The Mary Ishisaki $100000 Challenge Grant
The Mary Ishisaki $100000 Challenge Grant
W I N T E R 2 0 1 3 Make a Donation to Kimochi San Mateo’s Capital Campaign The Mary Ishisaki $100,000 Challenge Grant 気持会サンマテオ資金調達キャンペーンに寄付しましょう。メアリー・イシザキ10万ドル助成金チャレンジ 去る11月1日、気持会サンマテオ資金調達 On November 1st, the Co-Chairs of the Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign, John Noguchi and Sandy Mori, proudly announced the Mary Ishisaki Challenge Grant. For every dollar raised for the Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign between November 1, 2013 and May 17, 2014, Mary Ishisaki has generously offered to match the gift, dollar-fordollar, up to $100,000. キャンペーンの共同委員長であるジョン・ ノグチさんとサンディー・モリさんは、 メアリ ー・イシザキ10万ドル助成金チャレンジを 発表しました。11月1日から来年5月17日ま での期間に、10万ドルまでの寄付金と同額 の助成金を寄付すると、 メアリー・イシザキ さんは心よく申し出てくださいました。 「これは寄付するいいチャンスです。寄付 “This is a wonderful opportunity to 金の額が倍になる訳ですから」 とモリさん。 give, and in essence doubles your 「私たちはサンマテオ郡に住んでいる家族 Mary Ishisaki pictured in front of Kimochi Home. giving,” says Sandy Mori. “We are とシニアのために、気持ホームサンマテオを成 really pushing to make the Kimochi San Mateo project a どんな寄付金も重要です。寄付を集めるのには大 success for the families and seniors of San Mateo County and 功させてたいのです。 every gift counts. It is not an easy time to raise money, but 変な時期ですが、ペニンシュラに住むシニアと世話人をサポートすべ we are doing it a dollar at a time to extend our support to く、 目標達成のため一歩ずつ頑張っています。」 Peninsula seniors and their caregivers.” 気持会は、心よくサンマテオ・プロジェクトをご支援くださいましたメア Kimochi is very grateful to Mary Ishisaki for choosing to support the San Mateo project in such a generous way. Mary is a cherished Kimochi Board Member as well as long-time volunteer at Kimochi Home. Kimochi and the San Mateo project hold great meaning to her. “My late husband, Ben, and I believed in the Kimochi programs offered and after 20+ years of volunteering for the organization, I know this is the perfect next step for Kimochi to expand into San Mateo County. I hope you will join me in accomplishing this goal.” To submit a gift before May 17th, 2014, please use the enclosed envelope and mark your donation as a gift for the Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign, or donate online at (designate your gift to Kimochi San Mateo). For any questions, please contact Anna Sawamura Higaki at Every dollar goes toward the construction and renovation costs of the project. We greatly appreciate your help -- and ask everyone’s support in meeting this Challenge Grant. リー・イシザキさんに心から感謝申し上げます。 メアリーさんは大切な 気持会役員であり、 また長年気持ホームのボランティアを務めておい でです。気持会とサンマテオ・プロジェクトはメアリーさんにとって大き な意味を持っています。 「亡くなった夫ベンと私は、気持会の各種プロ グラムを信頼してきましたし、気持ホームがサンマテオ郡にオープンす るのは理にかなった次のステップだと、20年以上のボランティア活動 を通して思います。皆さんも私と一緒にこの目標を達成しましょう。」 2014年5月17日までに寄付をするには、 同封の封筒を使用し気持会 サンマテオ資金調達キャンペーンへの寄付金と明記するか、 インター ネットでwww.kimochi-inc.orgから気持会サンマテオへの寄付金 と指定の上、寄付してください。 お問い合わせは、 アナ・サワムラ・ヒガキ (までご連絡ください。 寄付金の全額がこのプロジェクトの建設とリフォームに使用されます。 助成金チャレンジを達成できるよう、皆様のご協力をお願い致します。 1 A Message from the Executive Director ホリデーシーズンが近づき、秋が冬になる従って、私は家族について As the holiday season approaches, my thoughts are on family - and our Kimochi family. 考えます。 私はホリデーシーズンがサンクスギビングと共に始まるといつも感じ The holiday season, for me, begins with Thanksgiving -- making sure that all of the relatives are invited, shopping for food, getting the house ready, and most importantly helping my wife prepare the traditional Steve Nakajo MSW, Thanksgiving dinner. Then it’s Executive Director on to Christmas and ushering in the New Year--Oshogatsu! We focus on properly preparing all the traditional dishes, our version of “osechiryori.” And, of course, we all drink a shot or two of sake. What a great tradition! ています。私の義母が亡くなって以来、我が家でサンクスギビングを 祝う家族の伝統を継承しています。 これは、私にとって、親戚一同を 招待し、食料を買い、家を整え、 これが一番重要ですが、妻が伝統的 なサンクスギビングディナーを料理するのを手伝うということになり ます。 そのあとはクリスマスと続きますが、通常はごく親しい家族だけ で過ごします。子供や孫達はそれぞれの家族や友人たちと祝うので、 自分たちは簡素に祝うようにしています。 勿論、私たち日系人にとって、新年、 お正月を迎えるのがホリデーシ ーズン最大のイベントです。私たち流のおせち料理を適切に準備す I treasure seeing all of the family and witnessing the growth of our children who are now parents themselves, and to play with the grandkids. Their presence and influence is so significant and strong. It is also a time to remember our elders and other family members and dearest friends who are gone from our gatherings - but still warmly remembered and missed. I carry fond memories and deep appreciation for the love, support, and guidance they have all provided me over the years. ることに集中します。昔は、食材を調達するのに一週間かかり、妻が 料理するのに何時間もかかったものです。大晦日にパーティーをして 大騒ぎするというよりも、 お正月を家族・友人達で祝い、 そば、黒豆、 餅、 お雑煮、寿司や刺身を楽しみながら、新年の幸運を願うことに意 義があります。 そして勿論、 お酒を一杯、二杯頂きます。何と素晴らし い伝統でしょうか。 私は家族全員に会えるのを、 そして今や自分たちが親になった子供 I also think of the seniors who have been with us, or who are with us at Kimochi now. For many of them, we have filled the role of family in times of need and have offered our care and services. But little do they know how much they have given back to us with their appreciation, warm smiles, their advice and humor. I also think of our volunteers who so selflessly give their time and expertise to Kimochi. I hope that they have gotten as much from volunteering for our seniors as we have gotten from their generous help. And thank you to our donors and sponsors who support our programs and services - your generous gifts are enormously appreciated and help us continue to provide care for our seniors and take on the challenge of expanding our services in the face of growing need. 達の成長を見るのをとても大切に思います。孫達はその存在感と影 響がとても大切で力強いものであり、一緒に遊ぶことを慈しんでいま す。 また、今はいない自分たちの祖父母、両親、親族たちを想う時期 でもあります。彼らや親友たちを想いながら、長年私に注いでくれた 愛情、 サポート、導きに感謝するのです。 私はまた気持会をサポートしてくれた全てのシニアとボランティアの 方々のことを想います。 多くの方々にとって、 私たちの存在は困った時 に家族の役割を果たしてきました。 だから心からの気持ちと敬意を サービスに反映させることが重要である、 という日本の伝統に従って サービスを提供してきました。皆さんを思い出し、 自分が今持てるも Thank you for a wonderful year - I wish you love and wellness. の、 つまり愛する家族とコミュニティーを可能にしてくれたことに感謝 いたします。 さあ、気持会の精神に則って、両親、祖父母、 そして亡く And, in the spirit of ‘kimochi,’ happy holidays! Thank you for being a part of our Kimochi family and community. なった家族や友人たちをこのホリデーシーズンに思い出しましょう。 スティーブ中条 気持会事務局長 Steve Nakajo Executive Director 2 Kimochi’s Silver Bells Arts & Crafts Faire A Holiday Shopper’s Paradise! 今年のホリデーシーズンは、気持会シルバーベル・アーツ・アンド・ク Shop for a reason this holiday season at Kimochi’s Silver Bells Arts & Crafts Faire. It is THE place to shop for that special one-of-a-kind gift, something practical and affordable, or something silly and fun all of Asian/Pacific Island designs. You will feel good as you shop, knowing that a portion of all of your purchases will help support Kimochi’s programs and services for seniors. ラフトフェアで買い物をしましょう。 どこにもないような気が利いたギ フト、実用的でお手頃価格のもの、 アジア太平洋デザインの面白お かしいギフト商品を見つけることができます。収益の一部が気持会 のプログラムやサービス提供にあてられるので、安心して買い物がで きます。 このシルバーベルに参加するため、至る所からベンダーと買物客が Vendors and shoppers come from near and far to participate in Silver Bells, which has been described as a wonderful, fun, festive holiday event with a great community feel. Free admission, free on-site parking (space as available) and free Kimochi shuttle service to/from Japantown (pick up/drop off at Peace Plaza, Post @ Buchanan Street). 訪れます。 シルバーベルは、 コミュニティー意識にのっとり、 かつお祭 り気分が味わえる素晴らしいホリデーイベントだと好評を頂いてい ます。入場、 パーキング (数に限りがあります) は無料、 そして日本町( ポストストリート/ブキャナンストリートにあるピースプラザから乗り 降り) から無料シャトルバスサービスもあります。 There will be five raffle drawings throughout the day for a chance to win more than 90 fantastic prizes generously donated by participating vendors. Stop by Santa’s Rest Stop where delicious food will be available to satisfy and energize you to shop on. Arlene Chan of San Francisco, says, ‘I have been buying jewelry and gifts here since the beginnings of Silver Bells. I always find unique, handmade items that I can’t wait to give as gifts. Silver Bells is a chance to see old friends, buy from our community of artisans and, of course, to support Kimochi. My favorite thing is to buy something that one of the seniors made.” 一日中5回にわたりくじ引き抽選が行われ、参加ベンダー提供の90 品に及ぶ素晴らしい懸賞品が当たります。 サンタの休憩所に立ち寄 って、美味しい食べものも味わって買い物をするスタミナをつけてく ださい。 「シルバーベル開始以来ずっと、 ジュエリーやギフトをここで購入し ています。 いつもユニークな手作り品を見つけることができ、 ギフトと してあげるのが待ち遠しいものばかりです。 シルバーベルは、 旧友に 会い、地元の職人から作品を購入し、 そして気持会をサポートする 機会です。私の一番のお気に入りは、 シニアが作成したものを購入 することです。」サンフランシスコ在住、 アーリ Come see for yourself why so many people love shopping at Silver Bells and celebrate the holidays with Kimochi and over 90 longtime favorite and new vendors! ーン・チャンさん 多くの人が満喫しているシルバーベルに参加 して、気持会と90以上のベンダーと共にホリ デーシーズンを祝いましょう。 For more information, call Kimochi, Inc. at (415) 931-2294 or visit Saturday, December 14, 2013 10:00am - 4:00pm The Event Center at St Mary’s Cathedral 1111 Gough Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 3 Shoji Horikoshi - In Memoriam Shoji Horikoshi, Kimochi board member and former Director of the San Francisco Police Crime Lab, which bears his name, passed away on July 16 after a five-month battle with cancer. He was 86. With his passing, Kimochi and the San Francisco community lost one of its precious soldiers. The San Francisco Police Crime Lab at Hunter’s Point was named “The Shoji Horikoshi Crime Laboratory.” This lab was considered state of the art with the AFIS fingerprint computer, DNA testing capability, and electron microscopes. He was also active in the Those who know Shoji will SFPD’s Asian Police Officers’ not be surprised to know he Association and was one Shoji Horikoshi at the Kimochi Spirit Awards. was valiant and optimistic of the founding members (Photo by J.K. Yamamoto, Rafu Shimpo) throughout his fight with and later President of the cancer. He was a true “kimochi man,” caring and kind – Northern California Asian Peace Officers’ Association. who made it a priority to give back to community. His colleagues say that he was a mentor, role model, and friend to generations of Bay Area law-enforcement officers. His experiences during wartime, for many Japanese and When Shoji retired from the SFPD, the main ballroom of Japanese Americans alike, was marred by racism and San Francisco’s Hyatt Regency was packed with friends, injustice. But he took an optimistic view of an imperfect colleagues, and dignitaries to honor his service to the SFPD, world. It made him keenly aware of civil rights and he City and County of San Francisco, and for his ongoing worked to make the world a better place than he found it. work in the community. After release from the Topaz Relocation Center, he enlisted In 2010, Shoji was honored with the Kimochi Spirit Award in the Army in 1945 and served in Europe with the to recognize his community spirit, longevity of service, and occupation forces. He graduated from UC Berkeley in continued heartfelt “kimochi.” He served on the Kimochi 1953, majoring in Criminalistics which led to a position Board of Directors from 1997 until his illness forced him to with the San Francisco Police Crime Lab in 1955. step back, and served as its Chair from 2000-2006. Shoji is He would rise through the ranks to the appointment of survived by his beloved nieces Patricia Cochrane and Ann Director of the Lab. He stayed in that position through a Mayeda, and nephews Brian Horikoshi and Carl Horikoshi. dozen chiefs of police, working for 38 years for the SFPD. Shoji left many lives better for knowing him, and his Shoji was a renowned forensics expert who lectured at the memory brings smiles to all who knew him. We should all FBI Academy in Virginia. be so blessed to have lived such a life. Although technically a civilian employee, Shoji’s position within the SFPD was equivalent to that of a police captain. 4 ショージ・ホリコシさんは5ヶ月間におよぶ癌闘病後、7月16日に永眠されました。 ホ リコシさんは気持会の取締役員を務め、 また彼の名を冠するサンフランシスコ警察 鑑識課の元ディレクターでした。享年86歳。気持会とサンフランシスコのコミュニテ ィーはその貴重な存在を失いました。 ホリコシさんを知っている人は、 ホリコシさんが癌闘病の間、一貫して勇敢で楽観的 だったと聞いても驚きません。何故なら、 ホリコシさんは社会への恩返しを最優先し た、真の意味で思いやりと親切心に満ちた 「気持」 の人だったからです。 ホリコシさんの戦時中の経験は、多くの日本人と日系アメリカ人と同様に、人種差別 や不正義によって歪められました。 しかし、彼は不完全な世界に対し楽観的な見方 をとりました。 そしてこの経験を通して、公民権に対する理解を深め、社会をより良い 場所にするため活動しました。 トパーズ強制収容所から解放された後、彼は1945年に陸軍入隊、 ヨーロッパの米 国占領軍で兵役に服しました。1953年にカリフォルニア大学バークレー校を犯罪 捜査学専攻で卒業、 その後1955年にサンフランシスコ警察鑑識課に就職。 ホリコシさんは鑑識課の色々な職位を経て、 ディレクターに就任。彼はSFPDでの38 年間、様々な警察長官に従事しました。 ホリコシさんはバージニア州FBIアカデミー で講義する高名な法医学専門家でもありました。 Kimochi, Inc. 2013 Board of Directors Paul Chin, Chairperson Hiroshi Shimizu, Vice Chairperson Mary Ishisaki, Secretary Jane Yura, Treasurer Rod Henmi Rob Inouye Mari Kawaguchi Ellen Kiyomizu Eric Kobuchi Mark Moriguchi 事実上公務員でしたが、SFPD内でのホリコシさんの立場は警察所長と変わらない ものでした。ハンターポイントのサンフランシスコ警察犯罪鑑識課はショージ・ホリコ シ犯罪鑑識所と命名され、AFIS指紋コンピューター、 DNA検査機能、 および電子 顕微鏡を備えた最先端の研究所と見なされていました。 Benh Nakajo Peter Namkung John Noguchi 彼はまたSFPDのアジア系警察官協会で活躍し、北カリフォルニア・アジア系平和役 員の創立メンバー、 そして後に会長に就任。 ホリコシさんは長年にわたりベイエリア Kyle Oura の警察官たちに対してメンター、 ロールモデル、友人の役割を果たしてきた、 と彼の Dennis Sato 同僚たちは言います。SFPDから退職した際には、サンフランシスコ・ハイアットリー ジェンシーホテルのメインダンスホールで退職祝いが行われ、SFPD、サンフランシ スコ市と郡における彼の業績、 およびコミュニティでの継続的なサービスを称える友 人、同僚そして要人たちで賑わいました。 2010年には、 ホリコシさんはそのコミュニティー意識の高さ、長年に渡るコミュニテ ィーへの貢献、 そして心からの「気持ち」 を称えられ、 キモチスピリット賞を受賞しま した。1997年から病気のため辞任するまで気持会の取締役委員を務め、 また2000 年から2006年の期間は同委員長も務めました。 ホリコシさんは姪のパトリシア・コク ランさんとアン・マエダさん、甥のブライアン・ホリコシさん、 カール・ホリコシさんを残 して逝かれました。生前、知り合った多くの方々の人生を良きものにし、 ホリコシさん を思い出せば故人を知る人全員に笑顔をもたらします。私たちは皆、 ホリコシさんの ような人生を送れるとしたらどんなに素晴らしいことでしょうか。 5 Michi Yukawa Sansei Live! Is • Sho - Ni 三世・ Thank you all for supporting Kimochi and Sansei Live! on its 30th Anniversary. Our annual fundraiser took place on October 19th at One Ferry Plaza, a lovely venue overlooking the shimmering lights of the Bay Bridge. Sansei Live! has always been one of Kimochi’s most popular fundraisers because it is so much fun. This year, over 350 people attended and it was a huge party with live bands, dancing, food and raffle, and great people. There are so many supporters and volunteers we want to thank, most especially the Planning Committee headed by Chairs, Eric Kobuchi and Kelly Mayeda, and CoChair, Richard ‘Juebop’ Jue. Kyle Kuniyoshi who books and manages the entertainment is priceless, tireless and deserves special recognition. We also want to thank Aaron Koga who managed the food/kitchen again this year and Kenny Watanabe who handled logistics with a big heart. Steve Lee hosted the ‘Yonsei Lounge’ with music provided by DJ Kepik -- and brought out his guests and supporters. Thank you to the many volunteers, especially the wonderful AARS Volunteers headed by Mel Kon, and the Berkeley Nikkei Student Union volunteers headed by Christine Jiang. Two of the Bay Area’s best party and dance bands, Rendezvous and Big City Revue, were the cornerstone of the entertainment. KTVU’s Robert Handa and Jana Katsuyama emceed the evening. Mary Ishisaki, our Board Member, organized another successful raffle with the help of the Cherry Blossom Queen Court. To our sponsors, highlighted below, we are so appreciative of your generous support – and thank you to those who attended and contributed your kimochi to Sansei Live! 1 3 4 Photos clockwise from left: Need captions. 2 All photos courtesy of Will Lee Sansei 2013 Live!Sansei 201 6 30th Anniversary Party ライブ 気持会と三世ライブ30周年のご支援どうもありがとうございました。気 ド・Juebop・ジューさんに深くお礼申し上げます。カイル・クニヨシさん 持会の募金パーティーは去る10月19日、ベイブリッジのきらめくライト はエンターテイメント部門を綿密に管理してくださり、そのお力には格 を見渡す美しいOne Ferry Plazaで開催されました。三世ライブは気 別のお礼を申し上げます。私どもはまた、今年も食品/キッチンを管理し 持会で最も人気のある楽しい募金活動の一つとなっています。今年の てくださったアーロン・コガさんと流通関係を快く引き受けてくださった パーティーは350名以上が参加し、バンド生演奏、ダンス、 フードやく ケニー・ワタナベさんに感謝致します。 スティーブ·リーさんはDJ Kepik じ引きなどが盛り込まれた大規模なものでした。 が音楽担当の四世ラウンジを主催し、ゲストやサポーターが多数出席 しました。 メル・コンさんが代表する素晴らしいAARSのボランティア、 ク ベイエリア最高峰のパーティー/ダンスバンドである 「ランデブー」 と 「ビッグシティレヴュー」はこの晩のパーティー最大の見せ物でした。 KTVU局のロバート・ハンダさんとジェイナ・カツヤマさんは司会担当。 リスティーン・チャンさん代表のバークレー日系学生連合のボランティ アの皆様に感謝致します。 気持会の取締役会員であるメアリー・イシサキさんは、桜祭りクィーン 下記のスポンサーの皆様には、 その寛大なご支援に多大な感謝の念を と共にくじ引き抽選会を取り仕切りました。 申し上げると共に、三世ライブに参加して 「気持ち」 を下さった皆様にも 感謝致します。 気持会と三世ライブ一同、多くの支援者やボランティアの方々に感謝 の念を申し上げます。 とりわけ、エリック・コブチさんとケリー・マエダさ んが率いる企画委員会の皆様、 そして同委員会の共同委員長リチャー 8 5 7 Photos from far left: 1. Kyle Oura, Jana Katsuyama, Robert Handa, Eric Kobuchi, 2. Kiyomi Tanaka & Ken Takeda, 3. 2013 Cherry Blossom Queen Kelly Walton & her Court, 4. Grace Fujimoto, Pat DaSilva Fong & Mary Ishisaki, 5. Board members, Rob Inouye, Ellen Kiyomizu, Mary Ishisaki, Kyle Oura and Hiroshi Shimizu, with Nobuhiro Watanabe, Deputy Consul General of Japan, 6. Big City Revue, 7. Mike Son & Steve Nakajo, 8. Rendezvous All photos courtesy of Will Lee 6 • Sho-Ni Sponsors 2013 Live!IsSponsors 7 Kimochi San Mateo, 気持会、サンマテオ群へ host and current Director of the School of MultiMedia Communications at the Academy of Art University, Jan Yanehiro, served as Mistress of Ceremonies and also was our auctioneer for the evening leading a fun and active live auction to raise money for our building. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of a video of Kimochi residential services followed by a kampai toast by Honorary Chair Steve Okamoto, Co-chairs Sandy Mori and John Noguchi, and Kimochi Executive Director Steve Nakajo. A big Kimochi thank you to the Capital Campaign Committee, Event Planning Committee, and the numerous auction donors and volunteers who made this event possible! An overwhelming turnout of 350 supporters joined us for a benefit dinner at the College of San Mateo’s Bayview Dining Room to enjoy a night of great food and entertainment while helping us raise funds for our Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign. The evening opened with a delicious sushi reception generously provided by Chef Alan Hirahara on the beautiful patio area of the facility overlooking the San Mateo Peninsula. The views were breathtaking! While enjoying sushi, Kagami Kai performed a traditional mochi tsuki and provided guests with mochi covered in kinako. The Ayako Hosokawa Quintet performed jazz standards and musical favorites to everyone’s delight! Noted television 1 5 2 6 4 3 Sansei Live! 2013 Is•Sho-Ni Thank You to Our Sponsors! The Okamoto Family 8 San Mateo JACL Expanding Our Services へのサービス拡大を祝う 350人のサポーターがサンマテオカレッジのベイビューダイニングル ディレクターを務めるジャン・ヤネヒロさんがイベントのホステス、そ ームで開催された支援ディナーに参加してくださいました。気持会サ して建築費を集めるにぎやかなライブオークションの司会を務めてく ンマテオ資 金 調 達キャンペーンのために資 金を集めながら、美 味し ださいました。 このイベントのハイライトは、気持ホームの住居サービ いディナーとエンターテイメントを満 喫して頂きました。この夕べは、 スのビデオプレゼンテーション、そして名誉会長のスティーブ・オカモ サンマテオ半島を一望する美しいカレッジのパティオで、アラン・ヒラ トさん、共同代 表のサンディー・モリさんとジョン・ノグチさん、気 持 ハナシェフが気前よく作ってくださった美味しい寿司のレセプション 会事務局長のスティーブ・ナカジョウさんによる乾盃でした。 から始まりました。その眺めは息をのむほど素 晴らしいものでした。 このイベントを成 功に導いた、気 持 会サンマテオ資 金 調 達キャンペ お寿司を楽しみながら、鏡 会が伝 統 的な餅つきを行い、きな粉 餅を ーン委員会とイベント計画委員会、数多くのオークション提供者とボ 振舞いました。アヤコ・ホソカワ・クインテットはジャズスタンダードや ランティアに誠実な感謝を申し上げます。 往年の名曲を演奏し皆を喜ばせました。有名なテレビホストで、今は アカデミーオブアート大学のマルチメディアコミュニケーション学部 7 8 11 9 12 10 Photos from far left: 1. Clayton Tominaga & Jerry Ono, 2. Ayako Hosokawa Quintet, 3. Diane & Steve Okamoto, 4. Kimochi MarCom Peter & Christine Harada Group: Kaz Naganuma, Ellen Kiyomizu, Mary Ishisaki & Lisa Yokota, 5. The Okamoto Family: Steve Okamoto, Barbara Marumoto Coons, Allen Okamoto, 6. Kagami Kai, 7. College of San Mateo President, Michael Claire, 8. John Noguchi & Sandy Mori, 9. Anna Sawamura Higaki & Steve Ishii, 10. Steve Okamoto & Steve Nakajo, 11. Jan Yanehiro, 12. Pam & Yosh Ito Photos courtesy of Grae Fujimoto, Wes Nihei & Kaz Naganuma 9 Kimochi Golf Tournament Won by Local Favorites! 気持会ゴルフトーナメント The 32nd Annual Golf Tournament was held at our favorite spot, the Richmond Country Club in Richmond, CA on Friday, September 20th. Lowell Kimura was the big winner over a field of 140 enthusiastic golfers. Kimura shot a net 63 to win Field Low Net honors and the prestigious Tosh HaraSam Sato Memorial Perpetual Trophy. Our tournament chairs, Lowell and Donna Kimura, and Jerry Kika did a fantastic job leading a dedicated golf tournament committee and volunteer corps including the 2013 Cherry Blossom Queen Court in holding another successful event for us. All proceeds will go towards supporting our programs and services for seniors and families throughout San Francisco and the Bay Area. 第32回例年ゴルフトーナメントが去る9月20日(金)、気持会なじみ のリッチモンド市にあるリッチモンドカントリークラブで開催されまし た。140名以上の熱心なゴルフファンの中で、 ローウェル・キムラさんが 優勝者でした。キムラさんはネット63という優秀な成績で、名誉あるト ッシュ・ハラーサム・サトウ記念永久トロフィーを受賞しました。 トーナメント実行委員長のローウェル&ダナ・キムラ夫妻とジェリー・キ タさんはゴルフトーナメント委員会とボランティア(2013年度桜祭りク イーンコンテスト参加者を含む) を率いて、 このイベントを成功に導いて くれました。 トーナメントの収益金全額がのベイエリアに住むシニアと 家族のための気持会各種プログラムとサービスに使用されます。 We would also like to thank our hole sponsors and the numerous individuals and companies who donated to support our tournament raffle. THANK YOU SO MUCH! 私共は、 トーナメントスポンサーとくじ引きの景品を寄付してくださった 多くの個人と企業に感謝いたします。本当に有難うございました。 2013 Golf Tournament Results Field Low Net Champion: Lowell Kimura 83-20-63 Field Low Gross: Neal Ho 71 Super Seniors Champion: Eiichi Morimoto 100-31-69 Jerry Kika, Eiichi Morimoto & Steve Nakajo Championship Flight: 1st Duane Ong 81-15-66 2nd Neal Ho 71-4-67 3rd David Anzai 79-12-67 4th Darryl Chun 84-17-67 5th Tom Fujimura 83-15-68 First Flight: 1st Jerry Kika 103-39-64 2nd Doug Yoshimura 90-24-66 3rd Alan Wilburn 93-25-68 4th Eiichi Morimoto 100-31-69 5th Tak Shirasawa 104-35-69 Ladies Flight: 1st Sandra Lee 92-24-68 2nd Jan Masaki 100-31-69 3rd Janet Tsukahira 105-32-73 Calloway Flight: Bob Sakai Jerry Kika, Lowell Kimura, Steve Nakajo & Ryan Kimura Photos courtesy of Al Matsui For information on how you can support the Annual Kimochi Golf Tournament, please contact Steve Ishii at (415) 931-2294 or 10 72 Kimochi Budget for 2013 - 2014 Sources of Funds Grants/Foundations, $139,156 , - 5% Interest Income, $20,000 - 1% ons, General Donations, 6% $396,746 - 16% Contracts, $962,764 - 38% C Fundraising Events/Contributions, $200,932 - 8% Program Donations,, % $148,633 - 6% Fees for Service, vice $658,216 $658 216 - 26% TOTAL: $2,526,449 Total: $2,526,449 Expenses Transportation, $223,342 - 9% Adult Social Dayy Care, 4 - 4% $90,014 Nutrition, $753,903 - 30% Nutri Social Services, $493,102 - 19% Kimoch Home, $460,965 - 18% Kimochi nistration, Administration, 20 - 20% $505,120 TOTAL: $2,526,449 Total: $2,526,449 11 Kimochi from the Heart TORI FUKUMITSU, VOLUNTEER My name is Tori Fukumitsu. 私はトーリ・フクミツと申します。 I have just returned to start my junior year at Hamilton College in upstate New York. I spent the summer back home in the Bay Area and did some informational interviews to prepare for my future career, graduate school, and study abroad. 大学3年生になるため、ニューヨーク州北 部のハミルトン・カレッジに戻ったところで す。今年の夏は故郷のベイエリアに戻り、 自 分の将来のキャリア、大学院、海外留学へ 準備するため情報収集をしてました。 その時、私の叔父が気持会委員の理事会 のメンバーの友人を紹介してくれました。 My Uncle Lex introduced me to his friend, who is also a board member of Kimochi. We spent some time talking about opportunities outside the bubble that is Hamilton College and she told me about her board work on Kimochi. Anyway, after our phone call, I looked up Kimochi as I was interested in the organization’s mission, and eventually applied as a volunteer. 大学という塀の外での機会について話し 合い、 その方は気持会での仕事について話 してくださいました。電話での会話の後、気持会に興味を持ち、 ボランティアとして応募しました。 結局、 ひと夏中ボランティアとして働きましたが、 自分がどれだけ 貴重な経験をしたかは言葉で表現できない程で、人生観が変わ りました。本当にたくさんの素晴らしい人達に出会い、 ランチプ I ended up volunteering the whole summer, and I cannot tell you how great a time I had and how it really was a life-changing experience. I met so many genuine people and truly enjoyed helping at the nutrition facility and for the Nihonmachi Street Fair. ログラムや日本町ストリートフェアを楽しみながらサポートした。 気持会での経験を通じ、 アジア人、特に日本人としての自分を意 識するようになりました。 ここ2年ほどはパリへ海外留学するつも りでいましたが、 日本へ留学する事にし、留学するまで学べるこ とは全て学ぶ姿勢で勉強し、留学後は日本語を副専攻したいと My time at Kimochi really made me think about my Asian identity, particularly my Japanese side. While I have been pretty set on going to Paris to study abroad for almost two years now, I have decided to apply to go to Japan, learn as much as possible before I depart, and eventually come back to school and achieve a Japanese minor. None of this would have happened if I had not volunteered at Kimochi, and I wouldn’t have volunteered if I hadn’t learned about Kimochi. 考えています。 これは全て、 自分が気持会でボランティア活動を しなければ起こらなかったことで、気持会を知らなければボラン ティアをすることもなかったのです。 学校が始まり、 また忙しい生活に戻ります。 しかし、新しい事に 挑戦し、自分が真に熱心になれるものを発見するチャンスと奨 励をくださったことに感謝します。私はまだ模索中ですし、実際、 これは一生続くプロセスだと思いますが、 自分の天職を見つけ 出したいです。 この夏中、 そのことが頭にあり、大学に戻ってから School started, so I will be back in the thick of things very soon. But I wanted to thank you for the opportunity and encouragement to try new things and discover what I am truly passionate about. I am still in this process, in fact I think that it is a life-long journey, but I am really trying to narrow things down and find my calling. I kept that in mind throughout the summer, and will continue to do so as I head back to college. も意識し続けようと思います。 気持会ボランティアになりたい方は、サクラ・スズキまでご連絡 ください。連絡先は電話415-931-2294、ssuzuki@kimochiinc.orgです。 気持会の各種プログラムやサービス、 イベント情報に関しては、 気持会のウェブサイト ( まで。 For information on how you can become a Kimochi volunteer, please contact Sakura Suzuki at (415) 931-2294 or 12 Kimochi Loves Our Volunteers! The continuing support of our program volunteers is vital to Kimochi’s efforts to provide care for our seniors. We are grateful for their dedication. Listed are Kimochi program volunteers from January 2013 – September 2013: Naomi Acdan Antonio Aguilar Johanna Albar Erina Alejo Tim Kosuke Ando Masaaki Aoyama Mieko Arai Shizuko Arai Akiko Arikawa Haruyo Balistreri Yayoi Baker Majessa Barksdale Annie Baumgartaer Nina Bazan Dave Bernardo Kate Blessing Mitzi Brain Bob Branconi Lizzy Breaux Nick Breaux Mike Brennan Meagan Brown Taeko Byrne Lauren Burkhart Fumiko Butler Hazel Butterfield Piergiovanni Calvani Kim Carlson Jeff Carpenter Angie Chan Elise Chan Jenny Chan Sydney Chan Tracey Chan Tracy Chan Brian Chang Helen Chang Chuan-Wen Chen Edwin Chen Jessica Chen Valerie Chen Arlyn Chew Jim Chew Elsie Ching Claudia Chiu Jon Cho Monica Cho Helen Chun Arthur Chyan James Clark David Clary Devin Clary Susan Connell Andrea Conway Claire Covacha Lionell Daggs Moto Daijo Jack Dairiki Keiko Dam Mark De Leon Paul Der Ver Hideko Devine Kenneth Dinou George Dombrovski Elizabeth Driskill Matt Driskill Anamaria Dunn Bo Duong Ethan Ehwan Masayuki Endo Norma Esherick Matt Estonina Anastashia Evans Rebecca Feng Watsunya Ferreira Chiu-San Fok Mark Frey Ami Fujii Yoshiko Fujimoto Satoru Fujimura Setsuko Fukuhara Tori Fukumitsu Kazuko Fukumoto Jean Fukunaga Ryoko Fukuoka Rachel Fung Eiko Furuya Maya Futamura Kendel Glapion Kiki Goforth Megumi Gojo Julian Golder Yael Goodman Anqi Gou Atsuko Gramlich Terri Guh CM Guiran Darius Halliday Chris Hamano Amy Hanamoto Julia Hansa Jane Hara Heather Harada Margaret Harada Ryan Harada Ayako Harashima Bobby Haruno Kaori Hasegawa Hashimoto Hatsue Pat Hattori Megan Healy Michelle Heckert Noah Hinto Masa Hirayama Yurika Hom Chuck Hong Andrew Hua Mable Huang Gloria Hwang Shigeko Ichikawa Alice Iiyama John Ikeda Shizuko Ikeda Art Ikuma Kay Ikuma Bobby Inada Yoshiki Inagawa Hashimoto Isao Katsura Ishikawa Tomoko Ishikawa Mary Ishisaki Sachie Iso Minako Ito Yuri Ito Saniya Izbeir Armeka Jackson Jr. Naomi Jabami Diana Jang Daun Jeon Donald Jew Emma Jordan Masa Jow Atsuko Jurenes Yoko Kamimura Rie Kan Akie Karahashi Leyland Kato Teruko Kauhi Kona Kawai Tom Kawakami Yuriko Keenan Midori Kennedy Ai Kikuchi Bridget Kim Chong Kim Shina Kim Mitsuko Knight Edward Kobayashi Masami Kobayashi Sakiko Kobayashi Yukie Kobayashi Bryan Kodama Keiko Koide Kenny Kong Ophelia Kong Megumi Konishi Sora Konishi-Gray Sarah Kuramoto Brandon Kwong Anamaria LagunaDunn Amy Lau Julisa Lau Alfred Lee Jennifer Lee Mabel Lee-Villa Stephanie Lee Jasmin Lei Alisha Leong Allen Leong Yvonne Leong Wendy Leung Liana Lew Sebastian Lewis Karina Li Kingston Li Yi-Chang Li Kyle Lim Raymond Liu Yuting Liu Yoshiko Lohuis Tiffany Louie Drake Lowe Nathaniel Lowe Ririko Lu Nicholas Luas Calvin Luc Miyoko McDevitt Junko McRorie Yoshiko Magdamo Isiah Margate Pat Marjavi Jessica Martinez Leonardo Martinez Jim Masamori Michiko Masuda Haj Matsukata Ryoko Mizuno Matsukata Sachiko Matsumoto Kiyo Matsunuma Christelle Medino Ellise Medino Yusuke Mehara Mitsuyo Mitani Janice Mitsuda Tosh Mitsuda Glenn Miyamoto Nobuko Miyazawa Dominique Mohler Gwen Mohler Mami Mori Alice Moriguchi Tom Morimoto Gail & Pierre Morin Adrianne Morita Shizue Mortensen Stephanie Mortero Tsutaye Murakami Kurtis Murakawa Haruko MurataInouye Sumiko Nagai Yasuko Naiki Miki Naito Leona Nakagawa Yuri Nakagawa Aoi Nakata Kimiko Nakatani Thomas Namara Chut Hamas Nannapravet Yaeko Naritomi Alyssa Ng Natsumi Ng Henry Nguy Anh Nguyen Diana Nguyen Huong Nguyen Mao Nhiu Carl Nicita Fumi Nihei Masayuki Nihei Marline Nishimura Kasumi Nishiyama Naoko Nobuoka Michael O’Connell Haru Oda Janelle Odakura Zachary Ogata Kuni Ogawa Satoe Ogawa June Ohara Ayaka Ohsedo George Ohwa Lois Ohwa Ryoko Okamoto Yoko Okamoto Nao Okumura Kay Onishi Ken Onishi Nick Ono Ryo Ono Louise Osada William Osada Misao Otsuki Mars Pasache Kimiko Paul Felicia Peng Lynne Penner Yuko Penner Maria Pestana Andrew Poli Austin Poli Janet Pong Shannon Preto Sarah Reale Kota Sakai Mako Sakamoto Etsuko Sakimura II Angelo Santos S. Sasajima Kim Sasaki Misaki Sasaki Yuki Sasano Shun Sato Yutaro Segawa Dahye Seo Masa Shigekawa Greg Shimada Teruko Shimogaito Kim Shina Terue Shinohara Eiko Shintake Setsuko Sho Kohki Soejima Kenji Sommers Ayano Sonoda Megas Spencer Peter Stevens Cairo Stewart Kawana Stewart Frank Strom Shiro Suenaga Misako Sumida Donna Szeto Toshiko Takahashi Susan Takamoto Fumiko Takashi Ken Takeda Wilmer Tam Taeko Tamura Kiyomi Tanaka Shigeko Tanaka Vi Tanaka Juan Tandes Michi Tashiro Tony Tat Noriko Terada Michael Teraoka Lana To Everet Tom Michelle Tomsik Austen Tong Ben Treseler Steven Truong Taeah Truong Carrie Tsai David Tsai Kristina Tseng Hideko Tsuchiya Kishiko Tsujisaka John Tsukamoto Etsuko Tsukano Masa Tsuneyama Michiko Ueda Yusuke Uehara Mitsuko Umemoto Kyle Valpoon Victoria Velasquez Diana Victi Caiti Waldman James Wang Tony Wang Jane Watanabe Gemma Wong Gil Wong Jason Wong Kai Wong Kenny Wong Kyle Wong Marissa Wong Mary Wong Mitchell Wong Nicholas Wong Ray Wong Robbie Wong William Wong Leslie Woosley Judi Yabumoto Suzanne Yamada Sharon YamagishiFong Masu Yamaguchi Peco Yamaguchi Fred Yamamoto Jaime Yamamura Pat Yamamura Ron Yamato Tomoko Yamazaki Christopher Yang Jay Yao Natalie Yao Ye, Ye Brandon Yee Dennis Yee Gloria Yee Monica Yee Jackie Yep Natalie Yescas Ritsuko Yip Joy Yokoyama Shari Yoshida Glory Yoshizaki Sarah Young Julia Yuk Katy Yukawa Carrie Zhang Vincent Zhu We would also like to thank all of our many Fundraiser Volunteers who have continuously volunteered their time in making our numerous events successful throughout the year. Your dedication and tireless efforts are very much appreciated by the Board of Directors, staff and seniors as it ensures the continuation of Kimochi’s many programs and services. 13 Ways of Giving to Kimochi, Inc. Help ensure Kimochi’s ability to sustain the Japanese tradition of care and support for seniors will be available for future generations. Your support will help to make sure Kimochi’s programs and services will be available and accessible to all seniors. Kimochi, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt organization. Contributions to Kimochi, Inc. are tax deductible (Tax I.D. # 23-7117402). There are many ways you can give to Kimochi, Inc. PLANNED GIVING CORPORATE OPPORTUNITIES (Endowments, Wills, Trusts, Stocks, Property) We offer businesses tremendous public relations opportunities and high visibility at our special events. Through the Planned Giving program, you may be able to increase income, reduce taxes including estate taxes, and provide for the future of your heirs. • Become our corporate partner through financial support of a fund-raising event VEHICLE • Underwrite one of our many special events (accepting operational and non-operational vehicles) • Support employee gifts with matching corporate contributions Donate your used car, truck, recreational vehicle, boat, jet ski or motorcycle. Kimochi will assist in all transaction paperwork (non-liability and title) and will make arrangements to pick-up your vehicle at your convenience. • Contribute in-kind gifts • Provide speaking opportunities at company meetings E-WASTE RECYCLING IN-KIND Get rid of your old electronic waste (TVs, computers, appliances, fax machines, and more) and support Kimochi at the same time! eWaste4good offers free pickup of your working and non-working electronic items. This is an environmentally safe, easy and convenient way to recycle old electronics. Visit to see a list of acceptable items and to schedule a pickup. Make sure you designate Kimochi, Inc. as your organization of choice to receive funds. Donate fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, paper products, gift items, and healthcare equipment and supplies to one or more of Kimochi’s programs. Need for items vary, so please inquire. EMPLOYER GIFT PROGRAMS Designate your annual workplace campaign gift to Kimochi, Inc. or participate in your workplace’s gift match program. UNITED WAY OF THE BAY AREA United Way’s Donor Choice Program earmarks your United Way gift to an agency of your choice. Designate your gift to Kimochi, Inc. on the United Way Campaign donation form. For additional information about giving to Kimochi, please contact Executive Director Steve Nakajo at (415) 931-2294 or or Associate Director Steve Ishii at (415) 931-2294 or 14 寄付の仕方いろいろ 気 持 会 が日本 の 伝 統 的なシニアケアを継 続できるように、そして次 世 代にも継 承できるよう、皆 様 のご 支 援を お願いしています。全てのシニアが 気 持ホームの 各 種プログラムとサービスを利 用できるよう皆 様 のご 協 力が 必 要です。気 持 会は5 0 1 ( C ( ) 3 )の 非 課 税を受けられる非 営 利 団 体です。気 持 会 への 寄 付は免 税となります。 ( T a x I D # 2 3 - 7 1 1 7 4 0 2 )様々な方 法で気 持 会に寄 付することが 可 能です。 遺産の計画寄付 (寄贈、遺言、信託、株式、不動産) 企業での寄付機会 計 画 寄 付プログラムによって、ご自身の収 入 増 加 、不 動 産税を含む税金額の減少、相続人の安定した将来を可 能にします。 乗用車 (運転可能かどうか問わず) 中 古 車 、トラック、トレーラー 、ボート、ジェットスキー やバイクを寄 付してください。気 持 会 が 必 要な書 類 手 続きを代 行し、ご都 合の良い時に乗 用車を取りに伺い ます。 現物寄付 新鮮な果物、野菜、花、紙製品、贈答品、ヘルスケア機器 と消耗品を気持プログラムに寄付できます。必要な物か どうかお問い合わせください。 職場でのギフトブログラム 職場で年間キャンペーンギフトとして気持会のために寄 付を集める、あるいは会社のギフトマッチプログラムに参 加して寄付できます。 UNITED WAY OF THE BAY AREA United Wayのドナーチョイスプログラムでは、United Wa y への寄 付を指 定したグループに割り当てることが できます。United Wayのキャンペーン寄付申込書で気 持会をご指定ください。 大変貴重なPRのチャンスになります。気持会のイベント で企業アピールができます。 • 気 持 会の企 業パートナーとして、ファンドレイジングイ ベントを金銭的に支援する。 • 職員の寄 付 活 動をサポートし、集まった金 額と同額を 企業も寄付する。 •現物での寄付 •企業ミーティングで講演会を提供 電化製品廃棄物リサイクル 不 要 になったなった 電 化 製 品 廃 棄 物( T V, P C ,ファ ックス機 など )を処 分 、同 時 に気 持 会 をサポートでき ます。e W a s t e 4 g o o d は 、要らなくなった 電 化 製 品( 使 用 可 能 、不 可 能 を 問 わず )を 無 料 でピックアップ してくれます。これ は 不 要 になった 電 化 製 品 をリサイ クル する 環 境 にやさしくて 便 利 な 方 法 で す。w w w . e Wa s t e 4 g o o d . c o mのホームページでは受け付けて いる電 化 製 品を一 覧 でき、ピックアップ 予 約 ができま す。基 金 受 付のグループに気 持 会を指 定してください。 気持会への寄付に関するお問い合わせは、事務局長スティー ブ・ナカジョウまで(415)931-2294、snakajo@kimochiinc.orgあるいは、副事務局長スティーブ・イシイ (415)9312294、sishii@kimochi-inc.orgまでご連絡ください。 ”We’re originally from Mountain View and now live at The Sequoias. We’ve known about Kimochi’s great programs before we moved to San Francisco. Volunteering at the lunch program is great exercise!” – Kimochi Nutrition Volunteers, Isao & Hatsue Hashimoto 私たちはマウンテンビュー出身で、現在はセコイア・老人コミュニティーに住んでい ISAO & HATSUE ます。サンフランシスコに移る以前から気持ホームの素晴らしいプログラムは知って いました。 ランチプログラムでのボランティア活動はいい運動になっています。 HASHIMOTO – 気持栄養ボランティア、イサオ&ハツエ・ハシモト夫妻 15 Donations in Memory Of Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between January 1, 2013 and September 30, 2013. Names in bold identify those who have been honored in memory of with a donation gift to Kimochi. Roy Abbey Jean F. Ogi Hideko Ando Chihoko Ando Eileen Kyne Jane Asaoka Marie & Grace Asaoka Sam Chung Bill Fukumitsu Jeronimo DaSilva Steve & Etsie Nakajo June Eijima Gilbert & Angie Chan Yasko Gamo Dean Hedani Kent S. Hori Jimmy & Yumi Hu Hatsumi Ishii Tom Kawakami Mary Kawano Robert & Mary Kawano Lowell & Donna Kimura Maximum Mobility, Inc. Joseph Shoji Tami Suzuki Rachael Yamashiro John & Chitose Yasumoto Miyeko Fujimitsu Nicholas & Grace Wada Emily Furuyama Steve & Etsie Nakajo Hisako Kimura Keija Kimura Lillian Kimura Joyce Noshiravan Jin Kinoshita Kay Nomura Jim Hirabayashi Barbara Beckley Kaz Koga All American Trophy Supply Sue Tsugiko Holdaway Mark Fujimoto Raymond Konagai June Ikeda Shoji Horikoshi Lawrence Birch Raymond J. Canepa Stanley & Anne Cordes Lloyd Cunningham Henry Friedlander Caryl Ito Harvey & Gay Kaplan William Kidd Stella Kiyota Riyo Kunisawa Kyle & Emily Hsieh Kuniyoshi Leslie Morishita Benh Nakajo Steve & Etsie Nakajo Louise Pierotti Shigeki J. Sugiyama Kirk & Lyn Tomioka Rod Valdepenas Lawrence Kumamoto Craig & Dawn Harris Yukiko Hamai Tak Hamai Tomio & Kimi Hamai Henry & Michi Matsuura George Ikenaga Mary Ikenaga Steve Yukio Hara Shigeo Mitsuda Setsuko Kagehiro Sumiko Akashi Alfred & Arline Chinn Ron & Mimi Kagehiro Steve & Etsie Nakajo Linda Omori Midori Otsuki Lorraine Suzuki William Hikido Benkyodo Co. Willi & Minako Beusch Ina K. Cho Keith Hori Kent S. Hori Teruko Kimura Sam K. Mihara Toshio Mitsuda Irene Nakamura Masako Kimoto Ted T. & Sharon M. Yoshimura Harry T. & Anna Nomura Ray & Judy Ogata Karen Ono Stanley & Junko Ono Louise Ow Ling Rae S. & Tom T. Shimizu George & Mitsie Tanaka Himeo Tsumori Fujiko Yakeda Bill Kyono Brian Kyono and Family Mitsuko Lee Yoshiko Lohuis Shigeko Mamiya Judy Y. Hruska Chiyoko Nagase Gene T. Nagase Hanako Nakamura Gregory Nakamura Hanako Nakamura Gregory Nakamura Tomoko Nakata Ted T. & Sharon M. Yoshimura Katsumi F. Nakano Debbie Iwamasa Fred Y. Matsumoto Shoji Horikoshi Sumi L. Niizawa Misao Niizawa George Matsumoto Teri Matsumoto Takara Noda Tom & Marilyn Swartz Fred Y. Matsumoto Yutaka & Yoshiko Matsumoto Robert & Satoshi Okamoto Jack H. & Deborah N. Sugawara Eiko Ono Hiroko Ono Pablo Mesina Kimochi Senior Ceramic Class Steve & Etsie Nakajo Kelvin & Margarat Mitani Russell & Linda Takei Martha Miyamoto Glenn Miyamoto Neal Miyasaki Marilyn Ersepke Shirley Murakami James Kawanishi Kazuko Kawanishi Frances Morino Nicky Chiuchiarelli Den Nihei Laura Logan Diane Nicolson Hedy Matsuno Frank Matsuno Leona & Winslow Nakagawa Emiko Nakahiro Harumi Kawahara Naomi Peterkin Mae Mizono Robert Mizono Kiyome Matsukawa George & Lois Ohwa Minoru Matsumoto Michiko Matsumoto Ben Ishisaki Charlie Toyooka Ayako Mizono Mike & Vickie Ina Hatsumi Ishii Glenn Miyamoto Steve & Etsie Nakajo Marshall M. & Misako Sumida Gloria Oyama Janice Bartolome Barbara Dinkelspiel Roy & Joan Ebbel Suzy Fulmer Ralph & Keiko Furusho Mel Honda Mary Ishisaki Bruce & Susan Iwafuchi Helen Kim Mel & Fran Matsuoka Martha Mirchandani Steve & Etsie Nakajo Allan Ono Diane Ono & Sean Rooney Help support Kimochi’s programs and services in our continuum of care for seniors and their families. You can donate online at please contact Sakura Suzuki at (415) 931-2294 or 16 Thank You to Our Donors! Russell & Kathy Ono Janice Otani Byron J. Oyama Larry & Sherryl Ono Morton Otani Rich & Jo Ann Sanderson Clara S. Shimizu Shirley Shimizu Dick & Joyce Tanaka Norman & Kathy Wat Nancy Yoshioka Shizu Oyama Kathy Takahashi Reggie Pettus Steve & Etsie Nakajo Ryo Saito Wahmon Y. Cheung Robert Higuchi Shirley Higuchi William Higuchi Chikako Nakandakari Noriko Takikawa S. Tanaka Shigeko S. Tanaka Kenzo & Yaeko Tashiro Dick & Kayoko Wang Kazue Watanabe Akemi Yoshimoto David & Kathleen Yuille Yoshiko Sakimura Pat Yamamura Art Sawada Gary Nomura Mabel Soo Geraldine Campana Arlene Chan Ellen Kiyomizu & Greg Chew Lucille Chong Eleanor Gong Anita Fong Gary Hong Tony Naganuma Mark & Martha Radovich Sumiko Sumida Steve & Patty Arakaki Todd & Paula Endo Bernie & Marsha Endo Johnson John & Roz Enomoto Anne Tomiko Katashima Yoko Kawamura Rik & Sadayo Kumagai June Matsueda Takashi & Maryln Mori Nelson & Beverly Nagai Marshall M. & Misako Sumida Drew & Lidia Takahashi Moto Takahashi Fumiye Tatsuno Cheryl Washino Robert & Connie Washino Stuart & Sharon Washino Laura Takeuchi Harvey & Gay Kaplan Kay Nomura Tak & Pat Yamamoto Nancy Tomioka Kirk & Lyn Tomioka Tomie Tomita Mickie Ochi Tomoe Toriumi David & Cindi H. Sasaki Tsutomu Sawamoto Emiko Toyama Kenneth, Lynn , James & Derrick Higa Steve & Etsie Nakajo Kimiko Toyoda Irene Takasuka Kiku Tsuchitani Chiyeko Tsuchitani Harry Tsujimoto Bruce & Susan Iwafuchi Teruo Uyemoto Steve & Etsie Nakajo Masuyo Wada Patricia Kay Wada Elaine Wing David & Petrita Lipkin Frank & Rose Milani Angela L. Quong Mary Sapiro Stephen & Lucille Stasiowski Elaine Wing Jonathan & Margaret Wu Margaret Yee May Wong Minoru & Suzanne Yamada Mildred Yamaguchi James & Jean Tominaga Mary Yee Richard Yee Mas Yoshioka Frank Matsuno Grace Yoshizaki Glory N. Yoshizaki Sandy Yoshizaki Glory N. Yoshizaki Yayoi Tsukahara All American Trophy Supply Donations in Honor Of Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between January 1, 2013 and September 30, 2013. Names in bold identify those who have been honored with a donation gift to Kimochi. Eva Chang Samuel Chang Fumiko DiDomizio Gloria E. Uejima Arrice Mori Jay & Diane Stewart Steve Nakajo Jane Hashimoto James & Jean Tominaga Shingyoku Nishizawa Leila Van Gelder Sanhirohito Sanhirohito Annie Jobs Jack & Sumi Tanabe Willi & Minako Beusch Michiko & Jiro Taguchi Aileen Taguchi Tomomi Tsuchitani Chiyeko Tsuchitani Thank You to Our Donors! Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between August 1, 2012 and January 31, 2013. Hisashi Abe Yoshihiro Aoyama Masao Ashizawa Bank of America Agilent Technologies Edward Arikawa AT&T Employee Giving Harold Beach Hatsuro Aizawa Hiroko Arima AT&T Services, Inc. Lucy Bear Cecilia Ajemian Seiso & Hideko Arita Lois Ayala Benkyodo Co. Angela’s Children Center-Infants Bradley Yee & Joyce Ashizawa-Yee Haruyo Balistreri BlackRock 17 Thank You to Our Donors! Chiyo Blackson Rosie Hori Emi Kuruma Velma Nipper Pauline Brooks Grace Horikiri Mary Law Edward T. Nishi Ikue Burney Hanae Hoshino Bernice Lawry Nobuo Nishi W. Chin Ayako Hosokawa Hisako S. Lee Patricia Nishida Ernie & Elsie Ching Susie Ichinose Jong Lee David Tetsuo Nishimoto Frank & Kiyoko Cleveland Kiyoshi W. Ichiyasu Mitsuko Lee Gary Nomura Patricia Colquiet John Ikeda Melby A. Lehoucq Edward T. Ochi Susan Colson Michael Ikeda Jim & Sueyo Lem Brian & Kristi Ogawa Community Health Charities Frank & Kiyoko Ikenaga Yuko Leong J. June Ohara Raymond Connors Masahiko & Kazuye Ikuma Levi Strauss Foundation Kazumatsu Ohno Florence Dare Robert Inada Frank & Yoko Lum Setsuko Okazaki Ed Dea Gregory B. Inami Takako MacKay Thomas Okazaki Kiyoko K. Dorsey Don Ino Seigo Maeda Kiyoko Omi Barbara Engmann John Ino Yasuko Maeda Daniel. W. & Diane M. Omori- Hom Sachie Erabi Howard Inouye Miyuki Masada Diosdado Ong Watsunya Ferreira Imiko Ishii Howard Masumura Thelma Ong Fidelity Charitable Yoshiko Ishimaru Anthony & Noriko Matsuda Marilyn Oshiro Carol Fong Mary Ishisaki Hitoshi Matsukama Aiko Oshita Edson Fong Celia Y. Iwama Wayne Matsuoka Otoshi Plumbing Sharon Yamagishi Fong Harriet Iwamoto Ko Miyamoto Nancy Ozaki George and Linda Fujimoto Yoshiko Iwanaga Sumiko Miyata Lawrence & Marjorie Pacheco Bill Fukumitsu Sachie Iwate John & Shirley Ono Miyoko Pacific Gas & Electric Corporation Michiyo Fukumoto JAMCA Global Service Inc. Doris Mizuiri Pota Perimenis Allen Fuller Norman Jang Natsuko Mizuiri Portland Grant Fujiko A. Funabashi Andrew & Kazuko Jones Chiyoko Mizutani PWC GE United Way Campaign J-Sei Home Carole Montaldo Keiko & John Quan Eric Glapion Lona Jupiter Kazuko Morgan Ada Sadler Norman Godinho Atsuko Jurenes Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Mieko Saito Tom & Reiko Goya Ron & Mimi Kagehiro Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Ryo Saito Thomas & Terri Guh Eveyree Sharon Kain Hiroshi Morimoto Hisaji Q. & Jean Sakai Kristine Hachiya Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Hirosho Morimoto Kiyoshi Sakakura Mutsumi Mitzi Hada Mitsuko & Shizue Kajita Thomas & Karen Morioka Hiroshi V. Sakamoto Hajime & Judy Hamaguchi Hope Kamimoto Susie Motoyama James Sakamoto Lucy Hamai Toshiko Kamishita Ron Omori & Karen Moy Tsune & Yasuko Sakamoto Yoonki Han Kanamatsu Associates Dave Murai Joe & Takaye Sako Violet Hanada Miki Kasai Masae Murai Ruri Sakurada Noboru Hanyu Teruko Kauhi Denise Naganuma Giichi Sakurai Karen Harada Steven Kawa Chiyeko Nagareda San Francisco Nisei Fishing Club Kimie Hatano Tom Kawakami Kay Yasuko Nagata Dennis & Susie Sato Mineko Harrod Yukiko Kawana Shigeru Nakabe Helen & Kenneth Sato Masaru Hashiguchi George Kawase Earl & Cynthia Nakahara Midori Sato Taiko Hashimoto Yoko M. Kawata Hiroshi Nakai Sam & Jean Sato Pat Hattori Kyoko Keenon Benh Nakajo Schwab Charitable Fund Toshiye Hattori Aiko Kitano Steve & Etsie Nakajo Shioko K. Seab Shigeo & Sumie Hayashi Yvonne Ko Marcia Nakamura Sam & Yuki Seiki Midori Heckert K. K. Koba Diane Nakano Kikuyo Sekino Kayo Hideshima In Seo Koo Robert M. & Yukiko Nakano Paul T. Senda Toshiko Higaki Keith Kojimoto Henry S. Nakao Dale Shimasaki Jitsuo & Sakaye Higashi Mariko Kometani Bobby Nakata Alice Shimazu Kazuo Hirai Toru Konishi Penny Nakatsu Bob Masaru Shintaku Don & Tina Hirose Richard & Grace Kono Tokie Nerio Yone Shintaku Yoshikazu Hirota Amit Kothari Kin Cheong Ng Takeo & Maye Shirasawa Cherie Hishida Chika Kujiraoka Rose Nieda Zane Shironitta Ken & Yoshiko Ho Eleanor Kuroda Wes & Lynn Nihei Keiko Spencer 18 Thank You to Our Donors! Karlyn Sugai Yuki Matsuhiro and Shirley Yoshiye United Airlines Doris Yamamoto Larry Sugimoto Tanaka United Way California Capital Region Kei & Fusako Yamamoto Hajime Sujishi Hiroyuki Taniguchi United Way, Inc. Kristen Yamamoto Ted Sujishi Kimiko Tastoral Tokiko Ushijima Mary Yamamoto Jerry & Ikuko Sullivan Clara Tengan Keith & Pam Uyeda Pat Yamamura Marumi Suyeyasu Tae Teruya Sachiye Uyemoto Ronald Yamato Lorraine Suzuki Nez & Donna Tokugawa Theodore & Aileen Uyemoto Claire M. Yamashita Seiji & Nancy Suzuki Grant T. Tomioka Eugene & Toshiko Van Dyk Tomiko Yamauchi Setsuko Suzuki Kirk & Lyn Tomioka Christian Villegas Mary Yanagi Toyoko Swingle Kenji & Mary Tomita Chiyo Wada Teruyo Yanagi Yasuko Tada Yoshimitsu Toya Ching Ying Wang Moses & Hatsy Yasukochi Aileen Taguchi Charlie Toyooka Aileen Watanabe, M.D. Karen Yokoo Shim Ho Taik Reiko True Jane Watanabe Joy Yokoyama Tom & Aiko Takahara Truist Yuzo Watanabe George Yoshida Susan Takamoto Hideko Tsuchiya Wells Fargo Community Support Iwao & Yoko Yoshii Julie Takata Yayoi Tsukahara Campaign Ben Yoshikawa Rodney M. Takemoto Himeo Tsumori Gary Whalen Cedric Yoshimoto Sayoko Tamai Kikuye Tsuyuki Gustav Williges Christopher & Theresa Young Jack & Sumi Tanabe Michiko F. Uchida Martin M. T. & Julia Wong Randall & Beverly Young Frank & Edith Tanaka Yukie Uchiyama Irene Wu Zu Zhao Zhang Misae Tanaka Gloria E. Uejima Kimiko Yaginuma Stacey I. & Jane S. Zones Setsuko Tanaka Umeya Rice Cake Company Ron Yamada Shigeko S. Tanaka Union Bank Paul Yamagishi Thank You for Supporting Our Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign Efforts! Donors through October 2013 Akemi Yoshimoto Akie Karahashi Akira Suwabe Al Avecilla Alfred & Alice Okine Alfred & Atsuko Matsuki Alice Arikawa Alice Shibata All American Trophy Supply Allen Okamoto Amy Hanamoto Anne Hinton Ann Yasuko Ito Anonymous (San Mateo Capital Campaign) Arthur & Yoshiko Yoshihara Arthur Bretschneider Ash Custodio Asian Week Foundation Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel AT&T Services, Inc. Atlas & Janet Arakawa Atsuhiko Tsunoda Audie and Susan Chang Ayako Hosokawa Barbara C. Marumoto Becky Rudd Benh Nakajo Ben Kobashigawa Benkyodo Co. Benson Fong Bernie Mulvaney Beth Renge & Sam Masumoto Betty Jo & Douglas Yamamoto Bobby Nakata Bradley Okamoto Brent Nakagiri Cake Creation Carl & Peggy Mayeda Carl Woo & Jacquelyn Ito-Woo Caryl Ito Charles Drucker Chateau Marie Antoinette, LLC Cheesecake Factory, The Cherry Blossom Alumnae China Village Seafood Restaurant Chiz & Kaz Naganuma Cindy Sakai Clayton Tominaga Cooper, White & Cooper LLP Craig Yonemura Crown Plaza Hotel Daisy Choy Darlene & Bill Lock Daryl Higashi Dave & Nan Kawakita David & Eliza Shintaku David Chai David Ishida David Kawano David Okazaki Dean & Gail Tanaka Dean Hirabayashi Dennis & Aurora Low Dennis & Susie Sato Diane Nishioka Diane Suwabe Dick Yamamoto Dina Hirahara Honda Don & Lillian Munakata Donald & Marian Seiki Donald & Sandra Takakura Don Horsley Don Lee Ellen Kiyomizu & Greg Chew 19 Ellen Sawamura Emi Nishiyama & David Murray Emory & Ayleen Ito Lee Esther Sakamoto Frank & Kiyoko Ikenaga Frank & Yoko Lum Freaky Tiki Frederick Omai Fumiko Luk Garden Court Hotel Gary & Camella Joo Uyeda Gary & Candice Akizuki Gary Mizono Gene Roh George and Linda Fujimoto Gerald Ishikawa Gina Morimoto Ginger & Frank Masuoka Greg Marutani Hamano and Associates Hank & Naomi Szeto Harold Omatsu Harry Yamamoto Haruko Nakamoto Haruko Sue Sasaki Thank You to Our Donors! Harvey & Gay Kaplan Hatsumi Ishii Hatsune Oshita Helen & Kenneth Sato Helen Nakajo Herb Toda Hillsdale Arco AMPM Himeo Tsumori Hiromi Motojima Hiroshi & Joyce Nakai Hiroshi & Sadako Kashiwagi Hiroshi Shimizu Hiroshi V. Sakamoto Hitomi Ann Ohsawa Hitoshi Yamamuro HKIT Architects Honorable Jerry Hill IHSS Consortium Ittsei & Kiriye Nakagawa J. June Ohara Jack and Nancy Mayeda James Kotcher & Lani Takano James Sawamura & Shari Yoshihara Jane Hamada & Rev. Jay Shinseki Jane Hamada & Rev. Jay Shinseki Jan Masaoka Japanese American Citizens League San Mateo chapter Japantown Merchants Association Jeff & Sandy Mori Jeffery Castaline Jeffery S. Matsuoka Jennifer Stuart & Will Brandenburger Jessie Tatsuno Roth Jim & Janie Finch Jimmy and Caroline Wong Jiro Mukai Jo Anne Hayashida Joanne Hayes-White John & Marjorie Tsukamoto John Fong, D.D.S. John T. Noguchi Jon Osaki Josephine Selection, Inc. Joseph Schmidt & Josephine Weisner Joyce S. Inouye Joy Yokoyama June-Ko Nakagawa June Matsueda June Suzuki June Uyenoyama Karen Sadural Kathleen Chang Kathleen and Jay Robie Kathleen T. Shimizu Katie Okamoto Kay Morimoto Kay Nomura Kay Tsuyama Kazuko Tsuchiya Keith & Elly Shimosaka Keith Inouye Kelly Mayeda Kelly Shintani Ken & Guadalupe Kashiwahara Ken & Karen Imatani Ken & Nancy Yokoyama Woo Ken & Yoshiko Ho Ken Miskow Kimihiro Outa Kin Cheong Ng Kirk & Lyn Tomioka Kiroku & Tracy Kato Ko Miyamoto K Spa Kumiko Ishida Kuniko Naito Kyle & Cindy Oura Kyoko Keenon Lance Ichikawa Lance Yanagihara Larry Perez Laurie Shigekuni Lawrence & Karen Nunotani Kern Leslie Yamaguma Lewis S. Kawahara Libby Russo Lorraine Suzuki Louise C. Lowry Luceti’s on 25th Mae Dea Marcella Yano Marc Hershman Margie & Tak Oki Mari A. Kawaguchi Maria Delgadillo Maria Manetas Mariann Di Minno, RN, MA Mark Moriguchi Mark Nii Maryann Lyons Mary Ishisaki Maryjo Kubota-Arcarese & Gary Purcell Masako Keller Mas Hashimoto Mas Hongo Maureen Holt Maxine Crowell Mel & Ondria Miyakado Melodie Lew Metamorphosis Michael & Cinnamon Chu Michael J. Yamaguchi Michiko F. Uchida Michi Yukawa Midori Kitaura Midori Kuramoto Midori Otsuki Minoru & Ruby Akiyoshi Misao Otsuki Misa Sakaguchi Myung Dong Tofu Cabin Nancy S. Hirabayashi Natsuko Mizuiri Neal & Akiko Motoshige Nicholas & Grace Wada Nick Nakai PAAWBAC Paul & Cynthia Chin Paul Okamoto Peter & Christina Harada Peter & Robin Howes Peter Namkung Phyllis Harding Porcelanosa San Francisco R.K. & G.M. Povlsen Rachael Yamashiro Randall & Elaine Louie Rave Burger Ray & Kay Woon Raymond Connors Raymond Kong Ray Simon Reiko Golobic Richard Moore, M.D. Ricky & Candace Takahashi Riyo Kunisawa Rob & Carla Chun Hoblit Robert & Alicia Sakai Robert & April Smith Robert & Delphine Obana Robert & Mary Kawano Robert H. Inouye Robert Ross Rod & Katherine Baishiki Rod & Lisa Henmi Rod Aoki Rodney M. Takemoto Ron Collins Ron Kiyono Ron Wong Ron Yamada Rosalyn Koo Roy & Grayce Kato Roy H. & Joanne Ikeda Ruth Posey Sachiko Fashion Collection Saigon City Sandy Mar San Francisco Association of Realtors San Francisco Fire Fighters Local 798 San Mateo County Historical Association Sanrio Scott & Shelly Shinmoto Scott Yokoi Seiichi Yoshida Seiji & Nancy Suzuki Seiko Fujimoto Sharon Kato Sharon M. Fujii Sherman Chan Shigeki & Mitsue Yamahara Shigeru & Sumiko Higaki Shirley Kantoff Southern Wine & Spirits of Northern California Stan & DeeDee Wong State Farm Insurance Company - San 20 Mateo First Avenue Stella Kato & Shina Kim Stella Kiyota Stephen & Aiko Morimoto Stephen & Donna Howell Stephen & Jodi Morimoto Stephen & Rebecca Henry Stephen Katayama Stephen Scheifele & Rochelle Yonezawa Steve & Etsie Nakajo Steve Morino Steven Yen Steve Okamoto Stewart Suzuki - Jeweler Sturge Presbyterian Church Sueko Inouye Sundance Cinemas, LLC Susan Kwock Suwako Sawamura Tad & Mitsuko Umemoto Tadashi Sakuma Takahashi Market Takara Sake USA, Inc. Tami J. Adachi & Lee Callaway, III Tamiko Wong - San Francisco Tanako Hagiwara Tatsumi Saito Ted & Barbara Adachi Thelma Ong Theodore & Aileen Uyemoto Tokie’s Japanese Restaurant Tokie Nerio Tom Kawakami Tom Mishima & Chihiro Akiyama Tosh Mitsuda Troy & Aki Shelton Tyson Root Union Bank Victor Ono & Jennifer Tambara Warren Eijima Warren Hayashi WCPI, LLC Willi & Minako Beusch William & Gayle Chan William Chang Wing & Dorothy Lai Yan Can Cook, Inc. Yasuko Fukuda, M.D. Yo & Ginny Ishida Yoko Sameshima Yoko Shohara Yon Kawakita Yosh & Pam Ito Yoshihiro Aoyama Yoshikazu Hirota Yoshio & Ikuko Honda Yukiko Oka Yukiye J. Akizuki Kimochi, Inc. Staff Directory KIMOCHI ADMINISTRATION 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 KIMOCHI SENIOR CENTER 1840 Sutter Street # 101, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2287 fax (415) 931-2299 Steve Nakajo, Executive Director Steve Ishii, Associate Director Anna Sawamura Higaki, Program Director Emily Kuniyoshi, Assistant to Program Director Rod Valdepenas, Controller Dorothy Gin, Bookkeeper Sakura Suzuki, Administrative Manager Wesley Nihei, Fundraising Coordinator Aki Akiyama, Receptionist Riyo Kunisawa, Receptionist Joju Goto, Senior Center Coordinator Maya Futamura, Senior Center Assistant Coordinator Natalia Covacha, Nutritionist Kazumi Sumi, Head Cook Grace Yip, Assistant Cook William Chu, Assistant Cook Dave Sugaya, Home Delivery Driver Yan Bin Jiang, Dishwasher Richard Eng, Dishwasher Ryan Kobayashi, Transportation Coordinator Jacqueline Arauz, Paratransit Driver Samuel Salazar, Paratransit Driver SAN MATEO PROGRAM 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 Shawne O’Connell, San Mateo Program Specialist Direct Line: (650) 346-0849 Yukiko Suzuki, San Mateo Capital Campaign Assistant tel: (415) 931-2294 KIMOCHI HOME 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 tel (415) 922-9972 fax (415) 922-6821 Linda Ishii, Kimochi Home Coordinator Grace Fujimoto, Assistant Residential Coordinator Tsoodol Altantuya, Program Assistant Sumiyo Brennan, Program Assistant Hiromi Cardoza, Program Assistant Dorcas Hautea, Program Assistant Mercedes Hernandez, Program Assistant Yukie Kimoto, Program Assistant Mitsuyo Moore, Program Assistant Yukie Takano, Program Assistant Michiko Turks, Program Assistant Guadalupe Gutierrez, Janitor CLUB NIKKEI 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 Grace Hulleza, Club Nikkei Coordinator Rich Tokeshi, Club Nikkei Driver SOCIAL SERVICES 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2275 fax (415) 931-2299 Sango Harumi, Social Services Coordinator Fumiko DiDomizio, Senior Case Manager YoonSun Choi, Case Manager Chieko Yokoe, Transitional Care Specialist KIMOCHI LOUNGE 1581 Webster Street # 202, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 563-5626 fax (415) 931-2299 Basil Lee, Information and Referral Worker Please visit our website at for more information about our various programs, services and upcoming events! 21 Kimochi, Inc. Service Directory Continuing Generations of Caring Since 1971, Kimochi, Inc. has developed and promoted an intergenerational philosophy of care for seniors and families from San Francisco’s Japantown. Our current continuum of care includes the following programs and services: Kimochi, Inc. 1715 Buchanan, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Administration: (415) 931-2294 • Social Services: (415) 931-2275 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 Administration The Administrative building is owned and operated by the agency and houses the administrative staff. We have approximately 200 volunteers assisting us each year in our programs. Social Services Program Our staff is bilingual in English, Japanese, and Korean and provides language translation, information and referral, counseling, family caregiver support, case management, homecare registry assistance, and transitional care support for patients being discharged from the hospital. The program annually assists 600 seniors and families providing 5,000 hours of services. Club Nikkei This membership based program is designed to outreach and provide healthy, independent seniors with a range of social activities and excursions to enjoy. Staff provides members with an activity calendar and transportation is included. Home Safety Service Staff schedules and conducts home safety assessments for San Francisco homeowners to help them identify potential and existing safety issues that could compromise their ability to live safely and comfortably at home. Kimochi Lounge 1581 Webster Street #202, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 563-5626 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 The Kimochi Lounge, located within Japan Center, is the agency’s original site. Seniors come to “the lounge” to catch up on community news and socialize. The site also houses a book and video library where seniors can check out materials for free. In 2007, a new senior information and resource section was added to have important health, safety, nutrition, and caregiving resources available for seniors and families. In July 2009, we opened the lounge for seniors and families on Saturdays. This site is annually visited by 5,000 seniors, families, and visitors from throughout California and other countries. Please visit our website at for more information about our various programs and services. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact Kimochi at (415) 931-2294 or 22 Kimochi Senior Center 1840 Sutter Street, #101, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 931-2287 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 (Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California – JCCCNC) Nutrition A nutritious well-balanced Japanese style hot lunch is provided 5 days a week. Any senior 60 years of age or older is welcome. A five week menu is produced by staff, and our nutritionist ensures each meal is healthy, nutritionally well-balanced and adequately proportioned for seniors. An average of 300 meals is served daily. The program annually serves 65,000 congregate and 30,000 home-delivered meals. Home Delivery Program Seniors who are physically unable to travel to the senior center due to a disability or illness, can receive our Japanese style hot lunches at home. Each recipient is required to complete an eligibility assessment on a quarterly basis. The program annually serves 130 homebound and frail seniors 29,000 lunches. Senior Center In addition to enjoying lunch at the nutrition program, seniors are encouraged to participate in activities at the center. Staff and volunteers plan and offer a variety of activities on a monthly basis. We have morning exercise classes, a ceramics class, group singing classes, odori, bingo, arts and crafts, day trips, and overnight trips. The program annually serves 300 seniors and offers 700 hours of exciting activities. Transportation Safe and reliable door-to-door transportation services are provided to help seniors maintain a connection with their community and friends. Transportation can also be requested for medical trips and grocery shopping. The program annually assists 150 seniors receive 10,000 rides. Kimochi Home - Home of Healthy Attitudes 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 • Tel: (415) 922-9972 • Fax: (415) 922-6821 Adult Social Day Care Program (License # 380504138) This program is licensed by the State of California to provide seniors in need of supervision and support with a schedule of social and recreational activities in a safe and secure setting. The program annually assists 40 seniors receive 21,000 hours of services and activities. Residential/Respite Care (License # 380504099) This program is licensed by the State of California to provide 24 hour non-medical care to ambulatory seniors. We have the capacity to house 20 seniors in either single or shared rooms. 23 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN FRANCISCO, CA PERMIT NO. 2764 1715 Buchanan Street • San Francisco, CA 94115 Direct contribution from IRA to charities expire Dec. 31, 2013 If you are 70½ or older, direct contributions from your IRA to charities like Kimochi, will be excluded from your income and are not taxable to you. Such gifts will also reduce your RMD (Required Minimum Distribution). The maximum is $100,000. Please consult your financial or tax advisor. For more information on how you can help Kimochi, please call (415) 931-2294. See page 3 for more details ©2013 Kimochi, Inc. All rights reserved. • Designed by NDD Creative 24
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