tourist map - Sud


tourist map - Sud
Rejoignez-nous sur
Porte d’Alsace
7 rue de Bâle 68210 DANNEMARIE
Te l : +33(0)3 89 07 24 24
Fax : +33(0)3 89 07 29 40
Bureau d’Information touristique de Dannemarie
3A, Route de Lucelle 68480 FERRETTE
Tel : +33(0)3 89 08 23 88
Fax : +33(0)3 89 40 33 84
> Bureau d’Information touristique de Ferrette
10, Place des Trois Rois 68130 ALTKIRCH
Tel et Fax : +33(0)3 89 40 02 90
Hundsbach Mill - Hundsbach - B4
Walheim Mill - Walheim - B3
Buethwiller Mill - Buethwiller - B3
First recorded in 1105, structure erected
by the counts of Ferrette, abandoned in
1789 during the French Revolution. Superb
views of the plain of Alsace, the Vosges,
Black Forest and the Jura. The town featu
res a series of old houses and several buildings listed as Historic Monuments including the church and Town Hall. Guidebook
available from the Office of Tourism. Visit
free of charge all year - Guided tours for
individuals in season and for groups by
reservation (F-D)
Ensconced in a haven of greenery, Morimont
Castle was recorded for the first time in 1183 and
controlled the upper valley of the Largue. It was
destroyed during the Thirty Years War by French
troops. Tour of the ramparts, the 7 watchtowers
and an exceptional vaulted basement of dimensions that make it unique in Alsace. There is a
circular route around the castle. Group tours (FD) by appointment. Visit free of charge all year
Built in the late thirteenth century, Landskron
controlled Leimental Valley. Its fate merged with
that of Austrian Alsace. In 1515, it was transformed into a fortress adapted for firearms. In
1648, Landskron came under the suzerainty of
Louis XIV and Vauban carried out significant fortification works. In December 1813, at the end of
the wars of the First Empire, the castle was taken
by the Austrians who blew it up in 1814. Listed as
a historic monument in 1923, since 1984 the «Pro
Landskron» association have conserved and
developed the site. Guided tours for groups
(F -D) by appointment. Free visits all year.
First recorded in 1394, the current building
was recently restored and dates back to the
18th century. The machinery and the operator’s room are well preserved, the renovation
work on the wheel and the water course were
carried out between 2005 and 2009.
Tours for individuals and groups by appointment during European Heritage days in September, on National Mill Day in June and Melhi-Arts in August.
This 16th-century Historic Monument enjoys
a national reputation and its paddle wheel
and machinery are in excellent working
condition. It also houses a living museum
reconstructing the life of the miller. Possibility of staging wedding photos ... on request.
Reservation and guided tours for groups by
appointment from March to October only.
Entry price : 3€/person.
The village of Buethwiller houses a magnificent
oil mill, restored by an enthusiast. The result
is superb and the mill seems ready to go back
into service. Every element is in place : electric
motor, leather belts, grindstone for crushing
nuts, gland for colza, oven and stirrer for heating the paste, hydraulic press. Guided tours by
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
2, rue du Moulin 68130 HUNDSBACH
Tel : 03 89 07 88 42
26, rue Stade 68130 WALHEIM
Tel : 03 89 40 98 46
20 Rue Principale 68210 BUETHWILLER
Tel : 03 89 25 32 04
07 70 86 19 14
Notre Dame Chapel in Bellefontaine
Bréchaumont - B2
Notre Dame Chapel of Hippoltskirch
Sondersdorf - C4
St Brice chapel - Hausgauen - B4
Grünenwald Notre Dame Chapel
Ueberstrass - C3
In the 16th century a wounded hunter plunged
his bleeding hand into a nearby water source. It
healed rapidly and he placed an image or statue
of the Virgin Mary on the site in gratitude. Rapidly
known throughout the region, it became a much
frequented site of pilgrimage where, in the 18th
century, a chapel was built, designated in 2000
as an official pilgrimage site for the Sundgau Jubilee. Free access to the site all year round : located between Bréchaumont and Reppe. Chapel
open every Sunday from Easter to October, 3pm
to 6pm.
First recorded in 1144, and listed as a Historic
Monument, this chapel is an ancient place of
worship devoted to St Martin. Originally the
Sondersdorf church until 1778, when the current
village church was built. Extensive work in 1781
gave it its current look. In 1902, lightning struck
the chapel, ripping off the part of the roof covering the altar of the Virgin, and smashing and
knocking down everything except the statue
which remained intact…Free visit every Sunday,
guided tour for groups by appointment.
Situated in a bucolic setting between Schwoben
and Hausgauen, the chapel bears the date 1695,
but its origins may go back to 1000 AD, making
it one of the oldest sanctuaries in the valley.
Behind the chapel lay Dennach village which
disappeared in the 15th century. From 1753 to
1879 successive hermits lived there austerely, in
charge of guarding and decorating the chapel.
Free access to the site all year round. Interior
visible from May to September but complete
access to the interior of the chapel remains
protected by a grid.
It undoubtedly dates back to the 15th century,
although the Crowned Virgin cannot be dated
precisely. Some children found the statue in the
undergrowth. They confided it to the commander of the Order of Knights of St John of Jerusalem, who built the first chapel on the site.
The chapel is open every day and the key can
be obtained from the ‘‘Au Sapin’’ restaurant
next door. Visit free of charge all year round.
Guided tours for groups by appointment
Sundgau Office of Tourism
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Sundgau Office of Tourism
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Sundgau Office of Tourism
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Rue Notre Dame de Grünenwald
Tel : 03 89 25 62 18
Graphic Conception : Elodie Connaulte
of the ABRACADABRA Studio - 06 15 86 05 58
Printing : Imprimerie Kaufmann
Photo Credits : Guy Buchheit - Vianney Muller
Vincent Muller - Jean-Paul Girard - DNA Michel Wittig - Office de Tourisme - Sunpix 2011.
Landskron Castle - Leymen - C5
Our tourism partners in Alsace :
Morimont Castle - Oberlarg - D3
Agence de Développement Touristique
Haute-Alsace Tourisme
1, rue Schlumberger BP 60337
68 006 COLMAR Cedex - France
Tel : + 33 (0) 3 89 20 10 68
Ferrette castle and town - C4
Haute-Alsace Tourisme
1, rue Schlumberger BP 60337
68 006 COLMAR Cedex - France
Tel : + 33 (0) 3 89 20 10 68
Email :
Comité Régional du Tourisme d’Alsace
20A, rue Berthe Molly BP 50247
68 005 Colmar Cedex-France
Tél : +33 (0)3 89 24 73 50
Email :
www. su nd g a u - su d a l sa c e . fr
Our financial partners:
> Bureau d’information touristique d’Altkirch
Tourisme dans le Haut-Rhin
St Croix Chapel
Seppois-le-Haut - C3
Some historians claim that this chapel dates
back to the 11th century. Today, it is a place
for exhibitions, conferences, music, poetry
and film evenings, ceremonies and special
receptions. Opening hours according to the
18 rue de Bâle 68580 SEPPOIS-LE-HAUT
Tel : 03 89 25 60 25
Heiligenbrunn Chapel
Leymen - C5
First recorded in 1359, the chapel is associated with a water source with miraculous
properties and houses a baroque altar. A
site of pagan worship converted into a Christian sanctuary under the invocation of Saint
Walburge, the current construction dates
from 1682 and was renovated in 1875, 1981
and 1990. Access : from Leymen, go in the
direction of Hagenthal. Shortly after leaving
the village, take the path on the left (rue de
Rue de Heiligenbrunn 68220 LEYMEN
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Antony Cheeses
Vieux-Ferrette - C4
St Martin des Champs Church and
St Brice Chapel - Oltingue - C4
Located in the middle of fields near the route
of mythic places of the Upper Rhine, St Martin-des-champs (18th century) was the former
mother-church of Oltingue and 3 defunct villages. Listed as a Historic Monument, frescos
and various interments are visible in the church.
French cheese and wine from various regions.
Tasting cellar where these products can be
tasted during a cheese ceremony (meal by
reservation only) or with a simple plate of
Opening hours : Monday to Friday : 10am 12.30am / 2pm - 6pm ; Saturday : 9am - 5pm.
St Brice chapel (14th century) is situated in an
isolated clearing, 3 km from Oltingue. Once
a renowned place of pilgrimage. Visit free of
charge all year. Guided tours by appointment.
5 rue de la Montagne 68480 VIEUX-FERRETTE
Tel : 03 89 40 42 22
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Former convent of Bellemagny
Bellemagny - B2
St Jacques, 12th century Romanesque church - Feldbach - C3
This convent of Benedictine Adorers founded in
1859 by Fr Joseph Faller in the former Guittard
family residence is now a clinical retirement
home. A chapel and individual buildings along
with religious edifices in the cemetery, and a
park, form an imposing whole. A small museum
of religious objects and ceramics is based in the
outbuildings. Free access all year round.
Romanesque jewel erected in 1144 by Count
Frédéric 1st of Ferrette. Listed as a Historic Monument. Restored in 1977, the church is now
the oldest in Alsace devoted to St James the
Great. The pilgrimage route to Compostelle
passed through Feldbach. Visit free of charge
all year. Guided tours by appointment.
17 rue du Couvent
Tél : 03 89 07 24 24
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Notre-Dame-de-la-Pierre Abbey
Mariastein (CH) - C5
Burnkirch Church - Illfurth - B3
A place of pilgrimage of great importance for Catholics, Notre-Dame-de-la-Pierre Abbey, called
Abtei Mariastein in German, belongs to the Swiss
Benedictine community. Situated on the FrenchSwiss border, this pilgrimage includes a beautiful baroque church, an underground chapel, the
Benedictine convent, as well as the inevitable
restaurants, hotels and shops. Its history began
in the 15th century when the mysterious apparition of a beautiful lady before a young cowherd
saved him from a mortal fall. A small stone chapel was erected and pilgrims
came in great numbers.
First recorded in the 18th century, it was the
mother-church and then parish church of the
village and contains magnificent 15th century
frescos listed as Historic Monuments, along
with a pyx and the tomb of the knight Godefroy de Burnkirch. Open every Sunday. Visit
free of charge.
Guided tours by appointment.
Eglise de la Burnkirch 68720 ILLFURTH
Tel : 03 89 40 02 90
CH-4115 Mariastein
Hirtzbach, flowery village - B3
‘‘Village ranked Four Stars and in a class of its
own since 1981, without interruption. Awarded
the National Tree Prize in 2001 (for its 100-yearold limes), a high national distinction only bestowed on two or three locations per year. Very
pleasant walk along the renaturized and replanted Hirtzbach creek. Numerous timbered houses
meticulously maintained and restored. 19th century ‘Charles de Reinach’ English gardens, 18th
century château, St Léger chapel, St Affre chapel on the village heights and vast forested area
ideal for wandering. Guided tours for groups by
Last witness of the secular history of Luppach,
this 11m x 5m crypt built under the former
13th century church, which no longer exists,
contains 46 funeral niches. Restored 1905 and
2005, it is now visible from the exterior. Guided
tours by appointment.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
V. Heuacker
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Luppach Crypt - Luppach - C4
Dannemarie - B2
Discover the beautiful half-timbered houses
in the town centre and the Callinet organ in
the church, the largest instrument made by
the Callinet brothers. Restored between 1977
and 1986, it was listed as a historic monument
in 1988. Dannemarie has the distinction of
boasting two viaducts on its territory.
Also see, among others things, Wolfersdorf
marina (capable of accommodating 50 boats
of all sizes on three different docks) and the
Canal bridge (which allows water to pass over
the floodplains of the Largue) and the Montreux-Vieux cooler.
Office de Tourisme du Sundgau
Tél : 03 89 40 02 90
Peasant Museum - Oltingue - C4
Situated in a 16th century house, this museum
evokes the rural life of the Sundgau at the end
of the 19th century. Kitchen and other rooms
of the period, diverse objects.
Opening hours : 01/03 to 14/06 and 01/10 to
31/12 : Sunday :2pm - 5pm
15 /06 to 30/09 : Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday,
Sunday 3pm-6pm – Closed January - February
(except by appointment).
10, rue Principale 68480 OLTINGUE
Tel : 03 89 40 79 24
Beech Alley - D3
A line of beeches remarkable in terms of :
number (around 40) ; age (more than 150
years old) ; shape and dimensions (28m high
and 3m in circumference on average) ; the
regularity of the alignment. Both the landscape and history of the site are of interest.
One of the most beautiful views of the Swiss
Jura from the Alsatian Jura. Access: via Winkel from the ‘‘Charrière’’.
3 km round trip (1 hour) or 6 km loop (2.5 hours)
via Glaserberg summit.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
The Palace Lumière Cinema
Altkirch - B3
Cinema rated arthouse and for young audiences, with 4 air-conditioned 3D digital
projection rooms, with disabled access, digital sound and rest area with confectionery.
Organisation of special screenings, pti’déj
films, pitchoun’ films, retransmission of operas, concerts and shows.
2, Boulevard Clémenceau 68130 Altkirch
Tel : 03 89 40 27 24
The source of the Ill river and the
St Warth chapel - Winkel - D3
The 217km-long backbone of Alsace, the river
Ill joins the Rhine to the north of Strasbourg.
The source of the Ill is also the point of departure for the Path of the Moroccans.
Built in 1362, the partially troglodyte St Warth
chapel was built to save the soul of the knight of
Warth who had killed the Emperor of Hungary.
Access : from the end of Winkel main street.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Sundgau Museum - Altkirch - B3
This museum presents history, lifestyles, customs and regional artists. Collections of mineralogy, fossils, ceramics, etc.
Open Sunday, 2:30pm - 5:30pm all year round
July and August: every day (except Monday):
2:30pm - 5:30pm. Price : 2€ per adult, free for
under-18s, groups : 2€/person.
Guided tour by appointment: 25€.
1, rue de l’Hôtel de Ville 68130 ALTKIRCH
Tel/Fax : 03 89 40 01 94
Whitewater Park - Huningue - C5
Sundgau swimming pools
Composed of a 6-hectare landscape garden
and a class II river (340m), the Whitewater park
offers exceptional sporting conditions. Member of
the Point Canoë Nature group. > Reception area,
changing rooms, showers, dryers, meeting room,
relaxation atrium, shop. > Rental of hydrospeed
canoe-kayak. > Induction, classes or training periods for all (canoe-kayak, rafting, hot-dogging,
swimming in rapids and climbing). > 160 m2 artificial climbing surface, skateboarding area, fitness
trail, playgrounds, picnic and rest areas, etc.
Sunflower Pool in Ferrette C4 (03 89 40 45
98) and Tagolsheim B3 (03 89 25 51 77) : retractable roof, 25x10m pool, outdoor paddling
pool. Prices and opening hours : consult our
website at
Altkirch outdoor pool (03 89 40 97 87):
pools 25x15m and 15x12m, green areas,
playgrounds, refreshments. Open June
to September. Outdoor pool at Seppois-leBas campsite C3 (03 89 25 65 37): open to the
public during the summer season only.
Parc des Eaux Vives
Tel : 03 89 89 70 20
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 40 02 90
Altkirch, capital of the Sundgau - B3
Interesting features of the town include
the Sundgau Museum, the Rhine Centre for
Contemporary Art, the St Morand Priory,
Notre-Dame Church and ancient ramparts.
Cultural events : The Enchanted Forest in
December, the Short Film Festival in April, the
St Catherine Fair, concerts and various shows.
Guided tours for groups and individuals by
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 40 02 90
Museum of lovers and the
heritage of the Sundgau
Werentzhouse - C4
Collection of over 17000 postcards from
1895 to 1960, preserving the memory of 70
villages in the Sundgau. Opening hours :
first Sunday of the month : 2pm - 6pm.
July and August : Sunday, 2pm - 6pm.
Closed October to April (except by appointment). Group visits free of charge, by
Rue de Ferrette 68480 WERENTZHOUSE
Tel/Fax : 03 89 40 50 47
Alsace Pleasure boats
Kembs - B5
U.L.M. Regio - Vieux Ferrette - C4
Largue golf course - Mooslargue - C3
Magnificent trips on the Rhine-Rhône canal
abaord open boats without permits. These
boats may be rented by the hour, by the
day or the half day, departure from Kembs.
Departure from Hagenbach in a boat for 5.
Departure from Dannemarie in a boat for 7
is possible, but reservation is obligatory 72
hours in advance and only for whole-day
Multi-axis and pendular microlight piloting
school. Induction flights for beginners from age
7 to 77, engineering workshop. Our mission : to
make you spend an unforgettable time flying
over the Sundgau and the Alsatian Jura and
maybe help you to take a step towards taking
your pilot’s licence.
The Largue Golf & Country Club is nestled in
the centre of a magnificent forest, bordered
by lakes. Its 18-hole Championship course was
created in 1988 on 80 hectares. A beautiful site
which is great for relaxation, the chef, E. Lambelin, welcomes you to the ‘‘Bistro’’ restaurant
and its terrace with panoramic views of the golf
course. The golfer’s menu and seasonal menu
are available at all times.
8 Bis rue Paul Bader 68580 KEMBS
Tel : 06 80 75 56 15
Route de Durmenach 68480 VIEUX-FERRETTE
Tel : 06 80 02 79 51
Rue du Golf 68580 MOOSLARGUE
Tel : 03 89 07 67 67
Rhine Centre of Contemporary Art
Altkirch - B3
The CRAC is a place of research and experimentation and its main mission is to introduce contemporary art to a wide public. It
stages temporary and travelling exhibitions,
workshops for chidren, seminars for teenagers and numerous cultural events. Free
entry, guided tours on request. All year round :
Tuesday to Friday : 10am - 6pm, Saturday
and Sunday : 2:30pm – 7pm.
Tel : 03 89 08 82 59
Sundgau markets
Wednesday morning : 8am to 1pm in Seppoisle-Bas
Wednesday evening from 5pm to 7:30pm,
organic and farmer’s market at Heimersdorf
Thursday morning : Altkirch, Illfurth.
Friday morning : Pfetterhouse, Waldighoffen.
Saturday morning : Ferrette, Altkirch, Dannemarie.
Organic market in Manspach, last Saturday
of the month from 2pm to 5pm.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 40 02 90
Firefighters’ Museum
Vieux Ferrette -C4
The Rossberg Tower
Vieux Ferrette - C4
The Sundgau Nature House
Altenach - B2
Belvedere erected in 1906, located on the
Rossberg summit at an altitude of 675m.
Today it is 20m high, is embellished with an
orientation table and presents a magnificent
panoramic view of the plain of Alsace, the
Vosges, the Black Forest and the Swiss Jura.
Free access all year round from Ferrette,
departing from the camping car reception
area. 2 km round trip (1 hour).
On the cycle path, in a haven of greenery, the
MNS proposes a programme of outings during the year : nature and heritage, a path of
discovery, educational facilities, temporary
exhibitions and a permanent exhibition about
the geology of the Sundgau. Tourists welcome
during the summer period. Nature and environmental events. Walks and tours depart
from the House.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Rue Sainte Barbe 68210 ALTENACH
Tel : 03 89 08 07 50
Obermorschwiller village - (B4)
Discover the development of firefighting, from
the pump in 1640 to the enormous 20th-century
engines, through a unique collection of firefighting equipment: diverse engines from various
countries, pumps, axes, helmets and caps, firemen’s uniforms, projections, events, etc.
Opening in 2014.
This village boasts typically rich and varied
16th to 19th century Sundgau architecture.
In 2012, under the direction of Marc Grodwohl and the University of Upper Alsace, a
new study of the church, guarded by two
tricentenary limes, and village houses led to
the establishment of an architectural heritage tour. A booklet presents a walk through
streets adorned with explanatory panels.
Parking available behind the town hall or
next to the school.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
4, rue de l’église
68130 Obermorschwiller
Tel : 03 89 07 40 18
Circuit of timbered houses
Friesen - C3
Waldighoffen Flower Route
Oberdorf - Henflingen - Grentzingen
Crossing these villages of the Ill valley reveals
a unique architectural set : well-renovated
timbered houses, of various ages and techniques, magnificently decorated with flowers
from April to October.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Roman Baths - Koestlach - C3
The flowery village of Friesen, in the Largue
Valley, has conserved 50 timbered buildings
constructed between 1497 and 1878. A walking circuit through this flowery village reveals
a unique heritage which is characterized by
the oldest peasant house in Sundgau! A walking guidebook, priced 2€, is available from
the Tourist Offices. Guided tours for groups
by appointment.
This village, close to the foothills of the Swiss
Jura, displays, via a footpath, a rich heritage,
most notably the remains of Roman baths,
a tithe house (16th c), a church (13th c) and
a chapel. The Kastelberg protohistoric site,
recently the subject of archeological excavations, is also known for its high vibratory
rate. There is a beautiful panoramic view of
the plain of Alsace and the Vosges. Access :
Koestlach Town Hall.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
The Alsatian Little Camargue
Nature Reserve - B5
This remarkable site, the remains of a marsh
and witness to the Rhine jungle, opens its
doors all year round. Easily accessible by car,
train, bus, bike and on foot. Every day of the
week at the Alsatian Little Camargue you can
walk along sign-posted paths, where you will
be astounded by the marvels of nature, pausing at numerous viewing points that mark
out the route. The Lockmaster’s House and
the House of the reserve offer several natural
attractions plus temporary and permanent
Tel : 03 89 89 78 59
Ruins of the Cistercian abbey and
Lucelle Nature Reserve - D3
Isolated from the agitation of the world, the monastery long shone brightly and its history is still
apparent in the few buildings that remain. Visit
free of charge all year round. Guided tours by
appointment. The Lake of Lucelle offers a pleasant route embellished with educational panels
(1km ; 45 min), accessible by wheelchair. On site :
children’s playground, Mini-golf, refreshments,
shop selling Swiss products.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
The Sundgau is newly equipped with a
vast mountain bike area labelled FFCT
that includes 33 circuits with over
700 km of routes and 2 Bike Parks,
and is uncontestably a choice site for
mountain biking.
Highly varied landscapes provide different family and sporting circuits. The
Alsatian Jura, the mountainous part of
the Sundgau, offers a varied terrrain
which will delight serious sensationseeking mountain bikers.
The valleys of the river Ill and the Largue
are perfect for families, with appropriately pleasant routes. A map (5€)
and detailed topoguides (5€) are on
sale at the Sundgau Tourist Information
Centres. The Sundgau recently created
2 Bike Parks. The first, the Ludik Park
in Friesen, offers ten modules aimed at
families and beginners. The second, the
Stunt Park, is more demanding and is
located in Heimersdorf. It is designed
for BMX and mountain bikes and is made
up of 4 distinct routes for all levels.
Our service providers offer the possibility of renting cycles and mountain
bikes all year round. So don’t hesitate
to come and discover the Sundgau by
mountain bike !
Mountain guide, Mountain bike
Map: 5€
Originally from the Alsatian Jura and in love
with this land, Vianney invites you to discover the Sundgau, the Alsatian Jura and the
Swiss Jura on foot, by bike or mountain bike
in all conviviality. Whether for several days,
a day, a half day or an evening, he adapts to
your wishes, desires…and rhythm ...
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88 • Port : 06 79 66 91 33
Topoguides: 5€
For Hire !
Sundgau, Southern Alsace, Cycling Paradise, is a collection of 9 routes (330 km)
where pleasure and discovery go together in one of the loveliest regions
of Alsace, authentic, mysterious and
preserved from mass tourism. Ride
through the tight mesh of villages
where only a few kilometres separate
one steeple from another ; a few turns
of the pedals are enough to change the
point of view and the terrain to be discovered. Take advantage of the 4 maintained cycle paths (120km in total)
including Euro-Velo 6 which runs along
the Rhone-Rhine canal.
Map of the Sundgau by bike.
Every year, each Sunday during the
season, numerous clubs organize
popular events where several varied,
family-oriented and convivial routes
are proposed, enhanced by copious
This 1/75 000 scale map, available free
of charge from three Tourist Offices in
the Sundgau, presents 9 cycling circuits, from 25 to 45 km, which include
special cycle paths and small, quiet,
sinuous routes that link up with the
main tourist sites.
If you wish to organise a mountain
bike holiday in the Sundgau or just
a day of cycling, contact the Office of
Tourism where our cycling guide will
provide advice tailored to your needs.
Guide to the Sundgau by bike
‘‘The Sundgau by Bike’’ describes the
9 sign-posted routes in the Sundgau.
A veritable tourist and history guide,
this publication is intended to be a
complete tool highlighting unmissable
sites for the visitor. It is the result of a
collaboration with Marc Glotz, member of the Sundgau Historical Society,
who wrote all the texts. The guide is
available for 5€ from the 3 Tourism
Offices and includes the routes, technical indications and a description of
the historical and tourist sites on each
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Sundgau the Cycling
Paradise visits.
Écurie des Prés equestrian centre
Knoeringue - C4
Sundgau Stables - Hirtzbach (c3)
Two package holidays, one touring (3
nights) and the second staying in one hotel (2 nights), starting from a hotel of your
choice, allows you to holiday at the heart
of nature. Bagage transfer provided. Map
and route map provided. You can also rent
an electric bike from our service providers.
Riding school, stabling for horses and
ponies. Lessons for adults and children,
beginners and experienced riders. Treks and
horse riding for groups or individuals.
The Fédération Française d’équitation offers
a 3-week holiday licence, for 8 euros.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Mr. et Mrs François Frisc
2 rue Eugène Wacker 68220 KNOERINGUE
Tel : 03 89 68 68 12
Port : 06 87 055 222
Sundgau is the ideal place for hiking. It
presents varied landscapes accessible
to all. From the first mountains of the
Alsatian Jura to the green hills of the
valleys of the river Ill and the Largue,
you will find yourself on a walk adapted
to your wishes and your rhythm, among
the many circuits available.
Many local authorities have set up
theme paths such as the circuit of
the cave of the dwarfs in Ferrette,
the trench path at Chavannes- surl’Etang, the larch path in Durmenach, the nature paths in Illfurth, the
Wittersdorf heritage path and the St
Glucker path in Hirtzbach. Consult
our website for more information at
Christmas in the Sundgau is above all
the Enchanted Forest in Altkirch, a
magic forest populated by characters from Sundgau tales and legends,
breathing life back into the imagination of our little region for 5 weeks.
Christmas in the Sundgau is also the
time for many other events such as
the fair and the St Nicolas parade
which traditionally open the Christmas festivities. There are many small
Christmas markets, shows, concerts
and exhibitions which all contribute to the authentic atmosphere of
Christmas in Alsace.
The Office of Tourism offers maps, guides and footpath maps which present
a complete and varied programme for
all tastes.
Don’t hesitate to contact our hiking expert and mountain guide who will give
free specialized advice for your hikes
across this land of tales and legends.
The Associations des Clubs Vosgiens
of Altkirch and Ferrette, beyond the
maintainance and signposting of more
than 700km of footpaths every year,
offer a programme of guided hikes and
walks available on the website of the
Office of Tourism at :
The circuit of 3 castles of the Alsatian Jura
This 4 day/3 night walking tour runs in a loop
through the Alsatian Jura range connecting
the area’s three castles. Length : 75 km in
four stages of 15 to 20 km. Well sign-posted
and maintained path which takes in the most
beautiful routes and tracks of the range.
Hiking map of route available. Baggage transfer provided for flexible vacations.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
The Sundgau shares with other reputed
corners of this ‘‘beautiful Alsatian garden’’ the best recipes transmitted and
reinvented by generations of chefs.
Choucroute (sauerkraut), in all the diversity of its composition ; game dishes ;
the famous ‘‘Fleischschnacka’’ (whirls
of sliced meat), served with a crunchy
salad and washed down with excellent
white wine selected from the prestigious range of Alsatian wines.
Relais de la Largue - Altenach - B2
Les traits de l’Ill - Hirsingue - C3
Zum Blaue equestrian farm
Kiffis - D4
A pleasant way of discovering the Sundgau
in a wagon pulled by friendly draft horses.
You cross pitcturesque villages and beautiful forests via lakes. Group rides in a wagon :
3 options available, with or without meals.
Table d’hôte and gîte : space for bikes, motorbikes and pony trekkers.
La Pasbruma Ranch
Levoncourt - D3
Yves offers relaxing carriage rides all year
during which you see the village of Hirtzbach with timbered houses, flowers, park
and a castle. Departures depend on summer
season programme and are by appointment
out of season. Length 1.5 hours.
Reservation obligatory. Wheelchair access
for 6. Possibility of alternative timetable for
advance group bookings.
In the heart of the Jura, we offer horse riding
lessons, horse riding, pony trekking (for one
day or several days), horse training for children and teenagers. Show-jumping, arena
training, cross-country and a stable of 20
horses adapted to classic equitation and
trekking. Open all year. On-site accommodation. Officially recognized Equestrian Tourism,
affiliated to French Federation of Equitation,
National School of Equitation approved.
At Pasbruma Ranch, emphasis is placed on
trekking and enjoyment of beautiful natural
surroundings. Western-style riding lessons,
nature rides, gallop paths, Western level.
Equestrian centre affiliated to CRTE and the
Fédération Française d’Equitation. Accredited for youth and sports. Open all year
Accredited farm
3 rue Sainte Barbe 68210 ALTENACH
Tel : 03 89 25 12 92
4 rue de Lattre de Tassigny 68560 HIRSINGUE
Tel : 06 70 04 98 58
5 rue de Wolshwiller 68480 Kiffis
Tel : 03 89 40 35 25
3 rue Henriette Pee 68480 LEVONCOURT
Tel : 03 89 08 50 25
06 79 71 94 89
A torch-lit New Year’s Eve outdoor
event ends the year with a flourish in
an original way around the county
town of Ferrette.
The Sundgau is part of the Land of
Songs and Fabrics, a territory in
Southern Alsace which each year
produces a Christmas fabric to decorate markets and monuments. In
addition to this exclusive regional fabric, related products are available
from Sundgau Tourism Offices.
Les Pot’Arts - Tagolsheim - B3
The Mehli Arts - Hundsbach - C4
In Tagolsheim every September since 2002, there are 10 evenings of shows over a 2-week period,
including shows for children during the day in a
big top. With high-quality circus, theatre, music,
dance, art performances, etc, the encounter is
very convivial and carefully organized by a group
of associations that offers a meal, refreshments
and local artists every evening. It has become
very popular with the public.
One weekend in August. Young artists charmed by this mill took the initiative of restoring it : exhibitions, visual art, music, circus
acts, shows in an exceptional natural setting
with the mill as a backdrop, its wheel, its machinery and the operator’s room upstairs. On
site catering.
Open Air Theatre
Seppois le Bas - C3
Outdoor show in Seppois-le-Bas, which began in 1980. For two weeks annually at the
end of July or beginning of August, until
dusk. 20 actors on stage.
Les Tréteaux
Théâtre de la Sinne
Communauté de communes du secteur d’Illfurth
Tel : 03 89 25 44 88
Hundsbach Mill
2 rue du Moulin 68130 HUNDSBACH
Tel : 03 89 07 88 42
39 rue de la Sinne - BP 10020
Tel :
As well as route maps and the Office of
Tourism map.
Several route maps present more than
30 walks and hikes in the Sundgau
area. A hiking map will shortly complete this already varied offer.
Eating well...
Chemin du Talstreng - 68118 Hirtzbach
Tél : 06 74 37 45 64
On leaving Hirtzbach in the direction of Carspach, the Sundgau Stables are located in the
middle of fields on the edge of the forest.
Régis Ghodbane and Audrey AUGUSTE offer
various leisure activities, equestrian lessons
and horse riding as well as accommodation
for your horses. Horse and pony riding lessons (children from 3 years). Horse training.
Possibility of stabling for horses. Organisation of events on demand.
New Year’s Eve by torchlight
Ferrette - C4
The enchanted forest - Atlkirch - B3
It’s a simple idea, in a unique place, involving abundant nature, an unmissable date
and intergenerational participation, all
free of charge. That’s the recipe for this
New Year event : a torchlight procession
around the castle (3 km), embellished with
a glass of bubbly within the castle’s magical
The Sundgau is a region in southern Alsace which has always affirmed its interest in sorcery
and make-believe. The Enchanted Forest is a magic forest with characters from the tales and
legends of Sundgau which breathes life back into the imagination of the region. It takes over
Altkirch town centre for 5 weeks from the beginning of December to Epiphany.
This unique and original concept in Alsace involves a town illuminated with more than 200
characters and 28 tales illustrated around reconstructed ponds and forests : the Little Man of
Blochmont, the Strawberry Fairy, the dwarfs of Wolf Gorge and the Koestlach Witch, etc.
Events, concerts, travelling shows, tales, toboggan runs, exhibitions, a skating rink, a snow
garden, carousels, the Saint Nicolas parade (with more than 100 actors, and manala cakes
distributed to children at the end of the show), carriage rides, etc.
Audio guides and books of tales (in French and German) available to the public at all sites.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Mairie d’Altkirch
Tel : 03 89 40 02 90 or 03 89 08 36 03
The big Christmas markets
in Sundgau
Ferrette Medievals and
the Landskron Summer festivals
Sundgau offers many small authentic Christmas markets and will astound you with its
Enchanted Forest, but it is also the ideal
place to take advantage of the big Christmas markets nearby. A short distance away,
you can visit these renowned markets which
each have their own specificities and particularities. From Basel to Montbéliard, via
Colmar and Mulhouse, all these markets are
less than an hour from Sundgau where numerous accommodations await you.
In 1324, Jeanne de Ferrette married Albert
II of Habsbourg, giving rise to the entire dynasty of the Germanic Holy Roman Empire.
Around this historical reference and the ruins
of the castles of Ferrette and Landskron in
Leymen, the Medieval Ferrette Association
and the Pro Landskron Association hold an
annual medieval carnival. It takes place on
even years in Ferrette in June, and on odd
years in Leymen in July, with street theatre,
jousts, cuisine and medieval markets, archery, parades, etc.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Festivals of the Porte d’Alsace - B2
Dannemarie All Night Festival : on several
evenings in August, on the shore of Lattloch
pond, theatrical performances, fireworks, a
medieval market, concerts, and sound and light
shows with refreshments and snacks.
Barovillageoise Festival in Bellemagny Convivial free event open to everyone, with local
artists from the whole region who contribute to
a multicultural musical mix. Theme Stages : folk,
gospel, blues, rock, reggae, metal, pop, rap &
contemporary music, tales, debates, etc.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 07 24 24
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Association Sundgau
Routes de la Carpe Frite
Place de la République
Hôtel de Ville 68130 ALTKIRCH
Tél : 03 89 08 36 03
Agrogast Festival - Lindenhof Farm
Hagenthal-le-Haut - c5
Altkirch International
Film Festival -B3
In a rural setting, on the last weekend in
August, you can meet producers and taste
produce from all over France, from across the
Rhine and the Atlantic...
Village fête at Lindenhof Farm, wine and cheese tasting, local craftsmanship, presentations
by artists, musical events, street theatre and
a play area.
Screenings of short films and documentaries
in and out of competition during a weekend in
April in the presence of directors, actors and
producers who present and defend their films
and meet the public.
Chemin du Lindenhof
Tel : 03 89 68 59 77
Altkirch Cultural Service
Mairie – Place de la République
It’s on the table in all the
inns. It’s even given its name to a route. It’s eaten with the fingers.
It’s THE speciality of Sundgau chefs :
fried carp !
Vallon Apiaries
Traubach -le-Bas - B2
Sundgau is an agricultural area where many farms are still
active. In the last few years, the retailling of farm produce has
been strongly developed. The list of farms that retail goods is
available on our website.
Other farms offer tours for individuals and groups in order to
discover our farms today.
Opening hours : all year round - by telephone
appointment. Shop sells honey, gingerbread,
nougat, jam, sweets, propolis, fruit syrups,
candles, soap, honey vinegar. Free tour of the
apiary by appointment, video.
4, rue principale 68210 TRAUBACH-LE-BAS
Tel/Fax : 03 89 07 25 81 • Port : 06 76 60 41 49
Ostrich farm - Sondersdorf - C4
The ostrich is the largest living bird held in captivity almost everywhere in Europe and notably
in Sondersdorf. Tours for groups of 20 to 50 people by appointment, visit length : 1.5 hours.
Price : 3€/person.
Farm produce shop open on Wednesday and
Sunday from 3pm to 6pm from mid-April to
mid-October and Sunday from 3pm to 6pm
from mid-October to mid-April (except January/February by appointment) : decorated eggs,
leather goods, meat (by reservation).
Rue des marronniers 68480 SONDERSDORF
Tel : 03 89 40 38 29
Sundgau Farm
Les Sources Farm
Hagenthal-le-Haut - C5
Hubert Gardere, stone masonMuespach - C4
Sale of homemade bread, Alsatian pastries,
tarts. Open Fri : 8am - 7pm
Saturday : by appointment
151 rue des Sources - 03 89 68 50 26
Lieby stained glass workshop
Hagenbach - B3
Exhibition of sculptures, stone samples geology, machines, tools. Workshop tour free of
charge. By appointment only.
Length of tour : 30 min.
Chez Mathieu Farm
Knoeringue - C4
Sale of farm delicatessen products, pork and
beef. Open Fri : 9am - 12pm, 2pm - 7pm
Sat : 9am - 3pm
2 rue de l’église - 03 89 68 61 72
Schurrer Farm
Ranspach-le-Haut - C4
36 rue de la Montagne 68640 MUESPACH
Tel : 03 89 68 73 85
Sale of homemade bread, traditional cakes.
Open Thurs / Fri : 4pm - 7pm
2 impasse des jardins
Open from Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm and
2pm to 6pm. Stained glass technique, fusing
and thermoforming produced by order. Guided
tours with demonstration. Max. 20 people by
appointment. Workshop situated in a former
grange. Gift ideas, small craft articles on sale.
12A rue des Champs 68210 HAGENBACH
Tel. 03 89 25 36 27
Fishing in the Sundgau
Courtavon multi-fishing pier - C3
Carspach Specific Circuit - B3
Grumbach Farm - Durlinsdorf - C3
Fishing in the Sundgau lakes. The Sundgau
is well-known for its numerous lakes that
offer multiple fishing possibilities.
A guidebook presenting all necessary
angling information is available from Tourist Information Offices. We also provide a
7-day holiday permit enabling you to fish in
all public areas in the Haut - Rhin region.
This 17-hectare stretch of water, ensconced
in a natural setting at the foot of the Alsatian Jura, is devoted to sporting and family
fishing. Both beginners and experienced
anglers can enjoy the numerous fish species
available. Carp fishing at night or flyfishing
for experts. Camping and entertainment
in the summer season. From 5e for no-kill
fishing. Free access : camping, pedaloes,
children’s games, catering and events in the
summer period.
For 2.5km, along the Ill river, the AAPPMA
Sud Alsace offers you a designated fishing
route where numerous species of fish are regularly placed in the water for the pleasure
of anglers. This route along the riverbank is
a pedestrian circuit with educational panels
about the natural surroundings of the river.
Sandra and Nicolas invite you to visit their
farm. A guided tour of the property with tastings of homemade farm products (Alsatian
delicatessen, jam, liqueur, beef and Simmental
veal, milk, grilled meat, pâté, etc). Let yourself
be enchanted by the place which is a former
stable transformed into a magnificent shop
of regional products (open every day except
Sunday, fresh produce on Friday afternoon
and Saturday only) including mountain cheeses, honey, textiles, Alsatian wine, etc. House
specialities : Fleischnakas and Beef Sausage. A
gourmet souvenir of your holiday…
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 40 02 90
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
13 rue de Dannemarie 68480 DURLINSDORF
Tel : 03 89 08 12 96 ou 06 80 25 62 94
Luppachhof educational farm
Bouxwiller - C4
This real farm lives from its activities ; a
diversified herd ; organic produce ; a quality
presentation by professionals. Classes and
groups welcome, by appointment only. Visit
free during the week from 3:30pm to 5pm.
Activities available by appointment : afternoon
snack on the farm, feeding animals, milking
goats, cheese making, etc.
Organic dairy products on sale : cottage
cheese, goat and sheep cheese, milk, yoghurt.
Open from Monday to Friday, 3:30pm to 5pm.
Le Clé des Champs Association - Luppachhof
Educational Farm.
6 rue de Luppach - 68480 BOUXWILLER
Tel : 06 50 56 12 43
Meyer Wioland Farm - B3
Hornihof Farm - Kiffis -D4
Earl de l’Ill - Fislis
66 rue de Thann - SPECHBACH-LE-BAS
Tel : 03 89 254 254
Breeding of Lamas and ‘‘Blue Mountain’’
sheepdogs from central Asia, free guided tours
every Sunday and bank holidays from 3pm to
5pm (please contact the owner in advance).
Visits for paying groups by appointment, possibility of riding the lamas. Access : from Blochmont
hill, take the forest path sign-posted ‘‘red cross’’
on your right just before descending towards Kiffis. Roughly 2 km to get there (30 min). Access
by car not recommended because of the poor
quality of the forest path.
Farm focused on cattle, pig and chicken rearing. Farm tours by appointment. Direct sale
of farm produce (meat, delicatessen, ready
meals) and that of local small producers
(bread, wine, dairy products, real ale). Manufacturing of products on site. Shop opened
from Tues to Sat from 9:30 am to 5pm. Adheres
to the AMAP network and Ruche Qui Dit Oui.
Conversion to organic farming underway. Hostel open from May to September, weekends
from 2015, reception room available all year
for groups of 20 people, you can taste refined
seasonal cuisine.
68480 KIFFIS • Tel : 03 89 40 33 60 •
54, rue de l’Église 68480 Fislis
Tél : 03 89 40 50 50
Poultry farm shop with a large number of
products prepared on site.
Open: Tues to Thurs: 8am-12:30pm / 2pm-6pm
Fri: 8am-7pm non-stop
Champs de l’Ill shop - B3
Retail outlet for local producers, wide range of
high-quality, environmentally-friendly farm produce. Open: Thurs: 9am-12pm, 2pm-6pm ; Fri :
9am-12pm, 2pm-6:30pm ; Sat : 9am-12:30pm
36a rue de Thann - SPECHBACH-LE-BAS
Tel : 03 89 25 57 94
German military cemetery
Illfurth - B3
During WWI, the soldiers were buried near
the battlefields. In 1920, the French tombs
were transferred to Altkirch and the German
ones to Illfurth. 1427 soldiers lie there, in named tombs, and 539 in a mass grave. This
cemetery houses the tomb of Lt. Mayer, the
first German soldier to die in a conflict which
resulted in 8 million dead and 20 million
wounded. This natural site is also known for
several species of wild orchids.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Ebourbettes Farm - Oberlarg - D3
Near the Swiss frontier, during WW2 it served as a clandestine base for the Resistance
and all those who refused forced enrollment
in the Wehrmacht. Here took place, in 1942,
the famous escape to Switzerland by General Giraud who subsequently took over the
forces in N. Africa and played a decisive role
in preparating the landings. A lovely walk
reveals the site, starting from Oberlarg (3.5
hours - 9km). Route map available from the
Office of Tourism. Accessible via a car park
situated between Winkel and Lucelle. Allow
15 minutes’ walk.
The Sundgau region is unusual in
that it is bordered by three countries :
France, Germany and Switzerland.
Thus it is easy to rapidly encounter
a change of landscape, culture and
language. Three large agglomerations surround our area : Mulhouse
with its exceptional museums, Basel
with its unique carnival and the fortified town of Belfort with its rich historic heritage. Commonly known as
Dreyeckland (literally : the angle of
three lands), Sundgau has a special
place at the crossroads of Europe.
Path of the Moroccans - Winkel - D3
Bunker path - Bettlach - C4
Km O path - Pfetterhouse - C3
Footpath retracing presence of Moroccan
rifle regiment posted on Maginot line, along
Swiss frontier, 1939 - 1940. 3 circuits: 2.6 km
(1 hour) - 3.6 km (1.5 hours), 5.6 km (2.5
hours). Depart from the ‘‘Charrière’’.
Take advantage of your visit to Winkel to
discover the source of the river Ill and the
Beech Alley. Route map on sale at the Office
of Tourism, 1€ for a kit of 10 hiking maps
2 km path in Bettlach forest links three imposing Maginot Line forts, built between 1937 and
1940. Explanatory panels relate the history of
the Maginot Line, the colossal effort required
and the ephemeral role it played at the start
of WW2. Longer route available (7.6 km ; 3.5
hours.) Route map on sale at the Office of Tourism, 1€ for the kit of 10 hikes. Departure from
Bettlach Town Hall
This path reanimates the memory of this
unique place where, during WWI, three armies faced each other, only separated by a
fragile line : the frontier. Food for thought,
this Franco-Swiss pathway allows visitors to
apprehend, in the silence of the forests and
meadows, the fragility of our civilisation’s values : peace, tolerance and fraternity. Many
fortifications have been restored.
Distance : 7,5 km (2.5 hours) depart from Largin farm (Switzerland) or the site of the Mill
between Pfetterhouse and Mooslargue.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Path 14-18 of the Haulenwald
Illfurth- B3
Mulhouse - B3
The WWI battles erupted in Sundgau from
August 1914 onwards. The front line was a
few kilometres from Illfurth, on the Heidwiller
side, and cut the Sundgau in two. This circuit,
starting from Burnkirch church, enables you to
discover several multi-purpose constructions
which served as munitions depots, observation
posts and artillery emplacements, not
forgetting the numerous bunkers presented
on the site. Distance : 6.5 km (2.5 hours).
Close to the wine route, Mulhouse invites
you to enjoy its numerous cultural treasures.
Discover its historic centre, Réunion Square
with its coloured facades, the Rhine-Renaissance-style Town Hall, Saint-Étienne Temple
with its 14th-century stained-glass windows,
and the most prestigious technical museums
in Europe, including Automobile City, Train
City, the Museum of Fabric Printing, EDF
Electropolis, the History Museum and the
Museum of Fine Arts.
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Office de Tourisme et des Congrès de Mulhouse
9 avenue Foch 68100 MULHOUSE
Tel : +33 (0) 389 35 48 48
Jura Canton - Switzerland - D1 to D4
Land of mountains, plains and hills, the Jura
Canton is rich in monuments and cultural
events in all seasons. Delémont, Porrentruy, Saint-Ursanne and Saignelégier have
all retained a medieval atmosphere with
charming monuments and castles. On the
Franc-montagnard High-Plateau, wild horses, majestic pines and typical farms create
a landscape unique in Switzerland.
This breathtaking and unspoilt natural setting is ideal for outdoor sports.
Jura Tourisme
Place de la Gare 9 - CH 2800 DELÉMONT
Tel : +41 (0)32 420 4771
A family business founded in 1961 and offering
authentic Sundgau choucroute (traditional
cabbage and meat dish) made on site. As a
member of the Choucroute Brotherhood, the
company produces and retails a range of uncooked choucroute in 25 kg to 2 Kg pails.
Other Alsatian farm produce is available
in the shop (vegetables, beer, wine, chocolate,
foie gras, etc.). Open Mon to Fri 9am-12pm,
2pm-6pm, Sat 9am-12pm, 1:30pm-4pm.
Tour by appointment.
Chocolates, biscuits, petits fours. Traditional
pastries. Group guided tours by appointment.
Opening hours : Tuesday - Friday : 8am - 12pm
/ 1:30pm - 6:30pm
Saturday : 8am - 12pm / 1:30pm - 5pm.
1 rue d’Alsace
68210 Chavannes sur l’Etang
Tel : 03 89 25 21 96
25 rue d’Elbach 68210 RETZWILLER
Tel : 03 89 25 03 43
Spenlehauer/Spiess ceramic stovemakers - Oltingue - C4
Respecting local tradition, the workshop ma-
nufactures a varied range of stoves, by assuring
Vers Thann
the production of earthenware tiles andVers
‘‘fireproof’’ assembly (clay brick). Restoration
of old ovens. Production of traditionalNanc
ovens. Workshop tours and demonstrations all
year round By appointment only. Groups of 15
people max.
Length of tour : 45 min. Free of charge.
1 rue de l’Eglise
Tel /fax : 03 89 40 78 27
Towards Thann
Towards Colmar/Strasbourg
Basel -C5
Discover the heritage treasures of the city of
Belfort : the Lion, the Vauban citadel, the old
town, etc. Get closer to nature : the mountains of the Ballon d’Alsace, the Malsaucy
natural site... Participate in big events : the
Eurockéennes of Belfort, International University Music Festival (FIMU), Entrevues, the
flea market in the ancient city of Belfort.
Describing Basel in one word is never easy.
Calling it the ‘‘Swiss cultural capital’’ would
be a vain attempt to reduce its wealth of
cultural events, leisure and entertainment.
Whether it’s for a dip in the Rhine, an evening at the opera or a cruise carrying you
back to the Roman era, consult www.basel.
com for information about this unusual city
where art is everywhere and the diversity of
museums is extraordinary.
The Black Forest range - Germany
A and B5
Mountain range
Belfort - B1
Maison du Tourisme de Belfort
2 bis rue Clémenceau - 90000 BELFORT
Tel : 03 84 55 90 90
Sundgau Tourist Office
Tel : 03 89 08 23 88
Gerthoffer biscuit and chocolate
maker - Retzwiller - B2
Basel Tourism
Aeschenvorstadt 36 - CH-4010 BÂLE
+41 (0)61 268 68 68
Sam Carnovali
For 2000 years, Alsace was split
between the Latin and Germanic
civilisations. Many remains attest
to the bitter conflicts between European powers. The two big ones
have left their mark on the Sundgau
terrain, the starting point of a front
which ends up at the North Sea. The
past is present in these places of
memory, right in front of your eyes.
To help you discover the many remains, a guidebook on memorial
tourism is available from Sundgau
Tourist Office.
La choucrouterie Claude
Chavannes sur l’Etang -B2
massif montagneux
Towards Besançon/Paris
More than 200 kilometres long and 60 kilometres wide, the Black Forest is not only
a holiday destination offering diversity of
landscape, it is also one of the biggest and
most famous regions in Germany for its
mountains, its traditions, its peaceful forests, its revitalizing spas and cuisine.
The ‘‘blue line’’ of the rounded ‘‘balloons’’ of
the Vosges, pine forests, fields covered with
blueberries and a special cheese. It is hard
to forget the images provided by the Vosges.
These mountains have a thousand faces :
you are never far from a medieval village,
a fortress, an abbey nestled in a valley or a
waterfall gushing from steep rocks.
Black Forest Tourism
Tel : +49 761 896 460
Ludwigstr. 23 - 79104 FREIBURG
Haute-Alsace Tourisme
1 rue Schlumberger - BP 60337 68006 COLMAR
CEDEX - tel : 03 89 20 10 68
Mountain range
massif montagneux
Mountain range
Vosges mountains - A1 to A3
Access by TGV
> Mulhouse-Paris 2 hours, 40 mins
> Mulhouse-Lyon 2 hours, 50 mins
> Mulhouse-Dijon 1 hour
> Belfort-Paris 2 hours, 16 mins
> Belfort-Dijon 50 mins
> Paris-Basel 2 hours, 50 mins
Access by air
The Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg Airport
is a destination for numerous flights
from almost all European cities
including Air France flights and low
cost flights such as EasyJet. www.
Towards Bern/Zürich
Vers Besançon/Paris