February 2015 - The Rochester Woodworkers Society


February 2015 - The Rochester Woodworkers Society
February 201 5
From The Chair
One thing I love about handtool woodworking is that it is
February 20/21 Bob
perfect for kids or grand-kids. I have the pleasure of working with
Yorburg, Carver
and teaching my 1 0yr old grandson Kyle. We are building 2 wall
clocks: one out of cherry and the other out of mahogany. He will
March 1 4,201 5 Hand Saw pick the one he wants after the final coat of shellac is dry.
This is a wonderful
out of Paul Seller's
March 27/28 Glen Huey,
Class as it requires
Furniture Maker
several different joints and
techniques using only
April 11 and 1 8 Shaker Oval
handtools: stopped dado's,
Box Making
grooves, stub tenons,
small decorative beads as
April 24/25 Garrett Hack,
Kyle is demonstrating and
Furniture Maker
yes, the raised panel and
SIG Meetings
round over's in the
Period Furniture SIG
were all done with my trusty #4 handplane. But to be
First Monday of Month 7:00 background
fair, I do consider myself a Hybrid woodworker. For all sizing of
the components I do use my power tools when Kyle is not
Furniture SIG
First Thursday of Month
Speaking of handtools, you can do a lot with a couple of
sharp gouges to spruce up a piece of furniture. Why not learn
from a Master like Bob Yorburg on the Feb 21 st? There are still a
Turning SIG
left in his workshop.
Second Thursday of Month few spots
how to carve fits in nicely with Glen Huey's
workshop in March on Building and Decorating Small Boxes.
There is no better way to decorate a small box than with a small
Boat Building SIG
Will Meet throughtout Feb. carving.Then in April, Bob Couture and Rich Towsley will teach us
and March for Paddle
how to make Shaker Oval Boxes. Another great project for kids.
Then rounding out our year of workshops we have Garrett
us his methods of Precision with HandTools.
The RWS Newsletter is published by the
sensing a theme here? Most everyone can run a
RWS Board Of Directors to inform the
but what separates the average
society of past and up-coming events.
craftsman is their ability to use handtools
Member articles are accepted. For more
information about the Rochester
When you learn to sharpen and use handtools properly, it
Woodworking Society checkout our
your woodworking to the next level.
website at
www. rochesterwoodworkers.org
Newsletter Chair – Rich Towsley
The 2013­14 RWS
Chairman - Brett Templar
Newsletter Rich Towsley
Librarian Connie Gates lib@
Treasurer Paul Wilkens
Workshops John Alescio
National Speakers Andy Towt
Membership Juan Ruiz
Website David Sumberg
Publicity Brett Templar
Turning SIG David Gilbert
turningsig@ 585-703-4424
Furniture SIG Rick Diehl
furnituresig@ 585-254-8582
Carving SIG Chuck Rinehart
carvingsig@ 585-385-3058
Period Furniture SIG Tim
Talma periodsig@
Boat building discussion
Group Mark Rakestraw
National Lecture and Workshop
Bob Yorburg
Bob's fascination with
turn-of-the-1 9th-century
amusement arts began as a
child. The fancy carvings and
magical displays captured his
imagination. Those whimsical
and enchanting influences are
entirely represented in his work
With an early interest in
magic, Bob designed and built
most of his own props. He
learned his woodworking and
design skills from his father and
grandfather, both of whom built
Bob earned his B.A. at Wesleyan University, and studied
design at Harvard Graduate School of Design, Parsons School of
Design and the Institute of Architecture and Urban Studies with
Peter Eisenman.
Early in his career Bob headed Dakota Jackson's custom
built furniture shop which included design, construction, finishing
and complex restorations.
Bob founded one of New York's top event companies
producing elaborate sets and props for live shows, film and
television. Re-creating a turn-of-the-1 9th-century Coney Island
environment complete with a hand-carved fantasy park earned
him public recognition throughout the United States. This
environment was featured numerous times on ABC and Disney
"Acanthus Carving & Design," is the definitive source for
ornamental design and carving of scrolls and leaves. The book,
written by Bob Yorburg and illustrated by Hans Sandom, features
a step by step approach to creating ornamental carvings and
designs. The book has received rave reviews and 5 stars on
Bob Yorburg Lecture ­ 7:45 p.m., St. John
Fisher College : 02/20/15
In his Friday night slide show presentation, Bob will
explore the highlights of his multi-faceted career as a
woodcarver, restorer and instructor.
Bob Yorburg Workshop ­ Acanthus Scroll
Panel : 02/21/15
Bob will demonstrate the step by step process he uses to
lay out, draw and carve acanthus scrolls and leaves. This is a
hands-on workshop in which students will create their own
panels with guidance from the instructor. These skills are general
in nature and can be used to introduce creative effects in many
of your own woodworking projects. Bring your sharpened carving
tools, if you have them (see list below). If not, some tools may be
available. Don't miss this unique opportunity to spend a day with
world class carver Bob Yorburg and learn how to make your
woodworking projects truly stand out!
Tools to bring (make sure they're sharp). The tool sizes can vary and not all of them are
A straight flat chisel or skew chisel approx 20 mm wide.
A #3 1 2 mm-1 6 mm
A #5 1 8 mm
A #6 1 6 mm
A #7 1 4 mm
A V-tool any size
Date & Time: Saturday February 21, 2015, 9:00 AM ­ 4:00 PM.
Lunch will be provided.
Location: CP Rochester, 3399 South Winton Road, Rochester, NY
Cost: $60 for RWS members, $80 for non-members (fee includes membership in RWS)
Glen Huey: National Lecture and Workshop
Glen Huey is an author and furniture
builder who began his woodworking career at
an early age. While still in his teens Glen built
a Sheraton Field bed, which is still around
today; and as a high school student, he spent
summers doing all stages of work in home
construction on his father's job sites. With an
eye toward someday running his own
business, Glen studied finance and
accounting at the University of Cincinnati.
After graduation he convinced his semiretired father to return to work and started his
own homebuilding business. Not enamored
with the cold mid-west winters and mudladen springs, he retreated to the relative
comfort of his workshop and began a support
business for homebuilders.
Soon, however, Glen realized a higher calling and began his career as a builder of fine
reproduction furniture.
In 2005 Glen joined the staff of Popular Woodworking as a full-time editor and shortly
thereafter became managing editor. He was later appointed editor and content director of
American Woodworker until the parent company closed the title. Glen has written numerous
articles for Popular Woodworking magazine and authored four project-based books on
woodworking and one on carpentry (click here to view the titles).
In 201 4 Glen joined with Charles Bender and Robert W. Lang in a start-up media
company (360woodworking.com), which is devoted to delivering a wide range of information to
Glen Huey Lecture: 7:45 p.m., St. John Fisher College (Room TBA)
: 03/27/15
In his Friday night talk Glen will present slides of his work and reflect on his career as an
author, editor and builder of fine period furniture.
Glen Huey Workshop ­ Building and Decorating Boxes : 03/28/15
On Saturday Glen will demonstrate his techniques for building and decorating small
boxes, including topics such as inlays by router and by hand, finishing, veneering and joinery.
Date & Time: Saturday March 28, 2015, 9:00 AM ­ 4:00 PM. Lunch
will be provided.
Location: CP Rochester, 3399 South Winton Road, Rochester, NY
Cost: $60 for RWS members, $80 for non-members (fee includes membership in RWS)
George Perzel Lecture Review
High Tech Weekend
Our High Tech Weekend took place on January 1 6th and 1 7th. It was kicked off by a
lecture on Laser Engraving at St Johns and finished up with a series of CNC Machine demos
at CP Rochester.
Laser Lecture
Our January lecture took us a little out of our comfort zone
by placing us in the field of laser woodworking. George Perzel, a
retired electrical engineer and woodworker took us through the
process by which he became interested in using lasers to burn
wood so that it came out with pictures, maps, etc. He generated
interest in the process by which his lasers work, the types of
lasers that are available and their pros and cons, along with some
amusing stories of setting some of the oily woods afire when
using them. About 60 members attended.
CNC Demo
Innovations Squared, a new start-up company from Buffalo
held a series of demonstrations on their new table top CNC
Carving machine on Saturday January 1 7th. Approx 50 people
filtered thru the morning as the technician put the machine thru its
paces. According to one of our own experts, the machine is a nice
hobby model.
Many more pictures shown at the lecture can be found at the pre-meeting display section
under the newsletter page of our website.
Up­coming Local Workshops
Make a Paddle for a Canoe or Kayak
This is a continuing class throughout Feb. and March
Instructor - Mark Rakestraw : 02/01 /1 5 - 03/1 7/1 5
Date: February 1 ,201 5 - First Session
Location: Rakestraw Cabinetry, 850 St. Paul St., Studio 1 8, Rochester, NY
Driving instructions: Going north on St. Paul St. from the Inner Loop turn right (east)
Scrantom St. Drive to the rear parking lot at the back of the building (about 1 00-1 50 yards from
St. Paul St.) and enter through the loading dock. Follow signs to Rakestraw Cabinetry.
Cost: $30
Materials: $25
Class size: 4 - 8 people
Build your own Greenland style kayak paddle: Efficient, inexpensive, easier on your
joints, and perfectly sized for your body and boat. Learn all about traditional paddling and
paddles at the Qajak USA website: http://www.qajaqusa.org/ The class will be held in Febuary,
when most everyone is off the water! If interested please contact Mark Rakestraw at
mark@rakestrawcabinetry.com Please include any dates/times/days of the week you are
unavailable and I'll pick the time that suites the most people.
Review of first class on Feb. 8th
Despite the nasty weather there were eight of us at the Feb. 8th meeting. John and I
helped 4 people get a good start on their Greenland paddles. Charlie spent some time refining
the shape of a paddle he made last year and Dave was talking about his strategy for making a
another skin-on-frame kayak. If you missed it don't worry -- they'll be bench space, and help
when necessary, for paddle making. Here's the schedule for the upcoming meetings: Feb.
1 7th and 22nd along with March 3rd, 8th, and 1 7th. The Sunday sessions begin at 5:00 pm and
the Tuesday evening sessions start at 6:00. At least 2 more work sessions will be scheduled at
the March meetings. It looks like we'll have a variety of projects happening simultaneously:
paddle making, skin on frame build, kayak sail installation, cockpit fitting, fiberglass repair.
People are welcome to be working on their own projects and/or to help with and learn from the
projects of others. Please use the bulletin board to post what you plan to work on at each
meeting. RWS kayak and canoe sig This will allow me to make sure I have adequate space
allotted for all and will also allow you to connect and coordinate with others working on the same
Hand Saw Sharpening
Instructor – Brett Templar : 03/1 4/1 5
Date & Time: Saturday, March 1 4, 201 5,
Location: CP Rochester
Cost: $30
Materials: $1 0
9:00AM to 4:00PM
Class size: 4 - 8 people
Do you have a hand saw that doesn't saw very well anymore? Not sure where to send it
to get it sharpened? Thought about trying to sharpen it yourself but did not know how? Then
this full day workshop is for you. The first half of the class will be building a saw sharpening
clamping device. This can be clamped to your workbench or held in most bench vices. The
second half will be devoted to the art of sharpening. You will learn how to sharpen rip and
crosscut profiles using the proper files. So bring a couple different saws. Panel saws with less
than 1 2 ppi (points per inch) are preferred as bigger teeth are easiest to practice on. You will
walk away with at least one sharp saw, a saw clamping device and the know-how to resharpen every saw in your shop.
Everyone will receive assembly ready pre-made parts for the clamping device for which
there will be a $1 0 materials charge. This will be collected at the door.
Shaker Oval Box Making Workshop
Instructors ­ Bob Couture & Rich Towsley : 04/11/15 ­ 04/18/15
Participants will construct a Shaker oval box (size #2, 3-1 /2" x 5-3/4" x 2-1 /4" high) using
commercial 1 /1 6" veneer in cherry, walnut or anigre. Top and bottom materials will vary.
Materials and specialized equipment will be provided. The class will extend over two sessions
because of the need for the steam bent sides to dry. It is expected that some work at home will
be required to fit the top and bottom, and to finish the box.
There will be a presentation with handouts that will cover the construction process,
material selection, construction of the forms and steam box, and other projects that make use
of the techniques used in the workshop.
After some clean up of the pre-cut sides, participants will steam bend, tack and dry the
sides. Boxes must then dry on the forms. In the second session, bottoms will be individually fit,
pinned, and glued. The band for the top will then be steam bent, and formed around the
bottoms for a tight fit. The top can be fitted at home using the same techniques, and the
participant can choose and apply a finish.
Bring these tools if you have them:
Exacto knife with standard blade, fine carving knife, or utility knife
• Pencils
• Tack hammer, or other small hammer
• Fine needle-nose pliers
• Wire cutters (can be part of needle nose plier)
• Sand paper, #80 grit to #220 grit with sanding block
• Manual or power hand drill with 1 /1 6" bit
There will be a material fee of $35. The forms can be borrowed for the duration of the class, or
purchased for $35.
Date & Time:
.....Saturday, April 11 , 201 5, 9:00AM to 4:00PM
.....Saturday, April 1 8, 201 5, 9:00AM to 4:00PM
Location: CP Rochester
Cost: $30 for RWS members, $50 for non-members (fee includes RWS membership)
Material charge: $35
Class size: 6 - 8 people
Review of Completed Workshops
Making Edge Tools with O1 Tool Steel Workshop Review
On Saturday February 7th, Bob Couture and David Gilbert ran a tool making workshop
at CP Rochester. We had a dozen enthusiastic woodworkers who plied their metal working
skills to saw, file, and grind O1 tool steel into useful tools. Once the tools were shaped, they
heated them red-hot and then quenched them in oil. The tools were then tempered in an oven
to give the final hardness. The photo below shows the group and if you look very closely, you
will be able to see some of their tools.
Library Lines
Our next speaker, Bob Yorburg, is an extraordinary carver. Thanks to Craig Smith, who
donated Bob’s book, Acanthus Carving and Design, we have his book to loan at the library
table. Remember, you can sign up on a waiting list to get a chance to enjoy this very fine book.
We also have an impressive number of other books and DVDs about many different types of
carving. Some of the titles are:
New DVD –
"Woodcarving Course & Reference Manual; A Beginner’s Guide to Traditional Techniques" Chris Pye
"How To Carve an Acanthus Leaf on a Cabriole Leg & How to Carve an Acanthus Leaf on a
Turned Post" - Mary May
"How to Carve a Ball and Claw Foot" - Mary May
"How to Carve the Concave Newport Shell" - Mary May
"How to Carve the Convex Newport Shell" - Mary May
"Carve a Ball & Claw Foot" - Charles Bender
"Carve a Ball & Claw Foot" - Phil Lowe
"Carving Techniques and Projects; a Fine Woodworking DVD Workshop" - Sam Bush & Mack
"Chip Carving; a Video Workshop from the Publishers of Fine Woodworking" - Wayne Barton
"Woodcarving 1 .Sharpening Techniques" - Chris Pye & Rob Cosman
"Woodcarving: 2. Letter Carving" - Chris Pye
"Woodcarving Basics" - David Sabol
"Chip Carving Techniques & Patterns" - Wayne Barton
"Decorative Woodcarving; The Complete Course" - Graham Bull
"Essential Woodcarving Techniques" - Dick Onians
"The Art and Craft of Woodcarving; a Complete Course, with Twelve Original Projects" Denning
"Basic Relief Carving" - Georg Keilhofer
"Carving Classical Styles in Wood" - Frederick Wilbur
"Carving Nature; Wildlife Studies in Wood" - Frank Fox-Wilson
"Carving on Turning" - Chris Pye
"Carving Totem Poles & Masks" - Alan & Gill Bridgewater
"Letter Carving in Wood" - Chris Pye
"Old Time Whittling; an Introductory Text" - Keith Randich
"Power Tool Woodcarving" - Alan & Gill Bridgewater
"Relief Carving in Wood" - Chris Pye
"Woodcarving Step by Step; How to Sharpen Wood Carving Tools" - Rick & Ellen Butz
"Woodcarving Tools, Material, & Equipment" - Chris Pye
Please call or email me to borrow materials from the library.
Connie Gates, RWS Librarian, 43 Charmwood Road, Pittsford, NY 1 4534,
Email lib@rochesterwoodworkers.org, tele. 585-21 8-961 3.
We Will Start printing reciprocal adverts of other local craft
organizations in each others newsletter.
The Rochester Knitting Guild
Do you know a seasoned knitter, a beginning knitter, or someone who would like to learn
to knit? The Rochester Knitting Guild is the best deal around! Its members have access to free
workshops, discounted workshops, some yarn shop discounts, and an opportunity to knit for
local charities. They meet the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:00PM at Temple B'rith Kodesh. To
learn more about the Guild and what it is all about, go to www.rochesterknitting.org.
The Genesee Valley Handspinners Guild
Have a knitter or crocheter in your life? Think they might enjoy making their own yarn?
They can learn this and much more with the Genesee Valley Handspinners Guild. Make friends
that will share their knowledge, and participate in programs at our monthly meetings. Visit our
website at www.gvhg.org to learn more about us.
Special Interest Groups News
Period Furniture SIG
Schedule for the 201 4-201 5:
The Chair and Period Furniture SIG meetings are at 7:00pm on the 1 st Monday of each
month. We discuss different aspects of period furniture and do different demos each month.
If you have a friend you think would be interested in the period SIG or RWS please bring
them along!
I will plan to meet the 1 st Monday of each month unless the group would like to meet at a
different time.
Tim Talma
If you would like to be removed from this mailing list please let me know.
Turning SIG Update
The Turning SIG is an informal group of wood turners who get together on the second
Thursday of each month. We usually meet at one of our members’ houses.
The next Turning SIG meeting will be on March 1 2th at Ralph Mosher's shop at 71 5
Telephone Road in West Henrietta. Ralph will be previewing his Totally Turning seminar about
making Christmas Ornaments.
I hope that all the turners will bring their recent projects (and show off a bit). I will also
have all of the projects that Nick Cook made at his workshop. We will be auctioning these off at
the January National Meeting so you can own something a famous turner made.
If you are a turner or think that you would like to become one then the Turning SIG.
Furniture SIG
As a member of the Rochester Woodworkers Society, you are able to enjoy any and all
of the five SIG's. The Furniture SIG involves more than just furniture. You might say we cover
miscellaneous flat woodworking and more. Our meetings have had presentations on stained
glass, repairing music boxes, making your own hardware, making tools, inlay, finishing, shop
layouts, SketchUp, design, and more. Did I mention we also talk about furniture? Yes, we do
that too.
We meet on the first Thursday of each month, from September to June. We usually
meet at CP Rochester, unless otherwise noted. Meetings begin at 7 PM with a few very brief
comments. From there we get right into the featured presentation, followed by a break, and
then a sharing time for the attending members to discuss projects, tools, woodworking
problems, solutions, general questions, club news etc.
March 5
Next Meeting
Cradles, refinishing & re­caning
Russ Lipp
CP Rochester
Boat Building SIG
Tis SIG will be Hosting the "Build a Paddle For Canoe or Kayak" Workshop in the month
of February.
upcoming meetings:
Feb. 1 7th and 22nd along with March 3rd, 8th, and 1 7th. The Sunday sessions begin at
5:00 pm and the Tuesday evening sessions start at 6:00.
Carving SIG
The carving SIG is scheduled to meet every month on the 4th Thursday, at 6:00PM to
9:00PM at my shop, 32 Charmwood Road, Pittsford. 585-545-9061 . Progress on current
current carving projects will be reviewed and work continued during the session.
Chuck Rinehart
Articles Of Interest
Article presented by George Harvey
These are the toys I made for the children in Guatemala. My daughter' in-laws lives in
the town of Totonicapan and their ages are from 2 to 9. They have very few toys and live a
simple life. I am hoping they will enjoy these and that I made them well enough to last a long
time. I plan on building more toys and sending them to be enjoyed by their friends in the
The large crane is a crane I made as a Christmas present for my grandsons in Houston
Pre­Meeting Display Photos
Due to the size of this newsletter I am putting the Pre-meeting display photos on the
website only.You can access ALL displays at www.rochesterwoodworkers.org under the
Newsletter Tab.
CP Rochester Directions
CP Rochester is at 3399 Winton Road South in Henrietta. If you are driving from
Jefferson Road, CP Rochester is on the right side about a quarter of a mile of the Winton
Jefferson intersection. For evening events and meetings the north entrance is
recommended and for Saturday events the south entrance is preferred.
St John Fisher Directions
All of our national meetings are held at St John Fisher in either Basil (#2) or Kearney
Hall(#1 5). St John Fisher is at the intersection of Route 31 F and East Avenue in Pittsford.
Follow the RWS signs to our meeting.
You can always complete the printable membership form (included in this newsletter) and
mail it to us with a check payable to Rochester Woodworkers Society, PO Box 92576,
Rochester, NY, 1 4692.
Please share the registration information and/or form with any friends interested in
Instructions for Joining RWS Online:
Go to www.rochesterwoodworkers.com
Click on “Join” tab at the top of page
Select the type of membership you want: Regular, Family or Business membership and click
“Add to Cart”.
Click on “Checkout” or “Check out with PayPal”
Under the “Choose a way to pay” page follow the instructions to pay with your existing PayPal
account or to pay without creating a PayPal account.
That's as easy as it gets.
Any questions e-mail us at member@rochesterwoodworkers.org
RWS Membership Discounts
This season we have secured over ten new discounts for our members with vendors as
Woodpecker's, Infinity Cutting Tools, Scott Meek Woodworks, Clear Vue Cyclones, the Wood
Whisperer Guild, Lie-Nielsen Toolworks, Evenfall Studios and others. See your RWS 201 4-1 5
"Welcome email" for details on how to take advantage of the vendor discounts; if you didn’t
receive the welcome email or if you don’t have it anymore, send an email to
member@rochesterwoodworkers.org and we will send it to you.
RWS 2014­15 Season Membership Application/Renewal Form
This form should be mailed with your check to:
Rochester Woodworkers Society
PO Box 92576
Rochester, NY 1 4692
One-Year Regular - One Adult, $20 ( received after Jan.1 st,201 5)
One-Year Family - Two or more, same household, $30 (received after Jan.1 st,201 5)
Business - $1 00 - (email business card sized newsletter ad in MS Word format to
Member Information:
Name 1 :____________________________________________________________
Name 2:____________________________________________________________
City:________________________ State:_______ Zip Code:_______________
Phone Number:______________________________________________________
E-mail Address*:___________________________________________________
* Important: Group information and notifications are only distributed by email.