Here - Canon Law Society of America


Here - Canon Law Society of America
Canon Law Society
of America
October 13-16, 2014
76th Annual Convention
St. Louis Union Station Hotel
• St. Louis, Missouri •
The Unity of the Church:
Challenges and Prospects
The 2014 convention of the Canon Law Society of America marks the 50th anniversary
of the promulgation of three important Vatican II documents: Lumen gentium (Dogmatic
Constitution on the Church), Orientalium Ecclesiarum (Decree on the Eastern Churches)
and Unitatis redintegratio (Decree on Ecumenism), all promulgated on 21 November 1964.
The occasion prompts us to reflect on the goals of Vatican II (1962-65) and to consider the
successes, the failures, and the challenges that lie ahead.
The goals of the Council were succinctly articulated by Blessed John XXIII on the evening
of 25 January 1959 when he announced the convocation of an ecumenical council. The new
pope had been elected to the Chair of Peter only ninety days before; to take such initiative
was an act of great trust in Divine Providence and revealed his personal courage. The occasion was the final evening prayers of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at Saint Paul
Outside the Walls. The context of the announcement reveals the main goal of the future
council: the unity of the Church and humanity.
On the evening before His death, the prayer and priority of Christ was the unity of his followers: Ut unum sint. We would miss the full implications of this prayer if we were to
restrict this prayer to the area of ecumenism, that is, to the restoration of the breaches in
ecclesial unity which have occurred. The unity of the Church must also focus on the role of
the hierarchy, the pope and bishops, in maintaining the order of the Church.
What does canon law have to offer in the mission to build communion? Tribunals deal with
matrimonial cases that provide for healing in the lives of individuals who have suffered broken unions. Ever more frequently, tribunals are called upon to deal with accusations against
clergy for impropriety and disputes. The proper administration of justice can restore good
order, resolve conflict, and serve as an example of the Church’s concern for justice.
What does canon law have to offer in coping with the “church dividing” issues of the day?
There is a need to identify the issues and provide structures and procedures for open discussion and appropriate resolution.
Some statistics indicate that ten percent of Americans identify themselves as “former Catholics.” Does canon law have anything to offer in addressing this issue?
As a Society and as individual canonists, we have been deeply involved in the renewal of the
institutional life of the Church. We have witnessed—and contributed to—the promulgation
of the two codes which govern the life of the Church: the 1983 Codex Iuris Canonici and the
1990 Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium.
It is appropriate to reflect on how these legal texts and our own work can contribute to the
unity of the Church.
Board of Governors
October 2012
Welcome to the
Archdiocese of St. Louis!
“As Catholics in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, in communion with the
Bishop of Rome, we are called by our Lord Jesus Christ to be His Church
and live His Gospel. With joy, we strive to fulfill our Baptismal calling
by prayer and worship, teaching and sharing our faith, serving others,
and fostering unity in diversity. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we commit
ourselves to the responsible stewardship of all God's gifts.”
- Mission Statement, Archdiocese of St. Louis
Boasting a history rich in Catholic tradition, St. Louis is celebrated for its missionary
past, for the zealous Catholics who brought the faith to early pioneer populations.
The city first served as the See city for Bishop Louis William Valentine DuBourg,
bishop of Louisiana and the Floridas, from 1817 to 1820. Bishop DuBourg welcomed
the Vincentians, the Jesuits, and the Religious of the Sacred Heart to St. Louis, and
in 1826, the Diocese of St. Louis was formally erected.
Bishop Joseph Rosati, the first shepherd of the diocese, oversaw the construction
of the Cathedral of St. Louis (Old Cathedral) in 1831. His successor, Bishop Peter
Richard Kenrick, became the first archbishop of St. Louis when the diocese was
elevated to a metropolitan see in 1847, the third such see in the country.
The year 2014 marks a number of milestones for the
city, as it turns 250 years old. The city also celebrates the
800th anniversary of the birth of Saint Louis IX, King of
France - the city’s namesake, as well as the patron saint
of the Archdiocese and beloved Cathedral Basilica.
Today, the Archdiocese of St. Louis stretches nearly
6,000 square miles and is home to over half a million
Catholics. Shepherded by The Most Reverend Robert J.
Carlson, ninth archbishop of St. Louis, the archdiocese
continues to espouse the ideals of faith, service, and
Archbishop Robert J. Carlson
Pre-Convention Workshops
Two pre-convention workshops are offered this year in conjunction with our
annual convention. An additional registration fee of $275 per person is required for
participation in a workshop. (Please select only one.) Workshops begin Sunday,
October 12, 2014. The full pre-convention schedule may be found on page 5.
Workshop 1. Examination of Simulations: Total and Partial in Light of Recent
Rotal Jurisprudence
Msgr. John G. Johnson
Dr. Lynda Robitaille
In every simulation case the judge is interested in discovering the existence of a
positive act of the will. Fundamental questions in any analysis of simulation are
therefore what a positive act of the will is and what sorts of things characterize it
(e.g., a dialectic between the reason(s) urging the subject to undergo the ceremony
of marriage and the reason(s) urging him/her not thereby to become married as the
Church understands marriage).
Peculiar to each kind of simulation case is the object of that positive act of the will.
Hence, the workshop would then focus: (a) on total simulation and exclusions of the
bonum coniugum and the sacramentality of marriage; (b) on exclusion of the bonum
prolis; (c) on exclusion of the bonum fidei; (d) on exclusion of the bonum sacramenti.
The foundation of proving simulation tends to be the admission of the simulator, but
there is a body of cases in which: (a) the admission is ambiguous; (b) the admission
(at least in words) is nonexistent; or (c) the alleged simulator denies having simulated.
How the Roman Rota deals with cases in these situations is interesting in itself and
helpful to practitioners in lower tribunals.
The bulk of the evidence tends to be testimony of witnesses. Here it is useful to
reflect on the difference between reporting facts and stating opinions and the way in
which one weighs testimony that purports to report facts. Here the group can reflect
together on what kinds of questions to ask the witnesses and why we should ask
those questions rather than others.
Workshop 2. Dispensation from the Clerical State: Background, Practical
Aspects, Procedure
Msgr. Richard Soseman
This workshop will explore the background and procedures involved in seeking a
dispensation from the obligations attendant upon Holy Orders and from clerical
celibacy: specifically, how documents are best prepared at the diocesan level, and
how they are processed at the Holy See.
Pre-Convention Schedule
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Registration begins
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Continental Breakfast;
Registration continues
Workshops begin
Coffee and Tea Break
Lunch (on your own)
Workshops resume
Coffee and Tea Break
Monday, October 13, 2014
Continental Breakfast
Workshops resume
Coffee and Tea Break
Workshops conclude
Convention Schedule
Please note: Unless otherwise noted, all meal/beverage offerings listed are provided
with your registration fee, including lunch on Tuesday.
Monday, October 13, 2014
2014-2015 Committee Chair Luncheon
(by invitation)
Registration Begins and Exhibits Open
Opening Prayer and Welcome
Remarks: Most Rev. Robert J. Carlson,
Archbishop of St. Louis
4:30pm Keynote Address
The Past as Prologue: A Consideration of Canon Law in the United
Most Rev. Brian Farrell, LC, STD
Has ecumenism moved from the prophetic edge to a ‘comfortable center’?
Examining the achievements and limits of traditional ecumenical dialogues,
the presentation will look at some of the present opportunities and challenges
for progress towards full communion between the churches. In the absence
of a road-map, what elements and issues of the Catholic commitment to
Christian unity need to be clarified and strengthened? What help can come
from canon law and canon lawyers?
6pm Opening Reception
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
7:30am Liturgy for the Deceased Members
of the CLSA
Continental Breakfast
A1. The Office for Promoter of Justice: Once Thought Nearly Irrelevant
Again Becomes Relevant
Rev. Thomas T. Brundage
The Promoter of Justice is the person appointed in each diocese and in the
higher tribunals of the Catholic Church whose responsibility it is to provide
for the public good. In penal proceedings, he brings the accusation on behalf of
the Church, and prosecutes it before the tribunal. This workshop will provide
an overview of this office, its history, and its use, especially in marriage nullity
cases and penal cases as well as the process of leaving the clerical state.
A2. Development of the St. Peter Ordinariate:
A Bishop’s Perspective
Most Reverend Kevin Vann
Having been involved in the Pastoral
Provision since his appointment to Forth
Worth in 2005, and later the establishment
of the Ordinariate in the United States, the
speaker will present a perspective as pastor,
canonist and bishop on the many aspects of
this providential understanding.
A3. Sacramental Issues in Ministry to
Rev. Manuel Viera, OFM
This seminar will address some of the issues and blessings encountered in the
celebration of the sacraments, sacramentals, and popular religiosity within
the Latino population in the United States. Dialogue among participants will
be encouraged.
A4. From Generation to Generation: Challenge and Opportunity
Sr. Patricia Wittberg, SC
Each generational cohort possesses a culture analogous to and intersecting
with the various ethnic cultures in North America today. Proclaiming the
Gospel in successive generational cultures poses challenges to the Church,
but it also provides opportunities for growth and change. The presentation
will explore the roots of generational differences in the way each cohort
approaches (or fails to approach) the Church, and some of the implications
for pastoral practices.
10:30am Coffee and Tea Break
B1. Diocesan Indebtedness – Will We Be Selling the
Dr. Diane Barr
This seminar will review the challenges to all dioceses
regarding the indebtedness they face, including growing
liabilities from clergy and lay pension plans, parish
building overruns, diocesan school support issues,
parish consolidations, misconduct settlements, cemetery
care funds and other matters with their possible impact
on diocesan ministry. The seminar will also include a
presentation of some of the practical and proactive ways
these matters are being handled in various dioceses.
B2. Assisting Aging Religious
Sr. Amy Hereford, CSJ
We are at an important place in the life of the Church and in the life-cycles of
many religious institutes to make decisions, get the affairs of the community
in order, and ensure the dignity of their final years and legacy. Drawing on
the presenter’s experience with these institutes, this workshop is for canonists
who assist these communities and will explore the tasks needed to ensure an
orderly transition.
B3. Internet Porn: “Is This a Dagger I See Before Me?”
Deacon Gerald Jorgensen
Pornography and cybersex addictions are loaded subjects – morally,
psychologically, and canonically. This presentation will explore the
practically ubiquitous presence of porn and its ever-increasing consumption
on the implications for matrimonial consent.
B4. The Unfinished Business of the ‘Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches’
Most Reverend David Motiuk
In 2015, we mark the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council’s
Decree on the Eastern Catholic Churches, Orientalium ecclesiarum. The
decree provided guiding principles governing the Eastern Catholic Churches,
the preservation of their spiritual heritage, the rights and obligations of the
patriarchs, the discipline of the sacraments and divine worship, and relations
with the Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox Churches. The Eastern
Code codified these guiding principles but left the work of completing the
implementation of Vatican II undone. In light of the
New Evangelization, in particular, where growing
numbers of Eastern Catholics find themselves
outside their original territories (oftentimes as a
result of persecution), what has been accomplished
when it comes to the Eastern Code, and what
remains to be done?
12:30pm Buffet Lunch
1:30pm Candidate Forum
C1. Lay People as
“Protagonists in the Church”: Pathways for the
Dr. Anne Asselin
Pope Francis has stated that lay faithful, in virtue of their baptism, “are
protagonists in the work of evangelization and human promotion.” As we
gain a growing awareness of their indispensable role in the mission of the
Church, this presentation will explore pathways to encourage their active
engagement as leaders in the Church’s evangelistic effort, while, hopefully,
avoiding the pitfalls of clericalizing the laity.
C2. Offices and Relationships in the Diocesan Curia: Moderator, Vicar(s)
and Chancellor
Rev. James J. Conn, SJ
This seminar will consider the theory and practice of official responsibility
in the diocesan curia through an examination of the pertinent canons and a
review of their concrete application across the United States.
C3. Marriages of Oriental Catholics at Latin Parishes: Canonical
Rev. Francis J. Marini
This seminar will concentrate on the canonical considerations which must be
taken into account to have licit and valid marriages when an Eastern Catholic
is being married at a Latin Parish to 1) another Eastern Catholic, or 2) a Latin
Catholic, or 3) a Baptized non-Catholic, or 4) an un-Baptized non-Catholic.
This discussion has practical implication to Tribunal personnel because
failure to be attentive to these considerations
can invalidate a marriage on technical grounds,
meaning the Tribunal can use a documentary
process rather than a formal process.
C4. Witnesses in Marriage Nullity Cases
Rev. Peter Akpoghiran
Since witness testimony plays an important role in
marriage nullity trials, this presentation will focus
on the admissibility, examination, and evaluation
of the witnesses. An in-depth look into the various
criteria for evaluating witness testimony will shed
more light on the applicable norms in the code and
in Dignitas connubii. This presentation will also
discuss the attainment of moral certitude in the
evaluation of witness testimony.
4:30pm Budget Report and Open Hearing on
Alumni Receptions
Presidential Dinner (by invitation)
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
7:30am Past Presidents’ Breakfast (by invitation)
Continental Breakfast
Major Address
Future Paths for the Ecumenical Movement: Canonical Considerations,
Challenges and Contributions
Dr. Myriam Wijlens
With Vatican II, the Roman Catholic Church committed herself irreversibly to
the restoration of Christian Unity and engaged in many dialogues. Fifty years
after the promulgation of the Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis redintegratio,
the question arises as to the role canonical structures (particularly with regard
to ecclesiological issues) can and must play in further advancing the unity of
the church. The reflections presented will be guided by the relatively recently
developed method of Receptive Ecumenism, which focuses on learning from
other churches and ecclesial communities. That in itself presupposes the
willingness to recognize first one’s own weaknesses and to identify those
points which are in need of reform. Which role can the existing canonical
institutions play in this process? How can they facilitate the learning process?
Engaging in Receptive Ecumenism, however, will also imply that the
existing canonical structures will be challenged: what are the implications
for the legislation and application of canonical norms so that they will be
conducive to the restoration of Christian Unity? Where and what kind of
reform is required?
10:30am Coffee and Tea Break
Seventy-Sixth Annual Business Meeting
12:30pm Lunch (on your own)
1:30pm Second Instance Judicial Vicars’ Meeting
D1. Building Something New: The Creation of the Personal Ordinariate of
the Chair of St. Peter
Dr. Margaret Chalmers
It is rare to be building something completely new in the Catholic Church.
With the publication of Anglicanorum coetibus, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
created the basis for a new type of juridic entity, then
entrusted it to a group of committed former Anglicans
to be brought to life. This presentation will discuss the
many challenges in the creation and administration
of the Ordinariate, from the expected but difficult
canonical crafting of a new entity, to the unexpected
and perplexing canonical and practical challenges that
never could have been envisioned or anticipated.
D2. Ecumenical Activity in the Tribunal: Dignitas
Connubii, Articles 2-4
Rev. Michael Joyce, CM
Dignitas connubii “canonizes” matrimonial law of the
Churches and ecclesial communities. This seminar
examines the matrimonial law of those Churches and
ecclesial communities and how articles 2-4 of Dignitas
connubii affect the work of ecclesiastical tribunals.
D3. The New Evangelization and Codex Iuris
Canonici: Canonical Principles for “Missionary
James-Daniel Flynn
Pope Francis has repeatedly affirmed the missionary identity and imperative
of the Church, calling for a “New Evangelization” to the world’s “existential
peripheries.” The term “New Evangelization” has been in use for the last 40
years, but it is often misunderstood or misappropriated. This presentation
will consider the history and mission of the New Evangelization, and
propose some principles of canon law essential to its definition and success.
Liturgy and Installation of the Board of Governors
St. John the Apostle and Evangelist Catholic Church
15 Plaza Square, St. Louis, MO 63103
6:30pm Reception (cash bar)
7:30pm Banquet Dinner
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Continental Breakfast
Major Address
Marriage in Eastern and Western Churches
Chorbishop John Faris
The presentation will examine and compare the norms governing marriage in
the Code of Canon Law of the Latin Church with those of the Code of Canons
of the Eastern Churches of the Eastern Catholic Churches. In particular, this
analysis will focus on the norms that regulate the canonical form of marriage,
impediments, marriages between persons ascribed to different Catholic
Churches sui iuris and the laws regulating marriages of non-Catholics.
Pope Francis has alluded to differences between the Catholic and Orthodox
approaches to divorce and remarriage. His impromptu remarks, while not an
official exercise of papal authority, nevertheless challenge Catholic canonists
to examine Orthodox practices for alternative ways to respond to failed
marriages. This study will address the challenges of possible implementation
of such practices in the Catholic Church.
Canon Law Society of America
Board of Governors
Very Rev. Phillip J. Brown, SS
Msgr. Michael A. Souckar
Rev. Thomas E. Cronkleton, Jr.
Ms. Zabrina R. Decker
Msgr. Charles V. Antonicelli
Ms. Catherine Gilligan
Rev. James J. Conn, SJ
Dcn. Gerald T. Jorgensen
Rev. Patrick Cooney, OSB
Rev. John R. Vaughan
Past President
Msgr. John J. Foster
Registration & Fees All amounts listed below are USD.
ird rly B
Before 9/12/14
After 9/12/14
Convention Registration Fees
Active and Associate Members
Student Members
Non CLSA Members
Pre-Convention Workshop Fee
Guest Banquet Fee(s)
$60 per additional guest
Candidates for Office
Office of the Vice-President/President-Elect
Gerald Jorgensen
Rev. Manuel
Viera, OFM
Judge and Consulting
Psychologist, Archdiocese
of Dubuque, Iowa
•Deacon, Archdiocese of Dubuque, 1979
•JCL, The Catholic University of America, 1998
•PhD, Colorado State University, 1973
Current Ministerial Experience:
•Promotor of Justice for Penal Matters,
Archdiocese of Dubuque
•Assistant Director, Office of the Permanent
Diaconate, Archdiocese of Dubuque
•Master of Ceremonies for Archbishop of
•Member, Permanent Diaconate Formation
Board, Archdiocese of Dubuque
•Member, Ex Officio, Archdiocesan Review
Board, Archdiocese of Dubuque
•Deacon, Church of the Resurrection,
Archdiocese of Dubuque
Prior Ministerial Experience
•Director, Office of the Permanent Diaconate,
Archdiocese of Dubuque
•Assessor, Metropolitan Tribunal of Dubuque
•Member, Board of Directors, Iowa Catholic
•Member, Adult Faith Formation Program
Board, Archdiocese of Dubuque
•Consultant, Catholic Charities of Dubuque
Service to the Society:
•Member since 1995
•Chair, Marriage Research Committee (20002003
•Member, Board of Governors (2002-2004,
•Editor, Marriage Studies V (2004)
•Chair, Task Force on Absentee Ballots
•Presentations/seminars/workshops at
national conventions, regional conventions,
provincial meetings (1999-present)
Judicial Vicar, Diocese of
Tucson, Arizona
•Member of the Order of Friars Minor,
Province of St. John the Baptist, Cincinnati,
Ohio, 1982 (Professed 1978)
•JCL, The Catholic University of America, 1987
Current Ministerial Experience:
•Canonical Affairs Specialist, Diocese of
•Chair of the Government Committee of
the OFM Province of St. John the Baptist,
Cincinnati, OH
Prior Ministerial Experience:
•Judicial Vicar, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, OH
•Chaplain to Hispanic Ministry at St. Julie
Billiart Parish, Hamilton, OH
•Adjutant Judicial Vicar, Archdiocese of
Cincinnati, Ohio
•Judge, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, OH
•Judge, Archdiocese of Santa Fe, NM
•Judicial Vicar, Archdiocese of Santa Fe, NM
•Judge for the Diocese of Las Cruces, NM
•Pastor and Parochial Vicar, Various Parishes
Service to the Society:
•Member since 1987
•Chair, Committee on Consecrated Life
•Ex Officio, Committee on Professional
Responsibility (2009-2011)
•Member, Board of Governors (2008-2011)
•Presenter at the Western Canon Law
Convention (2011) and Midwest Canon Law
Convention (2011): “Tribunals and Hispanic
Ministry: Needs and Concern.”
•Part of a Panel of Presenters at the Kansas
City Convention on the topic of retention of
•Member, Scholarship Committee
•Initial Translation of Code, Community,
Ministry, from English to Spanish
Candidates for Office
Office of Secretary
Mary Gen
Marilyn R.
Vassallo, CSJ
Judge and Canonical
Diocese of Evansville, Indiana
Canonical Consultant
and Director For
Marriage Services, Canon Law Professionals
•JCL, Saint Paul University, 1989
•MCL, University of Ottawa, 1989
•MA, St. Louis University, 1988
Ministerial Experience:
•Judge, Diocese of Evansville (1989-present)
•Canonical Consultant to the clergy and lay
leadership of the Diocese of Evansville
•Canonical assistant to parish mergers
•Defender of the Bond, Court of Second
Instance, Diocese of Evansville
•Defender of the Bond, Indiana Province
Tribunal of Second Instance
•Presenter regarding Marriage and
Declarations of Nullity for parishes and
diocesan groups
•Instructing Judge, Privilege of the Faith
•Member, Ethics Committee, St. Mary
Hospital, Evansville, IN (2012-present)
Service to the Society:
•Member since 1986
•Board Member, Midwest Canon Law
Society (2013-present)
•JCL, Saint Paul University, 1991
•MS Ed, College of St. Rose
•MAT in Theology, St. Michael’s College
•MCL, Saint Paul University
Ministerial Experience:
•Member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Carondelet of the Albany Province, 1964
•Defender of the Bond, Diocese of Scranton,
PA (1991-1992)
•Judge and Defender of the Bond, Diocese of
Birmingham, AL (1992-1998)
•Director of Canonical Services, Diocese of
Shreveport (1998-2013)
•Judge/Defender ad causam, Diocese of
Shreveport (1998-2013)
•Coordinator for Religious, Diocese of
Shreveport (2006-2013)
•Member, National Conference for Vicars of
•Instructor, candidates for the diaconate
and Lay Ministry Program, Diocese of
•Presenter, various annulment workshops and
lay advocate preparation
Service to the Society:
•Member since 1989
•Presenter, pre-convention workshops and
seminars on Advocacy, and Programs for
the Formation of Lay Advocates for Diocese
throughout the United States and Canada
•Contributor, CLSA Proceedings
Candidates for Office
Office of Consultor
Anne E. Bryant
Patricia M. Dugan
Director of the
Metropolitan Tribunal,
Archdiocese of
Galveston-Houston, Texas
Principal of the Law
Firm of Patricia M.
Dugan, Philadelphia,
Ministerial Experience:
Ministerial Experience:
•JCL, The Catholic University of America, 2004
•Master of Theology, University of St.
Thomas, Houston, TX, 1998
•Master of Education, University of St.
Thomas, Houston, TX, 1994
•Defender of the Bond, Diocese of El Paso,
TX (2010-present)
•Adjunct Professor of Canon Law, University
of St. Thomas, Houston, TX (2006-present)
•Canon Lawyer, Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston (2004-present)
•Auditor, Diocese of Galveston-Houston
•Marriage Preparation Coordinator, St. Cyril
of Alexandria, Houston, TX (1998-present)
•Marriage Preparation, St. Pius V Catholic
Church, Pasadena, TX (1994-2000)
•Principal, St. Pius V Catholic School,
Pasadena, TX (1991-2002)
•Ongoing workshops and presentations:
Myths about Annulments; Marriage in the
Catholic Church; Annulments: What are
they and why can the Catholic Church
grant them?; “Other Forms of Nullity and
Dissolutions,” Yearly Case Sponsor training
•Prepare/Enrich Trainer (Marriage
Preparation), Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston
Service to the Society:
•Member since 2000
•JD, Villanova School of Law, 1980
•JCL, Pont. Univ. of St. Thomas Aquinas,
Rome, 1989
•M.A.Rel.St, St. Charles Seminary,
Philadelphia, PA, 1991
•Advocate for accused and accusers in
Graviora Delicta cases (2002-present)
•General practice of canon law
•Judge, Canadian Appeal Tribunal (2006-2013)
•Defender of the Bond, Diocese of Camden, NJ
•Auditor for the Scottish National Tribunal
•Judge Assessor to the Diocesan Tribunal,
Dubuque, IA
Service to the Society:
•Member since 1985
•Member, Nominations Committee (20102013); Chair, 2013
•Member, Church Governance Committee
•Publications Task Force (inception-2007)
•General Convention Chair (1995-2002)
•Civil Canon Law Committee, Chairman for
two terms, member for three
•Presenter, Eastern Regional Conference on
Associations of the Faithful and on Civil
Law Implications on Canonical Issues,
Annapolis, MD and Harrisburg, PA
•Presenter, 2000 Pre-Convention Workshop
on Civil Divorce and Marriage Annulment
•Contributor, Sponsorship in the United
States: Theory and Praxis, and The Church
Finance Handbook
•Contributor, Roman Replies and CLSA
Advisory Opinions (1995-2005)
Candidates for Office
Office of Consultor
Very Reverend
David J. Klein
Reverend Peter B.
Judicial Vicar, Diocese of
Camden, New Jersey
Judicial Vicar, Diocese of
Shreveport, Louisiana
•Priest of the Diocese of Camden, 1990
•JCL, The Catholic University of America, 2002
•MDiv., Christ the King Seminary, East
Aurora, NY, 1989
Ministerial Experience:
•Chancellor, Diocese of Camden (2009-2011)
•Member, Diocese of Camden College of
Consultors (2009-present)
•Member, Diocese of Camden Presbyteral
Council (2009-present)
•Member, Personnel Board, Diocese of
Camden (2009-2011)
•Member, Deacon Personnel Board, Diocese
of Camden (2010-2012)
•Member, Merger Review Committee,
Diocese of Camden (2009-2011)
•Member, Office of Youth Protection Review
Committee, Diocese of Camden (20092011)
•Member, National Association of Catholic
Chaplains (1996–2006)
Service to the Society:
•Member since 1999
•Chair, Eastern Regional Conference of
Canonists (2009-2010)
•Priest of the Diocese of Shreveport, 1990
•JCL, North American College (Gregorian
University), 1991
•STB, North American College (Gregorian
University), 1991
Ministerial Experience:
•Judge, Tribunal of the Diocese of Shreveport
•Judicial Vicar and Presiding Judge, Diocese
of Shreveport (1993-present)
•Member, College of Consultors
•Member, Presbyteral Council (1996-present)
•Member, Equestrian Order of the Holy
Sepulcher (2004-present)
•Chaplain, Centenary College Catholic
Community (1993-1995; 2005-present)
•Member, Diocesan Liturgical Commission
•Pastor and Rector, The Cathedral of St. John
Berchmans, Shreveport (2005-present)
•Co-Chairman, New Orleans Provincial
Council (2013-present)
•Chairman, Presbyteral Council (2011-2014)
•Loyola College Prep, Board of Trustees
•Chaplain of Federal Prison (1995-1999)
•Pastor and Associate Pastor, Various
Service to the Society:
•Member since 1990
•Member, Hearings Committee (1997-2000)
Convention Registration Fees
Registration fees include access to
convention materials as well as entrance to
all presentations; the cocktail reception on
Monday; the continental breakfast Tuesday
through Thursday; the buffet lunch Tuesday;
and a banquet dinner Wednesday night.
Please note: Early Bird Registration ends
September 12, 2014.
Online registration is available at www. If you would like
to register for one day only, please email for fees.
Registration Payments
Payments may be made by check or by Visa/
MasterCard. Registrations paid by credit
card must be completed online or by calling
(202) 832-2350 to ensure the security of all
credit card transactions.
Registrations paid by check must be mailed
with a completed registration form to Canon
Law Society of America, 3025 4th St. NE,
Suite 111, Washington, DC 20017. Processed
registrations will be acknowledged with a
confirmation email.
Cancellation Policy
Registration fees will be refunded in their
entirety for all cancellations requested by
September 12, 2014. Fifty percent (50%)
of the registration fee will be refunded for
cancellations made between September 13
and September 25, 2014. No refunds will
be made for cancellations made on or after
September 26, 2014. Requests may be made
by emailing
Room Reservations
The 2014 Convention will be held at the St.
Louis Union Station Hotel, 1820 Market
Street, St. Louis, Missouri, 63103. The room
rate for attendees is $125 per room per night
(for any occupancy). This rate does not
include taxes or assessed tourism fees.
To reserve hotel rooms, please visit or call (314)
621-5262. Mention the CLSA convention
when calling. Attendees are encouraged
to make reservations as soon as possible;
discounted room rates are only secured until
September 23, 2014.
Guests may check-in at 3pm and check-out
is at 12noon.
Airline Travel
The Lambert-St. Louis International Airport (STL) is approximately seventeen
miles north of the St. Louis Union Station
Hotel. The Union Station Hotel offers convenient transportation to and from the airport through Go Best Express Shuttle for the
cost of $21 per person each way ($37 round
trip). The shuttle runs every 20 minutes
from the airport to downtown, from 5:50am
-6:10pm. The vans have limited availability,
so reservations are encouraged. Please call
(314) 222-5300 or visit the hotel website to purchase
your ticket online.
St. Louis also has reliable public transportation from the airport into the city center via
the MetroLink light rail system ( The light rail serves the airport directly and has a stop at Union Station,
around the corner from the hotel. The fare is
approximately $4 one way.
Taxis are available outside each terminal and
cost approximately $40 per trip (one-way).
Hotel Parking
Attendees who are hotel guests have access
to secure, covered parking at a rate of $14/
night (self-park) or $24/night (valet). Guests
have unlimited in and out privileges.
Attendees who are not staying at the Union
Station Hotel may park at the hotel during the
day at a discounted rate of $24/day ($15/3-6
If you have any questions, please contact
the Office of the Executive Coordinator at or (202) 832-2350.
Registration Form
Early Bird Registration ends September 12, 2014
Participant Information: all fields are required
Name as you would like it to appear
on your Convention Name Badge: City, State as you would like it to appear
on your Convention Name Badge: Email Address: CLSA Member Status:
 Active/Honorary Member
 Associate Member
 JCL Student Member
Is this your first time attending a CLSA Convention?  YES  NO
Do you require vegetarian/vegan meal options?  Vegan
 Vegetarian Pre-Convention Workshops: October 12-13 ($275 fee per person)
For a full description of each workshop, see page 4 of this booklet. There is a $275 fee
for attendance. Please select one workshop:
 W1. Examination of Simulations: Total and Partial in Light of Recent Rotal
Jurisprudence, Presented by Msgr. John Johnson and Dr. Lynda Robitaille
 W2. Dispensation from the Clerical State: Background, Practical Aspects,
Procedure, Presented by Msgr. Richard Soseman
Convention Banquet: Wednesday, October 15 (no add. fee)
Do you plan on attending the banquet (no additional fee)?
Will you be bringing a guest to the banquet ($60/guest)? ​
Seminars: Tuesday, October 14 and Wednesday, October 15
Select the seminars you plan to attend; this helps with assigning appropriate room
sizes for each session. See pages 5-11 for titles and descriptions.
Tuesday, October 14, 9:00am:
 A1  A2  A3  A4
Tuesday, October 14, 2:30pm:
 C1  C2  C3  C4 Tuesday, October 14, 11:00am:
 B1 B2  B3  B4
Wednesday, October 15, 2:30pm:
 D1  D2  D3
Payment Summary:
See page 16 for information regarding fees, payment, and cancellation policies.
Early Bird, Before 9/12After 9/12
Convention Registration Fees
Active and Associate Members
Student Members
Non CLSA Members
Pre-Convention Workshop Fee
Guest Banquet Fee(s)
$60 per extra person
Name(s) of Extra Banquet Guest(s): $
Registration Fee
Pre-Convention Workshop Fee
Guest Banquet Fee(s)
Total Payment Enclosed
Return this completed form with payment to Canon Law Society of America,
3025 4th St. NE, Suite 111, Washington, DC 20017
Convention Registration is available online at
For office use only
Pre-Convention Workshops
Dr. Lynda Robitaille, JCD, Canonical Consultant, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Msgr. John G. Johnson, MA, JCD, Associate Pastor, Hilliard, Ohio; Judge, Diocese of
Columbus, Ohio
Rev. Msgr. Richard Soseman, JCL, Official, Congregation for the Clergy, Vatican City, Europe
Major Addresses
Most Rev. Brian Farrell, LC, STD, Secretary, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Vatican City, Europe
Dr. Myriam Wijlens, STL, JCD, Full Professor of Canon Law, University of Erfurt,
Germany; Honorary Professor of Ecumenism and Canon Law, University of Durham,
Great Britain
Chorbishop John Faris, JCOD, Adjunct Professor, The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
Rev. Peter Akpoghiran, JCD, Judicial Vicar and Chancellor, Archdiocese of New
Orleans, Louisiana
Dr. Anne Asselin, JCD, Dean, Faculty of Canon Law, Saint Paul University, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada
Dr. Diane Barr, JD, JCD, PhD, Chancellor, Archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland
Rev. Thomas T. Brundage, JCL, Judicial Vicar, Archdiocese of Anchorage, Alaska
Dr. Margaret Chalmers, JCD, PhD, JD, Chancellor, Personal Ordinariate of the Chair
of Saint Peter, Greenville, South Carolina
Rev. James J. Conn, SJ, JD, JCD, Professor of the Practice of Canon Law, Boston College, Massachusetts
Mr. James-Daniel Flynn, JCL, Special Assistant to the Bishop, Diocese of Lincoln,
Sr. Amy Hereford, JD, JCD (Anticipated, 2014), Religious Law and Consultation,
Private Practice, St. Louis, Missouri
Deacon Gerald Jorgensen, PhD, JCL, Judge and Consulting Psychologist, Archdiocese
of Dubuque, Iowa
Rev. Michael Joyce, CM, JCD, Local Superior, Perryville, Missouri
Rev. Francis J. Marini, JD, JCOD, Judicial Vicar, Tribunal of the Eparchy of Saint
Maron of Brooklyn, New York
Most Rev. David Motiuk, Bishop, JCOD, Eparch of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Most Rev. Kevin Vann, Bishop, Diocese of Orange, California
Rev. Manuel Viera, OFM, JCL, Judicial Vicar, Diocese of Tucson, Arizona
Sr. Patricia Wittberg, SC, PhD, Professor of Sociology, Indiana University, Indiana
Save a Stamp! Register online at
Office of the Executive Coordinator
3025 4th Street NE
Suite 111
Washington, DC 20017-1102
Canon Law Society of America