MENT in 2015


MENT in 2015
MENT 2016
16 LINEUP 2016
76 MENT IN 2015 /
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
Slovenian Music Information Centre
the primary source of information on Slovenian music,
musicians, music professionals and current music events
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
Hey, here’s MENT 2.0!
since MENT 1.0
Welcome to check and experiMENT for yourself: the music
commitMENT of our 52 headliners, the knowledgeMENT that
our 50 panelists have to share, the engageMENT of our team,
the entertainMENT that our programme has to offer!
Come and share the exciteMENT
with us
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
Info departMENT / Info oddelek
is available at Kino Šiška.
WEDNESDAY: 2pm - 11pm
THURSDAY: 10am - 8pm
FRIDAY: 10am - 8pm
so na voljo v Kinu Šiška.
SREDA: 14:00 - 23:00
ČETRTEK: 10:00 - 20:00
PETEK: 10:00 - 20:00
We’re available at / Na voljo smo na:
Don’t forget to visit, like us on Facebook, follow us
on Twitter and Instagram and say hi in person!
Ne pozabite obiskati, nas všečkati na Facebooku,
slediti na Twitterju in Instagramu ter pozdraviti v živo!
Join the ride / Pridružite se vožnji — MENToBUS
Thursday / Četrtek, 4. 2. // Friday / Petek, 5. 2.
Kino Šiška — Metelkova — Kino Šiška
from 8:30pm - 2am (every 30 minutes) /
od 20:30 - 02:00 (vsakih 30 minut)
MENT Ljubljana APP
The MENT Ljubljana app will give you an overview of the complete festival & conference programme. The function “Favourites” enables you to create a personalised timetable. Make one
for yourself!
Na mobilni aplikaciji MENT Ljubljana te čaka pregled festivalskega in konferenčenga programa. Ustvari si programski urnik
po svoji meri s funkcijo “Favourites”.
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
MENT map
ra na
STA trar
KINO ŠIŠKA / Trg prekomorskih brigad 3
KINODVOR / Kolodvorska 13
KAVARNA SEM / Metelkova 2
Use the MENT Ljubljana APP to find locations. /
Za iskanje lokacij lahko uporabite tudi mobilno aplikacijo MENT Ljubljana.
MENT 2016
Kino Šiška, Centre for Urban Culture is the
center venue. It is a public institute, recently
renovated modernist cinema hall, which has
instigated new dynamics in the contemporary music and art scene in Ljubljana since
its opening in 2009.
Kino Šiška je osrednja institucija za sodobno, urbano koncertno, a tudi vizualno in
uprizoritveno kulturo. S svojim programom
Kino Šiška predstavlja in združuje urbanost,
multikulturnost, politično neobremenjenost
in tehnološko naprednost.
MENT 2016
AKC Metelkova
Masarykova 24
1 — Gala Hala
2 — Channel Zero
3 — Gromka
4 — Menza pri koritu
Metelkova 2
Slomškova 18
Trg Osvobodilne fronte
Kino Šiška
1 — kino šiška / KATEDRALA — 1st floor
Kolodvorska 13
2 — kino šiška / KOMUNA — Ground floor
3 — M Hotel
MENT 2016
Gala Hala
channel zer0
Photo: Maša Gojić
Metelkova operates as an autonomous cultural and social space whose spatial and historical placement makes it one of the most
important venues of youth and independent
culture, not just in Ljubljana, but all of Slovenia as well. It enriches the northern part
of the Ljubljana city centre with its relaxed,
artistic expression and musical diversity.
The MENT Ljubljana festival will take place
in the Channel Zero, Gala hala, Gromka and
Menza pri koritu clubs.
channel zer0
Photo: Maša Gojić
Photo: Maša Gojić
Photo: Maša Gojić
menza pri koritu
Metelkova deluje kot avtonomni kulturni in
družbeni prostor, ki s prostorsko in zgodovinsko umeščenostjo velja za enega najpomembnejših prostorov mladinske in neodvisne kulture ne le v Ljubljani, temveč tudi
v Sloveniji. Severni del ljubljanskega centra
bogati s svojo sproščenostjo, umetniško izraznostjo in glasbeno raznovrstnostjo. Festival MENT Ljubljana se bo odvijal v klubih
Channel Zero, Gala hala, Gromka in Menza
pri koritu.
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
stara mestna elekrarna
Once a revolutionary power plant today shines
again with new elements, thanks to the synergy of economics, heritage and politics. A magnificent technical monument is one of the rare
examples of industrial architecture, which is preserved in Slovenia. Some artists “discovered”
this interesting building during the 80's and the
90's and started to fill it with differing artistic
components. Today the artistic program is the
responsibility of the organization Bunker, which
takes care of creative, educational and presentational programme.
stara mestna elekrarna
Nekoč revolucionarna tovarna je danes po zaslugi sinergije gospodarstva, dediščine in politike
polna novih vsebin. Veličasten tehnični spomenik, je eden redkih ohranjenih primerov industrijske arhitekture v Sloveniji. Stavbo so že v 80. in
90. odkrili umetniki in začeli ta zanimiv prostor
napolnjevati z različnimi umetniškimi vsebinami.
Danes s prostorom programsko upravlja zavod
Bunker, ki skrbi za umetniški, izobraževalni in
predstavitveni program.
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
kavarna sem
kavarna sem
The cinema, originally built in 1923, reopened
its doors as "Kinodvor. City Cinema." in 2008.
Undoubtedly one of the prettier cinemas in Ljubljana, its slogan proclaims the focus is on the
cinema-going experience, enriched with special
Ljubljanska kinodvorana, ki je bila zgrajena že
leta 1923, je svoja vrata kot “Kinodvor. Mestni
kino.” odprla leta 2008. Brez dvoma gre za eno
lepših ljubljanskih kinodvoran, ki že s sloganom
sporoča, da velik poudarek namenja izkušnji obiska kina, podprti s posebnimi dogodki.
Kavarna, ki je del Slovenskega etnografskega
muzeja, ponuja pester izbor sladic, prigrizkov in
pijač, obenem pa skrbi za raznovrstne dogodke
- kulturne in plesne večere, predstavitve knjig,
koncerte ter razstave.
The Slovenian Ethnographic Museum coffee shop
offers a varied selection of sweets, snacks and
beverages, while at the same time taking care of
various events – cultural and dancing evenings,
book launches, concerts and exhibitions.
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
Wednesday / Sreda, 3. 2.
Le Grande
Kar Češ Brass Band (SI)
Jimmy Barka Experience (SI)
Noctiferia (si)
Repetitor (RS)
Leyya (AT)
Nina Bulatovix (SI)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4. 2.
Ropoporose (FR)
Any Other (IT)
Werefox (SI)
film: Fuck the Atlantic Ocean + concert: Sweet Sweet Moon (AT)
Ana Ćurčin (RS)
Stray Dogg (RS)
The Big Bluff (LV)
Prismojeni Profesorji
Bluesa (SI)
Cosovel (PL)
Say Yes Dog (LU)
Sassja (BiH)
The Canyon Observer (SI)
Bernays Propaganda(MK)
The Scenes
Makrohang (HU)
Pridjevi (HR)
Friday / Petek, 5. 2.
Jardier (SI)
Fismoll (PL)
Field Studies (UK)
Bowrain (SI)
Maarja Nuut (EE)
Daniel Vezoja (SI)
The Big Bluff (LV)
Your Gay Thoughts (SI)
Karmakoma (SI)
Super Besse (BY)
Miki Solus (HR)
Bebè Na Volè (HR)
MENT 2016
Čao Portorož (SI)
Yung (DK)
s (FI)
MENT 2016
The Scenes (FI)
Belo smetje (SI)
Bags (SI)
Lifecutter (SI)
Šuljo (SI)
Nova deViator (SI)
Kagoule (UK)
Ghostly International Night
Heathered Pearls (US)
Lord RAJA (US)
Mustelide (BY)
Shigeto (US)
Beissoul & Einius (LT)
Punčke (HR)
DJ Peglasus & Freeverse (SI)
Austrian Apparel (AT)
Matwe Drappenmadchenfeller (SK)
It’s Everyone Else (SI)
MENT 2016
ABOP (Croatia / Hrvaška)
Wednesday / Sreda, 3 Feb, 00:15 @ Kino Šiška / Komuna
lineup 2016
The story goes something like this: five Croatian
musicians with a wealth of experience (Elemental, Lollobrigida, Sinestet, Pips Chips & Videoclips …) are so bored at a party in Zagreb that
they organize an afterparty in their rehearsal
space. That afterparty is still going on today.
ABOP, an acronym for "After is Better than the
Party”, is a band that has two drummers instead
of a frontman. The instrumental lineup is a dancing machine - a living jukebox of electro, breakbeat, techno and drum’n’bass. Their music is
a live mixture of numerous electronic genres as long as they keep movin’ and groovin’. That
is exactly what the audience (and later dancers)
do when at an ABOP concert. There's a party in
the club, except there are five musicians instead
of a DJ on stage. The sight is fascinating.
Zgodba gre nekako takole: Peterica hrvaških
glasbenikov s kopico izkušenj (Elemental, Lollobrigida, Sinestet, Pips Chips & Videoclips …)
na eni od zagrebških žurk tako zeha, da se odpravi na after v prostor za vaje. In ta after se
nadaljuje še danes. ABOP aka "After je Bolji Od
Partija" je bend, ki ima namesto frontmana dva
bobnarja. Instrumentalna postava je plesna mašina - živi džuboks elektra, breakbeata, tehna in
drum’n’bassa. Živa zmes mnogih elektronskih
žanrov - samo da muva in gruva. In preverjeno
to počnejo tudi obiskovalci (pozneje plesalci)
na koncertih benda. V klubu je party, na odru pa
namesto didžeja pet glasbenikov. Pogled je fascinanten.
MENT 2016
ANA ĆURČIN (Serbia / Srbija)
ANY OTHER (Italy / Italija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 20:00 @ Kino Šiška / Komuna
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 21:15 @ Stara Elektrarna
Born in Baghdad, grew up in Moscow, now living, composing, playing and singing in Belgrade, no wonder this young Serbian singer-songwriter has developed her own blend of
Americana, folk and dream pop into a special
musical atmosphere. Her deeply expressive songs have already touched audiences all across the
Balkans, where she has established herself as
one of the most promising artists in the growing
regional singer-songwriter scene. Her performances include Waves Vienna and a tour in Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, Hungary and Russia, the
latter together with Stray Dogg frontman Dukat
Strajnić. Her debut album “Sketches of Belonging” is coming out any time now.
Rojena v Bagdadu, odraščala v Moskvi, sedaj
živi, sklada, igra in poje v Beogradu – nič čudnega, da je mlada srbska kantavtorica oblikovala
lastno zmes Americane, folka in dream popa s
posebnim glasbenim vzdušjem. Njene globoko
ekspresivne pesmi so se že dotaknile poslušalcev po Balkanu, kjer se je uveljavila kot ena najobetavnejših izvajalk rastoče kantavtorske scene
v regiji. Med drugim je vknjižila tudi nastop na
festivalu Waves Vienna in turnejo po Hrvaški,
Italiji, Švici, Madžarski in Rusiji, slednjo skupaj
s frontmenom zasedbe Stray Dogg Dukatom
Strajnićem. Njen prvenec "Sketches of Belonging" naj bi izšel vsak čas.
And now what, should I quit playing? This is what
Adele Nigro, now 21 years old, puzzled over a
year ago, trying to deal with a past that just went
off with her old band and with a future still to be
written. But Adele doesn’t quit. This is how Any
Other was born, together with Erica Lonardi and
Marco Giudici, and an indie rock attitude that will
bring you to the 90’s of Modest Mouse and Built
to Spill, but also to contemporary songwriters
like Courtney Barnett and Waxahatchee. In their
debut album, “Silently. Quietly. Going Away”
(out on Bello Records, 2015), you will find stories about growing up, difficult separations, and a
strong desire for taking revenge on the bad things that happen in our lives.
In kaj zdaj, naj neham igrati? S tem si je Adele
Nigro, sedaj stara 21 let, belila glavo pred enim
letom, ko se je skušala sprijazniti s preteklostjo,
ki je odkorakala z njenim prejšnjim bendom, in
prihodnostjo, ki še ni bila napisana. A Adele ne
odneha. Tako se je rodil Any Other, skupaj z Erico
Lonardi in Marcom Giudicijem ter indie rock držo,
ki vam bo približala devetdeseta zasedb Modest
Mouse in Built To Spill, pa tudi sodobnejše kantavtorice, kot sta Courtney Barnett in Waxahatchee. Njihov prvenec "Silently. Quietly. Going
Away" (izdan pri založbi Bello Records, 2015)
vsebuje zgodbe o odraščanju, težkih ločitvah in
močni želji po maščevanju nad slabimi trenutki,
ki se zgodijo v našem življenju.
MENT 2016
BAGS (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 00:45 @ Channel Zero
AUSTRIAN APPAREL (Austria / Avstrija)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 02:15 @ Channel Zero
Attention! Live techno band, no laptops on stage! Dominik Traun and Sebastian Wasner met
on a film set as a sound mixer and boom operator and quickly became friends. Since 2012
they have been playing a wide range of electronic live music, from hip hop and broken beat to
ambient and techno. Every sound is played live,
without the use of a laptop or pre-sequenced
synths. They use live-loopers to add and subtract elements to the mix. The tracks are rehearsed, but of course they sound slightly different
every time and are adapted to the duo's daily
mood and emotions, which adds personality to
every live performance.
Pozor! Živ techno bend, nobenih prenosnikov na
odru! Dominik Traun in Sebastian Wasner sta se
kot mešalec in snemalec zvoka spoznala in hitro
spoprijateljila na snemanju filma. Od leta 2012
ustvarjata širok nabor elektronskih zvokov v
živo, od hip hopa in broken beata do ambientala in techna. Odigrata vsak zvok, brez prenosnika ali pred-nastavljenih sintetizatorjev. Elemente
dodajata in odvzemata iz miksa s pomočjo zankanja v živo. Skladbe vadita, seveda pa so v živo
vsakič rahlo drugačne in prilagojene vsakodnevnemu razpoloženju ter občutkom, kar nastopom
doda unikatnost.
Blaž + Šuljo = Bags. Blaž and Šuljo are two producers who share an ambitious work ethic, a
love of creating beats and hip-hop roots. Šuljo is the musical force behind Maribor-based
rap collective Tekochee Kru and has shared his
expertise with numerous renowned local and
international rappers, including the likes of
KRS One. He has released a solo record, as well
as regularly deejays and organizes events. Blaž
caught the public’s attention in 2014, when
he shared his debut record “b” with the world,
enrapturing audiences in Slovenia with eclectic
live performances, where he is joined by drummer Simon Intihar. They performed at last year’s
MENT, while this year it is time for the premiere of Bags, hot on the heels of their single Skin
Graffiti. What can be expected remains a mystery, but based on their previous work, we are in
for a treat.
Blaž + Šuljo = Bags. Blaž in Šuljo sta producenta, ki ju družijo delovna vnema, snovanje
beatov in hip-hoperske korenine. Šuljo je odgovoren za glasbo mariborskega rap kolektiva
Tekochee Kru, sicer pa je svoje znanje delil že z
mnogimi priznanimi domačimi in tujimi raperji - med njimi je recimo KRS One. Povil je tudi
solo ploščo, redno didžeja in organizira dogodke. Blaž je nase resneje opozoril leta 2014, ko je
s svetom delil prvenec “b” in domače občinstvo
zasvojil z eklektičnim živim nastopom, pri katerem se mu pridruži bobnar Simon Intihar. Ta
projekt je MENT gostil že lani, letos pa je čas za
premiero sodelovanja, ki ga napoveduje singel
Skin Graffiti. Kaj pričakovati, ostaja skrivnost,
glede na dosedanje delo akterjev pa bo brez
dvoma poslastica.
MENT 2016
BEISSOUL & EINIUS (Lithuania / Litva)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 01:15 @ Channel Zero
BEBÈ NA VOLÈ (Croatia / Hrvaška)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 22:00 @ Menza pri koritu
For every 1,000 singers there is one that manages to convincingly convey pain and joy with his
vocals. For every 7 billion, we get Bebe na volè,
who is also a master of the guitar. Adam Semijalac is one of those musicians whose music makes you purse you lips. He is an indie bluesman.
He is Delta 2.0. He is a resounding slide guitar, Beck's blues and a closely guarded secret,
exemplified by his collection, “Times of Great
Depression”, which represents his “best of” of
the last decade. And a must-listen.
Na vsakih tisoč pevcev se najde tak, ki uspe s
svojim vokalom prepričjivo prevesti bolečino in
veselje. Na vsakih 7 milijard pa se najde Bebe na
volè, ki poleg tega obvlada še kitaro. Adam Semijalac je eden tistih izvajalcev, pri poslušanju
katerega človek ne more brez našobljenih ustnic.
Je indie bluzer. Je Delta 2.0. Je odmevajoča slide kitara, je Beckov blues, je strogo varovana
skrivnost. To dokazuje aktualna zbirka “Times
of Great Depression”, ki je v bistvu njegov “best
of” zadnjega deseletja. In obenem obvezno poslušanje.
Soulful, seductive vocals, hypnotic electronica
and crispy dance rhythms make the style of this
fresh Lithuanian duo very special. In 2013 they
started to amaze audiences with their ecstatic,
eccentric live performances, in which they energetically blend musical expressivity with surrealistic choreography and challenging fashion. The
fact that they are singing in their native Lithuanian language, English and also in Ukrainian just
adds to the uniqueness of their phenomenon.
On stage, unsurprisingly, Beissoul unveils an
enthralling charisma, making a few surrealistic
dance steps draped in eccentric clothes, while
Einius keeps his head bent over his machines,
sweeping you off your feet with the sounds of
the future.
Čutni, zapeljivi vokali, hipnotična elektronika
in hrustljavi plesni ritmi so skrivnost posebnega zvoka tega svežega litvanskega dvojca. Leta
2013 sta osupnila občinstvo s svojimi ekstatičnimi, ekscentričnimi nastopi, v katerih energično spajata glasbeno izraznost s surrealistično
koreografijo in drzno modo. Petje v litvanščini,
angleščini in tudi ukrajinščini le še doda k edinstvenosti njunega fenomena. Na odru Beissoul razkrije očarljivo karizmo, ko surrealistično
poplesuje v ekscentričnih oblačilih, Einius pa je
medtem zatopljen v svoje naprave, s katerimi
vas popelje na krilih zvokov prihodnosti.
MENT 2016
(Macedonia / Makedonija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 22:15 @ Menza pri koritu
BELO SMETJE (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 01:00 @ Gala hala
Belo smetje is not a DJ crew. Belo smetje is a
DJ event. It has been a staple in Ljubljana and
elsewhere in Slovenia for more than a decade,
both at solo events as well as before and after
concerts (e.g. The Walkmen, Crystal Fighters,
etc.). It resides at club Gromka in Metelkova
mesto. The dance music you can hear at these
events falls somewhere between disco punk and
electro pop, or post rock and funky trash. teoP is
in charge of navigating the musical gallery, while G/6 takes care of the visuals and atmosphere.
Belo smetje ni didžej kru. Belo smetje je didžej
dogodek. V Ljubljani pa tudi širše se pojavlja že
več kot deset let, tako na samostojnih dogodkih kot tudi po in pred koncerti glasbenih skupin
(npr. The Walkmen, Crystal Fighters idr.). Svoj
domicil ima na Metelkovi v klubu Gromka. Plesna
glasba, ki se jo sliši na Belem smetju, bi lahko
bila uvrščena med disco punk in electro pop ali
med post rock in funky trash. Za navigacijo po
glasbeni galeriji skrbi teoP, z vizualijami pa atmosfero obarva G/6-ka.
After hundreds of concerts, 3 albums and a tour
of the USA, we can without a doubt say that Bernays Propaganda is one of the internationally
most recognized bands from Macedonia. The
danceable post-punk activists are a touring beast that was reborn in 2015, when it switched
the drummer for a machine. Now they’re driven by an infallible kick and groovy bass lines,
upon which layers of noisy and disharmonic guitar chords make room for a remarkable female
voice, shouting socially engaged lyrics. Dance,
clap, sing and celebrate civil disobedience, human rights and freedom. Bernays Propaganda
are inviting you to a politically engaged dance!
Po več sto koncertih, treh albumih in turneji po
ZDA lahko brez dvoma trdimo, da je Bernays
Propaganda eden od mednarodno najbolj prepoznavnih bendov iz Makedonije. Plesni post-punk aktivisti so turnejska zver, ki se je ponovno prebudila leta 2015 z menjavo bobnarja za
mašino. Zdaj zasedbo gonijo nezmotljiv ritem in
gruvi bas linije, na katerih plasti hrupnih, disharmoničnih kitarskih akordov naredijo prostor za
presunljive ženske krike družbeno angažiranih
besedil. Plešite, ploskajte, pojte in slavite civilno nepokorščino, človekove pravice ter svobodo.
Bernays Propaganda vas vabi na politično angažiran ples!
MENT 2016
BOWRAIN (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 21:15 @ Stara elektrarna
“'Far Out' is reminiscent of the work of Thom
Yorke, Four Tet and Massive Attack. This is not
just another debut album," says Dutch webzine Festivalinfo. In addition to such stunning reviews, you have to know that Bowrain aka Tine
Grgurevič is a Slovenian composer, pianist and
producer living in Amsterdam. That comes as no
surprise once you learn he actually started his
career as a talented jazz composer, recording
his debut in Philadelphia. But jazz is only one
aspect of his life. He’s definitely keen on experimenting - for example with his live act “Duet
with Slavoj Žižek”, a dialogue between his piano and philosopher Slavoj Žižek's speech. He
has been releasing music as Bowrain since 2014.
This name represents his electronic experimental vision, which will shine from his third album.
“Distracted” is still in the works and will be a
collaboration with Ljubljana based guitarist and
producer UM and Amsterdam based drummer
Robert Nitschke.
"'Far Out' spominja na dela Thoma Yorka, Four
Teta in Massive Attack. To ni le še en prvenec,"
so zapisali pri nizozemskem webzinu Festivalinfo. Poleg tako izjemnih recenzij je treba vedeti
še, da je Bowrain oz. Tine Grgurevič slovenski
skladatelj, pianist in producent, ki biva v Amsterdamu. To ne preseneča, če vemo, da je svojo kariero dejansko pričel kot nadarjen jazz skladatelj,
ki je prvenec posnel v Filadelfiji. A jazz je le en
vidik njegovega življenja. Več kot očitno rad eksperimentira – npr. s svojim performansom "Duet
with Slavoj Žižek", dialogom med njegovim klavirjem in govorom filozofa Slavoja Žižka. Kot
Bowrain je glasbo pričel izdajati leta 2014, pod
imenom, ki predstavlja njegovo elektronsko eksperimentalno vizijo. Ta bo sijala tudi z njegovega tretjega albuma. "Distracted" je še na poti in
bo predstavljal sodelovanje z ljubljanskim kitaristom ter producentom UM-om in amsterdamskim bobnarjem Robertom Nitschkejem.
MENT 2016
COSOVEL (Poland / Poljska)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 21:45 @ Channel Zero
Cosovel aka Izolda Sorenson might be a Polish
singer-songwriter, producer and instrumentalist
but she’s definitely named after Slovenian poet
Srečko Kosovel. It's a small world after all! But
this is far from the reason for Cosovel’s appearance at MENT. No, it is her approach to music,
documented on her 2015 debut, where she and
her bandmates experiment with synthesizers,
cello and violins to create something you might
call avant-garde pop, which brings her to Ljubljana. Jazz and folk elements are just as much
a part of this as electronica. Her concerts, where she’s accompanied by a bass & ukulele player
and a lady drummer, are a wild adventure with
live visuals.
Cosovel oziroma Izolda Sorenson je resda poljska kantavtorica, producentka in instrumentalistka, a ime si je nedvomno nadela po našem
pesniku Srečku Kosovelu. Svet je res majhen! A
to še zdaleč ni razlog, da bo nastopila na MENT-u. Ne, njen pristop do glasbe, ujet na prvencu
iz leta 2015, na katerem skupaj s svojim bendom
eksperimentira s sintesajzerji, čelom in violinami ter ustvarja izraz, ki bi ga lahko označili za
avantgardni pop, je tisti, ki jo bo pripeljal v Ljubljano. Jazz in folk elementi so prav tolikšen del
njene glasbe kot elektronika. Njeni nastopi, na
katerih se ji pridružita basist in ukulelist ter bobnarka, pa so divja avantura z vizualijami v živo.
ČAO PORTOROŽ (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 23:30 @ Klub Gromka
Čao Portorož do not like long introductions.
Their songs reflect that. Hard-hitting and concise vignettes, where punk and indie guitar rock
intertwine with pop forms. They can be considered as a tribute to nineties alternative rock
on one hand and the new wave of Yugoslavian
rock on the other. They speak a “global” language, sometimes singing in Serbian, other times in
Slovene or French. In any case, their performance is a comprehensible surge of inviting melodies and distorted riffs. Čao Portorož practice on
Fridays. They tear the stage up any day.
Čao Portorož ne marajo dolgih predstavitev. In
taki so tudi njihovi komadi. Udarne in jedrnate
vinjete, kjer se punk in indie kitarski rock prepleta s pop obrazci. Lahko jih pojmujemo kot poklon alternativnemu rocku devetdesetih na eni
in novovalovskim obrazcem jugo šole na drugi
strani. Njihov jezik je “svetski”, enkrat rohnijo v
srbščini, drugič v slovenščini, tretjič po francosko. V vsakem primeru je njihov nastop več kot
razumljiv sunek vabljivih melodij in distorziranih
riffov. Čao Portorož vadijo ob petkih. Na odru
sesujejo kadarkoli.
MENT 2016
DANIEL VEZOJA (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 21:15 @ Kavarna SEM
Daniel is a singer-songwriter, self-described
as a melancholic optimist. He comes from the
town of Brežice, but feels at home in Americana, folk and alt-country sounds and songs. As
of two years ago, his home away from home is
Dublin, with its fertile new songwriters' scene.
He regularly played at local singer-songwriter
nights there, which led to an encounter with Gavin Glass, a Dublin-based producer, with whom
Daniel recorded his debut solo album, due in
spring 2016. He released his first official single I
Hope The Wind Knows in November 2015.
Daniel je kantavtor, ki se opisuje kot melanholični optimist. Prihaja iz Brežic, domače pa se
počuti v zvokih in skladbah americane, folka ter
alt-countryja. Pred dvema letoma je njegov drugi dom postal Dublin s svojo plodno novo kantavtorsko sceno. Redno je igral na tamkajšnjih
lokalnih kantavtorskih večerih, kjer je spoznal
dublinskega producenta Gavina Glassa, s katerim je posnel svoj samostojni prvenec. Ta naj
bi izšel spomladi, prvi uradni singel I Hope The
Wind Knows pa je izdal novembra.
(Slovenia / Slovenija)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 02:30 @ Gala hala
Familiar faces on the Ljubljana club scene and
prominent members of the Filter and Bojler collectives, the two now represent a new dynamic
duo, encompassing a broad array of bass and
beats music from all over the world. Words are
unnecessary – worry not, your feet will be sore
in the morning.
Stara znanca ljubljanskih klubov ter vidnejša člana kolektivov Filter in Bojler se tokrat predstavljata kot nov dinamični duo, ki glasbeno zajema
širok spekter bass in beatsglasbe z vseh koncev
sveta. Besede so odveč – brez skrbi, zjutraj vas
bodo bolele noge.
MENT 2016
FISMOLL (Poland / Poljska)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 20:00 @ Kino Šiška / Komuna
FIELD STUDIES (Great Britain /
Velika Britanija)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 21:00 @ Kino Šiška / Komuna
These young fellas from Nottingham are masters
of the indie rock cocktail. Their gentle melodies
invoke passionate and distorted waves of emotion. They already have a tour with the excellent
Girl Band under their belt, while the BBC featured them at its Glastonbury stage. The reactions
to their set ranged from “Best band at Glastonbury” to simply “rawr”. Rawr along with them!
Mladeniči iz Nottinghama so mojstri indie rock
koktajla. Nežne melodije selijo v strastne in distorzirane valove čustev. V biografijo so že zabeležili turnejo z odlično zasedbo Girl Band, BBC
pa jih je posadil na svoj oder sredi Glastonburya. Komentarji dotičnega nastopa sežejo vse od
“Najboljši bend Glastonburyja” pa do preprostega “rawr”. Zarjovite tudi vi!
You may not have heard of the 21-year-old Pole,
but his single Let’s Play Birds has been played
online more that 2.5 million times. And for good
reason. For music critics, the most obvious reference is Bon Iver, while his fans say that he
simply knows how they feel. He is joined in the
studio and on stage by a colourful band, with
whom he recorded this year’s “Box of Feathers”.
For fans of fragile acoustic confessions, the world of fis-moll is just a click away.
Morda za 21-letnega Poljaka še niste slišali, je pa
njegov komad Let’s Play Birds na spletu kliknilo
že več kot 2,5 milijona ljudi. In ne brez razloga.
Za glasbene kritike je najbolj očitna referenca
Bon Iver, medtem ko oboževalci pravijo, da preprosto ve, kaj čutijo. Tako v studiu kot na odru
ga dopolnjuje pisan bend, s katerim je posnel
tudi svoj letošnji album "Box of Feathers". Tisti,
ki vam je krhka akustična izpoved blizu - čudoviti svet fis-mola je le še klik stran.
MENT 2016
Ghostly International Night
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 00:00 @ Gala hala
IT'S EVERYONE ELSE (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Heathered Pearls is Polish-born Brooklynite Jakub Alexander, whose career in music was deeply rooted even before he ever released his own.
As curator for Tycho’s ISO50 blog, co-founder of
the Moodgadget label, and A&R at Ghostly International, Alexander has been entrenched in
the industry since 2002. He was first introduced
to the power of ambient music by his mother at
an early age, discovered techno as a teenager living in the Detroit area, and gradually learned to
create his own vision of the genres. His second
full-length, "Body Complex", was released in
2015, blending ambient and techno with immaculate 4/4 figurines, glacial tone drifts, and starry synth plateaus.
Heathered Pearls je Jakub Alexander, Brooklynčan poljskega rodu, ki se je v glasbeni industriji
uveljavil že dolgo pred začetkom lastne ustvarjalne poti. Kot kustos Tychovega bloga ISO50,
soustanovitelj založbe Moodgadget in iskalec
talentov pri založbi Ghostly International je bil
Alexander v industriji dejaven že od 2002. Moč
ambientalne glasbe mu je že v mladih letih predstavila njegova mama, kot najstnik v Detroitu
je spoznal techno, postopoma pa se je naučil
ustvarjati lastno žanrsko vizijo. Svoj drugi dolgometražni album "Body Complex" je izdal leta
2015, na njem pa se ambientalna glasba in techno prepletata z brezhibnimi 4/4 figurami, ledeniškimi tonskimi zdrsi in zasanjanimi sint platoji.
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 00:00 @ Menza pri koritu
“A most pleasurable attack on the ears,” wrote
Christian Maiwald for the German Ox-Fanzine.
And he’s more than right. The duo doesn’t mess
around. It’s Everyone Else will shatter your preconceptions about electronic music. They combine distorted synths, glitchy samples and two
merciless vocals to create an eclectic mix of industrial, hardcore, noise-rock and pop. They are
known for their wild live performances, which
will leave you feeling violated in the most pleasurable way. It’s Everyone Else’s music comes
directly from their guts, without any regard for
rules or expectations. Their second album was
released on the Austrian label Noise Appeal and
it’s titled "New Religion" - get it?
“Izjemno prijeten napad na ušesa,” je za nemški
Ox-Fanzine zapisal Christian Maiwald. In še kako
prav ima. Dvojec se ne heca. It’s Everyone Else
bo razbil vaše ideje o elektronski glasbi. Združuje distorzirane sinte, cvrkutajoče semple in par
neusmiljenih vokalov, da ustvari eklektično zmes
industriala, hardcora, noise-rocka in popa. Znan
je po svojih divjih nastopih, ki vas bodo oskrunili na izjemno prijeten način. Glasba It’s Everyone
Else prihaja naravnost iz drobovja, brez oziranja
na pravila ali pričakovanja. Drugi album je par
izdal pri avstrijski založbi Noise Appeal, naslovil
pa ga je "New Religion" – štekate?
MENT 2016
JARDIER (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 19:00 @ Kino Šiška / Komuna
Strong, emotionally fueled pop-rock songs with
overwhelming warm vocals and sliding guitar
sounds mark Jardier as one of the most promising new bands on the Slovenian scene. Main
author and singer Alex Raztresen draws inspiration from the best singer-songwriter, blues,
folk and Americana traditions, while his bandmates, experienced musicians in their own right,
shape clever, modern arrangements around his
songs. Their excellent self-titled debut album is
out now and they are ready to take it around the
world with their intense live performances.
Močne, čustvene pop-rock skladbe s prelivajočimi toplimi vokali in drsečimi kitarskimi zvoki
označujejo Jardier za eno najbolj obetavnih domačih zasedb. Glavni tekstopisec in pevec Alex
Raztresen navdih črpa iz najboljših kantavtorskih, blues, folk in Americana tradicij, njegovi
sočlani, tudi sami izkušeni glasbeniki, pa okoli
njegovih pesmi izoblikujejo premetene, sodobne
aranžmaje. Bendov izvrsten istoimenski prvenec
je že zunaj, zdaj pa je zasedba pripravljena, da
ga popelje okoli sveta s svojimi intenzivnimi nastopi v živo.
JIMMY BARKA EXPERIENCE (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Wednesday / Sreda, 3 Feb, 20:15 @ Kino Šiška / Katedrala
Four turntables and one drum set or DJs Bakto
and Borka and drummer Marjan Stanić make up
a project that exists outside the framework of
standard DJ/musician collaboration. They are
a proper band, a trio which moves away from
the idea of instrumentation, layered over a DJ
sample. The result is a collage of diverse music
- from funk, break, afro, all the way to the exploitation of Balkan music and rock. The audience
ends up dancing to their hectic mix on a wild,
yet smooth ride from Peru to Baku.
Štirje gramofoni in bobni oziroma didžeja Bakto in Borka ter bobnar Marjan Stanić sestavljajo
projekt, ki beži iz okvirov standardnega didžej/
glasbenik sodelovanja. So pravi pravcati bend,
trio, ki se odmika od ideje instrumentacije na didžejevsko podlago. Rezultat je kolaž raznovrstne
godbe - od funka, brejkov, afra, vse tja do eksploatacije balkana in rocka. Na koncu zaplešemo ob hektični mešanici in se podamo na divjo,
toda ubrano vožnjo od Peruja do Bakuja.
MENT 2016
KAGOULE (Great Britain / Velika Britanija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 00:30 @ Menza pri koritu
The members of this Nottingham trio have a lot
in common with the nineties. To start with, they
were born in the middle of the decade. After the
first few shows they played, they were a little
confused when older audience members compared them to bands such as Smashing Pumpkins and Fugazi. They naturally decided to learn
more about “the elders”, and fell in love with
the discography of legendary label Dischord
along the way. The origin of their sound can thus
be traced to the echoes of independent rock
from the 1990s. Fun guitar riffs, a thrumming
bass, heavy drums and the combination of male
and female vocals on their demos, released
when they were still in high school, were enough
to persuade BBC One and NME. Today they study on the road - whether it be while sharing the
stage with METZ and Iceage, or while waiting to
perform at Glastonbury.
Člani tria iz Nottinghama imajo precej skupnega z devetdesetimi. Za začetek je sredina tega
obdobja čas njihovega rojstva. Tako so po prvih
koncertih malce začudeno gledali, ko so starejši ob njihovi glasbi omenjali benda Smashing
Pumpkins in Fugazi. Seveda so se pustili poučiti o “starinah” in se vmes zaljubili v diskografijo
legendarne založbe Dischord. Izvor zvoka mladeničev in mladenke lahko tako iščemo v odmevih neodvisnega rocka devetdesetih. Zabavni
kitarski riffi, hrumeč bas, težki bobnarski udarci
in spoj moškega ter ženskega vokala so že na
demo posnetkih, ko so bili člani še šolarji, prepričali BBC One in NME. Danes študirajo na poti
- pa naj bo to medtem ko si delijo odre z METZ
in Iceage ali pa ko čakajo na svoj nastop na Glastonburyju.
KAR ČEŠ BRASS BAND (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Wednesday / Sreda, 3 Feb, 19:15 @ Kino Šiška / Hall
The young blood of the Slovenian brass band
scene! Hailing from the nonconformist jazz and
rock town of Cerkno and inspiration-fuelled by
Cerkno's unique international Jazz Festival as
much as the sounds of New Orleans, this energetic 10-piece has been blowing, banging and
hitting the streets and festivals with a repertoire
of well-known brass tunes, as well as its own
music, for over a decade already. International
appearances include Umbria Jazz Balkanic Windows /Belgrade, Jazzfest Gronau, Femuka, Jazz
Saalfelden and many others.
Mlada kri slovenskih godb na pihala! Doma iz
nekonformističnega jazzerskega in rockerskega
Cerkna ter navdahnjena tako s tamkajšnjim edinstvenim mednarodnim jazz festivalom kot z zvoki New Orleansa, ta energična desetčlanska zasedba že več kot desetletje piha, tolče in udarja
po ulicah in festivalih z repertoarjem dobro poznanih napevov in lastne glasbe. Mednarodni nastopi vključujejo Umbria Jazz Balkanic Windows
/Beograd, Jazzfest Gronau, Femuko, Jazz Saalfelden in številne druge.
MENT 2016
LEYYA (Austria / Avstrija)
Wednesday / Sreda, 3 Feb, 21:00 @ Kino Šiška / Komuna
KARMAKOMA (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 22:15 @ Channel Zero
The electro-rock duo combines dancing and anger. Synths and punk. The self-assured rhythm
of Benjamin Kovač and the range of Enej Mavsar,
who we know from psychedelic experimental
band The Lift, this time taking on synths in addition to guitar and vocals. Their debut “Imagination & Mechanical Metamorphoses” (ZARŠ,
2014) still resonates, be it from radio speakers
or TV commercials, while the duo is already grooving towards the future. Their latest single Remiss is distinctly more electronic, club oriented,
calm and mature. Nonetheless, Karmakoma’s
live performances are still a rock blast.
Elektro-rockovski tandem spaja ples in jezo. Sinte in punk. Suveren ritem Benjamina Kovača in
širino Eneja Mavsarja, ki ga poznamo še iz psihedelično raziskovalnega benda The Lift, tokrat
pa poleg vokalov in kitare prevzame še sinte. Prvenec “Imagination & Mechanical Metamorphoses” (ZARŠ, 2014) še vedno odmeva, naj bo iz
radijskih zvočnikov ali televizijskih reklam, duo
pa že gruva v prihodnost. Aktualni singel Remiss
je očitno bolj elektronski, klubski, umirjen in zrel.
Kljub temu je Karmakoma v živo še vedno rockovska petarda.
Chaos vs. Routine, Woman vs. Man, Art vs. Pop
— the sound of Vienna-based electronic-pop
formation Leyya creates a foreign yet familiar
surrounding; spherical, floating, but also violent
and impulsive. The experimental combination of
vocal melancholy and electronic beats makes its
softness sound edgy and creates comfort zones,
just to push you out of them into the vastness of
the unpredictable. The creative duo of Sophie
Lindinger and Marco Kleebauer has released its
debut album "Spanish Disco" in May 2015, with
critics comparing their sophisticated, detailed
and deep sound to Portishead’s "Dummy". On
stage, the duo becomes a quartet, delivering a
performance of rare intensity.
Kaos proti rutini, ženska proti moškemu, umetnost proti popu – zvok dunajske elektro-pop
zasedbe Leyya ustvari nepoznan, a vseeno domač ambient; sferičen, lebdeč, a hkrati nasilen in
impulziven. Zaradi eksperimentalne kombinacije
vokalne melanholije in elektronskih beatov mehkoba zveni ostro ter ustvarja cone udobja, le da
vas že naslednji hip iz njih potisne v širnost nepričakovanega. Kreativni duet Sophie Lindinger
in Marca Kleebauerja je svoj prvenec "Spanish
Disco" izdal maja 2015, kritiki pa so njun sofisticiran, podroben in globok zvok primerjali s Portisheadovo ploščo "Dummy". Na odru se dvojec
prelevi v četverec in nastopi z redko videno intenzivnostjo.
MENT 2016
Ghostly International Night
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 00:45 @ Gala hala
LIFECUTTER (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 00:30 @ Klub Gromka
He likes synths, effect pedals, distortion and different types of heavy music, and makes music
because he has to. Domen Učakar, the man behind the electronic adventure featuring electro,
techno and experimenting, is far from a newcomer to musical exploration. He travelled down
that road with a number of local bands. With the
Lifecutter project, he’s exploring on his own avoiding customary and well-established track
structures. He uses different types of sound
synthesis and an array of stomp boxes to make
his music. He derives from the noise scene and
takes that mentality into his electronic music to
make a palette of dark atmospheric tension, a
packed energy bomb that dilutes the border between analogue and digitally produced sounds.
It can pulsate, break rhythmically or take you on
a cinematic journey.
Rad ima sinte, efekte, distorzijo in različne zvrsti težkih godb, glasbo pa ustvarja, ker mora.
Domen Učakar, mož za elektronsko avanturo
electra, techna in eksperimentacije, še zdaleč ni
novinec v glasbenem raziskovanju. Na to pot se
je podal že s številnimi lokalnimi bendi. S projektom Lifecutter raziskuje na lastno pest in se
pri tem izogiba običajnim, ustaljenim strukturam. Glasbo ustvarja s pomočjo različnih zvočnih
sintez in z naborom stomp boxov. Izhaja iz nojz
scene, to mentaliteto pa prenaša v svojo elektronsko glasbo. S tem oblikuje paleto temačne
ambientalne napetosti, nabito bombo energije,
ki briše mejo med analogno in digitalno proizvedenimi zvoki. Lahko pulzira, se ritmično lomi, ali
pa odpelje na filmsko potovanje.
I want to make songs that sound like visuals,
help take people somewhere bigger than their
standard headspace.” No wonder that such an
artistic vision got Chester Raj Anand aka Lord
Raja signed to Ghostly International. He was fascinated from his early childhood by the possibilities of music production software, studied
piano and jazz percussion, and was inspired by
dance genres as well as hip-hop and the scariness of Aphex Twin. Through innovative use of
new and old music technology, he has brought
all these elements together on the new, stylistically diverse album "PARA". What unifies
"PARA" is its ability to reference an encyclopaedia of dance genres while maintaining an aura of
mystery and calm. And while the music it contains is forward-thinking, it remains approachable
— easy to enter, easier still to get lost inside.
“Želim ustvarjati skladbe, ki zvenijo kot vizualije in ki popeljejo ljudi na miselni nivo, večji od
običajnega.” Nič čudnega, da je takšna umetniška vizija Chesterja Raja Ananda oz. Lorda Raja
pripeljala do pogodbe z Ghostly International.
Že od zgodnjega otroštva ga fascinirajo možnosti, ki jih ponuja programska oprema za glasbeno produkcijo. Študiral je klavir in jazz tolkala
ter iskal navdih tako v plesnih žanrih kot tudi v
hip-hopu in strašljivosti Aphex Twina. Z inovativno uporabo nove in stare glasbene tehnologije
je vse te elemente uspešno združil na stilistično
raznolikem novem albumu "PARA". Rdeča nit albuma je sklicevanje na enciklopedijo plesnih žanrov, a obenem ohranjanje avre skrivnostnosti in
umirjenosti. In čeprav je glasba napredna, ostaja
dostopna – preprosta za vstop, še bolj preprosta
za izgubljanje v njej.
MENT 2016
MAARJA NUUT (Estonia / Estonija)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 22:15 @ Stara elektrarna
The enchanting music of this lovely fiddler and
singer combines traditional dance tunes, songs,
and stories with live electronics, creating a space where minimalism and experimental music
meet Estonian musical traditions. Maarja is searching for a lively and relaxed state like a cat
ready to pounce. She says this state "gives rise
to music and makes me want to prolong being
in the moment while altering ways of seeing, hearing and perceiving”. In the spring of 2013, she
released her debut album “Soolo” that generated quite a bit of buzz in Europe, including many
glowing reviews and a surprise Twitter shout-out from Duran Duran frontman Simon LeBon.
Maarja’s second album is to be released in early
Očarljiva glasba te prikupne goslačke in pevke
združuje tradicionalne plesne napeve, pesmi in
zgodbe z živo elektroniko, pri tem pa ustvarja
prostor, v katerem se minimalizem in eksperimentalna glasba srečujeta z estonsko glasbeno tradicijo. Maarja išče živahno in sproščeno
stanje, kot mačka v pripravljenosti. Pravi, da se
ji v tem stanju “pojavi glasba in v meni vzbudi
željo, da podaljšam bivanje v trenutku, medtem
ko predrugači moje videnje, slišanje in dojemanje”. Spomladi 2013 je izdala svoj prvenec “Soolo”, ki je v Evropi povzročil kar nekaj navdušenja,
vključno s številnimi recenzentskimi pohvalami
in presenetljivo Twitter omembo frontmena zasedbe Duran Duran, Simona LeBona. Maarjin
drugi album naj bi izšel v pričetku leta 2016.
MAKROHANG (Hungary / Madžarska)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 23:30 @ Klub Gromka
#jazzformetalheads is the tag invented by the
Hungarian instrumental band that combines a
wide variety of genres. The young threesome
partially formed at The Liszt Ferenc Academy
in Budapest creates a sonic world influenced by
jazz, rocking guitar sounds and heavy bass lines.In 2014 Makrohang won Talentometer talent
contest organized by the well recognized venue
A38 Ship as the first instrumental act and achieved national recognition. After a few locally well
received releases, the new album is already on
the way.
#jazzformetalheads je hashtag, ki ga je za opis
svoje multižanrskosti izumil madžarski instrumentalni bend. Mlada trojica, delno ustanovljena na Akademiji Liszta Ferenca v Budimpešti
ustvarja soničen svet z vplivi jazza, rockerskih
kitar in težkih basovskih linij. Leta 2014 je Makrohang kot prvi instrumentalni bend, zmagal na
natečaju Talentometer, ki ga organizira poznana
koncertna ladja A38. Z zmago je nase opozoril
celo državo, dobro sprejeti pa so bili tudi njegovi
dosedanji izidi. Novi je seveda že na poti.
MENT 2016
MUSTELIDE (Belarus / Belorusija)
(Slovakia / Slovaška)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 00:15 @ Channel Zero
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 01:15 @ Klub Gromka
“The electronic princess of Belarus”, as Nataliya
Kunitskaya aka Mustelide is labeled by the press,
is indeed a special personality in the Eastern
European electro-pop scene. She released her
debut album “Secret” on Russian label Soyuz
Music and at the same time, she is getting recognition in the West, having one of the Top 30
tracks of the San Francisco based SomaFM radio
station. As a producer, songwriter and singer,
handling 2 synthesizers, a Groovebox, sampler
and vocals in her solo live performances, she is
really shaping and directing her artistic vision by
herself. Spacey electronic atmospheres, groovy
rhythms and sensual, shady vocals create a mysterious yet warm atmosphere, recalling Chromatics-style synth-pop with Italo flavour. But
hey, Belarusians do it better!
Are you ready for some neo-swing madness?
Matwe is a music selector who focuses on swing,
nu-jazz, indie and alternative electronica. He has
been exposed to various musical genres since
his childhood. His father organized swing nights
in Trenčianske Teplice, which were a fundamental influence on Drappenmadchenfellers' alterego. Don’t mistake neo-swing for electro swing –
this is a genre that merges instrumental ferocity,
dynamic drums and a striking brass section. Matwe adds elegance and passion, and his contagious musical joy is converted into eccentric dance creations on the stage. Matwe loves clubs and
festivals as a visitor, as well as an organiser. His
home festival is Pohoda, where he is a member
of the organising team.
Ste pripravljeni na neo-swing norost? Matwe
je glasbeni selektor, ki se osredotoča na swing,
nu-jazz, indie in alternativno elektroniko. Že od
otroštva je izpostavljen različnim glasbenim žanrom. Njegov oče je v kraju Trenčianske Teplice
prirejal swing večere, ki predstavljajo poglaviten
vpliv na Drappenmadchenfellerjev alter ego. Ne
zamešajte neo-swinga za electro swing – gre za
žanr, ki združuje instrumentalen bes, dinamične
bobne in udarno sekcijo trobil. Matwe doda eleganco in strast, njegovo nalezljivo glasbeno veselje pa se na odru preliva v ekscentrične plesne
stvaritve. Zaljubljen je v klube in festivale, kot
obiskovalec in tudi kot organizator, njegov domači festival je Pohoda, kjer je tudi član organizacijske ekipe.
"Elektronska princesa Belorusije", kot Nataliyo
Kunitskayo oz. Mustelide označujejo mediji, je
vsekakor posebnica na vzhodnoevropski elektro-pop sceni. Svoj prvenec "Secret" je izdala pri
ruski založbi Soyuz Music, hkrati pa pridobiva na
prepoznavnosti na Zahodu, saj ima eno od Top
30 skladb na radiu SomaFM, ki je stacioniran v
San Franciscu. Kot producentka, skladateljica in
pevka v svojem solo nastopu upravlja z dvema
sintesajzerjema, Grooveboxom, semplerjem in še
poje. Tako res povsem sama oblikuje in usmerja
svojo umetniško vizijo. Vesoljski elektronski ambienti, gruvi ritmi in čutni, rahlo temačni vokali
ustvarjajo skrivnostno, a hkrati toplo vzdušje, ki
v spomin prikliče synth-pop Chromaticsov s priokusom Italo-disca. Ampak Belorusinje to počnejo bolje!
MENT 2016
NOCTIFERIA / TRANSNATURA live & unplugged (Slovenija / Slovenia)
Wednesday / Sreda, 3 Feb, 21:45 @ Kino Šiška / Katedrala
Legendary Slovenian metalheads unplugged,
with a string quartet, horn section and updated
The most important Slovenian metal band is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, along
with the 10th anniversary of the current line-up,
which was enhanced by a Macedonian keyboardist three years ago. Over the past two decades, the band toured all over Europe, shared the
stage with legends such as Enslaved, Cannibal
Corpse, Deicide, Kataklysm, Immolation, Dimmu Borgir, Samael, In Flames and Hypocrisy, and
went on a trip to China last year. Across five albums, it switched metal genres, from black metal to technical death, nowadays being classified
as industrial metal. Seeing as the group apparently has no difficulties switching styles, it responded to the challenge of the legendary "Unplugged" (Izštekani) radio show on Val 202. The
band stripped songs from its last three albums
into acoustic versions, changing their sound and
arrangements and shuffling them into various
genres – even jazz, gypsy swing and country –
or peppering them with Spanish temperament.
Enhanced by a horn section, a string quartet and
female vocals, Noctiferia is ready to unplug for
MENT as well!
Legendarni slovenski metalci v izštekani različici, z godalnim kvartetom, pihalci in osveženimi
Najpomembnejši slovenski metal bend letos
praznuje prvih 20 let delovanja in prvih 10 let
ustaljene postave, ki jo je pred tremi leti dopolnil makedonski klaviaturist. V dveh desetletjih je
bend iz Šiške obredel vso Evropo, si delil odre z
legendarnimi Enslaved, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Kataklysm, Immolation, Dimmu Borgir, Samael, In Flames in Hypocrisy, lani pa zavil še na
Kitajsko. Pet studijskih albumov je menjalo metalske predoznake - iz black metala v tehnični
death, danes pa jih uvrščajo v industrial metal.
Ker žanrska širina zasedbi očitno ne predstavlja
težav, je tu še aktualna verzija “slečene” Noctiferie. Ta je skladbe z zadnjih treh albumov preoblekla v akustiko, jim spremenila zvok in aranžmaje ter jih prestavila v raznovrstne žanre - celo
v jazz, gypsy swing in country - ali pa posula s
španskim temperamentom. Obenem se je oborožila še s trobili, z godali in ženskim vokalom.
Eksperiment je seveda sprožila legendarna oddaja Izštekani na Valu 202. Tokrat se bo Noctiferia izštekala še za MENT!
MENT 2016
NINA BULATOVIX (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Wednesday / Sreda, 3 Feb, 22:30 @ Kino Šiška / Komuna
NOVA DEVIATOR (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Luka Prinčič is a musician, sound designer and
media artist. He currently works at Emanat Institute and runs Kamizdat, a music label for adventurous music. He has been writing music, creating sound art, performing, and manipulating
new media in various ways since the mid ’90s.
He specialises in computer music, elaborated
funk beats, immersive soundscapes, incidental music for live arts & video, and digital media
experiments. He has performed at festivals such
as Ars Electronica, EMAF, Netmage and Trouble,
travelling all across Europe and further (New
York and New Zealand) with his work. Luka is
passionate about free software, science fiction,
social awareness, critical expression and the peculiarity of contemporary human condition. At
MENT Nova will show off his dj skills. Expect deviations!
A post-punk band that gave a voice to the anti-establishment. Bass, drums and vocals instead
of protest signs, demonstrations and stones.
Started as a rebellious act against the reckless
practices of the local administrations regarding
the city of Maribor as the European Capital of
Culture in 2012 and their plans for renovating
the Pekarna Cultural Centre. In both cases, the
attitude towards the importance of underground and alternative culture was overly dismissive and completely lacked understanding. But
Nina rose up to the task of setting things straight with lucid cries of dissatisfaction, relentlessly holding up a mirror to those empty words
and gesticulations, to polluted and narrow minds. Their career might have started with the
members being threatened with a lawsuit for
defamation, but their 2014 second full-length
“Jate” was praised by critics and the band's
name slowly got a new meaning. Here’s a lesson: Don’t erase. Change.
Luka Prinčič je glasbenik, zvočni oblikovalec in
medijski umetnik. Trenutno dela na zavodu Emanat in vodi založbo za drzno glasbo Kamizdat.
Sam piše glasbo, ustvarja zvočno umetnost, nastopa in manipulira nove medije na različne načine že od sredine devetdesetih. Njegova specialiteta so računalniška glasba, razdelani funk beati,
poglobljene zvočne krajine, spremna glasba za
žive performanse in video, ter raziskovanje digitalnih medijev. Nastopil je na festivalih, kot so
Ars Electronica, EMAF, Netmage in Trouble, s
svojim delom pa je prepotoval Evropo in še dlje
(New York in Nova Zelandija). Njegove strasti
so brezplačna programska oprema, znanstvena
fantastika, družbena ozaveščenost, kritično izražanje in nenavadnost sodobnega človeškega
stanja. Na MENT-u bo Nova predstavil svoje didžejevske sposobnosti. Pričakujte deviacije!
Post-punk bend, ki je dal glas kontra-establišmentu. Bas, bobni in vokala namesto transparentov, protestov in granitnih kock. Rodil se je
kot znak upora proti nepremišljenim potezam
mestnih oblastnikov v zvezi z Mariborom kot
Evropsko prestolnico kulture 2012 in njihovim
načrtom za prenovo kulturnega središča Pekarna. V obeh primerih je bil odnos do pomena
podtalne in alternativne kulture pretirano brezbrižen ter povsem brez razumevanja. A Nina je
stvari postavila na pravo mesto z lucidnimi kriki nezadovoljstva, neizprosno držeča ogledalo praznim besedam in gestam, pokvarjenim in
ozkoglednim mislim. Začetek bendove kariere je
pospremila grožnja s tožbo zaradi razžalitve, a
s hvaljenim drugim dolgometražcem "Jate" leta
2014 je bendovo ime počasi dobilo nov pomen.
Nauk zgodbe: Ne izbriši. Spremeni.
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 01:15 @ Klub Gromka
MENT 2016
(Slovenia / Slovenija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 23:00 @ Gala hala
PRIDJEVI (Croatia / Hrvaška)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 23:15 @ Menza pri koritu
Pridjevi means adjectives. Psychedelic. Melodic.
Dreamy. Popish. Dancing. Experimental. Pridjevi. Croatian critics named their self-titled album, which was released by Chicago label Trouble in Mind, as one of the best albums of 2014.
The band’s story started just a year earlier, when
mastermind Dino Santaleza merged his ideas
with renowned singer-songwriters Ivana Picek
and Nina Romić. Soon after, the trio grew into a
sextet and started receiving praise from the local audience. Their quality was also recognized
abroad, including by online portal Allmusic, which described their convincing blend of genres as
a dizzying concoction of baroque pop, pseudo-tropicalia, trebly acid rock and psych-blasted
Pridevniki. Psihedelični. Melodični. Zasanjani.
Popovski. Plesni. Eksperimentalni. Pridjevi.Hrvaški kritiki so istoimenski album, izdan za čikaško založbo Trouble in Mind, uvrstili skoraj
na vse lestvice najboljših albumov leta 2014. In
zgodba se je začela šele leto prej, ko se je idejni
vodja Dino Santaleza povezal s prepoznavnima
kantavtoricama Ivano Picek in Nino Romić. Hip
pozneje je trio prerasel v sekstet in pričel navduševati lokalno občinstvo. Kvaliteto so prepoznali
tudi izven meja – čudili so se recimo pri portalu Allmusic, kjer so prepričljivo žanrsko mešanico opisali kot vrtoglavo zmes baročnega popa,
psevdo-tropikalije, visokofrekvenčnega acid rocka in s psihedelijo prežetega worldbeata.
Nutty professors of blues! Considering their age,
they seem to be students rather than career academics, but, boy, when they grab their guitar,
harmonica, bass and drums, they really go nuts
and become virtuoso professors that will give
you a lesson to remember! Good old rock’n’roll
with young blood and spirit, taking the best
from the heritage of blues, funk and psychedelic rock’n’roll and making their own explosive
mixture to blow your ears and hearts away while
your legs do funny things. The Professors have
been one of the hardest working live bands in
the past year, taking to the stages at all manner of clubs, bars, streets, venues and TV shows
in Slovenia. Each gig increased their word of
mouth reputation and number of nutty fans that
range from teenagers to the elderly. Their debut
album is slated for the beginning of 2016.
Glede na starost so prej študenti kot akademiki,
ampak, madona, ko zagrabijo kitaro, orglice, bas
in bobne, se jim res utrga in postanejo virtuozni
profesorji, ki vam bojo dali pošteno lekcijo! Dobri stari rokenrol z mlado krvjo in dušo, ki pobira
najboljše iz zapuščine bluesa, funka in psihedeličnega rokenrola ter ustvarja eksplozivno zmes,
da vam odpihne ušesa in srca, medtem ko vaše
noge počnejo hecne stvari. Profesorji so en najbolj trdo garajočih koncertnih bendov preteklega leta, saj so nastopali na vseh mogočih in nemogočih odrih klubov, barov, ulic, dvoran in TV
oddaj v Sloveniji. Z vsakim nastopom se širi dober glas o njih in raste število prismojenih fenov,
od najstnikov do starejših. Njihov prvenec naj bi
izšel v pričetku leta 2016.
MENT 2016
PUNČKE (Croatia / Hrvaška)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 00:30 @ Klub Gromka
Punčke means girls. And they rock! They unfortunately had to cancel their performance at last
year’s MENT due to health issues, but this time
around we're keeping our fingers crossed. They
first came to the public's attention with their
debut album "Sunčano s povremenom naoblakom”, which made it onto most best-of-the-year lists in the region. Their quality is not only
limited to the studio - the three-girl band, whose music is rooted in rock, whether preceded by
the adjectives “punk”, “indie” or “alternative”,
has held over 300 concerts to date. They opened for Queens of the Stone Age twice and have
performed at numerous regional festivals: EXIT,
Sziget, INmusic and Terraneo. Punčke are loud,
emotional and explosive. Let them shake you
Punčke means girls. And they rock! Lani so bile
zaradi zdravstvenih težav primorane odpovedati
nastop na MENT-u, tako da v drugo držimo pesti. Nase so prvič resneje opozorile z leta 2013
izdanim prvencem "Sunčano s povremenom naoblakom", ki je v regiji prišel na tako rekoč vse
lestvice najboljših albumov leta. A ne gre le za
uspešno studijsko realizacijo, bend treh deklet,
ki so glasbeno zakoreninjene v rocku, pa naj bo
ta s pridevnikom punk, indie ali alternativen, ima
za sabo več kot 300 koncertov. Med drugim tudi
dva kot predskupina zasedbi Queens of the Stone Age in na kopici regijskih festivalov: EXIT, Sziget, INmusic in Terraneo. Punčke so glasne, čustvene in eksplozivne. Naj pretresejo tudi vas.
ROPOPOROSE (France / Francija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 19:00 @ Kino Šiška / Komuna
Pauline just finished high school. Romain is her
older brother. Together they make up Ropoporose, an impervious and insanely talented indie
rock duo. Live loops form the basis of their sound, whose layers divulge both simple melodies and noisy guitars. No wonder that the two list
Yann Tiersen and Sonic Youth among their favourite artists. Despite their youth, they have done
countless shows in France, performing on small
stages as well as numerous festivals, introduced
themselves to a Canadian audience in September, and now they will finally take a right turn on
the map. Allons-y!
Pauline je ravno zaključila srednjo šolo. Romain
je njen starejši brat. Skupaj sta Ropoporose. Neprebojen in blazno talentiran indie rock tandem.
Živi loopi oz. zanke predstavljajo osnovo njunega zvoka, ki nato skozi plasti razkriva tako vpliv
preprostih melodij kot hrupnih kitar. Ne čudi, da
med najljubšimi naštejeta Yanna Tiersena in Sonic Youth. Francijo sta kljub rosni mladosti preigrala po dolgem in počez, od najmanjših odrov
do obilice festivalov, septembra sta se predstavila kanadskemu občinstvu, tokrat pa končno po
zemljevidu v desno. Allons-y!
MENT 2016
REPETITOR (Serbia / Srbija)
Wednesday / Sreda, 3 Feb, 23:15 @ Kino Šiška / Katedrala
Ever since their debut album came out in 2008,
the Belgrade trio have been the main regional
ace in the hole of the alternative scene. Garage rock and post-punk are lax descriptions of a
band that leaves its sweat, blood and heart on
stage. Drummer Milena could undoubtedly rock
Dave Grohl's socks off, Ana-Marija is a fountain
of dirty bass line energy, while guitarist and lead
vocalist Boris Vlastelica is - without doubt and
exaggeration - the voice of a generation, a punk
poet and a feral soul without inhibition on stage.
Repetitor have played countless shows all over
the Balkans, booked several European tours, impressed in China, and performed at all major festivals in the region (Sziget, Exit, Pohoda, INmusic, Terraneo, SuperUho, Lent …). Wherever they
play, be it a festival stage or an abandoned ruin
at the edge of town, one thing is for certain they always leave the audience wanting more.
Beograjski trio je že vse od izida prvenca leta
2008 glavni regionalni adut alternative. Garažni
rock in post-punk sta ohlapna opisa benda, ki na
odru pusti znoj, kri in srce. Bobnarka Milena bi
brez dvoma sezula Dava Grohla, Ana-Marija je
vrelec energije umazanih basovskih linij, kitarist
in glavni vokalist Boris Vlastelica pa - brez dvoma in pretiravanj - glas generacije. Punkovski
poet, na odru pa podivjana duša brez zavor. Repetitor so odigrali nešteto koncertov širom Balkana, več evropskih turnej, navdušili Kitajce ter
nastopili na vseh ključnih festivalih v regiji (Sziget, Exit, Pohoda, INmusic, Terraneo, SuperUho,
Lent ...). Kjerkoli igrajo, naj bo ogromen festivalski oder ali zapuščena luknja na robu mesta, je
ena stvar jasna - po koncu so vsi za še.
MENT 2016
SASSJA (Bosnia and Herzegovina /
Bosna in Hercegovina)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 23:45 @ Channel Zero
Sassja, a songwriter and MC from Tuzla in central Bosnia, is one of the very few female MCs in
the region.Combining a street hip-hop style and
various descendants of Jamaican music with
lyrics in Bosnian-Tuzla slang, Sassja has established herself as a voice of many in the young generation of music enthusiasts in the broader ex–
Yugoslavian region. Her successful singles Clash
and Etikete have scored more than 1 million YouTube views each and have prepared the ground
for her debut album “Taktički praktično”, which
came out in spring 2015. Her quirky and charming personality, combined with a “don’t mess
with me” attitude, make her performances a vivid and energetic live music experience.
Sassja, producentka in raperka iz Tuzle, je ena
redkih ženskih raperk v regiji. Z združevanjem
uličnega hip-hopa in različnih potomcev jamajške glasbe z besedili v domačem slengu se je
uveljavila kot glas številnih v mladi generaciji
glasbenih navdušencev širše ex-Yu regije. Njeni uspešnici Clash in Etikete sta na YouTubu zabeležili že več kot milijon ogledov vsaka in pripravili teren za prvenec "Taktički praktično", ki
je izšel spomladi 2015. Njena hecna in prikupna
osebnost ter "ne se zafrkavat z mano" odnos pa
na odru poskrbita za doživet in energičen nastop.
SAY YES DOG (Luxembourg / Luksemburg)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 22:45 @ Channel Zero
It was Fusion Festival in Germany that turned
friends into a band. The three of them wanted to
go to the festival, no matter what. Sadly, Fusion
was sold out. But Say Yes Dog had a plan. They
asked a friend to film them performing, sent the
clip to Fusion and unbelievably managed to get
a slot at the festival. “Now we had tickets for the
entire gang, but we didn’t have enough songs to
fill a set. So what happened was, we sat down
and wrote a couple more.” Said and done. But
this was only the beginning. Their catchy synth-pop “with more hooks than a fisherman's tackle box" (says Time Out London) has substance.
Hey, they played Primavera Sound two times in a
row! Their debut “Plastic Love” was released in
September, so hop on the plastic train.
Festival Fusion v Nemčiji je bil tisti, ki je iz prijateljev naredil bend. Trojica je za vsako ceno želela na festival, a je bil na žalost razprodan. A člani so imeli načrt. Kolega so prosili, naj posname
njihov nastop, video poslali na Fusion in neverjetno uspeli dobiti nastop na festivalu. "Tako smo
imeli vstopnice za celo druščino, a nismo imeli
dovolj komadov za nastop. Zato smo se usedli
in jih napisali še nekaj." Rečeno, storjeno. A to
je bil šele začetek. Nalezljiv sint-pop, ki sede v
uho kot maslo na kruh ima vsebino. Hej, na festivalu Primavera Sound so igrali dvakrat zapored!
Prvenec "Plastic Love" je izšel septembra, zato
skočite na plastični vlak.
MENT 2016
SWEET SWEET MOON (Austria / Avstrija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 19:00 @ Kinodvor (film + concert)
Matthias Frey is Sweet Sweet Moon. Sometimes on his own, sometimes with friends, he
uses a violin and his cracked voice to create folk
symphonies. His best friend is the loop effect
and he also knows his way around drums, guitar
and accordion. He plays everywhere, preferably
in unusual settings or on the street – among the
people. His performances are charming, emotional and simply endearing. And apparently, they
can easily impress people from the other side
of the world as well. This unordinary tale began with a simple street video by Austrian team
They Shoot Music, which exploded on YouTube and seemingly charmed audiences in South
America. Comments, messages and invitations started raining down, and in 2013, the team
went to meet Matthias's biggest fans – across
the Atlantic Ocean. The result is Fuck the Atlantic Ocean, a documentary that tells the strange
story of a Viennese musician, a viral YouTube
clip and a long journey.
Fuck the Atlantic Ocean will be screened ahead of
the concert — on Thursday, February 4th, at 19.00 in
Matthias Frey je Sweet Sweet Moon. Včasih sam,
drugič v družbi, na odru z violino in počenim
glasom ustvarja folkovske simfonije. Njegov najboljši prijatelj je loop efekt, v studiu pa poprime
tudi za boben, kitaro in harmoniko. Igra povsod,
zdi se, da najraje v nenavadnih prostorih ali pa
na ulici - med ljudmi. Njegovi nastopi so očarljivi, čustveni in preprosto simpatični. Očitno
pa zlahka navdušijo tudi ljudi na drugem koncu
sveta. Ta nenavadna zgodba se je začela s preprostim uličnim posnetkom avstrijske ekipe They
Shoot Music, ki je zaživel na YouTubu in očitno
očaral predvsem občinstvo v Južni Ameriki. Začeli so deževati komentarji, sporočila, prošnje in
leta 2013 se je ekipa odpravila spoznati Matthiasove največje oboževalce - čez Atlantski ocean. Tako je nastal dokumentarni film Fuck the
Atlantic Ocean, nenavadna zgodba dunajskega
glasbenika, viralnega YouTube posnetka in dolge poti.
Film Fuck the Atlantic Ocean si boste lahko ogledali pred
nastopom — v četrtek, 4. 2. ob 19:00 v Kinodvoru.
MENT 2016
FILM: Fuck the Atlantic Ocean
CONCERT/ KONCERT: Sweet Sweet Moon
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 19:00 @ Kinodvor (film + concert)
A film about an Austrian band, a YouTube hit
and a journey to the far side of the world.
A packed cultural centre in Buenos Aires, the
best party in town in Mar del Plata, a secret
gig with a Chilean star in Valparaíso: Fuck The
Atlantic Ocean portrays the Viennese band Sweet Sweet Moon on their unconventional journey
through Argentina and Chile. It all started with a
YouTube video of a charming Sweet Sweet Moon
street performance that went viral. The video
gained the young artist a surprisingly large and
enthusiastic fanbase in South America, although Sweet Sweet Moon have neither played nor
released music there. Clicks were followed by
manifold expressions of love and euphoric invitations, so Sweet Sweet Moon seized the moment to embark on a journey across the Atlantic
Ocean to meet their biggest fans … In 2011 the
Vienna video bloggers They Shoot Music Don’t
They filmed the band Sweet Sweet Moon during
a spontaneous live session in the streets of Vienna. The video exploded on YouTube, reached
over 650.000 views and gained the band a surprisingly large and enthusiastic fanbase in South
America. In March 2013 Sweet Sweet Moon embarked on an adventurous journey through Argentina and Chile, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and They Shoot Music joined the
travelling party to film the trip. Along the route
Sweet Sweet Moon played free house shows for
their biggest fans and performed intimate and
spontaneous sessions in unusual places (from
a car graveyard to a natural amphitheatre to a
winding road in Valparaiso). They met fans who
have long waited for this to happen, and stumbled into chance encounters with strangers
that helped them understand why Sweet Sweet
Moon’s music strikes such a chord with South
Film o avstrijskem bendu, YouTube hitu in potovanju na drugo stran sveta.
Napolnjen kulturni dom v Buenos Airesu, najboljša zabava v mestu Mar del Plata, skrivni
nastop čilsko zvezdo v Valparaisu: Fuck The
Atlantic Ocean predstavlja neobičajno potovanje dunajske zasedbe Sweet Sweet Moon po
Argentini in Čilu. Vse se je začelo z YouTube videom očarljivega uličnega nastopa benda Sweet
Sweet Moon, ki je zaokrožil po spletu. Video je
mladi zasedbi prinesel presenetljivo veliko navdušenih oboževalcev v Južni Ameriki, pa čeprav
Sweet Sweet Moon tam nikoli ni igral ali izdal
glasbo. Klikom so sledile številne izpovedi ljubezni in evforična vabila, zato je bend izkoristil
trenutek in se podal na potovanje čez Atlantski
ocean, na obisk k svojim največjim fenom …Leta
2011 so dunajski videoblogerji They Shoot Music Don’t They posneli bend Sweet Sweet Moon
med spontanim koncertom na ulicah avstrijske
prestolnice. Video je eksplodiral na YouTubu, dosegel več kot 650.000 ogledov in bendu prinesel presenetljivo veliko navdušenih oboževalcev
v Južni Ameriki. Marca 2013 se je Sweet Sweet
Moon podal na pustolovsko potovanje po Argentini in Čilu, od Atlantika do Pacifika, They Shoot
Music pa se jim je pridružil s kamero. Na poti je
bend za največje fene odigral brezplačne hišne
koncerte in izvedel intimne spontane nastope
na nenavadnih krajih (od avtoodpada do naravnega amfiteatra in ovinkaste ceste v Valparaisu).
Srečal se je z oboževalci, ki so dolgo čakali na
ta trenutek, in po naključju naletel na tujce, ki so
mu pomagali razumeti, zakaj se Južnoameričani
tako najdejo v njegovi glasbi.
MENT 2016
SHIGETO (USA / ZDA) / Ghostly International Night
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 01:30 @ Gala hala
At the forefront of the mighty Ghostly International label mission at MENT, here comes the beat-driven, richly textured sound design of Shigeto. Two years after the release of his second
full-length album and after working with a new
live ensemble, playing electronics in a jazz quartet and recording with rappers, the busy Detroit polymath, born Zach Saginaw, is finally back
with exciting new material. "Intermission EP",
released in the end of October, is a new celebration of percussive, polyrhythmic grooves, ambient depth and complexity, which at moments
results in beatless, textural drifts. Sonic diversity that evokes a dynamic sense of exploration,
excitement, and stylistic freedom.
V ospredju večera mogočne založbe Ghostly International na MENT-u najdemo ritmičen, s teksturami bogat zvočni dizajn Shigeta. Dve leti
po izidu njegovega drugega dolgometražnega
albuma in po nastopanju z novo koncertno skupino, igranju elektronike v jazz kvartetu ter snemanja z reperji, smo dočakali nov material izpod
prstov izvajalca, rojenega kot Zach Saginaw, neumornega polihistorja iz Detroita. "Intermission
EP", ki je izšel konec oktobra 2015, je novo slavljenje udarnih poliritmičnih vzorcev, ambientalne globine in kompleksnosti, ki na trenutke
zaide v teksturne zdrse brez beatov. Zvočna raznolikost, ki prikliče dinamičen občutek raziskovanja, vznemirjenja in stilistične svobode.
MENT 2016
THE BIG BLUFF (Latvia / Latvija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 22:00 @ Gala hala
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 22:15 @ Kavarna SEM
ŠULJO (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 01:30 @ Channel Zero
Šuljo is the king of hip-hop beats. He is the musical force behind Maribor-based rap collective
Tekochee Kru, and has shared his expertise with
numerous renowned local and international rappers, including the likes of KRS One. He has released a solo record, as well as regularly deejays
and organizes events.
Šuljo je šef hip-hoperskih beatov. Je odgovoren
za glasbo mariborskega rap kolektiva Tekochee
Kru, sicer pa je svoje znanje delil že z mnogimi
priznanimi domačimi in tujimi raperji - med njimi
je recimo KRS One. Povil je tudi solo ploščo, redno didžeja in organizira dogodke.
Rock'n'roll and blues are bursting from the Latvian trio, which leans on the legacy of giants
such as Elvis and Dylan, while at the same time
remaining aware of the fact that a convincing
live performance is the main asset of such performers. The expressive and self-sacrificing voice of lead singer Ilja invokes the great vocalists
of the sixties and seventies, who were able to
pour their souls out over the microphone. Their
debut album was nominated for best Latvian
rock album in 2014, and the band sticks to the
recipe of continuous touring. Jump into a Cadillac, put on your sunglasses and let the tires
screech on the hot asphalt! The world of wild
rock’n’roll is just around the corner.
Rokenrol in blues vreta iz latvijskega tria, ki se
opira na zapuščino velikanov, kakršna sta Elvis
in Dylan, obenem pa se zaveda, da je prepričljiv
nastop glavni adut tovrstnih izvajalcev. Izrazit in
požrtvovalen vokal pevca Ilje spomni na odlične vokaliste šestdesetih in sedemdesetih let, ki
so znali čez mikrofon izliti svojo dušo. Njihov prvenec je bil nominiran za najboljši latvijski rock
album leta 2014, sicer pa se bend drži recepta
stalnega koncertiranja. Skok v cadillaca, sončna
očala na nos in naj gume zavrejo razgreti asfalt!
Svet divjega rokenrola je le še nekaj ulic stran.
MENT 2016
WEREFOX (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 21:00 @ Kino Šiška / Komuna
THE CANYON OBSERVER (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 22:30 @ Channel Zero
The Canyon Observer is a wandering monster
that slogs through the murky depths of sludge
and post-metal. Its path leads from the alienated rumbling of abandoned beasts in dried out
wastes to extreme volume and velocity - all the
way to atmospheric black metal. It has found its
way to all corners of Europe as well as the UK’s
biggest independent festival Bloodstock. The
release of its latest album “FVCK” was supported by the magazine New Noise and the webzine
No Clean Singing, among others. If it’s too loud,
you’re too old. If it’s sooo heavy, you’re at a The
Canyon Observer gig. The Canyon Observer je tavajoča pošast, ki brodi po močvirjih sludga in post-metala. Na svojih
poteh sega vse od odtujenih šušljanj zapuščenih
zveri izsušene pustinje do ekstremnih glasnosti
in hitrosti - vse tja do atmosferičnega black metala. Pot jo je peljala po mnogih koncih Evrope
pa vse do največjega neodvisnega otoškega festivala Bloodstock. “FVCK” je naslov bendovega
frišnega izdelka, ki sta ga s premierama ob izidu podprla tudi revija New Noise in webzine No
Clean Singing. If it’s too loud, you’re too old. If
it’s sooo heavy, you’re at a The Canyon Observer gig.
The quartet from Prekmurje is a rock machine of
dirty riffs that exudes sonic stoner sex appeal. A
collective of renowned musicians, who played a
notable role in shaping the new Prekmurje scene in bands such as Psycho-Path, Sphericube
and Manul, found shelter in Werefox and released their debut in 2013, stating: "I Am Memory". They are back with their sophomore record,
entitled “Das Lied der Maschinen”, which will
make its debut at MENT. The record was produced by the band’s long-time friend and the former frontman of Austria's legendary noise rock
band Sans Secours, Hannes Jaeckl. Clench your
teeth, addictive melodies are about to sink their
claws into you, while the bushy tail of a broad
array of alt-rock sweeps you off your feet.
Prekmurski kvartet je rockovska mašina umazanih riffov in stonerski zvočni seksapil. Banda poznanih glasbenikov, ki je v bendih Psycho-Path,
Sphericube in Manul krojila dobršen del nove
prekmurske scene, je pred nekaj leti svoje zavetišče našla v zasedbi Werefox in že z leta 2013
izdanim prvencem najavila: “I Am Memory”.
Zdaj udarja v drugo. Z novo ploščo naslovljeno “Das Lied der Maschinen”, ki jo bo premierno predstavila prav na MENT-u. Produciral jo je
Hannes Jaeckl, dolgoletni prijatelj članov in nekoč frontman legendarnega avstrijskega noise
rock benda Sans Secours. Stisnite zobe, zagrabili
vas bodo kremplji zasvojljivih melodij, košati rep
cele palete alt rocka pa vam bo spodnesel tla.
MENT 2016
YOUR GAY THOUGHTS (Slovenia / Slovenija)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 23:00 @ Gala hala
YUNG (Denmark / Danska)
Your Gay Thoughts is an audio-visual collective
of Ljubljana-based musicians, producers, DJs
and visual artists, intensively recording the vibe
of the local creative urban scene of today and
tomorrow. Their lyrical post-pop music, inspired by instrumental hip-hop and future beats,
features live drums, keys, bass, guitars, electronics, vocals and vivid live visuals on stage. Their
international festival appearances so far include Waves Vienna, INmusic Festival and Reeperbahn. Their debut album "The Watercolors" was
co-produced by Headshotboyz in Budapest and
after being presented locally in September, its
international release is slated for January 2016
via Canadian label King Deluxe. The video for
the second single Among The Lull was premiered by Thump.
Screaming guitars, riffing drums, bang-your-soul-out vocals. Yung are young and jiggling
and spraying all over the overwhelming sonic
energy of their seductive punk rock songs. Led
by 21-year-old frontman and songwriter Mikkel
Holm Silkjær, this group hailing from Aarhus has
just released the “These Thoughts Are Mandatory Chores,” EP on legendary Mississippi label Fat
Possum Records, joining their impressive roster
including The Black Keys, Al Green, Fat White
Family, Youth Lagoon and many more. Anthemic
guitars and driving rhythm, insistent to the point
of impatience, show angst acting as a powerful
fuel for self-expression. Yung is gasoline poured
on a fire already fed by youthful energy.
Your Gay Thoughts je avdio-vizualen kolektiv,
ki sestoji iz ljubljanskih glasbenikov, producentov, DJ-jev in vizualnih umetnikov, ki intenzivno
beležijo utrip lokalne urbane scene sedanjosti
in prihodnosti. Njihovo lirično post-pop glasbo
navdihujejo instrumentalni hip-hop in futuristični beati, ob spremljavi bobnov, klaviatur, basa,
kitar, elektronike, vokala in z živahnimi vizualijami na odru. Nastopali so že na mednarodnih
festivalih Waves Vienna, INmusic in Reeperbahn.
Njihov prvenec "The Watercolors" je koproduciral dvojec Headshotboyz v Budimpešti. Lokalni izdaji v septembru bo januarja 2016 sledila
mednarodna pri kanadski založbi King Deluxe.
Videospot za drugi singl Among The Lull je premierno predvajal Thump.
Tuleče kitare, rifajoči bobni, vokali iz dna duše.
Zasedba Yung je mlada in migajoča in prevzemajočo sonično energijo svojih zapeljivih punk-rock pesmi šprica vsepovsod. Pod poveljstvom
21-letnega frontmena in skladatelja Mikkela
Holma Silkjærja je skupina iz Aarhusa ravnokar
izdala kratkometražnik "These Thoughts Are
Mandatory Chores" pri legendarni založbi iz Misisipija Fat Possum Records ter se pridružila
njenemu impresivnemu naboru izvajalcev, kot
so The Black Keys, Al Green, Fat White Family,
Youth Lagoon in številni drugi. Himnične kitare
in goneč ritem, vztrajen že skoraj do nepotrpežljivosti, tesnobo prikazujejo kot močno gorivo
za izražanje. Yung je bencin, dolit na ogenj, ki ga
že hrani mladostna energija.
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 23:00 @ Menza pri koritu
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
Wednesday / Sreda, 3. 2.
Ex-YU Experience /
Wednesday / Sred
word, MK), Mirna Z
Sekulović (Dallas,
Thursday / Četrtek, 4. 2
Skopje –
and New
Helen Sildna
The Echo
of 2015,
the Sound
of 2016
(Tallinn Music Week)
Music Export
Office in
m hotel
The New
Life of Indie
Na uvodni okrogli
ličnih držav bivše
(menedžer, glasb
založba) v splošn
ne ex-YU glasben
razlike, nenapisan
priložnosti ter raz
tega nemirnega o
iz prve roke izves
vedeti o regionaln
Lost & Found
in Digital
The ABC of D:
Social Media
in Music
m hotel 2
During the openi
different countrie
from different b
cian, booking ag
offer a broad intro
leys of the ex-YU
differences, unwr
portunities, as we
and mysteries of
perfect opportun
you have always w
gional music scen
Speed Networking
Kafana Skopje – Lj
Thursday / Četrte
Friday / Petek, 5. 2.
The Future
of Music
m hotel
Kafana je živahen
kanci srečujejo,
o poslu, politiki i
ali celo jutranjo r
mrežite ter spozn
glasbenih trgov in
vije. Odlična prilo
delegati vseh delo
džmenta, založb,
novinarjev …) in
Panel - The
Art of Band
m hotel 2
To participate
session, please re
The number of pa
tion functions on a
Jeff Owens
Kafana is the livel
kan people meet
business, politics
even a morning r
ing and meet influ
markets and scen
opportunity to ne
corners of the mu
bels, booking age
and to create new
Za udeležbo je po
– pišite na: confere
Število udeležence
teka po vrstnem r
--Festivals and New
Festivali in novi ta
Thursday / Četrte
MENT 2016
All the panels and presentations are in English /
Export, AT)
MENT 2016
Programme /
All the panels and
presentations are in English /
Vse okrogle mize in predavanja
so v angleškem jeziku.
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
Ex-YU Experience /
Ex-YU izkušnja
Speed Networking / Hitro mreženje:
Kafana Skopje – Ljubljana
Wednesday / Sreda, 3 Feb, 18:00 @ Komuna
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 10:00 @ Komuna
Hannes Tschürtz (Ink Music, AT)
SPEAKERS / GOVORCI: Login Kočiški (Password, MK),
Mirna Zarić (Charmenko, TR), Nikola Sekulović
(Dallas, SI), Sanjin Đukić (LAA, HR)
Kafana is the lively welcoming place where
Balkan people meet, socialize, drink and discuss business, politics and life. Enjoy a coffee
or even a morning rakija to boost your networking and meet influential people from the
music markets and scenes of ex-YU countries.
A great opportunity to network with delegates from all corners of the music industry (management, labels, booking agencies, festivals,
journalists ...) and to create new business
During the opening panel, speakers from four
different countries of former Yugoslavia and
from different backgrounds (manager, musician, booking agent, PR, festival, label) will
offer a broad introduction into the hills and
valleys of the ex-YU music market - its specifics, differences, unwritten rules, best practices, opportunities, as well as bust some of the
myths and mysteries of this restless region.
It is the perfect opportunity to find out first-hand what you have always wanted to know
about the regional music scene!
Na uvodni okrogli mizi bodo govorci iz štirih
različnih držav bivše Jugoslavije in različnih
strok (menedžer, glasbenik, agent, piarovec,
festival, založba) predstavili višave in globine
ex-YU glasbenega trga, njegove posebnosti,
razlike, nenapisana pravila, najboljše prakse in
priložnosti ter razkrili nekaj mitov in skrivnosti
tega nemirnega območja. Odlična priložnost,
da iz prve roke izveste vse, kar ste kadarkoli
želeli vedeti o regionalni glasbeni sceni!
To participate in the speed networking session, please register in advance - write to: The number of participants is limited. Registration functions on a
first come, first served basis.
Kafana je živahen, domač prostor, kjer se Balkanci srečujejo, družijo, pijejo in razglabljajo
o poslu, politiki in življenju. Privoščite si kavo
ali celo jutranjo rakijo in se tako podkrepljeni
mrežite ter spoznavajte vplivne posameznike z glasbenih trgov in scen držav nekdanje
Jugoslavije. Odlična priložnost za navezovanje stikov z delegati vseh segmentov glasbene industrije (menedžmenta, založb, booking
agencij, festivalov, novinarjev …) in iskanje novih poslovnih priložnosti!
Za udeležbo je potrebna predhodna rezervacija – pišite na: Število
udeležencev je omejeno. Registracija poteka
po vrstnem redu prijav.
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
Listening Session / Poslušalnica
Festivals and New Talents /
Festivali in novi talenti
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 12:15 @ Komuna
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 11:00
@ Katedrala
HOST / VODI: Jernej Sobočan (Val 202, musician /
glasbenik, SI)
SPEAKERS / GOVORCI: Si Hawkins (journalist /
novinar, UK), Mariusz Herma (beehype, PL),
Barbora Šubrtová (United Islands of Prague,
CZ), Leo Vidmar (Potlista, HR)
A group of international music professionals
will go on a blind date with songs by selected MENT artists, who will receive immediate, direct and honest feedback. We bet you
don't often get a chance to hear an honest
analysis of individual songs by internationally
renowned music experts – so don't miss this
Skupina mednarodnih glasbenih strokovnjakov bo imela zmenek na slepo s skladbami
izbranih nastopajočih na MENT-u, ti pa bodo
takoj in neposredno izpostavljeni njihovemu
direktnemu in iskrenemu mnenju. Stavimo, da
nimate pogosto priložnosti slišati iskrene analize posamezne skladbe s strani mednarodno
priznanih glasbenih strokovnjakov, zato Poslušalnice ne gre zgrešiti!
HOST / VODI: Tatjana Domany (Austrian
Music Export, AT)
SPEAKERS / GOVORCI: Michal Kaščák (Pohoda
Festival, SK), Slobodan Milunović (MetalDays,
SI), Dan Panaitescu (Sziget, HU), François
Audigier (Europavox, FR)
The festival industry has been on the rise in
the last few years and it is no surprise newcomer bands often view festival performances as their main opportunity and the biggest
step to success. But let's check the reality behind it. How do festivals discover and select
young and upcoming bands? How are the musicians treated? What is their standing in the
festival line-up? Is there any room to promote
newcomer bands within the festival promotion? Do festivals represent that big step forward in a band's career?
Festivalska industrija je v zadnjih letih v vzponu in ni presenetljivo, da novi bendi nastope
na festivalih pogosto dojemajo kot glavno priložnost in najpomembnejšo stopničko k uspehu. A preverimo, kako je v resnici. Kako festivali odkrivajo in izbirajo mlade & vzhajajoče
bende? Kako z njimi ravnajo? Kje se nahajajo v
seznamu nastopajočih? Je v okviru promocije
festivala sploh kaj prostora tudi za promocijo
mladih bendov? So festivali res tisti tako želeni korak naprej v bendovi karieri?
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
The Echo of 2015, the Sound of 2016 /
Odmev leta 2015, zvok leta 2016
Helen Sildna / Tallinn Music Week
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 13:30
@ Katedrala
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 16:00
@ Katedrala
HOST / VODI: Richard Foster (The Quietus, WORM,
Smikkelbaard, NL)
SPEAKERS / GOVORCI: Nick Hobbs (Charmenko, TR),
Helen Sildna (Tallinn Music Week, EE), Scott
Cohen (The Orchard, UK)
Tallinn Music Week – A Tool for Change
2015 is over. It is time for a music overview
and analysis of the most notable events, interesting moments and key changes in the music industry that marked the past year. How
did the concert and festival industries experience 2015? How did the record industry survive another year, and is vinyl still on the rise?
What's new in media/tech/business? Lastly,
what do music professionals expect 2016 will
Leto 2015 je mimo. Čas je za glasbeni pregled
in analizo najbolj pomembnih dogodkov, zanimivih trenutkov in ključnih sprememb v glasbenem svetu, ki so zaznamovale preteklo leto.
Kakšne so izkušnje koncertne in festivalske industrije? Kako je založništvo preživelo še eno
leto in ali je vinil še v vzponu? Kaj prinašajo
novi mediji/tehnologije/poslovni modeli? In
nenazadnje, kaj glasbeni strokovnjaki pričakujejo v letu 2016?
Tallinn Music Week was founded in 2009 with
a very clear goal - to make the music industry work in Estonia. The festival steadily grew
stronger and broader and became a launching
pad for both local and also regional artists
from all music genres, providing them with a
fair chance in the international music industry
circles. Today it is a major international event
with around 25.000 visitors and international participants from more than 50 countries. Music, from classical to punk, remains the
core part of its programme, but the festival
hosts a variety of creative and educative programmes for a curious mind: design, arts, cuisine, technology, science, urban spaces, talks
and discussions. Through its seven years of
existence, TMW has played a significant role
in setting up the Music Estonia music export
office and lobbying for creative industries
policies and tourism strategies on a governmental level, as well as standing up for some
of the core values in the society – openness,
equal opportunities and respect for all cultures and forms of free self-expression. In 2015
the festival's founder Helen Sildna was awarded the Citizen of the Year title in Estonia for
backing a citizens’ initiative in support of a
tolerant society. TMW has become a tool for
change, a tool for a better society and an inspiration on how creativity can drive the whole country. Let's hear Helen's vision and story
at MENT!
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
Music Export Office in Action /
“Music Export Office” v akciji
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 12:30 @ M Hotel
Tallinn Music Week – Orodje sprememb
Tallinn Music Week je bil ustanovljen leta
2009 z zelo jasnim ciljem – narediti glasbeno
industrijo v Estoniji delujočo. Festival je vztrajno rasel v moči in obsegu ter postal odskočna
deska tako za lokalne kot regionalne izvajalce
vseh žanrov, saj jim je ponudil boljše priložnosti v krogih mednarodne glasbene industrije.
Danes je pomemben mednarodni dogodek
z okoli 25.000 obiskovalci in mednarodnimi udeleženci iz več kot 50 držav. Glasba, od
klasične do punka, je še vedno v jedru njegovega programa, poleg tega pa vključuje širok
nabor kreativnih in izobraževalnih programov
za radovedne ume: dizajn, umetnost, kulinariko, tehnologijo, znanost, urbane prostore,
pogovore in debate. V sedmih letih obstoja
je TMW igral pomembno vlogo pri vzpostavitvi agencije za mednarodno promocijo glasbe Music Estonia in pri lobiranju za politike
kreativnih industrij ter turistične strategije na
vladnem nivoju, pa tudi v bran nekaterih temeljnih družbenih vrednot – odprtosti, enakih
možnosti in spoštovanja vseh kultur ter oblik
svobodnega izražanja. Leta 2015 je bila ustanoviteljica festivala Helena Sildna imenovana
za estonsko Državljanko leta zaradi podpore
civilni iniciativi za tolerantnejšo družbo. TMW
je postal orodje sprememb, orodje za boljšo
družbo in navdih, kako lahko kreativnost poganja celotno državo. Prisluhnimo Helenini viziji in zgodbi na MENTu!
HOST / VODI:: Virgo Sillamaa (Music Estonia, EE)
SPEAKERS / GOVORCI: Michał Hajduk (AMI, PL), Riku
Salomaa (Music Finland, FI), Hannes Tschürtz
(Ink Music, AT)
Ever wondered what "Music Export Office"
means and what it really does for artists? We
will discuss the basic idea behind MEOs, their
roles and missions, how they work, their advantages, best practices, results and long-term effects, various experiences, organizational forms, as well as how they ensure a
representative selection of artists and maximize their benefits.
Ste se kdaj že vprašali, kaj pomeni "Music
Export Office" in kaj res naredi za glasbenike? Govorili bomo o osnovni ideji MEO, njihovih vlogah & nalogah, kako delujejo, njihovih
prednostih, najboljših praksah, rezultatih &
dolgoročnih učinkih, različnih izkušnjah, organizacijskih oblikah in kako zagotovijo reprezentativen izbor glasbenikov ter maksimirajo
njihove koristi.
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
The New Life of Indie Labels /
Novo življenje neodvisnih založb
Lost & Found in Digital /
Kako se znajti v digitalnem
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 14:45 @ M Hotel
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 17:00 @ M Hotel
HOST / VODI: Chris Eckman
(Glitterbeat Records, SI/US)
SPEAKERS / GOVORCI: Tony Duckworth ([PIAS]
Poland and Eastern Europe, PL), Andy Bibey
(One Little Indian Records, UK), Dace Volfa (I
Love You Records, LV), Miran Rusjan (Moonlee
Records, SI)
HOST / VODI: Scott Cohen (The Orchard, UK)
SPEAKERS / GOVORCI: Simon Wheeler (Beggars
Group, UK), András Bozán Bodrogi (Google
Ground Budapest, HU), Dartsya Tarkovska
(Soundbuzz, UA)
In a time when artists can publish their music directly and promote their work independently, many expected that the digital world
would render record labels obsolete. However, despite all the digital possibilities and
the reputation of labels (be it justified or not),
bands still want to sign with record labels and
record labels still have something extra to offer. There is still an obvious need and a place
for independent record labels in the digital
age. Let's find out how record labels cope
with the present situation and survive in these
turbulent times.
V dobi, ko lahko glasbeniki sami izdajo in promovirajo svojo glasbo, so mnogi pričakovali,
da bo digitalni svet izpodrinil založbe. A kljub
vsem digitalnim možnostim in včasih vprašljivemu slovesu založb (upravičenem ali ne), si
bendi očitno še vedno želijo pod okrilje glasbenih založb, glasbene založbe pa še vedno
imajo nekaj dodatnega za ponuditi. Očitno
tudi v digitalni dobi obstaja potreba in prostor
za neodvisne glasbene založbe. Poglejmo,
kako se te spopadajo s trenutno situacijo in
preživijo v teh burnih časih.
It seems that the digital age has brought
about endless new possibilities in the music
industry – streaming, digital distribution, social media, Youtube, various digital platforms –
all of which are fantastic, user-friendly promotion tools with immediate effects. However,
one can quickly get lost and miss out on the
main benefits, due to a lack of understanding
of what is actually happening in the broad picture. What is the role of promotion in the digital world, the value of data and the importance of analytics, the need for understanding
the shift from ownership to access to music,
and recent changes in revenue flows? All this
needs to be taken into account before opening a discussion of the possibilities, common
errors and misunderstandings, best practices,
tricks and secrets of each specific platform.
Zdi se, da je digitalna doba s sabo prinesla
neskončne nove možnosti v glasbeni industriji – streaming, digitalno distribucijo, družbene
medije, Youtube, razne digitalne platforme –
fantastična, uporabniku prijazna promocijska
orodja s hitrimi rezultati. A zaradi pomanjkanja razumevanja, kaj se dogaja v širšem smislu, se lahko hitro izgubite in zgrešite glavne
prednosti. Kakšna je vloga promocije v digitalnem svetu, vrednost podatkov in pomembnost
analitik, razumevanje premika od lastništva do
dostopa do glasbe in nedavne spremembe v
strukturi prihodkov? Vse to je potrebno upoštevati, preden se lotimo razpravljanja o možnostih, pogostih napakah in nesporazumih,
najboljših praksah, trikih ter skrivnostih določene platforme.
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
The ABC of D: Social Media in Music /
Družbeni mediji in glasba
The Future of Music Media /
Prihodnost glasbenih medijev
Thursday / Četrtek, 4 Feb, 14:00 @ M Hotel 2
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 11:00 @ Komuna
speaker / predava: Andrew Apanov (Dotted
Music, US)
HOST / VODI: Izak Košir (journalist / novinar, SI)
SPEAKERS / GOVORCI: Jan Clausen (Factory 92,
DE), Daniel Koch (Intro Magazine, DE), Michael
Luger (They Shoot Music, AT), Lenart J. Kučić
(Delo, SI)
You are likely to agree: there are too many social media platforms available for musicians,
and there is too little time to manage even
a few, let alone all of them. What social networks are worth focusing on in 2016? Which
tools to use to spend as little time as possible
on managing your social media world? How
to combine different social media platforms
and what should be the interaction between
them? What is too much and what is not enough? Andrew Apanov will run through the key
social media platforms that every artist needs
these days – from Facebook and Twitter to
SoundCloud and Patreon – and explain exactly how each of them is applied to the world of
music. By the end you will know exactly where
to invest your time and energy.
Verjetno se boste strinjali: na voljo je vse preveč družbenih medijev za glasbenike, časa za
upravljanje z nekaterimi od njih, kaj šele vsemi, pa je daleč premalo. Na katera družbena
omrežja se velja osredotočiti v letu 2016? S
katerimi orodji se jih lotiti, da boste z njihovim upravljanjem izgubili čim manj časa? Kako
kombinirati različne družbene medije in kakšna naj bo njihova medsebojna interakcija?
Kaj je preveč in kaj ni dovolj? Andrew Apanov bo šel skozi ključne družbene medije, ki
jih glasbenik te dni potrebuje – od Facebooka
in Twitterja do SoundClouda in Patreona – ter
pojasnil, kako točno vsakega od njih uporablja
glasbeni svet. Po koncu predstavitve boste
točno vedeli, kam vložiti svoj čas in energijo.
Digitalisation has turned the music media
sphere upside down – and keeps turning it to
this day (anyone remember Myspace?). Let's
question the future of music media and see
where radio, web/printed magazines, blogs,
music journalists, live sessions, new media
formats and platforms are heading. Which
media will new generations turn to in the future?
Digitalizacija je glasbene medije obrnila na
glavo – in jih že kar nekaj časa še naprej prevrača (se še kdo spomni Myspacea?) Preprašajmo prihodnost glasbenih medijev in poglejmo, v katero smer grejo radio, spletne/tiskane
revije, blogi, glasbeni novinarji, live sešni, nove
medijske oblike in platforme. H katerim medijem se bodo nove generacije obračale v prihodnje?
MENT 2016
Keynote Interview /
Osrednji Intervju:
Martin Elbourne
(Glastonbury Festival)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 12:45 @ Katedrala
MODERATOR: Dijana Lakuš (MusicGlue, UK/HR)
SPEAKER / GOST: Martin Elbourne (Glastonbury
Festival, UK)
Dijana Lakuš will interview Martin Elbourne,
whose career spans an impressive 35 years in
the music industry (primarily live music). Let's
hear his experiences from when he was the
agent for The Smiths and New Order and co-founding WOMAD festival with Peter Gabriel,
all the way to working with the Glastonbury
festival, co-founding The Great Escape festival
in Brighton, and everything in between. Get
ready for some spicy "backstage" stories!
Dijana Lakuš bo preizprašala Martina Elbourna, čigar kariera šteje impresivnih 35 let v
glasbeni industriji (predvsem koncertni). Prisluhnimo njegovim izkušnjam iz časov, ko je
zastopal zasedbi The Smiths in New Order ter
s Petrom Gabrielom soustanovil festival WOMAD, pa vse do njegovega sodelovanja s festivalom Glastonbury in soustanovitve festivala
The Great Escape v Brightonu ter vsega vmes.
Pripravite se na pikantne zgodbe iz zaodrja!
MENT 2016
Talk / Predstavitev:
Bastl Instruments
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 15:00 @ Katedrala
Bastl Instruments is a dynamic and community driven company focused on producing
hand-made electronic musical instruments.
The products they make mainly spring from
their needs they have as musicians and range from tabletop instruments and utilities to
modules for eurorack modular systems. They
are based in Brno, Czech Republic where they
also run a small shop called It
all started in 2011 as Standuino and transformed into Bastl in 2013. MENT (with Ljudmila) will hold a 2-day workshop which will end
with a little performance on Friday night.
Bastl Instruments je dinamično in skupnostno
orientirano podjetje, ki se osredotoča na produkcijo ročno izdelanih elektronskih glasbenih
inštrumentov. Njihovi izdelki vznikajo predvsem iz potreb, ki jih imajo kot glasbeniki ter
vključujejo vse od namiznih instrumentov in
pripomočkov do modulov za eurorack modularne sisteme. Skupnost Bastl Instruments
sestavljajo glasbeniki, hekerji, umetniki, izumitelji, oblikovalci, didžeji in inženirji, ki gojijo
strast do oblikovanj inovativnih zvočnih okolij
in družbenih situacij. Njihovi instrumenti zvenijo edinstveno, so DIY in prilagodljivi ter tako
gonilci družbenih interakcij na spletu in v živo.
Delujejo v Brnu na Češkem. V okviru MENT-a (v
sodelovanju z Ljudmilo) se bo odvila tudi dvodnevna delavnica, ki se bo zaključila z nastopom v petek zvečer.
MENT 2016
workshop: Bastl InstruMENTs: Trinity
Two day workshop of building and hacking the Trinity synth with Bastl Instruments! /
Dvodnevna delavnica izdelovanja in hekanja univerzalnega sintiča in modularnega
grooveboxa Trinity z Bastl Instruments!
DATE / DATUM: Thursday and Friday, 4 and 5 February // 4 – 8 pm
MENTORS / MENTORJI: Bastl Instruments (Václav Peloušek, Ondřej Merta and Peter Edwards)
LOCATION / LOKACIJA: Vodnikova domačija, Vodnikova cesta 65, 1000 Ljubljana
Application is necessary - check / Prijave so nujne - preverite
Trinity is a universal musical instrument and original sounding modular groovebox. It can
function as any type of digital synthesizer, sequencer, controller, arpeggiator or almost
anything that can be programmed into a micro-controller. Trinity is designed to be connected and combined with other Trinities of different functions in a chain, so that you can create
your own music making environment. The first day of the workshop is focused on building
and learning the Trinity synthesizer, while the second day is focused on hacking the instruments with possibility of attaching sensors or coding entirely new firmware. The building
process will be guided by explaining the basics of electronics and soldering. Because the Trinity can be re- -programmed every participant will learn how to upload different kinds of firmwares and understand their software architecture which is a gate into hacking the synthesizer. The Trinity synthesizer is Arduino compatible and all hacking can be further expanded
by the users by the powerful open-source online knowledge base. The Trinity can be used
as drum machine - drone synth - polyphonic synth voice or noisy fm synth. The Trinity can
natively speak MIDI and with side connectors the different Trinity Instruments can be easily
connected and synchronized.
Trinity je univerzalno glasbilo in izvirno zveneč modularni groovebox, saj lahko deluje kot ritem mašina, drone ali noizerski fm sintetizator in polifonični sintetizator glasu. Delavnica se
bo prvi dan osredotočala na sestavljanje in učenje uporabe Trinity sintetizatorja zvoka, drugi
dan pa bo namenjen hekanju zgrajenih sintov, ki jim je možno dodajati senzorje ali pa zanje skodirati povsem novo strojno programsko opremo. Da bo proces sestavljanja instrumenta lažji, bodo podrobno razložene osnove elektronike in spajkanja. Ker je vsak Trinity lahko
preprogramiran, se bo vsak udeleženec naučil, kako nanj naložiti različno strojno programsko opremo ter razumeti njegovo programsko arhitekturo, ki je vhod za samo hekanje sintetizatorja. Trinity je kompatibilen z Arduinom, močna spletna open source baza znanja pa
uporabnikom omogoča še številne možnosti nadaljnjega hekanja. Trinity lahko uporabljamo
kot ritem mašino, drone sintetizator, polifonični sintetizator glasu ali noizerski fm sintetizator.
Materni jezik Trinity-ja je MIDI, z različnimi stranskimi konektorji pa lahko raznorodne Trinity
inštrumente povezujemo med seboj in jih sinhroniziramo. Delavnici bo sledil skupinski nastop
udeležencev delavnice.
Production / Produkcija: Ljudmila, Art and Science Laboratroy, Projekt Atol Institute, Kino
Šiška, in collaboration with Vodnikova domačija. With support from Ministry of Culture and
Municipality of Ljubljana, Department for Culture.
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
Keynote Interview / Osrednji Intervju:
Jeff Owens (Ghostly International)
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 16:00 @ Katedrala
MODERATOR: Relja Bobić (Dis-Patch, RS)
SPEAKER / GOST: Jeff Owens (Ghostly International, US)
Independent record labels that have endured the rapidly changing landscape of the music industry in the last 15 years are much more than
mere music publishers. They have become globally recognizable platforms for showcasing the best music, visual arts and creative innovation in terms of connecting to new audiences and following the digital
business trail. Ghostly International is exactly that - a multi-platform
cultural curator, tightly knit aesthetic universe fulfilling the roles of art
gallery, design house, clothing designer, technology innovator, music-publishing company and - yes, a record label. Jeff Owens has been
with the company for about 11 years, and is currently director of the
Ghostly International and Spectral Sound labels. In conversation with
Relja Bobić he will reveal some of their creative and business strategies and reflect on the ever-changing state of the independent music
industry. Good, quality music is just the foundation for building a great
record label. Jeff will reveal all of the other ingredients.
Neodvisne glasbene založbe, ki so preživele v hitro spreminjajoči se
krajini glasbene industrije v zadnjih 15 letih, so mnogo več kot le izdajateljice glasbe. Postale so globalno prepoznavne platforme za predstavitev najboljše glasbe, vizualne umetnosti in kreativne inovacije
novim občinstvom ter za sledenje digitalnemu poslovanju. Ghostly International je točno to – kulturni kustos na več platformah, tesno povezan estetični univerzum, ki izpolnjuje vloge umetniške galerije, dizajnerske hiše, oblikovalca oblačil, tehnološkega inovatorja, izdajatelja
glasbe in – da, glasbene založbe. Jeff Owens je tam zaposlen že okoli 11 let, trenutno kot direktor založb Ghostly International in Spectral
Sound. V pogovoru z Reljo Bobićem bo razkril nekaj svojih kreativnih
in poslovnih strategij ter razpravljal o vedno spreminjajočem se stanju
neodvisne glasbene industrije. Dobra, kvalitetna glasba je le temelj za
grajenje izvrstne založbe. Jeff bo razkril še vse ostale sestavine.
Introducing Belarus /
Belorusija iz prve roke
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 11:30 @ M Hotel
HOST / VODI: John Robb (Louder Than War, UK)
SPEAKERS / GOVORCI: Dmitri Bezkorovainyi
(, BY), Natallia Kunitskaya (Mustelide
- artist, BY)
Belarus is a country of almost 10 million people, a thriving music scene and growing
presence on the European showcase festival circuit. It is next door to Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, Russia and Ukraine, which makes it
a market you cannot afford miss, should you
go on tour to the Baltic countries or Russia.
In honour of the premiere performances of
two Belarus artists at MENT Ljubljana, we invite everyone to learn more about Belarus and
its music scene. Meet Dmitri Bezkorovainyi
( journalist and promotion manager) and Natallia Kunitskaya (Mustelide).
Belorusija je država s skoraj 10 milijoni prebivalcev, cvetočo glasbeno sceno in rastočo
prisotnostjo na evropskih showcase festivalih. Leži poleg Latvije, Litve, Poljske, Rusije in
Ukrajine, zaradi česar je trg, ki ga ne smete
zgrešiti, če se odpravljate na turnejo po baltiških državah ali Rusiji. V čast prvih nastopov
beloruskih izvajalcev na MENT-u ste vabljeni,
da izveste več o Belorusiji in njeni glasbeni
sceni. Spoznajte Dmitrija Bezkorovajnija (novinar in vodja promocije) in Natallijo
Kunitskajo (Mustelide)!
MENT 2016
Agent’s Panel - The Art of
Band Picking / Agenti - Umetnost
izbiranja bendov
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 14:00 @ M Hotel
HOST / VODI: Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt (IMMF, UK)
SPEAKERS / GOVORCI: Bob Van Heur (Belmont
Bookings, Le Guess Who? Festival, NL), Steven
Thomassen (Toutpartout, BE), Anita Richelli
(Paper And Iron Booking, DE), Mirna Zarić
(Charmenko, TR)
Young artists often dream of playing at popular festivals and legendary venues, and a
good booking agent should be the person to
make their dreams come true. However, the
reality is that agents often strive to work with
established and popular artists. It is therefore interesting to find out how agents find and
choose the artists they work with; how much
room is there for upcoming bands, especially if they come from smaller, less established and more difficult markets? What are the
agents' expectations, plans and strategies for
young artists? Are booking agents also the labels’ A&R people? Let's dive into the agents'
mindset and understand their perspective!
Mladi glasbeniki pogosto sanjajo o nastopih
na popularnih festivalih in legendarnih prizoriščih, dober booking agent pa naj bi bil tisti, ki
jim te sanje uresniči. A v resničnosti si agenti
običajno prizadevajo sodelovati z že uveljavljenimi in priljubljenimi izvajalci. Zato je zanimivo slišati, kako agenti najdejo in izberejo
glasbenike, s katerimi delajo – koliko prostora je za vzhajajoče bende, še posebej tiste z
manjših, manj uveljavljenih in težavnejših trgov? Kakšna so pričakovanja, načrti in strategije agentov za mlade glasbenike? So booking
agenti prevzeli vlogo iskalcev talentov za založbe? Poglobimo se v miselnost agentov in
poskušajmo razumeti njihov vidik!
MENT 2016
MENT 2016
Ex-YU Express /
Ekspresno iz ex-Yu
Presentation / Predstavitev:
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 15:00 @ M Hotel 2
Friday / Petek, 5 Feb, 17:00
@ Kino Šiška - hall - UP / zgoraj
HOST / VODI: Maja Valjak Nagy (Menart, HR)
SPEAKERS / GOVORCI: Bogdan Benigar (Cankarjev
dom, SI), Login Kočiški (Password, MK), Dijana
Lakuš (MusicGlue, UK/HR)
It is no secret there are not many instances
of bands, festivals, managers and labels from
former Yugoslavian countries breaking through and gaining recognition on the international stage. Let's hear the main reasons for
this situation, the key deficiencies and what
needs to be done to change it, as well as examine and analyze some of the success stories,
attempting to define long-term strategies for
more frequent international success stories.
Ni skrivnost, da ni veliko bendov, festivalov,
menedžerjev in založb iz držav nekdanje Jugoslavije, ki jim je uspel preboj na mednarodnem nivoju. Poglejmo glavne razloge za takšno stanje, poglavitne pomanjkljivosti in kaj
je potrebno spremeniti, ter preglejmo in analizirajmo nekatere od uspešnih primerov in poskušajmo oblikovati dolgoročne strategije za
pogostejše zgodbe mednarodnega uspeha.
Stereosun is a tool for DJing and live performance for producers, developed by a small
team of Slovenian music and UX enthusiasts.
Instead of using faders, knobs and buttons,
you control your tracks by moving them around in space. It is not just another controller,
but unique software that is designed specifically for touchscreen technology. It is currently available for the iPad and packed with
standard sound controls and other exciting features. Check it out live at MENT!
Stereosun je orodje za vrtenje glasbe in t.i.
“live performance” za producente, ki ga razvija majhna ekipa slovenskih glasbenih in UX
entuziastov. Namesto z drsniki in gumbi zvoke
nadzoruješ tako, da jih premikaš po prostoru.
Stereosun težko umestimo v razred klasičnih
kontrolerjev prav zaradi vmesnika, ki je na
specifičen način prilagojen zaslonom na dotik. Trenutno je Stereosun na voljo za iPad in
vsebuje vse standardne kontrole zvoka ter cel
kup dodatnih funkcij, ki so privzeto vključene
v aplikacijo. Preverite jo v živo na MENT-u!
Andrew Apanov (Dotted Music, US)
François Audigier (Europavox, FR)
Andrew Apanov, the “Musician’s
Web Keeper”, is the founder of
Dotted Music, a music industry
blog and digital marketing agency
for music brands. He's also the
creator of a training and community
platform for artists called WeSpin.
Andrew has been in the music
business for over a decade, as an
Editor-in-chief of Ultimate-Guitar.
com, live events promoter, drum &
bass DJ, consultant, blogger and
speaker. He is also a host of the
weekly WeSpin Recipes podcast.
François Audigier is the lead European booker at Europavox Festival,
which celebrated its 10th edition
last year. Europavox Festival is a
global project entirely dedicated to
the promotion of European musical
diversity. Since its creation, the
festival has welcomed 360 bands
and artists, 120.000 festivalgoers
and more than 2.500 professionals.
Its ambition is to talk about Europe
in a positive way, with a human
approach, and to prove that "unity
in diversity" can apply to young
Europeans in creative fields such as
music. Since 2006, Europavox has
become one of the key actors in the
European popular music business,
thanks to diversified actions.
Andrew Apanov, "skrbnik interneta
za glasbenike", je ustanovitelj bloga
o glasbeni industriji in digitalne
marketinške agencije za glasbene
blagovne znamke Dotted Music.
Poleg tega je tudi zasnoval platform
za urjenje in grajenje skupnosti
glasbenih izvajalcev WeSpin. V
glasbenem poslu je že več kot
desetletje, med drugim kot glavni
urednik spletne strani, organizator koncertov,
drum & bass DJ, bloger in govorec.
Je tudi en od voditeljev tedenskega podkasta WeSpin Recipes.
François Audigier je glavni evropski
booker festivala Europavox, ki je lani
praznoval svojo deseto obletnico.
Europavox je globalen projekt,
posvečen promociji evropske
glasbene raznolikosti. Od nastanka
je dobrodošlico izrekel že 360 izvajalcem, 120.000 obiskovalcem in več
kot 2.500 delegatom. Njegov cilj je
govoriti o Evropi na pozitiven način,
s človeškim pristopom, in dokazati,
da lahko "enotnost v raznolikosti"
velja tudi za mlade Evropejce na kreativnih področjih, kot je glasba. Od
leta 2006 je Europavox zahvaljujoč
raznolikim dejavnostim en ključnih
akterjev evropske popularne glasbe.
MENT 2016
Jake Beaumont-Nesbitt
(International Music
Managers Forum, UK)
Jake manages composer Peter
Gregson and advises a number
of artists on rights management
and career development. He is the
policy advisor to the International
Music Managers Forum (IMMF), an
organisation that brings together
artist representative associations
from 30 countries. It represents
managers and the artists they work
with to establish better trading
conditions for creators through
networking, sharing and discussions.
Jake je menedžer skladatelja
Petra Gregsona in svetuje številnim
glasbenikom glede upravljanja s
pravicami in razvoja kariere. Je tudi
svetovalec za oblikovanje politike
pri Mednarodnem forumu glasbenih
menedžerjev (International Music
Managers Forum – IMMF), organizaciji, ki združuje zveze glasbenih menedžerjev iz 30 držav. IMMF zastopa
menedžerje in njihove varovance
z namenom vzpostavitve boljših
trgovskih razmer za ustvarjalce prek
mreženja, izmenjave in razprav.
Bogdan Benigar (Cankarjev dom, SI)
Dmitri Bezkorovainyi (Experty, BY)
Music editor at Radio Student from
1991-92. Co-founder of the Druga
Godba organisation, he has been
working with the Druga Godba
festival since 1992. In 1995 joined the
European Forum of Worldwide Music
Festivals (EFWMF). Attended all
Womex (World Music Expo) editions,
in 2006 as a member of its jury. Currently employed by Cankarjev dom
as director for jazz & world music,
including Jazz Festival Ljubljana. In
2008 joined the Europe Jazz Network (EJN). In 2008 co-organised
the Slovenian Music Festival in
New York. In 2011 co-founded the
Ljubljana Jazz Series with Pedro
Costa (Clean Feed). Jury member
of Jazzahead in 2013 and 2016.
Founder of the independent website – the biggest source
on Belarusian albums with ratings,
reviews and free full album streaming. Music consultant for various live
events, helping bring artists from
neighbouring countries to Belarus.
Promotion manager, working with
a variety of projects from local top
artists and festivals to international ones, from indie/alternative
club events to big arenas. As of
2013, working on the international
promotion of Belarusian music.
Representative of Vilnius Music
Week, Tallinn Music Week, Music
& Media, Moscow Music Week and
MENT Ljubljana festivals in Belarus.
Glasbeni urednik na Radiu Študent v
v letih 1991-1992. Soustanovitelj organizacije Druga Godba, s festivalom
Druga Godba sodeluje od leta 1992.
Leta 1995 se je pridružil Evropskemu
forumu festivalov glasb sveta (European Forum of Worldwide Music Festivals – EFWMF). Udeležil se je vseh
izdaj Womexa (World Music Expo),
leta 2006 kot član žirije. Trenutno je
zaposlen v Cankarjevem domu kot
vodja programa jazza in glasb sveta,
vključno z Jazz festivalom Ljubljana.
Leta 2008 se je pridružil evropski
jazz mreži (European Jazz Network
– EJN). Leta 2008 je soorganiziral
festival slovenske glasbe Slovenian
Music Festival v New Yorku. Leta
2011 je s Pedrom Costo (Clean
Feed) soustanovil založbo Ljubljana
Jazz Series. Član žirije festival
Jazzahead v letih 2013 in 2016.
Ustanovitelj neodvisne spletne
strani – največje zbirke
beloruskih albumov z ocenami,
recenzijami in brezplačnim predvajanjem plošč. Glasbeni svetovalec za
različne dogodke, pomaga pripeljati
glasbenike iz sosednjih držav v Belorusijo. Promotor, ki sodeluje z
različnimi projekti, od lokalnih do
mednarodnih vrhunskih izvajalcev
in festivalov, od indie/alternativnih
klubskih dogodkov do velikih aren.
Od 2013 se ukvarja z mednarodno promocijo beloruske glasbe.
Predstavnik festivalov Tallinn Music
Week, Music & Media, Moscow Music
Week in MENT Ljubljana v Belorusiji.
MENT 2016
Andy Bibey (One Little
Indian Records, UK)
Andy spent around 3 years on the
road across the UK & Europe as a
tour manager in his early 20’s, living
the rock and roll dream (in a beaten
up old LDV van). After many a late
night and hard floor, Andy joined the
team at One Little Indian Records
in 2011. He has been in charge of
the International department at the
label for the last 3 years, handling
campaigns globally for Björk, Asgeir,
Cody ChesnuTT, The Computers,
Samaris & Sinead O’ Connor.
Andy je v svojih zgodnjih dvajsetih
kot vodja turneje približno tri leta
preživel na cestah po Veliki Britaniji
in Evropi, živeč rokenrol sanje (v
razpadajočem starem kombiju
LDV). Po mnogih poznih nočeh in
trdih tleh se je leta 2011 pridružil
ekipi založbe One Little Indian.
Zadnja tri leta vodi mednarodni
oddelek s svetovnimi kampanjami
za izvajalce, kot so Björk, Asgeir,
Cody ChesnuTT, The Computers,
Samaris & Sinead O’ Connor.
Relja Bobić (Dis-patch, RS)
Independent curator, producer,
music promoter, radio DJ and author,
occasional musician, translator and
journalist. He was the initiator and
artistic director of the Dis-patch
festival of cutting-edge music and
related arts from 2002–2010, and
continues to be active as the Creative Director of Dis-patch Collective
(formerly Belgradeyard Sound
System). Since 1999, he has authored
and contributed to numerous
projects in Serbia, the region and
broader – in the fields of contemporary music and art education,
radio, new media, contemporary
visual culture and beyond. He has
participated in many festivals and
conferences in the region and across
Europe, USA and Canada as a guest
curator, lecturer, performer, panellist or member of the organizing
team. Since 2012 he is also active
as Program Manager at Design
incubator Nova Iskra in Belgrade.
Neodvisni kurator, producent, glasbeni organizator, radijski DJ in avtor
oddaj, občasni glasbenik, prevajalec
in novinar. Bil je ustanovitelj in v letih
2002–2010 umetniški vodja festivala
Dis-patch, namenjenega najsodobnejši glasbi in sorodnim umetnostim,
ter ostaja kreativni vodja kolektiva
Dis-patch (prej Belgradeyard Sound
System). Od leta 1999 je zasnoval
ali sodeloval pri številnih projektih
v Srbiji, regiji in širše – s področij
sodobne glasbe in umetnostne
vzgoje, radia, novih medijev,
sodobne vizualne umetnosti ipd.
Kot kurator, predavatelj, performer,
razpravljavec ali član organizacijske
ekipe sodeluje pri številnih festivalih
in konferencah v regiji, pa tudi
širše v Evropi, ZDA in Kanadi. Od
leta 2012 je aktiven tudi kot vodja
programa v beograjskem oblikovalskem inkubatorju Nova Iskra.
András Bozán Bodrogi
(Google Ground Budapest, HU)
András is a digital music consultant, certified YouTube expert and
Google Regional Trainer. He worked
in various fields of the Hungarian music industry (EMI Hungary,
Music Export Hungary, WM Music
Distribution ...) as a new business
and marketing manager, gained
expertise in digital music and helped
many labels and artists in this
challenging era of music content
creation and performance. Currently
he is an expert trainer partner of
Google Hungary, helping local
YouTube partners, agencies, brands
and content creators reach their
goals with audio-visual content.
András je svetovalec za digitalno glasbo, certificiran YouTube
strokovnjak in regijski učitelj pri
Googlu. Delal je na raznih področjih
madžarske glasbene industrije (EMI
Hungary, Music Export Hungary,
WM Music Distribution ...) kot
vodja novih poslov in marketinga,
pridobil izkušnje s področja digitalne
glasbe in številnim založbam ter
izvajalcem pomagal v tej zahtevni
dobi ustvarjanja glasbenih vsebin
in nastopanja. Trenutno je strokovni
učitelj pri madžarski podružnici Googla, kjer pomaga lokalnim YouTube
partnerjem, agencijam, znamkam
in ustvarjalcem vsebin doseči cilje z
avdiovizualnimi vsebinami.
MENT 2016
Jan Clausen (Factory 92, DE)
Scott Cohen (The Orchard, UK)
Sanjin Đukić (LAA, HR)
Jan is a managing partner and
co-founder of FACTORY 92, a
Hamburg-based agency that offers
PR, marketing, consulting and
management services, targeted
towards the international music
industry. FACTORY 92 sees itself as
a truly European company, working for European festivals such as
Roskilde or Sziget, bands such as
Kraftwerk, Massive Attack etc., and
for labels such as Secretly Canadian,
Sub Pop, Grönland and Morr Music.
Scott Cohen is the co-founder
of digital distribution pioneer
The Orchard. The Orchard is the
largest digital distributor in the
world with offices in more than 25
countries. As a well-recognized
public speaker and lecturer, Scott
travels the world evangelizing new
business models for the digital age.
Scott’s music career started in
the late 80’s in independent and
major label artist management.
In addition to his responsibilities
at The Orchard, he manages the
Raveonettes, the Dum Dum Girls,
Dan Owen and Fallulah. He is a human rights activist and strict vegan.
Has been in the business since 1996.
Started as a member of the marketing department at EMI’s Croatian
licensee, Dallas Records (19962010). Founder of Pozitivan koncert
and Mars Festival. Former PR of
Hartera Festival, Culture Club Revelin
Dubrovnik and MTV Hrvatska. Head
of marketing and promotion at Los
Angeles Agency (LAA) since 2013,
also the leader of Exit Festival’s
Croatian team and PR of Zagreb Calling. LAA is a Zagreb-based agency,
mainly focused on music and TV,
promoting, booking and managing
regional and international artists.
LAA is also the official agency of Culture Factory Zagreb, AXN Adria (regionally) and Exit Festival (Croatia).
Jan je upravni družbenik in soustanovitelj hamburške agencije
FACTOY 92, ki mednarodni glasbeni
industriji nudi PR, trženje, svetovanje
in menedžment. FACTORY 92 se
vidi kot resnično evropsko podjetje,
ki dela za evropske festivale, kot
sta Roskilde in Sziget, bende, kot
sta Kraftwerk in Massive Attack, ter
založbe, kot so Secretly Canadian,
Sub Pop, Grönland in Morr Music.
Scott Cohen je soustanovitelj pionirja
digitalne distribucije The Orchard,
največjega svetovnega digitalnega
distributerja s pisarnami v več kot
25 državah. Kot uveljavljen govorec
in predavatelj potuje po svetu ter
širi dober glas o novih poslovnih
modelih za digitalno dobo. Njegova
glasbene kariera se je začela v
poznih osemdesetih z menedžmentom glasbenikov neodvisnih
in velikih založb. Poleg njegovih
zadolžitev pri The Orchard je še
menedžer izvajalcev The Raveonettes, Dum Dum Girls, Dan Owen
in Fallulah. Scott je tudi aktivist za
človekove pravice in strog vegan.
V poslu od leta 1996. Začel je kot
član marketinškega oddelka pri hrvaškem imetniku licence EMI, Dallas
Records (1996-2010). Ustanovil
Pozitivan koncert in Mars festival.
Nekdanji piarovec pri festivalu
Hartera, klubu Culture Club Revelin
Dubrovnik in kanalu MTV Hrvatska.
Vodja marketinga in promocije pri
agenciji Los Angeles Agency (LAA)
od 2013 in vodja hrvaške ekipe
festivala Exit ter piarovec festivala
Zagreb Calling. LAA je zagrebška
agencija, ki se osredotoča predvsem
na glasbo in TV, promocijo, booking
in menedžment regionalnih ter mednarodnih glasbenikov. LAA je tudi
uradna agencija zagrebške Tvornice
kulture, kanala AXN Adria (regionalno) in festivala Exit (Hrvaška).
MENT 2016
Tony Duckworth ([PIAS] Poland
and Eastern Europe, PL)
Tatjana Domany (Austrian
Music Export, AT)
Chris Eckman (Glitterbeat
Records, US/SI)
Tony Duckworth has over 30 years
of experience in the music industry
across a number of roles, having
worked in the UK in sales, marketing
and general manager roles for distribution companies, a major label and
a digital aggregator. Made the move
to Poland eleven years ago, setting
up his own sales, marketing, PR and
distribution company, which eventually merged with the largest independent distributor in Poland. Now
the General Manager of the Warsawbased [PIAS] Poland and Eastern
Europe office, overseeing operations
in Poland, Czech, Hungary, Estonia,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Serbia, Croatia and Romania.
As of 2011, Tatjana is responsible
for export activities at the Austrian
Music Fund/Austrian Music Export.
Her tasks include supporting Austrian artists and record companies in
the implementation of international
tours and releases, as well as the
promotion and funding of international showcases. Since 2008 she has
worked for Viennese electronic music label G-Stone Recordings (Kruder
& Dorfmeister, Tosca, Rodney Hunter
...) and as a freelancer in music and
culture marketing for local record
labels, promoters and organisations.
Chris Eckman has a long history
both as a musician (The Walkabouts,
Dirtmusic) and record producer
(Tamikrest, Bassekou Kouyate &
Ngoni Ba, Bambi Molesters). In 2013,
he co-founded the label Glitterbeat
Records, which is based in both
Germany and Ljubljana. Glitterbeat specializes in "vibrant global
sounds" and promotes artists that
are both culturally committed and
resolutely contemporary. These
artists come from West and North
Africa, Europe, Asia, Mexico and
South America. In both 2014 and
2015 Glitterbeat won the prestigious "Best Label" award at the
global music conference WOMEX.
Tony Duckworth ima več kot 30 let
izkušenj v glasbeni industriji, saj je
v VB delal v prodajnih, trženjskih
in vodstvenih vlogah pri distributerjih, veliki založbi ter digitalnem
agregatorju. Na Poljsko se je preselil
pred enajstimi leti in tam ustanovil
svoje lastno podjetje za prodajo,
marketing, PR in distribucijo, ki se je
sčasoma združilo z največjim neodvisnim distributerjem na Poljskem.
Zdaj kot generalni direktor varšavskega urada [PIAS] Poland and
Eastern Europe nadzoruje poslovanje
na Poljskem, Češkem, Madžarskem,
Slovaškem, v Estoniji, Sloveniji, Latviji, Litvi, Srbiji, Hrvaški in Romuniji.
Od leta 2011 je Tatjana zadolžena
za izvozne dejavnosti pri avstrijskem skladu Austrian Music Fund/
Austrian Music Export. Njene naloge
vključujejo podporo avstrijskim
izvajalcem in založbam pri realizaciji mednarodnih turnej in izdaj, ter
promocijo in financiranje mednarodnih showcasov. Od leta 2008 dela
za dunajsko elektronsko založbo
G-Stone Recordings (Kruder &
Dorfmeister, Tosca, Rodney Hunter
...) ter pogodbeno v glasbenem in
kulturnem trženju pri lokalnih založbah, promotorjih in organizacijah.
Chris Eckman ima dolgo zgodovino
kot glasbenik (The Walkabouts,
Dirtmusic) in tudi kot producent
plošč (Tamikrest, Bassekou Kouyate
& Ngoni Ba, Bambi Molesters). Leta
2013 je soustanovil nemško-slovensko založbo Glitterbeat Records, ki
se specializira za "živahne globalne
zvoke" in promocijo izvajalcev,
ki so kulturno predani in odločno
sodobni. Ti glasbeniki prihajajo iz
zahodne in severne Afrike, Evrope,
Azije, Mehike in Južne Amerike.
V letih 2014 in 2015 je založba
Glitterbeat na konferenci globalne
glasbe WOMEX prejela prestižno
nagrado za najboljšo založbo.
MENT 2016
Martin Elbourne (Glastonbury, UK)
Martin Elbourne first started
promoting bands in the late seventies while at Bristol University. He
founded the Bristol Recorder (label
magazine). In 1982 he co-promoted
the first WOMAD festival with
Peter Gabriel. In 1983 he moved
to London, worked for the Rough
Trade booking agency, looking after
acts including The Smiths and New
Order, and began his long involvement with the Glastonbury festival.
During the nineties he managed
bands, continued working with New
Order and increased his Glastonbury involvement to become the
main booker. In the last decade, his
focus has been on festivals, events
and conventions, for example, cofounding The Great Escape festival.
Martin Elbourne je z organizacijo
koncertov začel v poznih sedemdesetih, ko je obiskoval univerzo
v Bristolu. Ustanovil je založbeno
revijo Bristol Recorder. Leta 1982 je s
Petrom Gabrielom so-organiziral prvi
festival WOMAD. Leto kasneje se je
preselil v London, delal pri booking
agenciji Rough Trade, kjer je skrbel
za bende, kot sta The Smiths in New
Order, ter začel svoje dolgotrajno
sodelovanje s festivalom Glastonbury. V devetdesetih je bil menedžer
bendov, nadaljeval delo z New Order
in povečal svoje sodelovanje z Glastonburyjem do te mere, da je postal
glavni booker. V zadnjem desetletju
se je osredotočil na festival, dogodke
in konference, med drugim je soustanovil festival The Great Escape.
Richard Foster (The
Quietus, WORM, NL)
Michał Hajduk (Adam
Mickiewicz Institute, PL)
Richard Foster is a music journalist, label owner and artist. Between
2005 and 2015 he was editor-inchief of Incendiary magazine. He
writes regularly for The Quietus,
Louder than War, Vice (Noisey),
True Faith, Luifabriek and Sounds
XP. As well as his journalist work, he
works at WORM Rotterdam, is the
co-founder of the Dutch "existentialist nonsense" label Smikkelbaard,
and runs the AA club nights in
Leiden. He is currently researching the Dutch post-punk and punk
movements, and his research will
be published in the course of 2016.
An alternative and jazz music
expert, Michał Hajduk created and
developed a strategy for the
alternative music sector, and coorganized a number of events and
conferences in Poland and around
the world. He is actively working on
introducing an international cultural
exchange. In various fields in the
music business, Michał plays an
important role as both an event and
concert organizer, under the label
“Don`t Panic We're From Poland”,
for world leading showcases and
conferences such as SXSW, CMJ, Culture Collide, The Great Escape, Liverpool Sound City, Reeperbahn Festival, C/O Pop, Eurosonic Noorderslag,
Primavera Pro, Waves Vienna, Tallinn
Music Week, Berlin Music Week,
Jazzahead, WOMEX, Zandari Festa.
Richard Foster je glasbeni novinar,
založnik in izvajalec. Med letoma
2005 in 2015 je bil glavni urednik
revije Incendiary. Redno piše za
The Quietus, Louder than War, Vice
(Noisey), True Faith, Luifabriek in
Sounds XP. Poleg novinarskega dela
je zaposlen pri neprofitni fundaciji
WORM Rotterdam, je soustanovitelj
nizozemske "eksistencialistično
nesmiselne" založbe Smikkelbaard
in vodi klubske večere AA v Leidnu.
Trenutno raziskuje nizozemska
post-punk in punk gibanja, njegova
raziskava pa bo objavljena letos.
Kot strokovnjak za alternativno
glasbo in jazz je Michał Hajduk zasnoval in razvil strategijo za segment
alternative glasbe ter sodeloval pri
organizaciji številnih dogodkov in
konferenc na Poljskem in drugod
po svetu. Aktivno deluje tudi na
področju spodbujanja mednarodnih
kulturnih izmenjav. Na različnih
področjih glasbene industrije
ima Michał pomembno vlogo kot
organizator dogodkov in koncertov
pod imenom "Don`t Panic We're
From Poland" na ključnih showcase
festivalih in konferencah po svetu,
kot so SXSW, CMJ, Culture Collide,
The Great Escape, Liverpool Sound
City, Reeperbahn Festival, C/O Pop,
Eurosonic Noorderslag, Primavera
Pro, Waves Vienna, Tallinn Music
Week, Berlin Music Week, Jazzahead, WOMEX in Zandari Festa.
MENT 2016
Si Hawkins (journalist
/ novinar, UK)
Si Hawkins began his journalism
career 15 years ago, initially writing
about dance music despite being
an indie kid at heart. He became the
main UK correspondent for the California-based electronica/hip-hop
magazine URB, surreptitiously introducing guitars into their pages, after
which he served as the news editor
for Clash, the London-based music
and fashion bible, for five years. Still
involved with Clash, Si also writes
about bands and beats for Virgin
Music, Culture Collide (USA), several
newspapers, and the occasional
brand and record company. Away
from music, he has written about
football, art, comedy, travel, theatre,
food – you name it – for the BBC,
FourFourTwo, Vice, various in-flight
publications, and, most prestigiously in his mind, the Leyton Orient
Football Club matchday magazine.
Mariusz Herma (beehype, PL)
Nick Hobbs (Charmenko, TR)
Mariusz Herma is the founder of
beehype, a website run by 85+
journalists from around the world
and presenting the best music from
local scenes. Since 2014, beehype
presented over 1300 artists from 120
countries. Mariusz is also a culture
journalist/editor of Polityka, the
leading Polish weekly magazine, and
a music critic for some other publications. He also lectures and blogs.
Nick Hobbs is the owner of Charmenko, Charmworks & Charm Music
Poland, and co-owner of Charm
Music Czechia. He’s a promoter and
a festival and venue talent buyer
who has been specialized in Eastern
Europe and the Middle East since the
early 80’s. The artist agency, Charmworks, has an eclectic roster and
works everywhere in Europe and beyond, especially representing exceptional artists from Eastern Europe,
the Balkans and the Middle East.
Mariusz Herma je ustanovitelj spletne
strani beehype, s katero sodeluje več
kot 85 novinarjev s celega sveta in
ki predstavlja najboljšo glasbo z lokalnih scen. Od leta 2014 je beehype
predstavil več kot 1300 izvajalcev iz
120 držav. Mariusz je tudi kulturni novinar/urednik pri vodilnem poljskem
tedniku Polityka in glasbeni kritik pri
nekaterih drugih publikacijah. Poleg
tega je tudi predavatelj in bloger.
Si Hawkins je svojo novinarsko kariero začel pred 15 leti, sprva s pisanjem
o dance glasbi, čeprav je po srcu
indie mulec. Postal je glavni britanski
dopisnik kalifornijske elektronske/
hip-hop revije URB in v njene strani
skrivoma vpeljal kitare. Zatem je bil
pet let urednik novic za londonsko
glasbeno in modno biblijo Clash, s
katero še vedno sodeluje. Poleg tega
o bendih in beatih piše tudi za Virgin
Music, Culture Collide (ZDA), več časopisov ter občasno tudi za blagovne
znamke in založbe. Pisal je tudi o
nogometu, umetnosti, komediji, potovanju, gledališču, hrani – kar vam
pade na pamet – za BBC, FourFourTwo, Vice, razne letalske revije in, po
njegovem najprestižnejše, za revijo
nogometnega kluba Leyton Orient.
Lastnik istanbulskih agencij Charmenko in Charmworks ter solastnik
agencije Charm Musics Czechia &
Poland Nick Hobbs je organizator
koncertov ter kurator programov
za festivale in koncertna prizorišča, že od zgodnjih osemdesetih
specializiran za Vzhodno Evropo
in Bližnji vzhod. Vodi tudi agencijo
za glasbenike Charmworks, ki ima
eklektičen nabor glasbenih ustvarjalcev in je aktivna po vsej Evropi in
širše, še posebej pa je usmerjena v
zastopanje glasbenikov z Vzhodne
Evrope, Balkana in Bližnjega vzhoda.
MENT 2016
Michal Kaščák (Pohoda Festival, SK)
Daniel Koch (Intro Magazine, DE)
Login Kočiški (Password, MK)
Michal Kaščák, born in 1972, Trenčin,
Slovakia. Musician, promoter. Since
1985 he has been a member of the
band Bez ladu a skladu, where he
writes the music and lyrics, and since
2000 also of the band Neuropa. He
has composed music for various
movie and theatre projects in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. He is
the founder and director of Pohoda
festival. Starting as a local event (8
bands in 1997), it has become the
most prestigious festival in Slovakia,
which annually hosts about 200
bands and DJ’s from more than 20
countries. Apart from music, other
forms of art such as dance, theatre,
movies, photography, literature and
fine arts are heavily represented at
the event every year, which makes
the festival an exceptional artistic
encounter with a broad range.
As of spring 2014, Daniel Koch
is the editor-in-chief of INTRO
Magazine, one of the biggest free
pop culture magazines in Germany,
with a circulation of 120.000 printed
copies. Earlier he was the editor of
FESTIVALGUIDE for three years and
the online editor of the German Rolling Stone for another three years.
He also studied Creative Writing and
Cultural Journalism in Hildesheim,
sold beer at British festivals for
several years, had a small indie
radio show called Popcrawl, and
learned "something decent“ (as his
grandfather would say) as well - he
was a salesman before he decided
to study again and turn his passion
for music and writing into a job.
Promoter, football player, A&R manager, father, event/party organiser,
bambus drinker, label manager,
booking agent, publisher, fan of basketball team Metalski Zavod Tito. He
has been active in the music industry
for the last 20 years. He set up the
record label and artist management
agency Lithium Records, working
with the most renowned Macedonian
artists. When his wife didn’t give
him permission to name his son Password, he re-branded his company
name into Password Production. He
is the founder and director of the
biggest Macedonian music festival
Taksirat, as well as D festival, Pivolend, Green Beach Festival and Aqua
Park Festival. Login has been the
promoter of more than a thousand
local, regional and international
concerts, weddings and funerals,
and has worked as a production
manager, mother or godfather of
the biggest regional festivals.
Michal je rojen leta 1972 v Trenčinu
na Slovaškem. Od leta 1985 je član
zasedbe Bez ladu a skladu, za katero
piše glasbo in besedila, od leta 2000
pa je tudi član zasedbe Neuropa.
Ustvaril je glasbo za številne filmske
in gledališke projekte na Slovaškem
in Češkem. Sicer je ustanovitelj in
direktor festivala Pohoda. Ta je bil
sprva dogodek lokalnega dosega
(8 skupin leta 1997), sčasoma pa
je postal najprestižnejši festival na
Slovaškem, na katerem vsako leto
nastopi preko 200 zasedb in DJ-sjev
iz več kot dvajsetih držav. Poleg
glasbe so na njem močno zastopane
tudi druge vrste umetnosti – ples,
gledališče, film, fotografija, literatura in likovna umetnost, zaradi
česar je Pohoda edinstveno stičišče
umetnosti širokega razpona.
Daniel Koch je od pomladi 2014 glavni urednik revije INTRO, ene največjih
brezplačnih revij o pop kulturi v
Nemčiji, z naklado 120.000 izvodov.
Pred tem je bil tri leta urednik vodiča
FESTIVALGUIDE in spletni urednik
nemškega Rolling Stonea, prav
tako tri leta. Študiral je kreativno
pisanje in kulturno novinarstvo v
Hildesheimu, več let prodajal pivo
na britanskih festivalih, vodil majhno
indie radijsko oddajo Popcrawl in se
izučil tudi "nečesa spodobnega", kot
bi rekel njegov dedek – bil je trgovec,
preden se je ponovno posvetil
študiju in svojo strast do glasbe
ter pisanja spremenil v službo.
Organizator koncertov, nogometaš,
A&R menedžer, oče, organizator
dogodkov, pivec bambusa, vodja
založbe, booking agent, založnik,
navijač košarkarske ekipe Metalski
Zavod Tito. V glasbeni industriji
je Login prisoten že dvajset let.
Ustanovil je diskografsko založbo in
agencijo za glasbeni management
Lithium Records, v okviru katere je
sodeloval z najbolj uveljavljenimi
makedonskimi glasbeniki. Ko mu
žena ni dovolila, da bi sina imenoval
Password, je svoje podjetje preimenoval v Password Production. Je tudi
ustanovitelj in direktor največjega
makedonskega glasbenega festivala
Taksirat, organizira pa tudi festivale
D festival, Pivolend, Green Beach
Festival in Aqua Park Festival.
Login je organiziral več kot tisoč
lokalnih, regionalnih in mednarodnih koncertov, porok in pogrebov.
Kot vodja produkcije na največjih
festivalih v regiji je njihov svojevrstni
boter, mama in tata v enem.
MENT 2016
Izak Košir (journalist / novinar, SI)
Lenart J. Kučić (Delo, SI)
Natallia Kunitskaya (Mustelide, BY)
Izak Košir is a journalist, columnist, musician and music critic. He is
currently working for the weekly
magazine Mladina, is the founder
and editor-in-chief for the digital
newspaper Torek ob petih and hosts
his own podcast called Torpedo. In
the past he hosted a music TV show
at TV Slovenia, was the editor of
culture for several years at Žurnal
newspaper and has participated as
a juror for various music festivals
and competitions. Over the years
he has engaged in many public
debates about the music industry
and has interviewed probably every
important musician that has played
in Slovenia (local and international)
in the last ten years. In 2010 he
released his first album with The
Toronto Drug Bust, where he is the
lead vocalist and main songwriter.
Lenart is a technology and media
correspondent, commentator and
columnist at the biggest Slovenian
national daily, Delo. He also works as
a researcher and an invited lecturer
for several academic institutions.
He finished an MA programme
at Goldsmiths College, London
(with distinction) in Transnational
Communication and Global Media.
During his studies he worked as a
UK correspondent and specialised
in research and IT journalism at the
Guardian newspaper. As a researcher
and a journalist, he follows the trends
in information and communication
technologies (ICT) and analyzes the
changes brought about by the convergence of the communication and
media industries. He is also the author and co-author of several books,
expert articles and studies on the
subjects of media ownership and new
media. He is a member of the council
of the Pod črto institute for investigative journalism and a co-founder of
the Marsowci podcast network.
“The electronic princess of Belarus”,
as Natallia Kunitskaya aka Mustelide
is labelled by the press, is indeed a
special personality in the Eastern
European electro-pop scene. She
released her debut album “Secret”
on the Russian label Soyuz Music
and is gaining recognition in the
West, winning a place as one of the
Top 30 tracks of the San Francisco based SomaFM radio station.
As a producer, songwriter and
singer, handling two synthesizers,
a Groovebox, sampler and vocals
in her solo live performances, she
is firmly in charge of shaping and
directing her artistic vision.
Izak Košir je novinar, kolumnist,
glasbenik in glasbeni kritik. Trenutno
je zaposlen pri tedniku Mladina, je
ustanovitelj in glavni urednik digitalnega časopisa Torek ob petih in vodi
lasten glasbeni podkast Torpedo.
Pred tem je vodil glasbeno oddajo
na TV Slovenija, več let bil kulturni
urednik pri Žurnalu ter kot žirant
sodeloval pri številnih glasbenih
festivalih in tekmovanjih. Čez leta je
prispeval k številnim javnim debatam
o glasbeni industriji in verjetno intervjuval vse pomembne glasbenike
(domače in tuje), ki so v Sloveniji
nastopili v preteklem desetletju.
Leta 2010 je z zasedbo The Toronto
Drug Bust, v kateri je glavni vokalist
in pisec, izdal svojo prvo ploščo.
Lenart je specializirani novinar za
področje tehnologije in medijev,
komentator in kolumnist pri dnevnem časniku Delo. Poleg tega kot
raziskovalec in gostujoči predavatelj
sodeluje s številnimi akademskimi
institucijami. Na Goldsmiths Collegu
v Londonu je (z odliko) dokončal
magistrski program iz transnacionalnih komunikacij in globalnih medijev.
Med študijem je bil dopisnik iz Velike
Britanije, pri časniku Guardian pa je
opravljal specializacijo iz preiskovalnega in IT novinarstva. Kot raziskovalec in novinar spremlja trende
v informacijskih in komunikacijskih
tehnologijah ter analizira spremembe, ki jih povzroča zbliževanje komunikacijskih in medijskih industrij. Je
tudi avtor in soavtor številnih knjig,
strokovnih člankov in študij s področij
lastni- štva medijev in novih medijev.
Je član sveta zavoda za preiskovalno
novinarstvo Pod črto in soustanovitelj mreže podkastov Marsowci.
"Elektronska princesa Belorusije",
kot Natallijo Kunitskayo oz. Mustelide
označujejo mediji, je vsekakor posebnica na vzhodnoevropski elektro-pop sceni. Svoj prvenec "Secret" je
izdala pri ruski založbi Soyuz Music,
hkrati pa pridobiva na prepoznavnosti na Zahodu, saj ima eno od Top 30
skladb sanfranciškega radia SomaFM.
Kot producentka, skladateljica
in pevka v svojem solo nastopu
upravlja z dvema sintesajzerjema,
Grooveboxom, semplerjem in še
poje. Tako res povsem sama oblikuje
in usmerja svojo umetniško vizijo.
MENT 2016
Dijana Lakuš (Music Glue, HR/UK)
Michael Luger (They Shoot Music, AT)
Slobodan Milunović (MetalDays, SI)
Passionate for music, festivals and
events, she has worked as a production manager, project manager,
event manager, booking agent, PR
manager, artist manager, promoter
and tour manager all over Europe.
Currently she lives in London
and, among many other things, is
involved in festival production, from
Glastonbury to Secret Garden Party,
and Music Glue, the leading global
music-to-fan e-commerce platform.
Michael Luger is a filmmaker, video
producer and journalist based in
Vienna, Austria. In 2008 he cofounded the award-winning music
website, which
features live sessions and video portraits of national and international
acts. In 2013 he co-produced and
directed the full-length music documentary "Fuck The Atlantic Ocean"
about the sudden popularity of the
Austrian band Sweet Sweet Moon in
South America. Michael works as a
freelance journalist for the Austrian
newspaper Der Standard and as a
video producer for various clients.
Many people might know Boban as
the owner and promoter of the biggest festival in Slovenia, MetalDays,
where he is in charge of the entire
management and booking of the
festival. But actually he spent his
whole life in the music industry,
from playing in various bands and
being a tour manager, to owning
a recording and mastering studio,
where he handled mastering and
production. Don’t be surprised if you
find his name on the album sleeve of
artists in a wide variety of genres.
Strastno predana glasbi, festivalom
in koncertom je Dijana kot vodja
produkcije, projektna vodja, koordinatorica dogodkov, booking agentka,
PR agentka, menedžerka glasbenikov, organizatorica in vodja turneje
delala že širom Evrope. Trenutno
živi v Londonu, kjer je poleg vsega
ostalega vključena v organizacijo
festivalov, od Glastonburyja do
Secret Garden Party, ter v Music
Glue, vodilno svetovno platformo za
elektronsko poslovanje, ki povezuje
glasbo in glasbenike ter oboževalce.
Michael Luger je dunajski filmar, video producent in novinar. Leta 2008
je soustanovil nagrajeno glasbeno
spletno stran
z živimi sešni in video portreti domačih ter tujih izvajalcev. Leta 2013
je ko-produciral in režiral glasbeni
dokumentarec "Fuck The Atlantic
Ocean" o nenadni priljubljenosti
avstrijske zasedbe Sweet Sweet
Moon v Južni Ameriki. Kot novinar
pogodbeno sodeluje z avstrijskim
časnikom Der Standard, kot video
producent pa z različnimi strankami.
Bobana mnogi najverjetneje poznajo kot lastnika in organizatorja
največjega slovenskega festivala
MetalDays, kjer je odgovoren za
celoten menedžment in booking. A v
glasbeni industriji je že celo življenje,
od igranja v raznih bendih in vodenja
turnej, do ustanovitve studia, v
katerem je skrbel za mastering in
produkcijo. Naj vas ne preseneti,
če njegovo ime zasledite na ovitku
albumov iz široke palete žanrov.
MENT 2016
Dan Panaitescu (Sziget, HU)
Jeff Owens (Ghostly
International, US)
Jeff Owens has been with Ghostly
International for about 11 years – 8
years as label manager and now
director of the label group Ghostly
International and it's sub-label sister,
Spectral Sound. He has worked
out of the company's tri-coastal
offices, which include Ann Arbor
(65 kilometres from Detroit), New
York and currently Los Angeles. He's
handled everything, including press,
radio, digital marketing, A&R, artist
management, budgeting, projecting
management and more. Additionally, Jeff has owned and run his own
record label called felte since 2012.
Jeff Owens je del Ghostly International že okoli 11 let – osem kot
vodja založbe in zdaj kot direktor
založb Ghostly International ter
podzaložbe Spectral Sound. Delal
je v podružnicah založbe na vseh
koncih ZDA – v mestu Ann Arbor (65
kilometrov od Detroita), New Yorku
in sedaj Los Angelesu. Odgovoren
je bil že za vse, vključno z mediji,
radiem, digitalnim marketingom,
A&R, menedžmentom glasbenikov,
financami, projektnim vodenjem
in še in še. Poleg tega od leta 2012
vodi svojo lastno založbo, felte.
Involved with the music business for
more than 20 years. Educated to be
an economist, he turned into a roadie
and later tour manager for Hungarian
artists, touring the countryside and
the cities. Started working for Sziget
festival from almost the launch of
the event. Dan is the booker, taking
care of almost all the international
bookings of the event (with the
exception of the world music artists
and some of the DJs). He is also the
booker of international artists for
Volt Festival, Balaton Sound festival
and Strand festival. When Sziget was
requested to book the international
line-up of Rock’n Coke festival in
Istanbul, this task was also assigned
to Dan, and fulfilled successfully.
V glasbenem poslu že več kot
20 let. Ekonomist po izobrazbi
je postal roadie in kasneje vodja
turneje za madžarske izvajalce ter z
njimi prekrižaril madžarska mesta in
podeželje. Za festival Sziget je začel
delati tako rekoč ob prvem zagonu
dogodka. Kot booker je zadolžen za
skoraj vse mednarodne nastopajoče
na dogodku (z izjemo izvajalcev
svetovne glasbe in nekaterih didžejev). Je tudi booker mednarodnih
glasbenikov za festivale Volt, Balaton
Sound in Strand. Ko je istanbulski
festival Rock'n Coke prosil Sziget za
angažma mednarodnih nastopajočih,
pa je na Danova ramena padla še
ta naloga – izpolnil jo je uspešno.
Anita Richelli (Paper and
Iron Booking, DE)
Anita Richelli is a booking agent
for the Berlin-based Paper & Iron
Booking Co. She also works as
a promoter for shows in Berlin.
She started organizing gigs in her
hometown in high school, organizing summer DIY events in a place
called Casetta Lou Fai. Later she
became part of Interzona, a cultural
association in Verona, where she was
involved as a volunteer and DJ, as
well as responsible for program and
communication. In 2012 she spent
some time at Cultural Centre REX
in Belgrade. She also loves writing,
traveling (which includes tour managing) and learning new languages.
Anita Richelli je agentka za booking
pri berlinski agenciji Paper & Iron
Booking Co. Je tudi promotorka
tamkajšnjih koncertov. Z organizacijo
koncertov je pričela v domačem
mestu v srednji šoli, kjer je prirejala
poletne DIY dogodke na prizorišču
Casetta Lou Fai. Kasneje je postala
članica veronske kulturne zveze
Interzona, kjer je delala kot prostovoljka in DJ-ka ter bila odgovorna za
program in komunikacije. Leta 2012
je nekaj časa preživela v beograjskem kulturnem centru REX. Rada
piše, potuje (vključno z vodenjem
turnej) in se uči novih jezikov.
MENT 2016
John Robb (Louder Than
War, Membranes, UK)
Miran Rusjan (Moonlee
Records, MENT Ljubljana, SI)
John was rescued by punk rock in the
1970s. He put together the influential post-punk band The Membranes
and went on to be one of the leading
UK music writers of his generation,
being the first to interview bands
like Stone Roses and Nirvana as
well as making up the term Britpop.
In the past year the reformed The
Membranes released a critically acclaimed double album, "Dark Matter/
Dark Energy", which combined their
original ground breaking post-punk
with a psychedelic drone and dealt
with the Universe, sex and death.
The band also recently debuted a
live gig in Estonia with a 20-piece
choir, which got great reactions.
John also recently declared that
"print's not dead" and turned his big
UK music website into a magazine.
He also writes books on punk rock
and music culture. He is currently
writing the definitive book on postpunk and goth culture and fronts a
music culture TV show in the UK.
Miran has been active on the independent music scene for almost two
decades and gained experience in
different roles (musician, promoter,
label owner, agent, fan), which gives
him special insight and understanding of the independent music habitat. In 2004 he founded Moonlee
Records, an independent record
label, which slowly became one of
the most important labels in the
ex-Yu region (Repetitor, Damir Avdić,
Bernays Propaganda, Nikki Louder,
Vuneny ...). In the last few years, he
increasingly focused on booking
shows for Moonlee bands, which resulted in the birth of Moonlee Booking. Occasionally he organises shows
(mostly in Ljubljana) and still plays
guitar in Analena. He is also the conference director of MENT Ljubljana.
Johna je v sedemdesetih rešil punk
rock. Sestavil je vplivno post-punk
skupino The Membranes in postal
eden izmed vodilnih britanskih glasbenih piscev svoje generacije – med
drugim je bil prvi, ki je intervjuval
zasedbe, kot sta The Stone Roses in
Nirvana, ter skoval izraz Britpop. V
preteklem letu so ponovno zbrani
Membranesi izdali kritiško hvaljen
dvojni album "Dark Matter/Dark
Energy", ki njihov prelomni izvirni
post-punk združuje s psihedeličnim
dronom, tematsko pa se loteva Vesolja, seksa ter smrti. Bend je nedavno
tega v Estoniji nastopil z 20-članskim
zborom in prejel odlične odzive.
John je pred kratkim tudi razglasil
"tisk ni mrtev" in svojo uspešno britansko glasbeno spletno stran spremenil v revijo. Poleg tega piše knjige
o punk rocku in glasbeni kulturi.
Trenutno piše najpopolnejšo knjigo
o post-punk in goth kulturi ter vodi
britansko glasbeno oddajo na TV.
Miran je na neodvisni glasbeni sceni
dejaven že skoraj dve desetletji,
izkušnje pa je pridobil iz različnih
vlog (glasbenik, promotor, založnik,
agent, fen), kar mu daje poseben
vpogled in razumevanje neodvisne
glasbene sfere. Leta 2004 je ustanovil neodvisno založbo Moonlee, ki
je sčasoma postala ena najpomembnejših založb v regiji nekdanje
Jugoslavije (Repetitor, Damir Avdić,
Bernays Propaganda, Nikki Louder,
Vuneny …). V zadnjih letih je vedno
več pozornosti posvečal bookingu
nastopov za Moonlee bende, iz
česar je nastal Moonlee Booking.
Občasno prireja koncerte (večinoma
v Ljubljani) in še vedno igra kitaro pri
Analeni. Je tudi vodja konferenčnega
programa festivala MENT Ljubljana.
Riku Salomaa (Music Finland, FI)
Riku Salomaa is responsible for the
international activities of Music
Finland in the United Kingdom,
Germany and Central Europe. Music
Finland promotes the awareness and
success of Finnish music at home and
abroad. It creates and manages a
wide variety of services, marketing programs, events, networking
opportunities, training, consultancy,
research, information and funding
programs. These activities aim
to maximize success for Finnish
music and music companies, and
increase Finnish music export
revenues. In 2015-2016, the Finnish music industry is focusing on
Germany, Switzerland and Austria
with 'Aus Finnland' - the biggest
Finnish music export project ever.
Riku Salomaa je odgovoren za mednarodne dejavnosti Music Finland
v Veliki Britaniji, Nemčiji in Srednji
Evropi. Music Finland promovira
poznavanje in uspeh finske glasbe
doma in na tujem. Ustvarja in vodi
širok nabor storitev, trženjskih
programov, dogodkov, priložnosti za
mreženje, urjenj, svetovanj, raziskovanj, informiranj in financiranj. S temi
dejavnostmi želi maksimirati uspeh
finske glasbe in glasbenih podjetij ter
povečati obseg finskega glasbenega
izvoza. V letih 2015-2016 se finska
glasbena industrija osredotoča na
Nemčijo, Švico in Avstrijo z "Aus
Finnland" – največjih finskim glasbenim izvoznim projektom do zdaj.
MENT 2016
Nikola Sekulović (musician/
glasbenik, Dallas, SI)
A member of influential Slovenian
bands (Laibach, Borghesia, Demolition Group), currently with Dan
D. Over 2,000 live performances,
more than 50 music albums, dozens
of theatrical and movie productions. Expert in music business
issues, worked with top artists
in the region. Close collaborator with Dallas Records and Mars
Music (Sony ATV). Lecturer at SAE
Institute Ljubljana, adviser to several
businesses and music festivals.
Član vplivnih slovenskih bendov
(Laibach, Borghesia, Demolition
Group), trenutno z Dan D. Več kot
2.000 nastopov, več kot 50 plošč,
na ducate gledaliških in filmskih
produkcij. Strokovnjak za glasbeni
posel, sodeloval z najvidnejšimi
glasbeniki v regiji. Tesno sodeluje z
Dallas Records in Mars Music (Sony
ATV). Predavatelj na SAE Institute
Ljubljana, svetovalec številnim
podjetjem in glasbenim festivalom.
Helen Sildna (Tallinn Music Week, EE)
Virgo Sillamaa (Music Estonia, EE)
Helen has been a music promoter
and events producer for 15 years. In
2009 she established her own music
promotion company Musiccase,
which has promoted Morrissey, Air,
Sigur Ros, Patti Smith, Feist, Swans,
etc. Helen is the founder and owner
of Tallinn Music Week, a showcase
festival and music industry conference, set up in 2009. The event
has grown into one of the biggest
city festivals in the Baltic-Nordic
region (around 200 artists, 900
industry professionals and over
25,000 festival visitors each year).
Helen is a board member of Music
Estonia, currently also a member of
Estonian President Toomas Hendrik
Ilves’ Think Tank. In 2014 Helen was
awarded the Tampere Music Award
at Music & Media Finland’s industry
gala for Exceptional Achievements in
Music Business, and in 2015 she was
nominated the Citizen of the Year
by the Estonian Ministry of Culture.
Virgo Sillamaa is the director of
Music Estonia, the local music export
and industry development office. He
is a recognized musician in the field
of jazz and improvised music, an avid
activist and developer in the field of
musical education, and the founder
and chair of the Estonian Rhythmic
Music Education Society. Through his
company Avarusmusic OÜ he releases records, manages several jazz/
new music artists and organises concerts, conferences and other events.
Helen je glasbena promotorka in
producentka dogodkov že 15 let.
Leta 2009 je ustanovila svoje lastno
podjetje za promocijo Musiccase, ki
je promoviralo izvajalce, kot so Morrissey, Air, Sigur Ros, Patti Smith, Feist, Swans itd. Helen je od istega leta
ustanoviteljica in lastnica showcase
festivala in konference glasbene
industrije Tallinn Music Week. Dogodek je sčasoma postal en največjih
mestnih festivalov v baltsko-nordijski
regiji (okoli 200 izvajalcev, 900 delegatov in več kot 25.000 obiskovalcev
vsako leto). Helen je članica uprave
Music Estonia, trenutno pa tudi članica možganskega trusta estonskega
predsednika Toomasa Hendrika
Ilvesa. Leta 2014 je na svečanem
dogodku finske glasbene in medijske
industrije prejela nagrado Tampere
Music Award za izjemne dosežke
v glasbenem poslu, leta 2015 pa jo
je estonsko ministrstvo za kulturo
nominiralo za državljanko leta.
Virgo Sillamaa je direktor Music
Estonia, estonske agencije za mednarodno promocijo glasbe in razvoj
glasbene industrije. Je uveljavljen
glasbenik na področjih jazza in
improvizirane glasbe, zavzet aktivist
in razvijalec na področju glasbenega izobraževanja, ter ustanovitelj
in vodja Estonian Rhythmic Music
Education Society. Prek svojega
podjetja Avarusmusic OÜ izdaja plošče, je menedžer več jazz/novejših
glasbenikov in organizira koncerte,
konference ter druge dogodke.
MENT 2016
Jernej Sobočan (Val 202, SI)
Jernej Sobočan is a music editor,
host and journalist at the national
radio Val 202. In the past he was a
member of the team that launched
the RSQ music magazine when it
was still just a "bitchass rocknroll
webzine". He spent some time in
advertising, then continued his
(music) journalist career at MMC
RTV Slovenija. After a trip to the
national radio's news programme,
he again ended up in musical waters,
in which he has been swimming
for nearly two decades. Not just
as a journalist and editor, but as a
musician as well. As the drummer
of ŠKM banda for over 15 years,
he has left his sweat on numerous
stages in Slovenia and abroad.
Jernej Sobočan = Prekmurec na
(začasnem) delu v Ljubljani. Je
glasbeni urednik, voditelj in novinar
na nacionalnem radiu Valu 202. V
preteklosti del ekipe začetnih ustvarjalcev glasbene revije RSQ, ko je bila
še zgolj spletna edicija ("bitchass
rocknroll webzine"). Nekaj časa
je preživel v oglaševalskih vodah,
nato pa (glasbeno) novinarsko pot
nadaljeval na MMC RTV Slovenija.
Po izletu v informativni program
nacionalnega radia je znova pristal
v glasbenih vodah, v katerih sicer
plava skoraj dve desetletji. Ne samo
kot novinar in urednik, ampak tudi
kot muzičar. Kot bobnar zasedbe
ŠKM banda, v kateri ustvarja več
kot 15 let, je pustil švic na številnih
odrih po Sloveniji in v tujini.
Barbora Šubrtová (United
Islands of Prague, CZ)
Barbora Šubrtová is the Head of Program of Prague open air music festival United Islands and club shows organised throughout the whole year.
Her favourite musical activities are
discovering new talents and DJ-ing,
even though it happens only occasionally these days. She discovered
and introduced Czech audiences to
artists such as Parov Stelar Band, Audiobullys, Aloe Blacc and Ella Eyre.
Barbora Šubrtová je programska
vodja praškega festivala na prostem
United Islands in klubskih dogodkov
tekom celega leta. Najraje odkriva
nove talente in didžeja, čeprav se
to v zadnjem času zgodi le redko.
Odkrila je in na Češko pripeljala
izvajalce, kot so Parov Stelar Band,
Audiobullys, Aloe Blacc in Ella Eyre.
Dartsya Tarkovska (Soundbuzz, UA)
Dartsya Tarkovska is the founder of
the digital music agency Soundbuzz,
which works with artists from all over
the world. The agency promotes
music online and creates projects
connected with music monetization, online PR, crowdsourcing, etc.
Dartsya is known as the author of
educational projects in the sphere
of music marketing. In addition,
Dartsya Tarkovska is the head of
international music conference
Colisium in Ukraine, the organizer
of the Music Business forum and
a co-organizer of the Music Day
in UA conference, dedicated to
the export of Ukrainian music.
Dartsya Tarkovska je ustanoviteljica
digitalne glasbene agencije Soundbuzz, ki sodeluje z izvajalci s celega
sveta. Agencija promovira glasbo na
spletu in lansira projekte v povezavi
z monetizacijo glasbe, spletnim
piarjem, množičnim financiranjem
itd. Dartsya je znana kot avtorica
izobraževalnih projektov na področju
glasbenega marketinga. Poleg tega
je vodja mednarodne glasbene
konference Colisium v Ukrajini,
organizatorka foruma Music Business
in so-organizatorka konference Music
Day in UA, posvečene promoviranju ukrajinske glasbe v tujini.
MENT 2016
Steven Thomassen (Toutpartout, BE)
Hannes Tschürtz (Ink Music, AT)
Maja Valjak Nagy (Menart, HR)
Toutpartout is a European booking
agency and promotor for good
music in Belgium and Holland.
Steven is also the promotor behind
the Autumn Falls festival - an
indoor city festival in Brussels in
the last week of November. He
is currently writing a script with
the following keywords: High
Voltage, Evolution, A White Talking Dog, Sleep & Dreams, and a
House on a Hill surrounded with
Sunflowers. Steven sometimes acts
as a tour manager. He needs to like
the music and the humans behind
the music (at least they need to be
interesting). Sat in his car/van in
the past: Kurt Vile & The Violators, Quasi, Michael Gira (Swans/
Angels of Light), The Thermals,
Scout Niblett, Vincent Gallo …
Founder of the music agency and label Ink Music in Vienna, which books
and promotes more then 400 shows/
year in Central and Eastern Europe
and focuses on artist development.
Teaches Music Business, is a wellbooked speaker for music business
events and a board member of the
Austrian Music Fund. Writes articles
on the music business for magazines
and papers and is the co-owner of a
ticketing start-up (NTRY Ticketing).
Maja Valjak Nagy started her career
as a student working in the backstage for REM, Pearl Jam, Depeche
Mode ... At the end of her studies,
she left for France to work, returning
after one year. Soon after, she got
the PR/Marketing manager position
at Lupa Promotion Ltd, where she
got to be in charge of shows by
Beyonce, U2, Iron Maiden, Lenny
Kravitz, Depeche Mode, Madonna
... In 2009 she became the Head
of BPM department at the Menart
label. Since then she has been in
charge of producing shows/tours
for foreign and local artists, as well
as for managing artists and bands
like Rundek Cargo Trio, SASSJA,
Amel Ćurić (X Factor Adria winner)
and BOA. She is the co-author
of the Croatia Music Adventures
project taking place in Dubrovnik.
Toutpartout je evropska agencija za
booking in promocijo dobre glasbe
v Belgiji in na Nizozemskem. Steven
je tudi organizator dvoranskega
festivala Autumn Falls v Bruslju v
zadnjem tednu novembra. Trenutno
piše scenarij s sledečimi ključnimi
besedami: visoka napetost, evolucija,
bel govoreč pes, spanje & sanje, ter
hiša na hribu, obdana s sončnicami.
Steven včasih dela tudi kot vodja
turneje. Morajo mu biti všeč glasba
in osebe za glasbo (oziroma morajo
biti zanimive). V njegovem avtu/
kombiju so že sedeli: Kurt Vile &
The Violators, Quasi, Michael Gira
(Swans/Angels of Light), The Thermals, Scout Niblett, Vincent Gallo …
Ustanovitelj dunajske glasbene agencije in založbe Ink Music, ki organizira
in promovira več kot 400 koncertov
na leto v Srednji in Vzhodni Evropi
ter se osredotoča na razvoj izvajalcev. Poučuje Glasbeni posel, je
reden govorec na dogodkih glasbene
industrije ter član upravnega odbora
sklada Austrian Music Fund. Piše
članke o glasbenem poslu za revije
in časnike ter je solastnik startupa za
prodajo vstopnic NTRY Ticketing.
Maja Valjak Nagy je svojo kariero
pričela kot študentka v zaodrju
koncertov REM, Pearl Jam, Depeche
Mode ... Po koncu študija je odšla
delati v Francijo, po enem letu pa
se je vrnila. Kmalu zatem je dobila
mesto PR/marketing menedžerke
pri Lupa Promotion Ltd, kjer je bila
odgovorna za nastope Beyonce,
U2, Iron Maiden, Lennyja Kravitza,
Depeche Mode, Madonne ... Leta
2009 je postala vodja oddelka
BPM pri založbi Menart. Od tokrat
producira nastope/turneje tujih in
domačih izvajalcev in je menedžerka glasbenikov in zasedb, kot so
Rundek Cargo Trio, SASSJA, Amel
Ćurić (zmagovalec X Factor Adria) in
BOA. Je soavtorica projekta Croatia
Music Adventures v Dubrovniku.
MENT 2016
Bob Van Heur (Belmont Bookings,
Le Guess Who? Festival, NL)
Bob van Heur is an agent and
promoter for Belmont Bookings in
Amsterdam and the founder and
programmer/artistic director for
Le Guess Who? Festival in Utrecht.
Represents artists like Destroyer,
Black Mountain, SUUNS, Julia Holter,
Ought, Annette Peacock, Selda,
Royal Headache, Total Control and
many more in Europe. He launched
Le Guess Who? Festival 10 years ago
and it grew into one of the most critically acclaimed wintertime festivals
in Europe. He also founded the 24
Hour Drone Event in Hudson, New
York, and programs Beaches Brew
in Ravenna, a free entrance music
festival on the Adriatic beach of Italy.
Bob van Heur je agent in promotor pri amsterdamski agenciji
Belmont Bookings ter ustanovitelj in
umetniški vodja festivala Le Guess
Who? v Utrechtu. V Evropi zastopa
izvajalce kot so Destroyer, Black
Mountain, SUUNS, Julia Holter,
Ought, Annette Peacock, Selda,
Royal Headache, Total Control in
številni drugi. Festival Le Guess
Who? je lansiral pred 10 leti, v tem
času pa je zrasel v enega najbolj
priznanih zimskih festivalov v Evropi.
Ustanovil je tudi dogodek 24 Hour
Drone Event v New Yorku, poleg tega
pa je programski vodja brezplačnega glasbenega festivala Beaches
Brew na jadranski plaži v Raveni.
Leo Vidmar (Potlista, HR)
Dace Volfa (I Love You Records, LV)
Leo Vidmar began his journey into
music by inheriting his father's
record player. He soon moved to
CDs and non-stop cassette listening
on his walkman. A leap was made
when he began working as a DJ,
host, editor, show creator and writer
at Zagreb's college radio station
Radio Student. In 2009 one of
the shows he worked on launched
into cyberspace and became the
idiosyncratic music web portal He contributes reviews
in various genres, along with some
photo and video work. His favourite
band is the Beastie Boys. Sometimes
his favourite colour is green.
Dace Volfa has been part of the
Latvian music scene since the early
1990s. After working as a radio and
club DJ, head of music at a rock
station and freelance journalist for
various internet and printed media,
she became the label manager at
I Love You Records in 2010. Based
in Riga, Latvia, I Love You Records
is an independent label, home to
Alise Joste (LV), Momend (LV),
Super Besse (BY), and Sibyl Vane
(EE), among other artists.
Leo Vidmar je prve korake v glasbeni
svet naredil, ko je podedoval očetov
gramofon. Kmalu je presedlal na
CDje in non-stop poslušanje kaset
na walkmanu. Do preskoka je prišlo,
ko je pričel delati kot DJ, voditelj,
urednik, ustvarjalec oddaje in pisec
na zagrebškem Radiu Študent. Leta
2009 se je ena od oddaj, pri katerih
je sodeloval, preselila v kiberprostor
in postala samosvoj glasbeni portal Leo prispeva recenzije
iz različnih žanrov ter nekaj fotografij
in posnetkov. Njegovi najljubši
izvajalci so Beastie Boysi. Včasih je
njegova najljubša barva zelena.
Dace Volfa je v latvijsko glasbeno
sceno vpletena že od zgodnjih
devetdesetih. Sprva je delala kot
radijska in klubska DJ-ka, vodja
glasbenega programa na rock radiu
in pogodbena sodelavka pri raznih
spletnih in tiskanih medijih, leta 2010
pa je postala vodja založbe I Love
You Records v Rigi. Pod okrilje te
neodvisne založbe med drugim spadajo Alise Joste (LV), Momend (LV),
Super Besse (BY) in Sibyl Vane (EE).
MENT 2016
Simon Wheeler (Beggars Group, UK)
Mirna Zarić (Charmenko, TR)
Previously a musician, remixer,
engineer, producer and promoter,
Simon has been with The Beggars
Group since 1990. Starting work with
online distribution in 1997 - licensing
the entire group's catalogue for
individual download and delivering the first territorially restricted
download in 1998 -, Simon has
since worked with almost every
significant entity in digital media.
He is chairman of AIM's New Media
Committee in the UK, has spoken
on digital music and media at most
music conferences around the world,
and addressed the UK parliament
regarding DRM, but the most important role is keeping Tthe Beggars
Group of labels at the forefront of
all new technologies to deliver its
award-winning roster of artists to
the widest possible audience. The
Beggars Group of labels consists of
XL Recordings, Beggars Banquet,
Matador, 4AD, Rough Trade, Too
Pure and Playlouderecordings.
Started working in 2008 at the PR
department of the Long Play agency
in Belgrade, then a couple of months
later continued as a marketing and
production manager and publisher.
During the past 7 years, she has
worked on shows by artists such as
Joe Satriani, Mariza, White Lies, The
Godfathers, Buzzcocks, Stereo MCs,
Gentleman and Therapy?, but mostly
focused on the biggest regional acts
such as Bajaga i Instruktori, Hladno
Pivo and Dubioza Kolektiv. Her personal favourite is making a creative
campaign for the biggest concert
of Bajaga's career – 30,000 people
at Belgrade's fortress, which was
the most intense shift in the artist's
career since the 1980s. In 2011, she
launched and managed a label which
has published many bestselling regional albums. As of February 2015,
she works as the agent of Goran
Bregović, Selah Sue, Dub In and
many others for Charmenko in Istanbul. She is also in charge of booking
indie and non-musical shows.
Simon, nekdaj glasbenik, remikser,
inženir, producent in organizator, z
The Beggars Group sodeluje od leta
1990. S spletno distribucijo je pričel
delati leta 1997 – licenciral je katalog
celotne skupine za posamezne
prenose in razvil prvi teritorialno
omejen prenos leta 1998 –, od takrat
pa je sodeloval s tako rekoč vsemi
pomembnimi akterji digitalnih medijev. Je vodja odbora za nove medije
AIM New Media Committee v Veliki
Britaniji, o digitalni glasbi in medijih
je govoril na večini glasbenih konferenc po svetu in v zvezi z digitalnimi
pravicami nagovoril britanski parlament, a njegova najpomembnejša
zadolžitev je, da skupino založb The
Beggars Group ohranja v koraku z
vsemi novimi tehnologijami, da lahko
svoj nabor priznanih izvajalcev predstavi najširšemu možnemu občinstvu.
The Beggars Group sestavljajo
založbe XL Recordings, Beggars
Banquet, Matador, 4AD, Rough Trade, Too Pure in Playlouderecordings.
Leta 2008 je pričela delati na PR
oddelku beograjske agencije Long
Play, nekaj mesecev kasneje pa
nadaljevala kot vodja marketinga in produkcije ter založnica. V
preteklih sedmih letih je sodelovala
pri koncertih izvajalcev, kot so Joe
Satriani, Mariza, White Lies, The
Godfathers, Buzzcocks, Stereo MCs,
Gentleman in Therapy?, večinoma pa
se osredotoča na največje regionalne
izvajalce, kot so Bajaga i Instruktori,
Hladno Pivo in Dubioza Kolektiv.
Njen najljubši dosežek je kreativna
kampanja za največji koncert Bajagove kariere – 30.000 oboževalcev na
Kalemegdanu, kar predstavlja najbolj
intenziven premik v glasbenikovi
karieri od osemdesetih. Leta 2011
je ustanovila in začela z vodenjem
založbe, ki je izdala številne najbolj
prodajane albume iz regije. Od
februarja 2015 je agentka Gorana
Bregovića, Selah Sue, Dub Ina in
številnih drugih pri istanbulskem
Charmenku. Poleg tega je vodja bookinga indie in neglasbenih nastopov.
MENT 2016
in 20
,l IN
MENT IN 2015 / MENT V LETU 2015
MENT 2016
N'toko, Reeperbahn Festival
l, L
- Sa
ć (L
ound C
pool S
, Liver
ik Mat
MENT 2016
The MENT Ljubljana event is just a part of our story.
In 2015, MENT also acted as a type of “Music
Export Office”, delegating Slovenian musicians
and professionals to similar events abroad and
helping with their promotion, networking and
Within the framework of the platform, 12 Slovenian bands and artists performed at various
foreign festivals and venues in 2015. N’TOKO,
and LIFECUTTER performed a total of 32 concerts at eight international events. For some,
this meant performing at the INmusicMENT
event in Rijeka in June, while others were invited
to numerous festivals. For example, Ludovik Material had a very successful festival season, performing at the following well-known festivals:
EXIT, INmusic, Rock4People, Waves, Taksirat
and Liverpool Sound City. Koala Voice performed at the Reeperbahn Hamburg and Waves festivals in September, while N’toko was invited to
Tallinn, as well as Hamburg.
“The Hidden Stage featured a performance by
Čao Portorož, who simply tore the place up with
a blend of gothic rock, post punk and new wave.
They displayed a fresh and inventive sound. Slightly mystical, yet still accessible, with a broad
singing span. Killer guitars and drums, along
with expressive vocals – extremely well thought out. This band’s biggest asset are the vocals,
turned up almost to screaming.” MUZIKA.HR
“We headed over to the Hidden Stage for Ludovik Material and didn’t regret it. The girl sure gives her all when singing.” MUZIKA.HR
“The Karate-Keller was packed and not without
a reason.” RAPNBLUES about N’toko’s concert
at Reeperbahn Festival
“As soon as Koala Voice started to play their
catchy hit Nothing, the front rows went crazy.”
“Seriously impressed with Ludovik Material
at Liverpool Sound City. Blew the roof off the
tent.” DWT MUSIC
In 2015, MENT actually began ahead of MENT
proper, with a delegation to the largest such festival in Europe, Eurosonic Noorderslag in the
Netherlands. The results were immediate. At the
MENT Ljubljana event, the festival was accepted
into the ETEP (European Talent Exchange Programme) network of ninety European festivals,
which encourages the flow of new talent among
European festivals. Three Slovenian bands performed at Eurosonic 2016 – Ludovik Material,
thanks to this year’s successful festival performances, Nikki Louder, based on the performance at MENT and Koala Voice, which was selected
by radio Val202, a member of the EBU (European Broadcast Union).
The Waves project was carried out in cooperation with the Slovenian Cultural Information Centre in Austria (SKICA) and in part with the Slovenian Music Information Centre (SIGIC). SIGIC
and MENT also cooperate on the FundaMENT
project, which began in October. The project
strives to pass on various important information about the music business and organisation
to active and new musical actors. It also featured foreign speakers: Sanjin Đukić (Los Angeles Agency, Croatia), Login Kočiški (Password
Agency, Macedonia) and Hannes Tschürtz (INK
Music, Austria).
IN 2015 / MENT V LETU 2015
BLAŽ + SIMON, Waves Vienna
m (Y
, Ko
, MÜ
Slovenian moMENT @ Waves Vienna
Dogodek MENT Ljubljana je le del naše zgodbe.
MENT je letu 2015 deloval tudi v smislu »Music
Export Office« koncepta in delegiral slovenske
glasbene izvajalce pa tudi profesionalce na sorodne tovrstne dogodke v tujini in jim pomagal pri
promociji, mreženju in produkciji.
V okviru aktivnosti platforme je v letu 2015 na
različnih tujih festivalih in prizoriščih nastopilo
in LIFECUTTER so skupno izvedli kar 32 koncertnih nastopov na osmih mednarodnih dogodkih.
Za nekatere je to pomenil nastop na dogodku
INmusicMENT, ki se je junija odvil na Reki, nekateri pa so bili povabljeni tudi na obilico festivalov. Zasedba Ludovik Material ima na primer za
sabo zelo uspešno festivalsko sezono - nastopila je na dobro poznanih festivalih: EXIT, INmusic, Rock4People, Waves, Taksirat in Liverpool
Sound City. Bend Koala Voice je septembra nastopil tako na hamburškem festivalu Reeperbahn kot tudi na festivalu Waves, medtem, ko je
bil N’toko povabljen v Talin, manjkal pa ni niti v
“Na odru Hidden je nastopila zasedba Čao Portorož in enostavno razbila z miksom gothic rocka, post punka in new wava. Bend je pokazal
svežino in inovativnost. Malce mistični, a ne nedostopni, odigrali so na visokem nivoju. Nabrite
kitare, bobni in izrazit vokal - odlično zamišljeno. Vokal, ki se razteza vse do kričanja je največji
adut tega benda.” MUZIKA.HR
“Prestavili smo se do Hidden Stagea, kjer so nastopili Ludovik Material in nismo zgrešili. Dekle
poje iz petnih žil in da vse od sebe.” MUZIKA.HR
“Karate-Keller je bil čisto poln in ne brez razloga.” RAPNBLUES o nastopu N’toka na festivalu
“Čim je zasedba Koala Voice pričela s prvim taktom njenega hita Nothing, se je prvim vrstam
zmešalo.” WAVES DAILY
“Ludovik Material so resno navdušili Liverpool
Sound City. Streho je odneslo s šotora.”
MENT se je leta 2015 dejansko začel pred MENT-om in sicer z delegatsko odpravo na največji tovrstni festival v Evropi - Eurosonic Noorderslag,
ki se odvija na Nizozemskem. Rezultati so se
pokazali nemudoma. Že na dogodku MENT Ljubljana je bil festival sprejet v mrežo devetdesetih
evropskih festivalov imenovano ETEP (European
Talent Exchange Programme) - ta spodbuja pretok novih talentov med evropskimi festivali. Na
Eurosonicu 2016 so nastopile tri slovenske zasedbe - na podlagi letošnje uspešne festivalske
aktivnosti je to bend Ludovik Material, na podlagi nastopa na MENT-u, Nikki Louder, Val202, pa
je kot član zveze EBU (European Broadcast Union) za nastop na tem festivalu delegiral zasedbo
Koala Voice.
Projekt Waves je bil izveden v sodelovanju z
društvom SKICA (Slovenski kulturno-informacijski center v Avstriji), nekateri pa v sodelovanju s
SIGIC-em (Slovenski glasbeno informacijski center). SIGIC in MENT sta se sicer povezala tudi pri
projektu FundaMENT, ki se je pričel odvijati v začetku oktobra. Ta poskuša že aktivnim in novim
glasbenim akterjem prenesti raznovrstne in še
kako pomembne informacije o glasbenem poslu
in organizaciji. Pri projektu so sodelovali tudi tuji
gostje: Sanjin Đukić (Los Angeles Agency, Hrvaška), Login Kočiški (Password Agency, Makedonija) in Hannes Tschürtz (INK Music, Avstrija).
MENT IN 2015 / MENT V LETU 2015
MENT 2016
Jardier, INmusicMENT, Reka
r, I
T, R
L! /
Y? G I? V HO
The obvious conference choice is M hotel - right next to Kino Šiška. Part of the conference is
actually taking place there. / Najbolj očitna možnost je M hotel, tik poleg Kina Šiška. V njem se
namreč odvija tudi del konferenčnega programa.
Another close one is Guest house Pri Vodniku
with good food and a nice local atmosphere. / Še
ena opcija v bližini je Gostilna Pri Vodniku, ki
nudi dobro hrano in prijetno lokalno vzdušje.
If you want to be closer to the evening scene
and venues at Metelkova, try Celica (a former
prison!), which is right on site. / Če želite bivati
blizu večernemu dogajanju in prizoriščem na Metelkovi, poskusite Celico (nekdanji zapor!), ki se
nahaja prav tam
Another one close to the evening scene and the
city centre is Hotel Park. / V bližini večernega
dogajanja in središča mesta je tudi Hotel Park.
MENT 2016
Rob Challice
"I really enjoyed my first BIME and look forward to returning again. I was impressed
by the number of key International and Spanish professionals attending the event,
which made it very worthwhile. Furthermore, Bilbao is a great city with some
incredible restaurants."
Gideon Gottfried
"BIME was brilliant. Mainly because you got to spend time with people working in
the heart of a digital business experiencing radical change. Everyone I spoke to
embraced the revolution rather than reject it. This is the foundation on which a
valuable industry that remunerates artists fairly can be built. And the Txakoli was so
Arjo Klingens
"We enjoyed BIME a lot, and I really did good business there. De Staat played a
great show, with a lot of promoters present. Hopefully I can actually get something
going in the Latin American market because of all this."
Peter Cooper
"BIME 2015 is by far the best and most useful music conference I've attended in the
past decade. The panel discussion topics were timely, well-thought, and intriguing
and the conversations themselves lively and enlightening. The atmosphere is
comfortable and informal, but the experience is intense for anyone who lives and
breathes music.“
Coda Agency
LaLaLa Management
[PIAS] Iberia & Latin America
26-29 OCTOBER 2016
H !/L
Of course you can try the bombastic soup or one of the
hot sandwiches at Kino Šiška, but if you’re in need of
an ambient change, there’s a few places around. /
Seveda lahko lakoto potešite z bombastično juho ali
toplim sendvičem v Kinu Šiška, če želite spremembo
okolja, pa se v bližini nahaja več možnosti.
Mexico Mediterra Place is the perfect venue to
observe what’s going on in front of Kino Šiška while munching on the cheesy pizza or one of the many
wraps and burritos. There’s also a daily special, so
don’t be afraid to ask for a recommendation. /
Mexico Mediterra Place je odlična izbira za spremljanje dogajanja pred Kinom Šiška, medtem ko uživate v okusni pici ali kakšnem od številnih zavitkov in
burritov. Nudijo tudi dnevni meni, zato naj vas ne bo
strah vprašati za priporočilo.
Gostilna Pri Vodniku is an old-school restaurant
with delicious food – here's where you can try something traditionally Slovene. / Gostilna Pri Vodniku
je gostilna stare šole, ki streže izvrstne slovenske jedi.
Maharaja / Himalaja is your Asian choice. This
twin restaurant serves Indian (Maharaja) and Nepalese (Himalaja) food. Daily menus are also available. /
Dvojna restavracija Maharaja / Himalaja je pravi
izbor za ljubitelje azijske kulinarike. Maharaja streže
indijsko, Himalaja pa nepalsko hrano, na voljo so tudi
dnevni meniji.
If you’re looking for a bite near the evening scene,
DasIstValter is perhaps the best choice with traditional Bosnian specialities, pies, stews, čevapi (grilled
minced meat), sarma (minced meat in cabbage leaves) and baklava to finish it off. / Če vas lakota zagrabi
med večernim dogajanjem, je morda najboljša izbira
DasIstValter s tradicionalnimi bosanskimi specialitetami, kot so pite, čevapi, sarma in baklava za povrh.
MENT 2016
Basic Slovene:
- Hello / Dober dan
- Goodbye / Na svidenje
- Where is / Kje je
- Can I get a beer, please? / Eno pivo, prosim.
- Cheers / Na zdravje
- This band rocks! / Ta bend je zakon!
- I love MENT. / Ljubim MENT.
Average prices:
- Meal at inexpensive restaurant: 7.00 €
- Meal at a mid-range restaurant: 14.00 €
- Domestic beer (0,5 litre draught): 2.20 €
- Imported beer (0,33 litre bottle): 2.70 €
- Cappuccino (regular): 1.33 €
- Coke/ Pepsi (0,33 litre bottle): 1.89 €
- Tap water is drinkable and a bottle
of water in a bar will cost around 1.33 €
Bus / Avtobus:
A bus ride costs 1.20 € and you need an Urbana card. But don’t worry, there will be a special
MENT bus running between Kino Šiška and Metelkova in the evenings. It’s free, just show the
wristband. /
Vožnja z avtobusom stane 1,20 €. A brez skrbi,
med Kinom Šiška in Metelkovo bo v večernih
urah vozil brezplačen MENT avtobus – vozniku
le pokažite zapestnico.
Taxi / TAKSI:
These are cheaper if you call them (ask around),
otherwise a typical ride (from Kino Šiška to
Metelkova, about 3.5 kilometres) costs around
4 Euros. / Običajna vožnja (od Kina Šiška do
Metelkove, prbl. 3,5 kilometra) stane okoli 4 evre.
- Taxi start (normal tariff) /
Startnina: (normalna tarifa): 1.00 €
Taxi Metro:
Taxi Laguna:
Taxi Intertours:
- Taxi 1km (normal tariff) /
Vožnja 1km (normalna tarifa): 0.90 €
MENT 2016
producers / Producenti
COPRODUCED / v koprodukciji:
supporters / podporniki
parteners / partnerji
partner festivals / partnerski festivali
MENT 2016
media partners / medijski partnerji
Publisher / Izdajatelj: MENT Ljubljana / Kino Šiška
Design / Oblikovanje: NMN / visual departMENT
Contributing editors / Pisci: Andraž Kajzer, Matjaž Manček, Miran Rusjan, Tina Dolinšek …
All photo material is from promotional and personal archives. Thank you for the contributions.
For all general questions and ideas please contact us at /
Za vsa splošna vprašanja in ideje smo na voljo na
Matjaž Manček / manageMENT & booking /
Andraž Kajzer / manageMENT & booking /
Miran Rusjan / conference coordination /
Miha Brodarič / web, visual departMENT
Nina Vrhovec / visual departMENT
Nina Urh / visual departMENT
Mina Fina / visual departMENT
Piera Ravnikar / visual departMENT
Zala Vidali / announceMENT - media relations /
Matic Urbanc / delegates service & production /
Andreja Bolčina / technical production /
Ana Kandare / marketing /
Daniel Sheppard / translateMENT
+ the Kino Šiška team, all the personnel at the venues, stage managers, runners, drivers, volunteers
and everyone else that lent a hand / + ekipa Kina Šiška, ekipe klubov, stage menedžerji, vozniki,
prostovoljci in vsi ostali, ki so priskočili na pomoč
Pressing / naklada: 500
Tisk / Print: Grafex d.o.o.
Izdajatelj / Published by: Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, zanj / represented by: Simon Kardum, 2016
Pridružujemo si pravico do spremembe programa. / We reserve the right to change the programme.
MENT 2016
Droga Kolinska d.d., Kolinska ulica 1, 1544 Ljubljana