- Office de Tourisme de Remiremont


- Office de Tourisme de Remiremont
Gateway to the Regional Natural Park of Ballons des Vosges, a
certified ‘Station Verte’ tourist town, Remiremont is situated 400 metres above sea
level on the border of three regions: Lorraine, Franche-Comté and Alsace.
A crossroads town, Remiremont is ideally situated on the Benelux-Basel
axis at the junction of the Moselle and Moselotte valleys and is proud of its
exceptional location, a genuine European intersection. The town is in the heart
of one of the busiest industrial areas in southern Lorraine and is served today
by the TGV Est. Its influence extends to large parts of the Hautes-Vosges and
includes nearly 90,000 inhabitants.
A town steeped in history, Remiremont was founded in the 7th century by
Romaric who left it his name (Romarici Mons = Mount Romaric). Improved over
several centuries by Canonesses, the town developed in perfect harmony with
its Abbey of Dames Nobles - which influenced all the courts of Europe - and
whose Abbess had the status of Princess at the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire
and only depended on the Pope on a spiritual level.
A town of art Remiremont has kept and enhanced its rich historical heritage.
Called ‘La Coquette’, it is compared to a pretty woman because it knows how
to make itself beautiful, be friendly and attractive: with its abbey district with
its 18th century palace in a classical style, its canonical houses, its 13th century
church of the Chapitre des Dames and its Romanesque crypt dating from the
11th century classified as a historical monument and also its high
street arcades harbouring many shops, it combines the pleasure of
relaxation with the discovery of its riches.
A modern town, Remiremont has equipped itself with all the amenities that will
enrich your holiday in a pleasant setting. Today, the town is proud of the quality of its
leisure facilities: a water sports and leisure centre, an equestrian
centre with an Olympic-sized arena, a cinema, a fully equipped
lake, not to mention the Greenway, which offers two circuits
of about 30km each on which you can undertake various
activities (walking, cycling, roller skating, roller skiing in the
summer or cross-country skiing in winter...) in total safety.
We hope you enjoy your stay.
The Mayor of Remiremont,
Jean-Paul DIDIER
The Tourist Office is opened from Mondays to Saturdays : 9:00 am to 12:00 am - 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Sundays between 15/7 and 15/8, and Sunday of the Venetian Carnival from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Around Remiremont are new tourist communities that also participate in the wealth of this area with
their diverse mountain landscapes, their rustic charm, their curiosities and expertise... This region made of
meadows, streams and forests in the heart of a generous and preserved countryside where the air of the
Vosges is known for its pure and invigorating freshness, invites you to breathe nature into your lungs.
Come and discover this part of the Hautes-Vosges, its farms mixing granite and sandstone rocks and
exchange a few words on the roadside with a local resident...
Saint-Amé (Alt. 400 - 600 m) ...
Located 6km from Remiremont, the village takes its name from
the patron of the parish, the Colombanus monk Saint-Amé, who
founded Saint-Romaric, the monastery of St-Mont, which is the
birthplace of the powerful Remiremont Abbey and was
built on the ruins of a Gallo-Roman oppidum.
Town hall : +33 (0)329.612.018 - mairie.saint-ame@wanadoo.fr - www.saint-ame.fr
Cleurie (Alt. 525 m) ...
Located 12km from Remiremont, Cleurie is a village overlooking
the Vallée de la Cleurie and away from the main roads. Cleurie
(= clear waters), always facing the sun, lies between SaintAmé and Le Tholy, along the river of the same name that
winds from Le Costet-Beillard to La Moselotte.
Saint-Etienne-les-Remiremont (Alt.370m - 819m) ...
Located 2km from Remiremont, this small town, situated at
the confluence of the Moselle and the Moselotte, experienced
a major expansion in the 20th century with thriving industry. It
then became the headquarters garrison of the Bataillons
de Chasseurs à Pied (Light Infantry).
Town hall : +33 (0)329.611.242 - mairie.cleurie@wanadoo.fr
Town hall: +33 (0)329.261.800 - info@ville-st-etienne-remiremont.fr
Dommartin-lès-Remiremont (Alt. 383m - 842m) ...
Located 3km from Remiremont at the junction of the Moselle and
the Moselotte Valleys, the village extends over 2,000 hectares, half
of which is forested. With the Greenway passing through,
it offers many recreational activities, but also shops and
restaurants and the famous ‘Pieds de Cochons’ annual fair.
Town Hall : +33 (0)329.620.647 - accueil.ville-dommartin@orange.fr
La Forge (Alt. 491 m) ...
Saint-Nabord (Alt. 420 à 610 m) ...
Located 4km from Remiremont, this area of 3,850 hectares lies on the
left bank of the Moselle. The forest occupies a prominent place in this
charming and picturesque natural landscape with many lakes. Ideal
for relaxation and recreation, Saint-Nabord offers miles of marked
trails, two climbing areas and, along the canal, an idyllic walk
reminding one of a countryside version of the Parisian park of
the Buttes Chaumont, with an exceptional moraine nationally
classified as a scientifically exceptional site.
Town hall : +33. (0)329.620.622 - info@saint-nabord.fr - www.saint-nabord.fr
Located 15km from Remiremont, this village was founded in 1789
and originally called ‘Libre Forge,’ which comes from the existence
of a forge in the village. Located in the Vallée de La Cleurie, it has a
scattered habitat and sources in abundance on the hills and
the valley that has remained open.
Tendon (Alt. 460 m) ...
Located 20km from Remiremont, this village is famous for its
two waterfalls: La Grande, which has an elevation of 32m and La
Petite, where the granite stones that cover the Champs Elysées
were extracted. Tendon occupies the Vallée du Scouet, a subtributary of the Vologne.
Town hall : +33 (0)329.611.031 - mairie.laforge@wanadoo.fr
Le Syndicat (Alt. 400 m) ...
Town hall : +33 (0)329.666.601- communetendon@wanadoo.fr
Located 9km from Remiremont, this village called ‘Cité du granit’
was created during the French Revolution. It is the result of a
juxtaposition of 7 hamlets (Nol, Le Chanois, Peccavillers, Champé,
Bréhavillers, Bémont and Julienrupt) and extends in a
narrow strip sandwiched between St-Amé and Vagney and
along La Cleurie towards La Forge.
Vecoux (Alt. 407 m) ...
Town hall : +33 (0)329.612.118 - commune-du-syndicat@orange.fr
Town hall : +33 (0)329.610.614 - vecoux88@wanadoo.fr - www.vecoux.fr
Located 6km from Remiremont, the municipality belongs
geographically to the Hautes Vosges region, at the foothills of the
Vosges Mountains. At the confluence of the Moselle and the
Moselotte, it offers an information panel with views towards
the lake of Remiremont.
The inhabitants of Remiremont have the rare privilege of being able to follow
their history without interruption for 14 centuries, from the monastery founded in
the early 7th century in the solitude of the Vosges mountains, to the prestigious
Chapitre féminin des Nobles Dames of the 18th century until now and the current town.
The first female monastery :
The history of Remiremont began with a community of
religious women, who initially committed themselves to prayer and meditation,
and which became what we call the Chapitre Noble. The Lorraine region has had
four such institutions, but the Chapitre Saint Pierre of Remiremont was by far the
most famous, thanks to its age, wealth, power and quality of recruitment.
Saint Mont, the mountain that dominates Remiremont, is considered the
birthplace of the town. In 620, Romaric (a nobleman from the Court of
Austrasia) and Amé (a monk preacher from Saint Columbanus) founded there
the first monastery in Lorraine. The nuns had obeyed the harsh rules of Saint
Columbanus for two centuries before adopting the more flexible rules of Saint Benedict. This change in
obedience coincided with the nuns moving. In 818, they left Saint-Mont, as this place became too small
to accommodate a growing community and in which living conditions were too difficult.
The creation of Remiremont :
The choice of location of the new abbey was on a terrace on the left bank of
the Moselle, safe from floods: it quickly attracted a population that settled just
outside the abbey. The town created from this kept the name of one
of the Founding Saints : Romarici Mons (Mount Romaric), which later
became Remiremont.
A chapter of Noble Women :
A rich and powerful abbey gradually grew and acquired a great reputation. With the secularization
taking place from the 11th century, the abbey rose to the rank of ‘Chapitre Noble.’ Entering the Chapitre
de Remiremont was a real privilege because being a canoness in this abbey proved that the girl
belonged to the highest nobility of France and Europe. At Remiremont, the Canonesses made no vow,
or profession of faith. They were therefore secular and as such, they enjoyed certain freedom. Great
managers and businesswomen, they had, in addition to their religious duties, to manage the assets of
the chapter that they were assigned to during their stay in the abbey. These functions, although very
demanding allowed them to live a comfortable and fashionable life, in line with the rank they held
in society. A real educational centre, young noble women usually left the Chapter to marry a suitable
match. A most original institution!
The End of the Feudal system :
The Revolution in 1789 led to the abolition of the feudal rights and privileges decided
by the Assembly, and the decree of 13th February 1790 decided on the suppression of
all monasteries. The Chapter then lost its right to legal existence and the Canonesses
were forced to leave. On 7th December, seals were affixed to the Abbey Church.
After the Revolution, the town experienced a revival. Over the years, it became an
administrative centre, a commercial hub and a tourist attraction with the enhancement of the historic old town
and the collections in its two museums, the development of accommodation and leisure facilities.
Remiremont :
From this extraordinary past, there are still many stories to be told,
especially in the Old Town :
-the canonical neighbourhood formed a distinctive area around
which the bourgeois and commercial part of town grew.
-the 14 canonical houses, easily recognizable by their classical and
harmonious facades of 18th century. Most of the buildings were
rebuilt at this time.
-the Abbey Church situated in the centre of town, is actually the
superimposition of 2 buildings with :
. the low church being one of the oldest religious Romanesque monuments
in the Vosges (11th century) and still has beautiful murals, the earliest of
which are visible only during guided tours.
. the high church, called Saint Pierre, which has two very different styles:
Gothic style in the nave and classical style in the choir.
This church hosts one of the treasures of the town, Notre Dame du Trésor. It is a
Romanesque sculpture in wood, very well preserved and steeped in legends, one of
which claims that it was offered to the church by Charlemagne!
- the Abbey Palace, next to the church building, has a very original and refined
architecture in order to show the wealth and power of the Abbess and her Chapter.
Some rooms can be visited on guided tours, to better understand the lifestyle of
the Abbess and the Canonesses... Today it notably houses the Town Hall.
Outside the canonical neighbourhood is the bourgeois
and commercial part of town with its main street bordered with arcades. It is
one of the most picturesque streets in Remiremont, which has always kept its
commercial spirit since the Middle Ages.
Overlooking the town, the Calvary, built in 1858, is a remarkable work by
Bouchardon. The site offers a panoramic view of the town and is the starting
point of the Charles David Circuit and many signposted walks in the forest.
The town also has 19 fountains of which 9 are classified as historical monuments,
like the Fontaine des Dauphins and that of Amphitrite to name only two.
Not far out of the town, towards Mulhouse, is the Chapelle de la Madeleine,
which was a former leper colony.
Finally, Fort Parmont or ‘Fort Remiremont’ built on Parmont hill, overlooking
the city. It is part of the defensive system of Haute-Moselle built by
General Séré de Rivères between the fortified towns of Epinal and Belfort.
Abandoned since 1960, it is now being restored by volunteers from the
Comité de Sauvegarde du Fort du Parmont. Discover this very unusual fort
with its unique view on Remiremont, the Moselle and the Moselotte Valleys
and its goats in semi-freedom. Tours every Sunday at 2:30pm (except in bad
weather) or by appointment on +33 (0) 329 623 393 - E-mail: contact@le-fortdu-parmont.com - www.le-fort-du-parmont.com. Donations appreciated. It is
recommended that you bring warm clothes, good shoes and a torch.
Cleurie :
• Roches Jacquinot (roches du Hôle) : archaeological site where Celtic
pottery was discovered in 1911 by Mr. Jacquinot on the circular path (red
ring) starting from the Hêtre de la Vierge.
Dommartin-lès-Remiremont :
• Renowned Church : Phased construction from the 15th century (tower) to the 20th
century. (Recent work: raising of the tower by 4 metres in 1927-28), being constantly enlarged
and improved. Almost all the elements of the choir are classified or listed as an historical
monument (panelling, side altars, communion railings, gilded wooden altar, and 18th century confessionals).
• Vierge du Mai : 15th century statue classified as an historical monument. 1.84m high, this is one of the three largest
statues of the Virgin of the Vosges. Symbol of the parish, this Virgin and Child was reinstated in the church in 1956.
• Twelve wayside crosses located throughout the area, the most beautiful being in the centre of the cemetery.
La Forge :
• Fountain and Statue of Saint-Augustine : Sandstone tablet with the statue of the
saint. Under the pathway, a sandstone basin collects water from the spring.
•Numerous wayside crosses
Le Syndicat :
• A lovely collection of wayside crosses
Saint-Amé :
• Saint-Mont : Sacred place in the Vosges Mountains. Religious, historical and archaeological site listed
as an historic monument. Former Gallo-Roman oppidum with remains of a Colombanus monastery
founded by Saint Amé and Saint Romaric in 620. On the ground, traces of different buildings (chapels,
monastic buildings, main church) dating from the Middle Ages with successive construction stages until
the 18th century. The site offers a beautiful view of the valleys of the Moselle and the Moselotte. A place
of pilgrimage for centuries, its influence was paramount over the entire region. Recent archaeological
excavations have helped to rehabilitate the building and clarify its history.
Pont des Fées : Dry stonewall blocking the valley of an unknown date, having served
as a territorial boundary between Saint Amé and Saint-Etienne-lès-Remiremont since the
18th century. It is 29m long, 13m wide and 7m high. Considered as a means of passage
between the Saint-Mont and the Massif du Mont Fossard, its origin remains mysterious.
Church : Pipe organ dating from 1867, built by the GEHIN brothers of Saint Amé
and stained glass made by the Master glass maker Gabriel Loire of Chartres. The pathway
of the parish garden is lined with headstones representing the Saints of Saint
Mont with, in the background, a statue of Saint Amé. Stained glass by Gabriel
Loire and communion railing classified as an historical monument.
• Statue of Pomona : Situated in front of the town hall. Roman goddess of fruit and gardens.
Offered to the town in 1909 by Napoléon MARCHAL, the mayor of the time, this statue is
one of the elements of the coat of arms of the town, with the chapel of Saint-Mont.
• Chapel of Vieux Saint-Amé : Birthplace of the parish, with a cave that sheltered
Saint Amé, located on the site of the old parish church on the slopes of Saint-Mont.
• Hermitage of Saint-Arnould : Located on the Mort Homme Mountain, where the
former bishop of Metz, ancestor of Charlemagne retired to care for lepers and died.
Beautiful view. Remains.
Saint-Etienne-lès-Remiremont :
• Site of Saint-Mont : Also located in the municipality of Saint-Amé (see details)
. Pierre Kerlinkin : Huge monolithic carved block of red sandstone, almost 5m high,
8m long and around 1.50m wide. It seems to have been torn from a sandstone cliff by
the glacier that covered the mountains and has been carried several hundred metres
away. Gathering place for rituals that still prevailed in the modern period. Its weight
has been estimated at 132 tonnes. Classified as an historical monument in 1886.
• La Haute Borne : Boundary stone engraved in 1492. Its foundation is dated from
the transition between the medieval and modern period. Classified as an historical
monument in 1966.
• Chapel and Fountain of Sainte Sabine : Original 18th century
oratory mentioned in 1910, located on the site of an older chapel.
The wayside crosses :
Sainte Sabine, a very young nun from the Chapter
of Remiremont, was massacred by the Hungarians
The slopes of the Vallée
in 917. Every year, during the pilgrimage of Sainte
de Cleurie, St-Nabord
Sabine, girls throw a pin in the water. If the pin
and Vecoux are dotted
floats, they will be married within the year, if not
with wayside crosses
they will have to wait a little longer.
erected by former inhabitants wishing to comme- • Chapel of Sainte Claire : Situated next to the
place called ‘Saint-Romary.
morate, through a pious
• Oratory of Saint Arnould : Located at the edge of
gesture, an event that
the municipality of Saint-Amé (see details)
marked their lives.
• Moury Neolithic site : Standing stones erected by man and about 1m high.
You can discover several • Mausoleum of Sainte Thérèse : Private chapel and cemetery on the
types of cross, such as the
Fossard plateau.
Crosses of the Plaguestricken, which appeared • Wayside crosses
in the 17th century to
mark the burial place of
Saint-Nabord :
the victims, or crosses
built in the following
• Farm, birthplace of General Humbert :Farm of
centuries in order to fulfil
La Couare, the birthplace Jean-Joseph-Amable
a vow, honour deceased
Humbert on 22nd August 1767, hero of Ireland’s
members of a family or
struggle for freedom during the second expedition to Ireland in 1798.
bestow piety on a person
Little known in France, he remained a legend and has never been
who suddenly died, and
forgotten by the Irish people.
the Crosses of Liberation.
• Headstone of Noigueux : rMade of granite, 4m high, it
commemorates the crossing of the Moselle by the 36th
This tradition faded in
the 20th century to finalInfantry Division of Texas on 22nd September 1944 to
ly be forgotten for good.
totally liberate Remiremont the next day without any
In the past ten years,
major damage or losses.
these crosses have been
Wayside crosses, Crosses of the Plague-stricken…
renovated thanks to
municipalities and local
Tendon :
organizations working to
save this heritage.
• Pierre Lelièvre : On the edge of the Tourbière du Grand Abîme
. Church : Remarkable organ dated 1891, restored in 2012
Wayside crosses are, with
the names of localities,
the oldest evidence of
Vecoux :
past centuries.
• Large number of wayside crosses…
Remiremont :
• Musée « Charles de Bruyères » : Museum of History and Fine Arts housing
rich collections of paintings, sculptures and folk art objects of Lorraine.
Descendant of a noble family, C. de Bruyères bequeathed to the town his
house and his collection of paintings: portraits (of canonesses, abbesses and aristocrats)
recalling his ancestors’ alliances with the Dukes of Lorraine. Written documents, family
trees , coins, furniture and tapestries that adorned the Abbey complete this collection,
which focuses on the 18th century. Historical Memorabilia: Carolingian intaglio, statuettes of
brotherhoods, Gothic statues from old destroyed churches. 17th century Nordic painting and
French painting from the 19th century. Engravings, pottery, art glasswork, antique embroidery...
70, rue Charles de Gaulle - Tel. +33 (0)329 625 914 - Open from 2pm to 6pm from November to April, from
10am to 12noon and from 2pm to 6pm from May to September. Closed on Sundays from January to March and on Tuesdays.
• Musée « Charles Friry » : Housed in a former canoness mansion of the 18th
century. Recently renovated, it has seen a succession of owners, all art lovers
and artists and has retained its character and charm and will make you travel
back in time. Its centrepiece is The Hurdy Gurdy Man by Georges de La Tour.
With a rich collection of paintings, art objects and furniture, the museum
gives the visitor the opportunity to discover a fully furnished and decorated
home in a period style. The fountains are classified as historical monuments.
12 rue du Général Humbert - Tel. +33 (0)329.625.913 - Hours same as above.
Dommartin-lès-Remiremont : opening end of 2013
• Maison du Patrimoine : In the centre of the village, presenting
and displaying objects mostly protected as historical monuments, which forged the soul
and identity of Dommartin. 39, Place de l’Eglise - Tel. +33 (0)329 620 647.
Opportunity to take a tour including the Maison du patrimoine, the church, the statue of
the Vierge du Mai, many shrines and old farms. Please contact the town hall.
Le Syndicat (Péccavillers) :
• Geology Centre «Terrae Genesis » : Discover the adventure of the ‘granite workers’
who helped build the local history. Palaeontology, mineralogy, petrology, spectacular
fluorescent minerals, industrial tools and machinery are presented and explained to
raise awareness of the expertise of granite workers. www.terraegenesis.org. Open from
2pm to 6pm every day except Monday & Saturday - 28, rue de la Gare - Tel. +33 (0)329 265 810
Saint-Etienne-lès-Remiremont :
• Exhibition of Solex Mopeds : A unique private collection in France of Solex mopeds
and motorized bicycles, consisting of about 60 different exhibits, including rare pieces
over a century old (1913). 5, rue Tiatou - Tel. +33 (0)329 233 094 - Visit by appointment
Saint-Nabord :
Maison d’Histoire et Patrimoine: A rich collection of furniture, clothing and other
memorabilia that offers visitors a vision of what life could have been like in the
Vosges of the last century. Reconstruction of the interior of a Vosges house: kitchen,
bedrooms, living rooms... Many collections of tools, books and arts & crafts. 16, rue
du Centre - Tel. +33 (0)329 624 655 or +33 (0)329 622 422 - Visit by appointment
Follow the guide
The Tourist Office organizes guided tours and outings (upon reservation) for individuals and groups :
Heritage :
Let us help you discover the history of the ‘Canonesses’:
- Tour of the historic centre of the town *: Discover the extraordinary story of
Remiremont and how a small nunnery in the 7th century became in the 18th century
the most powerful women’s chapter in Europe. Duration: 1h45 mins
- A day of heritage and relaxation **: Visit the historic centre of the town in the morning,
then have a ‘market cuisine’ lunch at the Saint-Romary restaurant
and, in the afternoon, a guided walk to Saint-Mont, the birthplace of
the history Remiremont, which offers one of the most beautiful 360 °
panoramas of the Vosges.
* Subject to availability of the church and the Town Hall
** minimum of 15 participants
Nature :
Come and hike with a specialized mountain guide who offers :
- Nordic walking : 3 hours to discover or improve in this new type of activity that is
both fun and good for your health (strengthening the cardiovascular system, lower
back and joints, improving balance and coordination...)
- Nature hike : 3 hours to rediscover yourself among nature, trees and the forest with warm-ups,
tips to maintain fitness, relaxation therapy and stretching breaks... a big helping of well-being !
- Chamois watching evening : In the late afternoon, in the beautiful Hohneck ravines, you
can discover chamois alone or in herds... A great time in the wilderness to share with friends.
Possibility of dining at a farm inn.
- Other hikes offered : Trapper’s Evening... Snowshoeing.. Ecology hike... Discover the Moselle…
* subject to a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 12 participants
The Venitian Carnival :
Discover this national event that has taken place since 1996 and welcomes thousands of visitors at the end of March: the Venetian Carnival
at Remiremont, where over 450 costumed visitors come to show off
their costumes and their masks, each more exceptional than the next.
An unforgettable time guaranteed due to the originality and beauty of
the costumes that can be admired and photographed... in silence, to respect the
Venetian tradition.
- Thematic day and break : Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Remiremont
Venetian Carnival, a real festival with an exhibition, Venetian market, costume parades
for 4 days, street bands, Sound and light shows...
- Dinner-show : Participate in the opening dinner held on the Friday night in the Palais
des Congrès, which is turned into Venetian palace with live music, concerts, parade of
costumed participants, with whom you will be able to dance...
Upon reservation : Meal, dinner-show, accommodation, guided visit to the historic
centre of town, day and break packages for groups.
Information : Tourist Office - Tel. +33 (0) 329 622 370 - email : info@ot-remiremont.fr
Site : www.ot-remiremont.fr/fr/il4-office_p54-carnaval-venitien.aspx
Wood :
• Sculpture :
Mr. Davy AMANN - «L’Arbre à Ivoire» - 1 chemin du Beignet - 88120 JULIENRUPT - Tel. +33(0)686 782.627
or (0)676.762.208 - http://arbreaivoire.free.fr - Manufacturer of traditional children’s toys, puzzles,
jewellery, utilitarian or decorative objects in vegetal ivory. School holidays: from 10am to 7pm.
Mrs Magali BABEL- 25, chemin du Faing Janel - 88460 TENDON - Tel. +33 (0)329.662.113
Email : latelierdufaingjanel@gmail.com - Wooden toys workshop, made in local wood:
puzzles, jewellery, decoration, hangers... Woodcutting. Painting (organic paint) on wood, canvas and
other materials. Open daily all year round from 10am-12noon and 2pm to 7pm.
• Musical instrument making :
Mr. Christophe TOUSSAINT - 4, Les Granges de Franould - 88200 DOMMARTIN-LES-RT Tel. +33 (0)641.685.079 - http://epinette.free.fr - Spinet craftsman in the family tradition, he is passionate about his job and musical instruments and is a musician in his spare time. Visit by appointment.
Mr. Jean-Marc PERRIN - 1, chemin Vieux Saint-Amé- 88120 SAINT-AME - www.guitare-perrin.com - Tel. +33 (0)329.240.6 86
or (0) 687 245 282 - Maker of acoustic guitars, he can make or restore any style of instrument. Visit by appointment.
Iron and other metals :
• Jewellery - clock making: :
Mrs Muriel GRAVIER - « Nature et Recyclé » 20, Grande Rue - 88120 SAINT-AME - Tel.+33 (0)673 658 719 www.laboutiquenatureetrecycle.fr . Workshop-boutique (open by appointment) with jewellery,
decorative items and timepieces made with waste materials: iron, wood, leather.
• Manufacturer of kitchen equipment :
De BUYER - Faymont - 88340 LE VAL D’AJOL - Tel. +33(0)329 305 612 - www.debuyer.com - Shop with equipment
demonstrations: slicers, cast iron casseroles, cutlery, soft moulds, appliances, induction collection...
Water :
...Cleurie :
- «La Cleurie» river : it begins in Gérardmer , runs along La Forge, Le Syndicat and Cleurie
before joining the right bank of the Moselotte at Saint-Amé. Rich in various species of fish.
- The Abîme lake : located on a unique site similar to that of La Tourbière de la Grande
Charme in the heart of the Massif du Fossard, it originates from the old peat exploitation
during the last war and is essential for the preservation of the grouse population.
...Dommartin les Remiremont :
- Lakes : La Besace, Rocé Pré & Grand Etang : accessible from the place called ‘La Houbette’.
- Aulnes Lake : Fishing
...La Forge :
- Saint Augustin fountain : it was once at the limit with the parish of Tholy and
served as a stage of the Rogations procession.
...Le Syndicat :
- The village, long and narrow, follows the meander of La Cleurie River.
... Remiremont :
- Lake : outside the town, many outdoor activities, bird watching.
- Renard Lake : to the south-west of the municipality, where the Augraune River has its source.
- Fountain of the Fouchot spring : below Chalet des Gardes.
...Saint Amé :
- Celles lakes : formed by La Cleurie and La Moselotte Rivers, ideal for fishing.
- Merle lake : Bog with beautiful natural environment (access behind the stadium), start of a beautiful
walking tour.
... Saint-Etienne-les-Remiremont :
- Miraumont Waterfall : Beautiful, accessible from the place called ‘Saint-Romary’ or
from the car park of the Gendarmerie Mobile.
- Xennois Lake : Small private lake with picturesque shores covered with fallen
rocks that were detached from the mountain, accessible from La Moutière.
Stone :
• Stone masons and sculpture in stone :
Mr. Bruno HENRY et M. Cédric PERRIN - 22, rue Haute Rive - 88120 SAINTAME - Tel. +33 (0)624 931 258 - www.perrin-cailloux.com - Stone mason specializing in Vosges sandstone since 1991, they open their studio (by appointment)
... Saint-Nabord :
- Huchère Lake : Situated at the foot of Montiroche mountain, beautiful lilies.
- Man-made lakes at La Prairie du Vouau: By the RN57 dir. Epinal, ideal for fishing.
- La Demoiselle Lake : Situated on the watershed basin of the Rhône and the Rhine,
its waters can be discharged directly into the Augronne or move on the Moselle via
the Sainte-Anne stream.
so you can discover stone cutting and carving, sawing, etc.
Mr. Pascal SAUNIER - 7, rue des Aqueducs - 88120 LE SYNDICAT - Tel.+33 (0)608 877 862
Sculptor specializing in marble, the artist highlights all the decorative qualities of granite. Open Monday to
Friday 8am to 12noon and from 1 :30pm to 6pm. Saturday upon appointment. Closed from 20/7 to 15/8.
Mr. Daniel PETITGENET - Chapelle de la Suche - La Suche - D.42 - 88200 SAINT-ETIENNE-LES-REMIREMONT
Tel.+33 (0)632 592 147 - This artist, sculptor, stone cutter and engraver, a journeyman with 22 years experience, exhibits
his work (modern and historic statues, paintings) in the Chapelle de la Suche or ‘Chapelle des Arts.’ Visit by appointment.
Textiles :
« BLEUFORÊT » - 2, rue du Jumelage - 88120 VAGNEY - Tel. +33 (0)329 234 545- www.bleuforet.fr -
Handmade (knitting and sewing) 100% made in France with natural materials,
socks / tights / leggings. Free 1h30 visit upon reservation with audio guide, video
presentation, tour of the workshop, from the arrival of raw materials to the packaged products. Shop
open Monday to Friday 9am-12noon and 2pm to 5pm.
... Tendon :
- Grande Cascade : The highest waterfall in the Vosges with an elevation of 32 metres and 3
successive falls, located in the heart of a pine forest (a cool oasis in the summer).
- Petite Cascade : Consists of 2 successive small waterfalls on the Scouet stream, accessible
by a small path on the left of the D 11 between Docelles and Le Tholy.
- Le Scouet : Small river flowing below the village, beautiful trout and other fish.
- La Tourbière du Faing Janel: Old drained acid bog, used for agricultural purposes.
... Vecoux :
- Chaude-Fontaine Source : Low water output but high temperature of 21°C. Its waters
have the same properties as that of Plombières but are not exploited.
Stone and rocks :
... Cleurie :
- Bancs de La Mousse : Sandstone cliffs overlooking the path coming from Hêtre de la
Vierge and following along the side of the property of La Mousse.
- Rochers de Serpentine : Located between La Mousse and La Charme in the Blanche
Roche woods, geological interest including serpentine with garnet.
- Hêtre de la Vierge : Starting point for several trails linking a whole series of rock shelters.
Forest and landscapes :
...Cleurie :
- Fossard forest : Dominates the village, many shady trails, including that of the ‘Hêtre
de la Vierge’: an esplanade in the middle of the forest with shelter for the visitor.
...Dommartin-lès-Remiremont :
- Three mountains surround the village to the east : the Bois du Bélier, the Bois de Moyémont the Bois des Hats, with pretty circuits through the mountain passes (alt. 800m)
starting from the centre of the village or the Brasserie.
... Dommartin les Remiremont :
- Roches de Mortevieille : Beautiful puddingstone rocks backed by a plateau covered with
ferns and heather, site containing multiple flattened Quartz rocks that form shelters.
- Roches de Cheneau : Located on the hill of the same name, equipped for climbing.
...La Forge :
- Roches Chevalières circuit : botanical trail with viewpoint on Valleys and village.
... Le Syndicat :
... La Forge :
- Roches Chevalières : Granitic rocks of 6-7m in height located on the botanical trail.
... Le Syndicat :
- Rond-point des Granitiers : Roundabout with a sculpture representing this
ancient ‘Cité du granit’ with the profiles of local granite workers.
- Carrières de Plaine : Old quarry testify to the intensive exploitation of granite for many centuries.
... Remiremont :
- Roche Tocquaine : Puddingstone rock of amazing size (6-7m high and 25m long), located in
the Corroy woods 3km south of the town.
- Pas de l’âne : Stone on which was carved the shape of a donkey’s shoe to recount the legend
saying that Saint-Romaric had made his donkey cross the distance between this site and SaintMont with an extraordinary jump.
- Roches des Bruyères : Located above the cemetery, offering a beautiful view.
...Saint-Amé :
- Xavier Thiriat Pathway : From Plaine-Cleurie, passes through to the old and picturesque quarries to the Chèvre-Roche viewpoint.
... Remiremont :
- Botanic trail : Located above the Grange Puton, offering a trail of 1,000m, it is
home to 33 different species of trees.
- Corroy and Sapenois Mountains : Collection of curiosities of all kinds: Fontaine des
chasseurs, Goutte du Founot, various boulders, magnificent views of the town.
- Le Calvaire : Located near the Palais des Congrès, offers a magnificent view of
the town and is the starting point of the Charles David walk.
...Saint-Amé :
- Grandes carrières : Panorama with shelter and picnic area.
... Saint-Etienne-les-Remiremont :
- Fossard Mountain : Beautiful views from the Saint-Mont,
the Roches du Thin and the hermitage Saint-Arnould.
- Grand Rocher : 70m high cliff of granite and gneiss, major ornithological site.
- Grandes carrières : Located near Vieux Saint Amé, ideal climbing rocks.
... Saint-Nabord :
- Beautiful mountain forests of predominantly hardwood leafy trees covering
more than 2,000 hectares, where trails lead to numerous ponds and forest shelters. really worth a visit.
- Arboretum: Planted in 1999 by children of the region and containing 40 different species, an orientation map, access road to the right after passing the Col de Raon-aux-Bois.
- Moraine de Noirgueux : Site with a set of 4 moraine arcs, which have remained identical
to what they were when the glacier was formed 15,000 years ago.
... Saint-Etienne-lès-Remiremont :
- Roches du Thin : Located in the Fossard mountains, huge dislocated blocks
of Vosges sandstone from 10 to 12m high, overlooking the Moselle Valley.
- Pierre Kerlinkin : Located on the plateau between the clearing of Sainte Sabine and the
hermitage of Saint-Arnould, sandstone block 5m by 8m, classified as a historical monument, has long intrigued residents and history buffs. Serves as the boundary between the
municipalities of Saint Amé and Saint-Etienne-lès Rt.
... Saint Nabord :
- Rond caillou : Also known as ‘Pierre des chasseurs’, a block of granite 3m long and 1m high, its
oval and flattened shape allows hikers and hunters to use it as a rustic table, hence its name, accessible from the town centre by the Roche Madame path.
- Montiroche, Roche Fleurie : Climbing sites providing notably a beautiful panorama.
- Sainte-Anne Chapel : Built in 1953, it is also called ‘Chapelle de Fallières.’
... Tendon :
- Roches de La Moulure : Remarkable rocks.
... Tendon :
- Viramont : Viewpoint on the village.
- Les Levées Haut and Faing Janel : Panorama of the surrounding mountains, including the Honneck.
- Les Roches de la Moulure : Remarkable site, accessible by hiking trails.
... Vecoux :
- Les Cucherons : High bare mountain, located 2km south of the village.
. Summit given the name the ‘Pain de Sucre’ (Sugar Loaf), a kind of tumulus with beautiful views of the Moselle and Moselotte Valleys and orientation map, access via Reherrey.
. Croix de Kerchiou : Beautiful panorama of the Moselle Valley and the mountains
surrounding the village.
Local Produce :
Honey :
Leisure activities on the farm :
For groups of children on school field trips, for leisure centres or families, these farms offer
activities to show children the realities of agriculture.
- Farm «Reherrey» - 81, Reherrey - 88200 Vecoux - Tel. +33 (0)329 610 625
Pascal RZADKIEWA - 43, rue du Vieux Chaumont - 88200 Saint-Nabord - Tel. +33 (0)329 231 175
Producer of all flower honey, mountain honey, creamy honey, acacia honey, forest honey,
AOC fir honey, linden honey. (‘Vosges Terroir’ brand).
Tours for groups upon request. Open in June and July (honey extraction).
Located 500m above sea level, at the bottom of a small valley near the forest, this organic mountain farm belonging to Pascale and Jean Paul MICLO breed different animals,
most of which are unusual (Vosges cows, woolly pigs from Hungary). Activities: Discover
organic agriculture, the environment of the farm and livestock through games and fun
workshops (odour lottery, treasure hunt, Goose Game in nature, craft making, etc.). Open
all year round upon appointment. Possibility to celebrate your child’s birthday at the farm!
Drinks and alcohol :
- «Lecomte-Blaise» distilling - 10, rue de la Gare - Nol - Le Syndicat - Tel. +33 (0)329 247 104
www.lecomte-blaise.com. Cocktails, eaux de vie, liqueurs, fruit liqueurs, spirits - All
tours (free entry) conclude with a tasting of specialities to choose from the range Open all year round from 10am to 12noon and 2pm to 6pm, except Sunday.
- «La Madelon» artisanal brewery - Rue du Vélodrôme - 8200 Dommartin-les-Rt Tel. +33 (0)329 221 136. www. brasserie-lamadelon.fr - . Discover the various stages
of brewing crafted beer (blonde, amber, black...). Individual and group tours (15-40
people maximum) upon request. €3 / person with tasting.
- «Le Bois Joli» brewery - Les Ateliers du Bois Joli - E.S.A.T. - ZA de la Plaine - 88200 Saint-Nabord - Tel. +33 (0)329 625 962
The brewery, founded in 2009, masters all stages of production of its beers from the selection of malts and their
brewing up to bottling and labelling. Products sold on site. Tours upon appointment. Group of 12 people maximum.
• Small Fruit :
- « Les Petits Fruits de la Hutte » - Solange Guggenbuhl - 19, chemin du Faing Janel - 88460 Tendon
– Tel. +33 (0)329 345 509 - www.lesgitesdelahutte.com. Berry and plants growers using organic agri-
culture (blueberries, raspberries, currants, etc.) and fruit picking. Farm processed products: Wild garlic,
jellies, candied fruit, liqueurs, teas, alcoholic fruit drinks, etc. Open in Spring and Summer from 2pm to
6pm and throughout the year upon request. Group tours (min. 10 people). Tasting and direct sales at the shop.
- Farm «Frédéric Louis» - Les Bruyères - 88200 Saint-Etienne-les-Rt – Tel. +33 (0)329 232 196
Snails :
Le Refuge des Escargots – M. BLAISE Christian - 8, rue de Ribeauxard – 88200 VECOUX Tel. +33 (0)329 610 965 / +33 (0)687 931 189. Snails bred outdoors – Farm shop open every
day. Free tour of the farm every day from June to September: 9am-8pm. Tasting upon request.
spices, jams, goat / sheep cheese, bread, apple juice, etc.
- La Crèmerie - 24, rue de la Courtine - 88200 REMIREMONT - Tel. +33(0) 329 622 906
Farmhouse munster cheese and other cheeses, delicatessen, Crillon des Vosges, alcoholic fruit drinks, gift hampers, etc.
- Les Cuvées Vosgiennes - 42, route de Niachamp- 88250 LA BRESSE - Tel. +33 (0)682 124 475 - www.cuveesvosgiennes.fr
- Farm «Reherrey» - 851 Reherrey - 88200 Vecoux - Tel. +33 (0)329 610 625 - Mountain farm surrounded by nature, orga•
Where do I find local products ? :
- Biomonde - 27, Esplanade de la Filature - 88200 REMIREMONT
- Tel. +33(0) 329 222 506 - leovi@orange.fr - Organic products : Herbs,
Friday from 9am to 12noon and 2pm to 7pm. Visit the brewery upon appointment (min. 15 participants).
- Le Relais fermier -13 route des cascades - 88460 Tendon – Tel. +33(0) 965 393 374 - Producer of Popelotte snails,
sale of cheeses, syrups, jams, teas and farm products. Open daily from 7:30am to 12:30pm.
(veal, beef, frozen minced beef), AB certified by Ecocert for 10 years. Contact us.
nic production. Meat from a herd of Vosges cows bred in the high surrounding pastures. Sale, one Thursday a month.
give you the opportunity to discover a wide variety of animals of ancient breeds :
Lorraine goats, Thones and Marthod sheep and Poitou and Pottock mares, Gascon pigs,
Faverolles hens, geese, ducks, rabbits and bees. Barn museum, antiques, witnesses to our agricultural past.
Vegetable garden. Dyeing wool with plants. Group tours upon reservation with farm snacks primarily prepared
with products from the farm and garden, grown with environmentally friendly practices. Tour of the farm.
- La Madelon d’ici et d’ailleurs - Rue du Vélodrôme - 88200 St-Etienne-les-Rt – Tel. +33(0) 329 221 136 www.brasserie-lamadelon.fr - Regional products, crafted beers, gift hampers, gift ideas. Open Monday to
since 1997 - Chique, cow cheese and munster. Open every weekday from 8am to 8pm.
Breeders / beef producers :
Educational workshops :
- L’Atelier du Faing Janel - 25, chemin du Faing Janel - 88460 Tendon - Email :
atelierdufaingjanel@gmail.com - Tel. +33 (0)329 662 113. Magali & Damien BABEL
Spirits, Crillon des Vosges, beers, blueberries, chutney, herbs, spices, honey, fruit from altitude, etc.
- Farm «La Moulure» – Mrs Françoise GEORGES – 31, chemin de la Moulure - 88460 Tendon –
Tel. +33 (0)329 663 610. Vosges dairy cow farm, AB (Organic farming label) certified
- Farm «Aux Moineaux» - 2570, rue de la Croisette - 88200 Dommartin-les-Rt
Tel. +33 (0)329 610 030. T raditional small farm in the Vosges mountains, beef production
- Harmonie - 120, rue Charles de Gaulle - 88200 Remiremont - Tel. +33(0) 329 229 755 / +33(0)687 272 050 www.cadodecoharmonie.fr - Shop with Vosges products: jams, jellies, alcoholic fruit drinks, honey, fruit in syrup, etc.
- Le 21ème Sens - 64, rue Charles de Gaulle - 88200 Remiremont - Tel. +33 (0)329 224 841 - www.le21emesens.com
Cheese and dairy products :
In this Vosges dairy farm, discover Le P’tit Noble, our organic farmhouse munster cheese made
with unpasteurised milk. Free tasting - Open daily, except Sunday, from 5:30pm to 7pm to discover
the farm + milking session, and from 10:30am to 11am for the manufacture of munster cheese.
Educational Farms :
Aperitifs, alcoholic fruit and plant drinks (rhubarb, mountain hay, elderflower, raspberry, blueberry, sap tree buds, etc.).
- Le Vosgien Gourmet - Z.A. Le Rain Brice - 88530 LE THOLY - Tel. +33(0)329 613 680 - www.le-vosgien-gourmet.fr
Processing and sale (except Monday) of home-made and smoked meats (palette, filet mignon, andouille from Val d’Ajol, hay flavoured ham, etc.
Local markets :
- Remiremont : Tuesdays (all products) and Fridays (food) mornings from 8am to 12noon
- Batardeau car park and Place de Lattre de Tassigny.
- Saint-Amé : Marché de Pomone’, Wednesday and Friday from 4pm to 7pm from end of
May to beginning of September selling organic and local produce - Place de la Mairie.
- Saint-Nabord : Saturday morning market, 8am to 12noon, from May to November - Place de la Gare.
Sport and Leisure
The unique location of Remiremont and its surroundings, at the gateway of the Regional Natural
Park of Ballons des Vosges, offers many opportunities for sports and leisure activities.
Bicycle touring :
Accessible all, bicycle tourism is ideal on country roads, with the family, alone or with friends.
A 12-page guide of circuits ranging from 61km to 105km around Remiremont is on sale for €6
at the Tourist Office in Remiremont. Each circuit has a Michelin map and provides information
on the route, the difference in altitude, the degree of difficulty, the duration, the topography
and the sightseeing & dining opportunities.
Greenway :
Surrounded by mountains and fresh air, the Greenway of the Haute-Vosges is
a multi-activity trail built on 55km of old railways in the Moselle (33km to
Bussang) and Moselotte Valleys (24km to Cornimont). With family or friends,
come and enjoy the variety of landscapes, the quality of the sites and the friendly
atmosphere. Open to all and with free access, it allows safe walking, cycling, skating (rollerblading, skateboarding), roller skiing and cross-country skiing.
Syndicats Intercommunaux - Tel. +33(0) 329 247 018 and +33(0) 329 236 281- info@lavoieverte.com - www.lavoieverte.com
Playgrounds :
Remiremont : Parc Zeller, Lake, train station
Saint-Amé : behind Salle Polyvalente
Saint-Etienne-les-Rt : La Moutière - Sporting and leisure activity area
Arboretum and forestry trails :
La Forge : Roches Chevalières botanic trails
Remiremont : Domaine de la Grange Puton – Cicuit of 1.3km - 33 tree varieties
Saint-Nabord : Above the Granges d’Olichamp - Orientation map - 40 tree varieties
Swimming :
Remiremont :
- Lake - Authorised and supervised swimming in July/August - Tel. +33(0) 329 239 094
- Aquatic Centre: 3 indoor/outdoor pools (fun, sporting, beginners), splash pool, water games,
diving boards, 45m water slide, 3 hot tubs, sauna, furnished outdoor areas (picnics, sundeck) 75, Fg du Val d’Ajol - Tel. +33(0) 329 624 321 - http://remiremont.fr/centre_aquatique/
Bowling :
Remiremont : Leisure area at the lake
Saint-Amé : Place de Schignano (next to Salle Polyvalente)
Saint-Etienne-les-Rt : Moutière Leisure area
Canoeing-kayaking :
Remiremont : Lake - Equipment rental at reception chalet in July/August - Tel. +33 (0)329 239 094
Saint-Nabord : Equipment rental (two-seater canoes, paddles, life jackets, helmets) for a family trip down the
Moselle, 7km from Saint-Nabord to Eloyes, 2h to 2h30 - Information at the ‘Vosges Canoë’ reception chalet at the entrance
to Eloyes, Tuesday to Sunday in July/August - Shuttle from Saint-Nabord - Tel. +33 (0)608 700 450 - http://cdvck.88.free.fr
Cycling, skiing, snowshoeing (equipment rental):
Remiremont : Chatton Motorcycles – Place Jules Méline – Tel. +33(0) 329 230 440
Saint-Etienne-les-Rt : Cycles Mougel - 19, rue 5ème et 15ème BCP - Tel. +33(0) 329 220 746
Le Syndicat : Dany Cycles - 9, route de Nol - Tel. +33(0) 329 617 170
Chalet sportif - 13a, rue du Pont de Cleurie (rond-point du Syndicat) -Tel. +33(0) 329 236 109
Sport and Leisure
Hang gliding and paragliding :
• Saint-Etienne-les-Rt : Narrow runway at the ‘Poële Sauvage’ (alt. 750m). After St. Romary,
turn right, continue to the big pylon, walk 800m and descend to the take off area.
• Le Syndicat/Vecoux : Short runway for experienced paragliders at the ‘Tumulus’. From the village, take the direction of Chaudefontaine then turn right twice until you reach the orientation map.
• Ecole de parapente « Bol d’Air » - 78, rue du Hohneck - 88250 LA BRESSE - Tel. +33(0) 329 256 262 - www.bol-d-air.fr.
Approved by Jeunesse et Sport. Courses, tandem flights, initiation flights, discovery day, advanced training.
Horse riding :
• Remiremont : Centre Equestre de la Grange Puton – Domaine de la Grange Puton Tel. +33(0) 329 625 273 - www.lcequitation.com. Initiation, dressage and breaking in, jumping, cross
country, ponies, baby ponies (from 4 years), training, preparation and taking of comprehensive National
examinations. Competitions & jumping. Residential opportunities (accommodation for up to 28 people).
• Dommartin-les-Rt : - Centre Equestre de la Brasserie - 680, rue de la Brasserie Tel. +33 (0)677 600 726 - www.ce-labrasserie.ffe.com. Riding ring, horse training, saddlery,
stables. Classical, fun or educational riding, ethology. Ponies adapted to the height and level of riders.
- Ferme équestre «Les Granges de Franould» - 4, Les Granges de Franould - Tel. +33(0) 329 232 938 www.fermefranould.fr. Beginners, advanced training, trekking, jumping, horse ball. Residential opportunities with accommodation (apartment, camping or yurt) and meals.
• Saint-Etienne-les-Rt : M. KOELBLEN Paul – Association k’TRACES ATTELAGES - 13 Chemin du récé Tel. +33 (0)688 999 283 - E-mail: paul.koelblen@orange.fr - One hour carriage ride (up to 4 people), upon reservation.
• « Equival »: M. PERRIN François - 30, Chemin de l’Etang de Noirrupt - 88530 LE THOLY - Tel. +33 (0)687 232 365 www.equival.eu. Family horse riding treks adapted for riders of all levels (max. 10 people) from ½ hour to several days for
beginners or advanced riders, or in carriages (covered if raining) from 15mins or 1hr to the Petite Cascade waterfall at Tendon.
Climbing (free access rocks) :
• Dommartin-les-Rt : les Roches de Cheneau (9 climbs - experienced climbers). Nesting birds.
• St-Etienne-les-Rt : La Dalle towards St-Romary (5 climbs - interesting if you want to improve your climbing technique)
• Saint-Nabord : La Roche Fleurie (24 climbs - beginners) and Montiroche (26 climbs - experienced climbers)
• Saint-Amé : (33 equipped climbs with 2 lengths - all levels - climbing forbidden from 1st March to
31st May because of nesting birds). Montroche (25 equipped climbs - all levels). La Roche de la Nol (4 easy climbs equipped for beginners and schoolchildren). Guide of the sites with illustrations of the climbs on sale at the Tourist Office.
Karting :
« L’Indy Kart » - 31, route du Surdelot - 88160 LE MENIL - Tel. +33(0) 329 253 417 - www.lindykart.com.
Certified indoor track of 250m with computerized timing for adults and children (from 7 years of age/1m30 height).
Bird watching :
From 15th Nov. to 15th Feb. : on Sunday from 10am to 12noon at the Lake of Remiremont. Free activities with ‘Oiseaux Nature’
to discover: green neck ducks, coots, pochards, great crested grebes / grebes, cormorants, herons... Tel. +33(0) 329 239 094
Sport and Leisure
Fitness trails :
Dommartin-les-Rt : start from the Brasserie / 2000m
Remiremont : au domaine de la Grange Puton / 2000m
Saint-Amé : start at the stadium / 1450m
Saint-Etienne-les-Rt : terrain de la Moutière / 1600m
Saint-Nabord : walk along the canal
Fishing in lakes and rivers :
There are 4,000km of waterways in the Vosges to fish, including a large number of trout streams. A
paradise for fishing enthusiasts, in fast moving rivers, mountain or plain lakes. The Moselle and Moselotte
Rivers are ideal for fly-fishing. The local species are: grayling, brown trout, pike, perch, roach and carp.
• Remiremont : Lake (1st catégory) - Tel. +33(0 )329 239 094
• Saint-Nabord : Lake of Prairie du Vouau. Lake of La Demoiselle, a lake of 5 hectares in an exceptional setting
on the RN57 towards Plombières-Vesoul. Open from the second Sunday in April (Saturday, Sunday, Monday and
Bank holidays) to the end of October and daily from 1st June. Restaurant La Demoiselle (Tel. +33 (0)329 229 341).
All information: - www.peche88.fr - Sale of permits: Aqua-Viva (Tel. +33(0) 329 230 266), Tabac-Presse
Apolinaro (Tel. +33(0) 329 232 571), Bar/Restaurant Tabey (Tel. +33(0) 329 625 139), Ho Feuille Thé (Tel.
+33(0) 329 256 596), Cora (Tel. +33(0) 329 234 750).
- Professional fishing guide: Jean-Guillaume MATHIEU - Tel. +33 (0)607 228 249 - http://perso.wanadoo.fr/guide.peche/
Hiking and Nordic walking :
The southern Vosges offer thousands of miles of carefully maintained trails. Signposted maps from the Club
Vosgien are available in Tourist Offices and newsagents. Guided and personalized walks all year round
(with snowshoes in winter) by state qualified guides :
- Nicolas JEUDY - Qualified expert in Nordic walking (accelerated leisure walking with
special sticks, provided) any level - Tel. +33 (0)678 077 395 - http://nicolasjeudymarchenordiquevosges.blogspot.com
- Vosges Vertes - Tel. +33 (0)671 909 723 - www.bureau-montagne-vosges-vertes.com
- Bureau Montagne Hautes-Vosges - Tel.+33 (0)685 071 306 - www.bmhv.com
Skate Park :
Remiremont : lake - open all year round
Saint-Etienne-les-Rt : la Moutière area
Tennis :
• Cleurie : Communal sports ground - above the Town Hall - Tel. +33 (0)329 611 242
• Remiremont : All day any time. Outdoor at Grange Puton with 5 courts (3 ‘clay’ & 2 ‘concrete’) & Club House
- Indoors (rue de l’Epinette) with 3 courts in surfan - Tel. +33 (0)681 418 616.
• Saint-Amé : 2 courts - Pl. de Schignano (next to the Salle polyvalente) - Tel. +33 (0)329 612 307
• Saint-Etienne-les-Rt : 3 courts - Route de Xennois (next to the Salle omnisports) - Tel +33 (0)329 220 732
• Saint-Nabord : 3 courts - Site of Louveaux - Tel. +33(0) 329 625 383
M.T.B. :
With more than 1000km of trails and 131km of marked trails, the Remiremont area located in
the heart of the Vosges Mountains, offers diverse circuits of various distances (10km to 35km)
and altitudes (50m to 1,100m), from beginners to advanced riders. The forest of Humont offers leisurely
circuits. The Massif d’Hérival offers more invigorating circuits with difficult passages on black routes. Circuit
guide, organization of guided rides and MTB holidays upon request. Please contact the Tourist Office.
Walk to the Calvary & the Roche des Bruyères
Depart/Return : Congress Center - Remiremont
Distance : 6 Km / Difference in altitude : 50 metres
Duration : 1h30 / Difficulty : easy
Marking : red plus, red triangle, blue plus / Level : For all (good shoes)
Access : From the centre of Remiremont, head to the Palais des Congrès/Zone de loisirs at Grange
Puton. Leave your car in the Champ de Mars car park.
Description : From the Palais des Congrès, take the red plus path behind the Roche d’Arma next to the Maison Forestière, the path goes uphill. Once the slope levels out, turn left on the former fitness trail that offers
a magnificent view of the town and the lake. Join the red triangle and blue circle path, go downhill. Leave
the red triangle path and continue along the blue circle path to the junction with the green ring path, climb
this path on the right. Follow this path through the Roche des Bruyères, which joins, above the cemetery,
the path to the Calvary and its kiosk and, on the right, the Calvary itself, which dominates Remiremont.
Circuit to Etang du Renard and Pas de l’Ane
Depart/Return : Congress Center - Remiremont
Distance : 8 or 12km (with variants) / Difference in altitude : 170 metres
Duration : 2hrs or 3hrs with 2 other routes of 30 minutes / Difficulty : average
Marking : blue triangle, blue circle, green ring / Level : For all (good shoes)
Access : From the centre of Remiremont, head to the Palais des Congrès/Zone de loisirs at Grange
Puton. Leave your car in the Champ de Mars car park.
Description : Take the blue triangle path at the start at the Palais des Congrès to the equestrian centre.
At the junction with the road to Fiscal, continue on the blue triangle path on the right, which descends
and crosses Le Fouchot to go up to Les Genêts. Continue on the blue triangle path to the Pas de l’Ane and
Etang du Renard. At Etang du Renard, descend 100m down the road and follow the blue circle path on the
right to return to Remiremont. Possibility of another route (return trip passing over the expressway) to the
Etang de la Demoiselle (30 min). Return to Remiremont through Le Grand Rhumont and Le Parmont. Possibility of another route of 30 min to observe the town from the viewpoint of Parmont (green ring circuit).
From the first houses of Point du jour, go to the Palais des Congrès via the Rue du Point du jour, Rue des
Etats-Unis, then turn right at the lights, into Rue de la Mouline, the ‘gendarmerie’ roundabout then left into
the Faubourg de la Croisette until you reach the Palais des Congrès.
Thermal spring of Chaude-Fontaine
Depart/Return : Place de la Mairie - Vecoux
Distance : 8 Km / Difference in altitude : 100 metres
Duration : 2 hrs 30 / Difficulty : easy
Marking : yellow triangles to Reherrey then red for return / Level : for all
Access : From Remiremont take the RN 66 towards Mulhouse then the first exit to the right towards Vecoux
Description : At the church of Vecoux, leave your the car in the car park. Pass the church, walk 100m
and turn right towards Reherrey. At the first intersection (yellow triangle), head to the Source Thermale (Thermal Spring). The road climbs through the fields and in the forest. It offers excellent views
of the hamlet of Reherrey and the Col de Xiard. By a scenic trail, you will reach the natural cirque
where the source flows all year round at temperature of 21 degrees (the composition of the waters is
similar to those at Plombières-les-Bains). Then take a path along the Chaudefontaine stream (yellow
triangle) to the hamlet of Reherry nestled at the bottom of the valley. Return (red triangle path) is on
a nice shady path, before reaching the first houses of Vecoux and then the church.
The Massif du Fossard and its exceptional sites
Depart/Return : Parking at the church- Saint-Etienne-lès-Remiremont
Distance : 10 Km / Difference in altitude : 450 metres
Duration : 3 hrs 30 / Difficulty : easy
Marking : Red triangle, blue triangle, yellow diamond / Level : walkers
Access : From the car park, walk along the left side of the church until you pass in front of the cave to arrive at
the gendarmerie headquarters. After 100m, take the path on the left (red and blue triangle).
Description : On the steep climb, you can admire the Miraumont waterfall and the Sainte-Claire chapel. Just
before the road on the left, climb the patch across the road to St Mont to admire the view over the valley. A
few hundred metres further on, at the junction of the two paths, go straight on. By a gradually sloping path,
you will join the GR5F and a yellow diamond path that comes from Vieux St-Amé. Take a right turn and follow
the path to discover the old excavations with the remains of the chapels on the plateau and enjoy the breathtaking view of the valleys.
Start the descent from the plateau by the Saint-Michel chapel continuing along the marked path. After the
descent, cross the Pont des fées, climbing the Sentier des Moines to reach the site of Pierre Kerlinquin. Keep to
the marked trail until reaching the Sainte Sabine chapel to join the red triangle path to the left of the chapel,
to the cross of Sainte Sabine. On the large path, continue until you reach L’Epinette. Follow on down the path
to take the downhill trail (always follow the signs) which cuts across a large path to reach a small road near the
Sainte-Claire chapel. Carry on down the road for about 100 metres and take the first path on the right after the
last house surrounded by a high wall. This path leads to the road and then to the gendarmerie headquarters.
Sainte-Sabine Chapel
Depart/Return : Stadium car park - Saint-Amé
Distance : 14 Km / Difference in altitude : 400 mètres
Duration : 4 hrs / Difficulty : average
Marking : Green triangle, green circle, blue cross, blue plus, red triangle, yellow circle / Level : walkers
Description : This 14km walk gives you a magnificent view of the granite quarries and Sainte-Sabine Chapel,
the object of a pilgrimage on the last Saturday of August.
Access : From the car park, follow the path opposite the main gate of the stadium and climb. On the left is a
small pond. Take the path at the end of the pond to get back on the D43d road and follow it for about 200m.
Then follow the green triangles on a path to the left for about 2km. Turn left at the green circles and continue for 300m to reach the granite quarries, which offer the most beautiful view on Saint-Amé.
Continue on the green circle path that passes next to a hunting cabin with a fountain. Be careful at the intersection of 4 paths, leave the circular path and take the central unmarked path for 800m, not the one that
climbs and has tarmac, nor the one that goes downhill. Then take the blue cross path that reaches the site
of Pierre Kerlinquin, an unmissable curiosity in the area. Continue on the path to the left for 600m then turn
right towards the Sainte Sabine Cross then continue on the path with the blue plusses or red triangles to the
Sainte Sabine Chapel with its spring and beautiful round basin in red sandstone. After the Chapel, follow the
blue plusses or the yellow circles and turn right after 600m. Then turn left and follow the green circles for
several kilometres to reach the first uphill path with green triangles, allowing you to return to the Stadium.
Rock Shelters
Depart/Return : Forest chalet at Hêtre de la Vierge - Cleurie
Distance : 2 circular paths of 3km and 4km / Difference in altitude : 100 metres
Duration : 1h and 1h30 / Difficulty : family walk
Marking : Red rings (Jacquinot path) and blue rings (9th RAMA path) / Level : for all
Access : Go up to the Cleurie Town Hall and continue to the Col du Singe. 500m after entering the forest,
take the road to the left towards the Hêtre de la Vierge and park near the forest chalet. Spring on site.
Description : 2 trails. To the right: The ‘Jacquinot path’ and to the left the ‘9th RAMA path,’ both giving you the
opportunity to discover beautiful rock shelters, with a view of the Vallée de la Cleurie from the ‘Jacquinot path’.
The Educational Trail of Morraine de Noirgueux
Depart/Return : Site of Noirgueux - Saint-Nabord
Distance : 4 Km / Difference in altitude : 30 metres
Duration: 1 hour / Difficulty : easy
Marking : 8 information panels dedicated to points of interest / Level : Families with pushchairs
Access : Coming from Remiremont, take the D157 exit (Saint-Nabord/Peuxy), then the ZI Eloyes / Saint-Nabord and turn immediately right
on to the Chemin des Broches. Turn left and take the first left onto the Chemin de Longeroye. Continue to panel No. 1 ‘Le site Noigueu’ and
panel No. 2 ‘La Moraine Noirgueux’, panel No 3 ‘Hommage à Henri Hogard’, panel No. 4 ‘L’ancien Lac de Saint-Nabord/Remiremont’ , panel
No. 5’ La Zone Natura 2000’, panel No. 6 ‘Le tracé de la Moselle’, and panel No. 7 ‘Le Canal d’alimentation du réservoir de Bouzey.’
Description : The Noigueux site is a cluster of pebbles, gravel and sand accumulated at the extremity of the glacier, which
descended from the Vosges mountains and stretched over nearly 40km in the Moselle Valley during the last glaciations. The
educational trail was created on this important local historic site of the 2nd World War, when military action saw the liberation of Remiremont on 21st Sept. 1944. The commemoration stone pays tribute to the American soldiers of the 36th D.I. who
fought there, risking their lives, and where a memorial ceremony is held every year, which includes realistic reconstructions.
Waterfalls of Tendon
Depart/Return : Parking at « Auberge Au Pied de la Grande Cascade » - Tendon
Distance : 2,5 Km / Difference in altitude : 170 metres
Duration : 1 hour / Difficulty : easy, family walk
Marking : Little Red Riding Hoods marking / Level : for all (good shoes)
Access : From Remiremont, take the D417 towards Gérardmer. In Le Tholy, turn left onto the D11 towards Tendon. Pass
the Col de Bonnefontaine then in front the La Grande Cascade’ Hotel-Restaurant, continue for 300m then turn left on to
the Chemin des Cascades. Park in the car park of the Auberge where you can find the Grande Cascade 100m further on.
Description : The Grande Cascade, the longest waterfall in the Vosges is an oasis of freshness at 600m altitude. It
descends into the woods into three successive waterfalls of 32 metres. You can climb to the top, it takes about
twenty minutes. A forest road leads the Petite Cascade, which is about 1km away. It consists of two small waterfalls on the Scouet stream. In winter, it becomes a beautiful landscape with snowy fir trees and large icicles.
Vierge du Mai
Depart/Return : Parking at the church - Dommartin-lès-Remiremont
Distance : 4 Km / Difference in altitude : 150 metres
Duration : 1 hour 15 / Difficulty : average
Marking : « La Vierge du Mai » signage - Level : easy
Access : Take the Rue du Cuchot behind Le Karélian restaurant and follow the signage for 2km to reach the
Rue Rapré, then the forest. 1.84m high, the statue is one of the 3 most remarkable statues of the Virgin in the
Vosges. After being returned to the church in 1956, it was relocated on the Cuchot mountain (551m) on 29th
May 2010. The location for the copy of the statue is at the junction of the Moselle and Moselotte Valleys, it
dominates the plain from its 150m promontory. To complete the site, an orientation map was installed near
the statue. It allows you to enjoy a wonderful panorama and take a rest before starting the descent.
Fishing path accessible to the disabled
Depart/Return : Football stadium - La Forge
Distance : 2 paths of 300m and 400m / Difference in altitude : 170 metres
Duration : 30 minutes minimum / Difficulty : easy
Marking : Information panel at the entrance to the site / Level : for all
Access : From Remiremont, take the direction of Gérardmer by the RD 417. After Julienrupt, turn left to
Cleurie. Park at the stadium or at the Maison de la pêche (first left after the Stadium).
Description : Along the Cleurie, discover a path for young and old alike, in a preserved natural setting. This
footpath is ideal for fishing (1st category river), relaxation and walks with the family. Fishing placements
have been specially designed for disabled visitors: covered shelter, picnic tables with places for wheelchairs and adapted toilets (access charge: €0.20)
Etang de
La Demoiselle
Le Calvaire
Roches de
Le Val d'Ajol
La Bresse
la C
leu Liezey
r ie
Le CostetBeillard
Col de la Schlucht
Forêt de
Le Chanois
Roches de
Source de
Forêt Domaniale
de Longegoutte
Le Thillot
Forêt Domaniale
de Noire Goutte
La Bresse
Col de la Schlucht
er t
D 43
Les Meix
Col d'Oderen
Forêt Domaniale
Etang de
Le Grand la Besace
La Croisette
La Brasserie
La Poirie
La Bresse
Les Chènes
Bois du
La Feuillée
Le Pré
Le Girmont-Val d'Ajol
Le Syndicat
Bois du Corroy Roche
La Vigotte
Chapelle de
La Magdeleine
la Moselo
du Fouchot
Le Roulier
de Celles
Bois du Sapenois
Le Hariol
Plan d'eau
D 23
la Mo
Forêt Domaniale
de Humont
RN 57
Le Haut du Tôt
D 417 Etangs
Etang Pas de
du Renard l'Âne
Saut de la Cuve
Saint-Etienne Vieux Carrières
Fort du
La Demoiselle
la M
Cascade de
Xennois Mireaumont
Le Château
La Forge
RN 6 6
la C
Le Pont
des Fées
Etang de
Seux Xennois
Bois de la
la Moselle
Walking p. 19 à 21
Our leisure partners
p. 22 à 25
Tourist map p. 26 à 27
Etang de
Montiroche Huchère
Forêt Domaniale
du Fossard
Le Tholy
Roches de
Le Hêtre
de la Vierge
du Thin
Voie Verte
- Greenways
- Playgrounds
- Arboretum and Forestry trails
- Swimming
- Bowling
- Canoeing-kayaking
- Cycling, skiing, snowshoeing
- Bicycle touring
- Hang gliding and paragliding
- Horse riding
- Climbing
- Karting
- Bird watching
- Fitness trails
- Fishing in lakes and rivers
- Hiking and Nordic walking
- Skate-parc
- Tennis
- Mountain Bike
Etang de
la Plaine
Sport and Leisure p.16 à 18
- Local produce
- Leisure activities on the farm
- Where do I find local products ?
- Local markets
Bois des hauts
de Raon
Le Pranzieux
la M
Le Rond
Etang de
Stèle de
- Water
- Stone and Rocks
- Forest and Landscapes
Discover p. 14 à 15
Forêt de SaintNabord Longuet
La Racine
Nature p. 11 à 13
de Tendon
Tourbière du
Faing Janel
- Wood
- Iron and other metals
- Stone
- Textiles
Bois de la
Charme de
- Heritage
- Nature
- The Venetian Carnival
Expertise p. 10
Les Grandes
p. 04
Heritage p. 05 à 07
Museums p. 08
Follow the guide
p. 09
- Cleurie
- Dommartin-lès-Remiremont
- La Forge
- Le Syndicat
- Saint-Amé
- Saint-Nabord
- Saint-Etienne-lès-Remiremont
- Tendon
- Vecoux Tableau
Roche de
La Moulure
Welcom to Remiremont
p. 01 à 03
and its surroundings
la M
Forêt Domaniale
du Géhant
TouT pour voTre cuisine
• grand choix de moules souples •
• electroménager Haut de gamme •
• collections induction •
• lignes tendances culinaires •
Mandolines • coutellerie • cocottes en fonte •
Magasin de détail - Faymont
88340 le Val d’ajol (face à l’usine)
tél/Fax : 03 29 30 56 12 - www.debuyer.coM
ouVert du mardi
22 au samedi 9h-12h / 14h-19h