A Look Inside
A Look Inside
S U M M E R 2 0 1 5 A Look Inside... Kimochi San Mateo - Ground Breaking Breaking Ground.............. 3 Update on Kimochi San Mateo Kimochi Spirit Awards..... 6 Highlights from the 2015 Kimochi Spirit Awards A Royal Visit..................... 7 Special visit to Kimochi Home by Japan’s First Lady Akie Abe Our Volunteers................. 9 The backbone of Kimochi’s programs and services Club Nikkei Lady Abe’s Visit Kimochi Spirit Awards Ways to Give.................. 10 How you can give during the holiday season and beyond Staying Genki................. 16 Club Nikkei members enjoy life by staying active Kimochi Services............ 18 Learn about our programs and services Ways to Give Clockwise from top: 2015 Kimochi Spirit Award; Lady Abe and Kimochi Home resident, Tameko Shijo, May Sato; Fumiko DiDomizio, Mitsuko Umemoto & Yumi Berman, Steve Ishii & Cherry Blossom Queen Kelli Sum, Members of Club Nikkei, Breaking ground at Kimochi San Mateo Stay connected with Kimochi, Inc. Our Volunteers 1 @kimochikai, #kimochikai A Message from the Executive Director 事務局長からのメセージ Throughout Kimochi’s 44 years of service to seniors in the community, there is no doubt of San Francisco’s rapidly changing demographics. Over the years, as our community continues to disperse throughout the Bay Area, we hope to continue to meet the needs of our seniors and their families by expanding our services further into the Peninsula. Now, three years after the purchase of our San Mateo facility and multiple successful fundraising events, we are pleased to announce that Kimochi San Mateo will be opening its doors to seniors by the end of 2015. However the fight is not over yet - to date, the Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign has raised $1.8 million out of a $2.5 million goal. We are entering the final push into our campaign and cannot be more grateful for the support we have received thus far. Steve Nakajo MSW, Executive Director Kimochi, Inc. 2015 Board of Directors Paul Chin, Chairperson Our efforts to provide culturally-sensitive programs and services to seniors in both San Francisco and San Mateo would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of our Kimochi board and staff members, enthusiastic volunteers and generous donors and sponsors. Our annual Spirit Awards in May recognized the individuals who have contributed enormously to both the organization and the Japanese American community. We celebrate our Spirit Award Honorees who, in every respect, represent kimochi - feelings of respect and care for our older generation. We are also excited to announce that our organization is recognized from across the Pacific, as Japan’s First Lady Akie Abe visited Kimochi Home in April. We are greatly encouraged by the support we receive both locally and abroad and find renewed spirit to continue to spread our philosophy of kimochi and serve the seniors in the community. Hiroshi Shimizu, Vice Chairperson Mary Ishisaki, Secretary Mark Moriguchi Treasurer Steve Nakajo Executive Director Rod Henmi 気持会は過去44年間、 コミュニティーのシニアたちにサービスを提供してきました。 そして疑いようも無く、 サ Mari Kawaguchi ンフランシスコの人口構成がかつてない程に急激に変化しています。 これまで日系コミュニティーはベイエリ Ellen Kiyomizu Eric Kobuchi ア中に拡大してきましたが、私共はそれに伴う気持会サービスへのニーズに対応するため、 ペニンシュラ地 域へもサービスを広げようとしています。 サンマテオの施設を購入、多くの資金集めイベントを開催してから3 年目、遂に気持会サンマテオが2015年末までにオープン予定、 というニュースをお伝えできることを喜ばしく Benh Nakajo 思います。 しかし、 この仕事はまだ終わっていません。今日まで、気持会サンマテオ資金調達キャンペーンによ Peter Namkung って集まった資金は、 目標額250万ドルのうち、180万ドルです。 これからが資金調達キャンペーンの正念場 John Noguchi です。 また、 これまで皆さんから頂いたサポートには感謝のしようもありません。 Kyle Oura サンフランシスコとサンマテオで文化的に相応しいプログラムやサービスをシニアに提供するのは、気持会の Dennis Sato 運営委員、 スタッフ一同、熱心なボランティアの懸命な働きと献身、 そして寛大な寄付者とスポンサーなしで Michi Yukawa は成り立ちません。毎年5月恒例のスピリットアワードでは、気持会と日系コミュニティーに多大な貢献をされ Jane Yura た方たちを称えました。私共は、 あらゆる意味で 「気持ち」、 つまり自分たちの年配者たちを尊敬し、大事にす るという気持ちを具現化している受賞者の方々を心からお祝い申し上げます。 そして、気持会が太平洋をまたがり国際的に知られていることをお伝えしたいと思います。嬉しい事に、 日本 の首相夫人が今年4月に気持会を訪問されました。私共は地元と海外からのサポートを受けていることに大 いに励まされ、 「気持ち」 の想いを広めること、 そしてコミュニティーのシニアをお世話することを継続していこ うと気持を新たにした次第です。 2 The Final Push to Open Doors! 最新情報気持会サンマテオ・資金調達キャンペーン「一緒に前進しよう」 K I M O C H I S A N M AT E O T H E T O M O Y E & H E N R I TA K A H A S H I C E N T E R 去る4月1日、気持会はサンマテオ群の所在地、453 N. San Mateo On April 1st, Kimochi proudly broke ground at 453 North San Mateo Drive, San Mateo, the future site of Kimochi San Mateo (KSM). Work to renovate the site for a community care center to house 14 seniors for ambulatory and non-ambulatory care (wheelchair accessible) began on May 18th. Community space will be built for social services with future plans to include transportation services, activities and home delivered meals. Driveで、気持会サンマテオ起工式を行いました。元々ここにあった施 設を、歩行不可能(車椅子対応)、 また歩行可能なシニア14名に24時 間体制ケアを提供するコミュニ ティーセンターにするため、 リフ ォーム工事が5月18に開始しま した。 さらに送迎サービス、各種 活動、食事宅配を含むソーシャ ルサービスを将 来 提 供するた め、 コミュニティースペースも増 築されます。 2015年末までのオープンに向 けて、目標資金額250万ドルを 調達する最後の一踏ん張り、 と We are making the final いうのが私共が今置かれてい fundraising push to meet the る状 態です。今日まで、多くの $2.5 million goal in order to 家族、友人、コミュニティー、企 open our doors by the end 業の寛大な寄付金によって約 of 2015. To date, we have Pictured left to right: Lauline Mitchell, Tom Flexen, Moe Wright-BBI Construction; Paul Chin-Kimochi Board Chairperson; Steve Nakajo-Kimochi Executive Director; 180万ドルを調達することがで raised nearly $1.8 million Rod Henmi and Tom Brutting-HKIT Architects; Will Rogan-BBI Construction きました。 through the generosity of many family, friends, community and corporations. 私共は目標額達成に必要な残り70万ドルを調達するため、懸命に奮 闘しております。 どんな寄付でも有難く、サンマテオ群に暮らすシニア We are working hard to close the funding gap of $700,000. Every contribution makes a huge difference and will help provide the needed support for seniors and caregivers of San Mateo County. Please join our KSM Capital Campaign. We thank you for your generosity and your open heart. とその世話人への必要なサポート提供につながります。皆様、気持会 サンマテオ資金調達キャンペーンにどうぞご参加ください。皆様の寛 大な心からのご支援に感謝申し上げます。 気持会サンマテオについて詳細情報を知りたい方、気持会サンマテ オ資金調達キャンペーンをご支援して下さる方は、スティーブ・イシ イ(sishii@kimochi-inc.org)アナ・サワムラ・ヒガキ(asawamura@ 写真左端から:BBI Construction社のローリン・ミッチェルさん、 トム・フレクセン kimochi-inc.org) までご連絡ください。あるいは、気持会のホームペー さん、モエ・ライトさん、気持会理事長ポール・チンさん、気持会事務局長スティ ジ(www.kimochi-inc.org)をご覧ください。 ーブ・ナカジョウさん、HKIT Architects社のロッド・ヘンミさん、 トム・ブルッティン グさん、BBI Construction社のウィル・ローガンさん If you would like more information about Kimochi San Mateo or to support our KSM Capital Campaign, please contact Steve Ishii at sishii@kimochi-inc.org or Anna Sawamura Higaki at asawamura@kimochi-inc.org or, visit us online at www.kimochi-inc.org 3 Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between October 1, 2014 - April 30, 2015. Names in bold identify those who have been honored in memory of or in honor of with a donation gift to Kimochi, Inc. Donations in Memory Of Donations Hiroshi Kasagi Kenneth Kawabata Lewis S. Kawahara Thomas T. Kawakami Kyoko Keenon Erick Kissel & Chanda Ikeda Ronald Kobata Noell Kubota Emory & Ayleen Ito Lee Lucretia Chan Lee Donna Leong Calvin & Gracina Leong Allan & Jane Low Takeo Makishima Greg Marutani Pat Mizuhara Anne Mizutani Mark Moriguchi Frank Eiichi Morimoto Don & Lillian Munakata Hiroshi & Joyce Nakai Steve & Etsie Nakajo Ken & Karen Nakamura Gerry Nakano & Dianne Fukami Lynne Nakata Kathy & Andy Ng Edward T. Nishi John & Diane Noguchi John & Mary Lou Nonaka Robert & Delphine Obana Hiro Ogawa Thomas T. & Susan Ogawa Bradley Okamoto Steve & Diana Okamoto Dean Osaki & Diane Endo Kimihiro Outa PG&E Company Gary Purcell & Maryjo KubotaArcarese Keiko H. Quan Gene Roh Masaru & Kinuye Sagara Mark Kento Abey & Jeanne Elaine Hong Bart Beeman & Lisa Eng-Beeman Christina K. Bjorman Tim & Debbie Blakely Patricia T. Chan Sherman & Dori Chan Kathleen Chang Paul & Cynthia Chin Comcast California Hugh Cooney & Gigi Acker David J. & Frances Jang Copland Linda J. Corso Ashley Devine Edson Fong & Pauline Ishisaki Henry Friedlander Sharon M. Fujii Gary Fujino Bruce Furukawa Don S. Gee Kenneth Y. Hanada & Mildred Leong Peter & Christina Harada Jeffrey Haskell Rod Henmi & Lisa Findley Shigeru & Sumiko Higaki Dean Hirabayashi Michael & Linda Hirabayashi Donald Ben Hiraki & Joyce H. Hansen Keiko Hirano Judy Hisaka Peter Y. & Wendy C. Horikoshi Stephen & Donna Howell Ryu Inoue Edward H. & Patricia Inouye Junko Ishihara Fumie Ishii Mary Ishisaki Masashi Itano Donald C. Jew Harvey & Gay Kaplan Marlena Hirata Anita Fong Robert Ichinose Julie Soo Kiyoshi Ichiyasu Seiji & Nancy Suzuki Iku Iha Andrew & Ginger Jew Ben Ishisaki Kevin & Sally Chin Jean Masamori Nobusuke & Fumi Fukuda Carolyn Mitsuda Toshio Mitsuda Albert Mizuhara Chiyeko Tsuchitani Sue Nakahara Nobusuke & Fumi Fukuda Clem Hirokazu Nakai Nobusuke & Fumi Fukuda Donations in Honor Of Atsushi Kurotori Kathryn Kurotori Jeff & Sandy Mori Harvey & Gay Kaplan Hisaji Q. Sakai Sterling and Sharon Sakai Hiroshi V. Sakamoto San Mateo Buddhist Temple Stephen Scheifele & Rochelle Yonezawa Donald & Marian Seiki Warren T. & Leah D. Sekiguchi Joann Shieh Hiroshi Shimizu Hiro Shin Dale Spink & Nancy K. Nakai Sturge Presbyterian Church Randy Sugawara Diane Suwabe Ricky & Candace Takahashi Rodney M. Takemoto Steven & Lori Teraoka Herbert Tsang Union Bank of California Andrew Urushima Patricia Kay Wada Darrow & Lisa Wehara Edward G. Wong Kenneth Wu & Amy Takemoto Paul Yamagishi Ted & Jennifer Yamagishi Philip J. Yamahiro Marcella Yano Jason Yasumoto Gregory Yee & Karen Ono Harry & Christina Yee Craig & Pamela Yonemura Todd Yonemura Seiichi & Maruko Yoshida June Yoshida Pamela Yoshida Randall & Beverly Young Calvin K. & Cari T. Yuen Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign Committee Steve Okamoto, Honorary Chair Craig Ichiuji Eiichi Morimoto Tats Ogawa Donna Okubo Sandy Mori, Co-chair Paul Inouye June-ko Nakagawa Ann Ohsawa June Uyenoyama John Noguchi, Co-chair David Ishida Peter Namkung Diana Okamoto Ted Yamagishi Ellen Kiyomizu 4 Ways of Giving to Kimochi San Mateo There are many ways that you can support Kimochi San Mateo. Here are some of the current giving options: 気持会サンマテオへのサポート方法は沢山あります。 ごく最近の寄付の選択方法は以下のとおりです。 • 名称権利 • 設備用品等への寄贈 • 創立者の壁 • Naming Opportunities • Equipment Donations • Founders Wall Cruisin’ with Hiroshima - All to support Kimochi San Mateo ヒロシマを迎えてのイベント 今年5月2日 (月)、気持会サンマテオ資金 On Saturday, May 2, 2015 a special event was held featuring the music of Hiroshima to support our Kimochi San Mateo Capital Campaign. Over 225 fans came to enjoy a screening of the 1975 documentary “Cruisin’ J-town” produced by Duane Kubo followed by a special musical performance by the band. Highlights included the members sharing personal stories of how they began their musical careers and the influence their families and Japanese culture and values have played in shaping the music they create. Special thanks to the College of San Mateo’s Ethnic Studies Department for hosting us as part of their 6th Annual Asian Pacific American Film Festival and to the following sponsoring groups: San Mateo Buddhist Temple, San Mateo Japanese American Community Center, and Sturge Presbyterian Church. 調達キャンペーンを支援する特別イベン トが、音楽バンド 「ヒロシマ」 を迎えて開催 されました。 225名のファンが集い、 デュア ン・クボ監督1975年作品 「クルージング J ーtown」 の上映に続いて、 バンドによる特 別演奏を楽しみました。 このイベントのハイ ライトは、 バンドメンバーがそれぞれ、音楽 キャリアを始めた経緯や、家族や日本の文 化、価値観が自分たちの音楽にどのような 影響を与えているかを語って下さったことです。 サンマテオ・カレッジ のエスニック・スタディーズ学部には、 同学部主催第6回アジアン・パ シフィック映画祭の一部として、 私共を招待して下さったことに感謝 の念を申し上げます。 また、 サンマテオ仏教寺、 サンマテオ日系コミュ ニティーセンター、並びにスタージ長老教会には、 このイベントのス ポンサーとしてご支援頂きましたこと厚く御礼申し上げます。 5 2015 Kimochi Spirit Awards 気持会スピリットアワード 気持会は毎年恒例スピリットアワードを5月16日に 開催、気持スタッフ/アソシエイト・ディレクターの スティーブ・イシイさん、気持会ボランティア/理事 会員のエレン・キヨミズさん、 アジア・パシフィック・ア イランダー・リーガルアウトリーチ代表ディレクター のディーン・イトウ・テイラーさん、 そしてPG&Eの気 持会や日系コミュニティーへの多大なるサービス、 サポートを賞賛しました。エンターテイメントは、Jtown ジャズアンサンブル、今注目を集めているピア ニスト、 ショウタ・ホンマさん、 アヤコ・ホソカワ・カル テットによる演奏でした。 このイベントは成功を収め、 いろいろなスポ ンサーや寄付金を集めることができました。 この収益は気持会の各 種プログラムとサービスに使用されす。 Kimochi celebrated its annual Spirit Awards on May 16th by honoring Kimochi Staff Member, Associate Director Steve Ishii, Kimochi volunteer and board member, Ellen Kiyomizu, API Legal Outreach Executive Director Dean Ito Taylor and PG&E for their extraordinary service and support to the agency and community. Entertainment included the J-town Jazz Ensemble, rising-star pianist Shota Homma and the Ayako Hosokawa Quartet. The event was successful, garnering sponsorships and donations that will go towards Kimochi’s programs and services. Photos clockwise from top right: 2015 Kimochi Spirit Award Honorees: Steve Ishii, Dean Ito Taylor and Ellen Kiyomizu, J-town Jazz Ensemble, Shota Homma, Ayako Hosokawa Quartet and PG&E representative Alicia Bert with Sandy Mori, Steve Nakajo and Stewart Suzuki. Photos courtesy of Greg Richardson. 6 Lady Akie Abe Visits Kimochi 日本総理大臣夫人、安倍昭恵氏が気持会をご訪問 去る4月30日 (木)、現総理大臣 On Thursday, April 30th, Kimochi, Inc. was honored 夫人、安倍昭恵氏が光栄にも to host a special visit to 気持ホームを特別訪問されま Kimochi Home by Japan’s した。ディストリクト5スーパー Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s バイザーロンドン・ブリード、エ wife, Lady Akie Abe. London ミリー・ムラセ教育委員会長/ Breed, Supervisor for District 女性の地位向上委員会代表、 5, Emily Murase, President ポール・チン気持会理事長、サ of the Board of Education ンディ・モリ気持会共同創設者、 and Executive Director スティーブ・ナカジョウ、 スティー of the Department on the ブ ・ イシイ、 アナ•サワムラヒガキ Status of Women, Kimochi が、1時間のご訪問にお越しい Board President Paul Chin, ただいた現総理大臣夫人を歓 and Kimochi Co-Founder Lady Abe with Kimochi Home resident, Tameko Shijo. 迎しました。 Sandy Mori along with Steve Photo courtesy of Shigeru Kimura Nakajo, Steve Ishii and Anna Sawamura Higaki were honored ご訪問のハイライトの一つは、気持ホームで暮らし、今年のお正月 to welcome her for a one hour visit. Highlights of her visit に111歳のお誕生日を迎えられたタメコ・シジョウさんと個人的に included an opportunity to speak privately with Tameko お話されたことでしょう。 Shijo, our resident who celebrated her 111th birthday on January 1st of this year. Mrs. Shijo, her daughter Hideko, シジョウさん、娘のヒデコさん、孫のダイアンさんが、自分たちの家 and her granddaughter Diane shared their family’s life history 族史やサンフランシスコに初めて到着した時のことを総理大臣夫 and arrival to San Francisco with Lady Akie who enjoyed 人と懐かしく語り合いました。昭恵総理大臣夫人は、シジョウさん reminiscing with them; she was extremely impressed with のユーモアと機知に大変感銘しておられました。 Shijo san’s humor and wit! Lady Akie also met several of our また、昭恵総理大臣夫人はホーム在住のシニア数名と面会され、 residents and enjoyed participating in a game of Lucky Dog ラッキードッグというゲームをご一緒に楽しまれました。昭恵夫人 with them. She talked with each resident and at the end of the はシニア一人一人とお話をされ、訪問の最後に風鈴を寄贈されま visit presented them with gifts of wind chimes that are being した。 この風鈴は誰もが楽しめるよう、気持ホームの庭に飾られて hung in our garden for everyone to enjoy. The agency also います。 received a beautiful tile with the Japanese character “Yume” (Dream) done in calligraphy by the Prime Minister himself. 昭恵夫人はまた、気持会に美しいタイルを寄贈してくださいました。 Kimochi and Mrs. Shijo presented Lady Akie with calligraphy タイルには安倍晋三現総理大臣ご自筆の「夢」 という漢字が彫られ done by Mrs Shijo with the Japanese character “Ai” (Love) and ています。気持会とシジョウ夫人からは、 ご夫人が書かれた 「愛」 と a bouquet of flowers. いう書道作品とブーケを昭恵夫人に差し上げました。 Photos from left to right: Steve Nakajo, Lady Abe & Kimochi Board Chair Paul Chin, Emily Murase and Lady Abe, Lady Abe with Kimochi Home residents and calligraohy by Prime Minister Abe presented to Kimochi, Inc. Photos courtesy of Shigeru Kimura and Anna Sawamura Higaki. 7 Kimochi Volunteer Program ボランティア・プログラム 気持会では、 いろいろなプログラムやサービス、資金調達などの活動 Volunteers are a much needed and relied upon resource within Kimochi’s Programs & Services and Fundraisers. It is with the assistance of volunteers that Kimochi is successful in providing a continuum of care for seniors. From as little as one hour to a few hours a day, your volunteer support makes a huge difference. There are many areas in which you can volunteer: に協力いただくボランティアを求めています。 そのサポートがあってこ そ気持会の活動が続けられ、 シニアの皆さんのお世話ができます。 た とえ一日に1時間から数時間でもかまいません、皆さんのサポートが 必要です。 食事のお世話 Nutrition Program Times vary depending on need, Monday through Friday. 月曜日から金曜日、 その必要に応じて活動の時間帯は変わります。 Food Preparation: Assist kitchen staff in the food preparation of meals including both congregate and home-delivered meals 食事と、宅配用の食事の準備をしていただきます。 食事の用意:キッチンスタッフのアシスタントとして、 ホームで提供する 配膳:毎日400人前後のシニアへの配膳、食器の片付け、 またダイニン Congregate Meals: On-site assistance in serving meals, bussing and re-setting of dining room for as many as 400 seniors daily グルームのセッティングなどがあります。 宅配:毎日平均して120人分の食事を在宅のシニアに届けます。配達 Home Delivered Meals: We deliver an average of 120 meals daily to home-bound seniors and we have many delivery routes that involve walking or driving. Volunteers can walk and deliver, or accompany and assist the Home Delivered Meal Driver in providing much needed meals 5 days a week には徒歩や運転など、 さまざまな方法があります。 ボランティアの皆さ んには、徒歩やあるいはドライバーのアシスタントとして配達のサポー トをしていただきます。 気持ちホーム 年間を通して活動してくださる方を求めています。時間帯は月曜から Kimochi Home Volunteers are needed Monday-Friday year round, between the hours of 9:00 am to 3:00 pm エスコート:毎日の散歩や外出のお供をしていただきます。 Escorts: Escort our seniors on daily walks or on an outing 受付:電話の応対や、 シニアや来客への対応。 Receptionists: Answer phones and greet our seniors and guests プログラム:ビンゴや、 さまざまなゲーム、 アート&クラフト、書道など、 Activities: Assist seniors in group activities from Bingo, Games, Arts & Crafts, and Calligraphy to name a few. シニアがグループで活動する際のアシスタントをしていただきます。 Projects: Available on case by case basis from handyman jobs (fix and repair), to gardening (planting, weeding, pruning), to office assistance (clerical, etc.) 植えつけ、除草、剪定など)、 そのほか事務処理などのお手伝いをして 金曜日の午前9時から午後3時です。 修繕や庭の手入れなど:必要に応じて、 ホームの修理や庭の手入れ( いただきます。 ソーシャルサービスボランティア Social Services Volunteers are needed Monday-Friday year round, between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. 4 hours minimum per week. 6 months minimum commitment. 年間を通して月曜日から金曜日の午前9時から午後3時までボランテ ィアが必要です。最低週4時間のボランティアを少なくとも半年はお願 いしております。 エスコート: 様々なアポイントメントにシニアをエスコート。 Escorts: Escort seniors to their appointments. フレンドリービジター: 自宅や老人ホームで孤立してしまうシニアを定 Friendly Visitors: Visit and provide companionship to seniors who are isolated at home or at nursing home on a regular basis. 期的に訪ねて、 お話相手になります。 資金集め Fundraisers Schedule based on date of event, year round opportunities 年間を通して、資金集めのためのイベントを行っています。 資金の調達は、気持会ならではのさまざまなプログラムやサービスを Fundraisers are an integral piece of our Programs and Services. Without them, we could not provide the level of programs and services that we are known for. Whether selling our famous Teri-burgers or being part of a committee like Sansei Live!, your services are key to a successful fundraiser. Plus, it is a great way to meet other volunteers and work together! 維持するのに欠かせません。人気がある 「テリバーガー」 の販売、 「三 世ライブ!」 など数々のイベントでは、実行委員会のメンバーとして皆 さんが参加してくださることで資金調達が可能となります。何よりもボ ランティア同士が出会い、協力し、 ともに活動できるのが大きな魅力で す。ぜひご参加ください。 8 Kimochi Volunteer Spotlight 持会ボランティアスポットライト 気持会ボランティア、 アキオ・クドウさん、桜祭りシニア感謝ブラン Kimochi Volunteer Akio Kudo receives recognition at Cherry Blossom Festival Senior Appreciation Brunch チで感謝状を受け取る 本年度の桜祭りシニア感謝ブランチ委員会は、 アキオ・クドウさん Mr. Akio Kudo was selected by this year’s Cherry Blossom Festival Senior Appreciation Brunch committee to receive recognition for his volunteer service at Kimochi, Inc. Kudo san began as a cook with the nutrition program and by the time he retired, he was head cook producing over 100,000 meals a year for our seniors. のボランティア活動の功績に対して、感謝状を贈ることを決定しま した。 クドウさんは栄養プログラムで調理師を務め、退職されるま でに調理師リーダーとして年間十万食を調理してきました。 クドウさんは健康上の理由のた め、2012年3月に退職されまし He began to experience health issues that led to his retirement in March 2012. After retiring, Kudo san decided to come back to the agency as a volunteer. What began as helping only on busy days, became a daily volunteer routine where he would arrive at 7:30am and stay until the kitchen finished its work. た。退職後、 クドウさんは気持会 のボランティアを再開することを お決めになりました。 当初は多忙 な日だけのお手伝いでしたが、 そのうちボランティアとして毎日 朝7時半に来て、 キッチンが片付 くまでボランティアされるように なりました。 クドウさんは、毎朝起きる時、健康で力強く感じられて楽しいと言い Kudo san says he enjoys waking up each day feeling healthy and strong. The most rewarding part of his service are the smiles and words of appreciation he receives from the staff, volunteers, and seniors each day he comes to the Senior Center. Making the seniors happy by cooking meals they enjoy is a feeling he cannot put into words. Working and volunteering with everyone, “isshoni,” gives him great pleasure and is the reason he helps. ます。 クドウさんがボランティア活動で一番充実感を感じるのは、毎 日スタッフ、 ボランティア、 そしてシニアの皆さんから笑顔や感謝の 言葉をかけてもらう時です。 シニアの皆さんが喜ぶ食事を作ってハ ッピーにすることは、言葉では表すことができない気持ちであり、皆 と一緒に働くという一体感が大きな喜びをもたらしてくれる、 それ がクドウさんがボランティアをする理由ということです。 Pictured left to right: Consul General of Japan Masato Watanabe and his wife, Akio Kudo, Etsie & Steve Nakajo at the 48th Annual No. CA Cherry Blossom Festival Senior Appreciation Brunch. To inquire about volunteer opportunities, please call us at (415) 931-2294 or email us at kimochikai@kimochi-inc.org and we will be happy to assist in working out a schedule with you. 詳しくお知りになりたい方は、電話でもメイルでもご連絡ください。電話:(415) 931-2294 メイル:kimochikai@kimochi-inc.org 9 Ways of Giving to Kimochi, Inc. Help ensure Kimochi’s ability to sustain the Japanese tradition of care and support for seniors will be available for future generations. Your support will help to make sure Kimochi’s programs and services will be available and accessible to all seniors. Kimochi, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt organization. Contributions to Kimochi, Inc. are tax deductible (Tax I.D. # 23-7117402). There are many ways you can give to Kimochi, Inc. PLANNED GIVING CORPORATE OPPORTUNITIES (Endowments, Wills, Trusts, Stocks, Property) We offer businesses tremendous public relations opportunities and high visibility at our special events. Through the Planned Giving program, you may be able to increase income, reduce taxes including estate taxes, and provide for the future of your heirs. • Become our corporate partner through financial support of a fundraising event VEHICLE • Underwrite one of our many special events (accepting operational and non-operational vehicles) • Support employee gifts with matching corporate contributions Donate your used car, truck, recreational vehicle, boat, jet ski or motorcycle. Kimochi will assist in all transaction paperwork (non-liability and title) and will make arrangements to pick-up your vehicle at your convenience. • Contribute in-kind gifts • Provide speaking opportunities at company meetings E-WASTE RECYCLING IN-KIND Get rid of your old electronic waste (TVs, computers, appliances, fax machines, and more) and support Kimochi at the same time! eWaste4good offers free pickup of your working and non-working electronic items. This is an environmentally safe, easy and convenient way to recycle old electronics. Visit www.eWaste4good.com to see a list of acceptable items and to schedule a pickup. Make sure you designate Kimochi, Inc. as your organization of choice to receive funds. Donate fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, paper products, gift items, and healthcare equipment and supplies to one or more of Kimochi’s programs. Need for items vary, so please inquire. EMPLOYER GIFT PROGRAMS Designate your annual workplace campaign gift to Kimochi, Inc. or participate in your workplace’s gift match program. UNITED WAY OF THE BAY AREA United Way’s Donor Choice Program earmarks your United Way gift to an agency of your choice. Designate your gift to Kimochi, Inc. on the United Way Campaign donation form. For additional information about giving to Kimochi, please contact Executive Director Steve Nakajo at (415) 931-2294 or snakajo@kimochi-inc.org or Associate Director Steve Ishii at (415) 931-2294 or sishii@kimochi-inc.org. 10 寄付の仕方いろいろ 気 持 会 が日本 の 伝 統 的なシニアケアを継 続できるように、そして次 世 代にも継 承できるよう、皆 様 のご 支 援を お願いしています。全てのシニアが 気 持ホームの 各 種プログラムとサービスを利 用できるよう皆 様 のご 協 力が 必 要です。気 持 会は5 0 1 ( C ( ) 3 )の 非 課 税を受けられる非 営 利 団 体です。気 持 会 への 寄 付は免 税となります。 ( T a x I D # 2 3 - 7 1 1 7 4 0 2 )様々な方 法で気 持 会に寄 付することが 可 能です。 遺産の計画寄付 (寄贈、遺言、信託、株式、不動産) 計 画 寄 付プログラムによって、ご自身の収 入 増 加 、不 動 産税を含む税金額の減少、相続人の安定した将来を可 能にします。 乗用車 (運転可能かどうか問わず) 中 古 車 、トラック、トレーラー 、ボート、ジェットスキー やバイクを寄 付してください。気 持 会 が 必 要な書 類 手 続きを代 行し、ご都 合の良い時に乗 用車を取りに伺い ます。 企業での寄付機会 大変貴重なPRのチャンスになります。気持会のイベント で企業アピールができます。 • 気 持 会の企 業パートナーとして、ファンドレイジングイ ベントを金銭的に支援する。 • 職員の寄 付 活 動をサポートし、集まった金 額と同額を 企業も寄付する。 •現物での寄付 •企業ミーティングで講演会を提供 電化製品廃棄物リサイクル 不 要 に な っ た 電 化 製 品 廃 棄 物( T V , P C , ファック ス 機 など )を 処 分 、同 時 に 気 持 会 をサ ポ ートできま 新鮮な果物、野菜、花、紙製品、贈答品、ヘルスケア機器 す。e W a s t e 4 g o o d は 、要らなくなった電 化 製 品( 使 と消耗品を気持プログラムに寄付できます。必要な物か 用 可 能 、不 可 能 を 問 わず )を 無 料 でピックアップし どうかお問い合わせください。 てくれ ます。これ は 不 要 にな っ た 電 化 製 品 をリサイ 職場でのギフトブログラム クル する 環 境 にやさしくて 便 利 な 方 法 で す。w w w . 職場で年間キャンペーンギフトとして気持会のために寄 e Wa s t e 4 g o o d . c o mのホームページでは受け付けて 付を集める、あるいは会社のギフトマッチプログラムに参 いる電 化 製 品を一 覧 でき、ピックアップ 予 約 ができま 加して寄付できます。 す。基 金 受 付のグループに気 持 会を指 定してください。 現物寄付 UNITED WAY OF THE BAY AREA 気持会への寄付に関するお問い合わせは、事務局長スティー United Wayのドナーチョイスプログラムでは、United ブ・ナカジョウまで(415)931-2294、snakajo@kimochiWa y への寄 付を指 定したグループに割り当てることが (415)931できます。United Wayのキャンペーン寄付申込書で気 inc.orgあるいは、副事務局長スティーブ・イシイ 2294、sishii@kimochi-inc.orgまでご連絡ください。 持会をご指定ください。 11 Donations in Memory Of Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between October 1, 2014 - April 30, 2015. Names in bold identify those who have been honored in memory of and in honor of with a donation gift to Kimochi, Inc. Yukiko Hamai Roy Abbey Peter & Ayako Yee Linda Choun Kathleen Kavanaugh June Eijima Rachael Yamashiro Kenneth & Yoshiko Ho Kirk T. Fukumitsu Lawrence Yano Naomi Itsuye Garcia Carmen B. Mendieta Glenn Miyamoto Anne Murphy Jane Gorai & Don Ng J. June Ohara Paul Perdue Joanne Sakai Stewart Samuels Marlene Tonai Reiko True Grace Wada Bryan Yagi Tak Hamai Michiko Horio Isaac Hananouchi Janet Ninomiya Lillian Schaechner Masayuki Hattori Kathleen Horiuchi Ellen H. Williams Yukiko Hattori Mitsuko Toyama Robert Ichinose Priscilla Ishizaki Jitsuo Higashi Chris Keh Iku Iha Andrew & Ginger Jew Uta Hirota Saburo & Joyce Kami Shizue Ishara Carol Lee Chung Nancy Hoo Carmen B. Mendieta Ben Ishisaki Mary Ishisaki Kent S. Hori James Kawanishi Kazuko Kawanishi Amey Aizawa Ken Cheu Bob Deutsch Robert Kawano & Mary Eijima James Fong Judy Hom & Winston Fong David Hanabusa Dennis H. & Yoko Matsuura Honda Sumi Honnami Ronald Jablonski Thomas T. Kawakami Pamela Kawashima Max & Paulyne Koe Jeannie Melchin Raymond Konagai June Ikeda Edith Law Mary Law Tony Lum Franklin & Yoko Lum Jean Masamori Robbie & Sets Otaguro Alan T. Matsuda Jeffrey Kawaguchi Richard Wada Jeffrey Kawaguchi Fred Y. Matsumoto Donald & Kay Ito Kikuyo Matsumoto Elinor Kikugawa Alvin E. Petrich Lowell & Donna Kimura Shigeo Mitsuda Jack & Anne Akabori William Rayhill Lowell & Donna Kimura Toshio Mitsuda Wallace Sakata Glenn Miyamoto Bruce Mizono Vicky Hsu & Timothy Leong Hiko Shimamoto Carolyn Mitsuda Toshio Mitsuda Frank Morino Robert Kawano & Mary Eijima Jerry Morino Chiyoko Nagase Gene T. Nagase Frederick Seiki Satoru & Carolyn K. Hosoda Priscilla Ishizaki Robert Kawano & Mary Eijima Steve & Etsie Nakajo Sam & Yuki Seiki Ellen Shimasaki Dale Shimasaki Marshall Sumida Mutsumi Mitzi Hada Winslow Nakagawa Shug Matsuno Stella Kato & Cynthia Kim Sue Nakahara Adelyn Fukuda Richard Takashima David Takashima Hanako Nakamura Coleen Nakamura Katsuto & Bessie Takei Russell & Linda Takei Robert Nakano Riyo Kunisawa Hwee Tan Eng Ng Shizue Nakao Masahiko & Kazuye Ikuma Frank Tanaka Nellie Noguchi Tsuoko Tokugawa George T. & Suzie T. Omura Barbara C. Marumoto Hiro & Ricki Miyahara May Nakao Jeanne Suto Ken Takeshita Mary Narahara Ted & Linda Joe Kaoru Noda Tom & Marilyn Swartz May Ochi Somao Ochi Fumi Oiski Helen M. Matoi Ryuji & Kiku Tsuchitani Chiyeko Tsuchitani Thomas T. Tsuyuki Lena Fong Toshiko Van Dyk Eugene Van Dyk Takeshi Yamashita Thomas & Karen Morioka Shuichi & Tazu Yoshizaki Glory N. Yoshizaki Eiko Ono Hiroko Ono Donations in Honor Of Samuel Chang Richard Hirayama Harry T. & Anna Nomura Pat Orr Jack & Sumi Tanabe Joe & Fumi Kawasaki Sango & Mariko Harumi Coleen Nakamura Diana Jang Paul Larson Helen Sui Judi Sui & Bruce Bernhard Kie Taylor Gloria E. Uejima Patricia Kay Wada Richard Wada Mickie Ochi Jack & Sumi Tanabe Edward T. Ochi Willi & Minako Beusch Ardell Y. Furuta Tomomi & Toshiko Tsuchitani Chiyeko Tsuchitani Eva Chang Hiroko Ono 12 Pota Perimenis Donations Kimochi, Inc. thanks the following donors (monetary and in-kind) for their generous contributions between October 1, 2014 - April 30, 2015, to Kimochi, Inc. Hisashi Abe Kazuo Abey Bruce & Takako Adamson Keiko Akashi All Clubs Reunion Planning Committee Kanoko Alma M.A.T. Aquino Seiso & Hideko Arita Asian Pacific Fund AT&T Employee Giving Haruyo Balistreri Bank of America Bank of America Foundation Edward Bate Jr. Harold Beach Benkyodo Co. Susan Bottari Jae Byun Cathedral Hill Plaza Athletic Club Jung Cha Christina Chan Suzie Chang Chung Cho Lorraine Choy Christ Episcopal Church Alexander Chung Sonia & Anne Contreras Kiyoko Cuddy Naoko Dalla Valle Edmund G. & Jane Q. Dea March & Teru Dobashi Electrical Systems Barbara Engmann Sachie Erabi Pamela Espiritu Falletti & Baldocchi Finer Foods, Inc. First Clearing, LLC Frank & Harold’s Used Cars Sharon M. Fujii George & Linda Fujimoto Koichi & Mutsuko Fukuda Bill & Rose Fukumitsu Chiyoko Fukumoto Kiku Funabiki METTA FUND Lucky Fung Stanley Furuta Joy Furuya Michael Garrison GE United Way Campaign Fumiko Gearlds Gail Horita Gee Google Inc. Seiko Grant Thomas & Terri Guh Mark & Gordy Gyotoku Kristine Hachiya Mutsumi Mitzi Hada Gordon & Amy Hamachi Tomio & Kimi Hamai Peter & Christina Harada Mineko Harrod Taiko Hashimoto Pat Hattori Shigeo & Sumie Hayashi Ann Y. Higaki Lane Hirabayashi Kazuo Hirai Noriaki Hirasuna Bruce & Valerie Hironaka Yoshiko Hironaka Don Hirose Yoshikazu Hirota Michiko Hom Stephen & Sandra Hu Pama Huntley Frank Ikenaga Misao Inaba John Ino Yukiji Ino Stanley & Helen Ishida Abramson Charles Ishii Mas & Barbara Ishikawa Mary Ishisaki Takako Ishizaki Sharon Ito Celia Y. Iwama Yoshiko Iwanaga JFC International Lawrence Joe Lester Johe JTB Cultural Exchange Corp. Hisashi & Aki Kagami Ronald Kagehiro Karen Kai Kaiser Permanente Community Giving Hope Kamimoto Toshiko Kamishita Kanamatsu Associates Kazue Kanegawa Chieko Kaneki Christina Kangbjorman Tetsuo Kashiyama Brent Kato Maria Katsuta-Townsley Thomas T. Kawakami Yukiko Kawana George Kawase Yoko M. Kawata Kyoko Keenon Sylvia Kihara Hea Ja Kim Jin-Duk Kim Soon Hee Kim Karen Kimura Kristine Kimura Kinokuniya Bookstores of America Richard & Hiroko Kitagawa Aiko Kitano Cal & Betty Kitazumi Kikue Kiyasu Sachiko Kjerbo Yvonne Ko K. K. Koba Kay Koba Nobuko Koiwai Keith & Priscilla Kojimoto Hiroko Komatsu Mariko Kometani Toru Konishi Richard & Grace Kono Jane Kow Kumamoto YMCA College Atsushi Kurotori Sachiko Kusano Hwa O. Kwon Yasuko Landa Bette Landis Betty Larson Fred Lee Hisako S. Lee Mel Lee Jim & Sueyo Lem Yoko Ono Lennon Levi Strauss Foundation Kum Ok Lopez Takako MacKay Sachio Mae Miyuki Masada Michiko Masuda Frank & Ginger Masuoka Josephine & Sumi Matsuda Koichi Kay & Yayoe Matsuura Sadao Matsuyama Elizabeth Meterparel Michael Nolan Painting MIF Insurance Company Nob & Shiz Mihara Mary Anne Miller Patricia M. Miller Yoriko Misaki Janice Mitsuda Masuko Miyahara Sumiko Miyata Gary & Lisa Mizono Grace Mizutani Kazuko Morgan Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc. Eddie & Alice Moriguchi Hiroshi Morimoto Ron Omori & Karen Moy Mutsu & Aki Murashige Teru Murata Haruko Nagaishi Emiko Naito Kuniko Naito Toshiko Nakajo Steve & Etsie Nakajo Elsie Nakamura Marcia Nakamura Mariko Nakanishi Henry S. Nakao Lynne Nakata Akira Nakatani Tokie Nerio Kin Cheong Ng Nikon Precision, Inc. Norma Esherick Nishida Patricia Nishida David Tetsuo Nishimoto Philip Nishimoto Stephen Nishino Nishitetsu Saga Ken Group George Nobori Yaeko Noda Sunwo Noh Gary Nomura Kay Nomura John & Mary Lou Nonaka Susan T. Obata Edward & Lois Oda Janice Ogi June Ohara Kazumatsu Ohno Paul Okamoto George Okamoto, Jr. Shizue Okano Setsuko Okazaki Help support Kimochi’s programs and services in our continuum of care for seniors and their families. You can donate online at www.kimochi-inc.org or call (415) 931-2294. 13 Thank You to Our Donors! (continued) Thomas Okazaki Shizu Okino Gloria O’Leary Harold Omatsu George Omi Daniel W. & Diane M. Omori-Hom Thelma Ong Kay Onishi Hiroko Ono William & Louise Osada Yuko Osaka Chieko Ostigaard Atsuyuki & Nancy Ota S. John Ota Duke Otoshi Otoshi Plumbing Kenneth K. Oyama Patricia G. Oyama Roger Oyama Nancy Ozaki People Making A Difference Campaign PG&E Company PG&E Corporation Foundation Adrienne Pon Portland Grant John & Keiko Quan Ada Sadler Fumiko Saito Kiyoshi Sakakura Hiroshi V. Sakamoto Giichi Sakurai San Francisco Nisei Fishing Club Haruko Sue Sasaki Sam & Jean Sato Yone & Daisy Satoda Yasuyo Satoh Joyce A. Satow Andrew Scal Schwab Charitable Fund Delphia Scully Donald & Marian Seiki Kikuyo Sekino Walter & Harumi Serata Randy & Linda Shigio Hiroshi Shimizu Eddie & Margie Shiozaki Takeo & Maye Shirasawa Kyo Snow St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church Jay & Diane Stewart Shiro & Annie Suenaga Karlyn Sugai Grace Sugawara Larry Sugimoto Hajime Sujishi Akiko Sutton Marumi Suyeyasu Lorraine Suzuki Yoko Suzuki Aileen Taguchi Michiko Taguchi Sharon & Arthur Takahara Tom & Aiko Takahara Hiromi & Dorothy Takashima J. Takata Rodney M. Takemoto Atsuko D. Takeshita Hideko Takeshita Sumako Helen Takeshita Jack & Sumi Tanabe Setsuko Tanaka Hiroyuki Taniguchi Brandon Teller Scott Terada Steven & Kathy Terusaki Tae Teruya The Pierce Company Yoshimi Tokugawa Scott B. Tomioka Betty Tong Elaine & Steve Tong Mitsuko Toyama Travelers Tri-Valley Recycling Truist Hideko Tsuchiya Kazuko Tsuchiya Ted Tsujishi Keiko Tsukano Himeo Tsumori Yukie Uchiyama Umeya Rice Cake Company Union Bank United Airlines United Way California Capital Region United Way, Inc. Keith & Pam Uyeda Sachiye Uyemoto Mickey & Naoaki Uyemura Eugene Van Dyk Chiyo Wada Ching Ying Wang Jane Watanabe Michiko Watanabe WCP I DE, LLC Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Bruce Wong Martin M. T. & Julia Wong Irene Wu Kimiko Yaginuma Paul Yamagishi Raymond Yamagishi Masu Yamaguchi Michael J. Yamaguchi Satoshi & Kayoko Yamakawa Dick & Elaine Yamamoto Karen Yamamoto Kristen Yamamoto Tsuyoshi & Joyce M. Yamamoto Joyce Yamasaki Ronald Yamato Yutaka Yao Jason Yasumoto Shizuko Yoka Yon Sun Yoo Christopher & Theresa Young Jane Yura Stacey I. & Jane S. Zones Kimochi From the Heart It’s been about four years since I started volunteering at Kimochi, Inc. I had been looking for a volunteer position to utilize my Japanese. Currently I make friendly visits, during which time I chat with seniors in Japanese. This has been a wonderful experience for me. It has given me opportunities to learn new things and led me to ponder what I have never even thought about, including my own future. I am honored to be able to contribute to Kimochi. 気持会でボランティアを始めて四年程になります。日本語でできるボラン ティアを探していたら、ちょうど気持会で募集をしていたので応募しまし た。お年寄りのご自宅に伺って日本語でお話し相手をさせて頂いていま す。このボランティアを通じて今まで全く感じたこともなかったこと、知ら Mitsuko Umemoto (center) with Fumiko DiDomizio & Yumi Berman ミツコ•ウエモト なかったことを学ばせて頂くと同時に、自分の老後のことも痛切に考えさ せられています。気持会でこうして働かせていただけることは、私にとって 大きな恵みです。 14 Kimochi Loves Our Volunteers! The continuing support of our program volunteers is vital to Kimochi’s efforts to provide care for our seniors. We are grateful for their dedication. Listed are Kimochi program volunteers from October 1, 2014 - April 30, 2015. James Akashi Genevieve Anderson Satomi Aoki Dalila Arbizu Nicole Arevao Akiko Arikawa Haruyo Balistreri Anita Beckley Mitzi Brain Liharson Callao Angie Chan Brian Chang Helen Chun Jen Cutler Aiko de Souza Jack Dairiki Keiko Dam Christopher Deng Masayuki Endo Norma Esherick Chiu-San Fok Yoshiko Fujimoto Jean Fukunaga Elisa Gallego Matt Gee Daniel Gerald Kiki Goforth Griselda Gomez Atsuko Gramlich Kimberly Guan Cassidy Hall Tatyana Hall Amy Hanamoto Margaret Harada Pat Hattori Yoshimi Higashi Masa Hirayama Teresa Ho Chuck Hong Taichi Horike Ken Hosoda Shigeko Ichikawa Kay Ihara Alice Iiyama Shizuko Ikeda Art Ikuma Kay Ikuma Mary Ishisaki Armeka Jackson Jr. Diana Jang Keiko Johnson Akie Karahashi Teruko Kauhi Kona Kawai Tom Kawakami Blair Kerr Akiyo Kinst-Hori Mitsuko Knight Masami Kobayashi Matthew Ku Akio Kudo Sumiko Kusumoto Antoni Labedz Bascia Lassus Alfred Lee Terri Lee Tiffany Lee Yvonne Leong Christian Lew Sebastian Lewis Jian Ting Li Kingston Li Sioe Eng Lim Yoshiko Lohuis Lesly Lowingwer Drake Lowe Marie Luna Noah MacLean Kaoru Makiguchi Rona Macias Pat Marjavi Motoki Matsubara Sachiko Matsumoto Gerry Mauricio Mizuki McCall Miyoko McDevitt Janice Mitsuda Glenn Miyamoto Nobuko Miyazawa Naoko Morikawa Shizue Mortensen Shigetaka (Bobby) Naiki Yasuko Naiki Miki Naito Leona Nakagawa Chiaki Nakai Kazuki Nakamura Cole Nakanishi Mary Nakasuka Yaeko Naritomi Henry Nguy Chihiro Nomura Joy Oganeku Zachary Ogata Kumi Ogawa June Ohara George Ohwa Lois Ohwa 15 Yoko Okamoto Mitsuko Omachi Nick Ono Ryo Ono Jay Ou Minako Perkins Miranda Personius Minako Phyper Nancy Poon Takako Rayfield Yayoi Saito Mako Sakamoto Etsuko Sakimura Nathan Segal Tejoy Segundo Gloria Shaffer Teruko Shimogaito Eiko Shintake Jacqueline Shyu Eddie Siy Kohki Soejima Kevin Stewart Yoko Sugawara Misako Sumida Poh Ping Sun Toshiko Takahashi Mitsuko Takazawa Taeko Tamura Cherry Tan Miyo Tanaka Michi Tashiro Ami Tatara Tamami Terada Monica Truong Carrie Tsai David Tsai Kazuko Tsuchiya Kishiko Tsujisaka John Tsukamoto Etsuko Tsukano Gable Tyler Mitsuko Umemoto Jonathan Wan Angela Wang Nicholas Wang Kent Winkler Brandon Wong Christine Wong Gil Wong Mary Wong Raymond Woo Cairn Wu Judi Yabumoto Akiko Yamada Suzanne Yamada Peko Yamaguchi Peter Yamamoto Pat Yamamura Ron Yamato Tomoko Yamazaki Chrisropher Yang Endrie Yanogacio Brandon Yee Gloria Yee Merlynn Yee Natalie Yescas Ritsuko Yip Joy Yokoyama Mitzi Yorichi Shari Yoshida Sarah Young Donna Zhu Staying Genki “healthy” and Young at Heart Kimochi programs and services always stress ‘to live a genki life.’ Something that is important as many of us have embarked on the “Golden Years.” Getting together with friends and even making new friends, having a tanoshii (fun) time together = staying young at heart. Here are some photos of recent Club Nikkei outings. All these smiling faces tell you there is so much to learn, enjoy and discover together! Club Nikkei members enjoy Bay Area excursions. For more information about the many Club Nikkei activities, please visit our website at www.kimochi-inc.org 16 Kimochi, Inc. Staff Directory KIMOCHI ADMINISTRATION 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 KIMOCHI SENIOR CENTER 1840 Sutter Street # 101, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (415) 931-2287 fax (415) 931-2299 Steve Nakajo, Executive Director Steve Ishii, Associate Director Anna Sawamura Higaki, Program Director YoonSun Choi, Assistant to Program Director Rod Valdepenas, Controller Dorothy Gin, Payroll Manager Sakura Suzuki, Administrative Manager Jessica Tran, Administrative Assistant Debbie Yee, Administrative Assistant Aki Akiyama, Receptionist Riyo Kunisawa, Receptionist Maya Futamura, Senior Center Coordinator Rachel Xie, Senior Center Assistant Coordinator Natalia Covacha, Nutritionist Kazumi Sumi, Head Cook Grace Yip, Assistant Cook Dave Sugaya, Home Delivery Driver Yan Bin Jiang, Dishwasher Gustavo Cardoza, Dishwasher SAN MATEO PROGRAM 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 tel (650) 346-0849 fax (415) 931-2299 KIMOCHI HOME 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 tel (415) 922-9972 fax (415) 922-6821 Ryan Kobayashi, Transportation Coordinator Carlos Osorio, Paratransit Driver Linda Ishii, Kimochi Home Coordinator Debbie Hsieh, Adult Social Day Care Coordinator Sandy Ishii, Kimochi Home Receptionist Tsoodol Altantuya, Program Assistant CLUB NIKKEI Sumiyo Brennan, Program Assistant 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 Jenny Chan, Program Assistant tel (415) 931-2294 fax (415) 931-2299 Kayo Hasekura, Program Assistant Grace Hulleza, Club Nikkei Coordinator Dorcas Hautea, Program Assistant Rich Tokeshi, Club Nikkei Driver Mercedes Hernandez, Program Assistant Yukie Kimoto, Program Assistant SOCIAL SERVICES Sachiyo Shelton, Program Assistant 1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 Michiko Turks, Program Assistant tel (415) 931-2275 fax (415) 931-2299 Roval Valdepenas, Program Assistant Fumiko DiDomizio, Senior Case Manager Guadalupe Gutierrez, Janitor Chieko Yokoe, Transitional Care Specialist Yumi Berman, Case Manager KIMOCHI LOUNGE Hyunhee Lee, Social Worker 1581 Webster Street # 202, San Francisco, CA 94115 Liz Ikeda Bissell, San Mateo Program Specialist Direct Line: (650) 346-0849 tel (415) 563-5626 fax (415) 931-2299 Basil Lee, Information and Referral Worker Please visit our website at www.kimochi-inc.org for more information about our various programs, services and upcoming events! 17 Kimochi, Inc. Service Directory Continuing Generations of Caring Since 1971, Kimochi, Inc. has developed and promoted an intergenerational philosophy of care for seniors and families from San Francisco’s Japantown. Our current continuum of care includes the following programs and services: Kimochi, Inc. 1715 Buchanan, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Administration: (415) 931-2294 • Social Services: (415) 931-2275 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 Administration The Administrative building is owned and operated by the agency and houses the administrative staff. We have approximately 200 volunteers assisting us each year in our programs. Social Services Program Our staff is bilingual in English, Japanese, and Korean and provides language translation, information and referral, counseling, family caregiver support, case management and homecare registry assistance. The program annually assists 600 seniors and families providing 5,000 hours of services. Club Nikkei This membership based program is designed to outreach and provide healthy, independent seniors with a range of social activities and excursions to enjoy. Staff provides members with an activity calendar and transportation is included. Home Safety Service Staff schedules and conducts home safety assessments for San Francisco homeowners to help them identify potential and existing safety issues that could compromise their ability to live safely and comfortably at home. Kimochi Lounge 1581 Webster Street #202, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 563-5626 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 The Kimochi Lounge, located within Japan Center, is the agency’s original site. Seniors come to “the lounge” to catch up on community news and socialize. The site also houses a book and video library where seniors can check out materials for free. There is also a senior information and resource section with health, safety, nutrition, and caregiving materials for seniors and families. This site is annually visited by 5,000 seniors, families, and visitors from throughout California and other countries. Please visit our website at www.kimochi-inc.org for more information about our various programs and services. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact Kimochi at (415) 931-2294 or kimochikai@kimochi-inc.org. 18 Kimochi Senior Center 1840 Sutter Street, #101, San Francisco, CA 94115 • Tel: (415) 931-2287 • Fax: (415) 931-2299 (Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California – JCCCNC) Nutrition A nutritious well-balanced Japanese style hot lunch is provided 5 days a week. Any senior 60 years of age or older is welcome. A five week menu is produced by staff, and our nutritionist ensures each meal is healthy, nutritionally well-balanced and adequately proportioned for seniors. An average of 300 meals is served daily. The program annually serves 1,200 seniors 75,000 lunches. Home Delivery Program Seniors who are physically unable to travel to the senior center due to a disability or illness, can receive our Japanese style hot lunches at home. Each recipient is required to complete an eligibility assessment on a quarterly basis. The program annually serves 130 homebound and frail seniors 29,000 lunches. Senior Center In addition to enjoying lunch at the nutrition program, seniors are encouraged to participate in activities at the center. Staff and volunteers plan and offer a variety of activities on a monthly basis. We have morning exercise classes, a ceramics class, group singing classes, odori, bingo, arts and crafts, day trips, and overnight trips. The program annually serves 300 seniors and offers 700 hours of exciting activities. Transportation Safe and reliable door-to-door transportation services are provided to help seniors maintain a connection with their community and friends. Transportation can also be requested for medical trips and grocery shopping. The program annually assists 150 seniors receive 10,000 rides. Kimochi Home - Home of Healthy Attitudes 1531 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 • Tel: (415) 922-9972 • Fax: (415) 922-6821 Adult Social Day Care Program (License # 380504138) This program is licensed by the State of California to provide seniors in need of supervision and support with a schedule of social and recreational activities in a safe and secure setting. The program annually assists 40 seniors receive 21,000 hours of services and activities. Residential/Respite Care (License # 380504099) This program is licensed by the State of California to provide 24 hour non-medical care to ambulatory seniors. We have the capacity to house 20 seniors in either single or shared rooms. 19 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN FRANCISCO, CA PERMIT NO. 2764 1715 Buchanan Street • San Francisco, CA 94115 Upcoming Events Throughout the year Kimochi holds various events that support our many programs. Listed here are events that are upcoming. Old Timers’ Fun Basketball Tournament Saturday, July 18 & Sunday, July 19, 2015 JCCCNC Gym - 1840 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA Kimochi Golf Tournament Friday, September 18, 2015 Richmond County Club 1 Markovich Lane, Richmond, CA Kimochi San Mateo Benefit Dinner Saturday, August 1, 2015 College of San Mateo, Bayview Dining Room 1700 W. Hillsdale Boulevard, San Mateo. CA Sansei Live! Saturday, October 17, 2015 Hotel Kabuki 1625 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 42nd Annual Nihonmachi Street Fair Kimochi Teriburger Booth Kimochi Arts & Crafts and Ceramics Booths Saturday & Sunday, August 1 & 2, 2015 Japantown, San Francisco, CA Kimochi’s Silver Bells Arts & Crafts Faire Saturday, December 12, 2015 The Event Center at St Mary’s Cathedral 1111 Gough Street, San Francisco, CA 5th Annual Kimochi Show ‘n Shine Car Show Saturday, September 12, 2015 College of San Mateo – Main Parking Lot 1700 W. Hillsdale Boulevard, San Mateo, CA ©2015 Kimochi, Inc. All rights reserved. • Designed by NDD Creative For more information visit our website at www.kimochi-inc.org 20
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