2009 September Newsletter


2009 September Newsletter
Fox Valley Region
Table of Contents
Page 2 .................DD Article Cont.
Page 3 .................DD Article Cont.
Page 4 .........................ARD Article.
Page 5 .....2nd Trimester Awards
Page 6 ....................... GA Pictures
Page 8 .............................State POC
Page 10.........................Who’s Due
Page 10 ..........Calendar of Events
Hello Fox Valley Jaycees!!!
This region has been the most consistent region throughout
the state this year and in August it was no different, growing for
the third month in a row and a total of 6 out of 8 months!!!!!
August was another great month for the Fox Valley Region by
being +5 which raises our year to date growth to +16 as a
Region. At the 2 Trimester General Assembly we saw the Fox
Valley Region steal the show, see the list of award recipients
later in this newsletter.
To get all of you caught up, here is a recap of what each of our
eleven chapters have been up to this month.
President Sue from Algonquin / Lake in the Hills had the
chapter relaxing after their largest fundraiser of the year,
Founders Days. I would like to congratulate Algonquin / Lake
in the Hills on having an above average retention rate
compared to the state and national average. It is a true sign
that you have a successful chapter when your members want
to stay apart of the organization. Keep up the great work and
let's push to make the Algonquin / Lake in the Hills family even
bigger in the coming months. We have had the goal of
growth all year long we are so close let's push to get there.
President Annie from Batavia is on her way to having another great year. In the month of August Batavia
continued to keep their great retention rate. Year to date they have had the highest retention rate in the
whole region, of 84%. This is a HUGE accomplishment and Batavia Jaycees should be very proud..
President Cathy from Cary-Grove had the chapter in full swing during the month of August by having an ID
Day, where they had new members come together and prepare their first chairman's planning guide.
Along with learning about what it means to be a Jaycee. Cary-Grove also came out in full force for the
region campout, which is always a great time. I see a lot of young members starting to step up and become
the leaders that I know they can be.
President Mike from Crystal Lake has the Crystal Lake Jaycees focused on some great projects coming up
later in the year, after recovering from Lakeside. Crystal Lake is one of those chapters that can add 3, 4, 5 or
even 6 members in one month and I'm expecting big things from them in the coming months. Just wait till
they connect with some of those prospective members and get back to growth for the year.
Monthly Newsletter
September - 1
DD Report Continued...
President John from Elgin has added 8 NMA's this year and would love to add some more. The Elgin
Jaycees have been very involved within their community this year by helping the city run numerous bags
tournaments all summer. Elgin had 100% retention in the month of August and was +2 for the month, to
bring their growth for the year to +3. Keep up the hard work!!!!
President Michelle from Hampshire-Burlington has the chapter back on track by recruiting 2 New Members
to grow to +1 for the year. Hampshire Burlington has been running great projects for years and it was
proven when they were approached by a local business to help them run a project within their
establishment. President Michelle keep up the great work, your community really needs you and the
President JR from Huntley has had the Huntley Jaycees fired up, all year!!! They have been running many
projects for their community and have been adding members every month but three this year. Huntley
enjoyed 100% retention in the month of August for the second month in a row and is sitting at year to date
growth of +8. I look forward to seeing even more new members come into the chapter in the coming
months. Keep up the great work you are making a HUGE impact within your community.
President Chuck from McHenry has really gotten the ball rolling this year and August was no different.
McHenry has enjoyed 100% retention and added 2 new members in the month of August, raising their
year to date numbers to +6. It was also great to see two brand new Jaycee members come to the 2
Trimester State Convention, Josh Ruer and Sarah Daniels. I see a lot of Jaycee spirit in these members and I
can't wait to see the impact that they can create in McHenry. Keep up the GREAT work McHenry!!!!!
President Alexcia from Saint Charles has the Chapter focused on their biggest project of the year, the
Haunted House. This is their biggest money maker of the year and their largest membership recruitment
opportunity of the year. In August they had a great general membership meeting where they started to
plan out the room designs of the haunted house. I expect HUGE things from their haunted house and in
regards to membership in the coming months.
President Frank from South Elgin has set HUGE goals all year and the 2nd Trimester was no different. South
Elgin added 13 new members in August and ended the month at +11 for August. With the month of
August South Elgin has raised their year to date growth to +29. This means that they completed their
double up for the year (increasing their base membership by 100%). They also successfully completed their
RED ALERT in house extension for the month of August. US President John Weber was very impressed
with South Elgin's success this year.
President Sara from Woodstock has had the chapter rolling right along this year and August was no
different. Woodstock enjoyed 100% retention in August and even added one new member to end the
month at +1. When you keep on working hard and as a team, great things happen for you and all I have
to say is keep it up. Year end growth is right around the corner for you.
Monthly Newsletter
September - 2
DD Report Continued...
Fox Valley I have to tell you that I'm excited about the success that we have enjoyed thus far in 2009. We
currently have five chapters at YEAR TO DATE GROWTH. There are five chapters that are only 10
members or less away from being even for the year. That is not a bad position to be in at the end of
August. I see potential for year-end growth for every chapter in this Region all we have to do is keep on
working hard and not forgetting to ask people if they would like to change their world and become a
member of the greatest young person's leadership training organization in the world.
I want to remind you that the Fox Valley Region Team is here to help you, please continue letting me
know or anyone else on the Region Team know what is coming up in your chapters. The more notice
that you give us, the more of a chance we can get Region Staff and/or State Staff out to help us. THE FOX
WANTS YOU to succeed please let us know how we can help!!!!
In Jaycees,
Anthony Colletti
2009 Fox Valley Region District Director
2nd Trimester Awards
The Outstanding Newsletter for the 2nd Trimester Algonquin/Lake in the Hills
The Outstanding ID Project for the 2 Trimester Cary Grove
The Outstanding Business Project for the 2nd Trimester South Elgin
The Outstanding Membership Chapter for the 2 Trimester Elgin
The Outstanding Membership Chapter for the 2 Trimester South Elgin
The Outstanding Region for the 2 Trimester Fox Valley
Outstanding Rookie for the 2nd Trimester Francisco Vela, Elgin
The Outstanding District Director for May Tony Colletti
The Outstanding District Director for June Tony Colletti
The Outstanding District Director for July Kara Respys
The Outstanding District Director for August Tony Colletti
The Outstanding District Director for the 2nd Trimester Tony Colletti
Special Person of the 2 Trimester Theresa Tripoli
2 Trimester Vice Presidents Cup South Elgin
Parade of Chapters
#10 Cary Grove
#2 South Elgin
The following members received Presidential Pins
Kate Hughes, Sue Bazdor & Kristin Lange Algonquin/Lake in the Hills
Chuck Wirsz Cary Gorve
Mike VanBladel, Sarah Schrempf & Erin Curley Crystal Lake
John Felton, Kim Parsons, Franciso Vela, Samantha Koch Elgin
Andy Lee McHenry
Scott Figved, Corin Mertz & Chris Wilson South Elgin
The Fox Valley Wants YOU!
Monthly Newsletter
September - 3
Words from Assistant Region Director - Andy Lee
"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I recently had the chance to spend quite a bit of time with some young new members. Their excitement is contagious!
New ideas galore, and wonder at the opportunity to implement them! So that got me thinking of dreams of change….
Jaycees are dreamers. We dream of doing things to make a difference and to change our world. When it comes
down to it, the Jaycees are a vehicle of change. It all starts with one person's dreams and the tools that we can provide
can help translate it to reality. Never doubt this.
Dream big when it comes to the Jaycees and your life. Set your goals and set out to accomplish them!
We need to get back to the basics. We are supposed to be a leadership training organization Find our dreamers, train
them with the tools that they need, and then help them accomplish their goals. This to me, is our mission in a nutshell.
Nurture the dreamers of your chapter.
So, how can you help someone's dream become a reality? You train them to use the tools that we can provide. You
encourage them. You support them. You become a mentor to them. You get your hands dirty, and help!
Let's remember to use the tools in our box
The CPG is a great tool for logically mapping out how to accomplish a goal. But, we need to
make sure not to forget the other pieces that go into making an effective leader.
The programs that exist in Individual Development are there for a reason (not just because someone thought that
they were a good idea!)
Speak Up - Not everyone can be a “great” public speaker, but every leader needs to be able to
present their ideas and plans to an audience; whether that audience is room full of people or a small
committee meeting.
Write Up An effective leader needs to be able to communicate their ideas in a clear and concise manner. *
Hint Tie this in with a CPG writing. Help a new or struggling member along with their project.
Debate Ah yes, I know… everyone thinks of the high school club. NOW, FORGET ALL THAT!!! Life isn't easy,
and they Jaycees aren't always either. A leader needs to be able to defend their position, and in some cases sell
what might be unpopular. Debating skills are invaluable, don't try to convince yourself otherwise.
I'm going to issue a personal challenge to each and every one of you experienced Jaycees out there
Take a member under your wing. Be a mentor to them. Ask them what they dream of getting out of the
Jaycees. Help them in turning it into a reality.
You might just find; like me, that you have found some new dreams of your own.
"Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue prints of your ultimate
accomplishments” Napolean Hill
Monthly Newsletter
September - 4
2nd Trimester Awards
Runner Up PR project for the 2nd Trimester - Elgin
Runner Up ID Project for the 2nd Trimester - Elgin
Runner Up Ways & Means Project for the 2nd Trimester - South Elgin
Runner Up Programming Region for the 2nd Trimester - Fox Valley
The Outstanding Rookie for May - Kate Hughes - Algonquin/Lake in the Hills
The Outstanding Jaycee for June - Corin Mertz - South Elgin
The Outstanding Jaycee for July - Chuck Wirsz - CaryGrove
The Runner Up Rookie for August - Samantha Koch - Elgin
The Runner Up Jaycee for August - Scott Figved - South Elgin
The Outstanding Officer for August - Chris Wilson - South Elgin
The Runner Up District Director for July - Anthony Colletti
Sara Daniels & Josh Ruer were
sworn in as new members of
McHenry Area Jaycees by the 89th
National President, John Weber
Fox Valley Presidents lost bet to District Director Tony Colletti!
They performed Shania Twains’ “Man I Feel Like a Woman”
Monthly Newsletter
September - 5
Fox Valley at the September GA
Monthly Newsletter
September - 8
Who is Due?
September / October
Tony Rio
Peter Collins
Crystal Lake
Dan Curley
Gregg Carrao
McHenry Area
Tabitha Deibler
Melanie Hiser
Shawn Davis
Jaime Rous
Saint Charles
Katherine Colpen
Dan Hicks
Chris Kearney
Caitlin Klonowski
Amy Page
Nick Voeks
Peter Becker
Leslie Hinkle
Adam Denna
Andrew Dwyer
Vince Parra
Sam Salerno
Lenore Stees
Mike Voeks
Upcoming Events
Around the Region
Cary- Grove
Brendan Chapman
Chris Kafka
Amy Allen
Megan Collier
Liz Mammoser
Alex Wilson
Wendy Covich
Jon Eddy
Matt Hoambrecker
Sheila Cramer
Kelly Eagan
Amy Novalinski
Dan Novalinski
Frank Rubino
4 - McHenry Jaycee Day
23-26 -Founders' Days
8 - So. Elgin Poker Run for RutlandDundee Extension
13-16 So. Elgin Riverfest
22 - So. Elgin Car Show at Richie’s
23 - Free Pancakes at Richie’s
4-6 - Summer Sunset Festival
12 - Fox Valley Regional
18-20 - GA - Springfield
26 - Woodstock Poker Run
South Elgin
Brian Christenson
Megan Eionis
Stephen Eionis
Justin Burno
Linda Vrasich
Sara Hodges
Algonquin/Lake in the Hills
Lori Duffy
Angelica Norris
Stephanie Ray
Chad Torgerson
Monthly Newsletter
September - 10
Fox Valley Region Chapter Meetings
Cary Grove
Crystal Lake
South Elgin
St. Charles
3rd Tuesday
3rd Wednesday
3rd Thursday, 7:30 PM
1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM
1st Wednesday, 7:30 PM
2nd Thursday, 7:00 PM
3rd Tuesday, 7:30 PM
2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM
2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM
2nd Wednesday, 7:30 PM
4th Tuesday, 7:30 PM
Fox Valley Region Board
Chairman of the Board
Joanna Colletti Cell: 847-287-8364
305 Old Hunt Road, Fox River Grove 60021
Email: jscolletti@comcast.net
Assistant Region Director
Andy Lee
District Director - Algonquin/LITH, Batavia, Huntley,
Hampshire/Burlington & South Elgin
Tony Colletti
Cell: 847-287-4657
305 Old Hunt Rd., Fox River Grove 60021
Email: collettia@msn.com
District Director - Crystal Lake, Elgin, McHenry, St. Charles
& Woodstock
Kara Repsys
Email: starfish2376@hotmail.com
District Director - Cary Grove
Allison Wiegand Phone:815-459-2327
Email: awiegand3@yahoo.com
Community Development Program Director
Michelle Kollins Cell: 630-479-0077
Email: michellekollins@foxvalley.net
Membership Development Program Director
Joe Weyland
Email: joeweyland@aol.com
Dan Kollins
Awards Chair
Steve Repsys
Email: repsys@hotmail.com
Steering Committee
Jordan Rigney - Primary
Dave Chapman
Cindy Hillebrand
Brunswick Zone - Algonquin
One East Wilson
Wool St. Grill & Bar
Dole Mansion
American Legion
Corkshire Pub
Pinecrest Country Club
Richie’s Pizza
American Legion
Illinois State Jaycees
Scott Ulrich
10460N. Forest Trail, Peoria, 61615
C: 309-303-0255
Email: scott.ulrich4@gmail.com
Chairman of the Board
Tanya Lee
C: 217-413-0990
Email: beailjaycee@yahoo.com
Administrative Vice President
Joanne Rinaldo
C: 847-561-2556
Email: Joanne1232@gmail.com
Program Development Vice President
Joanna Colletti
Email: jscolletti@comcast.net
Area One Vice President
Kathy Crick
C: 708-254-1892
Email: KCRicker14@sbcglobal.net
Area Two Vice President
Roxy Baker
C: 309-645-6749
Email: roxy@comcast.net
Area Three Vice President
Service Center
Cheryl Knoche - Executive Secretary
6405 Canadian Cross Drive, Springfield 62711
Phone: 217-529-5379
Fax: 217-529-5293
Email: servicecenter@iljaycees.org
Senate Region Director
Kim Kozak
Monthly Newsletter
September - 11