2009 July Newsletter
2009 July Newsletter
Fox Valley Region Table of Contents Page 2 ............Nomination Social Page 3 ................DD Article Cont. Page 4 ................DD Article Cont. Page 5.....................Regional Flyer Page 6 ..........Fall GA Registration Hello Fox Valley Jaycees!!! June was another great month for the Fox Valley Region. The Region as a whole grew for the fourth time this year, growing by+2 in June. This raises our year to date growth to +8 as a Region. In last month's newsletter article I said that we are setup to be at growth every month for the rest of the year and in June you as the local members and chapters didn't let the region down. To get all of you caught up, here is a recap of what each of our eleven chapters have been up to this month. Page 7 ........................ Region POC Page 8 .............................State POC Page 10 ........................Who’s Due Page 10 ..........Calendar of Events President Sue from Algonquin / Lake in the Hills has the chapter all set for their biggest festival of the year Founders Days. I would like to congratulate Algonquin / Lake in the Hills on having 100% retention in month of June and as of right now they are EVEN year to date. With the number of leads that they will gain from Founders Days, I expect big things from them in the coming months. The Algonquin / Lake in the Hills Jaycees seem to always blow me away with their commitment and hard work. Keep it up; huge growth for your chapter is so close. President Annie from Batavia is on her way to having another great year. In the month of June Batavia had 6 due and renewed all 6, keeping them at only -1 for the year. Batavia even raised their retention percentage from 93% to 95% this month. That is a HUGE accomplishment and something that Batavia should be very proud. President Cathy from Cary-Grove had the chapter in full swing during the Cary Days Festival this month. Where they swore in 3 new members and renewed 4 of 5 as well to end June at +2, to bring their year to date totals to EVEN this year. I think Cary-Grove is catching on fire and I expect huge things from them in the coming months. President Mike from Crystal Lake has really gotten the Crystal Lake Jaycees pumped up. In the month of June they added 2 new members to end the month at +1 and are only 3 new members away from climbing to even year to date. Crystal Lake is one of those chapters that can add 3, 4, 5 or even 6 members in one month. I expect that Crystal Lake will find themselves at + something by year end. Just continue working hard and growth will come. Monthly Newsletter July - 1 Monthly Newsletter July - 2 DD Report Continued... President John from Elgin has added 6 NMA's this year and would love to add some more. I know the board has been working hard to find the winning combination to insure the growth of Elgin and the continued impact that they have always brought to the town of Elgin. Elgin has some big projects coming up and they would love some assistance from the Fox Valley Region and I know that the Fox Valley will come out and help. Get a visitation team together and go help the Elgin Jaycees make the impact in their community. Elgin was -2 for the month of June and is sitting at +1 for the year. Let's look to add at least three new members in July/August!!!! President Michelle from Hampshire-Burlington has been trying all different ways to get the Chapter jump started and we should be proud of her commitment to her Chapter and to the Region. Hampshire Burlington enjoyed having 100% retention in the month of June and is sitting EVEN this year. I know with a few new members that this chapter will catch fire. HB you have always run great projects, keep it up. President JR from Huntley has the Huntley Jaycees fired up, for six months now!!! They have been running many projects for their community and have been adding members every month but one this year and June was no exception. Huntley added 4 new members in June and is sitting at year to date growth of +8. President JR told me that the Huntley Jaycees are looking to grow their chapter to at least 35 members by the end of the year, which would put them at +14 for the year. I just wonder is there any chapters out there that would like to challenge Huntley on their quest to be +14? President Chuck from McHenry has really gotten the chapter going in June with planning for their Jaycee Days coming up in July, where they expect to be able to recruit many new members. In June they lost 2 members to put them at -2 for the year however, I'm not concerned since they are focused on growing their chapter in 2009. I believe that we are going to see HUGE numbers coming from McHenry in the coming months. President Alexcia from Saint Charles has gotten the Chapter to start planning for their biggest project of the year, the Haunted House. This is their biggest money maker of the year and their largest membership recruitment opportunity of the year. Look for more information in the coming months of opportunities to help this long standing chapter grow. In June they enjoyed 100% retention and is looking to get back to EVEN in the coming months leading up to the October Haunting Season. nd nd President Frank from South Elgin has set a HUGE goal for the 2 Trimester of being +23 for the 2 Trimester. That is not year to date growth of +23 however +23 for the months of May through August. This would be nd a double of their chapter in the 2 Trimester. This would put them at +30 year to date. Well they used June as one of those months to add to their year to date growth, by going +2 in June. Just to give you idea of th their continued success this year, June is the 6 month of the year that the South Elgin Jaycees are at least +2 to put them at +16 through June. I think President Frank and Membership Vice President Chris Wilson should continue doing whatever they are doing for the rest of the year. If they continued at this pace they could be +32, which would represent almost 150% growth in a single year. The Fox Valley Wants YOU! Monthly Newsletter July - 3 DD Report Continued... th President Sara from Woodstock has been getting the team ready for the 4 of July. They will be selling glow necklaces to raise money for their numerous community projects. In June they had some members drop which brought them down to -3 for the year however I know that they will be adding some of their leads in July and get themselves back on their growing ways. Woodstock is one of those chapters that continue to make an impact within their community year after year and I know that will continue for a very long time. Fox Valley I have to tell you that I'm excited about the success that we have enjoyed thus far in 2009. We currently have three chapters at EVEN and three chapters at YEAR TO DATE GROWTH. There are four chapters that are only 4 members or less away from being even for the year. That is not a bad position to be in at the end of June. I see potential for year-end growth for every chapter in this Region. As I look at the year to date totals of our region I see an opportunity that we have not had in many years and that is to grow our region and surpass a region or a few regions. To give you an idea of where the Fox Valley Region stacks up currently against the other regions in the State here are the standing as of June. · Northeast North Gateway Fox Valley Mississippi Valley Northwest Prairieland East South Central South South East 487 · 357 · 324 · 310 · 230 · 225 · 195 · 161 · 106 · 94 · 80 2,569 I have this crazy idea, tell me what you think. What do you say about us surpassing the Gateway by the end of September and look to surpass the North by the end of December, if not sooner? I told all of you at the beginning that I'm not competitive, I'm very competitive. I know that the Gateway and the North will not make it easy on us; however I know that Fox Valley Region has some great things going this year and if we rd all work together we will continue to grow our Region and become the 3 largest region in the largest rd nd Jaycee State in the Nation. Let's get to 3 and then we can talk about becoming 2 months to come. I want to remind you that the Fox Valley Region Team is here to help you, please continue letting me know or anyone else on the Region Team know what is coming up in your chapters. The more notice that you give us, the more of a chance we can get Region Staff and/or State Staff out to help us. THE FOX WANTS YOU to succeed please let us know how we can help!!!! In Jaycees, Anthony Colletti 2009 Fox Valley Region District Director The Fox Valley Wants YOU! Monthly Newsletter July - 4 Monthly Newsletter July - 6 Monthly Newsletter July - 8 Who is Due? July / August Upcoming Events Around the Region Cary- Grove Batavia Neil Garity Jenny Keck Urban Cheri Rio Julie Slater Garity Scott Urban Dillon Boley Dusty Chism Michele Ferreira Mark Wheaton Luke Barnett Danelle Bullon Les Gustufson Ashley Hansen Steven Miller AmandaMorris Crystal Lake AmandaBertram Ted Cauwels Rachel Greve Alan Noy Holly Noy Derrick Smith Kristen Culley Andie Jackowiak Allison Wiegand McHenry Area Keri Dahl Joseph Miller Nicole Zeoli Elgin JULY 4 - McHenry Jaycee Day 23-26 -Founders' Days AUGUST 8 - So. Elgin Poker Run for RutlandDundee Extension 13-16 So. Elgin Riverfest 22 - So. Elgin Car Show at Richie’s 23 - Free Pancakes at Richie’s Kim Parsons SEPTEMBER Huntley 4-6 - Summer Sunset Festival Jennifer Jones Debra Junkins South Elgin Teresa Tripoli Betty Alm Autumn Rigney Eric Rigney Chris Strossner Saint Charles Bill Connelly Mike Dillenburg Joe Marcinkowski Eric Theisen Alexcia Tyler Woodstock Maureen Butler Heather Sweo Hampshire/Burlington Travis Diekman David Tiffany Algonquin/Lake in the Hills Mike Schaedel MatthewSchipper Monthly Newsletter July - 10 Fox Valley Region Chapter Meetings CHAPTER Algonquin/LITH Batavia Cary Grove Crystal Lake Elgin Hampshire-Burlington Huntley McHenry South Elgin St. Charles Woodstock DAY/TIME 3rd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 3rd Thursday, 7:30 PM 1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM 1st Wednesday, 7:30 PM 2nd Thursday, 7:00 PM 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 PM 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM 2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 PM 4th Tuesday, 7:30 PM Fox Valley Region Board Chairman of the Board Joanna Colletti Cell: 847-287-8364 305 Old Hunt Road, Fox River Grove 60021 Email: jscolletti@comcast.net Assistant Region Director Andy Lee Cell:847-691-0202 District Director - Algonquin/LITH, Batavia, Huntley, Hampshire/Burlington & South Elgin Tony Colletti Cell: 847-287-4657 305 Old Hunt Rd., Fox River Grove 60021 Email: collettia@msn.com District Director - Crystal Lake, Elgin, McHenry, St. Charles & Woodstock Kara Repsys Email: starfish2376@hotmail.com District Director - Cary Grove Allison Wiegand Phone:815-459-2327 Email: awiegand3@yahoo.com Community Development Program Director Michelle Kollins Cell: 630-479-0077 Email: michellekollins@foxvalley.net Membership Development Program Director Joe Weyland Cell:815-347-0306 Email: joeweyland@aol.com Webmaster Dan Kollins Cell:630-479-0066 Awards Chair Steve Repsys Email: repsys@hotmail.com Steering Committee Jordan Rigney - Primary Dave Chapman Cindy Hillebrand LOCATION Brunswick Zone - Algonquin One East Wilson Wool St. Grill & Bar Dole Mansion American Legion Corkshire Pub American Legion VFW Riichie’s Pizza American Legion VFW Illinois State Jaycees President Scott Ulrich 10460N. Forest Trail, Peoria, 61615 C: 309-303-0255 Email: scott.ulrich4@gmail.com Chairman of the Board Tanya Lee C: 217-413-0990 Email: beailjaycee@yahoo.com Administrative Vice President Joanne Rinaldo C: 847-561-2556 Email: Joanne1232@gmail.com Program Development Vice President Joanna Colletti C:847-287-8364 Email: jscolletti@comcast.net Area One Vice President Kathy Crick C: 708-254-1892 Email: KCRicker14@sbcglobal.net Area Two Vice President Roxy Baker C: 309-645-6749 Email: roxy@comcast.net Area Three Vice President Service Center Cheryl Knoche - Executive Secretary 6405 Canadian Cross Drive, Springfield 62711 Phone: 217-529-5379 Fax: 217-529-5293 Email: servicecenter@iljaycees.org Senate Region Director Barb Sleeman Monthly Newsletter July - 11
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