The Angel - St Mary of the Angels Secondary College


The Angel - St Mary of the Angels Secondary College
The Angel
Thursday 23rd April 2015, Volume 8
God of love and liberty, we bring our thanks this
ANZAC day for the peace and security we enjoy,
which was won for us through the courage and
devotion of those who gave their lives in time
of war. We pray that their labour and sacrifice
may not be in vain, but that their spirit may
live on in us and in generations to come. That
the liberty, truth and justice which they sought
to preserve may be seen and known in all the
nations on earth. This we pray in the name of
the one who gave his life for the sake of the
world, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
27th April
Pushing the Boundaries Camp
Year 10/11 Stronger Rally
4th May
Year 7 Info Night, Nathalia
5th May
School Photos
6th May
Year 7 Info Night, Cobram
College Athletics Carnival
8th May
Year 12 Career Expo
11th May
Year 7 Info Night, Numurkah
12th May
NAPLAN Testing (12-14 May)
13th May
Year 7 Info Night, Finley
P&F Meeting - Numurkah
20th May
28th May
Opening of the Musical ‘Annie’
28th - 30th May - Annie
5th June
Year 10/11Exam Week (5 - 11)
8th June
Queen’s Birthday
10th June
GAT - VCE Units 3 & 4 Students
11th June
College School Social
12th June
Staff Data Entry
Principal’s News
Ms Leonie Irwin
Dear Parents, Students and Friends of St Mary of the Angels,
Congratulations to our all female Northern Angels football team
who enjoyed the official launch of their team last Friday evening
at the Nathalia Football Club rooms. The girls drew quite a
crowd at their first match on Saturday too. The team is made
up of students from St Mary of the Angels College and Nathalia
Secondary College. Keep your eyes out for the progress of this
very committed and energetic team.
On Monday, staff were once again privileged to work with
educationalist Mr Glenn Pearsall. Staff could nominate one time
during the day when they could elect to work as a member of a
team with Glenn and then all staff from the four schools in Nathalia
joined in an optional after school session with Glenn on good
classroom practice. These ongoing training sessions are a part
of our commitment this year to enhance student outcomes and
further engage students in their learning. Glenn will be back again
later in the year to continue his work with staff.
Last Thursday we were visited by the team from Catholic Capital
Grants in Melbourne. The team were interested in looking at
our master plan and asked us questions about our most recent
application for a building grant to build a new Year 7 learning
centre. The team congratulated us on the condition of our College
buildings and were very impressed with the amount of landscaping
in the school; they were very surprised to hear that much of the
landscaping has been designed and created by students from our
Design and Create Outdoor Living electives classes over the past
few years. We will hear later in the year whether or not we are
invited to go to the next stage of the process.
We will welcome Fr Rob Galea to the College next as he works with
our Year 10 students and in the following week, we will commence
our information evenings for those parents who are interested in
sending their child to St Mary of the Angels College in 2016.
Pace e bene.
Leonie Irwin
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College
Chapel Street, Nathalia, Victoria, 3638
Ph: (03) 5866 2222 | Fax: (03) 5866 2471
Email: | Website:
Deputy Principals’ News
Michael Ross
Deputy Principal – Catholic Identity
The end of term saw the successful running of our CrossCountry and Caritas Ks. The fund raising efforts of our
students contributed to empowering the lives of many
people in need. In addition to fund raising, an important
aspect of Caritas Ks was the students carrying buckets
of water from the creek back to school. It may seem like
a pointless exercise to an outsider but it provides the
students with an experience that millions of people in
the world carry out day in and day out. Some 1.1 billion
people in the world lack proper access to clean water
and each day spend many hours collecting water far from
their homes.
It is a small step, but those students who carried water
experienced and understood something of what life is like
for those without the immediate access to water that we
take for granted. They participated in an act of solidarity,
standing beside those in need, and sharing the love of
As the new term begins, our year levels will be attending
Masses during community times. Our Religious Education
teachers are building on their understanding of scripture
and we are continuing to find ways of creating possibilities
for our students to experience God’s love.
Students take action
carrying buckets of water.
Representing the call to service
that the school promotes, DeputyPrincipal Matt Carver, in imitation of
the example of service that Jesus set
at the last supper, washed the feet of
a number of staff and students at the
College during the Easter Liturgy.
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College
Chapel Street, Nathalia, Victoria, 3638
Ph: (03) 5866 2222 | Fax: (03) 5866 2471
Email: | Website:
Deputy Principals’ News
With the return of cooler winter, now is the time to think
of a useful addition to the school uniform, a College scarf.
These are available from the College office in navy or white
for $16 only. In addition to keeping warm this season, when
you purchase a scarf, you will also be helping families
in Peru where our College scarves are made by women
trained at the Tika workshops.
Low wages and a lack of educational opportunities continue
to be the reality of most Peruvians who work in unskilled
and lowly paid jobs.
These women live in overcrowded districts made up of
poorly built shacks without many of the basic facilities that
we take for granted such as easy access to transport, water
and sewerage.
For the 40 or so women who have been trained and work
at the Tika workshops, the opportunity to earn a reasonable
wage in a supportive, safe environment is a unique
opportunity. According to Gregoria Flores, supervisor at
the Tres de Mayo workshop, “The slogan of TIKA is ‘united
hands’ and it is our way of organising work, which means
working in a group and helping to improve the quality of life
of the people in our community.”
Gregoria and all the women who work in the Tikaperu
workshops are thankful to the support they receive from
Australia and the opportunity to help their families. “Australia
is a faraway country to Peru, still we are united due to your
love for us”, explained Gregoria.
Deputy Princiapls’ New
Tim Campbell - Deputy Principal (Student
Wellbeing & Development)
On Tuesday 14th April the School
Captains and SRC Captains attended
the VIC SRC Conference for school
leaders in Benalla. Here, they
were able to gain skills, network
with students from other schools
and discuss issues of concern.
The students demonstrated great
involvement and represented the
school with immense pride. Well done to
all students involved and we look forward
to watching their terrific progress and high level
leadership skills in action as the year progresses.
A huge congratulations to Year 11 student Reni Hicks
who has been selected to represent Vic Country at
the 2015 AFL Youth Girls Championships in WA – a
sensational achievement. Reni will be travelling to WA on
Saturday 2nd May and competing against the best female
footballers the country has to offer.
To help support Reni, the SRC have decided to run a
“Footy Colours Day” on Friday 1st May. Students are
asked to don their favourite team’s colours and make
a gold coin donation. All money raised will be evenly
split between supporting Reni and the Fight Cancer
A reminder that all students should now be in full winter
uniform. If, for any reason, your child is unable to wear
the correct uniform, please write a note for your child
to give to their homeroom teacher. Our uniform looks
fantastic and demonstrates pride in our school. Students
that are not in full uniform will be given a lunchtime
detention unless a note is provided. School blazers are
also expected to be worn to and from school, as well as
on excursions outside of school. We appreciate families
support of our uniform policy.
Our College photo day is upon us (Tuesday 5th May).
Could parents please ensure that your child is wearing
the correct winter uniform and that the College rules are
adhered to in regards to jewellery, coloured hair, nail
polish and facial hair. Thank you in advance.
this Tuesday 5th May 2014
On photo day, every student attending the school will
be photographed.
Please return your child(s) photo envelope to the
College prior to or no later than Tuesday 5th May 2015.
Some tips from the photographers to ensure you get
the most out of your school photo:
Ensure your child is groomed and in the best, cleanest
uniform, with the correct shoes.
Ensure your child is on time to school on photo day.
Encourage your child to smile - Happy children are
beautiful children.
The school cannot help you with your enquiries.
Please direct your questions and comments straight
to MSP Photography at or
phone (03) 5881 3436.
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College
Chapel Street, Nathalia, Victoria, 3638
Ph: (03) 5866 2222 | Fax: (03) 5866 2471
Email: | Website:
Deputy Princiapls’ New
Matt Carver - Deputy Principal, Curriculum
Welcome back to Term 2, I think it is the longest and
busiest term on the College calendar. Your children will
exposed to many exciting experiences, challenges and
opportunities during this term.
Parents and guardians of our year 9 students will be
well aware that the immersion work and preparation is
gearing up. In particular our families will soon receive
some correspondence regarding a schedule of immersion
meetings that will take place on Friday 22nd May. These
meetings will provide an opportunity for the students to
discuss their Term 3 immersion possibilities with us and
for parents to ask any questions relating to the program.
Term 2 - Year 9 Immersion Events as follows:
Monday, May 4: Friday, May 15: Monday, May 18: Friday, May 22:
Tuesday, May 26 Immersion Focus Day
Echuca / Shepparton excursion
Immersion Focus Day
Echuca / Shepparton excursion
Immersion Focus Day - Vicki Clark
Immersion Meetings Day
(No Year 9 classes)
National Sorry Day
Thursday, May 28
Reconciliation Week College Liturgy
Monday, June 22 Immersion Information Night
from the tests. The College will send out an information
brochure regarding NAPLAN in the near future.
Our College Vision and Mission Statement asks us
to be a community where a rich and diverse learning
environment exists and that we enrich each other through
the joy of learning. During the first part of this year our
staff as certainly ‘lived the vision’.
We have now worked twice with Glen Pearsall, an
educational consultant who has expertise in peer to peer
coaching, formative assessment, assessment tools and
learning culture. On Friday 8th May we will be exposed
to Brendan Spillane, a Western Australian academic
who specialises on developing high performing learning
and school cultures. Next Monday afternoon Alison
Dietrich, local teacher, will present a workshop to many
staff members on the merit and value of the ‘flipped
classroom’. Our staff, like our students are learning all
of the time.
Later this term our Year 11 and 12 students will engage in
the Exam Week festival. The exams will begin on Friday
5th June and conclude on Thursday 11th June. The dates
listed below provides some more information about this
very busy time on our Term 2 calendar.
NAPLAN, 2015:
Preparations are under way for the annual NAPLAN
testing regime for our Year 7 and 9 students. NAPLAN
testing will begin on Tuesday 12th May and conclude
on Thursday 14th May. The students will engage in five
tests in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy. Parents/
Guardians are able to exempt or withdraw students
Friday, June 5: Year 11 Exams begin
Monday, June 8:
Queens Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday, June 9:
Year 10 exams & Year 11 exams
Wednesday, June 10:Unit 3 & 4 GAT, Year 10 Exams
Thursday, June 11: Year 10 and 11 Exams conclude
College Social
Friday, June 12:
Student Free Day
St Mary of the Angels
Secondary College
Invites all prospective families to attend our
OPEN D ay 2015
20th M
at one of the following locations:
St Mary of the Angels – Nathalia - Mon 4th May
St Joseph’s Primary School – Cobram - Wed 6th May
St Joseph’s Primary School – Numurkah - Mon 11th May
St Joseph’s Primary School – Finley – Wed 13th May
Student Wellbeing News
Glenda Harding - Student Wellbeing
Welcome back to term two. Hope you all had a good rest
during the holidays and are able to get back into routine
easily. Remember to get plenty of sleep, exercise and
nourishing food to get you through this busy term.
GIRLS GROUP for Year 7, 8 and 9 girls takes place in
the Pastoral Care office at lunchtime each Thursday. The
girls are invited to bring their lunch and join the group.
HEALTH WEEK will take place during the week of 11th
– 15th May. More details will be in the Angel and on daily
notices on PAM and SIMON.
Thank you to our Year 10 Journalism class for writing
some fantastic instructional articles on wellbeing activities
below the first has been written by Olivia Brunskill.
Olivia Brunskill - Year 10 Journalism
Got too much booked?
Struggling for time? Staying
up too late and still running
out of time? Is your life full of
stress from too much going
on? If you are like so many
others, your schedule is
also an endless rotation of
events. From sporting commitments,
SAC preparations, work, studying and
social engagements you life is probably
hectic. Perhaps you feel overloaded? Or
maybe your days seem to go from one
crisis to another, and this is stressful and
demoralizing. Here are five tips to keep
your life in check and in balance.
You have heard it once, you have heard it a thousand
times but the cold hard fact is that a schedule works. It
is a known fact that if you can visually see how your day
is laid out and broken down you are able to understand
where your time goes, if you can fit in a quick meeting
or maybe even if you can catch up on the sleep that you
so badly need. You are able to know how, where and
when things are going to happen. From a quick glance
in a diary, daily planner or even a calendar your life can
become simpler, and you can use your time fare more
that you need to stick to. It can be hard, but after a routine
is set in place your life is simpler and less stress invades
your world. And if you aren’t a diary person maybe a
personal planner or a calendar might be your way to go.
Priorities are one of the best and worst keys to unlocking
a better, more balanced life. Knowing what you need to
do and what you want to can be a fine line but it needs to
be clear. It can sometimes be hard to know what comes
first but when it comes down to the last straw you need
to know. Whether you can fit in that SAC preparation,
catch that movie or make it to work, your priorities play
an important part in your everyday lifestyle. Your day
doesn’t need to start at a regular morning time and end
the same way; you should have a flexible day and thanks
to organisation you will be able to do this. Organising you
priorities is a crucial key as it helps and can easily lead
you to the gateway of a stress free and more balanced
life. Without a diary your priorities can become a mess as
you overcommit and double-book yourself because you
simply don’t know what you’ve got on.
A simple way to manage your time and priorities is to
know your timetable, and learn your week-to-week
schedule. This basic tip can be such a life-saver. Learn
your diary, in fact live by it. By not knowing your timetable
you are at high risk of double booking or overloading
yourself with stress. This is defiantly not good for you.
Stress has no part in any sort of benefit to your day. So
learning your timetable is a quick solution to the neverending cycle of stress. Know when and where things are
going to happen, believe me this will save your life not
once, but hundreds of times.
Despite all that you have read, time still needs to be saved
for you. You are the most important thing on the timetable.
Time needs to be set aside, just for you. Remember to
have fun and don’t overload yourself, this is yet another
simple way to avoid stress, give yourself some space to
breath. Take it from experience, I know it can be hard but
sometimes you just need to stop for a little while, relax
and take deep breaths. Often that in itself can help you
remember what you need to do, calm you down and just
make life that little bit calmer.
Just by following these fun and simple steps your life can
be transformed from stress overload to serendipitous
Diaries are cheap easy and a super smart way to map
out your day. With a quick scribble in a small book, your
life can be made so much easier. However this is a plan
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College
Chapel Street, Nathalia, Victoria, 3638
Ph: (03) 5866 2222 | Fax: (03) 5866 2471
Email: | Website:
Careers News
Are you interested in a career as:
Business Analyst
IT Consultant
IT Manager
Project Manager
Network Engineer
Systems Analyst
Software Architect
Web Specialist & Developer
Business Manager
Come and experience life as
a CSU student for a day at
MyDay Accounting, Business,
IT & Computing, AlburyWodonga
Find out more about our
 Bachelor of Information Technology
 Business Degrees
Are you looking towards a career in Health?
So many options for you to explore at
Careers Day Out
Thursday 30th April 2015
Open to the public 4pm to 6pm
Multipurpose Pavilion, Shepparton Showgrounds
Charles Sturt University's Faculty of Business
has earned an exceptional reputation with
employers for producing graduates who not
only cope with the challenges of today's
business world, but excel in the opportunities
which they create.
Find out more about
overseas study
opportunities as part of
your course
Careers Day Out
Thursday 30th April 2015
Open to the public 4pm to 6pm
Multipurpose Pavilion, Shepparton Showgrounds
 Bachelor of Accounting
Thursday 30 April, 2015
9:30 am – 12:00 noon
Charles Sturt University, Albury-Wodonga
Elizabeth Mitchell Drive, Thurgoona
Casual clothing. Please note that closed in
footwear must be worn if you wish to
take a campus tour.
BYO or food and beverages can be
purchased from the on campus food outlets
An opportunity for a junior position after-school, weekend
and school holiday work at both Numurkah and Nathalia
stores, for further information please contact David
Brereton on 5866 2466.
Thinking about a Trade career?
Learn more at the Careers Day Out
Thursday 30th April 2015
Open to the public 4pm to 6pm
Multipurpose Pavilion, Shepparton Showgrounds
Looking for a career in Hospitality?
Explore your options at Careers Day Out
Thursday 30th April 2015
Open to the public 4pm to 6pm
Multipurpose Pavilion, Shepparton Showgrounds
14TH - 15th May 2015
See your Careers Advisor
for a Registration Form or
register your interest at:
Inviting interested Secondary School
Students Year 9 – Year 12 and Teachers
(limited places available)
Agriculture and Horticulture has a career for everyone!
Do you want to be a part of Australia’s largest and rapidly
growing global food and fibre industry?
Come along and discover some exciting and high
rewarding career pathways in agriculture and horticulture
at the Agriculture and Horticulture Careers Event.
Cost is free (food and transport provided)
Explore the possibilities of an agriculture and horticulture
related career
Experience hands on activities
Learn about pathways into the sector and scholarships
Meet professionals who work within the industry
Discover the job opportunities that exist in this industry
You must register to be eligible to attend this event.
More information available from your school’s careers teacher.
Sports News
The College annual Cross Country run was held on the last day of Term 1, Friday 27th March. It was great weather for
a run. All runners and walkers did a tremendous job finishing the course, then carrying buckets of water back to school
from the creek as a reminder that many people living in poverty walk many kilometers to fetch water daily.
A huge thank you to all of our staff that contributed their time and especially Mr Storer for the huge amount of
preparation and effort that took place to make the day an overall success.
Congratulation to all participants and Cross Country Age champions. Congratulations also to all Houses and the
overall winners St Clare.
St Clare House Captains L-R: Amy Brooks, Jackson Walpole,
Matthew Cline and Ashlee Heap.
1st St Clare
2nd St Francis
3rd St Elizabeth 480
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College
Chapel Street, Nathalia, Victoria, 3638
Ph: (03) 5866 2222 | Fax: (03) 5866 2471
Email: | Website:
Sports News
13 Boys
13 Girls
14 Boys
14 Girls
15 Boys
15 Girls
16 Boys
16 Girls
Open Boys
Open Girls
Joshua O’Dwyer
Hugh Jamison
Connor Remmerswaal
Molly Reid
Tammy Woods
Dempsey Nye
Clancy Lester
Zavier Woodhead
Tristan Doyle
Ella Ogier / Gracie Reid
Adriana Oliver
Joshua Willson
Jack Wilson Jacob Morris
Bronte Conroy
Holly Hindmarsh Natalie Lukies
Jake Hindmarsh
Mitchell Small
Tyler Seabrook
Hannah Garner
Mille Nye
Georgia Nelson
Louis Pinnuck
Connor Terry
Mason Bond
Laura Ryan
Monica Arnel
Georgina McCracken
Sports News
Andrew Storer
Sports Coordinator
On Monday the 20th April nine keen
golfers took to the course at the
Bendigo Golf Club. After an early
start the boys were all keen to get
to the course and strut their stuff.
This year saw a new short course
format for the junior section with a
major aim to attract more golfers
to the tournament. SMOTA had
the most representative players
over the entire Loddon Mallee
Region. In what was a very cold
and tough conditions the students
handled themselves very well and
enjoyed the day greatly.
There were two separate sections
on the day with Handicap golfers in one section and non
handicap players in another.
The competitors with the lowest gross scores progress
through to the State Final to be held in Melbourne later
in the year.
Our players and scores were:
Jordan Bovalina 39 Brayden Summerville
Jordan Cleeland
Hugh Jamieson
Sebastian Moore
Yehan Sooriarachchi
Jesse Barker
Jett Rothe 53
Kalle Stewart
A great day was had by all. We are still waiting for
confirmation on how many of our students made it
through to the next round. This will be determined after
qualifying rounds being played later this week.
The junior and intermediate tennis teams competed in
the Campaspe Region Interschool tennis competition last
Thursday 16th April.
The teams consisted of:
Intermediate Boys: Jack Wilson, Alex Bakogianis, Alex
Andrew, Jordan Cleeland and Xavier Thorpe.
Intermediate Girls: Ruby Pinnuck, Hannah Riseborough,
Maria Gilroy and Natalie Lukies.
Junior Boys: Brayden Summerville, Michael Brooks,
Zac McLeod, Michael Kam, and Riley Coonan.
Junior Girls: Lilly Bond, Rosie Arnel, Georgia Walpole,
Marlee Ingamells and Chelsea Daniel.
The Intermediate teams were very competitive and had
many close matches at Echuca College’s remarkable
sporting complex. They played the game in great spirit
and represented the College admirably.
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College
Chapel Street, Nathalia, Victoria, 3638
Ph: (03) 5866 2222 | Fax: (03) 5866 2471
Email: | Website:
Sports News
Rosie Arnel &
Chelsea Daniel,
Year 8
The junior girls team
consisting of Chelsea,
Lilly, Marlee, Georgia
and Rosie travelled
to Kyabram with all
the SMOTA tennis representatives to participate
in zone tennis. The weather was expected to be
overcast but ended up being perfect conditions
for tennis. We played against five other schools.
We defeated St Joseph’s Echuca who finished
on top of the ladder and lost by one game to
Rochester who placed second overall. We did
an exceptional job and narrowly missed out on
playing in the finals and a chance to go to the next
level. We had a great day, a great team having a
go and doing our best with the help of Mrs. Nihill.
Michael Brooks and Riley Coonan – Year 8
When we arrived at Kyabram we had enough
time for a warm up hit. Our first game was a draw
against Nathalia Secondary College with Zac and
Brayden going down 5-4 and Michael B and Riley
winning 5-4. Later in the day Michael K and Riley
had a great 6-0 win. Over all the day was good.
We placed 4th out of six teams.
P h o t o gra phy
C o mp e t i t i o n
‘A t o u c h o f I t a l y ’
Student’s News
Tyson Johns
The Year 7 camp was great! Every one enjoyed it and
I reckon I’d do it all again. The activities were indoor
swimming, archery, mountain bike riding, gold panning,
bushwalking mini-golf, rope course, initiative course,
making damper, more bush walking, and I’m going to tell
you my personal opinion about all of them.
Archery was great. It was fun shooting a bow for the first
time and watching others fail and having a good laugh.
The guy that taught me how to shoot a bow was mad he
could hit the dead centre in the target without looking.
When it was my turn to shoot I was nervous, but when I
let go of the string and hit the target I felt relieved.
WHERE? At St. Mary of the Angels
Enter an original photograph in the St Mary of the Angels,
‘A touch of Italy’ Photography Competition.
• Photos must show how Italian immigrants or
their descendants have contributed to Australian
communities and culture.
• The previous year’s winning entries cannot be
• Photos must be original in content and not be digitally
• Age groups: Junior - Years 7-9 & Senior - Years 10-12
• Attach an official entry form (available from the library)
to your photograph.
• Judges decision is final.
Mountain bike riding was my favourite activity out of
them all. At the start we had to go up a steep cliff. I felt a
bit scared but I made it up to the top. Two people didn’t
make it up to the top they ended up crashing into each
other. The best bit of mountain bike riding is going down
hill. The wind flowing into my face felt unreal and the
rocks making your wheels bounce of the ground was
extraordinary. Out of nowhere someone crashed in front
of me and got his leg run over by another kid. Luckily I put
on my brake just in time. When we got down to the bike
shack no one could stop talking about this experience.
Submit your entry to the box at the library by Tuesday,
May 26th, 2015. Winners announced June 2nd, 2015
The Gold Panning Museum was interesting and I learned
a bit about mining. I learnt that they used to use high
pressure water cannons to get rid of all the hard rocks.
When I went gold panning I mainly swam in the river with
my mates and splashed everyone because there was no
way that I would have found gold.
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College
Chapel Street, Nathalia, Victoria, 3638
Ph: (03) 5866 2222 | Fax: (03) 5866 2471
Email: | Website:
Student’s News
The Mini golf course was fun and creative. There was
only one downside and that was that they didn’t have
any golf balls they just had little balls.
The rope course was my second favourite it was so
much fun. There was one rope challenge were you
needed to walk across the rope while holding on to a
rope above you. Instead of doing that we just wiggled
around and last one still on the rope won. I fell over and
hit my head on the ground but that didn’t stop me from
having another go.
This activity was really fun. We played warriors elves
and warlocks. The teams were boys versus girls with
boys dominating.
The damper I made with Bailey was delicious and easy
to make. It was even better with a little scoop of jam.
The ingredients were salt flour and water.
Digby Bunnett – Year 7
Well, off on the bus to Harrietville was truly was a beautiful
experience and we weren’t even at the camp yet. We
arrived, unpacked and headed off for our first activities.
A rotational course of sports, games, swimming, ropes
course and much more.
Dinner took place with very delicious lasagna and fruit
salad to finish off. A quick night walk to tire us out and
a special supper, macaroons and straight to beds, NO
exceptions (so they said) but obviously silence was not
an option for anyone we were all too excited.
The next day we went mountain bike riding, gold panning,
initiative coarse, damper making, gold panning and
After all of that it was a quiet night of feasting but wait
there was more a big trivia night that really pooped us
out. Well it was all over too quickly back on the bus and
straight back to our designated bus stops. Five and a half
hours later, more correctly three and a half hours later we
arrived at the Cobram V-line bus stop, this was the first
stop where most everyone hopped off, St Mary’s being
the last stop. What a great experience, thank you to Mrs
Eden and to all who organised and assisted us through
out our camp.
YEAR 7 CAMP 2015
The Arts News
All cast members will be required to attend Lunchtime
rehearsals on each Wednesday and Monday
Please bring lunch, some snacks and drinks.
Sunday 3rd May
Sunday 10th May
Sunday 17th May
Sunday 24th May
10am - 4pm
10am - 4pm
10am - 4pm
10am - 4pm – Full dress rehearsal
Technology News
St Mary of the Angels Hospitality Department have been
commemorating the efforts of the ANZAC soldiers by
researching foods from 100 years ago, served in the
homes and for our soldiers while away fighting for our
country. Each class produced different sweet dishes
which were special items during this time.
Mrs McCallum’s Year 7 students made delicious
traditional ANZAC Biscuits while Mrs Pinson’s Year 8/9
class produced awesome ANZAC mini muffins. The VET
students led by Mrs Eddy created scrumptious ANZAC
Monday 25th May – Full dress rehearsal during school
Wednesday 27th May - Full dress rehearsal during school
Thursday May 28thOpening night students will be
required at 5.30pm
Friday May 29th
Performance students required at
Saturday May 30th Matinee – students required at
11.00 am
Saturday May 30th Closing night – students required
at 5.30 pm
Students will be supervised if they wish to stay at school
between the Saturday performances. Food will be
provided by the Parents and Friends on this evening.
Parents who would like to assist back stage with makeup
and costumes please contact Vanessa at the school.
Tickets will be available from the College Office from
Wednesday 29th April.
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College
Chapel Street, Nathalia, Victoria, 3638
Ph: (03) 5866 2222 | Fax: (03) 5866 2471
Email: | Website:
Technology News
Anne Berend - Art
As part of a collective exhibition at The G.R.A.I.N. Store
in May 2015, some students from Year 11 and Year
10 Art have had work included in the “Where to From
Here?” Exhibition which presents a mixture of work from
all school across the Moira Shire. Students involved are
Megan Fisher, Tayha Malseed, Alysha Nicosia, Sohie Van
der Burg, Renee Fazzolari, Emily Fitzgerald, Lily Beer,
Billy Cleeland, Riley Barnden, Shannon Hardbottle, Nova
Papa, Amy Addison and Paige McLean. Year 11 students
work is themed, ‘Dreams and Nightmares’ and the Year
10 work is about Post Modernist concepts.
Also, the Year 12 Art class have had their written analysis
of Pre 1970 War Art exhibited at the the Barmah Centre.
Students have written about the works in context of War
and the painters methods of telling a story thought the
visual imagery. These pieces can also be viewed as
part of the ANZAC Exhibition at the Barmah Centre in
COLLEGE: The College currently has secondhand
navy blazers for $50 each in the following sizes 90,
95, 100, 105, 120, 125. Please contact the College
Office on 58662222.
Girls winter slacks size 6 $50. Phone 0417476672
Uniforms for sale, boys pants size 87 x 2 pairs available
$ 15.00 each. Contact Robyn 0409984444.
Blazer, size 95. $50
Winter kilt, size 14. $50
Girls summer dresses size 12 x 2. $30 each.
Contact Julie Pettit on 0412455524.
2 x Winter Kilts $40ea
1 pair of girls winter pants $40
Contact Tarnya 0429841971
2 x pairs of boys winter pants size 16 as new $20 each.
1 x short sleeved shirt size 14, $10
Please phone 0408395135
Invest in your most precious asset.....Your Marriage!
Forget life’s tensions and interruptions and rekindle the
closeness, intimacy, love and romance that brought
you together. Recharge your relationship batteries and
explore the precious nature of your marriage, allowing
you both to share your feelings, hopes and dreams with
each other in ways that normal, daily living tends to inhibit.
Parents & Friends News
Thank you to everyone who purchased tickets in the
Easter major raffle for Caritas - 23 prizes of Easter Eggs
were drawn on the last day of Term 2.
Congratulations to the following winners of the Easter
Egg Raffle:
John Giffard, Anne Berend, Jess Lukies, Sarah
McCracken, Chloe Smith, Sharon Byrnes, Glenda
Harding, Will Seabrook, Brook Noonan, Anita Seiter,
Mardi Danaher, Heather Morris, Anna Brown, Stephanie
Sparrow, Elise Newman, Jessica James, Henry Congues,
Archie Congues, Ewan Congues, Kate Lenssen, Hamish
Morris and Ash Batey.
St Mary of the Angels
Secondary College, Nathalia
20th May 2015
9.30am – 2.30pm
Guided Tours of the College facilities
Come along and see
the College in action.
There is no group sharing. It is based around Catholic
values but couples of all faiths are welcome.
2015 Melbourne weekend dates : 19-21 June, 21-23
August and 23-25 Oct
Starts 7pm on Friday. Ends5pm Sunday. Accommodation
and all meals provided.
PH: Marianne & Marcel (03)97330997 |
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College
Chapel Street, Nathalia, Victoria, 3638
Ph: (03) 5866 2222 | Fax: (03) 5866 2471
Email: | Website: