•» * 1 REGISTER VOLUME XXXVII,* NO,' 52. RED BANK, N,« JM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1915, PAGES 1 TO 8. _L RACE RESULTS IN A FIGHT. SCHOOL TEACHERS TO WED, Bank Epfkltminti of Tnr«« DOG FIGHT IN CHURCH. PAIR FOR BABIES' HOSPITAL, It Will ba Held Next Wednaiday at A RECORD FOR LONGEVITY. Mrs. Ira Barrowaa'i, Teacher* Announced. SCRAPPY CANINES CAUSE COMA festival to raise money to carry Miss Elizabeth Brandei, daughter MOTION AT ENTERTAINMENT, on the work of the babies' hospital of Augustus Brandes, and Leo MeOceanic will bo held at Mrs. Ira MIDNIGHT FISTIC ENCOUNTER FOLLOWS Kee,*"both of Red Bank, have an- Tha Scrap Broke Out Just as the Pat- atBarrowes's AND FIVE BROTHERS next Wednesday after- TWO B SI STEPS nounced their wedding engagement. tor of the Tinton Falls Methodist noon and night. The fair will take TROTTING MATCH. , The date for the marriage has not Church Started to Maka a Prayer at 6lace in the house and on the lawn. EACH OVER 7 0 YEARS OLD. been Bet. Miss Brandes is a teacher Children'* Day Exereisei. [at«, negligees, fancy articles and In the Mechanic street school. Mr, day was observed by the gardening tools and implements will Colt's Hack Man's Hor«e Wort the Race, but the McKee ii assistant superintendent of TinChildren'* ton Falls Methodist Sunday-school be on Bale, There will be a grab bag the horte department at the armory. Sunday The exercises were for children, moving pictures and Their Ages Range from 8 4 to 7 1 Years and ComMiss Edna Naser and J, William rendered night, Owner of the Horse Got Licked and boat His lob Heim, In * very creditable manner music by Brooks & Denton, New York another Red Bank young and everything passed off according to banjoists, A number of articles will bined They Total 5 4 0 Years—John W, Borden of are engaged to be married. the program until before the en- be disposed of on the co-operative and Lost His Rig—His Horse and Wagon Sold at couple, Miss Naser is a daughter of Andrew tertainment closed,just when something plan, among them being an automoand is a teacher at Shrewsbury. happened thai was not scheduled to bile and a doll. The affair will be Little Silver- One of the Members of the Familya Chattel Mortgage Sale as a Result of the Fight. Naser Mr, Heim is superintendent of thetake place at all. Before pronouncing under the direction of a cornmittee of Shrewsbury avenue school at Red Celebrated His 77th Birthday Last Week. ~ Burton ~ 'J_.~K.which Mrs, Barrowes is chairman, George Crawford of Colt'i Neck scrapping1 as well aafistfighting,and Bank. The wedding date has, not the b d i ^ Rov, Way, tht r» walked to the rear got a licking and lost his job and lost this feature of the combat was fur-been fixed. John W. Borden of Little Silver povcrnment troops. The boat wai of the chu order to shake hands bin horse and wagon as a result of a ther added to by'a small boy who got Point wa« 77 years old Thursday, nnd ut Port Royal at tho time of the withth#p as theyfiledout. fight k i t week. He w u fired the out of the Van,derburg man's wagon he received a number of birthday battle there and Mr, Borden %vas a "We wfll w w pray," he said, raisday after the fight. The horse and in order to get a better view of the gifts and a shower of birthday card«, witness of the fight. ing his hands for silence. He was wagon passed out of his possession battle. This boy shouted eneour»g*Borden is a retired captain. For Mr, Borden is of a long-lived shaping hii nibuth to utter the first GARAGE AND CAR DESTROYED Mr. Saturday when it was auctioned off at ment to Hammernick and kept rea number of years ho was in charge family. He has four brothers *8fMl OLD TRINITY PARISH HOUSE word of the benediction when a trea chattel mortgage sale. The mort- peating: of one of the Patten steamboats lun- two sisters, each of whom, like himAND HOUSE DAMAGED. mendoui din broke out in the choir gage was held by Frank S. Weeks of "Give it to him Dan, Soak him HAS BEEN TORN DOWN, loft, The souifd was a combination of William C. Roger., the Owner, Had ning between Pleasure Day and Now self, i« past the allotted age of threeColt's Neck, who was Crawford's em- good." York. Ho has also Keen KCV\ Ice on score and ten yearn. All of them llva ployer. He discharged Crawford and Mr. Weeks, holder of the chattel A New and Larger Building for the growls, snarlk, barks, yelps and No Insurance on the Garage and deep wntcrand has twice been throujrh at Little Silver. They are Mrs^ CaroUse of the Sund.y-School Will be whines. The' noise came from two foreclosed the mortgage because of mortgage on Crawford's rig and also Auto—Woman Drags Chauffeur tho straits of Magellan. He retired line D. Pontin, Miss Sallie Borden Put Up (n It* PIae«—Donations of dogs, who had been in the loft near his disapproval of Crawford's fighting Crawford's employer, lives near the from Beneath Blazing Car, from active Berviee a few years iigo, ami Richard, William^ Edward and $1,500 for New Chapel. their ownew While the entertainment propensities. place where the fktie battle was On Thursday he received a number of Jacob Borden. Jacob Borden, who is Fire caused by gasoline igniting was in progrert. The animals had not The old Sunday-school building In A trotting match between Craw- fought. He was awakened from n calls from friend!), who congratulutf d the oldest member of the family, is from the flame of an automobile lamp shown any b^fi feeling till near the ford's horse and a team owned by sound sleep-by the noise made by the the rear of Trinity church on West end of the exercises when for Borne destroyed a garage and automobile him on hia health anil who wished him past eighty years of age. He vlsitl Daniel Hammernick of Vanderburg fighters and by the shouts of the boy Front street has been torn down, and reason they became enraged at each owned by William C. Rogers of many more years of earthly -jxih Red Bank every clear day. It is nearpaved the way for the fight, Craw- wpo was yelling advice to Hammer- a now and larger building will be put Keansburg, and damaged Mr. Rog-before he wears a halo nnd plftys nn ly four miles from bin home to Red nick, Partially dressing himself, Mr, up in its place. The old building was ford and Hammernick hud been to a ! other. house on Thursday night. The harp. Mr. Boiden's wife is of f about about Bank, but ho usually makes the trip The din waft prodigious. The choir ers's moving picture show at Freehold, On Weeks rushed outside without any worn out, and this, with the fact that automobile and garage were value:! the game age as her husband and she by walking. shoes or stockings on to see what th'e tho growth of the Sunday-school was compose! mostly of women. at $800, and no insurance was carried the way home they got talking about The combined ages of all the memhale and hearty, The couple have tho speed of their horses, nnd from trouble was. He parted the fighting necessitated larger quarters, made a They serearnid and stood up onon either. The damage to the house is of family ia is WTV 540 ^Eoi:) years and J * P r © O XSOrCjCTl s j bers uti3 y i the t u t mntiij' uuu it IB this tulk the race resulted. Crawford men, and it was fortunate for Craw- new chapel necessary. The contract chairs, while ttie men folks made ef- and furniture was about $400 and £L SQIlj Mr. Borden was for ten years cap- is a record that is equalled by few had another Colt's Neck man "in the ford that Mr,»Week« put in appear- will probably be awarded this week. forts to kick the snarling dogs apart, was covered by insurance. tain of a steamship owned by the other Monmouth county families, Jawagon with him. Hammernick had ance when he did, Hammernick had The new building will be 80x76 It took about five minutes to separate Mr, Rogers runs an automobile Panama railroad company. This boat cob Borden is 84 years of ago, Wilgotten the best of Crawford, and the the fighting animals, and during that hia wife nnd children and another feet, and will cost $8,000 to $7,000. latter was so groggy from the blows It will be of brick, two stories high, time the fight moved from the choir hack line, John Provin, one of hia made trips in Central' American liam is 81, Richard is 79, John W. is man for passengers in his wagon. had landed on him that he was and will be provided with hot andloft to the front door. Finally one chauffeurs, was putting a tire on an waters. During the civil war Mr.77, Mrs. Caroline Pontin i» 75, EdHammernick's horses got the lead which on the verge of collapsing. On thecold water, Heat and electric lights. man got in a kick that parted the automobile when the fire broke out. Borden was first officer of the steam- ward is 73 and Miss Sallie Borden Is nt tho start of the race, but Craw- other hand Crawford's friend had al- The first floor will be used for Sun-dogs, There was so much force be- Mr. Provin drew a small amount of ship Illinois which was used to carry 71. ford's steed gradually overhauled the most put Hammernick's friend out of day-school purposes and church en- hind the blow that the dogs went hurl- gasoline from the tank to clean the Vanderburg team. As his rig went commission. After • Mr, Weeks tertainments. The second floor will ing through the air in a series of som- tire. The oil lampa on the car were past Htfrnmerniek's horses, Crawford EINTRACHT CLEARS $70. CASE WILL BE APPEALED. the scrap the fighters stood be fitted out for infant class rooms, ersaults. Yelping with pain and lighted, and the fumes of the gasoline reached out of his wagon nnd gave the stopped caught fire when Mr, Provin crawled around for a time making threats fright and with their tails between club rooms and playrooms for the Vamlerburger's animal a cut with his each other, but finally they girls and boys of the parish. It is heir legs, the two scrappy canines ran under the automobile to attach the One Hundred Periem Attend Faitivi. Officials of Junior American Mechanwhip. Crawford claims that Hammer? against ics Vote to Carry Suit Higher, went home. All of them had bloody not a part of the plan of the trustees in opposite directions to their homes. tire on the rim. Mrs, Rogers was ^"""tiei of Red Bank Society. nick undertook to cut him off so that noses and blackened standing in the garage watching the The Red Bank officials of the lodge About 100 persons attended a card eyes, but CrawThe dogs had followed their owners to he could not pass him. He claims ford wns hurt worse than any of the to make the place a public entertain- church without their owners knowing process. Provin did not know that party and dance under the direction of Junior American Mechanics and ment hall but to use it solely for 1 that Hammernick crowded him so far other men, it, and no one was aware of the pres- the gasoline had caught fire, but Mrs. of the- ladies' auxiliary of the Ein-the authorities of the state council of church work, to one side of the rood that his ence of the animals until they got Rogers saw the flames spread to the tracht society in the Kridel building Junior American Mechanics, held a (Crawford's) wagon scraped against Tho church has about $3,000 on to Mr, Weeks held Crawford respontank of the car. She caught Provin by Wednesday night. About $70 vanconference last week at which it was fighting. the road fenders. Crawford says that sible for the fight, and he told Craw- hand to pay for the building, The the foot and pulled him from beneath cleared, A pillow donated by Mrs.decided to appeal from the verdict he slashed Hammernielc's team in ford the next day that he didn't want balance of the cost will be raised by the automobile, but not until his arms Finnegan of Saranac Lake was given by the jury in the case of Joorder to drive them -to the other side his services any longer, Mr. Weeks placing a mortgage on the property. CENTERVILLE SCHOOL CLOSES. and chest had been badly burned. Honry disposed of on the co-operative plan. seph Bennett against the Bed Bank of the road and thereby make room is overseer of the county roads in, At- Of the $3,00-0 available, $1,000 was Mr. Provin has since been, under the It was won by Miss Helen Eurieh. lodge, The jury gave Bennett a verfor his (Crawford's) team to pass. lantic township and ho is alsf overseer donated by one man and $500 by Seven Pupill Get Prize- for Perfect care of a doctor. The refreshments were donated by dict for $122 on his claim for sick Attendance Record*. man. Both of the contribuHowever that may be, shortly after of most of the township roads. Heanother Charles Hoffman and Benjamin Blom. The flames spread to the garage while he was laid up with a tors stipulated tha^-their names The Centerville public school, in and later to the house. The garage Cash donations were given by Mrs.benefits Crawford got home, Hnmmerniek employed Crawford as a teamster, should broken leg. The lodge claims he was not be made known. Holmdel township, closed a,few days and when he hired him he furnished .drove up to tho Colt's Neck man's destroyed, and one corner of the Jjieob Degenring and Fred Luther. drunk when he got hurt and that he is Rev. Robert Mackellar became rec- ago with an. entertainment in which was house and took Crawford to task for him with the rig which Crawford house and some of the furniture in it The prize winners were Mrs. John entitled to no benefits because the all the pupils took part. Miss Anna using hie whip on the horses. Anused in the trotting race, Mr, Weeks tor of the church March 11st, 1892, were damaged. The Keansburg and Baumbach, Mrs. Albert Kleinsehmidt, rules of the lodge prohibit the payargument ensued'and finally blows took a chattel mortgage on the horse He is also in charge of the Episcopal M. Braseh, the principal, presented New Point Comfort fire companies Frank Stier, Mrs. Lottie Pettit, Mrs, ment of money to members who get were exchanged, Crawford picked up and waeon when he provided Craw- church at Fair Haven, and he hasbookstoRussifl and Thomas Dangler, did splendid work infightingthe James Wokott, Charles Hoffman, y, t a result of drunkenness. The an iron jing, which is used to keep a ford with the rig. In addition to^pay- beon rector of that church since July Catherine, Mafgaret and Marie Dowd flames. During the fire some one Mrs, William Buchanon, Mrs. Nelson a P pure aaB i will be filed this week, the and Arne and Leonard Kalma for not ing Crawford for working off the 1st, 1900, The Fair Haven church is gate closed, and flung it nt Hammerbroke into the cellar of the house and and Fred Weibling. The members of officials of the lodge say, and the case being absent ,nor tardy the entire roads, he also paid Crawford for the an independent mission. It is under nick. It struck the Vnnderburg man the gas meter open. The col- the committee in charge were Mrs, will then go before the court of comthe control of the bishop; but is not-year. In addition to them, the ehil- forced Squarely in the face, making a cutservices of his horse, lector had recently been around, and Edmund Nestler chairman, Mrs. Cath- mon pleas. who had perfect records for there was only that bkd profusely. Hammernick Mr. Weeks did not want to have a part of the parish of any other ,dren fifty cents to pay the erine Coggins, Mrs. Ernest Jordan Robert Pierce takes exception to a May were Isabella Carton, Ida Maythief came buck at Crawford with his fists. any more business dealings with church. . for his trouble. and Mrs. Jacob Eurieh. statement made in The Register relaElliott, Marie-KoBbey, Firnian Mason, The man who had been riding with Crawford after the scrap, and it was Mr, Rogers will rebuild the garage tive to his testimony at the suit. He elvey, Helen and Buth Crawford came to his friend's assist- for this reason that ho fired him and MONMOUTH STREET ACCIDENT. Alice says he, did not claim to be able tojt«ll.... Partridge^nd Harold Walling. Miss and buy a new automobile. • ance, but before he could get a whack foreclosed the mortgage. Constable GUIDES FOR BOATMEN, whether a man was drunk, nor did n appointed *"for Bnat Hnmmernick, ho was intercepted by Peter 3; Frawlcy was crier of theMotogcyelkt-Hmt «nH AutoroobilUt TRYINGvTO RAISE RARE PLANT, Warning Sign* Placed In the River not say that he had had experience in tho man who had been riding in the sale. The horse was struck off to Fined $10 at Result of Collision. ,, i- increased salary. that respect. H r says that what n_e* by C«pt. George ¥ rick. wagon with Hammernick's family. Louis Snyder, prBprietor of the Oolt'a An Indian motorcycle ridden by Isabella Carton and Harry and Waldid say was that he had had enough Crawford's friend nnd Hammernick'a Neck hotel, for 838, The wagon and Ralph Saeeo, a tailor at Eatontown, ton WiU«y took the state examina- Seed Worth $50 a Pound Planted on Capt. George Frick, who is one of Oceanic Land. friend were soon engaged in a fight harness was bought' for $7.50 by aand a Ford jitney bus driven by Wil* tions at Keyport and passed with high the most enthusiastic boatmen at Red experience with Bennett to know equally as strenuous as the battle be- Polish shoemaker* at:Calt's Neck, who Ham Tomaino of Red Bank, collided standings. The Willey children will An experiment which, if successful, Bank.Hhas placed several stakes in when Bennett was drunk. tween the two principals. is known as Valentine, It cost Mr, on Monmouth street Thursday after- attend the Keyport high school, and may result in a new industry is being the river channel as a guide for motor : It, was late at night, about mid Weeks $84 to buy the horse and wag- noon. Saeeo was going towards the Isabella Carton will probably take a tried out at Howard S. Borden's place boatmen. Two of the stakes are on A BIGGER FIREHOUSE. night, when the battle started. There on for Crawford, and the mortgage station and Tomaino was driving in course at a business college at Tren- at Oceanic, under the direction of this side of the old Southern railroad 'was more or less loud talk and word wn« for that amount;,. George Kuhn, gardener on the place. bridge, and they indicate mussel beds Addition to Shrewsbury Building Will the opposite direction. The automo- ton, bile was turning northward to go on Mr. Kuhn is endeavoring to»grow where the water is so shallow that a be Built by W. S, Wainwriiht, Maple avenue when it struck the plants from the seed of alkenna pin- boat would go aground. Danger is .'ALUMNI*'FESTIVITIES. Winfleld S. Wamwright of Little CLERKS' FINE RECORDS. THIS YEAR'S VALEDICTORIAN. motorcycle. Sacco was cut over the- Annual- Reception and Dance Held toria flowers. This plant is a native printed oft'a sign on each stake. Four Silver was awarded a contract last similar warning signs are between the ear and was bruised and seritcned. of Franee, and its root gives a red week for building an addition, 20x80 FHday Ntght. Poitoffice Employee! Pan Examina- Her Two SUteri Likewise Won High He had his injuries attended to at dye which is used in the preparation trolley bridge %nd the bridge of the feet, to the Shrewsbury firehouse. Honor* Whan They Graduated, , Dr. William D, Sayre'i office. His tion! with High Score*, About 200 persons attended the of dye stuffs. The seed of the plant New York and Long Branch railroad, The cost will be $1,600, The addition annual reception * and dance of thecannot be bought in this country, and Boatmen going up the river should will make the flrehouse about twice)i George B, Truex, Georgp O, Den- A notable incident in connection machine was smashed, nis,,Joseph Johnston and Peder Gig- with the graduating exercises at Red Tomaino was arrested by Police- Red Bank alumnfc association Friday Mr. Borden had to pay |50 perleave all stakes on the port aide. In its present size, and the additional leson took examinations as dispatch- Bank Wednesday night was the fact man Harry VanNote and two state night. The association elected the pound jfor it to have it imported going in the opposite direction the space is necessitated to make room from France. If the experiment boats should pass the stakes on the ing clerks a few days ago. The ex- that Lillian VonGlahn, the valediet* automobile inspectors and was fined following officers; for a motor fire fighting apparatus proves Buccessful Mr, Borden will starboard side. amination was under the direction of rian of the class, has two sisters who $10, His action in making the turn President—Benjamin Atwater. which the company bought a short Vice president—Miss Ida Grover, E, A. Slote, chief clerk of the rail- likewise held high honors in their re- in front of the motorcycle was con- . Treasurer—Howard market the seed from his place. The time ago. The addition will have a Cole, road mail service. The men werespective graduating classes. Miss strued as o violation of the state's Recording secretary—Miss * nuth , Dlb- plant bears an attractive blue flower, FATE WAS_WITH HER, bric^t front. Weather boards will ha tested in throwing addressed cards Meta VonGlahn, the eldest sister, was new automobile traffic rules, and itben. and in France is grown outdoors used for the side enclosures. Theinto boxes bearing the same addresses valedictor,ian of the class of 1906. was for this reason that he was fined. Corresponding secretary — William without much cultivation. At theMr§, Hodgman Recover* Goodi by awork will be started next week. The lierwood. fortuitous Circumstance, as the cards, Mr, Truex made n per- She is now employed as a stenograpresent time the United States gets new engine is being overhauled at The additional members of the ex- nearly all of its dye from abroad. fect score, and he is the first person pher in the law office^ of Wilson & While at a New York pawnshop L. Davison's garage, at Red Bank. DOUBLE TROUBLE. to be examined by Mr, Slote this yoar Smock. Miss Irma VonOIahn reecutive committee are Miss Helen last week Mrs. George B, Hodgman The firemen ill hold a fair to ta» who has achieved this record. Mr, ceived high honors 4n the class of Two Mitfortunei Befall the Family Boughton, John McClellan and Arnoticed in the shop a number of arti- money to pay for the addition dd and RED BANKER WINS BIG SUIT. Donnis was second, throwing only 1909. She is a Latin teacher and thur McQueen. cles which were stolen last summer new apparatus. of Robert Pierce of Shrewsbury, -two. cards wrong, and Mr, Johnston has been engaged to teach at Red The following program was ren-Judge'n DecUion Givei Homer Methot from her summer home at Fair HaRobert Pierce, Jr., aged two years, ered: was thirif with three- misses. Mr, Ois- Bank next year. — ven. Mrs. Hodgman went to the Eitate Worth $600,000. son of Robert Pierce of Shrewsbury, J lano KQlo, leson had fourteen misses, and he .Htirolil Ijuroa shop to buy a camera, and the sales- GRADUATES FROM PRINCETON. at was badly scalded on his legs Satur- teoltatlon .Miss Ruth Dibben oiirnid a score of 98 per cent. The suit over an estate valued r EINTRACHT PICNIC, ocal solos Miss JIarle Scully $600,000 was settled at the borough man showed her the very camera Theodore Partont Fint.hmJ CoINg* day morning when he upset a pot of ..'iolin contestants ore required to make 98 which had been taken from her house. s o l o s . . . . , . , . . Angellcft Ostendorff Course La§t Week, per cent or better, Edna Naser hall at Red Bank on Saturday when She notified a detective, who went to It Will ba Held Naxt Sunday in boiling coffee on himself. His injur- Vocal solos ies were attended to by Dr. B, H,Recitations Miss Leola Moore Judge Lawrence gave a decision en- the shop and recovered for Mrs. Theodore Parsons, son of Rer* George A. Steale'a Grove. r , ocal solos. Garftson,, .Eugene Magee titling Homer Methot to the estate. Hodgman most of the things stolen Dwight L. Parsons, graduated last The 2Tth annual picnic of the Ein- On Saturday night a thief broke InThe estate in question was owned by from her summer residence. The week with high honors from PrinceBACK TQJIED BANK. tracht society of Red .Bank will be to Mr, Pierce's chicken house and Edouard Methot of Canada, who died value of the articles was about ?500 ton college. The playgrounds at Red MISSION TO CELEBRATE. Mr§. Jamgi Egen Return! Here After held in Steele's grove near Eaton- itole SB young chicks, at the home of Homer Methot last Bank were opened Monday under the town next Sunday. Running races, Traveling Extensively, — . - — mi • — summer. Edouard Methot left a will St. Tbomat'i Colored Epiicopsl summer schedule, with Mr. Parsons in potato races, women'8 race, fat men's BIKER KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS leaving practically all of the estate to Mrs, James. Egen hay returned to _, Church is Eight Yean Old. charge, William Joseph Roddey of Poiiened with Parti Green. race and a thin men's race will be Tho will was contested by Lloyd Boughton Hurt by a Fall from Rocky Hill, South Carolina, one of Rod Bank after traveling in various The eighth anniversary of theHomer. An automobile will meet the James Megarity of Shrewsbury was Canadian relatives on the ground that parts of the United States and jnheld. His Mount Monday Morning. Mr, Porsons's classmates, is visiting nt the Tinton Falls road from laid up two days last week with pois- founding of St, Thomas's Episcopal popund for it to have it imported Mexico, She is how visiting Alfred trolleys him. Mr, Farsons's brother, Reginald mission on Catherine street for colLloyd' Boughton, eon of C. E. 10:00 o'clock till noon to transport oning caused by parts green. He did his will and that he was menCochrane of High street, Mrs. Egen passengera to the grounds free of red Episcopalians In West Red Bank making of Hudson avenue, was rid- Parsons, is home from Princeton for tally deranged. The case was pend- Boughton spent' the past year and a half at Vein charge. The members of the picnic not swallow any of the poison, butwill be observed Sunday afternoon at his bicycle on Broad street Mon- he summer vacation. Cruz, Mexico, She has many curl- committee are Gus Kleinsehmidt he got a large quantity of it on him our o'clock. Rev, Robert MacKellar, ing several monthi. Edmund Wilson ing morning, when the wheel slipped osities which she gathered in herchairman, Ernest Jordan, Carl Mu- while working in a potato field. He rector of Trinity church of Red Bank, of Red Bank was the lawyer for the day on the muddy road and Lloyd was Rumion Country Club'i Birthday. perspirod freely, and his system abwinning side. The people who contravels, Mrs, Egen is 72 years old. nich, Oscar Altweln and Max Jaeger. sorbed some of the poison. He was and Rev. A. E. Jensen of Aabury tested the will say they will carry the thrown heavily to the ground, He Tho Register has followed her In all The fifth anniversary of the Rumwas rendered unconscious and was very sick for two days, but is* now Park,, who is in charge of St. case to a. higher court. her travels, son country club will be celebrated by Thomas's mission, will officiate. taken to J. I. Monsky's porch, where able to be around. special reception for the membfn, Bunk*. Gift to Graduates. There will be special music and other he revived, Lloyd received only atheir and guests at the ctob A, B. WILSON HONORED. New Jitney Bin. ntertainment features. The Second national bank has preslight bruises on his arms and hips, terracefamilies Monday night, July 6th, A Traffic Violations. and later rode his wheel home. Walter Anderson of Tinton Falls, sented each Red Bank graduate with Special Degree Conferred on Former display of fireworks will be a feature a clerk In the hardware store of Hen- ft bank book with 11 credited to the Alex Dennis of Broad street was* ar- RECORDER'S FIRST WEDDING, Red Banker by Univeriity, of the evening's festivities; Should drickKon & Applegatf of Red Bank, account of the. holder of *the book. rested .Saturday for violating a traffic the night prove stormy the event will A degree of mechanical engineer Rephard and Pettit Freed. rule and was fined f 2. This gift was made during the gradhas 1bought an automobile and is runL, Johtnon Performed Mar- was conferred upon A. B, Wilson of Charles Rephard and Edward Pet- be held on the next fair evening. Lawrence Wolf and Thomas Pur- Moieiriage ning it asftjitnoy bus between Red uating exercises Wednesday night. Saturday and Sunday. Plainficild at the "annual commence- tit of Red Bank, who were sentenced Bank and Long Branch, Walter \% It is believed that this gift will in- sell were each fined $1 for not having Moses L. Johnson, the new re- ment exercises of the New "ifork uni- t» six and three months respectively chauffeur of the car after working culcate tho habit of saving and will lights on their bicycles at night. Young Folk, en corder at Red Bank, performed his versity a few days ago. Mr. Wilson for assaulting Edward Haley, a grohours, and his brother John runs it in be a potent factor in giving the young Ten young folks of Red Bank went first wedding Saturday when he marwas formerly manager of .the Redceryman, wore paroled Monday by folks a right start in life. the daytime. Miss Jennie Lake to Wed. ried- Miss Angelina Palmieri and Bank branch of the New York tele- Judge Lawrence. The two young oh a strawride to Freehold one night Miss Jennie Lake, daughter of Jo- Louis Sampolia. The couple are Hv- phone company. He was one of eight men will be in charge of John H. last week. Those in the party were Marjorie Soffel, Lydia Meseph Lake of East Front street, is ing on DeForest avenue. Science Teaehar Take, a Wife, Will DUpose of Motorcycle. men who were honored at the com- Houghton, probation officer, on whose Misses 1 ueen, Jennie Smock and Evelyn engaged.to be married to H. B, Near On Sunday Mr. Johnson marriedrecommendation they wore paroled. Ail Indian motorcycle will be dismoncemont exercises by having deLionel 0. Liobschutz, science chandler, Fred Gusttn, Harold Webb» posed of, on- the co-operative plnn by teacher nt the Red Bank high school, iriigf of Lynnbrook, Long Island. The Miss Serena Simpson of Brooklyn and grees conferred upon them for notIrving_ Predmore, Harry Jervis, WilEdwin E. Jones of Red Bank. The able public service work. the Garibaldi society next Tuesday. was married Thursday night to Miss wedding date has not yet been set. Finet of $60. liam Frank and Frank Branch. couple have started housekeeping on The motorcycle is on exhibition at J. HJrrie Elizabeth Lum of East During the past month 120 persons School Teacher Re.ign.. Prospect avenue, Mr. Jones is a gar- EASTERN STARS CELEBRATE. Orange. The ceremony war perKridel's store. were arrested at Red Bank, accordElectrician's Office Moved. formed at last Orange. Mr. and Miss Shirley Martin of Red Bank dener. to the recorder's report file4, George J. Daly, an electrician, has m • — Liebschuti are on a wedding has resigned as teacher of the HillRed Bank Women'* Lodge Obierre* ing Auction S«I« Tomorrow Afternoon. Mrs. Monday night. Fines amounting to moved his office from the Swift build, Pitt and Mitfifa in Cerieti, trip in the Berkshires, They will Its First Anniversary. An auction sale of household goods Btart housekeeping %t Rgd Bank in side school in Atlantic township. The $60 were collected from 25 persons. ing to the Empire theater building on Eliminate the possibility of the teachers of all the other townshipword "annoyance" by a misfitting The Red Bank order of Eastern Twenty persons were sent to the will 1>c held tomorrow afternoon nt the fall. schools have been re-engaged. a women's lodge, celebrated its county jail and the remainder of the Monmouth street. The change the residence of F, Godfrey'nt 100 corset.—Let our salesladies show you Star, first anniversary Thursday night. people arrested were discharged with necessitated by the need of la: Mechanic street. I . M. Conk will be tho right style for your form, fitted quarters to accommodate Mr. Da' McF.rUnd Win. Pool Match. the auctioneer. Agent for Express Company. , on you, in our fitting rooms on theAbout 160 members of the Long reprimanda. growing business In a pool contest at the Globe Branch and Asbury Park auxiliaries M. F, Tetley has been appointed second floor, Joseph Salz Co.—Ad- were present. Vocal and instrumenthotel last week, Tony Cole of OceanMr. Philip H. Coleman wisheR to Supper and Danes Tonight. sub-agent for the American express vertisement, Property Mutt Be Sold. al selections, recitations, short notify his former pupils and their ic was defeated by Bernard Mc- company and will receive express The ladles' auxiliary of Westside To close estate, hOMi of the late Farland, an employee of the Globe speeches, a BOoiable and refresh* Wish to exchange Heavy Duty gatfriends that he will give dancing lespackages at his stationery store on will hold a supper and Mrs. Theodore F, White, com** oline engine, nve-norse power, for taents made up the evening's festivi- fire company sons during'the summer by appoint- hotel. The game wan for 125 points. Broad street , at the firehouse on Leighton Washington and Mechanic etr*tt»j small high-speed tnglne, suitable for ties. The anniversary celebration'wfts dance ment at his residence, or to private Cole lost by 25 points. A contest beavenue tonight. Dancing will be held lot 85x126 feet, 10 rooiM, all imparties' by Bpecial arrangement any* tween MeFariand and Sidney John- Up-to-the-Minut* 1916 Automobiles fresh water lakes. >Addr«ss Crystal in charge of a committee of which on an open air platform. provement!. Inqulr* of A. T. Dor»Mrs. Daniel A. Wilpon was chairman. son of Lakehurst is being arranged. Oldsmobile, $1,086; Scripp-Booth Lake, box 813, Red Bank,—AdverWhere in Mrijimouth county. 15 Rocmus. executor, or your broker.—Ad$776 f. o. b. factory, Monmouth tisement, ^ - tor'place, Red Bank. Phone 9-J,vertiBoment. "SUt Anniv«r.»ry Celebration" Fifteen Dayi* Chmllenge Sale. Fr«« Wine*. Motors Co., 22 Monmouth Btre*t, Red Advertisement. Commencing Saturday of this week continued this week with additional A bottle of good California port, Bank, Phone 7IB.—Advertisement, Kodak loveri bring ttielr printi to 1018 Atltom Up-to.the-Miniit» 1916 AtltotnobiUt. sherry or claret, given away free Dickopf 'a to be developed. Dickopf'• FinkeJitein & Pope will begin a fif-"gala attractions and glorious bar- Up-to-the-Minute Oldsmobile, $1,095; Scrlnp-Bo gains." Wearing apparel for both teen days' Challenge Ssle at their Oldsmobile, ll.ODo; S Scripp-Booth, with our dollar a full quart Cabinet Man's and Youth.' Suit,. expert iervice at short notice is eni h t. o. b. factory. Monmc #775 f.' o. b. factory. Monmouth •whiskey every Saturday. J. I. Mon- Superior. garments reduced to joyed by hundreds of satisfied pa- store, ii West Front street. Big re- sexes; also furnishings for the home |776 Co., 22 Monmouth iitreet, Motors Co., 22 Monmouth street; Red eky, 10 East Front street, Red Bank, $0.88, O98 Steinbach S t i b h C Co., Asbury Park trons at the Dickopf art shop.-—Ad- ductions arc being made ih men's and at "matchless prices." A. Salz & Co, Motors Bank. Phono 715.—Adv»rtl«tffltnt» Keyport,—•Advertisement, young men s wearing appaid, Read Bank. Phone 715.—Advertisement. —Advertisement. vertisement. —Advertisement. .-»»•••—• their advertisement on page 6 of this Special Sal* issue and then call for some of tho• det your kodak work done a Lawn and Sand Umbreltat. Special Sala Special S.U Leave your film today, call for i Dickopf's. Prints developed in 24of cannas and dahlia* tot UHT"» In solid colors and broad stripes, bargains offered.—Advertisement. of cannnq and dnhli for three days of carinas and dahlias for three days tomorrow. Up-to-date system, ai hours. Dickopf's txp«rt advice free only. Sue Ktnr* Only. See-Kihg'i} advertisement on only. See King's advertisement on Dlckopf's, Criticism free of charge *2 and $2.50. Steinbach. Co., Aabury last •' • It paya to advertise in The Register. of cha,rge,.-~fAdvertl8ement. ldstpag-e.—Advertisement. _ , last pay«—Advertisement —Advertisement. Parkv—Advertisement. * NEW EPISCOPAL CHAPEL" FIRE AT KEANSBURG. f - • • • » • • i •;--•• ^ » - » - ?• • j \ •' ,'t,' 1 I M 1 •H Hi •I THE RED BANK REGISTER. Pago Two. .* Joseph Salz Co. RED BANK, N,J. Announce, beginning today, their Semi-Annual Clearance The most significant value-giving event of the half year—designed to clear their departments of all remaining spring styles in Suits Coats Dresses Skirts Blouses Sweaters hk Greatly Reduced Prices *^ Your first ride will show you something unknown in motoring before. LIQUOR CASES IN COURT, GETS PRISON SENTENCE* Keyport Man Sentenced for Ai.aolt Two M«n Accutod of U)»M*I S*1M Ar« Acquitted at Ff**hold. —Mnrpmt Flood G«U SI* Monti*. Joseph Caproa of Asbury Park was George A, Lowla of Keyport, who wns recently convicted of assaulting acquitted on the chargo of soiling Oscar B, Luystcr last March, VMliquor without a license by « jury at Htmtoiieud lnst Wednesday by Judge Freehold last ^Wednesday. Several Lawrence to from oneto throe years witnesses testified to having bought in Btotc* prison, Luyster was on abeer from Capron. The accused jury which convicted a relative of proved that his place of business was at a different location than was Lewis's, Margaret Flood, %ho recently named in the indictnitmt. Felix Pet91o <if. Asbury Park was pleaded guilty to stealing two gold watches and a stick pin from Prank also acquitted onftcharge of Illegal SchultB of Pino Brook, was sentencrt liquor Helling. Detectives told of buying liquor from a woman, whom to six months In tho county jail, Chftrlea Parker of Rod Bank, who they believed to be Petillo's wife. hod boon in the county jail for sev- Judge Lawrence directed a verdict of eral months, was discharged last week not guilty because the location of when no indietanent was brought Petillo'B place was not definitely against him. He was held under two fixed, and the detectives wore unable charges, one for selling a chattel to say whether tlic woman was Petillo's wife. '_«,.' mortgage, Gladys M, Duntley, who had plead cd guilty to stealing jewelry fcnd KICK AGAINST ASSESSMENTS. clothing to the value of $100 from Be, Curios Henriquoa's house at Long Oesam Grove Association to Fight for EquaJ Taxation in the County. Branch, was sentenced to state priBon for from one to three years. The Ocean Grove association is about to begin a fight for the readof tax assessments of MonMANASQUANERS DISAPPEAR, justment mouth county, with a view to elimiArt, Ferdinand Leffcrisn and Fred nating the alleged discrimination against Nentun-e township. An apWyckoff Mining from Home. will be made to both the county Mrs. Ferdinand Lefferson, wife of peal state boards of taxation. The Miinasqurin grocer, whose father ia md ippeal will be based on figures furMayor William F, Lefferson, and nished Arthur H, Hope, former ?red Wyckoff, a married man and assessorby at Anbury Park, who has ;ho son of Monroe Wyckoff, disap- published several articles in which he lonred last week and their families :laimed Asbury Park and Neptune nve failed to learn their where- mvnship were discriminated against. bouts. Wyckoff was in the automoile business and is the father of a ttle girl. VETERANSJN SESSION. Mrs, Lefferson, who before her marriage was Miss Emma Lnyton of rand Army Men of New Jcr.ey llaire, left Manasquan Sunday with Meet at A.bury Park, ticket for Philadelphia, Wyckoff Four hundred veterans of the civil vent away Monday.noon, saying he war met at Asbury Park last Thursvas going to New York and would day in the 48th annual encampment •oturn Wednesday, Before going he of the New Jersey Grand Army of old his automobile, a boat and sev- the RepubHe. The meetings were :ral other articles, Mrs, Lefferaon leld in the Arcade on tho boardwalk. md Wyckoff were said to have been The veterans were welcomed to As;een together quite frequently dur- bury Park by Mayor Clarence E. P, ng the past few weeks. Hetrick. According to a report road there were 2,988 veterans m the state last December. During the past year NORMAL GRADUATES. there were 266 deaths. Monmouth County- Girli Who Hare Computed Training for Teacher*. ArrawMiith—Hulta. Twenty Monmouth county girls Miss Louise Arrowsmith, daughter graduated from the Trenton normal of Thomas V. Arrowsmith of Long school last week and a r e now M lBranch, became the bride of Sidney fledged teachers. They are Ethel E. Hults of Perth Amboy last Hitehings, Hazel McQueen and Wednesday. The ceremony was perAdelia G, Valleau of Bed Bank; Pearl formed in the Long Branch Episcopal , Johnson^Helen L, Longstreet and church by Rev, Morton A, Barnes, Mario D. Wallace of Keyport; Jo- The bride was attended by Miss Lilsephine M. Lang of Shrewsbury, Ag- ian M, Woolley, and the groom's les B, Hayward of Marlboro, E.brother, Dr, Charles Hults of New ranees Wainwright of Farmingdale, York, was groomsman, A wedding Mabel Allen of Brielle, Elolse Joline, ireakfast was served at Price's hotel hyllis B, VanBrunt, Helen J. Van- jt Pleasure Bay after the ceremony, Dyke and Mildred H, Woolley of The bride formerly taught school at jong Branch, and Jessie V. Apple- Bradley Beach. Mr. Hults is em;ate, Mary A, Barker, Marion L. ployed by the Lehlgh Valley railroad. Drake, Sadella L. Francis, Edna Milliken and Gladys L, Newman of ManThink Daughter Has Eloped. asquan, • RED BANK, N. J. rence waa appointed prosecutor he named Charles F, Sexton of Long Branch as assistant, Mr. Vredeji burgh is a veteran of the Spanish war, and he held that he was entitled to hold the office because of this fact, and also because of the civil service net of 1908. The supreme court las week rendered a decision in favor of Mr. Sexton, _^ _.___ Suppose t liis All-WeathertreBt! —now double-thick—was pared to the thinness of the usual antiskid. Would it endure like this one? Or so resist puncture? Suppose we used—ns some do —one less fabric ply. Or mode the whole tire lighter. Suppose we omitted our exclusive features' :__.:g»_i_«fc. ._,___ Grove-have demanded that they be given bathing facilities and othe concessions by the Ocean Grove a Boeiution. Injured in Runaway, Aaron Soden of Englishtown -was working with a mule on his farm lost week, when an unknown woman came FREEHOLDERS TO RUN AGAIN along carrying an umbrella. The mule took fright and ran away, Mr, Wyckoff and Daly Will B« Candidate Soden was knocked down and run Again Next Fall. over by a spraying wagon. He was Freeholders' Charles M, Wyckoff of badly bruised and shaken up, but his Wickatunk and John Daly of Long injuries were not serious. Branch will be candidates for the nomination of freeholders next fall. Mr. Wyckoff and Mr, Daly are members of the finance committee of the D*v«top Red Energy By DMp board. This committee arranges the ftmtUnt With th* HtApof * finances of the county, and is considered one of the most important committees of the board. Both men ore well known throughout the county. ^ GQOD/pYEAR RED BANK.. F. R. Boice & Co, C, H. £nnis. J, W. Mount & Co. G. H, Patterson Garage. Edw, Von Kattengell. H. L. Zobei. HAZLET, Van Mater & ^Weigand Trading Co. KEtPORT Keyport Garaged MATAWAN.. J. F. Clowes, 117 Main Street. Aiher P, Woolley, 188 Main Street, RUMSON.JohnHintclmann. iiimiiwii THE BATTLES OF BUSINESS are won by preparation and co-operation, Preparation includes the building of an acquaintance and a growing reserye of cash on deposit with your bank, Co-operation means getting a bank's aid in fortifying your enterprise, or in planning and carrying out your business campaign. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK of Red Bank wants to co-operate in every possible way to improve YOUR business and increase the prestige and prosperity of this community. IF YOUR BUSINESS HAS A FUTURE, AN ACCOUNT IN THIS BANK WILL HELP DEVELOP IT. Killed by Train. William O'Brien, who worked on a furm at Freehold, was killed by a P E R T H A i n O Y , IHi, jr. train near that place Sunday night TSUPVIBB 509 M. of last week. Hifl body was found the next morning by the engineer of another train. His head and both THE SEA FOOD MARKET a,rms were cut off and the body wmn 41 Mwunffotn SteMt, terribly mangled, Mr, O'Brien had (nenr Empiro TheJittrr) no relatives at Freehold, TBAIKErS BUSINESS CtHLEJE, Death of Aid) Womm. Mrs. Elizabeth H, Woolley, wife of Edwin L. Woolley of Poplar, died last Wednesday after a long sickness. Mrs. Woolley was 84 years old. She Is now open for builnasB with ft select had been connected with the Wayside llnu of Blunflsh, Sea Boss, Halibut; ButFlounders, Sea Trout, Weahflfh. Methodist church ever since its or-tor Fl8i\, nnd Cliiina, cuuKht fr«jh every ganization.. Besides her husband she Oysters ilnv. Alao a fancy Un«- of fresh vege~ . Telephone ordorn cnrefuily n\leaves six children. to. Give u» a. trial and b« conIt pays to advertise in The Register. OF BARGAINS ._.., ments. We spend on experts $100,000 yearly to seek out new improvements. Our All -Weather trend — always double • thick — is made still thicker in some sizes. Our Inner Tubes have been thickened 14 per cent on the average. DIED IN A CHAIR. Our No-Rim.Cut feature— Our fabric has been strengthDeath Gave Short Warning to Charlc* Our «On.AJr'» c u r e VanBrunt of Long Branch, ened. Charles VanBrunt of Long Branch Our rubber rivets— Yet on February 1st we made died while sitting in a chair Monday Our 126-piano-wire base. our third big price reduction in of last week from an attack of acute indigestion. He was sixty years old All rivals do omit them. All of two years, bringing the total to and had been twice married. He is them are costly, Our "On-Air" 45 per cent, Now you nre getting survived by eight children, two by in Goodyear Fortified Tires the euro alone cosls us 8450,000 the first marriage, Mrs, George Woolley and Mrs. Edward Sheridan of yearly la save needless blowouts. best value ever known in tiro Scrtbright The other children are But could Goodyear Fortified making. Benjamin, Ennis^ George and Ashley Tires retain top place if we did not It is due to yourself that you VanBrunt of Rumson, and 'Mrs. give those extras? this year join | Charles A, Valentine and Mrs. Wal200Bro.dw«y . ter Burdgo. tins army of conCost Added tented tire users. Victim of Par.lyiU. Prices TRAINER It is by for the AKRON. OHIO Mrs. Georgianna H. Vanderveer of Lowered largest army in Freehold died at the home of herGRADUATES Fortified Tires Tiredom. Any Instead o( that, laughter, Mrs. Edward Taylor of that SUCCESSFUL No-Rim Cut Tim—"On.Air" Cored place, Sunday of last week. Mrs, dealer will sup. we all the time With All-Wenilier Tread* or Smooth Vunderveer was born at Manasquan The great number of our Graduate* odd costly betterply you, 73 years ago. She is survived by a>d Student! who k a n obtained good three daughters, Mrs. Henry L, Jones and Mrs. Edward Taylor of Freehold pokition* nernmtif le«di a t tonrte you to and Mrs. Bowen B, Smith of Tuxedo low no time | A preparing for • Vkm Park, Inquire today. =___-_»-fc____ Goodyear Service StationsTires in Stock COOPER'S SODA" Shortage of 15,721. The report of the auditors on examining the books of former Collector Everett B, Foster of Bradley Beach shows that Mr. • Foster's accounts were ahorti; to the-amount of $6,721.81. Of this shortage Mr. Foster has paid $4,111.88. This leaves a balance of $1,909,51, Mr, Fetter will be served with a copy of the THREAT TO BURN HOTEL, report with a deiriand for a full settlement, . Letter Says Hotel Will Be Burned Unless Demands Are Granted, ^ Thief Captured Twice. A letter threatening to burn th Reuben Glover, a colored man, was North End hotel at Ocean Grove un- arrested on a charge of highway robless the demands of the South End bery at Deal Tuesday of last week residents are granted, has been and was locked up, He escaped durturned over to the postal authorities ing the afternoon but was recapby Rev, A, E. Ballard, president o tured at Loch Arbour Tuesday night the, campniBftting- ngsocifttioTi Mrs escaped by taking -the key from Frank-H. Kunst, acting president o He the wall of the jail while the office the Ocean Grove taxpayers' league, was vacated. Glover was taken to has received a similar letter, Resi- Freehold on Wednesday. dents of the southern part of Ocean Suppose We Pared These Tires JAMES COOPER, JR. Sadie Walker, flu* sixteen-year.old daughter of Robert Walker of Assury Park, disappeared Monday of Supreme Court Decides Agaiait For- last week and her parents fear she mer Atiittant Protecutor. eloped with William Harkey, with Peter Vredenburgh has lost his whom she had been keeping com- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiitwimniiHiiiiHiiiniiHi• • • * « * uit to regain the office of assistant pany for some time. Miss Walker prosecutor of Monmouth county, Mr. worked in Steinbach's store. After WEGIVE i&t GREEN TRADING STAMPS, ASK FOR THEM Vredenburgh held this offlce during eating supper Monday she started the term of Prosecutor John S, Ap- for the store and her folks have not plegnte, Jr. When Rulif V. Lawseen her since, VREDENBURGH LOSES FIGHT. DISTRIBUTORS in the I have an exceptional Bath Towel for bath room or to take with you when you go to the seashore for a swim, at each '. Other Bath Towels at - - - 50c, $1.00 and $2.00 Bathing Caps at - - - 35c, 50c, 75c and $ L00 Diving Caps 50c Bath Brushes 50c to $2.50 Bath Sponges 50c to $7.50 Rubber Sponges 35c to $1.50 Wash Cloths 5c. 6 for 25c; 10c each, 3 for 25c Wash Cloths, silk, 10c each Bath Soap 50c dozen vinced, v. nuw, JUST READ OUR PRICES AND YOU WILE* BE UNEEDA BISCUIT pkg 4c pkg 1 6 c ^ 2 cans 15c COLD PUST IONA TOMATOES ION A LIMA BEANS worth 10 cents TASTY SRIMP Delicious for Salad ARGO STARCH Regular 5 cents OVEN FRESH PRETZELS Worth 1 0 cents IttlFflNA can 7c can 10c 1b 7c 3 cans 25c SULTANA PEACHES - - - can 14c | GRANDMOTHER'S OATS pkg 7c CLOTHES PINS 100forI2c | A&P APRICOTS can 16c | SPINACH 3 can* INDIA CEYLON The Moat Economical Mid Makes « Delieioui Summer 20 STAMPS with y,-\h 25c THEA.NECTAR ICED TEA EGGS DO. 25c SUNNY BROOK BRAND DO..29C -SOLD CARTONS«E*«nr E N G M H B I ^ SOLD ONLY ONLY m m SEALED SEALED CARTONSE*«n Make* a Tea Fit for the God»., Our Bed Seller. 25 STAMPS with tt-lb 30c STAMPS WITH TEAS 60 •tampa with 1 lb. Fancy Chop Tea , ,70c W •tamps with 1 lb,,Naw Crop Tea 60c 40 Stamps with I lb: T e a . . . . . . ,50c 25 stamps with 1 lb. Tea... •.. .40c 20 stamps with % lb. India Ceylon Tea ,25c EXTRA STAMPS WITH COFIEE Our quality and price have made tn the largest butter retailers in the world MELROSE PRINTS 25c 80 Stamps with 1 lb El Kyad Coffee : . . . , S6e. 25 Stamps with 1 lb of Ambosa :; Coffee .....82c 20 Stamps with 1 lb Sultana Coffee., 80c 16 Stamps with 1 lb Iona Coffee 26c 10 Stamps with 1 lb Good Coffee 20c 10—STAMPS FREE- 1O WITH ANY OP THE FOLLOWING 1 bot A&P Ammonia 10c 1 can Sultana Spice .10a lOOSTAMPSwithalargewnA&PBAKJKG POWDER 50c 1 can Old Dutch or Atlantic Cleanser 10c Noodles, 5c each: 1 pjq? 10c 25 STAMPS with Urge bot AAP EXTRACTS 25c 22 pkga cakes Grandma's Ironing Wax, each 5c 25 STAMPS with large jar PEANUT BUTTER . 25c 1 bot A&P White Vinegar lflc 15 STAMPS w t n medium jar PEANUT BUTTER ISc 1 pkg A&P'Ice Cream or Jelly 10c 10 STAMPS with .mail jar PEANUT BUTTER . 10c 1 jarPowder Iona Brand Jams 10c 10c 10 STAMPS with 1 hot A&P Worcestershire Sauce 15c 1 bot Mustard Relish 1 pkg Elbow Macaroni 10c 20 STAMPS with 3 pkg* A&P CORNSTARCH each 7c 1 can Vnnco (Hand Cleanser) .lOc 2 boxes A&P Stove Polish, ea.. - 5c Dont fail to try A&P Worcettershire Saace - None Better 1 bot Shnwite 10c ' PBBB TbmJrtmm To F*lr H*v<m, Oceaaic, Tue»day and Friday, JUddl«t»wii and Atlantic Highlands, Wednesday. ' Highlands, Thursday. S6 WE GIVE %&C GREEN TRADING STAMPS. To Batontown, - little Sttnr and Shrewsbury, Monday K&A Thursday. Nav»Mnk, M«d«y. B«lford« Tnetday. '» -' Chapel Hill «nd Leonardo, day. •5- THE R I D BANK REGISTER, Thrt* •*#$#$**# Transfer Your Charge Account to If you are a charge customer inyour own city you can enjoy the same privilege at Steinbach's, Visit our Department of Account^ on the third floor and' learn what a simple matter it is to "transfer your charge account to Steinbadrs." HEADQUARTERS Q R S FOR FOR f • I Fireworks, Crackers, Flags, Etc. | ENTIRELY ENTIRELY NEW STOCK. STOCK 1 • -* •:• SOMETHING NEW IN SPARKLE Large assortment now on hand. Make your selection early. Our large storeroom is for your benefit until July 4th, 4 4 BLANK I ^ I 1 CARTRIDGES AND PISTOL! LI V J-,1 .] U, ».Vu* i. V''»FVsf ^i*^ 1 ^,* * ..** -, l .T^ l 4Cj' 4Oc. SO Cartridges in sealed box. NEWS FROM KEYPORT. day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs,building, when the work" of the year John S, Matthews, Sr., of Ocean will be reviewed and a social time enjoyed, Grove. Grover C, Ackerson has a position The 20th annual reunion of the CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICES Keyport "graded school alumni asso- with the N. Y. and N. J, steamboat HELD ON SUNDAY. ciation was held" Friday at the high company at Perth Amboy. auditorium. About three hunG. Fred Hoagland was graduated Borough Bring! Suit Agnin.t Com- school dred persona were present and enfrom Peddle institute at Hightstown . pany which Furnished Bond for joyed the entertainment given by last Tuesday. GuiUve Voelcker on Water Work. local talent. Joseph D. INdle, vice , Improvement!. president of the association, made the HOLMDEL NEWS. ' The Children's day exercises of the address of welcome in the absence of ; ;, Reformed and Presbyterian churches the president, Wilbur G, Walling, who Mn. John S. Holme*, Jr., Home from Were held Sunday, the former in theis in California. Solos by Clarence R. Long Branch Hospital, • afternoon and the latter in the morn- Templeton and Mrs. Mabel Percival Mrs, John S. Holmes returned -,1 ing. Those who took part in the ex-Collins, readings by Mrs. Dorothy Og- Saturday from the Long Branch hoseroises at the Reformed church were den Garrison and Miss Clara Cham- pital, where she underwent an operVera Cherry, Harold Deane, yeril Au- berlain, and selections by Cherry's or- ation for appendicitis. She has al,, mack, Eva Burrowes, Georgia Hyer, chestra completed the entertainment. most completely recovered her health. , Charles Wieand, Annabel Hyer, Wil- Dancing wsa enjoyed after the comLast week William C. Ely sold liam Ormorod, Ethel Truax, Henri- pletion of the program until a late eleven horses. Teams were bought by etta Stonebrink, Josle Conover, Qli- hour. Dalton Bros, of Chrome, Patrick vina Johnson, Marion Walling, FranKosmoski and Charles Dziekan of The new bungalow of Ferdinand ces B, Heyer, Alfred, Walling, Mar- Maag Is nearlng completion, and will South Amboy and M. Jaffe of Keygaret Gehlhaua, Ralph Lengstreet, Al- be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Maag in port, Single horses were sold to Edfred Chinery and Emily Hauaer. An ward Beers of Keyport and Andrew time. \> X address was made by Rev. P. M. Ham- a short D. Bungert, an ensign in Kelly of South Amboy, and a mule to £ ilton. At the Presbyterian church the theWilliam United States navy, is spending Frank Anderson of Matawan, following took part-. Jennie Howell, several %veeks here with his aunt, Mrs. Misses Susan and Mary Armstrong Gladys Humphries, Harry Derm, Louis Lillian E. Welles. of Boston spent part of last week with Silcox, Kittie Ryke, Archie HumphMiss Elsie M. Curtis will start for Mrs, Daniel S, Ely, j* ries, Charles Jagerhuher, Mae Bailey, William C. Ely spent Monday and .'. Liszie Hysr, Hildegard Jehl, Frances a two months' trip to California the yesterday "at Philadelphia buying Humphries, Ayriel Campbell, William first of next week. Miss Theodora Mathiasen left Fri- horses, A shipment of horses from Close, Adele Young, Annabel Heyer, Claude BeMers, Harry Peas, Freder- day for her father's camp in the Adi- that place arrived at his stables toick Silcox, Dorothy Lowe, George Ed- rondack mountains, where she will day. James Patterson has recovered sufit wards, Joseph Hyer, Fred Nuekel and spend the summer. Harry Disbrow of East Orange ficiently from his sickness to resume •j Richard Terwilliger. An address by a the pastor, Rev. B. Seel, completed spent several days here with friends his work as sexton of the Reformed church. At the request of Gustavo Voelcker, last week. the engineer in charge of the im- Miss Lola Wood spent Saturday at School closed for the summer vaprovements at the pumping station, New York. cation Thursday. i and the New England casualty comThe women's missionary society of Miss Viola Yerks of New Brunspany, his bondsman, a test was made wick, a former resident of this place, the Baptist church will observe its at the pumping station to ascertain if was the guest of friends here the* lat- fortieth anniversary tomorrow. reVoeleker had fived up to hli contract. ter part of the week. At the Baptist church tonight Wil^Voelcker and his lawyer were presliam 1. Bunn of Red Bank will lecMiss Clara Chamberlain of Gran ent as was I, T. Rue of Matawan, as bury spent several days the past ture on "The Conversion of a Murexpert fpr Voelker. sThe borough was week with Miss Ettye G. Wyckoff. H derer." «.«.» T There J , ™ ™n will h* be special =« ioi «i«^ singisented by Mayor R>J3, .Walling, George W. Massey, who has been ing by Mr, Bunn and Mrs.nn Bronson „ expegtS^ffonT ther^epartmeht of with the JfcB. Greenhut Co. Butler, There was a large attendealth* of this state, and Councilman connected as a buyer for several years, has ac- ance at the church Thursday night "Thistle. The plant was run at its full cepted a similar position with Abram when Rev, Lester Leggett conducted capacity for an hour and was unable Straus Co. in Brooklyn. an evangelistic service. ooy j . to deliver over 600 gallons of water Edna Buck,, daughter g t of o David a is having Mrs, WilUa™ L. L. Conover Co g Buck iZ-a minute. Voelckar in his contract Jill fformerly of this of Jerseyville, d in i front f t of f g u a r a n t e e d 766 gallons a minute and a concrete sidewalk laid, is recovering from injuries due residence on Front street. John that the cost of the improvementa her hStryker i is doing F work. tt Jh place, to being run down by a bicycle a few the would not exceed (16,000; The borErnest Munch of New York is days ago. For a time it was feared ough officials claim the improvements cost several thousand ^dollars more •pending the summer at the Walling that the child would die. The Bucfca moved from this place to Jerseyville than this. The borough is now suing house, _ •* » . t h e bonding company for the full Charles H. Sturgia of Morris last winter. Mr. and Mrs, Edward W, Perrine ggaHiount of Voeleker's bond, $5,000, Heights spent last week here with J spent part' of last week at Asbury '"**^ - a hearing of the case will be Stephen Aumack and family. William E. Warn spent Wednes- Park. Mrs, Perrine owns property Saturday at the borough hall day at Spring Lake, where he at-there, and she and Mr. Perrine exbefore John S. Applegate, Jr. The pect to put up a tent or portable expert who appeared for Voelcker will tended a meeting of druggists. be subpoenaed as a witness for the Miss Bessie Mount, a member, of house on the land and spend part of the' graduating class of the high the summer there. Taylor Hance has installed a gasoschool, will enter Syracuse university line pump in front of his store for in the fall. ^| and Mrs. William Baker of Col. A. B. liee of New York is supplying automobiles, A large globe -HiSBrooklyn are occupying their summer visiting light is on top of the pump. relatives here. "cottage on Florence avenue. Josephine Dane of Keyport Elmer Aumack is enjoying his ant An effort is being made to form a nual vacation from his duties as has Mrs. been visiting friends and relatives ic;tennia club here. Rev. E. Seel of the postman, his place being taken by here. ,". ..'.'Presbyterian church is the prime Charles Sheldon, Gottfried Rapp. has a new horse. - mover, and as the sport has a large Raymond Adams, son of Rev. and He traded with William C. Ely last ^following he will no doubt succeed in Mrs. William Adams, is at home for week. ^7 the undertaking. Miss Mary Dane ia spending the the summer vacation from Dickinson • * the service. summer with her grandmother, Mrs. college, ^;" Grand Regent H. J. Bierman and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kelsey Patrick Dane. -•staff, and Deputy Grand Regent Han- spent Albert Drumybought another cow several days the past week with Bon will visit Coronal council, Royal Mr. and last week. This is the second cow J Mrs. James Kelsey of Asbury ' Arcanum, Friday night. A supper will Park, Mr. Drum has purchased this month. be provided for them and visitors Mr, and Mrs. Robert McDonald of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wharton spent from the Perth Ambfty- council, and days last week at Washing- New York spent Saturday and Sun.," the regular meeting will be held after- several day with Mr. and Mrs. James Mcton, D. C. ' wards. '_ Cormick, The Armory theater has. been reCommodore William A. Ewing put opened as a -moving picture house. The report that a chattel mortgage ;-;hi8 motor boat Roby in commission Harry Thompson, formerly of Mata- on John Klein's butcher fixtures and '-/last week. Ernest Munch and J. Har- wan, is the manager, automobile was foreclosed was Incor"' old Hendrickson will put their boats Mr. and Mrs. B. Sheldon attended rect, Mr. Klein voluntarily turned in commission next week. launching of the battleship Ari- the goods over to the holder of the Miss Gardina W, Hoagland is the zona at the Brooklyn navy yard mortgage without the mortgage being , spending the summer in the Poeono Saturday. foreclosed. % ' , "' mountains. The Pope cycle club will hold a race Miss Olive Beers, who attends the EVERETT NEWS, state normal school at Trenton, has on June 27th, The race will be an ,iu returned home for the summer vaea- open one and prizes will be awarded. William Morrli i>yt He Will Make Marcus B. Taylor is confined to his .*: tion. Another Try for Hotel License. A larga number were in attendance home on Second street with illness William Morris of Long Branch, at tho commencement exercises of the and big condition is critical. llias Goldsmith's new stores will who recently withdrew an applica.high school Thursday at the high >.,.Rchool auditorium. The stage was be ready for jjeeupaney the end of this tion for a license for a hotel at this r.r: decorated with poppies and black and week. The Plaza restaurant of Perth place, iay« he will re-apply for a li* red, the class colors. There were Amboy will open a branch in thecense in the fall. - thirteen members of the class, They corner store under the name of the Patrick Carton attended a reunion of civil war veterans at Asbury Park are Ruth Barnes, Georgia Bauer, Bristol restaurant, Mri. Harold G. Smith of New York on Thursday. j?} Dorothy Beers. Marion Brown, WiU 1 t -" liom Conway, Madeline Currie, Sam- spent last week here with her par- Charlei Kelly is sick with rheuma' uel Dougherty, Herman Maurer, Bes- ents. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Sehanck. tism. The Royal Areanumites will attend Harold Stout enjoyed a dinner and , - Hie Mount, Hazel Poling, Ethel Pres* ' ton, Idella Tyler and Cora Young. A next. Sunday evening's service of Cal- outing of the men's club of the Mata•' bust of Longfellow was presented to vary church, when the pastor, wan Baptist church last week. The , the school by Misa Bessie Mount, a Rev. William Adams, will deliver a outing was at Asbury Park. sermon appropriate to the occasion. Mrs, Theodore Stilwell is on the member of the class, and was acA. Stilwell VanBuskirk spent sev- sick list with malaria. .,_.. • cepted by Phelps Cherry, a member Joseph Carton spent Saturday and .* of the board of education. William eral days the past week at WashingConway gave the president*! address, ton, B.O., where he attended the an- Sunday ft Asbury Park. Cornelius W. VanCl§af is having Dorothy Been the class will, Georgia nual convention of the Qsyter growBauer and Herman Maurtr the elaai ers' and dealers' association of North new floors laid. Mr. vanClepf lives " momentoes. Marion Brown the elani America at the representative of the at Freehold, and his farm at this J.,and J. W. llsworth company. place is occupied by Charlej Braseh. £'<•• prophecy, Madeline Currie and SamThe Keyport graded school alumni Mrs. Lawrence A. Carton is recovV' uel Dougherty the olais statlstici, eyp g ering from Bjckness, Her mother, Idella -Tyler a recitation and Haiel association have elected the follow- Mrs. Cotter oftNew York, is spending ~ Poling and Cora Young essays. The officers; several days with her. ,. class song was written by Cora ingFreeUlent—QeerRe B. Hyer, Charles Braseh is having his house 'Young. State Senator Henry E, Vice preildent—Dr. Preu C. Ojrden. a on the Holthdel road repainted. Ackorson. Jr., preientad the diplomas. Bftnretnry—Annie Lnurle Tliton. Hi>nry T. Hopkins, Miss Anna Braseh and Edwin Mrs. Emma P, Black is spending Troamirer—Dr. Rieoc-utlvn committee—Clnronre Bnh\ the week at Wildwood. renliurB, MIHH Oftrdtnn Hoaglnnd, MliB Braseh attended the graduation nxercises at Keyport last week. d Jay Duncan of Matawan was aEmily w . Rproiil, Arrangements are under way for John Kelly, son of the late, John visitor here Friday. John W. Mason has purchased a the firemen's dinner, which will prob- Kelly, was married to a Freehold girl ably be held the early part of July. last week. new Pordtottrinicar. Mr. and Mn. Fred Bronkhurst of It is proposed to make the affair one of Edwin Braseh, who was appointed w York ipant Sunday here with the largest of its kind ever held here, census enumerator for the fifth .disand to that end It is proposed to nottrict of Middletown township, fin.. and Mrs. ChwlM MiUw, Sr, Misa Barbara Hoagtand Ifl spend- only have the firemefi at the dinner ished his work, last week, . .„ five months in the mountains in but tile borough officials and business men of the borough as well. It is Pennsylvania. Thumb Cut with &•••. . Miss Beurifl M. Covert spent Sun likely tha* the affair will be held in Charles Emley of Little Silver, who t dav with Mr.und Mrs. Casimar Ianell the high school auditorium. Thn members of the Keyport liter- \B employed in Dickopf's art store, of New York. * „ „ cut his left thumb last week while reGordon J? SchanclTand H, Sea-ary dob enjoyed their annual picnic pairing a mirror frame. A gash sevfor i yesterday, when they visited th4 hisbrook Schanck left last w«dc week for b toric spots of Staten island. The last eral filches long was made. The ttrlp of sev weeks to California, meeting of the club tfrls season wiH be wound was dressed at Pr. R. Brownit A «*posiUons, •-where they held Friday afternoonfttthe library ing Wilson's office. 32*8, 35c. 22 s, lOc, $ NEWSDEALER AND STATIONER Broad Street, FRED GARAGE Red Bank, N. JT. Telephone No. 1. OPPOSITE ADLEM A CO. SUPPLIES RUMPF REPAIRS MACHINE SHOP Specialist on American and Foreign Cars TTTTTTTTTTT' We Repair Magnetos, Carburetors, Electric Starters and Charging Outfits, Lights, etc, We carry a complete stock of MILLER, DIAMOND and DELION TIRES. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ¥ • • • • • • • ¥ • ALL WORK GUARANTEED BEST SERVICE GARAGE IN RED BANK 30-32|West Front Street PHONE 1088 RED BANK, N. J. 1 David Stevenson Brewing Co. I DRAUGHT and BOTTLED ALES and BEER "AS THEY ARE MADE IN AMERICA." 5 1 1 - 5 1 3 West-39th Street, New York City. i V ! 4 James P.Donovan, Distributor for Monmouth County, PARK HOTEL, OCEANPORT, N. J. Telephone 2107, Eatontown, N. J. * V f i f > -H" V THE MID BANK fttOMTUt, SEVEN WILLS PROBATED should be made to keep Uikm where thoy could not kill birds and whore they could not spread discaso, A lnw JOHN H. COOK. Editor n d FWilUhw. exists which permits the appointment MRS. WILLIAM MAHON GETS GEORGE C. HANCE. i b m i t l i Miter, of a doR catcher to kill stray dogs. HUSBAND'S ESTATE. A law providing for- the destruction B w h t u MaMurari of stray eats would accomplish a grout After Her Death it Will Be DMdwI THOMAS IRVING •ROWN. deal more good. The enforcement of Among Ten Children—Joseph J , SnBSCBirTIQN PBWB; such a law would no doubt bo full of Cook of Long Branch LcftVM Esp a t year, , , 11.60 inspiration for joko makers, but it pis months, <5 tate to Wife. Threr i i i o n t j j s , ^ , , , , , . . . . . . « . « *0 would ajso be full of common sense Wfflvwm and beneficial rexults. 1 Jiitci i>tl rit t l i c |ui.«tnffl<'f n t Iti-tt H u n k , Haven n few weeks Jigo, made his will N . . 1 . . u s BiHOiiil-rla^s l U B l t e r . -O-Q-Q-O-QAufrust 24th, 1.1)03. He appointed his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Mahon, exeof Michigan recently The Htute "~ WK1WERDAY, JUNK 211. 11)1 f.. grand jjuries of that cutrix of the will. He bequeathed his strippe the gr stripped the f their t h i authority, h state of and entire estate to her m long as she f most of TOWN TALK, piaced thu power taken away from lives. After her death the estate is the juries with the prosecutors. In to be divided among her children, Twenty jitney busses nro vunninjr Michigan a simple accusation by aLawrence. John, James, Dennis, Walliotss uiMi Reel Bunk ami Long Branch, prosecutor is HUllicient for an indict- ter, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine and Mini many othiTK avo in operation ment. This plan finds some, advocates Delia Mnhoii and Mrs. Julia Sweeney, OVIT other rouU's in this locality. Thu in this state, and on tno claim that The will was witnessed by Charles H. Hi:uii thoroughfares scum to ho fairly jury reform is needed it is being and Klwood.B. Ivins of Red_ Bank, w Joseph J. Crook of Long Brunch bealive with them. The jitney bus urg"ed that New Jersey should follow queathed all his carpenter and mabusiness emit survive umUn- these tke example set by Michigan. chine tools to his son, William II. conditions. There sue too ninny • * * Crook, in a will which was made six Ini^f;. for the nnmlior of passengers. The county prosecutors arc nowyears ago. The rest of the estate was Tliis will he especially the ease after thu novelty wears oft ami after cold required to try only such cases as the loft to Mr. Crook's wife, Ruth Crook, Wi'atlier suts in. Just now "thu jit-grand jury deems of sufficient im- for the rest of her life. After her ney" is new and popular, but like iiortanee to come before the courts. death it is to be divided among their everything else which has aquick ! With tho prosecutors performing the children, Alice M., Grace C, and Wilgrowth in popularity, it is bound nc j t o ; functions of the grand jury, tho re-liam II. Crook. }(JSIJ Mime of its enticements. sults obtained would be measured by Jnmes Duffy of Long Branch upthe competence com pot once and the honesty af pointed his wife, Annie Duffy, and In some ea.it.; it James K. Mulhollund, executors of his the Tor one thing, the rapid growth of mightprosecutors prove an improvement, but in the jitney bus business h partly 11 the lo i;j run it would do more harm will, \vhich_ was made April 16th, 1804. Mr. Duffy left his entire estate jiruihu-t of business depression. Men than go oil. to his wife.out of employment have seized upon * * * JnmeH G. Warner of Asbury Park wyciind-hanil ears as a means of makdisposed of a large estate in a will ing a few dollars t1> gain a livelihood, which was made January 17th, 1913. H ib u Ap grand j d jury is made up of g23A codicil to the will was made the jj, county ought to be following January. Mr. Warner left p bt hu cL l tcli t l hoan nH tohfR e o fa n U each to his son, Robert L. Warner ' h JuJwnent j d t f P" $5 istory, and there are nvii v o 01 in ( . r liefore , ™ oin f ,their r o - Pointive offleiul who would be apt toand his daughters, Olive T. Barnwall ger dications deposits that than•i ever Ruby F, Chesswright. Ten them™.-"it"'w7,w™ & «ot in T h i ? w l i ' « moro or less biased on account of and shares of stock of the Champion & / S V l UmLwillLlve t ^ e f f o c i j ^ J ^ - ^ ^ ^ , J ^ y sand miningcompany of Cripple Creek, ColJ t and 10,000 shares of stock of £dru:IU1"?rUoi(jobs, f^0l,ilfm0E°of P°?Topen l h new a n 'opportunities W p ^ v eofficial ;for , ^ orado, the Cripple Creek gold knob mining them wiil probably find that they enn abuse of judicial company were left to his son, authority, make rau'c lit their former positions Charles E, Warner. All the rest of * * » than they arc now making in tho j it— Mr. Warner's estate was left to his Hoy bus business;, A change ought to be made in the widow, Mary H. Warner. . Mr. manner of selecting juries, but itWarner directed in his will that his * Hi * not to be a change that would wife convert the entire estate into Many of them are, as one automo- ought take away the power of juries and cash as soon as convenient after his bile man expressed it, "living off place power so taken with prose- decease, and that she should set aside their enrs," Repairs, tires, gasoline, eutors.theThe method of se-|3,000 with which to procure a place storage and upkeep generally are Jecting juries present is expensive imd im-in an old ladies' home. The sum of eating into the original investment. Some of the newspapers $10 per month is to be paid to Mr, Most of the jitney busses, ns said be- practical. which were tho strongest in claiming Warner's sister, Frances RHey of fore, ore second-hand cars. They -4,,™. jury Alabama, and $25 per month to his d travel 200 to 300 miles a day, and j have ^ . ^ since i , ™been ^ the loudest in con-stepson, Reginald B. Corlies of Wellunder a daily strain of this sort most demning the results which have been mont, New Jersey. «f them will be worn out after a few under this method. Leaving months' service. At the end of theobtained George Harrison of Asbury Park aside t h e question of whether the was bequeathed the entire estate of his wif e, Irene W. Harrison^ in a will ond-hand car. Lack of capital.to buy choosing jurors, there is no reason which was executed March 7th, 1007. cars and to make repairs will force why each county in the state should Mr. Harrison was appointed executor some of hthe bus operators out ofhave to pay a big salary to a jury of the will. business. commissioner to select jurors. " Se*- | William T. Buck of Freehold made lecting jurors by chance from a list his will in 1913 and appointed his In addition to t h e unemployed who of the names of all the citizens eli-jWife, Gertrude T, Buck, executrix of have engaged in t h e j i t n e y bus busi- gible to jury duty could be done with- the will, The entire estate was left THE REDBANK REGISTER * MATHUSHEKPIANOqO. • ii_;_is • what . . . L i should _i_._..i.i £ 0 j j j . s Buck, ness, other m e n of moderate moans o u te x p e n g 0 ) a n a•' this have gone into t h e same enterprise jb e d o n e _ I t i s n o t likely, however, _ _Upper , . . _ FreeDaniel Polhemus _of because i t gives them an opportunity t j , a t ^ i s plan will be p u t into opera-; hold township left t h e income from a to have a business of their own, t o be it i o n u n t j j v a r i o u s expedients have ! fund of $10,000 t o his wife, Susan their own bosses. They will be less ,b e e n t r j e d i A n t h es a m e j t j 9 t h e i L. Polhemus, in a will which w a s liable t o forsake their business be-! o n j y p r a c t i c a i . c o m m O n eense way of | made F e b r u a r y 11th, 1910. A f t e t cause of r e t u r n i n g industrial pros-1 j ^ i n g u p a j u r y which is repre- Mrs. Polhemus's death t h e money i p a r i t y than t h e bus owners who were ;s e n t a t i v e of t h e people. t o be divided among Mr. Polhemus's forced t o become jitney operators in | , grandchildren J" equal shares. H i s t h e absence of earning a living in any — — — -o-o-o-o-o— homestead farm, which is worth other way. A much needed public improvement | $20,000, w a s left t o h i s daughter, " •" " • UB under way on Wharf avenue in t h e ' Emily M. Robbins, subject t o Mrs. Eventually t h e jitney b u s business ' work which is being done t o p u t t h a t ; Polhemus's dower. The residue of his m a y be p u t upon a sound commercial street in a better condition. The j estate w a s left t o his grandson, Elli basis, b u t i t will only be through mis-1 work is only in t h e n a t u r e of a tern- j Burtis, b u t i t is n o t to be t u r n e d over t a k e s , a n d experience: that, this Will be j porary improvement, b u t t h e street t o him until h e is 2 C years old. accomplished, for it Is a n e w business ; superintendent a n d t h e men under | — » • » •with no precedents to go by. In most | him a r e doing a good j o b and t h e . Station Robbed of $175. every new line of industry " m a n y a r c : street will be in first-class order the i The railroad station a t Asbury P a r k t h e scars t h a t a r e left behind" before rest of t h e season. I t h a s been in a |W a s broken into early Monday morna sure road to profits is found, and , disgraceful condition t h e past two ! i n g and the money drawer was robbed this will probably prove as t r u e of the | years or more, and it w a s only after ;o f $175, T h e side door of t h e station If you intendtoinvest in apiano, wedesire to inform you that we have iwne very fine pianos that, while not new, arein the same good order and wili give you excellent service and genuine satisfaction in every possible way and prove all we claim. . PRICE SAVING is an important feature in these times and we are prepared to quote iueh flgures and terms that will, we are sure, appeal to you. 1 * Our long standing and integrity in this business, we consider your iafe guard as in dealing with a house of so many* years' reputation, you may be sure of securing the best possible for the least money. t\h \l PIANOS FOR RENTAL • 11 • Victor-Victrola Talking Machines i\ •11 direct to buyer means a large saving and has many other advantages that is not possible to secure when you go to a concern that is unable to offer you this splendid opportunity, ALJU S Broad Street, price $1.50. A . a ipeeial we are telling it for Invites your inspection of this season's fetching variety in Men's and Boys' superior suite and overcoats. "Brokaw" clothes have a distinction for sturdiness and continued _ satisfaction which is rarely approached except in high-grade custom work. -;A man is unfair to himself when he buys _ clothes" without regard to their making, their quality^ their values and the house standing sponsor for them. "Brokaw" clothes are dependable. BROKAW BROTHERS Astor Place and Fourth Avenue New York City Subway station at door Washing saps a woman's vitality—it breaks down the health—it makes one old before the time. Why not save yourself and escape all the developments and toils of washing by h a v i n g this modern plant cleanse and dry the familyVgrash ? * Our ROUGH DRY SERVICE offfre you dependable, A-l work, PROGRESS LAUNDRY. " CARE " IS OUR WASH-WORD, i i i 76 White Street, Red Bank, N. J. # QO TO Telephone 629-M Red Bank I J. Cornwall, Jr. Brown rot is and has 89c insects to crops amounts to $1,000,- orchards. To prevent this, spray now Alto 45c and 50c Rug* at 000,000. The farmers spend $8,000,- with the Rolf-boiled lime-sulphur mixJL 000 annually in spraying against in- ture and repeat in throe weeks. 28c sects,. yet the government agriculThe application of 150 pounds of tural experts deciare that nanny times We have added VALSPAR to our Punt this amount would not Rave the crops nitrate of Roda per acre will do much toward stimulnting the tree and en-Department, the very best v&rniah in the if bird life were destroyed. larging the fruit. This should be ap- world. Will •tand hot or cold water * * * plied now; a double handful spread The cat's propensities for evil dont well out under the tree, being about stop with bird destruction. Health | iho right quantity. Broad Street Red Bank authorities are unanimous in jdoclaring that eats are *n groat me'haee to Health Officer Geti Now Job. health. Because of their •wanderings John Hall, health officer of Long from place to place and the welcome, •which is generally shown to them by Branch, has been appointed to a Infants and Invalids children, eats are great spreaders of similar position by the East Orange contagious diseases. Often a cat,board of health, Mr, Hall had tho with its mouth reeking with germs highest average in a recent civil servfrom Ita raid on garbage cans and ice examination conducted for health other .refuse, washes itself with its officers. This landed him his new tongue; and is petted and stroked a job, which pays about $1,800 a year. moment later by 0 child, who likes to fool its soft fur. Boy Fracture. Skull. Joseph Fen-am of Long Branch The Food-Drink for all Age* Catt) serve no useful purpose aside fractured his skull in a fall from his from cntchinff a few mice and rats, bicycle Saturday nftpriicjon,.. Tho fall Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. and these pests can be wiped out WBH tho result of Ferrura'a colliding For infanta, invalids wd growing children. more effectively by traps than by with an automobile. The hoy wns Pure nutrition, upbuilding At whole body. cats. Cats which arc .kept as pets, rushed to tho Long Branch hospital Invigorates nuning mother* mi the aftd. B they are kept confined, are nl-for treatment. From what the boy Mar* healthful than tea or poffae. Ufl bad an those which have no said'the driver of tho automobile waa Unlomm you+my "JIMMUMMTV" not at fault. JPoUc* who-WBwt-to keep you may got m b l t f WELLER'S STORE Safe MM HORLICK'S THE omauut MALTED MILK 1I i GEORGE M. S. GOFF H culture has issued statistics showing Red Banlc, N. + 11 * : j • 1 IIM mi SMITH'S VELVET RUGS MODELS THE HOUSE OF MATHUSHEK ** farmer amnot fail to ^alize" the ^ t f a f Se'ueW^^thaf i f nSv value of protecting birds when he i«duce J crop next y e ?toally i S n i w l a f " a r t n ^ t ^ ^ i ! t - t h large « Wlimbs. P( P-venting breakage of Regular • : • 1I v ; jitney bus business a« it has of other repeated requests had been made jj n c | j j e e n p r i € ( j O p e n ^ t ^ BOtne heavy iforms of industry when they were in that anything was done. tool. The robbers loft no clue. their infancy, * * * rincipal enDavid Patterton Dead, The large number of jitney busses trance to the town from the river, and 1 D f l V i d Patterson of Asbury Park Wharf avenue is the h i h th d i thi ch run ove the roads in t which over roudB this jtthat „ " M oMonday n d a r ^ rmorning n i n g from'gene^i a sstreet such importance! importance ^1 die?d from general hat t r e e t oof f mch 'neighborhood ., , has caused . . .new traffic ,. I should be allowed to get in such a debility. He was 74 years old and ---•— tending! -~ n mmiserable problems and new conditions i s e r a b l e condition is due to the fact l1-«...-_ e n v e s = n w,„• ido w mA io]iv- c h i id r en, all to accidents. No serious aeci- t h a t t h e r e hm n e v e r i, e c n u definite of whom live at Asbury Park, dents have occurred, but a number of p o l i e y o f s t r e e t improvement at Red minor ones have taken place. This :B m i k _ ^ h e offlciuls have been zealdanger could largely be done away ;o u s j n i m p r O ving the streets on which witn by the eniorcement of a few they live and.the sti-eets in which they common sense regulations. The rules j ^ v ea special interest, but as a genshould not be unnecessarily severe, 1e r a l thing nothiag is done to the other but in view of the accidents which js t r e e t R until they get in such poor have occurred, the safety of the pub- jc o m [ition that an appropriatibn of lie stems to require that jitney m o n e v for their improvement bebuhscH should not have as wide a lat-1 wme^ m imperative necessity, * * ltiule in using the roads as ordinary automobiles. A definite policy of street improve——0-0-0-0-0ment" providing for the improvement Lust week a ent which was lending of streets in the order of their ima wild lift* with two others of its | portanco would remedy this condiJcifid . was killed beneath a bam on ' tion. The work of graveling and Maple avenue, where it and its com- \ otherwise repairing every street in panions made their home. The bones ; need of improvement could not be —of—rauu5L_Wrds_, squirrels- and small done in one year, but the carrying chickens wereT^irminiiHh<Myita!JjiirjJj)ut of such a program by succeeding and this mute testimony of the harm ; e"ouncil~-boards would- "within""a^few which the cats had done showed in a years' time make a vast difference forceful manner one of the chief for the bettor appearance of the causes of bird destruction. streets, and (Town Talk continued on page IS.) WAGON MANUFACTORY, Two years ago a bill which had for Established 1902. its* object' the taxing of cats was Automobile and Wagon Work in PEACH PRO|PECTS. laughed out o.f the legislature. Since that time tho jokes and smiles have Conditions Continue Good for Heavy «H itt brandies. Estimntot and designs of special bodies for auto ehasgiven way to a serious consideration Crop, Expert Say*. iii or delivery wagon* cheerfully of the cat problem. The question W, B. Duryee, county agent of the furnished. has been taken up by farmers! so_ _ all „ „over , „ .the , state. „„„„. f h e t a r m - ! national department of agriculture, My reputation for turning out cieties vJiiijw'nro practicniiy "unanimous "in. has issued the following statement work of the higeit grade it too valucondemning the cat ns a destroyer of; on j.cr.ch prospects and the care of able to permit any careleuneia in werkmanihip or indifference to "the bird life, ' peach orchards: quality of material used. Price* p As the season advances the pros- moderate for good work, pects for a heavy peach crop conMost of the food of the smaller tinue. In many orchards there is GARAGE. STORAGE. " 1 birds is made up of insects, ?n'""V such a heavy set that thinning will Standard Gasoline and Oil Supply ing those insects the birds render"' be if much of the fruit is Station, farmers a service, the value of which to necessary reach marketable size. Peaches Montnonth Street Entrance. is almost incalculable. Many a should be thinned now find there Monmouth Street and Maple Avenue, n 0111 1 W lm lnlerVal offmr orflvo A. IU DAV1SON & f wh'^h iffilt^winiuriou/inJ^ ' '""" •»•"•-"•-- --.--"- m t ' o n a R ^ n c ^ e s ' ' G t w c o n oach two fruits, ThinRED BANK, N. J. ,: mi *::.•V \v,u'p ning n o t only increases t h e amount of Phone 398. <•* •• I . * Automobile Troubles and Repairing. CarsforHire. Supplies and Accessories. Storage. Washing and Polishing. A complete stock o f Tires at unusually interesting prices, PREST-04JTE TANKS ALWAYS IN STOCK, A complete stock of Ford Parts and Accessories. General Electric or Gray & Davis Electric Starting and Lighting Systems for Ford Cars. GASOLINE 12c per gallon. Oils, Greases, Soaps, Metal and Body Polishes, Fibre, Brass, Bronze and Babbitt In fact everything that can be used in running or repairing automobiles. George Hance Patterson, Monmouth Street, Near Broad, Opp, Postoffice, RED BANK, N. J. OF1 FORD, STUDEBAKER and CHANDLER MOTOR CARS. We have several second hand cars on handy which we are offering at very low prices. i Childs' Best FLOUR • 42c PUREWHITE LARD - lOc lb ISc lto "Barnter Brand1' Coflee 2 lbs N E W ONIONS SVVEE7T BLOOM BOOS tOc lb 8c S W E O T BLOOM BUTTER - 33c lb Coffee^- Coffee ©c Can C a l A S P A R A Q U S TIPS Large Cai\ Lenc\ott 14c E>«licio«xa SUcsed. Pln«a»ple He lb Finest. FVesHeat Tub Butter 3Oclb Taaty Ready F*ott«d or Tongue - Oc lie Big Can CliUda* F*orlc a n d B s a n i Fancy Quality New Cammed F*«a» 8 c can Childa* Voujwg L»adle»VBrooma - -39c Three SheeU Shdf Paper 5c Fifty Sheets Lynch Paper 4c Horte Shoe Salmon 16c can 20c Quality Pound Cake ISc Holbrooks Imported Table Sauc« I 3 c Straight Ceylon Tea 29c lb Old Gtnmtry Ariam Tea 29c lb P r i n c e B(eadT«a 9c QUbFltg3 LateaRoIIa Toft* Paper 10c White Fat Breakfast MxcLarel 8c. 10c J P e x w d d e o f rlydrotfeit, • b'416 «une« WtU lor l O c 1 Oal. Stoit* JTu*rai«d WKtiJPu** CUtar 3 CAKES "FU>WBR B U D S " TOILET 9OAP lOb DWNKINQ Having had a lifetime of experience and having worked in a great many of the Red Bank garages, I am now starting in busineM for myself and respectfully solicit your patronage. Temporary Quarters In - TURNER'S GARAGE OH BOHDENST., In the rearofth* Molly Wtehar TMIROONI. 3 SAVERS Uundry So«ft 8 bars. .\Qe Childa' Naphtha Soap, 3 bars.. lOc ChUUfl' FtoaUwr B6«P, S bam. .lOo OWWa'Partor Jtatdies.S boxes lOc CftmnbeU's Soupe, S cana JUk Childs1 RolWl Oatfl, pkg. Se Mother's Oatt, -Quaker Pats, Frait Puddlna, 1 '•' WUmat*8 Peannt Batter Be Shredded Cocosnot, lb tSo fhtch«i«d Sweet Pickles 19c Jelly Tamblets, doft UN Jar Rubbers, doc fa Mason Jars, Pints, dot. * M e Mason Jars, Qaarts, d o e . . . . . ,90« Ijtrteflow ritldM, d o « . , , . . . l l o Large Can Table Sjrmi>, , , . . „ • # THE RED *•< REGISTER. Page Pirn , » » • . » » » * . * » • • » . . • • * • • • • • • • • • » • • * • • » • ^ ^ 1 5 - D ATS-15_=^ A CARD expense of doing business in a city? Did you ever wonder how, in say New York, the big stores meet these tremendousexpenses and yet have half-price (?) sales from January to January? We will take shoes for instance. It's not much of a trick to mark $4,00 ihoes $6.50 or $7,00 at the beginning of the season and in the middle of it start a sale of what's left for $8,65 or $3,85 and call it half-price; whereas^ I sell equally good, equally stylish ones every day in the year at $4.00, or less, and besides give you sizes and widths no store in New York city attempts to, A big claim? Yes it is, and our very regular trade has proven it to their complete satisfaction. This store has a big reputation for A-i goods and A-lfitat remarkably low prices for quality. One price to all, a fair one and no fake ads. This is for the stranger at our gates. Our people know, CLARENCE WHITE, 9 Broad Street, Red Bank. William L. wells to Joseph B, Wells. bungalow on Commodore ave- Tract of Iiincl, HEWS FROM KEANSBURG. modore nue. Annie F. Kuefo to John Dennett Two The New Point Comfort Beach Ipts, $1, CHALLENGE SALE FINKELSTEIN & POPE THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE $1O, $12 and$13 SUIT IN THE COUNTY Commencing Saturday. June 26th This being our first sale, we want to make it a memorable one. Therefore we challenge the Big Profit Stores with their, fancy fixtures and their extravagant expenses to meet our prices. RIGHT-NOW when you need summer clothing the most, we offer Men's and Young Men's High Grade Clothing and this season's new and up-to-date Straw Hats and Furnishings at ridiculously low prices. The unseasonable weather is responsible for this most wonderful sale Monmouth county has ever seen. We dont want to take chances waiting to dispose of ourenormous stock in the regular way. This is why we have decided to move our stock QUICKLY, by putting the knife into operation and cutting deep our prices, which are always from 80 to 40 per cent' less than those of the fancy fixture stores. Itis not often that an opportunity like this CHALLENGE SALE ever happens at the beginning of the season. W, Morris to John Bennett, has laid concrete sidewalks GeopRe GIRL ESCAPES DEATH IN SECcompany dTtB |1 on S«a Breeze Way from Highland OND.STORY FALL. avenue to Carr avenue, Study these prices, and compare them with) the prices of the Big Profit Stores Atlantic Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe P. Paynter of Charles E, Myers to Max Snnflak, Two Auto Accident on Carr Avanue—Fl»h« Carr and you will recognize at a glance what a great saving this sale means to you. |I, avenue have had aa their guests lots, ing Party Come* to Grief^L. C. the past Charles G, Smith to John F, Mooney week, Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Land on the south side of Washington Raynor Tract «t Port Monmouth Emery of Weit Portal. avenue, fl, s Sold, Joseph H, Paynter of West Portal, Miadletowu Town«hip. | 25c Caps 15c 11 $2 Sport Shirts $ 1 | | 75c Sport Shirty 39tT |25c Suspenders 18c Eathryn Dillon, the young daugh- N. J.,''nas returned home after spend- Michael Puehatch to Anthony Baron, ter of Charles Dillon of Manning ing a week with his son, H. S. Payn- Two lots at Mlvt-r Plaza, f 170, ' • " place, fell from a leeond-story win- terof Palmer avenue. Harold N, Lttwrla to Uarrle M, nay. nold. Two late, | i . dow at her home last we«k, Kattwyn S, A, Mbrgansteln has moved his Land and1 Loan company to Howard was leaning out of the window, and photograph business from Main Devcsty, Two lots at Plattmount, | i . •he lost her balance. Her head itruck itreet to the New Point Comfort Mardean company to Clementine Hildebrand. Five Jots, Ji, the grass beside a brick walk. She Beach section. John H, Cook, Jr., to William W. Cook Rubber Genuine wms severely bruiied and •haken up, f Two lots at River Plata, fi, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Keeley, probtt^no bones were broken. Mardean company to Clementine Hil2So I^itHolin of the Keeley Camp on Cen- debrand. Three lota at Mardean, | i , The rear axle of Fred Trennery'i prietors ter avenue, spent Saturday and SunCollars automobile bus broke Tuesday of last day here. ratontown Townghlp. week while the machine was crossing Addle B._ Hathaway to OharloB J, Edward Waitt of Commodore ave- Shlck, Lund on the south side of Lewis the trolley switch on Carr avenue. street, $1. .'" " nue is a new automobile owner, Mr, If you can save l i eon a single garment of B. V, D, do you see any practical reason why you The machine skidded about thirty rtelwof realtyy companyy to t Bridge B r g e WatWat feet and came to a stop across the Waitt uses the car for hacking pur- erss estates company. company Two tract f l d Two tracts of land, pay more at the Big Profit Stores? Walk across the street and save l i e . tracks. Mr. Trennery was alone in poses. Mr, »nd Mrs, Fred L. Bertsch of Barltan Towatblp. th« auto, and he was unhurt. A trolley ^car_wfta™-del»yed.-about .twenty. Ntwark spent Saturday and Sunday lodge, A, F. A, Si., to at their bungalow on Gamp View aveminutes by the accident, « •ot at Keyport, 1125, Keansburg " HIIOI-O improvement eoitiThe real estate firm of Morrisey nue, to IClla Taylor, Two lota at Kcansft Walker has bought the L. C. Eay- Mrs. James Moran of Newark was panjburg, IB. UNDERWEAR 8 8 c SUIT aor tract on the Bray's Landing road, here Saturday looking for a bunga- Hundall Whl taker to Ella Taylor. Three iota at KeansbtirB, IB, near'Port Monmouth. Three streets low to rent for the season. Brown & KlB«land to Alois Stiir; Lot will be made through the property Edward A, Morris opened his iceatJSS'eat Kecyisburg Park, fi. and the tract will be cut up into cream parlor at the foot of Main Brown & Kinssland to Fred Kern, Lot at AY cat Keansburg Park. | 1 building lots. The tract is a five- street last week. & Kingsland to JJna Stfeik, minute walk from the trolley tracks Edward Lang of Jersey City spent Brown West Keansburg Park fl and a ten-minute walk from the Port part of last week at his new bungalow TLot? ILat \ W «. &* Kingaiancf to Hugo Prlnz. With or without collars Lot at West Keansburg Park, i l •Monmouth station. It is on high at Ramsay Park, Blown & Klnggland to Albert Sendgeground, and was about the only land Mrs. Fred W. Clark of Camp View L 1 Wo st along the shore that was not flooded avenue has been laid up several days ?S •» ? &? , Keansburg Bark, $1, Michael Kowal to George A W during the heavy storms last "winter. with pleurisy. 50 £S. The tract is within a quarter of a Miss IvaDell Thorne of Palmer nvemile of the bay front and is conven- nue is employed in Otto Kellar's ice GeorBO "A, ' W, Brown t o Michael Kowal. TWO lots a t Ramsay Park ient to Keansburg. cream parlor. Keanshunr1_f 1 ' Charles H. Smith.to Charles a, Sproul Last week, Rev. Charles G, Book Tw;o lots at Keyport, $1,550, ' baptised Luella D. Gardner, Donald COLT'S NECK NEWS. Jennie V. Bush to Atlantio HiuliInndH Edgar Gardner, Irma R. Watson, bullcling- and lunn association. " Three Dorothy Bowers, Carl Edward Walter Fieldi Breaks UpftMidnight 1 OEHp- ^ 1 jOOO, No higher. Ideal Beach company to Arthur T Thorn©, fistella A, Thorne, Alta EllaFranci* Hurt. Brooka. Two lots at Ideal Beach, "|1. abeth Thorne, Grace E. Brown and John Itestifo to Charles Berchtoldtl Take your choice. Walter Fields was awakened at hotp^w Oiflord Brown, Last Wednesday midnight Point Comfort" Beach, KeansThursday night by a cat over 100 persons attended the prayer concert under his bedroom window. New Point Comfort Roach company to service, conducted by William E. The noise steadily increased in vol-Carrie A, ,!onPB. Lot at Now Pol At" ComBunn of Red Bank, A meeting of the ume, and in time it was further In- fort Beach, | L women's Christian temperance union creased by all the dogs in the neigh- Howell TowatUp, was held last night at Mrs. Carrie borhood. The dogs howled, Mr, J hn R ° Patenaude'a. Next Sunday morning Fields stood it as long as he could and Kleanor J, Clayton to John Shiner. 63B«v, Mr. Book will preach on "Thethen got his trusty gun and took a 100 acres, fas, Resemblance ._ Between the Divine shot at the cats. Whether he hit any M A Wllkes to Julia M. Gardner, Parent and His Children." Sunday of them or not he does not know, but John B, Oulce to Robert O, White 1 night the sermon will be on "Thethe shot put a stop to the music. Theaero, |1, $l,S0 Khaki . . . , 9 0 c Solemn Walk Leading Them Up toreport alarmed several residents of Mftt»w»a Town«hlp. The Great Surrender." Next Tues- the village, among them being Con$3.00 Pants,. . $1.90 day night Dr. John G, Cornwell will stable Peter J, Frawley, who hurried- 1 aer|Ulitl C o n o v e r t o Edward Anderson, Any Hat in our store, 75c Union Suits ..48c 2.50 Pants,,, . $1.65 deliver a humorous lecture entitled ly dressed and rushed across the road ntebold VowmaUp. '•Hitting the Funny-Bone," 50c Silk Ties. ., 35c your choice All $1.00 Union Suits to Mr, Fields's house to inquire if he LouiM rincjjQhl to David Carswel!. Lot, 2.00 Pants,, . . $1.35 The Comanche, a power cruiser wanted any help in repelling burglars, II. U. wyckoft to Bortis B, Patterowned by a Newark man, was out last Albert Francis was kicked on the Annie $1.50 Pants,,. $1.13 50c Silk Knit Ties H 75=100 aci-cB. $32,50. week wtih a party of eight men leg by a mule in Frank S, Weeks's son, Ileno N, Ward to JOBupli Brakeley, Two This lot includes all $2.00 Pajamas. $1.39 aboard, The men hod been fishing, stable last week. His leg become lots, f 1, The best Blue Serge only ,25c and on the return trip the pilot be- badly bruised ami swojJeniJWidJie tarn Joseph Brakeley to Meyer' Nlemtaow. grades from $1.50 $1.50 Pajamas.. $1.19 lots, i l , -.—,__ _.-.. Pants, $3.50 value the heav ^lncff~bi8n~Taid up. The doctor has Port of-two came confuted W, Hulse to Joseph Maliar. Tract All 25c Ties 19c Ififld jetty been unable to determine whether the of John to $2.50 land on the west side of South street, $1.00 Pajamas. ..69c $1.95 near the foot of Sea View avenue leg is broken or-aot, mnd stove a hole in the hull, Some Mrs, Frank E. Heyer is spending Vuialapan Tomwhlp. men on shore heard the crash and the the summer with her son, George Sarah K. EmmnnA to Sarah E, StonDont let our low prices lead you to think that our goods are, inferior to those offered by the Big Profit aker, B7-100 acres, $1, •bouts of the men, and they put out Heyer of Madison. Aaron W. Clayton to William M, ClayIn row-boats and took the shipMri, Frank E, Heyer spent part of ton, 11 00-100ftcreH,$1, Stores. They are the same identical goods, then why pay more ? wrecked mariners off, The Goman- last week with her daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth B, McKean to Albert W *he was later beached. Repairs were Ford of New York. Mrs. For4 is re-Joiioa. Tract of land, | l . made, and she was then taken back to turning the visit, IUIJMQBI To'wnihlp. Newark, Frank S, Weeki has a new automo- Elnior E. Silver to Robert 8. Wilson 81 30-100 ucros, | i . Last week the New Point Comfort bile. Beach company sold several Belle A graveled walk has been Ink! and View avenue lots to Victor^ Kurz of wooden curbing has been put down Jersey City and a lot on Ear View from Taylor's corner to Charles E. •*•••••••••••••••••••••• avenue to William Duffy of Newark. Strong's property, Gray Haired People!, Mr. Kurz has started work on a bun- John Yonkowski, Jr., ion of John Look at Tim Picture! J; galow on his property, and Mr, Duffy Yonkowski, was taken sick with The average man knows enough for the sake of economy to keep away from the Big will build two bungalows. The com-measles last week. Neither the boy pany has rented part of Mrs, Bels- nor his parents knew what wai the How Sulpho-Sige Compound Bplngi Profit Stores when in need of a $10, $12 and $15 Suit, for he realizes that a man with his eheine'i bungalow on Center avenue matter with him, and he went in Back Color and Luatre of Youth. to Charlei Boyd of New York, and aswimming in the mill pond in an efpocketbook cannot afford to pay for the fancy fixtures. We harbor no personal animosflat in Mrs. McAlpjn's cottage on fort to getridof the itching caused ity toward other merchants. They are in business to make money—so are we. If we Barltan avenue to William L. Allen by the measles scabs. He caught cold of the Bronx, • shortly afterwards and his condimaintained an extravagant establishment with fancy fixtures that run up into the thou1 Fritz, a Boston bull dog owned by tion is now lerious. Carl LaBella of Main street, disapChildren'B day was observed by the sands of dollars, we too would be compelled to make big profits—expense governs profit. peared last Tuesday night. Wednes- children of the Reformed SundayOur expenses being the smallest in Red Bank places us in a position to undersell the Big day night Constable Frank K. school on Sunday. The entertain, Niblett found the' dog near the ment was exceptionally fine, It was Profit Stores from 80 to 40 per cent, so it's up to you. If you are an economical buyer Palmer avenue trolley ll crossing. Not to have been held a week previous, knowing who the owner was, hebut was postponed on account of our Little Profit Shop will appeal to you. turned the animal over to William stormy weather and the prevalence of Miller. Friday night Mr. LaBella, In measles among the children of the a search for "the dog, earns nf ar the Stmday-sehool, * WESEL,L,FORL,ESS Miller place, and the dog set Up a All of last year's teachers in Athowl. Mr. LaBella recognized his lantic township have been engaged pet's voice, and took the dog home, for another year with the exception James Hughes, aged six years, of Miss Shirley Martin of Red Bank, whose father waa killed while fight- who resigned as teacher of the Hilling in Europe with the French army, side schdol. ORIGINATORS OP THE 8IO, 913 AND «1S SUIT STORE You can •petdlly and harmlesBly conand whose mother died recently, has Dorothy Frawley, daughter of gray, faded hnlr to tho dark, been adopted by Mrs. 3. N. Malanti of Peter J. Frawle^ and Ann Harti- vert thnt .natural color of yolflh with THE STORE WITH THE ALL WOOL POLICY Ideal Beach. Mrs. Malanti has ahorne, daughter of William Harts- luxurioui, tho good old-fashioned Sage Toa and Sulphur preparation called Bulpho-iage, number of children of her own, two horne, are sick with measles. Y<iu no lonaer have to use IialTmful dyes of whom are of about the age of 12 WEST FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N, J, or HtnlnH when this line old Hme-trled James. compound uwults you. It li not Btloky, DEEDS RECORDED. ling no oliji'ctionnhlfi features and no one James Seelcy Is building a fouryou arc unlng it. No matter room bungalow on East Shore street LUt of R M IEtlata Tranaffan Ra> knows whether your y r hair hair In n entirely ent Bray or l l bu will be b sur* for Fred Nightingale of Carr avenue. kt Fr liuKlnniitR J K ni i t R to t o turn, yb ybu d h B l l S prised how BulBlio-Sago i l bbring back travel on June 80th, 1916, at 7:00 at their rooms, Court House, Free- drod dollar.?, muit accompany Th« bungalow will be of frame conThe following is a Hat of deeds re- the dark, rioh «hade, Iwill t removes danPROPOSALS. struction, and will have modern im- corded in the county clerk's office at druff, stOTiB falling hair, and hold, on Monday, July 12th, 1015, at bid. promotes a provements. It will be rendy for oc- Freehold for the past waok: Hoft, KlOH8y, luxuriant growth. R, H,o'clock in the forenoon of Bald day the hour of eleven o'clock in tho foreAll bids must bo oncloHod in Vandorveer, Kniekerbookor phnrmaoy, cupancy by July 1st. who iolla nnd reoommendH Bulpho-Hatra and remain closed during the repairs noon of said day and then and there sealed envelope und be endorsed Leslie Thompkins of Beacon Beach, Hannah l>. Coofc to William Cook. In Red Hunk, will return your money if publicly opened and rend. the name of the bidder and tho nma been appointed life guard at E. A. Land you are not Batiiflod, Sealed proposals for tho furnishing on tthe eawt aide of IjOlghton to sold bridge. Morris's beach »t-ih*-foot of Main nui» I I . bid on, of all tools, labor and material for tho K. Kelly to William E. Hnckstreet. Mr. ThompMns Is instructor ettWilliam By order of the Bond of Choaon replnnking of the bridge in the Bor- PlntiH and HpocifluationH can bo ob- The Board of Chosen Freehold*!**. Two lota, VI. df » Jepeey City swimming club*, NOTjCE. Anna T, Run to Albert L. Ivlna. Lot Freeholders of this county of Mon-ough of Keyport, known na the Mott tained of George D. Cooper, County of tho county of Monmouth reien • William B. Ittiulolph'K automobile on, Linden place. | l . ha* b#en laid iflPw P«*t week for B. Oerry Roberta to A. Trumbull street bridge, in accordance with the Engineer, 00 Broad street. Red the right to reject any or a)l"Md# Land on the north side of jpinckig hereby given that the mouth, repairs. The machine has had con-Smith. doetned to the beat intertsti of plans and gpeeifieationB prepared Bank, N. J. ney road. 11,800. Mrvice aince early in 1 Land ami Loan Company to Elwood W. bridge known •« the Main street county to to do. ' therefor by the County Engineer of < ^M||f. CORUES, TwoloU. | t . J. M. COHUKS, tho county of MonmouthT%ill b'e re- A certiflsd chick, drawn to tho orbridge, over Deal Lake, North Afc- Attest? ' Director. ceived by. tho Board of Chosen Free- der of, tho Collector of the county of Attest: ^ tnurp Parit, JN. J., ^ U be oloaed to C. E. CLOSE, Clerk. . j ^ holder of tho couhty of Moumouth in tho, pum attootain- C,E , CLOSE, 1S-^DAYS SALE-IS 19c 50c B. V. D. 3 9 c 39c ATHLETIC Shirts PORUS-MESH I: STORE! $1.00 Shirts All kinds All $1,50 and $2.00 Shirts, including $3.00 Silk Shirts with collars attached. Challenge Sale Price All 50c Straw HATS 50c Suspenders 81.OO 35c All 50c Shirts 39c $6- Genuine Panama Hat All 50c Men's Caps The Finest Quality Palm Beach Suit, a regular $8.00 value, $ 5 . O O PANTS STRAW HATS SILK TIES eoc UNION SUITS 89c " - — • - ' — — - - — - - _ - _ _ _ _ Men's and Young Men's Suits, $20.00 to $22.50, OUR CHALLENGE PRICE Men's and Young Men's Suits, $18,00, OUR CHALLENGE PRICE - Men's and Young Men's Suits, $15.00, OUR CHALLENGE PRICE - - HNKELTEIN S1S.OO $12.00 $10.00 & POPE HI; THE RED BANK RIGI8TEH. Page Six. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. MINOR HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST IN ALL PARTS OF MONMOUTH COUNTY, i —•—-—-=*= •—------— hold last week in the notion brought » • • • • • » • • • • • + • • • • • » » • • » » » • • • • • » » • • • • • » » • • • • • • • • » • • » » against him by Victoria Grieeo of Ocean Grove, who (charged the doctor with negligence. OF Aged Wom»n Dead. Mrs, Emily H. Stryker of Asbury. Park died last Thursday at tho ago of 70 years. Mrs. Stryker was tho widow of Rev. Peter Stryker, formerly pantor of tho Asbury Pnrk Reformed church. CLEARANCE SALE Stodt of i i w t r , D » 1 B a n i SolJ Plpf, with All PHUngi In Monmoath County. Staim, Hot Air, Hot Wattr «nd U n d t r h i d Boiltfi •*-•'•' Md Ranges. , *• ' Oalv«nl£td and Black Iron Pipe, with Ftttingi of All Siiea, Alwayi In Stoek, Latest and Most Approved Plumbing and Keating : Fixturee, MEN'S AND BOYS' STYLISH SUMMER SUITS Some a t 1 - 2 Price Special Good Values in Norfolk Suits, $6.00 to $10.00 Personal Notes, Sales of Property, Building Opera ILightning Hill Big Tree, Union Suits for men in Nainsook, ribbed andflatgoods 50c, "Lightning "stfuc'k a ViglrnajHO tree' in front of the Presbyterian manse, at 75c and $1,00 tions Lodge Doings—Slight Fire»-=Births, Mar- Englishtown last Wednesday. Some of the glass in the windows of the A "Jim Dandy" Sport Shirt at 59c riages, Deaths, Accidents—Other Interesting manse were broken and tho tree %vas bmlly damaged. Adjust o Shirt»,detachable sieves at $1.50, fine for Summer wear Features of Town and County. Fireman Geti Shock. Copper, Zinc, Tin »nd Sheet Iron Work of All Klndi, Stove Repair* and Accessories for All Stoves. Agent for Kewanoo Water Supply System, Agent for Skinner Irrigation and Spraying System. Agent for Fairbanki'Morie Engines. Heat Regulfttori for Boilera and Furnaces. Wind Mill and Pump Repairi, Children's Blue Serge Sufts latest styles at $2.50, $3,00, $3.50, Charles \V. Simonson, Jr., of Frank J. Kutcher of Ocean Grove William Duiloy of Mnnnsquan has $4.00 and 95.00 vented this Mrs. Dennis Sweeney Spring Lake, was granted a license to was rendered unconscious by an elechoiisi' at that place and will conduct sell liquor last Thursday by Judge tric shock while helping fight afireat Big Bargains in Trousers , Lawrence. Former Governor Fort that place Tuesday of last week. He it as a bomdiiiji house, was dragged out of tho building by Harry Thome of Belmav, who spent had protested against granting tho li- hi» Home of James Grover for made-to-measure clothing. comrades. Judge Lawrence said ho was tin* winter with Ids father on i\ grape cense. personally acquainted with the char(Continued on next page,) fruit plantation in Cuba, has returned acter of Mr, Simonson, home. Mrs. Molt V. Mnrcellus of Mana- Painter Kept Bu»y. BijiiHii i,'uv(< birth to n daujrhter last Andrew Patterson of Freehold is RED BANK, N, J, AVe.lnesday. I 19 BROAD STREET, painting the building on Edward A win was born to Mr, nnd Mrs. llance's farm near that place and has Jnincs Lyons of Allentown on Satur- just finished painting old Tennent church. He also has the contract to day wet-k, Some people npproclato olive Mrs. Harold Stihvell of Freehold paint the military school nt Freehold. oil more if it Is very pale In Kavi' birth to a son "Friday week. Application Refused. colur Instead of being of the yelluw greenish color characteriDecition Agninst Water Company, The application of the New Jerstic of a pure virgin olive oil. The public utility commission has sey rille association for a liquor liFuneral Director and Embalmer. lUvidod against the Tintern Manor cense :<t Seagirt was refused last One of the methods of artificial decoloration, is that of excompany in the complaint of Lawton week, while the applications of Felix UpHolstering In All Its Branches. posing the oil to the light for n M. lluvdiek of Deal, Mr, Hurdiek M. Vital of Seabrijjht and of Thomas sufficient length of time. Regan of OlitTwood were laid over, said the company cut his water off he(Formerly w?Ui R. T. Smith of Red l«nk for 27 yaan.) c-iuisu he would not pay the water Lonij Time in One Building, But, as It has been found C a m p C h a i r , t n d C a r d XableB IOPI Hlro rent for a'whole house when he wns that a pure olive oil exposed to William II, Carman, an Ocean iismir only half of the house. the light easily turns rancid, drove carpenter, has given up his both that method of decoloration Offies 'Phone SB?, Wrddetl Lnsl December. :-hop in the roar of tho poRtofflee, and the packing uf olive oil in Office and Funeral P u l o n , IS Monmouth Street, Red Bank, N. J, Miss ('elm llorwit;; and Loul= Fein- which he hnd occupied continuously glass containers have been disberir of Lotu' Branch were mnvried over Rn yenrs, Mr.Carman hns been couraged, lant Decpmber hut iinnouneement of a notary public nearly 25 years. tiiy wi-dding was not made until last BRUNO'S OLIUE OIL week. Tho bri<!o graduated from the A Now Citizen. presM'd b y e x p o r t s in t h e R i v i e r a ' s i>, William Gull of Matawan was Long Branch high school last WednesJOHN LLOYD must f.imuu'* gru%uh u-hun* isiivt'i srv W, L. HART i ich'.'sX, i s s o l i iiniy in li^htprruif day Hiid after the exorcises the wed- granted naturalization papers at Lake Avenue, Red Bank, N, J. ] Keansburg, N. J. s^Li!t^d full m^a^yrt' tins* Freehold List week. Many of Mr. diiitr was announced. At all fir^t ii.i Jrug, Gall's intimate friends arc surprised, an j grut t-iy stO Married Last Fall. because they had always thought ho A*ik fur frt?o uf valuable Mrs. Leah Iteiss has given up her was a citizen of thjs country. position as private secretary to Wal- Had Hb Leg Amputated. BRUNO ter Steinbach of Asbury Park and Jeffrey of Oakhurst had his will uo to Boston next week to join legWilliam OLIVE OIL amputated at the Long Branch hei- hushand, Dr. Joseph Retos. The hospital recently and has almost reCOMPANY couple wore married Inst fall but an- covered from the effects of the operof Ciemiii, Haly nouncement was not made until last ation. Mr. Jeffrey's other leg was KEANSBURG AND REP BANK week. amputated ft few years ago. Now York Offi»o Horse Stolen nt Freehold, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiimiiiniiiiiMiM A horse belonging to. Edward Clay- Tillery Held for Trial, 426 WASHINGTON Vance Tilleryi Jr., of Asbury Park, ton was stolon from a shed at FreeSTREET hold Saturday week, It wns located appeared in court last Thursday and at Perrineville Sunday morning. pleaded not guilty to a charge of sellThis is the second horse of Mr. Clay- ing liquor without a license. In deton's to be stolen in a short time, fault of $500 bail he was sent to jail if ip jr. if if ir to await trial on June 80th. The other one was also recovered. Chased by R Bull. Weds R Trenton Girl. II, Perry Stilwell nnd Charles ReyNelson J. Schoen of Asbury Park (INCORPORATE) and Miss Minnetta A. Storer of Tren- nolds of Adelphia were chased by a ton were married last Wednesday at savage bull while on William Vander- Now Is the Time to Get Rid of These WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN the homo of the bride. Mr, Schoen veer's farm Sunday of lost week. Ugly Spots They got over a fence into another works for a real estate firm nt As- field Just nhead_of thejmll. There's no longer the Blightest need -bwy- Parkland Jie and his of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Arreited for Being Drunk. live at that place. the prescription othine—double Veteran Run Down by Auto. William Mack of Montrose was ar- strength—is guaranteed to remove jested at Freehold Tuesday of last William Brown of Freehold, n these homely spots. veteran of the civil war, was struck iveek for being drunk. He was sen- Simply get an ounce of othine™" by an automobile and seriously in- enced to thirty days in the county double strength—from any druggist ail but wns later released unuer $800 ("and apply a little of it night and mornjured on Saturday week. He re-mil for n further hearing. ing and you should soon see that even ceived a compound fracture of the left the worst freckles have begun to disand a gash on his head. The automo- Died at Summer Home. appear, while the lighter ones have bile did not stop. John W. Martin died at his sum- vanished entirely. I t is seldom that Boy Die§ in Hospital.mer home at Asbury Park Tuesday of more than an ounce is needed to comReuben S. Rogers, son of Charles fist week after a long sickness. Mr. pletely clear the skin and gain a beauM, Rogers of Imlnystown, wns taken itartin wns 62 years old and was atiful clear complexion. He* is survived by a to a Trenton hospital Inst Friday rontractor. Be sure to ask for the double and three children. week Buffering with appendicitis. An strength othine as this is sold under operation was not .possibleftspneu- Graduation at Ocean Grove. guarantee of money back if it fails to YARD t Leonard Street and N. J, S. R. R, monia had developed and tho boy died The graduating exercises of theremove freckles. that night. \Teptune township high school were OFFICE i Bridge Avenue, Phone eld at Ocean Grove Inst Friday night. Runaways Upset WnRon. class numbered 82. Rev. MadiA team of horses belonging to D.The on C. Peters of New York made the V. Perrine of Freehold and hitched to Kldresa to the graduates. one of his grocery wagons ran away Tuesday of last week nncl upset the Flower Thief Geti Bath. wagon. A lot of groceries was spilled A man who was stealingflowersin WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN in the road nnd the wagon was badly he yard of Ward Godfrey at Ocean rove one night last week fell into damaged. sunken pool in the yard and got a Lumber.Sanh.Doora. Blind*. GU»t Motorcycle and Auto Collide. good bath. He made a quick getaway A motorcycle, on which Druinnumd »nd Builders' Hardware. Bennett of Whitesville nnd John Me- ifter falling in the water. , , Bride of Asbury Pnrk were riding, Firemen On an Outing, was struck by an automobile last Members of Eagle fire company of Wednesday night. Drummond was Ocean Grove enjoyed an outing at cut on the ear but McBride escaped Forked River Tuesday of last week. BED BANK, N. J . injury. The trip was made by automobiles. Neilsen Wins Again. The firemen played baseball and enOluf Neilsen, the crack Asbury oyed a shore dinner. Park wrestler, defeated Prank Hok- Big Clan of Graduate.. man, the big German, in two straight The graduating class of the Asbury falls at Anbury Pnrk last Wednesday . a r k high school this year had 3(5 night, llokmnn greatly outweighed members, IB of whom were boys and Now that moving time la near I mm Neilwen, but the latter was far more 21 girls. This is the largest class prepared to do your next jnoylnf ol fkrser. furniture, or baf gage, to all part» hat has ever graduated from the 9f city or pianos eountrj', In the largest padded Fished at Tuckerton, Asbury Park school. ^ vans In Red Bank, Before you hav* your next moving done, write, lend oir Hurry Bentty, Formnn Hendrick- Can in Collision. LOOK FOR THIS SIGN I call for the only reliable furniture movai Kon, -.\Villiam_Stearle, DanieL Rogers, Autbmo'bileTown'ed by' HrOvJamea lhtowB,^infl-*fttjnx: prices on your next Harry Holman, Augustus Robbins, of Bradley Bench and Henry M, lob. All klndi of heavyTsr-llghttruek. Wesley Burtis and Charles Haver- Aikes of Ocean Grove collided at lag done at short notice. Call or addrest J. T, EGAN, straw, of Allentown went to Tucker- Ocean Grove last Wednesday. The ton on a fishing trip Sunday of last machines were only slightly damaged 11 Wall Street, Red BanH Where Reiidenee phone 124-J Office phone 539R week. :\nd no one was hurt. ID WHARF" A V E N U E , Struck by Auto. "''•" Mrs, Kobeccn liipschetz of Free- Enter* Annapolis, Ross Winckler, son of Thomas J. hold was struck by an automobile MOTOR GASOLINE Winckler of Asbury Park, has passed while walking on tho Englishtown tho physical examination at Annnpolis and road Monday of last week. She was naval academy and has entered on hi« picked up by the driver of another duties. He will not be home again POLARINE cur and was taken to a Trenton hos- for fifteen months. pitul. Oil and Greases can Horse Had to Be Killed. Auto Strike! Motorcycle. ,be obtained, A horse belonging to Joseph LokerEdward Burlew of Freehold was trying out a new automobile Sunday pon of Adelphia Rot fust inftditch of lust week, when he lost control of Tuesday of last week and was there RED BANK, the machine nnd it struck n motor- nil night. When it wnn taken out tho cyclist. The motorcycle was badly next day it could not stand and Mr. Rumpf • Garage, W, Front Si, damaged but the rider escaped injury Lokerson killed it. Estimates for Sloting, Tinning, Heating, Plumbing and Fitting Cheerfully Given, PL N. SUPP, WILLIAM RID BANK and SEABRIGHT. WHY THE CAN HOTEL ABBOTT HARRY C. FAY, Shrewsbury Avenut, Red Bank Thr*« MlnutM from Depot « FIRST-CLASS SERVICE Comfortable Roomi CAFE and BAR ATT ACHED + HART & LLOYD BUILDERS — CONTRACTORS FRECKLES \ JAMES L,. WORDEN, Proprietor TEUBPHONB Oee RED BANK 1 For* the Roof of Your Home you want a roofing that will last and one that wiirkeep yout home warm in winter «and cool in summer—an attractive roofing that cannot break, rust or leak. You get all this in EARLING, JOHNSON & FRJlKE CO. MORE Lumber, Cement, Lime, Lath, Brick | Flue Lining, Plaster Board | Sand and All Kinds of Building Material | Distributors for the Famous Beaver Board, § e PU-M-I-OID Roofi applied met* We recommend IttlsiR-OlObe* than 20 yeari ago are still giving cause we know that it will five you perfefetBerviee without repairs, You lasting satisfaction. It costs more end roof troubles when you use it. tham oidinary prepared roofinf*, The U, Si Court of Appeals hat but it is ehioptr by the year. Our enjoined imitators from using the cuitomera who have wed it know word "Rubberoid or any similar its worth and long life, i m p in t l name • • the trade name of brand" ^U-BIKTOID ia solid through and of their roofing, through. It it permanently water- ^ There U» many imitations of proofed with a compound of high- "IIUMR-OIO- WeMUIhe jfnuiiw, grade animal and vegetatlo aubces. It It contains which has h u the "Ru-ber.oid Ruber-oid Man Man" Stances. contains no no coaltar coal-tar or or which haltic oils that rnight crack inw (shown above) on every roll. ComA J weather or run in hot weather. in and examine it. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, Hopping SlcHenry & Froit EATONTOWN, Robert Higpitwon A Son KEANSBtlRG, BrowrtEiUt«Co. KEYPdRTBIta uniiurewiiuu«vp. MATAWAN, C«lUn & Devlin RED BANK. Chalet Uwfr ALL LUMBER DEALERS CHARLES LEWIS, EGAN'S Auto Vans and Express. STANDARD THE PURE FUEL LABEL MOTOR GASOLINE SERVIGE STATION STANDARD Died at Brether'i Home. Long Branch*! Commencement. Christian F. Stemler died at the The commencement exercises of homo of his brother, Lewis H. Stem- tho Long Branch high school were ler of Matawan, last Thursday, He held last Wednesday night. The wan 48 years old and hnd suffered graduating class numbered 39. The from locomotor ntaxia several years. address to the graduates was made by John W. Slocum. should be the motto of every Men's CHub Bnnquet. Tho men's club of Matawan en- Motored front California. household, In every home, joyed n banquet at Ocean Grove last Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Donald of Los there should be simple remeWednesday night. About 100 per-Angeles, Cali_fornia?\vere nt Freehold dies and sickroom supplies, sons wore in attendance. After the last week. They made the trip from dinner several speeches wero made,, California in an automobile and were that would furnish ' 'firstaid as far North as Canada and as far VUlting In Michigan. " to the injured," and perhaps, Mrs. Edwin S. Lupton of Matawan South as Florida, prevent more ^serious ailwent to her old home in Michigan last Pestmnater Want! to Quit. week nnd attended the commence ments, r Virgil D, Erwln, postmaster at inent exercises of the high school Nurses and physicians recSeagirt, wants to give up his job but from which her brother graduated. cant. Three persons took the ex- ommend the careful methods Brick Company Get. $300. amination for postmaster nt Seagirt of our Prescription DepartTho jLonox brick company hun, been a month ago but none qualified. awarded #300 for a strip of land Three College Graduate!. ment, the purity of our which was bought by the county for Leroy LefTerson of Miinasquan, Drugs and the wide assort'.building tin approach to tho now drins William J. English, Jr., of Ocean ment of goods carried, at bridge ovef Mntawnn creek. Grove and Baron P. Hex of llumson Working for Telephone Company, graduated from Lafayette college nt George M, Hartzell of Allontown Easton, Pennsylvania, hist week. hu» taken a job with the Keystone telephone company nt Philadelphia Broke L e | in Accident. J. L, BERGEN 4 C O , Augustus Brower of Allenhurst! He will hove charge of the auto truck PROPRIETORS, 'was knocked down by a hack last Used by the company. Wednesday and suffered a broken leg. 18 Broad Street, Rod Bank, Some Big Potatoos. Mr. Brower was soliciting orders for ; Telephone 79-J. Wesley Smith of MilhurRt dugice at the time 'of the accident. Home Cobbler potatoes ln«t week, six of which weighed 2% pounds. They Doctor Wini Suit, It pays to advertise in The Register, ^ r e planted.on April Oth snd dug Dr. George W, Potta of Asbury Park was granted a non-suit a t Frpc- —AdverttBeinent. •,:,, Jflie l7th. \ - SAFETY FIRST SCHRU'S PHARMACY, <:> a O'SRIEN, Boice'i Garage, E, Front St. Star Garage, Mechanic St. L. J. Tetley, Mechanic St. A, L. Davison, Monmouth St. Stryker & Stryker, Momnouth St Ed, O'Flnhcrty, Middletown Turnpike, near Fair Grounds. EATONTOWN. EatontownyGarage, Mam St. LITTLE SILVER, Monmouth Service Co, W. H. Carhart. SEA BRIGHT H. L.Zobd HOLMDEL. Taylor W, Hance,! T ^ H I S sign,displayed by a garage A- or supply station, means the same thingto your motor that the pure food label means to you. i t means pure fuel—not a "blend5* .___ OT a-'^mixture," but a straightdistilled refinery product, • Standard Motor Gasoline is so much better than "just gas" that it is worth while to be particular when you are having your tank filled. It is homogeneous—every drop is like every other drop, It is uniform—every gallon is like every other gallon whenever and wherever you buy it. Standard Motor Gasoline is obtainable wherever you can drive your car. It costs no more by the gallon—less bythe mile, Polarine Oil ends friction and carbon troubles. Obtainable wherever you see the "Standard Motor Gasoline Service hStation" sign,1 Look for i t STANDARD OIL COMPANY Newark ^ . .. Ncw^r»«y Pagt Uvtrir THE RED HANK REGISTER Jones' Drug Store Bumstead's Worm Syrup A aafa MA •nr» B«m«<1r for Worni recuperating at the homo of hisSmith college in MmwachusettaMiiHt Mrs. Jennie C. Winsor week and is now ut hue homu in FrcuBRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS.grandmother, of Farmingdale, , „., . hold. HAROLD A. HimaKON «•»« r s t UnlTsraitr Grsdust* Unl»er*llr of P BtooA tJj« t M i tot 60 Tent*. IT JfEVBB to Dr, 4, D. ThrDeknioTton, No, H HrMd Slf»«t l"AXr.». To ohlldrau It la a s kngal oi lueroy. PT.T1AKAWT TO TAK». . MO Odlcu hour.: 8 A. U. tu b,W V, U, Evw* * * exvept SitturdRyi, Suffering with RhaumMitm, Guilty of Illegal Sale. ™ Rev. rreflerick Kivelitii of Free- nonmi, vo ntno nasas. ont Morris Popak of Asbury Park was guilty by a jury a t Freehold hold was taken to a Trenton hospital bottle baa UUad 133 worm.. AH drtt*- "EO, McC. TAYLOR, C, E, Two homo sheetfl and a quantity of found aad diMan, or hj ni«Jl-fl8o m bat. 1 week of thu illegal BHIO of liquor. last week for treatment for rheuma- sri«t» CONSULTING KNO1NEB.R, groceries wore stolen from Wijlinm last Eat. O. A, VOQVMMBB, WL Bn n i l a , , »«. Detectives furnished the evidence tism, CIVIL KNdlNBKH «nd HIIKVKYOH, ampboH's wagon at Froehold last p g Bulhlinv, Hn«tl St., Il«l Il»nk. N. 1. Poitoffice Man's New Job. k The Th stolen l gp we«k. wcro ffd\ind against Popak, DICKSON, USED CARS-BARGAINS. •r*| R . ROBERT he next day near the place they wore Moving a Home. h Jiimcs W. Petfti-Kon of the Lontir VKTEnlNAKIAN. (stolen from. Pliunu 421 W, H«l Il»nl| The cellar has boon dug and theBrunch poBtofllce has been appointed 1914 Cadillac Touring, overhauled Fair IJavfln, N, J . SiMMMor to R, V, MULDOON foundation laid for the house which Huperiutcndcnt of carriers of that ofand painted. Ilka now. Wife Diitrttr Arraitad. Mrs. Bertha Krutor of Freehold will flCL'. QUINN, Guaranteed. Jackson Nock of Munnsquan, who move from West Main street to Lu-Miniiter a Firenun, Red tluik, I)«vi(JBon recently upent thirty days in the Packard, seven-passenger Touring, John J. Quinn, lUllly. fayetto place. county Jail for doHertinfr hiH wife, WOH Rev, WillUm A, Robinson of Ocean with fora doors, paint*d and In nrrtBtod again Iffst week on u Himilnr Himilnr To Improve a Homo. Grove IH a now member of E. II. good order. Great bargain. p M. CONK harge. Ho gave bonds to appear at E, Clarence Conover of Adolphia Stokes (ire company of that place. " AUCTION 1'ER, Franklin Touring Car, good order, i hearing. is planning to improve his house, Death of an Infant. Prompt, nttrntinn ta nil »»!••« of furra $200, nrchaiiili.M'nnd iHirniinii! property. which is occupied by William Brown. Caught Fiih in Unutua] Way. Erdyno M,, the eijjht-months-old Maxwell Runabout, good order, I*. 0 . Addvciin. 102 liurilim Blreut, HciI Hank. Ho will have u two-room addition C, Harry Clayton of Freehold daughter of Edward Chirk of Sua- with top, $175, US, CARLE & CAHLE, caught a good sized basa at Froehold built to it. bright, died last Thursday, OSTKOI'ATIIIC PHYSICIANS, Cadillac with Limousine and Tour- Room 7, Eisner last week in an unusual way. His Clothing Store Robbed, IlulldlnB. lirnad St., Bed B&ak ino formed a loop about the flgh'R Clarence Blakeney's clothing store ing Bodies, fine order, Great Telephone IWI, host! and the hook was caught in back at Freehold was robbed of goods Clrisdijntea of American School pf bargain. oftheglU. \irkiiviilrMo. worth $80 last Friday night. EnRainier Touring Car, good order' Oliici) Hmirri : 8:M A. M. to 3:00 P, M. trance was guinod by breaking open Auto* in Colluion. Cheap. T\H\ ii. F. KING, The automobiles of H, M, Lutes of a window, A u t o c a r T o u r i n g Car. Great LJ VETERINARY 8URGB0BI AND Ocean Grove and J, C, James of Brad- Milhurit Men Tried. DENTIST. Results Tell tho Tale, bargain, StlREWSnUllY, NF,W JERSEf, ey Beach collided lost Wednesday. Ovrrntomy, pcrfurmed on bitches with Samntl and Ellis Slater of Milhurst James's ear had a wheel torn off but iJ. W, Mount Co., Can you doubt the evidence of this Alan dluri (rented with Hcrum for Dipter/ipar'and the other machine was only slightly were tried at Freehold last week on a Red Bank citizen? RED BANK, N. „!. charge of assaulting Morris Marsan, damaged. Tclrtilionc 21W. Ktttiintown, N, J . Samuel was convicted but Ellis was You cun verify Red Bank endorseNow Singer for Church, acquitted. |SH. L. H. STRYKER, ment. •J J *~> VETERINARY SURGEON, Vito Petrone of Long Branch, who Working in Connecticut, Corner First Avenue and Centre Avenue Road this: ^ i OiTlcc Pubilr KMvieii IJuililinB. TelephoM 14a, juat graduated from the Dayton Mr. and Mrs, Frank VanBrunt of Rtaidence Bl Shrewsbury Avoniie. Telopbun* 1>-Ii conservatory of music, has been en- Farmingdale went to New London, Atlantic Highlands S I WILL PURCHASE Q b b l s UKD HANK. N. J. gaged to sing a t the First Baptist Conn,, last week, where Mr. Van- MI-H. 11,-M-i-li-t J , AtitmiiilfM, l!i Hin,]!-!! H t r u u t , K e d l l i i n k , M I V B : " F u r MVIT t w o OF SPLIT KINDLING WOOD church ut Long Brunch during the AREND, Brunt has a job in a hotel for theyi'iU'H 1 KlM'tel'i'd I'cuill jmltlH MlTliHM t h e summer. Hiiiitll (if m y liiirli, They hernine s n ARdniTECT,_ summer. Oak and Hickory Grata Waod s e v e r e a t liiiioH MM t u n m W e ' i t iilmoHt 1m*J ! 105 W. toth K trout. Now Aanury York City. Big Strawberries. Kinrnorith IJqiminst, I H « . >I. », JiOPHiItlo f'tr m*1 t o n o n i y h m i H e w o r k , 1 Sawed to Order IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIII Residence., Lifoad Slreet. Red Bank, H. I . New Bungalows. h u d dlzny HJHIIM iinil hi-iiiliiehi'H anil n i y J. L, Pittenger of Freehold has Spccinlistin cuutitrf work, TELEPHONE 111 Lawrence Maurer and E, M, An-Hltfllt Wilfi il(Teet(>d, I t o f t e n neOHled TIM ESTABLISHED i t M big strawberries of the Success Tuluphone Connectiont. H. Q, ROSEVBLT UHII m y e y e s were. 1111 • • • 1 w i t h p u r " He H picked i k done last l k derson are having bungalows built at variety, " week 1-n of Hiinil. NitthiiiiT Hetmied t o Vume. 8O W, Front St. TOHN S. APPLEGATE & SON, •Rhode Island Point near Belmar. T. t m e uinl 1 I m d iilmii.Mt d e e i d i d t h a t t h ' j which measured eight inches in cirPhone 32B COUNSELLORS A l LAW, R E D B A N K •} d wriH chronic when 1 fortiinnt« i ly cumference and three inches in di-J, and C, R. Steiner have the con- wlilo DavSdann BuildiriR, Bro»4BU»*, irned of DOUII'H Kidney I'll!M. (II tracts. ameter. RBD BAN«, N. hox from i ' . A, Mint on Hz CO.'M ALL WOOD DELIVERED ,j tore, I bi!K»!i UHIIIU t h e m mid tin.r c New Clerk in CoHeetor'a Office. Child Fill, in Lake, T7REDERICK W, HOPE, UHH wore very BattHfiu-tory, , T h e IHIIIIN Real Estate and Insurance Fred A. Brewer has been engaged ii my liutik left a n d nil t h o other HYIIIIIJ. COUNSELLOR AT LAW. t Virginia Kearney of Enplishtown oms of tho trouble, wore removed." OfflecB corner Broad and Front SUtall. fell into the lake at that place last OS clerk in the county collector's ofRED BANK, N. J . 1 BS44 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J, fSaturday week while waiting to gofice at Freehold to succeed Edmund DMUND WILSON, Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't boat riding with some other children. S. Rue, who held the job several COUNSELLOR AT LAW, She was pulled out by two of her com- years. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Fire, life, Accident, Tornado and RED BANK, 1 REAL ESTATE panions, Dean's Kidney Pills—the same that Offlces : 10 EAST FRONT 5TM«. A Coming Wedding. Plate GUM Insurance Mrs. Antonides had. Foster-Milburn The engagement of Miss Juanlta o., Props., Buffalo, N, Y. A LSi'ON BEEKMAN, Runnwayi Break Street Lamp, INSURANCE Oshorn, of William A, OsJ\ COUNSELLOR AT LAW. « M A team of hones belonging to Jo-born, todaughter OiTicea 10 Bread itreet. RED BANK. N . J . Andrew J, Brown, both of Mid LOANS seph Test of Freehold ran away last week while Mr. Test was plowing. Spring Lake, was announced last T^li. HERBERT E. WILLIAMS* The horses struck a street lamp and week, LJ SURGEON DENTIST. _ TRUE* BUILDING Graduate University of F e n n a l I smashed it. Both horses were badly Re-EIected Baiebal! Captain, Office Days in Red Bank: Mondayi. injured. BROAD STREET Contractors and BuUdcrf, andd SBtortBFB, StortBFB George F . Johnston of Long 120 Broad Street, R«l Bank. N. J . Branch has been re-elected captain of Died Sitting in Chair. RED BANK, N. J. the Brown university baseball team, BUILDING M A T E R I A L S . R. W. M. THOMPSON, Mrs. Jane E. Hance of Freehold Monmonth Oomnty Orpliane Court, DENTAL SURGEON. died of heart disease while sitting in Johnston plays short stop on the May Term, A, D,, 1915, H. I I Oppoilte Railrotd SUtton, 2d Nafl Bank Ballding. B l team, a chair Friday mornjng. Mrs. Hance In thn mutter Of the oatattj of Ctirollne Houra B-B. Red Bank N. J. 13, Searnan, deceaaed, . Order tQ show had been sick but" was recovering. Belmar Man Wedi, Woik SOM by the day m eonttmit. cause. FRANK L. MANNING. She is survived by a son and a Hollis 0 . Barker of Belmar and No job tawtonrti none too null. Daniel H, Applegate, aamlnistrator of brother. jabbing MtaidadtoM abort nottoa. Caroline K. Seaman, deceancd.. liavlng Miss Violet M. Zuber of Daytona, EatlmatM furnished on all kind* of exhlbitfcl to thiH Court, under oath, u Broad street, oppoBite Ford ft Miller'* Florida, 'were married at Belmar Monwork. He Likes Clamt. j H t and true account of tin- personal iBtkfaetisn gaumntMA. day of last week by Rev. F, H, Sherestate and dobts of sakl (loctfiltiiit, wheroRichard Aliberti, a Long Branch ,K. WILLIAM ROSE, 1 by It appenrs that the perKonul estate ] Ofiee, WS-M DENTIST.: bootblack, is very fond of clams. mer. of said deceased Is Insunieiont to pay Suceesaor to Dr. R. F, Borfra, Last week he offered a dealer fifteen her debts, and requesting the aid of tlio Return! from Hospital. Oaa adminiatcred. _ cents for all the hard clams he could Court In the premises, It is tlierefore ordered that all persons Interested in 0 BROAD STREET, RED BANE. If. J . eat. Aliberti got away with 105 big Thomas Allen of Belmar, who has the lands, tenements and hereditaments We have the electric fan you want clams, .-——•-.--.— . -.._,^._._ been at the Long-Branch hospital for H,_FQSTER11 real estate^of the*sald dti-rasm], apstveral '^eeks undergoing treatment —quiet, strongly made and eco-and R E A L ESTATE, pear before the Court, at the Court Engine Help* Rug Mill. House, in Freehold, on Thursday, the for rheumatism, has returned home. nomical in current consumption and AND L U A J N B . twenty-second day of July, A, p . , nine- EATOMTOWM, " A Central railroad engine was used New School Teacher, 1S63. teen hundred and fifteen, at 10:00 a, rn,, we have them in all sizes. last week to furnish power for runto Nhow cause wliy so much of the suild r uu. D. COOPER, Other fans for mercantile estab- lands, tenementsr lierealtaments and real ning the Freehold rug mill. The use Miss MiMred Morton will teach in of the said deceased should not of thjB engine was made necessary by the Matawan school next fall in place lishments, restaurants, hotels, lob- eHtate " " •" CIVIL EN GIN FEB. be sold as will be sufficient to pay herJ T one of the mill's boilers breaking of Miss Miriam Weed, who has ac-bies, theaters, reception halls, etc. debts, or the residue thereof, as the ease 'ostofflea Building, RED BANK. M. « . cepted a position on Long Island. 1 the Court, down. EOKGE K. ALLEN, JR., We both sell the fan and if neces- may require. By JOSEPH L, DONAHAY, I CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOB. Pennant Awarded in Garden Contest, Mrt. Mary Emmoni Dead. ary, install it,' Surrogate, Room 7, Patttraon BuildlnB, Bro«d IHWrt Mrs, Mary Emmons of EngliBhtown RED BAMI. N. J , The pennant which was offered by Dated May 13th, A, D,, 1915. the ! garden association a t Long died Sunday of last week at the age Notice of Battlement of Account. JACOB C, SHUTTS. Branch for t h e public school making of 62 yeOT. She was survived by two Estate of William A, White, deceased. Notice is hereby given Hint the so- Special attentlgn Btventom\m tt * • » _ the best showing in gardening, was sisters and one brother, OCEANIC, counta of the subscribers, administra- !im Implements and other pefsoiuJ pfBpejtF; awarded to the Branchport school last deception to New Paitor. B o r o u g h of R u n m o n , N j . trices of the estate of said deceased, will P, O.'Address, 191 Broad ittsrt, Bad weelt. Telephone 317 J , Runuon j be audited and stated by the surrogate Telephone 264 A reception was given at Matawan and reported for settlement to-the oruesdcy of last week to Rev, Luther Ford Runi Away, K, A, P. VOSS, phans court of the county of Monmouth, on Thursday, the eighth day of July, A, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAM, Eugene Coddington of Asbury j. Holmes, the new pastor of the D,-, IMP,, In the Eisner Building, Room IS. ark left his Ford automobile a t the ilatawan Baptist church. Dated May 26th, A. P., 191.". Olvet you a -eomplete trninh^ by aotoal pmctlce. Red Bank, N . J tation last Wednesday and the ma-Uiei Auto ai Track, ELIZA W. MIIJ.RR. Vod f « the knack ^ "HOf" tagethCT with the Telephona 184,^ MARTHA AS HIT 11 :hine ran away. I t was stopped by Gilbert'VanHise of Imlaystown has theory of "WHY" and the best buslnas tnetlwde used In the World of Eh<ctrical Artirtty, ack Fey after running a block, it. vVM. J, WOLFERT, onverted his touring car into an The N. Y. Eleetrioal School ta the phme« and TWEW YORK AND LONG BRANCH OSTEOPATH. utomobile truck and uses it, in cart- premier school al the "Leam by Dolnj" method. Vi Doctor* a t Allaire. RAILROAD. 94 Broad street. Red Bsnk, N, 3. Grhdunto of Philadelphia college of Oit Time Table In effect May 27th, 1815. When you havo oofnptoted this Ohofae jaa shall Members of the Monmouth county ng produce to Trenton, Philadelphia college of Anatomy. And port b% fully qualified to handle ALL hraiwhea of TRAINS LEAVB RED BANK medical association held their June Boy Held for Theft. of American school of OiUqpathy a t For New York: B 86,141, ? 03. 7 f 8, 7 23, 7 40, 7 66. ate Electrical induitry. meeting a t Asbury Park last week, 810. S2J, S44, 917. »8S (Mondiiyaonly). 9 42, vilie. Mo., under the founder of the irfma an Asbury Park The equltiment of thti Behool is wneqtmled *nd overal goed speeches were made solored boy, has been h 10 l a 11 25 a. m,-12 02,1 46. 2 4B, 4 19, 4 30,4 5fi, up-to-tho-mimite, Ko preparation needed to be> l d f th held for the 6 00, 7 m, 7 43, 8 15 (Saturdari only), 9 25, 0 B7, after dinner had been served. come a "leamPT" in this school, Yoo esn Btort p. m. Sundw*; 181, 9 37,11 44 s. m.; 1 20,4 45, uvenile court on a charge of stealing to leam on any day of any w«k throofheui tho 6 47, 8 03, 7 18. S W, 188,9 00, 9 57 p. m. HO from another boy, o Buy a Tractor. Dr. H, B.VanDorn whole j-car, rEliMbitlj andNewBik: 5 BS,641.7 03,7 40, 7 64. Steamer company No, 2 . o f theHpme from College. Vlaltora heftrtitj- w-ek-omed.r --Wrlte-tor free booij 7 B8. S ifrCNewwfctmry), S 44 {Newark only), DENTIST 9 17. 9 42, 11 25 a. m.' 12 02, 1 46, 2 48,4 80,4 50, 'reehold fire department will buy a Miss Lpita Reid of Englishtown of electriciil informatiim, Second National Bank Bnildln« 6 00, 7 28, 7 43, 8 15 (Saturday only), 0 25, 9 R7 tractor for hauling their engine, A who Address 43 and 49 West 17th SL, New York City. p . m. Sundoyi; S 61. 8 87,11 44 a, m.:-l 20, 4 45, attends college at Ashville, N. C. Rooms 8 and 9 carnival will be held next month to arrived 6 47. 8 M, 7 10, S 09, 8 88, 9 00,1157 p . m . home last week for the sum raise money for the tractor. For Matewmn and Perth Amboy: 5 5B, 8 41, 7 03 mer vacation, 7 08, 7 23 (Matawgn only), 7 56, 9 17, 0 42. 11 26. Held for Carrying Weapon*. a.m.: 12 02,1 48,2 48, 4 30, B00 (Mfttawan only). Carpet* Cleaned Surely Sanitary Buying Potato**. 7 28 (Matawan only) ,7 43, i 15 (Saturday only>, Frank Santanello, Theodore Vona By virtue of a wilt offl,fa., to m» (Matawanonly) 926,967 (Matswan only), p. m. Ford and "Edward Dilntush 'd. isHiipil out of the Court of OTianOur Sanitary Process Now is the time to have those bunted seams in your tin and Joseph Dino were arrested a t IfiWell Sand»yfi: 168, f 87, a. m.-, 1 20, 4 45 (Matawnn icry <if Ihu stntf of.Nrw Jersey, will ba Allentown are in the South buying only),608 OSatewin only),710 Mstawftn only) Asbury Park last week charged with «eil to Halo at public vcnrtiie, Ott roof and gutters repaired. The sanitary condition of your plumbing carrying concealed weapons. They potatoes for Edward Dilatush & Co. briDBi out the Newneu of the Carpel and 9 00 p, ra, SIUV, TI111 THIH'PEENTIl DAY gives it a new leate of life tit a Small Colt Allentown, F w Long Branch, ABbnry Park, Ocean G r a m OK ,11'bV. 1!»1B. tiftwfliii tin' hours of work means a great deal to the general health of yourjfamily. Why were held for the grand jury, Point Pleasant and intermodUite Btatloni-, 1 22, 12-on n'cini-k anil B:fHJ o'clot-k (at 1.30 Yo« Can Crtainly Do BrtUr H«« Sailor on * Furlough. (Mondayi exeeptod) 6 00, 0 02, 9 40,10 27 a, m. o'flock), in t!i(' iiftfrnofin of MM day, not have it looked over and put in condition while it can be done at Bradley Beach Woman Dead, 12 22, 12 SB. 1 38 (SatnrdaFB only). 1 43 (Satur. at the Ginbn hotel, litul Bunk, In the Joseph Green, Jr., a sailor on th if you Ut us m«l(c tho«<! Awning, for the days only), 1 57, % 24 (Sitnrdays only), 2 41 borough of ru-d Bank, county of JVlona nominal coat. Mrs, Hannah B« Pierce, wife of El- battleship (Saturdays only, 8 01, 3 48, 4 32, 4 80. 6 19, 8 81 mnuth. New Jerst-j-. Residence Nebraska, has been enjoy - -, m lis Pierce of Bradley Beach, died Sun- ing a furlough (Satunjaya exeepted), B 60, 6 22, 6 3S.7 S7.10 41 MX ttirit certain tract or parcel of land with Jils parents a I would be glad to give you estimate on any new work at day of last-week. Besides her husD, ra. Sundays: 122, 445. 9 58, 10 37, 10 5' nuil jHu-mlMes, lierolnufter partltularly, Our experts could not do poor work a. m.: 12 22, 2 66, i40, 652,10 18 p. m. (icserltied, situate, Ijinff anil being l a aame time, band ahe leaves her father, two sis-Farmingdale, • U t h e r tried For Freehold via Matawan aiid C. R. B, of N . J, tho township of f3hrewabur>', In t h e ters and four brothers. Boy Scouts Active. 7 66,9 17, a. m.112 02, 1,46, 4 80,8 00 p. M. Sun ciiuntj' of Monmouth niul state of 2SPW Reiidence Awnings Made Right days: 9 37 a. tn.i 4 45, 9 00 D. m. HOWARDFTIBY The Boy Scout troop at Freehold 1 : J. rwey, a t or near Little Silver, beglnAthletic Contest for Boys. LEAVE NEW YORK FOR R I D BANE. nliiK at a point In tho WPstCi'ly ^ l.I*_- or Pennant*, Curtaini, Etc. redited with being the most activ Monmouth Street. Phone 234-J. Red Bank, N, J, An athletic contest for boys was troop of any town in the state the siz C. B. R. of N. J.. foot of Liberty street, 4 00, i IB, Rtvpr Vlow iivermc, win-re the wnm l# 10 00. 11 M a. m.; 12 SB (SaturdayR only), 1 (X liiti'i'^fPtoil liy the iiorthcjily line of lnnili* held on the Farmingdale school of Freehold. (Saturdaya only), 1 20 (BaturdayH only), 1 SO, (if i ' W Iforil; liienctfcd) nlonK tlia grounds last Friday week. Prizes ! I Red Bank Awning and 8 80, 8 40. 4 45, 6 00, 5 SO, 5 88,6 30. 9 00 P. m,: northerly HUP of latulw of said <\ W. were won by Chester and Willard Allentown Farm 12 01 (midnight), inndsys; 8 80, 8 45.9 16,10 00, Iforil Houth sixty (leprous forty-fHo mlnCarpet Cleaning Works, utiJ wiHt, two iuinrtri'-iJ find flftei n feet Smith and Leon White, 11 00 m. m,; 2 80. 4 00, 9 00 p , m, Thomas A. Sm%h of Freehold ha O. R. R. of N J., foot of Weat ffld street, 8 05, B"80 thri-i' liH-lii-M to a Htuko; tlniico (2) northi Melvln M. Ore*, Prop,, bought the Emerson Yard farm Reception for New Deputy. 1120 a, m.112 20 (Saturday» only) 12 50 (Satur iwi'iity-iiiiio ilfgri'.-H tlilrtv-ilvf niliiutp; feet 64 WHITE STREET, days only), 110 (Saturdayi only), 120, a 20 wust, one hundred and fifty-two Allentown. He will take possessioi William A, Kelly, the new district next spring. 8 SO, 4 80. 4 BO, 5 » , 6 20,1 50,11 50 p. m. Ban flirht InClli'S tu till" HOllthirly Bide of a Telephone 32-M. deputy of the fourteenth Masonic dis^ay»: SS6, 90S, 8 80, 10 53 a. m.; 2 20, 8 B0 IHiiiiif fund; tlu-iice (3) north 8lNt\-ona (liKi'i-OH twoiity-two minuter oust nlonB B 50 p . m . trict, was given a reception by mem- Laid up with Appendieitii, • • • » • • • • • » » • » » • • • • • • • » • • • » tlig Mcuitlicrly 'hide of Hiild puhlii. roail, Penn.R. R. 7th Avaand 38d Street, N. ¥,,904,111 bers of Abacus lodge of Long Branch Maltliy Conover of Freehold was a. m : 12 34, 1 24 (SaturfayB nnly), 2 30, 3 42 rsvii h u i i d n d ' iinil llfti-eu f.-t-t thifi' a n d last Wednesday night, 4 20 (Saturdays cjteopted), 5 12 p, m, Sun niit'-huli' inolit'M to tin- westerly .^lUe o t aid up Inst week with appendicitis, ILisir N'ii'W avi-oiii! iiforftsiiid; t h e m e ( 4 ) days: 8 80, 9 SO, U 12 »,ra.:1 80, B 12 p. m. "t is thought an operation will be Monmouth Battle Celebration, aloUK t h o Wi'-.-l-rly Hldn of nlvtn VlevgFenna, R, R., Hndssn TonninBl (H. A M, R. R. miutli twuiity-nlne duerecs t h i r t y Now on Ml* »t th» following THE WENCK 1 Chureh and Cortlandt Streeta. 3 33, 9 00, 111( iivMiuu The battle of Monmouth will be unnecessary. iiilnutcs i-iiHt, (inn hundred ami fifty «.ra., 12 27 (Satordayt only), 12 SO, 1 27 (Hotur ilvi jommemorated at Freehold on Sun-Laid up with Sore Hand. feet t e n a n d otio-iinlf lnt'hi^ to th«- p " l n t days only), 2 3-,8 42,4 22 (Saturdayi execpted), riliu'i' of in-ulnnliiK, containing 75-10(1 day, June 27th, under the direction of 4 6B (SnturdayseiMptod),612p. m,- Sundayt IIC Leon Nelson of Allentown has been iif a n fieri' Htili't ineuMurc. Monmouth chapter, Sons of the 8 82, 9 30, 1110 a. m.: 1 SO, 5 17 p. m. aid up with a sore hand caused by Helped an t h e property of 1'iopcrty For forthw portlculBrs see time-tableB Hardwood floors laid and American Bevoluflon, Ki-i'iirlty I'nnijiiuiy, a I'lirporutlmi. f t «1, catching it in the lover of a riding Btatloni, finished, plain or ornamental. taken fn exKiMitlon a t tin; Hiilt of M a r cultivator. L. W. BERRY, Superlntendont, N, Y. and L« B, Joined Municipal League, Kuivt <". VerkiiiH a n a Lnvinla C. P a r k o r , exin _ Have IB yeara' . . (Conlinmi from last pagt,) Good* Rtranrid. s Sells Everything a First Class Drug Store Should Your Prescription, here receives the attention your doctor expects. D A RED BANK WOMAN'S EXPERIENCE Huyler's Candies Norton's teeCream Delicious Soda WOOD WOOD WOOD I I '"" ALEXANDER D. COOPER wrooppiNG E i YOU. GET WISE ADLEM & CO, DRY GOODS. I D N B W F.P.Reid Electric Service New Vork Erectrlcal Sdiool D 32 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. NOTICE! YOUR FAVORITE BRAND LEMBECK & BETZ Beer, Ale & Porter BENJAMIN H. CRATE 212 West Front Street Red Bank, N. J. If youi* dealer cannot supply you, notify us and we will see that you we supplied. Save our caps, they «rt valumbte. Send for our Premium Catalogue LEMBECK & BETZ EAGLE BREWING CO., JCftSEY CITY, N. J. I HARDWOOD FLOORS.^ R. R. iind tu !)(' Hidd by The board of commissioners of Get College Degree!, perience in the floor business. CHAS.O, MoFADDIN, Gen. Pass. Agent, N . Y COllNKLintJ 11, IIAIIKAI-OW, and L. B, R. R. Long Branch have voted to place I make it a specialty., My maClaude A, L. Lyon and V. FrancisSheriff. D. N, BELL. Gen. P a n . Agent, Penn. R. R, Long Branch in the municipal league co Voldes of Asbury Park graduated terial is from selected kiln WILHOX A SMiH'K, Horrn. W. 0. HOPE, Gen'l PagBentfei Aeunt Contra of New Jersey, which was organized from the University of Pennsylvania liatiid Jtrno i», IBlfl, LI1S B0.1 R. R. of N . J . dried stock and the workmanat Trenton last week. last week. ship speaks for itself. Ask those that have them. Elk. to Hold a Carnival. MERCHANTS STEAMBOAT CO. OF NiW JERSEY. Farm Manager Quiti, Old Floors ftaflnishad. The Long Braniil lodge of Elks TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE STth, 1915. William D. Smith has quit his job All kinds of flooring and floor Subject to ehantro without notlco. will hold a.carnival on the lawn of the as manager of Joseph L, Donnhay's finish for sale, Elks' homo in August. A committee farm at Adelphia and will move to Steamers SEA BIRD und AtBERTINA has been appointed to make arrange- Freehold. Between ficr S4, fuot of Frnnklin Street. New York (Landinpt at tho Battery to tako on in<] let oC ments for the affair. nly), and Hiehlanili, Hlffhlanil Bench, Oconnic, Locii»t romi, Fair Haven and H«d Bank. Matawan People Move, Pranklln. New York, 423 Fled Bank, N . J. Hielibnd* Teiephorio, 1ZM. Graduates from Princeton, SO EAST FRONT STRICT, € Mr, and Mrs. Harry Walling have FOR NEW YORK. FOR RED BANK. . RED BANK, N. J, Longdon E, Morris, son of Benja- moved from Matawan to Elizabeth in oxeept Sunday. A, M. P. M, Daily except Sunday, A, U. P . U . min P. Morris of Long Branch, grad- order that Mr. Walling wjll bo nearer •TELEPHONE 488. Leave Pier 24, foot of FrinkHn uated from Princeton college last his work, Leave tied Bank %W ' 2,30 Str««t .,,.,..,,,., , H.30 •• Fulr Hiiven,,, T.« week. He received the degree of 2,r>5 Leave Bftttury e, ...H.5D " iHt Point,,.,,, ?.» PuU Up New Fence, bachelor of letters, 4,10 Arrlyo Hishlsiida about,,, ..10.M 11 Oceanic R.1B Oceanic " ,,, ..11.10 Edward Patterson of Adelphia has ...100 Hihl Adeipltia Ma* Dead. C20 " Locust Point " , , , , , , , ..11.20 put up *a new fence around his propRM Arrive Buttery LanillnB about " Fair Haven " ..11.30 B .M Wilson Hendrickson of Adelphia erty. Ho will have his house newly W.W 1 R,DQ Arrlva Franklin Street «bont,. " Rod Bunk " ,, .,11.45 i F k l i Htrt « b o n t W M died last Thursday after a sickness of enclosed. SUNDAYS, A.M. P.M. P. A, M, A . M, SUNDAYS. Contractor and Builder, Leave PUir 24, foot of Franklin months. Mr, Hondriekson wa Leavened Hunk, M » J,W * S.SO n.ln S t r e e t , , , , , , . _ . , , , . , . , Freehold Man Sell* Property. 11 00 years old, A widow and nine chilRED SANE, N, J. FnlrHuvon 8.16 } B,r>fi 0.35 avo Hsttory L a n d i n g , , dren survive him, David Fitzgerald of Freehold has ,,,,10,3S 1MB Arrlvo Hiahlanda Bbout ';4]« i Hlifhlnnila,.; ' " Oceanic " , , ....11.10 11.SO sold a tract of eight acres near Colt's CoBitabls Didn't File Bond, ,,,,ll.Z0 12.0()M. " Locust Point" rLnndlnK nbout. Neck to Charles Haseman of Wicka11.00 18.10 " Fair Haven " OFFICE IN EISNER BUILDING, John Bottorf, who was elected tunk. " Red Bank " ,,,, ,,,,U,4D 12.25 Room 3. constable in Neptune township last Excursion ticket, 00 centB, SlnglO F * » , 40 certtfl. LoBf Branch'* fall, failed ,to file n bond with th 350-J. r for uptown uptown a«i to NOTICB-At Bsttory Landinsf, Bllajaratad trains fo» uptown! «ubw|urfor t RNdUMI' township committee lait week. Tho Long Branch commlggioners md Burfuco c a n arid fenles to Stiten latand «m] Uroohtrn, ««n B« mMhiid In two niiratM, have decided on a budget of |248,TROLLEY CONNECTIONS. D M at Hospital, ' B24.08 forttecoining yenr. lokblng off All Kind*, AT HIGHLANDS vl« J . C. T. Co., for Stons Church. Navotdnlc, Atknll" Koannbunr. Keyport, Mlildletown and Ited Rank. , Christopher Slonne of Atlanti AT KKD BANK via M. C. E. Co.. for 8hrow«bury. KntonUiwn. tanlt Branwh Md M W f I l i l l m a t t s Ch««rfully Fumlihtd. Highlands died at the Long Branch t o Build Garmge. . T. Co.. tot F>tr Vl»w, atlddlotawti, N«w Uaniuaath, ll«U«r4. AT KED BANK via J . C. hospital last Wednesday."' He was 75 William F. Madge of Adelphia is and Koyport. . WiTRtMicIiii I Btt«nHon i l n n to tho a*r* <tt Wo™« «n^ Carrluwo. years -old and was unmarried. BRwIng timber with which to build a rt at t one* for R*d B«*k OtAf, Boat nrrlvinKtatBatt*ry on Sunday ntfiK P. M. willl r<rturn The Red Bunk KegiHtci' offers no garlge for his car. l(oot leavlny Battery ml 2.56 P. M. wuok Jny» oonnvoU at HlthknfU wltfc b « « t n " H f ^ i ^ » premium^. It makes a good newapaper at $lJ>0 per year.—Advertise- "EXTRA TK'i'-Coiqinenctjif July Mhand cathSundny Until I*hQr IMr,J«M»*'*B ""***' Percy Couae of Asbury Park, wh Freehold Girl m Collai* Graduate. I 6,00 .' *>, t*ry Landing, lit I I', M. for Hl(fhl«nd«i only. Le«v*Hl«hl«nd» at «:M K has bocn sick with .typhoid tmr, is Mitt Lea Smith graduated from ment. H. B. WENCK, S Geo, W. Sewiiig, jiignianiiis,,, , ,,,....»w light THE R I D BANK REGISTER. MARLBORO NEWS. Comm*nc«mint Exercises of Public School to Be Hold Tonight. The King's Daughters of the Reformod church will hold their regular business meeting and social on Friday evening. It is expected thnt Miss Curry of the Children's day nursery of New Yoik will speak, for the "rainy day" that may come to you at any Hoihoit Mori is «>f Jersey City recently vimtod 1 h n parents,' Mr, and as it has come to others? What you save will draw Mrs. John Mori !1* Mr nnd Mrs. KlHs Thompson of substantial interest if the money is deposited in the East Orannf recently visited Mr. strong Thompson's pnn»rits, Mr. and Mrs. Chailcs Thompson. Mr nnd Mis. William 0. Conover of Enghshtown Msitod Sidney Reid and daughter Cuiup on Sunday, Rajrniind Comner spent Saturday nipht and Sunday with relatives at Long Blanch. Broad and Wallace Sts., Red Bank, N. J. Mr. nnd Mrs. George VanAkin of Long Island recently visited Mr. nnd Mrs. S. B. Wells. • "., Banking, Special Interest, Trust, Investment and Safe Arthur Borden niid family have Deposit Departments moved into the Kelly house. Mrs. Theodore Sickles of Matawan visited Mrs, H! G, Mngeo one day recently. The public school eofjrmeneement will be held in the Reformed chapel tonight, The grammar grade graduates'are Inez E. Bohannnn, Edwin H. Conover, Dorothy E. Ely, Mildred B. Mcllvnine, Robert 0. Walker and T. Chester Willett. Mrs, John Baird has returned homo after spending some time with her son, Robert of Elmburst. L. I. Sealed proposals for the furnishing A, M. Baird, who hus been ill, is of coal needed for the Court House somewhat improved. J', Well, sometimes it's a good Daniel Coon and family of Holmand Jail for the year 1915, will be rething. But not so easy or ', del visited Horatio Whaley and ceived by the Board of Chosen Freefamily on Sunday, cool work, eh? Mr. nnd Mrs, Thomas Fields visited holders of the county of Monmouth, We do it every day because ; ut their rooms, Court House, Freetheir son Walter at Colt's Neck Sunday. it's our business, and while The Baptist Sunday-school will hold hold, on Monday, July 12th, 1015, at Children's day exercises next Sunday I we dont know it all, we do the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenight, " | know a good sized part of it, The prayer meeting at the Baptist | noon of said day and then and there enough to insure you that church tomorrow night will be in publicly opened and read, charge of Charles Layton. j your clothes will get good Leroy Ourley is spending a week j treatment,lots of clean water with hisjsistor, Mrs. Edwin Strickland A certified check, drawn to the orof Enjrffshtqwn. and soap, will be handled by dor of the Collector of the county,of Mrs, D. H. Gordon nnd daughter experienced people and with Rilla have returned to their home at Monmouth, in the sum of one hunPhiladelphia after spending some time the best equipment in the dred, dollars, must accompany each here. market today. Mrs, Sadie Smith is visiting relabid. tives in Connecticut. Our service is prompt and we Mrs, W. E. Shepperd, Mrs. J, C, Specifications can be obtained of launder about all things Heiser, John Morris, H, G. Magee and T. E. Jeffries, Chairman, Freehold, S. B. Wells were recent visitors to .washable. New York, N. J. Mrs. Francis DuRie of Rahway reWhy not let us serve you. cently visited her daughter, Mrs, F, T, All bids must be enclosed in a Burke. Mrs, Catherine Williams and Floyd sealed envelope and be endorsed ProGriffin of Oyster Bay, L. I,, spent posals for Coal, and the name of the some time recently with Henry Gordon, Phone 32-J bidder. _ Mr. and Mrs. VanOstrand of Newark recently visited Mrs, H, P, Hayward. The Board of Chosen Freeholders Mrs, Edward Wilson jind three sons reserves the right to reject any or all of Matawan, visited George us bought by g Strick- |W by R, R, S, Hurst of Red W land and family on Sunday of last j Bunk and the other was bought by G. bids if deemed to the best interests week. " " "Rev, " J. B, Thomas of Hollisterville, P. Farmer's coal and supply company of the county so to do, Park. Pa,, will preach at the morning and of Asbury ,_ — _-»_•_]» :.,—— . --J. M; CORLIES; evening services in the Baptist churchSunday, July 4th. ^ LINCROFT NEWS. Attest: Director. Mrs. James White of Enfflishtqwn C. E. CLOSE, Clerk. visited her sister, Mrs. William Du- Motorcycle Race Called Off Became of Speed Lawt. gan, on Sunday. _. A motorcycle race which was to Mr. and Mrs. 0. C, Herbert are spending some time with relatives at have taken place on the county road Manasquan. at this place on Tuesday of last week The prayer meeting will be omitted was called off on account of a warnat the Reformed church tomorrow ing from a state inspector that the night on account of the installation of racers would be arrested for violatRev. M. T. Conklin_as jastor of the I ing the speed law if the ^contest was. • Sealed' proposals for the furnishing Middletown church, Miss Edith Van- j held. The Inspector said that each of all tools, labor and materials for Kirk will lead the Christian Endeavor rider would be fined $50, The race meeting Sunday night. Her topic will was to have been between James the re-planking of the bridge over the be "Song and its Meaning." The Vaughn and Jamea Larkin, About North Shrewsbury river, and kno%vn Sunday, evening preaching service will had been put up in-bets on theas the Oceanic bridge, in the county be omitted ao the congregation may I outcome of the contest. the Children's day exercises in Charles Lum has had new founda- of Monmouth, will be received by the the Baptist church. tions put under his outbuildings and Board of Chosen freeholders of the county of Monmouth, at their rooms,. has made other improvements. m i mMrs. J. Morrison Raynpr of^reen- Court House, Freehold, N. J., on MonSHREWSBURY NEWS. port. Long Island, is spending several day, July 12th, 1915, at the hour of Children'i Day Exercises at c Preiby. days with her brother, John R. Coneleven o'clock in the forenoon of said over. ' "• terian Church. Geore McQueen, Jr., son of George day and then and there publicly The largest gathering that ever atopened »nd read. tended the Presbyterian church and McQueen, has a new bicycle. the most elaborate floral decorations | Mildred Sanborn spent Saturday Plans and specifications can be obthat ever adorned the church were | and Sunday with her grandmother. features of the Children's day exer- Mrs. AIVB Sanborn of Red Bank. tained of George D. Cooper, County Edward VanBrunt, who works as Engineer, 60 Broad street, Red cises Sunday morning. The windows were banked with flowers and ferns, an asparagus buneher for Dietrich and there was a profusion of floral Seedorf, established a new record for Bank, N. J. arches, roses, laurel and ferns on the ! eating a big meal a few days ago. He quarfcj—A certified check, drawn to the or p , aq altar and in the aisle. A fine program ate a dozen buns;; three pies, f strawberries t b i and d der of the Collector of the cbUnty~of was rendered. It comprised a concert off cream, a quartt of recitation by the members of Miss a .pound of candy, and he drank a Monmouth, in the sum of one thouRuth Silver's class, recitations by ' quart of sarsaparilla. sand dollars, must accoupany each Elizabeth Shoemaker, Gladys Layton | Lewis S. Thompson has ordered an and Elizabeth Seeord and Boles by | automobile for his own use and hasbid. Misses Bessie Morford, Dorothy Lin- j bought a two-ton automobile truck All bids must be enclosed In a son, Alice Beak and Clarissa Johnson. I for delivering produce raised on hissealed-envelope and be endorsed with Samuel Obre expects to finish his farm, Margaret Kearney and Miss the name of the bidder and the name job at taking the census next week. Charles M. Patterson is having new Elizabeth Ginname of Newark are of the propped work. fences put on his farm occupied by spending two weeks mth Mrs. Joseph H. Tomlinson. ' / Arthur Smock. The Board of Chosen Freeholders The alumni association is arrang, - — -' of the county of Monmouth reserves ing for a dance to be held in July, the right to reject any or all bids if DCEANPORT NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus-Smith and deemed to the best intoiofils of the their son Kenneth of Bayonne spent 1 ! Day Qbiinred Sunday county so to do. Sunday with Mrs. Smith's parents, Children Night by Methodilt Sunday-School. Mr. and Mrs. William I, Green, J. M. CORLIES, Mrs. Walter R. Morris gave a tea The largest audience that the Director. party to ri number of friends on Methodist church ever contained saw Attest: the Children's day exercises Sunday Saturday. C. E. CLOSE, Clerk. The Juniors of Christ church held night. The church was very attracan ice cream nnd cake sale Saturday tively decorated, and the entertainat the parish house, The sale was ment •was of unusual merit. well attended and everything was dis- Frank Gadd of Brooklyn spent Sunday with Alvin Langwith. Mr, Lang posed of. A. D, Baldwin has a new Ford auto- ! with graduated with high honors from Rutgers college last week. mobile. Mr. Vincent and family of BrookRev. and Mrs. Dwight L. Parsons motored to Princeton on Thursday to lyn have moved in the Caaler house, Sealed proposals for the repairing see their son, Theodore, graduate formerly occupied by William Anderof that portion of the Red Bank-Mid from Princeton college. son, dletown road, between Cooper's William E. Morris yesterday atMr, Langstroth, Mr. Atwater and tended a meeting of presbytery at Mr. Newman have moved to their bridgo and Headden's Corner, in the Oceanic as a representative of the summer homes in the bungalow township of Middletown, in accord Presbyterian church of this place. colony section, ance with the specifications prepared Benjamin Allen Shoemaker, son of A Long, Branch man has started Benjamin A. Shoemaker^ and Louise running a jitney bus through this therefor by George D. Cooper, Antonette Rathbonc, daughter of place to Little Silver and Red Bank. County Engineer, will be received by Charles F. Rathbone. were baptised Miss Hattie Conrow is home from the Board of Chosen Freeholders of Sunday morning at the Presbyterian n Brooklyn school for the summer va- the County of Monmouth, at their cSurch, cation. rooms, Court House, on Monday, the Mr. and Mrs. George DeSilver, Miss May McClinchy of New York 12th day of July, 1915, at the hour Howard DeSilver and George H»mm spent Sunday with relati'r.es here. Brooklyn were Sunday guests of An evangelistic service was con-of eleven o'clock in the forenoon of and Mrs. A, Holmes Borden. ducted at' the Methodist church said day and then and there publicly A special musical service will be Wednesday night by Myron E. Slater held at the Presbyterian church Sun- of Bed Bank and a band of singers opened and read. day morning. The organ was re-from that place, The service was Specifications c m be obtained of cently overhauled and improved, largely attended. George D. Cooper, County Engineer, Fifty new pipes have been installed. Tie irtfte-ujBent will be used next Sun60 Broad street. Red Bank, N. J. SCOBEYVILLE NEWS. iay for ttte first time since it was repaired. ' A certified checkh^rawn in the Bum William Carney Oil! for t h . First Bishop Matthews will make his anof two hundred and fifty dollars, to Tims Since He w u Taken Sick. nual visitation to Christ church on William Carney was outdoors the order of the^Collector of the Sunday, July 4th. Thursday for the first time since ho county of Monmouth, must accomThe young people's missionary sotaken iick with typhoid fever pany each bid. ciety of the Presbyterian church will was weeks ago. His health is hold Its nnrtuul bazar and sale Mbior- several improved, but he will be un- All bids must be enclosed in row afternoOR and night in a tent on much to work for some time, 1 the rear of A. Holmes Borden's store able Mrs, J. H. Vining and her two chil- sealed envelope and be endorsed with! lot. the name of the bidder and the work dren are visiting at Long Branch. Mrs. Samuel Qaric spent tke weekA coating of red clay has been put bid on. end with her daughter, Mrg, Whit- on the county road by Frank S. more ot Barnegat. Weeks. The Board of Chosen Freeholders lfr«. Cortelyou of Bay Ridge has The pupils who made the best recb«en spending several days with her orda for attendance and punctuality reserves the right to reject any or all d*ueht«r, Mrs. W. C. Bunn. for the past year are Arthur Hilt- bids if deemed to the best interests . A Bervice for St. John the Baptist brunner, Frances Lerch, Catherine of the county so to do, will b« held tomorrow morning at ten Riordan and Katie Leonard. 1 J. M. CORLIES, o'clock »t Christ church, .CharlM H. Hurley Hold two two- It pays to advertise in T ^ l e g i s t e r . Attest: Director, bot*« farm wagorin last week. Otic -—Advertisement. C. E, CLOSE, Clerk. Are You Saving Anything Red Bank Trust Company DO YOU WASH ? j PROPOSALS, Red Bank Steam Laundry 62 White Street PROPOSALS, PROPOSALS, • « . THE BROAD STREET BAZAAR 26 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. O N L Y O N E B N T R A N O B ^ N B I T DOOR TO THt SUGAR BOWL Small Profits and Quick Sato is OurPolicy-Money Win be Promptly Refunded on Request $2,00 AND $2.50 ALL WOOL SERGE SKIRTS, SPECIAL $1.00, In white, block, navy and Copenhagen; also ratine skirts are included, in white and white with black stripes. Extraordinary Bargain, Cheese Cloth 2c Yard Women's 85c and $1.00 Union Suits 69c Lisle thread, reinforced, trimmed with luce at knee; all tixei, Women's 85c Ingrain Silk Hosiery at 69c No more than 10 yards to a customer. In black and all newest colon, full regular made, high spliaed heels; all iijei, . 200 Women's and Misses' Modish Sunimer Dresses will go on tale at the very lowed price* ever known, at Summer Furs—Snow white; regular $5, now $3.75 $1.90, $2.90, $3.9% $4.90, $5.90 and $6.90 There is a dross for every possible dross occasion. You are sure to find scores of dresses suited to each and every requirement of time and place, in all sizes. , White Iceland fox in animal style, fatten close to neek or BUSpend from shoulders. Infants' Domestic Socks 7c or 4 for 25c Crepe and Lawn Kimonas at 55c, 85c, 98c, $1.45 and $1.95 Plain white and a variety of patterns in fancy topi. CHILDREN'S FINE MERCERIZED SOCKS, 12)ie. In all wanted colors and plain white and fancy topi, Batter made nnd prettier than you've ever lean at the pric«. The crepo is soft nnd crinkly, very cool for summer wear and desirable because it launders so well. The full gathered skirt model with elastic run waist line is a favorite style at present. Choice of pink, blue, lavender and white. HERE ARE BETTER PARASOLS THAN YOU CAN GET ANYWHERE ELSE FOR THE SAME MONEY. WE SELL THEM FROM New Wash Skirts we Offer This Week at 98c Made of fine quality repp, pique, ratine and crash linen; also Palm Beach cloth and black and white checked skirts; all sizes. White Gabardine Skirts, Very Special at $1.95 For summer comfort dress the little fellow in Rompers at 17c, 33c49c, 69c, 79c and 97c Newest models, in all sizes; extra sizes are included. Newest Model Coats, Extraordinary Special at $2.95 Worth more than double. also other good .stylos. 69c to $2.75 Plain coaching style, ribbon border and insertion effects, and many others jn lovely patterns; all 1016 models. Black and white cheek ^materials; ' Our Handsome Waists Will Win Your Favor Especially When You Learn That the Prices are Only SSc^ 93c, $1.33, $1.95 and $2,95^ You will find favor for their good style and quality? very fancy semi-dross and tailored effects;'some in. pure white, others with colored stripes and plain black, in Jap silk, lawns, voiles, chiffon and lace and crepe de chine. $1.00 and $1.25 Undermuslins at 79c Sizes from 2 to 6 years. They are equally suitable for little girls. Materials are the light weight fabrics especially intended for warm weather. Mothers, here is a worth while saving on Girls' White Dresses; would regularly sell at $1.00 to $7.50, We sell them at 55c to $3.95 Made of finest quality lawns, crepes and pique; sizes from 2 to 14 years. Every man in Red Bank and vicinity can profit by buying summer needs at • THE BROAD STREET BAZAAR BOc SENATE ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR AT 3Sc, OR 3 FOR $1.00. Odds and ends of large lots, comprising gowns, combinations, long petticoats and skirt chemise, good quality nainsook, trimmed with luces and firm embroidery. Made of fine pongee material, sleeveless shirts and knee drawers. Also striped pongees, not all sizes in same stripe, but all sizes in the lot ^ • Women's 25c Union Suits, Special 19c 69c NEGLIGEE SHIRTS AT 49c. Finest quality percale, newest patterns including black and white stripes. They are cut good.and full and custom finish to yvery detail, with soft French cuffs. Others from 3714c to 9Sc. ' In regular and extra sizes, made of fine cotton ribbed. Women's 50e Union Suits, Special 38c Liile thread finish, low neck, sleeveless, extra wide at knee and lace trimmed, regular and extra sizes. Sheets and Pillow Cases 72x90 Seamfid Sheets 33c Made of gooti quality muslin. -— * 72x90 Seamed Sheets 47c " Made of sttfedard muslin. _____ 85c Seamless Sheets, Very Special 59c Fine muslin;, free from dressing. OUR SALE IN WOMEty£ BATHING SUITS IS WORTHY OF YOUR ATTENTION. MEN'S PAJAMAS 75c AND 98c. Variety of materials, including pongees, madras and-crystal cloth, in neat stripes and plain colors, silk tape frocks. All high grade custom finish, good and roomy. • Anot-her4aot-of House Dresses at"68c~~"" Of striped and check ginghams and chambrays, embroidery trimmed, 8 4 t o 46. SOe BUNGALOW APRONS AT 33o. Of checked ginghams, white-piping, 'full cut. AMERICAN LADY CORSETS, STECIAL AT $i.3S, Made of fine batiste for slertder figure, strong supporters attached, open front. ' ' •• We sell them as low as $1.45 and up to $6.95 Hundreds of Girls' New Dresses at Savings Every Mother Will Appreciate Made of o_uj4Hty surf cloth, silk ftftish mohair rind silk poplin, well tailored ano finished, collar and sleeves trimmed, with blue and white braid, Others are trimmed with satin, sailor collar. Warm weather is here now and~evlry^lf1 neetis new dressea. This sale will help mothers to save, for every garment was purchased much under price, at WOMEN'S ZBe COLLARS AT 17c, OR 3 FOR SOe. T" Many lovoly styles. Among them are rolling collars, shawl collars of fine embroidered batiste and voile. Choice of ginghams, voiles" and linens, in pretty plaids, contrasting color trimming and plain white; sizes J to 14 years, ? SUMMER NET CORSETS, SPECIAL AT 9Se. Made of strong net, medium bust models, good strong supporters attached; all sizea. ' _ L. Boys' Knicker Pants at 37c Blue and fancy mixed cheviots; sizes 4 to 17 years. • 37c, 59c, 79cf $1.13 Prices drop on needed bed spreads and blanketa. |1.O0- blankets, bine stripes, at. SSc $1.00 and $1.25 bed spreads at 8Oe $8.00 bed spreads at. $2.49 Pretty Marseilles patterns, plain hems or cut cornera and sealloped for metal bedi, full size. • • PLAYER ROLLS 65 Note rolls, a large assortment, some as high as $1.75, now 25 cents Note rolls, from 50 cents to $1,75, a goodly assortment, at Half Off marked prices Note rolls, new 25c edition, remarkabli value, at 25 cents each Have you seen the M Y S T E R I O U S C L O C K yet? What makes it go? No electricity, no clock works, no magnets, no mercury! Come in and see it. STORCK OF COURSE • i * » • BANK REGISTER. VOLUME XXXVII,' NO; 52. RED BANK, N.1 J,f WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1915. PAGES 9TO16, FARM HANDS DROWNED. HIGHLANDS CiPUPLE TO WED. NINE NEW EPISCOPALIANS, Engagement of Mill PriiellU Hunter They were Confirmed by Bishop Paul and W. L. RowUnd Announced. Matthew* at Trinity Church. THREE POLES FELL OUT OF Mrs, Harry C, Badeau, Mr. and Miss PriicillB Hunter and William L, RowUnd, proprietor of Rowland's BOAT AND LOST THEIR LIVES. Mrs, John S. Allen, Marie and Juliet pharmacy, both of Highlands, are en-They War* Rowing from Oceanic to Caldwell, Walter A, Belcher, Freda May E. Degenring and Whitgaged to be married. The engageRobert Harttherne'i Place Whan Braun, ney Tilton were confirmed at Trinity ment was made known Monday night the Accident Occurred—Two Other church Sunday morning. The conat Mr. Rowland's store to a number of Men War* In the Boat. formation service was in charge of his friends. It was followed by a Three Pole*, who were employed Bishop Paul Matthews, Special music pgrty at the Bamboo Garden at which a dinner was served and dancing was on Robert Hartshorne's farm near was rendered by the choir, under the A Marriage of Old-Fathloned Colonial Type at Little enjoyed, and at which Mr. Rowland Highlands, were drowned early Sun- direction of Prof George A, Parslow was host. "Bill'ii" engagement was day morning before daylight when of Long Branch. After the service fell out of a rowboat. Two Bishop Matthews and Rev. 'Robert A, Silver on Saturday when Arthur deFabry was not suspected by even his closest they friends and was a great surprise to other men were in the boat and they MacKellar were guests at a dinner them. They all joined in congratu- rowed ashore, after vainly trying to given by Warden W,*Strothor Jones Wedded to a Newark Girl Many Other Weddings lating him and the bride-to-be. The save their companions. of Riverside Drive, The five men were at Red Bank wedding date has not been fixed. Take Place In This Locality* on Saturday night on a shopping trip. On the way to Red Bank they walked A marriage, with outdoor wedding satin. Miss Anna Clark, a lister of to Locust Point, where they hired a festivities, took place Saturday at the bride, was maid of honor. She boat arid rowed across the river. At Little Silver, when Miss Cora Annette was dressed in yellow satin. Miss Oceanic they took a trolley car, forAGED RED BANKER DIED LAST 111 of Newark became the bride of Grace Little of Newark and Misses* Red Bank, They expected to return Burden and Lulu QuBckenbush of [•* Arthur L, deFabry, ion of S. L. deORDINANCE AGAINST OBSTRUC over the same route. FRIDAY NIGHT, Matnwan were also attendants, TIONS ADOPTED BY COUNCIL. Fubry. The ceremony was perShortly after midnight Charles formed at the home of the groom's James Ruff of Newark was groomsHe Wai a Justice of the Peace and parents In the presnee of about 100 man. Alter the ceremony about 200 Signs and Overhead Shed* Will Have Twining, who lives near the river Custodian of the Borough Hal] for bank at Locust Point, heard screams guests^ Rev, Clifford K. Dilks of guests were entertained at a recepa Number of Year*—-The Funeral to Go—Ordinance Becomei Effeo- and sounds which showed that some Now Egypt, a former pastor of thetion at the bride's home. Following 0 five Nekt Month—Other Matter! Held Monday. PHOTO BY ANDREW R. COLIMAN, one was choking, Mr, Twining Little Silver Methodist church, was the reception the bride and groom left Justice Theodore Frelinghuysen Acted en by the Council. thought some one was being mur- Sniffen of Herbert the clergyman. The wedding march for their new home at Bloomfleld. street died Friday The ordinance providing for thedered and he telephoned' for John R, WATCH RED BANK GROW! was played on the violin by Mrs.Mr, Little works for a New York firm wiping out of street signs and over- Snedeker, chief of police of Atlantic night at the age of 78 years after a George Pinekney of Hohokus, n of bankers. sickness of about six months. Death The above picture Bhows a house which is being built on the south head sheds passed its final reading Highlands, Mr. Snedeker, Mr, Twincousin of the groom, accompanied by Monday night. It becomes effective ing and a number of Locust Point was due to vertigo, complicated with side of Irving place for Willis A, Clayton. It will be ready for use July Mrs. Frank Bates of Little Silver, a Ceneannen—McMahen. diseases. Early last winter Mr. thirty days after its passage, men scoured the woods near the bank other INI when it will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs, Windsor C. VunVleit, who l of the groom, The house was Sniffon was stricken with paralysis, Winifred Agnes Concannon g A bill of 5264 from Luther (t until they saw two men get out of ftbut he recovered and resumed his • i are now on a wedding trip. The house is enclosed with shingles. In it elaborately decorated with flowers and John Joseph McMahon, both of Stapleton for horsts used on street rowboat and come ashore. duties as custodian of the borough are seven rooms and a bathroom, with a large fireplace of natural stone and potted plants, this work being Highlands, were married Sunday work was held up because the firm The men were tho two companions done by Mrs, M. B, Stubbs, who do-morning in the Church of Our Lady owes the town $68 for water. in the parlor, The house is provided with modern improvements. It of the three men who were drowned. of Perpetual Help at Highlands by nated the flowers. An ordinance providing for sewers They said the men who were was built at a cost of $3,500. William White was the contractor and Rev, Thomas F, Kearns. The atThe bride was given in mariage by on High street passed first reading, drowned had lost their balance and architect. tendants were Miss Frances Horan her brother, J. Charles 111 of NowIn order to have this improvement had fallen overboard, It is thought uric. She wore a white crepe de chine and Oscar Hanson of Highlands, made and to provide sowers for that the men who lost their lives were The bride wore a blue silk gown. Buena avenue and Vista avenue the drunk. One of them, Santony Oledress, trimmed with taffeta and prinat Lennardo Thursday night. They cess lace and a long veil of real luce. She was given away by her mother. sewer lift on Bergen place will be firowitz, aged 35 years, was found are John Robertson, president of the The gown had a court train falling Only tho immediate relatives of the moved to East Front street. A newMonday morning by Thomas Boeckel, class; Jane Brainnrd, vice president; from the shoulders. The bride car- couple were present. After the cere- lift will replace the one on Bergen while dragging the creek with a hook, Robert Field, secretary; Helen Kelly, ried a shower boquet of white nweot mony the couple left for a visit of place, George K. Allen, the borough In the clothing of the dead man were GRADUATION EXERCISES DURtreasurer; Anna Boyle, Lola Dunne, pens and lilies of the valley. Miss two months to the groom's parents at engineer, presontod plans and speci- two nickels and an Ingersoll watch. ING THE PAST WEEK. Hattie Gilhuly, Blazie Hankins, Ethel Mary Lee 'of Newark was maid of Herkimor, N, Y, The bride received fications for the change. The dead bodies of Roman Boluk, Hillyer, Phoebe VonBeideU Paulina honor. She wore pink crepe meteor, many beautiful presents, Brown place was accepted as a aged 28 years, and Fedor Romanuk, Thirty-Six Red Bank Grammar Pupils Hower, Freda Neinstedt, Katherine trimmed with lace, and carried a public street, aged 30 years, were found yesterday Get Certificates"—Five Pupils Fin. Simpson, Grace O'Brien, Rose Sulliboquet of jiink roses. The flower ZiegUr—Sanbern, Harry H. Clayton's bond for $500 morning by William Boeckel, who ish Course at St. James's Parochial van, Mae Stankiewicz, Hope Willett, girls were Edna Rothacker of New- Miaa Alma C. Zieglar, daughter of as chief of poUce was accepted. The saw the heads afloat on the water School—Other Graduates, Ruth Wheeler and Dorothy Wright, ark, a cousin of the bride, and Norvia Fred J. Zieglar of Rumson, and Ray-sureties are Dr. Peter P. Rafferty and in Hnrtshorne'a cove at low tide. The Bates of Little Silver, a niece of the mond R. Sanborn of Shrewsbury ava- Dr. Edwin Field. feet of the men were tangled in grass, grammar department of the Red Bank Beidel, Mazie Hankins and Grace groom. They wore white lace nue were married on Sunday afterA petition for sprinkling on West and one of the men had his hands public schools were held in the audi- O'Brien. drosses, adorned with pink ribbons, noon n't the Rod Bank Baptist par- street, between Oakland and Chestnut locked about the other's knees. In torium of the high school last ThursThe program comprised selections and they carried boskets filled with sonage by Rev, Johnson L, Miner. streets, was favorably acted on. Boluk's clothes was $50 in ten-dollar day morning. Thirty-six members of by on orchestra, prayer by Rev. J, C. flowers. Miss Jessie* Sanborn, a sister of the The "Standard oil company was bills, and in Romanuk's clothes were the class were presented with di- Lord, valedictory oration by Phoebe Harold deFabry of Little Silver, a groom, was bridesmaid, and Raymond granted permission to lay sewers in $259 in bills of large denominations, plomas by Prof. George H, Harten, VonBeidel, presentation of class gift brother of the groom, was grooms- W, Fredenburgh of Red Bank was front of its property on the extreme a quart of whiskey and a dollar superintendent of schools. Twenty- by Mazie Hankins, class-banner oraTHEODORE F, SXIFFIiX. man. The groom's present to thegroomsman. The couple will live at southern end of Pearl street. The watch. three members of the class received tion by Grace O'Brien and presentabride was a gold bar pin studded with the bride's home, Mr. Sanborn con- company will pay the expense of the George Woods inspected hall, A few weeks later, however, "he certificates for good penmanship tion of diplomas by Joseph W, Thomppearls and sapphires, and his present ducts a butcher business at Middle- work, and the job will be done under theCoroner bodies and had them token to was again stricken, and he had been from tho A, N. Palmer company, and son, a member of the board of eduto the groomsman was a pair of gold town, the direction of the borough engineer. Harry C, Fay's morgue. The other confined to the house since that time, six pupils who hud not missed a ses- cation. monogramed cuff links. The bride's Collector William Mf Thompson two men were arrested by Chief Mr, Sniffen was born at New York sion at school during the year reOn Friday night a play entitled "A present to the maid of honor was a _,_ Lay ton—Bublin. was authorized to pay $6,000 on a Snodeker, but were afterwards re- February 17th, 1B37. His father died ceived certificates. Rose o' Plymouth Town" was given. gold bracelet studded with amethysts, Miss Grace Layton, daughter of note of $10,000. This note was made leased on instructions from Dr. Harry on the Sandwich Islands while on a Eighteen members of theclass, Those who took part in the perThe bride's gifts to the flower girls Harry Layton of Leighton avenue, to meet the expense of paving Bridge Theodore dressed as Indians, gave five mnto- formance county physician, who ex-trip around the world. were Mae Stankiewicz, were gold bracelets. The bride's was married to Joseph Bublin of avenue and Mechanic street. A large Neafie, Hope Willett, Ethel Hillyer, Ruth mother wore a gown of black crepe River street Saturday night at St.part of the money in hand was re-amined the bodies. time. His mother died three years tha," This feature was under the du Wheeler, John Robertson, Robert meteor, and the groom's mother was James's church by Rev. Joseph Casey. ceived from the Red Bank and Key- The drowned men will be buried later. After his, mother's death attired in black eharmeuse with lace, Mrs. William Carney was matron of port trolley line as its assessment for this afternoon at Fair View ceme- young Theodore boarded with va- rection of Miss Leola Moore, elocu- Field, David Mullison and George tor. Rev. Robert MacKellar will contion teacher. She read the poem while King. After the ceremony supper was honor, and William Carney was this improvement. duct a short service at the chapel of rious Long Island families and earned the pupils acted the parts. The first Class night was observed Wednesgroomsman. The couple have started served"'on long tables on the lawn. A telephone will be installed in the the burying ground. his living by working as a chore boy episode showed Florence Worth]ey as day ,night. The platform was dec-, The grounds were decorated with housekeeping on Bridge'avenue, Mr. home of Harry H. Clayton, chief of on farms. When he was twenty years Nakomis attending the baby Hiawa- orated to represent a log.cabin, this Japanese lanterns. Dancing nnd Bublin Is employed at Frank Gray's police, by the telephone company of age he wont to Middletown to tha, a doll. Raymond Hurley, poised work being done by Robert Field, other amusements were enjoyed on blacksmith shop. without expense to the town. make his home. He made the trip to shoot an arrow, took the part of The exercises included selections by the lawn till midnight. The newly Two chairs were ordered- "for the from New York on the sailing vessel Hiawatha as a boy. In the next epi- on orchestra, class welcome by Jane married couple left for a wedding Weil—Steven*. recorder's office in tke borough hall. Eagle, and during the journey the sode Hiawatha's wooing was depicted, Brainard, clasa history by Katherina trip early in the evening. The bride's Two new notes, one for f4,427,5Q Miss J. Theodosia West, daughter boat nearly went down in a storm. and the part of Hiawatha was taken Simpson, class prophecy by Rose SulMRS. SARAH JWBBARD PASSED t l i j L S u l t wasLof_ sand colored silk of Theodore West of Rumson, and and the other for $1,431.61 were The landing was made at Port Mon- by ...Albert VanNoBtrand.--The- next livan, junior knocks by Hattie Gilhuly T AWAY YESTERDAY. p i , and she wwe a Leghorn hotr Clement Stevens ef-Red Bank will be made,—TheJargeat nola was madejfco poplin two episodes showed Hiawatha's wed- and Lola Dunne, class poem by Helen „ pay interest due the Trust company rimmed with roses. Most of themarried this evening at six o,'eloek at trimm From Middletown Mr. Sniffen ding and wedding feast. Mary Kelly Kelly, class will by Anna Boyle and 1 She Wat Injured by a Fall Seven guests remained at the deFabry home the bride's home. They win live at on sew«r bonds and the other is. for moved to Lincroft, and in 1856 while took the part of Minnehaha and Jesse presentation of mementos by Freda during the night and Sunday. The Red Bank, where Mr, Stevens is em-current, expenses, The smaller note , Weeks ARO and Had Boon Confined at that place he married Sarah E, Matthews represented her father, an Nienstedt and Pauline Hower. to the .House Since that Tim*— was placed in the Second national festivities were patterned after the ployed, Nowlan, daughter of John N. Nowlan, Indian arrow maker. Haven PerFuneral-Friday Afternoon, bank. Collector Thompson explained old-fashioned two-day weddings of The ceremony was performed at the kins, as Pau Puk Keewls, gave a At Atlantic Highlands. that the $5,000 which he had collected colonial times. Mrs, Sarah Hubbard, widow of "A NIGHT IN DREAMLAND." old Lincroft schoolhouse, and is still dance, and George Leddy, as ChibiaThe junior class of the Atlantic for . . . „_.....„ benefits could not legally John S, Hubbard, died yesterday af remembered by the older residents bus, rendered a song, • Highlands public school gave its anAfter returning from their/ wedding trip Mr, and Mrs. deFabry wjll A Musical Comedy will be Presented be used for any other purpose than ternoon in her 93d year. Her birth- of that plate. It was largely atMusic was played by the school nual reception to the graduates at the for Benefit of Trinity Church. occurred in Novem- tended, and part of the decorations to pay "the debt incurred by making day would have live with the. groom's parent! during 1 orchestra. The graduates were Ruth casino Wednesday night, The graduber, Death was due to general the paving improvements. Jay Wellington, late leading man the summer. Mr. deFabry is interconsisted of huge JBck-o-Lanterns on Green, Thelma Hopping, Mary Kelly, ates arc Ralph Dixon, Eleanor Salter, debility. Mrs, Hubbard was injured the school grounds. Shortly after ested in the taxicab business at Little of "Our New Minister" company, has Minnie Lomberson, Lillian Laury, Lena Greer, Fred Bedle, Lillian FoiSilver. He is a graduate of Staunton boen engaged by Rev. Robert Mac- DEATH OF WILLIAM DRESSLER, by a fall seven weeks ago and she had his wedding Mr. Smffen opened a car- Edith Miers, Geraldtne Pegley, Yera tor, Erncat Weber, Hulda Roberts, been confined to the house since that penter shop oh the road from Marl- Picot, Julia Pryor, Carrie Scott, Hazel Thomas Oolleran, Elizabeth R, Snymilitary academy of Virginia. The Keljar, rector of Trinity church, at t bride received many handsome and Red Bank, to presenf the musical Sunset Avenue Resident Patted time, boro to Freehold. Savidge, Mary Weeks, Florence der and Florence H. Lee, The faculty She was born at Tinton Falls and substantial presents, including sev- comedy, "A Night in Dreamland," Away Saturday Morning. About 1860 Mr. Sniffen moved to Worthley, Joseph Barberio, Albert list the past year included Prof, ForA, Cossaboom, Ph, B,; Mrs. Ella eral checks. with Red Bank talent for the benefit William Dressier of Sunset avenue was a daughter of the late Elsie Smith Red Bank, and engaged in the car-Bennett, Hugh C, Brewer, Allaire man B. Clark, Miss Mary Cavanaugh, A. of the new parish house of Trinity died Saturday morning at the age of Sherman and Thomas S. Sherman, penter business. After carrying on Burton William Coyne, Cornwell, B.; Miss Elsa Schuh, A. B.; Miss AlKnowles—Henry. church. Mr, Wellington has man* 61 years. Typhoid fever followed by She became a member of the First this business five years, he found em- Doremus, Francis Haley, Robert Miss Jennie Knowles, daughter of ngod home talent productions at sev- pneumonia was the cause of death, Methodist church of Red Bank in ployment with Charles L. Davis, a Hitchfngs, Raymond Hurley, George ice H. Hemenway, A. B.; MisS KathMrs. Georgianna Knowles of New-eral places. The piny will be held Mr. Dressier leaves a wife, Mrs. Su-1841 and was very active in church stair builder. He worked for Mr.Leddy, Kenneth LeQuier, Robert Mac- erine Blackford, A. B.; Miss Lidora ark, and^LeRoy Henry, sonj>f Geerge J*hur8day-and Friday July 8th andsan Dressier, and three sons, Fritz, work till her health declined in her Davis for a year and then became an donald, Jesse Matthews, Ervin South, Walling, Miss Grace B. Williams, Miss Wilhelmina A. Ball, A. B.j M i a old age. Her husband died thirteen employee of James Walsh, a former "Henry u\f^B*slford, "were married Sun- 9th, Benjamin and Harold Dressier. ago. She leaves three sons, chief of police who was killed by Bul- Irving Shomo, Millard Tetley, Frank Jessie A, Irey, A, B,; Miss Emelle The first meeting of the people who day afternoon at the bride's home, Mr.JDressler was a native of Ger-years Valleau, Albert VanNostrand, Alden Miss Mary M. Bird, Miss'Ella. Miaa^Laura Knowles, a sister of the will take part in the play was held many, He came to this country in William, John and Thomas Hubbard lock, a criminal whom Walsh under- Walling, Merritt West, Haven Per- DeVoe, E. Sculthorp, Miss Grace B, Mount bride, was bridesmaid, Miss Elizabeth at Mrs, C,_W. Cannon's on Riverside 1888. Before moving to Red Bank of Red Bank. She is also survived took to arrest. kins, Niven Richardson and Leslie and Miss Irene Chapman, Dunn of Newark was maid of honor, ftvonue. Mrs, Cannon, Mrs, Minor he lived at Tinton Falls and Shrews- by a half brother, Charles E. SherAfter Mr. Walsh's death Mr. Snif- Delatush, man of Colt's Neck, The graduating exercises were and Fred Grnndjoan of Newark was Brown, Mrs, Joseph Applegate and bury. BS took up his residence at fen was elected a justice of the peace, The funeral will be held Friday and was appointed custodian of the Palmer certificates for penmanship hold Thursday night. Dr. Henry T, groomsman. The wedding march was several other well known Red Bank Red Bank 21 years ago and had lived were awarded to Clara Frost, Vera Houck, secretary of internal affairs played by Mrs, Andrew Aaroe of At- women will act as patronesses of the here ever since, For a number of afternoon at two o'plock at the house borough hall. He held the position of lantje Highlands, a sister of the affair, Seventy grown persons and years he worked at Hazard's factory. and the sermon will be preached by justice at the time of his death. He Picot, Carrie Scott, Rose Rock, Flor- of the state of Pennsylvania, deliv. ^ ^ , O H U wCharles uoriO3 „ and R, 280 children will have parts in theHis last position was that of gardener Rev. Harold P. Sloan, The burial will was always re-elected to this office by ence^ JVorthley, - B M j ^ m i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ address romr rM ident of the board of ednea* ™ - The bride was dressed in white filet playi The production is a Winter on L. L. White's place at Shrewsbury. be at Fair View cemetery. big majorities and a remarkable fact Rachel Portner .Hazel Savidge, W - d e r i p • •r presented the diplomas •to - tha •• net and wore a veil held in place with Garden type of show and is made, up Mr.^DresBler made trips to Germany in this connection was that he never lian Laury, Sadie Goldberg, Edith tion, graduates. Other features of t h e CHARITIES AID MEETING, lilies of the valley. She carried a bo- of popular scenes, modern, classic in 1904 and 1912. asked a person to vote for him norMiers, Mary Weeks, Gertrude Dorewltz, Helen Coleman, Rose Harris, program were a prayer by Rev. Joquot of white bridal roses antf lilies of and interpretative dances, comedy never did any electioneering during The funeral was held Monday at the valley. The bridesmaid and maid situations, beautiful costumes and ar- the house and the sermon was Effort Being Made to Increase Mem- the many times he was a candidate. Mary Kelly, Koert Johnson, Joseph seph H. Schaeffer, salutatory address bership at Atlantic Highlands. of honor were dressed ii» white taf- tistic scenic effects. Rehearsals "are preached by Rev, Harold P, Sloan, In age and in point of service he was Lane, Albert VanNostrand, Raymond by Eleanor Salter, selections by an A meeting of the State Charities one of the oldest justices in Jhe state. Hurley, Joseph Barberio, Walter Goe orchestra, essay by Lena Greer, prefeta silk with white picture hats, and being held every day and night in the The burial was at Fair View cemesentation of class gift to the school aid association will be held Thursday He was a trustee of the Reformed and William Coyne. they carried boquets of pink roses. hall over the Candy Kitchen on Broad tery. Perfect attendance certificates by Fred Bedle, acceptance of the gift night of next week in the Lyric church and a member of Monmouth Avneta Paynter and Estelle Covert of street. went to Clara Frost, Gertrude Dqre- by David P. Smith, a member of tha theater at Atlantic Highlands in anlodge of Shepherds of Bethlehem. Kennsburg were flower girls. They ADDITION TO A HOUSE. witz, Walter Coe, Albert VtmNos- board of education; banner presentaeffort to Increase the number of memwere gowned in white silk and carried Mr, Sniffen leaves a daughter and Domino Tournament, trnnd, Alden Walling and Carrol tion by Fred Badle, acceptance of tha hers in that borough. Ex Judge John pink roses. o sons. His daughter is Mrs. Tunis Charles Coqk made the best show- Mr*. Gordon Bennott Making Alter* E. Foster will preside at the meeting, banner by Philip Dinkleberg and valPatterson, who had been living with West. ations to Her Home. The rooms of the house were decor- ing at a domino tournament of th,e edictory address by Ralph Dixon. St. James's Graduates. and speeches will be made by Miss G, her father since Mrs. Sniffon died two ated with ferns, pink roses and cutRed Bank chess, checkers and dominp Mrs, Gordon Bennett is building on Fred Bedle is president of the gradL, Button, Mrs, Lewis S. Thompson years ago. His sons are John H. More than 300 persons attended , flowers. The bride's gift to her at-club last night. He won three addition of five rooms to her house Mrs, Carnelia Maytrott of Red Sniffen of Red Bank and Joseph N. the closing exercises of St. James's uating class, Hulda Roberts is vice tendants were pearl beads, and thestraight games, Benjamin Ford, on Prospect avenue at a cost of and school Monday evening in St. James's president, Lillian Foster is secretary groom gave his attendants scarf pins, Christopher Berge, Fred Ford nn,d $1,500, A kitchen and a pantry will Bank and Mrs. Leon Cubberly of Sniffen of Newark, Mr. and Mrs. Sniffon celebrated their golden wed- hall. Tho stage was decorated with and Florence H. Lee is treasurer. Mr, Henry gave his bride a diamond George Bray each won two games and be on the first floor of the addition, Long Branch, The graduation exercises of the Atding anniversary a few yenrs ago. flowers of many varieties. An elecbrooch, After a reception at theFred Oakley won one, George Twi- and three bedrdoms and a bathroom The funeral was held Monday tric sign with the numerals 'IB, il-lantic Highlands grammar school •'• bride's home, the couple left on a ford lost throe games, Alexander B, will be on the second floor. A bay A Wedding Gift? afternoon at the house and was con-luminated with blue and white lights, were held Thursday afternoon. Tha honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls, On Cooper defeated Thomas Talltnan in window will be added to the dining Presents for bridesmaids, best graduates are Mary Caruso, Nln* tlrelr • return they will start house- a series of three out of five games. room, and the old part of the house men, ushers, etc. Or perhaps some ducted by Rev. Lester G. Leggett. the class colors, was suspended over Mann, Margaret Hartnedy, Pauline The burial was at Fair View. the stage. The music was furnished keeping at Newark. Many friends will bo re-shingled, New porches new articles of the latest designs in Marion Hopla, Ruth Hall, Emby Klaus's orchestra of five pieces. Mageo, and relatives were present at the - • • • • will also be built. When the addition gold jewelry for summer wear—or a Clambake Tomorrow. ily Ferguson, Alice Williams, Alice Miss Madeline Gorman was the ceremony from Bolford, Keanaburg The men's club of the Methodist is completed the house will have nine new silver toilet set for the coming DIED AT HOSPITAL. John Ellis, Donald Posten, pianist. A drama in three acts en- Sweeney, and Atlantic Highlands. Mrs. Henry church will go on an outing to Plum rooms. Charles D, Hammer of East vacation. You are invited to call. Rutherford Portous, Robert Fleet was a former resident of Kennsburg, Island tomorrow afternoon. Motor Side Park is doing the work. L. do la Reussille, 88 Broad street, Un, James Steotholf of Middletown titled "The Virginia Heroine" was Frank Ewing, George Rosse, Edmund given by the children of the school. Rod Bank,—Advertisement. Died Yesterday After Operation. Linzmayer, William Halleran and bontB %vill leave Irwin's dock every who took part were Gertrude Samuel Ferguson. fianbofn—Jennings. > Correct Time. Mrs. James Stoothoff of Middle- Those half hour from two till five o'clock. 7 Cti., 7 Cti,, 7 CU. Miss Alretta Sanborn, daughter of Athletic sports will be held on the At least once a year you should town died early yesterday morning at Hogan, Veronica Dohorty, Catherine Helen Philips, Beatrice RafJ. A. Sanborn of Oakland street, was island nnd refreshments will be served have your watch looked after. Make Kellogg's corn flakes, 7 cents. the Long Branch hospital after an Fields, Helen Flyiin, Margaret Moore, Class in Music. married Saturday afternoon to Har-by Louis Frick. your timepiece absolutely fforrect by Mother's Oats, 7 cents. Quaker operation for tumor, which was per-ferty, Teresa Valentine, Julia Lynch, Alma Miss Helen Conklin of Middletown, vey W. Jennings. The ceremony having us clean and repair it. YouOats, 7 cents. Pet Brand evaporated formed about a week ago. Mrs. and Mary Sullivan. A com-a student of the Institute of Musical was performed at the Baptist parsongot expert work here in all watch and milk, 7 cents. Bray & Bunell, East Stoothoff's maiden name was Miss O'Brien Addrett en Marketing. Front street.—Advertisement, Susan Frost, She was a sister of the dy entitled "The Millionaire Janitor" Art, New York City, and a teaches of age by Rev, Johnson L, Miner, The jewelry repairing. L. do la Reussille, John J. Dillon, commissioner of 88 Broad street. Red Bank,—Adverlate Joseph D, Frost, She leaves a was given by the boys of the school. three years' experience, announces bride was dressed in a silk traveling Miss Adeline Stilwell will tutor a brother, Ira Frost Mrs. Stoothoff The performers were Henry Cassell, the opening of a class in this vicinity, * suit with hat to match, Mrs. Elwood market! of the city of New York, tisement. • nn address on marketing prodfew children during the summer was 58 years old. The funeral will be James Morris, Walter Hogan, Hubert -Advertisement. Harvey of Little Silver was matron of made at a meeting of Shrewsbury Bargain* 1 Bargain!! I months. Also musical instructor for held at the house tomorrow afternoon, Gaul, Harry Hoffman, Paul Morris, honor, and Elwood Harvey was uce last night, Mr, Dillon is gen- Lemons, 25 for 25 cents. Extra children and adults, 81 Riverside Gus Murray, Edward Hoffman, John * i • — — Elixir of Ltf«. groomsman, A supper was served at grangemanager of The Rural ,New largo bananas, per dozen, 20 cents. avenue, Phone 398-W.—AdvertiseTravers, James McGuire and William Read what happens when you eat , the home of tho bride'B mother, after eral Lodge to Celebrate, Yorker, n publication for farmers. O'Brien. Pineapples, per dozen, 90 cents. ment, ; squabs frequently: It puts ginger which the couple left on a wedding •* • m . ,'. Red Bank council of Royal ArFinest assortment of fruit and vegMilitary marches and drills were Into tho sandals of your desires. Ortrip to Niagara Falla. When they reetablea in town, priced low. Read Up-to-the-Minute 1016 Automobiles. canum will celebrate its 38th anniver- given by the senior class and the in- der from tho Leask Squab Farm, €h*ndUr-Cono*«r Engagement. turn they will live on Oakland s t r r * Oldsmobile, $1,006; Seripp-Booth, sary tonight with an entertainment termediate grades. A song entitled Phone 095 Red Bank.—Advertise* where the groom lms a house fi ' Miss H, Adele Chandler, daughter our advertisement on page 18, Bray $775 f. o. b. factory. Monmouth which will be followed by refresh- "If I Were a Girl, If I Were a Boy"menfc • riished, Mr, Jennings is employed 'of George W. Chandler of Maple ave- & Bunell, East Front street,—AdverMotoii Co., 22 Monmouth street, Red montB, Addresses will be made by was sung by the small children. Rev. clerk in the Public Sen-ice company's nue, and Frederick W. Conover, son tisement, D. J. Duggan awarded diplomas to five Up-to-tho-Minut« 1916 Automobile* office on Chestnut street, of William B. Conover of Middle- Up-to-thir-Minute 1916 Automobiles. Bank, Phone 715.—Advertisement, state officers of the lodge. graduates, James Augustine Morris, Oldsmobile, $1,095; Scripp-Booth, town, are engaged. The wedding Special Sale 45! 481! 45!!! OldBmobile, % 1,006 \ Scripp-Booth, Catherine Alicia Fields, Henry Joseph $776 f. o. b. fuctory. Monmontt), Clark—Little. date hat not been let. Yes, it is true, you can buy full Cassell, Mary Teresa Valentine and Motors Co., 22 Monmouth street, R«d 1776 f, a, b. factory. Monmouth of cannas and dahlias for three days Miss Delia May Clark, daughter of 10-quart baskets of fine now potatoes only. See King's advertisement on Margaret Ellen Moore. Medals for Motora Co., 22 Monmouth street, Red Bank. Phone 715.—Advertisement Gporge W. Clark of Matawan, be-i Engafomant Announced. for 45 cents. Bermuda onions, per proficiency in studies were awarded to Bank, Phone 715.—^Advertisement, last page,— Advertisement. . m i• ' — Ciime tho brido of Charles L, Little of quart, 5 cents, and largo new beets, James Morris, Henry Cassoll, CathMrs, Frank L. Blaisdell of Broad , '' Special S«U * Newark Saturday night. The cere- street announce! the engagement of Big special Bale now going on at Big reduction in men's ami per bunch, 6 cents. For other bar- erine Fields, Theresa Valentine, Mar mony vfks performed at the Mnta- her daughter, Carolyn R, Blniadell, to D. A. Mnzza's, 08 Broad street. Sum- women's orffords and pumps at D. A gains read our advertisement on page garet Moore and Helen Flynn. The of cannas and dahlian for thr*t &$J* SCo King'n advertisement on wpn Baptist church by Rev. Luther Edwin A. Davit, son of Mr. and Mrs.mer footwear for men and women re- Mazza'H, 68 Broad street, Red Bank 13. Bray & Burfell, East Front closing number of the program was only, last pnjp,.—Aijtftrrtlsement. Jy. Holmes. The bride wore n white Charles L. Davis of Monmouth itreet. duced.—Advertisement. tho song "Auld Lang Syne" by the —Advertisement. street.—Advertisement. Stitin dreBB'cut en train nnd wore a graduates. mveil caught up with orange bloraomi, Arthur Pryor, Arcade Pttrt A** Arthur Pryor, Arcade Pier, AsArthur Pryor, Arcade Pier, As Arthur Pryor, Arcade Pier, AsArthur Pryorj Arcade Pierj AiShe^cnrried a boquet of bride roiei. bury Park, commencing Sunday, June bvry Park, commencing Sunday, June bury Park, commencing Sunday, June bury Park, commencing Sunday, June At Leonardo. bury Park, commencing Sun<Uj>. Jttn* ** Mrri. Russell Clark of Red Bank wai 27th, 8:00 and %-Ah o'clock,—Adver- 27t! Nineteen pupils graduated from 27 th, 8:00 and 8:15 o'clock.—Aat» th, 8i00 and 8:15 o'clock.—Adver- 27th, SiOO and 8:15 o'clock,—Adver 27th, B-,00 and BUS o'clock.- -Advertistmtnt •••' \ matron of honor. She wore pink tisement. the Middletown township, high ichool tistmtnt, tisement. ttaement. |tlsement. MANY AT HYMEN'S ALTAR. A NUMBER OF LATE JUNE WEDDINGS THE PAST WEEK. JUSTICE SNIFFEN DEAD. KEEP SIDEWALKS CLEAR. e CLOSE OF SCHOOL DAYS DIED IN HER 93D YEAR. &M .*••' THM H I P B»NK REQI8TKR, RED BANK WINS PENNANT, IMPROVING A PROPERTYSchool Tiim Geti Championship Title LITTLE SILVER HARVEST HOME. * PLAYERS' CLUB SHOW. It Will b« Held August 26th on th«F«lr H n w AetoiV Colon* wUl & * • Show N « ! W . . L of En»t Jersey League, Church Ground*. MANY CHANGES BEING MADE The annual entartftinmmt of the The Rod Bank high school team Tho annual harvest home ©I tho TO A RUMSON PLACE, won the East Jersey school league Iattlo Silver Methodist church Will be Playara' boat club of Pair Haven Fi»nk O. Mtttag U Having Several pennant when it defeated Leonardo held Thursday, August 28th, on thewill bo held a t the Empire theater a t Buildings and n Concrete Bulk- Thursday afternoon by nscoro of 18church grounds, Committoos to take Bed Bank Thuridny night of next head Conitrucled—-A Number of to 2, Red Bunk Kcored in almost charge of the vnrlous departments week. Among the artiste who will Other Improvement! to be Made, every inning, Kearney of Red Bank of tho harvest homo have been ap- appear are Gertrude Hoffman, Frank Lambert!, Dorothy Jardon, Frank 0 , Mittag of Park Kiiljjo. did excellent work, getting two pointed. Tho members of the com-Fogorty, Grapewin & Co., Holdiworth New Jersey, who bought the iii'st lot singles, one double and u triple at five mittees are Mrs, A. C. Baker, William Charles & NorcroM, Edd(e Carr & Co., Pearl on the Waril tract ut liunison from times at the bat. William MutthewH, It, Cut-hart, Mias Marie Wilby, Mrs, Brothers & Barns, Mack & Co, with the Land ruitl Loan company, is do- who pitched for Hod Bank, was in J. Elwood Ilurvoy, Mrs. S, L, deNelson, John & Jesse Powers, vcloping the property for his" own oc- his regular form and he allowed very Fabry, Charles Embley, W. H. Har-Charles Cook & Sylvia, DeWitt, Burns & Torvey and W. E. King, cupancy. Mr. Mittug's original pur- few hits. ronce, Clayton & Drew players, tochase was a lot which hud fifty feet gether with a dozen more acts which frontage on the North Shrewsbury will bo added between now nnd the river iiiui extended 380 foot to the night of the performance. main i-oml leading from Hod Bank to At the recent election of officers of Seuju-ight. the club Tony Hunting was made Mr, Mittag ia the president of the president, Charles Merritt vice presiMittau it Voider firm, manufacturers dent, Arthur Fielder secretary and of ribbons, carbon paper ami general Lewis Hunting treasurer. Hap typewriter supplies, and he bought Handy was elected trustee for one the lot at Oceanic as a place where"he year and Richard McAllister was could have a summer camp. He built Some people say that 13 is an unlucky number, elected a trustee for three years. a I,»,'•.•.thyuse on the lot last year and These officers hove the annual enterDont you believe it ! bci'upied part of the hoathouse during tainment in charge and they are being the summer months with his children. assisted by Frank Martineau, who has IliK family was so well pleased with been in general charge of the many tin' locality that ho bought the two The number 13 is no more unlucky than any other successful entertainments hold by the adjoin ing lots, which gave him 180 club, feet river frontage and the same nurnnumber, and if you handle the number right you ber of lineal feet to the main voad. will find it to be the luckiest number that ever was. CUBANS WIN, In addition to being in the typewriter supply business" Mr. Mittag is Long Branch Team Defatted Bridgeintt•;it'.-;U'(l in the concrete conatrucport Sunday Afternoon, tiuii business, and he is putting up a The Long Branch Cubans defeated nuniher of concrete buildings on his I believe that THIRTEEN is a LUCKY number, the Bridgeport team Sunday afterproperty for his own use. One of the noon by a score of 4 to 2. The game buildings is a two-story, twelve-room instead of an unlucky number. was one of the beat seen a t Long dwelling, which will be ready for his Branch this season. Throe double oci-upancy within a few weeks. The plnys added to the snappy play which building faces the river and has a I could give you lots of experiences to prove this, characterized the game. Padrone largo veranda across the entire front started in the box for Long Branch, of the house. Three large living.j but you've got one experience right here in Red The visitors scored three runs on him rooms, a sunparlor, butler's pantry ; in the first four innings, and he was Bank. and a Jutchen occupy the ground j relieved by Acosta, who held the visitfloor. The second story is arranged ' ors runlesB for the rest of the game. with bedrooms, a large office and" ii- j Next Sunday the Cubans will be opbrary for Mr. Mittag. In the main ' When the telephone was first put in Red Bank posed by the New York Giants, The living room downstairs there is an ' no one wanted telephone No. 13. Some people Giants were scheduled to appear at open fireplace built with natural \ Long Branch earlier in the season but stone, and the stairway leading from j said the number 13 was unlucky. Some of them inclement weather prevented the the living hall to the second floor is | game from being played. Sunday's overlooked by a balcony, which will; said they were afraid if they took 18 as their game will no doubt be a fast one as be used as a music room. The house ! the Cubans take rare delight in detelephone number that their business would go nas -steam heat throughout, and will feating a big league aggregation, be so arranged that Mr. Mittag's' down. family can occupy it at any time of ! Lucky Thirteen. tte year, A large concrete floor has been put down about fifty feet east of the new house. The boathouse, which is now being temporarily occupied by the Mittag family, will be moved to this concrete floor in order to give more room for grounds about the house. A concrete building has been put up at the rear of the side where the boathouse is to be moved, and this will form n part of the boathouse when completed, A concrete garage and hothouse, as well as concrete driveways, help to make the place attractive. Water for the place is aecured from an artesian well. A large septic tank is being built in the rear of the house to carry off the waste •water from the house, barn, garage and other outbuildings. The place is being built on sanitary lines, and it is considered by architects and builders to be the most modern of its kind in this vicinity. Just west of Mr. Mittag's property is a five-acre tract of standing timber, which is known as Parmly's woods. Mr. Mittag is so taken up with his location that he has leased these five acres of woodland for a term of five years with a prjy. ilege of purchase, and he told a Register reporter last week he thought he would buy the property before his lease expired, Mr. Mittag will build n heavy eoncretc bulkhead on the shore front of his present property, and will so construct it that should he buy the adjoining property the bulkhead could be extended along the shore front. For a number of years the property now owned and occupied by Mr Mittag was used by a lot of squatters for camping sites, and when Mr/ Mittag took possession of the pnjpei-ty these squatters moved to the shore front of the Farm] jr tract. Since Mr Mittag took possession of the woodland the campers have been forced to find other locations and most of them have moved their huts to the Ligier property near the Oceanic steamboat dock. Associated with Mr. Mittag in the typewriter supply business are histwo sons and they are so active in the business that Mr.Mittag only spendsabout half ot his time at his office. Me told the Register reporter last week that he was going to retain his place of residence at Park Ridge but would conduct his Oceanic home as a sort of a playground for himself and family. He has six daughters and it gives Mr Mittag great pleasure to have his children bring their friends to their summer home for week-end visits! Even staying as they are now in the terapotayy quarters at the boathouse Mr. Mittag and family entertained over r, score of guests at one time a few days ago. Much credit should be given to Mrs, Mittng for the interior appearance of their new home. The architect drew the plans for the home from 1 suggestions by Mr, Mittag, but the interior finishings were designed by Mrs. Mittng, and each room has a separate color scheme, The effects throughout the entire house are very harmonious. The place is lighted throughout by electricity, wires being laid throughout the building from the main road in lead cables put well beneath the surface of the lawn, nnd so constructed that it can be tapped anywhere for additional service without tearing up any great portion of the trunk line. After the buildings now in the course of construction are completed, the grounds will be graded and an ornamental fence will surround the entire property. In addition to being a practical man relative to consideration of building, Mr. Mittag is also an nmnteur gardner, but the ifppearance of his garden at the present time looks as if it might have been planted by a professional. _ He has a large garden near {he *mnin drive to the property, most of it having been raised by himself in his own hothouse, <• Mr, Mittag is an ex-freeholder and mayor of Park Ridge and has been active in public matters of his homo town for a number of years. BASEBALL AT EATGNTOWN. Tallin from That Place Trimmed Tin. ton Falls Nine Sunday. The Imperials of Eatontown defeated the Crescents of T-inton Falls at Eatontown Sunday afternoon by the score of 14 to 4. A feature of the game was a senRritionril catch made by Appe» of the Imperials, The batteries were Harry Miller and Thomas Fitzpatrick for Eatontown, and Joseph Tonal1 and Joseph Pollitt for Tinton FQIIR, * Beat Races an tha Fourth. THE RED SAMK REGISTER. RACES ON THE RIVER. The Red Bank Register took 18 as its telephone number. Has the business of The Register gone down ? Well, not so as you could notice it ! The Register prints more Want Advertisements than any other country weekly in the United States. That doesn't look as though bad luck had come with No, 18, Throughout the country The Register is looked upon as the closest approach there is in the land to a perfect country weekly, That doesn't look as though thecharacter and quality of The Register had gone down because of halving telephone No, 18. A number can be made lucky or unlucky, according to the way you use that number. The Register advertised its telephone number as LUCKY THIRTEEN, and that telephone numberis probably better known and known to more people than any other telephone number hi the entire Red Bank list. Making tflat telephone number well known helped to bring business to •> The Register, and with business coming to The Register there was opportunity to make the paper constantly better and better. Here's a way that you can make the number 18 YOUR lucky number. An advertisement in Monmouth County's Market Place—that's the Want Department of the Regis"Wr—costs 25 cents a week. J. P. Andrew, and Louit Priek Sail the Winning Beats. The Jack Tar, owned by J, P, Andrews, won a bang-and-go-baek race held by the Red Bank motor boat club Saturday afternoon. Eight boats of various sizes raced down the river until a shot was fired. Then they turned around and raced in. Theoretically they all should have finished even. Louis Frick's Louisa F . was second, In a "lemon contest," 100 ping pong balls were strewn on the water, and men in motor boats undertook to pick the balls out of the water while sailing at full speed. Mr. Prick won the contest by picking up 38 balls, Alexander.E. Russell was second with a score of 35, John Morrow, Jr., was in charge of the races. A large audience witnessed the contests, which were the first of the season. — » > m> ^ POLO MATCH AT OCEANPORT, Big Crowd of Spectators and Fast Game Saturda'y**Afternoan, In a fast polo match between the Reds and Whites of the Deal polo club Saturday afternoon on the club grounds near pceanport the Reds were the winners, A large gathering- of society folk from the shore sections witnessed this first match of the season. Howard S. Borden of the Rumson country club, who played back for the Reds, was the star of the game, making two spectacular goals in succession. The line-up- If you put an advertisement in the Register's Want Department for a full year, and give that advertisement the amount of thinking and care that every advertisement ouyht to receive, you will find that the thirteen dollars you spent for this advertising was the LUCKIEST thirteen dollars that you ever spent. » QUALITY OUR LEADING FEATURE! ; RETURNS FROM MEXICO. Twine Saleitnan at Belford Describes Troubles in War Wrought Nation. Robert Thompson, a traveling salesman for the American net and twine company, spent a few days with Harry White of Belford r e cently. Mr, Thompson returned from Mexico a short time ago and he brought with him specimens of. Villa and Carranza Money, Mr. Thomp. son says he had to pay fifty cents war tax to cross the United States line, and when he came back he had to be vaccinated. Villa's dollar a t the present time is worth about 1% cents in American money. An American buying anything in Mexico with Amen. can money would receive change in j Mexican money, which is worth very | little in comparison with American i money, Mr.. Agne. Chappdle of Belford Thrown Against Wall but Not Hurt. Mrs. Agnes Chappelle of Belford went out on the front porch of her home last Tuesday afternoon during a heavy thunder storm to lower the top of a cellar way. As «he leaned over the railing a bolt of lightning struck a tree nearby and ran down the tree trunk, Mrs. Chappelle was I thrown against the side of the house I by the force of the lightning, but she I was uninjured. The lightning bored I a hole in the ground about eight inches in diameter and two feet deep FARM- HOUSE IMPROVED, j Calves' Liver All Calves' Brains for Roasting IIIIII l i tI l l . f i " , i I ' r o f l i c r l H i i l k y 1 1 1 1 1 I'll* H 1 iisiiiii i •• ' ' '1 I' I ' .Mill' 1 , i l 1 I.H..-U 1 1 Turkeys 1 1 l l t llltl l m l l 1 n 4 * II ' )•« Ducks of ft Bttp»rlnt«nd«nt »t Th« Lnux, Atlitntlc HighlundH, wzma M I N. J . • fnr Miili- fin' $ 2 2 5 . A p p l y t o W l l l l n m W , lli-niii'tt, Mmii-oo i i v i i n i i ' , i i p p . r iti'iiiiil Htri'i t, lloil H a n k . n. B O U S E F O B B E H T , ]"or r e n t i n . M l d d l i t o w n VilliiKi', no.it HIX-riiiiin iinuHc, thrt'ci nilmiti-H fi'uin r u l U I ||C1II«II rniiil Htiitliiii; f l ui i i u n t l i l y . Ap|ily t o: j j - i , ' , . , ! ' Luulhu UaitMlioriiii, MlddlutuWii, u'u,,,,. I •S l l > - i l I l ' M B O A R D I N G . Wlllliini i' i i i n . l l t r l-'l'illll fill In l i e d I Ii n k , 1 i-'rliliiy - I'i'i1 A IllHIHl. nf;,'lit. 1 1 Kr i ' t n r l i iilin>• ; i|i:.--l|..nn. i l lMIll'Ht'tKWII Ti'll I nT i n M l i ' l m - I .lnlliir-4 1 I tciWIlHilip w i l l i i i ' p l w t i T I m p a i d iillli'i1. N o i.-lly. and I'll wire for you. Frod B. Brower. ( j i t liuuil ;Julint,tliti.ll 1n litll I B B U I I PLATINQ W O B I I , electrical contrttctor, 1! Monmouth HOUSE FOB SALE ON EASY TERMS. In in rd lit niiiili'i'iiti l KlWniiil H. C i i r n w c l l , pi'np. Ijuiil, Hll- N. J. itreat, Red Bank. To!. §34-W, H i - \ ill-I-i'.iHl lllMIMi' n i lM c O t l . l llti' N t r i ' M , A certain sawmill in Georgia r e . vi'l-. tilrki'l illlil iTDppoi-, All w n r k KiinrniiBOOS AND DAY-OLD CH3CTKS. ! w i l l H,• 11 f u r l l . n n i i ; t i - r i n s $ | i i " d o w n . Hi TAII.OB. cently acquired a new superintendent, I.AHD80APE OABDENEK. lci'il. 121 W i s i t F r o n t fitn-i't, IH-ar Aliiplt 1 Friini fiirel'nlly niiiti;d POIIH, p r l z o w i n h u t ,". < I % i r. i) f i e i ; i t i n n l u t r Hi yenm ' j i e r n i u i i i i i . .liillll W. Mriiiiii. Experienced inndMotine gardener wants a v e n i i i ' , lli*il H u n k , i'4 whoso ideas of work did not at all TOMATO PLAITTB. Hutf OrliliiKliiiiM a n d G o l d e n <.'sim| i ; ^ V | ii.itik-. A ll l h : m d i v m t i ' ll i ; m Wilt, r iiinl t n i l i - t . W i l l fii'll t n ili-Hlnitili> after work by day, woek or month. Apply to agree with those of certain of theJune Ines; piii'i' rt>iiKi)iHilili> u i i i i l l t y ijniif--iil- !| ] i . . |,, •,,,,! .pairing ii..ili> d.iiii-. i-"I.ii..l p u t s - . Anihi-i'-Ji. M i i t i i i i w H , J o 4 Stono tomutn i>!untH for WANTED. Garret J, Smith, Bdford, N, J. V "20th, A, D. Conover, Now Monri'il. Hriiokini'i'i! K m i n , b o x HO, D f i i l , j w o r k KIIIII n i i l . c d n n d u p t o (lutu. :; i-:aHi l - ' i i i n t H t r - i - t . i t i i l I l i i n k . hands, He was a hustler, and difficult mouth, N, J, KliHt-rltiBK liiitriilri'HH waiilM w o i k b y N. J. W h i i r f i i v e l l i i e . Ki-il H i i u k , t h e fliiy, to hoodwink. Yet stern as was hi§ 70S S I S , y, u r w i l l d o IIIIIIH^ I'lciiniiiK. M I H , TOUBINO CA» FOB BAtB. ilVi'lilli', Soyen-piWRcngisr aiitomobllo for blve SVilHimi Miiliinoy, near SPECIAL I temper, he had to smile at the proREPAIBI5U. BIO BEDUCT1OH by the diiy or hour. Careful Borvlco; nt Krlili'l & CO.'M niiiiket, Hen Onnk, for Fiiir Haven. \ . J . i i i i h . p . i•: 1 • • j - : ; 1 1 1 1 i - i i r , w i t h $ir.u w-uitii n l ' K x p i ' r t niitiinioblli! ] r p a i i i t i K . M a ; ; i n ' t u i n n x f i i i c l H i i n t l p u t i i p H I ' m n i ' n u i n l •'• ceduro of two of the darkies employed I'HBII only, liri'iiHt of venl, J6c. iinuriil, ulile ruled. Phone 17-W. i-sliii fi|iii|iiiHMit. i ' u r l i n t s i n % 1 , 1 ' , I) i ) ; iind liii i m r t ' t i i r w o r k H HpiH-iiiHy. A l l w i i i i i i ' i i . A l l t i n : l a d - H i l a x t H . Vli'iily"I there, "Where are you going?" he I'ltona 306-M. FOB SAXE, ( ; W i l l N l ' l l . i f H i l l d i l l I M U ' I , f u ril.llHI i-ilMil. w n r k giiiiraiiti-t'il. .1. (.'. L l i - h l i u n l t , AInplc t l t i n - U ' l ' t t n w i ' i i r B i i m n i i - r i ' . n i t \ v i - i i r . A l i n r R i i l n , t w o - n i i i n t u d K t ' b n o n e r , 1 0 0 iivi'Miii', B O O H S VOm E E N T . one day demanded of these two, who I ' T i l 111!Mi'i'll i l t M i ' i ' i l i l . l i l l ' H giUilMl , - * . l iii-.'ir ilniiiiiiiutli Btri'i't, H o d ii j i a i r u r t w o n t t ! i 1H t l i n i ' . I ) . A , ^ ton liiirilcn; d r i i f t ; llrHt-i'liiHH c o n d l Two nlvoly furnialieil roomn, a l l Im•FBOXAXi • l U ' i i i i i l w a y , 1...MW n i i i m l i , X , J , Iiank, .were shuffling along a i if bent on US J j r o i i d s t f i ' f t , 1 I f i l H u n k , I i n i u l i i j o f C i i p t . JuHi-pli Tuttlf, t t l h rofcronce. f A< A<11 thin. telephone; Ut liliili'I & Co.'H lliiirkct, lU'fl Hunk, for * nothing in particular, South Hlvir, N. J , A, D,, box 313, Ited Iiank. I HUPHOBILE AT A BARGAIN. only, H>gH of spring luinli, 24c. ANTIQUES FOE BALE. AUTO f "Boss," said one, "we is gotn' up to "*• riiono 30fl-M. One four-poMtor with canopy t"P. o n e I nvet'bitiil any kind of an initomo i i ] . j I l i i p n i i i l i i h s l l M ^ n i n - l i ' l . t i i k i i i i n ilO BEWABD SPECIAL PLANT SALE. ' 111 ut• a t a l o w i i l l i i w i i i i i i " , p i - r u n t me In ' the mill with dis henh plank." iiosk, oiii' s e t t e e utul u v a r i e d aHSiirtmeiit at and abstiUUi'ly BPECIAJi CiiniwiH and diihlluR, 20 per v i off nnir; tliiirniislfiy n s e r U pe t for fnr tlia return of Biiiall yellow femnle of o l d IlniillHli H p i i i t l n ^ printH. T h e n i l w o r k t o b i . M i t llM f fiifMry. S p f i - i i i l i s t '• I"'''' 11 " , i l ll,)1" n 1 1 "Plank! Plank I I dont see anylit Krldi'l Htrnyeil April 12th. l i h d t l A i l 12th 1 r l d l & C'O.'M CO. iimikft, ,lied Uniik, for r e i i d y I'm'U K , . I ' I U I H ' u i i i i - k dnyH only, l King'H iidvertlsi, (Ji'.ir;;.|.;, T i i r n i ' l ' , Lftltlllion. Jllddletown, X. J . Phone l i l e k u p f iirt Hhiip, HO Hriiail Hlii:i!t, l i e d on carburi'l"! ,• plnnkl" roared the new superintendi ' l b l d only, Hwiit Hwiit's HUKitr curedd 11' y o u w a u l a l i a i ' m i l n . t •:• I. v i > t i K a t l > n oil HHlt piiKe. Hcaii It now. K Bunk, liorden Ktref-t, lied Hank. 27D-W Middlctown. d I l U r e l l , Muninijiitli Ntiei't, Ho.l linnU. huniH, i ' ent, e, pound, I'lioiic 3U0-J1, SPECIAL PLANT SALE. W I T I B WTAHDOOTES. CABBAGE PLANTS. f, Not at all agitated by this display SPEC1AI, ..riH find dulilliiH, 20 Jier print off for SELL YOuB OLD CLOTHES TO US. POSITION WANTED. of of tliu bigmlinf; healthy p l i i l i l H , j i i H t i-itjli ( C o r Good prieea paid for old clothing. Call ourOne-half ' of tomp.er, the speaker looked down at ut Kiiiltfl & CO.'M market, nod Jiiink, for (iiiyH only. Read Kind's HdvcrtlHi!n r a c l i l a t e H t a r o f Ilic H c a iieai!i>niy oelcliratcd Ktraln; plotity of time to ; planting now. U.'i rents " piT Klfl: fu g , or phone The City Dry Uleaninjf and i-oiiliiierriiil l O l i r s e ileHlreH p n s i l i o n i i l ' his hands, then over hie shoulder. viiHh only. Hiignr Cured BlionldcrM, 13 V4c. nitnt on Inst piiKC. Head It now. chicks from them tills seiisou. pur 1 .OOU. Also pepper and e ' Dyeing Works, 0_Sfee.liunlc atroet, near raise riiniiiuri'lal houkHoiiiiiiK n n d Kt.enniti;iSiiniiybrook I'urni, Ikitontown, I'himo ofl.e Ki'i' lat'ne advertivenient nil lil if Finally to his fellow-worker he calmly pound, riioni! 308-M, Broaii. Phone 2G7.J. HOT WANTED. plije wiiric will a l s o ilo t y p e w r i t i n g a t 2130-R, [• observed^ "Well, dont dat beat all, W, K. KiiiB, Little Silver, N. .], *"" SPEOIAI. iiomc, AIIHS M a y \V;ilJh. HhriWHliuiy Boy wanted, experienced '>r bnnlnnc'r; SITTJATION WAHTBD. ut Kiiunl &, OO.'H market, net! Bank, for Htpady work, diniiwlt'k'n gold luiit' faca v i ' i i i i ' ' . Sti-il l l i i i i k , 1'hoii,) ! I i i - W . ,; Tom! Ef we aint gone an' clean r U B l m U M MOVIBS. KEYS TOUHD, 1 Boy, in, wantK IlKbt work with farmer. cash only, BoriTuh lt'i»n pot roftHt, very toly, \'l Spring Htreet, Hi-il Hunk. . \Y. Henneit •&• Co., fuinituri; and Hirm of keys found at Hulindel, r fergit dat plank! * tendor, ISo. pound, Phono 308-M. Kijixl home In preference to wages. Write can WINSOW CLEANING. ""•-?• ". - b proving i moved, general eartin^, property ajid pianos by ' i l l l lliiivo l l l l V f saiiiH by g ^ lari;e auto p for piirtieiiliiiH, Mrs, T.eVulley, 272 Her-tpnylnw We make a specialty of denning winWANTED. Rstld l t K d d f I l t distiiiieu, dit R tl for tliiH adyertlHemeiit, Kdward or Kliort SPECIAL bert (street, lied Bank. van for •dows O f stores, offices and private resiclmuffiiur to drive enr and T I B O. O. X> 2U:; Herbi-rt W. I'errhH', iioiindel i n n , Holnitlel, X, J .niatOH t;lv«-n oil a l l work, at iiridtJl & Co.'s murket, Red Blink, for dences; also 'general office eleanlnK, to work In u inllk dairy, A. Graver, Hti'i?et, Hed Hank. Telephone. •Phone ii. WASHING. giiHli only, prime ribs of hoof, none bet- Shrewsbury, N, J. Plione 400-W. Rates reaHOnable, Siitlsfartion BiianinAn Eip*ri»no» of Thi« S l l t u t laftLon- ter, 22c,-pound. FhuTie 306-M, Have your waahlnR done a t the Jeraey teiid, 2 4 West Fiont strijet, with d Coast laundry. Family wash, rough dry, 5l don HonpltRl. SOBiE FOB BALE. Strong, healthy plants, just rlRht for ! Bank steam dye works. Ph Phone115-tt. MisR Mario II, Wilby, Little Silver, an FOB, BENT. • S O cent«: flat work Ironed, IB cents. Qood strong horse, kind and frentle, cxpprleneod tenilifr, will tutor pupils In p l u n t l i i K l i u U " , LTI i - c i i t H i n - r i n n ; ( : ' - In tiie London hospitals the ailment Kiglit-room IioiiBe, iiiclutllng fruit and (foocl Mil vvllllng worker. Apply to W, i\ Phone 204 Red Bank. l b gi'ornetry, h history, i ty,Knu^Hli aamii j)i.i- 1,1(00. Also pi-ppiT anil I'KKPhu g y ,t u of the patient, when Tie is admitted, is shlido tri'L'H and stable, Patrick IJutler, Htllly, 21 Pearl wtreet, Red Bank, Severnl liunrlifM nf keys liavu boi-n loi t Hco liii'Ko advertlKiMiient mi l a s t pi' 1 l bj Beabrlght, N. J, LADIES AND BOYS' nt 'rlie llpRister iiffit'c whltth imvc li i school Hiibjerts, TerniH on ap- \V. K. Kirn?. IviUlo S i l v e r , X. .1. denoted by certain letters, such as .scrolul-hiinil MIKIUH, bettor than a imir nf pllcntlon. foiinil in thfK viulnity, 1'ni'fii'S h a v i n g FOB S A B , "T. B," for tuberculolis. An Am_ericlierip new oneH. 00 cents a pair, nlieup lost keys will nrobahly find them ninonsc __ Lot on Sladi.Hon avenue, near Berfren Wnt A, BIEBEM, TOP BOH. worn SAXE. EOBSE1 r E, John, .cornor Wharf avumio and Kiwt '4 can doctor waa examining these his- t ManaBciuan tbn lcit, Ciin hii%-i» Hume by proving propTwo and bluestone place, for sale, 40x140 feet. Apply ot I'rrint street, Rod Bank. hand bottler of nncl dealer In Ruiil'ert's, llensfur Kiilo, •f tory slips when his curiosity was ioraenlnga' willgravel nhlo for lively ur wurk HtirHes; also siiltfive- i lcr's and iJoelKer'H popular Jicers, e r t y and paying for this advertisement. deliver tame, Cliaflea 34 Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank, year old burse, sound mid WI'IKIIM 1,21)0 J CJiiinness' Stout and Bass silo and Dnnvii '..' aroused by the number on which the Burd, Red Dank, BOATS FOB TBTMMED PANAMA l A T i , K ' | SSt o u t . W Wi l[ kiliils kid miihil^ L o u ils H i i f t e l , O v e r l ch i o kk Kiii-m, h u - s u nd d lli i q u o r s off nil SAXON B.OADBTER rOB. SAi.E. letters "0. O, K," appeared, He said TOBD RUNABOUT BODY, Twenty-one feet liy KIX feet, S-h. p.iiteil L i t t l e beauties, li.OS while they lint. Hank, ' IS-aO B r o a d s t n u t , Kc-yport, X , ,1, A 191B Saxon roftdfiter cheap for easli. hKiutiful trlmmeil h a t s a t | 1 iinil to the physician who was showing him with top, brand new, for sale for |2B.Apply to J. H, Black, Nutswamp dis- two-cylinder Palnifr, jilmp Hptiiit. Also Hpecd boat, 20x3 Va fei-t. Alburt 1^. l.oiix, to J. I, Jlonsky, 10 Bast Front riport coats anil HkirtH. fu,08 for around: "There seems to be a severe Apply i P A M M E H T POB SENT, WAHTBD. tillery. Phone 790-M Mldaletown, : Atlnntlc Highlands, X, J, street, Red Bank. th'ro'iiKhiiut." toilut, makliiR. your niitti-riiil i n , only g t Bi-lnK y Kour , K K House- fnrnlslu'd for the month of epidemic of this G, 0, K, in London, 1 one diiy'K nutlcu required, tiorey bath, raiiKi connected with, Htatiomiry July fur adult family; not above $ " n or MONET TO LOAN WILLIAM k". REXLLY. BOOMS FOE RENT. What is it, anyhow?" Phone Red Hank or Bfubrmlit or vicinity. tubs nnd bath, china closet: fi t-'ompl^to linery 'Shop, 67 Bi'uad Ktroet. Furnished rooms for rent, Kuitnbln for fat); itaple and fancy groceries. Estab- on flrit bond and •mortgane on Impr ved W, U, A., 14 Drummond pUu-e. npurtmont; in tin.- Weller buildlns;, Hruud fiOnn "Oh, that means 'God only knows,' " llMhed 20, years. _ 21 Pearl street, Red property in Bums to Bult borrower*, Al- iiKht bouBrkeeplnK, in private family: Address t t lli'il Hani.:. Ajiply In Hti'lc. yton Beekman, attorney, Red Bunk. replied the English physician. bimtly to station and t'lmvcnlcnt to river. Re,l iiank. LOOKING TQtL B Alt GAINS 7 Bank. Phono 10-R. 4fi Rector pluee, Ri;d Bank. If so, see our furniture and household BOAEDIKO. TOMATO PLANT SIGNS FOB BAKE. ro» BALE. specialties, Kntire contents of hotels, POSITION WANTED The Monmouth iloiise. Bonrd by day Mitchell touriim ear, 191 a model, Thosu having tomato pliints for Hale A Mournful Mourmr. A S S VANS F Q « M A I E . b d i h t tBH g bought b o h t for for aa driver on delivery wagon, experienced ur welkk alio lino, boardlne houses anddOuttug l tnbl« bl bnir.1: b d cm tVollov ll li newly painted i d and d In l can buy a suitable slRn printed on musQaaelino pump and tank for gain; cawith horseH, Address L. C, !•'., general lin by calling at The Register ofnee, two m i n u t e walk" from "Uroart street, spot cash Dellyerloa free of c h a cw . Down in Georgia a negro, who had delivery. pacity of tank, 27S gallons; tank and can be "IxiiiRht richt by quick buyer, at to • ciiinforts, lira i Bchwarta'a furniture stores, Red Bnnk, k lOS-llO I'M, vonKattengell's, Monmouth atreot. All home eookinK: hom pump are brand new, Apply to D. H,Red His life insured for several hundred outh street. ! WeHt_Front itreet, eorntr JIapl e avemie, G. Bostwiek, 114 Monmouth Bank, Bennett, Fair Haven, N. J. VO% BALE CHEAP. ttANDS0M3: TOTJRXNQ CAB dollars, died and left the money to his Rea Bank, Half cabin launch, 22 ft., 8 ft. beam, vent by day, week, month oi' Bt WOION WABTM, JJlGS I T J i i l AHD BABN TO I E O T widow. She immediately bought her- for POB Apply at RoyRl Farms, Ijlttle allver, 6-bone power onBlne; fully equipped. FEEEPHOOP PORTABLE QABAOES. Wanted, buff room operatives; steady Roomy box ami .straight stalls, ample n , self a very elaborate mourning suit, X, J, Phone 169.J1. Jerolamon's boat yard, Galilei, N, J. e , ady Amhem Amherat and work. Rood pay, short hours. Apply to Ford special frame, $2.5; steel cote, a^ ' ,5?r?^>ad a n d ™ f » f d d T*tV^a^'^c^t i l l t n L ?0 p English pheasants: also eggs of the Showingjhej* purchase to her J r i p d , iliiee for polo pnnles or ti'siiniiiK Ktaliles, R. C." Bii'kPretHff, 121 Shruwsbiiry ave- 148; all steel, |S9. Save public garage ----••-BTOVE STOBAQE. HQWE TO O H . above named variety, Glanrnary Farm, Will pay "for itself in short ehe was very particular in going Into I'tirnia reasonable, Qlimartln, SlirowH- ime, Hed Bunk, lifter T;(Hi p, m. Slun- expense. Liet us' store your stove or range for Riverside Drive, Red Bank, 11,000 on flrat mortgage around Red time. Oarage heater, $2B, Send for nlng-L.oeb Company, Matawan. N. J. iiury road. details aa to prices and all Incidental Bank. Franoifc White, Monmouth street the •ummar, L, Bchwarti & Son, sucfurther particulars, Belmont Stewart particulars, ,Jier friend was very at Broad, Rud Bank, cesior to W, J, Button, Broad street. HOOVER DIGGERS. Iron Works, 1307 Flatiron building, fcew WANTED AT OHOE. YACHT FOB SAXB. I have 1315 Hopver digKttrs and fix- Bncrlflce, mahogany cabin yacht, SO much impressed, and remarked^ , ' • Reliable HiiiRle man to aHHlston farm •York City. SEAS ANIMALS. FAE1I MACHINERY FOR BALE. tures for repairs.' Machinery delivered ft., 7 ft, beam; 16-horse power engine; and grocery delivery wagon. 3U "Them aho is (ine^cloes, but, bafo' I remove dead animals, horses and when ordered. Charlr-H p. Conover, teleMowers, rakuH and hay ttdderR, hay th and db d duly O lone having SHOE E E P A I B I N G AT SHOBT KOT1CE toilet, wash basin, electric light; com- I PIT iiinnth board, heaven, what is yo* goin' to do wif allshelvingB anil potato bodies, O, H, Hur- cows, and j a y | 1fthead, Richard Con- phone 72-f-fi Holmdel, N.^J. piute'equipment, icrolamon'a boat yard, htul eNperieiife In farming npod._upply. I •iivu your MlHifs whun you come t o nora, Wayside, N, J, Phono S40-F-41, dis black underwear?" ley, Shrewsbury, N. J. Sallies N. J. ' J-K - HtuTinKton, JlorKiinville, .N. J, town and" they will bo repaired for you HOUSE FOB SAXE. The bereaved one sighed: "Chile, _ y t ^ y i ^ w » fl Six rooms and bath, reception TiaTl and" TO 1BW. 6i.w * 6 t r t r E S i r O o w a O BOAEDIHO. Klrst-class materiul and extiert woikDry goods, .when I mourns, I mourns," goods notions, clothing; also all Improvements, for sale" at a reasonFurnished or unfurnished roomBi all boots I have tin Overland 1 S I 1 :J, praotieully First-class boni-dinn house facing the meii together with moderate* pricc-s, 1), US USS Shrewsbury h b ave- able price. Applf to Percy Woleott, river, luree eroinids, trolley passing the a g d a 6 , 1 1l1l l li ca li ug t and d shoes, h Improvements, inelucllng telephone. S ^ff'Jl.^" ^^ ^ ^ ' , . ^ . . ; " ^b1 1 'h! ^ At M MM i OS S Broad B d street. t Red R d Hunk. H nue, corner Leonard street, Red Bunk, Drummond place, Ht«d Bank, Phone 330-J Ked Bank, , right for spot cash. If Int«riant>'d in a 1 n ! 1 U | iimiiiininiiumi iiiiiiiniiminiiiMi 1 l s i >i r i 1 1 ( STORE LONG BRANCH, Just Received SO Most Beautiful Silk Dresses and Gowns Embracing the most unusual collection of smart style models. No prettier showing has been possible before. Elegant Taffeta Silk Dresses, - $12.50 Beautiful Crepe de Chine Dresses, $12.50 Fine Tub Silk Dresses, - - $15.00 Exquisite SilklCrepe Dresses, • $15.00 Modish Pussy Willow Silk Dresses, $15.00 Ultra-Fashionable Silk Net Dresses, Special $16.50 i 4 The styles are most wonderful The assortment is comprehensive The choice is excellent , The saving is very substantial Come Early A white K\r\ for general housework, MrM, H. M. Novius, 91 JCunt Front Htreet, I it'll Bnnk, WANTED. Experienced"'saleslady for Saturday. Vnnko'H Hpoclulty Shop, 24 Droad Ntroot, Jlod Hunk, I Di ; THB STORE FOR THRIFTY the Free Alterations •-. ,'1 | • Carfare* Refunded Extraordinary Sale I *• 1 Specially Priced $100, $1.50, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98 mum Miitiiiuii iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiniiii BEDDING PLANTS. ' .- ThB Fftrmer1* Horis. r w X i PRICES RIGHT AT Art Metal Ceilings in Houia on John T, Lovett's Farm. Art metal ceilings have been installed in four of the rooms in the farm house on John T, Lovett's farm on Riverdale avenue, in Shrewsbury township. The designs ara colonial and fieur de lis, In the telephone and dining rooms side walls of art metal have also been installed. The designs used are Italian renaissance dado with grapevine and fleur de lis frieze and reeded stipple panel work above. The ORIOLES AGAIN BEATEN. Miitionary Society Fair. work waa done by Daniel H. Cook of The young people's missionary so- Red Bank. They were Defeated Sunday at Ateioty of Shrewsbury will hold a fair lantic Highlands, the square adjoining A. Holmes Melreie Nine Wins at Fair Haven. AT THE END OP THE TROLLEY L.1IME. About GOO persons journeyed from on Borden's store at Shrewsbury tomorThe Melrose athletic club of Red Rod Bank to Atlantic Highlands on row afternoon and night. Homemade TELEPHONE Oil RUMSON. Sunday afternoon and saw the and candy %vill be on Bale all day, Bank defeated the Fair Haven baseball team a t Fair Haven Sunday Orioles defeated for the second time cake articles and the usual features afternoon by the score, of 15 t o 8, by the Alerts of Atlantic Highlands in Fancy of a fair will bo in evidence. Hosketh of Red Bank tort Minton of an eleven-inning pame by a score of 3 to l>« nulssncen, and ItfilialI he th« duty pertiilt thurefor; from the clerk ot, the „. omsxwAirci:. Fair Haven knocked home runs. The to 2, The Orioles had four now tho street nuperlntendont to enforce IlorouKh, which permit mild clerk in auOIlbl.VANCK PHOH1BITINO OH- of batteries for the teams were Allen AXKTItn-TINlS players, Viviana, who pitches for the Coming Show at Little Silver, provlulorm of this ordinance by re-thorised tn Krimt upon liuymcnt by tlm STKKKT8 OR tho moval thereof at tho cost and oxpenae of upplkMiit of n license f«o of two ilollurH Hesketh and Fred Hohmer for Red SIDRWALKH THIS Cubans of Long Branch, and MaOV I'lIK BOKOCGII the Jlyoprlotor thereof, provide*! nothing ($2,00) annually UH a meanu of regulaA play entitled "Miss Fenrlesa and Bank, and Arthur Sickles and Adrian honey, Storey and IIoRan of ElizaAND PltOVIDlNO FOU TIIK RK- In thlH ordlnnnre contained nhnll apply tion. MOVAb OI-- ANY AND AL.L OBbeth., The game was close and excit- Company" will be given in Church Minton for Pair Haven, to that port of nny ntr««t lylnK between Hoc, 4. Every norson vlolntlng any STRUCTIONS THEREON, AND 11E-th« front ot nny hall at Little Silver on Friday night building m<\ the prop- provlnlun of. thin vnJliniinw s\\\M njion ing throughout. In the eleventh innUUIUINU PAVMKNT OI-' F E E fOR r , , erty butldlnif line. conviction thereof forfult nnd pay a. flnt% mtm ing with two out and u man on sec- for the benefit of the Little Silver TIIK 5IA1NTAININO OF GA8OUNE Sec. 2. AwnlnitA suspended from of not more thun twenty-flvo i1<illnrn, or Snipping Party on L a m , h PUMPS AND -RUNNING CLOCKS, ond base, K. Stryker of the Alerts Methodist church, Tho performance btiUtllitgH with u cleartimN) of irvt'n feet lniprlnoned In the cuunty Jnll for Jiot Ordained by the Muyar nnd Council over und above tho ntraet or Bld«w*tlk, be r Mrs. J. Henry Walling of Port Bo(ifI ttho more than flva dayn. nr^linth. knocked a single, scoring the runner. will be by members-of the Gleaners Borough of Red Bunk: society of Oceanic, gnnolliip pumps, pedcntal.i or pillars nupMonmouth will hold a "snipping Beir. 1. That wltliin /thirty days from Hcc, S. And be It •tennrtedtlittt tl>I» orBoth pitchers were in great form, only ek-ctrlo Unlit* or clockn In dinance nhall take effect 1 mined lonely, party" on her lawn Bent menjh. and nfter ttu>'pamtiige of thin ordinance portlng Stryker of the Alerts striking out ten order, publla norvlcu HtclU and and all other'ordlntincr^ cuntrnry to tho the strt'etB, uttlrwa.lkt) nnd ]>uli)lc plocen running Packages valued at ten .cents or over of Keyport Boy Hurt, trolloy aud tc-Ieuliono polna, slmll bo ox-provisions h«r*of ore heruby revoked, men while Viviana struck out twelve the Borough thall bu cleared of over- WILLIAM MEARS, s ii Funeral Designs a Specialty. CUT FLOWi»S. RUMSON, N. The Red Bank motor boat, club will from the Inhibitions of thla orhold n regatta on the river on Mon-men. Daua .Tune 21. 11)15. v Edward Quaekenbuih, aon o* Wil- will be strong from a Una, andhead Hlgns, HIIOII oov«rliig«. blllldInK PS- cepted Vanned .lunti 21, 1015. day, July fith. The prineipnl events tensslonB, advortlslng devlcex, KOofta, dlnaneo. patrons may eat them down for ton liam Quackonbush of Keyport, feel Bee. 3, No perfon or corporation ehnll Approved. wiirtjd ond liiorchnncllHo, and all otller ob- maintain will be contests between hydroplanes It payi to advertise in The Register, from a dump cart Monday afternoon cents a cut. The party will be forstructloiiH any Kanollne pump or cK>ck CtEO. M. flANDT, Mayor. <}t evory klnrt nnd deecrlptloh, pedi-ntkl Jn and motor boats, or on the itre«t or sldownlk Attest: • • the benefit of the New Monmouth subject to tho cxrcpllons hereinafter net of the Borough Without ftmt bteJl —Advertisement, ' 1 and was badly cut and •braised. A.t?. HABRTBON, Borough forth, und »«ld obnti-itctlbns are d l d Baptist church. • * ; "arm, NutHwftmpi N, J, friend. "The first time I flaw you I woekH old' 18.50 each. W. B, Dray, Holmilel. N. J. Phone 27-,I. laughed out loud I" Arthur Pryor, Arcade Pier, Asbury Park, commencing Sunday, June 27th,- 8:00 and 8:15 o'clock.—Advertisement. Giramiims, Cannas, Heliotrope, Coleus, Argeratum, Salvia, Begonia, Alyssum, Petunia, Vincas, Dracaena, English Ivy and Hardy Roses. Palms and Boston Ferns from 35 cents up. Ferns for Fern Dishes, etc. door every twenty minutes; Rood fiHliinjT, free UNS of bunt. Sirs. A. Berger, box 93, cur como and nee this one. I'M, vonKat- Plphlng- PISOB. Phone 109-W. AttEMTS WASTES, RtJBBEB TTBE RUNABOUT , tengell, Mdnmoutb streut, Hed Rank. MONET TO LOAN. Oceanic, N. J. A hearty laugh had gone almost SEABEIOHT Agents wanted for Red Iiank and all flrst-claBS condition; double set me$1,700 to loan on Hrst bond and mortUmma West, pruprietress. Sanaround over the story of the flsher- RtiRe at 0 per cent, Hemliiekson & Stout, BiiiroundiriB towns; salary and commis- in dium weight harness, for sale cheap for Hi d d f V d s u s w n v m T RrvEK. rBoirr xoof. sion. Address Agents, box 313, Red want of usa. Apply to J, 1. Monsky, 10 man who, to locate the place on theOrosid fitreet, Ited Bank, One-half acre plot on Shrewsburf.rlver Bank, East Front street, Red Bank, lake where he had had good luck, out front for sale at most reftsonablo price. Plenty of shade trees; sandy beach, Apa nick in the side of his boat. "Almost POSITION WANTED. BALE. HOUSE FOR BENT. English girl wishes position as chamif milk-fe<l broilerH, very reBHo around," for the Engllihman sat Six-room furnished house, all Improve- ply for terms to William H. Hlntilmann, ItHiuive at Ueltclnus Fruit and Egg bermaid or waitress; referenceH. Ad- ments, for rent at Uatontown; reason- Rumsoh, N. J, solemn and silent. About five minutes iible, dress M. Read, S2 East Front street. Red nble. ront; trolley runs by door. Address N, J. TOB SALE. UPKOISTBBEB. later, however, he awoke with a roar Farm, Scobey'villc, FAEM WAHTED. Bank. L, F., box 313, Rod Bank, N. J. Klve-rooin ininKalow with riinninsf PLANTS POB SALE. Furniture recovered and repaired, curWanted to rent farm Of about 100 ivutt-r: of laughter, and when asked the Celery plunta and late eabbaBa plants lot nOxlnO feet, with Rood barn, tains, draperies Austrian shades: ni/ivH, or will trade New York apartBAI.E. in Monroe avenue. Will soil for Jl.iWH). laying of carpets, and HTBD. trouble, replied: "Well, wouldn't it be or sale. Apply to Albert Dennli, Broad Fifteen'acre'sFOB matting and linoleum, ment house for large farm or country Apply of standing bay ond ten Man-led rnhn,Wabout to William W. Bennett, Monroe 28 years of age, trcot', Eatoiitowji, N. J. * corking good joke if that flsherman Davenport sofas, couches, mattresBea acres of standing rye for Bale, Mrs. with .lelllnjy ability; salary and eommis- estate; equity lafi.OOO, P, O. box Tnn, eniie, upper Broad street. Red Hank, and cushions mado to order, Maltlnnd John H. Patterson, Riverside Drive, Red slon. Only Iiigh-p;rade men need apply. New York City, Thomson, 10 Wharf avenue, Red Bank. ggot adinerent boat Wenext time Ke TOMATO PLANTS TOM BALE. Bonk. Address G, lips 3 1 ^ Red Bank, APSMBSOMf CAB FOR SALE. Telephone 610-J, 100,000 Stone and Maryland tomato COW P O I B A M , Model 1912,. newly painted and thorwent out!" ilants for Bale. FiBld & Larkln, Mloheau Oped fresh filmlly cow for sale or FOR BAXE. oughly overhauled. IN in the pink of BOARD ANI> PUBHIBHED ROOMS. rent for summer. Can Vie HIM.II at Guernsey cow, fresh, reasonable; also If you want board or a furnished would ioy Linden place, it, M. "Taylor, consboats, Holmdel pike, one mile from room at moderate price, one Minute tractor, 3 Peters lilaci', Red Hank, TeleFOB BENT. Jlritawan, near Lloyd road, Mike Tansy from Broad street, call a t 01 White A farmer wrote to the editor of an phone connection. farm. Half house, five rooms, with Bummer agricultural paper as followa: " I itchen, street, Red Bank, Mrs, Smith. $9 per month, have a horse that has been afflicted print Btrett, Rod Bank, Apply at 41 OSTEB(I>OBFr MUSIC STORE. SHOE SHINE PAEIOR. POBTB, 15 CENTS. Comforttibli1 cliah-.M at our nhoe shine for the past year with periodical fits w PlanoB, musical inHtrumentB, sheet chestnut t fence ence posts, p o t s , extt-a extt Sawea parlor. All work done inside. Hats POSITIOW WANTED. 4 of dizzinesg. Pleaee let me know what muBio, eta. Tuning and repair!rig. 14 heavy. Get t ready d now for f spring i ffenc blocked and cleaned. .The City shoo, lint lady wIsIieB a pOHition to j Monmouth street, near postoHlco, Red Ing, Also chestnut planking, all alaes. and it s I should do with him, as he seema to i Ytfunpf glove cleaning parlor, 4 B Uroad general housework. Call or write 4R Innk, Hollywood Farm, Everett, N, J. r get worse Instead of better, I am dnden place, Red Bank, street. Rod Bnnk. afraid he will be unfit for work if BANTANOELO ft MJLZZOCOA. MTJBIO P l l i ' i l . 3 WANTED. TOB BALE. FOR SAI.E. ; c , oeommrt«Si)Tiny Imported . and doniestio bottlers and -Mlsi P^-aTices at, e something is not done soon." Paragon and My Maryland tomato A one-horsp carryall, one .runabout and ealers street, Red Bank, desires to take a few In wliies, liquors and "mineral ; In the next issue this answer ap* mo btifTRy, till in good condition. L, fillers, BE-West street, Red Bank, Phone pupils for private, Instruction on tho plants:'"also 00,000 T i n t Dutch cabbagr plants at ilJiU per 1,000, O. HiilleuJL pcared; "When the nng is looking all 'Joyce, Katontown, N, J, Piano. Terms upon application. 10-.I, bakt', coriuM' UolKliton avenue and ltlver t ri(j;ht, sell him to some one." street, Hed Bank, STANDARD OASOr,BNH lETPOOT STEAM ^AVSOmi, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. nd automobile oil at Duvlson's auto and II, 13. TlppoU. proprietor. Tlio laundry First-class farm hands and all other LAtTNUBT, ivagon works, Mnnmoutii street and which has sntlsfled for yours. Front Why th« airl Smiled. Ired hoip; also man and wife position on street, All hand . laundry work. All clothes Maple avenue, Red Bank, Keyport, N, , T , Dry eltanlng. A' 'arm. J, Miller, Eatontown, N. J. Phone card will bring us at any time. bleached and dried in the open. No > The senator and the major were of any 139-R, cchemical:) h c y kind ki used. Murphy's GET TOtJB BTOVXB U M 'r walking up the avenue. The senator B A t l i I.riundry, Bay Vi View i^eniie, Atlantic Let us repair your Btov0B now, Highlands,,N, J, was more than middle-aged and con- Schwartz A Son, Wtst Front itreet and HORSE r o a BAI.E. r oRsau, ahilsi sound, ound, kind kind and and sider obly more than fat, and, dearly Maple avenue, Ked Bank, Bayy horse,, 14 % jiandBj Dealer In fresh and smoked meatg of HARVEST HOME. or d double. entle, work NlnBl o . Richard all kinds, ullve oil, fresh eggs and'fresh gentle, «^«s the major loved him, he aliq loved Annual harvest home of the Ijlttb bb eedorf, Everett road, across Hubbard's S d f E killed poultry ft , specialty. 72 Bridge HORSE FOB BALE CHEAP. Silver Methodist eh'urcii will bo heli [i M~ "his joke. The senator turned with a ld avenue, Red Bank, Phone 671. Sound, true in all harness, good wind, Thursday evening, Aueiirft ^nth, XTHiia pleased expression on his benign Clwood Lane, corner Bank street and COTTAGE FOB SAXE. OKct'llent supper and otlicr attractions TO WENT, FURNISHED. , countenance and said, "Major, did you Tllton avenue, Red Bank. Pretty live-room cottnKC. newly TieketH HO cents. Five-room cottugo, nluusant location, painted nnd decorated; line ffardin; x see that pretty girl smile at me?" four minute!) from river; |9n fos the VISI FOX SALE. POWITBYI POW Address ,L., box 174, Fair Ha- L-hleki'ii iiuop; $aoo down, balunce like * "Oh, that's nothing," replied his Throe BorkHhlle plKH for Bale, seven - NEW WASH SKIRTS - <'iill liiiiiv 1 EVERYBODY IS COMING TO i in 11 m i n i i m i m I I "'iiHtoin t'lliiMM, iii'iiiitnu. in'cH^ rnpfili'lnK, CUI-IIIK S | n. l n l l n U I n •I r y I'li'iinliiK. H ' nr u l l f u r u n i t d e l i v e r t r t iin.v lilin • I'Mi-t .i \ • m i f , I I | I I I . ^ I ( I I ! H n y • I f i - t m i ! • 11 i i n . Vtr.intlf lllKliliin.i'4, N . 1. 1 iiiini mini DEPARTMENT %l.'l!i. w i i r l l i if Chickens Red Bank, "Main Street, Fair Haven. Illllllli fnlilliirf. riiiidltliin, Cllttiliil- Specials in all Departments! illIM! "OiitliifT" pi-i'TiTt Sweet Breads 19 East Front St., * * MONMOUTH COUNTY'S MARKET PLACE 1 McNMR-S MARKETS TKB OITT TAJIOU. c • • • • • • • • • • • • • ^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * » * » STIAM TVI.0AVIIIHO, famous, was once associated in tin * mhm REGISTER WANT PAGE-Where More Than 26.OOO People Meet WeeHly Aiitiiiiiipiii!.> iiiii HIHI tiilii! rojinlr« 4 humbie'way with a theatortjjp* called rilltlKn and B . |Irom p i p l l y iluni'. A d n n i I - ,J l i t y l u r , d r i l l e r p 1 per thiiUHiind, ill llil'S i'li'M, I l l i i t o l c v i ll'M ( M i l l Nlipi>ili;S, fi one morning on the adltorTw a Sun-Hornard Wnrnnker, Kverett, N, j . N j Aiitu t l r c M iiii'l i i f f i ' M s o r l t n . •'nrni'i' o f 'J: day, paper on a million from a theatri1 T i l T B B M I K A L W I S E A K D 1 I Q U O 1 r * i - i i n t i i i i i i i i » l i . i i i i M t r i ' i ' t H , K r y i i o i ' t . N*. J . M O 1 U U ) OAB TOB SALE. E cal manager. Entering the editor ! for all oo«tt«lpiiHi enroful driveri renaon- r.ilr of eyc'BliinMeH lout bi-lu'con Ili'd ro» IALE. 1 • •: V' i'v I'n , SS'IIIIMIII W . ' l n l i . ' n : . 1 1 1 u i' i i '• > > H'. ^ H I I I . i r k . .1 i i ' H i ^ I I I - I - I J I m i t i ' I ' m Mil In I t i ' i l " . ill I'll:,! M l l r c i , K , \ | M . l l , N . " .1. W I l i l l l ' M l l e WAHTBD. | offlct he began, "I have brought you able rule*, Call 846.H Rod Unnk. NtyiiMii, K " rimili'i ; i'iaiii'in. Hunk mid 1'iilr lluvfn, lU'wiird if rrU l l i r s null lii|li'!IH. S n l i ' Mi-'i'lli'V I n i 11(11I'm' HiiilliiK, l i : i v i ' . i i i ' iiui" f u r h i m . A p p l y WllltllK, hnlll'Hl, ri'lllllllt' illl II l-iil I llrl ,ill« l Id Thp lloKlHlijr cinU'i', this manuscript—" r i l i . l l . ' . ! ; i i l l ! M i ' a I n • \ \ f ) v , T u l i l c i l l l i l m l l l i ' l i l l t o W . H , I t r . i v , , l l . i l i i n U 1 , N . . 1 . 1 O W I"O»1 BAM. iifi-il lu.iii w . i u t H | i ( n l l l n i i ; CIIIVH' W I I V U ,»''> He got no further juit thon, The Qooil< Kilt' horse fill nalu; hue been i i - p l . d ; pi'i'iiniiii'iil pOHitliiii pi'i'l'i ri'i',1; FOB BALE. s p n o a AMR KAinrmB, •• m i f i i r n l ill » 1 ri-ffi iiii-iM Aildic'iH editor had glanced around and sized used for delivery. Dorcimu* Bros. Co, i'r, ( i x t u i i ' M , I f f liiix uinl H I X i i 1 TppBoll and itinnuro for -eiile, H. M. H1IPMOB1I.T. r O B BALE, OOTTAOE r o a HALE. ('. V . I ! . , 1 7 s M i ' . ' h i i l i l i - s l r i - i - l . I l i ' d llniilt. iH f u r t'Off' !' uinl l i ' i i . f u r w.ilr i. up the tall, timid youth as an amateur p Taylor, eoiilractor, 34 PrteiB place. Bed All Illlh ! u 3 1 i i i . >1 i i I * i i i i T ; 1 1 1 • • 1 1 1 , j i l ' l I i i n v i ' i ™ TOM, BAXIJ. His M f i ' l u i n l r K I W I , lleil limili. '{ poet or noTeiiit. "I setf" he inter- I'nlmcr motor boat, SO feet limit. Ap-Hank. Ttlephojje cnnMction, USED AUTOMOBILE FOB 8AI.E. I'liriip. liu l l f . l , ICPI H ' l l i ' . I ' l ' l i i - V.-l i I . , i M M I ; i l i l f . III.UIILIMIIH; 1 .•t ;!'i\;l^;. Cci'i. m M i l % • • • i i 1 ; i1 ' J . S p p i M H i . i i c i i i , \ i m . i l I n n s i I iinvri i ! , i :, ( • f u ri t . i n I t r H l - . - I I I - ' M rupted in »n acid tone. "Well, juat ply ut llumpf'fl boot works, ited Honk, MOHEY TO LOA5. ; I i m i l ---11 •. i-> •: p u f l r . i - i h ; p i i n - f I ,>•nn ,\t\. s l m r t ilnii', w h i c h 1 l i i i s i - m i i n v -M O I D f u r ro» BXr. iiliilini. ]•',. \ \ , I ' i ' i i h i f , 1I i i l i t i i | i > l I n n , ill . » , i \ \, I I . H i - l l h - , A l h i i l l h Honey to loan In BUHIS to unit bori throw it in the waite-paper basket. i | i i i , i» i l i K p i u i i i l i i i ., i r l i i i i - 1 1 1 - I H H I % " liisy Ono Hullo of rootitft for rent for IlBlit roworB on flrat bond and mortKiiKe. !\ . ,1. i n n . iiH i i i m . l i ' 1 , X . , i . ~ TWO L O T ! ! r I'm very buiy juit now and haven't ill good ~ locution, 1 ' i l r r ; t i n t i ' l i i i ' . ' i • : i • 11111 f 1 >, ( i : 11 i i I r i ' M i l y I i > hntiHi-kncpiiiR, vi-ry ren»"iiii»hli'. Apply < U big huriminn, eony A, U IvlnH, llcyristor ViulldlnK. Hfd ilnnk. , bi. d r i v e n i i • • 111 • •. I ' . l . MiiiKiiiti'iiKi'll, got time to do It myself." TA»M WAITTBD. j BED BANK DAIBT, teriiiH If dculred. Clayton.Llnton Heally 1U8 Wnilai-11 Mtreet, He'1 Hunk. H I I V O r i i ^ l i l i i i y i T . - : f u r I n i K r 11in 1 K i n i i H ' H w c M f r c a i n , jiiiru m i l k f r o m o u r o w n .MDIIIIIIIIIIII Htti-i't, H i d Hiink, George Ado obeyed his roqueMt Co. ••OS RENT. BECOSD-HAWD BINOLE COATS, I ' u n i i M . H i m l l u l l I 1 I M i l i i l l i i T i M ; % v i l i I n f n r i n s ; I ' r c M h I j u t t o r , b u t t n r m l l k a n d M for relit. ,\IHD l l , * ; ^ ; hni'Kiiiiis t n H 1111 M . l'lii';i|i ,1 uh II, Two ' calmly. Then he began again: "I LOST. Laug-iiapo Tencher Seiirsi rupilt. i- W l i - i r l " Mp'Sit. (Ii-.irKi W -/.iM'ki'r. u r m l i i i i t f "K- h o i i i c - m u . l o p o t clioi-.'io ilillvcn-d dciily. foot, very ilie ivorklMK niMiiN frl.'iiil, r n r for «nlp, nlp, y foot, y W i n - i n . r I - ' .I'iii |.INII.I, --iipli-lit I n have just come from the thuater and collie iln« liiHt. Hewnrd If r«-for ,il "II.II.Ir i i M 1t n 1 1 s t . lvituii'y liiillilliiw, N i ' W i i i h . Ir i n i r l i ' H A . M i C l a n k c y , n o d H i i n k , T'jlel iivi'iiiiii HIHI MiiNt "(''roiit slri.'ci, l i u i n l r g l i t ION A l c c l i i i i i l i ' N l r c i - t . 1 ll Htrin-liii a t T i i y l u r I' i l l \ i I M I f j , 1'pliiinl, to 11, H. Lippincott, Mlddletown, ' " ' ' ! N. J . 1 phone 403-M Hod Hank. '- the manuscript I have thrown In the Iiiilliiii.i, ' - n l U i t H p u p i l s I n I-rriii-li. I i n TO* BAlB, WA.WTED, waste-paper basket ii your drama, N. J, i l l . , u m i l i l t n l i i r I n I I I K I I H . i i i i i i l f , i lllil n f ,*,,«,,Hi FtBABU«E BOAT FOB BAtB, ; MOTOB BOAT FOB BALE. Puny, Kovcriii'HH curt aiiil liarneHH, nil Wiiltu Kill I <>!• K.-rioiiil limi WAMTI10. (i.'i'Miiiii. l-'iir t .i i 1 1 " , cii'., iidilri ** l l u x which the manager asked me to return iiy-1,,.,1 KMHuiiiH. i n c i i - . u n . l i m i t f o r | j| ,,,. \ i | . . m ] M I : ,I M H , , , . , . ,i,ijln.'. Hllinll F\iviiiHhPi\ room for liKist houscki'ep- ill (?i)'«l OiiiuiUiijiiii nu(« fur iiilldiuii. Ad- Mfiuil p l a i n I ' l i u k u n , i l u t u i ' l i ' i ' M s W l . A i l a i i t i c I l i s j U h u i l M , N . . ! . ami vi'iiv i to you with thankg. He suggested [UK. AililrfiHH li'urtilHhod lloom, 1JO% 313, fiitiln; iurwnr,i a m i vi-iiv i - n i i t r i . ! ; ,,,,,„, ,. | . ,„.,!,.,•; „ , , l , , k v l,,,;it, M.I.I Lk U Hk fiinilly. *' i l l I iiioriiiiiKr*. ;M>II Lock Uox 1 12H, Hd Hod Hunk. p n w i ' r r i i K i i i i ' ; i m i H t In Hiild f u r All p i l i l l ' t i ' i l , 11 l i i i l i i . l i l l that the proper place for it was with Hod nunk,' Htici.t, H e d H.'ink. 'i'iicjniHiin'M A u t o UnniKi-', Avon, B I T B I B ITOLIM WATCH. l j p I l i i j i i l l ' i ' i i f I II). , INDIAW HOTOBCTOLE F O B BALE. , the waste paper, Ki-y w l i n l i n i r s i l v r w n i i i i w i t h i n l N. ,!. H r i i i n l H t r i ' i ' t , H t i l H a n k . 1 ro» SALE. iIlniler; ovurliauh'd und r e HalH M. 11, m i riiMi. N1111 • ii riuiii .Mrw. aimx. w u t u , i m l i i l l : now tln-s. Pilri> |;_IO. AIlii>rt I*, l''i)i-il t o u r l i m c u r , n i l i n K"'»l oiinillildti, DELIVERIES WITHIN A RADIUS OF Reds—Hugh Barrett, George Lehman Whites—Henry Seligman, George Slierman. G, Jason Waters, JTort Bnmbereer Referee—William O, Stonebrldfle Seo#or—J, F, Lanlgan. _ . FOB FOB • * X » . "~ ' ' «h» T»t>U Writ** Ar>«*« with tbs Sdltor A •mid! buMlneHN for walo fr l clioup. Adl J. MMAdo, « i t Thvtttr MMi*tw George long before he bteanw •lri'iM IlinJ P .Q l J BnnH. B H P Q.,b ^ t ,a I J'FP.1 OH man, H. S, Borden, ANTICS OF LIGHTNING. You can put an advertisement in the Want Department of The Register for a whole year for exactly THIRTEEN DOLLARS. *o Mti I'oril dpllvcry bodytorwile, Apply to PUHl Wnlih, Little Silver, N. ,T^ llevtn. en, N. j , rent. AddreHB Box 7fi, Red Iliink. Will pay the highlit market price* for poultry. If you want fresh ktllei POB BAM, condition and would make a suitable car for .anyone. Priced very low, Kd, von- One platform spring butcher wagon, , Monmiiuth street, Red BaiiU, iifiw; on.* twn-horne spring wagon and one jump-sent runabout for sulej plica no object, I have no place to store tlieno DO8 TQB fjoods on account nf the tire which deiralc ,Tapanowi> wilk liaii'oil terrier, a stroyed my outbuildings. A, B, Crawlady'M pet, will ride in automobile like a ford, Tinton Falls, N. ,J, Imliy; Kood for Mhotv; will HOII n-usonnble. Also mesh liiiK fur Kiib'. 1'lione , , « „ , , , H -.--.- K ,- K 31^. , .TOMPh^allHe, imx^S, Ited Bank. « « J ^ ) ^ ^ ^ n N t a b l e Co., Vmmerly N fiW Y o r k CABMHTBE AWD •WrXDEB. ' - furniture recovered anil rewMnriM* hnildiT lobhlnc i Pnlratl; awninss, Kliaile^, curtains, ilrnpsneci-iUv S ' k am 1 W e e nor" eles,- laylhg of ciirpets, mattin K> linonr i e it ohnrritotlre No 'fob t"o "nvill lp»<"- Mat'trosses and cuMhionn to oror too lnr K e. ICKtimateB Klv.n, Box ' ^ i T . Mc l t * lil i u V ,"l-'1nn 11 T ' 257, Atlatitlc HislilnndH, or NavoHink, Red Ijank. lelephuno 14-J. 2lJJ _„___„__ _ - I CE4VfFEVS WAFTI POSITIOW. FUBNIBKBD HOtJSE FOB BBMT, fowlH or broilers go tn 12," \VeMt l>'i-ont VO» BALE. House of sgveii ronms, modern Im- street. Hod Brink. U, Dietx & Hun, gro Two good wagons, suitable to convert FOR BENT. provements, for rent, furnished, for the ern iiiid biilchern. into jaggers, $10 each, 1 1 , F, OrlggB, Dwellinjr, oigbt rooms, improvements, Inquire of Mrs, A, Louise HendrickHon house, Middle- seaNon or year. hot wuter l\cat, doslruble neighborhood. Jlary Wymbs, Hudson avenue, Red Bank, FOB, BALE. town, N, J, Apply toUawklns.Bratherg . - ; K l K l i t - r n o l n liuuHi' w i t h rUhliliiK W a t e r nt noxinn fuut, on Monroe avenue. Wll FOB BENT. FIBBT-CI.ASS PLtrMBINQ WORK. 1 BtAOKBMITH U T S K O l p i l O l I , One or two furnished rooms to runt, Plumbing, heating and tinning work of iiMl fin $l."0it". Apply t o Wi.llliim W Krnnic Gray, prnetlcnl horHeslioer. The nil iniproyeinentH, near station, 102 the heat kind done quickly and at a reft, U'linett, Monroe avonui', upper lirpai Brick Shop, 19 Meclmnlo Htroot. IDBtab- Pearl street, Red Bank, With or •with- sonablo figure, David H. Bennett, De- • tri-tft, Hed Ualik. iHhod IB ybara in Ited Bank, out board. Normandlt avenue, Fair Haven. N. J. PHTLIF BOCK, 1 Cliaulti.'ur with 1! years' exporlt'iico Ladies' and KUIHH' ynrini'iits of every [ WIHIICM to drive pleasure or commercial df.Ri'rijjtion clt'iincd. dywl and prt-Hsed at I car and dornpnirinH at your own garage, Nhort notice. " Goods culled for and de- j I will sell you uiito_ siipplles^very reaSpeciiil contrsicts by the month. I unnnble: livered, Sp - - do - repaiiH . .diiily. . . Call . , or write ,-enue, SeuhriKht. X. .1. Phone j Joseph Pulisn, White avenue, near Broad Ocfiin aver street, lied Bank. Bos 271, Phone 31-J. 74-W. BOABDING. Xieely furiiiNlieil rooms for runt, with flrst-claHs table board; centrally l n c u t c , ull* improvements, humn-Ukiv HurrounilIIIKH; reiiKimabln rntt^. Hudson House. 115 HudKon avenue. Phone lnil-J Red Unnk. FOB BEST, A lady's locket found . ni-iir t h e T e x a s Oil Cn.'.ii. uliint a t lied Bniik Tlmi'Hilny, J u n e 1 il til. by J''. r . M"oyan. I t iM suliil uiilil. '2i) eariit. nlmut the slK'j of \k dolliU'V tiirei' inithilH e n s r a v e d urt timis. Owner Vim have sume upon deHcrlptioii nl' contents uinl Inltliils. . d i l l n t 2BD Shruysliury avenue, lied Bnnk, Binall, briHiit npiirtiiient, furniHheil, . Hiiilable i'or a couple, houieke'-'pinK ( " » • j venlt'uees; litntHO uulet, imiilern liiipiiivi B B X T O B S PAB.K. ICveryono Htop puylnc rent and own mi'iits: (,'einrnl loinliiJii, Call for par- !i n homo" of your own by piirchnsinR a lot ticiiIarH a t »S West • l-'rutit Htroot, Itixl in center of Belford 111 Belford Piiik; within rtve-cent trolley ride of Ited Bank, Bank, Atlantic Highlands and KeunsPnyiucntH in installments to Mult LUNCB BOOK A»D MILK DBPOT. liiiiK. l>ont diiliiy wlillo price la Mrs, H, Wnlters'K luiieh room nnd Kan- purchaser. reiisoniitile. Address Henry Wfllling, itai'y iiiilU depot. Kstabli»he,l six yeurs. Jr., l ' o r i llonrnciutU, N. J , Meals sei'vod at all hours, tjulck se.rv- THB BBOOND NATIONAL BANK Of Rod Bank solicits your business. OVSBLAND BUHABOWT TOB SAXB, THE BBCOJTS KATIOKAX BANK liutinboilt. (Jvciinliil un'1, in extra line ici>. Home cooking. idil M niiiii'jiit Ii SEWIITO MACHINES. WAMTED, SAVE TOTJB OLD OAJBPETB. vt nod lliinlt puys Interest on tiino do- Sovon UHod Bewlng miiclilnea of dif- BOO dwt. of old Bold. Old gold bought Beautiful raverallile rugi made from I'onilltliiii, will be KiU'iifici'd, h'ii'Kt corny, .street, next to Stryker's. garage, Hed PABKER HOMESTEAD FOB BEXV. poults. • ferent makes for sain, each warranted for for cash or exohttnged for new goods, L, old corpttB and chenille portlerps. Write first served. I t ' x ii dniidy for: a little Bank, Parker liomestuad property, conipiiiVA. viiiilCattiiUKi'll, i l n n m o u t h thro© yeai'H- | 7 to $1B. OeorRO WoodH, do la Rouisllla, jowelor, 3S Broad htreet, for oirdulara, .^ Amerloan Rug Manuffto- ...iipy inft nboiit 18 aoren, on corner of Shrews- THE SEC0MD WATIOWAl. BAJTZ NtriM't, Red Bank. BRONZE T T O I E f EGGS. Jr., & Son, 20 Monmouth street, Hod Red Bank, bury avenue ana the Newman .Springs tory, 298 Vermont •treat, Brooklyn, Barred Roclt eggs for batching, road, for rent. Land is .especially ofRe Red Hunk 1H strong, safe and pro-Hunk. F O B BA1B, Thompson strain, $5 per hundred; White ndiipted to truck farming. Less than ft ANQELtTS FOB SALE. Kresnive. W, B. McQUAT. 1 Diirk liny family hnrsi , so<uid niid POB A BEAUTIFUL KEDALLION. Pekin duck CEBH, 70C. p«r dp/.on; also i \\ trom Red Punk. The hoime has A self player With a quantity of mufilo m e Undertaker and embalmor, Offlco open T H B BECOWD WATIOWAX B A R K Portrait copied from any photograph rolls. Can bo usetl with any piano. For day and night. Special attention to allgrnUe; nlno IIUVIH'HH \\W\ twn-sealetl 3roiize turkey CKRa nnrt Riilnen CKKS. | twelve rooms, T'liii \isi\t\l farm outi!:irryii|l. Price rearfoniible for «i uli-k C, Uyruin, Upper Broad street, lied i tnilliHiius, all of wliicl) are in fine conof lti'il Bunk will help hoiicBt iind enter- ii psrfeut likeness guaranteed. AddrdaB particulars apply at 300 Broad Htreet, calls, whether In or out of town. 15 llHpiiHal Hoynl ."I'lirnis, Little Silver, Bank, pilKing buniiu'81* people. W: S. iJoyle, box 131, Anbury Park, Hod Hank. ,. " ! dltlnii, are on tho farm. B. Alien Par. • I'earl street. Red Hank, Telephone, , J , Phone iiS!l-M, N. J. Your pliotograpli looks Ijetter on ker, lied Bank. BAMTTABT MZLK AND OBEAM GO. 1-OB SAXE CHEAP. Oltli«n»' BtOldlnr ana t o a n A««ool»tion a medallion, WANTED. WUk products, freBh buttermilk and KtandliiK t"p liiuneh, 2^ feet lnntf. I>',(.ban money to loan homo builders on easy POTABK POTATO BODIES F O E BAKE, Work wanted by a»dored hoy. aged I I ; SPECIALIST ON FOBD CABS. eggs, Hpeolnl delivery 7:00 a. m, to 8:00also by u. Bill, a g e IIS, to a s s i s t in light terniH, Having dililiHiity In HecuriiiK tilftnecesKii'teen new improved potato bodlos, ft. beam, Lia-iuch dral'l, I'ar.iHuii cluicli, No matter what may be the trouble p, tn. 33 Hast front itroot, Red Bank, housework. A d d r e s s Tlios. 15, Hpst, UN With HprlnR scat; jS-bnrrel oneH; prico ilwh teiiHlon lUiiKnctii, R-h, p. new. Bridge,. sary Hiipply for our fall and HpriiiH rowith your li"ord car I can repnlr It, IfPhone '57S, PEABHON BROS. Hank s t r e e t , Rod Rnnk. Phone UIO-J. only $1H, Also two liny shelvlngM, Or- nit ciiMine. Address. .Murray Clayton, iluli'i'ineiHH", throiiKh tho usual channels, your Ford is working badly or needs new x i t , ur Players' boat club, Full' Ha- wo me prepared to Offer fnrmoi« or ilualder early, M. Kelsuy, plmiiy HS-I-'-fil Keyport, N, ,1, parts POO AUKUHt Qrovsen, Bl .Wharf ven, N. ,1. erH who may liuve larKu or nmall left SLAQ B O O r i N O . TOM BALE; COST HOME. naMt ['"rpi'liolifr N. J, avenue, n«ar Bteamboat dock, Red Bank TOM »ENT. over lots of niuriato or Miilplinte of potLenity tin and slate roofs made tight; Btrgen place, comfortable, cosy, eight1 FurnlNhert room for rent. 18 White iHli, top niarkit prices, paying Bpnt cawh. HOUSE FOB BBITT, room cottase; Brnttll stable , plot BOxlOB, also •water proofing side wallB and celBED BANK HA1B PAR1OH, 7OX BAXB. Htreet, Iti'd Dunk, Four family house on central nvenuu, State quantity nnd price aMkeil, N. .1, qkden MeClttakey, 147 Hudson room 10, iniBner building. Shampooing, Bargain, Inveati^ate, William A. Hop-lars, Cow find calf two weofcB old, hal ping, agent. Ueocb Htreut, lied lianU, for rent Fertiliser nnd ('lieniicnl Co., i:ii[ Wilt** avenue, Red Bank, Telephone 400-J. scalp treatment, hair dressing, marcel! lienr (JUernacy, hnlf .Ter«ey| flue rich milk JAHNEB ft WELCH. for two i™mi,< tn family, at i street, New Yorlt City, AlanufftcturerB waving, inanicuriiiji, facial massage, ,Ariiingeil CnrpeiHer/i and bullileiB. P. O, boxhalter broken; a groat family cow. Also WAGON VOB BAI.E. .... per month._ l-'or further piirtleiilnrH of Croxton- iirepared poultry Inimure, HUDSON COUPE FOB SAI.E. switch •making; Kuntlemun'H mauieurliiR. two half Joraey and ilolstplns, IJ. A, & Runabout In firBt.clnHs condition for 208, SctibrlRht. N. .1. npjily to A, IJ. IviiiH, IlcLjlKti'i' buildliiK, other complete, 1'ertlllKorM nnd clenU'CN In J, P. Cotton, Oak Qlenn Varm, Kvcrett, Halo, practically an good as new. Will ho Iti nr.Ht-cltisH 1 1'unnlnn order, lni3 Mra, Lucy Holey and Mrs. Nellie Knglort, lied Bnnk. fiirlUixer clieinli'iilfi, model; Will ivmkt n )(ood par for nnyoiitj N, ,1. X. BTFUIV. sold cheap for1 wont of UBO, J, H, Jones, doslrliiR it coupe; bai'Knln. Kd. viuiiyiit- Phono 302-M, Remover of dead animals, Rid Bank, LEO4L PAPEBH. Holmdel,, N. J. 1 tt'iigell, Moiyrioutii street, Rod HiMik. WAHTBD, TOP SOil, FOR SALE. SV SEBVANTS SXCHANGXi K. J. Telephone 129-J, AmdavitH, acknowlodgmuuta, lenses, Have, about tj>n aoren of standlnff rye bond Kmploymont ttgeiioy. First"clasR,»he!p and moi'tRanca, deedrt, etc., pro- Qood Btrong toijsoll for aale, Price ? i JEABBOW A i m BTU1CP PTJXLEB. OABBAOE PLAHPIB. .,-hleh I dcHire^iarveHted, Anyone prefiirnlMhed for, liotols, clubB nm} prlvnt - BIG BEDUOTI0NS me. In my ofllc.o from elKht Danish Hail Head, ]Jurpi>i-'H Surchcad, pared tu do hiirvcHtlni,' pleaMc write, pared by Ohio ornhard disc harrow and HerouleB at wlioi't notice, HervalitH' ref to HIX. Mdwnril \V. Wise, jiiHtice cants per loud on the premises, at Mln« In Hummer footwear ut D. A Mnzza's, 48 fttmllloB perfection IJruinlioad Hnvor plnntH of Btatlng prlee, or plioiin Atlnntlc HIKII- o'clock BroriceH tlioroUKhly Investigated. Miss Htunip .puller for Bale; both practically bant of tho peace, room 7, Klsner building, neslnlt "park, near Red Bank, Inquire of street, Ited Bnnk. 20 eentw per ino; il.r.O jier ItiiidM 77-J. 11. A. Leonard, Atlantic Hod Bank. Kmma Wost, Prop. Ocean avenue, Boa new; will Hell cheap, Judgon Conover, 1,000.quality, George CurtU, iuperlntandent, on «•»• J. T..JLovett, Little Silver, N, J. JliKlilandH, N, ,1. Matawan, N. J, brfght, N. J, TXOOB on.. . ^ OT8W DANCES. WABTED TO » t t T . FOR SAXE. flavo your <li>or ni using Totley'R MO AUTO TRUCK FOR SALE. SBNT POB. THB BEABON - Syncopated Walk, Tlio (Jlobo Trot nnd Ten-Mioui niodei n lioiiw1, nil eotiMin oil, r>0 cunts per gallon. Vmnllv boi.Mo, Hultable foi m n r p j , also Have a one-top Rupld auto truck tn at Atlantic IliBhlanilB. furnlnhod cotOpem TuliM). rtc. i:iMd I'nrHon-i, exleni'i'M, In t;nod o i d e i , lot <•(•>. 1 " > 1; feet, chtckenw und Slate PIANO FOB BAI.B. nalp, model 1912. ThlH car Is miltahl laRO, IIOUHB neur nbortv bitthliiK! rent In all ih'e ruodern ilnncea. Instu i u n t i d on I l u d ' o n iisemie. south of pert Instructor Tliivii a 11)12 HIX-IS l'ierco aiitimi n Opera pluno, in good condition, |76 for many commnrclttl linen und nnyon rl^lit, Addreas \V. II. Settle, Atlantic pilci'B uinl whi'ji' can be Heen, und If lil.il lHrnneh pa p g d d ll'n«llows< ll H Tuesdaya, O Odd Halll l R l d m o o In oxeopllonnlly good cuiidltliin w iivi-nue, $J,[i00 i a«di, balance on Td nllowcd Look bo\ 2fi, llltrhlandi, N .1 l l l t ' l t ih-nlrlng u light truck nhould Hen till HiKhliindn, N; J, 1 CulllnRton'H ntore. for ap130 Hroad Htreut. I'bone iS moi tKHKf a t T i per cent. Address I , ii C , on<>. lOd. vonKattengoll, Monmoutl will bu HaerKli-c-d for uuti^l?" id-ip poilltllU'Ht. box 313, Heil Hank. O. ANTONTDES, street, Rod Bank. LADIEB' HA1B OOODS. via* vom *AXS. Wagon \<',t\. lniiHl bu HI'IMI1 to Im appieclali'd. g L. IC, DoiiKhiHff 1H a t lior pluco of blackBiiilth nnd wheelwright. l i BorKBlilre I)1«H ror HIIIO for 17 a pair 1 TOB BAI.I1. n upecialty. Try vonKnttcngnll. Monnnuith fltrewt, licit HH and will be plouseil t o f»e« bin" work find auto Hprlugs and guntH clothing cleaned J. H. Jones, Holmdel, N, J, ublcMylliidcr Detroit A ia-h. l , Two white KITIH for nil around hbtol many customers. MIH. I J . M POUKUIHH, our aHpnniKUH knlvcn. 167 West Front and dyed dents" suits prewiod, 50 cent». Hank. Htreet, opposite Wo.st Htreet, Red Hank ollni) In Uncondition, JIO. llni) Engine Engine n work: flireo colored glrln an Rcno 18 Broad ntreet. HultH cnllod for and delivered. Hod Hunk via* VOM b i 1 l-ft pownr bunt, ti-h. p. dinililo-e.yllndei hoilRcworkorii, rkorii, and' and numerous, othoi otho pl«H for mile. Apply pjt 8teu.ni Dyo Workw, 24 Went Front Htrrot, 1 l l V (IBM IT UBS BEPAIBED. l ii l l^OKNIBKXD BOOMS. p Positions nlwnya opun. • Phom motor, niuke good lender for boat, In Hue to . Oceanport, N, J, 9B ShrcwMbury avenue, Red Dunk. Phon* Tv\ro largo rooniB, most comfortably 72-J, or ^nll ut No, « Wharf uvemic, Re Furniture of nil ftlnila repaired. Ro- condition. ?!><•• Taylor, loot of Millt-i' connpftlonn. Applications mo nuked for by th« i\orfurnished, 2 minutOH from Brond stroet storing of antique and mahogany fur- Mtreot, Hlgbliindf, N. J . Hank Employment Ajionoy. v o K & v o n u mT O » M i , OIIRII Council of Kiilj- Haven fur the jwniture a Hpeclnlty. Honry Oraueo, Front nnd all cars. Inqulro at 7 Drummond ~ UAXWILL SFXOXAX. 1Q0.U00 Stone aud My Maryland tomatc J. H. JOHNSOW. street, near Bouuiorn railroad. Rod Bank place. Red Bank. A Muxwcll Hpeilul In on my llooi Hltlon uf d>>K cntchcp In snl<1 H pl ftntn tor nalci. Thomas S. Field, Rod rOm u u , Hueei'Hiol to MiClieA lleeinift lioiiidilKhtlv pi iced, I'112 model, Thf car inApplications may bn M«nt toflhurlwiV< ank. B Inu- iind lively ntulile. Kxpn-ss mill (ill At New Monmouth, house, atora bulld •AXKBLADIXS WANTBD. M, Doioiigh d o r k , Pair Hav«n, KF. 3n xvATnra AT LOW COST. llen^v IUILIUK. Autiinioblln MIIIM t o r lytiK In tliit-i'liiHH • unnliiK order mid'In miltInt. b«m, wason house and sheds, wit In TOM 1AXS. able Tor niiinv USHH, A vei y llttlo money and thoy will cxperloncod, wnnted Radiation la low; put in nteatn and ladlen' fmnt^hliiK oi Hhoi t d l i t . m e e TouiliiK caiH fm h l w . U>« f two *or«a of * round; two minutes' w«l Rtoio; Rood nulnry will Ket tblH inr. I'M. vonKattenKi'll, Latent model Hmtth Prmnier type- ^from tha troll#y line of flva mtnutai water tieat cheap. I would llkei to estl- nteady position, none \ind«r 20 yeurH o IVnliiHiiUi m e n u e , near Ociun nvuiiuo, Monmouth nticct, Rod Hank. of tho uaunvlt, on July lith. writer. Aitdro«« Sroltli Premier, box 318 from th« '• your want*. D. H, Bennett HoabilKht, N. J. l'hono 1H, tfoUayJunctlon. Apply to A. 0. HBC need niwly. V. O. bon i«* " Automobile Bnrgaln. Applications Wanted. Jtctt O , H W Homnouth. N. 1, i , „ ."! ,^,, Il, •'A THM H I P B»NK REQI8TKR, RED BANK WINS PENNANT, IMPROVING A PROPERTYSchool Tiim Geti Championship Title LITTLE SILVER HARVEST HOME. * PLAYERS' CLUB SHOW. It Will b« Held August 26th on th«F«lr H n w AetoiV Colon* wUl & * • Show N « ! W . . L of En»t Jersey League, Church Ground*. MANY CHANGES BEING MADE The annual entartftinmmt of the The Rod Bank high school team Tho annual harvest home ©I tho TO A RUMSON PLACE, won the East Jersey school league Iattlo Silver Methodist church Will be Playara' boat club of Pair Haven Fi»nk O. Mtttag U Having Several pennant when it defeated Leonardo held Thursday, August 28th, on thewill bo held a t the Empire theater a t Buildings and n Concrete Bulk- Thursday afternoon by nscoro of 18church grounds, Committoos to take Bed Bank Thuridny night of next head Conitrucled—-A Number of to 2, Red Bunk Kcored in almost charge of the vnrlous departments week. Among the artiste who will Other Improvement! to be Made, every inning, Kearney of Red Bank of tho harvest homo have been ap- appear are Gertrude Hoffman, Frank Lambert!, Dorothy Jardon, Frank 0 , Mittag of Park Kiiljjo. did excellent work, getting two pointed. Tho members of the com-Fogorty, Grapewin & Co., Holdiworth New Jersey, who bought the iii'st lot singles, one double and u triple at five mittees are Mrs, A. C. Baker, William Charles & NorcroM, Edd(e Carr & Co., Pearl on the Waril tract ut liunison from times at the bat. William MutthewH, It, Cut-hart, Mias Marie Wilby, Mrs, Brothers & Barns, Mack & Co, with the Land ruitl Loan company, is do- who pitched for Hod Bank, was in J. Elwood Ilurvoy, Mrs. S, L, deNelson, John & Jesse Powers, vcloping the property for his" own oc- his regular form and he allowed very Fabry, Charles Embley, W. H. Har-Charles Cook & Sylvia, DeWitt, Burns & Torvey and W. E. King, cupancy. Mr. Mittug's original pur- few hits. ronce, Clayton & Drew players, tochase was a lot which hud fifty feet gether with a dozen more acts which frontage on the North Shrewsbury will bo added between now nnd the river iiiui extended 380 foot to the night of the performance. main i-oml leading from Hod Bank to At the recent election of officers of Seuju-ight. the club Tony Hunting was made Mr, Mittag ia the president of the president, Charles Merritt vice presiMittau it Voider firm, manufacturers dent, Arthur Fielder secretary and of ribbons, carbon paper ami general Lewis Hunting treasurer. Hap typewriter supplies, and he bought Handy was elected trustee for one the lot at Oceanic as a place where"he year and Richard McAllister was could have a summer camp. He built Some people say that 13 is an unlucky number, elected a trustee for three years. a I,»,'•.•.thyuse on the lot last year and These officers hove the annual enterDont you believe it ! bci'upied part of the hoathouse during tainment in charge and they are being the summer months with his children. assisted by Frank Martineau, who has IliK family was so well pleased with been in general charge of the many tin' locality that ho bought the two The number 13 is no more unlucky than any other successful entertainments hold by the adjoin ing lots, which gave him 180 club, feet river frontage and the same nurnnumber, and if you handle the number right you ber of lineal feet to the main voad. will find it to be the luckiest number that ever was. CUBANS WIN, In addition to being in the typewriter supply business" Mr. Mittag is Long Branch Team Defatted Bridgeintt•;it'.-;U'(l in the concrete conatrucport Sunday Afternoon, tiuii business, and he is putting up a The Long Branch Cubans defeated nuniher of concrete buildings on his I believe that THIRTEEN is a LUCKY number, the Bridgeport team Sunday afterproperty for his own use. One of the noon by a score of 4 to 2. The game buildings is a two-story, twelve-room instead of an unlucky number. was one of the beat seen a t Long dwelling, which will be ready for his Branch this season. Throe double oci-upancy within a few weeks. The plnys added to the snappy play which building faces the river and has a I could give you lots of experiences to prove this, characterized the game. Padrone largo veranda across the entire front started in the box for Long Branch, of the house. Three large living.j but you've got one experience right here in Red The visitors scored three runs on him rooms, a sunparlor, butler's pantry ; in the first four innings, and he was Bank. and a Jutchen occupy the ground j relieved by Acosta, who held the visitfloor. The second story is arranged ' ors runlesB for the rest of the game. with bedrooms, a large office and" ii- j Next Sunday the Cubans will be opbrary for Mr. Mittag. In the main ' When the telephone was first put in Red Bank posed by the New York Giants, The living room downstairs there is an ' no one wanted telephone No. 13. Some people Giants were scheduled to appear at open fireplace built with natural \ Long Branch earlier in the season but stone, and the stairway leading from j said the number 13 was unlucky. Some of them inclement weather prevented the the living hall to the second floor is | game from being played. Sunday's overlooked by a balcony, which will; said they were afraid if they took 18 as their game will no doubt be a fast one as be used as a music room. The house ! the Cubans take rare delight in detelephone number that their business would go nas -steam heat throughout, and will feating a big league aggregation, be so arranged that Mr. Mittag's' down. family can occupy it at any time of ! Lucky Thirteen. tte year, A large concrete floor has been put down about fifty feet east of the new house. The boathouse, which is now being temporarily occupied by the Mittag family, will be moved to this concrete floor in order to give more room for grounds about the house. A concrete building has been put up at the rear of the side where the boathouse is to be moved, and this will form n part of the boathouse when completed, A concrete garage and hothouse, as well as concrete driveways, help to make the place attractive. Water for the place is aecured from an artesian well. A large septic tank is being built in the rear of the house to carry off the waste •water from the house, barn, garage and other outbuildings. The place is being built on sanitary lines, and it is considered by architects and builders to be the most modern of its kind in this vicinity. Just west of Mr. Mittag's property is a five-acre tract of standing timber, which is known as Parmly's woods. Mr. Mittag is so taken up with his location that he has leased these five acres of woodland for a term of five years with a prjy. ilege of purchase, and he told a Register reporter last week he thought he would buy the property before his lease expired, Mr. Mittag will build n heavy eoncretc bulkhead on the shore front of his present property, and will so construct it that should he buy the adjoining property the bulkhead could be extended along the shore front. For a number of years the property now owned and occupied by Mr Mittag was used by a lot of squatters for camping sites, and when Mr/ Mittag took possession of the pnjpei-ty these squatters moved to the shore front of the Farm] jr tract. Since Mr Mittag took possession of the woodland the campers have been forced to find other locations and most of them have moved their huts to the Ligier property near the Oceanic steamboat dock. Associated with Mr. Mittag in the typewriter supply business are histwo sons and they are so active in the business that Mr.Mittag only spendsabout half ot his time at his office. Me told the Register reporter last week that he was going to retain his place of residence at Park Ridge but would conduct his Oceanic home as a sort of a playground for himself and family. He has six daughters and it gives Mr Mittag great pleasure to have his children bring their friends to their summer home for week-end visits! Even staying as they are now in the terapotayy quarters at the boathouse Mr. Mittag and family entertained over r, score of guests at one time a few days ago. Much credit should be given to Mrs, Mittng for the interior appearance of their new home. The architect drew the plans for the home from 1 suggestions by Mr, Mittag, but the interior finishings were designed by Mrs. Mittng, and each room has a separate color scheme, The effects throughout the entire house are very harmonious. The place is lighted throughout by electricity, wires being laid throughout the building from the main road in lead cables put well beneath the surface of the lawn, nnd so constructed that it can be tapped anywhere for additional service without tearing up any great portion of the trunk line. After the buildings now in the course of construction are completed, the grounds will be graded and an ornamental fence will surround the entire property. In addition to being a practical man relative to consideration of building, Mr. Mittag is also an nmnteur gardner, but the ifppearance of his garden at the present time looks as if it might have been planted by a professional. _ He has a large garden near {he *mnin drive to the property, most of it having been raised by himself in his own hothouse, <• Mr, Mittag is an ex-freeholder and mayor of Park Ridge and has been active in public matters of his homo town for a number of years. BASEBALL AT EATGNTOWN. Tallin from That Place Trimmed Tin. ton Falls Nine Sunday. The Imperials of Eatontown defeated the Crescents of T-inton Falls at Eatontown Sunday afternoon by the score of 14 to 4. A feature of the game was a senRritionril catch made by Appe» of the Imperials, The batteries were Harry Miller and Thomas Fitzpatrick for Eatontown, and Joseph Tonal1 and Joseph Pollitt for Tinton FQIIR, * Beat Races an tha Fourth. THE RED SAMK REGISTER. RACES ON THE RIVER. The Red Bank Register took 18 as its telephone number. Has the business of The Register gone down ? Well, not so as you could notice it ! The Register prints more Want Advertisements than any other country weekly in the United States. That doesn't look as though bad luck had come with No, 18, Throughout the country The Register is looked upon as the closest approach there is in the land to a perfect country weekly, That doesn't look as though thecharacter and quality of The Register had gone down because of halving telephone No, 18. A number can be made lucky or unlucky, according to the way you use that number. The Register advertised its telephone number as LUCKY THIRTEEN, and that telephone numberis probably better known and known to more people than any other telephone number hi the entire Red Bank list. Making tflat telephone number well known helped to bring business to •> The Register, and with business coming to The Register there was opportunity to make the paper constantly better and better. Here's a way that you can make the number 18 YOUR lucky number. An advertisement in Monmouth County's Market Place—that's the Want Department of the Regis"Wr—costs 25 cents a week. J. P. Andrew, and Louit Priek Sail the Winning Beats. The Jack Tar, owned by J, P, Andrews, won a bang-and-go-baek race held by the Red Bank motor boat club Saturday afternoon. Eight boats of various sizes raced down the river until a shot was fired. Then they turned around and raced in. Theoretically they all should have finished even. Louis Frick's Louisa F . was second, In a "lemon contest," 100 ping pong balls were strewn on the water, and men in motor boats undertook to pick the balls out of the water while sailing at full speed. Mr. Prick won the contest by picking up 38 balls, Alexander.E. Russell was second with a score of 35, John Morrow, Jr., was in charge of the races. A large audience witnessed the contests, which were the first of the season. — » > m> ^ POLO MATCH AT OCEANPORT, Big Crowd of Spectators and Fast Game Saturda'y**Afternoan, In a fast polo match between the Reds and Whites of the Deal polo club Saturday afternoon on the club grounds near pceanport the Reds were the winners, A large gathering- of society folk from the shore sections witnessed this first match of the season. Howard S. Borden of the Rumson country club, who played back for the Reds, was the star of the game, making two spectacular goals in succession. The line-up- If you put an advertisement in the Register's Want Department for a full year, and give that advertisement the amount of thinking and care that every advertisement ouyht to receive, you will find that the thirteen dollars you spent for this advertising was the LUCKIEST thirteen dollars that you ever spent. » QUALITY OUR LEADING FEATURE! ; RETURNS FROM MEXICO. Twine Saleitnan at Belford Describes Troubles in War Wrought Nation. Robert Thompson, a traveling salesman for the American net and twine company, spent a few days with Harry White of Belford r e cently. Mr, Thompson returned from Mexico a short time ago and he brought with him specimens of. Villa and Carranza Money, Mr. Thomp. son says he had to pay fifty cents war tax to cross the United States line, and when he came back he had to be vaccinated. Villa's dollar a t the present time is worth about 1% cents in American money. An American buying anything in Mexico with Amen. can money would receive change in j Mexican money, which is worth very | little in comparison with American i money, Mr.. Agne. Chappdle of Belford Thrown Against Wall but Not Hurt. Mrs. Agnes Chappelle of Belford went out on the front porch of her home last Tuesday afternoon during a heavy thunder storm to lower the top of a cellar way. As «he leaned over the railing a bolt of lightning struck a tree nearby and ran down the tree trunk, Mrs. Chappelle was I thrown against the side of the house I by the force of the lightning, but she I was uninjured. The lightning bored I a hole in the ground about eight inches in diameter and two feet deep FARM- HOUSE IMPROVED, j Calves' Liver All Calves' Brains for Roasting IIIIII l i tI l l . f i " , i I ' r o f l i c r l H i i l k y 1 1 1 1 1 I'll* H 1 iisiiiii i •• ' ' '1 I' I ' .Mill' 1 , i l 1 I.H..-U 1 1 Turkeys 1 1 l l t llltl l m l l 1 n 4 * II ' )•« Ducks of ft Bttp»rlnt«nd«nt »t Th« Lnux, Atlitntlc HighlundH, wzma M I N. J . • fnr Miili- fin' $ 2 2 5 . A p p l y t o W l l l l n m W , lli-niii'tt, Mmii-oo i i v i i n i i ' , i i p p . r iti'iiiiil Htri'i t, lloil H a n k . n. B O U S E F O B B E H T , ]"or r e n t i n . M l d d l i t o w n VilliiKi', no.it HIX-riiiiin iinuHc, thrt'ci nilmiti-H fi'uin r u l U I ||C1II«II rniiil Htiitliiii; f l ui i i u n t l i l y . Ap|ily t o: j j - i , ' , . , ! ' Luulhu UaitMlioriiii, MlddlutuWii, u'u,,,,. I •S l l > - i l I l ' M B O A R D I N G . Wlllliini i' i i i n . l l t r l-'l'illll fill In l i e d I Ii n k , 1 i-'rliliiy - I'i'i1 A IllHIHl. nf;,'lit. 1 1 Kr i ' t n r l i iilin>• ; i|i:.--l|..nn. i l lMIll'Ht'tKWII Ti'll I nT i n M l i ' l m - I .lnlliir-4 1 I tciWIlHilip w i l l i i i ' p l w t i T I m p a i d iillli'i1. N o i.-lly. and I'll wire for you. Frod B. Brower. ( j i t liuuil ;Julint,tliti.ll 1n litll I B B U I I PLATINQ W O B I I , electrical contrttctor, 1! Monmouth HOUSE FOB SALE ON EASY TERMS. In in rd lit niiiili'i'iiti l KlWniiil H. C i i r n w c l l , pi'np. Ijuiil, Hll- N. J. itreat, Red Bank. To!. §34-W, H i - \ ill-I-i'.iHl lllMIMi' n i lM c O t l . l llti' N t r i ' M , A certain sawmill in Georgia r e . vi'l-. tilrki'l illlil iTDppoi-, All w n r k KiinrniiBOOS AND DAY-OLD CH3CTKS. ! w i l l H,• 11 f u r l l . n n i i ; t i - r i n s $ | i i " d o w n . Hi TAII.OB. cently acquired a new superintendent, I.AHD80APE OABDENEK. lci'il. 121 W i s i t F r o n t fitn-i't, IH-ar Aliiplt 1 Friini fiirel'nlly niiiti;d POIIH, p r l z o w i n h u t ,". < I % i r. i) f i e i ; i t i n n l u t r Hi yenm ' j i e r n i u i i i i i . .liillll W. Mriiiiii. Experienced inndMotine gardener wants a v e n i i i ' , lli*il H u n k , i'4 whoso ideas of work did not at all TOMATO PLAITTB. Hutf OrliliiKliiiiM a n d G o l d e n <.'sim| i ; ^ V | ii.itik-. A ll l h : m d i v m t i ' ll i ; m Wilt, r iiinl t n i l i - t . W i l l fii'll t n ili-Hlnitili> after work by day, woek or month. Apply to agree with those of certain of theJune Ines; piii'i' rt>iiKi)iHilili> u i i i i l l t y ijniif--iil- !| ] i . . |,, •,,,,! .pairing ii..ili> d.iiii-. i-"I.ii..l p u t s - . Anihi-i'-Ji. M i i t i i i i w H , J o 4 Stono tomutn i>!untH for WANTED. Garret J, Smith, Bdford, N, J. V "20th, A, D. Conover, Now Monri'il. Hriiokini'i'i! K m i n , b o x HO, D f i i l , j w o r k KIIIII n i i l . c d n n d u p t o (lutu. :; i-:aHi l - ' i i i n t H t r - i - t . i t i i l I l i i n k . hands, He was a hustler, and difficult mouth, N, J, KliHt-rltiBK liiitriilri'HH waiilM w o i k b y N. J. W h i i r f i i v e l l i i e . Ki-il H i i u k , t h e fliiy, to hoodwink. Yet stern as was hi§ 70S S I S , y, u r w i l l d o IIIIIIH^ I'lciiniiiK. M I H , TOUBINO CA» FOB BAtB. ilVi'lilli', Soyen-piWRcngisr aiitomobllo for blve SVilHimi Miiliinoy, near SPECIAL I temper, he had to smile at the proREPAIBI5U. BIO BEDUCT1OH by the diiy or hour. Careful Borvlco; nt Krlili'l & CO.'M niiiiket, Hen Onnk, for Fiiir Haven. \ . J . i i i i h . p . i•: 1 • • j - : ; 1 1 1 1 i - i i r , w i t h $ir.u w-uitii n l ' K x p i ' r t niitiinioblli! ] r p a i i i t i K . M a ; ; i n ' t u i n n x f i i i c l H i i n t l p u t i i p H I ' m n i ' n u i n l •'• ceduro of two of the darkies employed I'HBII only, liri'iiHt of venl, J6c. iinuriil, ulile ruled. Phone 17-W. i-sliii fi|iii|iiiHMit. i ' u r l i n t s i n % 1 , 1 ' , I) i ) ; iind liii i m r t ' t i i r w o r k H HpiH-iiiHy. A l l w i i i i i i ' i i . A l l t i n : l a d - H i l a x t H . Vli'iily"I there, "Where are you going?" he I'ltona 306-M. FOB SAXE, ( ; W i l l N l ' l l . i f H i l l d i l l I M U ' I , f u ril.llHI i-ilMil. w n r k giiiiraiiti-t'il. .1. (.'. L l i - h l i u n l t , AInplc t l t i n - U ' l ' t t n w i ' i i r B i i m n i i - r i ' . n i t \ v i - i i r . A l i n r R i i l n , t w o - n i i i n t u d K t ' b n o n e r , 1 0 0 iivi'Miii', B O O H S VOm E E N T . one day demanded of these two, who I ' T i l 111!Mi'i'll i l t M i ' i ' i l i l . l i l l ' H giUilMl , - * . l iii-.'ir ilniiiiiiiutli Btri'i't, H o d ii j i a i r u r t w o n t t ! i 1H t l i n i ' . I ) . A , ^ ton liiirilcn; d r i i f t ; llrHt-i'liiHH c o n d l Two nlvoly furnialieil roomn, a l l Im•FBOXAXi • l U ' i i i i i l w a y , 1...MW n i i i m l i , X , J , Iiank, .were shuffling along a i if bent on US J j r o i i d s t f i ' f t , 1 I f i l H u n k , I i n i u l i i j o f C i i p t . JuHi-pli Tuttlf, t t l h rofcronce. f A< A<11 thin. telephone; Ut liliili'I & Co.'H lliiirkct, lU'fl Hunk, for * nothing in particular, South Hlvir, N. J , A, D,, box 313, Ited Iiank. I HUPHOBILE AT A BARGAIN. only, H>gH of spring luinli, 24c. ANTIQUES FOE BALE. AUTO f "Boss," said one, "we is gotn' up to "*• riiono 30fl-M. One four-poMtor with canopy t"P. o n e I nvet'bitiil any kind of an initomo i i ] . j I l i i p n i i i l i i h s l l M ^ n i n - l i ' l . t i i k i i i i n ilO BEWABD SPECIAL PLANT SALE. ' 111 ut• a t a l o w i i l l i i w i i i i i i " , p i - r u n t me In ' the mill with dis henh plank." iiosk, oiii' s e t t e e utul u v a r i e d aHSiirtmeiit at and abstiUUi'ly BPECIAJi CiiniwiH and diihlluR, 20 per v i off nnir; tliiirniislfiy n s e r U pe t for fnr tlia return of Biiiall yellow femnle of o l d IlniillHli H p i i i t l n ^ printH. T h e n i l w o r k t o b i . M i t llM f fiifMry. S p f i - i i i l i s t '• I"'''' 11 " , i l ll,)1" n 1 1 "Plank! Plank I I dont see anylit Krldi'l Htrnyeil April 12th. l i h d t l A i l 12th 1 r l d l & C'O.'M CO. iimikft, ,lied Uniik, for r e i i d y I'm'U K , . I ' I U I H ' u i i i i - k dnyH only, l King'H iidvertlsi, (Ji'.ir;;.|.;, T i i r n i ' l ' , Lftltlllion. Jllddletown, X. J . Phone l i l e k u p f iirt Hhiip, HO Hriiail Hlii:i!t, l i e d on carburi'l"! ,• plnnkl" roared the new superintendi ' l b l d only, Hwiit Hwiit's HUKitr curedd 11' y o u w a u l a l i a i ' m i l n . t •:• I. v i > t i K a t l > n oil HHlt piiKe. Hcaii It now. K Bunk, liorden Ktref-t, lied Hank. 27D-W Middlctown. d I l U r e l l , Muninijiitli Ntiei't, Ho.l linnU. huniH, i ' ent, e, pound, I'lioiic 3U0-J1, SPECIAL PLANT SALE. W I T I B WTAHDOOTES. CABBAGE PLANTS. f, Not at all agitated by this display SPEC1AI, ..riH find dulilliiH, 20 Jier print off for SELL YOuB OLD CLOTHES TO US. POSITION WANTED. of of tliu bigmlinf; healthy p l i i l i l H , j i i H t i-itjli ( C o r Good prieea paid for old clothing. Call ourOne-half ' of tomp.er, the speaker looked down at ut Kiiiltfl & CO.'M market, nod Jiiink, for (iiiyH only. Read Kind's HdvcrtlHi!n r a c l i l a t e H t a r o f Ilic H c a iieai!i>niy oelcliratcd Ktraln; plotity of time to ; planting now. U.'i rents " piT Klfl: fu g , or phone The City Dry Uleaninjf and i-oiiliiierriiil l O l i r s e ileHlreH p n s i l i o n i i l ' his hands, then over hie shoulder. viiHh only. Hiignr Cured BlionldcrM, 13 V4c. nitnt on Inst piiKC. Head It now. chicks from them tills seiisou. pur 1 .OOU. Also pepper and e ' Dyeing Works, 0_Sfee.liunlc atroet, near raise riiniiiuri'lal houkHoiiiiiiK n n d Kt.enniti;iSiiniiybrook I'urni, Ikitontown, I'himo ofl.e Ki'i' lat'ne advertivenient nil lil if Finally to his fellow-worker he calmly pound, riioni! 308-M, Broaii. Phone 2G7.J. HOT WANTED. plije wiiric will a l s o ilo t y p e w r i t i n g a t 2130-R, [• observed^ "Well, dont dat beat all, W, K. KiiiB, Little Silver, N. .], *"" SPEOIAI. iiomc, AIIHS M a y \V;ilJh. HhriWHliuiy Boy wanted, experienced '>r bnnlnnc'r; SITTJATION WAHTBD. ut Kiiunl &, OO.'H market, net! Bank, for Htpady work, diniiwlt'k'n gold luiit' faca v i ' i i i i ' ' . Sti-il l l i i i i k , 1'hoii,) ! I i i - W . ,; Tom! Ef we aint gone an' clean r U B l m U M MOVIBS. KEYS TOUHD, 1 Boy, in, wantK IlKbt work with farmer. cash only, BoriTuh lt'i»n pot roftHt, very toly, \'l Spring Htreet, Hi-il Hunk. . \Y. Henneit •&• Co., fuinituri; and Hirm of keys found at Hulindel, r fergit dat plank! * tendor, ISo. pound, Phono 308-M. Kijixl home In preference to wages. Write can WINSOW CLEANING. ""•-?• ". - b proving i moved, general eartin^, property ajid pianos by ' i l l l lliiivo l l l l V f saiiiH by g ^ lari;e auto p for piirtieiiliiiH, Mrs, T.eVulley, 272 Her-tpnylnw We make a specialty of denning winWANTED. Rstld l t K d d f I l t distiiiieu, dit R tl for tliiH adyertlHemeiit, Kdward or Kliort SPECIAL bert (street, lied Bank. van for •dows O f stores, offices and private resiclmuffiiur to drive enr and T I B O. O. X> 2U:; Herbi-rt W. I'errhH', iioiindel i n n , Holnitlel, X, J .niatOH t;lv«-n oil a l l work, at iiridtJl & Co.'s murket, Red Blink, for dences; also 'general office eleanlnK, to work In u inllk dairy, A. Graver, Hti'i?et, Hed Hank. Telephone. •Phone ii. WASHING. giiHli only, prime ribs of hoof, none bet- Shrewsbury, N, J. Plione 400-W. Rates reaHOnable, Siitlsfartion BiianinAn Eip*ri»no» of Thi« S l l t u t laftLon- ter, 22c,-pound. FhuTie 306-M, Have your waahlnR done a t the Jeraey teiid, 2 4 West Fiont strijet, with d Coast laundry. Family wash, rough dry, 5l don HonpltRl. SOBiE FOB BALE. Strong, healthy plants, just rlRht for ! Bank steam dye works. Ph Phone115-tt. MisR Mario II, Wilby, Little Silver, an FOB, BENT. • S O cent«: flat work Ironed, IB cents. Qood strong horse, kind and frentle, cxpprleneod tenilifr, will tutor pupils In p l u n t l i i K l i u U " , LTI i - c i i t H i n - r i n n ; ( : ' - In tiie London hospitals the ailment Kiglit-room IioiiBe, iiiclutllng fruit and (foocl Mil vvllllng worker. Apply to W, i\ Phone 204 Red Bank. l b gi'ornetry, h history, i ty,Knu^Hli aamii j)i.i- 1,1(00. Also pi-ppiT anil I'KKPhu g y ,t u of the patient, when Tie is admitted, is shlido tri'L'H and stable, Patrick IJutler, Htllly, 21 Pearl wtreet, Red Bank, Severnl liunrlifM nf keys liavu boi-n loi t Hco liii'Ko advertlKiMiient mi l a s t pi' 1 l bj Beabrlght, N. J, LADIES AND BOYS' nt 'rlie llpRister iiffit'c whltth imvc li i school Hiibjerts, TerniH on ap- \V. K. Kirn?. IviUlo S i l v e r , X. .1. denoted by certain letters, such as .scrolul-hiinil MIKIUH, bettor than a imir nf pllcntlon. foiinil in thfK viulnity, 1'ni'fii'S h a v i n g FOB S A B , "T. B," for tuberculolis. An Am_ericlierip new oneH. 00 cents a pair, nlieup lost keys will nrobahly find them ninonsc __ Lot on Sladi.Hon avenue, near Berfren Wnt A, BIEBEM, TOP BOH. worn SAXE. EOBSE1 r E, John, .cornor Wharf avumio and Kiwt '4 can doctor waa examining these his- t ManaBciuan tbn lcit, Ciin hii%-i» Hume by proving propTwo and bluestone place, for sale, 40x140 feet. Apply ot I'rrint street, Rod Bank. hand bottler of nncl dealer In Ruiil'ert's, llensfur Kiilo, •f tory slips when his curiosity was ioraenlnga' willgravel nhlo for lively ur wurk HtirHes; also siiltfive- i lcr's and iJoelKer'H popular Jicers, e r t y and paying for this advertisement. deliver tame, Cliaflea 34 Shrewsbury avenue, Red Bank, year old burse, sound mid WI'IKIIM 1,21)0 J CJiiinness' Stout and Bass silo and Dnnvii '..' aroused by the number on which the Burd, Red Dank, BOATS FOB TBTMMED PANAMA l A T i , K ' | SSt o u t . W Wi l[ kiliils kid miihil^ L o u ils H i i f t e l , O v e r l ch i o kk Kiii-m, h u - s u nd d lli i q u o r s off nil SAXON B.OADBTER rOB. SAi.E. letters "0. O, K," appeared, He said TOBD RUNABOUT BODY, Twenty-one feet liy KIX feet, S-h. p.iiteil L i t t l e beauties, li.OS while they lint. Hank, ' IS-aO B r o a d s t n u t , Kc-yport, X , ,1, A 191B Saxon roftdfiter cheap for easli. hKiutiful trlmmeil h a t s a t | 1 iinil to the physician who was showing him with top, brand new, for sale for |2B.Apply to J. H, Black, Nutswamp dis- two-cylinder Palnifr, jilmp Hptiiit. Also Hpecd boat, 20x3 Va fei-t. Alburt 1^. l.oiix, to J. I, Jlonsky, 10 Bast Front riport coats anil HkirtH. fu,08 for around: "There seems to be a severe Apply i P A M M E H T POB SENT, WAHTBD. tillery. Phone 790-M Mldaletown, : Atlnntlc Highlands, X, J, street, Red Bank. th'ro'iiKhiiut." toilut, makliiR. your niitti-riiil i n , only g t Bi-lnK y Kour , K K House- fnrnlslu'd for the month of epidemic of this G, 0, K, in London, 1 one diiy'K nutlcu required, tiorey bath, raiiKi connected with, Htatiomiry July fur adult family; not above $ " n or MONET TO LOAN WILLIAM k". REXLLY. BOOMS FOE RENT. What is it, anyhow?" Phone Red Hank or Bfubrmlit or vicinity. tubs nnd bath, china closet: fi t-'ompl^to linery 'Shop, 67 Bi'uad Ktroet. Furnished rooms for rent, Kuitnbln for fat); itaple and fancy groceries. Estab- on flrit bond and •mortgane on Impr ved W, U, A., 14 Drummond pUu-e. npurtmont; in tin.- Weller buildlns;, Hruud fiOnn "Oh, that means 'God only knows,' " llMhed 20, years. _ 21 Pearl street, Red property in Bums to Bult borrower*, Al- iiKht bouBrkeeplnK, in private family: Address t t lli'il Hani.:. Ajiply In Hti'lc. yton Beekman, attorney, Red Bunk. replied the English physician. bimtly to station and t'lmvcnlcnt to river. Re,l iiank. LOOKING TQtL B Alt GAINS 7 Bank. Phono 10-R. 4fi Rector pluee, Ri;d Bank. If so, see our furniture and household BOAEDIKO. TOMATO PLANT SIGNS FOB BAKE. ro» BALE. specialties, Kntire contents of hotels, POSITION WANTED The Monmouth iloiise. Bonrd by day Mitchell touriim ear, 191 a model, Thosu having tomato pliints for Hale A Mournful Mourmr. A S S VANS F Q « M A I E . b d i h t tBH g bought b o h t for for aa driver on delivery wagon, experienced ur welkk alio lino, boardlne houses anddOuttug l tnbl« bl bnir.1: b d cm tVollov ll li newly painted i d and d In l can buy a suitable slRn printed on musQaaelino pump and tank for gain; cawith horseH, Address L. C, !•'., general lin by calling at The Register ofnee, two m i n u t e walk" from "Uroart street, spot cash Dellyerloa free of c h a cw . Down in Georgia a negro, who had delivery. pacity of tank, 27S gallons; tank and can be "IxiiiRht richt by quick buyer, at to • ciiinforts, lira i Bchwarta'a furniture stores, Red Bnnk, k lOS-llO I'M, vonKattengell's, Monmouth atreot. All home eookinK: hom pump are brand new, Apply to D. H,Red His life insured for several hundred outh street. ! WeHt_Front itreet, eorntr JIapl e avemie, G. Bostwiek, 114 Monmouth Bank, Bennett, Fair Haven, N. J. VO% BALE CHEAP. ttANDS0M3: TOTJRXNQ CAB dollars, died and left the money to his Rea Bank, Half cabin launch, 22 ft., 8 ft. beam, vent by day, week, month oi' Bt WOION WABTM, JJlGS I T J i i l AHD BABN TO I E O T widow. She immediately bought her- for POB Apply at RoyRl Farms, Ijlttle allver, 6-bone power onBlne; fully equipped. FEEEPHOOP PORTABLE QABAOES. Wanted, buff room operatives; steady Roomy box ami .straight stalls, ample n , self a very elaborate mourning suit, X, J, Phone 169.J1. Jerolamon's boat yard, Galilei, N, J. e , ady Amhem Amherat and work. Rood pay, short hours. Apply to Ford special frame, $2.5; steel cote, a^ ' ,5?r?^>ad a n d ™ f » f d d T*tV^a^'^c^t i l l t n L ?0 p English pheasants: also eggs of the Showingjhej* purchase to her J r i p d , iliiee for polo pnnles or ti'siiniiiK Ktaliles, R. C." Bii'kPretHff, 121 Shruwsbiiry ave- 148; all steel, |S9. Save public garage ----••-BTOVE STOBAQE. HQWE TO O H . above named variety, Glanrnary Farm, Will pay "for itself in short ehe was very particular in going Into I'tirnia reasonable, Qlimartln, SlirowH- ime, Hed Bunk, lifter T;(Hi p, m. Slun- expense. Liet us' store your stove or range for Riverside Drive, Red Bank, 11,000 on flrat mortgage around Red time. Oarage heater, $2B, Send for nlng-L.oeb Company, Matawan. N. J. iiury road. details aa to prices and all Incidental Bank. Franoifc White, Monmouth street the •ummar, L, Bchwarti & Son, sucfurther particulars, Belmont Stewart particulars, ,Jier friend was very at Broad, Rud Bank, cesior to W, J, Button, Broad street. HOOVER DIGGERS. Iron Works, 1307 Flatiron building, fcew WANTED AT OHOE. YACHT FOB SAXB. I have 1315 Hopver digKttrs and fix- Bncrlflce, mahogany cabin yacht, SO much impressed, and remarked^ , ' • Reliable HiiiRle man to aHHlston farm •York City. SEAS ANIMALS. FAE1I MACHINERY FOR BALE. tures for repairs.' Machinery delivered ft., 7 ft, beam; 16-horse power engine; and grocery delivery wagon. 3U "Them aho is (ine^cloes, but, bafo' I remove dead animals, horses and when ordered. Charlr-H p. Conover, teleMowers, rakuH and hay ttdderR, hay th and db d duly O lone having SHOE E E P A I B I N G AT SHOBT KOT1CE toilet, wash basin, electric light; com- I PIT iiinnth board, heaven, what is yo* goin' to do wif allshelvingB anil potato bodies, O, H, Hur- cows, and j a y | 1fthead, Richard Con- phone 72-f-fi Holmdel, N.^J. piute'equipment, icrolamon'a boat yard, htul eNperieiife In farming npod._upply. I •iivu your MlHifs whun you come t o nora, Wayside, N, J, Phono S40-F-41, dis black underwear?" ley, Shrewsbury, N. J. Sallies N. J. ' J-K - HtuTinKton, JlorKiinville, .N. J, town and" they will bo repaired for you HOUSE FOB SAXE. The bereaved one sighed: "Chile, _ y t ^ y i ^ w » fl Six rooms and bath, reception TiaTl and" TO 1BW. 6i.w * 6 t r t r E S i r O o w a O BOAEDIHO. Klrst-class materiul and extiert woikDry goods, .when I mourns, I mourns," goods notions, clothing; also all Improvements, for sale" at a reasonFurnished or unfurnished roomBi all boots I have tin Overland 1 S I 1 :J, praotieully First-class boni-dinn house facing the meii together with moderate* pricc-s, 1), US USS Shrewsbury h b ave- able price. Applf to Percy Woleott, river, luree eroinids, trolley passing the a g d a 6 , 1 1l1l l li ca li ug t and d shoes, h Improvements, inelucllng telephone. S ^ff'Jl.^" ^^ ^ ^ ' , . ^ . . ; " ^b1 1 'h! ^ At M MM i OS S Broad B d street. t Red R d Hunk. H nue, corner Leonard street, Red Bunk, Drummond place, Ht«d Bank, Phone 330-J Ked Bank, , right for spot cash. If Int«riant>'d in a 1 n ! 1 U | iimiiiininiiumi iiiiiiiniiminiiiMi 1 l s i >i r i 1 1 ( STORE LONG BRANCH, Just Received SO Most Beautiful Silk Dresses and Gowns Embracing the most unusual collection of smart style models. No prettier showing has been possible before. Elegant Taffeta Silk Dresses, - $12.50 Beautiful Crepe de Chine Dresses, $12.50 Fine Tub Silk Dresses, - - $15.00 Exquisite SilklCrepe Dresses, • $15.00 Modish Pussy Willow Silk Dresses, $15.00 Ultra-Fashionable Silk Net Dresses, Special $16.50 i 4 The styles are most wonderful The assortment is comprehensive The choice is excellent , The saving is very substantial Come Early A white K\r\ for general housework, MrM, H. M. Novius, 91 JCunt Front Htreet, I it'll Bnnk, WANTED. Experienced"'saleslady for Saturday. Vnnko'H Hpoclulty Shop, 24 Droad Ntroot, Jlod Hunk, I Di ; THB STORE FOR THRIFTY the Free Alterations •-. ,'1 | • Carfare* Refunded Extraordinary Sale I *• 1 Specially Priced $100, $1.50, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98 mum Miitiiiuii iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiniiii BEDDING PLANTS. ' .- ThB Fftrmer1* Horis. r w X i PRICES RIGHT AT Art Metal Ceilings in Houia on John T, Lovett's Farm. Art metal ceilings have been installed in four of the rooms in the farm house on John T, Lovett's farm on Riverdale avenue, in Shrewsbury township. The designs ara colonial and fieur de lis, In the telephone and dining rooms side walls of art metal have also been installed. The designs used are Italian renaissance dado with grapevine and fleur de lis frieze and reeded stipple panel work above. The ORIOLES AGAIN BEATEN. Miitionary Society Fair. work waa done by Daniel H. Cook of The young people's missionary so- Red Bank. They were Defeated Sunday at Ateioty of Shrewsbury will hold a fair lantic Highlands, the square adjoining A. Holmes Melreie Nine Wins at Fair Haven. AT THE END OP THE TROLLEY L.1IME. About GOO persons journeyed from on Borden's store at Shrewsbury tomorThe Melrose athletic club of Red Rod Bank to Atlantic Highlands on row afternoon and night. Homemade TELEPHONE Oil RUMSON. Sunday afternoon and saw the and candy %vill be on Bale all day, Bank defeated the Fair Haven baseball team a t Fair Haven Sunday Orioles defeated for the second time cake articles and the usual features afternoon by the score, of 15 t o 8, by the Alerts of Atlantic Highlands in Fancy of a fair will bo in evidence. Hosketh of Red Bank tort Minton of an eleven-inning pame by a score of 3 to l>« nulssncen, and ItfilialI he th« duty pertiilt thurefor; from the clerk ot, the „. omsxwAirci:. Fair Haven knocked home runs. The to 2, The Orioles had four now tho street nuperlntendont to enforce IlorouKh, which permit mild clerk in auOIlbl.VANCK PHOH1BITINO OH- of batteries for the teams were Allen AXKTItn-TINlS players, Viviana, who pitches for the Coming Show at Little Silver, provlulorm of this ordinance by re-thorised tn Krimt upon liuymcnt by tlm STKKKT8 OR tho moval thereof at tho cost and oxpenae of upplkMiit of n license f«o of two ilollurH Hesketh and Fred Hohmer for Red SIDRWALKH THIS Cubans of Long Branch, and MaOV I'lIK BOKOCGII the Jlyoprlotor thereof, provide*! nothing ($2,00) annually UH a meanu of regulaA play entitled "Miss Fenrlesa and Bank, and Arthur Sickles and Adrian honey, Storey and IIoRan of ElizaAND PltOVIDlNO FOU TIIK RK- In thlH ordlnnnre contained nhnll apply tion. MOVAb OI-- ANY AND AL.L OBbeth., The game was close and excit- Company" will be given in Church Minton for Pair Haven, to that port of nny ntr««t lylnK between Hoc, 4. Every norson vlolntlng any STRUCTIONS THEREON, AND 11E-th« front ot nny hall at Little Silver on Friday night building m<\ the prop- provlnlun of. thin vnJliniinw s\\\M njion ing throughout. In the eleventh innUUIUINU PAVMKNT OI-' F E E fOR r , , erty butldlnif line. conviction thereof forfult nnd pay a. flnt% mtm ing with two out and u man on sec- for the benefit of the Little Silver TIIK 5IA1NTAININO OF GA8OUNE Sec. 2. AwnlnitA suspended from of not more thun twenty-flvo i1<illnrn, or Snipping Party on L a m , h PUMPS AND -RUNNING CLOCKS, ond base, K. Stryker of the Alerts Methodist church, Tho performance btiUtllitgH with u cleartimN) of irvt'n feet lniprlnoned In the cuunty Jnll for Jiot Ordained by the Muyar nnd Council over und above tho ntraet or Bld«w*tlk, be r Mrs. J. Henry Walling of Port Bo(ifI ttho more than flva dayn. nr^linth. knocked a single, scoring the runner. will be by members-of the Gleaners Borough of Red Bunk: society of Oceanic, gnnolliip pumps, pedcntal.i or pillars nupMonmouth will hold a "snipping Beir. 1. That wltliin /thirty days from Hcc, S. And be It •tennrtedtlittt tl>I» orBoth pitchers were in great form, only ek-ctrlo Unlit* or clockn In dinance nhall take effect 1 mined lonely, party" on her lawn Bent menjh. and nfter ttu>'pamtiige of thin ordinance portlng Stryker of the Alerts striking out ten order, publla norvlcu HtclU and and all other'ordlntincr^ cuntrnry to tho the strt'etB, uttlrwa.lkt) nnd ]>uli)lc plocen running Packages valued at ten .cents or over of Keyport Boy Hurt, trolloy aud tc-Ieuliono polna, slmll bo ox-provisions h«r*of ore heruby revoked, men while Viviana struck out twelve the Borough thall bu cleared of over- WILLIAM MEARS, s ii Funeral Designs a Specialty. CUT FLOWi»S. RUMSON, N. The Red Bank motor boat, club will from the Inhibitions of thla orhold n regatta on the river on Mon-men. Daua .Tune 21. 11)15. v Edward Quaekenbuih, aon o* Wil- will be strong from a Una, andhead Hlgns, HIIOII oov«rliig«. blllldInK PS- cepted Vanned .lunti 21, 1015. day, July fith. The prineipnl events tensslonB, advortlslng devlcex, KOofta, dlnaneo. patrons may eat them down for ton liam Quackonbush of Keyport, feel Bee. 3, No perfon or corporation ehnll Approved. wiirtjd ond liiorchnncllHo, and all otller ob- maintain will be contests between hydroplanes It payi to advertise in The Register, from a dump cart Monday afternoon cents a cut. The party will be forstructloiiH any Kanollne pump or cK>ck CtEO. M. flANDT, Mayor. <}t evory klnrt nnd deecrlptloh, pedi-ntkl Jn and motor boats, or on the itre«t or sldownlk Attest: • • the benefit of the New Monmouth subject to tho cxrcpllons hereinafter net of the Borough Without ftmt bteJl —Advertisement, ' 1 and was badly cut and •braised. A.t?. HABRTBON, Borough forth, und »«ld obnti-itctlbns are d l d Baptist church. • * ; "arm, NutHwftmpi N, J, friend. "The first time I flaw you I woekH old' 18.50 each. W. B, Dray, Holmilel. N. J. Phone 27-,I. laughed out loud I" Arthur Pryor, Arcade Pier, Asbury Park, commencing Sunday, June 27th,- 8:00 and 8:15 o'clock.—Advertisement. Giramiims, Cannas, Heliotrope, Coleus, Argeratum, Salvia, Begonia, Alyssum, Petunia, Vincas, Dracaena, English Ivy and Hardy Roses. Palms and Boston Ferns from 35 cents up. Ferns for Fern Dishes, etc. door every twenty minutes; Rood fiHliinjT, free UNS of bunt. Sirs. A. Berger, box 93, cur como and nee this one. I'M, vonKat- Plphlng- PISOB. Phone 109-W. AttEMTS WASTES, RtJBBEB TTBE RUNABOUT , tengell, Mdnmoutb streut, Hed Rank. MONET TO LOAN. Oceanic, N. J. A hearty laugh had gone almost SEABEIOHT Agents wanted for Red Iiank and all flrst-claBS condition; double set me$1,700 to loan on Hrst bond and mortUmma West, pruprietress. Sanaround over the story of the flsher- RtiRe at 0 per cent, Hemliiekson & Stout, BiiiroundiriB towns; salary and commis- in dium weight harness, for sale cheap for Hi d d f V d s u s w n v m T RrvEK. rBoirr xoof. sion. Address Agents, box 313, Red want of usa. Apply to J, 1. Monsky, 10 man who, to locate the place on theOrosid fitreet, Ited Bank, One-half acre plot on Shrewsburf.rlver Bank, East Front street, Red Bank, lake where he had had good luck, out front for sale at most reftsonablo price. Plenty of shade trees; sandy beach, Apa nick in the side of his boat. "Almost POSITION WANTED. BALE. HOUSE FOR BENT. English girl wishes position as chamif milk-fe<l broilerH, very reBHo around," for the Engllihman sat Six-room furnished house, all Improve- ply for terms to William H. Hlntilmann, ItHiuive at Ueltclnus Fruit and Egg bermaid or waitress; referenceH. Ad- ments, for rent at Uatontown; reason- Rumsoh, N. J, solemn and silent. About five minutes iible, dress M. Read, S2 East Front street. Red nble. ront; trolley runs by door. Address N, J. TOB SALE. UPKOISTBBEB. later, however, he awoke with a roar Farm, Scobey'villc, FAEM WAHTED. Bank. L, F., box 313, Rod Bank, N. J. Klve-rooin ininKalow with riinninsf PLANTS POB SALE. Furniture recovered and repaired, curWanted to rent farm Of about 100 ivutt-r: of laughter, and when asked the Celery plunta and late eabbaBa plants lot nOxlnO feet, with Rood barn, tains, draperies Austrian shades: ni/ivH, or will trade New York apartBAI.E. in Monroe avenue. Will soil for Jl.iWH). laying of carpets, and HTBD. trouble, replied: "Well, wouldn't it be or sale. Apply to Albert Dennli, Broad Fifteen'acre'sFOB matting and linoleum, ment house for large farm or country Apply of standing bay ond ten Man-led rnhn,Wabout to William W. Bennett, Monroe 28 years of age, trcot', Eatoiitowji, N. J. * corking good joke if that flsherman Davenport sofas, couches, mattresBea acres of standing rye for Bale, Mrs. with .lelllnjy ability; salary and eommis- estate; equity lafi.OOO, P, O. box Tnn, eniie, upper Broad street. Red Hank, and cushions mado to order, Maltlnnd John H. Patterson, Riverside Drive, Red slon. Only Iiigh-p;rade men need apply. New York City, Thomson, 10 Wharf avenue, Red Bank. ggot adinerent boat Wenext time Ke TOMATO PLANTS TOM BALE. Bonk. Address G, lips 3 1 ^ Red Bank, APSMBSOMf CAB FOR SALE. Telephone 610-J, 100,000 Stone and Maryland tomato COW P O I B A M , Model 1912,. newly painted and thorwent out!" ilants for Bale. FiBld & Larkln, Mloheau Oped fresh filmlly cow for sale or FOR BAXE. oughly overhauled. IN in the pink of BOARD ANI> PUBHIBHED ROOMS. rent for summer. Can Vie HIM.II at Guernsey cow, fresh, reasonable; also If you want board or a furnished would ioy Linden place, it, M. "Taylor, consboats, Holmdel pike, one mile from room at moderate price, one Minute tractor, 3 Peters lilaci', Red Hank, TeleFOB BENT. Jlritawan, near Lloyd road, Mike Tansy from Broad street, call a t 01 White A farmer wrote to the editor of an phone connection. farm. Half house, five rooms, with Bummer agricultural paper as followa: " I itchen, street, Red Bank, Mrs, Smith. $9 per month, have a horse that has been afflicted print Btrett, Rod Bank, Apply at 41 OSTEB(I>OBFr MUSIC STORE. SHOE SHINE PAEIOR. POBTB, 15 CENTS. Comforttibli1 cliah-.M at our nhoe shine for the past year with periodical fits w PlanoB, musical inHtrumentB, sheet chestnut t fence ence posts, p o t s , extt-a extt Sawea parlor. All work done inside. Hats POSITIOW WANTED. 4 of dizzinesg. Pleaee let me know what muBio, eta. Tuning and repair!rig. 14 heavy. Get t ready d now for f spring i ffenc blocked and cleaned. .The City shoo, lint lady wIsIieB a pOHition to j Monmouth street, near postoHlco, Red Ing, Also chestnut planking, all alaes. and it s I should do with him, as he seema to i Ytfunpf glove cleaning parlor, 4 B Uroad general housework. Call or write 4R Innk, Hollywood Farm, Everett, N, J. r get worse Instead of better, I am dnden place, Red Bank, street. Rod Bnnk. afraid he will be unfit for work if BANTANOELO ft MJLZZOCOA. MTJBIO P l l i ' i l . 3 WANTED. TOB BALE. FOR SAI.E. ; c , oeommrt«Si)Tiny Imported . and doniestio bottlers and -Mlsi P^-aTices at, e something is not done soon." Paragon and My Maryland tomato A one-horsp carryall, one .runabout and ealers street, Red Bank, desires to take a few In wliies, liquors and "mineral ; In the next issue this answer ap* mo btifTRy, till in good condition. L, fillers, BE-West street, Red Bank, Phone pupils for private, Instruction on tho plants:'"also 00,000 T i n t Dutch cabbagr plants at ilJiU per 1,000, O. HiilleuJL pcared; "When the nng is looking all 'Joyce, Katontown, N, J, Piano. Terms upon application. 10-.I, bakt', coriuM' UolKliton avenue and ltlver t ri(j;ht, sell him to some one." street, Hed Bank, STANDARD OASOr,BNH lETPOOT STEAM ^AVSOmi, EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. nd automobile oil at Duvlson's auto and II, 13. TlppoU. proprietor. Tlio laundry First-class farm hands and all other LAtTNUBT, ivagon works, Mnnmoutii street and which has sntlsfled for yours. Front Why th« airl Smiled. Ired hoip; also man and wife position on street, All hand . laundry work. All clothes Maple avenue, Red Bank, Keyport, N, , T , Dry eltanlng. A' 'arm. J, Miller, Eatontown, N. J. Phone card will bring us at any time. bleached and dried in the open. No > The senator and the major were of any 139-R, cchemical:) h c y kind ki used. Murphy's GET TOtJB BTOVXB U M 'r walking up the avenue. The senator B A t l i I.riundry, Bay Vi View i^eniie, Atlantic Let us repair your Btov0B now, Highlands,,N, J, was more than middle-aged and con- Schwartz A Son, Wtst Front itreet and HORSE r o a BAI.E. r oRsau, ahilsi sound, ound, kind kind and and sider obly more than fat, and, dearly Maple avenue, Ked Bank, Bayy horse,, 14 % jiandBj Dealer In fresh and smoked meatg of HARVEST HOME. or d double. entle, work NlnBl o . Richard all kinds, ullve oil, fresh eggs and'fresh gentle, «^«s the major loved him, he aliq loved Annual harvest home of the Ijlttb bb eedorf, Everett road, across Hubbard's S d f E killed poultry ft , specialty. 72 Bridge HORSE FOB BALE CHEAP. Silver Methodist eh'urcii will bo heli [i M~ "his joke. The senator turned with a ld avenue, Red Bank, Phone 671. Sound, true in all harness, good wind, Thursday evening, Aueiirft ^nth, XTHiia pleased expression on his benign Clwood Lane, corner Bank street and COTTAGE FOB SAXE. OKct'llent supper and otlicr attractions TO WENT, FURNISHED. , countenance and said, "Major, did you Tllton avenue, Red Bank. Pretty live-room cottnKC. newly TieketH HO cents. Five-room cottugo, nluusant location, painted nnd decorated; line ffardin; x see that pretty girl smile at me?" four minute!) from river; |9n fos the VISI FOX SALE. POWITBYI POW Address ,L., box 174, Fair Ha- L-hleki'ii iiuop; $aoo down, balunce like * "Oh, that's nothing," replied his Throe BorkHhlle plKH for Bale, seven - NEW WASH SKIRTS - <'iill liiiiiv 1 EVERYBODY IS COMING TO i in 11 m i n i i m i m I I "'iiHtoin t'lliiMM, iii'iiiitnu. in'cH^ rnpfili'lnK, CUI-IIIK S | n. l n l l n U I n •I r y I'li'iinliiK. H ' nr u l l f u r u n i t d e l i v e r t r t iin.v lilin • I'Mi-t .i \ • m i f , I I | I I I . ^ I ( I I ! H n y • I f i - t m i ! • 11 i i n . Vtr.intlf lllKliliin.i'4, N . 1. 1 iiiini mini DEPARTMENT %l.'l!i. w i i r l l i if Chickens Red Bank, "Main Street, Fair Haven. Illllllli fnlilliirf. riiiidltliin, Cllttiliil- Specials in all Departments! illIM! "OiitliifT" pi-i'TiTt Sweet Breads 19 East Front St., * * MONMOUTH COUNTY'S MARKET PLACE 1 McNMR-S MARKETS TKB OITT TAJIOU. c • • • • • • • • • • • • • ^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * » * » STIAM TVI.0AVIIIHO, famous, was once associated in tin * mhm REGISTER WANT PAGE-Where More Than 26.OOO People Meet WeeHly Aiitiiiiiipiii!.> iiiii HIHI tiilii! rojinlr« 4 humbie'way with a theatortjjp* called rilltlKn and B . |Irom p i p l l y iluni'. A d n n i I - ,J l i t y l u r , d r i l l e r p 1 per thiiUHiind, ill llil'S i'li'M, I l l i i t o l c v i ll'M ( M i l l Nlipi>ili;S, fi one morning on the adltorTw a Sun-Hornard Wnrnnker, Kverett, N, j . N j Aiitu t l r c M iiii'l i i f f i ' M s o r l t n . •'nrni'i' o f 'J: day, paper on a million from a theatri1 T i l T B B M I K A L W I S E A K D 1 I Q U O 1 r * i - i i n t i i i i i i i i » l i . i i i i M t r i ' i ' t H , K r y i i o i ' t . N*. J . M O 1 U U ) OAB TOB SALE. E cal manager. Entering the editor ! for all oo«tt«lpiiHi enroful driveri renaon- r.ilr of eyc'BliinMeH lout bi-lu'con Ili'd ro» IALE. 1 • •: V' i'v I'n , SS'IIIIMIII W . ' l n l i . ' n : . 1 1 1 u i' i i '• > > H'. ^ H I I I . i r k . .1 i i ' H i ^ I I I - I - I J I m i t i ' I ' m Mil In I t i ' i l " . ill I'll:,! M l l r c i , K , \ | M . l l , N . " .1. W I l i l l l ' M l l e WAHTBD. | offlct he began, "I have brought you able rule*, Call 846.H Rod Unnk. NtyiiMii, K " rimili'i ; i'iaiii'in. Hunk mid 1'iilr lluvfn, lU'wiird if rrU l l i r s null lii|li'!IH. S n l i ' Mi-'i'lli'V I n i 11(11I'm' HiiilliiK, l i : i v i ' . i i i ' iiui" f u r h i m . A p p l y WllltllK, hnlll'Hl, ri'lllllllt' illl II l-iil I llrl ,ill« l Id Thp lloKlHlijr cinU'i', this manuscript—" r i l i . l l . ' . ! ; i i l l ! M i ' a I n • \ \ f ) v , T u l i l c i l l l i l m l l l i ' l i l l t o W . H , I t r . i v , , l l . i l i i n U 1 , N . . 1 . 1 O W I"O»1 BAM. iifi-il lu.iii w . i u t H | i ( n l l l n i i ; CIIIVH' W I I V U ,»''> He got no further juit thon, The Qooil< Kilt' horse fill nalu; hue been i i - p l . d ; pi'i'iiniiii'iil pOHitliiii pi'i'l'i ri'i',1; FOB BALE. s p n o a AMR KAinrmB, •• m i f i i r n l ill » 1 ri-ffi iiii-iM Aildic'iH editor had glanced around and sized used for delivery. Dorcimu* Bros. Co, i'r, ( i x t u i i ' M , I f f liiix uinl H I X i i 1 TppBoll and itinnuro for -eiile, H. M. H1IPMOB1I.T. r O B BALE, OOTTAOE r o a HALE. ('. V . I ! . , 1 7 s M i ' . ' h i i l i l i - s l r i - i - l . I l i ' d llniilt. iH f u r t'Off' !' uinl l i ' i i . f u r w.ilr i. up the tall, timid youth as an amateur p Taylor, eoiilractor, 34 PrteiB place. Bed All Illlh ! u 3 1 i i i . >1 i i I * i i i i T ; 1 1 1 • • 1 1 1 , j i l ' l I i i n v i ' i ™ TOM, BAXIJ. His M f i ' l u i n l r K I W I , lleil limili. '{ poet or noTeiiit. "I setf" he inter- I'nlmcr motor boat, SO feet limit. Ap-Hank. Ttlephojje cnnMction, USED AUTOMOBILE FOB 8AI.E. I'liriip. liu l l f . l , ICPI H ' l l i ' . I ' l ' l i i - V.-l i I . , i M M I ; i l i l f . III.UIILIMIIH; 1 .•t ;!'i\;l^;. Cci'i. m M i l % • • • i i 1 ; i1 ' J . S p p i M H i . i i c i i i , \ i m . i l I n n s i I iinvri i ! , i :, ( • f u ri t . i n I t r H l - . - I I I - ' M rupted in »n acid tone. "Well, juat ply ut llumpf'fl boot works, ited Honk, MOHEY TO LOA5. ; I i m i l ---11 •. i-> •: p u f l r . i - i h ; p i i n - f I ,>•nn ,\t\. s l m r t ilnii', w h i c h 1 l i i i s i - m i i n v -M O I D f u r ro» BXr. iiliilini. ]•',. \ \ , I ' i ' i i h i f , 1I i i l i t i i | i > l I n n , ill . » , i \ \, I I . H i - l l h - , A l h i i l l h Honey to loan In BUHIS to unit bori throw it in the waite-paper basket. i | i i i , i» i l i K p i u i i i l i i i ., i r l i i i i - 1 1 1 - I H H I % " liisy Ono Hullo of rootitft for rent for IlBlit roworB on flrat bond and mortKiiKe. !\ . ,1. i n n . iiH i i i m . l i ' 1 , X . , i . ~ TWO L O T ! ! r I'm very buiy juit now and haven't ill good ~ locution, 1 ' i l r r ; t i n t i ' l i i i ' . ' i • : i • 11111 f 1 >, ( i : 11 i i I r i ' M i l y I i > hntiHi-kncpiiiR, vi-ry ren»"iiii»hli'. Apply < U big huriminn, eony A, U IvlnH, llcyristor ViulldlnK. Hfd ilnnk. , bi. d r i v e n i i • • 111 • •. I ' . l . MiiiKiiiti'iiKi'll, got time to do It myself." TA»M WAITTBD. j BED BANK DAIBT, teriiiH If dculred. Clayton.Llnton Heally 1U8 Wnilai-11 Mtreet, He'1 Hunk. H I I V O r i i ^ l i l i i i y i T . - : f u r I n i K r 11in 1 K i n i i H ' H w c M f r c a i n , jiiiru m i l k f r o m o u r o w n .MDIIIIIIIIIIII Htti-i't, H i d Hiink, George Ado obeyed his roqueMt Co. ••OS RENT. BECOSD-HAWD BINOLE COATS, I ' u n i i M . H i m l l u l l I 1 I M i l i i l l i i T i M ; % v i l i I n f n r i n s ; I ' r c M h I j u t t o r , b u t t n r m l l k a n d M for relit. ,\IHD l l , * ; ^ ; hni'Kiiiiis t n H 1111 M . l'lii';i|i ,1 uh II, Two ' calmly. Then he began again: "I LOST. Laug-iiapo Tencher Seiirsi rupilt. i- W l i - i r l " Mp'Sit. (Ii-.irKi W -/.iM'ki'r. u r m l i i i i t f "K- h o i i i c - m u . l o p o t clioi-.'io ilillvcn-d dciily. foot, very ilie ivorklMK niMiiN frl.'iiil, r n r for «nlp, nlp, y foot, y W i n - i n . r I - ' .I'iii |.INII.I, --iipli-lit I n have just come from the thuater and collie iln« liiHt. Hewnrd If r«-for ,il "II.II.Ir i i M 1t n 1 1 s t . lvituii'y liiillilliiw, N i ' W i i i h . Ir i n i r l i ' H A . M i C l a n k c y , n o d H i i n k , T'jlel iivi'iiiiii HIHI MiiNt "(''roiit slri.'ci, l i u i n l r g l i t ION A l c c l i i i i i l i ' N l r c i - t . 1 ll Htrin-liii a t T i i y l u r I' i l l \ i I M I f j , 1'pliiinl, to 11, H. Lippincott, Mlddletown, ' " ' ' ! N. J . 1 phone 403-M Hod Hank. '- the manuscript I have thrown In the Iiiilliiii.i, ' - n l U i t H p u p i l s I n I-rriii-li. I i n TO* BAlB, WA.WTED, waste-paper basket ii your drama, N. J, i l l . , u m i l i l t n l i i r I n I I I K I I H . i i i i i i l f , i lllil n f ,*,,«,,Hi FtBABU«E BOAT FOB BAtB, ; MOTOB BOAT FOB BALE. Puny, Kovcriii'HH curt aiiil liarneHH, nil Wiiltu Kill I <>!• K.-rioiiil limi WAMTI10. (i.'i'Miiiii. l-'iir t .i i 1 1 " , cii'., iidilri ** l l u x which the manager asked me to return iiy-1,,.,1 KMHuiiiH. i n c i i - . u n . l i m i t f o r | j| ,,,. \ i | . . m ] M I : ,I M H , , , . , . ,i,ijln.'. Hllinll F\iviiiHhPi\ room for liKist houscki'ep- ill (?i)'«l OiiiuiUiijiiii nu(« fur iiilldiuii. Ad- Mfiuil p l a i n I ' l i u k u n , i l u t u i ' l i ' i ' M s W l . A i l a i i t i c I l i s j U h u i l M , N . . ! . ami vi'iiv i to you with thankg. He suggested [UK. AililrfiHH li'urtilHhod lloom, 1JO% 313, fiitiln; iurwnr,i a m i vi-iiv i - n i i t r i . ! ; ,,,,,„, ,. | . ,„.,!,.,•; „ , , l , , k v l,,,;it, M.I.I Lk U Hk fiinilly. *' i l l I iiioriiiiiKr*. ;M>II Lock Uox 1 12H, Hd Hod Hunk. p n w i ' r r i i K i i i i ' ; i m i H t In Hiild f u r All p i l i l l ' t i ' i l , 11 l i i i l i i . l i l l that the proper place for it was with Hod nunk,' Htici.t, H e d H.'ink. 'i'iicjniHiin'M A u t o UnniKi-', Avon, B I T B I B ITOLIM WATCH. l j p I l i i j i i l l ' i ' i i f I II). , INDIAW HOTOBCTOLE F O B BALE. , the waste paper, Ki-y w l i n l i n i r s i l v r w n i i i i w i t h i n l N. ,!. H r i i i n l H t r i ' i ' t , H t i l H a n k . 1 ro» SALE. iIlniler; ovurliauh'd und r e HalH M. 11, m i riiMi. N1111 • ii riuiii .Mrw. aimx. w u t u , i m l i i l l : now tln-s. Pilri> |;_IO. AIlii>rt I*, l''i)i-il t o u r l i m c u r , n i l i n K"'»l oiinillildti, DELIVERIES WITHIN A RADIUS OF Reds—Hugh Barrett, George Lehman Whites—Henry Seligman, George Slierman. G, Jason Waters, JTort Bnmbereer Referee—William O, Stonebrldfle Seo#or—J, F, Lanlgan. _ . FOB FOB • * X » . "~ ' ' «h» T»t>U Writ** Ar>«*« with tbs Sdltor A •mid! buMlneHN for walo fr l clioup. Adl J. MMAdo, « i t Thvtttr MMi*tw George long before he bteanw •lri'iM IlinJ P .Q l J BnnH. B H P Q.,b ^ t ,a I J'FP.1 OH man, H. S, Borden, ANTICS OF LIGHTNING. You can put an advertisement in the Want Department of The Register for a whole year for exactly THIRTEEN DOLLARS. *o Mti I'oril dpllvcry bodytorwile, Apply to PUHl Wnlih, Little Silver, N. ,T^ llevtn. en, N. j , rent. AddreHB Box 7fi, Red Iliink. Will pay the highlit market price* for poultry. If you want fresh ktllei POB BAM, condition and would make a suitable car for .anyone. Priced very low, Kd, von- One platform spring butcher wagon, , Monmiiuth street, Red BaiiU, iifiw; on.* twn-horne spring wagon and one jump-sent runabout for sulej plica no object, I have no place to store tlieno DO8 TQB fjoods on account nf the tire which deiralc ,Tapanowi> wilk liaii'oil terrier, a stroyed my outbuildings. A, B, Crawlady'M pet, will ride in automobile like a ford, Tinton Falls, N. ,J, Imliy; Kood for Mhotv; will HOII n-usonnble. Also mesh liiiK fur Kiib'. 1'lione , , « „ , , , H -.--.- K ,- K 31^. , .TOMPh^allHe, imx^S, Ited Bank. « « J ^ ) ^ ^ ^ n N t a b l e Co., Vmmerly N fiW Y o r k CABMHTBE AWD •WrXDEB. ' - furniture recovered anil rewMnriM* hnildiT lobhlnc i Pnlratl; awninss, Kliaile^, curtains, ilrnpsneci-iUv S ' k am 1 W e e nor" eles,- laylhg of ciirpets, mattin K> linonr i e it ohnrritotlre No 'fob t"o "nvill lp»<"- Mat'trosses and cuMhionn to oror too lnr K e. ICKtimateB Klv.n, Box ' ^ i T . Mc l t * lil i u V ,"l-'1nn 11 T ' 257, Atlatitlc HislilnndH, or NavoHink, Red Ijank. lelephuno 14-J. 2lJJ _„___„__ _ - I CE4VfFEVS WAFTI POSITIOW. FUBNIBKBD HOtJSE FOB BBMT, fowlH or broilers go tn 12," \VeMt l>'i-ont VO» BALE. House of sgveii ronms, modern Im- street. Hod Brink. U, Dietx & Hun, gro Two good wagons, suitable to convert FOR BENT. provements, for rent, furnished, for the ern iiiid biilchern. into jaggers, $10 each, 1 1 , F, OrlggB, Dwellinjr, oigbt rooms, improvements, Inquire of Mrs, A, Louise HendrickHon house, Middle- seaNon or year. hot wuter l\cat, doslruble neighborhood. Jlary Wymbs, Hudson avenue, Red Bank, FOB, BALE. town, N, J, Apply toUawklns.Bratherg . - ; K l K l i t - r n o l n liuuHi' w i t h rUhliliiK W a t e r nt noxinn fuut, on Monroe avenue. Wll FOB BENT. FIBBT-CI.ASS PLtrMBINQ WORK. 1 BtAOKBMITH U T S K O l p i l O l I , One or two furnished rooms to runt, Plumbing, heating and tinning work of iiMl fin $l."0it". Apply t o Wi.llliim W Krnnic Gray, prnetlcnl horHeslioer. The nil iniproyeinentH, near station, 102 the heat kind done quickly and at a reft, U'linett, Monroe avonui', upper lirpai Brick Shop, 19 Meclmnlo Htroot. IDBtab- Pearl street, Red Bank, With or •with- sonablo figure, David H. Bennett, De- • tri-tft, Hed Ualik. iHhod IB ybara in Ited Bank, out board. Normandlt avenue, Fair Haven. N. J. PHTLIF BOCK, 1 Cliaulti.'ur with 1! years' exporlt'iico Ladies' and KUIHH' ynrini'iits of every [ WIHIICM to drive pleasure or commercial df.Ri'rijjtion clt'iincd. dywl and prt-Hsed at I car and dornpnirinH at your own garage, Nhort notice. " Goods culled for and de- j I will sell you uiito_ siipplles^very reaSpeciiil contrsicts by the month. I unnnble: livered, Sp - - do - repaiiH . .diiily. . . Call . , or write ,-enue, SeuhriKht. X. .1. Phone j Joseph Pulisn, White avenue, near Broad Ocfiin aver street, lied Bank. Bos 271, Phone 31-J. 74-W. BOABDING. Xieely furiiiNlieil rooms for runt, with flrst-claHs table board; centrally l n c u t c , ull* improvements, humn-Ukiv HurrounilIIIKH; reiiKimabln rntt^. Hudson House. 115 HudKon avenue. Phone lnil-J Red Unnk. FOB BEST, A lady's locket found . ni-iir t h e T e x a s Oil Cn.'.ii. uliint a t lied Bniik Tlmi'Hilny, J u n e 1 il til. by J''. r . M"oyan. I t iM suliil uiilil. '2i) eariit. nlmut the slK'j of \k dolliU'V tiirei' inithilH e n s r a v e d urt timis. Owner Vim have sume upon deHcrlptioii nl' contents uinl Inltliils. . d i l l n t 2BD Shruysliury avenue, lied Bnnk, Binall, briHiit npiirtiiient, furniHheil, . Hiiilable i'or a couple, houieke'-'pinK ( " » • j venlt'uees; litntHO uulet, imiilern liiipiiivi B B X T O B S PAB.K. ICveryono Htop puylnc rent and own mi'iits: (,'einrnl loinliiJii, Call for par- !i n homo" of your own by piirchnsinR a lot ticiiIarH a t »S West • l-'rutit Htroot, Itixl in center of Belford 111 Belford Piiik; within rtve-cent trolley ride of Ited Bank, Bank, Atlantic Highlands and KeunsPnyiucntH in installments to Mult LUNCB BOOK A»D MILK DBPOT. liiiiK. l>ont diiliiy wlillo price la Mrs, H, Wnlters'K luiieh room nnd Kan- purchaser. reiisoniitile. Address Henry Wfllling, itai'y iiiilU depot. Kstabli»he,l six yeurs. Jr., l ' o r i llonrnciutU, N. J , Meals sei'vod at all hours, tjulck se.rv- THB BBOOND NATIONAL BANK Of Rod Bank solicits your business. OVSBLAND BUHABOWT TOB SAXB, THE BBCOJTS KATIOKAX BANK liutinboilt. (Jvciinliil un'1, in extra line ici>. Home cooking. idil M niiiii'jiit Ii SEWIITO MACHINES. WAMTED, SAVE TOTJB OLD OAJBPETB. vt nod lliinlt puys Interest on tiino do- Sovon UHod Bewlng miiclilnea of dif- BOO dwt. of old Bold. Old gold bought Beautiful raverallile rugi made from I'onilltliiii, will be KiU'iifici'd, h'ii'Kt corny, .street, next to Stryker's. garage, Hed PABKER HOMESTEAD FOB BEXV. poults. • ferent makes for sain, each warranted for for cash or exohttnged for new goods, L, old corpttB and chenille portlerps. Write first served. I t ' x ii dniidy for: a little Bank, Parker liomestuad property, conipiiiVA. viiiilCattiiUKi'll, i l n n m o u t h thro© yeai'H- | 7 to $1B. OeorRO WoodH, do la Rouisllla, jowelor, 3S Broad htreet, for oirdulara, .^ Amerloan Rug Manuffto- ...iipy inft nboiit 18 aoren, on corner of Shrews- THE SEC0MD WATIOWAl. BAJTZ NtriM't, Red Bank. BRONZE T T O I E f EGGS. Jr., & Son, 20 Monmouth street, Hod Red Bank, bury avenue ana the Newman .Springs tory, 298 Vermont •treat, Brooklyn, Barred Roclt eggs for batching, road, for rent. Land is .especially ofRe Red Hunk 1H strong, safe and pro-Hunk. F O B BA1B, Thompson strain, $5 per hundred; White ndiipted to truck farming. Less than ft ANQELtTS FOB SALE. Kresnive. W, B. McQUAT. 1 Diirk liny family hnrsi , so<uid niid POB A BEAUTIFUL KEDALLION. Pekin duck CEBH, 70C. p«r dp/.on; also i \\ trom Red Punk. The hoime has A self player With a quantity of mufilo m e Undertaker and embalmor, Offlco open T H B BECOWD WATIOWAX B A R K Portrait copied from any photograph rolls. Can bo usetl with any piano. For day and night. Special attention to allgrnUe; nlno IIUVIH'HH \\W\ twn-sealetl 3roiize turkey CKRa nnrt Riilnen CKKS. | twelve rooms, T'liii \isi\t\l farm outi!:irryii|l. Price rearfoniible for «i uli-k C, Uyruin, Upper Broad street, lied i tnilliHiius, all of wliicl) are in fine conof lti'il Bunk will help hoiicBt iind enter- ii psrfeut likeness guaranteed. AddrdaB particulars apply at 300 Broad Htreet, calls, whether In or out of town. 15 llHpiiHal Hoynl ."I'lirnis, Little Silver, Bank, pilKing buniiu'81* people. W: S. iJoyle, box 131, Anbury Park, Hod Hank. ,. " ! dltlnii, are on tho farm. B. Alien Par. • I'earl street. Red Hank, Telephone, , J , Phone iiS!l-M, N. J. Your pliotograpli looks Ijetter on ker, lied Bank. BAMTTABT MZLK AND OBEAM GO. 1-OB SAXE CHEAP. Oltli«n»' BtOldlnr ana t o a n A««ool»tion a medallion, WANTED. WUk products, freBh buttermilk and KtandliiK t"p liiuneh, 2^ feet lnntf. I>',(.ban money to loan homo builders on easy POTABK POTATO BODIES F O E BAKE, Work wanted by a»dored hoy. aged I I ; SPECIALIST ON FOBD CABS. eggs, Hpeolnl delivery 7:00 a. m, to 8:00also by u. Bill, a g e IIS, to a s s i s t in light terniH, Having dililiHiity In HecuriiiK tilftnecesKii'teen new improved potato bodlos, ft. beam, Lia-iuch dral'l, I'ar.iHuii cluicli, No matter what may be the trouble p, tn. 33 Hast front itroot, Red Bank, housework. A d d r e s s Tlios. 15, Hpst, UN With HprlnR scat; jS-bnrrel oneH; prico ilwh teiiHlon lUiiKnctii, R-h, p. new. Bridge,. sary Hiipply for our fall and HpriiiH rowith your li"ord car I can repnlr It, IfPhone '57S, PEABHON BROS. Hank s t r e e t , Rod Rnnk. Phone UIO-J. only $1H, Also two liny shelvlngM, Or- nit ciiMine. Address. .Murray Clayton, iluli'i'ineiHH", throiiKh tho usual channels, your Ford is working badly or needs new x i t , ur Players' boat club, Full' Ha- wo me prepared to Offer fnrmoi« or ilualder early, M. Kelsuy, plmiiy HS-I-'-fil Keyport, N, ,1, parts POO AUKUHt Qrovsen, Bl .Wharf ven, N. ,1. erH who may liuve larKu or nmall left SLAQ B O O r i N O . TOM BALE; COST HOME. naMt ['"rpi'liolifr N. J, avenue, n«ar Bteamboat dock, Red Bank TOM »ENT. over lots of niuriato or Miilplinte of potLenity tin and slate roofs made tight; Btrgen place, comfortable, cosy, eight1 FurnlNhert room for rent. 18 White iHli, top niarkit prices, paying Bpnt cawh. HOUSE FOB BBITT, room cottase; Brnttll stable , plot BOxlOB, also •water proofing side wallB and celBED BANK HA1B PAR1OH, 7OX BAXB. Htreet, Iti'd Dunk, Four family house on central nvenuu, State quantity nnd price aMkeil, N. .1, qkden MeClttakey, 147 Hudson room 10, iniBner building. Shampooing, Bargain, Inveati^ate, William A. Hop-lars, Cow find calf two weofcB old, hal ping, agent. Ueocb Htreut, lied lianU, for rent Fertiliser nnd ('lieniicnl Co., i:ii[ Wilt** avenue, Red Bank, Telephone 400-J. scalp treatment, hair dressing, marcel! lienr (JUernacy, hnlf .Ter«ey| flue rich milk JAHNEB ft WELCH. for two i™mi,< tn family, at i street, New Yorlt City, AlanufftcturerB waving, inanicuriiiji, facial massage, ,Ariiingeil CnrpeiHer/i and bullileiB. P. O, boxhalter broken; a groat family cow. Also WAGON VOB BAI.E. .... per month._ l-'or further piirtleiilnrH of Croxton- iirepared poultry Inimure, HUDSON COUPE FOB SAI.E. switch •making; Kuntlemun'H mauieurliiR. two half Joraey and ilolstplns, IJ. A, & Runabout In firBt.clnHs condition for 208, SctibrlRht. N. .1. npjily to A, IJ. IviiiH, IlcLjlKti'i' buildliiK, other complete, 1'ertlllKorM nnd clenU'CN In J, P. Cotton, Oak Qlenn Varm, Kvcrett, Halo, practically an good as new. Will ho Iti nr.Ht-cltisH 1 1'unnlnn order, lni3 Mra, Lucy Holey and Mrs. Nellie Knglort, lied Bnnk. fiirlUixer clieinli'iilfi, model; Will ivmkt n )(ood par for nnyoiitj N, ,1. X. BTFUIV. sold cheap for1 wont of UBO, J, H, Jones, doslrliiR it coupe; bai'Knln. Kd. viuiiyiit- Phono 302-M, Remover of dead animals, Rid Bank, LEO4L PAPEBH. Holmdel,, N. J. 1 tt'iigell, Moiyrioutii street, Rod HiMik. WAHTBD, TOP SOil, FOR SALE. SV SEBVANTS SXCHANGXi K. J. Telephone 129-J, AmdavitH, acknowlodgmuuta, lenses, Have, about tj>n aoren of standlnff rye bond Kmploymont ttgeiioy. First"clasR,»he!p and moi'tRanca, deedrt, etc., pro- Qood Btrong toijsoll for aale, Price ? i JEABBOW A i m BTU1CP PTJXLEB. OABBAOE PLAHPIB. .,-hleh I dcHire^iarveHted, Anyone prefiirnlMhed for, liotols, clubB nm} prlvnt - BIG BEDUOTI0NS me. In my ofllc.o from elKht Danish Hail Head, ]Jurpi>i-'H Surchcad, pared tu do hiirvcHtlni,' pleaMc write, pared by Ohio ornhard disc harrow and HerouleB at wlioi't notice, HervalitH' ref to HIX. Mdwnril \V. Wise, jiiHtice cants per loud on the premises, at Mln« In Hummer footwear ut D. A Mnzza's, 48 fttmllloB perfection IJruinlioad Hnvor plnntH of Btatlng prlee, or plioiin Atlnntlc HIKII- o'clock BroriceH tlioroUKhly Investigated. Miss Htunip .puller for Bale; both practically bant of tho peace, room 7, Klsner building, neslnlt "park, near Red Bank, Inquire of street, Ited Bnnk. 20 eentw per ino; il.r.O jier ItiiidM 77-J. 11. A. Leonard, Atlantic Hod Bank. Kmma Wost, Prop. Ocean avenue, Boa new; will Hell cheap, Judgon Conover, 1,000.quality, George CurtU, iuperlntandent, on «•»• J. T..JLovett, Little Silver, N, J. JliKlilandH, N, ,1. Matawan, N. J, brfght, N. J, TXOOB on.. . ^ OT8W DANCES. WABTED TO » t t T . FOR SAXE. flavo your <li>or ni using Totley'R MO AUTO TRUCK FOR SALE. SBNT POB. THB BEABON - Syncopated Walk, Tlio (Jlobo Trot nnd Ten-Mioui niodei n lioiiw1, nil eotiMin oil, r>0 cunts per gallon. Vmnllv boi.Mo, Hultable foi m n r p j , also Have a one-top Rupld auto truck tn at Atlantic IliBhlanilB. furnlnhod cotOpem TuliM). rtc. i:iMd I'nrHon-i, exleni'i'M, In t;nod o i d e i , lot <•(•>. 1 " > 1; feet, chtckenw und Slate PIANO FOB BAI.B. nalp, model 1912. ThlH car Is miltahl laRO, IIOUHB neur nbortv bitthliiK! rent In all ih'e ruodern ilnncea. Instu i u n t i d on I l u d ' o n iisemie. south of pert Instructor Tliivii a 11)12 HIX-IS l'ierco aiitimi n Opera pluno, in good condition, |76 for many commnrclttl linen und nnyon rl^lit, Addreas \V. II. Settle, Atlantic pilci'B uinl whi'ji' can be Heen, und If lil.il lHrnneh pa p g d d ll'n«llows< ll H Tuesdaya, O Odd Halll l R l d m o o In oxeopllonnlly good cuiidltliin w iivi-nue, $J,[i00 i a«di, balance on Td nllowcd Look bo\ 2fi, llltrhlandi, N .1 l l l t ' l t ih-nlrlng u light truck nhould Hen till HiKhliindn, N; J, 1 CulllnRton'H ntore. for ap130 Hroad Htreut. I'bone iS moi tKHKf a t T i per cent. Address I , ii C , on<>. lOd. vonKattengoll, Monmoutl will bu HaerKli-c-d for uuti^l?" id-ip poilltllU'Ht. box 313, Heil Hank. O. ANTONTDES, street, Rod Bank. LADIEB' HA1B OOODS. via* vom *AXS. Wagon \<',t\. lniiHl bu HI'IMI1 to Im appieclali'd. g L. IC, DoiiKhiHff 1H a t lior pluco of blackBiiilth nnd wheelwright. l i BorKBlilre I)1«H ror HIIIO for 17 a pair 1 TOB BAI.I1. n upecialty. Try vonKnttcngnll. Monnnuith fltrewt, licit HH and will be plouseil t o f»e« bin" work find auto Hprlugs and guntH clothing cleaned J. H. Jones, Holmdel, N, J, ublcMylliidcr Detroit A ia-h. l , Two white KITIH for nil around hbtol many customers. MIH. I J . M POUKUIHH, our aHpnniKUH knlvcn. 167 West Front and dyed dents" suits prewiod, 50 cent». Hank. Htreet, opposite Wo.st Htreet, Red Hank ollni) In Uncondition, JIO. llni) Engine Engine n work: flireo colored glrln an Rcno 18 Broad ntreet. HultH cnllod for and delivered. Hod Hunk via* VOM b i 1 l-ft pownr bunt, ti-h. p. dinililo-e.yllndei hoilRcworkorii, rkorii, and' and numerous, othoi otho pl«H for mile. Apply pjt 8teu.ni Dyo Workw, 24 Went Front Htrrot, 1 l l V (IBM IT UBS BEPAIBED. l ii l l^OKNIBKXD BOOMS. p Positions nlwnya opun. • Phom motor, niuke good lender for boat, In Hue to . Oceanport, N, J, 9B ShrcwMbury avenue, Red Dunk. Phon* Tv\ro largo rooniB, most comfortably 72-J, or ^nll ut No, « Wharf uvemic, Re Furniture of nil ftlnila repaired. Ro- condition. ?!><•• Taylor, loot of Millt-i' connpftlonn. Applications mo nuked for by th« i\orfurnished, 2 minutOH from Brond stroet storing of antique and mahogany fur- Mtreot, Hlgbliindf, N. J . Hank Employment Ajionoy. v o K & v o n u mT O » M i , OIIRII Council of Kiilj- Haven fur the jwniture a Hpeclnlty. Honry Oraueo, Front nnd all cars. Inqulro at 7 Drummond ~ UAXWILL SFXOXAX. 1Q0.U00 Stone aud My Maryland tomatc J. H. JOHNSOW. street, near Bouuiorn railroad. Rod Bank place. Red Bank. A Muxwcll Hpeilul In on my llooi Hltlon uf d>>K cntchcp In snl<1 H pl ftntn tor nalci. Thomas S. Field, Rod rOm u u , Hueei'Hiol to MiClieA lleeinift lioiiidilKhtlv pi iced, I'112 model, Thf car inApplications may bn M«nt toflhurlwiV< ank. B Inu- iind lively ntulile. Kxpn-ss mill (ill At New Monmouth, house, atora bulld •AXKBLADIXS WANTBD. M, Doioiigh d o r k , Pair Hav«n, KF. 3n xvATnra AT LOW COST. llen^v IUILIUK. Autiinioblln MIIIM t o r lytiK In tliit-i'liiHH • unnliiK order mid'In miltInt. b«m, wason house and sheds, wit In TOM 1AXS. able Tor niiinv USHH, A vei y llttlo money and thoy will cxperloncod, wnnted Radiation la low; put in nteatn and ladlen' fmnt^hliiK oi Hhoi t d l i t . m e e TouiliiK caiH fm h l w . U>« f two *or«a of * round; two minutes' w«l Rtoio; Rood nulnry will Ket tblH inr. I'M. vonKattenKi'll, Latent model Hmtth Prmnier type- ^from tha troll#y line of flva mtnutai water tieat cheap. I would llkei to estl- nteady position, none \ind«r 20 yeurH o IVnliiHiiUi m e n u e , near Ociun nvuiiuo, Monmouth nticct, Rod Hank. of tho uaunvlt, on July lith. writer. Aitdro«« Sroltli Premier, box 318 from th« '• your want*. D. H, Bennett HoabilKht, N. J. l'hono 1H, tfoUayJunctlon. Apply to A. 0. HBC need niwly. V. O. bon i«* " Automobile Bnrgaln. Applications Wanted. Jtctt O , H W Homnouth. N. 1, i , „ ."! ,^,, Il, •'A -v THE r frag* Twlvft. THE REDBANK REGISTER ARRESTED AND FREED, PARTY AT MRS. LEROY'S. RED BANK REQI8TER. T I B OAUb OV T M WH.P. Th. mraiMMW A t * WhM Would MM*Diamond Dick ma Innocent Victim of Thirty-Fir* Attend Euehr* for St.Jim M*& A M « It Ono« M« « W u t Any Mow of it. v«i A t T w M e n Mu Wort, James's Sowing Club. a Queer Mix-Up M Keamburg. A euchre party was held nt Mrs. It waa during tho lunch hour and Sir Btedutek Brldjt*. th« M ^ An expedition ' o r t h i Unlvtriity of Hiehard Dexter of Bed Bunk, n Mme y,toll* toll* Mme w Mexican hotter known HH "Diamond David Lcroy's on Shrewsbury avenue four Kuniul business men were BittinR Pennsylvania was sent to on« of t h t of Wwtmlnlster Abt*y, Thursday evening for the benoftt of ftt a table. Outside the air wat goft ritt t i *T U d k " h t t stwiw, *Tmo Udks," h« one* Southern states Rome y«Ari ago for Dick," got into trouble in M\ unusual THOMAS IliyiN&'lltOWN, way last week. He slurted on u rail- the Hewing society of St. Jumoa'H and balmy, and everything in nature the purpose of obietving a iolar said, "wtr« in Wft.tmlnitt«r Abb*y, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: road trip for South Aniboy, hut not church. About 85 "persons were pres- was a Bweefc allurement to buy a rail- eclipse. The day pi-eoeding the event wh«n one of thorn soddmly raised hwr Oat year 11 -|J off the traiu at KeanHburg to make si ent, road ticket nnd beat it for the woods, one of the professor* raid to an oldhand, 'Huahl Mrs. Mnry Kuney won mx LlaUn!' aha U a a w»ld w»ld. • l l niontliR. -7B 'Th' h orgwi. I ' t it i «pUndWT Isn't tha iTiree mnntlia ,. . , • . • . .*» call on Jacob I'osten, Ernest Hrun- glasson, Mrs, Mary Ryan won a fancy "It JH in my gyatem," remarked one of colored man who was employed in the 'Thert'a party, reflectively glancing household wherein the scientist was I always to¥» to 1 Sir ,Fterifc . ncll. a step-son of Posten, met theapron, Miss Muttie Carroll won mxthe i'lUi'VOil nt tlio piistotfii'i' lit Hot! Hank, Mexican near l'OHten's house, but cups and snueeiH, Miss Paulino Lang through the open window, "There is quarUred: "Sam, if you will watch play!" 'Beautiful, d « r ,'' replied the N. J., IIH RiHOlHlfl.'ltH IIUllllT. Diamond Dick was unable to find won a hat pin, Misa Mnry Dare n mo- nothing HO appealing as the call of the your chickens tomorrow morai&g you other; 'for » moment I thought it wmv will find thflt they'll all Bo to roort at Sir Walter Parwtt, but of eourw h« lasses cup, Mrs, Thomas Heuly » bu-wild." Poston. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23. 1015. "It mny strike you that way, oldeleven o'clock." Lust week Diamond Dick waH ar-reau scarf, Mrs. John Carroll u plaque, can't play like that! One can usually Sam, as might be expected, wai distinKuiah them by thoir touch,' A i rested on a charm? of threatening to and Frank Lane, an embroidered pil- fellow," responded another, with a skeptical, but at the appointed hour faint smile, "But right here I beg.the take I'osii'n's life, and it developed low, a matter of fact," aayi Sir Frederick, TOWN TALK. m i »— — privilege of canting a dissenting vote," the heavens wtre darkened and the"it was tho vacuum cltancr bulling at the hearing before Justice Wise on "You dont know what you are talk- chickenH, att foretold, retired to roost. away in preparation for the corona. Kriday that when tho Mexican stopped Seven Autoiiti Fined, (Continued from pngc ,'i.) ng about, Jim!" emphatically de- At this the old negro's amaiement Won." In the denth of Theodore F. Knif- at the house Posten was in hiding inSeven nutoistw wore arrested nt knew no bounda, and ho excitedly lit - ^ ien Red Bank loses sin unusual type of side BruniH'll testified at the liear- Red Bank this week for violating traf- clarod the first. "Did you over hear sought out the icienUst, the call of the wild?" j ing that he hud told his step-father X* BMti'i JUlp tka mail and a citizen who hud earned the fic rules and for reckless driving. "PerfesBor," said he, "how long 'go "Yes," replied Jim, with something "Why did you not h«lp the defendrespect of the entire community. Hi« \ that Diamond Dick was at, the house, John Clifford of Red Bank was fined did you know dem chickeni wuz er-ant in the flght, if thafi the casef" early life was n struggle against heavy ] to kill him. He said ho told Posten $2 and Walter Walsh, John Decker akin to a sigh, "from the head of thegoin to roost diiaway?" stairs the other night, when I didn't : this because he knew that the Mexiasked the examining counsel? odds. Left, an orphan when eight Marrio Uoneoro of lied Bank, get home till two o'clock in the morn"About a your ago," said the pro- Mr, Cassidy looked at the lawyer can and Posten had had a disagree- and years of ape, lie worked ns a chore iiment William Taylor and Edgar Pfister of fessor, indulging in a faint smile. and that he feared they would with contempt, and answered in a tono " boy on ftiiniH for bin boanl and lodg- light if they met, Mr, Wise dis- Eatontown, William Maran of Long i " "Well, ef dat dont beat all!" wasof blighting icorn, "For the r'ason ing, and it was in this School of Hard I missed the ease and reprimanded Branch and James Morford of Th© absolute oorreotneti of, the frightened man'i reply. p y "Why, y, that at the toime 01 had no means of g Shrewsbury were each fined $1. Knocks that he learned the lesrons I Ih'umiell. An English policeman entered the, porfessor, n year ago dem chickens knowing which o* thim would be the the circulation •tatement of The which onalilod him to light the battles defendant," house of a publican one morning and wasn't even hatched!" of life. He was deprived of opportuCHURCH'S BUSY WEEK. informed him that it would be necesBrotherhood Athletic Meet. nities to (rt't as much hook learning as | Red Bank Registertoguaranteed Xow t h . TitU (os b*n& Wei MiMfl. Com. the uvtrngo youth of today, hut what ; Many Speeinl Services Being Held at The Presbyterian Brotherhoods of sary to hold an inquest there in the afternoon. Now the landlord had n Wandering on some land belonging y p he Int'ked in this respect was offset by Red Bank and Shrewsbury will hold Wife (angrily)—Just look a t theby the publlahcrt of PrinUiV Highlandi Church Thi* Week, an abundant stock gf common sense an athletic meet nt Al. Smith's at great objection to anything of theto Earl Derby, a collier chanced to time I This morning you got home a t and said: "Oh, I cant be, meet tho owner of Knowiley face to two o'clock and here ft ia again after A coniniunit ( H n n e , w n a8 c r v c ( 1a t and honesty. These characteristics Oceanport on Saturday, August 21st, kind, Ink, who will pay 9100 to the' troubled with inquests in my house. face. His lordship inquired If themidnight. were especially apparent in his work ( , H j , i l a n ( l H jlothodist churcli MonClarence E. Boughton, Jr., is a Here, what'll you have to drink?" collier knew he was walking on his Hushand--We31, you know, m'dear, ftrai person who •ueoMtfully 'lay niffht by the women of the church! new member of the Red Bank society. ns justice of the pence. Robert said he'd have a drop of land, as the initial effort of a week's camit's againit my rule to come home The Brotherhood has sent resolupaign to raise $3,500 to help pay offtions to Mrs. Robert MacDonald, ex- Scotch, which he did, "Thy land? Well, I've got no land twice the §ame day. oontroverU lt« aoouraoy. "Have a cigar, too," Mid the host, mysel'," was the reply, "and I'm like decisions wen> seldom nppenled j the church debt. About ?f)00 was from and rarely reversed by a higher raised or subscribed to at the supper pressing regret over the death of Mr, After the consumption of two to walk on somebody B, Where did T h » M»n Who W»toh»» tht Clock. MacDonald, present. A Among.the court. He belonged to a typo of old by Scotches and cigars the constable aaid you get it from?" b those h h speakk fashioned public officials who are fast ers were Rev, James W. Marshall, he thought he could get the inquest "Oh," explained his loidshlp, "I got Six—No man ever succeeded in Two East Red Bank Rental*. busiBeia who kept watehing^e clock, 3PVSKX0 JTOTIOB. fllsappuarinir. He took great interest Rev. Thomas Huss t Rev, Elijah F, h<!d somewhere else, but as he wasit from my ancestors." Nollco l i hereby given tliRt the Cotnand great, pride in performing his • Reed and Recorder George W, Hardy. The Siegel house on East Front leaving the landlord remarked: "By "And wheer did they get it fro' ?" Dix—Oh, I dont know; tffere's the tniNHloners of Aigtssnient of the Bortrain i dispatcher. d i t h eiutit. ; to meet tho requirements of I A reunion of former pastors of the street, owned by Homer Methot, has the way, who are they going to hold queried the collier. oujjh of Rod Hank, N, J,, will meet at thu Borough Hall, In said Borough, on just ic i' nnd the law, nnd with , church was hold last night. Special been rented by William A. Hopping the inquest on?" "They got it from their ancestors,' Wo Mmalo wltH M i l l , the 8th day of July, i o n , at 8:00 o'clock to Albert II. Kingsland, a New York services will bo held every night this him the financial returns which : "No one as I know of now," said the was the reply. p. m,, for tho purpOBo of hearing person! came to him from his office wore : week, with Bishop Joseph F. Berry, business man. man in blue; "but it 'ud 'a' been me Missionary—If you are about to kill intoruHted In the aBHesBmtnt* to be mads "And wheer did their ancestors get of seeo.ulary importance. His court ! Rev, C. H, Boswell and Rev. L. K. Henry Ely's house on Wallace and if I hadn't had these drinks an' it fro' ?" by them in relation to tho opontiiK of me, let me sing a hymn. pjneo to Monmouth street. was th • scene of many family ' Willman of Asbury Park in charge of Washington streets has been rented smokes," Cannibal—No, sir! No masic with Drummond "They fought for it," By order of tho Boruug-h Council of ~ • *« *• reconciliations in which the aped jus- j the meetings. Rev. James W. Mar-by Mr, Hopping to James Sickles of "Well, begad," said the collier, meals in this place. the Borough of Red Bank, N. J. ^ tice acted as peacemaker in settling shall of Ocean Grove will make an Freehold. Attist; They Sad Pl*nty squaring up to the noble earl, "I'll A, c. HAnniSQN, Borougli Clerk. disputes without recourse to the law.i address at a praise service Sunday a well-known fight thee forit!" Ko Bn»piolon«. The proprietor of Two Hurt Getting on Boat. His long term of service ns custodian ! morning, and Rev. Harold P. Sloan of Repalriii, Fort Sfaneock, N, J. Baaled shop is a man of most excitable tem"My wife should be above BQS- proposals for repairing hospital, annex of the borough hall was of the same ; Red Bunk will preach in the nf terA hawser on the steamer Keans- perament, who is forever scolding his The Man -Without Three Centt. mid hospital steward's quarters will be picion," said C»sar. high standard as his work us a justice. i noon, A platform meeting will be burg at the New Point Comfort dock clerks for their indifference in the matuntil 13 m,, July 28, iOlB, InPete Johnson, Ethiopian, operated a "I Mi," she replied. "I dont ius- received During the time he held the office of held Sunday night. broke Sunday night, and the loose end ter of possible sales. One day, hear- ferry across the Alabama river. One forrnntlon on application to quartermMm im — custodian there were many political struck Mrs, Mary Flnxbarth and hering a clerk say to a customer, "No, day he was accosted by a poor white peet where you have been; I know it. tcr. changes, but Mr, Sniffen was always KILLED BY FALL. daughter Florence of New York. Mrs, we have not had any for a long time," stranger who wanted to cross, but retained in office no matter which Flaxbarth was bruised and her ankle the proprietor, unable to countenance hadn't the wherewithal, Pete gciatched William Brands of Keyport Lost His party was in power. ' This in itself | was sprained. Her daughter suf- such an admission, began to work him* his wooly poll, perplexedly, then Life nt Cljffwood Ywterday. •was a testimonial to the manner in | self into the usual rage. Fixing a fered a broken ankle. 1 •which-he performed his work, for it William Brands of Keyport was glassy eye on his clerk, he said to the queried. "Don yo* got no money 'fall?" showed that good service and not po- killed yesterday morning by a fall of customer i "We have plenty in re"No," was the dejected reply. Died After Long Sickness. FLOWER GARDEN NURSERY litical pull was the influence which forty feet from the top of a pile of serve, ma'am j plenty downstairs." "But it doan' cost yo1 but three cents James Downing of Ocean Grove kept him in office. brick on the grounds of the Cliffwood Whereupon the customer looked ter cross," insisted Pete. brick company at Cliffwood. He was died Saturday night after a sickness dazed, and then to the amazement of ••THE "I know; but I haint got three lasting more than a year, Mr. DownHow highly he was regarded by his found lying on the ground with both ing was 64 years old and had lived at the proprietor, burst into hysterical cents." E, A, SLOTE, townsmen was shown by the fact that arms and five ribs broken, One ofOcean Grove six years. He was a laughter and quit the shop. After a final inward think, Pete re"What did she say to you?" de-marked: "I done tell yo' what; a man although he never asked any one totho ribs punctured the lungs, causing linen salesman for a New York house. King's Highway, MIDDLETOWN, N. J, vote for him nor never did any elec- his death shortly after he was taken A widow and five children survive manded the proprietor of the clerk. what aint got three cents am jes' as "She said, 'We haven't had any rain well off on dis side ob de ribber as on tioneering, he was always chosen to home in an automobile, Mr. Brands lately.1" office hy large mnjoritjes. -._.,__ Frequently was employed as yard foreman by him. Perennial Novelties and Tender AnnufQ P l a n t s de odder!" . m*m- —---^ he was unopposed^ He may not have the company. He was standing on the for Sale, • • mIcemen's Ball. Wiy tht Miai w i i n position in the Hall of Fame, but by brick pile calling to one of the men It W M WO B»nqu«t. who works under him when he lost William Jordan and John Epps will the people of the town ho will be reA man rambled into a village cafe, The story is told of a veteran of the momborod as a man who fulfilled his his balance and fell. He was fifty give an icemen's ball in Odd Fellows selected a table, and told the attend- civil war who returned to the home of duties ns a citizen and as a public years old. He leaves a wife and a hall on Beech street next Monday ing waiter to bring him half a duck, his boyhood to attend a banquet given night, Three prizes will be awarded Fifteen minutes went by, then another Telephone servant with credit to himself and son, Walter Brands of Keyport, -m i mr — — for dancing, and athletic events will fifteen, and yet another. Finally the by the old boys. The diners were all with benefit to the community. men he had known as youngiters. He "take place. DANCE AT COUNTRY CLUB. man at the table began to show symp.expected them to talk over old times. tonis of impatience, Instead one talked incessantly about Arm Broken by Fall. EXERCISES AT EATONTOWN, Festivities Held at Rurason Clubhouse —*"Whtt can I d o loryou, sir?" asked his t a d liver; another discoursed on Saturday Night. Everett Alexander, son of E. E,the waiter, going over to the table in his weak heart; a third had a lot to Entertainment Given by Presbyterian and Mrs, Lewis L. Clarke of ! Alexander_of Nut Swamp, fell out of response to an imperative call. say about his kidney troupe, and so Sunday-School. Monmouth Beach gave a dinner at the the a tree on Thomas Coulton's place in "What about "my order?" demanded it went on. When the veteran re- • Saturday ~ • • night, •Middletown township Saturday ofter- the diner. "How soon do I get that turned to his home he was asked how Children s day wus observed by the R u m i , o n country club Eatontown Presbyterian Sunday- which was followed by a dance. The noon and broke his arm. The boy will half a duck?" he enjoyed the^ banquet. "Banquet 1" school. Sunday night. The entertain- guests were the Brazilian Ambassa- carry his arm in splints for several "Just as soon as somebody comes in he snorted. "Bah! It wasn't a banment was noteworthy for the large dor and Mme. da Gama, Mr, and Mrs. weeks. and orders the other half," was thequet. I t was an organ recital." AT „ _juidieuce_jt-,,drew and for the elabor- Elbert H, Gary, who spent Sunday cairn"re]diner"of the waiter, "You JTot tlio Horse for Kim, ate floral attractions, The exercises with Mr. and Mrs, Clarke at their dont think we Ban go out and kill half He Know What a Court W M . comprised choruses by the school, house, at Monmouth Beach; Mr, and A German farmer was in search of a duck, do you?" scripture reading led by William E. Mrs, J. W. Spalding, Mv. and Mrs.a driving horse. A friend directed Down in South Carolina they caught Morris, prayer by John G, Broese, Frederick H, Eaton, Mr. and Mrs.him to a liveryman. "I've got just an old negro roost-robber "with the No Episcopal Church for Him. recitation by Lois Underbill; Evelyn William A, Jamison, Mr. and Mrs,the horse for you," said the liverygoods on him," as the sayinf goes, and The negro coachman of a Southern : .Anderson, Margaret Tilton, Elizabeth Le Roy W, Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs.man, "He's five years old, sound as forthwith haled him into court to Successor to Moielle Conover, Muriel Rosenbury, Letha James M, >Beck, Mr, and Mrs. E, D,a dollar and goes ten miles without senator who attends the Episcopal stand his trial for chicken-itealing. church, after many invitations from Hulick, Thelma Vunck, Inez Vunck, Adams and J, Horace Harding, Joseph stopping," When old Rastus was placed in the the' senator's wife, went into the Loietta Elgrim,_Calvin Rush, Elwood A. Flynn and J. LynehiPondergast. The German threw his head sky- church one Sunday morning instead of dock the judge aaid, "Now, Uncle Baa, Rnydei1, Ernest Elgrim, Roy Carlisle, I suppose you realize that you're in ward, "Nod for me," he said, "nod staying outside. John and Albert Gloxer, Norma Beal, a court of law, and you quite realize MKiflnnaBeaii MMMt for me. I lif eight miles from town "How did you like the service, Jim?" what a court is?" Margaret Slothart, Edna VanKeuren, LITTLE SILVER PORCH PARTY out, and mit dot horse 1 haf to valk she asked- afterward, Helen Dennis, Dorothy Underhill, "Why, shore, boas," came back Rasbuck two miles," "Not much, mustis," Jim replied. tus, "a co't? Why, a co't am shore a Helen Dennis, Dorothy Stothart, MUsionariei from Widely Separated "That ain' no church fob me. Dey Placei Among the Guests. • Gladys Snyder, Alma Crawford and wastes too much time readin' di min-place where dey dispenses wif jusThe Mason ami the Doctor. A porch party at which two misFred Beal- song by Alma Crawford, tice!" utes ob de previous meetin'." and GAS PLATES, Ovens to fit Venetia Matthews, Annie Parker and sionaries from widely separated parts A pompous physician, who was inof the earth were among tho guests — • » — — The Mlnl«ter and the Choir 8iBf«r. LoreiUi Elgrim; pantomime, by Inez clined to criticize others, was watching Agent for The New Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stoves Vunck, Helen Dennis, Gladys Snyder, took place Saturday afternoon at the a stone-mason build n fence for a Coffee. A minister was in love with a momThe Beit in the world Thelma Vunck. t Dorothy Underhill, Methodist parsonage at Little Silver. neighbor. He thought the mason used A physician who attended Fonto- ber of his choir. He himself was Dorothy Stothart and Lois Underhill, Mrs, J. B. Shaw, wife of the pastor too much mortar. "Jim," he said, nelle onco found him drinking coffee. musically inclined, and frequently the Gat Tubing all length* with a song by Miss Madeline Haynes of the church, was the hostess, Tho "the trowel covers up a good many "My good sir," said this sage descend- two would sing duets. Recently ho two missionaries are Miss Nourso, Window Screens, Screen Wire, Screen Door* and Mi«s Mabel Bennett and an admistakes, doesn't it?" ant of Galen, "I am astonished to see arose to.announce the music for the who recently arrived in this country dress by Rev, Dwight L. Parsons. "Yes, doctor," calmly replied the you swallowing the infusion of that morning service, and this is what he Full line of Hammoclu at low prices The children were drilled for their , from Africa, and Miss Britt, who will mason, "and so does the spade." pernicious berry—coffee is a slow said in his agitation: "Miss Blank Telephone 7 Bread St. parts by Miss Sara Nivison and Miss 1j return to to her work in India in a short will now sing 'Oh, bad I the wingi of m im poison!'' 267-R Isabelle Bennett. The decorations time. Miss — Britt - •--was the - recipient . . .of" . a dove, I would fly away,' accompanied The Farmer Wastsd to Knowi "I think," said Fontenelle, "it must were arranged by Miss Kate Van- a number of gifts with which to furbe slow; for I have drunk|fb'wiyi great by the pastor," A Pennsylvania farmer was the Schoick, Miss Isabella Bennett, Miss nisb her home in India. wner of a good Alderney cow, A perseverance for more* than forty Mabel Bennett, Miss Nivison, Miss ^•*»»*»»»tf^»H^»«^>»»»##0»g»»»#eg#e#»i9«c»«i Lillie Bennett, Lorettti Elgrim and 4ANY ATTEND HEBREW DANCE. tranger, having admired the animal, years," isked tho farmers "What will you Annie Parker. The Advance of Selene*. Two Hundred Periom Enjoy Feitivi- ake for your cow?" tiei on Wtit, Front Street. Troubled with The farmer scratched his head for ' Doctor—What? ELKS' BARN DANCE. moment, and then said: "Look a- sleeplessness? Eat something befofe About 200 persons attended a party at the Hebrew congregation's lere, be you the tax assessor, or has going to bed. More Than 100 Person* at Gay Affair meeting place ori^ West Front street ho been killed by the railroad?" Patient—Why, doctor, you once told Last Thursday Night, me never to eat anything before going Sunday night. The festivities were "The Elks' lodge held a barn dance nder the direction of the women's to bed. •Wanted a Sample last Thursday night in the barn on lub of the congregation. Dr. A. A. Doctor (with dignity)—Pooh, pooh! "Your honor,' said the foreman of vThat was last January. Science has Elks' home property on Enst Front ^inklestein of New York, brother of street. More than 100 persons at- . M. Finklestein of Red Bank, made he jury, "this lady is suing this gent made enormous strides since then. tended the affair. The barn was n address. The party was for the :or $10",000 for a stolen kiss," beautifully decorated with Japanese onefit of the Hebrew school for "Correct," responded the judge. Calling' OB Hln Fntnre Patlior-ln-taw. Innternfl and electric lights. Festoons hildren. A present was given to You are to decide if it was worth Young man—I have called, sir, to of electric lights were hung about iach pupil. t," the lawn. Prizes were awarded to 'That's the point, your honor. Could request the hand of your daughter in marriage, the fortunate dancers. Large numbers SUCCESSFUL LAWN FESTIVAL, he jury have a sample?" Grumbells—Has she accepted you? wore painted on the floor, and after Young man—Yes, sir. ench dance, the couples stood on these Social Helpers of the Baptist Church The PrJ«oner'B Occnpatlon. Grumbells—.Then what do you want •i numbers while a wheel was spun. Clear About $80. Warden (to now prisoner)—What to come around and bother me with The wheel had numbers correspondThe Social Helpers of the Baptist work can you do? What was your oc- your troubles for? Baby Dresses art 49c and 69c A New Selection of Dresses ing to the numbers of the floor, and A new arrival of dainty dresses for little tots in •wherever the wheel stopped, the hurch cleared about $80 at a lawn cupation? The very latest models In Crepes, Voiles and many Rflmemtoerlnff tha Walter. couple standing on the number won a festival at Mrs. George M. Sandt's on Prisoner—I was a 'cellist In an orof other fancy materials at special price, S2.9S, low and square necks with short sleeves, kiraona prize. Music w'as furnished by Wil- Broad street last Wednesday and styles, dainty trimmed and fancy materials. Good "Beg pardon, air," observed the « S , M and M * M . Valuea up to f 10.00, liam Sandlass's orchestra from the Thursday afternoons. Fancy articles, Warden—Well, then, we'll set youtough-loofcing waiter, suggestively. ce cream, cakes and candies were on Taiaeat98e, \ Bamboo garden at Highland Beach. to rawing wood. "Gentlemen at this table usually—er Ladies' Coats at Great Reductions Refreshments were served on thesale, and they were served at a lunch —remember me, sir." eon in the sun-parlor, A see-saw, Baby Caps and Hats at Great lawn, He Would Help. Up-to-date models in Checks, Corduroya and "I dont wonder," said the cuttomer, ehute-the-ehute and swings wore on Ptoriuctf on* "Mr. Editor, we are trying to start cordially. "That mug of yours would Chinchillas. We offer them at a clearing- pries S4<M the lawn to nmuse the children. Lawn Gapi and Bonnets, pique and straw hats be hard to forget." a home for disabled poets," and $ 5 . 9 8 . These Coati were Belting up to a week STAR OF THE SEA GRADUATES, reduced to 2 1 c and 4 » o . Values up to 98c "Fine," said the editor, "There is Riding Academy Opened, •go for 110.00 and 112,60. a whole bunch of poets in this town Five Girls Living in This Section Fi Hl» BmoOMt Dno to Hla Wife. The Central Park riding academy, that I will disable as soon as you are Ladles' Combinations, ish Course of Studies, "My •wife mode me a success," reLadles' White Top Skirts at Reduced Those are M lot of sample .ctnnbhmtions made of May Walsh and Pfiuline Lang of which conducted a branch at thoready for them "^ marked the man. fine quality nainsook, trimmed with Imported «mPrices 1 Bed Bank, and Margaret Kelly, Cath- Globe hotel stables last year, has re"I am glad to hear you say that/ opened its brnnch here for the second Bow the People Wonia Learn the Tenth, broidery aod ribbon beading with knickarbock«r eriiie MeOarrity and Mabel McCor A fine ielection of the best material and styles. drawers declared his partor. in all sizes, good valu© at 98c. mick of Shrewsbury were among season at the same place with Thomas Mrs. Oneymun—-If you never go to "Yes, she has always wanted so Linens, Garbardines, imported Ratinea and Basket those who graduated from the Star of Giblin as riding instructor. The church with me, Tiow are people to many things that I've just had to GIothB and otter fancy materials. Priew are reduced the Sea academy at Long Branch Fri- academy has its own horses and know that I am married? hustle." dny afternoon. Rev. M. MeCorristan ponies, and a number of children and t o 9 8 c , S 1 . 4 9 , S l . M . Formerly priced $1.50 to »8.00. Mr. Oneymun—Oh, take the kids Dozens of new atylen of fancy materials, with prwlded at the exercises. The grad- adults have enrolled for this season's with you. I guess that will make What n e t w<mia Be, qittker collars, alto awnimr stripei, rice doth, fancy untes received certificates for effi- course, people suspect the truth at least. • i• — — Parasols at 98c and 91.98 Bank teller—This check Is all right, ciency in writing. Alwida Edwards bird's-eye VoileB, O^andies and plain tailored, also New Alumni Officers. but you muit be introduced! Cant New ahadea of pore «iik Purasola -with fancy fancy trimmed in aises from 84 to 46, of Long Brnnch and Margaret Kelly ' Ho Hoffolat Motor Schedule. you bring in your husband? got diplomas for proficiency in bookThe Atlantic Highlands ajumni an borders, gilted tips, handsome handles u d tDk tassels. Woman—-Who, Jack? Why, if Jack Special* In MWdy B I O U S M keeping, _^ sociation has elected Edgar C. Cook Crawford—Did you have your regupresident, John Tumen vice-president, lar schedule when you went on your thought you wanted an introduction «9c Middy Blouses to me he'd knoek your block off, 9Bc Chlldrm's Mrs. Walter Roberts secretary and motoring tour? ARMORY IN DARKNESS. »L60Middy Bloqpa ;... Miss Myrtle Quackenbush treasurer, Grabshaw—Oh, nof we just natA rare bargain in Children's Wash Dresses, made »8.00 Silk BUdOy Btooa«i Big Military BuildiiiK H.» Been With- The dues have been increased from urally stopped wherever the car hap* for Mon»y. of fast color dress Ginghams and flowered Crepes in $1 to $1.50 a year, These are all well made with fast color trimming* out Lights for Two Nights. pened to have its breakdown. "Does your husband play cards for the latent stylesfatAtma from 8to14. in aizea from 8 years to 44, The electric power in the armory money?" at Red Bank was cut off Monday by Colored Giant. Beat Belford. "1 dont think ao," replied young TJie Lawy«t and th» Doctor. Specials In DonMstfea the Public Service electric compaiiy Mra. Toikina, "But those who play The Colored Giants defeated the because the state has failed to pay the The lawyer was endeavoring to with him do." _ ^ To introduoB a new brand of Jolly Clown Hosa 86c h«avy Turkish Towels All Stars of Belford at Red Bank company'B bill for light. The bill i pump some free advice out of the docwhich the manufacturer, offered us a supplytoadvtr- Table Cloth Hmnttttdifld ' about a year over due, it was stated Sunday afternoon by a score of 7 totor. "Which sidrf is it MR to lie on, 0. The game was of a see-saw nature Use this brand to tell them for 60 per e«nt less than Henntitclwd Napkin*, pare white.., doc?" / at the office of the company thifl thair value. They are pure white, fins rib, made *f 86*45.tiltow C*MM» goodipalilv....; morning. Last night the ambulanc and held the crowd in a state of ex- "The Bide that gay/ you the re- "There's one thing I will say for my first two husbands.' company had a drill in the armory, citement throughout the contest. tainer," said the doctor.. Egyptmin cotton in sixes from 6 to 9 1-2. Quantity 46c Bed Bhwto 72xflO Clifford Green of the Red Bank team "What'a thatf" Light wno supplied by bicycle lamps 79c Bedah—tdBetmlw JlrtO mtrfctad to fi pair to a customer. pitched great ball, as did his opponent "They alwayg paid ttelr alimony automobile lamps and candles. Wanted to Battle Xt Out of Court. Murphy, who ia deaf and dumb. IOO Linen Dish Toweling..., ', 7|o promptly.*^ m • »•' , H.00 8nmnwr Comfortables, good size. Magistrate—Can't this case be getAmliuUnco Company to Camp, Arthur Pryor, Arcade Pier, i A. tied out of court? • Made offi»eqoaH«FCMpe,cut fall siae. Triwrnad 11.00 BUaluU in white and g w j * Red Bank ambulance c o m p l y wil bury Park, commencing Sunday, Jan< Mulligaii—Shure, That's phat we "What is a We Umiak T*Wo Lin«n .«S«js«d with German Vjtf U p . go to Pennsylvania on July 20th to 27th, 8H0 and 8:1B o'clock.—-Adver. wuz thryin to do, yer honor, •whin the "A Rirl wh» taows she cant tiaement for nine days. police interfered. fand cant be coaxedtotry." < ,OMN H. COOK. EcHat MM! PuhB.h«. GEORGE C. HANCE. Atwtelaf Eiljtmf, LILIES AND DEWUNHIttS INBLOOM. Do you want satisfaction ^hen celebrating the 4th? If you to, buy your TRUBIN'S 38 Broad Street — — - * »*• — Red Bank — BLUE FLAME OIL STOVES I J. YANKO'S 24 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. SPECIAL OFFERINGS In Dresses, Wash Skirts, Bathing Suits, Coats and Many Other Good Values of Up-to-Date Dependable Merchandise Shirt WalsU at » f c mw *» T#HE M O »ANK REGISTER. P*a» Thirteen. THE TWO U I B I 1 , to' BiintCH""*riio 'pocket hook, Curd of Thanka. nmcli much of his time while at * ' VEUgQWAL. K. M. Conk, Auctlonoor, John ruilstedi nml u tu'iiiUo imHticd, Hensonville preparing for the harTo show my appreciation to thosu Tli»y H»il Fl»nty of Monty Bat They Frederick Finnerty of Jersey City vesting of maple syrup from the trees who extended sympathy nnd nid to ToiinntB in rooniH udjolnlui; onim- lu W i t i Very Saving, !TBV«rtli«l#«». '" myself and family in our breavement fcu b**n visiting John ^Gorman ofon his plac«. and, RoeliiK what WHH tukSiiM phiio, AUCTION SALE Monmputh itreet There once lived at 8t, Jof-uph, Minx- caused by tin- death of my father, I Thomaa Oiblln of. New York, inrolled t!<e police, nm! the two uppoEdw»rd 0'BrUnB;*on of William •tractor at the Central Park riding otiri, two fanioiiM miHt'rr, two old take thin means of expressing rny neut« were arnwtMi asiil liil.cn to u CBri«n of Branch mvenuo, U home academy's branch here, is a guest at buchulurs, of courKc. The older niitser gratitude. JOHN SNIlTKN HtttttOll. from Princeton preparatory •chpol the Globe hotel, oulk-d on the younger nne ni^ht, and —• Advoitisi;ment, ' When tho ctwo onum up for I'ximilim- found him Hittlnf; in the (lull;. Howfor tkiMnftter vacation, Leon Gordon of Linden place is tluu the justice directed Unit tho owner i'ver, when In? found there WHS a Mttl Dorothyy Straus of Linden working as clerk in Child'* grocery on SIXTHS. The property of P. Godfrey « of tlii> prb;»erty In qnwtlon lit'lui* milt mortgage paper to he exaiiiinetl he lit f ' l . i i H K . - A t l t i - i l I I H I I K . i i i i K r l i l n v . M* i i «mploy«d M « talMgirl at Broad street. ut 110 Mechanic Htreut l l l l i ' I M I i , M l . : . I ; . I W i l l H , « • " l i i H . . o f M M I I I I . up a Hniall candle. Hut tiK HOOII UH the iignlnMt John for tin* recovery of IIIH hild's hmkory during the n t n m r . Mrs, Annie C. VanNote of ManusI • I " . • ' K i l l ; , . U 1 t i l l l i i i t i k , n n T i i i ' , h i v , paper wan read through hiliiusv out Elmer H, Geran of Matawan was a cjuan has returned homo from a visit And How It Was Turned pmpurty. Thin bavin),' IMHMI iliim-, tlm .he candle iiKuin. Thursday, June 24th n i l " K i t h , M i ' . - i . , N . I I . | J I < I I v i i .H i " n i i , i n i ; ! i . vUltor at Bed Bank on ThamdRy. with her brother-in-ljiw, Harry C. Fay JIHHI John eounm'l, aiiil tho I'M . at l':<)0 o'clock, rain o r nhlne "Why did you do t h a t ? " his KUcst a t,&-Wrence Wolf of Catherine street of Monmouth street. cant) of llnrjjruvo rontiiH Ltorluii WHH to a Useful Purpose l , Y i >NK. — A t A l h ntiisvii, m i s . i h i n l . i y , ('iiiif.istitig of 7 piece I'arliir Huite, ittle oiri'lidi'il, jinked, Is operating a jitney bus around town. Jay Leonard, son of W. W. Leonard l i i i i i ! ^ ! h . M i M. . l . i t i i * ^ J . ^ t i n ^ , u T M H . ' M . tried at once. HocHing C h a i r s , TiildeH, StaiidN, 1M«- I He recently bought on automobile of Broad street, graduated from the "Now, my dear Nir," miid t h e host, •'. A t M ;> M , I H < j i i . t n . * > H Hanrrnvc told how he hud ],mt IIIH 'can't we talk just an well in the dark'.' U ' . M tuieK, Irinli P o i n t I.JII'O t'lirtuiIIH, e t c . , * from E. 8, Olileion, Mr. Wolf was Bordentown military inHtitute last Inn*' li.ih. ills. Mi.it % By ESTHER VANDEVEER pocketbook. IIi> had i w n walking the [)f course wo r a n , and think how itM . - i i - . ' i - l l n - i . u f ,i i l . n m h l i T , P i n i n g Room Tiiltli*, Hideboard, S e r v formerly employed aft clerk in George week. He is •ponding the Rummer M i * i; i • 11 v At i t i ' , 1 | I : I I I U . i , n W Y i h i . •• Htrect when he was jOHtlwl by tumio lilVeK the ciunlU'." ing T a b l e , ('hair-i, HUJJ.S, C a i p e t ! , 3 Wolf'• itore on Front street. with hii sister, Mrs. George Aekerman • TTfTTf™ I|:IV, ,lnni> l i ' i l i . J i m . ] , 11K. • M i n p h y . . i f 'fTfTTTTTfTffff' Hedioom .Suites, Urns;; a n d I r o n I k i l a , men. Ho Bhoiitixl for the police, rind Mist Emma Pierce of Shrewsbury of Hudson avenue. So they inked on—money, money, < i . t U i ; i i ( i ' i ' . S e w i n g Mnchine. all k111cirt of Kitchen avenue spent a few days last week Fred Parker of Atlantic City is John Dorian was a country boy who the uiPiiran.On ivnchlnK home ho Honey, But the host nntici-d s t r u n g W I M P S * I X . —A t lli-il 1 1i i ii l c , . i n T h i i r - i with Hiss Bertha Thompson of Long visiting his aunt, Mrs, Anna Frazee had gone to the city to make bis for-(Uncovered his IOHH. ll« mi|i|io8(>d tlint ounds yorniiin from hiw n»CKt's chair . l i i v , , ! i l l l i ' l u i h , M i ' 8 . A l l " ! - ! H l l n j i j i ' i l l , n f UleiiHilH, China, (ilaHs, e t c , nnd o t h e r thing* t o o niimcriHtN t o n i r n l i o i i , Branch. of West Front street. the robberH hud dropped UIH p*M-'ket- —strance crenk.s and rustling—-and S T ] l , \ \ i:i.!.. A t l * i . . Ii i . I ,t , M M I ' i | . i , , % e v e r y t h i n g in tliHt c l n s c o n d i t i o n . MrB, Joel Walling of Koyport at last no said: Mrs. Lucy E. Douglass hag returned tune. Ho bad parted, the night before book in their illght. Tei-m.1! ea.-h. spent part of last week with herfrom a viiit with relatives at Norwich, leaving bwao, with Mabel BurrougbH John's counsel, a lawyer mimed Dex"What are you doing there, any-.h1 u1l1l1.! . ' ! i t i i . M l ' M , l l . l l ' . l l i l S t l l t t , I I , , . f daughter, Mrs. Leon Newman of New- Conn, The cold weather there at tho gate of her futber'B home, botb ter, ndviited IIIH client to aumnion an way?" f, GODFREY. M A R R I A G E S . man Sprinjrt road. brought on an attack of grip and Mrs. pledging tbeuueives to be true to each "Why, said the other, "R'K dark and A i n t i i W j i . M I T P 1 I H ' 1 / I ' S . A t I . U M I : Ajfont for P.iia-f-DfltroH Carl. who know muny penioiiH UB Frank Mount and Floyd Mullen Douglass returned home to wait for other till John's return, when ho had obody can see me, no I thought I'd have returned for the summer vaca- warmer weather, when she will again become successful, mid they would be him to teselfy to IIIH honwty. This take off my trousers to .save wear and HI lI i .vI I. I I JM) . *. i im, H I i UA' . ' ..Il Il .I i. r' nS. I- I. 'Mi ' V, , M . iI n: n«. ' l . i nti ii l- t. hi . lA . i yWUH done, n«d quite a iiiiinber wore tear." tion from Stevens Technical institute, visit Norwich, i.iwniiiith i ' f I , . m i i : l l r i u i i l i u n . | H i • 111-• N" I : . married. I l i i l t * n f I ' 1 . 1 111 A i i i l i i i y . Miiiei Mildred and Ruth Embley After tukliiK their testimony Raymond Hurley of Oakland street f i t N l ' A N N ' n . V . - . M ' . M A I I i i N . A t 1 1l u l l of Senbright, bookkeepers in Child's is employed as office boy in John S, Mabel wris a practical girl. Bho bad colled Htirsrnve to tile Ntnnd. I t Oavo tho Man a lift. l i l l l . l * . I I I I H l i l l i h i l ' , .1 11 ? I • • _' (I 1 | | . I n ' | £ . . ' I ' BRIGHT, M, .J. bakery, spent the week-end at Toms Applegate's law office. known of other young mon going to "Why did you not mention In your The well-dressed, portly man .stood I ' . K I ' . I I I I H , M | B . H W i n l l ' r i ' . l . | . , , . I ' I I I - ( M lSEA l.-M i M ' l ;. : i I - - - - !••... . i i : I : , i i - t i I . , i n ,-•. • • - . Eiver. MisB Irene Tujly of New York spent the city to make their fortunes, somu udvoxtluemeDt," iiski'd tim iiiwyer, "tho for Buvural moments watching tliu I ' i i i i f i i i n , 1 1 1 * 1 , 1 * * 1 , 1 1 J . , \ | r . \ l . i h . . i i . 1 , , . 1 1 1 . i f i n n , :-•• a l u i ; ; h t . X . , 1 . , i K ' t w i i ' i ] i " i i i t i . T # Mrs. J. 0. Lamtaertson. of Branch the week-end with Mrs, John Carroll of wlujm had conio back threadbare voiichera you clnim were in the poek- brawny drayiiinn who was laboriously . 1 1 1 , 1 I " . . ! - . - ! \ . - \ v - J1 i , , ( • ; , U , i i i i i : i ; I' | , i i ! i l l K X I I \ \ [ , 1 : H — 1I!-:\1!Y.— A t X o u m k , ,,i, avenue is spending two weeks atof River street. tugging lit n largo, heavy-laden box, S i i i i . l i i y . . ) i i i i • • i j ' i t l i , M I K - 1 . ! , i i n i , - K i i i i i W " ; tl',-,:l, I'll'.II- I! '- I, und hungry and some reninined away, etbook?" Freehold, Hightsown, Trenton and Richard Pate of Denver, Colorado, bijt she bad never beard of any of "IkK-uuse thoy were not money and which .seemed almost UH wide as thei l l ' . V . - w . - i r U m i l l l . i - i i n y H . f i i - y n f I d 1 f , . j - , l . i'; h;i''.-; ' ' I , > ) \ i i = , • . ',. \ ] , - ^ *. j w i . t . Princeton. was a guest of Edward O'Brien of them doorway through which he was trying H I ' c l i e l - : i J — H< ? H « • ! • : > , * " . — A t T Mnt>*n, m i making fortunes. One bad been of no vnluc to uny one but me." Hamilton B. Price returned last Branch avenue last week. Ac i i : , v i ' . - : l i i n l u r y i ' i . i H, W l i l l l r i . i l i i y . . I l l i l c l l i t l l , M i r : : M l l l l h M l n A move it. Presently the kindly discrushed under tho whoels of the jug- '"What waH the nature of the vouch- to week from B buBlneis trip of four m im posed onlooker approached tho pers- S tf u rA. -« r! n ii *r yC T rl 'f i ii ri lf ; i. m i i n i l X . I M I I I J . H i l i * * , i i weeks at Buffalo, New York. .eoruaut ear that rolls over those WHO ers''" I M H t r i h ' l !• i i i ^ , piring drayman and .said with n patCHURCH NEWS. KKir.--At Hilin;ir, • „ , Roue! Baker Kimball, Jr., of Seafail In the struggle In a great city. Tho witnewH hesitate*!, then claimed ronizing air: "Like to have a lift"?*' M ' >/ i. iIi' |M; i My . I tJ t—n iI nI A M l l d i , h y| t i - y . I - ' . | | , S M . r - JOHN W, DOWSER, bright, who ii well known here, gradto bo Held at BnptUt While John was picturing to her how that they wem receipted bills for "But yer life," the other replied, and I - ' h ir f, i i l Mi i ,i « ms i l l V h Hi lI iI - It U H M1 ),,Xl ul lnn i ' 'i i . r n f rI li .i i. yl ti Mi iM. i. -l i' ' ated last week from Princeton col- Eattrtitnnmt money espciide«l. be would work early and lute, saving Church Friday night. for the next two minutes the two men, I Before the case went to the jury on opposite sides of the box, worked, The Nearer and Farther Lights so- nil ho made except for a bare living, iss Marlon LambertBon of Branch DEATHS, puffed,, and wheezed, but it did Dexter eliilnieil that he lind proved lifted,, p avenue spent Sunday with friends at ciety of the Baptist church will give she listened doubtlngly. O ' H R I I - I X , - X m i r I ' l l - hi,],!, m i Hliii.lny t i h F i l l h l Finally tho portly uarat'tor mill tlint there an entertainment Friday night in the "Anyway, Jobnny, whothbr you come not move an inch. Keyport,^ i o f 1 'i'•-<>li,,],|. and said, hobe- . I m i f l :Nu Tl ii, S . W- —i lAl th i i (n' l l li TJ 'wHi ii ini i-li,i m neither any evidence that be had man straightened up and iTn.'.-.'l.iy, Mrs. Robert MucKcllar of Maple church. Vocal selections will be ren- back rich or poor, you'll find me here Ladies* and Gents' Tailor bulieve we can tween puffs: "I don't 'ii\\, U i l l i i i i i i i S r a i i i l H o i Jsi-vpni't! dered by Mrs. John Ely, Miss Edna .liilii waiting for you, and I'll welcome you stolen tho voiu.-hiTH nor tiny necessity get it in there, avenue hag been spending several ill y u i l r H . Naser, Miss Christine Hook and Eudays on a visit at Haddonneld. Mr. Cleaning and Repairing just as heartily if you are poor as if for such evidi'uee, becniiHu if ho had n e d llaiik, on MacKollar drove to that place in hisgene Magee, Misses Laura Birdsall, you are rich. But against ono thing been a thief ho would hnve taken the "Get it in?" the drayman almost liny , J i m i KII.—At lUtli, William nrcHKlni' automobile to bring Mrs, MaeKellar Alma Bodine and Marion Ford will let me caution you. If you find that money nnd loft the vouchers instead shouted, "Why, you blamed mutton- •"ii ! HATS RENOVATED head, I'm tryingtogot it out!" give jpiano solos and Miss Helen Kelly home. E M M O X H . — A t K i i E l i i i l i t o w i i , o n S u n of taking tho vouchers niid leaving the of Matawan will recite. The junior the battle bj going against you como OCEAN AVE., SEA BRIGHT, N.j. m i • —^—. iliiy, Jtim.> K i t l i , M I ' H , . \ l ; i r y K i n i i i u i i s , nw-'il Mr, and Mrs. Dewitt Carhart of choir will sing for the first time at back. Don't stay in the city to bomoney., He nlso claimed that his client Why S i Cams Back. Spring street and, Mr. and Mrs. had a cause of action against Hnrgrave the church service Sunday night. crushed." HI'BHARt).—At I t c . l l l i i i i k , fin T t i i s Madam Silvera George Brand of Long Branch spent One of the bosses at Baldwin's Loco- ( l a y , J u n o Li2il, M r s , S;irnli ] l i i l i l ) n r i l , a t ; r . l for slander nnd that the evidence had Next Tuesday night the Philathea John promised, and with a long em:IL! yi'iii'H i i n d 7 n u i T i t l i s , Jti.-lntlvi-n n m l motive Works had to lay off an arguSunday at Forked River, where they iociety will meet at Miss Nellie Alshown the plaintiff to be a miser. To DRESSMAKER frienilH n r o Inviti-il t nu t t i - m l t i n - lum-I-JIJ Irishman named Pat, so he,'lt enjoyed a shore dinner at Gowdy's bert's of Peters place. The Christ- brace they parted. this tho judge lidded instructions that mentatlvo tilt • I n t . , 1-cHiili-11.(1 n i l W e s t Krnllt When John rolled on the raised saved discussion by putting the dis-s t r e e t , I-'riiJiiy, ,IUIK« iZiUi, l i t 2 : U 0 o ' c l o c k hotel. The trip was made by motor- ian Endeavor society will hold a lawn ttirougn the outskirts of thewere favorable to tho defendant. charge In writing. The next day Pat p . i n , cyclei. festival at Mrs. Anna Wilson's on tracks When the verdict was brought in the was missin-g; but a week later the boss SI.MI'J'IX.—At Asbiiry T'urk, o n T u p s city and saw the miles and miles of Richard Sewing and William Earle Waverly place Tuesday, July 18th. J u n e l . i t h , J o l i n W . M n i ' t l n , ngoil 02 said that the jury had found was passing through the shop and he (lily, of White Plains, New York, spent the yoni'K, Sunday services have been re- houses, the throngs, the traffic, bis foreman saw him again at his lathe. Going up for the defendant. Since the pocketweek-end with Mr, and Mrs, Royal •utned at the Reformed church. Theheart sank within him. But he rePATTERSON'.—At Aslniry Piirlc, on Irishman, he demanded fiercely: jronday, Moss of Shrewsbury avenue. June aist; David ruttei'Mon, ai|.'il addition to the church will not be at-pressed the feeling of despondency, book contained other artlclefl than had teethe 7 1 ymura, mentioned by the advertiser, it "Didn't you get my letter?" Misses Madeline VanMater, Helen tached to the main building until gritted his teeth and resolved that be PIKnCK.—• At ni'iullpy Benr-li, on Kini"Yis, sur, Oi did," said Pat. Boughton, Louise Wilby and Helen the work is in course of completion. would succeed, He had read the story could not be the one for which ho had ilay, June IHtli, Mrs, Htinuali I'., Vliice, "Did you read it?" Worthley have returned from Ment- The airdome will be ready in about of Whlttington, who went to London advertised. Therefore the property bethe Long Brnncli IIOK"Sure, sur, Oi read it inside and 01 KTjOANr*,—At elair Normal school for the summer. two weeks. Woilncsiliiy, .lime Ifitli, Chrlwtua poor b«r, bocanie discouraged at the longed to the defendant until a claim- read it outside," said Pat, "and on the pltul.jin plifr Hlomit! of Atliintie Highlands, np:e>(l Charles Hammer of Eastside Park ant for it coold prove that it was his. At the Methodist church Sunday has a new Harley-Daviion motor- morning Rev. Harold P. Sloan will sight of the great city in the distance Before John and his coansel bad loft inside yez said I was fired, and on the 7") y pa r'M. HX1FFKN.—At Hod Bnnki on Frlilay, cycle, whichjie bought from William preach the first of a series of'sermons and resolved to go back to his borne. th© court Hargrave's counsel came to outside yez said, 'Return to Baldwin's June l s t h , Tlieodgru b\ Snlft't'n, agt-d fs C.1 Lawrerice. based upon the Apostles reed. The But he heard the bells ringing, and John and offered, on behalf of hisLocomotive Works in five days.' " years. ' i Rev, Lester G, Leggett, who has first topic will be "I Believe in God, they seemed to say, "Turn again, STEJILFn.—At JTntiiwan," on T h u r s - ' been living at Asbury Park, has the Father Almighty," Mr, Sloan be- Whlttington, lord mayor of London." client, all the money that was in It What He Sid. day, J u n e ITtli, Christian F, Stumlor. tiltecl 4S years, Tented his house at that place, and lieves that Billy Sunday and the pres- He entered the city and became enor- and $100 for the book. Dexter at once Judge—What is your oacupation, became gusplcioue and made an exami- my man? STOOTllOFF,—At LOUK Brandi h o s will return to Red Bank to board with ent day revival movement have put a mously rich. pital, tin Tut-'Hilay, June lIL'il, ILil.i, Siisan Francis V, Many of Drummond place renewed emphasis upon the ChristA nation of tbe pocketbook. Ono sldo fiS years, wife of .lames Prisoner—I am a bus driver, my ] This story, familiar to many a schoolafter July 1st. ian Creed, and his sermons will be being remarkable for its thickness, be lord. A, Htoothoff. ],"uni.'ral Hervires at 2:30 boy, camo back to John Borlan and p, in, ThurNclay from hf'r lat» reHlileiift*, f i n d Get Full appropriate to this thought. At Fifteen delegates of the Elntracht inserted his knife between It nnd the Judge—You mean you are the Alicldlinown, X, ,T, Hplativts ainl frlouilH I Size 25c Cake society of Red Bank attended the pic- night, the wage-earners' question, gave him courage. When he alighted lining and took out seven ?l,000 bills. driver are'inyited to attend without further in- • ( HarflnaSoap • of horses attached thereto? I ILMIM nic of the Eintracht societies of New "What am I Making?" will be elabor- from the train be felt strong enough He a t once called bis client to him vitation. Prisoner—Yes, sir. Jersey, at New Brunswick on Sunday, ated upon in a sermon entitled "Am to breast the tide that seemed risimg for a private conference and showed Judge—You are charged with hit4 Asiuiry Park, on n,—At th, The trip was made in automobiles do- I Making a Living or a Life?" A to oppose him y, , Mrs. limily H this man in the face; Did you do Thursday, S t k June 1 number of persons will be received in- The game of life is similar to a game him the find, Jobc was nstoni^hed, ting nated by members of the society. Stryker, nged lil years.. aULLIVAX.—At Sliddletown, (in F r i Mr, and Mrs, Branch M. Curtis of to membership by letter Sunday of cards. If we have good cards, but ha hod decided to return both tho it?Prisoner—Certainly not! day, Juno INth, Mrs. Cornuliu.V r>- Hullimoney he had found and the pocketChicago are visiting Mr. and Mrs.morning. The church is making a vnn, of a daughter. Judge—What did you do, then? Louis George Davidson of Peters point of holding home-like services. which is the same as having good luck, book to Hargrove, to whom be believed V A X n i t r X T . — A t IMUK Bi'iilicli, nn Prisoner-— I hit him on the nasal Mdiuliiy, Every worshipper is personally wo win. A few there are with such It rightfully belonged. He now took place, .lime. Mth, (Jh:irIcH Vtinlirunt organ attached thereto. rtgCHl 00 yearn. greeted, and the seats are free. aptitude for the game that they may the same fffound with respect to the Miaa Katherijia Holmes of South AUXDERVUHn.— At FrnclKiUl, nn Btreet is spending this week at GullThe subject of the Christian win with poor cards-, but, generally concealed bills. Riiiidny, .7111111 intli, Jlrs. He Wai Doing Bis Belt. speaking, poor cards mean the loss of ford, Conn., as the guest o£ Mrs, Wil- Science services at John G. Mason's "You will do no such thing," sold Vandervfir, aged 111 years, couple went to a Western , (lll WOOLLEY.—At Poplnr, on Wcdnos liam L. Stone, on River street next Sunday will be he game. In other words, success the lawyer. "I am acting In-your inMrs. leabelle Sod-in and Mr. and "Christian Science," June 16th, ^hs, liiizuheth 11. Wnoi comes with opportuni^, terest, and'it. is my business to protect preacher in a small mountain town to l e>". y iimtl Hi yearH Mrs, William. Howell of Bradley ' AAnion prayer service of the Bap- John Borlan found one bit of op-you in yonr rights. The miser tried be married. After all was completed p Beach were Sunday guests of Mrs, tist," Grace and Reformed churches portunity In the city or, what is thoto beat you out of the reward offered Uie couple evinced i d d i i i no disposition to [ Baden's daughter, Mrs, Robert Clay will be held tonight in the Presbyaccused you of being a thief. leave the chancel. So the clergyman of Monmouth street. ; terian church. Rev, Burton J, K,same thing, a bit of luck. But this did and out his hand, shook hands with Leave the matter to me and I will held not come to him for several years aftCharles K. Champlin of Oakland Way of Eatontown will lead in a song the bride, and then held out his hand make an equitable settlement for you," street was a visitor at Newburgh last •entice, and a number of the minis- er he had entered the fray there. On to the bridegroom. The latter had his week, where he called upon hit itage ters will speak on "Revivals and Re- his arrival he spent a month looking John finally consented to abide by fist deep in his trousers pocket, and as 90 Bridge Avenue vival Spirit," Delegations from eight for a Job and just as his money ran whatever Sis counsel did in the mat- the minister stood with his hand out, carpenter, William Roll, who is an will inmate of the Newburgh hospital, or ten out-oMewn churches will be out found ono in running an elevator, ter, and after a long conference with he said, somewhat impatiently and in In t it f li t 1i i l l I t y t i lit t i i 11 in n t "^t II i a Mr, Roll is" much improved and ex-present. The Sunday-school will beA gentleman whose business was inHargrave's attorney John's lawyer an- n tone thatcould be heard all over the Red Bank, N, J. M i 1 U i \\ I i i i t tli \ u n i n ectB to go to his home at Niagara held in the morning preceding the the building took a fancy to him and nounced that a compromise had been church: "Well, I'm getting the money th u I I ii t I li i n t l i t till). church service for the rest of the sumout as fast as I can." alls this week, effected by which one-half of all the I l n I 1 i ti 1 ulli u i t fPtl gave Mm a subordinate position. But Telephone 6 U - ) for all kinds of I 1 1 1 it 1 h n m l H P Frank Reilly of Oakland itreet, mer, and church services will start at this man failed, and John was thrown contents should go to John and the m 1 n l n i i t m li i n oin 10-dr o'clock instead of at 10:80 who has been laid up with appendiOn a Plorlda Railroad. rest to Hargrnve, this being the reward I n I I I I m t , i t J i j i \ho o'clock. The improvement society out. Again he walked the streets huntcitis, is much improved. II i nI i n is H \ v M i i r offered in th« advertisement for the He was a long-suffering traveler on will give a lawn party at Miss Wood's Ing a job. I I l t h i l l i n n 1 i i I t i t t i i f i / Mr, and Mrs. Thomas McKnigTit of a little single-track railroad, and he Vista place Monday afternoon, A John's hardships are not interesting, property. m 1I l n t with 1 1 ittl f, t Spring street and Miss Jennie Smith on will be taken, which "And now, young man," added Dex- complained bitterly about the lateness of Little Silver Point were Freehold silverbeoffering i n1 I i l t D. H. Prate I 1 l u i i used to help buy a,vacuum and I will pass over them for his op. ter, "I would advise you to take thoof the train and the irregularity of the W. W. Crane visitors Sunday, where they attended will portunity, After drifting a long while, service. cleaner for the church. that haa come to you nnd go the wedding of Miss May Morris, Mr. earning a few dollars a money McKnight's niece, back to the countey. You aro not fit-The employee, remonstrated in virThe Baptist, Reformed, Grace and sometimes Indignation. "I've been on this Mrs, M, E, Peters of North Tarry- Presbyterian churches will hold a week and sometimes hungry for food, ted to make your way in the city, tuous line, sir," he began, "upward of town, N. ¥ „ spent Satnrdfty and Sun- union meeting in the Empire theater when in the latter condition be rememSTORE is plenty of honesty here, but here 1 FIREWORKS day with Mr. and Mrs, Daniel H, Sunday night, July 4th. A speaker bered his promisetoMabel ttat if hethere is a lot of sharp practice. You eight years, and——" STOCK IN TUB COUNTY "Have you, indeed?" Interrupted the will be present from the Atlantic City found the battle going against Mm ho would be better wfcere you were born Cook of Shrewsbury avenue. sympathetically. "At what wotUd go back to the country. At tho and raised. If you .remain hero this traveler Miss Alberta Bennett; daughter of National temperance convention. Mandarine Crackers Sparklers station did you got on?" Trevonian Bennett of Shrewsbury time\of his arrival he bad put away money will soon slip throogb. your flnTorpedoes Sky Rockets avenue, has returned home from enough to pay his fare on the train, gers." for *&• Minister's Wntcli. Byracuse university for the summer. Blank Revolvers but he had spent it for sustenance. He Red and Green Fire The sewing society of the Re- The minister came to Jethro's house bad no money to taj^e him home, but When John asked his lawyer for his A minister was addressing a geTiool Blank Cartridges one afternoon to a christening party bill for legal servlceo ho wns surprised class recently and wns trying to enfanned church will meet with Mrs, Torches Harry Osborn of Bank street tomor- —he was to christen Jethro's little he resolved to keep his promise and at the modMt charge of $10. Flags would set out the next morning to 'John returned' to the_ country with force the doctrine that the hearts of Paper Balloons son, Jeth, Jr. row afternoon, , the little ones were sinful and needed Telephone tramp the distance. "Jethro," said-the minister solemly, 7 Bread St. 1 > Mrs, Henry Grause of Bridge avehis capital and found Mabel waiting regulating. Taking out his watch and 267-R Had Bank nue, who sprained her ankle a fewtaking hli host aside before the cere- To one person in tbe metropolis be for him. Notwithstanding hie lawyer's holding it Up, he said; "Now, here mony | "Jethro, are you prepared for resolved to say goodby. That was the opinion the did not Uke to have him is my watch; suppose it doesn't keep weeks ago, li recovering, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Johnson and this solemn event?" who had given him a position take money that he had found, / After good time—now goes too fast, and •on Robert of Bank street spent Sun- "Oh, yes, indeed, doctor," Jethro man when he was running an elevator. On much conferenee they decided to usonow too slow. What shall I do with beamed, "I've got two hams, three day at Long Branch, his way to this friend he saw at hisit for a starter and if they succeeded it?" "Sell it!"'shouted the class in gallons ice cream, pickles, cake " Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kittel of Oak"No, no, Jethro, said the minister feet on the sidewalk a pocketbook. Ho in rolling up a snowball to resign it. unison. wood Heights, Staten Island, apent — -m.m tiie week-end with Mrs. Elizabeth with a smile. "No, no, my friend, I picked it up. It was rectangular in John bought a farm. They were marWhat Woala Happen. ried and prospered. At tho end of . Walling of Shrewsbury avenue, Mr. mean spiritually prepared." form, about six inches long by three Telephone 5 0 1 . Tencher-—Now, if I paid one man Formerly Bray's Market, "Well, I guess yes! Two demijohns wide, just large enough to hold a bank five years t h ^ inquired for the miser Kittle is a well known aviator and has two dollars a day for seven hours' of whiskey and three cases of beer!" made many daring flights around bill not folded. Opening it, he found from whom it had been derived and, work; another three dollars and fifty New York and Staten Island. He is Jethro cried in triumph. finding that be had died, gave tbe cents for nine hours' work; and ana number of such bills inside. Be funds now building a biplane with a 100to charity, other four dollars and seventy-live closed the pocketbook without count" faorse power motor. in * T«rmingr Country. It was thus that Jobn Borlan found cents for eight—— lag them and looked about to see if The missionary society of the ReBUTTER! BUTTER! Dr. Rubetinker was a qualified M. any eye was upon him. Since no one his opportunity. But be never referReddy Backrow (whose father be-, formed church went on a picnic to D^but, settling in a cattle country and Very -Best Cronmory frnm t h e new J u n e KIMKS, iiiitlilii« nioro red to it with pleasure and felt relieved longs to the union)—'You'd have the Highlands Friday afternoon, to be observing him he thrust finding the demand strong, he had ilfllivIOUH, p e r ijoiinil ,,,,.,. ,.38c durndest strike on your hands you to Fred Comgtoek of Spring itreet added Kvory limiSfki'iiiier Kliouhl buy u poiniil nf thin mijif-i 1) Creamery HiittPr. •veterinary work to his other ever saw, teacher. he considered had a better right to it and Benjamin Small returned home practice. "Nothing serious," an-to have time to think over what ha No m u t t e r how oxuutinK yuu HIV. or how hlKh a j i i h c you iirn liiiyltig, IIIIH luittiu- will nuire thiiii pli'iiso ymi. Heiiw1, we, uvui* you' to t r y It, last week after spending two weeks nounced the doctor, after examining a should do in the promises. Finding a than himself. To this his friends asat South Poland, Maine. They left valuable bull which he had been sumsert that Providence designed him as te Woaia Set Square. LARD! Saturday for Spring Lake, where moned posthastetotreat. "Give him pUce whore ho would be alone he an agent to turn it into a useful chanWlfeNow, John, my sister Belle Swift's Pure Loaf, pnr pouml.. , . . , . , , . . .lie counted the money he bad found. they will spend the summer. one of these powders in a quart of There was $354. and her steady are coining to call on nel Miss Helen BoUijhton of Hudson bran mash three times a day." us tonight. So you must net the part 7c SALE 7c johnny was one of those men who avenue raeeived her graduation dipELECTRICITY AND WATEfl. of an ideally happy married man. The rancher heaved a «gh of relief. cannot KIJIIDRB'H ("orii I'lnkrH, pot' pkK . . , . , . , . . . , . 7o loma from the State Normal nchool at ••Wait," bring themselves to appropriShe's not quite sure of him yet, he u U , M the M. D., V. S., Upper Montclair yesterday, 'Mas. Q i m U i ' i ' O a t H , ji*.r pkjjf,. . , . . . , . , . . . , . . . . , 7e was abouttoleave. "I reckon, at long ate anything belonging to another. Be. LiHk Danger In Turning a H U M on John (savagely)— Leave it to me! I ' t ' t l i i ' i i i u l l ' H ' i i p o i a t i ! i l i l i l U , l i i i ' K o ('iiiiM J o Bcughton is a graduate of the Bed AS tidei, he bid the genie to dtaeover that That lobster trimmed me on a horse you're hew, you might as well have T h l H Hfil« I s f o r O H O woi-Ic, l i O K i n n i t i K .1 u i i . - L ' l t l i , Heavily CWg«d WirM, Bank high school, with the dam of a look at the old woman. She's been anything BO appropriated would do him Tbo slight danger thatfiremenruntrade once! Leave it to me! 1918, She did two months practice POTATOES! POTATOES! no good and might do him barm, He tbrottgb., the electric current pnsstng teaching at the Oakland street school. ailin' for a month or two." certainly eouM not return to Mabel Qatapoksa in Her Bentinienti. Full iO-nt. bnHltcts Now rotiitoof .45o Jack GaUaghan, who has been from heavily cbarxafl wires up the 1 1 Tlit'Ki potutui-H a i t ' n o t Hui'Onds, Iiiit nri. thf: l i i ' s t t h c r o IH In t h n i i i n i k f t , spending several weeks with his ulsH i fittai • » « atimto«ohooL without an effort to find the owner •tream of water Oiey are •quilting to "I was outspoken in my sentiments Ilnest Mleuteil S o u t h e r n , ' ter, Mrs. Al. Stinson and his niece, Little Herman wai a very ba^war of this money for she would condemn by an ekpettmeat conducted by at tha club this afternoon," said Mrs. Mrs, Edward W. Wise, left Saturday pupil aid his teacher frequently lost Um If be did. Se knew that the own- proved Garruloui to her husband the other VEGETABLES! VEGETABLES! Dgo Tartngilnl a u reported In Laevening. for his home at Newcastle on Tyne, all patience with him. One day, when er would advertise the lots of his propBermuda Dnloiia, per qt, flo t Kngland. Mr. Callaghan toured «ev- he seemed to be more-dense tihati erty, and it w n hto du^ to lot* for 8cien*n per Tutu With a look of astonishment ho re1'atii-y HnetH, pel" hiuicli. . ' . . . . . . , , flo • troUey ear win efearged with a dl plied: "I can't believe it, my dear. «ral states for his health, and he says usual, the teacher exclaimed: "It such advertisement Ji-rs<iy PCIIH, pi-r % puck, ,ftOe uinl iSfl that New Jersey, and particularly that fleenii you are never able to answer Met currtsnt of B2S volts bad S M end Who outspoke you?" FliKi naulltliiWPi', from l o o to BOO Spinach ,. , . , , , , , , . , , Vi pi-ok IBo, poult iSfl ,nari of New Jersey in which Red any of my questions, Herman. Why!" Tbe next morning be went to a news groiMdedi on the other end he directed __———.».. — .7prH**y Cal|tsaKO,,^ ,...,,, ^ , , ,BQ to 1IK3 * paper itand kept by a roan he knew a stream from a nan with a oozzto fif Bank in located, is the best section of "If I knew all tfie things yon ask I'lni- Tomatiii'S, drill mul • iipi 1 , pt;r q t . , . . , , . . , , , . , . . . , , , . . l i e Too Mucli to Expect. the United States. .. .,. and nealrad pwmiwion to exitmtiie the l'rlino ABparuKUN, 2 bunehoM, , , , , . . , . . . . . . , , , . , , , , , , , , , .ISo me, ma'mm," replied Herman, "my teen railHrarters to fllaineter. At 120 Henrypeck (looking up from Cull AHpnrumiH, p e r hiinrh .,,,,,, , , , Bo Elsie Tetley of Hudson avenne has fattier wouldn't go to the trouble of principal journals, fie foond a notice meten dtiMnee a voltmeter attached herMrs. Cucunibci'H, E g n I'liint, JciHOy HtriiiB Hmtn.s, Ivpiii'i-M, niiuljiti'li, Nowreading) —This writer says that of rt»» 1MB «ad the offer oftaMthe received a letter from her uncle, Fred sending me here!" TurnipB. to tbe DOKtle registered twenty volts. widows make the best wives. Tetley, a former Bed Banker who in oontentB far the retuni of the potacet- At a1ztH*l| centtmeten dlstaoeo It theMr. Henrypock—But, really, my in the regular army at Fort LeavenFRtJIT! FRUIT! book at • given location. u i th« t w « » . registered rt^cntT votte and at twenty dear, you can hardly expect me to die worth, Kansas. Mr. Tetley will reJohnny watt to the ptnee named and juat in order to make a Rood wife of "Wont .you be very, very happy centimeten 210 volte. The overage mnn Ciillfoinlii MuHkiiiflotis, tlioy ore rtittliiB tlho; Wiiteriiit'lonfi, ceive his discharge from the army y, y ppy hen j«$f g etn i orerf" h found a Mtd7 looking BUD wbo proved can atwd a enrrant of fifty volts with gentenw is orerff" cheer, mtxt September-and he will then go to when gentenw is cheer. StfnwbuiiicH, Uoosclii'i'rli'H, CurrnntD, CliurrlW. f l l asked a woman of a convict in to aim that he waa tbe owner of the Fresno, California, where he has been fully out nitons shock, so aflremanwho Blolien aufl "podwtbook by giving the exact num- holds bis nowOe O N or all feel from a offered a.position with one of tiie prison, SPECIAL I "I dunno, ma'am, I dunno," gloom- ber at bills It contained. Jobn was live wire runt no great danger, Western railroads. He reports being "But riches do not bring happiLcnioiiH. fimi'y luiKlit, L1 ' 5 1'ur , . . , . . , . . . . , . . , .BBo Uy anfiwered the man. in good health. about to -Mtrnct the reward when tho Ut, Tnrtngiial made the sam«expert nesa!" protested the lover, "Yon dent know?" asked tile woman OWTM9- Midtohltn: "I know that," replied pe sweet BARGAIMS! Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cnbberly of meat on two Worn of alternntlng cur young thing; "but riches will buy nn .MnKHoll.i .Milk, p . ) t . m 10o Lous Qranch spent Sunday with Mrs. amaied. "Why nott" "There were certain Touchers in the rent, one with 2,860, the other with automobile, . "I'm in for Ufe." SIU. 1 ! .Milk. |n i fun 10o and if you have an autoCttbWly'B father, Jacob C.flhatteof podcetbook which nr© more valuable < >M IXiti li Clo.insiT. ,i fm BBo 4.000 voita. and the voltmeter did not mobile, you can go after hj»ppinias." Broad Btreet, d u n p h l H'H Soup, ;t foi > flft« to me than money. Are they with the any current in tbo stream of 3. Wesley Spinning; of Branch avelthit- S<H.il HriUio Juii (*, lit^ .lVti water, altbougtm slleht ahock was per (•noil Tiiniator^^ ,[ (.JIIIH , . . . . , , .C$4 waut V M A t m t of Kerport irieada "T«t oogfat £o be aafaamed to tpend •tin B»»T Pwmeut Pl*n. Oiio.l I'cii-i o r Coin, I CIUIH ,Hfl4 Hrara4ay. the b u t part of your life In jail,'1 said "There are no vouchers and were cepUble when he put bis hand Into it T r y WHIII'H lilHiMilt l . o u f / f i c i h i'Vi-1 y >rtoi 'itliK, H HIHCMUU* fO "What's dis yuh easy payment plan none when I found the pocketbook." With a chemical extmeaisbwr be got a 1 John W. Mount and tmrnBr of|ne Jd»d *U Udytothe prisoner. dat yo bought dnt swell suit 0' clothes Haple avwiue left hwrtwwkfor H«Bcurrent of 1,500 volts at 220 mllllme on, soh?" WANTED! " l m t i e convict, "dont was John's reply. •onrille, H«w Yotk, i h w Mtv' The man began to stono at John, Itrs from a wire with a current of 2£B0 '•Dollnh down, and a dollah ov'ry tigtn w»nt«d. Kifii«*t MMtktt Vtio* pmd for VttOk Mff*. haa « BWtniner, borne. Mr. Mount am here against my will." calling him n thief, and %hlle doing so Wlta. , time do collector done ketches me." A Miser's Money Household Goods 1 1 'i 1 t !i.i.t;* j i l . i l ! . r.il.iy, 1 M 1 BOWSER'S GARAGE 1 • I m V ; : s 1 1 1 f : S u n i l r [.*-;, M./iiirit;, j ; * - ] i , i i i I: i ^ , Hti'iiiij^p n E. S. SILVERA I Make Gray Hairi [[Dark Like This I Westside Fish Market f SEA FOOD I I i I I il 1IMII i u J ln u n i WELLER'S BRAY & BUNELL, Prices Eloquent of Economy -•-1 i L jIIJ •!<•• w -r.. THE RED BANK RIQI8TIR. Pttai Fourteen. Records THE Buick Arrived Thursday Morning 32 of the THE NEW 5-PAS3ENGER BUICK 115-inch Never since the beginning of the industry has there been Wheel Base such.a demand for any ear as there is now for this new Buick Six Six Cylinder Touring Car For $985 45-Horse Power Engine IP. O. B. Factory IS HER Hew 1916Buicks Sold in Three andOne-Half Days. Just think of it! Every one that has seen it has simply gone wild over it. It is truly a dream. One Glimpse Means a Sale! Perfect! It iswithout question the greatest Automobile ever placed on the market. You can pay three and four hundred dollars more for other makes and not get near asmuch for your money. If you desire toown one, get your order in at once. The factory is already being swamped with orders. OVERLAND THE 1916 HUDSON SIX at $ 1 , 3 5 0 $750 AWAITS YOUR INSPECTION The Greatest ^-Cylinder Car on the Face of the Globe The niw 1916 Models are here and going like wildfire— $325 less in price than the famous 1915 Model 80, but essentially the same. Monmouth Street Red Bank SEE THIS CAR EARLY IF YOUWANT EARLY DELIVERY FOUR INNOVATIONS 1 Yacht Line Body 3 Roomier Tonneau ZOBEL Monmouth County's Largest Automobile Distributor Tel. 675-W s. . Ocean Avenue Sea Bright Tel. 90 val will be held this afternoon and Baptist church last week. The enter- tndefton is iffl- years old, He made he teachers received many cottipli ments on the success of the enter^, tonight on the lawn of the New Mon- tainment consisted of hymns by the he trip here by walking. school, responsive readings, recitamouth Baptist church. "William Kelly is _ confined to thetainment. The, church decoration* ere unusually attractive. The proChristian Sautet, a worker in thetions by the" younger fiehoiars arid duse. with Biclcnesa, FISHERMEN MAKE BIG HAULS Salvation Army, will preach and sing music. Those who took part were Samuel Krause of New York has ram followsf OF CROAKERS, at the Nswesink Methodist church Dorothy Starke, Bessie Wonderly, moved here for the summer, rflyer. , Jolin A, McOulre NEW LAUNCH HULL Miss Hazel Scott, Evelyn Starke, Darius Vandermark has a new con- iolo— "Happy Songs Are Ringing", • • • next Sunday night. Shipments of Butterfish Stopped BeLffoy Duncan Bernice Boyd of Port Monmouth Bertha Greenwood, Kittie Simpson, ract to cart the maU between the 26x6-6 Standing Roof, Any make Engine initmlled .citatlpnH—"Sweet aa the Pinks ana cause of Worm* Inside the Fish—- is spending this week with her Grace Greenwood, Allen Greenwood, >O8toffiee and the railroad station at Roses", ,*, , .Audrey Linger Douglass Cook** Dog Run Over by mother, Mrs. Emma Boyd of Far Jane Taylor, Anna Hendrickaon, Mar- n increased rate. long—"Blessed Little C h i l d r e n " . . . . . . Trolley. guerite Scott, Huth Starke, Norman Junior and primary cloiseB Koekaway. F, H. Shertner, principal of the —"Buds anci BlOBBomH".... Roberts, Marie Butterfasa, Miss S. Bargains In Second-Hand Launches A big run of croakers took pluco at Work was started by the governublic school, is spending the gummer prances OttBler Belford last week, Ci'oalters are ament Monday on dredging out theGoodchild, Miss S. Wonderly, Mr. tBelmar. * loni—"What They Said" One 22x6 used two season* as good as new S d Mr. M Alexander. A l d variety of food fish like the wenkflsh, channel nt Belford and Compton's Scott Elizabeth Duncan and Robert Underhill has taken the ! School but' they ore coarser. Monday morn- creek. of igency for selling alupjinum ware at ong—"Bunny Juno" Miss Helen Conklln,, daughter at a sacrifice g xercise—"Little Beginners" ing Harry White took 150 bushels of Miss Dolly DeMars of Brooklyn has lev. M. T. Conklin, has startedd a Jed Bank, M l l B A l b C the fish to New York, and Ed, John- rented the dwelling apartments in class in. music. Miss Conklin is .*- "The" bank has started a vacation le Second-Hand 3^4 Horse Power Palmer BoyTSrcGuire son and John Watson too*k about 100 •Yard's hall at Belford for the sum-graduate of the New York Institute ;hriit club, whereby people can de- one—"Blossom Girls"., Motor, excellent condition * Belle Coleman, Moy Orawford, Marbushels each. Theflahweigh aboutmer, of Musical Art, and has had three joait funds in the bank at interest jorlo Oaaler, Grace McGulre two pounds each. Shipments of but- Mrs. Edward Boyd of Tottenville is years' experience as a teacher, , lecitBtlon—"Who Knows" or vacation trips, tertian have been stopped from Bel- spending a few days with Mrs. J. Mrs. William T, Casler spent the Kev, Burton J, K. Way spent Mon- Wellington and Stanley Wilkini, Bon4 w, a, POULSON, jamin Duncan, William Scott ford and nearby fishing grounds. Last Henry Walling of Port Monmouth, first part of the week with friends at day and yesterday at Camden. olo—"The Hose Undying" week an inspector condemned thirty LAUNCH BUILDER. FAIR HAVENr N. J. Aaron Hopkins of Nftvesink has Now York, .Marlon Crawford J. DeWitt Fay preached Sunday tons .of the fish because they had had his house repainted. Bralnard & by Mrs, Wellington Wllkina and Mrs. William G. Lufburrow of night at the Methodist Church in theDuet TE3LEPHOIME 69-R R«d Bank Mlag Cora Crawford worms in their intestines, This does Burdge of Navesink did the work. Eatontown spent Monday with Mr. absence of Rev, Burton J. K. Way, Sxerolse—"Leaaong frpm the Flowers" not affect the fishes' food vnlue, and W. W. Salmon of Belford has Lufburrow's parents here. Scott, Frances Cauler, 13dna who attended the Children's day ex- Jlargnret it is a condition that is natural in but- started tho stucco work on Albert E. and Dora Lmiger, Pearl Covert, Belle Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dickinson cele- ercises atTinton Falls. terfish. and Ruth Colrman, May Crawford, Lnngford's new garage at Belford, brated the seventeenth anniversary A'rstraSfo'erry and ice cream festiMyrii JIcGuire • A small dog owned by Douglass Miss Ethel Walling of New Mon-of their marriage yesterday. They al will be held at the Methodist ^"Victory" . . , School Cook of Belford .was run over by ftmouth is recovering from her recent were married at Osborneville, Mrs.church tomorrow night, elHo—"Tlip Lord In His Garden".. 1 nter Drittlng, Roy Duncan, Harry trolley car early Friday morning near sickness, and is out of doors. Dickinson's former home. annual fair of hook and ladder Covert the Belford poHtofike. Two of the Daniel W. VanNote of Belford Larkin Brothers of Nutswamp, who fireThe will begin July SJst and Sontf—"Buttercups and Dai«lei", dog's legs were cut off and the animal spent Sunday nnd Monday with his farm tho Thomas Field, place, made end company Edna and Cora LnnBor, Edna Covert) August 7th. Cycle Coats $ 1 . 5 0 was otlftnvise hurt. Its Injuries were brother at Asbury Pork, with ehoruB by primary CIMB the first shipment of ruta baga from Miss Margaret Lane and Miss CaiExerciae—"\ViBdom from the Flowers" incurable and it was shot. the station here last week, when they Mrs. Adalbert Clark of New York Robertson of Greenville were Margaret Scott, Marjorle easier, {Jrace Pants to match 95c Misses Dolly DeMars and Anna Me- is visiting her sister, Miss Blanche sent eighteen barrels to New York. sie McGuire, May Crawford guests of Miss Bruscilla Way on_ong—"Nature's Edward Beekman made a shipment Thursday, Glad Song" iohool Cuen of Brooklyn have been spending J Posten of Navflsink, Bargains in all kinds of Pants, sizes up to 6 0 nooltation^"Tite Lily". .Margorot Scott a few days .with Mrs, Thomas" J. Cas- Miss Helen Phillips of Port Mon- of red raspberries to New York last The ladies' aid society of the Meth- Song—^"Bummer'B Votees 1 1 ,,,,..,, ler of Port Monmouth. Mr, and Mrs. mouth is employed in a dry goods week. by school and ehoruB by Mrs, odist church will hold a strawberry Verges Our $ 2 . 0 0 Working or Seout Shoos cant be Harry Thiesmeyer of Jersey City store at Kcansburg. Wellington WilkinB flag entertainment at the Redand Ice cream sociable in the church Address, Rov. Burton J. K. Way spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. William Newman of Bel ford is em-HillTheMethodist church last Thursday Offering boat for tho price, $ 2 . 0 0 and Mrs, Caslcr. Mrs, Anna Dore of ployed in Walter E, Waiting's store night was a big success, The women tomorrow night. Miss Lida Wolcott, Miss Emma ^ong—"Children's Dny Pnrewell".School Red Bank and Mrs, John A. Vander-! nt Port Monmouth. of tho church are plnnning to repeat and Miss-Ruth Giles are Summer Underwear 20c each Mrs, Pottor and her daughter Mrs, Henry Coe of Port Monmouth the affair next month. About $75 Hendrickson bilt of Keypoit visited Mrs. Casler home from state Normal school at Bertha of Brooklyn Bpent Sunday yesterday. was laid up last Saturday with acute was raised at the grand ' rally last Trenton for the summer vacation. with friends here. Mrs;. Harvey Johnson of Belford indigestion. Sunday to help pay off the church will graduate next year. ' is recovering from a serious sickness. Joseph Schultz of Bradley Beach Mrs. Charles Hobbs of Belford was debt. The reception to the pastor, They George A. Steele, a member of the spent Physicians nt the Morristown hos- a guest of Now York friends last Rev, John Kirby, will be held tomorSaturday and Sunday with hii state conservation and development The Wos4eingmmii*0 FW«nd. pital, where Mrs. Johnson was a sur-Wednesday. row night, A number of ministers commission^ will with Governor rother, Frank Schultz. ,.iriciu-patient, state that Mrs, John- Mrs, Otloll of Navesink was called from nearby churches will speak. Mrs, Rita Schultz of Pine Brook Wharf Avenue and East Front Street, Red Bank Fielder and the other members of the will reopen her Bummer boarding son did not have a cancer, aa had been to the Bronx Inst week by the deoth commission make an Inspection of feaied 1>\ hoi hicnds nnd relatives. house the first of July, About 25 oT her sister, Palisade Park tomorrow, EATONTOWN NEWS, Mis. Onille G, Johnson and Miss New Yorkers have arranged to spend Mrs, Herman Boron of Port MonMrs. George Loversidge was Jennie Cie.imor, who have been visit- mouth has bought an Overland auto- The Imperial* Defeat Pine Brook— the seaion with her, Mrs, Clinton knocked out of her seat in a jitney ecently bought a building which was iiijr then M^tei, Mrs, J. Hamilton mobile. Mr«, Arranpo Sick. bus one night last week and wasformerly used as a schoolhouse. She ltrainan) of Navesink, have returned Captain Thomas J, Cafller of Port At this place Sunday the Imperials thrown out in the road. She was bad- will use it as an out kitchen, to their homes at Gormnntown and Monmouth has repainted his power defeated the Pine Brook basebal ly cut and scratched on the face. She Green Valley. boat. injured when the bus collided Miss Jennie K'riiemor and Edward Mrs, Edwin Buttley of Port Mon- team by "a score of 14 to 4. Next was Kratimcr of Jlell'ord spent Saturday mouth #as a New York visitor Mon- Sunday the Imperials will play at As with a wagon at Shrewsbury. Elder L. B. Giles preached last bury Park with the Sitting Bulls. :iiul Sunday with frlemls at Brooklyn. dny. Mrs, Lee VanBrunt gave birth to a week at the Shinnecock Indian reThey saw the launching of the new Oswald Roop of Belford spent Sfttservation at South Hampton, Long son Monday. An/nnn nt tho-Brooklyn I urdny nml Sunday at New, York. Island. navy yjiil. Mrs. Theodore Arrance, an aged Chaiies L, Drake of Port Monmouth resident of this place, was stricken REP Many improvementa have been A household ^ale will be held in the BK a New York visitor^ Sunday. made to Matthew Byrnes'B house William Gentsch of Belford "was a with paralysis Monday morning. town hall at Navesink Friday and J. William Elgrim was trying to which was rented for many years by Saturday of next week. It will bo in New York visitor on Thursday. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURD/ Rudolph Lang of Belford was aquiet his horse last week when the the late P. F. Collier. The house wil" charge of the women of the church animal reared up and struck him on be occupied during July and August CLOSING OF VAUDEVILLE SEASON Hoboken visitor Sunday, and the Epwoith league. the hand with one of its hoofs and on by the members of the Rutgers col Mr. and Mis. Simon Desproaux and You Cant Hide Rheumatism daughter of Oceanic spent Sunday MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE NEWS. the man's cheek with its jaw. Both lege football team, injuries wore painful but not serious Edna Clementine Henry of South with Mr. Ilii-pi'L'-Aujc's sister, Mrs, JoRev. M. T, Conklin to be Installed Mr, and Mrs. Charles Dennis o Eatontown, daughter of George "A. It runs up Into the nerves, cause heph Jolrtiston of Navesink, Tomorrow Night. Scranton, Pa., have been spending Henry, graduated from the Long the expression in the face, makes you Daniel Oswald, Jr., started a prodBranch high school last week. She is look and feel sick. You rheumatics SIX SENSATIONAL Installation services for Rev. Mar- several days with relatives here, ucc route Monday. Mr, Oswald covA large cherry tree on George H, the first colored student of South understand. But there isn't as much ers the Milne bay front from Koans- ion T. Conklin of the Reformed church will bo held tomorrow night. Dennis's place collapsed Sunday, Eatontown to graduate from the high of it as there used to be. "Kline's to Atlantic Highlands. O«rlng Dexterity Rheumatic Remedy" has educated us Mrs.. Eh/.abelh DeArey and daugh- Rev. Henry K, Post of Freehold will From outward appearances the tree school. to freedom of all Rheumatism and its was all right, but a closer cxnmi preside at the service, and he will ter Florence of Now York are spendA masquerade ball will be held in 3-OTHER HIGH GRADE ACTS-3 ing the summer with Mr, and Mrs,road the form. Rev, E, G\ Reed of nation showed that it was so rotten Crescent hall tonightlto raise money many frienda. • inside that it was almost hollow. I And tne World'* B««t Photoplay* Plainfield will preach the sermon. Omar Sickles of Navesink.to pay for the pump which was re- "Kline's Rheumatic Remedy" loos* Mr. and Mih. Veres Volloau of Avon Rov. Lester G. Leggett of Red Bank was loaded with ripe cherries, an cently bought for the automobile ens those painful, swollen joint* ant SPECIAL THURSDAY spent Satuiduy and Sunday with Mrs. will charge the people, and Rev. Gar- Mr. Dennis got.a big lot of fruit from truck of Chemical fire company. muscles. You can distinctly £e«l a! CHARLKS CHAPLIN In "A lltn«y «op«m«nt" Valleau's parents,, Mr. and Mia. Har- reft M. Gonover of Asbury Park will the tree. Dorothy ROBS Underhill, daughte trouble leaving you and comfort ant SPEX3IAL FRIDAY charge the pastor. Rev, F, T, B. vey Johntry of Belford, : Miss Fannie FitzpatrieJc has reof Francis h. Underhill, was baptisea happiness creeping in. There i8 &b T H E BATTLE] OF gHCUOH" Mrs. TownBend of TottenviHef who Reynolds of Keyport will offer sumed her duties as clerk in the post at the Presbyterian church Sunday solutely nothing else known like "Kline's Rheumatic Remedy" for a! has been vihitinjj her granddnughtor, prayer, and Rev. Horace R, Goodchild office after spending a vacation i night. ANNOUNCEMENT ^^ Rheumatism. You can prove it. Get Mrn. Willinm UopkinB of Naveaink, of this place will road the scripture New York. ! OoHuiMndng N«xt Monday verses. The services will be open to a bottle today. returned home Sunday. ' Alfred Blair of Pasadena, - Gal., has TINTON FALLS NEWS. S U M M E R POLJOY tho public, and special music will be Itiftdoro Walling, Sr., of Port Monbeen spending several days with For sale by Cooper's pharmacy an DE UJXm riJUMJ»L*A.V« Children'! Day Obikrved by the San Sehreeder's mouth, Ima hud a new front porch rendered under the direction of*Jay friends here. pharmacy, Red Bank; H. d»y-School ^unday Night. added to lilft houBO. John HcinR of W. Hdppinp. Next Sunday morning Whitney Tilton, son of W-iUliim Tilr TRIM C. VanNote, Oakhurst; H;. S% Meyers, Rov. Mr. Conklin will preach on "The ton, Belford did the work. The largeat audience the Methodis Mgr., 116 Sixth avenue, Long Branch, was confirmed at Trinity churc Fields .ArcWhite Unto the Hoi'vent," CharleH Rnynor of Belford moved church ever contained witnessed th< N. J» . . at night his Bubject will be "Theat Red Bank on Sunday. last week to Newark, where he con-and Thomas Anderson of Oceanport, Children's day exercises Sunda; Sure Foundation." duct* afifthmarket. It pays to advertise in The Register, formerly of thii place, was here Mon- night,' The children performed thei - A strawberry and ico cream Children's day was observed sfc the day renewing acauaintances, Mr, parts very ably, and. both they am —Advertisement ' NEWSFROMMIDDLETOWN V 2 Ever-Lustre Finish 4 $200 Less in Price BOATS FOR SALE CHEAP JOHN'S SPECIALS i m C H E A P JTOHN, -TW2.ATWE LOOK SiCh • * • »• TIE S C H I TROUPE A L W 5 ABI5 5MDW '1 THE MID RANK REGISTER. The Clothes we Clean, Press Dye aid Repair Represent Painstaking Effort Not a suit, skirt or overcoat ever leaves this place without our knowing that It is O . K . Our work must be so well done that it will please the critic, RED BANK STEAM DYE WORKS 95 Shrewsbury Avenue TeUphone 16-R Telephone 18M RED BANK, NEW JERSEY $ t "Where AH Car. Stop-*' BIG REDUCTIONS -IN OXFORDS and PUMPS Men's $4,5o and $S.oo Oxfords, reduced to $3,70 ' Men's $4.00 Oxfords, reduced to , l$3,35 In Biown, Russia Calf, Gun Metal and White Buck, Women's Patent and Gun Metal Pumps, Gray Tops, regular prices $2,00 and $2,SO, reduced t o , . . . ' $1.7S A full line of White Canvas Tennis and Yachting Shoes at the lowest prices, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, / D. A. MAZZA 68 Broad Street, BROADWAY THEATRE STARTING TOMORROW NIGHT T h « ' i Work W«U May we do It lor You? 24 West Front Street ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS, part of lait week with Mr. and Mrs. use. Contractor Bohrman of NewCharles Gottrell of New Monmouth, ttrk is doing the work. Exploding Gai Blow. Barbar't Hot The Indie*' aid Hoclety of the Con- Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Duffy and W(Ur Titk Into Smlthaf•••*•, tral Baptiit church will moot tomor- daughter Curolyi) of New York spent A hot water Unk in Chris Chap- row afternoon in the 8unday-8chool Saturday and Sunday at their HUIUman'i barber «hop WUB blown into room, Tho Finding-Out club will mer home at Water Witch. Dr. and Urn, C, K, Field of Richbita by an explosion of RBS f hurHdny moot Friday afternoon at Miss Hazel afternoon, while Mayor John H. Van- Linden'H, All members havo been mond Hill, I,. 1,, opened their summer Mater w»« being Bhuvcd, PICCOH of asked to be present. The women of hoini) at Water Witch for tho season iron and goLiB of boiling water flow the church will hold a bread and cako laht week. LONG BRANCH, N, JT. about the shop but no ono WBH hurt. sale Saturdayy morning g in the StandWork hnH been Mturted on 1'hnrlus d ffi R Fortunately for tho mayor, hii» fuco ard E, CODDINGTON, Retident Manager. company'M office. Rev, Ltilier'H new mx-ionm house on I?arwill was swathed in u towel when tho ox- George, H. ((iurdncr id ill preachh Sun S beiie avenue. JuKC|)h I1, Lyons of plosion occurred or he might have day morning on "Tho True Test," Highland:* in tho builder. been injured, for n piece of tho tank and nt night his topic will bo "The A. K, Dennett, Hales manager fov ' SPECIAL, NOTICE Yeans of Plenty and Famine." fell in the towel, the \VuU-r Witch development corn-1 Sunday morning nt the Methodist puny, haw rented Robert Jones's A, N. HonHOfi of Ocean Boulevard han the boss radishes in this section church MIHH Maude Ewing of High- hoUHO on Washington avenue to Mrs.] of tho country. Last week ho wna land i renuo WAR baptised. Miss (», M. HayeH of New York, pulling out roots measuring »ix Lctitia'Bowiu- of Navesink wan ad- Herbert Hunter, who has been and continuing every Thursday night thereafter during the inches in circumference. Ho soya mitted to full niembernhip in thoplaying baseball with the team a t ' church from the Nuveaink Methodist month of July there will bo at The Broadway Thtatrt, they grow BO fust that thu earth could Linsly institute, where he has* been not hold them, and they had to laychurch. MisHca Marion Hopla, Flor- a student, has returned to Highlands. ] Longh Branch about on top of the ground. Tho ence Sculthorp, Alice White, Helen He will leave shortly for Melro.se, • ground where tho radishes grow was White, Mary Muir and Eleanor U. Mass., where he will visit relativeH • recently annexed by the borough, and Julp, Mrs. Alwurd, Malcolm Fer- and friends. Mr, Hunter will nicetj Mr, Hanson suys that may have Home- guson, Samuel FerrrUson, Kdward the Giants at New York when they i thing to do with the big size of the Bowno, George Alwurd nnd Col. Sum- return from their trip. It is doubt-j uel T. Champion were also admitted ful in "Herb" will sign a contract to radishes, to full membership, play profoHfiionul ball with the Giantn, under the personal supervision of Mr. Samuel Lewis, official < • '• C, A, Sautet, who is connected Saturday morniuB the women of as he has hiiil special inducements to with the Red Bank department of tho referee, card and licensed by the New York State Athletic ; ; j Salvation Army, preached Sunday tho Methodist church cleared $17 at play on college teumH. night at tho Presbyterian church. He a cake sale in the Hin-tcorn building, Fred WilliamR has resumefl his pft- Club, Mr. Lewis's Official number is 51. Mr. lewis's personal ' ; made an appeal for money for theThe Epworth league will meet tonight Hition an prescription clerk at Row- J attention will guarantee the legitimacy of these bouts, and if ; ; tit Misses Esther and Nellie Naylor's. land's pharmacy on Hay avenue. He j Salvation Army frosh air fund. Rev, P. J, Reeves and W. VV, Bent- A sociable will be held on the lawn is a student at the Philadelphia phar-1 at any time there should bo any fake, tho money will be re- ' | ley have put up a tent in the vacant after the business BCBsion. The ush- maceutical college. Ho ban been em-1 funded. There will be n five hundred dollar cash, prize given ' • lot on the corner of Highland and ers' union will moot tomorrow night | f to the winner of this tournament on the fifth and last exhibition | Next Tuesday First avenues, and they arc conduct- at Frank Kwing's. he past thre g y ing special .services every night. Sun- night Mrs. J, C, Kulp will give a Gilbert brothers arc working on a j at this theatre. day night Envoy Fred Morris 'Thimble Party" to tho women of sixteen-foot electric sign for JJendet preached and a band was in attend- tho church. Refreshments will bo KoHonbttum's dry goods .store. TOMORROW NIGHT ance, served, and all the women of the Henry Uruggeman of Hay avenue Mr, and Mrs, Edgar II. Cook of community have been invited. Miss has returned after a visit of three FIRST BOUTS OF THE Anbury avenue started yesterday A, Mildred Franklin will have charge days with his brother at Delaware morning for California, where they of n class of girls at the Methodist Water Gap. INTERNATIONAL W R B S T L I N Q CONTESTS ; will visit the exposition, Thcjr will Sunday-school this summer in place A business meeting nnd smoker of meet Mrs. S, P, Harris and family at of Miss Wahl, a teacher in the high the commuters' club was held at C. LOB Angelea, and the party will go school, who has left to spend the Mcll Johnson's hotel Saturday night. | NEIL OLSEN HANS LEHNER! vs. to tha fair from that place, Mrs, summer vacation at her home. Harry A. Sculthorp's new Plaza The Baravinn Tiger The Great Dane Miss Wilholmina Ball, a teacher in airdrome adjoining the Highlands au- * Harris is a resident of Atlantic Highlands, and ehe made the trip to thethe high school, who has been staying ditorium, was opened Monday night. at the Cordova cottage, left last week Twelve reels of motion pictures were |YOUNG MONDAY vs. YOUNG WILEY West in her automobile recently. for her homo at Linglestown, Pa., shown, and there was a good attendWork has been started on rebuild- where The Butcher Boy Middleweight American Champion she will spend the summer. On ance. The building has a stucco ing Franklin Patterson's houseboat in her way home she will visit friends front modeled after a Roman design, Claypit creek at Locust Point. The at Milltown, and the places will seat about 2,500 houseboat was recently damaged by vs. GEOUANNI SARRANO ELMER HASSAH Mrs, Archibald Prehn of Newark people. a fire resulting from an exploding Italian Heavyweight Champion The Terrible Turk spent Saturday and Sunday at the gasoline stove. Cordova cottage on Highland avenue. Unclaimed Mail. Mrs, John Tanaey denies that she Seats will be Reserved by Phone, Long Branch 344 either spit in James Ryan's face or at Advertised jettera are at the posthim, A story was printed in last office at Red Bank fori HIGHLANDS NEWS. Prices 25c» 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 week's issue to the effect that when Mr, Acker, Frank Mtlnhart, Mrs, Ounmir Nomlcy Mr, Ryan, who is an electric light in- Herbert Foiter Hurt While Trying to LMck Allen, Miss Viola A.«ay, Mrs. Hariie Li. FutGet an Automobile Ride. spector, went to Mrs, Tansey's house .1. K. Bacon. torfion, Pictures 7-9 P, M, Wrestling 9 P. M. to read a meter an argument arose. Herbert Foster, son of Somer Fos- MJSM Etlicl JI. Bi.nt- 1-'. W, Ptirwors, Based on a report filed with the bor- ter, undertook to catch a ride on an ler, 3lr«, Mury Plfiel, Watch The Red Bank Regitter, Asbury Park Preis and Long Branch Record Cftplro, Vincent yuinu, ough officials, The Register stated automobile Monday morning, but !''riinkHelen DouBli- C. H, Rinker. *for Future Announcements that Mr, Ryan had made a statement slipped and fell beneath the ear. The Miss erty, Miss Kltzabeth that Mrs. Tansey spit in his face. back wheel passed over him and his James Fisher, Sehlitt. Fretlorick Fre- W, S." SiHltson, Warner F, Patterson, son of legs were bruised. Dr, J. L, Opfer- Mi;s. UiiBhuytn, Mrs, L, p, Thorp, Franklin Patterson, returned last man attended to his Injuries, A. Frost, Mrs, J. if. Water. week from Taylor university at Up- The steamer Clermont started her Ming Florida M. man. Miss Mary Walsh, lands, Indiana, where he is a member summer schedule Saturday. She runs * Uaither, Jtrs. T. B, Haley, Windward Yacht of tho class of 1918. Warner is now between the Thompson house dock Mists Morale Harris, Cluli on a visit, to his grandmother a t and the Battery at New York, Mrs, Henrj- HunCharlie Wilson, If, White. Squankum,' George Relter of Newark" is build- drtcksnn, L—~ SIIB, Thos. Y LeoL Muitl{ YukaHe Mrs, F, W. Whitman and daughter ing a new house at the corner of Sea Uicliard A Ji-nnie MeA, A. Yetman. Mildred of Highlands avenue spent Drift and Bay avenues for his own .Mrs. Creedy, Red Bank, N, J. Phone 199-W. A WRESTLING CONTEST Feature Pictures Changed Daily Vaudeville Every Wednesday and Saturday Nights FULFILLING THE EXPECTATIONS! PRICE CAR OF TOURING CAR ROADSTER $720 ALSO A -PASSENGER TOURING CAR $490 Cars I. o. b. Flint, Michigan -MOTOR TRUCKS-FEDERAL Efficiency Economy Dependability Chain or Worm Drive The FEDERAL Truck has been the choice of experts; 1)4 tons and 3)4 tons capacity. It's a safe-bet, judging from actual performance of the heavy duty of the FEDERAL, that it will more than live up to its reputation in every way. Dont buy a Truck until you have seen a FEDERAL. GET OUR PRICES. If interested in Motor fire Apparatus, let us stSw you the FEDERAL Line. 29 East Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. PHONE THE RE6 BANK MQlltlll. rieuting lust night at-which nomina- tha poatofflct building by « n< tions were made for th« now affie«ni ln» ttcr««M th« front, Mr, Meeting of Mayor and Council for the ensuing year,' Th© election will put a new roof on the butldl| Thur.J.y Wai a Short On*. a nhort tint*. will be held next month. A short meeting' of the mayor and The N«w York telephone cor The Junior Mechanics will hold a coum-il wns held Thursduy night and class initiation tonight a t which is putting up a lot of new poles ol less thuri A dozen ppersona wore presnearly a dosen new members will b t main road loading to Rumson p h d i g of f th taken into the lodge, Neptune coun- ought Thtre is objection to the aptn t the ent to listen to the Councilman Muhonoy and cil of Long Branch will be repre- pearance of Home of the poles on acsented at the initiation by ita degree count of their crookedness. Churchill were uhscnt. Samuel Trafford is laid up with n The put.rolmt.-n wont ft letter to theteam. The Methodist ladies' aid society iierioUH attack of lumbago. tillU'lulH uskinw for their summer uniformsi. Thoir request was nlcd for will hold a cake and apron »ale at J. H. C. Miller, proprretor of the future rcfori'iiff. Councilman Bright) OcWitt Browor'a store Satimiiiy Grand View hotel, entertained about twenty membera pf the Newark lodge naked that new tires and lights bo Hfternoon. Rev. Charlea G. Book of Keana- of Elks at hi« place over Sunday,' bought for Mm patrol men's bicycles burg will conduct the prayer meet- Tho Elks made the trip to Pair Haven und bin request was granted. The Harbour poultry mutter ciuno ing at theJilethodiHt church Friday by auto. Mr. and Mm, VaRsar and Mrs. Vaaup uKuin for consideration und upon night, July Iflth, This mooting will Advice of the borough g attorney ythe be one of a series of meetingi which sor's mother, Mra. Louii Bennett, who l i h th council a resolution that the will be held at the Methodist church have been spending several v(eekn luw would bo enforced in tho matter in preparation for the ovangeli»tic here renewing acqualntunceB, left Monday for South America, where anil that no poultry bill would, be campaign this fall. piiid unless sworn to by freeholders Dr, James William ftjarshall, mi per- they will make their future home, residing in the borough. James But- intendent of the New Brunswick dis- Prank Bennett of New York state ler and Thomas Mulligan, whose trict of the Methodist church, will spent Sunday with his mother and names appear on the Buroour afFi- have charge of both services a t thesister here. dnvit, are residentH of Fair Haven Methodist church Sunday, Joly 18th. While A. M. Linbarger of New and own no property in Rumson. The sacrament of the Holy Commun- York was swimming Sunday in the Alston Bcekmnn, who has been ion will be administered at the morn- river near here he came near drowning. Ho was struggling for help borough nttorney nineo the deuth of ing service. William Pintard. »cnt in his resignaF. O. Mittag has posted sign» warn- when Miss Vora Minion, who waa in tion and it wan accepted with regrets, ing folks against trespassing on hisbathing with Mr, and Mrs, Linbarger tho clerk being instructed to write property. Mr. Mittag hus leased part Bwnm to his 6»sigtance and held him Mr. Jk'fkman n letter to this effect. of the Parmly woods, which has here- afloat until Mrs. Linbarger rowed a It Is likely that Henry Drinley, who tofore been used by camporH, and boat to them and brought them is nsModnted with Wilson & Smock of this season will be the first in a score ashore. Mrs. Linbnrger was formRed Hank, will be asked to succeed of years that the shore front of this erly Mlsa Josephine Minton of this Mr, Bufkman. property has been held for private place. The borough clerk stated that his use.e Myron Morson was saved from typewritor needed, repairing1 nntl that drowning Friday by George Mqxley The Presbytery of Monmouth met it would cost nlmost as much to have in the Oceanic Presbyterian church and Edward Bennett. Young Morson it repaired as the cash difference yesterday. The meeting was culled was swimming off the Angelo shore would be in trading the old machine at 10:00 A, M. At noon a dinner was when ho became tangled in a lot of for a new one. The clerk was in-served by the women of the church in Kenweed and exhausted his strength fitrueted to buy a new typewriter. the new* parish house. The meeting in trying to free himself. The men A few days "ago one of the piling was attended by about fifty persons, brought him ashore and nfter a short on the we.-sf side of the steamboat and was « very enjoyable session. time the boy was able to go homo unwharf was broken off nml a now iron ( _Rev. _ . , _. ,,.„... _L. . Parsons of Shrews- assisted. Bwight cleat has been ordered to be placed ry was moderator. Mra, Donald Rankin is confined to p |jDU D u r y w a g moderator. on the stringpiece of the dock to rei> ne g\r\a w n o recently gave the the house in a serious condition with place the pilinp which was used by p j a y »MJ S S Fearless & Co," will rc- nn acute attack of indigestion. RUMSON NEWS. The Central Park Riding Academy ofNew York announces thetopening of their Second Season of its Red Bank Branch at the GLOBE HOTEL STABLES, equipped with thoroughly safe and reliable horses and ponies and prepared to give instructions to children and adults, For particulars apply to THOMAS GIBLIN, Riding Instructor in Charge, Globe Hotel, Phone 1 1 , Red Bank, N. J, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ~4 A n Opportunity Seldom Offered I TWO PROPERTIES FOR SALE! fa- Ffcmt one ne«f B i u d Sreeet, lot SOKISO: «plendid 10 room hsuie with improvemenii: fine cellar and attic for the imall price of S<J,«iOQ; any rcuonable tefmi. Second one jml complolrd, owner findi he cannot Occupy it; u builtsf Cretcent brick on a 50« ISO feet lot; alt the ial«it improvement!! 10 minulei walk to the heurt of town! 5 minulti by trolley to train, Thit will be leid right to a quick purchaser, FRANCIS WHITE AGENCY, Monmouth Street at Broad, Red Banlc, N, J. 188 J «NHMNNHMIN9fM«MNHNMffMMMNMNiMMe SPECIAL SALE OF PLANTS I 3 DAYS ONLY Thursday, 24, Friday, 25,Saturday, 26 CAN NAS AND DAHLIAS. Having a surplus of several vanetiea of these popular plants, 1 want to give you a chance to buy them before planting out my stock and will sell these Cannas and Dahlias for $1.00 per dozen as Ions as the.stock lusts. The regular price has been $1.25 per dozen. All are strong pot plants, fine large .stock. Remember—Just three days and then we plant out what is left, GERANIUMS. We still have a few hundred nice plants, all in full bloom, price 10c. Some largo plants for IGc and small plants for 7c • nice for bedding. Also small lots of several varieties of bedding plant's such na Stocks, Petunias and Heliotrope, CABBAGE, TOMATO. PEPPER AND EGG PLANTS— Cabbage Plants, 25 cents per 100; $2.25 per 1,000, Pot Grown Tomato, Pepper and K|rg Plants, 35 cents per "dozen"; $2.50 per 1,000. Transplanted in boxes, $1.00 per 100. XNKS Co. SALE OF DRESSES We have gathered for this sale the greatest values we've ever given, Dresstfs, suitable for porch, house or street wear, made In suspender style, of combination materials, plain color waists and striped or figured skirts, also pretty models made of chambray, in plain colors, figured crepe cloth and ginghams In checks and stripes, with embroidery collar and vestees, size* 34 to 46; about 40 styles to choose from, Dresses worth up to ,si.5o each, special while they last, 95c Children's Dresses Several new pretty models to select from, all made ofgood materials and carefully sewed. The- sizes arc cut to lit without any alterations. Bolero dress made of chambray. In solid colors, piped with white, a vtfry stylish model, sizes 6 to 14 years, Guimp dress of plain color lineue, embroidered scalloped neck and sleeves, sizes ,6 to 14 years. Suspender dress, inade of plaid ginghams with white linune guimp, pearl button trimmed, sizes 6 to 14 years. Empire dress, made of linene, in solid colors, cuffs and collars of white pique, stunning dresses, sizes 6 to 14 years, A pretty dress, made of crepe cloth, in small figured designs, with pockets, collars and cuffs made of contrasting colors of linene, sizes 6 to 14 years. Your choice of any of these styles of children's dresses, worth Si.So, our special price, ( the stcumhont company in landing j pent it in Church hall at Little Silver their bor.ts. Friday night of this week. LITTLE SILVER NEWS. The officials are against using any The ladies' aid society of the. Pre«heavy oil on the borough streets and tyterian church will hold their fair New Auto Service Station Opened by lit Thursday night's meeting it wason Thursday, July 15th. George and Arthur Ryenon. h nothing hi but b t light l i h t oil il will ill ngrrcedd that Tho Monmouth taxlcnb service be used hereafter, B. S. Prentice company has opened business in the FAIR HAVEN NEWS, was granted the privilege to Use light ^ Johnson building1 near the station, A oil in oiling tho road in front of hie T h eB o r o u g h WanuV Catehergasoline pump haa been installed in place on Word avenue, subject to the Report on Trolley front of tho building, and a stock of aP BillV ll tS f ttK? a m o u n t ^ " " $ n S I Last night the mayor :uid couwil I automobile supples has been inwore ordered paid Moat of the I decided to advertise for a dog catcher stalled. Automobile repairing will money was spent for road' work and i t 0 -»d the borough.of stray dogs. Re- also be done. The members of the nniifp ! cently all dog owners were notified ; firm are George mid Arthur Ryerson. police dogs must be licensed by j The Standard Bearers mot last Louis Wilson, an employee at Hin that their 5 b e d e - night • " at Charles - - - Imbley's, - - - t.ln.ann> grocery, narrowly escaped J ^ V L r Sgf ^ u ^ r"• of a g y , y p doR The Josoph King homestead is oye g serious injury last Thursday afterboing repainted by George S. Curtis. owners have as yet failed to have Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carter of New earth dnvmg struck u Piece of Councilman Curehin made a report j York spent tho week-end with Leo th R d dlTl^u ™JL°V%^,™ZJ : of the action taken by the state util- Hartwig of Little Silver Point. commission regarding the comC. B. Batehelor of New York is The top of. the car was demolished ities plaint ag q p 1spending p d g thessummer at William B. against tho service and equip-1 and Mr. Wilson waa badly bruised.' mrmt of the trolley company. He j Pontin's house, Alfred Roach, caretaker of )J« .sa id the inspectors had said hadSpent spent tnree three!! Henry Sanders of of Brooklvn Brooklyn is Oceanic ftrehouse, ..._»= putttijB the ,d m Vn/)ine a n d they reported \ spending the summer at his home on lawn in front of the firehouse m very |t h i t t h ew J n t G r c n r s w e p e n l li n bad 1 Seven Bridrre road. attractive appeaiance. A large ;s h b u tt h o m n m w c a r s w e r e f t U M a l m e l Martinez of New York has flower mound hus, been mudo on the ;f . h t Q n lt w o o rt h r e e b a ds p o t 9 m o v f i d j n h i sh o m e Q n Markham road $1.00 SALE OF WASH GOODS Windsor crepe cloth, a washable material for inexpensive dresses for women and children. This material needs no iron_ ing; a great labor saver. Your choice of a.great many pretty designs, in small flowers,-lavender,-pink and blue, ThU goods is 30 inches wide; our special price, f o u n d i nt h o t r U e y r o a d b e d at each side of t™Smr"- *-?"-«»» •wore ° f t h e r u n"n l n g' |I <or , A r e c o r d W Mm f l d e o Mthe r c summer, f Lmg Bfmch h the words Rumson F. B. schedule on three days and the num-1 moved in one of the Bailly houses 1 ' ; b e r of passenRer8 earried. I t wasrI n e a r the station. He is employed mployed as a We grow thousands of these Plants in pots and they can be planted which are are to p to be be painted white , : found the cars f d on the h nverage that h th . 6eojge_*Kenneth. now with perfect safety. Send for complete catalog and cultural diMr. and Mrs Herbert H. Barker of c a r r i e d n o m o r t than 7fl.per cent of Prank Dean, son of Darnel'Dean, rections of these Plants, both are free. Come see me, write or teleVirginia spent last week with Mr. and t h e i r c a p a c i t y a n di n v iew of this the ia home from the University of Pennphone 694-11 Red Bank, Mra, M John J h Green. G sylvania for tho'summer. r e q u e s t fora ten-miniite-sehodule at • HOW TO REACH OUR PLACE—If from Red Bank, come out The following pupils of the.Rum- 1 certain hours could not' be considS. A. Byrftm and David Jones Branch avenue to Riimson Road, then to Seven Bridge Road (or son schools had- perfect attendance i ered. The records, however, were beusfht Ford automobiles last week, Riverview avenue), this is the second road from Branch avenuerecords for June; I not made during the rush'hours. Mr. William J. Burns's Silverniere Inn then up thU road about one mile toward Long Branch you will see Curchin said he believed the jitney opened for the summer season on the large white sign at the entrance of the placejjome right in to the_ -Sunday when a, big dinner party was —gveenhousea.— If-from LDng-BTanchT"the place isliBouf TOO"yavUs . who formerly rode on trolleys. Oiidi', Kdiniiri'l liowcr. Uuynioiitl held at the ploce. A large number of north of White Drawbridge. Htiflc, .loscpli Zflaler, Kstlicr KiiU'ry. A motion was passed requiring that guests are at the hotel. Slnry Kielsolaa, Mlldreil TrinU, KtUel all property owners who had trees, S. L. BeFftbry and Mrs. M. W. Kn-ycr. 5Iunr!«N»t Kelts:, ICllssalieth Smith, the branches of which obstructed the Stubbg have had electricity installed Mary MUli?!-." Myrtlo Truut, KIHIP Dreyer. .. ...War- streets and walks, be notified to trim in their homes. George j . Daly of Second SI-JHIC™I'llffonl Doiins. ilell 1%-lns, William Lyons. Jennie Dea- ' the trees > Red Bank did the work. _ "Old-F^shioned" Hardy Flowers W. E. KING, Florist, LITTLE SILVER, N. J, Telephone 694-M, imiimn>Him>iMMHMmtimMiiimnitnw niiMiiMi ii i * mm YOU MUST LIVE! You Must Pay Rent or Own YOUR IOWN HOME! , WHY PAY RENT When you can purchase a home in a beautiful location the same as paying rent ? If you pay $10 or $12 rent per month, you can own one of these houses just finished, Call-ancl see them. We will arrange to get you a loan if you so desire, . t . A clear title with every purchase, Take Highlands Car at Red Bank and leave same one block this side of Headden's Corner, walk east to old railroad crossing. Opposite The Beautiful * Strauss Mansion Agent on Grounds Daily, Including Sundays THE FRANK \. BOEHNER CO. 828 BROAD STREET N B W A W C , N . jr. prpaux. IUitli Dreypr, Dorothy Klder, ! ,". » - . • . „ , ' , , , ,, , Anna OoiH-, jnirsmet Mannii, Katiierine ' Chief C. P , Wortnley aiked how h e Haslet News, O'Brien, iSfrtiui TiaiToi'ti, Kntiicrine Vati- j was going t o collect license fees for Ul TWrd Kr»,l.—Clmrlei. Ahhiattl, JOJUDII I * 6 Jitney busses. H e said t h e chief Mrs. Eliaftbeth C. Hendrickson reDt-miirco. Gerard Emery, Gusale >Mch- , of police a t Rumsop had been advised turned home on Saturday after & six nms, James Tlerney, Fieemurs Tvafford. | by a lawyer t h a t Tio license could b e week's visit with Mrs. Hannah Hento inquire, of Attorney drickson of Eatontown. street. A> Koonan, Mildred Reed, Eiliiabetb Smock regarding this matter. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Morris have re3'Oiii-th iinil fifth grades. Freddie Cook, j Engineer Arthur Ei A h C C, S Swift has turned from a visit with their daugh; made a survey of ter, Mrs. William H. VanGeieon of xnonan, Charles ' siaeintosii, wiiiiam • found that th'e street could readily be Bloomfleld. ^ Roberts, Qeoifje Sailor, ,lBmf« Shea, Shea, drained to the river by making two Miss Theresa Armbruster" of AsJohn Shea, Ki'iink Bucliannn, Raymond cuts in it. toria, L. I,, spent Sunday with Mrs. E. yVycknff, KiflQ AlibiatlS, Ktliel Freitag, on -painting Kclith Hoiiild, Vlrplnln irvlng. Maimier- . Bids will be askecLfor ,• _ - Pcseux. He Lyons, Lynn Niulioias, Mury Xnonan, i t h e storehouse on t h e dock. T h e Miss Estelle Vincent of Brooklyn Katuleen Tlerney. M.imaret Yeomans, 'W O r k is t o b e done b v J u l v 4th spent the week-end with Miss Louise Margaret »'ilson, Kmily Buthuiian. iW O * K - 1 ? . . l o . D e a ° " eDJ "i!?'?..**"_•_ A bill from Dr. G. V, V, Warner W. Ivins. Sixth ftratle—Vinton Armstrong, Frank Cnrton, Henry Hume, Varian for services in the Anna Klein case Mrs. Frank C. Swedes of New York Hower, t'haileH Mcnrs. Beniile Rleffel- was returned to be itemized and made is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mri. .. „..„..- .„....-.. ...... out «»> a borough voudher. The bill Howard Duryea. LW.L-., ^,..,.,1 Perrine. Helen Rex, Marie' stated i t wag for servicea between Howard Duryea is conflned to the rymiaii. Eva, Wilson, Hilda Merigoid,; January 24th and January 28th, bed with sickness. . Th e W M "'""'"""i^raSS-All*!. Kmerv. Thomas j f f long discuBSion over it Mrs, William' McCreery of Jersey .... Wayne Harvey, Harry O'Brlrn, I and some of the CoUncllmen favored City is visiting Dr. and Mrs. John TlH.mtis Porter. William Clair. Paul; paying it. Another bill of Dr. Wnr-Murphy. Arthur ViinRrunt. Wiiliiim Zerr, Wllhelm Sof. !„„_!, fn r '" • Artnur • • o_ r Bee-rvif^ c Mrs, T. B. Tilton of Brooklyn is flns, lifiu.Mnrlnn Abbiiittl, MayStary Cook Murpliy. Meriiim | lf. r .,?l aI m Ilorhprt. Kiibn, , r\ncea ho rs injured jured while while Itorhprt, Mniimi Stary - Slarifaret Murpliy. |! working Williams, f o Who Was h Was r e -visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. L, T. WebMay Porter, AnnaKiihii," Skldiiiore, r t h e borough, ster, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Wilson o t UeraM. Awnert H(«lett, Esther Maekpn- voucher. Brooklyn spent the week-end "with f,\e, Iiorothy MarkK, Lillian Nicholas, Bills amounting to $807,92 were Miss Carris Carhart. Martelinp Tynilall, Grace VanXeat, DonCnpt. Richard Carney has returned p alii Bruce. ' Kijfhth crntle—Jesisie Cook, Elsie Con C n W i l l i a m Mahoney, who has been to Florida after A visjt with his eister, over.' Nina Cnttrpll. Gertrude "Uowlen, I l id up the past week with rheuma- Mrs. P. Otto Weignnd. a Bertha Hi-rhet't. Virginia Jennl Thomas Rathbone of New York Isa- t j 8 n | i j f l ftow a b j e t ogp &hmt lifl Kottel. N'Pllle Kirk, Rose KH, Knhler, h,g w o r k Helen Miiolntoah. Florence Mount, Helen Elmer VanBrunt has moved into spent the week-end here. O'HrU'ii. Ginoo O'Rrien. Jlnry Shea, Qer- Fred Parker's house on Main street. Thomas Starr of Middletown has tnido SotTinB, Adilille West, Gladys been Wand, Hurry Irving. Krtwnvd Wilson, | Miss Florence Kingsland of Red e visitinggMiss Viola Hyer. y ' iliirold JIPIT. ChnrleH WyniliH. ] Bank is employed as bookkeeper and Miss Margaret Kelsh of Locust is Ninth nnil tentli grartes—-Jnlin Ander- ! cashier in Hendrickson & Son's ero- visiting Mrs. Harry S. Cowles. son, Ralph Bei'Ker, Dpnnls Byrne, Edwin j Mrs, John S. VanMater waa a Long Jeffrey, Kmll Johnson, Frank Lcner, Lpe I VaiiXbut, Hurry MucIntoMli, Mary Ollll- j The monthly meeting of the fire Branch visitor on Friday. linn. Vciui Henncsppy, Helen 1McKay, ! company will be held' Monday night, Ai-'ii'-s Mnillaan, Mnv O'liourl" . Annn ! Burned with Firecracker. U'lirieii, Llllinn Porter, Eva Voorhtfi, ; Ni'llii1 McurH. Wallace Miller, Jr., of Belford, Neither absent nor tardy during July being celebrated this year on was badly burned on thefingersFriMonday. school year: day morning when he lit a firecracker Jones who! is em-that had been broken in two. Some iMihert '/Air, Sfnrfrnret Maiinn. H«»li>u Mrs. Harold Miu>!]Hii«ii, Gei'trutie SofflnR, Emll ,Tohn- ployed by the Public Service com."11)1, Jnlin Macintosh, Nellie MrurH. Ver- pany, is enjoying a ttvo weeks' vaca- older boys lit the cracker and it failed non Vannriint. .lelinie Hei-liprt. llehpcca to go off. They then broke it in half •• Herbort. Viola VatiBrunt, John Murpliy, tion. got Wallace to light it. He William Bennett has put hin potted and Perfect attendnnee for Junoi soaked the ends of his fingers in oil hydrangeas on display and yester- to relieve SCHOOL Xo. 2. the pain. I'liKt Krnde—Twlfiiril Hrennnn, Thnrnns day morning he sold four lar^e pjanta I'lntlcy, Alfif'tl ITortiert, C'urlloB Mount, to a Rumson >oad resident. Mr, BenIt pays to advertise in The Register. Kilwin Mijiipold, I'rnnoiH Murpliy, JJOUIH nett clBims to have the best assortViuiHrunt, Wulti'r Llnilsny, Jolin Connt'lt, PreHton Hower, Fiiieraro Rocco, ment of hydrangeas in this vicinity. Wllliiiiii Unrr:il>nn. Jhirtln f'oniuirs, Diir» The Boy Seouta under the leadert'tliy Cross, Helen Bronnan, Bertha Col- ship of Prof. Roland B, Fennimoro lls, I'lnrcnti.' Crops, Kathleen Flntley, went on a hike Monday mormn* to lav* jwar Ml> U ear u s t e n , flwproof H N a KIHIP Horn, Ifflen Jeffrey, Winifred Ma. whiak it MBtmiijr leMttd, MBTMIMI to Houk li'incy. Ailelllic Miiller, reeolia MvLauKh- Lftwes's farm, near Swimming nver, TbMUM u a Shopping Dlitrlct W* Mtaf tstftt lin, IU'IPII OTtourke. Ellzaheth T e K t h Perrliip, r i e . whore they will camp for several tnotorut who M«ki • MI* kod Slayer, Helen Shea, Florence days. About fifteen boys made the lUburbM IMt pIKi to iMp hU » r OTW Dljbt or R Mary A, Congdoti, Dorothy hike. Uorman, Irene Aiulorxon, 8. 8. OABAOK CO., b e . , St'tond ami third Rrrules—Oscrir B*nPostmaster Christopher D, ChandIM-IM Wot MM K pon. Wdwavd Carlp, JoBeph OhMJi, Wil- ler has beautified the appearance of TltapfetM Wr.1. IMI. li.'im Gaynor. Kaiph Gordon, .foseph When Motoring to New York Hammond, John Hintelrnnnn, Harold MarkR, John Murphy, John O'Brien, Edwiuti p'HiMirkf, Rnymopd Porter, Gu»tave Sehinidt, Kdward Shea, 'Frank Slaver, Orrin Route, Hieharil Wronsky, Carl Moiriw, Arthur Morris. J'ranKlin Conndon, Herbert Qorman, Edith Arm-, strong, Kvebm Armstronff, Loretta Byarst, Kntlilecn UonnorM, May Coffee, Grace'Cros-», Kinma CrojiB. Hnxel Dennis, .AffiieH Flfttley, Oertrude Flntley, Anna Gnvnor," Alice Hoajf. Afrnes Kirk, Adeline Kohler. Helen Marks,'Ruth Shea, Vloln VnnBrunt, Fourth nnd fifth grades—Kenneth Gordon, Joseph Hlntelmann, Paul Jolini's, William Jeffrey, Idotf Johnnon, William O'Urien, William O'llourko, CQfneliuB Ferrlne, Andrew Sutter, Herliert W'IIHH, Vernon VnnBrunt, AddiHnn ConRdon, nlRft Benson, Agnci Carton, Lillian nonnlp, N'orn Flntley, Louiwft Ghoisisl, Blanch Gordon, SUdle Harvey, .Tennie Herbert, nrteeen Hcrhert. Franten Ktimedy, Anna JleHgold, nora Mount, Ki'elyn Porter, Iva Stevens, Cliti'u Mount, A costing of blue stone ia being put on the walks in Wont ©• th« Borden property on the main road and a number of small places in the concrete curb ore being repaired. ,, Tne Ped'Men had an enthuai»t!c Vou Should Worry If it were difficult to find a safe and reliable remedy for the ailments due to irregular or defective action of the atSmfleh, liver or bowels. These ailments are likely to attack anyone; likely, t ^ | to lead to worse sickness if not relieved. .are the wwW «w» tor theifr^wer to correct these , ,famous, . --v..--,tb troubles certainly and eafely. They cleanse the ayrtsm, purify the blood and act as a general tonic upon body, hnta and nervea. Indigestion, biliousness, constipation might, indeed, mum you pro* longed Buffering and expose you to danger if B^echam'g PiU» 19c yard BATHING SUITS and ACCESSORIES Whatever one could desire in the way of a bathing suit, from either a fashion or utility standpoint, may be found here in fullest assortment. The same applies to bathing accessories, Bathing suits for women, sizes 34 to 44, at every price from $1.49 to $9.98. Stylish and serviceable misses' bathing suits, sizes 12, 14, 16: Priced from $1,49 to $3.98. All good values. Children's bathing suits, SOe to $1.49. Sizes that lit and materials that will wear well. Bathing hats, the newest styles and colorings,'a particularly good variety,of alUrubber.caps, from 25c-to 98c each. Bathing corsets/ BOc. Bathing belts, 2 S c Bathing shoes, high or low style, 2Sc and 50c a pair. Bathing trunks and bloomers,'black Jersey knit, at SOe, 69c, 89c. Union suits for bathers, black, fine knitted, special at 69c, $1,00. ; >_ Children's one-piece bathing suits, Jersey ribbed, navy blue with red and white trimmings; 6 to 12-year sizes, 29c, Underwear Specials Gowns made of crepe cloth, with lace and ribbon trimming. Gowns made of nainsook, with lace and embroidery edging on neck and sleeves. Bloomers made of crepe cloth, in pink and blue, cut full, with elastic top and bottom. These are all specially priced and worth- 69c. During sale for short time only, 50c Broad St. S T R A U S C O . Red Bank R. WEST Our sale of Rugs has been'going on for these last 10 . •days. In that time we have sold over 3oo Rugs-Mo all parts of the county. The balance of niy large order which was purchased three months ago just arrived last week, Since that time Rugs have advanced considerably. In about three weeks this store will be closed for the summer and' will not open again until fall. In looking over my stock sheet I find we have the following quantity and sizes reft: 5 bales 9x12 extra Brussels a t , . . . . I ,, $ 9.80 S bales 9x12 Wool Velvet Seamless a t . . . . . . . ; . . . . . $ 1 3 . 8 0 2 bales 9x12 extra quality Seamless at , \ . . . .$16.50 5 bales 9x12 Seamless, Worsted Velvet, Oriental designs, ah ,.,,,,. $18.50 10 bales extra quality Seamless Axmlnster at $22.50 5 bales Axminster Seamless at $16,80 5 bales extra large Rugs, 10-6x13-6 and up to 12x15, suitable for larg'e'rooms, ranging in price from $18.00 to $28,00 5 bales Royal KaShari finest French weave, from $29.50 to $45.00 1 bales genuine Oriental Rugs, medium size, from $0.00 to $28,00 SMALLER RUGS ! bale Axminster Rugs, 36x63, worth S2.S0, a t . . . . . . .$1.25 2 bales Smith's Axminster Rugs,.3-6x72, worth S3, at. ,$1,98 % bales Smith's Velvet Rugs, 27x55, worth $t;.25, at.... JSSc 2 bales Smith's Axminster Rugs, 27x55, worth #1.50, at 08c. l bale Smith's Axminster Rugs, 18x36,'at. 49c. GRASS RUGS Closing out at wholesale prices. These Rugs are all new and fresh patterns, just out of. the loom, made by the best manufacturers and can be matched at any time within a year with small Rugs. No duplicates will be furnished at these prices, 20 rolls best Japanese and China Matting from ISe to aOeyd! Alsff best Wool, extra super Ingrain Carpet at, * . . . . . . ,80c. TO cases of Wild's Linoleum at «•.,•*. .-••.'• * . . . . .38c. Plain Rag Carpet and Rag Rugs made to ordetv ' Terms Strictly Cash: • * * WEST, Were Not On Hand I129 W. Front St., RedBatik, N. J. TU Lw»-t 3 J . of Any M«dlcfci. to tfc. Sold .T.rywbto*. InfeMfM,10c, aS if"