05-cimmino et al - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
05-cimmino et al - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Per. Mineral. (2003), 73, 71-84 SPECIAL ISSUE 3: A showcase of the Italian research in applied petrology http://go.to/permin An International Journal of MINERALOGY, CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, GEOCHEMISTRY, ORE DEPOSITS, PETROLOGY, VOLCANOLOGY and applied topics on Environment, Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage Stones and coloured marbles of Liguria in historical monuments FRANCA CIMMINO1*, FRANCESCO FACCINI2 and ANDREA ROBBIANO2 1 Dipartimento per lo Studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse, Università degli Studi di Genova, corso Europa 26, 16132 Genova, Italy 2 Studio Associato di Geologia tecnica e ambientale, corso Garibaldi 58/5, 16043 Chiavari (GE), Italy ABSTRACT. — The presence of a great number of different lithotypes contributes to the extremely variable geological landscape of Liguria: its rocks are one of the main reasons of the natural beauty of this region and a mean used by people to economically exploit their land and to express themselves in art and architecture. Many rock types are locally used, but in Italy and abroad some particular stones («Ardesia», «Pietra di Finale», «Pietra di Promontorio», Mt. Zatta or Mt. Gottero Sandstones) and some coloured marbles («Rosso Levanto», «Verde Polcevera» and «Portoro») are very known. These materials are today widely used as decorative tombstones, both indoor and outdoor, of the historical buildings and in the local craftsmanship. RIASSUNTO. —La realtà geologica ligure assume caratteri peculiari per la sintesi estremamente varia di facies e di litologie e la roccia costituisce un grande patrimonio, non solo perché caratterizza una morfologia di incomparabile bellezza, ma anche perché rappresenta il mezzo attraverso cui si è espressa una cultura nell’uso del territorio e si è realizzata e consolidata nel tempo un’attività economica per la produzione di materiale lapideo a varie destinazioni d’uso. * Corresponding author, E-mail: cimmino@dipteris.unige.it Numerosissimi sono i litotipi utilizzati nell’architettura, soprattutto a scala locale, anche se i più conosciuti, in ambito regionale, nazionale ed internazionale, sono rappresentati da varie pietre (Ardesia, Pietra di Finale, Pietra di Promontorio, Arenarie di M. Zatta o di M. Gottero) e da alcuni marmi colorati (Rosso Levanto, Verde Polcevera e Portoro). In funzione della loro lavorabilità e durevolezza, questi litotipi sono stati impiegati in passato nelle opere monumentali e sono tuttora largamente utilizzati per il restauro dei manufatti storici e per la realizzazione di quelli moderni, sia in Liguria sia altrove. Per questi motivi è necessario approfondire gli studi minero-petrografici sulle caratteristiche primarie di questi marmi e pietre in modo da acquisire una migliore conoscenza dei processi di alterazione, soprattutto in climi di tipo mediterraneo; in particolare, specifiche prove di laboratorio possono contribuire all’identificazione dei meccanismi chimico-fisici che comportano il degrado dei materiali lapidei, consentendo una corretta conservazione del patrimonio architettonico. K EY W ORDS : stones (Ardesia, Pietra di Finale, Pietra di Promontorio, Mt. Zatta or Mt. Gottero Sandstones), coloured marbles (Rosso Levanto, Verde Polcevera, Portoro), Liguria, conservation, restoration, historical monuments 72 F. CIMMINO, F. FACCINI and A. ROBBIANO INTRODUCTION From a geological point of view, Liguria is considered one of the most complex areas in the Italian peninsula and in the whole Mediterranean region, because of its composite tectonic evolution during the Alpine orogenesis. Many rock types crop out in Liguria, but only some particular stones («Ardesia», «Pietra di Finale», «Pietra di Promontorio», Mt. Zatta or Mt. Gottero Sandstones) and some coloured marbles («Rosso Levanto», «Verde Polcevera» and «Portoro») are very known. It is possible to describe in a brief way the geological profile of Liguria and then to identify the outcrops of these materials, as it is shown in the Figure 1 (Giammarino et al., 2002; Società Geologica Italiana, 1991; 1994). From west to east, the regional territory of Imperia is characterized by the Delphinese-Provence Zone and the Ligure-Piemontese Flyschs, where are quarried the slates of the Argentina valley. The Permo-Carboniferous crystalline basement with Mesozoic sediments (Brianzonese Zone) are typical of the regional territory in Savona, where the «Pietra di Finale» has been deposed in the Miocene. In the western area of the Genova region large strips of ophiolitic rocks metamorphised in high-pressure conditions are visible (Voltri’s Group and Sestri-Voltaggio Zone where «Verde Polcevera» crops out). In the eastern area, the CretaceousPalaeocene flyschs outcrop and include either the «Pietra di Promontorio» either the Lavagna Formation and in particular the Mt. Verzi Slates Member either Mt. Zatta or Mt. Gottero Sandstones. Typical ophiolitic strips, responsible of the «Rosso Levanto» formation, appear on the edge between Genoa and La Spezia. The regional territory of La Spezia is characterized either by Mesozoic carbonate rocks, where it is possible to identify the «Portoro», either by Tertiary sediments. In this paper, the outcrop zones and the main mineralogical, petrographic and physicalmechanical features (Table 1) are described for these stones and coloured marbles: particular attention is dedicated to their use and their degradation characteristics, with the aim to investigate the problems related to the conservation and restoration of stones in the historical monuments. ARDESIE (SLATES) Ligurian «ardesia» is a dark grey slate rich in calcium carbonate, outcropping in Eastern Liguria within the Val Lavagna Formation and in particular to the Mt. Verzi Member, cropping out in the Val Lavagna itself and, more SE, in the hills of Cogorno (Genova); slaty lithofacies also exist in the western part of Liguria, near Triora (Imperia), linked to marly horizons, sometimes very large, inside Delphinese-Provence flysch. Main minerals are calcite (around 30-35%), phyllosilicates (illite, white mica, chlorite) quartz, minor dolomite, sulphides, graphite. The structure of layered-lattice silicates is the reason why «ardesia» can be easily splitted into thin and light slabs of different thickness. It was about X-XI century b.C. when the first slabs of «ardesia» were quarried in Santa Giulia hill, above Lavagna. In a notarial deed kept in the State Archives of Savona is written that in 1176 a.D. people from Recco (Genova) bought slabs for the roof of Santa Maria church in Savona (Savioli, 1998). From XII to XIV century «ardesia» was increasingly used in towns and villages of Ligurian Riviera, but during the following centuries this stone was used both in western and in eastern Liguria, mostly for local artworks and decorations (Terranova, 1996). A peculiar use of the «ardesia» slabs is as bearing for paintings, because slabs do not warp as wood does: many examples of this use can be found in Genova, both in University Library and in old-town churches and painters like Andrea Semino, Pellegro Piola, Bernardo Strozzi, Giulio Benso and even Rubens, whose paintings are now in Santa Maria in Vallicella church in Rome, painted on «ardesia» slabs. But the main use of «ardesia» is to cover roof (Photo 1): the fundamental element is the Stones and coloured marbles of Liguria in historical monuments 73 Fig. 1 – Geological map of Liguria (redrawn from Giammarino et al., 2002; Società Geologica Italiana, 1991; 1994) «abbadino»; a thin and flat slab 3-4 mm thick. «Ardesia» roofs are fireproof, long-lasting (Cortesogno et al., 1998a; 1998b) and do not need a strong carrying structure. Ligurian square abbadini fit the roof structure mostly used in Genova and surroundings, the one called «the triple overlap + three» (Pandolfi, 1972). In old times «ardesia» was used also for paving and flooring, and in the first half of XIX century «ardesia» for paving was the first Italian «ardesia» export item, used in cloisters, arcades, pavements, cellars, shops, terraces, storehouses, balconies. In houses it was used indoor for paving the ground floors, while in churches floors with «ardesia» octagons and small marble squares were used. At the beginning of XX century big slabs up to 5 m 2 were produced, the so-called «australians», asked to pave footpaths in Australia. «Ardesia» was also used to build big troughs called «trogoli»: containers for olive oil so big to contain even 7.5 tons of oil. «Trogoli» were better than jars because inside their larger volumes it was more difficult for bulk density water absorption compressive strength compressive strength after gelivity flexural strength impact test thermal coefficient expansion abrasion coefficient determination 125-135 18-120 28-58 5-10 40-95 30-40 0.0055-0.0065 0.004-0.005 0.35-0.40 0.20-2.60 MPa MPa cm mm/m°C 18,80-27,00 0.65-1.10 20-135 Pietra di Finale 27,15-28,50 0.20-0.40 140-150 Ardesie kN/m3 % MPa unit value 65-160 28-60 - 26,65-26,80 0.20-0.35 90-190 Pietra di Promontorio 45-160 20-28 - 25,80-26,80 0.3-0.6 55-200 Mt. Gottero Sandstones 27,30-28,80 0.15-0.60 95-200 Ophicalcites 75-185 10-70 45-80 0.0040-0.0070 0.40-0.90 TABLE 1 Values of the main physico-mechanical features of the different lithotypes (original data and values indicate from Istituto Commercio Estero, 1982) 160-200 10-15 25-35 0.0050-0.0060 0.75-0.90 27,10-27,20 0.70-0.90 185-215 Portoro 74 F. CIMMINO, F. FACCINI and A. ROBBIANO Stones and coloured marbles of Liguria in historical monuments Photo 1 – «Ardesia» roofs of some buildings in the oldtown of Genova; please notice the difference between the original roof of the building in front and the one with recently replaced «abbadini», low in the right oil to freeze; «trogoli» were also used as water reservoirs. In house building it was used for door- and window-sills, window- and door-lintels, doorpillars (Photo 2), while nowadays it is used to make pieces of furniture and various tools such as chimneys, wells, tubs, benches, blackboards. The first documented use of «ardesia» slabs for billiards dates back to 1928. «Ardesia» was found to be excellent because it does not warp, it has excellent elasticity values, absorption capacity, impact strength and a very high smoothness, due to the rock features and to the processing systems. No kind of «ardesia» is anyway good for outdoor sculpture, because it is seriously damaged and flakes off more and more as time goes by: the «ardesia» bas-relieves made in Lavagna in 1300 and lately in 1700-1800 are now often in bad conditions, specially on the 75 Photo 2 – Main entrance of a historical palace, where «Ardesia» has been utilised, Genova worked surface and in the protruding points, and the hue of the stone turns to light grey. Basrelieves of the same ages sculpted in western Liguria (Taggia, Triora, Pieve di Teco - Imperia) are in better conditions because «ardesia» quarried in Argentina Valley is less cleavable. Among the possible reasons of decay, water is the most dangerous for «ardesia» because it dissolves calcite and reduces its solidity, can remove clay minerals, modify chemical composition and chromatic features. In recent years also smog and acid rains pollution contribute to decay and many Ligurian basrelieves in «ardesia» have been saved because have been moved into St. Agostino Museum in Genova. PIETRA DI FINALE (STONE OF FINALE) The «Pietra di Finale» crops out in midwestern part of Savona region, behind the sea- 76 F. CIMMINO, F. FACCINI and A. ROBBIANO coast from Capo Noli and Caprazoppa, in the valleys of Pora, Aquila and Sciusa creeks, around the villages of Gorra, Verezzi, Calvisio, Calice, Eze, Boragni, Carbuta, Rialto, Orco, Feglino and in the Manie Plateau. It belongs to a great grey-pink limestone platform deeply canyoned by torrents which divide the platform in «islands». Mineralogy and petrography studies have evidenced that some lithotypes rich in fossils and others more sandy are present. Particle sizes of bio-clasts range from 0.3 cm (many Echinoidea) up to 5 cm (fragments of Bivalvia and Briozoa). Usually it is a bio-calci-rudite. Inside the most sandy rocks, the terrigenous fraction is commonly made of mono- and poly-crystalline quartz 2 to 8 mm in size, detrital micas, oxides soaking both matrix and cement, and clay minerals: clasts are both rounded and rough. Oxides inside the matrix cause the reddish hue of the darkest variety of «Pietra di Finale». Depending on the quarrying zone and on the chromatic and physical features, can be distinguished few varieties: a Bianco Doria, soft rock quarried around Boragni; a Rosso Verezzi, semi-hard rock of Verezzi; a Rosato di Finale, hard rock from Castel Gavone and Pianmarino. «Pietra di Finale» is locally used since Roman age: still well preserved is e.g. the «Fairy Bridge», the first of the five Roman bridges in Ponci Valley, near Verezzi and Finalpia; it was built around 10 a.D. along «Via Jiulia Augusta», the road to Gaul. Among the historical buildings, it must be mentioned St. Eusebio Church (XIV century), San Sebastiano Church and the Five Belltowers Church (XV century) at Perti, the belltower of San Biagio Church in Finalborgo (XII century) and the fascinating Diamond Tower of Castle Gavone behind Finalborgo (Photo 3), that was one of the most impressive fortified residences of Del Carretto family; this tower represents a charming evidence of how stone was worked in northern Italy during Renaissance (see also the Diamond Palace in Ferrara). «Pietra di Finale» was highly appreciated also in Genova, in the Galeazzo Photo 3 – The Diamond Tower in «Pietra di Finale» of Castel Gavone, Final Borgo (Province of Savona) Alessi’s architecture during XVI and XVII centuries, in Santa Maria Assunta di Carignano Basilica, in Lercari-Parodi Palace in Via Garibaldi and in Villa Cambiaso in Albaro. After a standstill period, quarrying and utilization of this stone restarted towards the end of XIX century, when the «Pietra» was used in bridges, viaducts, tunnel openings etc, also outside Liguria (Torino-Savona railway) and in many villas along the Riviera. The top of quarrying activity, also underground, was reached in 1924-1929, when the «Pietra» was widely used in America for mouldings and pillars of many villas built in Neo-classical or in Palladian style. Other important buildings of those years are, e.g., the Cathedrals of Bengasi and Mogadisco, the Museum of Vienna, the Winter Velodrome of Paris, the Palace of Justice of Drauguignan, the Rathaus of Hamburg, and in Italy the Fiat Stones and coloured marbles of Liguria in historical monuments Building in Turin, the Bocconi University in Milan, Villa Ombrosa in Parma. In Genova, the «Pietra di Finale» was used during XX century for the openings of Giuseppe Garibaldi Tunnel at Portello and in the years 1940-1950 for the arcades of Piazza della Vittoria. In the second half of the century this stone was used in the main buildings of Piccapietra district, in the head-office building of the Savings Bank of Genova, in the University Clinic of San Martino Hospital. Today it is mainly used to panel the facades of new buildings, to restore old buildings and, in lower quantity, for many different local uses. It is a very good building material, with a warm pinkish colour and a strong, well tested weather-resistance; it is used therefore to make blocks, jambs, pavements, steps, wainscots and inner- and outer-coatings of buildings, as well as to obtain architectural details, rims, decorations (Photo 4) and even bas-relieves and sculptures (Cimmino et al., 1995). Photo 4 – Decoration in «Pietra di Finale» of a portal in the church at Borgio Verezzi (Province of Savona) 77 During the decay of this stone, the carbonatic binding phase is destroyed and salts are produced, which can crystallise inside the matrix with great volume variations; microcracks and pores are therefore produced. The results of these transformations may be simple surface alterations, exfoliation and detachments or even deep holes. The decay due to acid rains has been studied for all the rocks of the Finale’s region, using both natural stone samples and samples protected by fluorided copolymers (Contardi et al., 2000). PIETRA DI PROMONTORIO (STONE OF PROMONTORY) This dark-grey bluish verging on black stone belongs to the Flysch of Monte Antola, a sedimentary sequence made by limestone, sandstone and marly-limestone which crops out along the seacoast and inland between Genova and Chiavari. It is a marly limestone (wackestone, wackestone-packstone and packstone, with calcareous micritic binding fraction), relatively compact, whose size ranges between silt and clays. It may be schistose, with high density of dissolution surfaces and local accumulation of phyllosilicates, and it may be compact with high amount of terrigenous minerals showing few dissolution surfaces but sometimes with micro-cracks filled by spathic calcite. The first reliable news about the utilisation of the stones quarried in the very western part of old Genova dates back to XII century, when between 1155 and 1159 the town walls were enlarged, fearing the invasion of the Emperor Federico Barbarossa (the first walls of Genova date back to 849-899). The new walls stretched from Porta dei Vacca, Porta Soprana (Photo 5) and Sarzano, with a total length of nearly 2500 m. Few parts of these walls still exist and many of them have been lately restructured; belong to them the town gates (Porta dei Vacca and Porta Soprana) and the towers belonging to rich families: Torre degli Embriaci and Torre dei Piccamiglio (XII century), Torre degli Spinola (XIII century). 78 F. CIMMINO, F. FACCINI and A. ROBBIANO symbol of Genova) were enough old-fashioned, but in spite of that it was possible to obtain from those quarries the huge amount of very big blocks necessary to build the underwater foundations of many piers and wharves. Before cutting the San Benigno hill, the same quarries have been exploited for so many other works, from the construction of all the banks inside the port, included the one where Magazzini Generali (General Storehouses) stand in Molo Vecchio (Old Dock) and the «Boccardo» and «Gadda» piers, to the Carlo Felice Theatre, whose black-stone arcade links up with the nearby arcade of Fine Arts Academy building. The best varieties of this stone are the finest, most compact, even-grained ones; they have often been utilised for many different architectural uses (Photo 6) and for decorations, especially for bas-relieves. Photo 5 – Porta Soprana in «Pietra di Promontorio», Genova The «Pietra di Promontorio» is very important for medieval Genoese architecture and was used in many buildings and churches: the Commenda of Pré (1180), the Santo Stefano (965) and St. Agostino (second half of XIII century) churches, the Cathedral of San Lorenzo (886-916), the Doria Palace and the San Matteo church (1125). Also in 1125 the Sottoripa arcades were built, with pillars and arches in «Pietra di Promontorio». During Renaissance and Baroque, palaces and churches were usually built in plastered masonry, often frescoed or stuccoed; but in some cases also black-stone ashlars were used, as it is possible to see in palaces along Via Garibaldi and Via Cairoli. The means used to ship the stone blocks quarried in Promontorio (the hill that joined Granarolo with Capo di Faro, where «la Lanterna» – the Lighthouse – which is the Photo 6 – «Pietra di Promontorio» and white marbles ashlars in St. Lorenzo Cathedral (X century), Genova: note the differential weathering of the «Pietra di Promontorio»blocks Stones and coloured marbles of Liguria in historical monuments Chemical-physical features make «Pietra di Promontorio» a lasting stone, but a mineralogical and petrographic analysis of some samples extracted along the town walls has shown that the decay process is higher in the external parts of the stone and lower inside (Barrese et al., 1996); calcite dissolves and, as a consequence, surface porosity increases. Besides, the percentage of magnesium-rich calcite increases near the altered rims, and this fact may reduce the material cohesion during sudden changes of temperature. Cohesion reduction appears inside micro-cracks in the most compact samples and along solution seams in the schistose ones, increasing porosity and accumulating clay minerals along the dissolution surfaces (Beretta et al., 2001). Chalk crystals have been found inside many micro-cracks; they cyclically dissolve and recrystallise, repeatedly increasing the pressure on the cracks, and this may take fragments off. The presence of calcite rich in magnesium and chalk together may be the cause of the evident micro-cracking and micro-flaking phenomena typical of the «Pietra di Promontorio» blocks in walls and buildings. Further mineralogical-petrographical and physical-mechanical investigations on some samples drawn from the medieval Torriglia Castle, near Genova, have shown the decay effects in the mountains, where daily and yearly temperature ranges are high (Cimmino et al., 2002). In particular, it has been observed that samples subjected to humid conditioning or to freezing processes reduce their average resistance to simple compression approximately by !/4 with respect to the values obtained in dry conditions. MT. ZATTA OR MT. GOTTERO SANDSTONES Among all the kinds of locally used sandstone, the ones employed also out of Liguria belong to Mt. Zatta or Mt. Gottero Formation, widely outcropping in LigurianEmilian Apennine; these sandstones have plane-parallel, sometimes weakly convolute, 79 laminations, their grain ranges from very fine to coarse and are grey, brown-grey and dark yellow in colour. The rock has a granular, low-maturity texture. In fine-grained samples, minerals tend to line up along a preferred direction, with a slightly iso-oriented texture. The framework is composed of quartz, plagioclase and k-feldspar. Mono- and polycrystalline quartz is more contained in fragments of rock and, together with feldspars, forms more than 50% of the framework itself. Fragments of metamorphic rocks (micaschists, gneiss) prevail over volcanic ones (middle-acid rocks); muscovite, biotite and chlorite are poor. Also very poor is the amount of calcitic cement. Terrigenous constituents contribute for more than 50% to the total rock volume, therefore these sandstones can be considered Terrigenous Arenites. All the mineralogical-petrographical and physico-mechanical results, both original (Cimmino et al., 2003) and available in literature (Di Battistini and Rapetti, 2003) confirm the excellent qualities of Mt. Gottero Sandstone. Many historical evidences exist that sandstone have been widely used during centuries for foot-paths (Marchi, 1994) and road paving in the main towns included in the triangle whose vertices are the towns of Genova, La Spezia and Parma. Because of its easy workability and high durability, sandstone has been used in the past and is today taken into consideration for restoration and replacing of paving, mostly in towns and villages of its homeland. As a matter of fact, during last decades many streets in old towns had been covered with asphalt, so to avoid the wear and tear of the stone, and as a consequence its maintenance. In recent years the cultural evolution of local governors, the increased aesthetic sensibility and the necessity to make historical villages enjoyable through pedestrian ways have brought people to re-discover the old-time stone paving. As a matter of fact in many cases, such as 80 F. CIMMINO, F. FACCINI and A. ROBBIANO during road works aiming to replace mains or to renew street furniture, brand-new sandstone paving has been realised (Photo 7), or sometimes the old sandstone blocks still in good conditions have been maintained together with new blocks used to replace the old ones in poor conditions. About decay, alteration processes that affect sandstone cause loss of cohesion among the rock components, sand formation and desquamation, the latter being linked above all to the presence of structural and textural discontinuities. In particular, decay affects not only the easily alterable or water-sensitive minerals, but also the binding fraction (cement and/or matrix). Therefore, the problems connected with sandstone conservation are quite complex, also because the restoration works are often undertaken when the situation is extremely serious. This happens mostly because Photo 7 – Sandstone elements used in the paving of St. Lorenzo Square, Genova sandstone alteration usually appears all of a sudden. In the first phase of alteration the external part, which is the most exposed, shows itself as a kind of coherent and even structure that hides the altered part underneath, where cohesion is lost. When in the end the exposed surface falls down, the rock shows its true state of bad conditions. OPHICALCITES Ophicalcites are rocks made by serpentinite breccias sutured by calcite veins variously interwoven, quarried around Levanto and Framura (eastern Liguria) and in Polcevera Valley (north of Genova) because of their colours: red and green the former, white and green the latter. They are used since 1200 as ornamental materials (coloured marbles), at the beginning as columns in religious buildings in the old town of Genova, then for flooring. Ophicalcites are tectonic breccias with gaping fractures, whose sizes range from mm to dm, filled with spathic calcite, fragments of rock and micro-sparite calcareous mud. Near or inside the fractures serpentinite is partially replaced by carbonates and magnetite turns to hematite, with a quite intense reddish hue. Pink hue of various intensity is shown by microsparite mud and calcite is white («Rosso di Levanto»). In the Sestri-Voltaggio zone, near Pietralavezzara, fractures in the rock are almost always thin and filled with calcite («Verde Polcevera»). «Rosso Levanto» mainly crops out in a region whose boundaries are the villages of Velva, Pavareto, Carro and Ziona northwards, Mezzema, Deiva, Framura westwards, Bonassola and Levanto southwards, Mount Rossola and Mount Guaitarola eastwards. According to petrographical and lithological features, two main lithotypes exist: «Breccia di Levanto» («Rosso di Levanto» s.s.) and «Breccia di Bonassola» (Cortesogno et al., 1980). The «Breccia di Levanto» occurs at the top of serpentinites that represent the basis of volcanic-sedimentary sequences and is Stones and coloured marbles of Liguria in historical monuments composed of highly fractured serpentinites sutured by sparry calcite. The larger fractures appear as true sedimentary lodes, with clasts made of serpentinite and lower percentages of gabbros and lody basalts. Circulation of hydrothermal fluids causes carbonation of serpentine and oxidation of the magnetite into hematite. In serpentinite fragments the oxidation is centripetal and reddens the carbonatic elements, clasts, matrix and cement. The name of «Breccia di Bonassola» defines all the ophiolitic breccias of sedimentary origin laying between the serpentinitic basement which includes the «Breccia di Levanto» and the overhanging sedimentary sequences. As a function of fragment composition, one can distinguish the «Breccia di Framura» (contains mostly serpentinite) and the «Breccia di Rossola» (contains mostly gabbros or basalts or both). Differences in petrogenesis mean differences in trade. The most valuable variety, nowadays almost exhausted, corresponds to the sedimentary lodes of «Breccia di Levanto». In them the size of the elements is proportionate, red, white and green colours are brilliant and the rock is compact and easy to work. A bit less valuable is the «Breccia di Levanto» where fractures are smaller, speckles are less evident and hematite pigmentation is fainter. A material with finer grain and small speckles is extracted from sedimentary breccias («Breccia di Bonassola»); it often shows clay-hematite coats («mattonato», «brick-floor») that reduce its durability and value. The history of «Rosso Levanto» began in ancient times, as testified by some Etruscan funeral pieces of work (Rovereto, 1939). The core of the production (both as tradition and as commercial quality) has always been the coast between Levanto and Framura; it increased between 1880 and 1929 then decreased again. Later, although the historical sites continued their activity, quarrying activity moved to La Spezia area and in the Sixties reached its top, with many sites in the western and northern parts of the area. The stone was used in many Genoese palaces 81 and churches during Middle Ages and Renaissance (altars, floors, facings and coatings, columns – Pieri, 1950). The most important piece of work where «Rosso Levanto» has been widely used is the San Lorenzo Cathedral in Genova: to realise its columns (Photo 8), the «column quarry» was opened in Levanto, and was re-opened again during XVI century to build St. Ambrogio church. In old Ligurian towns, mostly in Genova and Chiavari, «Rosso Levanto» has been often used also as external facings of shops, luxury palaces, staircases of villas, etc. «Verde Polcevera» consists of green serpentinite breccias with white calcium carbonate cement. It is quarried mostly at Pietralavezzara (Campomorone), near Passo della Bocchetta, in the hinterland of Genova; it Photo 8 – Particular of a portal of St. Lorenzo Cathedral (X century), Genova: note the presence of «Rosso Levanto» (a), «Verde Polcevera» (b), White Marble (c) and «Rosso Ammonitico» (d) 82 F. CIMMINO, F. FACCINI and A. ROBBIANO usually shows a dark green background similar to «Verde Alpi» and it is often sold with this name. Two commercial varieties exist: first quality «Verde Polcevera» with dark green background and small white spots and branches fading into green; second quality «Verde Polcevera», richer in white parts and branches. «Rosso Polcevera» can be considered one of its varieties, quarried near Campomorone and near the «Verde Polcevera» bodies. It is an ophicalcite with bloody red and dark rust gradations due to oxidation phenomena; its has a mixed red and green background with very effective varying veins. «Verde Polcevera» is being used for centuries both indoor and outdoor. In Genova it has been used to panel main doors, banks and shops, as well as the opening of Cristoforo Colombo Tunnel in Dante Square. From «Rosso di Levanto» and «Verde Polcevera» it’s possible to obtain beautiful polished slabs, easy to work and with good strength, suitable for indoor uses; outdoor use must be limited to the best qualities because of selective decay, chalking, etc, affecting spathic calcite above all. PORTORO «Portoro» crops out in the very eastern part of Liguria, near La Spezia, between Mt. Castellana and Mt. Muzzerone, on Palmaria and Tino islands (whose quarries have also provided the best commercial quality), at Valdipino and on Mt. Bermego. The ancient name of «Portoro» was «black and yellow mixture» or «Portovenere»; «Portoro» locution was born during Napoleone Bonaparte’s empire, from the French «porte de l’or», while English call it «Black and Gold». The stratigraphic horizon of «Portoro» is composed of dark micritic limestone, blackish or seldom grey-violet, with typical yellow veins intercalated with thin ochre-yellow marlclay levels. «Portoro» consists of a black matrix, yellow veins and violet veins; the matrix consists of a very fine and regular micrite, strongly coloured, whose colour intensity decreases in recrystallised zones; yellow veins contain limonite and sulphides, whose colouring-matter is spread in spots among dolomite crystals; violet veins consist of dolomite mosaics where the most coloured zones contain a hematite pigment. In «Portoro» there is a very little amount of debris and the organic substances, bitumen and sulphides producing the black colour come from anaerobe environments, probably dead waters near a dolomite reef, represented by «Calcare Massiccio» whose basement is «Portoro» itself. «Portoro» was used already in I century a.D. as ornamental stone in many religious buildings and in palaces; Romans even used it in little blocks to build the amphitheatre of Luni and to pave the main urban roads, before using it as a valuable ornamental marble. Its most valuable variety, the «big-spotted» one, has been used in the «Chiesa del Gesù» in Genova for the little columns of the banisters (Photo 9). During XX century it was also used in cemeterial architecture and in local handicraft. Intensive quarrying and exploitation of «Portoro» re-started after World War II and lasted up to all the Fifties, but today production is very poor. Two commercial varieties of «Portoro» exist, each variety being subdivided into three qualities: large-veined «Portoro» («Portoro a macchia larga») and thin-veined «Portoro» («Portoro a macchia fine»). The large-veined «Portoro» has veins up to decimetres in size connected by a branch-like pattern: within this variety, Extra quality has brilliant-gold yellow spots and very black background, First quality («Portoro di Prima») less brilliant yellow veins and some calcite white veins on black background, Second – or Ordinary - quality («Portoro di Seconda» or «Corrente») has mixed yellow and white veins on grey background. The thin-veined «Portoro» has thin gold-yellow veins interwoven inside the whole mass: it is also subdivided into Extra, First and Second – or Ordinary – qualities. «Portoro» is mostly used in regions with a hot weather (Sicily, Puglia, Provence, Northern Stones and coloured marbles of Liguria in historical monuments 83 Photo 9 – Little columns made by «Portoro» in the banisters of Jesus’ Church, Genova Africa) while in Northern Europe, where the weather is colder, it has been replaced by more weatherproof and bright marbles. As a matter of fact, weathering agents cause a loss of brilliance, therefore, few years after installation, «Portoro» appears irreversibly opaque, whitened and corroded. The use of «Portoro» is therefore limited up there to indoor paving and coatings, handicrafts, works of art and slabs for furniture. FINAL REMARKS The main mineralogical, petrographic and physical-mechanical features of some particular ligurian lithotypes («Ardesia», «Pietra di Finale», «Pietra di Promontorio», Mt. Zatta or Mt. Gottero Sandstones, «Rosso Levanto», «Verde Polcevera» and «Portoro») confirm good qualities of such stones and coloured marbles. In particular, the Slates, the «Pietra of Promontorio» and the Mt. Zatta or Mt. Gottero Sandstones, used also as building stones, have high values of the compressive and flexural strength, also after gelivity tests. The «Pietra of Finale» has a mechanical behaviour lightly lower, following its mineralogical and petrographical features, which suggest to be used as covering. Also for the Ophicalcites and the «Portoro» the compressive and flexural strength are suitable to be used as decorative materials; 84 F. CIMMINO, F. FACCINI and A. ROBBIANO nevertheless for the «Portoro» it is not suggested the external utilization, due to the water absorption coefficient too high. Because of their workability and durability, such lithotypes have been employed in the past and they are today widely used both for the restoration of historical monuments and for modern manufacts. In particular, the Slates, the «Pietra of Finale» in general all the coloured marbles have been carefully utilised and valorised out of Liguria and also in the foreign countries. As matter of fact, it is necessary to deepen petrographic-textural studies on the primary features of these stones and marbles, to reach a better knowledge on their weathering processes, especially for those ones used in Mediterranean area; in particular, laboratory tests are strongly needed, with the aim to contribute to the identification of the physicochemical mechanisms causing the rock decay, for a better preservation of the architectural heritage. 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