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for MASTERS students
2master students
Editorial page
to the University of Technology of Compiègne !
rom its creation onwards, the UTC, thanks to its innovative pedagogical
methods, its international connections and its close relations with the
professional world, has been able to develop a training structure within which
each student can build a custom-made career path and reach his/her own personal
The UTC’s ambition is to prepare you for being the “entrepreneur” of your own
professional and personal life, as well as for your role as a member of society. We
hope to teach you how to be an actor rather than an onlooker, to establish plans for
the medium term, how to work in a team, and to be capable of taking risks… The
companies or laboratories which will recruit you as trainees or young graduates will
all have the same objective : that of looking for actors rather than consumers, for
creators and not spectators.
The UTC offers you a wide variety of course units and of ways of working (internships,
projects, study semesters abroad…), all aimed at allowing you to reach your training
objective and to embark upon your career plan. So it’s up to you to take advantage of
the opportunities we offer!
The objective of the Guide for Masters Students is to present you with the information
you need concerning courses and student life. You will also find a list of course
units, and the UTC’s intranet and internet sites will provide you with complementary
information an all aspects of UTC activities.
Finally, no document, however complete it may be, can replace the discussions and
exchanges you will have with those who accompany you during your time at the UTC,
especially those with your tutor.
Pierre Charreyron
President of the UTC
Jean-Pierre Cocquerez
Director of the “Science, Technology” Master
master students
Diagram of study programs
Organizational chart for the Masters Degree
General organization and conditions required for graduation 12
Presentation of the different courses available
ourses and student life
Masters courses : programs and specializations
• Mention Méchanics and systems 15
• Mention Sciencs et technology for information
and communication
• Mention Industries and agro-ressources
• Mention Sciences, technologies, quality Other UTC courses
• French engineerng degree
• PhD's
• Continuing education
tudent life
tudy regulations 55
ontacts 62
6master students
In this period of great economic and environmental
changes, it is very important to train specialists
capable of bringing solid skills to sectors such
as transport, health, agro-industry, renewable
energy, etc.
The objective of the "Science, Technology" Masters degree
of the University of Technology of Compiègne is to meet this
need, which concerns both jobs in industry and research
positions in research centers.
master students
Organizational Chart for the Masters Degrees
semestre 6
projet de fin d’études
semestre 5
de la
semestre 4
semestre 3
stage industriel
semestre 2
semestre 1
Tronc commun UTC
classes Prépa
8master students
stage de fin d’études
formation d'ingénieur en branches
Confère le grade de Master
Licences L3
ou 180 crédits ECTS validés
formation de Master
The UTC is at the same time a French “elite engineering school” (grande école d’ingénieurs)
and a “university”. It has a double capacity for the conferral of graduate degrees : the standard
“engineering degree” which is the equivalent of a Masters degree, and the “Masters degree”.
These two degrees are closely articulated, with regard to complementarity in recruitment,
the way the courses function, as well as the opportunities which they open up on the job
• Our double capacity for the conferral of
graduate degrees gives graduates a wide
range of career choices : continuation with a
PhD (in a research laboratory or in industry)
must be a natural, accessible opening, as
must the possibility to embark directly upon
a career in industry.
that they can specialize in a particular domain of
application. An engineer is a generalist within
an academic field (Computer Science, for
example) while the Masters graduate is a
specialist ready to intervene in a particular
domain of application (the agro-resources
industry, or transport, for example).
• This double capacity for the conferral of
graduate degrees is based on a requirement
for identical standards so as to guarantee the
same level of employability for our graduates
in the different sectors of the economy and of
Consequently, an engineer is destined for
industrial sectors in their entirety, a Masters
graduate for sectors of specialization
such as those incarnated today by certain
competitiveness clusters with a worldwide
vocation such as IAR, (Industries and
Agro-resources) and I-Trans (Innovation in
This multidisciplinary vision of the Masters
graduate has led the UTC to broaden its
range of courses to include subjects for which
there were not always pre-existing in-house
human resources, and which have opened
up opportunities for cooperation with other
institutions. These partnerships are based on
cooperation between different research teams,
with particular attention given to the applicative
aim which is constitutive of the Masters degree,
thereby calling upon sectors of the economy
likely to hire this type of candidate, participate in
teaching, and propose subjects for internships.
These partnerships are more specifically based
on regional cooperation (notably through the
intermediary of the competitiveness clusters:
the Jules Verne University of Picardy, IAR and
Biotechnologies, or Valenciennes – I-Trans
and Rail Transport Safety), and international
cooperation, (notably European, like the
University of Technology of Braunschweig /
Technische Unversität de Braunschweig for
The UTC’s policy is thus to include
professional and academic aspects throughout
its Masters and PhD programs, going beyond
the “élite engineering school”/ “university”
duality, thanks to the integration of the degrees
conferred by its various courses into a single
conferral policy. The Masters graduates are
specialists who offer two specific capacities
which distinguish them from the “generalist
a/ They are competent in complex professional
situations and can apply specific technological
b/ they draw upon specialist knowledge of
various professional fields.
Thus, whereas students pursuing an engineering
degree are trained within a single UTC
department, such as Computer Engineering,
in order to become a generalist Computer
Engineer, independently of the applications
generated by the department, the training of a
Masters student is carried out at the intersection
of several departments (Biological Engineering
and Computer Engineering, for example), so
master students
Organizational Chart for the Masters Division
Direction Formation pédagogie
secrétariat : Christine DUMONT et
Responsable du master
Sciences technologies santé
Responsable administrative
Françoise MERESSE
Technologie et Sciences de l’Homme
Relations internationales
Secrétariat : Marie-Hélène CORDINA
Secrétariat : Sabrina DOMINGUEZ
Formation continue
Véronique FORT
Secrétariat : Sylvie DUPLESSIER-BERNARD
Transformation et
industrielles des agroressources (TVIA)
Sciences, technologies,
qualité, santé (STQS)
Mécanique et
systèmes (SIMS)
Sciences et
technologies de
l’information et de la
communication (STIC)
Biotechnologies : Mise
en œuvre des fonctions
Sciences et
pour la santé
Systèmes intelligents
les transports
Technologies durables
Génie des produits
Isabelle PEZRON
Christine PRELLE
Catherine MARQUE et
Management qualité
Gilbert FARGES
Jean-Pierre CALISTE
Elaboration des
structures innovantes
et durables
École Doctorale
Chantal PEROT
Administration : Martine Drewniak
master students
General Organization and conditions
required for graduation
Pedagogical Organization
All our programs are organized on the basis
of semesters. Each program is defined
by a "student profile" which specifies the
course areas in which students must obtain
a minimum number of credits in different
The European Credit Transfer System
(ECTS) is applied in all sections of
our Masters courses. A decision
is taken as to whether or not the
appropriate number of credits
is to be awarded on completion
of each part of the course.
For certain specialties, the
2 semesters of the 2nd year
may be organized around
alternating periods of study
and internships outside the UTC.
The language of the different
course units (UE or Unités
d’enseignement) is principally
French, although English may be
used in some of them, for all or
part of the course. This is indicated
in the catalog of course units.
On entrance to the Masters Division,
students are assigned a teacher/
tutor in their chosen specialty, who
will provide guidance in defining
a personalized training plan in
accordance with their career plan.
If the student does not express any
particular choice in the matter, this
mission will be accomplished by the
teacher in charge of the specialization
or program.
12master students
Course units
Programs are divided into course units. One
course unit corresponds to the quantity of
work required during one semester to achieve
a given objective :
• the acquisition of knowledge within a clearly
defined domain
• learning a method or language
• the discovery of an aspect of professional
• the completion of a project or study in or
outside the university
• knowledge of the outside world.
The regulations concerning evaluation are
determined by the President of the UTC. The
practicalities for the application of these
regulations, including remedial examinations
for each course unit are decided by the
President of the UTC one month after the
beginning of each semester at the latest.
In conformity with European regulations,
each course unit corresponds to a number of
credits, according to the number of teaching
hours and hours of individual work required
from each student.
Language teaching
In compliance with article number 6 of the
government decree of the 25th April 2002
regarding the national Masters degree, the
latter may only be conferred after validation
of the aptitude to master at least one foreign
language. Taking into account the nature of
the "Sciences, Technology" Master, and the
reduced length of the course (2 years), the
foreign language demanded of native French
speakers is English, and the minimum
requirement level for graduation is B1 (CEFR,
Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages). However, we strongly
recommend that students should validate a
B2 level in English. If the B2 level is acquired
or validated, students may follow classes
organized by the university in the language
of their choice. Non-native French speakers
must validate a B1 level in French before
they can enroll in classes for one of the other
languages taught at the UTC. No equivalency
credits for languages will be granted without
in-house evaluation.
Evaluation may be of various forms:
• continuous assessment in the form of
practical work, tests, short examinations,
• intermediary examinations, individual
written or oral examinations
• final examinations
• oral presentations, written reports
• projects.
Guidance and orientation panels
Panels for student guidance and orientation
are set up for each section of the Masters
At the end of each semester, after the results
from the various course units, a guidance
and orientation panel examines the situation
of each student. Its role is to draw students’
attention to any unsatisfactory results. The
students concerned may be summoned before
the panel to provide explanations regarding
their situation.
During their curriculum, Masters students
complete internship periods, either in
industry or in a university laboratory. The
length of such internships is stipulated in the
pedagogical brochure for each specialty. The
subjects for internships are initially approved
by the person in charge of each specialty. An
internship contract is then signed between
the UTC, the host organization (even if this is a
master students
UTC laboratory), and the student. All students
must take out third party liability insurance
before starting an internship.
The validation of an internship depends on the
following elements :
• a written report
• an oral defense
• the appraisal of the student’s tutor in the
company or laboratory where the internship
was completed.
The internship is evaluated by the same
grading system as for the course units. After
validation of an internship, the number of
ECTS credits stipulated in the pedagogical
brochure of the specialty is awarded.
Conditions required for graduation
In order to graduate, a student must obtain
at least 120 ECTS, respecting the following
distribution :
• 30 ECTS for the internship which must be
validated by a written report and an oral
defense before a panel of experts,
• at least 24 ECTS in course units in the
"General Knowledge/Knowledge of the
Professional Environment" category,
• at least 66 ECTS in course units in
the "Scientific and Technical" category
corresponding to the program chosen by the
14master students
Presentation of the Masters degree, its
programs and areas of specialization
9 areas of specialization (M2) spread between
4 programs are offered at the UTC
Industries and Agro-resources
The objective of this program is to train
technology managers with an academic
level equivalent to 5 years of study following
high school graduation, who are capable
of dealing with the problems involved in
the transformation of agro-resources.
The course structure, which associates
and Chemical Formulation is based on
recent progress in scientific knowledge and
The program’s pedagogical organization
allows students to personalize their own
study plans in order to specialize in the
domains of bio-molecules, agro-materials,
bio-fuels or ingredients. The first year (M1)
is common to the program’s three areas of
specialization. Specialization is a gradual
process all along the Masters course, taking
each student’s previous training and individual
characteristics into account.
Industries and Agro-resources (TVIA)
Credit courses
TVI01 – Biochemistry
TVI02 – Thermodynamics
TVI03 - Separation Procedures
TVI04 - Agroindustrial Operations
TVI05 - Methods for Physicochemical Analysis
TVI06 - Risk control
TVI07 - Biotechnological Procedures
TVI08 - Waste Treatment Procedures
TVI09 - Colloidal systems
TVI10 - Structure and Physicochemistry of Biological
TVI11 - Agro-Resources
TVI12 - Calculation Methods for Industrial Operations
ST01 - Internship : Introduction to the Professional
World (intersemester)
master students
The Biotechnologies Specialization :
Implementing Biological Functions and
Sustainable Technologies - BFB
Training Objectives
The "Biotechnology and Implementing
Biological Functions" specialization has its
roots in the growth of Biotechnologies and
the use of renewable carbonated organic
molecules in the aim of replacing fossil fuel
reserves. The program’s objective is to train
technology managers with an academic
level equivalent to 5 years of study following
high school graduation, who are capable of
dealing with the problems involved in the
transformation of agro-resources through a
biotechnological approach.
Environment, research, and partnerships
The course is essentially run in association
with the mixed CNRS 6022 "Enzyme and Cell
Engineering" research unit. The research
carried out in this unit is centered on the
study and implementation of biocatalyzers.
The scientific approach common to all the
subjects consists in creating new functions
unprovided for by nature, in order to explain
the reality of living systems and to produce
biotechnological tools.
The UTC’s active participation in the research
programs of the Industries and Agro-resources
competitiveness cluster with a worldwide
vocation also enables it to involve other social
and economic partners concerned by the
industrial valorization of agro-resources.
Educational context
This specialization has its roots in the growth
of Biotechnologies and the use of renewable
carbonated organic molecules in the aim of
replacing fossil fuel reserves.
Biology has long been a science involved with
the discovery of that which already exists.
Biotechnology, on the other hand, implies a
creative, inventive, and innovative approach.
To meet this challenge, the UTC has been
creating new ways of implementing biological
functions, both to explain the behavior of
living systems, and to develop technological
tools, for 25 years now.
The rapid growth in knowledge in the Biology
field, the ever shorter time lapse separating
scientific discoveries from their industrial
applications, be they agricultural or medical,
a "Bioindustry" increasingly dependent on
state-of-the-art techniques developed by
research, are all strong arguments in favor of
such a specialization, and further proof of the
continuum which exists between fundamental
and applied research.
16master students
Professional openings
Graduates can easily integrate either public
or industrial research programs.
Sectors of activity :
• biotechnologies
• biorefineries
• biofuels
• pharmacy, parapharmacy and cosmetics
• the agro-food et agrochemical industries
Credit courses
BFB50 - From Genes to Macromolecules
BFB51 - From Macromolecules to Biological Functions
BFB52 - From Biological Functions to Physiology
BFB53 - Gene Transfer in Plants
BFB54 - Plant Molecular Genetics
BFB55 - Plant Responses
BFB56 - Interaction,Supramolecular Recognition, and
BFB57 - Biocatalystic Systems
BFB58 - Industrial Metabolic Systems
ST02 - Final Project
The "Sustainable Technologies" specialization
Training Objectives
The objective of the specialization is to
inculcate in our students the knowledge and
methodology necessary to integrate principles
of sustainable design and eco-efficiency in
their professional approach in industry or in
research. It is more particularly turned towards
the optimal transformation of agro-resources
and the development of new energy concepts.
It deals with bio-transformations, bio-energy,
the minimization and the valorization of waste
and effluents, and the capture of CO2.
master students
Educational context
The pedagogical approach is based on a
command of the common practices, tools and
concepts of Process Engineering, common
practices which are applied to biotechnologies,
and to those clean and innovative technologies
which will be omnipresent in tomorrow’s
In the second year, M2, the first semester
includes specialist courses, enabling students
to acquire fundamental knowledge as well
as solid training in the domain of industrial
applications. During the second semester,
students do an internship Their training is
completed by courses in languages or general
knowledge. A minimum level in English is
required for graduation.
Environment / Research / Partnerships
The course benefits from the competencies of
the "Integrated Transformations of Renewable
Material" laboratory, which was created as a
result of the partnership between the UTC’s
Industrial Process Engineering Laboratory
and the research team of ESCOM (School of
Organic and Mineral Chemistry located in
Compiègne). It also contributes through its
various activities to the "Industries and Agroresources" competitiveness cluster with a
worldwide vocation.
Professional openings
The objective of this specialization is to train
technology managers with an academic level
corresponding to five years of study following
high-school graduation in the Bioproduction,
Biorefineries and Energy Engineering sectors,
placing sustainable development at the heart
of issues related to production, recycling,
industrial reliability, environment economy
(energy, water and solvents) and emissions
of polluting or greenhouse gases. Graduates
will be able to intervene in the domains of
18master students
the chemical and parachemical industries,
energy, the agro-food industries, and the
environment, or to continue their studies with
a PhD course.
Credit courses
TD50a - Research methodology (theory)
TD50b - Research Methodology (laboratory projects)
TD51 - Processing Technologies for Divided Solids
TD52 - Biotransformations
TD53 - Innovative Processes in Agro-Industry
TD54 - Reactive Solids and Catalysis
TD55 - Processing and Handling of Divided Solids
TD56 - Valorization of Ecoproducts and Effluent
TD57 - Biomass Energy Valorization
TD59 - Biomolecular Extraction, Separation and
Purification Processes
ST02 - Final Project
The "Formulated Products Engineering"
specialization - GPF
Training Objectives
The objective of this specialization is to provide
students with the knowledge and research
methods necessary to develop and put into
use formulated products, and to apply this
knowledge to the valorization of bio-molecules
derived from agro-resources. Faculty
members from UTC and ESCOM (School of
Organic and Mineral Chemistry located in
Compiègne), together with professionals
from related industries (cosmetics, paints,
the agro-food industry, glues and adhesives,
pharmaceutical products, treatment of
surfaces) all participate in teaching.
Educational context
The first semester of teaching will enable
students to acquire solid training both in
fundamental knowledge in the domain of
specialization (physicochemical aspects of
formulation, implementation of procedures…)
and in the domain of industrial applications.
The second semester of the second year (M2)
is an internship in industry or in a university
research laboratory.
Their training is completed by courses
in languages and general knowledge. A
minimum level in English will be required to
obtain the Master’s degree.
Environment / Research / Partnerships
The course benefits from the competencies of
the "Integrated Transformations of Renewable
Material" laboratory, which was created as
a result of the partnership between UTC’s
Industrial Process Engineering Laboratory
and the research team of ESCOM (School of
Organic and Mineral Chemistry located in
Compiègne). It is linked to the "Industries and
Agro-resources "competitiveness cluster with
a worldwide vocation.
Professional Openings
The objective of the specialization is to train
technology managers with an academic level
corresponding to five years of study following
high school graduation, whose principal
mission will more specifically consists in
research concerning new products adapted
to the market in the sectors of parachemistry
(paints, inks, glues and adhesives,
phytosanitary products, fertilizers, lubrifiers,
detergents, cosmetics…), pharmacy, the
transformation of raw materials industries (the
agro-food industry, fuels, catalyzers, paper,
textiles, plastics, rubber, cements, concrete,
glass…), as well as their development and
implementation. Graduates will be able to
join companies in the private sector, public
research institutes, or local authorities.
This course also enables students to continue
their studies with a PhD course.
Credit courses
BFB55 - Plant Responses
GPF50 - Physicochemical Principles of Dispersed
GPF51 - Interface Phenomena
GPF52 - Physicochemical Principles of Color
GPF53 - Process Technologies for Complex Fluids
GPF54 - Formulation : Cosmetic Applications
GPF55 - Coatings, Paints and Inks
TD50a - Research Methodology (theory)
TD50b - Research Methodology (laboratory projects)
TD51 - Process Technology for Divided Solids
ST02 - Final Project
master students
Program Science, Quality
Credit courses
rogram 2
Science, Quality - STQS
One of the specificities of this program
is the integration into the first year of
the course (M1) of candidates from very
diverse academic backgrounds (Biology,
Mechanics…). The M1 year is common to the
various specializations of the “Science and
technology Sector” program.
The aim of the M1 year will be to provide
students with sufficient knowledge for them
to be able to follow one of the specializations
of the STQS program in the second year, M2.
The choice of modules undertaken by students
will be made according to their academic
background, as well as the specialization
towards which they wish to turn, thanks to
personalized guidance at the beginning of
each semester.
20master students
STQ01 - Cell Biology
STQ02 - Anatomy, Physiology, Phsyiopathology
STQ03 - Physico-chemical and Spectroscopic
Analyses of Biomolecules
STQ04 - Basic Mathematics and Statistics for
STQ05 - Basic Experimental Techniques in Biomedical
STQ06 - Introduction to Solid and Fluid Mechanics
STQ07 - Signal and Image Acquisition
STQ08 - Introduction to Mechanical Material
Properties and Materials Engineering
STQ09 - Foundations for Digital Signal and Image
STQ10 - Biosynthesis and Interactions of
STQ11 - Basic Statistical Concepts for Engineers
STQ12 - Units, Measurements, and Mastery of
STQ14 - Basic Quality and Process Management
STQ15 - Database Design
STQ18 - Human Resources and Social Relationship
STQ20 - Safety of Technological Systems and Human
STQ21 - Service Quality : Values, Framework and
STQ22 - Literature Reviews / Foundations for
ST01 - Internship : Introduction to the Professional
World (intersemester)
The "Quality Management" Specialization - MQ
Training Objectives
The objective of the "Quality Management"
professional specialization (MQ) is to train
graduates able to efficiently implement
and follow up quality projects, improve
performances and introduce changes for
all types of organizations, be they public,
parapublic or private ones. The type of
positions targeted require a combination of
managerial, technical and tertiary skills.
After completion of the training program,
students will possess the necessary
competencies to perform the following
functions :
requirements of an organization,
the complexity of the stakes
involved and the relations
between the various actors in
the system.
2. Designing, defining,
guiding, implementing and
leading quality programs,
integrating the process
approach, and listening
to the points of view of all
3. Developing review and
audit procedures, and methods to
measure the success of changes
team, managing a budget, and
communicating with all the actors
involved in quality procedures.
Educational context
The "Quality Management" speciali-zation of
the Masters course provides students from
multidsiciplinary academic backgrounds
(Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Science,
Management, Organization, Health or
Social Studies) and who may have already
had professional experience (continuing
professional development, or CPD), and
who therefore possess the basic scientific
and technological knowledge for the service
sector, with the knowledge and skills
necessary for quality approaches
and the associated social sciences.
are organized around collective
integration projects and prolonged
individual internships, which are then
made available on the Internet
(, under
the "Travaux" reference).
In the second year, M2, the
courses organized in modules,
which enable students to
acquire the knowledge, develop
the aptitudes, and prove
they have the competencies
required for working in the
quality sector. The second
semester is devoted to an
students work in a French or
foreign organization, company
or laboratory. Their training
is completed by courses in
languages and humanities.
5. Contributing to the development
of good managerial practices, to
the satisfaction of the different
parties involved, clients or users,
to innovation, and to the continual
improvement of performances.
master students
Environment / Research / Partnerships
Employment potential
UTC - AFNOR* agreement concerning quality
training and normalization applicable in all
production and service sectors.
The European certification and accreditation
initiative requires managers to be capable
of leading quality programs. The UTC’s
experience enables it to train quality
managers who are particularly wellequipped to deal with quality issues in the
service sectors.
UTC - CNRS** partnership "Engineering
and Informatics Science and Technology
Department" for the development of quality
approaches in research.
The high level of training provided in the
"Quality Management" specialization is
based on the competences of the UTC’s
faculty members, its research units and its
partners :
• UMR UTC/CNRS 6600 Biomechanics and
• UMR UTC/CNRS 6022 Enzymatic and
Cellular Engineering
• UMR UTC/CNRS 6067 Industrial Process
• UMR UTC/CNRS 2833 Mechanical Systems
• UMR UTC/CNRS 6599 Heuristics and
Diagnostics of Complex Systems
• EA 2223 Knowledge, Organization and
Technical Systems
The principal positions occupied by UTC
graduates specialized in Quality :
• Heads of Quality Departments or Quality
Managers - 50%
• Quality Directors - 25%
• Quality executives - 8%
• Accreditation Directors - 5%
• Sustainable Development Directors - 5%
• Quality Consultants - 5%
• Accreditation Executives - 2%
Credit courses
* AFNOR is the leading French organization for the
certification and evaluation of products and services.
QP01 - Performance and Improvement Management
** The CNRS is the National Center for Scientific
QP02 - Standardization, Metrology and International
QP03 - Organization and Functioning of Metrology
QP04 - Organization Management, Team-Building, and
Self-Evaluation of Performance
QP05 - Organizational Risk Management
QP06 - Management of Information Systems
QP10 - Integration project
ST02 - Final Project
22master students
The "Science and Technologies ” specialization (STS)
Training Objectives
The objective of this specialization is to provide students
from different study backgrounds with transversal
training. This course is based on the specific knowledge
available on different scales in our various research
teams (Nano- and Micro- Technology, Cell Technology,
Whole Body Imaging, Health Systems) to provide an
outlook turned towards technological innovation in
the health sector. Three study paths are proposed in
the second year (M2) : Micro-nanotechnologies for
Biology and Health, Modeling in Biomechanics and
Bioengineering, and Biomedical Technologies.
Educational Context
The UTC through its Biological Engineering Department
remains a pioneer in the field of Biomedical training ,
and is one of the leaders in this domain in France. The
STS specialization builds on the multidisciplinarity of the
UTC’s research teams as well as of that of its partners, to
optimize this new transdisciplinary course (Engineering
Sciences, Living Systems Sciences).
Environment / Research / Partnerships
Examining an organ on a nanometric scale means
analyzing the biology and physiopathology of the
systems explored, developing experimental protocols
which enable the characterization of the behavior of
these systems on different levels (cells, tissues, organs,
the human body), representing the phenomena involved
by mathematical models, and finally comparing the
results of these models with experimental data. This
multilevel approach therefore requires multidisciplinary
master students
The UTC’s advantage in this domain is that
of already having many of the necessary
tools at its disposal through its various
Bioengineering", "Enzymatic and Cellular
Engineering", "Integrated Transformations
of Organic Matter", "Roberval Laboratory of
Mechanics", "Heurisitics and Diagnosis of
Complex Systems"). In the specific domain of
biomedical technologies, the partnership is
especially orientated towards hospitals and
industrial suppliers of hospital equipment.
This course is also based on numerous
partnerships in the industrial (Decathlon,
Draëger, Flüke Medical, Fresenius, General
Electric, Siemens …) and clinical sectors (the
Compiègne and Amiens hospitals, and the
following Parisian hospitals : Henri Mondor,
Robert Debré, Saint-Louis, Pitié-Salpétrière,
Mayo Clinic…).
Professional Openings
Professional openings can be found in various
careers both in the public and private sectors :
researcher, design engineer, research
and development manager, biotechnology
production / pharmacology / biomedical
instrumentation director, production /
project manager, commercial product /
instrumentation / procedures / clinical trials /
manager, project leader, strategic foresight
manager, trials / development / hospital
engineers manager, purchasing manager,
manager for the implantation of new hospitals,
clinical study leader.
24master students
Credit courses
STS50 - Mechanical Properties of Biological Materials
and Biological Fluids
STS51 - From Sensors to Biomedical Instrumentation
STS52 - Cell and Tissue Engineering
STS53 - Logistical Foundations of Applied Research,
Innovation Management in the Biomedical
STS54 - Mini Project : Team Working and
Capitalization of Data
STS55 - Physicochemistry of Surfaces and Biological
Control Exerted by Surfaces
STS56 - Surfaces and Interfaces – Preparation and Characterization
STS57 - Microhydrodynamics and Microfluidics
STS58 - Microfabrication and Microtechnologies
applied to Biology
STS59 - Nanobiotechnologies and Biomimetic
STS61 - Modeling of Musculoskeletal and
Cardiovascular Systems
STS62 - Physiology and Modeling of the
Neuromuscular System
STS63 - Image Acquisition and Reconstruction
STS64 - Biomaterials and Biomedical Devices
STS65 - Clinical Medical Imaging
STS66 - Anaesthetics, intensive Care Units and the
Operating Theater
STS67 - Hemodialysis, and Artificial Organs,
STS68 - Clinical Analysis Laboratories
STS69 - E-Health Technologies for the Handicapped
and the Elderly
STS70 - Management of Biomedical Organizations
ST02 - Final Project
"Mechanics and Systems" Program (SIMS)
Credit courses
The first year (M1) of the Mechanical Systems
program is common to the two areas of
specialization, ESID (Elaboration of Innovative
and Sustainable Structures) and SyM.
(Mechatronic Systems).
SMS01 - Probabilistic approach, optimization and
experimental design
The objective of this first year is to
provide students with the theoretical
and methodological knowledge, and the
familiarity with digital and experimental
tools essential
to further studies in
the domains of mechanics, acoustics or
mechatronics : solid and fluid mechanics,
acoustics and vibrations, automation, tools
for scientific calculations and computer
assisted design, optimization, mechanics
of materials and surfaces, signal treatment
and diagnostics, , composite materials, and
control of mechatronic systems.
SMS02 - Scientific Computing
SMS03 - Solid and Fluid Mechanics : theoretical and
numerical aspects
SMS05 - Dynamics of Structures
SMS06 - Material and Process Selection,
SMS07 - Techniques for Materials Characterization
ST01 - Internship : Introduction to the Professional
World (inter semester period)
master students
The “Elaboration of Innovative and Sustainable
Structures” specialization (ESID)
Training Objectives
On this course, strong emphasis is placed
on the transversal aspects of the processes
of design, manufacturing, and control of
structures during their life cycle :
• Knowledge of materials in the procedures of
transformation of matter and assembly (metal
alloys, composite metals, agro-materials).
• The integrating characteristics of
computerized digital models (computer
assisted design, finite element calculation,
identification of parameters, optimization,
data acquisition…)
• The reduction of the costs of development,
integrating mechanical performance, process
reliability, lifespan, acoustic comfort, and
respect for the environment.
Environment / Research / Partnerships
Analysis of Environmental and Urban
Vulnerability, and on an international level on
the research structures of the Politecnico di
Torino (Italy) and of the Chalmers University
of Technology (Sweden).
Examples of research projects : the design of
silent technology for the modern automotive
industry, glass/metal interactions on
bodywork, innovative uses of new materials,
mastering the acoustic dispersion of vehicles,
steel-based multi-materials emerging in
vibro-acoustics, the introduction of organic
fibers in the design of automobile structures.
Internships : the variety of national and
international academic and industrial
partners, together with the complementarity
of the research laboratories, give students
the opportunity to do research internships
Educational context
• 1st semester : solid and fluid mechanics,
CAD, scientific calculations, probabilistic
approaches, choice of materials, development
2nd semester : mechanics of materials and
surfaces, structures in their environment,
signal treatment, non-destructive control,
acoustics and vibrations.
3rd semester : four study paths are
proposed to students in the second year (M2)
Procedures for the development of materials
and structures
• Procedures for the elaboration of materials
and structures
• Durability, performance and structure
• Acoustic environments and structure
vibration analysis
• 4th semester : Research internship in a
company or laboratory
26master students
Professional openings
The ESID specialization qualifies students
in the skills associated with the i-Trans
Industries and Agro-Resources
competitiveness clusters with a worldwide
Sectors : transport (automobile, rail,
aeronautical and spatial, maritime and
fluvial), elaboration and transformation
of materials, energy, the environment,
capital goods, building and public works, the
biomedical field, Biomechanics
Applications : leading multidisciplinary
projects in mechanics, developing innovative
products, consulting, scientific marketing,
industrial foresight, management of technical,
financial and human resources in Research
and Development policies in design or
evaluation offices, public or industrial design
offices, or higher education and research
after a PhD.
Credit courses
ESI01 - Materials and Surface Mechanics
ESI02 - Signal Treatment and Diagnostics, Non
destructive Control
ESI03 - Foundations in Acoustics
ESI04 - Structures in their Environment (thermic,
luminous and acoustic surroundings)
ESI05 - Composite Materials with an Organic Matrix
ESI50 - Calculation by Finite Elements and
Multidisciplinary Optimization
ESI51 -Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics and
ESI52 - Inverse Problems and Parameter Identification
ESI53 - Propagation and Radiation of Acoustic and
Elastic Waves
ESI54 - Simulation of Implementation Procedures for
Structures and Crash Resistance
ESI55 - Lifespan of Industrial Structures : Experimental,
Theoretical and Numerical Aspects
ESI56 - Probabilistic Approach to Mechanical Coupling in
Reliable Control Design Procedures
ESI57 - Surface Treatments and Coatings : Procedures,
Functions, Lifespan
ESI58 - Numerical Analysis in Acoustics and Vibro
Acoustics by Finite Elements and Integral
Equations Methods
ESI59 - Experimental Techniques and Signal Treatment
ESI60 - Silent Design : Numerical and Experimental
Methods in Vibro-Acoustics and Coupling with
Absorbant Materials
ESI61 - Behavior Laws : Formulation and Identification
ESI62 - Transformation Procedures
ESI63 - Implementation, Design and Sizing of Composite
ST02 - Final Project
master students
The “Mechatronic Systems” specialization (SyM)
Environment / Research / Partnerships
Training Objectives
Mechatronics systems are also a subject for
state-of-the-art research.
The Masters course covers the dominating
trends of a sector in full expansion, providing
students with a background which corresponds
to the current and future expectations of
industry in the fields of Mechanics and
Electronics :
• Miniaturization of mechatronic systems,
• Mechatronic actuation systems with
embedded energy,
• Multi-physical modeling,
• Robustness and reliability of mechatronic
Educational Context
The course begins with three semesters of
study and ends with a semester’s internship
in a company or laboratory. The international
dimension is also increasingly dominant in the
field of mechatronic systems. Student mobility
is therefore strongly encouraged. As well as
recruiting students from different countries,
the "Mechatronics Systems" specialization
is jointly run with the Technische Universität
de Braunschweig
(TUBS, University of
Technology of Braunschweig - Germany),
recognized in the mechatronics field, and
especially in the design and manufacture of
Depending on their career plan, students will
be able to spend up to a year in Germany,
giving them an internationally-recognized
qualification. Mechatronic systems are in
increasing demand in industry. The UTC and
CETIM (Centre Technique des Industries
de la Mécanique) thus decided to combine
their training and research and development
initiatives in a joint mechatronics institute.
28master students
The course benefits from the competencies
complementary research activities and
strong industrial partners :
• T h e C o m p i è g n e E le c t ro m e c h a n i c s
Laboratory (Laboratoire d’Electromécanique
de Compiègne,LEC–EA 1006), specialized
in mechatronic actuation systems with
embedded energy. It carries out research with
the VALEO company in a joint laboratory.
• The Roberval Laboratory (UMR UTC/CNRS
6253), specialized in mechanics, and especially
in the design of miniature mechatronic
systems and the robustness/reliability of
systems, collaborates with the AIRBUS,
SNECMA, and RENAULT companies…. It also
participates in the activities of the joint LATIM
laboratory with the CETIM.
• The Institut für Microtechnik (IMT) of the
University of Technology of Braunschweig (TU
Braunschweig), specialized in Microsystems
collaborates with the German automotive and
aeronautical industries.
Professional openings
The "Mechatronics Systems" specialization
provides openings in innovative industrial
sectors that integrate mechanical components,
actuators, sensors and embedded electronics,
and in which engineering systems approaches
are increasingly relevant in an international
context. Examples include the design and
validation of high technology products or
consumer goods, in the microtechnics or
microsystems domains, but also the transport
sector (the aeronautical and automotive
The study paths offered by the "Mechatronics
Systems" specialization prepare students for
various careers requiring cross-disciplinary
skills :
• Mechatronics Project Manager
• Technical Sales Manager / consultancy
• Research and Development Manager for
mechatronic products
• Robustness/ Reliability Manager for
mechatronic products
• Validation Manager for mechatronic
Credit courses
SYM01 - Electronic Functions
SYM02 - Control : Foundations for the Control of
Mechatronic Systems
SYM03 - Multiphysics Modeling and Systems
SYM05 - Mechatronic Applications of Digital Electronics
SYM06 - 3D Integration and Management of
Multiphysics Data
SYM07 - Measuring Systems and Experimental Data
Acquisition (workshop)
SYM50 - Robust Design
SYM51 - Modeling and Optimal Design of Electric
SYM52 - Sensors and Actuators for
SYM53 - Non-conventional Fabrication Methods and
Characterization Techniques
SYM54 - Modeling, Control and Identification of
Dynamic Systems
SYM55 - Design and Fabrication of Mechatronic
ST02 - Final Project
master students
Credit courses
"Science and Technologies for Information and
Communication" Program (STIC)
This program is representative of the UTC’s
main scientific and technological policy. It
stands at the crossroad of the three research
themes (Complex Socio-technical Systems,
Science and Technology for Information
and Communication, and Transport), and
two axes of application, (Information and
Communication Technologies for Intelligent
Transport, and Man Equipped).
The objective of the course is to train
students after a bachelor’s degree for
either a job in industry or in the tertiary
sector, or for a PhD course. It is organized
in semesters to facilitate student mobility,
especially in Europe. The subjects covered
by the course concern intelligent transport
systems, knowledge management, design
of interfaces and products (for systems and
in environments of varying complexity), and
technical documentation. The course benefits
from the competencies of several renowned
laboratories and of national and international
The co-existence of the SIT (Intelligent
Systems for Transport) and ICI (Innovation,
knowledge, and Interaction) specializations in
the first year, M1, gives students the time to
choose their final study orientation. In order
to allow students to give careful consideration
to their career plans over a period of time,
in the first semester of M1 students select
seven course units among the nine on offer,
plus one « resource » course unit (for the
SIT specialization), to be chosen from the
catalog in function of students’ academic
30master students
STI01 - Innovative Project Management
STI02 - Computer Science
STI03 - Ergonomy, Mobility and Communication
STI04 - Foundations in Stochastic Modeling
STI05 - Innovation and Knowledge
STI06 - Graphic Design and Communication
STI08 - Systems and Computer Networks
ST01 - Internship : Introduction to the Professional
World (intersemester)
Intelligent Systems for Transport (SIT)
Training Objectives
It is forecasted that the greatest progress in
transport systems at all levels of mobility
will be linked to the widespread introduction
Technologies. The new embedded systems will
profoundly change the domains of passenger
information, driver assistance (especially
car drivers), and logistics. For road accident
prevention, "cooperative systems" will use
both sensors and radio communications to
anticipate potentially dangerous situations
and warn drivers as soon as possible.
Systems linked to traffic infrastructures are
also undergoing significant changes. Thanks
to special sensors and to more generalized
communication with vehicles, surveillance
of traffic conditions and the optimization
of journeys are concrete examples of
technological progress which will enable us to
enhance mobility and reduce gas emissions.
In this way, the “Intelligent Systems for
Transport" Master is an initial qualification for
future architects and technical experts who
wish to be involved in projects for the design
and development of Information Technology
in transport.
Educational Context
In the first year, M1, the subjects of machine
vision, signal processing for embedded
sensors, automatic control for autonomous
communication, statistical methods for
data processing, numerical analysis for the
processing of data from information systems,
modeling, process optimization and real-time
systems are introduced. A technical project
must be carried out during the inter-semester
period, or during the second semester.
The second year, M2 consists of a common
core, followed by a choice of two study
options :
1/ embedded systems option
(realtime systems, reliability, data fusion,
computer vision, GNSS systems (Global
Navigation Satellite System), inter-vehicle
communication, etc.
2/ management of traffic infrastructures
option (sensor networks, logistics data
mining, geographic information systems,
multimodality, etc).
The objective of this course is to train
specialists capable of introducing emerging
technologies into design procedures :
1/ embedded computer systems for
autonomous, communicating vehicles
2/ systems for the management and
optimization of transport infrastructures.
Environment / research / partnerships
The course closely corresponds to the
research domains of the IEEE’s (Institute
of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)
Intelligent Transport Society. It is supported by
the I-Trans competitiveness cluster, (, and actively benefits from the
competencies and knowledge of the faculty
members of the UTC’s Heudiasyc and LMAC
laboratories and of the LAMIH laboratory of
the University of Valenciennes.
industry (carmakers and car equipment
manufacturers), from the rail industry,
and from the domains of transport and
communications systems have a share in the
teaching, and participate in seminars, as well
as helping to define subjects for internships
and projects.
On the international level, agreements and
contracts with universities and research
centers give students the possibility of
undertaking a semester abroad, especially
for their final project.
master students
Professional openings
Credit courses
The industrial leaders in this field are looking
out for young graduates with a broad spectrum
of knowledge, especially if it goes hand in hand
with the interpersonal skills which will enable
them to lead or participate in multidisciplinary
projects, and a global understanding of
systems and their constraints.
Recruitment potential :
• Transport equipment companies and
major operators of transport networks
• Carmakers and car and rail equipment
• Service companies: transport
administrations, car hire companies, other
services involved in the mobility of goods
and people.
• Local, regional and national authorities
• Design and consultant offices specialized
in urban planning and management of
transport infrastructures.
SIT01 - Real Time Principles and Architectures
SIT02 - Numerical Methods applied to Traffic
SIT03 - Modelization and Introduction to Optimization
SIT04 - Signal and Image Processing
SIT05 - Observation and Control Methods
SIT06 - Project and Individual Work
SIT50 - Reliability and Functional Safety
SIT51 - Diagnostic Methods
SIT52 - Distributed Computing Environments and
Transport Protocols
SIT53 - Information Fusion
SIT54 - Transport Problems and Discrete-Event
SIT55 - Seminars and Conferences
SIT56 - Embedded Vision Systems and Treatments
SIT57 - Dynamic Networks for Inter-Vehicle
SIT58 - Control and Observation of Embedded Real
Time Systems
SIT59 - Perception and Multi-Sensor Localization
SIT60 - Wireless Sensor Networks
SIT61 - Traffic Data Mining
SIT62 - Geographic and Intermodal Information
SIT63 - Optimization for Logistics
ST02 - Final Project
32master students
Innovation, Knowledge, Interaction (ICI)
be accepted in the research teams of our
The ICI specialization offers three study
paths :
• Knowledge
• Interaction
• Technical writing
G i ve n t h e c u r re n t co n tex t o f
internationalization, a series of teaching
courses leading up to graduation are proposed
in English.
A course with four special academic
partners :
• Chiba Institute of Technology (Japan) for
• University of Technology of Eindhoven
(Netherlands) on Design and Interaction,
• University of Sussex (United Kingdom) for
Cognitive Sciences and Intelligent Systems
• University of Neuchatel (Switzerland) for
Information and Communication Science and
Training Objectives
The objective is to train specialists in the
design of products, tools and procedures for
the fields of interaction and knowledge, who
are capable of the following :
• designing and/or leading scientific and
technical projects concerning human/
system interaction in various domains
• designing and/or leading scientific and
technical projects concerning knowledge
and content , giving special consideration to
collaborative and cultural aspects,
• writing and structuring technical documents
which are useful or indispensable for
industrial products, from their initial creation
till the end of their lifespan,
• undertaking a PhD in one of the abovementioned fields.
Environment / research/ partnerships
The ICI specialization calls upon faculty
members from three UTC laboratories:
Costech (Humanities and Social Sciences),
Heudiasyc (Informatics, Automatics and
Intelligent Systems) and Roberval (Mechanics,
Design). The students are integrated into
different research structures, and may
Other existing partners in Europe, North
America, South America, and the Far East may
also become involved in various initiatives.
Professional Openings
Interaction Designer
Designer of single or multi-user systems
responsible for developing an original
approach to products and services ,
entrusted with missions such as:
• Developing innovative products and
services for a specific social context
• Developing user protocols for new tools or
• Developing simulation projects using
virtual reality in automotive companies or
Knowledge Manager
Responsible for structuring and formalizing
sets of knowledge / documents / enrolments /
traces (immaterial capital ) to allow for their
manipulation and exploitation, and entrusted
with mission such as :
• Implementing knowledge capitalization
projects in small or medium-sized
• Developing tools for surveillance and
master students
the study of Internet traffic (economic
Credit courses
• Developing ontologies for
documenation in a company.
ICI01 - Research Methodology
Designer/writer of technical documentation
Responsible for writing and structuring
documents which are useful or indispensable
for industrial products from their design
through to their use by the buyer.
ICI02 - Project Workshop Phase 1
ICI03 - Computation and Enactivism
ICI04 - Philosophy, the Science of Techniques
ICI05 - Organisation-Society-Knowledge
ICI06 - Management, Capitalization and Knowledge
ICI07 - Documentation Engineering and Content
ICI08 - Interaction Engineering
ICI09 - Prospective Design Workshop
ICI10 - Interaction Design
ICI50 - Project Workshop Phase 2
ICI51 - Decision Support Systems and Knowledge
ICI52 - Interaction and Knowledge
ICI53 - Emerging Themes
ICI54 - Project Workshop Phase 3
ICI55 - Documentation and Content Management
ICI56 - Development Cooperation and Knowledge
ICI57 - The Semantic Web
ICI58 - Decision Sciences and Organization
ICI59 - Man-Machine Interaction
ICI60 - Computer-based Environments for Human
ICI61 - Immersive Environments and Enactive
ICI62 – Mechatronics
ICI63 - Rapid-Prototyping CAD
ICI64 - Information Acquisition and Document
ST02 - Final Project
34master students
Other UTC degrees
Engineering Degree
At a time when technology is evolving rapidly,
engineers must acquire solid foundations
during their training which will enable them
to work in domains which do not yet exist at
the time of their graduation.
The training objective is thus to train future
engineers, thanks to the scientific and
technical knowledge transmitted, in such
working methods as will allow them to
assimilate and apply new technologies as
they are developed.
A general, multidisciplinary common core
which covers the foundations of engineering.
A unique, custom-made study program :
• guaranteed access to the department of the
student’s choice
• choice of internships and credit courses
• admission at different levels of qualification
• personalized accompaniment by a tutor
• choice of a “mentor” (alumnus) from the
third year onwards
Companies are involved in the daily running of
the engineering programs.
• internships in France and abroad according
to the student’s choices
• training in Humanities and Social Sciences
The International Dimension : a UTC reality
• semesters abroad
• 10 double degrees,
• off-shore campuses (China and Chile)
The UTC belongs to the Universities of
Technology network, together with UTT
(University of Technology of Troyes) and
UTBM, (University of Technology of BelfortMontbéliard). These are all public institutions
of higher education which train “generalist
Student Admissions granted in February and
(All admissions:
Contacts :
Anne Barriquand : +33 (0) 3 44 23 73 85
Denis Masquelier: +33 (0) 3 44 23 43 16
Valérie Kopinski: +33 (0) 44 23 43 15
Johanna Albin : +33 (0)3 44 23 73 79
master students
The UTC’s PhD programs prepare students to
be scientifically and professionally versatile
thanks to close contact with research
structures and with the reality of industry.
Our PhD students are closely supervized
during their thesis preparation and are given
guidance to facilitate their professional
6 main fields of study :
• Bio-engineering, Biomechanics,
• Biotechnology
• Advanced Mechanics
• Industrial Process Engineering and
Sustainable Development
• Information and Systems Technologies
• Cognitive technologies, Management of
Innovation and Complex Systems
Our laboratories put all available resources at
the disposal of PhD students to assist them
in carrying out their research, and they are
also guaranteed a salary and social security
Various initiatives have been put in place to
assist our PhD students with their professional
insertion :
• "les Doctoriales", a residential seminar
• A New Chapter in the Thesis
• The i-doc program
• The "Doctorant-conseil" scheme : Doctoral
students work as junior consultants
• The Guy Deniélou Thesis Prize Day
For more information about our PhD
programs, please consult the "Guide for
Research Students"
Website :
36master students
Continuing Education
The Continuing Education Department of the
UTC plays an active role in society and in the
transmission of knowledge.
Its aim is thus to develop partnerships with
companies and their employees, offering
them the benefit of the UTC’s knowledge
and skills, developed thanks to research and
undergraduate training :
- Implementing face-to-face or e-learning
content, schemes or programs to meet
individual needs, as well as those of companies
or public organizations.
- Long-term training programs leading to a
degree, a diploma or a certificate
- Attribution of credit course equivalence
for professional experience and skills in the
pursuit of an academic degree
Current programs
• Engineering degree through a continuing
education program (Fontanet initiative, 1974):
preparatory cycle
E-learning options for programs of all
departments of the Universities of Technology
• The "Science, Technology Sector" Master,
which offers four different programs (see
section on Masters courses).
• MBAs recognized by the Conférence des
Grandes Ecoles : biomedical equipment,
normalization, quality, certification and trials
(Professional Certificate)
- University Diploma (DU) undergoing
capacitation : extra-renal therapy / dialysis ;
Biomedical Equipment Manager (dialysis
• Short-term courses under the May
2004 Individual right to Training scheme
( Droit Individuel à la Formation DIF) ; all
UTC courses, or custom-made courses :
management, innovation, health, transport,
For more information on continuing education
training programs, the catalog can be obtained
at the following address:
UTC - Service Formation Continue
Centre Pierre Guillaumat
BP 60319 ; Rue du Docteur Schweitzer
60203 COMPIEGNE cedex – France
e-mail :
Tél : +33 (0) 3 44 23 49 56 ; Fax : +33 (0) 3 44
23 45 62
Guided rail transport systems (in partnership
with the elite engineering school « l’Ecole des
ponts” and the industrial rail network).
• University Diploma (DU))
- Diploma for Advanced Management and
Information Studies "DESMI" (Institute for
Information and Management, based in
master students
38master students
student life
he UTC offers a convivial social scene
and a dynamic associative and sporting
master students
student life
40master students
student life
First administrative registration
Masters Administration
All new students must register at the UTC
during the first week of the semester in
September in compliance with the dates and
procedures outlined on the UTC website. The
list of accompanying documents is specified
on the application form.
Administration for the Masters degree is
carried out by the Masters Division which
works in close collaboration with the
secretarial offices for the different programs.
On registration, students will be given the
following items :
• a student card (Sesame badge)
• 3 university attendance certificates
• certificate of payment of university fees
• a UTC e-mail address.
Subsequent registrations
Registration is compulsory for any first-year
student who has been given the authorization
to enter the second-year after defending his/
her case before a July evaluation panel.
This administrative registration guarantees
admission to courses:
• presentations,
• reports,
• practical sessions.
One of its roles is to provide various documents
and information :
• university attendance certificates at the
beginning of the university year
• notification of results each semester, after
the evaluation panels, on student demand
• The Masters degree
It can also provide or complete other
administrative documents :
• course certificates (a list of all credits
obtained at the date of delivery)
• internship contracts
Demeter : The Computer Administration System
What is the student Demeter website ?
Students are entered in the Demeter
information system and after signing the
"Charter for Correct Use of the UTC Information
System" they receive a LOGIN and password
enabling them to obtain a connection to the
information system (VEGA server, Demeter
portal…), a UTC e-mail address, (firstname., a badge in their name,
a student card, access rights to various UTC
premises and to Demeter, and they are placed
on the UTC student photoboard.
Demeter is a portal :
students have access to their computerized
administrative file.
master students
student life
Demeter offers several options to UTC
students :
• in "my file", students have access to course
enrolment data and academic results,a set
of temporary applications, according to the
stage in the semester, which allow students
to make modifications or express choices
in their personal Demeter files (asking to
change a course unit, choosing a department
or specialization…) and communication by
electronic mail
• collective messages : on registration,
students are placed on various mailing
lists, known as administrative lists, used by
the Masters Division or by teachers in the
various course units units to communicate
information of general interest.
• individual messages are also generated and
posted via Demeter ( course results, results
of evaluation panels, etc. …)
42master students
student life
The UTC Library (BUTC)
The BUTC is open to all. The opening
hours are 8-30 a.m. to 7-00p.m from
Monday to Friday and 8-30 a.m. to 1200p.m. on Saturdays (Benjamin Frankin
Centre only).
Opening hours are shorter during
university holidays and the inter
semester period. The library remains
closed for one week in August, and
during the Christmas vacation.
Contact :
The virtual library portal
The virtual library portal gives students
access, conditional to certain authorizations,
to all or part of the electronic documentation
available at the UTC:
- the library’s catalog listing the paper books
and periodicals available in the reading
- electronic resources : books and periodicals,
UTC coursepacks, UTC theses, and
bibliographical databases, which are available
outside the UTC buildings to all students who
own computers equipped with VPN software.
Consultation and loans at the library
The recording of loans and returns is carried
out at the reception desks of the Benjamain
Franklin and Royallieu libraries.
The number and duration of loans are
established in function of the reader’s status
and the type of document (see University
Rules and Policies).
Most audiovisual documents and periodicals
may be consulted at the library only.
The collections at Compiègne’s Municipal
Libraries are also accessible to UTC students
through their UTC badge.
The Benjamin Franklin Center Library,
mainly geared towards student engineers and
Masters students, has reading rooms on 3
levels in the F building.
Students will find :
- The latest editions of French and foreign
newspapers and magazines
- Loans and returns services
-The UTC boutique (sale of coursepacks,
photocopy cards, various items carrying the
UTC label)
Level 4
- Scientific and technical collections
- The Bibliographical Information Service
Level 5
- General knowledge and press collections
- Bibliographical Information Services
- PEB point (interlibrary loans)
The Royallieu Library
More especially geared towards PhD students,
lecturer-researchers and ESCOM students,
the premises are situated on the first level of
the B building. Students will find :
- Scientific and technical collections
- UTC theses (paper versions)
- Loan and returns service
- PEB (Interlibrary loans) : possibility to order
documents unavailable at the UTC
Research and Information Monitoring
master students
student life
Guidance in career or study choices
Careers Observatory - Tél 03 44 23 43 16
The Careers Observatory puts information
at your disposal online (
rubrique.php3?id-rubrique=234) concerning
the professional insertion of graduates from
our academic departments and from the
various specializations.
This information, which is updated annually,
helps to enlighten students on the following
points :
- companies’ sectors of activity
- positions occupied by graduates
- proposed salary levels
- the rapidity of access to employment
- ….
One of the objectives of this information is
to give you assistance in making the right
decisions when faced with the different
choices you will have to make during your
studies at the UTC : choice of department,
specialization, course units
- your professional life: salary negotiations,
choice of company…
During their time at the UTC, students
may hesitate as to their choice of further
studies at the university, or of a career. In
the Admissions Department it is possible to
consult careers advisors. Students will be
given the “student passport”, documentation
designed to help them to prepare their future.
Other documentary sources are available to
assist students in finding the information and
addresses they need.
The 3E Service for Students, Companies and Jobs
(in French : Etudiants Entreprises Emploi)
The 3E service can also offer you considerable
assistance by putting you in relation with
companies, in order to help you with various
steps in connection with your choice of career,
an internship or final project. This assistance
may take the form of meetings at the UTC
with the Human Resources Departments of
companies, or Recruitment Managers, of
presentations by representatives of different
careers, round tables, interviews with
professionals, or company visits.
You will also find company brochures and
various career guides, such as the “GO”
guide,(a guide to career opportunities).
The 3E Service also puts information
concerning VIE opportunities (International
Volunteer Service in Companies) at your
disposal, including job offers or contacts
with graduates who have taken part, or are
taking part in the scheme at the moment.
Approximately fifty UTC graduates are
currently on missions throughout the world.
44master students
student life
TREMPLIN/UTC (Alumni organization)
Activities, associations and sports
Tremplin/UTC is an association of graduates
which aims to foster relations between
graduates and students, in order to facilitate
access to internships and first jobs through
an active network of 15 000 contacts and
10 000 listed companies.
To do this Tremplin UTC organizes :
• a job-career service : publication of 500 job
offers per month corresponding to the UTC
graduate profile, seminars on techniques
for job searching, and simulations of job
interviews (Prép@’COM), workshops on
“how to use a network”, and advice on
writing resumes during the COMUTEC
• The University Service for Physical and
Sporting Activities (SUAPS)
Career guidance and professional
• 40 meetings with UTC graduates
per year, in France and abroad,
according to students’ centers of
interest, in the aim of sharing
professional and cultural
• a network of information
accompany your various
projects as students and neograduates: choice of department
and specialization, search for
internships, and final project.
Sport is practised by the majority of UTC
students, and is organized by two associations
which, although completely separate, are very
much complementary :
This service is part of the Technology and
Humanities Department, and its overall
mission is sport and the teaching of sport at
the UTC (sports course units).
• The UTC’s Sporting Association (UTC Sport)
which, among other things, enables students
to participate in sport at a competitive level,
either through the French Federation for
University Sport (FFSportU), or in an outside
association affiliated to a national federation.
Although practicing a physical or sporting
activity is not compulsory at the UTC, it is
strongly recommended.
Approximately 65% of students practice at
least one physical activity each university
After your graduation, Tremplin UTC’s
mission is to accompany you all along
your professional life by giving you access
to a rich, active, friendly and supportive
master students
student life
UTC Sport Élite
The UTC is conscious of the needs of highlevel athletes, and has created a speciallyadapted structure : UTC Sport Elite. This
structure caters for sportsmen and women
who are included on the Ministry of Sport’s
lists, or who are in the top 20 of their age
category for their sport.
To do this, a whole spectrum of services
is offered to help these high-level athletes
manage their student life and sporting life
successfully :
The sport/study project (educational and
medical support, physical and mental
Those interested should contact Marc
MONETTI (, who is in
charge of UTC Sport Elite, at the Sports Office
at the beginning of the semester.
Tél 03 44 23 43 49
Approval by the director of SUAPS will be
required for registration in the SP02 course
Student Associations
For all information concerning association
websites, please go to :
Student representatives in university
administrative bodies
Day-to-day management of the university,
making the best decisions concerning its
future, implementing specific projects…
Such are the missions of the UTC’s different
management, administrative and planning
bodies. As a student, you are also a “citizen”,
and can participate in the UTC’s political life
by sitting on one of its boards, or by voting for
your representatives. Numerous personalities
from outside the university are also members
of the various administrative bodies, proof
of the UTC’s ambition to be receptive to its
industrial and institutional environment.
The Strategic Board
(CA, Conseil d’Administration)
Its missions
Sports course units
Students who wish to do so may follow course
units in sport (see course units catalog). These
are included in the Culture and Technology
46master students
The UTC’s Strategic Board decides on the
university’s strategic orientations, regarding
teaching, research and transfer of technology.
This essential decision-making body allows
all members of the university to express their
views and take part in important university
Its composition : 28 members, including 4
student life
The Scientific Board (CS, Conseil Scientifique)
Its missions
The Scientific Board proposes orientations
for UTC policy concerning research, scientific
and technical documentation, as well as the
division of research funds, to the Strategic
Board. It guarantees the liaison between
teaching and research, especially for the
graduate school. It is consulted on programs
for initial training and continuing education,
on application for accreditation to deliver
national degrees, on creation projects, or on
the suppression or modification of diplomas
awarded by the university.
Its composition : 22 members, including 2
Board for Education and University Life (Le
Conseil des Etudes et de la Vie Universitaire,
Its missions
The Board for Education and University Life
proposes orientations for the distribution and
organization of teaching in initial training and
continuing education to the Strategic Board. It
gives advice on applications for accreditation,
and new areas of teaching It examines all
questions concerning student life, remedial
and support schemes, the libraries, and
services such as canteens, accommodation,
Its composition : 27 members, including 10
The Executive Committee (Comité de Direction)
Its missions
The Executive Committee is responsible for
implementing policies set out by the Strategic
Board, and for the general management of the
university. It is presided over by the President
of the UTC.
It composition
It is composed of the President, the University
Registrar, the Functional Directors and the
Heads of Department.
The MASTERs Courses Improvement Committee
This committee includes the Director for the
Masters Courses, the Course Directors for
each program, the Director of the Technology
and Humanities Department, the Pedagogical
Director, the UTC’s Research Director,
the Director of the Graduate School, the
Director of the UTC’s International Relations
Department, 4 representatives from the
socio-economic sector, and 2 elected student
The Masters Courses Improvement Committee
ensures the coherence of the whole set of
courses. It defines the main pedagogical
orientations in accordance with the university’s
policy in terms of openings in research and
in the relevant socio-professional sectors
on a national, European, and international
level. It also defines conditions for admission
to and for graduation from our Masters
courses. It transmits its propositions to the
Board for Education and University Life and
the Strategic Board. The participation of the
UTC’s Functional Directors is an indication
of our ambition to align our courses with the
UTC’s development strategy.
Student Representation
As you can see, it is therefore important to
get involved or to show interest if student
representation is to play its full role. This
obviously means turning up to vote in
elections, or, if these exciting responsibilities
interest you, why not stand for election?
Student Representative contact on the Board
for Education and University Life:
Vice-President of the Board for Education and
University Life:
master students
student life
Practical information
Social Security coverage
Subscription to the student social security
scheme is compulsory from the age of
18 onwards, and students sign up when
registering at the university. The subscription
becomes effective on the 1st October of each
university year, and finishes on the 30th
September of the following year.
• For students under the age of twenty during
the university year, subscription is free.
• For students aged between 20 and 28 during
the university year, subscription is compulsory
and must be paid for.
Students who receive Ministry of Education
grants are exonerated from paying their
social security subscription.
Subscribing to the student social security
scheme involves signing up to one of the
two mutual health insurance organizations,
the LMDE (La Mutuelle des Etudiants) or the
SMENO ( la Société Mutualiste des Étudiants
du Nord et de l’Ouest) which deal with social
security reimbursements and provide a "top
up" to basic coverage.
What exactly does this " top up " correspond
to ? The student social security scheme
does not reimburse the full amount paid for
medical costs (appointments with consultants,
glasses, dental care, hospitalizations…) A
mutual health insurance organization makes
up the difference. Student mutual health
insurance organizations also offer third-party
liability insurance and accident insurance.
For information, contact the student mutual
Particular cases
Students in employment : if you are employed
during the whole university year, and you work
more than 60 hours a month, or 120 hours
per trimester, you should not subscribe to the
48master students
student social security scheme, and will need
to contact the "Caisse Primaire d’Assurance
Maladie" (social security offices for French
employees) nearest to where you live.
Students in continuing education continue
to be covered by their previous health
Foreign students (non-European) must
subscribe to the student social security
scheme, and will have to pay for this.
Our UTC Medical Service
The nurse’s office and the Preventive
Medicine Service for Higher Education (MPES
or Médecine Préventive de l’Enseignement
Supérieur) are open to students at the
Benjamin Franklin Center. Students may
benefit from a certain number of medical
services at the nurse’s office, such as
injections, bandages, removal of stitches,
vaccinations, etc. Except for emergencies,
all these acts will be carried out on medical
prescription only. The mission of the MPES
is mainly to listen to students’ problems, and
to practice preventive medicine, rather than
general medical care.
Students can however meet doctors there
who can either advise them or send them to
see another suitable doctor.
When a student is the victim of an accident
on the UTC premises, during an internship, or
on his/her journey to or from the place where
the internship is being done, our nurse must
always be informed :
Maryline NEUNREUTHER extension 7308 or
03 44 23 73 08.
She will then be able to declare the accident
to the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie in
Beauvais within 8 hours.
• If an accident should take place during an
internship, the Masters Division should also
be informed.
student life
• If an accident occurs during the practice of
a sport, contact the Sports Department
If hospitalization is necessary, and if
circumstances permit, the nurse should be
contacted first. If the accident or illness may
have an impact on the successful continuation
of your studies, a medical certificate must be
presented to the Masters Division within 48
hours in order for a jury to be able to take it
into account.
Student Counseling Service (“Point écoute”)
A Student Counseling Service has been set
up for students who find themselves feeling
low, depressed or stressed… A psychologist
(Catherine CARPENTIER) is present every
Tuesday afternoon on the premises of the
Benjamin Franklin Center, where students
can consult her by making an appointment.
To see C. Charpentier, contact the nurse at the
Benjamin Franklin Center (extension 4169).
Social Care
A social worker from the CROUS (Regional
Centers for School and University-Related
Benefits) is present from 10-30 to 12-30,
and from 13-30 to 15-00 on the second
Thursday of each month at the University Hall
of Residence situated at number 6 bis, rue
Winston Churchill.
Mme CORMIER : 03 22 71 24 07
in function of a scale which is updated each
year, according to families’ incomes and
outgoings. For information, contact the
CROUS in Amiens, or go to reception in your
University Residence.
Both first and renewed applications must
be made online before the end of April for
the following university year (dates will
be specified by University Administration
Services.) Pre-application forms are available
at the University Administration Services.
Decisions will be sent directly to the students
concerned by the CROUS.
Grants for international mobility
Go to
Grants reserved for study periods abroad
• For information on French government
grants administrated by the CNOUS (National
Centre for University Services), please go to
reception at your university residence, and for
those administrated by the EGIDE services
(leading international exchange operator), the
address to contact is :
28, rue de la Grange aux Belles 75001 PARIS)
• Grants from the student’s country of origin
managed through the intermediary of the
embassy of the country concerned.
Grants for higher education and
accommodation are managed by the CROUS
They are awarded according to specific social
French students may apply for a higher
education grant and/or for accommodation,
as may foreign students, political refugees
who have a political refugee card, or whose
parents have lived in France for more than
two years.
Grants and / or accommodation are awarded
master students
student life
Bank loans
Honor Loans
Some banks offer student loans at low
interest rates to allow students to continue
their studies (especially to students who are
likely to do part of their course abroad).
Information can be obtained at the Compiègne
branches of the major banks.
All students of French nationality (or political
refugees) are entitled to apply for an honor
loan. The loan committee meets at the
beginning of December.
An honor loan may not be accumulated with
a higher education grant, and as funds are
very limited, only a few students are likely to
obtain a loan. Honor loans, which represent a
relatively small sum of money, are granted for
one university year. They must be paid back 10
years after graduation at the latest.
Honor loans are reserved for French
students, however foreign students who find
themselves in precarious financial situations
may ask for assistance from the Solidarity
Fund for University Students (Fonds de
Solidarité Universitaire, or FSU), managed
by the CROUS. The Solidarity Fund may also
assist French students in certain cases.
From a more general point of view, students
who meet with personal difficulties, should
contact the CROUS services, who work in
collaboration with a group of social workers.
Application forms are available at the Study
Administration Department (undergraduates),
or at the graduate school.
The final date for applications is the 1st
Personal loans
In case of financial difficulty, students can
contact the CROUS social worker,
Mme CORMIER on 03 22 71 24 07, to apply for
a personal loan.
50master students
student life
Accommodation / Restaurants
The CROUS provides both single and married
students with various types of accommodation,
according to a set of social criteria.
Several possibilities are offered :
A – Individual rooms in university residences,
with communal showers and toilets, and a
common room.
6 bis, rue Winston Churchill
B – 3-bedroom apartments, in social
accommodation in Royallieu.
C – Studio accommodation (room with
kitchenette and separate bathroom).
D* - accommodation in 2-bedroom apartments
in twin rooms, with a separate kitchen and
E* - One-bedroom apartments (priority is
given to couples).
* Accommodation benefiting from a state
convention, giving its occupants the right to
claim the “Aide Personnalisée au Logement,
Allowance. Any student over the age of 20
who does not earn a salary, or any student
under 20 whose parents do not receive family
allowance or Personal Accommodation
Allowance is eligible. All accommodation is
furnished, however bedlinen is not provided.
Groups of students who wish to live together
in such accommodation should mention this
on application.
Association for the accommodation of the
students and interns of the University of
The role of the ALESC is to help students in
their search for accommodation, either in one
of the university residences it runs (120 beds),
or in private accommodation, by centralizing
advertisements placed by private owners in
Compiègne and its near surroundings.
The ALESC is an independent association
financed by students and private owners.
To learn how to go about your search for
accommodation, we recommend the ALESC
website, ( Their phone
number is +33 (0)3 44 23 46 94.
master students
student life
University restaurants and Snack bars
Formalities for foreign students
The university restaurant, situated near
the Benjamin Franklin Center, caters for
students, and the personnel of the UTC.
Residence permits (Cartes de Séjour)
The Millibar : a cafeteria situated in the
Benjamin Franklin Center.
The Minibar : the cafeteria situated in the
research center.
Snack bars in the Pierre Guillaumat Center
and the Transfer Center.
Students participating in an exchange system
between the UTC and a foreign institution
are welcomed at the UTC one week before
the beginning of the semester for a special
information and guidance session.
During this week, they carry out all the
necessary administrative procedures to
register for their course and obtain a residence
Affiliation to the French social security
system is not required for students from the
European Union. They must obtain an E111
or E128 form, or apply to an approved health
insurance organization. On the other hand,
foreigners from non-European countries
must apply for affiliation to the French student
social security regime, whatever the length of
their stay in France.
To obtain a UTC engineering degree, foreign
students apply for admission in the same
way as French students. To improve their
52master students
student life
level in French (Learning French as a Foreign
Language / Français Langue Étrangère, or
FLE), French courses are proposed to all
foreign students. After a placement test,
students are orientated towards the French
class corresponding to their level.
Before the beginning of each semester, a four
week intensive course is organized, principally
for exchange students. To gain entry to France
initially, all foreign students admitted to the
UTC must be in possession of the necessary
documents (passport, or ID card), as well as
the visas required by current international
agreements. Students must also prove that
they have sufficient financial resources.
To stay in France, all foreign students
registered at the UTC must have a residence
permit which is valid for one year. The permit
can be renewed as many times as necessary.
Applications for residence permits must be
made at Compiègne’s “Subprefecture” (Souspréfecture) as soon as students admitted to
the UTC are in possession of their registration
Information and Communication
Technology in Education (ICT)
Digital Tools for Learning
The development of digital tools, of the Internet,
and of Information and Communication
Techniques has been a strategic vector for
science, culture, and knowledge.
The ICT pole of the Management of Information
Systems Department (DSI) places shared
tools and resources at the disposal of students
and teachers, both inside the university and
• to put all initial training courses online
• participation in the development of the
region’s digital university (UNR, or Université
Numérique de Région)
• development of a Digital Work Environment
(ENT, or Environnement Numérique de
• reinforcement and validation of Information
and Communication Technologies
(C2i, Computing and use of the Internet
• creation and mutualization of pedagogical
The ICT website presents the UTC’s ICT
policy, and is accessible from the UTC’s main
Its address is :
This site gives access to the educational portal,
which features all available initial training
courses, and has the following structure :
• a static section, which presents information
• a section which can be modified by teachers,
to include lesson supplements, exercises, old
exam subjects, forums, document-sharing
master students
54master students
he study regulations form the general
framework for the organization of
the UTC’s Master in Science and
Technology, and provide an essential
reference document.
master students
study Regulations
Article 1 : Governance
The UTC has been accredited to deliver a
MASTER in "Science and Technology" which
includes four programs.
timetable, admissions, pedagogical guidance,
industrial and international relations).
There are two different Masters committees :
Each program and specialization is placed
under the responsibility of a UTC faculty
• The Masters Improvement Committee
Article 2 : Duration of study, and the Calendar
It includes : the Course director for the
MASTER, the teachers in charge of the different
programs, the Director of the Technology and
Humanities Department, the Pedagogical
Director, the UTC’s Research Director, the
Director of the Graduate School, the Director
of International Relations at the UTC, four
representatives of the socio-economic sector,
and two elected student representatives.
MASTERS courses are divided into two
separate years (M1 and M2). Each year is
divided into two semesters, (S1 and S2). There
are between 16 and 20 weeks of study in each
semester. The calendar for the university
year (dates for the beginning and end of the
semester, holidays during the semester) is
fixed by a decree from the president. Each
week of teaching starts on Monday morning
and finishes on Saturday after class.
The Masters Improvement Committee is
responsible for ensuring the coherence of the
course as a whole. It defines the principal
pedagogical orientations in accordance with
the university policy, with regard to openings
in research and in the relevant socioprofessional sectors, on national, European,
and international levels. It also defines
conditions for admission to and graduation
from the Masters course. It transmits its
propositions to the Board for Education and
University Life and to the Strategic Board.
• The Program’s Pedagogical Team
It includes : the teacher in charge of the
program, the teachers in charge of each
area of specialization, the Director(s) of
the Research Laboratory, the Director (s)
of the departments concerned, and four
representatives of the socio-economic sector.
The program’s pedagogical team puts the
policies defined by the Masters Improvement
Committee into practice in the different
programs and specializations. It ensures the
smooth running of the course with regard to
the specificities of the relevant teaching and
research domains. It benefits from all the
UTC’s main services (internship services,
56master students
Article 3 : Pedagogical Organization
All our programs function on a semester
Each program defines a “profile” whereby the
minimum number of credits to be obtained
in various categories of course units is
The ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
grading and credit system are applied in all
pedagogical sections of the Masters courses.
Credits are awarded to students on successful
completion of a course unit. For certain
specializations, the 2 semesters of the 2nd
year may be organized into alternate periods
of study at the UTC and internships outside
the university.
Most courses are taught in French. However
certain course units may be partially or totally
in English. These courses are indicated in the
course catalog.
Article 4 : Admission to MASTERs courses at the
Admission to UTC Masters courses is decided
by a Masters Admissions Committee, the
study Regulations
president and the members of which are
designated by the President of the UTC.
The programs are designed on a 4 semester
basis, but a separation exists between the
1st year (M1) and the 2nd one (M2) to allow
for direct admission into the 2nd year. In
conformity with the ministerial circular,
admission to M2 of students having validated
the M1 year depends on the decision of a
The following categories of students may
apply :
• in M1 : students having completed three
years of post high school study or the
equivalent, validated by a minimum of 180
ECTS credits in the area of specialization.
• in M2 : students having successfully
completed the 1st year (M1) of a UTC MASTERS
course, or having reached a level equivalent to
4 years of post high school study elsewhere,
validated by a minimum of 240 ECTS credits
in the area of specialization.
Candidates applying for a M1 program or a
M2 specialization must submit an application
file. A special Admissions Committee for each
program or specialization examines the files,
and then calls a selection of applicants for
interview. After examination of the applicant’s
school files and possibly the result of an
interview, this special Admission Committee
submits a decision of admission or nonadmission to M1 or M2. The final decision is
made by the Masters Admission Committee.
The validation of other university courses
and/or professional experience is decisive
in establishing the level of admission of
applicants (1st or 2nd year).
February entry for the Spring Semester is not
currently possible.
For applicants whose native language is not
French, proof of sufficient knowledge of the
French language is one of the admission
Article 5 : Applicants for a MASTERS course in
parallel with the final year of an engineering
UTC student engineers (or student engineers
from another school having signed an
agreement with the UTC) who are about to
enter their final year may apply for admission
to the 2nd year of a Masters specialization,
which they will complete in parallel with their
engineering degree, after approval by the
evaluation panel of their UTC department.
Candidates must successfully validate at least
15 ECTS credits in specific Masters course
units approved by the teachers in charge of
the program. The Masters degree is awarded
on condition that the students have also
obtained their engineering degree.
Article 6 : Tutors
On admission to a Masters course, students
are assigned a tutor in their Masters
specializations, who will provide assistance
in defining their personalized training plans,
according to their career ambitions.
Article 7 : Course Units
Courses are divided into Course Units (UE).
One course unit corresponds to the amount
of work required to reach a given objective in
one semester. This may represent :
• acquisition of knowledge in a clearly-defined
• learning a method or language
• discovering an aspect of professional life,
• carrying out a project or study at the
university or elsewhere,
• knowledge of the outside world.
In conformity with European regulations, a
certain number of credits are associated with
each course unit, according to the number of
teaching hours for the course and the quantity
of personal work required from students.
The number of credits associated with each
course is fixed by the university’s Pedagogical
master students
study Regulations
Director, a decision based on propositions
from the Masters Improvement Committee,
and made after consultation with the Board
for Education and University Life.
Article 7 bis : Language Teaching
According to article number 6 of the decree
of the 25th April 2002 concerning the national
Masters degree, the latter may only be
awarded after validation of a certain level in at
least one foreign language. Given the nature
of the field of study, “Science, Technology" and
the relatively short study duration (2 years),
the foreign language required from native
French speakers is English, and the minimum
level required is B1 (European Framework).
However students are strongly advised to
validate a level B2 in English. If a B2 level is
proven or validated, students may choose from
the other language courses on offer at the
university. For non-native French speakers, a
B1 level in French must be validated before
students are allowed to follow courses in
another language taught at the UTC. No
attestations for language levels will be given
without prior in-house evaluation.
Article 8 : Creation of a course unit
Decisions concerning the creation or
suppression of a course unit are communicated
by presidential decrees, based on propositions
from the Pedagogical Director and the
Masters Improvement Committee, and after
consultation with the Board for Education and
University Life.
Texts concerning decisions to create a course
unit mention the following points :
• the objectives to be attained in terms
of knowledge and skills, and the place to
be occupied by the new course unit in the
educational program concerned
• the main points of the program, the teaching
58master students
methods and expected results
• the number of teaching hours and the
quantity of personal work required.
• the number of credits awarded to the
course unit. Propositions for creations or
suppressions of course units should be
presented to the teachers in charge of the
various programs or specializations, who then
transmit them to the Pedagogical Director.
Article 9 : Catalog of course units
Every year, the Pedagogical Director,
establishes the catalog of course units for the
UTC Masters courses, based on propositions
from the Masters Improvement Committee.
At the beginning of each semester, the UTC
publishes the list of course units available
that semester, the name of the UTC faculty
member in charge of each unit, and the
number of credits.
Article 10 : Enrolment in a course unit
Students must enroll in the courses they wish
to follow so that they can sit the corresponding
exams and be judged by the evaluation panels.
So that students’ workloads do not exceed a
reasonable level, the maximum number of
ECTS credits which can be obtained in one
semester (except for internships) is limited to
35. Students must get their choice of course
units approved by the faculty member in
charge of their specialization.
Enrollment in a course unit implies a
commitment to being present at classes, as
well as participation in the different types
of evaluation proposed. All enrollment
applications must be approved by the teacher
in charge of each unit. Enrolment in a course
unit must be withdrawn by a written request
to the administrative services, otherwise the
student will be marked absent on his results
study Regulations
Article 11 : Evaluation
Regulations concerning evaluation are fixed
by the president of the UTC. The modalities
for their practical application, including
remedial sessions for each course unit, are
fixed by the president one month after the
beginning of each semester at the latest,
according to propositions made by the
teachers in charge of the various course
Generally speaking, evaluation takes one or
more of the following forms:
• continuous assessment in the form
of practical work, tests, homework,
• intermediary examination(s): individual
written or oral tests,
• a final examination,
• oral presentations or written reports,
• carrying out a specific study or project
Article 12 : Evaluation Panels
All course units are awarded after the decision
of an evaluation panel, the composition of
which is fixed by the president of the UTC,
based on propositions from the Pedagogical
Director after consultation with the faculty
members in charge of the course units.
Panels include at least two faculty members,
one of whom must be from the UTC Members
are selected amongst the faculty members
lecturing in the course unit. Panels are
presided over by the faculty member in charge
of each course unit.
Article 13 : Validation of Course Units
The evaluation panel for each course unit
examines the case of each student enrolled in
the unit and makes a decision as to :
The validation of a course unit confers the
associated number of credits. The decision of
the evaluation panel is final.
The validation of a course unit is sanctioned
by one of the five grades defined by the ECTS
marking system:
• A = EXCELLENT (an outstanding result),
• B = VERY GOOD (an above-average result),
• C = GOOD (a generally good result, in spite
of one or two insufficiencies),
• D = SATISFACTORY (acceptable result, but
with some weak points),
• E = PASSABLE (the result corresponds to
the minimum evaluation criteria)
The non-validation of a course unit is decided
with one of the grades defined by the ECTS
marking system in case of unsatisfactory
• FX = INSUFFICIENT (extra efforts would
have been necessary to validate the course
unit ),
• F = UNACCEPTABLE (a considerable amount
of extra work would have been necessary).
The non-validation of a course unit may be
decided on grounds of non-justified absence,
either at the final exam, or at several
evaluation sessions, the total of which are
equivalent to 50% or more of the total marks
given in the course.
The report on the evaluation panel’s
deliberations must include the decision
made for each student. At the end of each
semester students receive notification of the
results they have obtained in the course units
in which they were enrolled.
• validation of the course unit
• non-validation of the course unit.
master students
study Regulations
Article 14 : Internships
Article 16: Guidance and Orientation Panels
During their training, Masters students
complete internship periods, either in an
industry, or in a university laboratory. The
duration of such internships is stipulated in the
pedagogical brochure for each specialization.
Guidance and orientation panels are set up
for each program.
Subjects for internships are initially submitted
for approval by the faculty member in charge
of each specialization. A contract is signed
between the UTC, the host organization (even
if the latter is a UTC laboratory), and the
student. A third party liability insurance policy
must be taken out by the student.
Validation of an internship is subject to the
following conditions :
• Presentation of a written report,
• An oral defense,
• The report of the student’s tutor in the
company or laboratory where he/ she did the
The internship is evaluated by the same
ECTS grading system as for the course units.
Validation of an internship confers the number
of ECTS credits stipulated in the pedagogical
brochure for the specialization.
Article 15 : Mention of resources used
The different forms of evaluation are
designed to judge the individual and collective
contributions of a student or group of students
to a given task. In all evaluation modalities
(reports, presentations…), the origin of all
resources and outside contributions must be
referred to, in accordance with the Charter
for the Correct Use of Informatics Resources
and the Charter for the Correct Use of
Documentary Resources.
Non-respect of this principle may lead to
disciplinary sanctions.
60master students
At the end of each semester, after the results
from the various course units, a guidance
and orientation panel examines the situation
of each student. Its role is to draw students’
attention to unsatisfactory results. Students
concerned may be summoned before the
panel to provide explanations.
The panel may make one of the following
decisions :
• normal pursuit of studies, together with the
panel’s congratulations, recommendations,
or warnings.
• a change of orientation, for another program
and/or specialization. The decision will be
subject to approval from the Masters Course
Director and from the faculty member in
charge of the new program or specialization.
• reorientation towards other studies outside
the UTC
• exclusion from the university.
The guidance and orientation panel may
decide to cancel a semester in the case of
proven exceptional circumstances. At the
end of the first year (M1), the guidance and
orientation panel gives its opinion regarding
admission or non-admission of each student
to the 2nd year, M2. This point of view is then
transmitted to the admissions panel for M2.
At the end of the 2nd year of the Masters
course, the guidance and orientation panel
checks that all the conditions for graduation
have been met, and transfers the file to the
Masters Degree Award Panel. Repeating the
M1 or M2 year is only possible in exceptional
circumstances. Prolongation of studies
beyond 6 semesters after Bachelor’s degree
level is not allowed.
At the end of each semester, students may
request an attestation of credits which gives
the details of the credits they have obtained to
study Regulations
date, as no diploma is awarded after obtaining
just 60 credits, for example.
The guidance and orientation panel is
appointed by the president of the UTC, after
propositions from the Pedagogical Director,
and the faculty members in charge of the
courses concerned.
Article 16bis : Conditions for Graduation
In order to graduate, students must obtain
at least 120 ECTS with the following
distribution :
• 30 ECTS for the internship which must
be validated by a written report and an oral
defense before the internship validation
• at least 24 ECTS in course units in the”
General Knowledge / Knowledge of the
Professional World” category,
• at least 66 ECTS in course units in the
"Science and Techniques" category relevant
to the program chosen by the student.
Article 17 : Appeal Committee
Students (or their tutor) who are concerned by
a decision of reorientation or exclusion may
apply for their situation to be re-examined
by the Appeal Committee.
must be addressed directly to the president
of the Committee within 15 days following
the decision of the guidance and orientation
The Committee has the obligation to hear the
students and to ask for their tutor’s opinion.
The decisions made by the establishment
committee are final. The Appeal committee
is presided over by the president of the UTC.
It is composed of the Pedagogical Director,
the Masters Course Director, the Program
Directors, two faculty members appointed by
the president of the UTC, after propositions
from the Board for Education and University
Life. Any other person whose judgement is
susceptible to shed light on a decision may be
consulted by the committee.
Article 18 : Masters degree Award Panel
Students having successfully completed "the
Science, Technology" course at the UTC are
awarded the Masters degree. The Award Panel
is appointed by the president of the UTC, after
propositions from the Pedagogical Director. It
is composed of the Masters Course Director,
faculty members from the Masters courses,
and outside members.
The Masters Degree Award Panel examines
the files of all students who satisfy conditions
for graduation.
The Appeal Committee may make one of the
following decisions :
• Reorientation to another course at the
• Reorientation to another institution with
which the UTC has a reciprocal agreement
• Exclusion from the university
• Pursuit of studies in the student’s original
master students
Jean-Pierre COCQUEREZ : Director of the "Science ,Technology” Master
Françoise MERESSE : Administration of Masters Courses 03 44 23 79 53 office n° CR G232
"The Industries and Agro-Resources" program
Director Daniel THOMAS
Secretary Chantal DAVID
office n° CR F203a
• The “Biotechnologies and Implementation of Biological Functions” program
Director Daniel THOMAS
Secretary Chantal DAVID
office n° CR F203a
• The "Formulated Products Engineering " specialization
Director Isabelle PEZRON
Secretary Josette LEMAITRE
office n° CR E204a
• The “Sustainable Technologies” specialization
Director Eugène VOROBIEV
Secretary Josette LEMAITRE
office n° CR E204a
The "Sciences, Technology, Quality" program
Director Catherine MARQUE
Secretary Catherine LACOURT office n° CR D239
• The " Management Quality" program
Gilbert FARGES et Jean-Pierre CALISTE
Secretary Chantal GUILBERT
office n° CR G201
• The “Science and Technologies sector” specialization
Director Catherine MARQUE
Secretary Catherine LACOURT office n° CR D239
62master students
The “Science and Technology for Information and Communication” program
Directors Philippe BONNIFAIT et Olivier GAPENNE
Secretary Christine DEVAUX office n° PG K115
• The "Innovation, Knowledge, Interaction" specialization
Director Olivier GAPENNE
Secretary Christine DEVAUX
office n° PG K115
• The "Intelligent Systems for Transport" specialization
Director Philippe BONNIFAIT
Secretary Céline LEDENT office n° CR C224b
The "Engineering Sciences, Mechanics and Systems" program
Director Alain RASSINEUX
Secretary Brigitte DUCH office n° CR H330b
• The "Development of Innovative and Sustainable Structures" specialization
Director Alain RASSINEUX
Secretary Brigitte DUCH office n° CR H330b
• The "Mechatronic Systems" specialization
Christine PRELLE
Secretary Brigitte DUCH office n° CR H330b
master students
A Publication from the Communications Department of
the University of Technology of Compiègne