Newsletter Term 3 Week 6 2014 - St Michael`s Primary, Blacktown


Newsletter Term 3 Week 6 2014 - St Michael`s Primary, Blacktown
St Michael’s Primary School
Blacktown South
Upcoming Events:
2014 - TERM 3
Voice of Youth—
Cluster Final—Year
6 going to
St Bernadette’s
Lalor Park
Diocesan Athletics
Literacy &
Numeracy Week
19th August 2014
2014 - ISSUE 12
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Friends,
STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY—Friday, 29th August 2014
This is a pupil free day
FATHER’S DAY BBQ & LITURGY—Friday, 5th September 2014—7.45am
WHOLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY—Friday, 5th September 2014—2.15pm
Dear Parents and Friends,
Monday to
4C & 4M Excursion
to Blacktown
Heritage Centre
Netball Gala Day
4D & 4E Excursion
to Blacktown Heritage Centre
Book Week Dressup Parade 9.15am
Free Day
St Michael’s Church
Orwell Street
Blacktown South
Because we are all teachers I thought the words of Pope Francis may provide real direction in
the way we treat and work with children.
Do not be disheartened in the face of the difficulties that the educational challenge
presents! Educating is not a profession but an attitude, a way of being; in order to
educate it is necessary to step out of ourselves and be among young people, to accompany them in the stages of their growth and to set ourselves beside them. Give
them hope and optimism for their journey in the world. Teach them to see the beauty and goodness of creation and of man who always retains the Creator’s hallmark.
But above all with your life be witnesses of what you communicate. Educators pass
on knowledge and values with their words; but their words will have an incisive
effect on children and young people if they are accompanied by their witness, their
consistent way of life. Without consistency it is impossible to educate! You are all
educators, there are no delegates in their field. Pope Francis
MASS Times: Sat. Vigil - 6.00pm
Sun, 8am, 9.30am, 6pm
Weekdays: 8am
Wednesday Evenings - 7.30pm
1st Friday 7.30pm
Phone: 9622 9149
155 Reservoir Road
Blacktown South 2148
Ph: 9622 9910
Fax: 9622 6902
Page 2
Pope Francis wants us "not to be disheartened in the face of the difficulties the educational challenge presents! Educating is
not a profession but an attitude, a way of being; in order to educate it is necessary to step out of ourselves and be among
young people, to accompany them in the stages of their growth and to set ourselves beside them. Give them hope and optimism for their journey in the world. Teach them to see the beauty and goodness in the world. Teach them to see beauty and
goodness of creation and our human work as we retain the creator's hallmark." Pope Francis.
As I viewed our St. Michael's Facebook photos and read of your exciting learning moments I could only think how we were
living out the Pontiff's words.
This week, who will we walk with? In a world that must appear pretty frightening at times, how will we encourage hope?
As teachers how do we encourage their response not only to the beauty of our world but to our responsibilities as members
of the St. Michael's faith community in responding to injustice?
Last week I spent time learning and praying with principals of our Diocese some of my learnings include:
Pina a principal from Western Australia.
I liked Pina's living out of the System Intent:
Learning … is what we do
Engagement … is essential
Accountability … is not optional
Discipleship … is our calling
"It's all about a core focus driving the collaboration … the coaching … the learning. It's then all about teams seeing that they
are succeeding in making a difference through professional engagement, appraisal and celebrating success."
In Pina's school all members of staff are able to choose a coach. What do you think? Would you like to have a coach?
Brad Campbell a secondary principal with over 30 years teaching experience. Brad is currently a principal at Emmaus College.
"As educators how do we motivate others in expecting the most of themselves?"
Brad also referred to Pope Francis, "in our work we must know when to go before, sit amongst,listening and at times follow."
For Brad a constant goal is to, "develop leadership capacity in all those around me". Brad spoke passionately about Mary
MacKillop's Charism and 'seeing a need and doing something about it'. For Brad leadership and spirituality were closely
Within Brad's leadership framework the following elements were strongly connected:
Spirituality - Sustainability - Authentic learning - Moral purpose - Leadership - Shared vision
For Brad, his great learnings about leadership:
Leadership is change - Leadership is action - Leadership is challenging the status quo - Leadership is asking why Leadership is hard work - Leadership is incredibly rewarding
At St. Michael's how often do you see yourself leading?
What can I do to support you in your leadership?
Next week I will share our third presenter and my ten minute gig.
"Children are not property; they are people,
precious individuals worthy of love, respect and protection.
Listen when they speak.
Comfort them when they cry.
Treat them kindly. Teach them devotedly. Correct them
Love them unconditionally.
If we want the world to be a better place, we should start
by being better to CHILDREN." anon.
Love One Another
John Laffan
Page 3
From the Acting Assistant Principal
Voice Of Youth
Last Wednesday 13th August, 12 children from Year 6 participated in the Voice
of Youth School Final. The quality of the children’s speeches was first class.
The topics that the children presented were varied and covered a wide range
of important issues. The school finalists were Ivana Zlendich, Ravleen Kaur,
Sevasti Kotrolos, Ashley Femia, Taliyah Behrens, Daniel Kuziak, Anthony Simic,
Tobey Lewis and Sarah Smith. Congratulations to the following children who
were chosen to represent St. Michael’s in the Blacktown Cluster Final this
coming Wednesday, 20th August.
Ryan Santa-Maria - Believing
Ashleigh Witteveen - Living in the 80’s
Silvia Obote - The remote that every kid wants
Over the past term a group of children from Year 6 have been involved in debating against a number of schools in our local area. These children have been
extremely committed to developing their own debating skills and have given
up their own recess and lunch times to be involved in this team. The three
debates have resulted in one win and two losses. The children have been
great representatives and ambassadors for St. Michaels.
The children in the team are Tobey Lewis, Ryan Santa Maria, Taliyah Behrens,
Ravleen Kaur, Helen Aberra, Taylah Henderson, Haeley Soriano and
Eric Tripathi.
Supporting your child’s development
As the number one educator of your children, I thought I would share with you some basic tips that could help you in your
relationship with your child and their development.
1. Interpersonal Relationship With Your Child:
The best thing your child should learn from their home environment is maintaining and valuing relationships.
If children have a warm and loving relationship with their parents they can be loving and warm towards other people
They want you to listen to them carefully. You should make it a point from day one to listen with full attention, respond in detail and talk with care.
There should be an open platform within you and your child, so that they feels at ease to share their thoughts with
2. Believe in Your Child:
Consider your child responsible and give them opportunities.
Encourage them for whatever good things they do. This will act as motivation for further actions.
Share responsibilities regularly. This will make them independent and responsible.
You should make your child aware of the social environment and teach them how to strengthen the social base. This
will help them make right decisions socially
3. Enhance Analytical Skills:
You can easily help your child to be a leader and be focused:
Observe your child to understand their interests. Whenever they give any idea, listen and encourage them if necessary.
Play games with your child and let them take the lead. This will help them manage and lead tasks.
Always appreciate them when they complete tasks successfully. This will build their self-esteem.
4. Education Starts At Home:
While it is true that most study happens at school, a study-at-home environment involving you can create unforgettable lessons to your child. You can easily do it by sharing everyday experiences, storytelling or telling your child about personal experiences.
Understanding of diction and proper language can make them a leader at every front of life. It is the knowledge that
you impart at home, matter the most when your child starts speaking or interacting.
Spend time talking with your child as much as you can. This will help them speak their mind and develop a good personality.
Page 4
Enjoy singing and dancing with them for overall development of their abilities. Teach them to enjoy life with you.
Encourage writing and appreciate whatever they write in their early attempts.
Drawing and painting are expressive arts that show your emotions and mindsets. Help them do that. This will make
them expressive.
Best wishes,
Tom Crowley
RE News
Sunday’s Gospel told the story of Jesus and a Canaanite woman. It gives us a different view of Jesus’ response to those in
need. Here is a disciple’s view of the encounter …
As we passed through a little village near Sidon this Canaanite woman suddenly started calling on the master to help her daughter. We all expected the
master to help her out as usual but he really put her in her place! He told her
that his ministry was not for pagans like her. That should have stopped her,
but she kept on and on, even turning the master’s words back on him! She
was so rude. We were about to push her out of the way so that the master
could move on when he suddenly told her that her faith was great and that
her daughter was better. Great faith? A Canaanite? He never ceases to surprise us!
The woman’s persistence and faith pay off. Jesus is moved by her faith and through that faith heals the woman’s daughter.
Despite his initial abruptness and reluctance, Jesus responds with compassion to the woman’s request. It is as though she
needed to demonstrate that she was really serious and that she did in fact believe that Jesus could make a difference in her
life and the life of her daughter.
Anne Easton
Year 6 Canberra Excursion
On Thursday/Friday, 7th & 8th August 2014, our Year 6 students undertook an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part
of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government
contributed funding of $20.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs.
The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
Term 3 School Fees
Term 3 school fees were due today, 19th August. Thank you to those who have already paid. If you did not receive an invoice
please contact the school office. If you have any concerns please contact Robyn Hoogenvest to discuss making an arrangement for payment.
Canteen News
Spoons for Meat Pies are 5 cents extra as they are not provided with the pies.
Please make sure you are using the current price list that went home in the last newsletter and is also available on our website. Lunch bags are 5 cents extra when not provided.
Thank you for your support
Jan Crawford
Page 5
Congratulations to all our students who represented us at the Blacktown Zone Athletics Carnival. They were:
Girl's Athletics Team
Caitlin Ackroyd-Moseby
Flavia Aya
Emerson Barlow-Szoke
Melissa Correia
Vibie Elkander
Angelize Estil
Claudia Estrada
Fifita Fungavai
Beatrice Gara
Lily Hardman
Georgia Koutoulas
Tahlia Lewis
Ebony Mafi
Avigalle Mendoza
Anica Milic
Pebbles Nabunat
Jaime O'Callaghan
Tara Phillips
Vanessa Portelli
Nosa Shata
Maria Uate
Leelah Williams
Ivana Zlendich
Madelyn Attard
Boy's Athletics Team
Lucas Afarian
Jaydan Arias
Seandan Arias
Jamie Azar
Baanghy Butros
Xaiver Chahine
Lorenzo Estil
Owen Evans
Joel Femia
Blake Graham
Tobey Lewis
Jing Lual
Lual Lual
Riley Marsh
Darius Meina
Benito Montalbano
Ayouk Mow
Joshua Pinto
Nicholas Sekwat
Ashton Williams
Kyle Zammit
Jose Sapitula
A special congratulations to Lual Lual crowned Junior Boys age champion runner up and to Jing Lual crowned Senior Boys age
Well done to the following students who will now represent the Blacktown Zone at the Diocesan Carnival on Friday the 22 nd of
Jose Sapitula
Pebbles Nabunt
Blake Graham
Benito Montalbano
Claudia Estrada
Owen Evans
Riley Marsh
Madelyn Attard
Melissa Correia
Flavia Ava
Jing Lual
Angelize Estil
Jamie Azar
Fifita Fungavai
Tara Phillips
Vanessa Portelli
Avigalle Mendoza
Emerson Barlow-Szoke
Lual Lual
Lorenzo Estil
Baanghy Butros
Lily Hardman
Nosa Shata
Georgia Koutoulas
Best of luck to our two teams representing us at this weeks gala day:
11 Years Girls
12 Years Girls
Salihah Khan
Ashleigh Witteveen
Ashleigh Southam
Samantha San Luis
Fattu Allieu
Elizabeth Grills
Flavia Aya
Lily Hardman
Sonia Hashimi
Anica Milic
Sarah Smith
Takeiah DeLuca
Avigalle Mendoza
Sinead Beavis
Alisha Depares
Jerissa Valmeo
Angeli Giannakopoulos
Elliott McKimm & Jeff Phillips
Page 6
Benito Montalbano has been competing and racing go karts
since he was seven years old. He races professionally in NSW
and all around Australia. He is sponsored and drives for team
'SCUDERIA PCR'. During this time he has competed in numerous
state titles, taking out the 'QUEENSLAND STATE TITLE' last year
at Bunderburg. He also won the 'THE RACE OF STARS' event at
the V8 SUPERFEST, where he meet all the V8 drivers at the Gold
Coast at the end of last year. He has won many other numerous
titles, in many states over the last few years. Benito has been
featured in 'KART OZ' magazine many times and made the 'Top
50 Drivers List' this year where he was ranked 28th Nationally
from all the drivers in Australia.
Benito hopes to one day be successful enough to make a career
in racing!!!
Page 7
Uniform Shop
Summer Uniform:
Students will return to school in Term 4 wearing summer uniform. We will be opening the uniform shop during the second
week of the holidays on Thursday, 2 October 2014 from 9.00am—12noon for summer uniform purchase or alternatively you
are encouraged to plan ahead and purchase the summer uniform before the break to avoid the school holiday rush. All summer uniform items will be in stock in the coming weeks.
Due to a planned upgrade of our administration systems we have had to move the opening day of the Uniform Shop in Term
4—Week 1 to Tuesday, 7th October 2014. The shop will be open from 8:45 to 11:45 am on this day.
The shop will resume normal trading in Week 2 opening Wednesday, 15th October 2014 8:15am –11:00am. If you prefer orders can be placed via the office or class room teacher by cash or cheque. If you have any questions, please contact Amanda
on 9622 9910.
P & F News
The Father’s Day stall is in two weeks. Any parents who are available to help on Wednesday, 3rd September, please contact
Heidi on 0401 062 934.
The Spring Fair is also fast approaching. We are currently taking bookings from stall holders. If there are any parents who are
available to volunteer their time on the day (it can be as little as an hour), please complete the flyer attached and return it to
your child’s teacher.
If any St Michaels families or friends have or know of a business that would like to support / donate a prize for a raffle or our
famous Chocolate Wheel or even hire a stall for the day in return we will be honoured to publicly display and advertise your
support and kind generosity.
Here are some dates not to forget.
Father’s Day Stall – Wednesday, 3rd September
Mufti Day - Thursday, 18th September
Spring Fair – Sunday, 19th October
Until next time,
Susan Perry
P&F President
CatholicCare Social Services
CCSS Solo Parent Ministry will be running an eight session Bereavement Support Program in Springwood for men or women
who have suffered the death of their spouse or long term partner. Sessions held on every second Wednesday commencing
3rd Sept from 10.30am – 12.30pm at the Baptist Church Hall, 313 Macquarie Rd Springwood. Each fortnight a different aspect
of grief will be discussed, with some input, reflection and sharing about how grief is affecting you and how you are working
through it. The first topic is “The Physical Effects of Grief”. Details and Registration: or Ph.
In response to requests and inquiries the CCSS Solo Parent Ministry will be starting a new Monthly Support Group for younger
widowed people. We will trial this group for 12 months, and it will be held on the 2 nd Tuesday of each month beginning Tuesday 9th September. Venue: CCSS Centre, 51-59 Allawah St Blacktown. Time: 10.30am-12.30pm Cost: $5.00. Details and Registration: PH: 9933 0205 or
If you have been separated or divorced and would benefit from regular shared discussion evenings with others who are in a
similar situation to you, come along to STEPPING BEYOND on the last Tuesday of each month at CCSS Centre, 51-59 Allawah
St, Blacktown, at 7.30pm.
Venue: CCSS centre 51-59 Allawah St, Blacktown. Time: 7.30 – 9.30. Cost: $5.00. Registration: or Ph. 99330205
Page 8
Catholic Education Office
Bishops Office
Positions Vacant: St John of God Hospital Richmond
1. Volunteer Coordinator (8hrs/fortnight): A highly motivated person is needed to fill the position of Volunteer Coordinator. Desirable criteria: Excellent written and oral skills, highly developed personal and interpersonal skills, competent in the
use of computer technology, experience in managing people and programs, ability to work within a team.
Applications close on Monday 1 September 2014.
Applications in writing to Cathy Scott – Director of Mission: or St John of God Hospital, Locked Bag 2,
Richmond, NSW, 2753.
2. Pastoral Practitioner – Permanent part time (24hrs/week): We are looking for a suitably qualified applicant to join our
Pastoral Services Team. Start date negotiable. For position requirements and application process, please visit our website Job no. 10766.
3. Volunteers Required: Bus driver, Café assistance, General Administrative, Patient support, Gardening. To register or for
further details, please contact Cathy Scott – Director of Mission tel (02) 4570 6217.
For these and other positions please visit the Employment page of the Diocese of Parramatta’s website:
13th Annual Diocesan Shopping Trip
This year the Shopping Trip is raising funds for CatholicCare’s family support program with Holy Family Services at Marayong.
We will visit more than 15 factory outlets on a shopping extravaganza, which includes a bistro lunch. The shopping tour companies will pay our tour group a commission on the total retail sales. Last year we raised $4000 with 115 passengers travelling
on three coaches, found some fabulous bargains and had a great day out.
Date: Saturday 15 November 2014.
Departs from 2 points:
7am – Burns T-Way Station (off Old Windsor Rd), Kellyville (on-site parking);
7am - Information Kiosk, Panthers Leagues Club, Penrith (on-site parking).
Cost: $55 adults, $45 concession, $20 children aged 5-17.
Bookings close 17 October: Virginia Knight tel 0413 60 75 71,
Faith at the Fiddler: 28 August
A forum for young people aged 18-35 to come together to discuss issues of faith and spirituality in the warm and friendly atmosphere of Sydney’s most famous pub. This month’s speaker is Fr Brendan Purcell. Topic: ‘From Big Bang to Big Mystery –
Human Origins in light of Creation and Evolution’. An initiative of the Diocese of Parramatta and Catholic Education Parramatta.
Date: Thursday 28 August 2014, from 5pm-7pm.
Venue: The Mean Fiddler, cnr Commercial & Windsor Rds, Rouse Hill.
Details: Steven Buhagiar – Catholic Education, Parramatta,
‘Cake & Cuppa’ with the Poor Clares: 30 August
Come along to an open afternoon ‘Cake & Cuppa’ with the Poor Clare Sisters at their new property at North Richmond. Spiritual accompaniment is readily given and there is a self-contained Guest Hermitage available at present.
Date: Saturday 30 August 2014, from 2pm-4pm.
Venue: The Poor Clare Monastery, 96 Brahma Rd, North Richmond, tel (02) 4571 4610,
Caring for Those Who Cared – The Bishop’s Father’s Day Appeal for Retired Priests
Pope Francis tweeted, “Support your priests with your love and prayers, that they may always be shepherds after Christ’s
heart.” Some of our shepherds have retired from active ministry. Your contribution the Bishop’s Annual Father’s Day Appeal
for Retired Priests is a way of acknowledging the priests who have ministered throughout our Diocese over the years and are
now in need of assistance. Please give generously to this tax-deductible appeal.
Dates: 6 & 7 September 2014.
Make a donation online:
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend: 12-14 September
A Marriage Enrichment experience for married couples. During the weekend, couples have a unique opportunity to reconnect, rekindle and refresh their relationship. Invest in your most precious asset … your marriage!
Dates: 12-14 September 2014.
Venue: Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville.
Inquiries & bookings: Ardell & Bill Sharpe tel (02) 4283 3435 or
Page 9
The Gospel of John Bible Conference: 12-13 September
With the theme ‘Joy Made Complete’, everyone is welcome to this two-day conference hosted by the Diocese of Broken Bay.
Uncover fresh insights into John’s Gospel with prominent Australian Johannine scholars Rev Fr Francis Moloney SDB, Assoc
Prof Mary Coloe PBVM and Most Rev David Walker, Bishop Emeritus of Broken Bay.
Dates: 12-13 September 2014.
Venue: Caroline Chisholm Centre, Pennant Hills.
Cost: $50 for both days, or $25 for one day.
Registrations close 24 August. Visit Tel (02) 9847 0448,
Celebrating the Journey Mass: 14 September
All married couples are invited to the annual Celebrating the Journey Mass when couples who have significant wedding anniversaries of 25 years and over this year will be specially acknowledged. Bishop Anthony Fisher OP invites couples celebrating
anniversaries of 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 years and over to be his special guests. A light lunch for couples and their families will
be served in the Cathedral Hall after Mass.
Date: Sunday 14 September 2014 at 11am.
Venue: St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta.
RSVP: Through your parish or contact Lyn at CatholicCare Parramatta tel (02) 9933 0222,
Holy Hour for Vocations: 18 September
Everyone is welcome to join the Holy Hour for Vocations on the 3 rd Thursday of each month for an hour of adoration, prayer,
music and quiet time. To find out more about priesthood in the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta contact Fr Warren Edwards –
Vocations Director: tel 0409 172 700,
Date: Thursday 21 August, from 7pm-8pm.
Venue: Blessed Sacrament Chapel, St Patrick’s Cathedral, 1 Marist Plc, Parramatta.
Blackheath Reflection Morning: 20 September
A joint venture of Aquinas Academy and Catalyst for Renewal. This month, ‘Learning to Know When You’re Done With
School’ (I Cor 13:12) with Fr Michael Whelan SM. Come and enjoy the reflection, silence and solitude in peaceful surrounds.
Entry by donation, no need to book, morning tea provided.
Date: Saturday 20 September, from 10am-1pm.
Venue: Sacred Heart Parish Hall, cnr Sturt and Wentworth Sts, Blackheath.
Details: Carmen Vanny tel (02) 4787 8706.
Vocation Discernment Afternoon: 28 September
All young men who feel God might be calling them to the priesthood are invited to the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta’s Vocation Discernment Afternoon. The afternoon starts at 2pm and concludes with pizza at 6pm. To find out more about priesthood in the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta contact Fr Warren Edwards – Vocations Director tel 0409 172 700 or email:
Theology of the Body Two-Day Seminar: 30 September & 1 October
Why are we here? What does it mean to be human? What is this restlessness, this ache in the human heart that nothing in
the world seems to satisfy? Join international speaker Bill Donaghy from the Theology of the Body Institute in the US as he
leads a very special two-day seminar in Sydney, unpacking John Paul II’s ground-breaking reflections on human love and the
divine vision for masculinity and femininity. This unique event is ideal for men and women, young and old, clergy and laity,
students and professionals.
Dates: Tuesday 30 September and Wednesday 1 October.
Venue: Australian Catholic University, Strathfield.
Registration: Places are limited and registration is essential. For more information tel (02) 9764 4357,
Towards a Better World: 1-3 October
The 4th National Conference on the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees is designed to explore a range of issues
affecting refugees and asylum seekers including education, development and regional protection. The conference is organised
by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference through the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office (ACMRO). Day 1
provides a religious perspective around Catholic teaching on migration, pastoral care of migrants and refugees and religious
diversity. Days 2 & 3 will focus on multiculturalism, global and local migration trends, human trafficking, climate-induced displacement, children in detention, Australia's refugee and asylum policies, in particular Manus Island and Nauru.
Dates: 1-3 October 2014.
Venue: Australian Catholic University, MacKillop Campus, North Sydney.
Early bird registration closes 5 September: tel ACMRO (02) 6201 9848 or register online at
Library News
Premier’s Reading Challenge
The challenge finishes this week and all books need to be entered online by this Friday 22 nd August. If you do not complete
your records by Friday, you will not receive a certificate. If there is anyone who is still having trouble accessing the website,
just send along your list and I will organise to enter them.
Congratulations to the following students who have recently completed their reading requirements.
Lucy Perry
Archie Griffiths
Thomas Perry
Bethany Xiberras
Natasha Martinez
Dante Carbone
Aiden Galea
Brianna Mareschi
Nathaniel Darmali
Shaun Blaje
Melissa Correia
Tushar Puthran
Amelia Xiberras
Well done to all of you.
Book Week celebrations
Our Book Week celebrations will be held next week.
Book Fair
Books supplied by Central Book Suppliers will be on sale at the following times:
Tuesday 26th August
Wednesday 27th August
Thursday 28th August
8.30 – 9am
8.30 – 9am
8.30 – 9am
3pm – 3.45
3pm – 3.30
following the dress-up parade
Children will get a preview during their borrowing times in the week before sales.
I would appreciate some help selling books each day as it gets quite busy. If you are able to spend 30 minutes on any day,
please fill in and return the form below.
We will also need lots of plastic bags. If you have any to spare, could you please send them along to the Library.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I am able to help sell books at the Book Fair at the following time
Tuesday 26th August
8.30 – 9am
3pm – 3.45
Wednesday 27th August
8.30 – 9am
3pm – 3.30
Thursday 28th August
8.30 – 9am
following the dress-up parade.
Name _____________________________
Child’s Name and class ____________________________________
Dress up parade
Thursday, 28th August is the date for our big parade commencing at 9.15am, which is always a lot of fun.
We don’t expect anyone to go out to buy costumes, but simply adapt what you already have. The fun of taking part is the
main aim of the day.
I have collected a few ideas and put them on the Library website if you are looking for inspiration.
Judy Buhagiar

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