Around Madeira by Bus
Around Madeira by Bus
HORÁRIOS DO FUNCHAL - PUBLIC TRANSPORT Around Madeira by Bus Volume 1 Funchal Câmara de Lobos Curral das Freiras Camacha Caniço Santo da Serra Santa Cruz Porto da Cruz Faial Santana São Jorge Arco de São Jorge Introduction 2 This Guide enables, both residents and tourists visiting Madeira, to easily discover various locations of the Island in a sustainable manner, using the regular bus routes combined with pleasant strolls. Property of: Horários do Funchal - Transportes Públicos, S.A. Fundoa de Baixo, São Roque 9020-242 Funchal Tel: 291 705 555 Fax: 291 705 556 Commissioned by: Horários do Funchal - Transportes Públicos, S.A. Authors: Horários do Funchal - Transportes Públicos, S.A. With the support of: Madeira Tourism Board, Funchal Municipality, Funchal Municipality - Education and Social Department, Madeira Promotion Bureau for Rural Tourism, Santana Municipality, Santa Cruz Municipality, Camacha Parish Authority, Santa Cruz Parish Authority, Santo António da Serra Parish Authority, Câmara de Lobos Parish Authority, Curral das Freiras Parish Authority. Graphic design: Horários do Funchal - Transportes Públicos, S.A. Fotographers: Academia das Carnes, Curral das Freiras Parish Authority, Fábio Teixeira, Ferro Olival, Francisco Correia, Funchal Municipality - Education and Social Department - Sónia Dória, Elisabete Henriques e Nélia Susana, Horários do Funchal - Transportes Públicos, S.A., IVBAM, José António Pereira, Madeira Tourism Board, Marcial Fernandes, Paula R. Hilário, Photographia Museum "Vicentes", Roberto Pereira. Bus illustration: Eugénio Santos. September 2015 The locations included in this guide are grouped according to the operational areas of the Horários do Funchal Company, namely its urban service – Urban Network – and its interurban service – Camacha, Curral das Freiras and Santana networks. All other public transport companies operating in Madeira are also mentioned here. For visitors convenience, in the end of the guide one can find various detailed maps to support travelling needs: maps of the urban and interurban service provided by Horários do Funchal; map of the departure spots in the centre of Funchal for all the public transport companies; and lastly, a Madeira map displaying the main tourist attractions with the correspondent public transports and routes. All the information included in this guide was gathered from the following websites: 3 4 Journey Planner Horários do Funchal has launched a Journey Planner which offers a better and more efficient browsing experience for planning public transport journeys and holiday breaks in Madeira. 5 Visit the journey planner either on your computer or on your mobile phone Journey Planner Schedules Bus route maps Waiting-time Fares This tool provides all the information required to use public transport within Horários do Funchal concession area such as obtaining an itinerary upon the selection of a departure and arrival point. Sales outlets Service Changes Contacts © 2013 Horários do Funchal In the Itineraries webpage, fill in the Departure and Arrival fields Points of interest, bus stops and sales outlets can also be found in the Journey Planner tool, so as the presentation of tourist routes that make use of regular bus routes solely (the spots covered by bus and included in the tourist tours are duly outlined in this guide). The Journey Planner should be regarded as the perfect interface to all of those that seek to take advantage of the wide range of services and landmarks that Madeira has to offer. The tool helps people to get to know the most stunning views of Madeira. With clear, understandable maps and itineraries, the tool displays complete information for each mode of transport added to easy printing maps and trip details, with text directions for the entire journey or, for each step of it, separately. Travel preferences are tailored to the visitors needs so everyone can organize their trip perfectly and get further afield with ease. For total convenience, the tool can either be accessed by desktop or by mobile phone and is available in both Portuguese and English. Horários do Funchal looks forward to your visit! or click on the map Check the webpages: Interest Points Find a Bus Stop Sale Places Tours 6 Audio Guide 7 www. 8 Index Useful Information pag. Madeira 10 Location and Climate 11 History of Madeira 11 Traditional modes of transport 12 Madeira Tourist Offices 14 Sales Outlets 15 Transport fares 16 Regional Operators 17 Urban Service Funchal Network 18 Funchal Centre 20 Viewpoints Miradouro das Cruzes 20 Miradouro da Quinta Vigia 20 Gardens Jardim Municipal 20 Parque Santa Catarina 20 Jardim Quinta das Cruzes 20 Culture Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias (Theatre) 21 Museu da Madeira Wine (Madeira Wine Museum) 21 Museu do Vinho (Wine Museum) 21 Palácio de São Lourenço 21 Sé Catedral (Cathedral) 22 Igreja do Colégio (Church) 22 Colégio dos Jesuítas 22 Câmara Municipal do Funchal (Funchal Town Hall) 22 Museu de Arte Sacra (Religious Art Museum)22 Mercado dos Lavradores (Farmers' market)22 Zona Velha – Portas Pintadas ("Painted Doors" - Old Town) 23 Forte de São Tiago 23 Igreja do Socorro (Church) 23 Museu Quinta das Cruzes (Museum) 23 Igreja de São Pedro (Church) 23 Casa Museu Frederico de Freitas (Museum) 23 Núcleo Museológico do IVBAM (Embroidery museum) 24 Leisure Cable car rides 24 Shopping 24 9 Events 24 Gastronomic Specialities 24 Fortaleza do Pico 26 Passeio Marítimo (Promenade) 26 Pico dos Barcelos 27 Miradouro das Neves 27 Beaches28 Jardim Botânico 29 Gardens Jardim Botânico (Botanical Garden) 29 Jardim dos Loiros (Loiros Garden) 29 Jardim Orquídea (Orchid Garden) 29 Palheiro Ferreiro 30 Gardens Jardim da Quinta do Palheiro (Palheiro Gardens) 30 Viewpoints Miradouro do Palheiro Golfe 30 Monte 31 Gardens Jardim Tropical Monte Palace 31 Jardim Municipal do Monte 31 Quinta Jardins do Imperador 32 Culture Igreja do Monte (Church) 32 Leisure Cable car rides 32 Carros de Cesto (Monte sledge) 32 Events 32 Câmara de Lobos 33 Viewpoints Miradouro do Salão Ideal 33 Miradouro de Winston Churchill 34 Ilhéu de Câmara de Lobos 34 Culture Igreja Matriz S. Sebastião (Church) 34 Capela N. S. Conceição (Chapel) 34 Forno da Cal 34 Adegas de Vinhos Henriques & Henriques (Wine cellar) 34 Museu de Imprensa Madeira (Madeira Press Museum) 34 Leisure Passeio Marítimo (Promenade) 34 Beaches Salinas bathing complex 34 Vigário 35 Events São Pedro (St. Peter) 35 Black Swordfish Feast 35 Gastronomic Specialities 35 Câmara de Lobos Map 36 Interurban Service Curral das Freiras Network 38 Curral das Freiras 40 Viewpoints Miradouro Eira do Serrado 40 Culture Igreja de N. Senhora do Livramento (Church) 40 Trekking PR 2 – Vereda do Urzal (Curral das Freiras – Lombo do Urzal) 40 Events Brigalhó exhibition 40 Chestnut Feast 40 Christmas crib 41 Gastronomic Specialities 41 Curral das Freiras Map 43 Camacha Network 44 Camacha 46 Viewpoints Miradouro do Largo da Achada 46 Culture Largo Conselheiro Aires de Ornelas (Largo da Achada) 46 Igreja Matriz da Camacha (Church) 46 Capela de São José (Chapel) 46 Café Relógio 47 Trekking Levada da Serra do Faial 47 Gastronomic Specialities 47 Caniço48 Viewpoints Miradouro do Garajau 48 Beaches Praia do Garajau/ Garajau Natural Reserve48 Reis Magos beach/ Bathing complex of Lido Galomar 49 Gardens Jardim da Quinta Splendida 49 Culture Igreja Matriz do Caniço (Church) 49 Bonecas de massa 49 Events Onion feast49 Gastronomic Specialities 49 Santo da Serra 50 Gardens Quinta da Junta 50 Leisure Santo da Serra Golf Club 50 Events Market 51 Gastronomic Specialities 51 Santa Cruz 52 Gardens Municipal Garden 52 Culture Paços do Concelho - Santa Cruz Town Hall52 Igreja Matriz de Santa Cruz (Church) 52 Casa da Cultura Santa Cruz/ Quinta do Revoredo 52 Municipal Market 52 Leisure Santa Cruz promenade 52 Beaches Bathing complex of Praia das Palmeiras/ Bathing complex of Ribeira da Boaventura/ Aquaparque 53 Events Santo Amaro 53 Gastronomic Specialities 53 Camacha/ Caniço/ Santo da Serra/ Santa Cruz Maps 54 Santana Network 56 Pico Alto 58 Viewpoints Miradouro do Pico Alto 58 Poiso 58 Viewpoints Miradouro do Pico do Areeiro 58 Ribeiro Frio 58 Trekking PR10 - Levada do Furado 58 PR11 - Vereda dos Balcões/ Miradouro dos Balcões 59 Leisure Ribeiro Frio Forest Park/ Rainbow trout 59 Gastronomic Specialities 59 Porto da Cruz 60 Culture Igreja do Porto da Cruz (Church) 60 Engenho Velho (Old Sugar Cane Factory) 60 Fortim do Porto 60 Beaches Praia da Lagoa/ Bathing complex 60 Events Grape and Farmer’s Festival 60 Gastronomic Specialities 60 Faial 61 Viewpoints Miradouro do Fortim do Faial 61 Miradouro do Guindaste 61 Culture Igreja Matriz do Faial (Church) 61 Leisure Bath, Sports and Leisure Centre/ Kart track61 Events Custard Apple Exhibition 61 Gastronomic Specialities 61 Santana 62 Trekking Pico das Pedras and Queimadas Forest Parks62 PR 1.2 – Vereda do Pico Ruivo 62 PR 9 – Levada do Caldeirão Verde 62 Viewpoints Miradouro da Rocha do Navio 63 Culture Igreja Matriz de Santana(Church) 63 Typical houses of Santana 63 Leisure Madeira Theme Park 64 Events 24 Hours Dancing 64 Feasts in honor of Santa Ana and Santíssimo Sacramento 64 Gastronomic Specialities 64 São Jorge 65 Viewpoints São Jorge viewpoint and lighthouse 65 Culture Igreja Matriz S. Jorge (Church) 65 Typical houses of S. Jorge 65 Moinho de Água (Water mill) 65 Calhau da Ribeira de S. Jorge (Pebble) 65 Trekking PR 18 – Levada do Rei 65 Beaches Praia do Calhau de S. Jorge 65 Gastronomic Specialities 65 Cabanas/ Arco de S. Jorge 66 Viewpoints Miradouro da Beira da Quinta (Cabanas)66 Gardens Quinta do Arco Rose Garden 66 Culture Museu da Vinha e do Vinho (Museum) 66 Gastronomic Specialities 66 Porto da Cruz/ Faial Maps 68 Santana/ São Jorge Maps 70 Cabanas/ Arco de São Jorge Maps 72 Tourism and Rental Service 74 Events 76 Maps Main destination spots and bus routes that travel there - Regional Operators78 Main departure points in Funchal city centre - Regional Operators 80 Urban service map - Horários do Funchal82 Interurban service map - Horários do Funchal84 10 Madeira 11 Location and Climate Atlantic Ocean Azores Portugal 1000 km 90 min. flight 1300 km 120 min. flight Madeira Porto Santo Desertas Selvagens 660 km 60 min. flight Canary islands Porto Santo Madeira Desertas Winter 17º C Summer 25º C Seawater 18º/22º C 264 236 inhabitants Source: DRE (CENSOS 2011) Africa Europe Madeira Island is 500 km from the African coast and 1000 km from the European continent, about a 1 hour and 30 minutes flight from Lisbon. The Madeira Archipelago, discovered by the Portuguese in 1418, includes the islands of Madeira, Porto Santo and the uninhabited islands of Selvagens and Desertas. It is situated between latitude 32º22’20" and 33º7’50" with its longitude between 16º16’30W and 17º16’38"W. The island of Madeira has a surface area of 741 km2, (57 km long and 22 km wide). These islands, because of their privileged geographical position and mountainous topography, have a surprisingly mild climate. Very mild average temperatures, 25ºC in the summer and 17ºC in the winter, and a moderate level of humidity, confer these islands exceptional subtropical features. Seawater temperature is also very mild, because of the influence of the warm Gulf current, presenting averages of 22ºC in the summer and 18º in the winter. History of Madeira Discoveries The Portuguese navigators Tristão Vaz Teixeira, Bartolomeu Perestrelo and João Gonçalves Zarco officially discovered the islands of Madeira and Porto Santo in 1419. It is said that these navigators first discovered the island of Porto Santo (1418) following a storm at sea during which the vessel was deviated from its route along the coast of Africa due to bad weather; after many days adrift at sea, they sighted a small island which they called “Porto Seguro” (safe port), i.e. Porto Santo, as it saved Zarco’s crew from a fateful destiny. One year after the discovery of Porto Santo, they arrived at the island of Madeira, in 1419. The latter navigator is thought to have named it when nicknaming it the island of “Madeira” (wood) due to its abundance of this raw material. Settlement Having noted the potential of the islands as well as their strategic importance, the colonization by order of King John I started around 1425. The first settlers to earn the minimum conditions for the development of agriculture on the island had to chop a piece of dense forest and build a large number of water channels (the “levadas”) to carry the water that abounded on the north coast, to the southern coast of the island. Regional economy At the beginning of its settlement, some agricultural crops such as sugar cane were introduced, which quickly gave the city of Funchal significant economic prosperity. Thus, in the second half of the fifteenth century, the city of Funchal became a mandatory port of call for European trade routes. The economic and strategic interest of the island to the Crown was evident by the constant orders of Flemish painting and sculpture with which the churches and chapels of Madeira were ornamented. The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were marked by the arising of a new culture that would again boost the economy of Madeira: the wine. Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Madeira flourished by the birth of the tourism sector, quickly becoming a reference for the European aristocracy that set temporary residence here, attracted by the island's natural healing qualities. 12 Traditional modes of transport The history of the settlement in Madeira is strictly related with the development of the modes of transport. Most of these had to evolve in a fairly creative way in order to cope with the rough landscape of the Island. The starting point for expanding the first road network from Funchal to the whole Island was the conclusion of the Ribeiro Seco bridge, in 1849. But this expansion was fairly slow and only during the 1920s the first collective transport companies started organizing themselves to transport goods and passengers, mainly within the city of Funchal. The first automobile arrived in Madeira in 1904, but it was not until the democratic turnaround, in 1974, that it stopped being considered a luxury item. Prior to the advent of automobile, infrastructures were poor and therefore circulating in the Island was quite a difficult task, as only some stony paths existed. Often the terrain was so steep that those paths seemed as stairs and therefore walking was the most popular mode of transport and the natives mastered the ability to carry the load over their shoulders and heads. Among the wealthier individuals, horses were frequently chosen and so as the exotic and elegant nets carried by two men. Tailored to Madeira topography, the palanquin (inspired in oriental countries such as India) allowed for rich people or someone suffering from illness to lay with their legs extended, in a padded seat while being transported. Goods, notably wine, bananas and wicker were carried out on “corças”, animal powered vehicles that resembled cars without wheels. These vehicles were used until the 1970s. The first half of the XIX century introduced the wicker baskets, linking the steep yet romantic parish of Monte, where many hotels and high class “quintas” are located, to the centre of Funchal. They are still in use today and are easily recognizable for gliding on wooden supports, pushed and steered by two “carreiros” that use their rubber-soled boots as brakes. The renowned American author, Ernest Hemingway wrote that sliding downhill in the wicker basket was one of the most exhilarating experiences" of his life. In 1893 a train was launched to facilitate the connections to Monte. This train followed 3.911 of track, between Pombal station at an altitude of 60m and Terreiro da Luta station at an altitude of 850m. The railway was totally closed in 1943 and since then Madeira has no rail connections. In Madeira, it was in most cases easier to travel from one point to another 13 by sea rather than by land, and so maritime transports were organized into regular routes to link people but also goods and to tackle to some extend the isolation they had to face. These connections were in force until the end of the 1970s decade. Funchal port was continuously expanded until reaching its actual shape in 1962. The facilities connect what use to be two small islands. Thanks to these improvements and to the tourism tradition of the Island as well, Funchal bay welcomes one of the biggest cruise-liners gatherings in the whole world during New Years Eve celebrations for the Firework display. To what the air transportation industry is concerned, the hydroplane crossed the Atlantic many years before the construction of the Madeira airport in 1964. These hydroplanes touched down in the bay of Funchal. To this respect, one should mention that the first international flight over the Atlantic had the port of Funchal as destination and was performed in 1921 by the aviators Sacadura Cabral, Gago Coutinho e Ortins Bettencourt. This flight served as a test for the air crossing the two first pilots would make in the following year between Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro. At the present, some of the modes of transport previously described were adapted and are now tourist hallmarks. But new modes of transport arose throughout the coast of Madeira, namely Lifts and Cable Cars that ease the access to areas that were formerly accessed by boat solely due to the high slopes. These modes of transport are quite popular today among locals and visitors alike. Another exciting mode of transport option in Madeira is to go trekking in one of the drizzling Levadas - manmade water channels that began being constructed by the first settlers to bring water from the highest points of the Island to agricultural places in much lower areas along the South coast. It is estimated that there are today about 200 water streams with a length of nearly 2.000 Km including 40 km of tunnels. These watercourses provide hydroelectric power but also offer dramatic views. 14 Madeira Tourist Offices The Madeira Tourism Board has the following tourist offices and tourist information desk offices: Avenida Arriaga Tourist Office Avenida Arriaga,16 9004-519 Funchal Phone: +351 291 211902 Open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. On Saturday, Sundays and Holidays (except january 1st, easter sunday, may 1st and on december 25/26th) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pontinha Tourist Office (Funchal harbour) Gare Marítima da Madeira Área de desembarque - Piso 1 Porto do Funchal 9004-518 Funchal Open only when cruise ships arrive in the port. Monumental Lido Tourist Office Monumental Lido Shopping Centre Estrada Monumental, 284 9000-100 Funchal Phone: +351 291 775254 Open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Airport Tourist Office Santa Catarina de Baixo 9100 Santa Cruz Phone: +351 291 524933/ 291 520700 Open every day from 9.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. Ribeira Brava Tourist Office Forte de São Bento 9350 Ribeira Brava Phone: +351 291 951675 Open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m Porto Moniz Tourist Office 9270 Porto Moniz Phone: +351 291 853075 Open Monday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Saturday from noon til 3 p.m. Santana Tourist Office Sitio do Serrado 9230 Santana Phone: +351 291 573 228 Monday morning closed, open in the afternoon from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Open Tuesday to Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Curral das Freiras Tourist Information Desk Estrada Cónego Camacho 9030-319 Curral das Freiras Phone: +351 291 721 183 Open Tuesday and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. MADEIRA TOURISM BOARD Porto Santo Tourist Office Av. Dr. Manuel Gregório Pestana Junior 9400-171 Porto Santo Phone: +351 291 985244 Open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Madeira Tourist Information Desk in Lisbon Avenida 5 de Outubro, 137 A 1050-052 Lisboa Phone: +351 217 817 258 Open Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Sales Outlets SALES AND INFORMATION OUTLETS Centro Comercial Anadia Shopping - Loja n.º 6 Open Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Avenida do Mar (Rua Artur S. Pinga) Open Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Avenida do Mar (near the Custom House) Open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Avenida do Mar (near the Marina) Open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. HORÁRIOS DO FUNCHAL 15 VENDING MACHINES Centro Comercial Anadia Shopping - Loja n.º 6 Open daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Avenida do Mar (near the Cable Car Station) Open daily from 7.15 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. Avenida do Mar (near the Custom House Open daily from 7.15 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. Avenida do Mar (near the Marina) Open daily from 7.15 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. Citizen Store Working days from 8.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. Saturdays from 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça Open 24 hours PAYSHOP AGENTS Entails a wide variety of agents, including retail and book stores, supermarkets, coffee shops, among others. POST OFFICES All stations in Funchal. 16 Transport fares URBAN SERVICE: FUNCHAL NETWORK ON BOARD TICKET The ticket purchased on board allows a single journey, though it’s possible to recharge it with pre-paid trips. PREPAID TICKET This prepaid ticket can be recharged from 2 journeys (minimum) up to 31 journeys and can be reused as many times as you like. The card is paid only once when purchased. CHILDREN PREPAID TICKET For children aged from 6 and 12 years old. It is valid until the cardholder reaches 12 years old. This prepaid ticket can be recharged from 2 journeys (minimum) up to 31 journeys and can be reused as many times as you like. The card is paid only once when purchased. 1, 3, 5 AND 7 DAY TICKET This ticket is valid for 1, 3 , 5 or 7 days (counting from the time of first validation), in any route of the urban service, without limit of trips. The card is paid only once when purchased. TICKET GIRO 24 - ADULT OR CHILDREN This ticket is valid for 24 hours, counting from the time of first validation, in any route of the urban and the interurban service, without limit of trips. The card is paid only once when purchased. PASS 15 DAYS/ 30 DAYS/ MONTHLY CHARGE/ ANNUAL CHARGE Individual title, valid in any route of the urban service, without limit of trips. This is a personal card issued by requisition. ATTENTION: All GIRO Tickets are not personalized because they can be transferable. However, once on board, each passenger must have its own.Keep it, don´t throw away, you can recharge it with more trips. In the case of the ON BOARD TICKET, the ¬first recharge must be done at Sales Outlets of HF or in Vending Machines, by choosing “New Ticket”. HORÁRIOS DO FUNCHAL Regional Operators INTERURBAN SERVICE: CAMACHA, CURRAL DAS FREIRAS AND SANTANA NETWORK CONCESSION AREAS IN WHICH REGIONAL TRANSPORT COMPANIES OPERATE TICKETS Tickets must be purchased inside the bus, from the driver. The price of interurban routes is based on the number of fare zones through which you travel. Public transport tickets of the urban public transport service provided by Horários do Funchal are not valid on the interurban service. There are several bus companies to take you to the most interesting tourist spots at low cost. The bus stations of all these companies are located in Funchal, all easily acessible. CHILDREN TICKETS Tickets must be purchased inside the bus, from the driver. For children aged from 6 and 12 years old. It is valid until the cardholder reaches 12 years old. MONTHLY PASS Individual title, valid for all routes of the interurban service within the fare zone for which the pass is purchased, without limit of trips. This is a personal card issued by requisition. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Empresa dos Autocarros do Caniço Interurban Service Caniço Horários do Funchal Urbano Service Funchal Interurban Service Camacha Caniço Santo da Serra Curral das Freiras Poiso Ribeiro Frio Faial Santana São Jorge Arco de São Jorge Camacha to Santa Cruz Santana to Porto da Cruz REGIONAL TRANSPORT COMPANIES 17 Rodoeste Interurban Service Câmara de Lobos Ribeira Brava Ponta do Sol Madalena do Mar Calheta Jardim do Mar Paúl do Mar São Vicente Ponta Delgada Seixal Porto Moniz SAM Aerobus Interurban Service Caniço Santo da Serra Santa Cruz Machico Caniçal Porto da Cruz Faial Check the maps on pages 78 and 80. 1. Empresa Autocarros do Caniço 2. Horários do Funchal, Urban Service 3. Horários do Funchal, Interurban Service 4. Rodoeste 5. SAM Santo da Serra 77 Calheta 18 Machico URBAN SERVICE 19 Camacha 77 110 113 129 Ponta do Sol Funchal Network Santa Cruz Ribeira Brava Câmara de Lobos 111 114 Funchal Caniço 77 110 110 5. 111 114 129 Funchal Centre Fortaleza do Pico Passeio Marítimo (Promenade) Pico dos Barcelos Miradouro das Neves Beaches Jardim Botânico Palheiro Ferreiro Monte 1. 2. 113 Porto Moniz São Vicente Santana Câmara de Lobos Machico Calheta 3. Monte Ponta do Sol Pico dos Barcelos Ribeira Brava Fort. Pico Câmara de Lobos 1. Funchal 2. Palácio de São Lourenço 3. Igreja do Colégio (Church) 4. Museu Quinta das Cruzes (Museum) 5.Casa Museu Frederico de Freitas (Museum) Passeio Marítimo 4. Funchal Palheiro Ferreiro Jardim Botânico Santa Cruz Miradouro das Neves 20 Funchal Centre Most of the urban routes and the Eco Line as well operate within the Funchal city centre. Those who wish to start a trip on the tourist area around the Estrada Monumental can use routes number 01, 02 and 04 to travel towards the centre. Please check the Funchal Map in page 83 and view a selection of tourist attractions, as well as the bus route that best fit your needs. Viewpoints Miradouro das Cruzes Located in the parish of São Pedro, it was inaugurated on May 28, in 1936 and is one of the oldest viewpoints in the city of Funchal. It is located alongside the Quinta das Cruzes and has a good view over the downtown of Funchal. Miradouro da Quinta Vigia This viewpoint is located in Quinta Vigia, the official residence of the President of the Regional Government of Madeira, and has a beautiful view of Funchal bay, extending from the port to the village of Garajau, in Caniço. Gardens Jardim Municipal The Municipal Garden, also known as Dona Amélia Garden, is on the north side of Avenida Arriaga and covers an area of 8,300 m2. St. Francis Convent once occupied URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: this site and a stone bearing its coat of arms is on show on one of the lawns. The garden has some beautiful specimens from Madeira and the rest of the world, all of which are marked. Well situated in the centre of town, this garden also has a pond and streams with fish and birds. There are also works of art and an auditorium for cultural activities. Parque Santa Catarina Santa Catarina Park is located between Avenida do Infante and Avenida Sá Carneiro and covers an area of around 36,000 square metres. With a fantastic view of Funchal and its bay up to Ponta do Garajau, this park has a huge lawn surrounded by flowerbeds full of trees, shrubs and plant species from all over the world. There are also bird nurseries. The Santa Catarina Chapel and a lake with a bird island can also be found in this park. Jardim Quinta das Cruzes This garden is in the park adjacent to the Quinta das Cruzes Museum and boasts a wide range of local and exotic plants. It is open on Tuesdays to Sundays from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Culture Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias (Theatre ) The architecture of Baltazar Dias Municipal Theatre in Avenida Arriaga is wonderfully balanced. The ceilings are painted with Romanesque motifs and the boxes around the horseshoe-shaped stalls are decorated with gilt Greek masks. Museu da Madeira Wine (Madeira Wine Museum) The museum is part of a series of baroque-style buildings where Madeira wine used to be made, stored, sold and exported and includes the oldest Madeira wine cellars. The museum’s collection includes letters from famous personalities, documents from the British companies that founded the Madeira Wine Company, books, utensils, a 17th century wine press and antique machinery. There is also a bar where visitors can taste and buy wine. Museu do Vinho (Wine Museum) This neoclassic 19th century palace houses the Madeira Wine Institute and its museum and is of great importance to the region’s history. The museum has an exhibition of prints, photographs, paraphernalia and machines picturing the 01 02 04 different phases of Madeira wine production. This museum is currently closed. Palácio de São Lourenço This fortress and palace with its military manueline and mannerist architecture has been altered considerably over the years and has gradually become a “national palace”. This building is very important to the political history of the Madeira Autonomous Region and has a fortified turret in typical manueline style on its east side. Three north-facing bastions were built during the rule of the Spanish kings. Today, the palace is the residence of the official Representant of the Portuguese Republic and is the headquarters of the Madeira Military Zone. 21 22 Funchal Centre Sé Catedral (Cathedral) The beauty of its architecture is inspired by the Hispano-Arabic and gothic-Romanesque styles. It was built in 1514 and has one of the most beautiful ceilings in Portugal, carved from local wood. The bishop’s throne in the chancel is in Flemish style, the main door is gothic, and the 17th-century gold-leaf has some of the features of the Manueline style. Igreja do Colégio (Church) This beautiful church, built by the Jesuits, has 17th-century gilt wood carving that is considered one of the most valuable pieces of Portuguese engraving of the time. There are also “azulejos” (glazed tiles) and 17th and 18th century paintings. Colégio dos Jesuítas With more than four centuries of history, the Jesuits' College of Funchal is open to the public for tours and several cultural activities. Câmara Municipal do Funchal (Funchal Town Hall) The building was once the palace of the Count of Carvalhal, but now houses Funchal City Council. It is a harmonious example of late 18th century architecture. Its courtyard has a fountain and is lined with tiles. URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: 01 02 04 23 Museu de Arte Sacra (Religious Art Museum) Zona Velha – Portas Pintadas ("Painted Doors" - Old Town) Museu Quinta das Cruzes (Museum) This museum has an important collection of Flemish paintings from the 16th to the 18th century, religious sculptures from the 16th to the 18th century and objects in gold from the 17th and 18th centuries. The historic district of Funchal, commonly known as “Old Town”, has been undergoing through a process of revitalization, in order to turn it into a more significant and attractive cultural centre and a permanent art gallery, joining several guest artists to work on decorative paintings on about 200 doors along Rua de Santa Maria. Among the various renowned personalities from the Madeira art scene, who teamed up with this project, stands out the architect Paulo David and the designer Nini Andrade Silva. This baroque-style quinta was once the home of the second donee of Funchal. Today it houses a decorative art museum with a vast collection of Portuguese and foreign furniture from the 16th to the 19th century, porcelain from Europe and the Portuguese East India Company, 17th to 19th century Portuguese pottery, Indo-Portuguese and European ivory, Flemish and Portuguese sculpture from the 15th to the 18th century, nativity scenes from the 18th and 19th centuries and paintings and prints from the 16th to the 19th century. Forte de São Tiago This church originally dates back to the 16th century and has some remarkable architectural and decorative features, such as its mannerist door, pews crafted in 1633 and beautiful 17th and 18th century tiles. Mercado dos Lavradores (Farmers' market) This market is well worth a visit. It is a point of reference in the life and architecture of Funchal. The farmers’ market is a perfect example of Estado Novo architecture, which is somewhere between modernism and 1930s art deco. It has two panels of tiles at the main entrance and several inside. They were made by the once-famous Fábrica de Sacavém. At the market, which is very near the old Santa Maria neighborhood, the atmosphere is bustling as you would expect from any market. But this one is ablaze with colours and redolent with the intoxicating perfume of beautiful flowers. Birds of paradise, orchids, king proteas, roses, cattleyas and camellias are displayed and sold by the sprightly flower sellers wearing brightly coloured regional costumes. On the upper floor there are tropical fruits, vegetables and spices, while meat and fish are on sale on the ground and lower floors. This city fort, with its military-style architecture, is located above the seafront in the old part of the city more commonly known as Zona Velha. Santiago Fort was built to defend the port of Funchal in the early 17th century. Today, it houses a pleasant restaurant overlooking the sea. Igreja do Socorro (Church) This church is also known as St. James’s the Less Church. It was built in the 18th century and its facade is one of the best examples of baroque style in Madeira. Igreja de São Pedro (Church) Casa Museu Frederico de Freitas (Museum) Frederico da Cunha e Freitas lived in this romantic-style house, where he collected objets d’art. The museumhouse has been restored by the Madeira Regional Government and has an impressive exhibition of different collections including glazed tiles, mugs, teapots, ceramics, religious sculpture, old prints and neoclassic and art nouveau furniture. 24 Funchal Centre Núcleo Museológico do IVBAM (Embroidery museum) This museum shows how Madeira embroidery was made and has an exhibition of valuable pieces of embroidery, tapestry and inlaid wood. The embroidery is displayed in different outfits and with other items such as furniture. Leisure Cable car rides Visitors to Funchal can take two cable car rides in a half-day trip across the luxuriant slopes in the south of the island and enjoy some of the most charming, out-of-theway views. Funchal - Monte cable car will take you from the old part of Funchal to Monte in around 15 minutes. Botanical Garden cable car takes about nine minutes from the Botanical Garden to Babosas (Monte) and is a great tourist attraction. URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: 01 02 04 25 Events Madeira is proud to present a wide range of regional, national and international events that occur throughout the year. Among the assorted package of festivities, noteworthy are the Carnival, the Flower Festival, the Atlantic Festival, the Wine Festival, the Nature Festival, the Christmas celebrations and the New Year's Eve in Funchal. Check the calendar of events on page 76. 1. 2. 3. Gastronomic Specialities The pork with wine and garlic is a typical dish of Madeira Island, very present in the residents food traditions, especially in Christmas. 4. 5. Shopping Take the opportunity to buy Portuguese shoes, flowers and tropical fruits. Among the highlights, the Region is famous for the world-known Madeira wine and the exquisite Madeira embroidery, not to mention tapestries, wickerwork, sugar cane honey and “queijadas” a small cake made of cottage cheese “requeijão” and produced by the locals. 1. Flowers 2. Madeira embroidery 3. Madeira wine 4. Wickerwork 5. Typical dish (pork with wine and garlic) 6. Honey cake 7. Carnival 8. Flower Festival 9. Atlantic Festival 10. Decorative Christmas lights 11. New Year's fireworks 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 26 Fortaleza do Pico Culture Pico Fortress Pico Fortress is in the parish of São Pedro and is now one of Madeira’s main attractions. This fort was built in the early 17th century and was part of the city’s defences against frequent attacks by pirates. The Funchal Radiotelegraph Post was set up here and later became the Funchal Naval Radiotelegraph URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: Station. Because of the array of antennas, the locals started to call it Pico Rádio. Today it is occupied by the Portuguese Navy. It has a museum room that is open to visitors daily. The fortress offers one of the best views of Funchal and a feeling similar to taking a helicopter ride over the capital. Passeio Marítimo (Promenade) Leisure 15 Pico dos Barcelos URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: 9 12 13 48 Viewpoints Pico dos Barcelos Built in 1950, the Pico dos Barcelos viewpoint is located in Santo António parish at a height of around 355 metres. From this viewpoint there is a dazzling panoramic view of Funchal bay and the city, with the Desertas Islands in the background. This viewpoint has recently been refurbished and now features wider green and leisure areas, better pedestrian and parking accessibility and tends for locals to sell regional products ranging from handcrafted items to typical food. 01 02 Miradouro das Neves Viewpoints Passeio Marítimo (Promenade) Miradouro das Neves On the West sea side of Funchal, a new maritime promenade between Rua do Gorgulho (Lido) and Ponta da Cruz was built so that pedestrians can walk through the Região Autónoma da Madeira square, Clube Naval do Funchal, Marine Biology Station of Funchal (“Estação de biologia marinha do Funchal”) and the bathing complex of Ponta Gorda. A number of endemic Madeira flowers can be seen along the promenade, an area where people can relax in the benches and lawns, while overlooking the sea and the magnificent gardens that spread until the cliffs. Situated at the extreme east of Funchal, is the Pináculo viewpoint. Located 283 meters from sea level this belvedere provides one of the most beautiful views over Funchal’s City bay. URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: 38 27 28 Beaches URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: Beaches Funchal looks out over the sea and has several rocky pebble beaches. It also has bathing complexes open to residents and visitors alike. The bathing complexes in the capital are Barreirinha, Ponta Gorda/Poças do Governador and Poça do Gomes/Doca do Cavacas, and also Clube de Turismo and Clube Naval do Funchal, which are private clubs but open to tourists on payment of a entrance fee. As for beaches, you can enjoy the 01 02 pleasures of the sea at Praia de São Tiago, Praia do Gorgulho, Praia Formosa, Praia dos Namorados and Praia Nova. Most of these beaches are equipped with toilets, locker rooms, leisure facilities with areas for a variety of sports, restaurants and bars. Jardim Botânico Gardens Jardim Botânico (Botanical Garden) More than 2,000 exotic plants from all over the world are quite at home in the 35,000 square metres of grounds. In view of the increasing destruction of biodiversity and habitats all over the world, the garden has also become known as a centre of science and culture in the defence of endangered species of plants. Whether you are a nature lover, botanist or just a visitor, come to the garden for a world tour of the plant kingdom and a visit to the Natural History Museum and the Herbarium. The garden is in Caminho do Meio in Funchal and is open every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.( last admission at 5.30 p.m). Closed 25th December. 1. Barreirinha 2. Praia do Gorgulho 3. Ponta Gorda 4. Doca do Cavacas 5. Praia Formosa 6. Praia dos Namorados Jardim dos Loiros (Loiros Garden) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. This garden is close to Quinta do Bom Sucesso (Botanical Gardens) and a visit here is much like a safari through a world full of colorful parrots. URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: Jardim Orquídea (Orchid Garden ) This garden has more than 50,000 plants and its orchid jungle is one of a kind in Europe. It does interesting breeding work in its laboratory and has plants that flower all year round. It is open every day from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 37, and is located at Rua Pita da Silva, next to the Botanical Garden. 29 31 31A 29 30 Palheiro Ferreiro URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: 36 36A 37 Monte Monte is one of the most pleasant places in Madeira. With a privileged location over the amphitheatre of Funchal, the parish of Monte, located about 9 Km from the centre and 550 m above sea level, is undoubtedly one of the must-see places in the city. With lush vegetation and amazing views over the amphitheatre and the bay of Funchal, it has always been a preferred place for the visitors of Madeira since the beginning of tourism in the Island. At Monte, visitors will be able to find the famous Nossa Senhora do Monte church. This location is the starting point for the traditional wicker baskets ride that run downhill. One can also find here the magnificent gardens of Monte as well as the old train station that once linked the downtown of Funchal to Terreiro da Luta. Gardens Jardim da Quinta do Palheiro (Palheiro Gardens) In addition to panoramic views, the Palheiro Gardens, with their spacious lawns and lakes, have some of the rarest and most valuable exotic plants in the world. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., except 1st January and 25th December. Viewpoints Miradouro do Palheiro Golfe Located in the parish of São Gonçalo, alongside the golf course designed in 1993 by Cabell Robinson, the viewpoint is also part of the huge grounds of Quinta do Palheiro Ferreiro. From this viewpoint there is a fantastic view of Funchal bay and the city. Gardens Jardim Tropical Monte Palace 1.Jardim Tropical Monte Palace 1. The Monte Palace Tropical Garden is in Quinta Monte Palace, which belongs to the José Berardo Foundation. Plants from all over the world enrich this collection of 100,000 species including azaleas, heather and a wide variety of ferns. The garden has a collection of cycads (encephalartos), which are considered living fossils. The URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: garden contains some 60 of the 72 known species. There is also an area devoted to Madeiran flora, with samples of most of the species in the Macronesia Laurissilva Forest, in addition to other endangered species like the Pittosporum coriaceum, more commonly known as madeiran cheesewood. Open daily from 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m., except 25th December. Jardim Municipal do Monte Monte, or Leite Monteiro Park is the highest municipal garden at 550m above sea level. It covers an area of 26,000 m2 and is stocked with indigenous and exotic species and some centuries-old trees. The gardens are cool and relaxing, thanks partly to a stream with a waterfall at the southern end. At the entrance, Largo da Fonte is shaded by giant plane trees and has a bandstand and the Fonte da Virgem fountain with a niche containing an image of Nossa Senhora do Monte. Quinta Jardins do Imperador Quinta dos Jardins do Imperador is a beautiful historical manor house situated in the hilltop of Monte and dates back to the XVIII century. It offers visitors panoramic views overlooking Funchal. This Quinta, as well as the gardens and the iconic Malakoff tower, were built by James Gordon, in the XVIII century. 20 21 48 31 32 Monte In 1899 the Quinta was bought by Rocha Machado, who some years later offered it to the Emperor Charles I of Austria and his family (1921), as a temporary residence. Today, this Quinta belongs to the Regional Government. The property and its fabulous surroundings can be visited. There you will also be able to find the Malakoff tower that rises over the romantic landscape of Monte surrounded by a colorful and charming rose garden. Culture Igreja do Monte (Church) The church was built in the XVIII century on the foundations of the old chapel (XV century) ordered by Adão Gonçalves, son of Gonçalo Aires Ferreira, page to Prince Henry the Navigator and settler of the island. Later, by religious demands and owing to the growing number of believers, the Church was expanded. In 1748, an earthquake left the new church quite damaged, and therefore was rebuilt in 1818. In the main altar, one can find the image of Nossa Senhora do Monte, venerated since the beginning of the settlement of Madeira. On the 15th of August, this church welcomes the celebrations of Nossa Senhora do Monte, the religious patroness SERVIÇO URBANO | CARREIRAS: 20 21 48 of the diocese and of the city of Funchal. A side chapel contains the tomb of Emperor Charles of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia, who came to Madeira in 1921 after being exiled. It contains beautiful gold pieces crafted in the 17th and 18th centuries. Leisure Cable car rides In Monte, visitors can find two cable cars. One of these cable cars link the parish of Monte to the centre of Funchal, whereas the other bridge over a valley, connecting Monte to the Botanical Garden. Carros de Cesto (Monte sledge) One can also choose to experience the famous Monte sledge rides, which enables visitors to be transported 2 kilometers downhill until Livramento in large wicker baskets. This exciting journey takes approximately 10 minutes and the wicker baskets reach a maximum speed of 80Km/h. The baskets are easily recognizable for gliding on wooden supports, pushed and steered by two mans that are known as “carreiros”. Events On the 14th and 15th of August, Monte held’s the Nossa Senhora do Monte feast, which is definitely the most popular and participated Christian celebration in Madeira. Câmara de Lobos Route number 3 is ideal to visit Câmara de Lobos. Those who wish to visit this small and picturesque fishermen city should drop off the bus in the Cimentos Madeira, S (871A) bus stop which is a short walking distance to the centre of Câmara de Lobos (1 km or 10 minutes walking). Note: it is also possible to visit Câmara de Lobos using the Rodoeste interurban busses Câmara de Lobos got the name from the discoverers of Madeira. The explorers disembarked in this area in 1419 and were inspired by the look of the amphitheater-like harbor where they came across with a large colony of sea-lions (in Portuguese: lobos marinhos). Câmara de Lobos is situated 8 Km from Funchal. It is surrounded by extensive vineyards areas. It is also well-known by the excellent Madeira wine and should be considered today as a major hub with regard to black swordfish fishing. URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: over the bay of Câmara de Lobos and of Europe`s highest cliff, Cabo Girão. Miradouro de Winston Churchill 2 The name of Churchill is associated with this viewpoint where visitors can find a plate remembering that “here painted Winston Churchill in 1950” and a bronze platinum panel and a frame containing a photo of Churchill painting the bay. Ilhéu de Câmara de Lobos 3 The Ilhéu (islet) viewpoint, in Câmara de Lobos, is located at the heart of the city, in a cliff overlooking the sea where according to some authors has 33 been the site of the first residence of João Gonçalves Zarco, the discoverer of the Madeira island, arguably because this islet would give more security to him. More recently, this was also the place where most of the fisherman’s choose to live. Currently it features a lovely garden and the views from the top of the Islet are beautiful. The historical name given to this rocky and steep islet is owing to the fact that this has been completely surrounded by the sea. Only after some land has fallen, terrestrial connections were established as it is today. 1. Viewpoints Miradouro do Salão Ideal 01 3 1 Salão Ideal viewpoint is situated at the entrance of Câmara de Lobos, next to the old movie theater “Salão Ideal”, and offers a magnificent view 1. Baía piscatória 2. Miradouro Winston Churchill 3. Igreja S. Sebastião 2. 3. 34 Câmara de Lobos Culture Igreja Matriz S. Sebastião (Church) 4 S. Sebastião is a very attractive church built in the XVI century and subject to improvements during the XVII and XVIII centuries. It has a main altar with rich golden engravings. Capela N. Senhora Conceição (Chapel) 5 Some historians advocate that this was the very first chapel in the Island, founded by the island discoverer Gonçalves Zarco in 1420. As of late XVII century, it was considered to be the fisherman’s chapel. On the main-altar lies a rich gold engraving and paintings at hands of Bernes a regional artist. Forno da Cal 6 The lime-kiln (or forno da cal in Portuguese), located in Sítio da Trincheira, right above the Salinas (place formerly occupied by old salt pans), was presumably built around the year 1874 by Roque Teixeira de Agrela and later subject to improvements and adaptations (1914). Although it was completely restored, the lime-kiln stopped working in 1960 due to the influence of the locals, complaining about the severe smog caused by the lime-kiln exhaust. Nowadays, the lime-kiln is an architectonic icon of Câmara de Lobos and plays URBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: an important role in the seaside of the city, namely in the promenade where it can be accessed from. Adegas de Vinhos Henriques & Henriques (Wine cellar) 7 Presence of the Henriques family can be traced back to the 15th century. Following orders of the Portuguese King, the first vineyards were planted in the family properties, next to Pico da Torre, in 1425. Museu de Imprensa Madeira (Madeira Press Museum) 8 The museum displays an interesting number of equipment and machines that were recovered from local newspapers. Leisure Passeio Marítimo (Promenade) 9 A maritime promenade connects the Lido to Câmara de Lobos bay, facilitating enjoyable strolls along the rocky coast. The promenade pathway has an overall extension of 2,2 Km and ends in a parking facility in the center of Câmara de Lobos, enabling various direct accesses to the ocean along the way. Beaches Salinas bathing complex 10 Salinas bathing complex is next to Câmara de Lobos bay in an historical place formerly occupied by old salt pans and where locals extracted salt. This project with public swimming pools is perfect for adults and children’s alike, as it offers facilities such as a poolside snack bar and lifeguard surveillance. This building, developed by Paulo David, has already won several international architecture prizes. Vigário 11 Vigário is a pebble beach with very good conditions for its users, including surveillance, clear seawaters, solarium and many sport activities. Events São Pedro (St. Peter) Is a popular saint whose festival is held every 29th June in the city of Câmara de Lobos in honor of all fisherman’s. During celebrations, there is a lot of entertainment, with balloons, music, little pots of basil (manjericos) and streets fill up with people in party mood. Black Swordfish Feast Held annually in August, this Festival is dedicated to one of the most typical gastronomic specialities from Madeira, the black swordfish. 01 3 Gastronomic Specialities Câmara de Lobos is renowned for a wonderful array of gastronomic specialities. The typical drink is called Poncha. Although this drink can also be appreciated in many more sites around the Island, it is originally produced in Câmara de Lobos and Largo do Poço, the beating heart of the city, should be the perfect place to drink it. Poncha is made of sugar cane rum, sugar cane honey and fresh lemon juice. Wine is another major icon of Câmara de Lobos and the vineyards of that can be encountered here are among the best of the Region. Among the traditional dishes highlights one can find the black swordfish and “Espetada”, which consists on meat (frequently, beef meat) on a skewer. 35 36 Map Câmara de Lobos Adegas de Vinhos URBAN SERVICE 37 Estreito de Câmara de Lobos 7 Museu de Imprensa Madeira 8 Casa da Cultura Igreja Matriz 11 Mercado Municipal 4 3 Capela Ilhéu 5 Funchal 2 01 3 Forno da Cal 6 3 01 10 Funchal Piscinas das Salinas 1 ER229 9 Promenade Câmara de Lobos 0 N 100 m Praia Formosa Bus Stop - touristic spot Bus Stop 1-11 Touristic spots Ribeiro Frio Santo da Serra 38 77 Machico Poiso Calheta Camacha Ponta do Sol Santa Cruz nchal Caniço 110 110 113 Curral das Freiras Network Santa Cruz Ribeira Brava Câmara de Lobos Funchal 56 103 138 114 129 1. 2. Curral das Freiras (in English: Nun’s Valley) has a unique location as it is very isolated from other communities by the cliffs that surround the central valley. Here visitors can find some of the most stunning landscapes of Madeira. This small village stands about 29 km from Câmara de Lobos and 20 km from Funchal. Eira do Serrado Curral das Freiras Porto Moniz São Vicente 4. ntana hal 39 Miradouro do Pico Alto 77 110 113 129 111 114 INTERURBAN SERVICE Machico Santana Curral das Freiras 81 Machico Calheta Palheiro Ferreiro Jardim Botânico Santa Cruz Machico Eira do Serrado 3. Ponta do Sol Santa Cruz Ribeira Brava Miradouro das Neves Câmara de Lobos 1. Miradouro Eira do Serrado 2. Chestnuts 3. Roasted chestnuts 4. Cherries Funchal 81 40 Curral das Freiras Viewpoints Miradouro Eira do Serrado 1 This place at 1.095 meters height, offers one of the most dazzling landscapes over the Curral das Freiras parish and the surrounding mountains. From this perspective, Curral das Freiras seems to lie in a volcano crater, but it’s only the result of extensive erosion shaped this valley. Culture Igreja de N. Senhora do Livramento (Church) 2 At the centre of the parish, visitors can appreciate the main church of Curral das Freiras dedicated to N. Senhora do Livramento. Annually, the parish celebrates a festival in Her honor on the last Sunday of August. Trekking PR 2 – Vereda do Urzal (Curral das Freiras – Lombo do Urzal) In Curral das Freiras everyone can really feel immersed in nature and escape the pressures of modern life. The village is a good base for walking in several trails, namely the one that takes walkers to the Boaventura parish. Distance: 10,6 km Time: 4h30 This trail starts at Fajã dos Cardos, located in the parish of Curral das INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: Freiras and follows an ancient path, once used by residents to connect the south and the north coast of Madeira Island. From here, the track follows uphill until an intersection in Boca das Torrinhas, where it continues downhill until Lombo do Urzal, in the village of Boaventura. At the intersection of Boca das Torrinhas, there is the possibility to acess Pico Ruivo, following the route PR 1.3 Vereda da Encumeada. The scenario at Boca das Torrinhas, is admirable, provided by the contrast between the top of the peaks surrounding Curral das Freiras and by the picturesque valley of Curral das Freiras. 81 41 Christmas crib The traditional Christmas crib of Curral das Freiras is fairly large and is worth visiting, as it mirrors local traditions and ancestral lifestyles of the local community. Gastronomic Specialities Curral das Freiras is home for some of the most delicious dishes made with chestnut. Chestnuts are an ingredient in many local products, such as soups, various cakes and liqueurs. Another highlight is Ginja (Cherry Liqueur), which is made of brandy, sugar and fresh cherries. Events Brigalhó exhibition Brigalhó exhibition is held in May. This tuber played a central role in the diet of many poor families in Curral das Freiras. Chestnut Feast The annual Chestnut Feast is celebrated on the 1st of November and is quite popular owing to the entertainment that sparkles all around the parish. Visitors can find here an array of traditional food and drink specialities made with chestnut. 1. Curral das Freiras 1. 42 Map Curral das Freiras INTERURBAN SERVICE 43 Fajã dos Cardos PR 2 – Vereda do Urzal N 0 100 200 N 0 100 500mm Achada 1 Curral das Freiras 81 Murteira Terra Chã 1. Capela VE6 Caminho das Voltas 2 Seara Velha 81 Eira do Serrado 1095 m Lombo Chão Funchal Curral das Freiras 2. 1. Igreja de N. Senhora do Livramento (Church) 2. Curral das Freiras Bus Stop - touristic spot Bus Stop 1-2 Touristic spots 44 INTERURBAN SERVICE Camacha Network 1. Porto Moniz Camacha is a village that rises at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level and it is located about 12km from Funchal and 11km from Santa Cruz. This village is famous for being the centre of Madeira´s Wicker and Folk Tradition, counting up with 7 folklore groups. Embroideries and woolen hats with earmuffs (also known as Ear Hat) are also made by the locals and thus can be found here. Camacha Caniço Santo da Serra Santa Cruz São Vicente 4. Santana 2. Santo da Serra 77 Calheta Machico Camacha 77 110 113 129 Ponta do Sol Santa Cruz Ribeira Brava 111 114 Câmara de Lobos 1. Wickerwork 2. Camacha Folkloric Group 3. "Ear Hat" 4. Café Relógio Funchal Caniço 77 110 110 111 114 129 3. 113 45 46 Camacha Camacha sits upon unspoiled natural and patrimonial landscape and benefits from clerical and enduring traditions from its people, which makes this village a melting pot for tourists to explore. Regardless of the numerous walking trails that tourists can came across in Camacha, the village has several tourists mustsee spots like the Conselheiro Aires de Ornelas square and garden, the Largo da Achada viewpoint, São José chapel and Camacha main church (currently under renovation works). Several “Quintas” are scattered throughout Camacha, the most important of which are Quinta Ornelas where the counselor Aires de Ornelas was born, Quinta da Camacha and Quinta do Vale Paraíso (home of Padre Américo. Viewpoints Miradouro do Largo da Achada 1 The viewpoint of Largo da Achada offers stunning views over the region and the Desertas Islands. Culture Largo Conselheiro Aires de Ornelas (Largo da Achada) 2 The first organized game of football in Portugal took place here in 1875, organized by the Madeira INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: born Harry Hinton that bought a football ball from England. The former pitch has vanished and in its place a new garden arose. Concelheiro Aires de Ornelas square and garden, also known as Largo da Achada, is nowadays the main gateway to the village. It consists of a wide space surrounded by trees and provides gardens and children’s play areas, as well as a skating rink. Igreja Matriz da Camacha (Church) 3 The construction of the main church of Camacha dates back to the late seventeenth century. Architecturally it is a property with a longitudinal plant nave and chancel. To the west there is a bell tower and two side chapels. Inside the church one could find marvelous ceilings paintings, however the church is currently closed due to renovation works. Due to the lack of available space inside the church, a new one was built in 1997 and is located next to Café Relógio. Capela de São José (Chapel) 4 Café Relógio 5 Café Relógio is an iconic building of Camacha since it was built in 1896 and started showing the exact local time on the 6th of April of that year. Nowadays, the building holds a display of all sorts of local craftwork and a wicker factory. Trekking 77 110 113 129 47 Gastronomic Specialities Bolo do caco, the traditional bread from Madeira Island prepared with garlic butter, as well as homemade bread and regional poncha are some of the highlights of local cuisine that visitors should not miss trying. Poncha is a drink made of sugar cane rum, sugar cane honey and fresh lemon juice. To really have a grasp of what Madeira and Camacha in particular is about, visitors should venture to Madeira vast network of openair water canals that cover the island. The Serra do Faial Levada and Tornos Levada should be highlighted as they cross Camacha and are highly appreciated by tourists. Levada da Serra do Faial This levada crosses the village of Camacha and enables a stroll either to Santo da Serra or to Choupana. There is plenty of choice here, but both paths offers visitors a pleasant walk across cultivated slopes and the forest where you can find several indigenous flora and fauna species. The São José Chapel was built in 1924 by Alfredo Ferreira Nóbrega Júnior in honor of his late brother that died young. The chapel was finally completed in 1928. 1. Levada da Serra do Faial 1. 48 Caniço INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: This village, located between Funchal and Santa Cruz, is like a seaside holiday resort as there are a lot of holiday homes and several hotels here. To visit the centre of Caniço, one should take routes number 110, 111 and 114 if travelling from Funchal, and routes number 110 and 111 if travelling from Camacha. Note: it is also possible to visit Caniço centre, Caniço de Baixo and Garajau using the Caniço Company interurban busses Viewpoints Miradouro do Garajau 6 1. Garajau is one of the most beautiful places in Caniço. Owes its name to the construction of Cristo Rei statue, identical to the one that stands at the peak of Rio de Janeiro Corcovado mountain. Here tourists have a magnificent view over the Funchal bay and to the Desertas Islands as well. Beaches Praia do Garajau/ Garajau Natural Reserve 7 2. Below the viewpoint lies a beach and Garajau Natural Reserve which features crystal clear seawaters with high biologic value. This area is protected and it’s considered to be of great scientific and touristic interest. It also offers perfect conditions for water activities such as scuba diving. Access to the beach and to the reserve is facilitated by a modern cable car that descends from the Garajau viewpoint. The beach has an assortment of amenities such as first aids support, sanitary installations, bar and restaurant. Reis Magos beach / Bathing complex of Lido Galomar 9 8 A stretch of black sand and pebbles stand at Caniço de Baixo and is known as Reis Magos beach. This area also includes Lido Galomar bathing complex, a completely natural volcanic-rock bay that is popular with bathers. 110 111 114 who sell these dolls in regional feasts. They are made of flour, water, yeast, salt and egg dye and decorated with tissue paper. Events Onion feast The Onion Festival, held in Caniço, brings together farmers to promote the onion. This festival celebrates one of the main economic activities of the parish. Gastronomic Specialities Good food lovers will be delighted to taste onion soup and grilled limpets. Gardens Jardim da Quinta Splendida 10 Quinta Splendida hotel comprises a 30.000 m2 tropical garden with plenty different plants. It is the perfect choice for a relaxing stroll around the garden while enjoying fantastic views across the Atlantic Ocean. Culture Igreja Matriz do Caniço (Church) 11 Caniço main church was built in 1783 and features nice paintings on the inside. Bonecas de massa Bonecas de massa is a typical handicraft made by the locals 1. Caniço Centre 2. Miradouro do Garajau 49 50 Santo da Serra The name has roots in the patron Santo António da Serra but it is commonly known as “Santo da Serra”. This romantic little village with mild climate is filled with beautiful lush gardens attracting many visitors. Santo da Serra lies at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level and is located about 12 Km from Camacha and 24 Km from Funchal. Gardens Quinta da Junta 12 On a high plateau covered in a forest of pine and eucalyptus, visitors will encounter several beautiful country houses or “Quintas”. One of the most remarkable should be Quinta da Junta, which is the former home of the Blandy family. This charming property was built according to a colonial British style from the XIX century. Around the main house, colourful gardens and enchanting trees arose. Most of these flora collection displayed in Quinta da Junta has great scientific botanical value, with species coming from a wide range of countries and continents. At the end of the main street, on a corner of the property, a INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: belvedere overlooks the Machico valley. This viewpoint is definitely worth a look, because, with a clear sky, it’s possible to admire from there Porto Santo Island. The property also has a variety of wildlife, including deer, horses, goats and birds. Leisure Santo da Serra Golf Club Santo da Serra Golf Club rates as one of the most spectacular courses in Europe, with staggering views from the mountains to the sea below. The course was built in 1937 and was redesigned by Robert Trent Jones in 1991. It is located in Santo da Serra not far from Funchal and less than 15 minutes from Madeira International Airport. With 27 holes available for play in 1998 all characterised by generous fairways, tight undulating greens and a choice of tee positions to suite all abilities. 77 51 Eventos Market 13 Every weekend a market organized by locals is held right in the heart of the Santo da Serra parish. This market is made of little tents where the locals sell a wide variety of products, as typical food and drinks, cloths, flowers, all of which available at an affordable price. Gastronomic Specialities One of the main agricultural productions of Santo da Serra is apples that grow all over the parish. They are used to make the refreshing apple cider that is highly appreciated by tourists. The apple cider festival is held here in September and includes all the process of making cider from the apples, as well as much music and lively activities associated with this agricultural theme. 1. Quinta da Junta 2. Golf Club 1. 2. 52 Santa Cruz Santa Cruz has rich cultural and natural heritage, among which is important to outline: Gardens Municipal Garden 14 In Doutor João Abel de Freitas square lies the Santa Cruz municipal garden, a pleasant area surrounded by trees and flowers. In this place a sculpture was recently inaugurate, "Sisters Mary Jane Wilson – the good Mother”. Culture Paços do Concelho - Santa Cruz Town Hall 15 The building is a national monument and a symbol of the Manueline style arquitecture. Igreja Matriz de Santa Cruz (Church) 16 Santa Cruz main church dates back to 1533 and displays a Manueline trace. Inside the church, there are beautiful paintings on the ceiling, as well as on the altars and side chapels. The altars are sometimes gilded with gold leaf to highlight small details. In the chapel dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament (“Santíssimo Sacramento”), one can see a collection of wooden figures symbolizing the last supper. INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: Casa da Cultura Santa Cruz/ Quinta do Revoredo 17 The “Quinta do Revoredo” was the property of wealthy families that once lived in Santa Cruz and who used it as a country-house. The “Quinta” is nestled above a cliff and features beautiful gardens with endemic species such as the Dragoeiro. The garden includes a belvedere with astonish views over the sea, the city of Santa Cruz and the Desertas Islands. Municipal Market 18 Santa Cruz has its own market where one can buy a wide assortment of fruit and vegetables, among many other products. But the highlight is definitely the fresh fish. Inside, next to the main entrance, one can find 2 bas-relief ceramic panels, from António Aragão, that give tribute to the ancestral work of the locals in rough fishing and farming activities. Leisure Santa Cruz promenade 19 This promenade is next to the sea and features a range of restaurants, bars, gardens, public rocky basaltpebble beaches and swimming pools. A quiet and relaxing stroll along the promenade, from the Palmeiras beach until the bathing complex next to Ribeira da Boaventura, passing through the Water Park offers great moments of leisure. Beaches Bathing complex of Praia das Palmeiras 20 Bathing complex of Ribeira da Boaventura 21 Aquaparque 22 In Santa Cruz, in addition to the well-known, rocky Praia das Palmeiras with its two swimming pools, there is a bathing complex near Ribeira da Boaventura. It has swimming pools, solariums, locker rooms and a food court. Between the boating area and the swimming pools there is a small sheltered bay with safe access to the sea. For fans of the open sea, there is a pier near the bank at the mouth of the stream. Here in Santa Cruz, there is also a water fun park, Aquaparque, which is next to the Ribeira da Boaventura Bathing Complex. The park, with a capacity for more than 1,000 people, has five toboggan slides, four fast slides, two swimming pools, one of them for children (Aqualândia Infantil), a lazy river running round the swimming pools, a bar and grass solarium areas. 113 53 Events Santo Amaro Since the XVII century, the municipality of Santa Cruz celebrates on the 15th of January a feast in honour of its patron saint, Santo Amaro. This celebration marks the end of the Christmas holiday season and includes a candlelight procession. This feast is used to wrap-up the Christmas decorations and the lapinhas (cribs). This occasion is also known as “cleaning the kitchen cabinets”, a custom deeply rooted in the traditions of the people of Madeira. Gastronomic Specialities 1. 2. Mushy Wheat Soup and Corn Cake boiled on cabbage leaf are two interesting recipes one can find in Santa Cruz. 1. Promenade 2. Praia das Palmeiras 3. Ribeira Boaventura 4. Aquaparque 3. 4. 54 Maps Camacha | Caniço | Santo da Serra | Santa Cruz INTERURBAN SERVICE 55 Levada da Serra do Faial 110 111 114 N 3 0 Camacha Funchal Santo da Serra Caniço Centro 100 m N 0 100 m Igreja Matriz 13 Caniço de Baixo Quinta da Junta Igreja Matriz Cristo Rei 7 ER102 2 77 110 113 129 Largo Achada 4 Igreja Paroquial ER238 Praia do Garajau 5 Camacha 6 Capela S. José 1 12 Reserva Natural do Garajau Caniço - Garajau 3 N 0 ER204 110 77 100 m Santa Cruz Reis Magos Igreja Matriz 16 113 8 111 114 11 VR1 Igreja Matriz 14 15 17 18 19 Promenade Caniço Centro ER207 20 Praia das Palmeiras Promenade 10 Camacha 22 Promenade Caniço de Baixo Reserva Natural do Garajau 9 Galomar Ponta da Oliveira N 0 N 100 m 21 0 Ribeira da Boaventura Bus Stop - touristic spot Bus Stop 1-22 Touristic spots 100 m 56 INTERURBAN SERVICE Santana Network 1. 2. Porto Moniz 5. Santana was recently named a “Biosphere Reserve”, by UNESCO. When you visit Santana, you should take the opportunity to visit some of its tourist attractions: the typical thatched cottages, the Madeira Theme Park, beautiful trails and the recommended footpaths located in the heart of the Laurissilva. São Jorge São Vicente Arco de São Jorge 103 138 Cabanas 103 138 Santana Santana 56 103 133 138 Porto da Cruz Faial 77 Machico Poiso Calheta 3. Camacha Ponta do Sol Santa Cruz 113 Santa Cruz Ribeira Brava Câmara de Lobos thatched cottages "Casas de Santana" Caniço nchal 1. Typical 2. Madeira Orchid 110 110 3. Queimadas Forest Park 4. Miradouro do Fortim do Faial 5. Quinta do Arco Rose Garden Machico Miradouro do Pico Alto 77 110 113 129 111 114 133 Ribeiro Frio Santo da Serra 114 129 Miradouro do Pico Alto Poiso Ribeiro Frio Porto da Cruz Faial Santana São Jorge Miradouro da Beira da Quinta (Cabanas) Arco de São Jorge Funchal 56 103 138 4. 57 58 Pico Alto ROUTE NUMBER: 56 103 138 Ribeiro Frio Ribeiro Frio Park is situated in a paradise-like place with beautiful gardens and a harmonious combination of flora and world heritage forest named Laurissilva. The trout nurseries in Ribeiro Frio are a must-visit place as well as the wide range of walking paths that start at this location and that offer memorable landscapes. Viewpoints Miradouro do Pico Alto Located in the middle of Funchal's Ecological Park, at a height of 1,129 metres, between the parish of Monte and Poiso path. This viewpoint is a great spot for looking out on the area surrounding Chão da Lagoa and Funchal bay. Trekking PR10 - Levada do Furado Poiso Viewpoints Miradouro do Pico do Areeiro Located at the third highest point on Madeira Island, at 1,810 metres, this viewpoint enables visitors to enjoy a unique panoramic view over the central mountains and is the start point for one of the most spectacular walks to the archipelago’s highest point, Pico Ruivo (1,862 metres). Poiso to Pico do Areeiro is about 7 Km ROUTE NUMBER: 56 103 138 This trail begins at Ribeiro Frio in the municipality of Santana and follows the pathway accompanying the levada of Serra do Faial at an elevation of 860 metres up to the station where the waters divide, descending from there to the area of Lamaceiros and terminating at the Portela belvedere in the municipality of Machico. Distance: 11 km Time: 5 h Note: Please check SAM Company website to find out how to return to Funchal. Along this levada you will note the manifold tones of green presented by this well-preserved zone of the island’s native forest - the Laurisilva - made up predominantly of the laurel, or bay tree (Laurus novocanariensis), the lily-of-thevalley tree (Clethra arborea), the Madeira laurel (Ocotea foetens), Madeira mahogany (Persea indica), INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: as well as the yellow, or Madeira foxglove (Isoplexis sceptrum), the pride of Madeira (Echium candicans), Mandon's Chrysanthemum (Argyranthemum pinnatifidum), and the Madeiran orchid (Dactylorhiza foliosa). One may see the firecrest (Regulus ignicapillus madeirensis), the smallest bird residing in Madeira, and the intrepid chaffinch (Fringila coelebs). Less likely to be seen is the Madeira long-toed pigeon (Columba trocaz trocaz), a species endemic to Madeira. Attention: Danger of vertigo; Tunnels en route, carry a torch; The path may be slippery, wear anti-slip footwear. PR11 - Vereda dos Balcões/ Miradouro Balcões This trail begins and ends at regional highway E.R.103 at Ribeiro Frio. Distance: 1,5 km + 1,5 km Time: 1h30 (round trip) And follows the levada of Serra do Faial, providing access to the Balcões belvedere, which offers beautiful 1. 56 103 138 59 panoramas of the deep valley of Ribeira da Metade and the parish of Faial. For further information’s, please check the Tours section in planearviagem/ Leisure Ribeiro Frio Forest Park/ Rainbow trout Having retraced your steps and arriving at Ribeiro Frio once again, take advantage of the opportunity to purchase some souvenirs of regional handicrafts and look for the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum) nursery of the Ribeiro Frio Fish Hatchery, the main purpose of which is the production of trout to replenish the water courses of Madeira Island. 3. Gastronomic Specialities In Ribeiro Frio, take the opportunity to try some famous local dishes, like the grilled trout and to buy some typical crafts and other souvenirs. 1. Levada do Furado 2. Miradouro Balcões 3. Bisbis 2. 60 Porto da Cruz Porto da Cruz is a small parish within the Machico council. It is easily recognizable by the Penha d’Águia, an imposing rock that arises near the sea and is also well known for its wine. To get there by bus it is necessary to board either route number 133 that goes through Santana and Porto da Cruz, or routes number 56, 103 ad 138 that travel through Porto da Cruz tunnel. The bus stop is located in the Regional Road number 108 (ER 108), nearly 1,4Km from the centre of Porto da Cruz (or about 16 minutes walking distance). Culture Igreja do Porto da Cruz (Church) 1 This church was design by the Architect Raúl Chorão Ramalho, between 1957-58. This church only has one nave. The church boosts magnificent hand painted tiles, designed by Querubim Lapa. The temple still has some barroque decorative elements from the former Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe church. Engenho Velho (Old Sugar Cane Factory) 2 The old sugar cane factory is one of the main hallmarks of Porto da Cruz. Between April and July, it continues to be operating the same way as it was when it started INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: 56 103 133 138 with the sugar production in 1927. Inside, visitors can observe the machines running and easily get a feeling of what would be the working process one century ago. Fortim do Porto 3 This Fort dates back to the XVIII century. It was built in basaltic rock. Today, Porto Fort is in ruins. Beaches Praia da Lagoa 4/ Bathing complex 5 The black sand beach called Praia da Lagoa, with excellent access to the sea, a solarium, restaurants and showers. Near the beach is a bathing complex with two swimming pools and support facilities. Events Grape and Farmer’s Festival Ever year, on the first weekend of September, the Grape and Farmer’s Festival is held to celebrate the tradition of producing regional wine, commonly known as “American”. Gastronomic Specialities One of the most outstanding features of Porto da Cruz is definitely its wine, known as "vinho seco americano". This dry red wine is made of a type of grape called "americana". Faial INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: Viewpoints Miradouro do Fortim do Faial Miradouro do Guindaste 7 The Guindaste Viewpoint is situated in Faial Parish near the mouth of the Faial stream (Ribeira do Faial). It provides a unique view to the sea and also to the beautiful volcanic complex that can be find here. This viewpoint also permits a panorama of the beach of Faial and of Ponta de São Lourenço. With a clear sky, one can view all through Porto Santo Island. Igreja Matriz do Faial (Church) 8 The first church of Faial was built next to the water stream (“Ribeira”), but was destroyed by floods. On late XVIII century, the actual church was built on a hill above the water stream. 61 Leisure 6 Turn right after passing Faial Church. The belvedere affords a superb view of Faial, the Penha d'Águia mountains and the northern part of Ponta de São Lourenço. The fortim is armed with 10 little cannons which are currently used in the festivities of Our Lady of the Nativity (“Nossa Senhora da Natividade”) that is held in the month of September. Culture 56 103 133 138 Bath 9, Sports and Leisure Centre 10/ Kart track 11 Besides the eye-catching landscape, Faial has much more to offer with regard to leisure activities, namely a modern complex, with a natural swimming pool, restaurants, showers, and extensive sunbathing area. The complex also includes a sand playing field that meets the requirements for national and international competitions in sports such as football, handball and volleyball and a multi-purpose pavilion for other sports. Motor sports fans will find a go-kart track near the mouth of the stream. Events Custard Apple Exhibition Every year, Faial Community organise the Regional Custard Apple Exhibition. The event celebrates one of the region’s most popular and widely cultivated subtropical fruits – the custard apple – helping to raise the profile of this fruit and its derivatives (liqueurs, flans, ice creams and milk shakes). Gastronomic Specialities Em inglês ficará: “The Passion Fruit Pudding is a typical dessert in Madeira Island, and can also be found in the north coast of the island. 62 Santana It is named after Saint Anne (Santa Ana), the municipality's patron saint. Santana was recently named a “Biosphere Reserve”, by UNESCO, due to the rich ecosystem and the aim is to protect its biodiversity and its sustainable use. Queimadas Forest Park and “Pico das Pedras” are located about 4 km from the centre of Santana (bus stop), whereas Achada do Teixeira is nearly 9 Km from the centre of Santana (bus stop). Trekking Pico das Pedras and Queimadas Forest Parks At both parks, species that are exclusive from Madeira and exuberant vegetation known as Laurissilva forest can be seen. The path between the two forest parks comprehends an easy trail (accessible to people with physical disabilities) of about 2 Km or 45 minutes walking distance. Distance: 2 km Time: 45 minutes Queimadas forest park is a starting point for some of the most well-known levadas, namely the Levada do Caldeirão Verde and Levada do Caldeirão do Inferno that leads visitors into the very heart of the Island. INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: PR 1.2 – Vereda do Pico Ruivo This trail climbs up to the island’s highest peak, Pico Ruivo (1,862 m) and has Achada do Teixeira as the starting and ending spot. Distance: 2,8 Km + 2,8 Km Time: 1h30 (round trip) Next to the Pico Ruivo government house you can gain access to 3 other trails that take the hiker to different parts of the island: PR 1 - Pico do Areeiro footpath (5,1/6,4 Km), which takes you to Pico do Areeiro, the island’s 2nd highest peak (1816m); PR 1.3 - Encumeada Footpath (8.6 Km), goes along the central mountain range to the West; and PR 1.1- Ilha Footpath (8.2 Km), which descends to the parish of Ilha. At Achada do Teixeira you can visit the “Standing Man” (in Portuguese, “Homem em Pé”), a basalt formation which hikers come across after passing in front of the government house. Along the climb you will meet several shelters as the change in climate is sudden and sharp and the area often becomes covered in a sea of clouds or rests above it. PR 9 – Levada do Caldeirão Verde This trail begins at the Queimadas Forest Park and winds along the walkway of the levada of Caldeirão Verde at 980 m elevation. This path starts and ends at Queimadas Forest Park. Distance: 6,5 Km + 6,5 Km Time: 5h30 (round trip) At the Queimadas Forest Park there is a shelter (Casa de Abrigo das Queimadas), which retains the original features of the typical houses of Santana, including a marvelous thatched roof. Attention: Tunnels en route, carry a torch; The path may be slippery, wear anti-slip footwear. Typical houses of Santana 13 “Casas de Santana” is one of the main local attractions. These triangular shape houses are covered with thatch (made with bundles of tied wheat and rye straw). These wooden buildings structure perfectly suit the weather of Santana, as the natural 56 103 133 138 63 materials used and the slope of the roof guarantees that no water enters the houses even with heavy rainfall. 1. Levada do Caldeirão Verde 2. Pico das Pedras 3. Achada do Teixeira 4. Pico Ruivo Viewpoints Miradouro da Rocha do Navio This viewpoint has a unique outlook over the sea and the coastline of the reserve. From here you have access to the Marine Natural Park of Sitio da Rocha do Navio through a footpath digged in the rocks or with a cable car. The name of this place derive from a Dutch schooner which sunk here in the XIX century. 1. Culture Igreja Matriz de Santana (Church) 12 2. 3. Santana main Church was built in 1572 but was only completed in 1745. This monument is presented in a Barroque style. The main has an alterpiece in guilt carved wood with a painting in the centre, representing Saint Ana and Saint Joaquim. 4. 64 Santana Leisure Madeira Theme Park INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: 56 103 133 138 São Jorge INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: 103 138 65 an old sugar mill used by the first Beaches settlers. The bridge over Ribeira São Jorge viewpoint and Praia do Calhau de S. Jorge 20 de São Jorge stream, built in the lighthouse 16 sixteenth century, is one of the most In a deep valley in São Jorge, São Jorge lighthouse is located in significant historical constructions. you will find a bathing complex consisting of three swimming Vigia on the top of a cliff. It is not Trekking pools and a restaurant. From here only a cornerstone for maritime you will be able to take in the navigation as it remains active, but PR 18 – Levada do Rei fantastic view of the landscape also an attractive spot to visit as it The Levada do Rei begins at the from the sea to the green valleys offers panoramic views. Water Treatment Plant at Quebradas and mountains. in São Jorge, ending at the source Culture of the levada, located in the Gastronomic Specialities Igreja Matriz S. Jorge (Church) 17 spectacular Ribeiro Bonito stream. Bolo de Noiva (in English, Undoubtedly an ex-libris of the Distance: 5,1 Km + 5,1 Km “Wedding Cake”) is a gastronomic built heritage, the mother church Time: 4 hours (round trip) treat of Madeira, especially among of São Jorge is the biggest religious the north side of the Island where You will be able to enjoy the baroque architectural style church this cake is made using fennel and splendid landscapes of São Jorge in the Region. The church interior a stick of cinnamon. It is a local and Santana, with widespread welcomes fine golden Baroque carving and a nice set of paintings. indigenous vegetation, part of the wedding tradition to offer it as a Laurissilva forest – a World nature gift to the grooms. Typical houses of S. Jorge Heritage of Unesco since 1999. Thatched houses are also Attention: The path may be slippery, particularly common in São Jorge wear anti-slip footwear. parish, although São Jorge buildings For further information’s, please are square shaped and feature four check the Tours section in panel rounded thatched roof. Moinho de Água (Water mill) 18 planearviagem/ In Achadinha, one can find a water mill and “Serra de Água”, a 1. Levada do Rei traditional machine to saw wood. Both played a key role in the local domestic economy. Viewpoints 14 The Madeira Theme Park in Santana is one of a kind in Portugal. It is a fantastic exhibition centre devoted to the history, science and traditions of the Madeira Archipelago. It occupies an area of 145,000 square metres and is a must for all visitors. Events 24 Hours Dancing This festivity gathers every year, during the month of July, regional, national and even international folk dance groups offering good moments of entertainment and culture. Feasts in honor of Santa Ana and Santíssimo Sacramento The feasts in honor of Senhora Santa Ana and Santíssimo Sacramento are carried out between the last week of July and the first of August. They represent an opportunity to see flower carpets of great beauty that stretch over the main street where the locals organize a religious procession. Gastronomic Specialities In Santana, visitors can appreciate the popular Santana bread, but also lamb stew, Carne de Vinho e Alhos (Pork spiced with wine and garlic), Sopa de trigo (wheat soup) or the cooked cobs. 15 Calhau da Ribeira de S. Jorge (Pebble) 19 In “Calhau de São Jorge”, visitors will come across with the historic core of the parish. The ruins entail 1. 66 Cabanas | Arco de São Jorge The name of Arco de São Jorge comes from the mountains that surround this parish shaped in “bow” and also because until 1676 the territory of the actual parish belonged to São Jorge parish, for which inherited the “appendix” of “São Jorge”. This little parish comprehends some of the most fertile soils of the north coast of Madeira. Wine, cereals, vegetables and even wicker are produced in this area. Viewpoints Miradouro da Beira da Quinta (Cabanas) 21 This belvedere is between São Jorge and Arco de São Jorge. Here, not only will you find a spectacular view of Arco de São Jorge, but on a clear day you can also see the neighboring island of Porto Santo. INTERURBAN SERVICE | ROUTE NUMBER: 103 138 67 Culture Museu da Vinha e do Vinho (Museum) 23 Another unmissable place to visit is the Museum of Vine and Wine, where one can encounter three wine pressers as well as a number of tools used in viticulture. The museum provides guided visits, in which everyone can taste various local products, especially wines produced by locals. Gastronomic Specialities Arco São Jorge has its very own gastronomic specialities, such as grilled limpets and watercress soup, and traditional sweets like the pumpkin pudding. Gardens Quinta do Arco Rose Garden 22 In the gardens of Quinta do Arco, you can visit one of the largest collections of rose bushes in Portugal. The collection consists of more than 1,000 different types of rose bushes. You can see old and modern garden and climbing and nonclimbing roses. Open every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m (April til December). 1. Quinta do Arco Rose Garden 2. Miradouro Cabanas 1. 2. 68 Maps Porto da Cruz | Faial INTERURBAN SERVICE 69 Porto da Cruz Faial 7 Miradouro do Guindaste 9 Santana Complexo Balnear Fortim do Faial 6 10 Praia da Lagoa esso xpr E Via 3 4 Fortim do Porto Promenade VE1 2 Engenho Velho Faial Santana 5 8 Complexo Balnear Igreja Matriz Pista de Karting 11 56 103 133 138 133 ER101 1 Igreja Matriz 56 103 138 Túnel Porto da Cruz Machico Faial Santana ER108 ER103 N 0 100 m Ribeiro Frio N Porto da Cruz Machico 0 Bus Stop - touristic spot Bus Stop 1-11 Touristic spots 100 m 70 Maps Santana | São Jorge Santana INTERURBAN SERVICE 71 Miradouro da Rocha do Navio São Jorge São Jorge 0 N 100 N 200 m 0 15 VE1 16 Miradouro da Vigia 100 400 m Farol Faial Via Expresso Miradouro do Fio 19 13 Calhau da Ribeira de São Jorge 20 13 13 17 Igreja Matriz 12 ER101 Igreja Matriz 13 14 ER101 PR 18 – Levada do Rei Cabanas Arco de São Jorge 13 13 Parque Temático 13 18 Queimadas 56 103 138 Pico das Pedras Achada do Teixeira Moinho de água Faial 103 138 Santana Bus Stop - touristic spot Bus Stop 12-20 Touristic spots 72 Maps Cabanas | Arco de São Jorge INTERURBAN SERVICE 73 Arco de São Jorge 0 N 100 200 m Miradouro do Cabo Aéreo Miradouro da Beira da Quinta 21 Igreja Matriz Cabanas 22 103 138 103 138 Museu da Vinha e do Vinho 23 ER101 Bus Stop - touristic spot Bus Stop 21-23 Touristic spots 74 Tourism and Rental Service This tourism service is steered towards high quality performance indicators, allows to rent buses to travel around Funchal and Madeira island, until Levadas and Viewpoints. Horários do Funchal fleet is composed by 43 vehicles, 34 of which with a seating capacity of 53 passengers; 6 with 24 passenger seats and 3 with 22 passenger seats. These white busses are almost a hallmark of Madeira. They are easily recognized due to the iconic and endemic flowers of the Island displayed on bus side panels. It is also possible to rent buses dedicated to mobility-impaired users. Horários do Funchal has a leading position among the regional market. Contact: Tel.: (+351) 291 705559 / (+351) 291 705560 Fax.: (+351) 291 705557 HORÁRIOS DO FUNCHAL 75 76 Events 77 1. 2. 3. 4. January Twelfth Night songs | Funchal Municipal Garden Santo Amaro Feast | Santa Cruz February Compadres Feast | Santana Carnival Festivities | Funchal (no fixed date: this event is generally celebrated in either February or March) March Regional Custard Apple Exhibition | Faial April Flower Festival | Funchal (no fixed date: this event is generally celebrated in either April or May) May Lemon Festival | Ilha, Santana Madeira Island Open | Santo da Serra Onion Festival | Caniço Sé Festivities | Funchal June Atlantic Festival | Funchal Sheep shearing | Ribeira dos Boieiros, Camacha Popular Marches | Funchal Feast of St. John's Altars | Funchal July Funchal Jazz | Funchal Regional Folklore Festival – 24 Hours Dancing | Santana Gastronomy Exhibit | Santana Atlantic Roots Festival | Funchal 5. 6. August Madeira Wine Rally Black Swordfish Feast | Câmara de Lobos Feast of Our Lady of Monte | Funchal Camacha Art/Camachense Art Festival | Camacha Gastronomy Exhibit | Caniço European Folklore Week | Funchal September Madeira Wine Festival | Estreito de Câmara de Lobos/Funchal (no fixed date: this event is generally celebrated in either August or September) Grape and Farmer's Feast | Porto da Cruz Cider Sampling | Santo da Serra October Madeira Nature Festival (no fixed date: this event is generally celebrated in either September or October) Madeira Organ Festival | Funchal November Chestnut Festival | Curral das Freiras International Open Bridge | Funchal December Christmas and New Year Festivities | Funchal Night in the Farmers' Market | Funchal Edition Tour of the city of Funchal - S. Silvestre´s Race | Funchal 7. 8. 1. Twelfth Night songs 2. Compadres Feast 3. Flower Festival 4. Lemon Festival 5. Popular Marches 6. Funchal Jazz 7. Madeira Wine Festival 8. Madeira Nature Festival 78 Map MAIN DESTINATION SPOTS AND BUS ROUTES THAT TRAVEL THERE | REGIONAL OPERATORS 79 Santa Porto Moniz 80-139-150 1. 80-139-150 Ribeira da Janela Ponta Delgada Seixal 6 139-150 São Vicente 6-139-150 Achadas da Cruz Arco de São Jorge São Jorge 6-103-138 103-138 Cabanas Santana 56-103-133-138 103-138 Ponta do Pargo Boaventura 80-142 6 6-139 80-107-142 80-107-142 Faial 53-56-78-103-133-138-208 Rosário Raposeira Fajã da Ovelha 4. Porto da Cruz Prazeres Paúl do Mar Portela 80-107-142 80-107-115-142 Encumeada Estreito da Calheta Jardim do Mar 80-107-115-142 80-107-115-142 Calheta 8-80-142 53-56-78-103-133-138-208 Arco da Calheta 80-107-115-142 Serra de Água 6-139 53-78 Ribeiro Frio Curral das Freiras Jardim da Serra 96 Boa Morte Madalena do Mar 6-139 81 Poiso 56-103-138 Eira do Serrado 81 Maroços 56-103-138 Pico Alto Santo da Serra 20-25-77-78 Camacha 156-203 Caniçal 113 Machico 20-23-53-78 113-156 Baía d’Abra 113 77-110-113-129 148 Estreito de Aeroporto 8-80-107-115-142 Monte Babosas Câmara de Lobos 20-53-78-113-156 20-21 22 Ponta do Sol Palheiro Ferreiro Campanário 123 3-8-96-139-142-154 Santa Cruz Sta. Quitéria Pico dos 4-8-80-107 36-36A-37-77-129 20-23-53-113-113-156 Barcelos 8-8A-16 115-142-146 Ribeira Brava Jardim Botânico Quinta 9-12-13 29-31-31A 4-6-7-8-80-107 Grande Piornais Cabo Girão 115-139-142-146 111-114 01-02 4-7 Caniço 2-109-110-136-155 Câmara de Lobos Funchal Praia 1-3-4-6-7-8-27-96 Formosa Est. Monumental 115-123-137-139 Lido 01-02-04 142-146-148-154 02 2. 3. 1. Porto Moniz 2. Calheta 3. Ponta do Sol 4. Machico Map MAIN DEPARTURE POINTS IN FUNCHAL CITY CENTRE | REGIONAL OPERATORS 81 oP ico Quinta das Cruzes as s iro s rcê C Rotunda Infante iro ne Ja o 31 br R. utu 5O a rriag ida A Aven Jardim Municipal 10 nte Infa Av. Sé 3 6 Palácio S. Lourenço di no t Ou nf rne las M Avenida do ar 8 R 7 Mercado Lavradores Rua de Santa Maria Rua D. Carlos I 18 1 9 R ân www. C cia I R. D r. Fe r nã od eO R. rco Av. Za Ru Serviço interurbano S R R. ad 5 R. Igreja do Colégio oC ast an he iro Rua da Praça do s Pre tas Município Ru Teatro Municipal Deus mo o Car Rua d Câmara Municipal Carreir a aD r. B Av. rito Cal Câ ou ma ste r Gu lbe a nk i an Rua João de s Jesu om R. B 4 rre Fe Me Rua da 17 os ad Ru ad Casa Museu Igreja de Frederico de Freitas S. Pedro s ruze Serviço urbano www. 2 Ru as C Rua d S da d e An adia Ca l ça cond Forte do Pico R. 3 1 Ja R. 5 n Out eiro ub r o R. Vis 80 4 www. 3 5 S 2 Marina www. Parque Santa Catarina Quinta Vigia 0 N 100 200 m www. Horários do Funchal Urban Service 2 3 4 5 31, 31A 29, 36, 36A, 37 22 01, 02, 04, 9 6 7 8 9 13, 20, 21 8, 8A, 16 01, 02, 04, 9, 12 01, 02, 04, 9 10 17 18 8, 8A, 12, 16 13, 20, 21 31, 31A Terminus Rodoeste 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 27, 80, 96, 107, 115, 123, 137, 139, 142, 146, 148, 154 Terminus Horários do Funchal Interurban Service 56, 77, 81, 103, 110, 111, 114, 129, 138 1 81 3 4 56, 77, 103, 111, 114, 129, 138 56, 103, 138 (via Poiso) 5 110 Terminus SAM 20, 23, 25, 53, 78, 113, 156, 203, 208 Terminus Automóveis do Caniço 2, 109, 136, 155 2 R Bus Stop S Bus Stop Aerobus C Bus Stop Map URBAN SERVICE MAP | HORÁRIOS DO FUNCHAL 83 B C ra b 01 02 04 6 Autonomia Parque / Parking Capela – Igreja / Chapel – Church Piscinas / Swimming Pool Casino / Casino Polícia / Police 10 Galerias Cemitério / Cemetery Porto / Harbour 11 Conselheiro Centro Comercial / Shopping Centre Posto de Turismo / Tourist office Centro de Saúde / Medical Center Praia / Beach Correio / Post Ofice Teleférico / Cable Car 13 Infante 01 02 04 8 24 Escola / School Universidade / University Hotel / Hotel Veredas / Footpath 15 R. 5 de Outubro 12 32 Hospital / Hospital Zona Industrial / Industrial Zone 16 Casa St.º António 15B 17 23 27 28 49 Our buses are yellow: b 10 10A a b da a 20 21 Igreja de S. Pedro 17 b 15B 17 23 27 28 49 c 31 31A 32 40 nh eir o c 13 38 39 so Su L evada da Se rra d oF a Cº. da Lombada Leva da do B s Levad ad os T ro alhe i Cº. P a C Est. d a Cº. do Terço to R. Pedra Sina as Cº. d a Casa V elh a v T ra R. N eir o e R. V. An adia R. Louros Neves Montanha 38 Cancela 38 38 3 Caniço Santa Cruz Aeroporto Machico Neves 250 500 m I 1 Km J 37 Quinta Vigia 1 Courelas Romeiras 9 43 10 1 9 Amparo r. Fe rnão Sé 15 30 de Orn el 8 Avenida do Mar 7 18 Rua de Santa Maria 5 58 Zona Velha 14 (Linha Verde) 02 43 Praia Formosa 57 04 04 07 08 09 al 18 10 Est. Monument 01 05 31A 11 12 13 19 20 21 22 30 34 23 31 36 35 Jardim Botânico 29 31 42 32 33 Av. do Infante 37 38 39 40 41 02 36 36A 37 Palheiro Ferreiro Town center Avenida do Mar 2 7 6 Levada da Serra 77 77 129 Camacha 3 14 5 Marina 29 14 15 16 17 02 06 27 24 25 Levada dos Tornos 28 15 HOTÉIS / HOTELS 2 Marina Pt.ª Laranjeira 03 Santo da Serra Monte 20 21 26 24 Nazaré Piornais 01 01 R. D. Carlos I 3 11 92 48 Papagaio Verde Pt.ª da Cruz (Linha Verde) 24 02 Mercado Lavradores 18 4 48 04 21 55 16 6 A.L.R. as ia nc 20 fâ o . In l Velh spita R. Ho Eira do Serrado Pico dos Barcelos (Linha Verde) 56 103 138 Ribeiro Frio Poiso Curral 81 das Freiras 19 R. D 36 38 11 12 a rriag ida A Aven Palácio S. Lourenço o Praça do Município 20 19 9 Parque Santa Catarina 34 37 uso Brasil eira Est. L .d oL ivr am e Ornela s José R. P. Luzia Rua do Comboio R. St.ª o Carm Rua d 31 29 34 Loja do Cidadão 13 b lhal 39 39 H Deus 24 Câmara Municipal 25 Jardim Municipal 46 13 19 22 26 33 34 42 a oC asta Pretas Rua da Carreira Ru aD Av. r. Bri Calo to ust Câm e G ar ulb a enk ian 31 31A 32 42 19 C. C. Oudinot Ru ad 27 8 10 10A 12 14 16 Rotunda Infante b om R. B us Jes 01 02 04 8A 11 15 15B 46 49 92 ces sS alt os eir os ad Ho rt R. a G 35 2 8 8A 16 8A 9 10 10A 11 12 14 15 15B 16 46 49 92 18 R. Profetas 21 R. Hospital Velho c 3 44 45 12 Dias Leite 20 R. Infância Rua 9 15 15B zes s Cru 01 02 04 9 12 15 15B 24 46 9 P. São Lourenço a 9 24 17 C. C. Bom Jesus 11 14 92 Carva Qtª. Rocha (S. Gonçalo) Qtª. Rocha 22 Rua João de 17 21 iro ne Ja 31 R. o r ub ut Campo de Futebol / Soccer Field a 8 GNR estana Jú ni o r Cº. da Te Es t. ava lo F 5O Museu / Museum Capela das Neves 0 E R. Monumento / Monument Cais / Quay Jardim / Garden 7 36 36A 47 Rua das Miradouro / Viewpoint Bombeiros / Fireman ond e 38 Santana 13 20 21 Biblioteca / Library 7 Alfândega c Neves (Norte) 39 Rua C Casa de Saúde Câmara Pestana Zona Industrial Lid o 24 40 39 da Pon Cr ta uz a Lar Bela Vista Fo ru m (S M ho a pp deir in a g) 5 EEM Igreja 40 40 Lazareto Barreirinha da Igreja de São Gonçalo Montanha CARREIRAS DE INTERESSE TURÍSTICO / TOURISTIC SPOTS 23 c o .d to a ov 38 5 Oceano Atlântico/ Atlantic Ocean in ot 23 46 39 re za La 38 Chão da Loba 34 rad ad oA ero porto Fortaleza de N. Sª. da Conceição ud 38 39 b 38 Zona Industrial 37 Cemitério de São Gonçalo São Tiago 82 4 Farrobo de Baixo o eir R. O b 22 R. Dr. P rça eF rei tas Ab el d Cº. de S . Cº. L. S egu n R oq ue do Est. D r . Jo ão u da Q Cº. Velho oC .d Le v an ca a Br Cº. d o Cº. Água d e Mel na Cº. San ta C des Ma rti nh oP as se io Cº. d Cº. de R. N. Virtu iros s Camõe R. Luís de bo d os A g u iares R. E Barre ev. R. L R. da Cas n ar R 29 37 a R. R och inh a urral rd Clo de raldo E. Un id C S. R. Visc ond e An adia Levada / Water channel a 4 Museu (EEM) s 39 Pontinha 02 04 D s iro re Paragem / Bus Stop 3 Pinga 38 37 6 r Fe os Promenade 19 26 33 alh al Cº. do Pa Complexo Balnear do Lido s rcê Via Rápida / High Way Percurso / Route 42 b Palheiro Golfe 34 Ilhéu do Gorgulho Me Estradas / Roads Início – Término / Start – End b 31 31A 32 34 40 33 37 Canto Muro 4 Balancal (via Bairro Stª. Maria) N ad Ru Paragem – Partidas / Bus Stop – Departures 27 28 a aI nfâ nc ia Ve lho C. C ten Bet . R. Ed Cº. V. Chamorra Rua de Stª. Rita Esm e R. Cov ad o Ti l Cº. da ad a .d R. Wi 41 Cais do Carvão as 00 a 2 Cais Casa Velha do Palheiro 33 Ilhéu da Forja Ponta Gorda 32 1 Marina h ac 33 34 o am 48 02 01 ad Ru 0 00 Ponto de Transbordo / Connection Point Aeropo r Marina PARTIDAS DO CENTRO DO FUNCHAL / DEPARTURES FROM TOWN CENTER Pontos de Venda / Sales Outlets Bica de Pau 56 Lido C PARAGEM / BUS STOP CARREIRA / ROUTE NUMBER LEGENDA 7 Quinta do Palheiro Est B Ca rv 37 Jardim do Miradouro Vila Guida Rua do Lazareto 28 R. Conde 39 34 Parque Auto-Silo S. Tiago Socorro 33 r 38 82 40 58 o Cº. d Palheiro Ferreiro (Via R.º da Quinta) 34 31 34 31A 31 h Pal 36A 50 37 to Clube Naval 42 eno Esc. Sec. Jaime Moniz Zona Velha on Cac de A a 43 02 Ponta da Cruz Av. Santiago M 31A 16 C 34 37 onde C arv 39 a R. Bela S. Tiago 57 34 47 50 02 Forum 83 Madeira Parque Forum 40 Doca do Cavacas jud da A 31A Cº. do go R. 31 l 47 elho 22 19 32 MADINSP Inspecção de Veículos Estra da do Bairro de Stª. Maria ir he Pal 36A l nta me onu aM rad Est 04 Cº. V 48 04 32 lha 48 01 o Pa Capela Nª. Sra. da Ajuda Capela da Fundação Zino zes ene .M R. Va 83 le da 04 Aju da 6 Ajud a . Av Largo da Paz 33 36 3 37 36 37 7 7 33 50 47 da Boa Nova Trav. Pomar Murteiras Rochinha 36A Escola do Palheiro Ferreiro 47 36 Salões Lombo da Quinta Estrad a Boa Nova 47 36 36 Miradouro Pináculo 1 54 45 24 8 24 83 7 34 29 7 7 50 7 Igreja do Sagrado Coração Jesus 7 R. Viscon Forte de S. Tiago 13 37 e Infant Av. do Casino 7 33 36 36A Campo Fut. 1º de Maio Fonte 47 Farrobo de Cima 36 36A Escola Salesiana 50 32Ig. N. Sra. 33 R. Cor . Cunha Fátima 42 26 55 18 01 ulo II R. Joã 83 24 lho da 10 9 3 Conservatório 45 o de Freitas tin Cº. Ve 50 in Qu 43 24 da América Nazaré (Monte) Pico da Cruz 04 43 24 os 30 47 36 36A 34 36 29 24 36 ova aN 37 36A v. do Po ma 7 r Lombo da Boa Vista 50 36A Largo da Pena R. Alf . V. Pe stana 94 Pinheirinho Palheiro Ferreiro 47 o João Latrão . Sã Cº Bom Sucesso 47 . ilv R. S 48 43 Piornais Pt.ª da Cruz (Linha Verde) 5-E 3-F 2-F 48 19 38 o aB 82 o eir an 02 Quartel RG3 9 46 26 22 eJ 1d a3 Ru 45 Amparo 10A 15 34 C 11 âm 48 10 Av 49 ara Rua . Ca 15B 8A 44 das 92 14 11 49 l. G 15 Mara ulb 92 15B vilhas 16 en 15 kia 14 11 n 14 10 13 Ilhéus 12 Quinta Magnólia na 44 02 25 82 33 Esc Sec. F. Franco 49 28 82 27 23 21 R. d 20 40 17 15B Mercado Lavradores 13 20 t. d Es 22 R . da P 26 ena 19 R. S . Jos é R. Pi 24 01 Praia Formosa 43 Nazaré 44 (via Virtudes) 50 42 ro tub Esc. Profissional de Hotelaria e Turismo da Madeira tal a ov R. N m en l onu 83 45 Estádio 8 dos Barreiros R. 92 Dr. B rito 46 22 31A R. C. A 31 29 Pena Colégio R. Eli Garci as 21 35 29 31 27 17 82 2 no or 47 São João Latrão Jardim Botânico 31 8 eiro min .M 45 49 Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça 2 6 11 34 94 Largo do Miranda Jardim da Orquídea 33 33 26 50 42 R. 5 27 Ou ia C.º do Terço 94 Escola Ribeiro Domingos Dias Jardim Botânico d R . L e v a 26 20 23 50 31A Jas Est 83 10A vilhas ita 01 48 43 13 12 3 ara Forte do Pico 10A 10 r. P aD Câmara de Lobos 5-F 6-C 4-B ul . do S R. Af 50 44 83 Velho Bento 3 83 8 43 sil Bra 24 C.º do Engenho 44 21 L. Severiano Ferraz 32 15 11 Ru Igreja Antiga 04 do Amparo os Piorna i ada d Lev Cº. do Areeiro 45 R. d 50 Escola Gon. Zarco 83 Pit a 45 i Rua do T 83 50 44 Areeiro Capela de Stª. Rita Vitória 3 3-D 5-E 5-F 6-D 5-G 5-G 45 48 ha da Auxílio Maternal 92 14 z tª. L u aS 94 29 Teleférico Jardim Botânico Quinta dos Reis J. Ornelas Camacha ial Campo de Fut. Nacional Jardim dos Loiros Trav. Saud 23 o R. d 45 27 C.º de Ferro Ped ro Choupana 94 29 Cº. das Voltas 19 82 c aA od in h Cam Igreja de São Martinho Papagaio Verde 50 3 14 10A 10 9 Esc. Dr. Horácio nto19 26 . Nazaré (Barreiros) D po bis S. Martinho 83 48 3 rce Parque S. Martinho Lajes Palmeira 26 Igreja do Ima. Coração de Maria 26 Rua 83 Cº. de S. Mar tinho 83 50 48 13 12 8 A R. do 3 s ude Virt 12 das Cº. 44 13 43 16 9 oão S. Cemitério de São Martinho 16 Virtudes io rad as 3 o Pico de São Martinho 8A 49 15B 10A 10 n ntó tº. A 50 ilar 23 Livramento Lev. Stª. Luzia (via Pena) om Escola Superior de Enfermagem Igreja Nova to do Livramento 28 J São 04 23 21 20 Qtª.Poço de 13 12 8 04 Amparo (Linha Verde) oP 16 9 48 o R. d 01 04 17 C º . de S 24 24 C urral do C a stelejo men 49 M. Coelha 23 D. João 42 49 ax 15 im 15B 22 Escola Sec. 26 ian 28 Viveiros Dr. Ângelo od 21 20 R. Dr 15B e S 49 Es A. da Silva 27 . Ân 42 49 tra ou 46 82 g. A da sa 15B 49 . Sil 42 da va Madeira Ma 17 Esc. Bartolomeu 82 26 22 Tecnopolo D. da Perestrelo Jo len 15B UMa ã o a Til 49 15 52 Cº. 13 APEL 23 42 46 de 92 Ai 14 12 res D. João 49 Stº. 11 21 15 8A 15B An 49 49 42 tó 10A 15 Rua 20 nio 10 5 d 42 28 17 e O 17 utu 15B 15B13 Ru 14 bro 12 a3 1d eJ 8A an 46 14 e 28 iro 27 R. . as M 24 Levada do Desterro Terço Qta Pinheiro Choupana 50 Est 22 alo Cav do Pinheiro das Voltas 16 43 Pilar 16 9 Cº. d Mercado Abastecedor Pico do Funcho Escola de S. António Est. do Livra 23 19 el s Marm do a rad Est Tanque 50 Cº. d as Qu eb 50 Quebradas 16 92 22 Fundoa Penha (Via 31Janeiro/UMa) de França 49 12 Portada de Santo António 20 13 12 42 15B Jardim Monte Palace Marmeleiros Piedade 23 22 ta s rei eF 50 92 13 12 9 16 8 19 21 17 Quinta 17 Penteada r Ma Hospital Dr. João de Almada . Lev b 16 Pt.ª da Laranjeira (Linha Verde) 48 8 8 Madalena r. Rua D 3 5 Pico dos Barcelos 16 16 16 50 16 8 arra l Ru aM a int os 20 21 22 el d Ab ão oço B Pinheiro das Voltas (Via Cova do Til) 16 50 3 om aL 5 8A 8 15 93 ova R. . N 16 Parque Empresarial da Zona Oeste 4-E C º. P 16 Alecrins 16 Torre 5-E 5-F 5-G 6-C 6-D 6-C 6-D 6-B 6-B 50 10 rreto r. Ba Lombada 3 Pizo 92 92 16 8A 8 T. do Tanq ue 14 8A 46 8A Igreja de S. Amaro olt as 16 Palmeira 9 10A 15 48 t. d Es Igreja do Curral dos Romeiros Babosas 51 iros Est. dos Marmele 48 Lombo Segundo 29 22 48 21 20 os ir Colégio Infante ele D. Henrique m . do Cº 19 Fundoa de Baixo 26 Igreja do Monte 10 17 17 15B Cº. da 43 11 93 15 aD Ru 5-G 5-F 5-F 5-F 12 15B 14 48 n Lev. Corujeira 48 93 Igreja de S. Roque r. Jo 4 13 48 s Tor 21 Escola do Tanque-Monte São Roque D Est. 4-E de Fre itas 14 e em oL ad 32. Fortaleza do Pico 33. Forte de São Tiago/ Museu de Arte Contemporânea 34. Governo Regional 35. Palácio da Justiça 36. Palácio de São Lourenço 37. Quinta Vigia/ Presidência do Governo Regional 38. Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Praias e Piscinas / Beaches and public swimming pools 39. Barreirinha 40. Doca do Cavacas 41. Lido 42. Ponta Gorda 43. Praia do Gorgulho 44. Praia dos Namorados 45. Praia Formosa Centros Comerciais / Shopping malls 46. La Vie Funchal 47. Forum Madeira 48. Madeira Shopping Hospitais / Hospitals 49. Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça 50. Hospital Dr. João Almada 51. Hospital dos Marmeleiros Universidade / University 52. Universidade da Madeira Outros / Others 53. Biblioteca Pública 54. Casino 55. Mercado dos Lavradores 56. Passeio Marítimo (Promenade) 57. Teleférico (Cable car) 58. Zona Velha (Old town) 50 43 92 Igreja de Stº. António 15B 15 Piscinas da Penteada int º. P C.º Lom Cº. da Eira do Serrado Est . Via n sà Pre c Cº. d as cho 92 11 93 13 12 Cº. do 20 Curral dos Romeiros Monte 20 21 48 a Tr Preces 8A 46 14 48 92 43 10A 8A 8A a dw 43 m E 48 llia 92 Centro de Reabilitação l Olival liva 15B º. O 53 Cº. Álamos eja Igr 8A da 14 43 Cº. 43 Cº. das Romeiras 10 10A 9 Bróteas 46 93 48 42 a ad te Ca ma 46 14 Água de Mel n Pe 8A C. s 5-F Est . Stª. Quitéria (MShopping) 48 16 Courelas 9 43 Biblioteca Pública 14 Salão 11 Parque St. António s 12 9 43 14 ira 10 Cº. d a 9 aL ad e V 2-G 5-F 5-G 5-F 5-F 8A 92 e S 50 tª. Qu 8 itér ia 10 13 es 92 92 Cº. d 43 9 as 5-F 5-F 5-F 5-F 5-F 4-F 4-F 5-F 5-F Stª. Quitéria (via Barreiros) 8 d eiro inh 3-G 3-J 3-G 5-F 2-F 3-G 2-G 5-F 2-F 5-E 4-G 92 92 50 C 5-E 5-F 5-I 4-I 4-C sT rê 50 10A 10 92 Álamos 14 15B 93 15 (viaÁlamos Achada) 15B Qu 5-D/2-F 3-B/3-I 5-H/4-E 6-C/5-C 2-C/1-C 2-D/2-E 2-H/3-H Pico do Cardo Viana Viana (MShopping) 3 LOCAIS DE INTERESSE / INTERESTING PLACES Miradouros / Viewpoints 1. Miradouro da Quinta Vigia 2. Miradouro das Cruzes 3. Miradouro das Neves 4. Miradouro do Palheiro Golfe 5. Pico dos Barcelos Jardins / Gardens 6. Jardim Botânico 7. Jardim da Quinta do Palheiro 8. Jardim dos Loiros 9. Jardim Municipal 10. Jardim Municipal do Monte 11. Jardim Orquídea 12. Jardim Tropical Monte Palace 13. Parque Santa Catarina 14. Quinta Jardins do Imperador 15. Quinta Magnólia 16. Jardins Quinta da Boa Vista Museus / Museums 17. Casa Museu Frederico Freitas 18. Museu Casa da Luz 19. Museu da Madeira Wine 20. Museu de Arte Sacra 21. Museu do Vinho 22. Museu Henrique e F. Franco 23. Museu Quinta das Cruzes 24. Núcleo Museológico do IVBAM 25. Photographia-Museu “Vicentes” Igrejas / Churches 26. Igreja do Monte 27. Igreja de São Pedro 28. Igreja do Socorro 29. Largo e Igreja do Colégio 30. Sé Catedral Monumentos / Monuments 31. Câmara Municipal do Funchal t e l e jo is Levada dos Piorna 2 5-I Cº .d 13 93 Campo 46 de Fut. do Marítimo 14 Terça 21 Fonte os re t 3 4-J court 10 92 11 das Freiras Tanque 48 42 13 12 Galeão (Escola) Escola Galeão 15B 46 43 Quinta Ladeira Escola da Chamorra 10A 3 4-J 12 Cº 1 20 21 sP Cº. do 92 3 3-J 14 R. 93 12 J a eir ruj Co rcos Cº. dos Ma 19 42 48 Rib.ª Grande 43 43 13 Igreja Velha Jamboto (via Viveiros) 12 13 46 90 rio ité em oC .d Cº Chã rra Cº. Te Cº Trapiche – C. Velho – Lº Aguiares Galeão – São Roque 94 Choupana – Caminho do Terço 90 92 Jamboto (via Hospital) Encruzilhadas amacho Fre Romeiras itas a 82 10A a au sP do Cº. 3 3-J 3 3-H 12 13 43 10 92 93 93 93 Graça el our sC Viana– L. Quinta (via MShopping) São Tiago – D. João 83 Forum Madeira – S. Martinho 50 ad a do Cu rral do C as 3 3-J 11 93 aga inh Az 2 4-H 36 20 Corujeira de Fora Lev. Corujeira (C.º dos Marcos) 42 Galeão da Cº. 2 4-I 34 Le v 2 4-G 33 Centro – Balancal (via Bairro St.ª Maria) Centro – Canto do Muro Centro – Palh. Ferreiro (via Rib. Quinta) 36A Centro – Palheiro Ferreiro 37 Centro – Pinheirinho (via Palh. Ferreiro) 38 Centro – Cancela 39 Centro – Montanha 40 Centro – Quinta da Rocha 47 Centro – São João Latrão 48 Nazaré – Monte 92 2 3-G 90 Igreja N. Sra. da Graça Três Paus 2 Campo de Futebol do Andorinha 93 Est. da os 3 2-G 2 3-G Galeão Lombo Jamboeiro Lombo de Jamboeiro ma oa de Ci u nd .F Centro – Rochinha 3 4-H Laranjal C.º Trapiche 11 10 3-E Centro – Travessa do Pomar Centro – Curral dos Romeiros Centro – Jardim Botânico 31A Centro – Teleférico Jardim Botânico 32 Trapiche 90 11 90 a elh ja V 7 31 Casa Saúde 11 Igre 49 29 1 2-E 16 3-E 90 90 10A Corujeira de Dentro Alegria Cº. da 49 1 4-E Capela da Alegria Capela do Conv. das Irmandades Clarissas aleão vo do G 42 10 1 3-F I Monte (Lajinhas) 21 20 90 Capela Casa S. João Deus l Cº. do Laranja 28 Chamorra 2 3-F 90 Cº. No 27 Centro – Lev. de Stª. Luzia (via Pena) Centro – Caminho de Ferro Centro – D. João Centro – Alegria Centro – Fundoa (via 31 Janeiro) Centro – Fundoa (via UMa) Pico da Pedra L.º Aguiares C.º C piche Cº. do Tra 10A 26 H Poiso 20 21 Barreira CARREIRAS / ROUTES G Monte (Lombos) 90 90 Chamorra (Barreira) 5-A 02 6-B 04 4-C 24 5-B 44 5-D 45 5-C 3 Centro – Lombada/Pizo (via S. Martinho) 11 4-A 7 3-B 8 Centro – St.ª Quitéria (via Barreiros) 8A Centro – St.ª Quitéria (via MShopping) 7 3-B 5 3-C 9 Centro – Courelas 10 Centro – Chamorra 7 1-B 7 1-C 10A Centro – Chamorra (Barreira) 11 Centro – Trapiche 7 2-B 12 Centro – Jamboto (via Hospital) 15 2-D 13 Centro – Jamboto (via Viveiros) 6 2-D 14 Centro – Álamos 7 3-D 7 5-A 16 Centro – Pinheiro das Voltas 43 P. Formosa – Romeiras (via St.º António) 5-B/2-C 4 2-D 46 Centro – Ribeira Grande (via UMa) 7 2-B 92 Centro – Três Paus 5 2-D 15 Centro – Álamos (via Achada) 5 2-D 15B Centro – Galeão (Escola) 16 3-E 17 Centro – Lombo Segundo 2 2-E 19 Centro – Lev. da Corujeira 6 2-F 20 Centro – Monte (via Cor. de Dentro) 6 2-F 21 Centro – Monte (via Largo da Fonte) 4 2-G 22 Centro – Babosas 23 Centro – Livramento (via Til) 4 3-F F 90 Cº . d a 10 1 FUNCHAL Centro – Pt.ª da Laranjeira (Linha Verde) 5 5 Centro – Pt.ª da Cruz (Linha Verde) 5 Centro – Amparo (Linha Verde) Centro – Papagaio Verde (via João Paulo II) 5 11 Centro – Nazaré (via Virtudes) 11 Centro – Nazaré (via Barreiros) E Curral Velho Cº. do A mpa ro NETWORK MAP Chamorra (Vasco Gil) Barrei MAPA DA REDE 01 D 90 Barreira Curral das Freiras Estrela . Unidos da Am érica A SERVIÇO URBANO / URBAN SERVICE Cº 82 SERVIÇO INTERURBANO INTERURBAN SERVICE Para / to: Camacha, Santo da Serra, Curral das Freiras, Poiso, Ribeiro Frio, Faial, Santana, São Jorge, Arco de São Jorge 01 Orca Praia 02 Pestana Bay 03 Madeira Regency Palace 04 Madeira Palácio 05 Golden Residence 06 Pestana Grand 07 Musa d’Ajuda 08 Ajuda Sunny 09 Sofia Residence 10 Jardins d’Ajuda 11 Duas Torres 12 Madeira Regency Cliff 13 Baía Azul 14 Pestana Promenade 15 Enotel Lido 16 Meliá Madeira Mare 17 Porto Mare 18 Alto Lido 19 Florasol 20 Raga 21 Four Views Monumental 22 Lido Atlântico 23 Girassol 24 Mimosa/ Estrelícia 25 Buganvília 26 Savoy Gardens 27 Quinta da Casa Branca 28 Pestana Palms 29 Eden Mar 30 Gorgulho 31 Vidamar Resorts 32 The Cliff Bay 33 Reid's Palace 34 Pestana Village 35 Pestana Miramar 36 Quinta Perestrello 37 Enotel Quinta do Sol 38 Pestana Carlton Madeira 39 Imperatriz 40 Madeira Bright Star 41 Pestana Casino Park 42 Four Views Baia 84 Map INTERURBAN SERVICE MAP | HORÁRIOS DO FUNCHAL 85 CARREIRAS / ROUTES SERVIÇO INTERURBANO / INTERURBAN SERVICE MAPA DA REDE Porto Moniz NETWORK MAP São Arco de Vicente São Jorge CURRAL DAS FREIRAS CAMACHA SANTANA Faial Farol de São Jorge 138 Cabanas 138 103 138 Arco de São Jorge PR18 São Jorge 103 138 103 56 133 Caldeirão do Inferno Lombo Galego 103 138 Fajã Cedro Gordo 56 PR11 103 133 56 PR12 Boca da Corrida Capela Terra Chã Seara Velha Lombo Chão 1095 m 81 Fajã dos Padres Cabo Girão 580 m 138 103 Pico Alto Jardim da Serra PR10 Pico da Suna 1818 m Ribeiro Frio Monte Estreito de Câmara de Lobos Garachico Pico dos Barcelos 355 m Carreiras 112 Praia Formosa Piornais Ponta da Cruz 14 113 103 56 Fajã dos Rolos 110 FUNCHAL Santo da Serra 129 77 Funchal - Boqueirão (via Palh. Ferreirro) 77 Funchal - Santo da Serra (via Camacha) 85 110 Camacha 700 m 113 129 113 85 110 113 Gaula Palheiro Golfe 111 114 Cancela 114 111 St.ª Cruz 114 111 110 Garajau Assomada R. D r. Fe rnãbilhetes são adquiridos no próprio autocarro. Dentro de cada carreira existem várias zonas tarifárias. Os bilhetes Os od e O Urbano não são válidos nas carreiras Interurbanas. do Serviço r ne las The tickets are purchased inside the bus from the driver. The price is based on the number of fare zones. All the urban public transport tickets are not valid on the interurban service. Mercado Lavradores PARTIDAS DO FUNCHAL / DEPARTURES FROM FUNCHAL Porto Novo 138 103 Moinhos 110 129 BILHETES / TICKETS 113 Ribeirinha Nogueira Ilhéu do Farol Machico Santa Cruz 111 Ilhéu da Cevada Aeroporto da Madeira Boqueirão Almocreves Casa do Sardinha Pico do Facho 322 m Água de Pena João Frino PR8 Baía d'Abra Caniçal Campo de Golfe do Santo da Serra 550 m Águas Mansas Zona Prainha Industrial Ribeira Seca Rib.º Serrão 77 114 129 77 85 112 Madalena São Martinho 129 110 112 Achadinha Camacha 111 Vale Paraíso Choupana S. Gonçalo Pico da Torre 205 m Câmara de Lobos 129 112 129 Livramento 81 Caldeiras Babosas São Roque 77 Meia Serra Rochão Terreiro da Luta Funchal - Boqueirão (via Caniço) 85 Ponta do Rosto Parque Eólico 138 Maroços Ribeira de Machico Quatro Estradas Poiso Ponta do Bode Pico da Coroa 738 m 669 m 56 Estrela Funchal - Achadinha (via Ribeirinha) 110 ro Quinta Grande 81 Funchal - Rochão (via Carreiras) 111 Boca do Risco Achada Cedro Gordo Portela 1413 m Montado do Pereiro 112 i ne Ja 31 R. o br tu Ou Fontainhas Referta 5 R. São João Parque Ecológico do Funchal Camacha - Santa Cruz (via Gaula) Ponta do Espigão Amarelo Larano Serrado 77 81 Funchal - Nogueira 113 133 Porto da Cruz 133 Água d’Alto Poço da Neve 1633 m Eira do Serrado Curral das Freiras Boca dos Namorados Lugar da Serra 633 m Funchal - Camacha 114 Porto da Cruz Santo da Serra Fajã Escura 81 Colmeal Curral das Freiras 103 56 56 103 Moinhos São Roque do Faial 880 m Serra de Água Funchal - Santana 129 Penha de Águia 590 m 133 138 Balcões 860 m Pico do Arieiro 1818 m Funchal - Arco de São Jorge 56 Faial 103 56 F. Murta PR1 Fajã dos Cardos Pico Grande 1657 m 138 Cruzinhas PR2 FUNCHAL Santana - Porto da Cruz 103 56 Lombo Cima Pico das Torres 1851 m Santa Cruz Funchal - São Jorge 133 103 133 Feiteira de Cima Achada do Teixeira 1592 m PR1.2 Pico das Eirinhas 1650 m Casado Pico Ruivo 1725 m 1862 m Pico das Torrinhas PR1.3 1509 m Caniço Zonamento tarifário / Fare Zones 138 PR9 Queimadas 900 m Pico das Pedras 900 m Pico Canário Caldeirão Verde 1592 m Camacha Machico Funchal - Curral Das Freiras 138 Ponta do Clérigo 138 Silveira Santana Levada do Rei 710 m Santo da Serra Santana St.º António 103 Poiso Ponta do Sol Ribeira Brava Câmara de Lobos Rocha do Navio Ilha Achada do Marquês PR1.1 Lombo do Urzal 752 m Encumeada 1007 m Ribeira de São Jorge 138 Achada da Madeira Lameiros Calheta 138 Fajã do Penedo Grutas 138 103 Ribeira Funda Fajã Grande Achada do Castanheiro Terceira Lombada Terra Chã 103 138 Achada Grande Curral das Freiras 56 R. D. Carlos I Rua do “Saca” Lombadinha Cabanas São Jorge Porto da Cruz Ribeiro Frio R. V. Ana dia Ponta Delgada Arco de São Jorge Santana São Jorge 81 Caniço Reis Magos Avenida do Mar N Lido 0 1 2 3 5 Km LEGENDA Balcão de informação / Info Post Vereda Turística / Footpath Partidas do Funchal - Saca / Levada / Water channel 14 Departures from Funchal - Saca Teleférico / Cable Car Veredas / Footpath 00 14 00 Teleférico a 103 110 112 b 56 114 138 c 77 129 d 81 85 111 Início - Término / Start - End Percurso / Route Via rápida / High way Estradas / Roads Túneis / Tunnels Our buses: Carreira 81 Carreiras 56, 103, 133, 138 Carreiras 56, 103, 138 (pela via rápida / through the high way) Carreiras 77, 85, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 129 Carreira 129 (pela via rápida / through the high way) AROUND MADEIRA BY BUS Co-funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme of the European Union The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
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