DECEMBER 2013 - Walnut Grove Buddhist Church
DECEMBER 2013 - Walnut Grove Buddhist Church
WALNUT GROVE BUDDHIST CHURCH DECEMBER 2013 KIESHIKI CEREMONY & HOONKO SERVICE HELD The afternoon of Sunday, November 17 was special at our little country church, for we had in our presence his eminence, Reverend Kodo Umezu, Bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America. At 2:00 PM, the Bishop performed the Kieshiki Ceremony, personally bestowing homyo (Buddhist names) to six applicants, Phillip Frame, Joanne Ishizuka, Nellie Kawamura, Sandra Kawamura, Stephen Mican, and Teruko Ono. At the conclusion of the Kieshiki ceremony, the recipients posed for a group photo with Reverend Umezu, Reverend Katsuya Kusunoki, Reverend Roy Mayhugh and Youth Minister’s Assistant Darcy Nishi. Following the Kieshiki, the Hoonko Service was held, with the Bishop as our guest speaker. He delivered an important Dharma message, interspersed with amusing anecdotes. At the end n of the service, the Sangha was invited to offer incense, and were presented with okumotsu as they filed out of the hondo. Everyone was also invited to remain for tea and refreshments in the social room. FIRST ANNUAL CHICKEN THROWDOWN A HUGE SUCCESS Congratulations to the Stockton Buddhist Church. For their entry for the best bazaar chicken teriyaki, they were awarded the first place trophy by celebrity judges, John Garamendi, Lina Fat and Ed Fong. They also won the People’s Choice Award. Congratulations to Reverend Patty Oshita and her committee for successfully hosting the very first Annual Teriyaki Chicken Throwdown. Those who attended the affair raved at the good food and fun time, and are definitely be looking forward to the Second Annual Chicken Throwdown. TWO SPECIAL SERVICES Everyone is invited to attend the following two special services. The first is the Year-End Service, to be held on Tues., December 31st from 10:30 AM., with Rev. Kusunoki and Rev. Mayhugh officiating. To ring out the year, attendees will take turns tolling the temple bell. On Wednesday, January 1, 2014, the New Year’s Day Service will be held, officiated by Reverend Roy Mayhugh. After the service, everyone is invited to regroup in the social room to enjoy an hour of toasting, singing, visiting, and enjoying light refreshments. As usual, we are counting on Frances to come up with her hot and tasty ozone. 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTED The mail- in ballots submitted by our members, and tabulated by the committee chaired by Yuri Yokoi, resulted in the elections of the following as members to the board of directors for year 2014. Congratulations! Toshiko Hamada Aki Ito Nellie Kawamura Craig Nakahara Ted Oda Sharon Sano Carol Tang Yoshie Wong Steve Hiromoto Christie Ishizuka David Ito Gladys Katsuki Roy Mayhugh Shizue Nagoshi Frances Nakahara Mary Oda Wesley Omoto Holly Pauls Tom Shinmoto Ralph Sugimoto Marvin Yokoi Yuri Yokoi (Hiroko Sugimoto, alternate) All members elected to the 2014 Board are asked to be present at the Saturday, December 7, 2013 meetings, starting at 10:00 AM. Old Board, General, and New Board meetings will be held, with lunch being served. JAPANESE VISITORS EXPECTED IN 2014 On April 12, 2014, Reverend Kiyonobu Kuwahara of the Jodo Shinshu Center, Berkeley, will arrive in Walnut Grove on April 12, 2014, with twenty to twenty-five visitors from various regions of Japan. They plan to be here in Walnut Grove from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. They are bringing their lunch, and we need only to provide a dining area. (We may offer the use of our church social room, or the Gakuen hall.) BCA 2014 CALENDARS ARE NOW AVAILABLE BCA 2014 calendars have arrived. For those interested, the calendars are available at the church. Donation of $5.00 is suggested for each calendar. WGBWA NEWS Elections were successfully held for the 2014 cabinet. Toshiko Hamada and Frances Nakahara will be our co-presidents. Thanks to all who agreed to hold positions, and to everyone who will be supporting them in the coming year! Our next meeting will be on December 1st at 11:00 AM. Toban will be Gladys Katsuki, June Matsubara, Kuniko Nishi, Carol Tang and Jean Yokotobi. DHARMA SCHOOL / ADULT STUDY Rev. Roy gave us a Dharma message about the names we receive in our lives; how changing one’s name can change the way one feels about oneself. This, of course, was timed perfectly due to some members receiving their Buddhist names later the same day. How wonderful for them that they have a new feeling inside; congratulations! Our next meeting will be December 15th at 10:30 AM, with our usual format of the Dharma Service followed by the concurrent Dharma School and Adult study classes. December Shotsuki Deceased Moshu (Chief Mourner) Kurasuke Higashi 東 Kumao Miyakawa 宮川 Tatsu Miyakawa Ichiji 倉助 Suwako Sue Hori 堀 スワ子 熊雄 Roy Aki Miyagawa 宮川 あき 宮川 タツ Roy Aki Miyagawa 宮川 あき Iseri 井芹 一二 George Iseri 井芹 ジョージ Tetsuji Hirakawa 平川 哲邇 James Hirakawa 平川 ジェームス Umetaro Hamada 浜田 梅太郎 Toshiko Hamada 浜田 敏子 Tani Hamada 浜田 タニ Toshiko Hamada 浜田 敏子 Kane Hamada 浜田 カネ Toshiko Hamada 浜田 敏子 Misuyo Oto 大藤 みすよ Clifford Oto 大藤 クリフォード Isao Oto 大藤 勲 Clifford Oto 大藤 クリフォード Tsuguo Nakaoka 中岡 継夫 Ralph Nakaoka 中岡 ラルフ Niichi Nakayama 中山 仁一 Nellie Kawamura 川村 ネッリー Louise Tome Sano 佐野 トメ Toru Sano 佐野 亨 Mineyoshi Okamoto 岡本 峰吉 Kikuye Okamoto 岡本 キクエ Ben Kusaba 草場 ベン Dale Kusaba 草場 ディル Yoshio Kusaba 草場 ヨシノ Dale Kusaba 草場 ディル Kiichi Matsumoto 松本 喜一 John Matsumoto Jr. 松本 ジャン Moto Shoji 小路 モト Nobuko Shoji 小路 信子 Misao Nakahara 中原 節 Frances Nakahara 中原 フランセス Itsuji Sakogawa 迫川 逸次 Ronald Shigio 執行 ロナルド Fumio Nakahara 中原 文雄 Nancy Nakahara 中原 ナンシー Tamotsu Toshiye Kawahara Eastburn 河原 保 Sadako Mikio Kawahara Nagoshi 河原 定子 Reverend Kusunoki’s Message <Tour to Hongwanji and Kogenji in Japan> Last year, my parents, some ministers, and my family temple, Kogenji’s members came to visit the Buddhist Church of Lodi and the Walnut Grove Buddhist Church. I thought that next it is our turn to visit them. Twenty-three of us went to Japan to visit the Hongwanji and Kogenji from October 14th to 26th. There were many fun events and unexpected occurrences during this trip. I would like to share some of my unforgettable memories in our journey. We left for Japan from the San Jose Airport. Everybody was so excited to go to Japan. After our ten-hour flight, one big typhoon welcomed us. Our airplane ride was bumpy. When the airplane landed at the Tokyo Narita airport, I got airsick. Everybody looked tired at that time. We were supposed to take another domestic flight to the Osaka Itami airport, but the flight was cancelled because of the big typhoon. I was shocked to hear the news. When we went to the All Nippon Airlines’ counter, there was a long queue. My wife waited in line to find another flight to Kansai area. I called our tour agency to find a hotel in case we could not find any flights. Fortunately, we were able to find a flight to the Kansai area. We did not have time to eat dinner on that day. It was around 12:30am when we arrived in Kyoto, which was our destination. Everybody was exhausted. We were supposed to visit Hongwanji next morning but I decided to cancel it because I wanted them to have enough rest. It was around 2:00am when I went to a bed. However, one lady woke me up at 5:00am next morning and took me to Hongwanji’s morning service. She, of course, was my wife, Ayano. The Kikyoshiki affirmation service was going to be held after the morning service, and our religious leader, Gomonshu Koshin Otani, was the officiating minister on that day. She really wanted to receive her Buddhist name from Gomonshu. That was why she woke up early in the morning on that day. She was presented her Buddhist name “SHAKU RYOU JU” by Gomonshu. She was happy to be granted her wish. I was also glad to attend the Kikyoshiki and see Gomonshu before he retired. After Kyoto, we went to Nagasaki, which is my wife and my hometown. My parents and Kongenji temple’s members held a welcome party for us. The venue was a fancy Chinese restaurant in a hotel where we stayed. I had sent some bottles of Lodi wine for the party. We toasted a glass of Lodi wine to begin the party. The food was so delicious. The wine was also very tasty. Everybody drank a lot and enjoyed their conversation. My father became “very happy”. As you know, my father likes to do something funny. During our party, my father suddenly said, “Everybody stand up and join hands with others. Please make one big circle!!” My father’s entertainment had started. And then, he started singing “YUYAKE KOYAKE”. “Yuyake Koyakede higakurete~, Yamano Oterano Kaneganaru~!” He also started dancing following the song “YUYAKE KOYAKE”. Of course, everybody performed the dance by following the movements of my father. It was a lively party! We also attended the Kogenji’s Sunday service. We chanted a sutra and recited Nembutsu together. After that, Kogenji’s BWA members and Dharma School students performed some entertainments for us. To express our appreciation, we sang a gatha “NAMUAMIDABUTSU” and my favorite song “Take me out to the ball park”. Everybody was smiling and laughing during the Sunday Service. The lunch was also unusual and amazing. The Kogenji’s members cut some bamboo trees in half and made slides. The water flowed down into the bamboo slides. And also, Somen noodles were running down the bamboo slide. We had to catch it with chopsticks to eat our lunch! Everybody was making noise eating Somen noodles. The lunch was also lively! We call it “SOMEN NAGASHI (Somen slide)” in Japan. After we left Nagasaki, we went to Hiroshima and Tokyo. We also visited Nagasaki and Hiroshima’s atomic bomb museum and Tsukiji Hongwanji. In Tokyo, we went to a historical Sukiyaki restaurant for our farewell dinner. At the end of our tour, two typhoons were approaching Tokyo and one earthquake hit near Tokyo. But, everybody came home safely. There were so many other fun events in our tour. Please ask the people who joined this tour about these events. <The evaluation of 2013’s resolutions> (E-excellent, G-good, S-so so, B-bad) Lodi: Get 100 attendees 1 G Walnut Grove: Get 30 attendee 2 Improve my English pronunciation G Watch a movie at a movie theater 3 G “The Hunger Games” 4 Baseball Batting Average: 300 - 2013 Memorial Service Schedule 2013 is the memorial year for those who passed away in: 2012 1 year 1997 17 year 2011 3 year 1989 25 year 2007 7 year 1981 33 year 2001 13 year 1964 50 year In Gassho Rev.Katsu ほんがんじ こうげんじさんぱい つ あ ー 【本願寺・光源寺参拝ツアー】 さくねん6がつ わたし りょうしん わたし かぞく てら こうげんじ もんと ろ ー だ い ぶっきょうかい う ぉ る な っ と ぐ ろ ー ぶ ぶっきょうかい 昨年六月、 私 の 両 親 と 私 の家族のお寺 の光源寺の門徒さんが、ローダイ 仏 教 会 とウォルナットグローブ 仏 教 会 たず つぎ われわれ ばん 10がつ14か 2 6 に ち わたし つま あやの を訪 ねてきてくれました。次 は、我々 の番 だということで、十月十四日から二十六日まで、 私 、妻 の綾乃、 ほ か 2 1 め い ほんがんじ こうげんじ たず たび で 他二十一名で本願寺と光源寺を訪 ねる旅 に出かけました。 さ ん の ぜ くうこう とうきょうなりたくうこう む わたし でむか おおき たいふう なりたくうこう ちゃくりく サンノゼ 空港 から東京 成 田空 港 へ向かった 私 たちを出迎えてくれたのは、 大 きな台風 でした。成田空港へ 着 陸 とき おお ゆ くうこう とき おお もんだい お する時 には大 きく揺れて、空港 へついた時 には、みんなぐったりしていました。そこへ、大 きな問題 が起きました。 わたし ご おおさかいたみくうこう と ば す きょうと む よてい ひこうき たいふう 私 たちは、その後、大阪伊丹空港へ飛んで、バスで京都 へ向かう予定だったのですが、その飛行機が台風 のために けっこう つま か ふ ら い と よやく か う ん た ー なら わたし りょこうだいりてん でんわ 欠航 になったのです。妻 は、代わりのフライトを予約するために、ANAのカウンターへ並 び、 私 は、旅行代理店に電話 か ふ ら い と な ばあい ほ て る さが うん べつ くうこう ひこうき と をして、代わりのフライトが無かった場合のホテルを探 しました。運 よく、別 の空港 から飛行機が飛 ひこうき の きょうと きょうと ほ て る つ んでおり、なんとか、その飛行機に乗って、京都 までたどりつくことができました。京都 のホテルに着いたのは、 しんや12じはんごろ つぎ ひ あさ ほんがんじ さんぱい ご ご きょうとかんこう よてい ごぜんちゅう 深夜十二時半頃でした。次 の日は、朝 から本願寺へ参拝 し、午後から、京都 観光 の予定でしたが、午前 中 の ほんがんじさんぱい きゅうきょ き ゃ ん せ る つま あさ5じ め さ ほんがんじ 本願寺参拝は、みんなの体調を考えて、 急 遽 、キャンセルしました。しかし、妻 は、朝五時に目を覚まし、本願寺のお あさじ さんぱい もんしゅ ほうみょう わたし つま どうこう ほんがんじ まい 朝事に参拝 し、ご門主 より 法 名 をいただきました。もちろん、 私 も、妻 に同行 し本願寺にお参 りさせていただきました きょうと つぎ わたし つま こきょう ながさき おとず ながさき つ ひ よる ほ て る なか ちゅうかりょうり れ す と ら ん 京都 の次 は、 私 と妻 の故郷 、長崎 を 訪 れました。長崎 へ着いたその日の夜 は、ホテルの中 の中華 料理 レストラン かんげい ぱ ー て ぃ ー じぜん ろ ー だ い わ い ん ながさき おく わ い ん かんぱい ぱ ー で、歓迎 パーティーがありました。事前に、ローダイワインを長崎 へ送 っていましたので、そのワインで乾杯 し、パー て ぃ ー はじ ろ ー だ い わ い ん の きぶん わたし ちち た となり ひと て ティーが始 まりました。おいしいローダイワインを飲んで気分がよくなった 私 の父 は、「みんな立って。 隣 の人 と手 おお ひと わ つく をつないで、大 きな一 つの輪を作 りましょう。」 とつぜんい だ あと と突然言い出しました。その後 、 ひ く やま てら かね な 「ゆーやけ、こやけで、日が暮れて~♪山 のお寺 の鐘 が鳴る~♪」 ゆう こ うた おど ちち おど ま ね おど たの ゆうしょくかい と「夕 やけ小やけ」を歌 って、踊 りだしました。みんな父 の踊 りを真似して踊 りました。なんとも楽 しい 夕 食 会 でした。 ながさき こうげんじ にちようらいはい さんぱい きょう ほとけ まい ご また、長崎 では、光源寺の日曜 礼拝 にも参拝 しました。みんなで、お 経 をあげて、 仏 さまにお参 りし、その後、 こうげんじ ふじんかい こ かい だ もの わたし ま 光源寺の婦人会や子ども会 のみんなが、いろいろな出し物 をしてくれました。 私 たちも負 ねっしょう ひる なが けてられません。みんなで、”NAMOAMIDABUTSU” “Take me out to the ball park”を 熱 唱 しました。お昼 には、そうめん流 たの しをして楽 しみました。 ご ひろしま とうきょう む げんばくしりょうかん つきじほんがんじ や れ す と ら ん い その後、広島 、 東 京 へと向かいました。原爆 資 料館 、築地本願寺、また、おいしいすき焼きレストランにも行 たび さいご ふたつ たいふう じしん げんき かえ くことができました。旅 の最後には、 二 つの台風 と地震にみまわれましたが、みんな、元気に帰 たび はなし つ あ ー さんか ひと たず ってくることができました。まだまだ、いろいろな旅 の 話 がありますので、ツアーに参加した人 に尋 ねてみてください。 がっしょう 合掌 くすのき 楠 かつや 活也 The Walnut Grove Buddhist Church would like to thank everyone that donated, participated and helped in the Fund Raiser Golf Tournament held on November 1, 2013 at Wildhawk Golf Course. The funds raised will help in repairs and maintenance of the church of 86 years. A special thank you to Sensei Roy Mahugh for his generous donation of $3700 to the Walnut Grove Buddhist Church Sonenkai. Thank you to Justin Ito for the design of the Cinch/Backpack bags; Gigi Ito for her photography services throughout the day and Sharon Yokoi-Shelton and Sachi Yokoi for handling the check-in table for the golf participants. Also thank you to Reverend Yuki Sugahara and his family from Florin Buddhist Church for joining us for lunch. WGBC GOLF TOURNAMENT DONATION LIST SPONSOR FEES/DONATION Ralph & Pearl Sugimoto Add New Construction - Peter Bowden KW Construction – Marty Sakata North Valley Inspection - Steven Harvey Nakahara, Inc – Craig Nakahara Ronald T. Oye Stanley Nishio Sachi Hiromoto Dennis Hashimoto Dave & Gail Tanaka Eric Fujii Team Virgil Norman Eagle Donation Par Donation & 2 Green Fees Birdie Donation Par Donation Tee Box Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Donation Partial Donation from Flight A – 1st Place Individual Donation from Flight B – 1st Place DONATIONS – NON CASH Roy Mahugh Yokoi Family Steve & Donna Hiromoto Craig & Frances Nakahara Gigi & David Ito Aki & Priscilla Ito Virgil & Charlene Norman Cinch/Backpack Bags Goodies for Cinch/Backpack Bags Doughnuts Fresh Fruit Cookies & Apple Hill Apples & Photography Svcs Pastries & Brochure Printing Yogurt Aki Ito WGBC GOLF TOURNAMENT RESULTS - NOVEMBER 1, 2013 FLIGHT A 1st Place Team #13 Eric Fujii Ron Tsumura Walter Menda GROSS HDCP NET FLIGHT B 60 12 48 1st Place GROSS Team #8 Virgil Norman Evan Lum Ron Jang 76 Ed Imai Ken Yokayama 2nd Place Team #2 Dan S. Ito Steve Egi Stan Ito Chuck Kobayashi 65 13 52 2nd Place Team #7 Eddie Yamamoto Darrel Matsuura Stan Ota Mike Ota 66 3rd Place Team #5 Mark Amioka Glenn Fujii Mark Hayashida Derek Seo 61 8 53 3rd Place Team #4 John Yoshikawa Tosh Ohara Wayne Kurahara Ted Latona 68 CLOSEST TO THE PIN #4 - Women Only Priscilla Ito 32 Players Received $20 Costco Gift Cards 47'11" #7 Ed Yamamoto Andy Rembulat 30'4" 32'5" #12 Aki Ito 14'4" #17 Dan Ito Tosh Ohara 3' 4' 11/20/2013 CALENDAR December 2013 Sun 01 11:00AM Sun 01 Sat. 1:30PM 07 10:00AM Wed 11 9:00AM Sun BWA General Meeting Shotsuki Service (“Ocean” study classes cancelled) Board, General & New Board Meetings (Toban: Gladys, Nancy N., Hiroko, Sharon S.) Oasaji (held monthly, on 2nd Wednesdays) 22 10:30AM Dharma School/Adult Study Class Tues 31 10:30AM Year-End Service Please remember to attend the NewYear’s Day Service on Jan. 1, 2014 from 10:30PM
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らせ:月に一度、 日曜礼拝 の 後 に日本語法話をいたします。
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