, milk production, and body gain; and presents numerical data on milk production, feed con sumption, body weight, and related items. Appendix: Estimating the amounts of consumed TDN used for FCM production, maintenance, and weignt gain (solution of eq. (21.4a)). The partition of the con sumed TDN between its uses for each, FCM, maintenance (Pf "), and weight gain (AW^), may be carried out graphically, or algebraically by the method of least squares. The graphic method consists in plotting TDN successively against eachof the inde pendent variables, namely FCM, 1^ ", and APT; correcting observed TDN values for the influence of one variable by approximating TDN cost per unit of that variable; subtracting computed TDN required for the one variable from the observed TDN for each datum; correlating corrected TDN with another variable and determining a sec ond correction. These first approximations of the parameters are improved by succes sively repeating this process of approximation until the sum of the squares of the differences between observed and computed TDN is minimum. 844 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH The least-squares method eliminates the laborious successive approximations. The solution of the partition equation TDN = BiFCM) + + DAW (21.4) by the least-squares method involves substituting in three "normal equations" simul taneously, and weighting the trendsof TDNwithFCM, W, and AW so as to give at once a minimiim value for the sum of the squares of the differences. An obvious objection to equation (21.4) is that it was formulated on the assumption that the milk secretion, maintenance, and weight-gain factors are independent. This is by no means certain. Moreover, since the coefficients in the equation are computed by the method ofleast squares, it is clear that if the value ofone coefficient is toohigh due to some experimental or biological situation, the values of the other coefficients will be influenced thereby. Each of the terms represented in equation (21.4) has its separate set of experimental errors and biolo^cal variations. When combined into one interrelated system, each of these terms influences the value of every other term. There consequently results a very complex system of interinfluencing relationship. A large population compensates and smoothes out individual experimental errors and biological variations so that dependable average values for the equation constants B, C,andD result. But if a small population is combined with large errors and varia tions, the equation constants are no longer dependable, and are often absurd, as il lustrated by the following numerical examples. The aforementioned three "normal equations" for equation (21.4) are: XiTDNWCM) = B^{FCMY -1- CS(F(7ilf)(lF<>-") -1- D^{FCM){AW) S(rZ)i\r)(W^9-») = i5S(FCM)(Tf''-") + 02(17° •")« + DS(T^^<>-")(ATf) s(rz)j\r)(AiF) = b^[fcm)(,aW) + C2(PF« ")(ATr) -i- d^{awy Taking, by way of illustration, the data for the 15 World's Fair Holsteins listed in Table 21.6, we obtain the following summations: tiTDN) (FCM) = 19526.1508 SlTDN) IFo-w) = 74486.866 i ™ aV) = S(FCM) (A IV) = 593.90890 SOK'-")* = 622017.86 3W.95468 36129.7161 S(A S(FCM) (IFo.n) = 136482.688 (A IF) = 23M-OT17 = XlTDN)* 11.251476 = 10642.4553 Substituting in the "normal equations" we have: 1952.1508 = B 36129.7151 + C 136482.688 + D 593.90690 74486.866 = B 136482.688 + C 522017.86 + D 2303.8917 327.95458 =» B 593.90690 + C 2303.8917 + D . 11.251476 Solving these equations we obtain B —0.11642, C = 0.11146, and D —0.18040, i.e., TDN = 0.116 FCM 4- O.llTF® " + O.ISOATT. Illustrating the solution by Doolittle's method^®' we have: Lme Reciprocals I II III 1 2 -.0000276780483 3 4 6 6 -0.000155174587 7 8 9 10 11 B 36129.7151 i.uoou.oo -1.08307862 30129.7151 -1.00000000 c 136482.688 622017.86 D 593.90690 2303.8917 11.251476 — -19526.1508 -74486.866 -327.95458 Sum 153681.15920 586317.6737 2581.095496 153581.15920 -19525.1508 593.90690 136482.688 -4.253594542 .5404018067 -.016438184 -3.77757443 686317.5737 -74486.866 2303.8917 522017.86 -680542.0166 73767.710 -2243.5275 -515573.51 6775.5571 -729.156 60.3642 444.35 .113146554 - -S96220265 -.009366906 -l.OOOOOOO 2581.095496 -327.95458 11.251476 -2526.239169 320.95802 -9.762751 -54.099620 6.83000 -.565431 .756707 -.16656 .923294 -.819573 .180397576 -1.0000000 ^ ,180397576 C = .111456771 B = .116416411 See Ezekiel, M., "Method of correlation analysis," New York, 1930, Ch. 12. See also.Mills, F. C., "Statistical methods applied to economics and business," New York, 1924, p. 577. MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS 845 The standard error of estimate for equation (21.4a) is {TDN)^ - BCTPmiPCM) - C-L{TDN)(W'>'") - DMTDN)W) -s! N where N is the "degree of freedom." The "degrees of freedom" is the number of data points less the number of arbitrary constants in the equation fitted; thus N = 15 - 3 = 12. Substituting: 10642.4553 - (.11642 X 19525.1508) - (.11146 X 74486.866) - (,18040 X 327.95458) 12 ' 10642.4553 - 2273.1181 - 8302.3061 - 59.1630 12 7.8681 12 = 0.655675 St = 0.810 The standard error of estimate, Sr = 0.81, means that two-thirds of the time the TDN computed from this equation will agree with the observed TDN consumption within db 0.81 lb. This small value of Sr leads one to think that the numerical values of B, C, and D are significant and reliable. As a matter of fact these values are so far out of line that they must be considered meaningless. Thus the maintenance of a 1000-lb cow is, ac cording to this equation, 0.1115 X 1000 " = 17 lbs, which is over twice the Morrison allowance of 7.9 lbs, and therefore absurd. The net efficiency is, according to this equation, .1164 ,^1? ^X 1814 = 164 per cent, which is of course impossible. In other words, of the available TDN, far too much is apportioned by this equation to maintenance, and far too little for milk production (and for weight gain). Does this mean that equation (21.4) is wrong? Not necessarily. It means that the number of animals in the population is too small in comparison to the variability. The data points are too irregular and too few to give the equation a lead, so to speak, to the real situation. The three sets of guide posts involved in showing the road {TDN trends for FCM production, maintenance, weight gain) are so few, and distributed so erratically, that they are blurred and therefore useless as guides for reaching the de~ sired goal. It is not the fewness of the data that is alone responsible for the erratic results, as the combination of fewness, limited range, and erratic distribution of data. The er ratic distribution of the data is probably due to their experimental errors. Better (even if fewer) data give better results. Thus equation (21.4) fitted to only 10 of the Pennsylvania Animal Nutrition Institute (Forbes) data gave entirely satisfactory results. In this case the value of C for equation (21.4) was found to be 0.053, so that the maintenance for a 1000-lb cow is 8.2 lbs (which is the average of the value found for the 243 Experiment Station cows (Fig. 21.14a); the value of B was found to be 0.292, in dicating net efficiency of 64 per cent (in comparison to 61 per cent found for the 243 experiment Station cows). This brings us back to the statement that reliability of the equation parameters is conditioned on accuracy of the data. To summarize, equation 21.4 gives dependable average values separately, for FCM production, maintenance, weight-gain but only provided that the population is reasonably large and the data are reliable. \ BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH 846 Table 21.1. Comparison of the National Reskarch Council (1943) N utritionalNbed Standard for a 70-Kg Moderately Active Man with the Nutrients Supplied by One Quart of Raw Milk. Average daily requirement for a 70-Kg, (154.1b) Nutrients Approximate Amount in one quart milk adult Protein (gm) Calcium (gm) Phosphorus (gm) Iron (mg) Vitamin A" (I.U.) 12 50C0 400 75 1.8 18 2.7 Vitamin D" (I.U.) Ascorbic acid" (mg) Thiamine (mg) Nicotinic acid (mg) Riboflavin (mg) requirement sup plied by one quart raw milk 34 675 1.16 0.91 1.94 1900 25 19.4 0.28 70 3000 0.8 1.3 Calories portion of the daily h \ li 1 i, 1 •h 1 •h I 1.1 1.7 The Calories in milk are divided equally between fat and non-fat fractions: Constituent Grams/quart Calories/quart Fat 37 333 Lactose Protein 49 34 1361 Table 21.2 1961 332 Fatty Acid Composition op Fat in Milk and Beef Plasma. Percentage by weight in: Saturated acids Carbons beef plasma milk Butyric Caproic Caprylic Capric Laurie Myristic Pdmitic Stearic Arachidic 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 3.7 2.0 1.0 2.6 1.7 8.3 25.4 10.7 0.4 10 14 16 18 18 0.2 1.2 5.0 32.4 4.0 0.4 0.4 24.5 12.3 0.8 Unsaturated acids Deconoic Tetradecenoic Hexadecenoic Oleic Octadecenoic C 20 to 22 unsat. Linoleic Linolenic 20-22 2.5 (Palmitoleic) 17.4 1.3 (Arachidenic) 36.5 4.2 / Table 21.3 Composition op Milk op Dipperent Species and Growth Rate, (After Abderhalden, modified, enlarged with averaged data from various sources and percentage-distribution sections added.) Caloric values milk solids rate (days for dou Species. uents as per centages of percentages of of whole milk Grow til of constit Constituents as Constituents as percentages caloric values of milk blingbody Fuel value Cal/ gm weight) Fat Cow 70 (47) Goat Man 22 180 60 Horse Ass Camel Sheep 35 (15) Reindeer 14 0 Dog Cat Rabbit Rat 6 6 7 Guinea pig Elephant 4.4 4.1 3.8 1.6 1.5 5.4 6.2 22.5 7 8.5 5 IG 15 7 15 3.8 3.7 1.6 2.7 2.1 3.0 5.4 10.3 6 7.5 7 14 12 5 4.9 Protein Whale 44 (22) Porpoise Dolphin Monkey 49 15 3.9 12 20 Water buffalo Australian antcater Pigeon crop "milk" 2 8 7 (12) 11 10 2.1 6 11 13 4.9 4.2 7.0 6.1 6.4 3.3 4.3 2.5 4 3.7 5 2 Lactose 3 2 3.4 1.8 0.7 0.8 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.9 1.4 0.9 Ash 1.2 0.6 2.2 2.0 0.8 0.5 1.3 0.6 6 6 0.3 4 0.9 3 0.8 0 1.5 86.2 13.8 32 12.9 32 12.6 30 11.0 15 10.3 15 12.4 44 17.1 37 63.3 36.7 61 83 17 39 79 21 41 82 18 28 47 65 35 70 47 30 85 15 50 62 73 27 40 83 51 38 62 79 70 30 48 87.7 12.3 32 77.1 22.9 52 57 63 37 77 23 36 87.1 87.4 89.0 89.7 87.6 82.9 Water Totalsolids 27 29 13 25 20 24 32 28 34 36 40 41 38 36 20 13 18 32 17 26 32 58 36 33 56 56 62 27 26 7 22 18 28 6 9 13 14 3 2 jFat Protein 5.1 6.2 1.6 4.6 2.9 5.6 5.4 3.8 5.0 5.7 3.4 6.4 6.2 3.3 0.9 1.0 19 Lactose 49 18 9 0 2.4 3.9 2.3 6.7 Ash 53 54 50 29 28 66 59 80 64 63 48 69 69 69 80 92 90 68 76 73 76 42 20 22 9 22 18 16 23 16 24 25 30 27 25 22 12 6 9 20 18 16 19 58 26 24 41 49 54 18 18 4 12 12 22 4 6 9 8 2 1 12 5 11 5 0 .75* .75* .68 .98 2.4 • The combustion value of goat's milk containing 4% fat is the same as for cow's milk containins 4% fat, namely, about 340 Cal/lb, or 0.75 Cal/gm. Fat Protein Table 21.4. Time Changes in Composition op Colostrum Milk after the First Parturition, Average op Two Cows.^® Lactose % of first milking Time after calving Total solids Protein Fat Lactose Ash Ca Mg K Na P Cl 100 91 68 52 62 48 100 72 41 29 100 103 107 117 119 118 100 84 72 66 70 100 76 64 100 74 47 36 36 38 100 107 104 26 100 72 80 75 66 70 83 70 54 100 70 62 63 62 66 60 59 22 100 98 92 52 52 50 100 122 112 70 60 54 69 68 60 (hrs) 0 6 12 24 36-40 44r48 60-6 68-72 10-11 days 28 27 26 22 114 110 138 69 66 67 60 60 64 62 65 62 54 118 40 38 126 120 117 31 Each as percentage of all minerals Time after 114 128 91 81 82 83 83 56 Each as percentage of total solids calving \ Ca Mg 28 26 24 23 24 24 24 24 26 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 K Na P Cl Ash Protein Fat Lactose 16 10 8 10 10 8 9 10 9 8 26 22 15 18 18 18 16 16 17 54 44 32 39 29 30 28 28 23 26 35 39 34 29 28 34 34 31 14 23 22 23 5 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 (hrs) A 0 6 12 24 V 1 36-40 44-48 60-64 68-72 10-11 days \ 22 22 25 28 26 26 26 32 22 20 22 24 847 16 13 17 23 31 35 35 32 32 40 Table 21.5. Data on the United States Dairy Industry. Annual per capita consumption of dairy products, lbs Dairy cattle, million head Calves birth Cows 1940 1941 to 23.0 26.2 25.0 25.5 Calves 1 to 2 lyr. yrs. 5.2 5.5 6.0 6.2 4.9 5.0 5.5 5.7 Table 21.6 tion billion lbs. pot, Butter bakers, Ice Cream ratra 11.3 14.1 17.5 18.5 products million whole milk and 8/yr. cottage) 353 338 347 347 818 797 825 814 103 105 112 118 Evapo- from dairy (except Fluid fresh milk to whole milk C^ farm income Cheese All dairy products equivalent produc Year 1930 1936 Annual milk 17.3 16.5 4.6 5.4 10 10 17.0 16.4 6.0 6.0 12 15 1387 1517 1897 Summary of the Data in Table 21,7 Discussed in Section 21.6. Speculative (i. e., computed on the basis of debatable Factual assumptions.) Data Av. Live No. of Wt., Cows Lbs. Com Av. Av. Av. Daily Daily Live Wt. FCM Produc Gains, Lbs./ Day tion, Lbs./ Day puted con sump Gross (from tion. Lbs./ Day Effic., equa % tion), % B C D Sr Net CMO'» + D ^ Effic. Experiment Sta. (Res. Bull. 222) La.-Purchase Constants of Equation TDN = B(FCM) + Av. Ob served Daily TDN 243 1087 0.117 28.26 17.64 30.1 62.2 0.305 0.053 2.13 1.02 73 5 15 25 28 45 65 34 1161 1208 1290 948 1252 1104 1158 1280 0.773 0.675 0.823 0.599 0.920 0.682 0.736 0.859 40.97 41.49 48.81 45.59 32.56 46.21 41.93 35.69 23.90 27.78 26.63 25.09 20.69 25.90 24.16 22.60 31.8 28.0 34.3 33.6 29.6 33.2 32.3 29.6 51.5 42.8» 53.6» 48.7* 64.3* 49.7* 53.2* 51.9* 0.367 0.274 0.116 0.217 0.205 0.263 0.373 0.347 0.046 0.087 0.111 0.098 0.066 0.083 0.047 0.050 1.19 -0.319 0.180 0.772 2.08 -0.276 0.510 1.15 1.44 42 10 1322 1131 1130 0.058 0.215 0.243 51.15 36.20 33.64 27.83 34.3 34.4 31.0 82.4 64.5 53.6 0.229 0.292 0.350 0.084 0.053 0.046 0.338 1.52 1.88 1.84 0.76 1.43 Exposi tion: All breeds Brown Swiss Holstein Jersey Shorthorns Class A Class B Class C 111. Testing Plant Holsteins Forbes' Pa. Holsteins... All of above 368 19.75 19.96 Milk (FCM) Production and Ratios Absolute FCM Data Live Observed Absolute TDN Ratios of FCM Calories Production/ day produced to: Consumption Com No. of Weight, Cows Pounds 243 1087 28.26 9608 1.48 0.30 0.61 0.61 17.64 32000 73 5 15 25 28 1161 1208 1290 948 1252 1104 1158 1280 40.97 41.49 48.81 45.59 32.56 46.21 41.93 35.69 13930 14107 16595 15501 11070 15711 14256 12135 2.05 1.87 2.25 2.64 1.54 2.40 2.10 1.66 0.32 0.28 0.34 0.34 0.29 0.33 0.32 0.30 0.52 0.43 0.54 0.49 0.54 0.50 0.53 0.52 0.97 0.88 1.07 1.24 0.92 1.13 0.99 23.90 27.78 26.63 25.09 20.69 25.90 24.16 22.60 43355 50393 48307 45513 37532 46983 43826 41000 51.15 17391 12308 11438 2.32 1.84 1.71 0.34 0.35 0.32 0.60 0.75 0.80 27.83 19.75 19.96 50483 35736 36207 C3 C4 C5 0.82 0.64 0.54 C6 C7 C8 C9 Ob puted Com served TDN puted Total Cals. for Mainte Pounds Calories Con FCM nance, sumed olism, Prod. Calories Calories TDN Com puted Basal Pounds Calories Metab Only Experiment Station Exposition All Breeds Brown Swiss Holsteina Jerseys Shorthorns Class A Class B Class C Illinois Testing 45 65 34 Plant Holsteins Forbes' Pa. Holsteins... Ave. of all groups 42 10 368 Column number 1322 1131 1130 C1 36.20 33.64 C2 Footnotes: Column 2, observed; C.3 = C.2 X (340); C.4 — 9=8X(1814);10 =^;11 = in Col.* 1** 16= 15X (1814); 17a C.3 ;C.5 C.3 "cHo 0.78 3 3 7 = -jg; 8 =, observed; =|;13 =22 X2; 14 •= 13 X(1814); 15 =23 XM"" values ofweight M, given ig = 80 19s computed from. Basal metabolism (Cal) = 39.5Mo-n where li 16 14 islive weight in pounds given in Col. 1;20 = yg; 21 = •jj. 848 MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS Table 21.6. Continued Computed Basal Feed (TDN) Consumption, and Ratios Ratio of TDN Calories Con Com Basal Met.. Calo rics Experiment Milk Com Production puted Ob Main served Mainte TDN, Cals. Cals./ day ries I" Sta tion All Breeds Brown Swiss Holsteins Jerseys Shorthorns Class A Class B Class C 4.9 2.0 3.3 6.4 6.7 6.6 7.7 5.2 7.2 6.5 5.6 3.0 3.1 3.6 2.9 2.9 3.4 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.7 2.5 3.4 15637 8.7 15836 48.9 49.5 6475 2.4 2.4 0.305 0.053 15.0 15.2 17.9 16.7 12.0 17.0 15.4 13.1 27264 27627 32489 30348 21677 30765 27917 23763 7.9 8.8 33.2 31.6 32.3 27.3 4.0 3.7 4.4 0.367 0.046 40.7 29.5 32.8 37.8 6806 7527 7363 5881 7204 6558 6792 7321 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 8.5 14403 62.9 15927 54.8 15582 67.3 12444 66.7 15250 57.8 13877 65.5 14385 63.7 15492 58.0 2.1 3.0 4.7 4.1 3.2 28861 42.1 57.2 7484 3.9 2.8 0.229 16326 53.7 14331 59.1 45.6 39.6 018 6691 6687 2.4 2.1 2.9 3.2 C19 C20 C21 0.292 0.053 0.350 0.047 C22 C23 8.6 6.9 8.4 7.7 7.9 3.0 2.7 3.4 6.8 1.8 3.0 11.7 21242 15.9 5.3 5.4 ClO 2.2 2.9 3.2 C12 10.6 11.8 19228 21405 C14 9.0 7.9 Testing Plant steins Equation Constants lism, Exposition Illinois Me tabo Between nance te FCM, nance, Calo Calo ries Ratio to Percentage Computed Distribution Com of Consumed puted Basal Met. of Computed Basal TDN Data puted Met. and Ratios Computed Computed Daily TDN Consumption for sumed to 849 5.2 Hol Forbes' Pa. Hol steins Ave, of all groups. Column number.. 2.5 CU C13 C15 C16 C17 0.084 Table 21.7. Individual Milk, Feed, and Body Weight Rbcobds of Cows Discussed in This Chapter and the Following Chapter."' Aver age Live wt., lbs. Feed Milk TDN. FCM, lbs./ lbs./ day day Live Gross Profit Energetic per year, Effic. dollars* wt. fhl"; IDS./ day Gross EiK^etic Aver age Not Cor rected rected for for Live cor wt. gain wt. per cow gain per 1000 wt., lbs. Feed Milk TDN, FCM, lbs./ lbs./ day day 24.0 28.3 29.2 27.2 30.2 36.1 46.5 42.6 37.3 44.9 .550 .617 .417 1.225 .567 28.3 30.8 27.4 25.7 27.8 29.0 81.6 27.8 27.1 28.5 132 184 151 124 162 10.1 10.8 9.7 9.1 9.9 25.8 25.5 26.5 26.5 27.5 26.6 27.0 26.2 26.0 27.6 26.8 27.1 27.0 26.2 27.1 43.7 43.5 48.8 45.8 52.4 50.1 49.5 51.6 45.5 62.4 48.6 55.1 45.7 47.6 41.5 .967 .700 1.392 .750 .567 .842 .725 .717 .975 .450 .967 .767 .308 .992 1.225 31.7 32.0 34.5 33.3 33.1 36.8 32.4 33.5 35.7 36.6 35.3 36.7 34.3 35.4 37.1 38.3 32.8 34.3 42.5 43.3 34.1 35.6 38.1 .39.4 31.8 32.2 34.0 35.6 28.7 30.4 cor wt. 178 178 211 189 232 220 213 235 190 305 208 254 186 204 155 11.2 11.2 11.8 11.3 12.4 12.0 11.8 12.4 11.4 13.4 11.8 12.6 11.2 11.7 10.2 Cor rected for wt. per per 1000 cow lbs. FCM 176 189 11.5 gain Jerseys, 25 782 786 902 914 914 927 Holsteins, 15 1167 1225 1236 1239 1247 1252 1264 1283 1286 1292 1327 1343 1344 1398 1438 Not rected for gain Brown Swiss, 6 1181 1248 1367 1384 1467 wt. fbt/ day lbs. FCM 'Louisiana Purchase World's Fair" Data Profit per year, dollars* Live 928 930 936 961 974 976 984 990 1002 1036 1036 1046 23.8 22.6 23.9 25.1 24.1 26.1 25.5 25.7 26.0 23.0 24.3 23.3 1047 23.3 24.6 24.5 26.5 25.4 25.6 25.8 26.5 27.5 25.3 25.9 1050 1090 27.3 26.0 42.0 42.8 42.3 47.7 43.3 50.8 50.5 42.3 47.5 38.4 39.9 41.3 41.1 46.6 46.2 48.6 47.8 47.4 47.6 50.6 54.2 39.9 45.8 50.6 44.8 .458 .758 .842 .633 .358 .683 .425 .733 .292 .483 .658 .425 .558 .742 .542 .525 .617 .675 .608 .583 .642 .708 .533 .642 .850 33.0 31.4 33.1 34.2 33.7 36.5 37.2 30.9 34.2 31.3 30.8 33.2 33.0 35.5 35.3 34.4 35.3 34.7 34.6 35.7 37.0 29.6 33.2 36.5 30.8 33.8 37.0 34.6 36.7 34.3 37.6 37.9 32.0 34.6 32.1 31.8 34.0 34.0 36.8 36.3 35.3 36.4 35.8 35.5 36.7 38.0 30.6 34.0 37.6 32.0 178 211 184 228 229 168 204 154 158 174 172 205 203 210 210 206 206 224 245 153 193 227 178 12.1 11.5 12.1 11.7 12.3 12.4 10.9 11.8 11.0 10.9 11.5 11.5 12.1 12.0 11.8 12.0 11.9 11.9 12.1 12.4 10.5 11.5 12.3 10.9 For the detailed sources and analyses of these data, see Univ. Mo. Aer. Exd Sta Res. Bulls. 222, 1935, 238 and 239, 1936. ® BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH 850 Table 21.7. Aver age Live wt., lbs. Feed Milk TDN, FCM, lbs./ lbs./ day day Gross Profit Energetic per year, dollars* Effic. Live Not Cor rected rected for for cor day wt. wt. per cow gain per 1000 10.1 18.9 21.3 22.5 19.6 20.2 20.1 21.7 19.2 20.1 20.6 17.6 22.2 21.4 18.8 19.9 23.4 20.5 20.9 18.7 20.9 23.9 20.8 25.6 22.8 20.6 21.3 33.6 21.1 .775 1.167 38.5 43.4 .625 1.158 32.4 34.8 37.5 35.4 33.5 33,0 24.0 31.4 26.9 32.5 32.6 27.9 33.7 31.6 33.0 32.8 35.4 1.067 1.092 21.1 34.7 29.0 40.6 35.9 30.7 34.8 .725 .942 1.050 1.067 1.525 .992 .100 1.058 .950 .667 .383 .917 1.058 .817 .342 1.950 1.192 .825 .642 .850 .667 1.158 31.7 24.5 38.4 38.2 27.0 33.3 34.9 33.0 28.9 32.3 22.4 28.5 28.6 27.5 28.5 27.8 31.8 25.2 30.2 29.4 35.5 19.0 27.2 26.0 29.7 29.4 27.9 30.6 Profit per year, Aver Live wt., lbs. Feed Milk TON. FCM. lbs./ day lbs./ day dollars* Live wt. gain, lbs./ day lbs. FCM Not cor rected for wt. gain Cor rected for wt. per per lOOO cow lbs. FCM gain Dixon, Illinois, Testing Plant Holsteins, Shorthorns, 28 19.9 Gross age wt. gain 1014 1003 1094 1100 1146 1172 1184 1186 1198 1206 1214 1214 1223 1226 1230 1286 1289 1297 1306 1314 1326 1329 1380 1386 1398 1405 1408 1442 Continued. 42 cows—Continued 33.2 26.8 39.8 40.9 28.6 35.7 36.4 35.0 30.7 34.6 24.6 30.2 28.8 29.1 30.0 29.0 32.6 26.5 32.2 30.8 36.3 21.4 28.9 27.3 30.6 30.8 29.1 32.8 136 66 178 200 113 147 164 148 126 136 65 116 100 116 120 101 137 102 129 125 156 40 122 97 156 137 111 137 11.1 8.6 12.7 12.7 9.6 11.6 11.9 11.6 10.3 11.3 7.4 10.1 10.1 9.8 10.1 9.9 11.1 8.8 10.7 10.4 12.0 5.1 9.7 9.2 10.6 10.4 9.9 10.8 1464 1469 1514 1531 1538 1566 1609 1660 1683 1748 27.6 30.8 28.6 23.8 29.0 28.7 30.3 28.0 29.4 31.9 46.9 64.6 57.3 36.4 53.0 56.3 50.3 40.0 61.4 58.4 .167 -.110 -.055 .548 .055 .205 .208 .192 .137 .274 31.8 •39.3 37.5 28.7 34.3 36.7 31.1 26.8 39.1 34.3 31.9 39.3 37.5 28.9 34.3 36.8 31.1 26.8 39.2 34.4 191 303 261 136 228 254 201 138 287 251 11.2 12.8 12.5 10.2 11.8 12.4 11.0 9.4 12.8 11.8 Pennsylvania (Forbes) Holsteins, 10 867 1008 1042 1073 1092 1102 1198 1207 1308 1408 16.0 16.6 20.0 18.9 19.8 20.6 21.6 19.1 20.7 24.4 32.5 30.6 39.7 36.1 35.5 34.6 39.4 34.9 33.6 45.1 -.056 .036 .259 .205 -.056 .652 .580 .154 .542 -.165 38.0 34.7 37.3 35.8 33.7 31.5 34.3 34.3 30.5 34.7 37.8 34.7 38.0 36.4 33.5 33.0 35.7 34.6 31.7 34.3 149 132 181 160 151 140 169 150 132 195 12.6 11.8 12.5 12.1 11.6 11.1 11.8 11.8 10.8 11.8 90 134 11.2 Savage's Guernseys, 2 846 1072 16.0 19.3 24.4 32.7 .200 .514 28.5 31.8 29.3 33.8 10.1 Dixon, Illinois, Testing Plant Holsteins, Savage's Holsteins, 14 42 889 962 976 1086 1126 1161 1194 1198 1210 1211 1220 1221 1229 1233 1245 1247 1265 1271 1272 1291 1297 1312 1330 1331 1340 1347 1350 1354 1358 1360 1425 1448 26.6 25.1 25.9 23.2 26.4 27.7 26.4 29.9 28.6 26.6 30.0 27.3 28.0 29.4 28.1 27.1 28.3 29.0 28.8 26.9 27.3 28.2 28.5 25.8 26.1 27.8 25.5 27.1 29.2 29.5 26.1 30.1 43.6 43.7 38.7 41.3 47.0 52.5 42.7 67.2 67.8 43.0 61.4 41.0 53.5 47.0 50.2 44.7 55.3 55.6 52.5 53.8 50.9 43.9 53.2 45.6 53.4 59.9 41.9 54.2 56.8 56.8 42.6 56.7 .370 .192 -.110 .520 .358 .233 -.356 .096 .110 .000 .000 .559 -.301 -.301 -.068 .206 .274 .247 -.333 -.329 .301 -.274 .000 .315 -1.041 .109 .247 .055 -.192 .041 .137 -.269 30.7 32.6 28.0 33.4 33.3 35.5 30.3 42.1 44.4 30.3 38.4 \ 28.1 35.9 33.2 ^3.4 30.9 36.6 36.0 34.2 37.5 35.0 29.2 35.1 33.1 38.4 40.5 30.8 37.5 36.4 36.1 30.5 35.2 30.8 32.7 28.0 33.7 33.5 35.6 30.2 42.2 44.4 30.3 38.4 28.3 35.7 33.3 33.4 31.0 36.7 36.1 34.1 37.3 35.1 29.1 35.1 33.2 37.8 40.5 30.9 37.5 36.4 36.1 30.6 35.1 172 181 141 175 198 231 167 327 338 168 284 10.8 11.3 10.0 11.6 11.5 12.0 10.7 13.3 13.6 10.7 12.7 ISO 10.0 12.1 10.6 11.6 10.9 12.3 237 182 212 178 249 247 226 246 222 166 233 192 247 286 166 248 255 253 168 248 12.2 11.8 12.5 12.0 10.4 12.0 11.5 12.7 13.1 10.8 12.5 12.3 12.2 10.8 12.0 985 990 1035 1053 1054 1073 1090 1150 1175 1179 1184 1239 1253 1341 21.2 21.2 20.9 22.9 20.2 20.8 22.7 21.7 21.4 22.7 24.4 23.8 23.4 22.1 35.8 36.9 29.7 42.5 29.9 30.4 37.7 38.5 32.4 37.5 40.6 40.2 38.2 30.1 .695 .086 .838 .295 .029 .162 .657 .638 .581 .019 .209 .419 .752 .438 31.7 32.6 26.6 34.9 27.8 27.3 31.1 33.3 28.4 30.9 31.2 31.6 34.0 32.9 29.1 35.9 27.9 27.8 33.2 35.5 30.1 31.0 31.8 32.8 30.7 29.4 26.6 25.5 145 153 102 185 108 99 11.1 11.4 9.4 11.9 9.9 9.7 11.0 11.5 10.1 10.9 11.0 11.1 10.8 9.0 150 101 154 75 89 11.9 10.4 12.3 8.7 9.9 128 10.8 88 85 80 86 8.5 8.3 8.9 8.5 108 151 162 119 149 163 163 151 Savage's Jerseys, 6 812 860 865 909 925 931 18.8 17.0 17.9 17.6 16.6 19.7 34.7 26.4 34.4 23.4 24.7 32.3 .009 .095 .248 .505 .571 .752 34.5 29.2 36.1 25.0 27.8 30.7 34.6 29.6 35.1 26.6 30.0 33.4 Perkins' Holsteins, 4 1288 1330 1360 1393 22.0 22.0 18.3 21.4 28.6 28.2 24.8 27.8 .336 .781 .432 .371 24.4 24.0 25.3 24.4 25.2 26.0 26.7 25.4 / MILK: NUTRITIONAL, SOCIAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS Table 21.7 Gross Aver age Live wt., lbs. Feed Milk TDN, FCM, lbs./ lbs./ day day Gross per year, dollars* Live Aver wt. & day Not cor rected for wt. gain Continued. Profit Em^getic age per wt. per 1000 cow lbs. FCM gain 843 855 864 887 009 925 947 996 998 1019 12.6 13.8 12.5 13.8 12.4 17.2 13.5 15.9 17.9 14.0 18.0 15.1 15.3 15.8 20.5 17.4 16.6 22.7 21.9 .196 .050 .102 24.7 22.7 29.8 .008 -.133 .029 -.240 .008 27.0 23.4 30.3 29.7 32.8 22.3 20.1 21.1 37.6 26.3 -.109 -.488 -.082 -.060 -.095 .103 -.191 .143 24.6 30.7 32.8 27.6 34.3 32.5 37.4 27.6 33.6 39.8 34.2 27.7 24.7 25.0 34.3 28.4 15.1 14.1 14.6 16.0 17.4 16.9 13.4 14.8 18.3 17.5 16.2 16.5 16.4 18.8 19.2 19.9 18.8 18.4 15.1 19.7 18.6 18.4 20.2 18.2 19.7 20.1 18.6 22.5 .077 22.7 .095 29.6 -.429 17.3 .165 29.4 -.089 35.2 .050 30.2 .278 28.6 -.230 37.8 -.319 32.2 -.071 27.8 -.214 31.4 -.286 23.5 .191 26.6 .223 32.3 -.196 37.0 -.120 27.7 .143 29.8 -.042 20.9 .226 28.2 .161 28.3 .113 25.4 .238 24.7 .226 30.6 -.137 36.1 .117 30.4 .192 .321 31.8 27.9 30.1 38.0 25.4 30.9 33.4 27.6 33.5 33.7 36.0 27.6 33.1 37.0 20.3 31.7 39.1 42.1 27.4 24.4 25.4 33.7 28.9 36.1 38.7 35.5 32.1 35.8 26.9 26.6 31.6 34.9 27.7 30.2 25.9 26.8 28.4 40.3 35.0 37.3 35.2 31.2 34.5 27.6 27.2 30.9 34.4 28.1 30.2 26.7 27.3 28.8 26.6 23.4 31.0 25.9 22.9 31.5 34.4 28.4 34.8 29.0 32.0 33.2 8.6 10.9 11.4 9.8 11.8 11.4 12.5 9.8 11.6 12.9 11.8 9.8 8.6 8.7 11.8 10.1 82 88 136 39 119 164 147 127 176 139 114 139 82 02 131 161 99 117 70 08 104 85 70 124 156 112 130 10.0 10.6 12.6 6.2 11.1 12.8 13.4 12.2 12.7 11.8 11.2 12.1 9.6 9.4 11.1 11.9 9.8 10.7 9.2 9.5 10.0 9.2 7.7 11.1 11.8 10.8 11.2 789 792 793 796 800 14.4 11.1 14.7 12.5 12.6 14.6 12.8 14.2 13.8 15.1 11.8 13.1 15.9 12.5 13.4 14.5 14.2 12.5 14.1 28.5 18.6 25.5 27.5 20.8 22.6 21.8 22.8 23.5 27.6 16.3 31.6 28.8 19.4 24.1 27.8 23.6 25.5 28.6 -.137 -.053 -.286 -.010 -.034 .238 -.060 .006 -.027 -.114 .008 -.893 .137 -^.080 .202 -.398 .115 -.092 -.095 36.9 31.5 32.6 41.2 31.0 28.9 36.2 31.2 31.3 41.4 31.2 30.0 31.8 30.1 31.9 34.1 26.0 31.5 30.1 31.8 33.6 26.0 39.5 34.6 28.6 34.7 45.2 33.9 29.0 33.6 35.9 31.0 38.1 38.0 33.9 31.6 37.5 37.4 Not cor rected for Cor rected for wt. per 1000 per lbs. FCM cow gain 120 75 106 132 83 85 89 89 96 119 55 159 123 67 102 123 94 118 131 876 887 890 898 002 910 915 935 936 989 1013 1046 1071 13.8 14.0 13.6 14.9 13.6 16.8 14.5 16.0 15.3 13.4 12.3 14.8 15.0 14.7 15.4 15.2 14.8 16.2 18.6 13.7 17.6 18.6 15.9 15.8 14.3 13.0 30.9 -.414 25.4 .048 24.1 -.333 29.4 -.184 25.6 -.364 27.0 -.060 22.5 .113 18.5 .198 26.7 -.036 30.0 -.161 28.4 -.143 26.2 -.097 21.1 .143 23.2 -.010 30.1 -.225 21.1 .017 29.2 -.025 23.5 -.080 23.1 -.500 26.0 -.311 24.3 .101 24.6 .018 25.6 -.214 24.0 -.082 22.0 -.103 23.0 .071 23.8 -.131 30.9 -.036 37.0 .024 18.0 .036 31.3 -.074 28.8 -.113 26.1 .250 23.2 -.009 20.4 .148 15.4 .077 40.9 31.1 38.5 31.3 31.2 35.1 35.6 36.5 32.8 36.0 37.7 36.9 30.3 23.0 30.1 34.7 38.1 36.2 26.4 31.9 33.5 27.3 34.2 28.8 32.3 39.6 30.7 30.9 32.7 32.5 26.8 28.5 30.1 35.6 37.1 24.6 33.3 28.9 30.7 27.5 26.8 22.1 30.8 23.6 30.0 34.0 37.3 35.7 27.0 31.8 32.6 27.3 34.1 28.5 30.0 37.6 31.2 30.8 31.8 32.1 26.4 28.8 29.6 35.5 37.2 24.7 33.0 28.6 31.8 27.4 27.4 22.4 148 102 100 131 117 122 88 52 104 131 131 117 72 94 128 75 126 88 95 122 96 98 107 99 .76 85 93 136 168 56 132 108 103 83 71 41 13.1 11.6 11.4 12.2 12.5 12.4 10.7 7.8 10.7 12.0 12.6 12.2 9.4 11.1 11.6 9.8 11.8 10.2 11.3 12.9 10.8 10.9 11.4 11.3 9.4 10.1 10.7 12.1 12.5 8.5 11.5 10.3 10.8 9.8 9.5 7.3 20.0 18.1 34.3 29.9 .000 .019 32.1 30.9 32.1 29.9 140 119 11.2 10.9 96 84 119 26 76 10.6 10.1 11.4 6.8 9.6 7 57 -5 49 2.0 7.5 -1.3 6.6 54 64 42 51 24 8.3 9.0 6.7 7.3 4.9 Eckles' Jerseys, 5 807 824 899 902 952 12.4 11.0 13.8 11.7 9.5 11.6 12.1 10.9 12.7 12.6 14.2 15.3 13.8 15.3 12.7 13.7 14.0 15.1 16.6 16.2 1056 1319 11.4 13.2 10.9 10.3 11.2 10.7 11.2 11.8 9.2 809 809 811 811 817 817 820 820 824 833 836 838 843 845 849 854 855 856 858 859 861 863 867 Eckles' Holsteins, 2 Haecker's Jerseys, 55 634 683 706 734 735 735 752 752 754 758 760 778 782 783 dollars* Milk Haecker's Jerseys, 55 Continued 52 90 91 84 98 124 123 84 129 140 141 80 63 67 162 97 33.9. 28.2 30.5 35.8 20.7 31.4 39.4 Profit per year, Effic. wt. Haecker's Holsteins, 27 781 817 844 872 877 880 887 888 880 006 919 923 975 976 978 985 1086 1095 1106 1114 1117 1128 1137 1273 1292 1298 1315 Energetic gain Haecker's Guernseys, 16 766 766 782 790 801 840 Feed TDN, FCM, lbs./ lbs./ wt., day day lbs. Live Cor rected for 851 15.5 14.9 16.4 9.2 15.0 24.8 22.8 28.6 10.5 21.7 .041 .137 .044 .049 .000 30.0 28.6 32.7 21.3 27.1 30.1 29.2 32.9 21.5 27.1 Hills' Holsteins, 4 1184 1317 1341 1390 11.2 17.2 16.2 18.4 9.4 20.7 11.4 20.5 .487 .752 .893 .307 15.7 22.5 13.2 20.9 17.3 23.4 14.9 21.6 - Hills' Jerseys, 5 - 885 899 920 929 978 14.0 14.2 15.2 16.6 13.7 17.9 19.4 17.2 19.4 13.6 .627 .548 .613 .410 .458 24.0 25.6 21.1 22.0 18.6 26.6 27.9 22.8 23.2 20.0 BIOENERGETICS AND GROWTH 852 Table 21.7 Aver age Live wt., lbs. Feed Milk TDN. FCM, lbs./ lbs./ day day Live Profit per year, Effic. dollars* for wt. gain Live Cor wt. wt., lbs. per cow gain 19.4 16.2 19.6 18.9 20.0 16.5 18.9 18.9 19.2 23.1 17.4 20.5 16.6 18.8 22.2 18.4 18.6 22.0 22.3 16.6 21.7 18.1 18.2 19.6 19.3 20.9 16.9 16.1 16.8 19.1 17.9 16.8 20.4 16.2 18.3 20.0 19.7 18.9. 19.7 19.4 19.0 19.5 18.2 20.9 17.7. 19.6 20.4 18.7 17.4 18.6 20.8 20.1 34.5 22.2 32.8 31.3 32.8 24.4 28.4 28.1 30.7 43.2 22.7 34.3 20.1 29.6 41.9 25.9 29.3 41.0 41.0 15.1 39.4 23.3 27.2 31.6 28.4 34.0 22.6 23.4 26.8 28.0 26.4 23.4 33.2 25.1 26.4 38.2 28.7 26.5 31.6 32.3 27.1 31.6 29.6 36.0 23.7 31.2 33.8 27.2 20.6 30.5 34.9 29.2 .155 .192 .075 .367 -.150 .425 -.376 .214 .711 .169 .432 -.316 .335 -.078 .171 .244 .004 .120 -.026 .120 -.030 .530 .150 .398 .384 -.184 .756 .004 .188 1.053 -.489 .249 .087 -.200 -.278 .074 .102 .466 .188 -.278 .015 -.188 -.049 .155 .282 .455 -.116 .587 .327 .098 .216 .470 33.4 25.6 31.4 31.1 30.8 27.7 28.2 27.8 28.9 35.1 24.4 31.4 22.7 29.7 35.4 26.4 29.5 35.0 34.5 21.6 34.0 24.1 28.0 30.1 27.6 30.5 25.0 27.2 30.0 27.5 27.7 26.1 30.5 29.1 27.0 35.7 27.4 26.3 30.1 31.2 26.7 30.3 30.4 32.4 25.1 29.9 31.0 27.4 22.2 30.7 31.4 27.2 33.9 26.3 31.7 32.5 30.3 29.3 27.1 28.5 31.3 35.6 25.7 30.4 23.7 29.4 36.0 27.2 29.6 35.4 34.4 21.9 23.9 25.7 28.5 31.5 28.8 29.9 27.6 27.2 30.8 31.1 26.1 26.9 30.7 28.4 26.2 36.0 28.0 27.8 30.7 30.3 26.7 29.7 30.2 32.9 25.9 31.5 30.6 29.3 23.1 31.1 32.1 28.6 Live Milk Feed Ener El TDN, FCM, lbs./ lbs./ day day rear, ars* wt. gain, lbs./ Not day rected for wt. cor lbs. FCM Cor rected for 146 73 132 125 130 87 104 102 119 189 70 138 56 115 184 88 112 179 177 49 169 71 99 123 101 134 72 82 139 100 95 78 130 95 92 169 102 90 123 130 94 123 116 149 76 121 134 97 55 121 141 103 Per cow wt. lbs. FCM gain gain Harrison and Savage's Holsteins, 103 1081 1120 1134 1138 1154 1159 1162 1163 1170 1170 1172 1173 1181 1182 1184 1187 1192 1195 1195 1196 1203 1203 1210 1215 1217 1219 1220 1220 1223 1224 1227 1230 1232 1234 1238 1239 1239 1248 1250 1251 1251 1254 1255 1261 1266 1267 1270 1271 1272 1272 1272 1275 Aver age Not lbs./ cor rected day rected for Profit Gross Gross Energetic wt. gain, Continued Harrison and Savage's Holsteins, 103 11.6 9.0 11.0 10.9 10.8 9.8 10.0 10.0 10.6 12.0 8.5 11.0 7.6 10.6 12.0 9.3 10.5 12.0 11.8 7.0 11.8 8.3 10.0 10.7 9.8 10.8 8.8 9.6 11.4 9.8 9.8 9.2 10.7 10.4 9.6 12.1 9.7 9.3 10.7 11.0 9.5 10.7 10.7 11.3 8.8 10.6 11.0 9.7 7.3 10.9 11.1 9.6 1275 1283 1285 1286 1287 1292 1295 1296 1297 1298 1298 1301 1305 1306 1308 1320 1323 1323 1327 1327 1331 1332 1332 1333 1337 1338 1340 1340 1341 1344 1344 1346 1364 1366 1368 1375 1379 1379 1382 1384 1386 1388 1389 1394 1398 1404 1428 1436 1453 1494 1500 20.7 17.5 20.4 17.9 19.7 20.7 19.5 19.1 20.7 20.4 21.0 21.5 20.8 18.5 17.5 19.6 19.7 20.6 20.8 17.6 21.7 17.3 17.9 21.5 19.4 20.8 18.7 18.0 20.0 18.1 18.8 21.0 18.4 19.5 18.9 19.3 19.1 19.6 18.6 20.9 21.3 21.8 19.9 21.3 20.9 15.8 19.2 19.2 18.4 21.5 21.1 34.6 22.8 32.8 23.2 31.9 35.1 30.4 26.5 32.6 34.9 36.4 39.2 32.4 27.8 22.7 30.8 33.9 32.3 34.1 22.8 39.7 19.8 20.2 35.6 33.5 35.3 26.1 32.8 33.4 22.0 33.8 33.8 26.6 27.6 33.5 29.2 30.6 33.9 22.8 33.3 41.0 38.8 31.7 40.1 35.1 22.9 28.6 28.6 27.4 38.7 36.4 31.3 24.3 30.1 24.3 30.3 31.8 29.2 26.0 29.5 32.1 32.5 34.1 29.2 28.1 24.3 29.4 32.3 29.3 30.7 24.3 34.3 21.4 21.2 31.1 32.5 31.8 26.1 34.1 31.4 22.8 32.8 .443 .244 .229 .105 .169 .045 .263 .131 .470 .613 .065 .090 .384 .511 .756 .131 .176 .214 .128 .150 -.237 -.011 .688 .261 .351 .004 -.045 .327 .192 .853 -.331 .343 .421 .518 .053 .004 .147 -.131 .150 .286 .016 .265 .447 -.690 .271 .637 -.387 .082 29.4 27.1 26.6 32.3 28.4 30.0 32.4 24.3 29.9 36.1 33.3 29.9 35.3 31.5 27.1 27.9 27.8 27.9 33.8 32.3 .494 -.327 -.019 139 32.8 25.1 70 128 30.8 24.6 71 125 30.9 143 32.0 30.0 115 89 26.4 31.0 125 143 34.3 150 32.7 34.4 168 30.4 123 101 29.9 26.8 » 70 29.8 117 140 32.9 123 30.0 31.1 135 24.7 70 33.5 171 50 21.4 23.1 50 31.9 143 139 33.8 144 31.8 26.0 88 35.4 140 32.0 135 .25.3 61 31.6 137 125 30.4 28.5 94 28.2 95 32.5 134 28.4 107 119 29.5 31.9 140 24.7 70 129 30.8 183 36.1 164 34.2 123 31.4 33.0 176 142 32.4 80 29.6 104 26.8 103 28.1 29.5 99 165 32.7 150 32.2 11.0 8.5 10.7 8.4 • 10.7 11.2 10.4 9.2 10.5 11.2 11.4 11.8 10.4 12.7 9.4 10.4 11.3 10.4 10.8 8.4 11.8 6.9 6.7 11.1 11.4 11.2 9.2 11.7 11.1 7.6 11.4 10.4 9.7 9.4 10.3 10.0 10.7 11.3 8.4 10.6 12.2 11.6 10.6 12.1 11.1 9.6 10.0 9.9 9.4 11.5 11.3 * Assuming that price of feed is $1.50 per 100lbs. TDN; price of milk is $2.00 per 100lbs. FCM. Table 21.8. Days Composition of Cow Blood During Fast. Li^in Total fatty acids 10.0 10.4 10.3 10.1 200 214 Fast Sterol Sterol Iron Sugar 60 37 66 40 43 37 68 69 48 44 62 65 66 46 61 62 62 Esters Amino Acid N Mg/100 Cc Blood Organic In- or^nic acidsoluble P Ca C1 3 2.4 7 7 6.4 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.8 267 261 266 279 276 280 276 * 0 u 2i 3^ 4^ 5^ 6 9.6 9.6 9.4 224 186 201 204 95 96 99 96 91 88 88 46 41 7.1 6.1 4 4.9 4.7 4.9 6.8 6.2 6.1 6.1 4.9 4.6 7 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.6