www.santaball.org Harnett Animal Welfare Coalition Presents


www.santaball.org Harnett Animal Welfare Coalition Presents
Harnett Animal Welfare Coalition
Sponsorship Impact
Founded in July 2011, HAWC works to build partnerships between community residents, county
agencies and leaders, and advocacy/humane groups for the advancement of animal welfare.
Our mission to reduce overpopulation, increase adoption of
shelter pets, improve the welfare of animals and strengthen
our community is accomplished by the dedication and work
of our all-volunteer force. Since inception, HAWC has continued to grow and add programs to benefit our community’s
SANTA (Spay and Neuter Transportation & Assistance)
The long-term solution to overpopulation is with spaying and neutering. The SANTA program
provides funding for spay and neuter surgeries as well as transport service to area clinics. Our
program is modeled after programs in highly successful communities and, as such, is targeted
to those that need it most. With your support, we will spay/neuter hundreds of cats and dogs
in Harnett County this year.
Pet of the Week:
Over 500 advertisements distributed throughout the county each week showcasing an
adoptable pet at the Harnett shelter.
Provided thousands of meals for pets of residents in need.
SOAR (Students of Animal Responsibility):
This year, our program will reach over 400 4th grade students with lessons of kindness, respect
and responsibility with regard to pets, safety around dogs and cats and the importance of
spaying and neutering pets.
Shelter Support:
Supplied vaccines and dewormer for pets awaiting adoption at the Harnett County
Animal Shelter to give them a healthy start in life.
Event Details
Saturday, December 5, 2015
6:00 PM - 10:00 PM
The Regency Center
2004 US-301
Dunn, NC
Semi Formal Event
DJ & Dancing
Heavy Hors d’oeuvres
Cash Bar  Photo Booth
Silent Auction
Our target audiences for this event are Harnett County residents, business owners and
animal advocates interested in strengthening our community.
Advertisement & Media Coverage
Posters displayed throughout Harnett County Businesses
Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) on local radio and television stations
Advertisements and weekly updates on HAWC website and Facebook page
Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum $1,000
 Name or logo featured on:
 Media Promotions for SANTA Ball 2015
 Sponsor slide presentation at event
 Video presentation at event
 Recognition as Platinum sponsor in the event program
 Name or logo on cover of event program
 Advertisement space in event program
 Six (6) tickets to the event and Six (6) drink tickets
 Name or logo signage at the event
Gold $800
Name or logo featured on:
 Media Promotions for SANTA Ball 2015
 Sponsor slide presentation at event
 Video presentation at event
 Recognition as Gold sponsor in the event program
 Four (4) tickets to the event and Four (4) drink tickets
 Name signage at the event
Silver $500
 Name featured on:
 Media Promotions for SANTA Ball 2015
 Sponsor slide presentation at event
 Video presentation at event
 Recognition as Silver sponsor in the event program
 Two (2) tickets to the event and Two (2) drink tickets
Bronze $250
Name featured on:
 Sponsor slide presentation at event
 Video presentation at event
 Recognition as Bronze sponsor in the event program
 Two (2) tickets to the event Two (2) drink tickets
“Paw”some Sponsor $150
 Name featured on:
 Sponsor slide presentation at event
 Video presentation at event
Sponsorship Form & Agreement
Yes! I’m excited to show my support for HAWC, the SANTA program and the community by
submitting a sponsorship at the following level:
Platinum Sponsor ($1,000)
Gold Sponsor ($800)
Silver Sponsor ($500)
Bronze Sponsor ($250)
“Paw”some Sponsor ($150)
Donor Name: ___________________________________________________
Contact Name: __________________________________________________
Donor Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _________________________ Fax Number: _____________________
Email: __________________________________ Website: ______________________
Payment Information:
Check enclosed made payable to HAWC
Credit Card
Name on Card: ______________________________________________
Credit Card #: _______________________________________________
Exp. Date: __________________________ CVV ________________
HAWC is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Tax ID#45-3210114.
Return this form by mail, fax, or email to:
PO Box 1324
Lillington, NC 27546
Fax#: 888-373-3831